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This smart city project is nothing but web-based software application which is developed by
using java programming language. Every single day number of individuals visits any city in a
country for the purpose of their higher studies, business development, job opportunities,
tourism, etc. The main intention and purpose of this project is to help those kind of new comers
to know the information and system about various aspects of the city. Nowadays a large number
of people are coming and going to the new cities for seeking jobs, higher studies, business
purpose, tourism based etc., Initially people who are new to the places, they don’t even know
the culture and system of that places and about how booking hotel, transportation, shopping,
etc.. But after implementing these smart city web-based application, it makes easier and smarter
for knowing complete solution package for the new comers of any places at the city. And also
now days the use of internet was rapidly growing around the globe. So these makes easier to the
people to enquire about any local places in the city by using internet service. These smart city
web pages can be browsed from anywhere by using internet service and all the details of the city
can be accessed. One can easily access and know all the information of the city through these
web pages. By using this online web page the students can look for the best institutes, colleges,
schools for their studies which is located in their preferred cities. These will help not only for the
new comers and also for the person who are staying in the place but doesn’t know about some
locations. Now, it is easy to find any location with the help of internet service by just opening the
web page we can get any location and address. Because nowadays people prefer searching in
internet rather than enquiring the locals of the city or hiring a city guide. So these website
contains the entire information about particular city like places to be visited, site maps, route
maps, business environment, job portals, information about organization that provide transport,
hospitality and total history of the city. These website is readily cooked for any kind of the users
like students, job seekers, business person, tourists etc… . And also in some cities siren will be
given to the respective authorized person if there is any fire detection or any vehicle accident.
These technology will help the people to take immediate reaction and to save the people from
The purpose of the smart cities mission is to drive economic growth and improve the quality of
life of people by enabling local area development and harnessing technology, especially
technology that leads to smart outcomes .Smart cities are equipped and connected with high
technically and purposefully developed smart phones for responsive monitoring and controlling.
These can also help to collect the data to manage traffic and transportation systems, to indicate
accidents, to reduce crime rates, water supply networks, waste management, local news, and many
other information systems and community services.
For example, in our daily life we are seeing smart meters which can be used for measuring
electricity, gas, and water usage with great accuracy. This will help to reduce costs and resource
consumption. And also smart traffic sensors and GPS gear can report road conditions, while it can
also help accurately for pinpointing the location of buses, trains, flights and emergency vehicles.
As we know that in urban areas the population and everything was increasing day to day, so it
became difficult to locate places for new citizens. So the main intension and purpose of these smart
city web application is to help them and find their destination by using smart phone. And also it
will keep awareness of any city news, shopping malls, atms, institutions, municipality etc.
The smart city is defined as the ability to integrate multiple technological solutions in one secure
fashion to manage the city’s assets—the city’s assets include, but not limited to, local departments
information systems, city news, tourist places, atms, Institutions, schools, libraries, transportations,
hospitals, power plants, law enforcement, and other community services.
The goal of building a smart city is to improve the quality of life by using technology to
improve the efficiency of services and meet residents’ needs. These smart city Technology is
helping the city officials to interact with the community and the city infrastructure. These
technology can help to know what is happening in the city , how the city is evolving, and how to
enable a better quality of life.
A smart city uses information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance quality,
performance and interactivity of urban services, to reduce costs and resource consumption and to
improve contact between citizens and government. Sectors that have been developing smart city
technology include government services, transport and traffic management, energy, health care,
water, innovative urban agriculture and waste management. Smart city applications are developed
with the goal of improving the management of urban flows and allowing for real time responses
to challenges.
Here, smart city web applications utilizes technology to gather and analyze the information for
improving the quality of life for the residents. So, these required complicated and costly
infrastructure is involved in installing and maintaining these sensors.
As the technology increased the security reduced, So the smart cities are investing more money
and resources into security, while tech companies are creating solutions with built-in mechanisms
to protect against hacking and cyber-crime.
Privacy concerns:
In every one’s life there is a balance between quality of life and invasion of privacy. Whereas
everyone wants to enjoy a quality, convenience, peaceful, and healthy environment, nobody wants
to feel like they are constantly watched by a “Big Brother.”
For existing a smart city, it should have smart citizens who are engaged and aware of the new
technologies. If the peoples knows and engaged about the technology then it will be more helpful
otherwise no use and benefit of creating a smart city. It is a city-wide tech project, so as a part of
the implementation process it should involves educating the community on its benefits.
