Sanet - ST TheSolution-focused
Sanet - ST TheSolution-focused
Sanet - ST TheSolution-focused
This practical book presents readers with a skills-based, child rearing approach
to supporting a child’s growth and helping them overcome both minor and
major developmental challenges.
In contrast to conventional approaches to child psychology, this innovative
approach focuses on developing children’s abilities rather than concentrating
on and trying to fix their “problems.” Additionally, instead of blaming caretak-
ers for their child’s challenges, the skills approach offers them the keys with
which they can coach and motivate their children to overcome challenges by
learning required skills. Readers will find it easy to grasp the idea of the skills
mindset through the book’s wealth of eye-opening stories, case examples, and
the author’s personal insights as a psychotherapist, parent, and creator of the
Kids’Skills method. Clear, detailed instructions will help readers immediately
put the ideas into everyday practice with their own children and families.
This book is a must-have, hope-instilling toolbox for anyone involved in the
task of raising a child. Parents, grandparents, teachers, mental health profes-
sionals, and more will find this a valuable resource in ensuring the future suc-
cess of the children in their lives.
How to Help Children Conquer
Challenges by Learning Skills
Ben Furman
Designed cover image: © Illustration Kai Kujasalo
First published in English 2024
by Routledge
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© 2024 Ben Furman
The right of Ben Furman to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in
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Ben Furman & Lasten haasteet taidoiksi
Copyright © 2023 Ben Furman
First published in Finland in 2023 by Viisas Elämä
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Furman, Ben, author.
Title: The solution-focused parent: how to help children conquer
challenges by learning skills/Ben Furman.
Other titles: Ben Furman & lasten haasteet taidoiksi. English
Description: First English edition. | Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY:
Routledge, 2024. | “First published in Finland as Ben Furman & lasten
haasteet taidoiksi in 2023 by Viisas Elämä”—Title page verso.
Identifiers: LCCN 2023026989 (print) | LCCN 2023026990 (ebook) |
ISBN 9781032564807 (hardback) | ISBN 9781032564791 (paperback) |
ISBN 9781003435723 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Child rearing. | Parenting. | Child development.
Classification: LCC HQ772 .F87 2024 (print) | LCC HQ772 (ebook) |
DDC 649.1—dc23/eng/20230713
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ISBN: 9781032564807 (hbk)
ISBN: 9781032564791 (pbk)
ISBN: 9781003435723 (ebk)
DOI: 10.4324/9781003435723
Typeset in Chaparral
by Deanta Global Publishing Services, Chennai, India
CHAPTER 5. How to use the skills approach in day-to-day
parenting................................................................. 41
Step 1. Think of your wishes as skills for your child to learn............ 42
Step 2. Explain to your child why the skill is an important one
to learn��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42
Step 3. Build your child’s confidence.................................................... 47
Step 4. Remind your child in an agreeable manner........................... 49
Step 5. Reinforce your child’s learning................................................ 53
Praise the child verbally............................................................. 54
Praise the child discreetly.......................................................... 54
Praise the child for trying.......................................................... 54
Share the child’s progress with other people........................... 55
Consult the child......................................................................... 55
Ask questions about the child’s progress.................................. 56
Plan to celebrate.......................................................................... 56
Next skill for the child to learn................................................. 58
Use certificates............................................................................. 58
viii contents
Biting....................................................................................................... 97
Bullying................................................................................................... 98
Your child bullies other children............................................... 98
Other children bully your child................................................. 99
Concentration....................................................................................... 101
Confabulation....................................................................................... 103
Cursing.................................................................................................. 104
Defiance................................................................................................. 105
Depression............................................................................................. 108
Divorce................................................................................................... 109
Fears....................................................................................................... 111
Finger sucking...................................................................................... 112
Hair pulling........................................................................................... 114
Happiness.............................................................................................. 115
Homework............................................................................................. 117
Interrupting.......................................................................................... 119
Low self-esteem.................................................................................... 120
Nail biting.............................................................................................121
OCD....................................................................................................... 124
Picky eating........................................................................................... 131
Playing with fire................................................................................... 132
Screen time...........................................................................................134
Selective mutism..................................................................................136
Self-stimulation.................................................................................... 137
Separation anxiety...............................................................................138
Sibling rivalry....................................................................................... 140
Sleeping................................................................................................. 142
Your child sleeps in your bed................................................... 142
Child crawls into your bed at night......................................... 143
Soiling.................................................................................................... 144
Tantrums............................................................................................... 146
contents ix
Tics......................................................................................................... 149
Traumatic experiences......................................................................... 151
Unhealthy diet...................................................................................... 152
Violence................................................................................................. 153
Wetting.................................................................................................. 155
Daytime wetting........................................................................ 155
Bedwetting................................................................................. 157
Afterword................................................................................ 177
Index....................................................................................... 181
x contents
Photo by Leon Liu on Unsplash
DOI: 10.4324/9781003435723-1
y intention with this book is to familiarise you with what I
like to call the skills approach to parenting and child-rear-
ing. It is a creative and enjoyable way to facilitate children’s
growth and help them overcome challenges by learning new skills.
The basic idea of the skills approach is easy to grasp, and by the time
you finish reading this book, if you feel that the approach matches
your own values and thinking, you will be able to start putting the
ideas into practice straight away with your own child, or the children
you care for.
Before I go on to explain to you in detail what I mean by the skills
approach and how you can use it with your children, I would like to
start by telling you a tale as an intro to the approach described in the
book. If you are not a great fan of this kind of allegorical story, feel
free to skip the next few pages and start from Chapter 2.
Once upon a time, in a faraway village, strange things had begun to hap-
pen. The children in the village had started to develop all sorts of mysterious
problems. Some children had suddenly become so shy that they were unable
to utter any words, and others had become so irritated that they swung
around aimlessly hitting other people. Some had started to fear things when
there was nothing to be afraid of, and still others had developed peculiar
sticky habits they couldn’t get rid of despite all their parents’ efforts, like
plucking their hair or sucking their fingers..
The elders in the village were summoned to discuss the situation. “We
have to find out what is the cause of this thorny problem,” said one of elders.
This sparked a conversation that lasted for a long time. Soon the entire
village was feverishly deliberating over what was causing the children’s
At first, villagers suspected that the children’s problems were caused
by poisoned water. For this reason, the villagers started to carry water to
the village all the way from the neighbouring village. However, that didn’t
help. The next suspicion was that the children’s problems were caused by the
children having been frightened about something when they were infants.
Based on this idea, the villagers started to do their utmost to protect the
children from ever getting frightened, but that turned out to be very diffi-
cult because in those days life was hazardous and preventing children from
ever being frightened was practically impossible. Someone came along and
proposed that the children’s many problems were caused by incompetent
The villagers were delighted with this message. They understood that it
meant it was time to stop blaming themselves and others alike. From now
on, time didn’t need to be spent on disputing the causes of children’s prob-
lems and everyone could focus on helping children develop the skills they
needed to overcome their difficulties.
Villagers returned home and informed their children that from now
on they would be learning skills to overcome their difficulties. The chil-
dren were delighted to hear the news as they had grown all too tired of
listening to their parents’ endless speculations about the causes of their
Villagers took action, and in no time each child in the village had a skill
to learn that would help them to overcome their problem. At first things
worked well, but a new problem soon loomed on the horizon. “We succeeded
in making agreements with our children about skills to learn,” the villagers
lamented to the elders, “but when it was time for them to take action to
learn those skills, they soon lost their interest, and we couldn’t find a way to
get them to make the effort to learn those skills. How are we supposed to get
our children to learn their skills?”
Again, the elders sat down to think about the villagers’ thorny question,
but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t find an answer. Finally,
they decided to let the 3 elders visit the Wise Wizard again to ask for her
“What brings you to me this time?” the wizard asked them upon their
The elders said: “When we consulted you last time, you advised us to
give up our futile efforts to try to explain our children’s problems and focus,
DOI: 10.4324/9781003435723-2
he skills approach is founded on the idea that children don’t
have problems; they just haven’t learned some skills yet.
Jasmin had several challenges. She had challenges with dressing herself,
going to the toilet, and going to bed. When she was supposed to get dressed
DOI: 10.4324/9781003435723-3
he skills approach – or the idea of helping children overcome
challenges by learning skills – has some significant benefits.
First, the concept of “skill” conveys the idea of hope. We all
associate skills with “learning,” which is another word that generates
hope. When we focus on talking about skills and learning, we inevita-
bly conjure up an atmosphere of hope for change.
Second, skills thinking fosters collaboration with children.
Your child is more likely to collaborate with you when you talk
with them about skills they have already learned and skills they
might benefit from learning rather than about their problems and
Third, the skills approach makes it easier for you to collaborate
with the other adults involved in caring for your child. If you focus on
the child’s problems and difficulties in your conversations with them,
they often respond by starting to tell you what they think is causing
your child’s problems. Such speculations are often unhelpful and can
contribute to despair rather than hope. The skills approach helps you
to escape this pitfall. When the focus is on skills to learn, your fellow
carers will find it easier to support you in helping your child learn
whatever skill he or she needs to learn.
In other words, to figure out what skill you want your child to
learn, think about how your child tends to respond in situations
that are difficult for him or her to deal with, and ask yourself how
you would want your child to learn to handle similar situations in
the future.
Skill is not the ability to refrain from acting in the wrong way.
It is the ability to act in the right way.
By saying so, I’m jokingly making the point that children often fail
to follow parents’ instructions if the instruction contains denial-
words, such as “don’t,” “stop,” or “not.” This is not because they are
just stubborn or pig-headed, but rather because their brains are
not mature enough to handle instructions lacking clues about what
to do instead.
For this reason, parenting guides often recommend that when
giving instructions to our children, we should try to tell them what
we want them to do rather than only telling them what not to do.
Here are a few examples of converting don’t-do-instructions into
I was driving the car returning home from shopping and my daugh-
ter was sitting in the back seat with her friend. I felt an awkward
annoying movement in my backside, and it took a moment for me
to realize that it was my daughter behind me kicking the back of
my seat with her feet.
