OpenFlows StormCAD ™
You can use OpenFlows StormCAD as a stand-alone application, or you can
work directly within MicroStation® CONNECT Edition, OpenRoads™, OpenSite®, OpenFlows StormCAD can be used as a stand-alone application, or within
or OpenRail™ Designer, while an additional integration option lets users model MicroStation CONNECT Edition, OpenRoads, OpenSite, OpenRail Designer,
directly in AutoCAD. OpenFlows StormCAD’s stand-alone interface offers easy- and AutoCAD.
to-use model layout tools, multiple background support, including Bing aerial You can work with an unlimited number of sub-watershed areas and C coefficients
imagery, conversion utilities from CAD, GIS, and databases, and the use of terrain for each inlet watershed. OpenFlows StormCAD allows the input of external
models to dynamically update node ground elevations, display surface contours
contributing areas, additional flows, and carryover flows to model nonlocal runoff
and profiles, and design conduit inverts using real topography.
contributing to the discharge at any inlet, and also supports automated catchment
The ability to run within MicroStation CONNECT Edition, OpenRoads, OpenSite, delineation. The application provides several methods for computing travel time,
or OpenRail Designer provides a geospatial and engineering design environment including full pipe velocity, normal velocity, average end velocity, and weighted
with unrivaled visualization and publishing capabilities. AutoCAD users can build, average velocity.
lay out, and plot models with engineering precision within an environment where
they are already comfortable. Automatic Design
The constraint-based design features in OpenFlows StormCAD allow you
Inlet and Network Hydraulics to automatically design gravity piping and structures. These features are flexible
OpenFlows StormCAD determines intercepted flow at network inlets and routes enough to allow you to specify the elements to be designed, from a single pipe
bypass flow to selected bypass targets. Inlets can be computed using the U.S. size to the entire system, by simply entering the appropriate design conditions,
Federal Highway Administration’s HEC-22 methodology, and you can choose such as minimum/maximum velocities, covers, slopes and tractive stress, pipe
from grate, curb, slot, ditch, and combination inlet types. The application provides elevation offsets (including whether or not to allow drop structures), maximum
a variety of methods to compute headloss, including HEC-22 Energy and AASHTO. spread and depth for inlets in sag, and minimum efficiency for inlets on grade.
OpenFlows StormCAD solves for subcritical, critical, and supercritical conditions OpenFlows StormCAD will automatically determine cost-effective pipe sizes
with its robust, gradually varied, standard-step algorithm. The application and invert elevations while minimizing pipe cover to avoid unnecessary pipe
calculates friction losses using Manning, Kutter, Darcy-Weisbach, and Hazen- trench excavation.
Williams methods, and you can choose circular, box, arch, or elliptical pipe section
shapes or irregular, trapezoidal, or triangular channel sections. Comprehensive Scenario Management
With OpenFlows StormCAD’s Scenario Management Center, you can evaluate,
Hydrology and Loads Allocation visualize, and compare an unlimited number of what-if scenarios within
OpenFlows StormCAD uses the Rational Method to calculate peak flows in a single file. You can easily make decisions by comparing design approaches
the storm sewer design, or accepts direct input of known flows for inlet inflows. with varying velocity, slope and cover restrictions, evaluating system capacity
You can specify intensity-duration-frequency data using equations or tables, for multiple storm events, or analyzing outlet flow using different estimations
then plot the IDF curves and reuse their data for other projects in that region. for the catchment rational coefficients.
System Requirements OpenFlows StormCAD At-A-Glance
Platform Pre-requirements
OpenFlows StormCAD runs Interface and Graphical Editing • Drawing navigator
without platform restrictions • Stand-alone Windows interface • Orphaned node and dead-end pipe queries
as a stand-alone application. • Ribbon interface improves usability • Hyperlink for network elements
• Ability to run within AutoCAD (AutoCAD license required) • Custom data fields with user-assigned or formula-
It also runs from within based values
AutoCAD, MicroStation CONNECT • Ability to run within Bentley MicroStation CONNECT Edition,
OpenRoads, OpenRail, and OpenSite Designer (separate • Surface water flow direction displayed across any terrain
Edition, OpenRoads, OpenRail,
license required for these solutions) • Supports ProjectWise®
and OpenSite Designer.
