2020 Adt 111
2020 Adt 111
2020 Adt 111
Palompon, Leyte
ADT 111
Prepared by:
Republic of the Philippines
Palompon, Leyte
Course Outcome
Definitions Program Outcomes ADT 111(GRAPHIC ARTS)
Articulate and discuss globally PO1. Solve problems and create solutions through hands-on CO1. Define and trace the development of
technological developments in the experiences by using analytical tools to enhance creativity and Graphic Art and Design
specific field of practice. Influencing innovativeness.
and motivating others to achieve
PO2. Apply and implement the acquired knowledge and skills in CO2. Identify the numerous design careers
organizational productivity with
the different areas of specialization at the workplace. which are available and applicable.
emphasis on environment friendly
innovations and creative solutions. PO3. Demonstrate appropriate techniques and procedures using CO3. Demonstrate appropriate techniques in
Leading by example with ethical modern tools and equipment to meet the current demand of Drafting Standards and Practices and on
Technological ascendancy and coordinate to balance industries and to improve entrepreneurial productivity. how to draw and appreciate the tools and
Leadership the conflicting interests of different elements needed for Graphics Arts to
stakeholders and work effectively in a meet the demand in industry and
team-based environment with a high- entrepreneurial productivity
degree of responsibility and integrity.
PO4.Communicate effectively with diverse group of clienteles in CO4. Communicate effectively and
writing, speaking and presenting using appropriate language. harmoniously with other people to share
ideas for the solution of problems with
Drafting Standards and Practices as well as
Graphics art.
PO5. CO5
Work effectively and harmoniously in a team- based . Lead small teams through providing team
environment with a high degree of responsibility and integrity. leadership, assigning responsibilities among
members, setting performance expectation
PO6.Practice moral responsibilities of an industrial technologist for team members and supervising team
to manage and balance wider public interest and uphold the performance
norms and safety standards of industrial technology
profession. CO6. Applying statutory requirements /
responsibilities for general health and
PO7. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current safety at work.
with international and global development in the field of
technology and engineering. CO7.Contributing to quality systems through
applying regular housekeeping and
PO8.Create and implement new methods and approaches in maintenance schedule
industrial processes and operations through the
application of managerial and entrepreneurial CO8. Keep the working environment in the
knowledge and skills to improve industrial shop clean, safe and in order
production of goods and services.
Scientific Ability to produce quality scientific PO1. Solve problems and create solutions through hands-on CO1. Define and trace the development of
Innovations researches geared towards the experiences by using analytical tools to enhance creativity Graphic Art and Design
advancement of current technology and innovativeness.
and generation of new ones for the
PO7. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current CO7.Contributing to quality systems through
improvement of the quality of life. with international and global development in the field of applying regular housekeeping and
technology and engineering. maintenance schedule
PO8.Create and implement new methods and approaches in CO8. Keep the working environment in the
industrial processes and operations through the shop clean, safe and in order.
application of managerial and entrepreneurial
knowledge and skills to improve industrial
production of goods and services.
Improving the Expect graduates to be socially, PO6.Practice moral responsibilities of an industrial technologistCO7.Contributing to quality systems through
Quality of Life economic-develop, to be a to manage and balance wider public interest and uphold the applying regular housekeeping and
transformed individual. Graduates norms and safety standards of industrial technology profession. maintenance schedule
practice their profession to be CO6. Applying statutory requirements /
PO5.Work effectively and harmoniously in a team- based responsibilities for general health and safety at
rightfully employed.
environment with a high degree of responsibility and integrity. work.
PO7. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current CO5. . Lead small teams through providing
with international and global development in the field of team leadership, assigning responsibilities
technology and engineering. among members, setting performance
PO9. Organize a good working environment that enhances expectation for team members and
productivity and efficiency of the institution through supervising team performance
professionalism, ethical values , and
mutual respect among various stakeholders.
Republic of the Philippines
Palompon, Leyte
Telephone: (053) 555-9841 Fax: (053) 338-2501
Email Add.: pit_suc@yahoo.com
Mission : To strengthen its capacity of producing highly skilled, competent and world-class human resources, responsible to fulfil stakeholder
needs, goals of the national development and ASEAN integration, for the attainment of a good quality of life with the guidance
and providence of God.
Goal : Make PIT a premier polytechnic educational institution where students are trained to excel in their areas of specialization through quality
instruction, product-based research, need-driven extension and accessible production programs for a heightened socio-economic
development and improved quality of life in a fast changing society.
Program Outcomes :
By the time of graduation, the students of the program shall have the ability to:
1 .Solve problems and create solutions through hands-on experiences by using analytical tools to enhance creativity and innovativeness;
2. Apply and implement the acquired knowledge and skills in the different areas of specialization in the workplace.
3. Demonstrate appropriate techniques and procedures using modern tools and equipment to meet the current demand of industries and to
improve entrepreneurial productivity;
4. Communicate effectively with diverse group of clienteles in writing, speaking and presenting using appropriate language.