“Stop that kicking,” I told her. It didn’t help. The kicking contin-
ued as if I hadn’t said anything. I figured I need to intensify my
message, so I said something along the lines of, “Stop that kicking
immediately. Don’t you understand, it disturbs my driving? You
don’t want us to end up in an accident, do you?” Instead of my
well-chosen words having had an influence on her, the two girls
started to giggle in the back seat. They apparently thought that I
was being funny. Finally, I couldn’t think of anything else to say,
I don’t recall if my daughter ever got that 80 cents from me that she
felt she had earned by refraining eight times from kicking me, but
the incident made me think. Most people these days agree that prais-
ing or rewarding children for good behaviour is a more effective way
of influencing them than reprimanding them for bad behaviour, but
practising this principle in real life is not easy. It simply wouldn’t work
if our children started to expect us to reward them every time they
didn’t do something they shouldn’t do.
To complicate matters, as parents we are not usually content with
our children simply following instructions. We want more; we want
them to learn to follow our instructions without us having to repeat
our instructions to them over and over again. But how on earth are
we supposed to get our children to turn our instructions into habits
so that they will do what we expect from them unprompted? Perhaps
we should think of that as a skill too. Being able to do something
unprompted is, in and of itself, a skill that children can learn and
become better at. Allow me to share the personal experience of an
attempt to deal with this challenge.
Here’s another practical way that can help you figure out a skill for
your child to learn. For example, if the rule is that your child is glued
to the smart phone, then any exceptions to that rule – that is, times
when he or she puts the smart phone away to do something else
– can give a clue as to the skill he or she might need to learn to
reduce the problem.
Consider the following example in which a parent uses the
exceptions approach to help the child figure out what skill he or
she needs to learn to avoid getting into arguments with teachers
at school.
Parent: What could you do to avoid getting into all those arguments
with your teachers?
Child: I don’t know.
Parent: There must be some teachers you get along with better than
others, aren’t there?
Child: I get along fine with my PE teacher.
To apply the skills approach in parenting starts with converting our
wishes into skills that children can learn, but that is just the first step
on the way. You will obviously also need to figure out how to get
your child interested in learning and motivated to make the effort
to learn that skill.
In the next chapter I will present to you a wide range of ways that
the skills approach can help motivate children to learn the skills we
believe they would benefit from learning.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003435723-4
hen speaking about the skills approach to parents or edu-
cators, I find that my audiences often struggle with two
questions. First, how to figure out which skill(s) the child
needs to learn to overcome their problem and second, how to moti-
vate the child to learn that skill. In this chapter, I will assume that you
already have an idea of what skill you think your child would benefit
from learning, and that you are now interested in discovering how to
motivate him or her to learn that skill.
Below I propose to you 15 approaches to motivating your child to
develop a skill, approaches that are consistent with the skills mindset
presented in this book. I hope you find them useful as you strive to
help your child to learn important skills for life.
Before you propose that your child learn a new skill, talk with
them about the many skills they have already acquired. “Honey,
you have already learned so many skills. You have learned to snow-
board, you have learned to speak a bit of Spanish, and you have
even learned to be nicer to your baby sister. You are good at learn-
ing whatever you decide to learn.” By making sure that your child
feels proud of the skills that they have developed or managed to
improve, you increase the likelihood that your child will be will-
ing to talk with you about potential skills that they would benefit
from learning next.
When you propose a skill for your child to learn, say “we” instead of “I”
whenever possible. For example, “We think it would be good for you
to learn…” rather than “I think it would be good for you to learn…”
Children are more likely to abide by your wish if they understand that
it is not only you who thinks the skill is important, but something
If your child shows no interest in learning the skill that you would like
them to learn, don’t worry. Instead, ask your child if they can think of
some other skill that they would benefit from learning and that they
would rather master. By inviting your child to start by learning a skill of
their own choosing, you provide them with a positive learning experi-
ence, which in turn will prepare the child for learning further skills.
To be motivated to learn any skill, your child needs to see that there
are some benefits of doing so. Therefore, I advise having a conversa-
tion with your child about the advantages of mastering the skill not
only to your child, but also to various important people in your child’s
Too often, when parents and educators try to convince children of
the benefits of learning a particular skill, they often do it by point-
ing out the many negative consequences and problems that the child
will escape by learning it. A better motivational strategy is to help
the child become aware of the positive consequences, or benefits, of
learning the skill. For example, rather than saying something like, “If
you learn to be quiet during lessons, your teacher will no longer scold
you,” consider saying something along the lines of, “If you learn to be
quiet during lessons, you will earn the respect of your teacher.” Or
instead of saying, “If you learn to be cool in the supermarket even if I
don’t buy you the things you want, then I will not have to be ashamed
of you,” you might begin your sentence in the same way but conclude
with: “…then we will all be proud of you.”
Another useful motivational tool is to tell your child that you are
convinced that they will be able to learn the skill you want them to
learn, and to explain to them what makes you think so. You may say,
“I am sure you can do it,” and then continue by saying something
like, “because you are so good at learning new things,” or “because
you clearly understand why getting better at it will be good for you,”
or “because we will all help and support you,” or “because you have
already made some progress,” or “because you are so persistent that if
you decide to learn something, you certainly will.”
Your child may back off if you propose they learn a skill that appears too
difficult. It is important to divide challenging skills into smaller, or incre-
mental, skills that seem possible for the child to learn easily. For exam-
ple, if your daughter suffers from selective mutism, or the fear of talking
to anyone beyond the nuclear family, you can help her by starting with
baby steps. You may engage her in a conversation with a hand-puppet
that impersonates her teacher, or help her to answer her teacher’s or her
classmate’s chat message on the school’s online message board.
Encourage your child to give a name to the skill you want them to
learn. Children are more motivated to learn skills if they get to decide
what their skill is to be called. In addition, a good name for the skill
helps to stimulate the child’s creativity. The child’s creativity is an
important building block in figuring out what the child can do to
practice and improve the skill and how other people can best support
them in their learning process.
Children need other people’s support to learn new skills. They will benefit
from all the help and encouragement they can get. Having a team of sup-
porters adds to their optimism, which in turn boosts their motivation.
So, invite your child to think about which people to ask to be their sup-
porters. You or other family members are an obvious choice. Other chil-
dren, particularly if they are a few years older than your child and your
child looks up to them, also make good supporters.
The supporters can help your child in many ways. They can, for
For many children, the idea that there will be a celebration when they
have learned their skill is a powerful motivator. Bring up the possibility
of such a celebration well in advance and allow your child to have some
say in how such a celebration should look, where it should take place, who
should be invited, and what should happen during the event. The idea
of celebrating learning may seem like just another way of rewarding the
child, but I prefer to think of it as an important step in the process of
growth: honouring the child for their accomplishment and thanking the
child’s supporters for their help and encouragement.
To learn any skill, children need to practise. This is a challenge since chil-
dren are not automatically motivated to practise their skills. Therefore, it
is important to invent fun and rewarding ways for the child to practise
the skill, ways that add to the child’s motivation to master it.
Ask your child how they want you to show your appreciation when
they manage their skill. Some children respond positively to direct
verbal praise, while others prefer to be acknowledged with a ges-
ture or some other inconspicuous signal. Invite your child to par-
ticipate in working out a unique and age-appropriate way to praise
them that fits their personality.
Children do not acquire skills overnight, even when they are commit-
ted to learning them. Sooner or later, they are bound to experience
setbacks or instances when they forget the skill they are learning and
You can tell your child, “When you have learned your skill, you can
help someone else, maybe another child in your class, to learn the
same skill.” Children take satisfaction in teaching skills that they
have acquired to other people. The mere idea of teaching their skill
to others in the future is reinforcing and serves as an additional
incentive for your child to want to learn the skill they will benefit
from learning.
Now that you not only have an idea of how to convert children’s
problems into skills they can learn, but you are also familiar with a
wide range of means to motivate your child to learn a skill he or she
has agreed to learn, let’s move on to talking about how you might
apply skills thinking in your day-to-day life with your children.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003435723-5
he skills approach was originally developed as a method for
teachers and other people working with children to help them
overcome challenges, but the approach is equally well-suited
for supporting children’s growth in the everyday life of families, even
when children are not presently struggling with any challenges that
they would need to overcome.
If you want to use skills thinking in your day-to-day life with your
child, I recommend that you start by attaching a poster (see poster
adjacent page) to your refrigerator door to remind yourself of the fol-
lowing key steps of the approach.
I assume that by reading the previous chapters of this book, you have
become quite familiar with the idea that all sorts of children’s chal-
lenges can be viewed as skills that they haven’t learned yet. Imagine
that you are wearing a pair of spectacles that allow you to see your
child in a different light; not as a child who is struggling with chal-
lenges, but as a child who needs support and help in developing skills
needed to deal with various challenging situations that he or she is
confronted with in life.
The boy listens to his father’s justifications with a serious and thought-
ful look on his face. Then he takes a deep sigh, moves the hand in
which he is holding his pen back onto the page of his notepad and
continues with his task of drawing the letters of the alphabet.
In the video, the boy’s father succeeded in convincing his son of the
importance of learning the skill with just a few well-chosen words. He
justified the importance of the skill from within his son’s own perspec-
tive; he helped his son to see that the skill of reading and writing would
help him achieve his own goals. If your child dreams about becoming
a dancer, consider justifying the skill you want them to learn by help-
ing them realize how the skill will help them to succeed as a dancer.
Likewise, if your child dreams about becoming a football champion,
consider using justifications that allow the child to see how the skill you
would want them to learn can help them be more successful in football.
When one of my two daughters was 5 years old, I sat in her room
one evening with a pile of papers by her bed as she was ready to go
to sleep.
“What are you doing, Dad?” she asked me.
I was not supposed to start having a conversation with her as
it was her sleepy time, but for some reason I ended up answering
her: “I am working on a book about how to help children overcome
problems,” I said.
