Zoology Module
Zoology Module
Zoology Module
Changes are expected to occur through a period of time among populations, this is rooted from the idea of organic
evolution (descent with modification) as described by Charles Darwin.
This module tackles the ideas about evolutionary change before the work of Charles Darwin has been released and
presents the modern version of Darwin8s theory based on the current genetic principles. The terms microevolution and
macroevolution are differentiated and also looks into macroevolution8s sources of evidence.
● specific organs of related animals have structural variations; change in organisms is brought about by action of the
environment; there is special creation of species, so change is degenerate (e.g. apes as degenerate humans)
Erasmus Darwin
● basis of his theory is the widely accepted theory of inheritance during his time (need is the driving force to develop
new organs, or modify existing organ) on the other hand, disuse leads to degeneration of organs.
● Species could not become extinct; it simply evolves into different species is his conclusion.
Four examples of fossil material. A, Fish fossil from rocks of the Green River Formation, Wyoming Such fish swam
here during the Eocene opoch of the Tertiary period, approximately 50 million years ago. B. Stalked crinoids from Devonian
rocks. The fossil record of these schinoderms shows that they reached their peak millions of years earlier and began a slow
decline to the present. C, an insect fossil that got stuck in the rain of a tree approximately 25 million years ago and that has
since hardened into amber D, Electron micrograph of tissue from a fly fossilized an shown in C; the nucleus of a call is marked
in red.
▪ Analogous
▪ brought about by convergent evolution;
▪ similar structures in organisms that are not related
Example: Wings (with flat and gliding surfaces) of birds and insects
▪ Homologous
▪ similar structures and processes in two kinds of organisms with a shared ancestry.
▪ Comparative Anatomy
▪ emphasizes on the structure of living and fossilized animals and their homologies.
Example: Common arrangement of bones in vertebrate appendages
Forelimbs of five vertebrates show skeletal homologies. Clear homologies of bones and patterns of
connection are evident despite evolutionary modification for different functions.
Example: Similar early embryonic stages of vertebrates
Comparison of pharyngeal arches of different embryos. All are shown separated from the
yolk sac. Note the remarkable similarity of the four embryos at this early stage in development.
Molecular Biology
▪ genetic change and evolution lead to changes in anatomical structures and physiological processes.
This module presents the invertebrate and vertebrate animals, their organ and organ system. It also illustrates the
anatomical similarities and differences of different animals including humans. Frog is the specimen in the laboratory to
study the 11 organ systems.
We are all familiar with many of the organ systems that comprise the body of advanced animals: such as
the circulatory system, nervous system, etc. More of us are aware of the essential nature of the immune system in these
days of HIV, AIDS, and emergent viral diseases such as COVID-19. Later chapters will focus on animals, such as sponges
that have no organs at all, and other organisms that lack many of the organ systems we take for granted. Recall that in
the Introduction (Links to an external site.) chapter we discussed the levels of organization we see in foundations of
zoology, from atoms to organ systems that makeup a multicellular organism. We have also seen somewhat of the myriad
cells and tissues that occur in humans (and by extension in other animals). This chapter will introduce you to the eleven
organ systems that function within our own bodies, and how they coordinate to keep us functioning within a dynamic range
of internal conditions we refer to as homeostasis.
Integumentary System
The Integumentary System
The integumentary system is the body system which surrounds you, both literally and
metaphorically speaking. If you look in the mirror you see it, if you look anywhere on your body you see and if
you look around you in the outside world, you see it. It is the system that can instantly tell us whether someone
is young or old, someone8s ethnicity or race or if he/she has been on holidays recently.
It also protects us a great deal from harm and allows us to sense our surrounding environment.
Broadly speaking, the integumentary system is composed of skin and its appendages, subcutaneous tissue,
deep fascia, mucocutaneous junctions, and breast.