5. Work effectively and harmoniously in a team- based environment with a high degree of responsibility and integrity.
7. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with international and global development in the field of technology and
8. Create and implement new methods and approaches in industrial processes and operations through the application of managerial and
entrepreneurial knowledge and skills to improve industrial production of goods and services.
9. Organize a good working environment that enhances productivity and efficiency of the institution through professionalism, ethical values ,
and mutual respect among various stakeholders.
10. Link actively with other industrial technology professionals, organizations and institutions in developing plans and
strategies to address current problems and challenges in industrial technology.
A. Course Details
Course Intended Learning Outcomes Topic Time Allotment Teaching Strategies Assessment Tools References
Explain the vision,
CO5 mission of PIT and the 1. Orientation Week 1 Lecture Discussion Recitation Student
goals and objectives of Handbook
COTE Vision, Mission of PIT
Observe the policies,
CO6 rules, and regulation of Goals and Objectives
the institute
Apply safety practices at Policies, Rules and
all the time in the shop Regulations
CO8 Observe ethical
responsibility in dealing Safety Practices
with e-waste
Solve Problems and create 2. FREE HAND DRAWING
CO1 solutions for problems in A. Sketching Purposes Week 2 & 3 Lecture Written Exam.
Freehand and Technical Demonstration Oral Exam/ QUIZ 1 ,2,3 & 4
Drawing as well as Drafting knowing the purpose of Set work Making Drawing
Standards and Practices which sketching Plate
is applicable in dealing with Identifying sketching tools and
Graphic arts media
Techniques of sketching lines,
arcs, circles and solid objects
CO2 Apply knowledge in Drafting Shade and shadow rendering
Standards and Practices as well techniques
as Freehand and Technical B. Art: It’s meaning and importance
drawing the nature of arts
the subject of arts
CO6 Applying statutory the medium of arts
requirements/ responsibilities the function of arts
for general health and safety at
work. 3. Charcoal rendering
A. Origin and styles
Contributing to quality systems B. Principles of charcoal rendering
CO7 through applying regular Tonal Value
housekeeping and maintenance Tonal Value Chart Week 4 & 5 Lecture Practical test 2&4
schedule Sketching Materials Demonstration Job sheets
Sketching Techniques Set work Making Drawing
Keep the working environment C. Making Portrait Peer Teaching Plate
CO8 in the shop clean, safe and in Scaling techniques
order Component of scaling in
making portrait.
Classification of subject to be
D. Preparation &advertisement
Making frame
Installation of finished
drawing to frame
CO2 Apply knowledge in Drafting 3. LETTERING Week 6 -8 1&3
Standards and Practices as well A. Origin and style Lecture Practical test
as Freehand and Technical Demonstration Job sheets
drawing Classification of letter style Set work Making Lettering
Importance, general Video viewing output thru styro
CO6 Applying statutory foam and paint
requirements/ responsibilities Proportion, stability of lettering output and
for general health and safety at other lettering
Letters and numerals paraphernalia
Contributing to quality systems Lettering techniques QUIZ
CO7 through applying regular
Lettering Instrument / Devices
housekeeping and maintenance
schedule Uses and care of lettering
Keep the working environment paraphernalia
in the shop clean, safe and in B. Lettering using paint for canvass
order and wall
C. Letter cutting using cutter blade
(styro foam cutting)
Solve Problems and create D. Letter cutting using electric
CO1 solutions for problems in cutter(styro cutting)
Freehand and Technical E. Letter cutting using scissor
Drawing as well as Drafting (folding & cutting method)
CO2 Standards and Practices
Procedure in making
6. Photo editing
A. Origin and style Week 18
Introduction of photo editing
Classification of editing Lecture/Discussion
techniques and materials Peer Teaching
Software used in photo editing Problem solving
(ex. Photo shop, Microsoft exercises
picture manager, paint, sketch Perform practical activities.
up application and Microsoft
5 4 3 2 1
Knowledge on Related
Use and Care of Tools
Work Habits
1. Integrated Drawing Techniques( Designing Interiors with hand Sketching, SketchUp and Photoshop) by: Robert Philip Gordon
2. Art Appreciation by: Bernardo Nicolas Caslib Jr., Dorothea Garing & Jezreel Ann R . Casaul
3. Technical Drawing 12th Edition by: Fredireck E. Giesecke et. Al.
4. The ABCs of Mechanical Drafting with an Introduction to AutoCAD by: Tony Cook and Robin Prater
5. Boundy, A. W. Engineering Drawing
6. Thomas E. French., A Manual of Engineering Drawing 10thEdition
7. Giesecke F. e. al. Technical Drawing .12th Edition 2000
8. Complete Technology and Design by: Raymund Caldwell
9. Exploring Drafting Basic fundamental by: John R. W
5. www. Google.com
6. Youtube.com
7. http://www.google.com
10. http://www.mathisfun.com/geometry/polygons.html