A smart transit programs that gives real time updates are great idea for a citizens. But what about
growing elderly population that doesn’t use mobile devices and apps?. Technology should always
be working to bring people together, rather than divide them further based on income or education
levels. So smart city planning should involve the consideration of all groups of people, not just the
affluent and technologically advanced.
1).In smart cities discussion there are several definitions exist, with the term being called as
fuzzy concept and also used in many ways without any consistence (Angelidou 2015; Caragliu et
al.2011). According to Angelidou(2015), in current smart city discussion there exist two main
streams: the technology-oriented approach and the people-oriented approach.
Here this smart cities are highly equipped with digital devices and a digital infrastructure
that produces extensive amount of big data. This part mainly focuses on the use of innovative
transport systems and efficient energy systems, these digital dimensions dominates the other
features of the smart cities (Jucevicˇius et al. 2014).
Compared with this view, the people-oriented approach focuses more on the role of human
capital, including the needs of people and communities (Albino et al. 2015), in advancing smart
cities, resulting in enhanced social, economic and environmental sustainability (Giffinger et al.
2007; Hollands 2008; Nam and Pardo 2011; Neirotti et al. 2014; Hollands 2015).
2). Saraju P.Mohanty, Uma Choppali and Elias Kougianos from university of North Texas, they
explained what is smart city and why it is needed in every city. Even they mentioned how useful
for the citizens. As we know the smart city can have one or more smart components, including
smart hospitalization, transport facilities, smart government, smart grid, and smart fire detector.
Here the key technologies in the context of information and communication technology
(ICT) are nothing but internet of things(IOT), Cyber physical system(CPS) and Big data.
3). Ajayaryan created a smart city project in Java, it provides information regarding the various
aspects of the city such as tourism, institutes, industry, geographical maps, ATM locations, etc.
The main purpose of this project to help the tourists and other visitors to the city by
providing information about hotels, transportation facilities, air ticket booking, shopping details,
city news, etc. The Smart City Java Project serves the visitors as a guide of the city, and hence
the project is also called City Guide Project in Java.
To help the people who don’t know much about booking hotel, transportation, shopping, etc. But
implementation of Smart City Java Project provides the complete solution package for new
In this existing system we can learn how the system and process of smart city was
changed from then and now. Nowadays because of this smart city web-page it
became easier to get knowledge about any city culture, job, hotel, transpotation etc..
for new comers or for the citizens also. These developed technology has made life
more comfortable or smart for the people.
Before if person wants to go new place for any vocation purpose, higher studies, job
seeking, business purpose, etc,. they need a guide to help at any address or to know
about system culture of the city. But now it became quit easier, if a person wants to
know hotels near to them, then the person can easily get by just searching in the web
page. It became quit easier not only in searching hotels, but also for developing
businesses, booking tickets for transportation, for tourist places, posting jobs,
seeking jobs, booking food, taking admission in any institutions, etc,..
By using this smart city project, the details of the city or country or any place
can be accessed from anywhere any time. We can even watch the shape, and outline
of the city or country. This can even helps the people to promote their tourists places
and businesses effectively. By this web pages lots of students are looking best
institutions and their details for their higher education and even they are looking at
job postings.
This software is easy and comfortable for accessing any age groups just need a smart
phone with internet connection. This web-page required the user to register before
entering into the home page. Registration process require user name, email id,
password should be strong, phone number, and some security questions.
Once the user registered into the page then the user should remember the user
name and password which is given at the registration time. By this the user can easily
get sign up into the page at anytime and any place. Here the user can not change
anything from the page, only the admin can change and update the page.
We can even know the things what is happing in the city. Like, if anyone is
smoking in the street then the sensor will give alert information to the admin, if any
accident happened then it will give some alert information for connected people like
police station, hospitals. And also we can trace the people and by using this we can
pay bills like phone bill, current bill, ticker booking etc.. The total city will be
watched 24/7, this will help to identify crime status also.
For every technology development there will be lots of drawbacks and advantages.
Here also we have different drawbacks like citizens will their privacy because every
time they are monitored by the big brother, personal information will not have
privacy, for maintaining the needs lots of money, internet connection and
infrastructure, every citizen should know the technology to use and a lot.
Even there are drawback of smart city we have lot more advantages of that
like safety to use any kind of people, energy and time saving for the users, get know
the city news hour to hour, protect people from accidents, for reducing the crime
rate, helpful for finding the jobs, easy to promote business to the world, safer
communication, easy to book tickets, to pay bills and lot more advantage of smart
city. This will help to develop and to learn the technology.
