BOSH - Syllabus
BOSH - Syllabus
BOSH - Syllabus
Articulate and discuss globally PO7. Ability to communicate effectively. CO1. Understand the concepts related
technological developments in to occupational safety and industrial
the specific field of practice. hygiene.
Influencing and motivating others PO10. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
to achieve organizational
productivity with emphasis on CO4. Know OSH laws in the Philippines.
Technological environment friendly innovations PO11. Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern
Leadership and creative solutions. Leading engineering tools necessary for industrial engineering
by example with ethical practice.
ascendancy and coordinate to
balance the conflicting interests
of different stakeholders and work
PO12. Knowledge and understanding of engineering and
effectively in a team-based
management principles as a member and leader in a
environment with a high-degree
team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
of responsibility and integrity.
PO3. Ability to design a system, component, or process
to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as
CO2. Identify solutions for occupational
economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
safety and health problems.
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in
accordance with standards.
Ability to produce quality scientific CO3. Determine causes of occupational
researches geared towards the health problems.
advancement of current
Innovations PO5. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex
technology and generation of new
industrial engineering problems.
ones for the improvement of the
quality of life.
PO10. Knowledge of contemporary issues;
PO6. Understanding of professional and ethical CO1. Understand the concepts related
responsibility. to occupational safety and industrial
PO8. Broad education necessary to understand the
Expect graduates to be socially,
impact of industrial engineering solutions in a global,
economic-develop, to be a CO2. Identify solutions for occupational
economic, environmental, and societal context.
transformed individual. safety and health problems.
Improving the Graduates practice their PO10. Knowledge of contemporary issues;
Quality of Life profession to be rightfully CO3. Determine causes of occupational
PO11. Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern health problems.
engineering tools necessary for industrial engineering
practice. CO4. Know OSH laws in the
Republic of the Philippines
Palompon, Leyte
Telephone: (053) 555-9841 Fax: (053) 338-2501
Email Add.:
Mission : To strengthen its dominance in producing highly skilled, competent and world class seafarers, engineers, teachers,
technologists, and professionals in the allied programs responsible in fulfilling the needs of the stakeholders for
national development in the ASEAN integration for a quality life with guidance and providence of God.
Goal : Make PIT a premier polytechnic educational institution where students are trained to excel in their areas of specialization
through quality instruction, product-based research, need-driven extension and accessible production programs for a
heightened socio-economic development and improved quality life in a fast changing society.
Program Outcomes:
By the time of graduation, the students of the program shall have the ability to:
PO1. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve complex industrial engineering problems.
PO2. Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
PO3. Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic,
environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards.
PO4. Ability to function in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams. .
PO5. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex industrial engineering problems.
PO6. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
PO7. Ability to communicate effectively.
PO8. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of industrial engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and
societal context.
PO9. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
PO10. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
PO11. Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for industrial engineering practice.
PO12. Knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a member and leader in a team, to manage
projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO13. Ability to design, develop, implement, and improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and
A. Course Details
Course Name Basic Occupational Safety and Health
Course Description Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) concepts, principles and practices; determination of existing and
potential safety and health hazards; identification of control measures; provisions of Philippine laws that
refer to occupational safety and health.
Orientation; discussion of
goals and expected
outcomes; discussion of Recitation Course
course policies, grading Syllabus
Understand the concepts
related to occupational
safety and industrial BOSH Framework; OSH
hygiene. Situation in the Global
and Local Levels; Online
Week 2 Lecture: Module Assignment 1&3
Unsafe / Unhealthy Acts discussion/PowerPoint
and Conditions presentation (online Online
discussion) Recitation
CO1 &
Determine causes of
occupational health
Lecture: Module Assignment
problems. Industrial Hygiene;
Workplace Hazards; Week 3 & 4 Online Quiz 1&3
presentation (online
Types of Controls
discussion) Online
Week 9
4 3 2 1 Points
Student presents information in Student presents information in Audience has difficulty following Audience cannot understand
logical, interesting sequence logical sequence which audience presentation because student jumps presentation because there is no
Organization which audience can follow. can follow. around. sequence of information.
Presentation has no Presentation has no more than Student's presentation has four or
Presentation has three misspellings
misspellings or grammatical two misspellings and/or more spelling errors and/or
and/or grammatical errors.
errors. grammatical errors. grammatical errors.
Student maintains eye contact Student maintains eye contact Student occasionally uses eye
Student reads all of report with no
with audience, seldom returning most of the time but frequently contact, but still reads most of
eye contact.
Eye Contact to notes. returns to notes. report.
Student uses a clear voice and Student's voice is clear. Student Student's voice is low. Student Student mumbles, incorrectly
correct, precise pronunciation of pronounces most words correctly. incorrectly pronounces terms. pronounces terms, and speaks too
Elocution terms so that all audience Most audience members can hear Audience members have difficulty quietly for students in the back of
members can hear presentation. presentation. hearing presentation. class to hear.
Involved the audience in the Presented facts with some Some related facts but went off topic
Incoherent; audience lost interest
presentation; points made in interesting "twists"; held the and lost the audience; mostly
and could not determine the point of
Audience creative way; held the audience's attention most of the presented facts with little or no
the presentation.
audience's attention throughout. time. imagination.
28 - 1.0; 27 - 1.2; 26 - 1.4; 25 - 1.6; 24 - 1.8; 23- 2.0; 22 - 2.2; 21 - 2.4 ; 20 - 2.6; 19 - 2.8; 18 - 2.9; 17 - 3.0; 13,14,15,16 - 4.0; 12 & below - 5.0
1. Philippines. Department of Labor and Employment – Occupational Safety and Health Center. (2010, September). Occupational
Safety and Health Standards as amended. Intramuros, Manila: DOLE-OSHC.
2. ILO Encyclopedia on Occupational Safety and Health, 4th edition.
3. Philippines. Department of Labor and Employment - Basic Occupational Safety and Health Training Module (n.d)