Group-2 Bseconiiia Businessplan Thriftiedye

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Business Plan
14 December 2021

Prepared by

Abane, Jeffrey N.
Almasco, John Howard G.
Lacsa, Andrea Anne
Laurio, Louies Ann A.
Lopez, Hannah A.
Nuñez, Bryan M.

Contact Information

Phone: 09565103228
Address: Purok 7 Maroroy, Daraga

This document is the property of THRIFTIE DYE.

The information contained in this document is confidential. Do not copy or otherwise distribute the
information contained herein without prior written authorization from THRIFTIE DYE.

Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary 4

2 Company Description
2.1 Mission Statement 5
2.2 Long-Term Goals and Objectives 5
2.3 The Management Team 7

3 Product Description
3.1 The Product / Service 8
3.2 Unique Features of the Product / Service 8

4 Customer Analysis
4.1 Primary Target Customers 9
4.2 Important Product / Service Attributes 9

5 Competitor Analysis
5.1 Direct and Indirect Competitors 10
5.2 Competitor Profile Matrix 10
5.3 Competitor Profile Matrix Summary 11
5.4 Learning from Competitors 12

6 Industry Analysis
6.1 The Target Industry 13
6.2 The Industry Size 13
6.3 Trends and Future Developments 13

7 Business Strategy
7.1 Product Attribute Map 14
7.2 SWOT-Analysis 14
7.3 Competitive Advantage 15

8 Operations Plan
8.1 Input Factors 16

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8.2 Responsible Actors / Staff 16

8.3 Production Process 17
8.4 Output and Performance Indicators 17
8.5 Product / Service Delivery and Payment 18
8.6 Quality Control 18
8.7 Potential Problems and Preventive Measures 19

9 Marketing Strategy
9.1 Pricing Strategy 20
9.2 Product Strategy 20
9.3 Distribution and Sales Strategy 20
9.4 Promotion and Advertising Strategy 21

10 Financial Plan
10.1 Investment Plan 22
10.2 Starting Capital Plan 23
10.3 Projected Income Analysis 24
10.4 Projected Expenses Analysis 24
10.5 Projected Financial Statement 25
10.6 Financial Statement Rationale 26
10.7 Pro-Forma Balance Sheet Summary 27

11 Critical Risks
11.1 Critical Risks in the Pre-Launch Phase 28
11.2 Critical Risks in the Post-Launch Phase 28

12 Development Plan 29

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1 Executive Summary

Thriftie-dye, an innovative business formed by six BS Economics student of

Bicol University in collaboration with their great minds, passion and talent. It is a
clothing business where the clothes that will be used in the production are the
thrifted shirts. By doing so, they will transform the fashion appearance of the
thrifted shirts by putting some colored-dye to it and make it good as new. Not
literally just to put some colored-dye to it, but of course with precise techniques
and appropriate color combinations.

An eco-friendly business in which the 3R’s are being applied. (1) Reuse,
shirts that being produced by the business are all used clothes and will be reuse
by the customer after the beautification process. (2) Reduce, thrifting itself
means reducing the circulating amount of excessive clothes manufactured all
around the world. (3) Recycle, shirts that are ripped and stained in some other
parts can be recycled to crop tops and other fashion statement. An
environmental movement that has a mission to help Mother Nature.

The target market of this venture are mostly Gen Z ages 13-24 years old. We
come up to these target market by looking to some data that shows Gen Z
consumes the most in fashion with 64 percent compared to adults and oldies.

Products will be available online via Facebook Page @Thriftie Dye and to our
physical store in Purok 7 Maroroy, Daraga. Mode of delivery would be door-to-
door within specific area only in Legazpi and Daraga and LBC transaction for
outside the municipality or nationwide customers. Mode of payments offered are
COD (cash on delivery) and COP (cash on pick-up).

Our financial projection for semi-annual transaction is a net profit of 19.76%.

This was concluded by considering our six month projection transaction for
income and expenses. Expected half-year revenue of ₱ 510,000 and an
expense of ₱ 409,200 in total (production and operating cost). And as for our
monthly revenue, it ranges from ₱13,000 to ₱19,000. A positive 15.66% net
profit monthly.

We feel that our business is positioned to profit from changes in the industry
and we know that our business will continue to leverage in the future and will
meet higher levels of profit and customer satisfaction.