“Oh, I don’t have any problems,” she responded.
“Well, the book is not really about how to help children overcome
problems, but about how to help them learn skills,” I explained.
“Oh, but I also don’t have any skills that I would need to learn,”
she said.
“Everyone has skills that they need to become better at. You too.”
“What skill do I need to learn?”
“For example, you need to learn to go to sleep without always
having that bright light shining right into your face. You should
learn to go to sleep in the dark, or with just a small night lamp giv-
ing a dim light in the room.”
“Why?” she asked. She demanded to hear a justification as if she
had been familiar with the idea that we need to explain to children
why we want them to learn a particular skill.
“Well, for one thing, because you like to invite friends for
sleepovers and it would be easier for you to invite your friends for
sleepovers if their parents knew that you have learned to go to
sleep with just a small night lamp on. Your bright light keeps you
and your friends awake sometimes for hours.”
I noticed that my daughter was listening to me, so I couldn’t
resist the temptation to continue: “And besides that, you would
probably also get more sleep-over invitations if your friends’ par-
ents found out that you have learned to go to sleep in dim light.”
My daughter appeared thoughtful. “And we would even save some
electricity,” I added. I was surprised by what happened next. My
daughter extended her arm and pressed the switch button to turn
off the bright reading light that had been shining in her face.
Many parents have the bad habit that when their children act in an
undesirable manner, they start presenting why-questions to the child,
such as: “Why do you have to keep talking all the time?” “Why did you
grab that toy from that boy’s hand?” “Why are you being so slow?”
“Why don’t you eat your food?” “Why are you talking back to me?”
The problem with such why-questions is that children are unable to
provide an answer. They don’t know why they do what they do, and
they experience why-questions as a form of scolding criticism rather
than as genuine questions. Therefore, it is not surprising that children
often respond to their parents’ why-questions with shrugging their
shoulders and saying, “I don’t know.” Another problem with why-
questions is that they trigger children to fabricate excuses for their
behaviour, putting the blame on someone else: “Because you are so
stupid!” “Because everyone else is doing it too,” “Because Janet bullies
me,” “Because I am angry for you not letting me have my smartphone.”
Why-questions may sometimes be outright harmful. The child may
not be able to come up with an answer, but he or she may still start
to silently wonder about the reasons for his or her behaviour. There is
a risk that as the child does the thinking, he or she comes up with a
conclusion that there is something fundamentally wrong about him
or her, that he or she is in some way deviant or flawed. Such con-
clusions undermine the child’s self-confidence and reduce his or her
faith in being able to learn to behave differently.
“Larry, it’s time for you to learn to sleep in your own bed through-
out the night. Do you know why it is important for big boys to
learn to sleep in their own bed?”
“Jesse, I want you to learn to talk nicely to your mom. It’s not nice
of you to speak rudely to her. Do you know why it is important for
all children to learn to talk nicely to their mothers?”
“I have talked with your father about how much daily screen-time
we are willing to give you at your age. It is important to us that you
don’t spend too much time on your phone and that you also do
other things. Do you know why that is so important to us? Do you
understand why we are concerned about it?”
In the olden days, it was not uncommon for some parents to try to
boost their child’s learning by criticising them. They might say to
their child things like:
Parents who speak to their children in this way probably hope that
their critical words would work to increase their child’s motivation by
triggering in the child a desire to prove the parents wrong.
Criticising children does not, however, usually boost their self-
confidence. It is a risky approach to parenting. If children internalise
their parents’ critical comments, their self-confidence can suffer seri-
ous damage.
Contemporary ideas about parenting rely more on encourage-
ment and praise than on criticism and fault finding. If you wish to
boost your child’s motivation to learn, it is better to avoid criticism
or focusing on failures. Boost the child’s confidence instead; con-
vince your child that even if you are fully aware of how difficult it
can be to develop new skills, nevertheless, you – and also other
people – are convinced that he or she will be able to make it. You
might say, for example:
Your child’s confidence – the child’s faith in being able to learn a skill
– is influenced by how strongly the people around the child believe
Finding a good way to remind the child of the skill when needed is
an important element of skills thinking. The recommendation is that
you reserve some time to make an agreement with your child about
how you will remind him or her of the skill when your child forgets,
repeats, or is about to repeat, his or her undesired behaviour.
If no such agreement is made with the child in advance, there is a
high risk that when the child forgets his or her skill, you will become
frustrated and respond by criticising or scolding the child:
Parents and other carers can prevent the vicious cycle of reminding
and dawdling by inviting children to participate in finding a way to
remind the child of a skill that is agreeable to him or her. A primary
school teacher shared with me the following example of how she has
used this idea with her pupils at school.
The gentle reminding method works not only with children but also
with adults, as the following example illustrates.
“I’ll give you 10 Euros for each A that you bring home from school,”
is a sentence that many a parent has uttered to their child. It is not
uncommon for parents to try to motivate their children to learn or to
improve their performance by promising to give them money, sweets,
or other rewards if they succeed. Offering to reward children in this
way sounds rational, but the method doesn’t work as well as one
might assume. I remember reading about a psychological field study
where the researchers offered to give a group of teenagers a consider-
able amount of money if they could succeed in raising their marks at
school to a certain degree at the end of the semester. All the students
in the research group were eager to accept the challenge and felt con-
fident that they would be able to accomplish the task. Despite the fact
that the reward offered to the students was a considerable sum of
money, none of them succeeded in attaining the goal at the end of the
semester. The researchers concluded that motivating children with
money does not bring about desired results.
─ Good try!
─ Give it one more go!
Even if the child does not succeed in practising their skill, you should
still consider praising the child for trying: “It didn’t quite work out
yet, but we could all see that you tried your best. Don’t worry, you will
soon get the hang of it.”
When your child realizes that you don’t only appreciate their suc-
cesses, but also their attempts and efforts, it will motivate them to
try even harder next time.
“I try to praise my son when he acts the way I want him to, but he
doesn’t like me praising him at all. Instead of becoming happy, he
Plan to celebrate
The celebration also offers an opportunity for the child to show their
appreciation to all their supporters who have in various ways helped
and supported them in learning the skill. Thanking supporters culti-
vates feelings of gratitude, intensifies bonds between people and adds
to the child’s motivation to maintain the skill that they have learned.
It may seem at first that celebration is just another way of reward-
ing the child for their accomplishment, and in a sense that’s true, but
I prefer to think of it as a ritual, or rite of passage, that reinforces
the child’s learning and changes the way the child is viewed by other
Use certificates
By now you are quite familiar with the principles of the skills approach;
you know how to convert your child’s challenges into skills he or she
can learn, you are familiar with a number of ways to motivate your
child to learn those skills, and you may even have attached a sheet of
paper on your refrigerator door to remind yourself of the guidelines
that help you put the ideas into practice in your day-to-day life with
your child. It is now time to invite you to move on to the next chapter
in which I will present to you a collection of illustrative case exam-
ples, inspiring true stories describing how parents, teachers and other
people involved in raising children have succeeded in helping children
overcome diverse challenges using the skills approach.
The skills approac h in action
DOI: 10.4324/9781003435723-6
he best way to learn to use any new method or approach is to
first observe someone else using the method and then use the
method yourself. If that is not possible, the second-best way, I
suppose, to learn a method is to hear stories of how someone used the
method and then try the method yourself.
This chapter consists of a collection of true stories about how skills
orientation was used to help children of diverse ages conquer differ-
ent types of challenges ranging from minor difficulties to more seri-
ous mental health issues.
Over the years I have come across numerous such stories. Most
of them are written by people who have participated in a training
workshop on using skills orientation with children. Submitting such
a report is the final step in the certification process.
Examples 63
hungry and cranky. His picky eating had caused him constipation. He
also had frequent stomach aches and constipation, which in turn had
made him avoid going to the toilet, with the result that he frequently
pooed into his trousers. In kindergarten, Allan refused to eat with
other children at the table. During lunchtime he hid behind the door
and refused to come out before the table was cleaned up.
Allan’s speech therapist had a meeting with the staff of the kin-
dergarten. In the meeting it was decided that the first skill for Allan
to learn was to eat lunch at the table together with other children.
This was such a big skill for Allan that the teachers decided to divide
it into smaller steps, the first being to learn to participate in setting
the table with the other children.
Allan quickly learned to participate in setting the table and was
praised by the staff and his parents for his accomplishment. His next
small skill was to learn to sit together with the other children at the
table during lunch without having to eat anything. When he mas-
tered that skill, he moved on to taking some food on his plate with-
out having to eat it. In this way, Allan progressed step-by-step until,
before long, he managed to eat together with the other children.
Once the eating problem had been conquered with the skills
approach, Allan’s parents brought up the toilet problem with the
speech therapist. Together they talked with Allan and proposed to
him that he would learn to go regularly to the toilet. Allan agreed.
He understood that not only would it make his parents happy, but
it would also help him avoid his tummy aches and be in a better
mood in the kindergarten.
When asked who he wanted to support him, Allan named his
parents, grandmother, and speech therapist. As his power creature,
he wanted to have his favourite Lego toy character. Allan’s mother
promised him that she would buy him that Lego character toy
when he learns to go regularly on the toilet.
Allan practised his skill by sitting some time on the toilet every
day. His mother encouraged him by staying close to him and prais-
ing him, regardless of whether or not he succeeded in producing
anything in the toilet.
Allan learned the skill of defecating into the toilet in a couple
of weeks. His mother bought him the Poop-King toy, as promised,
and Allan presented it proudly to his other supporters. He was so
Sunny wet his trousers almost daily. He was so lively that he simply
didn’t have enough patience to go to the toilet to pee. His twin
brother Walter poked fun at him and his problem by calling him
Sunny’s parents suggested to him that he learn the skill of tak-
ing breaks during play in order to go to the toilet to wee. Because
Sunny and Walter were together practically all the time, a plan was
drawn up together with them whereby the boys would take breaks
together. Sunny would learn to go to wee, and Walter would not
have to suffer from the nuisance of the smell of wee in his nose.
