T.Y.B.A (Sem. - V) 2019 Pattern
T.Y.B.A (Sem. - V) 2019 Pattern
T.Y.B.A (Sem. - V) 2019 Pattern
P2050 [Total No. of Pages : 3
Compulsory English
Exploring new Horizons
(2019 Credit Pattern) (Semester-V) (35001)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) A) Answer the following questions in one sentence each (6 out of 9) [6]
a) Which book did Aksionov buy when he was in prison?
b) What did Aksionov Learn to make in the prison?
c) How many years Aksionov lived as a convict in siberia?
d) What does living safely mean by Krishnamurti?
e) What is the real function of education according to Krishnamurti?
f) What is intelligent according to Krishnamurti?
g) What time did Milly go to hotel for lunch with her friends?
h) Who is the author of the story “The Phantom Luncheon’?
i) Who is Ellen Niggle?
B) Attempt the following (2 out of 3) [14]
a) Discuss ‘God sees the Truth but Waits’ is a moral story on the
theme of forgiveness.
b) How does Krishanmurti explore the restricted view of education in
‘The Function of Education’?
c) Attempt a character sketch of lady drakmanton.
[6041]-501 1 P.T.O.
Q2) A) Answer the following questions in one sentence each. (6 out of 9) [6]
a) What about does Emily Dickinson warn in the last stanza of ‘Have
you got a Brook in your Little Heart’?
b) Which month is mentioned in the third stanza of the poem ‘Have
you Go ta brook in your Little Heart’?
c) Who is the poet of the poem ‘Have you got a brook in your Little
d) Why does the poet call the meeting as a strange meeting?
e) What message does the poem ‘Strange Meerting’ carry?
f) What is the untold truth according to the speaker soldier of the
poem ‘Stranger Meeting’?
g) What stanza form is used in the poem ‘Neutral Tones’?
h) What is the tone of the poem ‘Neutral Tones’?
i) What does the poem ‘Neutral Tones’ depict?
B) Attempt the following (2 out of 3) [14]
a) Discuss the symbolic significance of the Title ‘Have you got a Brook
in your Little Heart’.
b) How does Wilfred Owen bring out the futility of war?
c) How does the poem ‘Neutral Tones’ reflect pessimism?
[6041]-501 3
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
àíZ 2) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao 200 eãXm§n¶ªV {bhm. [20]
A) ‘amR>r dmL²>‘¶o{VhmgmÀ¶m H$mbI§S>mMo ñdén ñnï> H$éZ g{dñVa MMm© H$am.
~) ¶mXdH$mbrZ gm‘m{OH$ Am{U gm§ñH¥${VH$ nmíd©^y‘r gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am.
H$) ‘amR>r ^mfoMm CJ‘ H$moard boImÀ¶m AmYmao gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am.
àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao 200 eãXm§n¶ªV {bhm. [20]
A) ‘hmZw^md g§àXm¶mVrb JX²¶ J«§WmMo ñdén gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am.
~) g§V Zm‘Xod ¶m§À¶m dmL²>‘¶rZ H$m¶m©Mm g{dñVa AmT>mdm ¿¶m.
H$) g§V‘oi²¶mVrb g§Vm§À¶m dmL²>‘¶mMo ñdén {deX H$am.
àíZ 4) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao 200 eãXm§n¶ªV {bhm. [20]
A) ‘wHw§$XamOmÀ¶m dmL²>‘¶rZ H$m¶m©Mm g{dñVa AmT>mdm ¿¶m.
~) ~«÷JwUXmg ¶m§À¶m dmL²>‘¶rZ H$m¶m©Mm g{dñVa n[aM¶ H$éZ X²¶m.
H$) Z¥{gh§gañdVr ¶m§À¶m "JwéM[aÌ' ¶m J«§WmMo XÎm g§àXm¶mVrb ‘hËd gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am.
[6041]-502 2
Total No. of Questions : 5 SEAT No.
1) Attempt all the questions
2) Figure to the left Indicate Full Marks
[10] 3
[15] 4
[20] (4) 5
àíZ 1) {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Xmo àým| Ho$ CÎma {b{IE & [14]
A) qhXr gm{h˶ Ho$ H$mb{d^mOZ H$mo {deX H$s{OE &
~) Am{XH$mbrZ amgmo gm{h˶ H$s àd¥{Îm¶m| H$mo {deX H$s{OE &
H$) Am{XH$mbrZ {gÕ gm{h˶ Ho$ ñdén H$mo ñnï> H$s{OE &
S>) amgm¡ gm{h˶ ‘| M§X~aXmB© H$m ¶moJXmZ {deX H$s{OE &
àíZ 2) {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Xmo àým| Ho$ CÎma {b{IE & [14]
A) ^{º$ Am§XmobZ Ho$ gm‘m{OH$ Am¡a gm§ñH¥${VH$ H$maU {deX H$s{OE &
~) H${d Om¶gr H$m n[aM¶ Xr{OE &
H$) gÝV H$mì¶ H$m n[aM¶ Xr{OE &
S>) am‘ H$mì¶ H$mo ñnï> H$s{OE &
àíZ 3) {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Xmo àým| Ho$ CÎma {b{IE & [14]
A) ar{VH$mb H$s n¥ð>^y{‘ H$mo ñnï> H$s{OE &
~) H${d KZmZ§X H$m ¶moJXmZ {deX H$s{OE &
H$) ar{V{gÕ H$mì¶ H$m n[aM¶ Xr{OE &
S>) ar{V~Õ H$mì¶ H$s àd¥{V¶m| H$mo {deX H$s{OE &
àíZ 4) {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht VrZ na {Q>ßn{U¶m± {b{IE & [21]
àíZ 5) {ZåZ{b{IV ~hþ{dH$ënr` àým| _| go {H$Ýht gmV àým| Ho$ CÎma {b{IE & [7]
A) Am{XH$mb ~) ^{º$H$mb
H$) àJ{VH$mb S>) AmYw{ZH$ H$mb
iv) M§X~aXmB© {H$g H$mb Ho$ H${d h¡?
A) Am{XH$mb ~) ^{º$H$mb
H$) ar{VH$mb S>) AmYw{ZH$ H$mb
v) Am. am‘M§Ð ew³b Zo ^{º$H$mb H$s g‘¶-gr‘m - H$m¡Z-gr ‘mZr h¡?
A) g§dV 1050 go 1375 ~) g§dV 1375 go 1700
H$) g§dV 1700 go 1900 S>) g§dV 1900 go A~ VH$ &
[6041]-504 2
vi) qhXr gm{h˶ Ho$ {H$g H$mb H$mo "l¥§Jma H$mb' H$hm h¡&
A) Am{XH$mb ~) ^{º$H$mb
H$) ar{VH$mb$ S>) AmYw{ZH$ H$mb
vii) ‘m{bH$ ‘wh‘§X Om¶gr H$s aMZm H$m¡Zgr h¡?
