Word Based Arrangement For Bank Exam - Question Bank Set 1 (Eng)

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Word Based Arrangement for Bank Exam – Question Bank Set 1 (Eng)

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Word Based Arrangement for Bank Exam – Question Bank Set 1 (Eng)
Directions (1-5): Study the following information 3) Which of the following letter is placed an
carefully and answer the below questions immediate left of the one which is 4th position
Nine alphabetical letters are arranged from left to from the right end?
right in such a manner to form a meaningful word. A. T
All the letters are different. The word contains B. The letter which is placed second to the left of
eight consonants and only one vowel. R
I is placed immediate left of the letter which is C. The letter which is placed immediate right of I
exactly in the middle of the word. Only one letter D. The letter which is placed third to the left T
is between the third letter from the left end and S. E. None of these
Y has placed at the end of the word. Two letters
are between H and Y. G and its next successive 4) What is the position of H from the left end?
letter in alphabetical order are adjacent to each A. Fifth
other. The number of letters placed to the left of L B. Sixth
is the same as the right of P. L is the only letter C. Eighth
placed adjacent to Y. R is placed to the left of T. D. Fourth
1) Which of the following letter is placed at the E. None of these
right end of the word?
A. The letter which is placed immediate right of L 5) Four among the following five are similar in
B. T such a way to form a group, Which one of the
C. The letter which is placed second to the right following doesn’t belong to the group?
of G A. SP
D. R B. RI
E. None of these C. GH
2) Which of the following letter is placed exactly in E. RY

the middle of the word?

A. G Directions (6-10): Study the following information

B. H carefully and answer the below questions.

C. I Eight alphabetical letters are arranged from left to

D. R right in such a manner to form a meaningful word.

E. P All letters are different. The word contains four

consonants and four vowels.

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Word Based Arrangement for Bank Exam – Question Bank Set 1 (Eng)
C is placed fourth either from the left end or from
the right end. E is placed second to the left of C. 8) What is the position of T with respect to the
The number of letters placed to the left of E is letter which is fifth from the right end?
same as to the right of O. The first vowel A. Immediate left
according to the alphabetical series is placed B. Immediate right
adjacent to C. R is placed to the left of T. The C. Second to the right
vowels are not placed at either end of the word. D. Third to the left
Not more than two vowels are placed adjacent to E. Fourth to the right
each other. N is placed to the right of O. The word
does not contain the last vowel ‘U’. One of the 9) If R is related to E and T is related to I in a
adjacent letters of O is a vowel. certain way. Then, which of the following letter is
6) How many letters are there between the letter related to C?
A and O? A. The letter which is third to the right of I
A. One B. The letter which is immediate left of N
B. Two C. O
C. Three D. A
D. Four E. E
E. More than four
10) How many four letter meaningful words can
7) As many letters are there between R and A is be formed using the first half of the letters of the
same as between N and ___? word thus formed (each letter used only once)?
A. The letter which is placed immediate right of T A. One
B. O B. Two
C. C C. Three
D. The letter which is placed second to the right D. Four
of E E. More than four
E. T

Directions (1-5): 3) Answer: C

1) Answer: A 4) Answer: B
2) Answer: A 5) Answer: E

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Word Based Arrangement for Bank Exam – Question Bank Set 1 (Eng)
From the above two cases we get SPRIGHTLY,
RPTISHGLY and SPRITHGLY But among those
I is placed immediate left of the letter which is SPRIGHTLY only can give a meaningful word, so
exactly in the middle of the word. it will be our answer.
Only one letter is between the third letter from the So the final arrangement will be,
left end and S.
From the above condition, there are two
Directions (6-10):
6) Answer: C
7) Answer: A
8) Answer: B
Y has placed at the end of the word. 9) Answer: D
Two letters are between H and Y 10) Answer: C
G and its next successive letter in alphabetical Acre, Care, Rare
order are adjacent to each other. R E A C T I O N
From the above condition, there are three
possibilities. C is placed fourth either from the left end or from
the right end.
From the above condition, there are two
Case1 C

Case2 C
The number of letters placed to the left of L is the
The first vowel according to the alphabetical
same as the right of P.
series is placed adjacent to C.
L is the only letter placed adjacent to Y.
From the above condition, there are four
R is placed to the left of T.
Case1 A C

Case2 C A

Case2a A C

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Word Based Arrangement for Bank Exam – Question Bank Set 1 (Eng)
Case1a C A From the above condition, case2 gets eliminated
Case1 E A C O I

E is placed second to the left of C. Case2 E C A I O

The number of letters placed to the left of E is

Case2a E A C I O
same as to the right of O.
From the above condition, case1a gets N is placed to the right of O.
eliminated. R is placed to the left of T.
Case1 E A C O Case1 R T E A C O I N

Case2 E C A O Case2a R E A C T I O N

Case2a E A C O From the above two cases, we get RTEACOIN

and REACTION. But among those REACTION
Case1a E C A
only can give a meaningful word, so it will be our
Not more than two vowels are placed adjacent to answer.
each other. So the final arrangement will be,
The word does not contain the last vowel ’U’. Case2a R E A C T I O N
The vowels are not placed at either end of the
One of the adjacent letters of O is a vowel.

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