Both boys wanted to give the skill a name. Sunny called his skill
“ants in the pants,” and Walter called it “Little tree” after a popular
air freshener brand for cars. Sunny’s supporters were mom, dad,
Walter, big brother (whom the twins looked up to), grandparents,
and Aunt Hanna with her two daughters, who were a couple of
years older than the twins. As his power creature, Sunny wanted
Spiderman because he was a Spiderman fan and liked to wear a
Spiderman outfit.
Sunny wanted to organise a costume party when he had learned
his skill. Both boys became excited about the thought and planned
to dress as Spiderman at the event.
Sunny practised diligently with the support of his twin brother and
his big brother. He often brought up the subject at breakfast, suggest-
ing that the boys draw up a plan together about how many breaks
they would take during the day and when those beaks would take
place. Aunt Hanna made Sunny an “Ants-in-the-Pants” poster, where
Sunny was allowed to paste a star sticker in the evening if he had prac-
tised his skill of taking breaks that day. He got a sticker for practising
his skill regardless of whether or not he had wet his pants that day.
The sticker was earned for keeping breaks – not for keeping dry.
Examples 65
It only took two weeks for Sunny to learn to take breaks, to wee
in the toilet instead of his trousers, and to stay dry all day long
for several days in a row. The celebration was organized, and all of
Sunny’s supporters turned up in a costume – including grandpa who
surprised everyone by wearing a bunny costume. Aunt Hanna baked
a Spiderman cake and big brother took Sunny on a ride on his new
Sam was afraid of dogs to the extent that he had to turn down his
classmates’ invitations to their birthday parties if the family owned
a dog. Sam’s mother, who had learned about the skills approach,
suggested to him that he might want to try to overcome his fear of
Examples 67
dogs with the help of this method. Sam became interested in the
idea. He understood that overcoming his fear meant that he could
take part in his friends’ birthday parties and that he would be able
to play with his cousins when he visited his auntie’s house, where
they had two small dogs.
“What skill do you need to learn in order to overcome your fear
of dogs?” his mother asked Sam.
“I need to learn to let dogs come close to me and let them sniff
me,” Sam answered. His mother was impressed by his answer. It
seemed to confirm the assertion that converting challenges into
skills comes naturally to children.
As his supporters, Sam wanted to have his mother, father, grand-
mother, and the two sisters with whom he often played, who lived
just across the street from their house. He named his skill “Tucker
skill.” When his mother asked him how he wished to celebrate
learning his skill, he said he wanted to invite all his supporters to a
party where everyone would have a chance to enjoy his favourite
delicacy, grandma’s carrot cake.
The next day, Sam saw through the window that one of their
neighbours was walking their dog on the street just outside their
house. “C’mon, let’s go!” he said to his mother.
“Where do you want us to go?” asked his mother.
“Our neighbour is walking their dog on the street. I want to go to
practise my skill.”
They went together to the street to greet the dog and its owner.
Sam assumed a squatting position, covered his face with his hands,
and allowed the dog to sniff him for a while.
“You did it. Well done, Sam!” said his mother in awe when Sam got
up and the dog walked on with its owner.
“Yes, I know,” said Sam with a proud look on his face. He con-
tinued in the same breath, “Let’s call Grandma and tell her what I
just did!”
When Sam had practised his skill on several occasions for a few
weeks, he had learned his skill and overcome his fear of dogs. One
day, a week or two after the party had been arranged, his mother
noticed out of the corner of her eye that Sam was teaching his
newly learned skill to his 3-year-old younger brother with the help
of a cuddly toy.
Examples 69
help me to learn to take good care of my nails. If you sometimes see
that I forget my skill, you can say to me “Flick.” When I have learned
to take good care of my nails, I will invite you to a party that I hope
you will come to.”
“I wonder if we can figure out a way for you to practise your skill,”
said his mother. “What can you do to learn to take good care of
your nails?”
Dan explained that for him the most challenging situations were
those in which he needed to do something within a fixed time;
for example, when he was supposed to complete a set of algebra
problems in 5 minutes. Based on this observation, Dan and his
mother designed an exercise. His mother gave Dan a problem that
he was supposed to complete within a set timeframe without bit-
ing his nails. His mother used her phone to capture Dan’s perfor-
mance on video. It was obvious from watching the video that Dan
was struggling hard to maintain his skill while performing the task.
Even though he brought his fingers to his mouth a couple of times,
he succeeded in refraining from biting his nails.
Dan decided to practise his skill by repeating daily the exercise
that had been recorded on video. He planned to post a picture of
the chameleon next to his desk at home so that he could remind
himself of his skill by glancing occasionally at the picture. For
school Dan drew a small picture of the chameleon that he kept in
his pencil case and placed on his desk during lessons to remind him
of his skill.
In addition to this, his mother helped Dan create a poster for his
skill. In the centre of the poster was a picture of a treasure chest. The
idea was that when his mother would cut Dan’s nails, they would be
collected and glued onto the treasure chest on the poster.
When Dan and his mother told the rest of the family about the
plan and showed them the letter they had written, everyone said
they wanted to support Dan. In fact, they were all so impressed by
the plan that they too started to talk about skills that they might
need to learn and about possible power creatures that might help
them learn those skills.
When Dan sat down next time to follow up on his nail-project a
week later, he proudly presented his hands to his mother: He had
succeeded in growing four nails! Dan allowed his mother to cut the
Examples 71
exactly supposed to learn, but she nevertheless succeeded in getting
Amanda to give a name to the skill of paying attention to her small
successes. The skill was to be called “Princess-skill.” Amanda admired
various teenage celebrities, princesses, and just about anything that
was pretty and girly.
Practising the Princess-skill turned out to be challenging for
Amanda. The next day the teacher met with Amanda at the end
of the school day to see what she had managed to write into her
diary. Amanda had not succeeded in reporting any successes. The
teacher realized that she had given Amanda an assignment that was
too difficult for her to carry out. She realized that Amanda needed
some assistance to be able to do the assignment. The teacher sat
down with Amanda to review her day and to identify a few things
that had happened that could be seen as small successes. The same
happened the next day. Amanda had not managed to identify any
successes and the page that was reserved for that day in her diary
was empty. Again, the teacher helped her review her day and to find
something to write into the diary. It took one whole week before
Amanda started to get the hang of it and finally managed to write
something in her diary on her own without her teacher helping her.
Amanda worked on her Princess diary for three more weeks
with the support of her teacher. The teacher gave her an embossed
sticker each time she managed to write a few lines of text into her
diary describing something she had succeeded with. Amanda
decorated her diary with the embossed scraps she got from her
teacher and a few weeks later they both agreed that Amanda had
learned the Princess skill.
Amanda’s progress was slow, but not long after starting with the
project the teacher heard from some of Amanda’s classmates that
they had observed some changes in her. According to her class-
mates, she started to smile during recess and the badmouthing she
was notorious for had diminished considerably.
When Amanda’s teacher asked her later if there was another skill
that she wanted to learn, she said she wanted to learn to give com-
pliments to her classmates and to tell nice things about them to her
teacher. She had already decided to call this skill “the Queen skill.”
When Amanda changed schools the following year, her teacher
from the new school called the teacher at her previous school to find
Examples 73
In addition to his therapist, Adam’s supporters included his
mother, his teacher, and his father who lived in another city. Also,
his grandmother was informed, but her ability to support him was
limited because she lived far away. The therapist suggested that
Adam invite a few of his classmates to support him, but Adam was
not willing to do it. The therapist thought that his reluctance to
engage with his friends was a sign that he felt embarrassed of his
bad habit.
At first Adam was keen on developing his teddy bear skill, and
each time he managed to avoid using swearwords by saying “teddy”
instead, his supporters rewarded him with praise. He loved parties
and became quite excited when he learned that it would be possible
to celebrate his success in some way when he had learned his skill.
Not surprisingly, he wanted to plan the celebration to the theme of
teddy bears. Guests would naturally be served teddy gummies and
they would play a party game called “teddy’s tail,” in which blind-
folded players tried to attach the teddy bear’s tail to the right spot
on a picture of a teddy bear.
That Adam would stop swearing entirely seemed unrealistic, but
even just reducing swearing considerably was considered an achieve-
ment worthy of celebration. Adam practised his teddy bear skill with
the help of a role-play with his occupational therapist at the clinic and
with his mother at home. The role-play involved staging all kinds of
situations in which Adam pretended to be irritated and then, instead
of cursing, he embellished his language with the word “teddy” or
“teddy bear.” Adam liked the game, and it was therefore not difficult
to get him to agree to play it.
Adam experienced frequent setbacks, but the skills approach
helped his supporters to relate to him differently. When Adam for-
got his skill at home and began to swear again with a loud voice, his
mother reminded him of his teddy bear skill by holding Adam’s power
teddy in her hands and showing it to him. At school the picture of a
teddy served a similar function, as it gave his teacher the option of
not saying anything but simply pointing to the picture of the teddy
Gradually Adam’s swearing lessened to the extent that the
planned party could be arranged. He had also succeeded in gather-
ing an impressive collection of teddy bear stickers that his mother
Tom had been placed in a small special class due to his impulsivity. He
had the bad habit of shouting out with a loud voice whatever thoughts
happened to come to his mind. And when he began talking, it was
difficult to interrupt him or to make him stop. His manner of commu-
nication was disturbing other pupils and led to numerous arguments
and fights with his fellow classmates.
Another challenge of Tom’s was that it was very difficult for him to
concentrate on listening to his teacher. His own thoughts appeared
to race so fast that he often failed to hear what the teacher had just
said. If the teacher, or the teacher’s assistant, tried to find out from
him whether he had heard the teacher’s instruction, he tended to
become irritated and began to blame the adult for bugging him.