The skin and accessory structures perform a variety of essential functions, such as protecting
the body from invasion by microorganisms, chemicals, and other environmental factors; preventing dehydration;
acting as a sensory organ; modulating body temperature and electrolyte balance; and synthesizing vitamin D.
The underlying hypodermis has important roles in storing fats, forming a 5cushion6 over underlying structures,
and providing insulation from cold temperatures.
The integumentary system is composed of the following parts:
1. Skin
2. Skin appendages (Hairs, Nails, Sweat glands, Sebaceous glands)
3. Subcutaneous tissue and deep fascia
4. Mucocutaneous junctions
5. Breasts
Skin - The skin is the largest component of this system.
▪ It is an extensive sensory organ, which forms an outer, protective coat around the entire external surface
of the body. In fact, it is the largest organ of the human body, covering an area of 2 square meters. It has
a thickness between 1.5 and 5 mm, depending on location.
Lesson 1: The Integumentary and Skeletal System
▪ Integument came from the Latin word that means to cover. (Skin)
▪ It includes accessory organs such as hair, feather, scales, claws, hoofs etc.
Skin Glands
1. Sweat Glands
▪ Respond differently to heat and FISHES nervous state and respond
to emotional and sensory stimuli.
▪ Dermis- Deeper layer of connective tissue with a rich supply of blood vessels and nerves, and the
▪ Epidermis- Consists of up to seven sublayers of closely packed cells.
Thick, lack of glands, and modified into keratinized cells.
Bony Fish
▪ The skin of bony fishes contains scales
▪ Integument of a bony fish showing epidermis, dermis, embedded scale and related structures.
Types of scales
▪ CYCLOID SCALES- concentric ridges-milkfish
▪ CTENOID SCALES- w/spines or ctenoid
▪ GANOID SCALES- rhomboid shape
▪ COMOID SCALES- extinct fish’s dermal armor
▪ PLACOID SCALES- spines directed caudally-sharks, skates
⮚ The skin is covered with horny teeth-like scales and on the jaws, these are modified to form teeth.
⮚ Placoid scales or dermal denticles
⮚ Outer enamel; inner dentin
⮚ Epidermis does not cover scales
▪ the simplest of all fish, and the simplest of all vertebrates.
▪ Include the lampreys and hagfish. These creatures have no jaws. The mouth is surrounded by a large, round
▪ Integumentary system consists of the skin, the feathers and the appendages (claws and beak).
▪ Provide protection to the bird.
▪ Skin is composed of two different tissues:
▪ Connective tissue of the dermis and hypodermis.
▪ Cellular stratified epithelium of the epidermis
Invertebrates Integument
Skeletal System
The skeletal system is all the bony tissues in an animal8s body. It is a structural framework that provides
support and protection to the animal organs and body.
Functions of the Skeletal System
▪ hydrostatic skeletons
▪ exoskeletons
▪ endoskeletons
▪ Fluid-filled internal body. - the most common skeletal system used by animals for movement and support.
o very common in invertebrates.
▪ usually comprise both circular and longitudinal muscle fibers, and their shapes are typically cylindrical.
Animals with hydrostatic skeletons
▪ Earthworm, Jelly Fish, Starfish, and anemone
▪ Animals that do not have a backbone. Have soft inner bodies which are held in shape by a flexible or hard covering.
▪ a specialized connective tissue that provides a site for muscle attachment, aids in movement at joints, provide
support, and transmits the force of muscular contraction from one part of the body to another during movement.
▪ Like other connective tissues, it consists of cells (chondrocytes), fibers, and a cellular matrix.
Bone or Osseous tissue
A specialized connective tissue that provides a point of attachment for muscles and transmits the force of
muscular contraction from one part of the body to another during movement.
Store reserve calcium and phosphate, and manufacture red blood cells and some white blood cells.
▪ four-limbed vertebrates.
▪ lift themselves to walk on land.
▪ Amphibians, Reptiles and Mammals.
▪ Their endoskeleton became modified for support on land.