A) nX‘mdV ~) gyagmJa
H$) ~rOH$ S>) ^«‘aJrV
viii) "am‘M[aV‘mZg' Ho$ aMZmH$ma H$m¡Z h¡&
A) VwbgrXmg ~) gyaXmg
H$) H$~ra S>) Om¶gr
ix) "ar{V~Õ H$mì¶' {H$g H$mb H$s {deofVm h¡&
A) Am{XH$mb ~) ^{º$H$mb
H$) ar{VH$mb S>) AmYw{ZH$ H$mb
x) KZmZ§X H$s aMZm H$m¡Zgr h¡?
A) H$mì¶{ZU©¶ ~) {~ahbrbm
H$) gm{hV¶ bhar S>) a{gH$ {à¶m
[6041]-504 3
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3119 [Total No. of Pages : 2
T.Y. B.A.
DSE-1C : bKw{gÕmÝV H$m¡‘wXr, d¡{XH$ dmL²>‘¶mMm B{Vhmg
(2019 Credit Pattern) (Semester - V) (35111)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
All questions are compulsory.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
Figures to right indicate full marks.
~) ¶mo½¶ OmoS>çm Owidm. (H$moU˶mhr nmM) [5]
Match the pairs. (Any five)
i) CaU² ana: A) JdoÝÐ:
ii) d¥{Õao{M ~) ‘Zrfm
iii) E˶oY˶yR²>gw H$) Cnmof{V
iv) E{S> naê$n‘² S>) Cn¡{V
v) AMmo@ Ý˶m{X {V B) H¥$îU¡H$Ëd‘²
vi) BÝÐo M ’$) H¥$îU{Õ©
[6041]-505 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q1) Answer the following questions in one to two sentences each (Any Eight) :
c) Explain the types of terms of Trade, in brief.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 100 words each (any Three): [18]
Q4) Answer the following questions in 200 words each. (Any Two) [20]
[6041]-506 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
T.Y. B.A. (Semester - V)
International Economics - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (35151)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘yi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
4) Amdí¶H$ VoWo AmH¥$˶m H$mT>m.
àíZ 1) Imbrb àým§Mr àË`oH$s EH$ Vo XmoZ dm³¶m§V CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr AmR>) … [16]
A) Am§Vaamï´>r¶ AW©emómMr ì¶m»¶m Úm.
~) Am§VaàmXo{eH$ ì¶mnma åhUOo H$m¶?
H$) Am§Va-CÚmoJ ì¶mnmamMm AW© gm§Jm.
S>) ì¶mnmaeVu åhUOo H$m¶?
B) {Zìdi dñVy ì¶mnmaeVu åhUOo H$m¶?
B©) AZwHy$b ì¶mnmaVmobmMr ì¶m»¶m Úm.
’$) ì¶dhmaVmob åhUOo H$m¶?
¶) Ad‘yë¶ZmMm AW© gm§Jm.
a) {d{Z‘¶ {Z¶§ÌU åhUOo H$m¶?
b) à{VHy$b ì¶dhmaVmobmMm AW© gm§Jm.
3 P.T.O.
H$) ì¶mnmaeVuMo àH$ma WmoS>³¶mV ñnï> H$am.
S>) ì¶dhmaVmobmMo KQ>H$ gm§Jm.
B) ho³íMa-Amoh{bZ {gÕm§VmMo gZmVZdmXr {gÕm§Vmdarb loð>Ëd WmoS>³¶mV gm§Jm.
B©) ì¶mnmaVmobmMo àH$ma WmoS>³¶mV ñnï> H$am.
àíZ 3) Imbrb àíZm§Mr à˶oH$s 100 eãXm§V CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr VrZ) [18]
A) {dH$gZerb Xoem§Zm ì¶mnmaeVu à{VHy$b AgʶmMr H$maUo gm§Jm.
~) {bAm±{Q>’$Mm {damoYm^mg ñnï> H$am.
H$) Am§Vaamï´>r¶ AW©emómMo ‘hËd gm§Jm.
S>) A°S>‘ pñ‘WMm {Zanoj IM©-bm^ Ñï>rH$moU ñnï> H$am.
àíZ 4) Imbrb àíZm§Mr à˶oH$s 200 eãXm§V CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr XmoZ) [20]
A) ì¶mnmaeVu {ZYm©[aV H$aUmao KQ>H$ ñnï> H$am.
~) Am§Vaamï´>r¶ ì¶mnma åhUOo H$m¶? Am§Vaamï´>r¶ ì¶mnmamMo ‘hËd ñnï> H$am.
H$) ì¶dhmaVmobmVrb Ag‘Vmob åhUOo H$m¶? ì¶dhmaVmob à{VHy$b AgʶmMr H$maUo gm§Jm.
[6041]-506 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q1) Answer the following questions in 20 words each. (Any Eight) : [16]
i) Define Good-Governance.
Q2) Write Short Notes. (Any Four) (in 50 words each) : [16]
Q3) Write short answers. (in 100 words) (any three) : [18]
c) Features of E-Governance.
Q4) Write answers in detail. (in 200 words) (any two) [20]
[6041]-507 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
T.Y. B.A. (Semester - V)
DSE-1C : Public Administration
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (35161)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm : 1 ) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo A{Zdm¶© Amho.
2 ) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3 P.T.O.
S>) Zd bmoH$ àemgZmMr d¡{eîQ>ço
B) Zd bmoH$ ì¶dñWmnZ ñdén
’$) "bmoH$àemgZ EH$ emóm Amho' ¶m {dYmZmMo ñnï>rH$aU H$am.
àíZ 3) Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>³¶mV CÎmao {bhm. (100 eãXm§V) (H$moUVohr VrZ) … [18]
A) bmoH$àemgZmMm AW©, ñdén d ì¶már {bhm.
~) gwemgZmMm AW©, ñdê$n Am{U d¡{eîQ>ço {bhm.
H$) B©-àemgZmMr d¡{eîQ>ço {bhm.
S>) gmd©O{ZH$ d ImOJr joÌ ^mJrXmarMo ’$m¶Xo d VmoQ>o.
[6041]-507 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
a) Write any two definitions of History and explain the nature of History.
Q4) Attempt any four short notes : [20]
a) Importance of sources.
b) Problem formulation
c) Objectives of Research
d) Hypothesis of research
f) Oral sources
[6041]-508 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
T.Y. B.A. (Semester - V)
DSE-1C : Introduction to Historiography
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (35171)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm : 1 ) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ Amho.