Tom’s third challenge was that he did not tolerate his teacher,
or the assistant teacher, helping him with his assignments. When
Examples 75
they tried, he began to crank and speak rudely to the teacher or the
assistant teacher. Even an adult standing near him observing him
working on his task was enough to irritate him when he himself felt
that he didn’t need any help.
All the pupils in the special class were learning skills guided by the
teacher. Tom’s first skill was called “note skill.” The purpose of the
skill was to help him overcome his habit of calling out his thoughts
in a high voice during lessons. This is what he wrote about the note
skill into his notebook.
Examples 77
“That makes sense,” said the teacher. “The helping hand skill will
help you convert your meltdown moments into moments of guidance
and support. I think it’s a lovely idea. Perhaps you should also pick a
superhero that will help you learn the skill and remind you of your
skill when you feel like crying and shouting.”
Marco found the idea appealing. He chose a cool and composed
superhero from one of his favourite computer games and used
the computer skilfully to create an image where his superhero was
standing proudly with his hand raised. He pasted the image onto
his desk to support him and to remind him of his skill.
His superhero was certainly useful for him, but even more useful
was the support and help that he got from his peers. All the other
pupils in the class were excited to play their part in helping him.
They knew that it was difficult for Marco to control his emotions
and understood that he might indeed benefit from developing
the helping hand skill, or the skill of requesting help when he felt
It took time to get Marco to remember to use the helping hand skill,
but even if slow, his progress was steady. He himself came up with the
idea of sitting next to the teacher in the classroom so that it would be
easier for him to request help from her when needed. Gradually Marco
began to realise that he could do things without having to burst out
shouting and crying even if he found the task overwhelming. Instead,
he could raise his hand and get someone to support and help him.
Above all, he no longer needed to feel isolated because of his extra
sensitivity. He now had a team of people eager to help and support
Marco realised that raising his hand to request support worked
well and the teacher could see that he was proud and happy every
time he succeeded in doing so. His self-confidence improved to the
extent that for the first time he started cutting and pasting his own
worksheets and working on his own books in class. To celebrate his
achievement Marco chose to watch a movie with his classmates.
The teacher supported Marco’s development not only by respond-
ing promptly to him when he raised his hand for help, but also by tak-
ing photos of his achievements and surprising his parents by emailing
the photos to them.
Examples 79
“I don’t like it. She makes fun of me. If I don’t understand what she
says, she is nasty to me.”
“And what do you do then?”
“I become angry, and I want to fight with her. I feel like I am not
important. I hate being the youngest one in our family!”
“You are right. You are the youngest and it can sometimes be
hard to be the youngest, but I don’t think we can change that. Is
there something else we could change to make you happier?”
“Could you tell her to stop teasing me?”
“I can do that, but do you think it will work? Do you think she will
stop provoking you if I tell her to stop teasing you?”
“No, I think she will provoke me even if you tell her to stop. My
mother can tell her to stop, but she did already, and it didn’t help.”
“I have an idea. What if we try to find a skill for you to learn?”
“What kind of skill? How to become better at fighting with her?”
“I don’t think that would be a good skill for you to learn. I think it
would just make your mother more upset.”
“That’s true. So, what kind of skill do you mean?”
“What if you learned the skill of reacting without feeling bad?
What if you learned to respond to her “insults” in a different way, by
just smiling at her or saying something nice to her? If you succeed
in doing that, everyone would be happier. What do you think?”
“Okay. It will be fun. I will surprise them all.”
“You would certainly surprise everyone. But it’s not an easy skill
to learn. How could you learn to be more patient with her?”
“I need to learn to think before I say anything.”
“That’s a smart idea: “to think before saying anything.” What should
you think about before saying anything?”
“I need to think about how what I say influences my sister. I need
to say something that will not provoke or hurt her.”
“Would you say that the skill you need to learn is to learn to react
thoughtfully? Is that correct?”
“Yes. To learn to react thoughtfully.”
Once we had come to an agreement about the skill she would
benefit from learning, I asked her about what good learning that
skill would do her. She was able to list several things. She said
that she would feel better and wouldn’t be so angry at her sisters.
Examples 81
Concentration problem, 12-year-old boy
Examples 83
Interrupting, 12-year-old girl
Sara had several challenges. She was overweight, she had a short
attention span and she often got into fights with her friends. She
was diagnosed with ADHD, and she had been recommended
medication, but her parents didn’t like the idea of putting her on
Sara’s teacher invited Sara and her parents to come to the school
for a meeting to discuss how the school could best support Sara’s
learning. The teacher had asked Sara’s parents to think in advance
about what skills she needed to develop to be more successful at
school. The topic had been discussed at home and her mother had
written down a few skills that the parents thought Sara might ben-
efit from becoming better at. These included “the skill that I do not
interrupt adults when they speak,” “the skill to raise my hand in
class when I want to speak,” “the skill of being kinder towards my
brother,” (Sara had physically attacked her handicapped brother on
repeated occasions) and “the skill of sitting in my place in class for
longer periods of time.”
“Those are all good skills for Sara to learn,” said the teacher. “We
just need to decide which one to start with.”
The parents gave the question some thought and concluded that
for the moment the most important skill for Sara to learn was to not
interrupt adults. Sara agreed. She said, “I know I am too impatient.”
It was not difficult for Sara to think of what benefits learning the
skill would bring: “My friends would respect me more and they would
like to be with me more. I think I might even make some new friends.
I wouldn’t be told off so often at school and I wouldn’t be dismissed
from class as often. I would be able to listen to the teachers better and
I wouldn’t be criticized so much anymore.”
The teachers suggested Sara give a name to her skill. Sara wanted
to call the skill “waiting tone.” She explained that often when you call
a number there is an automated answering machine that tells you to
wait until a person will talk to you. While you are waiting you must
listen to some boring music, to a waiting tone.
Sara wanted as her supporters her teacher, both her parents, her
maternal and paternal grandmothers, two of her good friends, and
Examples 85
elsewhere also, for example in her dance class, with her friends, and
with her brother.
Examples 87
but she didn’t buy my suggestion. “Dad, this is my first skill. We
must celebrate it properly.”
We then went on to role-play various scenarios where she would
become upset and then respond by coming to me to tell me that
her head was whirring. Fanny’s mother joined us and made a video
recording of us doing the role-play. I did something to upset her,
and she pretended to be upset. She then said “Mask,” and whirred
around as she went to her mother to tell her that I was trying to
upset her, and she didn’t like it. I would then say, “I’m sorry for
upsetting you.” That’s how the scenario played out.
We tried to make sure to repeat a version of the role-play a
couple of times a week. Fortunately, Fanny found our role-play
hilarious, and we were sure to praise her for how good she was at
expressing herself with words to avoid meltdowns. Practising the
skill in this way was fun for the entire family; listening to half
an hour of a chid screaming and shouting had been replaced with
laughter and fun.
When I asked Fanny how she wanted us to remind her of the
Whirring Skill if any of us felt she needed to be reminded of it, she
came up with a creative solution. “You can just ask me, “Where’s the
Mask?”” and needless to say, in order for us to be able to do it in the
right way, she had us watch The Mask more than once.
We made an agreement with Fanny that if she managed to use her
new skill for 4 weeks, we would celebrate by going together with her
to McDonald’s.
Fanny enjoyed the skills approach. In fact, she enjoyed it so much
that she had trouble staying on task because she was constantly
getting ideas of what other skills she wanted to start learning using
the same approach.
Over the years a great many experts and experienced people
had tried to help Fanny but this was the first time anyone had tried
to do it by replacing her problem with a skill that she could learn.
The approach had a massive impact on this little girl who, for most
of her life, had been described by other people as problematic,
disturbed, or naughty. Next year, when Fanny was in 6th grade
at school, she became a mentor for some younger children in the
third grade who needed support in learning the Whirring Skill.
Simon had been a successful student at school, but during the last
semester his grades had dropped, he had neglected his personal
hygiene, and he had started to sleep restlessly. His mother had
heard him scream in his sleep, “Kill them, kill them!” There was a
reason for his deterioration: He had become severely addicted to
a popular online first-person shooter video game. There had been
many arguments about his gaming at home. Once when his mother
had threatened to pull the plug from his computer, he had become
furious and threatened to attack her if she would even lay a finger
on any of the computer cords.
His mother reserved an appointment with their family doctor to go
and talk with her about the thorny situation together with Simon. As
soon as she had briefly explained the situation to the family doctor,
she turned to him and asked him questions about the video game that
he played. “What kind of a game is it?” “Are you good at it?” “How did
you become so good at it?” “Do you play by yourself, or do you have a
team online?” “What fascinates you about the game?” “Can you show
me some pictures of scenes of the game?” The family doctor showed
that she was interested in both his mother’s concerns and Simon’s fas-
cination with the game.
As the meeting was nearing its end, the doctor began to wonder
aloud what skill Simon would perhaps need to develop in order for
the arguments about his playing to subside and for peace to return
to the family. Because none of them were able to come up with a
suggestion, the doctor suggested to the mother and Simon that
they would reserve another appointment with her in two weeks to
continue the conversation. She also gave both a homework assign-
ment. To the mother she said, “I want you to talk with your husband
and to think about what skill you would want Simon to learn that
would help you put an end to the arguments about playing.” Then
she turned to Simon and said, “I have a homework assignment for
you too, Simon. Your parents will be thinking about what skill they
want you to learn, and your job is to give a name to that skill. I will
look forward to seeing you again in two weeks and I am already
curious to find out what you will come up with.”
Examples 89
When Simon and his mother came back in two weeks, they both
appeared to be in a good mood compared to how they had looked
when they came in the previous time. Simon’s mother reported that
there had been fewer arguments about playing and that Simon
had devoted a little bit more time to his schoolwork.
“Did you talk with your husband about what skill you would
want Simon to learn?” the doctor asked the mother.
“We thought about it and came to the conclusion that while get-
ting him to stop playing his video game is unrealistic, he should
learn to take longer breaks from playing. For example, he should be
able to put the game aside when he does his homework or when
he sits with us at the dinner table.”
