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Laboratorio 14

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Exercise 1: Configuring HA

FortiGate HA uses FGCP, which uses a heartbeat link for HA-related communications to
discover other FortiGate devices in the same HA group, elect a primary device,
synchronize configuration, and detect failed devices in an HA cluster.

In this exercise, you will examine how to configure HA settings on both FortiGate devices.
You will observe the HA synchronization status, and use diagnose commands to verify that
the configuration is in sync on both FortiGate devices.

Unless instructed
otherwise, always
use the console
connection of
Local-FortiGate and
to access the CLI.
This ensures that
you can access the
CLI of the device
regardless of the
HA role.

Configure HA Settings on Local-FortiGate

You will configure HA-related settings using the Local-FortiGate GUI.

To configure HA settings on Local-FortiGate

1. Connect to the Local-FortiGate GUI, and then log in with the username admin and
password password.

2. Click System > HA, and then configure the following HA settings:

Field Value

Mode Active-Passive

Device 200

Group ID 5

Group Training
Field Value

Password Fortinet

Tip: Click Change,

and then type the

Session <enable>

Monitor Click X to remove

interfaces any ports that are

Heartbeat Click X to remove

interfaces port4, and then
select port2.

The configuration should look like the following example:

3. Click OK.

Configure HA Settings on Remote-FortiGate

You will configure HA-related settings on Remote-FortiGate, using the console.

To configure HA settings on Remote-FortiGate

1. Connect to the Remote-FortiGate CLI, and then log in with the username admin and
password password.

2. Enter the following commands:

config system ha

set mode a-p

set group-name Training

set group-id 5

set password Fortinet

set hbdev port2 0

set session-pickup enable

set override disable

set priority 100


Observe and Verify the HA Synchronization

Now that you have configured HA on both FortiGate devices, you will verify that HA is
established and that the configurations are fully synchronized.

The checksums for all cluster members must match for the FortiGate devices to be

To observe and verify the HA synchronization status

1. On the Remote-FortiGate CLI, notice the debug messages about the HA
synchronization process.

These messages sometimes display useful status change information.

2. Wait 4–5 minutes for the FortiGate devices to synchronize.

After the FortiGate devices are synchronized, the Remote-FortiGate device logs out all
admin users.

secondary succeeded to sync external files with primary

secondary starts to sync with primary

logout all admin users

3. When prompted, log back in to the Remote-FortiGate CLI with the

username admin and password password.

4. Enter the following command to check the HA synchronization status:

diagnose sys ha checksum show

5. On the Local-FortiGate CLI, enter the following command to check the HA
synchronization status:

diagnose sys ha checksum show

6. Compare the output from both FortiGate devices.

If both FortiGate devices are synchronized, the checksums match.

7. Alternatively, you can run the following CLI command on any member to view the
checksums of all members:

diagnose sys ha checksum cluster

Verify FortiGate Roles in an HA Cluster

After the checksums of both FortiGate devices match, you will verify the cluster member
roles to confirm the primary and secondary devices.

To verify FortiGate roles in an HA cluster

1. On both the Local-FortiGate CLI and Remote-FortiGate CLI, enter the following
command to verify that the HA cluster is established:

get system status

2. On both FortiGate devices, view the Current HA mode line, and then write down the
device serial number (Serial-Number).

Notice that Local-FortiGate is a-p primary and Remote-FortiGate is a-p secondary.

Stop and think!

Why was Local-FortiGate

elected as the primary?

In the primary election process,

FGCP first checks the number
of connected monitored ports.
Because you didn't configure
monitored ports, FGCP then
checks the next criterion.

As the override setting is

disabled, FGCP checks the HA
uptime next. Because you
enabled HA on both devices
about the same time, the HA
uptime difference is less than 5

Therefore, FGCP checks the

next criterion, which is priority.

Local-FortiGate has a priority of

200, which is greater than
Remote-FortiGate, which has a
priority of 100. The result is that
FGCP elects Local-FortiGate as
the primary.

3. On the Local-FortiGate CLI , enter the following command to confirm the reason for
the primary election:

get system ha status

4. In the output, look for the Primary selected using section to identify the reason
for the latest primary election event.

Your output should look similar to the following example:

The output confirms

that FGCP elected
Local-FortiGate as
the primary
because of its
higher priority.

If you see that the

election reason is a
higher uptime, then
that is probably
because you
rebooted one of the
members, and as a
result, the HA
uptime of that
device was reset.
The reboot then
caused the HA
uptime difference to
be more than 5

Exercise 2: Triggering an HA Failover

You set up an HA cluster. In this exercise, you will examine how to trigger an HA failover,
and observe the renegotiation among devices to elect a new primary device.

Unless instructed
otherwise, always
use the console
connection of
and Remote-
FortiGate to access
the CLI. This
ensures that you
can access the
device CLI
regardless of the
HA role.