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2 Company Description

2.1 Mission Statement

Be an environmental agent through supporting the business that creates

fashionable shirts and utilizing resources that is less costly for all.

2.2 Long-Term Goals and Objective


1) Brand awareness of 1. Search for models. February 2022
40% in the general 2. Active online posting October 2021
2) Returns-on- 1. Produce more items and November 2021
investments of 30%. sell it.
2. Giveaways. April 2022
3. Good quality of packaging December 2021
and merchandises.
4. Find new suppliers (thrift January 2022
3) Learn new techniques 1. Practice and watch online November 2022
on tie dye. tutorials.
2. Ask customers feedback. October 2022
4) Renting a space for 1. Designing interior design October 2022
physical store with a of physical store.
10% allotment. 2. Upgrading furniture and October 2022
appliances being used.
3. Receiving clients in November 2022
physical store depending
on protocols.
4. Additional employees and December 2022
train for upcoming
upgrades in products.
5) Upgrading 1. Receive January 2022

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customize apparel by
products using 20% customers.
allotment. 2. Finding for February 2022
3. Conduct shop online for March 2022
customer who is afar.
4. Accept overseas clients. March 2022
6) Increase company’s 1. Buying stocks in other April 2022
share by 30% in its business that will mature
market. for some time.
2. Reduce production May 2022
3. Open another physical May 2022
4. Additional suppliers within June 2022
country or overseas.

7) Open 1 new branch of 1. Hire new employees. September 2022

our business here in Bicol. 2. Changes in interior and October 2022
exterior design, in addition,
to attract customers to buy.

3. Make changes in other November 2022

product and service offer
for customers.

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2.3 The Management Team

(We, the group members itself are the acting personnel)

 Hannah and Andrea

 responsible for buying the materials needed e.g., thrifted shirts, dyes, and
 cashier and saleslady of the physical store

 Louies and Jeffrey

 responsible in formulating of new designs and financial auditor

 online sellers (checking and accepting of online orders)

 Bryan and Howard

 responsible for the production (dying, soaking, drying the shirts and printing
of logos)
 responsible for shipping out the online orders (giving the item to J&T
delivery or any delivery expresses for shipment)

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3 Product / Service Description

3.1 The Product Service

Name of Product: ThriftTie Dye

 We will use thrifted clothes

 Eco friendly
 Less costly

3.2 Unique Features of the Product / Service

 Eco friendly
 Less costly
 Aesthetically fashionable

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4 Customer Analysis

4.1 Primary Target Customers

 Ages 13-above
 All gender
 Around Albay province
 As long as they afford the product
 Working and non – working teenagers
 Student and non – student ( as long as they are interested)

4.2 Important Product / Service Attributes

 Preference of the consumers

 Design of the dye clothes
 Protocols due to pandemic

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5 Competitor Analysis

5.1 Direct and Indirect Competitors

 Cheng Azores
 Thrifted Club
 Al Francis Abrera
 Jam Izene Lorbes
 Totie Shoppe

5.2 Competitor Profile Matrix

Competitor 1

Name: Cheng Azores

Product/Services: Thrift Clothes (Bodega Sale) & Second hand clothes

Prices: Php. 100-500

Location: Legazpi, City

Promotion Strategies: Live Selling and Posting Online

Competitor 2

Name: Thrifted Club

Product/Services: Thrift Clothes

Prices: Php. 70-200

Location: Binitayan, Daraga

Promotion Strategies: Posting Online in Instagram and Facebook

Competitor 3

Name: Al Francis Abrera

Product/Services: Reseller of Thrift Clothes

Prices: Php. 100-500

Location: Kimantong, Daraga Albay

Promotion Strategies: Posting Online

Competitor 4
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Name: Jam Izene Lorbes

Product/Services: Pre- order Clothes

Prices: Php. 80-250

Location: Legazpi, Albay

Promotion Strategies: Posting Online

Competitor 5

Name: Totie Shoppe

Product/Services: Women’s Clothing

Prices: Php. 100 above

Location: Legazpi, Albay

Promotion Strategies: Posting Online and Word of mouth

The Totie Shoppe because they already have a store in Legazpi, Albay
and been running as a business for years. It is being patronize by most of

5.3 Competitor Profile Matrix Summary

Main Their strengths over Their Our competitive

Competitors our business weaknesses advantage over
over our competitor

Cheng Azores • They have been • We are more creative. • Our creativity.
selling for a year

Thrifted Club • They have the • Their product is not • Our product is hand
same product as DIY unlike our – made. We
ours and other kind product. improvise.
of clothes.
Al Francis • They have been • They just sell, • Our product is hand
Abrera buying clothes and they don’t make it – made. We
reselling it. into something improvise.
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Jam Izene • They have been • We are more creative. • Our creativity.
Lorbes selling for a year

Totie Shoppe • They have their • They just sell • Our product is open
own store. clothes for women. for all gender.