“That sounds like a good idea to me,” said the doctor. “What
about you, Simon? Did you do your homework? Have you found a
name for the skill your parents would want you to develop?”
“I have”, said Simon. “The name of that skill is “formatting.””
The conversations with the family doctor helped to initiate a pro-
ject that had positive effects not only on Simon’s gaming addiction,
but also on the rest of the family’s screen time use as well. When his
mother and Simon came to talk to the family doctor the third time,
the doctor suggested that the family might perhaps celebrate in some
way the positive changes that had been accomplished.
Simon said, “We can celebrate, but not until my brother has also
learned the same skill that I have learned.”
I hope that you have been inspired by the case stories that I have
presented in this chapter and that you feel ready to check out the
next chapter in which I address, in alphabetical order, all common
children’s challenges from A to Z.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003435723-7
n this chapter you will find an alphabetical listing of common –
and also some not so common – children’s challenges and prob-
lems and my suggestion for how to understand and tackle them
using the skills approach.
To learn more about using the skills-based approach with children diagnosed
with ADHD, read the stories of 8-year-old Adam and the 12-year-olds
Walter and Sara in the previous chapter.
Bipolar disorder
What skills are missing from a child who bullies other children?
One often hears people say that a child who is mean to others lacks
empathy or the ability to put oneself in the other person’s shoes. But
empathy is a broad concept which consists of many skills, such as the
skill of defending one’s friends when they get bullied, and the skill of
apologising when one has hurt someone else’s feelings.
The skill of sticking up for friends is an essential element of empathy.
You can open a conversation about the topic with your child, for exam-
ple, by asking them: “What can you say, or do, if you see a child bullying
another child and calling them stupid or fat?” A question such as that one
can prompt a useful discussion between you and your child. The skill of
sticking up for friends is a topic that children find interesting, and also
a skill that they can practise with the help of role-play. “How would you
stick up for me if I was a child and you saw someone else calling me stu-
pid? Let’s pretend that I’m the one who called the other child stupid. What
will you say to me?” The better your child understands how important it
When parents find out that their child is being verbally bullied in day
care or school, they usually respond with a strong desire to defend
their child. They contact the teacher, expecting the problem to be
taken seriously, and that the teacher will make sure the bullying
ceases. Often this works but unfortunately, in many cases, the bul-
lying continues despite the teacher’s efforts to stop it, or the bullying
becomes so inconspicuous that it goes undetectable. Sometimes the
bullying does cease, but the child is so sensitised to bullying that they
feel bullied even if all children assert that it is no longer taking place.
For reasons such as these, it is good to know that it is also possi-
ble to approach bullying from another direction by trying to help the
You can practise the art of smart comebacks with your child with the help of
Witty Winny, an app that I have created for that purpose. Find it at www bully-en
To learn more about this topic, read the story of 9-year-old Tom in the previ-
ous chapter and read the text under the heading ‘Attention deficit disorder’
in this chapter.
● You offer your child two or more alternatives, from which they
can choose the one they prefer. To use the case of the boy with
the cap as an example, it might sound something like this: “Do
you want to take your cap off now or do you prefer to keep it on
for a bit longer?” or “Do you want to take off your cap here or when
One way to think about defiance is to view it as a sign that the child
has not yet learned the skill of following the instructions of adults, a
skill that children can learn and become better at and a skill that they
may in fact enjoy learning.
If you want your child to learn the skill of following instructions,
start by talking with them about the benefits to themselves of learn-
ing that skill. Your child may well become interested in learning a
skill like following instructions if they understand that they will gain
from it. Children can practise the skill in many ways. Small children
like different versions of games such as Simon Says, where one person
Learn more about this topic by reading the text under the heading ‘Obedience’
in this chapter.
All kinds of fears are common among children. Not unlike adults,
children can also develop a fear of just about anything. Common fears
among children include insects, animals, darkness, social situations,
needles, going to the dentist, getting lost, and high places. Children
can also develop fears of vomiting, blood, monsters, robbers, intoxi-
cated people, or bad things happening to their parents. Only imagina-
tion is the limit for what things children can become afraid of.
Fears are part of life. The human brain is simply constructed in a
way that allows the fear response to be triggered easily, and once
the fear is borne, it tends to persist if the person doesn’t deliber-
ately do something to overcome it.
Whatever your child is afraid of, you can help them overcome
their fear. The best way to help children overcome their fears is to
stop talking to them about their fear and to talk, instead, of the
courage that they lack and need to build (to overcome their fear).
For example, if your child is afraid of dogs, don’t talk to them about
fear of dogs, but about dog courage and what to do to build it. If your
child is afraid of the dark, don’t talk to them about fear of the dark,
but about darkness courage and what to do to build it. If your child is
afraid of burglars, don’t talk to them about fear of burglars but about
safety and about how to build feelings of safety. When talking with
your child, focus on a courage that needs building instead of a fear
that needs to be conquered; it is easier for your child to join you in
inventing various ways to practise and develop the courage.
It is possible to use imagination to develop courage. For exam-
ple, a child who is afraid that they will be teased by some of the oth-
ers at school can develop their bravery by imagining that they have
an invisible protective shield that makes them invulnerable. They
can imagine that if they turn on the shield at school when needed,
none of the mean words from the other children can hurt them.
Another way for children to use their fantasy in developing spe-
cific braveries is to imagine that they have an invisible protector – a
friend, animal, superhero – on their side in situations that are scary
to them. One boy who was afraid that monsters would enter his
room during the night came up together with his parents with the
Learn more about this topic by reading the story of 7-year-old Sam in the
previous chapter.
Finger sucking
Finger sucking is probably one of the most common of children’s bad hab-
its. In babies it’s not a problem, but when children are 3 or older, sucking
fingers becomes a problem because it causes misalignment of teeth.
To get their children to stop sucking fingers, many parents tell
the child to stop doing it: “Take your thumb out of your mouth,” or
“Don’t suck your fingers!” or “You doing it again? Stop it,” or “Don’t
you remember what the dentist said?” However, as we all know by
now, telling children to stop doing something doesn’t usually work
and often only makes things worse.
Milton Erickson, an American psychiatrist who was influential in
the 20th century and who has been an important inspiration to me,
told a story of how he helped a 5-year-old boy stop sucking his thumb.
The boy’s parents reserved an appointment with Dr Erickson because
they had been told that he was an expert in hypnosis and that he had
Hair pulling
With interrupting I mean here that the child doesn’t have the
patience to wait for their turn to speak and, instead, constantly
interrupts other people when they speak. At home the child’s ten-
dency to interrupt others may not be regarded as a problem at
all, but at school interrupting the teachers and also classmates is
perceived as a significant problem. It disturbs teaching because at
school children are supposed to be able to control their urge to
blurt out their thoughts and ideas, to ask for permission to speak
by raising their hand and to wait patiently until they are granted
that permission.
It is common to think interrupting others is a sign of attention-
seeking behaviour and that children who do so are used to being the
centre of all attention at home. This may be true, but a skills approach
may work better for solving the problem. To use the skills approach
you will not focus on figuring out why your child interrupts others,
but on what skill they are lacking that they need to be able to grow out
of their interrupting habit.
Such skills include, among others:
Learn more about this topic by reading the story of 12-year-old Sara in the
previous chapter.
Low self-esteem
Low self-esteem means that the child does not believe in their abil-
ity to succeed and feels that they are in some way inferior to others.
Conversely, one can say that good self-esteem means that the child
believes in their ability to succeed and feels just as good as anyone else.
It is often thought that self-esteem, or self-confidence, is a relatively
stable personality trait, but it is also possible to think of self-esteem as
a trait that consists of skills that can be learned and developed.
These skills include:
To learn more about this topic, read the story of 8-year-old Amanda in the
previous chapter.
Nail biting
To learn more about this topic, read the story of 7-year-old Dan in the previ-
ous chapter.
The word nightmares means here that a child has the same unpleas-
ant, anxiety-triggering dream that usually wakes them up crying and
feeling upset. Sometimes the nightmare is triggered by a scary event
that the child has experienced, but apparently nightmares can also
be triggered inside the child’s imagination with no connection to any
real-life event.
Children can get rid of nightmares by developing a skill: the skill
of influencing the content of bad dreams. You can teach your child
this skill by using the same method that Nigel’s grandmother used
in a picture book I have written called Nigel’s Nightmare. The book
tells the story of Nigel, who suffers from a recurring nightmare. One
night, when Nigel is having a sleepover at his grandmother’s, he
starts to cry at bedtime.
“Why are you crying?” asks Grandma.
“I am afraid I will wake up in the night again to the same night-
mare, where 3 big trucks are chasing me,” Nigel explains.
“Oh, so you don’t know, Nigel, that there are no nightmares,”
says Grandma.
“But I have nightmares,” Nigel protests.
“There are no nightmares,” Grandma explains. “All dreams have
a happy ending.”
“But mine doesn’t have a happy ending,” Nigel insists.
“Of course not, if you wake up in the middle and you don’t wait
to see what happens next,” says Grandma.
Together they then imagine one possible happy ending for Nigel’s
dream. In that version the scary trucks that are chasing Nigel stop
“We all sometimes have all sorts of worries and fears, and many
of them are unnecessary, even if at the moment they enter our
mind, they scare us a lot. If you are patient and you just wait for a
while, they will usually fade away as they become replaced with
other thoughts.”
You can suggest to your child the idea that the worries are caused by
some sort of creature, let’s say “the worry gremlin,” a creature that
appears out of nowhere and puts all sorts of worrisome thoughts into
the heads of children. It is easier for your child to come up with strate-
gies to ignore their worries if they can think that their getting stuck
with a worry is not a fault within, but a thing caused by an imagi-
nary creature of some sort. If your child finds this idea appealing,
you can ask them to draw a picture of the imaginary creature. The
child’s drawing of their worry creature will help them get some dis-
tance from their problem.