Trigger a Failover by Rebooting the Primary

You will reboot the primary FortiGate in the cluster to trigger a failover.

Take the Expert

1. On the Local-Client VM,
complete the following:

 Play a long video (more

than 5 minutes long)
on https://www.youtube.c
 Run a continuous ping to
IP address

2. On the Local-FortiGate
CLI, reboot Local-

If you require assistance, or to

verify your work, use the step-by-
step instructions that follow.

After you have performed these

steps, see Verify the HA Failover
and FortiGate Roles on page 1.

To trigger a failover by rebooting the primary FortiGate

1. On the Local-Client VM, open a browser, and then visit the following URL:


2. Play a long video (more than 5 minutes long).

3. While the video is playing, open a terminal, and then enter the following command
to run a continuous ping to a public IP address:


4. On the Local-FortiGate CLI, enter the following command to reboot Local-FortiGate

and trigger a failover:

execute reboot

5. Press Y to confirm that you want to reboot Local-FortiGate.

Verify the HA Failover and FortiGate Roles

You will verify the HA failover, and check the roles of FortiGate in an HA cluster.

To verify the HA failover and FortiGate roles

1. On the Local-Client VM, check the video and terminal that you started earlier.

Because of the failover, Remote-FortiGate is now the primary processor of traffic. Your ping
and video should still be running.
2. Close the browser tab with the video.

3. Return to the terminal, and then press Ctrl+C to stop the ping.

4. On the Remote-FortiGate CLI, enter the following command to verify that Remote-
FortiGate is acting as the primary device in the HA cluster :

get system status

Stop and think!

When Local-FortiGate finishes

rebooting and rejoins the
cluster, does it rejoin as
the secondary device, or
resume its initial role of
the primary device?

5. On any FortiGate in the cluster, enter the following command to see the status of all
cluster members:

get system ha status

You should see that Local-FortiGate rejoins the cluster as a secondary device. It lost its
role as the primary device.

becomes the
secondary device
in the cluster
because it has a
lower HA uptime
than Remote-
FortiGate. In
addition, the HA
uptime difference
between the
members is more
than 5 minutes.

Also, the override

setting is disabled,
so priority does not
take precedence
over uptime.

Trigger an HA Failover by Resetting the HA

You will trigger a failover by resetting the HA uptime on the current primary FortiGate—
which should be Remote-FortiGate—and then you will verify the role of Remote-FortiGate
in the HA cluster.

To trigger an HA failover by resetting the HA uptime on FortiGate

1. On the Remote-FortiGate CLI console, enter the following command:

diagnose sys ha reset-uptime

After you reset the

HA uptime on
becomes the
member with the
highest HA
uptime. Because
the HA uptime
difference between
the members is
more than 5
minutes, Local-
FortiGate is
elected as the new

Remote-FortiGate now has the secondary role in the cluster.

2. On the Remote-FortiGate CLI, enter the following command to verify this:

get system status

Observe HA Leave and Join Messages Using
Diagnostic Commands
The HA synchronization process is responsible for FGCP packets that communicate cluster
status and build the cluster. You will use real-time diagnostic commands to observe this

To observe HA failover using diagnostic commands

1. On the Local-FortiGate CLI, enter the following commands:

diagnose debug enable

diagnose debug application hatalk 0

diagnose debug application hatalk 255

The diagnose
debug application
0 command stops
the debug. You
will use this
command later.

2. On the Remote-FortiGate CLI, enter the following command to reboot Remote-


execute reboot

3. Press Y to confirm that you want to reboot Remote-FortiGate.

4. On the Local-FortiGate CLI, view the output while the secondary device reboots
and starts communicating with the cluster.
The sanitized output shows that the current primary FortiGate is sending heartbeat packets
and trying to synchronize its configuration with the configuration of the secondary

5. Press the up arrow key twice, select the second-last command (in this
case, diagnose debug application hatalk 0 ), and then press Enter to stop the
debug output on Local-FortiGate.

Exercise 3: Configuring the HA

Management Interface
In this exercise, you will examine how to configure a spare interface in the cluster as a
reserved HA management interface. This allows both FortiGate devices to be reachable for
management purposes regardless of the member role.

If you don't configure a reserved HA management interface, the primary FortiGate handles
your cluster management connections. However, you can access the CLI of the secondary
FortiGate from the primary FortiGate CLI, or by using the console connection of the
secondary FortiGate.

You can also configure an in-band HA management interface, which is an alternative to the
reserved HA management interface, and does not require reserving an interface that is only
for management access.

Unless instructed
otherwise, always
use the console
connection of
and Remote-
FortiGate to access
the CLI. This
ensures that you
can access the
device CLI
regardless of the
HA role.

Access the Secondary FortiGate CLI Through the

Primary FortiGate CLI
You will connect to the secondary FortiGate CLI through the primary FortiGate CLI.