5.4 Learning from Competitors

Our competitors are getting used to selling while our team is still on
the beginner stage. They have been selling for years now. Some of
these competitors are being patronize by people. We can learn
perseverance and determination by these sellers or competitors. Despite
of this pandemic, they have still manage to go on thing clothing line

6 Industry Analysis

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6.1 The Target Industry

Our clothing line idea of business is align in the industry called retail trade
sector or apparel industry. It is because we are focusing in the design and sell

6.2 The Industry Size

Revenue in the Apparel market amounts to US$ 3,601M or Php. 180, 050
and it is expected to grow annually by 10.86% - 19.3% in 2022. By 2021, 96% of
sales in the Apparel market will be attributable to Non – Luxury goods.

6.3 Trends and Future Developments

The proposed business idea will grow because of the adaptation of modern
technology into the business world. By coping up to technology, generally means
increasing of potential buyers across the internet where our business shines the

 Emerging - the business will keep on emerging as the internet will keep on
advancing forward.

 Established - the business will run and reach the goal for long-term goals, by
going with the flow of the raging internet our business will surely rise and meet
up its goals.

 Saturated - our business will only become saturated when it experiences net

 Recent changes in industry – short term changes

 Demographic changes – long term changes

 Economic factors – short term

 Legislative changes – short term

 New technologies, new trends or fashion – short term

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7 Business Strategy

7.1 Product Attribute Map

7.2 SWOT-Analysis

Opportunities Threats

1. More Thrift shop that is 1. This type of business is

possible to become our familiar to our
supplier here in Legazpi customers.
and Albay area. 2. There are
2. Thrift Clothes are trend difficulties in this time
SWOT ANALYSIS nowadays. pandemic, and there
3. We have knowledge are some restrictions on
about the trends in this face to face business
present time. transaction.
4. Paris Agreement (Fight
Against Climate
5. Accessibility of the
customers is good.
Strengths To Do To Do

1. We have prior 1. Build rapport to our 1. Be unique on our

knowledge about tie suppliers. branding (ThrifTie-Dye).
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Be selective when it Be active and
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2. People are more comes to the items. approachable to our

engage online. 3. Maximize and practice customers and provide
3. Teens in this generation the existing knowledge them good quality
are into aesthetic that we have about tie merchandise.
fashion. dye. 2. Follow the health
4. Availability of the 4. Promote and create protocol for the safety
resources is good. post on social media of everyone.
5. We can help our about environmental
community to reduce awareness (include it on
waste and teach them branding).
to utilize our resources 5. Have a good and clear
efficiently. transaction to our
Weaknesses To Do To Do

1. High standard and 1. Practice and learn new 1. Make the ThrifTie-Dye
expectation of the techniques. shirt more fun and
customers. 2. Utilize well the power aesthetically
of being digital natives. fashionable.
2. We only have basic 3. Be active on fashion 2. Search more techniques
knowledge about trends. or methods about color
techniques on tie dye. 4. Utilize the resources mixing and color
efficiently. combination tie dye to
5. Be specific clear on make it more fun and
the business objective. fashionable.

7.3 Competitive Advantage

As thrift shop and dye clothes are well known because it is a trend
nowadays, we came up with an idea of combining this two concepts and turning
this into a business venture. To us, our competitive advantage is our concept. As
our concept is all about gaining profit by means of using the available resources
and create our items aesthetically fashionable and sell it less costly. In this
business venture which is ThrifTie–Dye we want to spend less as possible and
utilize our resources efficiently, because we are not just concern about earning
profit but, we also want to have a better place to live in. Our ThrifTie-Dye business
is competitively advantage in terms of its business concept in the way that we
want to earn and save money and at the same time we want to become part of
this global community on helping to combat climate change and be part of the
Paris agreement. In our business the main characters are our customers, because
they will play the main role to achieve the ThrifTie-Dye business objective.