2 ) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZmMo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3 ) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘yi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr
àíZ 4) {Q>nm {bhm (H$moU˶mhr Mma) … [20]
A) gmYZm§Mo ‘hËd
~) g‘ñ¶m gyÌU
g) g§emoYZmMr CÔrï>o
X) g§emoYZmMr J¥hrVHo$
[6041]-508 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q1) Write the answer to the following questions in about 20 words each.
(any Eight) : [16]
e) How many constituent states and union territories are there in India?
Q2) Write short notes in about 50 words each. (any three) : [18]
a) Diversity in unity in India.
b) Importance of the North Indian Plains.
c) The western channel rivers of the sahyadri mountains.
d) Deforestation in India.
Q3) Write the answer of the following questions in 100 words each (any two) :
Q4) Write the answer to the following questions in 300 words each (any one) :
[6041]-509 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P-2057 [6041]-509
T.Y. B.A.
Gg-320(A) DSE-1C : Geography of India - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35201)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm: 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZmMo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m.
4) ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgb dmnaÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho.
5) g§X^m©gmR>r _yi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
àíZ 1) Imbrb àíZm§Mr àË`oH$s 20 eãXm§V CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr AmR>) … [16]
\$) OmJVrH$ à_mUdoioÀ`m {H$Vr Vmg nwT>o ^maVmMr à_mU doi Amho.
3 P.T.O.
àíZ 2) Imbrb àíZm§Mr àË`oH$s 50 eãXm§V CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr VrZ) … [18]
A) ^maVmVrb EH$VoVrb {d{dYVm
~) CÎma ^maVr` _¡XmZr àXoemMo _hÎd
H$) ghçmÐr nd©VmVrb npíM_ dm{hZr ZXçm
S>) ^maVmVrb {Zd©UrH$aU
àíZ 3) Imbrb àíZm§Mr àË`oH$s 100 eãXm§V CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) … [16]
àíZ 4) Imbrb àíZm§Mr àË`oH$s 300 eãXm§V CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$) … [20]
[6041]-509 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
àíZ 1) A) ¶m Aä¶mgH«$‘mVrb H$moU˶mhr EH$m amJmVrb ‘ܶb¶ »¶mb ñda{bnr~Õ H$am. [10]
~) ¶m Aä¶mgH«$‘mVrb H$moU˶mhr EH$m amJmMm ñda{dñVma {bhm. [5]
~) {Q>nm {bhm (H$moU˶mhr XmoZ) [12]
i) d¡{XH$ g§JrV
ii) d¡{XH$ H$mimVrb dmÚo
iii) à~§Y
iv) OmVrJm¶Z
[6041]-510 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
T.Y. B.A.
(¶m g§MmVrb amJg§JrV Jm¶Z, V~bm ¶m XmoZ n¡H$s Vw‘À¶m {df¶mMr H$moUVrhr EH$
àýn{ÌH$m gmoS>dm)
DSE-1C(S5) : V~bm
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (32518)
[6041]-510 3
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q1) Answer of the following questions in 100 words. (any Four) : [20]
a) Define the Psychological test. Explain the types of test.
b) Define reliability. Explain the test - retest reliability.
c) Explain the Validity of test.
d) Explain age and gender norms of test.
e) State the characteristics of Psychological test.
f) State the history of Psychological test.
Q2) Answer of the following questions in 200 words. (any two) : [20]
a) Define validity. Explain content and construct validity of test.
b) What is Psychological test? Discuss the classification of test.
c) Discuss the types of reliability.
d) Explain the difficulty level and discrimination of Item.
Q3) Answer of the following questions in 400 words. (any one) [20]
a) Discuss the influencing factors on reliability.
b) Write in details, The uses of Psychological test.
Q4) Write Short notes (any two) : [10]
a) Speed test.
b) Split-Half reliability.
c) Criterion Validity.
d) Percentile norms.
[6041]-511 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P-2058 [6041]-511
T.Y. B.A.
DSE 1 C : Psychological Testing (Theory)
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35221)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm: 1 ) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo A{Zdm`© Amho.
2 ) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3 ) g§X^m©gmR>r _yi B§J«Or àíZnÌrH$m nhmdr.
àíZ 1) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 100 eãXm§V {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) … [20]
A) _mZgemór` MmMUrMr ì`m»`m Úm. MmMUrMo àH$ma ñnï> H$am.
~) {dídg {Z`VoMr ì`m»`m Úm. MmMUr-nyd©MmMUr {dídg{Z`Vm ñnï> H$am.
H$) MmMUrMr `WmW©Vm ñnï> H$am.
S>) MmMUrVrb d` d qbJ _mZX§S> ñnï> H$am.
B) _Zmo_mnZ MmMUrMo d¡{eï>ço ñnï> H$am.
\$) _Zmo_mnZ MmMUrMm B{Vhmg ñnï> H$am.
àíZ 2) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 200 eãXm§V {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) … [20]
A) `WmW©VVoMr ì`m»`m Úm. Ame`mË_H$ d a{MV `WmW©V ñnï> H$am.
~) _mZgemór` MmMUrMr ì`m»`m Úm. MmMUtMo d{J©H$aUmMr MMm© H$am.
H$) {dídg{Z`VoÀ`m àH$mam§da MMm© H$am.
S>) {dYmZm§Mr H$mR>rÊ` nmVir d {d^o{XH$aU ñnï> H$am.
àíZ 3) Imbrb àíZmMo CÎma 400 eãXm§V {bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$) … [20]
A) {dídg{Z`Vo da n[aUm_ H$maUmè`m KQ>H$m§Mr MMm© H$am.
~) _mZgemór` MmMUrMo Cn`moJ g§{já {bhm.
3 P.T.O.
àíZ 4) Q>rnm {bhm. (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) … [10]
A) JVr MmMUr
~) AY©-{dÀN>Xo {dídg{Z`Vm
H$) {ZH$f `WmW©Vm
S>) à{VeV _mZX§S>
[6041]-511 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q1) Answer the following questions in 100 words each. (Any Three) :
[3 × 5 = 15]
a) What are the basic principles of the United Nations Charter?
b) Explain the function of General Assembly.
c) Explain the enforcement action by the United Nations.
d) State the India role in the United Nations.
e) State the structure of World Trade Organization.
Q2) Answer the following questions in 300 Words each. (any One) :
[1 × 15 = 15]
a) Describe in detail the nature and scope of human rights.
b) Explain in detail the structure and role of World Health Organization.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200 words each. (Any Two) :
[2 × 10 = 20]
a) Explain in detail the structure and functions of security council.
b) What are the causes of human right violation?
c) Explain the aims and objectives of world Trade Organisation.
d) Explain the role of United Nations in social issues.