To access the secondary FortiGate CLI through the primary FortiGate CLI

1. On the Local-FortiGate CLI, log in with the username admin and

password password.

2. Enter the following command to access the secondary FortiGate CLI through the
primary FortiGate heartbeat interface:

execute ha manage <id> admin

Use ? to list the

values for <id>.

3. When prompted, enter the password password to log in to Remote-FortiGate.

4. Enter the following command to get the status of the secondary FortiGate:

get system status

5. View the Current HA mode line.

You will notice that Remote-FortiGate is a-p secondary.

6. Enter the following command to return to the Local-FortiGate CLI:


Set Up a Reserved HA Management Interface

You will use an unused interface on the FortiGate devices in an HA cluster to configure a
reserved HA management interface and a unique IP address for each member. This way,
you can access each member directly, regardless of its role.

To set up a reserved HA management interface

1. On the Local-Client VM, open a browser, and then log in to the Local-FortiGate GUI
at with the username admin and password password.

2. Click System > HA.

3. Right-click Local-FortiGate, and then click Edit.

4. Enable Management Interface Reservation, and then in the Interface field,

select port7.

5. Click OK.
port7 connects to
the same LAN
segment as port3.

Configure and Access the Primary FortiGate

Using the Reserved HA Management Interface
You will configure and verify access to the primary FortiGate using the reserved HA
management interface.

To configure and verify access to the primary FortiGate using the reserved
HA management interface

1. On the Local-FortiGate CLI, log in with the username admin and

password password.

2. Enter the following commands to configure port7:

config system interface

edit port7

set ip

set allowaccess ping ssh snmp http https


Even though this

address overlaps
with port3, which
is not allowed by
default (FortiGate
does not allow
overlapped subnets
by default), it is
allowed here
because the routing
entries for the
reserved HA
interface are
excluded from the
routing table.
3. On the Local-Client VM, open a browser, and then log in to the Local-FortiGate GUI
at (note the IP address) with the username admin and
password password.

This verifies connectivity to port7.

Configure and Access the Secondary FortiGate

Using the Reserved HA Management Interface
You will configure and verify access to the secondary FortiGate using the reserved HA
management interface.

Take the Expert

1. On the Remote-
FortiGate CLI,
complete the

 Verify that the

reserved HA
management interface
is synchronized with
the secondary device.

show system ha

 Verify that port7 has

no configuration, and
then configure port7
IP/Netmask as 10.0.1
.252/24 with the
same allowaccess conf
igured for Local-
FortiGate port7.

2. On the Local-Client
VM, log in to the
Remote-FortiGate GUI
(admin/password) using
the port7 IP address to
verify connectivity.

If you require assistance, or to

verify your work, use the step-
by-step instructions that

After the configuration is

ready, see Disconnect Remote-
FortiGate From the Cluster on
page 1.

To configure and verify access to the secondary FortiGate using the

management interface

1. On the Remote-FortiGate CLI, enter the following command to verify that the
reserved HA management interface is synchronized with the secondary device:

show system ha

Look for ha-mgmt-status and config ha-mgmt-interfaces. These should already be set.

2. Enter the following command to verify that port7 has no configuration:

show system interface port7

3. Configure port7, using the following commands:

config system interface

edit port7

set ip

set allowaccess ping ssh snmp http https



4. On the Local-Client VM, open a browser, and then log in to the Remote-FortiGate
GUI at (note the IP address) with the username admin and
password password.

This will verify connectivity to port7.

Each device in the cluster now has its own management IP address for monitoring

Disconnect Remote-FortiGate From the Cluster

You will disconnect Remote-FortiGate from the cluster. Remote-FortiGate will prompt you
to configure an IP address on any port on Remote-FortiGate so that you can access it after
the disconnection.

To disconnect Remote-FortiGate from the cluster

1. On the Local-Client VM, open a browser, and then log in to the Local-FortiGate GUI
at with the username admin and password password.

2. Click System > HA.

3. Right-click Remote-FortiGate, and then click Remove device from HA cluster.

4. When prompted, configure the following settings:

Field Value

Interface port3


5. Click OK.

This removes the FortiGate from the HA cluster.

Restore the Remote-FortiGate Configuration

You will restore the Remote-FortiGate configuration, so that you can use Remote-FortiGate
in the next labs.

Failure to perform
these steps will
prevent you from
doing the next

To restore the Remote-FortiGate configuration file

1. On the Local-Client VM, open a browser, and then log in to the Remote-FortiGate
GUI at with the username admin and password password.

2. In the upper-right corner, click admin, and then click Configuration > Revisions.

3. Click + to expand the list.

4. Select the configuration with the comment initial, and then click Revert.

5. Click OK to reboot.
Failure to perform
these steps will
prevent you from
doing the next

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