Business Studies NSC P1 QP Nov 2022 Eng
Business Studies NSC P1 QP Nov 2022 Eng
Business Studies NSC P1 QP Nov 2022 Eng
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MARKS: 150
TIME: 2 hours
1. This question paper consists of THREE sections and covers TWO main topics.
SECTION B: Consists of THREE questions.
Answer any TWO of the three questions in this section.
SECTION C: Consists of TWO questions.
Answer any ONE of the two questions in this section.
2. Read the instructions for each question carefully and take note of what is required.
Note that ONLY the answers to the first TWO questions selected in SECTION B
and the answers to the FIRST question selected in SECTION C will be marked.
3. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this
question paper. NO marks will be awarded for answers that are numbered
4. Except where other instructions are given, answers must be written in full
5. Use the mark allocation and nature of each question to determine the length and
depth of an answer.
6. Use the table below as a guide for mark and time allocation when answering each
B: THREE direct/indirect-type 2 40
questions 3 40 70
CHOICE: 4 40
Answer any TWO.
7. Begin the answer to EACH question on a NEW page, e.g. QUESTION 1 – new
page, QUESTION 2 – new page.
1.1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.
Choose the answer and write only the letter (A–D) next to the question
numbers (1.1.1 to 1.1.5) in the ANSWER BOOK, e.g. 1.1.6 D.
1.1.2 Bavaro Limited used … as a BBBEE pillar when they requested their
black employees to participate in the decision-making process.
A ownership
B enterprise and supplier development
C skills development
D management control
1.1.3 Dyna Auto Motors operate in the … sector as they manufacture luxury
A economic
B secondary
C primary
D tertiary
1.1.4 The process of matching an employee's skills and abilities with the
requirements of a job:
A Recruitment
B Selection
C Placement
D Induction
A administration
B purchasing
C general management
D public relations (5 x 2) (10)
1.2 Complete the following statements by using the word(s) provided in the list
below. Write only the word(s) next to the question numbers (1.2.1 to 1.2.5) in
1.2.2 ZZ Butchery bought Mike Cattle Farm to have greater control over the
supply of meat products. This is known as the … integration strategy.
1.2.4 The job … outlines the minimum acceptable qualifications and skills
needed for the job.
1.2.5 Quality … can be obtained if all departments work together for the
same quality standard. (5 x 2) (10)
1.3.1 Black Economic A employees are paid for the number of
Empowerment items produced in a month
NOTE: Clearly indicate the QUESTION NUMBER of each question that you choose.
The answer to EACH question must start on a NEW page, e.g. QUESTION
2 on a NEW page, QUESTION 3 on a NEW page.
2.3 Identify the PESTLE elements that pose a challenge to Simmy Traders in
EACH statement below:
2.3.1 Many customers cannot afford their products due to low income
levels, resulting in a decline in sales.
2.3.2 They do not have internet facilities to cater for customers who prefer
to make online purchases.
2.3.3 Simmy Traders can no longer afford to deliver goods due to the
increase in the fuel price. (6)
2.5 Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.
Excel Bank offers various financial products to prospective clients. The bank
conducts an affordability assessment before credit is granted. EB ensures that
their clients receive information in an understandable language. They also
allow clients to access and challenge their credit records.
2.5.1 Quote TWO consumer rights in terms of the National Credit Act
(NCA), 2005 (Act 34 of 2005) from the scenario above. (2)
2.5.2 Discuss the impact of the National Credit Act on businesses. (6)
2.7 Advise businesses on how they could apply the following forces of the Porter's
Five Forces model to analyse their position in the market environment:
3.2 Outline the role of the interviewer before the interview. (4)
3.3 Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.
3.3.1 Identify the method of recruitment used by MC. Motivate your answer
by quoting from the scenario above. (3)
3.4 Discuss the reasons for the termination of an employment contract. (6)
3.6 Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.
3.6.1 Quote TWO ways in which TQM reduces the cost of quality from the
scenario above. (2)
3.6.2 Explain other ways in which TQM can reduce the cost of quality. (4)
3.7 Discuss the impact of total quality management (TQM) if poorly implemented
by businesses. (4)
3.8 Advise large businesses on the advantages of adequate financing and capacity
as a total quality management (TQM) element. (6)
4.1 Name any TWO types of business environments and state the extent of control
businesses have over EACH business environment.
4.2 Outline the role of SETAs in supporting the Skills Development Act (SDA),
1998 (Act 97 of 1998). (4)
4.3 Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.
4.3.1 Identify the type of intensive strategy used by TTE in the scenario
above. (2)
4.3.2 Explain TWO other types of intensive strategies. (6)
4.4 Suggest ways in which businesses could comply with the Employment Equity
Act (EEA), 1998 (Act 55 of 1998). (4)
4.5 State FOUR aspects that should be included in an employment contract. (4)
4.6 Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.
4.6.1 Quote TWO purposes of induction from the scenario above. (2)
4.6.2 Describe the benefits of induction for businesses. (4)
4.7 Explain how businesses can apply any TWO steps of the PDCA model to
improve the quality of their products. (6)
4.8 Advise businesses on the quality indicators of the purchasing function. (4)
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Business Studies/P1 9 DBE/November 2022
NOTE: Clearly indicate the QUESTION NUMBER of the chosen question. The
answer to the question must start on a NEW page, e.g. QUESTION 5 on a
NEW page OR QUESTION 6 on a NEW page.
The Labour Relations Act (LRA), 1995 (Act 66 of 1995) makes provision for the rights
of employees in the workplace. Businesses are expected to have a sound knowledge
of this Act for effective implementation. Many businesses implement legal advice to
avoid penalties for non-compliance with the LRA.
Write an essay on the Labour Relations Act in which you include the following aspects:
Businesses implement quality control and quality assurance processes to produce high
quality products. They also enjoy the benefits of a high quality management system.
Continuous skills development and total client satisfaction contribute towards the
effective implementation of total quality management (TQM). Other businesses prefer
to use the services of quality circles to achieve the desired outcome.
Write an essay on quality of performance in which you include the following aspects:
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