Q4) Write Short Notes (Any Four) : [4 × 5 = 20]
a) Objectives of UN
b) Trusteeship Council
d) Objectives of W.T.O.
e) Functions of W.H.O.
f) Veto
[6041]-512 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P-2059 [6041]-512
T.Y. B.A.
DSE-1 CSPL.-3 : International Organization
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35271)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm: 1 ) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2 ) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
àíZ 1) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao àË`oH$s 100 eãXm§V {bhm. (H$moUVohr VrZ>) … [3 × 5 = 15]
A) g§`wŠV amï´>mÀ`m gZXoMr _yb^yV VÎdo H$moUVr?
~) Am_g^oMr H$m`} ñnï> H$am.
H$) g§`wŠV amï´>mMr H$m`©dmhrMr H¥$Vr ñnï> H$am.
S>) g§`wŠV amï´>g§Km _Yrb ^maVmMr ^y{_H$m gm§Jm.
B) OmJ{VH$ ì`mnma g§KQ>ZoMr aMZm gm§Jm.
àíZ 2) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao àË`oH$s 300 eãXm§V {bhm. (H$moUVohr EH$) … [1 × 15 = 15]
A) _mZdr hŠH$m§Mo ñdê$n Am{U ì`már g{dñVa {deX H$am.
~) OmJ{VH$ Amamo½` g§KQ>ZoMr aMZm Am{U ^y{_H$m g{dñVa ñnï> H$am.
àíZ 3) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao àË`oH$s 200 eãXm§V {bhm. (H$moUVohr XmoZ>) … [2 × 10 = 20]
A) gwajm n[afXoMr aMZm Am{U H$m`} g{dñVa ñnï> H$am.
~) _mZdr hŠH$ Cëb§KZmMr H$maUo H$moUVr?
H$) OmJ{VH$ ì`mnma g§KQ>ZoMo hoVy Am{U C{Ôï>o ñnï> H$am.
S>) g§`wŠV amï´>m§Mr gm_m{OH$ àíZ gmoS>dÊ`mVrb ^y{_H$m ñnï> H$am.
3 P.T.O.
àíZ 4) WmoS>Š`mV {Q>nm {bhm. (H$moUË`mhr Mma>) … [4 × 5 = 20]
~) {dídñV n[afX
[6041]-512 4
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
Q4) Attempt Any Three of the following questions : [15]
a) What sort of moral philosophy does Silas Marner present in George
Eliot's novel.
b) Write a note on the chance and co incidence in the novel 'Silas Marner'.
c) Attempt a character sketch of Nancy Lammeter.
d) Examine the transformation of Silas Marner in the novel by George
e) How does Dustan justify to himself stealing of Silas' gold.
[6041]-513 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q3) Attempt any FOUR of the following : [20]
a) Let X, Y be metric spaces. Prove that f : X → Y is continuous if and
only if for every open set V ⊂ Y, its inverse image f –1(V) is open in X.
[6041]-514 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q2) Answer the following questions in 50 words each (Any three) : [15]
a) Describe Purposive Sampling as a type of Non-Probability Sampling.
b) State the basic principles of ethical social research.
c) Discuss the need of research design in brief.
d) What do you mean by Quota Sampling Method?
e) Elaborate the importance of social research.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200 words each (Any two) : [20]
a) Explain any three types of research design.
b) Describe the concept and source of secondary method of data collection.
c) Analyse the critical approach in social research.
d) Describe the limitations of sampling method in social research.
Q4) Answer the following questions in 300 words each (Any one) : [20]
[6041]-515 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P-2062 [6041]-515
T.Y. B.A.
DSE-1C : Fundamental Principles of Social Research
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35371)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm :
1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo A{Zdm`© AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nwU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
A) J¡a g§^mË`Vm Z_wZm{ZdS>rMm EH$ àH$ma åhUyZ ghoVyH$ Z_wZm{ZdS> ñnï> H$am.
3 P.T.O.
àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao 200 eãXm§V {bhm … [20]
A) g§emoYZ AmaIS²>`mMo H$moUVohr VrZ àH$ma ñnï> H$am.
~) VÏ` g§H$bZmÀ`m Xþæ`_ nÕVrMr g§H$ënZm Am{U ómoV {deX H$am.
H$) gm_m{OH$ g§emoYZmVrb {M{H$ËgH$ Ñ{ï>H$moZmMo {díbofU H$am.
S>) gm_m{OH$ g§emoYZmVrb Z_wZm {ZdS>nÕVrÀ`m _`m©Xm ñnï> H$am.
àíZ 4) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZm§Mo CÎmao 300 eãXm§V {bhm … [20]
A) J¥hrVH¥$Ë`mMr ì`m»`m H$am. J¥hrVH¥$Ë`mMr d¡{eï>ço Am{U àH$ma g{dñVa ñnï> H$am.
~) gm_m{OH$ g§emoYZmVrb àË`jdmXr Am{U órdmXr Ñ{ï>H$moZm§Mo narjU H$am.
[6041]-515 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q1) Answer the following questions in 100 words each (Any Three) : [15]
a) Briefly write Nietzsche’s concept of ‘Superman’.
b) Give a brief biography of Wittgenstein.
c) List the famous books of Marcel.
d) Briefly describe Nietzsche’s Zarathustra.
e) Why is Marcel called an Mystery Empiricist? State.
f) Briefly describe Wittgenstein’s method of Linguistic Analysis.
Q2) Answer the following questions in 100 words each (Any three) : [15]
a) Marcel considers ‘Having’ to be an experience of Alienation, state.
b) Briefly write Nietzsche’s idea of Moral Anarchy.
c) Briefly explain Wittgenstein’s concept of Mixed Proposition.
d) Explain Marcel’s concept of incarnation.
e) Briefly write the realist position of Nietzsche.
Q3) Write Short notes in 200 words each (Any Two) : [20]
a) Concept of Truth: Nietzsche.
b) Language-Games : Wittgenstein.
c) Human honesty : Marcel.
Q4) Answer the following questions in 400 words (Any one) : [20]
a) Elaborate Nietzsche’s concept of Ethical-Relativism.
b) Write in detail Marcel’s concepts of ‘Problem’ and ‘Mystery’.
c) Explain in detail Wittgenstein’s argument that “propositions are picture
of reality”.
[6041]-517 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P-2063 [6041]-517
T.Y. B.A. (Regular)
DSE-1C : Thinkers and Textual Studies Thinkers
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35421)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm :
1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo A{Zdm`© Amho.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r _wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
àíZ 1) Imbrb àíZm§Mr 100 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr VrZ) [15]
A) ZrËeo darb dm¾oaMm à^md WmoS>Š`mV {bhm.