• OpenRoads drainage file import/export • Ability to track changes in model by user, date, and element
See: Platform Compatibility
• Unlimited undo/redo of layout and editing
Processor • Element morphing, splitting, and reconnection
As per minimum operating • Steady-state simulations
• Scaled, schematic, and hybrid environments
system requirements • Flow profile methods: capacity and backwater analysis
• Scaled catchment and gutter elements
• Headloss methods: AASHTO, HEC-22 (second and third
Memory • Element prototypes
editions), standard, absolute, generic, and headloss-flow curve
8 GB minimum, 16 GB recommended • Aerial view and dynamic zooming
• Diversion simulation
• Named views library
Operating System • Automatic constraint-based design
• Multiple background layer support
Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 10 • Friction loss methods: Manning, Kutter, Darcy-Weisbach,
x 64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x 64 • Image, CAD, and GIS background support
and Hazen-Williams
• Element Prototypes (one click setup)
• Curb, grate, ditch, slot, generic, combination, and
• Ability to add online Bing Maps layer as background user-defined capture curve inlet types
• Open channel and closed conduit hydraulics
Find out about Bentley Interoperability and Model Building
• Support for V-shaped and parabolic gutters
at: www.bentley.com • Single set of model files for four compatible interfaces
• Support for pressure elements including pumps
• Import of MX Drainage files
Contact Bentley • GIS-ID property to maintain associations between records • Pond outlet structure calculations
1-800-BENTLEY (1-800-236-8539) in source file and elements in model • Culvert inlet control calculations
Outside the US +1 610-458-5000 • LandXML data import and export • Support for culvert headwalls and endwalls
• Oracle spatial support Hydrology and Load Allocation
Global Office Listings
www.bentley.com/contact • Polyline-to-pipe connections from DXF and DWG files • Rational Method
• Spreadsheet, database, shapefile, and ODBC connections • Rainfall data input: user-defined intensity-duration-
• Automatic elevation extraction and updates from frequency (IDF) table, Hydro-35, IDF table equation,
terrain models IDF curve equation, IDF polynomial log equation
• Unified file format with other OpenFlows solutions such • Time of concentration methods: User-defined, Carter,
as OpenFlows CivilStorm®, OpenFlows SewerCAD®, Eagleson, Espey/Winslow, Federal Aviation Agency, Kerby/
and OpenFlows StormCAD Hathaway, Kirpich (PA and TN), Length and Velocity, SCS Lag,
• Automated catchment delineation TR-55 Sheet Flow, TR-55 Shallow Concentrated Flow, TR-55
• Import/export MicroDrainage files Channel Flow, Kinematic Wave, Friend, Bransby-Williams
• Taps and lateral modeling
Results Presentation
Model Management • Thematic mapping
• Unlimited scenarios and alternatives • Dynamic, multiparameter, and multiscenario graphing
• Comprehensive scenario management • Advanced profiling
• Active topology to activate or deactivate network elements • Create custom reports
• Scenario comparison • Customizable engineering profiles
• Tabular reports with global editing • Advanced tabular reporting with FlexTables®
• Tabular report sorting and persistent filtering • Property-based color coding and symbology
• Customizable engineering libraries • Property-based annotation
• Dynamic (query based) and static selection sets • Contouring with shapefile and DXF export
• Element selection by polygon • Publishing of iModels in 2D or 3D, including to
• Element selection inversion Bentley Map® Mobile
• Drawing review features for connectivity consistency • Customizable reports
• Automatic topology review • Gutter cross section viewer
OpenFlows StormCAD’s constraint-based design Locate bottlenecks quickly using thematic mapping,
automatically determines diameters and invert elevations. FlexTables, and profiles.
©2021 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Bentley, the Bentley logo, Bentley MAP, Bentley Map Mobile, CivilStorm, FlexTables, MicroStation, OpenFlows, OpenFlows
CivilStorm, OpenFlows SewerCAD, OpenFlows SewerGEMS, OpenFlows StormCAD, OpenRail, OpenRail Designer, OpenRoads, OpenSite, ProjectWise, SewerCAD,
SewerGEMS, and StormCAD are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly
owned subsidiaries. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. CS25231 06/21