This added support resulted from the specializations of the invertebral disks that helps hold the vertebral
column together and also absorbs shock and provide joint mobility.
CHAPTER 6: Muscular and Digestive System (Part1)
The Muscular System
Muscles make up the bulk of an animal8s body and account for about half its weight. The meat on the chop or roast
is muscle and is composed mainly of protein. The cells that make up muscle tissue are elongated and able to contract to a
half or even a third of their length when at rest. There are three different kinds of muscle based on appearance and function:
smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle.
Types of Muscles
Smooth muscle
▪ Smooth or Involuntary muscle carries out the unconscious routine tasks of the body such as moving food
down the digestive system, keeping the eyes in focus and adjusting the diameter of blood vessels. The
individual cells are spindle-shaped, being fatter in the middle and tapering off towards the ends with a
nucleus in the center of the cell. They are usually found in sheets and are stimulated by the nonconscious
or autonomic nervous system as well as by hormones.
Cardiac muscle
▪ Cardiac muscle is only found in the wall of the heart. It is composed of branching fibres that form a three-
dimensional network. When examined under the microscope, a central nucleus and faint stripes or
striations can be seen in the cells. Cardiac muscle cells contract spontaneously and rhythmically without
outside stimulation, but the sinoatrial node (natural pacemaker) coordinates the heartbeat. Nerves and
hormones modify this rhythm.
Skeletal muscle
▪ Skeletal muscle is the muscle that is attached to and moves the skeleton, and is under voluntary control.
It is composed of elongated cells or fibres lying parallel to each other. Each cell is unusual in that it has
several nuclei and when examined under the microscope appears striped or striated. This appearance
gives the muscle its names of striped or striated muscle. Each cell of striated muscle contains hundreds,
or even thousands, of microscopic fibres each one with its own striped appearance. The stripes are
formed by two different sorts of protein that slide over each other making the cell contract.
Muscle is a band or bundle of fibrous tissue in a human or animal body that has the ability to
contract, producing movement in or maintaining the position of parts of the body.
Terrestrial Locomotion in Invertebrates:
▪ Muscles make up approximately 40 percent of total weight.
▪ The heart is the hardest-working muscle in the body.
▪ The gluteus maximus is the body's largest muscle.
▪ The ear contains the smallest muscles in the body alongside the smallest bones.
▪ A muscle called the masseter in the jaw is the strongest muscle by weight.
▪ motion in Invertebrates: Walking
▪ Has flexible joints, tendons, and muscles that attach rigid skeletal cuticle and form limbs
▪ Examples: arthropods, 3Lobsters, spider: forwards
Water-Vascular System
Skeletal muscle
Cardiac muscle
Smooth muscle
• Star Fish: along each canal are reservoir ampullae and tube feet. The tube feet extend by hydraulic pressure and
can perform simple step-like motions.
Terrestrial Locomotion in Invertebrates:
• The physical properties of an arthropods cuticle are such that true flight evolved for pterygote insects some 100
million years ago.
• The basic mechanism for flight has been modified.
• Present day insects exhibit a wide range of structural adaptations and mechanism for flight.
• Long legs increase the mechanical advantage of the leg extensor muscle.
Types of Non-muscular movement
• AMOEBOID MOVEMENT with the aid of PSEUDOPODIA (Gr. Pseudes, false + podion, little foot)
As the name suggests, it is first observed in amoebas.
The plasma membrane of an amoeba has adhesive properties since new pseudopodia attach to the
substrate as they form by means of membrane adhesion
• CILIARY AND FLAGELLAR MOVEMENT With the exception of the arthropods, locomotor cilia and flagella occur
in every animal phylum.
Cilia (L. 5eyelashes6) and Flagella (L. 5small whips) are structurally similar but cilia are shorter and more
numerous whereas flagella are long and occur singly or in pairs. Cilia (L. 5eyelashes6) and Flagella (L.