~) {dQ>JoÝñQ>mBZZo BÝìhopñQ>JoeZ_Ü`o _m§S>bobm {dMma gmam§e ê$nmV {bhm.
H$) _mg}bÀ`m VÎdkmZmMm WmoS>Š`mV AmT>mdm ¿`m.
S>) ZrËeoMr "Xÿ[aV' g§H$ënZm WmoS>Š`mV ñnï> H$am.
B) _mg}bMr "qMVZ' g§km WmoS>Š`mV {bhm.
\$) _mg}b Zd-gm°Ho«${Q>gdmXr VÎdk H$gm R>aVmo?
àíZ 2) Imbrb àíZm§Mr 100 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr VrZ) [15]
A) {díbofU VÎdkm{df`r WmoS>Š`mV _m{hVr {bhm.
~) _mg}bMr "ñdm{_Ëd' g§H$ënZm WmoS>Š`mV {bhm.
H$) ZrËeoMr "gË`' g§H$ënZm WmoS>Š`mV {bhm.
S>) {dQ>JoÝñQ>BZMr ^m{fH$ Cn`mo{JVm g§H$ënZm H$m` Amho?
B) _mg}bMr XohYmaUm (AdVma) g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am.
\$) ZrËeoMr "à^wËdH$m§jm' g§H$ënZm {bhm.
3 P.T.O.
àíZ 3) H$moUË`mhr Xmohm|da 200 eãXmV Q>rnm {bhm. [20]
A) PaWwï´>m … ZrËeo.
~) Hw$Qw>§~ gmÑí`Vm … {dQ>JoÝñQ>mBZ.
H$) àmW{_H$ qMVZ … _mg}b.
àíZ 4) Imbrb àíZmMo 400 eãXmV CÎma {bhm. (H$moUVmhr EH$) [20]
A) \o«$S>[aH$ ZrËeoMr Zr{V g§H$ënZm g{dñVa ñnï> H$am.
~) {dQ>JoÝñQ>mBZMr {MÌCnnVr g{dñVa {bhm.
H$) _mg}bMo A_yVuH$aU VÎdkmZmMo g{dñVa dU©Z H$am.
[6041]-517 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q3) Attempt any three questions (100 words) : [18]
a) Explain the function of Financial Administration.
b) Explain the role of executive board on Financial Administration.
c) Explain the role of budget in social and economic changes.
d) Explain the Parliamentary Committee.
[6041]-518 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P-2064 [6041]-518
T.Y. B.A.
DSE-1C : Financial Administration
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35441)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm :
1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ Amho.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3 P.T.O.
S>) dm{f©H$ A§XmOnÌH$ ñnï> H$am.
B) A§XmOnÌH$mMr à{H«$`m ñnï> H$am.
\$) A§XmOnÌH$mMr d¡{eï>ço gm§Jm.
àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr VrZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao 100 eãXmV {bhm. [18]
A) {dÎm àemgZmMr H$m`© ñnï> H$am.
~) {dÎm àemgZmdarb H$m`©H$mar_§S>imMr ^y{_H$m ñnï> H$am.
H$) gm_m{OH$ d Am{W©H$ ~Xbm_Ü`o A§XmOnÌH$mMr ^y{_H$m ñnï> H$am.
S>) g§gXr` g{_Vr ñnï> H$am.
àíZ 4) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao 200 eãXmV {bhm. [20]
A) {dÎm àemgZmMm AW© gm§JyZ {dÎm àemgZmMr VËdo gm§Jm.
~) A§XmOnÌH$mMr A§_b~OmdUr ñnï> H$am.
H$) A§XmOnÌH$mMm AW© gm§JyZ Mm§Jë`m A§XmOnÌH$mMr VÎdo ñnï> H$am.
[6041]-518 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P-2065 [Total No. of Pages : 2
T.Y. B.A.
MARATHI (‘amR>r)
DSE - 2C (03) + 1 : dU©ZmË‘H$ ^mfm {dkmZ-^mJ : 1
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35022)
à. 2) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao à˶oH$s 200 eãXm§n¶ªV {bhm. [20]
A) ^mfmä¶mgmMo ‘hËd {deX H$ê$Z {d{dY ^mfmä¶mg nÕVtMm n[aM¶ H$ê$Z ¿¶m.
à. 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao à˶oH$s 200 eãXm§n¶©V {bhm. [20]
… … …
[6041]-519 2
Total No. of Questions : 5 SEAT No.
(i (h (g
[15] .3
(b (a
(d (c
(f (e
[10] .4
Successful but what is Success, the respective of Success varies the people
before us have a different views on success on the person after us will have a
different view on success. But success not something that you can copy from
others. You have to make your own path to achieving Success. In modern-
days people are observed with success because of the glamour and life style
of Successful People.
2 [6041]-520
b) Book is best friend in spare time and books are refered to a man's best
friend, they are very beneficial from mankind and have helped it evolve there
Postman. He wear the khaki uniform, he has latter bag, he bring letters
parcel and money order for us. He goes from door to door and he distributed
the cards etc, morning to afternoon. He bring happy news also, but some
time bring sad news for us. He performs his duty nicely, he has not holiday
3 [6041]-520
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P-2066 [Total No. of Pages : 3
T.Y. B.A.
HINDI (qhXr)
DSE -2 C (S4) : ^mfm {dkmZ (gm‘mݶ n[aM¶)
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35092)
à. 4) {ZåZ{b{IV ‘| go {H$Ýht VrZ {Q>ßn{U¶m| H$moo {b{IE& [21]
A) ^mfm{dkmZ H$s emIm : AW©{dkmZ&
~) ^mfm{dkmZ Am¡a ‘Zmo{dkmZ&
H$) Üd{ZJwU : ‘mÌm Am¡a ~bmKmV&
S>) ê$n{dkmZ H$m gm‘mݶ n[aM¶&
B) AW© {dkmZ H$m n[aM¶&
’$) AW© n[adV©Z Ho$ Xmo H$maU&
à. 5) {ZåZ{b{IV ‘| go {H$Ýht gmV ~hþ{dH$ënr àíZm| Ho$ C{MV n¶m©¶ {b{IE& [7]
i) ^mfm H$m d¡km{ZH$ Aܶ¶Z H$m¡Z H$aVm h¡?
A) gm{h˶ ~) B{Vhmg
ii) A§J«oOr ‘o§ ^mfm{dkmZ Ho$ {bE gdm©{YH$ àM{bV eãX H$m¡Z gm h¡?
A) Linguistics ~) Literatare
A) ‘Zmo{dkmZ ~) ì¶mH$aU
[6041]-521 2
vi) ^mfm H$s bKwV‘ BH$mB© H$m¡Z - gr h¡?