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8 Operations Plan

8.1 Input Factors

Raw materials:

a. Thrifted shirts (bought form local thrift shops in Legazpi)

b. Dye
c. Paint
d. Rubber Equipment
e. Silk Screen (for printing the logo)


o Available space in the house of one of our group members.

8.2 Responsible Actors / Staff

(We, the group members itself are the acting personnel)

 Hannah and Andrea

 responsible for buying the materials needed e.g., thrifted shirts, dyes, and paints
 cashier and saleslady of the physical store

 Louies and Jeffrey

 responsible in formulating of new designs and financial auditor

 online sellers (checking and accepting of online orders)

 Bryan and Howard

 responsible for the production (dying, soaking, drying the shirts and printing of
 responsible for shipping out the online orders (giving the item to J&T delivery or
any delivery expresses for shipment)

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8.3 Production Process

The assigned group members are the one who’s responsible by

transforming the raw materials into the final product which is Bryan and Howard,
and yes, we make our product hand- made.

1. Preparing the supplies, setting up the work area

2. Mixing the dyes (based on the preferred design)
3. Fold and tie the thrifted shirt based on the design
4. Apply the dye based on the preferred design, let it sit
5. Rinse and wash the shirt, let it dry again.
6. Printing the logo, drying again and then final product

After producing the final product, we are going to post the picture online
through our online shop account while the physical product will be displayed in our
physical store. Ensuring that if it is already bought in our physical store, it will be
automatically mark as bought already in our online shop account. Same goes for,
if someone buys it online, the product will not be available for selling it in the
physical store.

8.4 Output and Performance Indicators

Final product:

 Dyed thrifted shirts sell online and to our physical store

Performance standards:

We are going to produce an estimated 5 shirts a day which is going to be

25 shirts a week and 100 shirts per month.
(the production depends on our daily, weekly and monthly transactions, if
the transaction exceeds our estimated production, we’ll add the production
but if the transaction is less than the production, we are going to decrease
the production.) So, it is very important to have a daily, weekly, and monthly
data analysis.

 For the shirts that are not being purchased, we are going to store it in the
safe space inside of our physical store.

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8.5 Product / Service Delivery and Payment

 Interactions with customers are very important especially the means of
transport used to deliver the products safely and secure to our valued

Mode of Delivery:
 Door to door delivery within the Legazpi and Daraga area. It come with COD
or Payment first policy. (Private Motorcycle or Public Transportation
 LBC transaction with COP for outside the municipality or nationwide

Details of payment:
 COD – Cash on Delivery
 Payment first policy (G-cash, Bank acct.)
 COP – Cash on Pick-up LBC

8.6 Quality Control

We will ensure quality control by always aiming for the goal and set up a
goal where we should always exceed the customers’ expectations. Set up
standards with the commitment of every person involve in the business,
commitment to quality is a must, by assigning people who are always not satisfied
with their work and always striving for the best. Eagerness and patience are
also a must. Maintaining the quality and being consistent at all times is very
essential. Here are some ways to maintain good quality through the span of our
business life.

1. Always define quality, knowing what quality really represents shows the passion
you have in making your product.

2. A company’s commitment to the job serves as a foundation in your business; it

shows strong refuge that a business need.

3. Always stick to the rules and requirements. Always know what the customer wants
and does not, by doing so, you respect the mind and heart of a buyer. Do not add
features that the customer did not request for.

4. Control the quality, make sure that there are no defects and always perform
inspections on every item produced.

5. Learn. A day in a business life is always a worth it experience, gather all the
learnings on day one and apply it every day, always look for room for improvement.

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8.7 Potential Problems and Preventive Measures


The economy is constantly changing as the market fluctuates, therefore there

are times that your product might be in demand or not. By experiencing this
problem always look for the peoples wants, trends and be timely or seasonal in
your product. By this economic risk always save money as much as possible to
maintain a steady cash flow, so that even when you do not have much customers,
you won’t experience net loss.


We are all aware that there is competition in the world of business. With a
preventive measure, a business must always reassure and check the product and
also the quality, do not be comfortable because you are making sales, always be
assured that the business is at a consistency level.