5small whips) are structurally similar but cilia are shorter and more numerous whereas flagella are long
and occur singly or in pairs.
• Processed by which organisms obtain and utilize their food
• Substances that provide energy and materials needed for growth, repair, and maintenance of the cell.
Types of digestion
Chemical breakdown of food using enzymes, bile, hydrochloric acid.
⮚ Physical breakdown of food
⮚ Chewing, grinding, and mixing food with mouth, tongue, and teeth
Four Types of Digestive Systems
• Monogastric (simple)- dogs, cats, Human
• Avian 3 Chicken, Birds. Ducks
• Ruminants (polygastric) - Carabao, Goat,
• Pseudo-ruminants 3 Rabbit
Parts of digestive system
⮚ Mouth
⮚ Salivary glands
⮚ Pharynx
⮚ Esophagus
⮚ Stomach
⮚ Small and Large Intestine
⮚ Rectum
⮚ Anus
⮚ Teeth
⮚ Tongue
⮚ Gall Bladder
⮚ Pancreas
⮚ Liver
⮚ Eats relatively large pieces of food
⮚ Snake, lion, humans
PLATYHELMINTHES (Uses gastrovascular cavity as mouth and anus
⮚ Permits one way flow of ingested food without mixing it with waste and food From mouth and ends in anus
MOLLUSCA (snails, octopus, squid)
⮚ Permits one way flow of ingested food without mixing it with waste and food
⮚ From mouth and ends in anus
Respiration is the process of releasing energy from food and this takes place inside the cells of the body. The process of
respiration involves taking in oxygen (of air) into cells, using it for releasing energy by burning food, and then eliminating
the waste products (carbon dioxide and water) from the body. Respiration is an essential for life because it provides energy
for carrying out all the life processes which are necessary to keep the organisms alive.
The aquatic animals like fish, prawns and mussels have gillsas the respiratory organs which extract oxygen
dissolved in water and take away carbon dioxide from the body.
In the insects like grasshopper, cockroach, housefly and a mosquito, the tiny holes called spiracleson their body
and the air tubes called tracheae are the respiratory organs.
The respiratory organs of the land animals such as man (humans), birds, lizard, dog and frog etc. are the lungs.
However, Frogs breathe both by lungs and skin.
Therefore, we can say that all the respiratory organs whether skin, gills, trachea or lungs have three common
All the respiratory organs have a large surface area to get enough oxygen.
All the respiratory organs have thin walls for easy diffusion and exchange of respiratory gases.
All the respiratory organs like skin, lungs and gills have a rich blood supply for transporting gases. But only in
tracheal system of respiration, air reaches the cells directly.
The Nature of Respiration
⮚ All animals must supply their cells with oxygen and rid their body of carbon dioxide
⮚ The physiological process by which an animal exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide with its environment
Invertebrate Respiratory System
Integumentray exchange
⮚ Some invertebrates that live in aquatic or damp environments have no respiratory organs;
⮚ Gases diffuse across the skin
⮚ Filamentous respiratory organs that increase surface area for gas exchange in water
⮚ Saclike respiratory organs with branching tubes that deliver air to a respiratory surface
⮚ Snails and slugs that spend some time on land have a lung instead of, or in addition to, gills
Invertebrate Respiratory System
Tracheal system
⮚ Insects and spiders with a hard integument have branching tracheal tubes that) d open to the surface through
spiracles (no respiratory protein require).
Book lungs
⮚ Some spiders also have thin sheets of respiratory tissue that exchange oxygen with a respiratory pigment
(hemocyanin) in blood.
M5 - Lesson 3 : ( Part 2 )
Vertebrate Respiration
Frog Respiration
Vertebrate Respiration
⮚ Reptiles, birds and mammals exchange gases through paired lungs, ventilated by chest muscles
⮚ Birds have the most efficient vertebrate lungs
⮚ Air sacs allow oxygen-rich air to pass respiratory surfaces on both inhalation and exhalation
Human Respiratory System
⮚ The human respiratory system functions in gas exchange, sense of smell, voice production, body defenses, acid-
base balance, and temperature regulation.