You can find more ideas of how to help children suffering from OCD in an
article I have written about the topic entitled “Brief therapy techniques for
children suffering from OCD.” The article can be downloaded from my web-
site To find the article, sign in to the “Download
area” and once you have access to the area, choose “Articles to download”
and find the article in the list.
I also recommend that you familiarise yourself with “Anxious Andy,” one
of my self-help apps designed for children. It is an experimental computer
program that helps children develop their skill of letting go of unnecessary
worries. You can find the app at
See also the text under the heading “Unhealthy diet” in this chapter.
Picky eating
With picky eating, I mean that the child is very picky about what food-
stuffs they agree to eat. For example, the child refuses to eat salad or
vegetables, or only agrees to eat a few foods and no others. Generally,
the problem subsides with time, and very rarely does it become so
serious that the child’s healthy growth and development is endan-
gered. Whatever the case, a child’s picky eating is a problem because it
complicates meals and causes worry in the child’s parents.
You can help your picky eater by to enticing them to improve
their “tasting skill,” or the skill of trying new tastes and new food-
stuffs. Children can develop their tasting skill by playing a game,
the “tasting game,” which all family members can take part in.
One possible way to play the “tasting game” is that together with
your child you start tasting every day at least one or two different new
foodstuffs. For example, today you taste olives and pineapple, tomor-
row you taste carrots and pickled cucumbers, the day after tomorrow
you taste coconut and cinnamon, etc. It is possible to find ways to
make the game fun. For example, I remember playing a version of such
a game with my daughters when they were little. Every time we would
Learn more about this topic by reading the story of 4-year-old Linda in the
previous chapter.
It may be useful to think that that your child doesn’t break rules
because they are mean, but because they lack some skill that they
need to learn to keep on the right path.
For example, if your child has the bad habit of hitting other chil-
dren when they get angry, you don’t need to think that they are
mean. Instead, you might think that they lack a skill that would
allow them to avoid hitting other children. That skill might be, for
example, “the skill of apologising to the child that you have hurt,”
or “the skill of putting your anger into words,” or “the skill of calm-
ing yourself down in situations where you become angry and have
the risk of starting to hit others.”
You can read more about this topic by visiting the Steps of Responsibility
website, /english/responsibility which I designed
more than two decades ago for the Finnish Board of Education with fund-
ing from the European Union. On that website you will also find an app
that you may find interesting that helps young people compose thought-
fully written apology letters - /english/responsiblity
/sorry_ letter
Screen time
Parents often think about how much time they should allow their
children to spend on their phones. If parents don’t set any limits at
all for their children, they can spend hours on end on their phones.
On the other hand, if the parents try to limit the time their children
spend in front of screens, they may be taken by surprise when they
realise how far they will go in their battle for the command of their
Read the story of 14-year-old Simon in the previous chapter to learn more
about how to apply the skills approach to dealing with the screen-time
Selective mutism
Separation anxiety
Controlling the pitch and volume of one’s voice is a social skill that
all children need to learn. A child who speaks loudly or who shouts
is probably not aware of the volume of their voice. Therefore, the first
step for a child who is too loud is to learn to become aware of the vol-
ume of their own voice.
One smart way to help children become more aware of the vol-
ume of their voice is an app that can be downloaded on your phone,
that shows the volume of one’s voice in a visual form. Another alter-
native to teach children volume awareness is to use your hand for
signalling. You can say, “Now you are speaking this loud,” while
you raise your hand to a certain level in front of you. “Say the same
again with a slightly lower voice and I will use my hand to show you
your volume.”
When the child becomes more aware of the volume of their voice,
the next step for them is to learn to control the volume in situations
where they tend to speak too loudly.
An important part of helping a child learn to control the volume of
their voice is to let them decide how they want other people to remind
them of the skill. It is possible to find playful ways to do it. You may,
for example, pretend that somewhere on your child’s body there is a
“volume knob” that can be turned right to raise the volume and left
to lower the volume. The game prepares the child for simple gestures
that you and their other supporters can use to remind them of the
skill of turning down their voice when it is too loud for the situation.
Sibling rivalry
If you have more than one child in your family, you probably know
from experience that siblings have a tendency to argue, fight, compete
with one another, and they may even physically attack each other.
Children can be nasty towards their siblings in many ways and even
bullying is not uncommon.
Children seem to adapt astonishingly well to their ongoing bat-
tle with their siblings. Parents, on the other hand, tend to suffer
from their children’s fighting and the fact that they constantly have
to intervene and try to mediate between their offspring.
The term “sibling rivalry” is often used to refer to siblings’ constant
arguing and quarrelling. This choice of words suggests that the prob-
lem is caused by competition and jealousy between siblings. I doubt
You can you help your children learn the thanking skill, for exam-
ple, with the help of the following exercise. Make it a habit to dis-
cuss successes with your children at dinner. “Samuel, it’s your turn
to start. What you have done today that you are proud of, that
you have succeeded with?” “What about you, Anton?” When your
children have talked about their successes today, help them think
about how they could thank each other. “We are all proud of you.
Samuel. Well done. Thanks for sharing. Who contributed to your
success? How did Anton contribute? What can you thank him for?”
“What about you, Anton? How did Samuel contribute? What can
you thank him for?”
It may not be easy at first for your children to thank each other for
their own successes, but with your help they will gradually learn to
thank one another for their successes – and the more they thank each
other, the less they fight with each other.
Many children wake up at some point in the night and, while half-
asleep, crawl into their parents’ bed to sleep the rest of the night there.
Some parents welcome their child into their own bed, but others are
disturbed by it, especially if the child sleeps restlessly and there is
limited space in the bed.
If you want your child to learn to sleep in their own bed through
the night, your child would need to learn the skill of “going back to
sleep in your own bed if you wake up in the middle of the night.”
Explain to your child that they have now become so big, that it is
time for them to learn to sleep in their own bed through the night
until the morning. Help them think of a funny name for this skill and
ask them to choose a cuddly toy to help them learn the skill. Also,
make an agreement with the child about how many nights they
should manage to sleep in their own bed till the morning before a
party can be arranged to celebrate and honour the child’s learning
of the skill.
If you have made an agreement with your child about the number
of nights they need to manage to sleep in their own bed until the
morning, you can put a calendar in your child’s room to mark the
nights when they have managed to sleep in their own bed through
the night. If sleeping in their own bed until dawn is too much of a
See the end of the story of 8-year-old Adam in the previous chapter.
To learn more about this subject, read the story of 5-year-old Jesse in the
previous chapter on this topic.
To learn more about how to help children with tantrums, read the story of
12-year-old Fanny in the previous chapter. You may also be interested to
read, together with your child, an illustrated story that I have written based
on the skills approach called “Linda tames her tiger.”
Upsetting experiences can trigger nightmares. See the section about night-
mares in this chapter to find out how to help children overcome nightmares.
Parents’ divorce is an upsetting experience that touches in the lives of many
children. See the section about divorce in this chapter to learn more about
how to help children cope with divorce.
Unhealthy diet
With violent behaviour I mean here that a child hits, kicks, shoves, or
scratches other children, or spits on them, or does something similar
towards their own parents or other adults around them.
Violent behaviour is unacceptable, and it is therefore the duty of
the child’s parents to help the child stop their violent behaviour.
Whatever the reason for the child’s violent behaviour, it is important
to help the child find a skill to learn that allows them to gain better
control of their anger. The missing skill is, by definition, the “ability
to respond to anger and frustration in a socially acceptable manner.”
Accordingly, one can say that a child who uses violence has not yet
found better ways to deal with their anger, ways that they can learn
and develop with the help and support of their family and friends.
Four-year-old Emmy had the bad habit of hitting other children in
kindergarten. When her teacher sat down to talk to Emmy about the
issue, she said to her: “I have noticed that when you get angry with the
other children, you sometimes hit them. I’m sure you know that it is
wrong to do so. We don’t want you to hurt anyone, but I can help you.
How about from now on, whenever you get angry with another child,
instead of hitting anyone, you will run to me as quickly as you can,
and you tell me what happened that upset you. When you have told
me, I will help you find a solution. Do you want to learn to do that?”
Emmy understood that it was a skill worthwhile learning.
Ten-year-old Jack attended a small alternative school where the
entire staff had been trained in the skills approach. Jack had the bad
habit of attacking other children when he became furious. The prob-
lem was serious because the parents of some of the other children
in the school had started to voice demands that Jack needed to be
excluded from the school. The principal of the school had a frank talk
You can find more information on the topic of apology in the section with the
heading ‘Punishment’ in this chapter.
Daytime wetting
Bedwetting means that the child urinates in his or her bed while asleep
even though the child is already old enough to be expected to be dry
throughout the night. Learning to be dry throughout the night is a
physiological skill that children usually learn by the age of 3 or 4, but
for some children – for an unknown reason – it takes years to develop
that skill. Fortunately, keeping dry throughout the night is a skill that
children can deliberately practise and learn.
The rule of thumb in helping children who suffer from bedwet-
ting is not to focus on reducing wetting, but on increasing dry nights
instead. You can place a calendar on the wall of the child’s room and
use it to make a mark on each day the bed is dry in the morning. You
can also make an agreement with the child in advance about the way
in which you will celebrate with him or her once they have succeeded
in collecting a given number of signs in the calendar for dry mornings.
It is important to help the child understand how their bladder
works. Explain to your child, with the help of a drawing, how the
brain and the bladder are connected to each other with nerves. Your
drawing of a human being should show the brain in the head, the pee
container, the bladder, in the lower abdomen, and a nerve connect-
ing the two. The bladder should have some sort of valve or tap which
can be opened and closed by the brain. The brain is responsible for
opening the valve when a person goes to the toilet and for keeping
the valve tightly closed at other times, including the night. The reason
children sometimes wet the bed is that the child sleeps so soundly
If you have read this far, you have by now probably formed a pretty
good understanding of what I mean when I speak about the skills
approach to parenting. I may have succeeded in confirming your own
thinking or in inspiring you to see your child’s development with new
eyes. In any case, I hope I have succeeded in awakening your desire to
try the approach with your own child. To this end, I conclude the book
with a few useful hints that will hopefully help you avoid common
pitfalls as you set out to put the ideas into practice in your own family.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003435723-8
f, after reading this book, you have become inspired by the skills
approach and you feel like putting the approach into practice with
your own child, or a child you care for, you may benefit from the
following few practical reminders.