A) Üd{Z ~) eãX
A) EH$ ~) Xmo
ix) AW© H$m {dñV¥V go g§Hw${MV hmo OmZm ³¶m H$hbmVm h¡?
A) H$‘b ~) Jwbm~
… … …
[6041]-521 3
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2067 [Total No. of Pages : 2
T.Y. B.A.
DSE - 2C : AÞ§^Å>{da{MV… VH©$gL²>J«h…
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35112)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm : 1) All questions are compulsory.
gd© àý A{Zdm¶© AmhoV.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
COdrH$S>rb A§H$ JwU Xe©{dVmV.
B) Write answers in the Sanskrit language. (Any Five) [5]
~) g§ñH¥$V ^mfoV CÎma Úm. (H$moUVohr nm§M)
i) ñ‘¥{V… H${V{dYm?
ii) naËd§ H${V{dY‘²?
iii) Am¡bw³¶Xe©Zñ¶ àUoVm H$…?
iv) ewº$m¡ aOV‘² B{V qH$ àH$maH$‘² A¶WmW©kmZ‘²?
v) ê$nñ¶ bjU§ {H$‘²?
vi) {bL²>J§ H${V{dY‘²?
[6041]-522 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2068 [Total No. of Pages : 4
T.Y. B.A.
DSE - 2C : Public Finance - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35152) (Special Paper - IV)
Q1) Answer the following questions in 20 words each (Any Eight) [16]
Q2) Answer the following questions in 50 words each (Any four) [16]
Q3) Answer the following questions in 100 words each (Any Three) [18]
Q4 Answer the following questions in 200 words each (Any two) [20]
[6041]-523 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P2068 [6041]-523
T.Y. B.A.
DSE - 2C : Public Finance - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35152) (Special Paper - IV)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíÝmm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) CÎmao Zo‘H$s d ‘wX²XogyX AgmdrV.
4) Amdí¶H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$˶m H$mT>mì¶mV.
5) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
[6041]-523 3
à. 2) nwT>rb àíZm§Mr à˶oH$s 50 eãXm§V CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr Mma) [16]
à. 3) nwT>rb àíZm§Mr à˶oH$s 100 eãXm§V CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr VrZ) [18]
à. 4) nwT>rb àíZm§Mr à˶oH$s 200 eãXm§V CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr XmoZ) [20]
[6041]-523 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2069 [Total No. of Pages : 4
T.Y. B.A.
DSE-2C : International Relations
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (CBCS) (35162)
Q2) Write the answers in 50 words (any four). [16]
e) Functions of BRICS.
f) Marxism.
a) Explain the reasons for the emergence of the new international order.
[6041]-524 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P2069 [6041]-524
T.Y. B.A.
DSE-2C : International Relations
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (CBCS) (35162)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘yi B§J«Or àíZ n{ÌH$m nhmdr.
[6041]-524 3
à. 2) H$moU˶mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CVao {bhm. (50 eãXm§V) [16]
[6041]-524 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2070 [Total No. of Pages : 2
DSE-2C : Maharashtra in the 19th Century
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35172)
Q1) Answer the following question in 300 words (any one). [15]
a) Explain in detail the reasons for the decline of Maratha power.
b) Review the social work of Satya Shodhak Samaj.
Q2) Answer the following question in 300 words (any one). [15]
a) Explain the coutribution of extremist in Indian freedom movement.
b) Review the economic ideas of the thinker of Maharashtra.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200 words (any two). [20]
a) Explain the economic impact of British administration on Maharashtra.
b) Review the social work of Prarathana Samaj.
c) Evaluate of the deccan riots.
d) Explain merits - demerits of permanent settlement system.
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P2070 [6041]-525
DSE-2C : Maharashtra in the 19th Century
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35172)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
[6041]-525 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P3121 [Total No. of Pages : 2
DSE-2C : Constitutional Development in India (1773 - 1853)
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (CBCS) (35173) (3 Credits)
Q1) Answer the following question in 300 words (any one). [15]
a) Explain the Background of East India Company.
b) Explain the causes and consequences of the failure of the dual system in
Q2) Answer the following questions in 300 words (any one). [15]
a) Explain the provisions of the regulating act of 1773.
b) Explain the background of pitts India Act and its provisions.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200 words (any two). [20]
a) Describe the characteristics of Lord Wellesley’s Tainant Fauj.
b) Describe the features of the charter Act of 1853.
c) Explain the main features of Rayatwari system.
d) Financial Reforms of Lord William Bentinck.
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P3121 [6041]-526
DSE-2C : Constitutional Development in India (1773-1853)
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (CBCS) (35173) (3 Credits)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
[6041]-526 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2071 [Total No. of Pages : 4
DSE-1C GG320 (A) : Geography of Rural Development - I
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester - V) (35202)
Q2) Write a short note in 50 words (any three). [18]
Q3) Answer the following questions in 100 words (any two). [16]
Q4) Answer the following questions in 300 words (any one). [20]
[6041]-527 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P2071 [6041]-527
DSE-1C GG320 (A) : Geography of Rural Development - I
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester - V) (35202)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) Amdí¶H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$˶m H$mT>m.
4) ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgb dmnaʶmg nadmZJr Amho.
[6041]-527 3
à. 2) gw‘mao 50 eãXm§V {Q>nm {bhm. (H$moUVohr VrZ) [18]
[6041]-527 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
àíZ 1) A) í`m_ H$ë`mU, _Ywd§Vr, Z§X _mé{~hmJ `mn¡H$s EH$m amJmVrb {db§{~V »`mb ñda{bnr~Õ
H$am. [10]
~) `m dfuÀ`m Aä`mgH«$_mVrb H$moUË`mhr EH$m amJmMr g§nyU© emór` _m{hVr {bhm. [5]
àíZ 2) A) _mé{~hmJ, _Ywd§Vr, ny[a`m, Z§X `mn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m amJmMmamJ{dñVma {bhm. [10]
~) nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr EH$m VmbmMr g§nU
y © emór¶ ‘m{hVr {bhÿZ VmbmMm R>Ho $m EH$nQ>rV
{bhm. [5]
i) {db§{~V EH$Vmb
ii) {VbdmS>m
iii) XrnM§Xr
àíZ 4) A) nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m g§JrVkmMo OrdZM[aÌ d gm§Jr{VH$ `moJXmZ {bhm. [10]
i) n§. {edHw$_ma e_m©
ii) n§. am_ml`Pm
iii) lr_Vr Amem ^mogbo
~) nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m {df`mda g{dñVa {bhm. [10]
i) g§emoYZ joÌ åhUyZ g§JrV {df`mMo ñdê$n
ii) g§JrV Am{U AÝ` b{bV H$bm
iii) g§JrV g§_obZ, _hmoËgd
iv) g§JrV _¡{\$b gmXarH$aU
[6041]-528 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
T.Y. B.A.