Components of blood
⮚ Red Blood Cells– carries oxygen from lungs
to all cells of the body; carries carbon dioxide
away from cells
Systematic Circulation
Pathway of Blood Through the Heart and Lungs
a) In closed circulatory systems, the heart pumps blood through vessels that are separate from the interstitial
fluid of the body. Most vertebrates and some invertebrates, such as this annelid earthworm, have a closed circulatory
b) In open circulatory systems, a fluid called hemolymph is pumped through a blood vessel that empties into
the body cavity. Hemolymph returns to the blood vessel through openings called ostia. Arthropods, such as this bee
and most mollusks, have open circulatory systems.
Open circulatory system and closed circulatory system
Fish are vertebrates that only have a single loop circulatory system, unlike mammals that have a double loop
circulatory system.
In a single loop system, blood only passes through the heart one type on each circuit through the body.
The evolution of the second circulatory loop allows more oxygen to be delivered to their bodies
In the circulatory loop that connects an amphibian8s heart to its lungs there are blood vessels called pulmonary
Pulmonary veins are the vessels that carry the oxygen-rich blood from the amphibian8s lungs directly back to its
All of the vertebrates have closed circulatory systems and chambered hearts with valves that prevents from backflow
of the blood.
do not have a circulatory system simply because it is not needed;
all cells are in contact with the water, which contains oxygen and nutrients.
The cells undertake a process of diffusion to transport the oxygen, nutrients and waste in and out of the
have a open circulatory system.
have a open circulatory system.
Excretion is the process of removing wastes and excess water from the body. It is one of the major ways the body
maintains homeostasis. Although the kidneys are the main organs of excretion, several other organs also excrete
wastes. They include the large intestine, liver, skin, and lungs. All of these organs of excretion, along with the
kidneys, make up the excretory system.
The kidneys play many vital roles in homeostasis. They filter all the blood in the body many times each day and
produce a total of about 1.5 liters of urine. The kidneys control the amount of water, ions, and other substances in
the blood by excreting more or less of them in urine. The kidneys also secrete hormones that help maintain
homeostasis. Erythropoietin, for example, is a kidney hormone that stimulates bone marrow to produce red blood
cells when more are needed. The kidneys themselves are also regulated by hormones. For example, antidiuretic
hormone from the hypothalamus stimulates the kidneys to produce more concentrated urine when the body is low
on water.
In vertebrates, the main organs of excretion and maintenance of water balance are the kidneys.
Excretion in invertebrates
Many unicellular organisms like Amoeba throw out their wastes by diffusion from their body surface. Protozoans
have no organs for excretion. As they live in an aquatic habitat, their wastes are eliminated by diffusion through the
plasma membrane.
Simple multicellular organisms like Hydra throw out solid waste matter through their mouth. Higher multicellular
organisms have well-defined specialized excretory organs. These organs could be simple tubular structures as in
flatworms and leech.
The excretory organs of insects (e.g., grasshopper, cockroach and housefly) are also tubular. They remove
nitrogenous wastes from the body fluid and help in maintaining the water balance in the body.
The excretory system is the system of an organism's body that performs the function of excretion, the bodily process
of discharging wastes. The Excretory system is responsible for the elimination of wastes produced by homeostasis.
Body fluids are drawn into the malphigian tubules by osmosis use to large concentrations of potassium
inside the tubule
Protonephridia are generally found in basal organisms such as in case of flatworms. Protonephridia is likely
a defense mechanism which tends to cope with a hypotonic environment by removing excess water from the
• Some aquatic invertebrates simply diffuse ammonia out of their bodies into the surrounding water
• Example; sponges, cnidarians and some round worms
Other aquatic invertebrates swell up with water, dilute the wastes and excrete the wastes through tiny pores
in their skin.