There will be customers who are going to change their desired date of meet up
or order, it is perfectly normal. By this always have spare time and always ensure
the customers happiness and satisfaction of not just our product but also our


Electricity circulates and also get cuts anytime, the need of electricity in our
business to contact customers is very important, by this problem the business can
install solar energy and backup generator.


We cannot avoid this problem especially if you are reaching the deadline of the
product, a preventive measure to lessen errors is to always be careful even when
in rush and always double check the product and items to be used.

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9 Marketing Strategy

9.1 Pricing Strategy

 The importance of the price for our target customers is that it is affordable, because not
all millennials and gen z have an income, so we make sure that they can afford the
product that we will sell.

 It depends on the location of their customer, if it is near they charge only Php 20.00 but
if it is far they charge around Php 100.00 to 200.00

 The reason for our price level of Php 100- 500 is that, it will depend on the quality and
design that the customer will buy. Because there are products that we will sell that
looks like still brand new. Also, which design they want to customize in their clothes.

 Yes, there will be different prices across different customers because it will really
depends on the product that they will choose. But, there will be no price discrimination
that will happen, because we want to provide good service for them and also in which
they can trust us. We will make sure that we will not charge big amount for them, that
it will be still affordable. We decided not to sell on credit, it will just cash on delivery or
advance payment. It is also safe for our business not to take on credit.

9.2 Product Strategy

The difference between of our product from our competitors is that, we

make sure and check the product we get, have a good quality that can satisfy our
customers and also we choose what is trend right now. Also, it is affordable. We
have plan to offer any additional features to our business, to provide them good
service and product that they deserve as a customer. Also, we plan to customize
our clothes that we will sell.

9.3 Distribution and Sales Strategy

If we already posted our product in our social media accounts, we will

provide at least two phone numbers and email addresses. Our future customer
can contact us through that. We will allow retailers and wholesalers depend on
their location.

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9.4 Promotion and Advertising Strategy

 Posting on all of our social media accounts such as Facebook and Instagram
because this is where people spend most of their time.
 Making a short informative video campaign.
 Word of mouth from our first customers.
 Live selling

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10 Financial Plan

10.1 Investment Plan

Start-Up Investments
Amount (USD)
Furniture & Fittings $ 295.57
Tools & Equipment 197.05
Plant & Machinery 197.05
Personal Computer 295.57

Set-up fees
Deposit & First rent $ 98.52
Legal fees & Tax 137.93
Licenses 78.82
Internet Line 29.56
Business Permit 59.11

Preliminary expenses
Insurance $ 59.11
Advertising 39.41
Utilities 33.50
Printing & Stationary 16.75
Packaging & Labeling 19.70
First Stock & Raw materials 98.52
Salary 88.67

TOTAL $1,744.84

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10.2 Starting Capital Plan

Amount Php
Business Owner(s) Investments 60,000
Loans and Money Borrowed 40,000

TOTAL (Php) 100,000

10.3 Projected Income Analysis

Units Dec. 2021 Jan. 2022 Feb. March April May

Dye Pastel Crop 9,000 12,000 9,000 15,000 15,000 9,000
Dye Rainbow 16,000 12,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 20,000
Spiral Shirts
Dye Sweater 16,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 20,000
Dye Hoodie 20,00 25,000 25,000 15,000 20,000 20,000
Pre-request 25,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 20,000 25,000
Design Shirt

TOTAL (Php) 86,000 81,000 87,000 79,000 83,000 94,000

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10.4 Projected Expenses Analysis

Units Dec. 2021 Jan. 2022 Feb. March April May

Direct Expenses
Raw Materials 25,000 20,000 25,000 20,000 25,000 30,000
Salary and 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000
Delivery and 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 5,000

Indirect Expenses
Rent 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Repairs and - - - - - 1,000
Power and - - - - - -
Tel/Mobile Fax 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
License 1,720 1,620 1,740 1,580 1,660 1,880
Depreciation - - - - - -
TOTAL (Php) 68,220 63,120 68,240 63,080 69,160 77,380

10.5 Projected Financial Statement

Dec. 2021 Jan. 2022 Feb. March April May

Total Income 86,000 81,000 87,000 79,000 83,000 94,000
Total Expenses 68,220 63,120 68,240 63,080 69,160 77,380

Profit (Php) 17,780 17,880 18,760 15,920 13,840 16,620

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10.6 Financial Statement Rationale