(¶m g§MmVrb amJ g§JrV Jm¶Z, V~bm ¶m XmoZ n¡H$s Vw‘À¶m {df¶mMr H$moUVrhr EH$
àýn{ÌH$m gmoS>dm)
DSE-2C (S7) : V~bm
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (32519)
[6041]-528 3
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2072 [Total No. of Pages : 2
DSE-2C S-4 : Contemporary Warfare
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester - V) (35272)
Q1) Answer the following questions in 100 words each (any three). [3×5=15]
a) What are the main characteristics of war?
b) Explain the meaning and concept of chemical warfare.
c) What is an example of low intensity conflict?
d) What are the consequences of war?
e) State the principles of guerilla warfare.
Q2) Answer the following questions in 300 words each (any one). [1×15=15]
a) What is conventional and non conventional warfare?
b) Explain in detail elements of insurgency.
Q3) Answer the following question in 200 words each (any two). [2×10=20]
a) State the Aim & Objectives of Chemical Warfare.
b) Is biological warfare a war crime?
c) Explain in detail Strategy of counter Insurgency.
d) Explain in detail meaning & concept of insurgency.
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P2072 [6041]-529
DSE-2C S-4 : Contemporary Warfare
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester - V) (35272)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
à. 1) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao à˶oH$s 100 eãXm§V {bhm. (H$moUVohr VrZ) [3×5=15]
A) ¶wÕmMr ‘w»¶ d¡{eï>¶o H$moUVr?
~) amgm¶{ZH$ ¶wÕmMm AW© Am{U g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am.
H$) H$‘r Vrd«VoÀ¶m g§Kfm©Mr CXmhaUo H$moUVr?
S>) ¶wÕmMo n[aUm‘ H$moUVo?
B) J{Z‘r ¶wÕmMr VÎdo gm§Jm.
à. 2) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao à˶oH$s 300 eãXm§V {bhm. (H$moUVohr EH$) [1×15=15]
A) nma§nm[aH$ Am{U Anma§nm[aH$ ¶wÕ åhUOo H$m¶?
~) {dßbdmMo KQ>H$ g{dñVa ñnï> H$am.
à. 3) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao à˶oH$s 200 eãXm§V {bhm. (H$moUVohr XmoZ) [2×10=20]
A) amgm¶{ZH$ ¶wÕmMo ܶo¶ Am{U C{Ôï>o g§mJm.
~) O¡{dH$ ¶wÕ hm ¶wÕ JwÝhm Amho H$m?
H$) àVr {dßbdmMr ¶wÕZrVr g{dñVa ñnï> H$am.
S>) {dßbdmMm AW© Am{U g§H$ënZm g{dñVa ñnï> H$am.
à. 4) {Q>nm {bhm. (H$moUVohr Mma) [4×5=20]
A) H«$m§{VH$mar ¶wÕ
~) àVr {dßbd
H$) g‘H$mbrZ ¶wÕnÕVr
S>) nma§nm[aH$ ¶wÕnÕVr
B) g§ajU
’$) amgm¶{ZH$ ¶wÕnÕVrMo àH$ma
[6041]-529 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P2073 [Total No. of Pages : 2
T.Y. B.A.
DSE - 2C : Introduction to Literary Criticism
(2019 CBCSPattern) (Semester - V) (Old Special Paper - IV) (35332)
Q1) Answer the following questions in about 50-60 words each (any two). [10]
a) Explain the concept of literary criticism and state its functions.
b) Discuss the functions of a critic.
c) What is sociological criticism?
d) Elaborate psychological criticism as one of the types of criticism.
Q2) Answer the following questions in about 50-60 words each (any two). [10]
a) What is ‘literature of knowledge’?
b) Explain the merits of ‘Literature of power’.
c) Explain any two qualities of a critic.
d) Discuss critic’s role as a generalizer.
Q3) Answer the following questions in about 150 words each (any two). [20]
a) Explain Aristotle’s theory of imitation.
b) What, according to longinus, are the sources of sublimity?
c) How does Dryden define comedy and tragedy?
d) How does Samuel Johnson detend Shakespeare’s mixing of tragic and
comic elements in his plays?
Q4) Answr the following questions in about 150 words each (any two). [20]
a) How does Wordsworth define poetry?
b) What is ‘Fancy’ and ‘Imagination’, according to S.T. coleridge?
c) Mention Arnold’s three estimates of poetry.
d) Explain Wordsworth as a romantic critic on poetry.
[6041]-530 2
Total No. of Questions: 4] SEAT No. :
P2074 [6041]-531
[Total No. of Pages : 2
T.Y. B.A.
DSE-2C, MS-6 : Ordinary Differential Equations
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester-V) (35342)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
d) If y1 and y2 are solutions of the equation y p( x) y q( x) y 0 on
(a,b), then any linear combination of y1 and y2 is also solution of
y p ( x ) y q ( x) y 0 on (a,b).
c) Locate and Classify the ordinary, regular singular, irregular singular points
of x 2 y xy x 2 y 0.
et 0 1
3t 3t
e) Show that the vector functions y1 0 , y2 e and y3 e are
et 1 0
4 1
f) Find eigen values of .
4 4
[6041]-531 2
Q4) Attempt any Two of the following: [20]
1 1 f (D)
a) Prove that xV ( x) x V ( x) V ( x), where V(x) is any
f ( D) f (a ) [ f (D)]2
function of x and f ( D ) a0 D n a1D n 1 ..... an1D an .
b) Solve x 2 y 2 xy 2 y x 2 by method of variation of parameters.
11 25
c) Solve y y.
4 9
2 4
d) Find the general solution of y y.
4 2
[6041]-531 3
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2075 [Total No. of Pages : 2
T.Y. B.A.
DSE-2C : S4 : Contemporary Indian Society
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester - V) (35372)
Q2) Answer the following questions in 50 words each (any three). [15]
a) Explain the nature of Indian democracy.
b) Elaborate the issues of social justice.
c) Analyze the Farmer’s agitations in post Independence India.
d) Explain Gandhi’s thought’s on Sarvodaya.
e) Elaborate the weakness of Indian Democracy.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200 words each (any two). [20]
a) What is secularism? Explain the uniqueness of India’s secularism.
b) Explain Farmer’s suicide in post - Independence India.
c) Write the impacts of Globalization on Indian Society.
d) Explain the Nehru’s Views on nation building.
Q4) Answer the following question in 300 words each (any one). [20]
a) What is green revolution? Explain it’s impact on agriculture.
b) Discuss the positive and negative effects of New Economic policy of 1991.