All members of the Porifera phylum lack a distinct excretory system
Waste products such as ammonia diffuse into cells as water follows through its body
This phylum does not have a distinct excretory system
In some coelenterates the waste material diffuses into the surrounding through epidermal cells
Animals like sea anemones have a single opening
This excretory system main function is to remove excess water from the body of the organism
Organisms like flatworm possess defined excretory structures called protonephridia, which help in waste
Echinoderms have a primary organ for excretion but instead release the nitrogenous waste in the form of
ammonia through their respiratory system.
The anus though is located most echinoderms and used for jettison waste.
The mollusks undigested food becomes a solid waste that is eliminated through the anus as feces.
The mollusks use a simple tubed shaped organ called the nephridia to eliminate the ammonia from the blood
stream and to the outside.
Arthropoda have what is considered a complete excretory system which means they have a mouth, anus and
digestive system.
Lobsters excrete their waste through their antennae. This acts a method to retain water as it does not have
to expend energy to pass waste.
Nephridia are organs of excretion in annelids.
The nephridia are coiled tubules with an expanded funnel-shaped nephrostome.
Filtration of the blood across the tubule wall can occur because of the close association between capillaries
and the nephridium.
When they are in water, they absorb specific salts through their skin and the kidney then produces very dilute urine
When amphibians are on land they conserve water by reabsorbing water across the epithelium of the urinary bladder
Reptiles have a very small kidney and in diapsids
Reptiles do not have the ability to produce liquid urine that is more concentrated than
their own body fluid because they lack loop of Henle
Birds require everything to be much lighter to assist them in flying more easily. Therefore, they do not have
a bladder, as it is too heavy
Instead the excretory system joins the digestive system by connecting the cloaca and the ureter, which
results in a liquid excrement (urine and feces are mixed)
Animal reproduction is necessary for the survival of a species. In the animal kingdom, there are innumerable ways
that species reproduce. Asexual reproduction produces genetically identical organisms (clones), whereas in sexual
reproduction, the genetic material of two individuals combines to produce offspring that are genetically different
from their parents.
During sexual reproduction the genetic material of two individuals is combined to produce genetically diverse
offspring that differ from their parents. The genetic diversity of sexually produced offspring is thought to give
species a better chance of surviving in an unpredictable or changing environment. Species that reproduce sexually
must maintain two different types of individuals, males and females, which can limit the ability to colonize new
habitats as both sexes must be present.
Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent because the offspring are all
clones of the original parent. A single individual can produce offspring asexually and large numbers of offspring can
be produced quickly; these are two advantages that asexually reproducing organisms have over sexually
reproducing organisms. In a stable or predictable environment, asexual reproduction is an effective means of
reproduction because all the offspring will be adapted to that environment. In an unstable or unpredictable
environment, species that reproduce asexually may be at a disadvantage because all the offspring are genetically
identical and may not be adapted to different conditions.
(Links to an external site.) There are four main forms of asexual reproduction in animals: budding, fission,
fragmentation, and parthenogenesis. Each form is similar in that one organism is able to create many more
organisms without the need for a mate, but they differ in the mechanism by which they create those organisms.
Both male and female consist of primary and secondary sex organs and sex glands.
Functions of Reproductive System
To produce egg and sperm cells
To transport and sustain these cells
To nurture the developing offspring
To produce hormones
Requires only one parent
Offspring have 100% same chromosomes as the parent. In other words, the offspring are the exact 5clone6
of the parent.
Most unicellular organisms
A process in which a new living organism is produce by combining genetic information from two individuals
of different sexes.
Kinds of Asexual Reproduction BINARY FISSION
Is a form of asexual reproduction where every organelle is copied and the organism divides into two.
Examples : Bacteria and Protists
Multiple Fission
By the means of splitting of a cell or organism into many cells or organism.