This smart city technology plan was announced by the Indian government, being
vast nation it should helpful about the city both the government and public. The basic
requirement for the smart city is nothing but the network infrastructure. It is hard to
the government to keep an eye on a city crime every time, it will to reduce the crime
Today, the smart city answers for the solutions of four main pillars of public
safety which are like: crime prevention, emergency response, threat prevention and
response, and traffic management. This made passible by the varied tools that IBM
has provided such as video analytics software, multi- channel unified
communication and GPS location tracking. And also by the live feeds from CCTVs
and the unified communication tools, respective departments will be alerted of
emergency in specific locations.
Before people are used carry a personal guide to show the places and culture and
system of the city but now it is not necessary to pay for any guide, just needed a
internet connected phone to know about anything from anywhere. Now most bus
station and railway stations is equipped with an electric screen displaying
information about the arrival and timings of the buses and trains.
Residential and non- residential can even find the exact timings of the buses/trains
will arrive on their mobile devices. It helps to reduce crime rate, protection of public
and private assets, traffic decongestion, improve travel/commute time, coordination
and effective information management among various authorities.
Now in our project we are only focusing on few modules like shopping malls,
hotels, transportation, jobs arrivals, institutions, tourist places. But still there are lots
of modules like speed detection, red light violation for smoking etc, automated
vehicle counting, accident detection, weather monitoring, etc,. For this kind of
modules we need different procedure and products like drone, sensor systems, face
recognisation software, surveillance cameras, CCTVs, etc. So we are working on
simple module like adding tourist places, shops, hotels, ATMs etc.,
This architecture focuses on sharing information not only across departments but
also offer data services to other interested parties via open data model. We argue that
in smart city, citizens should be provided with cross application services. Using real
time data from any number of domains can speed up the reaction/completion time
of process improving the overall efficiency of city services.
By sharing information, which is the first source of value, the other domains
and the city can gain insight and identify impending problems with the intent of
responding before these problems occur or escalate. In a smarter city, responses to
information and events can be almost instantaneous.
Similarly, availability of real time data will lead to efficient resource planning which
helps in optimizing resource utilization both at departmental level and overall city
level. In a smarter city, city-wide operational processes using data from any number
of domains can continuously predict and react to events and trends that are affecting
the city.
➢ These web pages provides all information about the city like booking hotels,
➢ These web site can be used by any person who has just enough knowledge
about internet.
➢ It gives valuable information about any place so it saves time and energy.
➢ These site helps for students to know about coaching centers, college
Smart cities are definitely the promising future for a high quality communal life
but still have some disadvantages:
Eclipse is written mostly in Java and its primary use is for developing Java
applications. Development environments include the Eclipse Java development tools
(JDT) for Java and Scala, Eclipse CDT for C/C++, and Eclipse PDT for PHP, among
In this project we are getting inputs from the user as html cannot send data directly
to database so we are using java language to forward the data fetched from the user
to the database. As when user request any data from user-end (front view) java will
start fetching data from database and send data to front view and user will be able to
access the data with few clicks.
The core of the MySQL database is the MySQL Server. This server is
available as a separate program and responsible for handling all the database
instructions, statements, or commands. MySQL is a fast, easy-to-use RDBMS being
used for many small and big businesses. MySQL is developed, marketed and
supported by MySQL AB, which is a Swedish company.
The Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML is the standard markup language for
documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by
technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as
Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local
storage and render the documents into multimedia web pages. HTML describes the
structure of a web page semantically and originally included cues for the appearance
of the document.
We have used HTML to display the data received from database in a simple format
to make it easily understandable and accessible. We have also tried to keep the UI
hundred percent user friendly to give an amazing experience to the user. The view
generated with the help of HTML is easily understandable and information displayed
can be navigated easily.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the
presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTML. CSS is a
cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript.
CSS has been used to give a better experience to the user. CSS enhances the display
and UI/UX workalong with HTML. CSS gives a better UI/UX to the display and it
acts as a backbone of HTML and provides the best UI/UX.