Financial Statement Rationale

Financial statement or financial reports are formal records of the

financial activities of a business, person or entity. It provides an overview of the
business financial condition in both short term or long-term duration. All the
important information specifically financial information is gathered here and
presented according to its label for the owners own understanding. The complete
set of financial statement of the business “Thriftie-Dye” compromises:

 Investment plan
 Starting capital plan
 Projected Income Analysis
 Projected Expense Analysis
 Projected Financial Statement
 Financial Statement Rationale
 Pro-forma Balance Sheet Summary
The business “Thriftie-Dye” has projected a 510,000 pesos worth of net
profit during the half-year of business. As for the expense, it cost 409,200 pesos
resulting to the semi-annual revenue of 100,800. It is a positive 19.76% net profit
for the half of the year while you can also observe the projected profit every month
ranging 13,000 to 19,000 resulting to 15.66% net profit monthly.

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10.7 Pro-Forma Balance Sheet Summary

Name of Company: THRIFTIE DYE

As of

Assets Equity & Liabilities

Current assets Current liabilities
Stock ₱ 35,000 Suppliers ₱0
Debtors ₱0
Bank 119,350
Cash ₱ 50,000
Non-Current Assets Non-Current Liabilities
Furniture & ₱ 15,000 Bank Loan ₱ 40,000

₱ 10,000 Capital

Initial Investment ₱ 88,550

Add: Profit for six month ₱ 100,800
Less: Drawing during the 0
Subtotal ₱ 189,350
TOTAL ASSETS ₱ 229,350 TOTAL EQUITY & ₱ 229,350

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11 Critical Risks

11.1 Critical Risks in the Pre-Launch Phase

 Product Risk – as future entrepreneurs choosing a product will be

selling is the most priority thing that should consider. A good
entrepreneur should come up with a creative and innovative product
that will compete in the market. Our team had decide to the product by
listing our ideas and vote which product will be able to patronize by the

 Market Risk – to have a successful marketing, you should know your

target market, their needs or wants that may fulfill them. It will also help
your company to come up with a good product and avoid waste of
materials. Entrepreneurs should research well about their ideas to be
able to check if it will suit to their consumer and allotted budget.

 Financial Risk – when entering in a business, finance is also the most

important thing, because if you don’t have enough budget, you won’t
be able to build your ideal business.

 Team Risk

 Execution Risk

11.2 Critical Risks in the Post-Launch Phase

 Consumer’s Feedback – when launching a particular product, the

feedback have a great impact to the company. It may good or bad
feedback that can affect the image of the business, so a company
should assure that the product is high quality and entrepreneurs should
accept criticisms.

 Competitors – in the field of business, there are several competitors

especially when both companies are selling same products with different
features. There will be times that strong competition may occur and may
result to loss of the company.

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For more information please contact us at
- 27 -

12 Development Plan

Steps and Milestones to Day/Week Steps and Day/Week

get the business up and Milestones already
running accomplished
1. Developing an Week 1 1. Produced our own brand Week 1
operations plan. or log.
2. Producing the product / Week 1 2. Identified our source of Week 2
service or supply of the thrifted
development of a clothes and was able to find
model. materials needed on the
(Searching for brand.
designs and color
3. Approaching potential Week 1 3. Was able to create an Week 3
capital providers elevator pitch.
4. Looking for material, Week 1
facilities, and
5. Calculating the costs Week 2
for the product /
6. Assembling material, Week 2
facilities, and
7. Developing a Week 2
marketing strategy
(price, place,
promotion, packaging)
(create our own
8. Delivering / first sales Week 2

Business Plan THRIFTIE DYE- Confidential Information

Steps please contact us at
- 28 -

and Finishe K1 K K K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K K K K
2 E3 E9 E10 11 12
1. Buying items X X X X X X X X X X X X
on thrift shop
2. Buy Silk X X X X
3. Introduce our X
n of designs
(a way to
upgrade the
4. Social media X X X X X X X X X X X X
postings and
growing (to
Reach for
5. Records of X X X
sales (to
track the
demands of
and to
that may
occur on the
latter part of
on). It will
also help us
to identify
the market

Business Plan THRIFTIE DYE- Confidential Information

For more information please contact us at
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Business Plan THRIFTIE DYE- Confidential Information

For more information please contact us at
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