Examples : flatworms and annelids
Asexual reproduction whereby a new individual develops from an outgrowth of a parent, splits off, and lives
Example: Hydra
It is whereby a single parent breaks into parts that regenerate into whole new individuals. A new organism grows
from a fragment of a parent.
Examples : Molds and Planaria
Can produce without sperm and normal fertilazation.
A spontaneous activation of a mature egg, followed by normal egg divisions and subsequent embryonic
Examples : some flatworms, rotifers, roundworms, insects, lobsters, some lizards, and some fishes
Regeneration occurs when a body part has broken off and the organism grows a new one.
Common in multicellular creatures, such as worms, sea stars or geckos.
Requires two parents that share each ½ of the genetic information.
Offspring share the characteristic of each parent.
All members of the animal kingdom
• Fish
• Mammals
• Amphibians
• Birds
• Reptiles
• Insects
• Crustaceans
M5 - Lesson 5 : Endocrine and Nervous System (Part 1)
The Endocrine System
Endocrine system, any of the systems found in animals for the production of hormones, substances that regulate
the functioning of the organism.
Hormones are chemicals secreted by the endocrine glands, which are carried by the blood to the respective organs
to regulate certain physiological processes. The organs on which the hormones act are known as the target organs.
The target cells have receptors on their surface that recognize the respective hormones.
Hormones in animals are secreted through two types of glands, namely:
Endocrine Glands3 These glands that do not have ducts and transport their secretions directly to the site of action
through the blood. For eg., adrenal glands (Links to an external site.), pituitary glands, etc.
Exocrine Glands3 These glands have ducts to pass their secretions. For eg., sweat, liver, etc.
• Chemical messenger system comprising feedback loops of hormones released by internal glands of an
organism directly into the circulatory system, regulating distant target organs.
• In humans, the major endocrine glands are the thyroid gland and the adrenal glands.
What is hormone?
• a regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood to stimulate
specific cells or tissues into action.
3. Processes the information in the brain and spine, Communication and Coordination.
- Integration Function
4. Sends information to the muscles, glands, and organs so they can respond appropriately 3 Motor Function
5. Controls all the body functions
Basic functional unit of the nervous system
Transmit impulses ( up to 250 mph)
Parts of a Neuron
Dendrite 3 receive stimulus and carries it impulses toward the cell body
Cell Body with nucleus 3 nucleus & most of cytoplasm
Axon 3 fiber which carries impulses away from cell body
Schwann Cells- cells which produce myelin or fat layer in the Peripheral Nervous System
Myelin sheath 3 dense lipid layer which insulates the axon 3 makes the axon look gray
Node of Ranvier 3 gaps or nodes in the myelin sheath
Impulses travel from dendrite to cell body to axon
3 types of neuron:
Sensory neurons 3 bring messages to CNS, to brain and spinal cord. AFFERENT
Motor neurons - carry messages from CNS, from brain and spinal cord to body. EFRERENT
Interneurons 3 between sensory & motor neurons in the CNS (both)
⮚ Prosencephalon (forebrain)
⮚ Mesencephalon (midbrain)
⮚ Rhombencephalon (hindbrain) They are all present in all vertebrates
In more complex brains, they are further subdivided for integration of complete
Prosencephalon (forebrain)
Mesencephalon (midbrain)
Rhombencephalon (hindbrain) They are all present in all vertebrates
In more complex brains, they are further subdivided for integration of complete tasks
-gives a distinctive name to each species Scientific name
-derived from Latin terms
-genus begins with a capital letter while the species epithet begins with a lowercase letter; the entire scientific name is italicized
or underlined
Human Homo sapiens
H. sapiens (abbreviation)
Phylum Porifera
1. Body form: Assymmetrical or Radially symmetrical superficially