The “A” in WAMP stands for Apache. Apache is server software that is used to
serve webpages. Whenever someone types in your WordPress website’s URL,
Apache is the software that “serves” your WordPress site. The “M” in WAMP stands
for MySQL. MySQL is a database management system. It’s job in the software stack
is to store all of your website’s content, user profiles, comments, etc. The “P” in
WAMP stands for PHP. PHP is the programming language that WordPress is written
in. It is also the piece that holds the entire software stack together. It runs as aprocess
in Apache and communicates with the MySQL database to dynamically build your
A. Login Module:
The Login Module is a portal module that allows users to type a user name and
password to log in. You can add this module on any module tab to allow users to log
in to the system. If you allow users to create accounts and turn on Portal Direct Entry,
a Create Account link appears in the Login Module.
B. Admin Module:
The admin module is the main module as it is responsible for carrying out the major
operations regarding other modules like update, edit and delete information about a
module. It maintains the information about other modules. Admin module is an
overall controller of this project. It updates itself as well as other modules.
C. Client Module:
A client module is a network module that supports and implements the client side of
a Network Programming Interface (NPI). A client module registers itself with the
Network Module Registrar as a Client of the NPI that it supports. A client module
can register itself as a client of more than one NPI.
D. Tourism Module:
In Tourism module we will cover the information regarding the place which can be
visited in the city by the visitors or the people residing in the city. Tourism Module
is designed to take care of tourist related tasks in city. A tourist authenticated by the
administration is the main user of this module.
E. Student Module:
with some reviews about the place from users who have visited the location.
F. Hotels Module:
In Hotels module we will cover information regarding hotels, dining places e.g.: -
family restaurants, bars and places where people can stay also referred has lodge at
many places and also provides reviews and rating regarding the location.
In Health services module we will cover the information regarding Private Hospitals
and Government Hospitals.
H. News Module:
In this module we will cover the current news about the city by integrating live feed
from YouTube.
I. Salon Module:
In this module we will cover the information regarding the salons present in the city
with some reviews about the place from users who have visited the location.
2. Yogesh55 1.45 s
3. Thiru.Ik5 0.678 s
4. Anand77 0.152 s
5. Sharma.jk 0.345 s
6. Hasjar 0.498 s
7. Kiran johar 0.123 s
8. Gratey 0.561 s
9. Naresh 0.121 s
14 Aaron 0.764s
After implementing any project we need best result from out of it. So in our project let we see
what are the information we can get from it. Let begin with after successful creation of a website,
the admin need to give access for the user to register and login to the page.
As we seen the Figure web page contains the data like: city news, job updates, hotel details and
booking, tourists places, shopping areas and malls, transportation booking, and atms etc.. these
data will be stored in the web page and the data will be managed and updated day to day by the
admin. In The figure 2 , we have Already seen that how the user can login into the page. Before
that the user need to register into the page, for registration the user need to give user name details
like the his/her user name, phone number, email-id, and strong password.
After completion of registration, the user can enter into the login page, in this page
the user just need to enter user name and password which was given at the
registration time. If the user name and password matches to the user details which
was given at registration time, then the user can enter into the web page and the user
If the login details was wrong then the user can give the correct details again,
if not the user can directly get out of the page. After accessing the page the user can
The main aim of this project is to serve the users who have registered. The
information regarding city tourist places, colleges, school, hotel, health services and
news about city could be delivered. Our project title is ‘Smart City Web-Based
Application’, a web-based product is used to store the details of particular city and
it helps all the users to find their destination place present in the city. This system
provides a registration form for all who wants to get the services. This can be
In conclusion , the main thing of the smart city is to focus on extensive things of
technological aspects of the smart cities. As this study has several limitations that
can provide grounds work for future research. Here we are suggesting that the admin
need to conduct interviews with citizens about the topic for better understanding for
access. The user need to register once with the user name and mobile number, and
the user should give strong password for protecting the data secure from others. By
using the user name and password the user can access the page anytime and
anywhere. These smart city application gives citizens better and smart life.
This technology is helping the people for accessing any information of the city like
city news, institutions, hotels, hospitals, atms, government offices, tourist places and
any new places we will hire a guide , but now no need of any guide we can go any
where of the world. For students who are going for higher studies it is helping more
and more for booking transportation tickets, for accommodation ,for location of
In this paper, we have seen a smart city offers many advantages to its
citizen. The project will help people to find places like tourists, colleges, schools,
libraries, hospitals, popular foods, shopping malls, street shopping etc. It gives us
the valuable information about the city and saves the time. It helps people to find
the places which they need quickly with accurate information at a single platform.
Our project laid a web-based platform for the city guide and can search place in the
Computation (IJPCSC), Volume 1, Issue IV, Oct -Dec 2010, P.No:22-27, ISSN:
0976-268X .
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