1. Establish a connection
with the child first
The skills approach is founded on collaboration with the child. For the
approach to work, you need to start by connecting with the child. There
are many ways you can do this. You can, for example, pick a good moment
for the conversation, then you prepare your child in some way for a con-
versation; or you can start by praising them for their good qualities. A
good way to connect with your child before talking with them about skills
to learn is to start the conversation by talking with your child about the
many skills they have already learned and become better at. It is easier
for children to accept the idea that there is one or more skills they might
benefit from learning if you first talk about the various skills that they
have already managed to develop.
“How do I get my child to agree to learn the skill I would want him
or her to learn?” is a question that I often hear when I speak to par-
ents or educators about the skills approach. I have often presented
this same question to people who have told me stories of how they
have used the approach with their own children. Here are some
examples of answers that I have heard from them:
“We have two biological children and one foster child. We solved the
problem by deciding that all of us, not only our foster child but also our
two other children as well as me and my husband, all had a skill to learn.
I think it was much easier for our foster child to go along with the idea of
learning a skill when it was not only something she had to do, but some-
thing that we were all doing.”
“I knew that if I would tell my daughter that I would want her to learn
the skill that I was thinking of, she would not go for it. I had tried many
times before to talk about the issue and she had rejected me every time.
So, I decided to do it differently. I told her father, my ex-husband, about
the skills approach and about the skill that I wanted our daughter to
learn. Luckily, he agreed with me that it was an important skill for our
daughter to develop. I reminded him of the fact that our daughter adores
him and that she might be more willing to agree to learn the skill if the
proposal came from him rather than me. He agreed to talk to her, and it
worked. I think in our case it was better that the proposal came from her
father rather than me.”
“I went home after the workshop and told my son about what I had
learned. I showed him some pictures and explained to him the idea that
children can overcome all kinds of challenges by learning skills. Then I
asked him if he wanted to help me to learn to use the approach, that is, if
he would be willing to allow me to try the approach with him. He readily
agreed and once he had said ‘yes’ to the idea, it was no longer difficult to
find an agreement about a skill for him to learn.”
The old saying “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it
drink” applies to children. We cannot force children to learn what we
want them to learn, but we can raise their interest in learning, not
I often emphasise (once again) that to use the skills approach, you
should make sure that when you talk about a skill to learn, you always
talk about learning to act in a desired manner rather than learning to
stop acting in an undesired manner. If, for example, a child should learn
not to speak with his mouth full of food, the skill to learn should not
be defined as “I will learn not to speak with my mouth full of food,”
but as something along the lines of “I will learn to wait till my mouth
is empty before I speak,” or if a child needs to learn not to get into
fights with other children, the skill should not be defined as “I will
stop getting fighting with other children,” but, for example, as “I will
learn to put my hands in my pockets and walk away if I get cross with
other children.” In other words, make sure that when talking about
skills, you always talk about the things you want your child to learn
to do rather than the undesired things that you would want your child
to stop doing.
When parents first start thinking about what skills their child would
need to learn, they often initially think of high-level skills that are
too broad for children to understand. Parents may say, for example,
that they think their child needs to “have more self-confidence,”
“develop better self-control,” “have a better attitude,” or “have
more empathy.” It is difficult for children to comprehend such
abstract and high-level adult language because such words do not
give them clues as to what exactly they are expected to learn to do
or say. For children to be able to learn skills, the skills need to be
concrete — something that can be role plays, demonstrated and
DOI: 10.4324/9781003435723-9
have so far in this book focused on describing how parents can
apply the skills approach to support the development of their
children, but it has surely become evident that also teachers and
other educators can benefit greatly from adopting the skills approach
in their day-to-day communication with the students and caretakers
A teacher said that learning about the skills approach had changed
her way of talking to her students. “Before,” she said, “if a student was
late, I would approach her and ask her, ‘Why are you 15 minutes late
again?’ and that got me nowhere. Nowadays I start the conversation
differently. Rather than confronting them about being late, I ask them,
‘What can you do to be a little less late tomorrow?’ It may sound silly,
but by initiating the conversation in this way the student responds
differently and we end up having a good talk about the issue.”
Let’s look at how the skills approach can be used to tackle the increas-
ingly common problem of students’ disruptive behaviour in class.
Disruptive behaviour can take many forms. I found on an Internet
forum a post submitted by a student listing various ways to act dis-
ruptively in class. The list included the following items:
● Laughing
● Giggling
● Talking with a classmate
● Shouting
● Telling the teacher off
● Rampaging
● Sending notes
● Not doing one’s homework
● Spying in exams
● Answering always “I don’t know” or “Beats me”
● Whistling
● Singing
● Talking to oneself
● Drumming
● I know he’s not the only one. Why are you picking on him of all
the kids?
● I think you need to be more understanding towards him. He has
ADHD and he’s presently going through a rough time because
I’m in the process of divorcing my husband.
Teachers and other educators can benefit from using the skills
approach in their day-to-day conversations with students and their
caretakers, but the approach can also be used with the entire class to
improve the atmosphere of the class.
I have compiled, with the help of some colleagues and teachers,
a template for a skills-oriented project that is called Skilful Class. It is
a game-like process in which students develop essential social skills
by helping and supporting each other.
The project starts with the teacher offering the class an opportu-
nity to take part in the Skilful Class challenge. At this point the stu-
dents do not know what the project exactly entails, but they are told
that if they succeed in the challenge, there will be a festive celebration
with parents in which the principal of the school will award the class
with an impressive Skilful Class Certificate.
When the pupils have come to an agreement about one of these skills
that they intend to become good at, the teacher divides the class into
skills teams, or groups of three to four students whose task is to help
and support each other in learning the skill. The teacher explains that
each skill team will need to plan how to support and help each other
along the way, how to praise each other when they perform the skill,
and how they remind each other when they forget the skill.
When the students and the teacher agree that the class has learned
the skill, or made enough progress, the teacher reveals the instruc-
tions for the next phase of the project.
In the second phase of the project each student will choose a per-
sonal skill to become better at. To help the students find a skill to
learn, the teacher presents them with 22 skills of which each student
The teacher goes through the list of skills with the students, help-
ing them to understand what mastering each of them means in prac-
tice. Once the students are familiar with all the 22 skills, they can
decide for themselves which one they want to pick to become better
at. When the students have made their choice, they are instructed
to make a plan in their skills team about how to help each other to
ensure that everyone learns their skill. The teacher explains that the
plan should include an agreement about how the students will observe
each other’s progress, how they will praise each other, and how they
will remind each other of their skills when needed. The teacher’s duty
is to ensure that the project remains active, and that follow-up takes
place at regular intervals.
You can find more information about the Skilful Class project on my
YouTube channel where I have compiled a separate playlist of videos only
about this topic. A package containing the picture cards of all the skills with
detailed instructions of how to conduct the Skilful Class project is available
from the Helsinki Brief Therapy Institute web shop (
Schools all over the Western world are struggling with many chal-
lenges including students’ increasingly common behaviour prob-
lems, school avoidance, extra demanding caretakers, and teacher
burnout. Replacing conventional means of intervention with the
skills approach can help schools reverse their downward spiral and
generate school cultures that are characterised by respectful col-
laboration, optimism, and creative problem solving.
Now that you are familiar with the skills approach, you will probably
have realised that the approach is not a method to be applied slav-
ishly, but a lens that makes you see people in a different light. When
viewing the world through this lens, instead of seeing a multitude of
people with flaws and problems around us, we see people who have
stumbled upon challenges and who are capable of overcoming those
challenges by learning skills with the help and support of other people.
The skills approach does not bow to authority. It does not sub-
scribe to the view that experts know how parents should raise their
children, or what they should do when their child has this or that
problem. All children are different – as are all parents – and therefore
well-meaning expert advice may not fit you or your child.
The skills approach is not a method. It’s rather a smorgasbord. It’s a
compilation of child-friendly and community-oriented tools that help
you to support your child to overcome challenges thereby improving
the quality of life for your child, yourself, and your family.
My related books
Internet resources
A website dedicated to the Kids’Skills method and related information.
Witty Winnie: An app that you can use with your child to help them
learn to respond to verbal bullying with wit and humour.
Anxious Andy – Worry Buster App: An app that you can use with your
child to help them overcome imaginary worries.
My own website
My YouTube channel
My online courses platform. Sign up to get free access to my online video
course on solution-focused parenting.
An online platform offering an extensive video-based training program
that allows students to become certified as a Kids’Skills coach.
screen time 134–136 Steps of Responsibility 133–134
securing, OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive sticking up for friends 98
Disorder) 125 students, collaboration with 168–171
selective eating 62–65 swearing 73–75, 104–105
selective mutism 136–137
self-control 155 tasting game 131–132
self-esteem, low self-esteem 71–73, temper tantrums 77–79, 86–88,
120–121 146–149
self-stimulation 137–138 tics 149–150
separation anxiety 138–139 toileting 14–16; bedwetting 157–
shouting 139 158; day wetting 65–66; pooping
shoving 97–98 in pants 63–65; see also soiling;
shyness 27–28, 139–140 wetting
sibling rivalry 79–81, 140–142 traumatic experiences 151–152
Skilful Class challenge 172–175
sleeping 142–144 unhealthy diet 152–153
smart comebacks 100–101
Sneaky Poo method 144–146 violence 153–155
social bravery 140
soiling 144–146; see also toileting wetting: bedwetting 157–158; daytime
soiling (encopresis) 144–146 wetting (diurnal enuresis) 155–157
182 Index