2. Unicellular (Cytoplasmic) level of organization; Possess three cell types namely, pinacocytes, mesenchyme cells,
and choanocytes
3. Flagella is surrounded by microvillar collars*
4. Absence of tissues or organs
5. With a central cavity or a series of branching chambers
Phylum Cnidaria
1. Body form: Radially symmetrical or Biradial symmetry
2. Tissue level of organization - Diploblastic
3. Between its epidermal and gastrodermal layers is a gelatinous mesoglea
4. With a gastrovascular cavity
5. Cnidocytes (contain cnidae or nematocysts) serve for defense, feeding, and attachment*
6. Has nerve net that is made up of nerve cells
7. Life cycle includes planula larvae*
Phylum Platyhelminthes
1. Body form: Bilaterally symmetrical; Acoelomate
2. Typically flattened dorsoventrally; Includes unsegmented worms; Class Cestoidea is strobilated
3. Tissue level of organization - Triploblastic
4. Presence of incomplete gut but for Class Cestoidea, gut is absent
5. Mainly monoecious; Reproductive system is complex
6. Cephalized to some extent; Pair of anterior ganglia is connected to longitudinal nerve cords through transverse
nerves makes up the nervous system
NO DISTINCT CHARACTERISTICS (Synapomorphic, share only homologous characteristics) *
Phylum Nematoda
1. Body form: Bilaterally symmetrical; Worm like
(Vermiform); Unsegmented; Pseudocoelomate
2. Tissue level of organization 3 Triploblastic
3. Body is covered with layered collagenous cuticle
4. Only longitudinal muscles comprise the body wall
5. Digestive tract is complete
6. Excretory system includes one or two renette cells or a set of collecting tubules
7. On its head is a paired lateral sensory organs (Amphids)*
8. Usual part of growth in juveniles is molting
Phylum Mollusca
1. Body form: Bilaterally symmetrical
2. Head-(foot*) and visceral mass are the two parts of its body
3. Mantle secretes calcareous spicules or one or more shells and envelop the visceral mass; Mantle cavity has a
variety of functions: excretion, gas exchange, elimination of digestive wastes, and release of reproductive products*
4. Usually with a radula for scraping food; this is not present or loss in bivalves*
5. All possess open circulatory system except Class Cephalopoda
6. Coelom surrounds the heart, nephridia, and gonads
7. Trochophore larvae, spiral cleavage, and schizocoelous coelom formation
Phylum Annelida
1. Body form: Bilaterally symmetrical; Vermiform (Worm-like); Metameric
2. With one or more pairs of epidermal setae (chaetae)*
3. Possess a closed circulatory system
4. Either with metanephridia (generally) or protonephridia
5. Dorsal suprapharyngeal ganglia and ventral nerve cord/s with ganglia
6. Trochophore larvae (when larvae is present), spiral cleavage, and schizocoelous coelom formation
Phylum Arthropoda
1. Metameric with modification (specialization of body regions for specific functions)
2. Segmented, jointed and hardened chitinous exoskeleton with intrinsic muscles in between individual joints of
appendages; Function for support and protection*
3. Possess an open circulatory system
4. Digestive tract is complete
5. Coelom surrounds gonads and sometimes excretory organs
6. Presence of central nervous system
7. Commonly undergoes metamorphosis
8. Part of growth is ecdysis or molting
Phylum Echinodermata
1. Body form: (Pentaradially symmetrical in adults*) and Bilaterally symmetrical in larvae
2. Calcareous endoskeleton in the form of ossicles*
3. Water vascular system (fluid-filled canals) aids in locomotion, attachment and/or feeding*
4. Possess a hemal system
5. Digestive tract is complete
6. Nerve net, nerve ring and radial nerves are parts of its nervous system; Nervous system controls the stiffness and
fluidity of connective tissue.
Phylum Chordata
1. Body form: Bilaterally symmetrical; Deuterostomate
2. Five characteristics are found at some stage in development: notochord, pharyngeal slits or pouches, dorsal
tubular nerve cord, postanal tail, and an endostyle or thyroid gland
3. Possess a ventral, contractile blood vessel (heart)
4. Digestive tract is complete