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P2075 [6041]-532
DSE-2C : S4 : Contemporary Indian Society
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester - V) (35372)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
[6041]-532 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2076 [Total No. of Pages : 2
DSE-2C : Thinkers and Textual Studies (Indian)
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester - V) (New Course) (35422)
Q1) Answer any three of the following questions in 50 words each. [15]
a) Briefly explain Basaveshwara’s role on gender equality.
b) Briefly explain main characteristics of Religion.
c) Briefly explain the nature of Mahatma Phule’s Sarvajanik Satyadharma.
d) Briefly explain the features of Ideal person.
e) Explain Vinoba Bhave’s main purpose behind the concept of Sarvodaya.
Q3) Answer any two of the following questions in 200 words each. [20]
a) Explain in detail the role of Dnyaneshwara behind the theory of
b) Explain in detail Mahatma Phule’s concept of Nirmik.
c) Discuss in detail Swami Vivekananda’s concept of universal religion.
d) Discuss in detail the relation between caste system and social health.
Q4) Answer any one of the following questions in 400 words. [20]
a) Explain in detail Mahatma Phule’s criticism on social discrimination.
b) Lokayat : A Materialistic philosophy, discuss in detail.
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P2076 [6041]-533
DSE-2C : Thinkers and Textual Studies (Indian)
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester - V) (New Course) (35422)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
[6041]-533 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2077 [Total No. of Pages : 4
DSE-2C : Administrative Thinkers
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35443)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
f) What is bureaucracy?
Q2) Attempt any four questions (50 words). [16]
[6041]-534 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P2077 6041]-534
DSE-2C : Administrative Thinkers
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35443)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
[6041]-534 3
à. 2) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao à˶oH$s 50 eãXm§V {bhm. (H$moUVohr Mma) [16]
à. 3) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao à˶oH$s 100 eãXm§V {bhm. (H$moUVohr VrZ) [18]
à. 4) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao à˶oH$s 200 eãXm§V {bhm. (H$moUVohr XmoZ) [20]
[6041]-534 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
àíZ 2) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao 200 eãXm§n¶ªV {bhm. [20]
A) AJ«boImMo ñdê$n ñnï> H$am.
~) narjU åhUOo H$m¶? Vo gm§JyZ narjU H$aVmZm H$moUVr H$miOr ¿¶mdr?
H$) "àdmgdU©Z' ¶m dmL²>‘¶àH$mamMr dmQ>Mmb ñnï> H$am.
àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao 200 eãXm§n¶ªV {bhm. [20]
A) "àdmg g‘¥Õ H$aUmam' ‘Yrb àdmgmMo AZw^d H$WZ H$am.
~) H$ÝZm ‘S>mdr g‘mOmMo H$moUVo àíZ àdmgdU©ZmVyZ 춳V Pmbobo AmhoV?
H$) Am{Xdmgr ^mJmVrb ZjbdmXçm§{df¶r ‘wbm§Zm Amboë¶m AZw^dm§Mo dU©Z H$am.
àíZ 4) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma 300 eãXm§n¶ªV {bhm. [15]
A) "VrZ ‘wbm§Mo Mma {Xdg' ¶m àdmgdU©ZmMo doJionU ñnï> H$am.
~) "VrZ ‘wbm§Mo Mma {Xdg' ¶m àdmgdU©ZmVrb Am{Xdmgr bmoH$m§À¶m g§ñH¥$Vr~X²Xb g{dñVa
‘m{hVr {bhm.
[6041]-535 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
[Total No. of Pages : 2
T.Y. B.A.
MARATHI (_amR>r)
CC-1E (3) : ì`mdhm[aH$ d Cn`mo{OV - _amR>r ^mJ -5
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (35024)
àíZ 4) nwT>rb XmoZn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm. [10]
A) amO^mfm _amR>r{df`H$ emgZmMo YmoaU ñnï> H$am.
~) d¥ÎmnÌ{df`H$ nm[a^m{fH$ g§km ñnï> H$am.
i) Caption
ii) Calligraphy
iii) Layout
iv) Motto
v) Programme
vi) News paper
vii) Journalism
viii) Advertise
ix) News
x) Article
xi) Bold
xii) Font Size
[6041]-536 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
[6041]-537 2
[6041]-537 3
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
II. 25
III. 21
[6041]-538 2
[6041]-538 3
Total No. of Questions : 5 SEAT No. :
P3123 [Total No. of Pages :2
CC-IE : Urdu Fiction : Study of Novey & Drama
(2019 Pattern) (Semester-V) (35073)
[6041]-539 2
Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. :
àíZ 1) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma 200 eãXmV {bhm. [10]
A) JQ>MMm© åhUOo H$m¶? gm§JyZ JQ>MM}Mo ñdén ñnï> H$am.
~) ‘hm{dXçmb¶m‘ܶo "‘amR>r ^mfm g§dY©Z n§YadS>m' H$m¶©H«$‘ gmOam H$amd¶mMm Agë¶mg
Am¶moOH$ d à¶moOH$ ¶m§Mr ^y{‘H$m gm§Jm.
àíZ 2) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma 200 eãXmV {bhm. [10]
A) "gm{h˶ gmYZm ‘§S>i CX²KmQ>Z' H$m¶©H«$‘mMr nyd©V¶mar H$er H$amdr Vo {d{dY KQ>H$mÀ¶m
ghmæ¶mZo g{dñVa {bhm.
~) H$m¶©H«$‘ g§¶moOZmVrb gyÌg§MbH$mMr ^y{‘H$m ñnï> H$am.
àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma 100 eãXmV {bhm. [5]
A) H$m¶©H«$‘ g§¶moOZmV Om{hamVrMo ‘hËd gm§Jm.
~) Am^ma àXe©Z ¶m KQ>H$m‘ܶo ^mfoMo H$m¶© {bhm.
Total No. of Questions : 3 SEAT No.
1) Attempt all the questions
2) Figures to the left Indicate Full Marks
[10] :1
Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. :
[Total No. of Pages : 1
T.Y. B.A.
HINDI (qhXr)
SEC-2C : nmR²>`M`m© … nQ>H$Wm boIZ
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (35096)
Total No. of Questions : 2] SEAT No. :
Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. :
Total No. of Questions : 3]
T.Y. B.A.
SEC-2C : Business Management - I
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (35154)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2 Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 25
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) CÎmao Zo‘H$s d ‘wÔogyX AgmdrV.
4) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘yi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. :
Q1) Answer any one question in the following questions (200 words) : [10]
a) Discuss on Indian National congress and Regionalism.
b) Discuss the Genesis of Regionalism in India.
Q2) Answer any one question in the following questions (200 words) : [10]
a) What is Regionalism? Explain the nature of Regionalism.
b) Discuss preferential Treatment for 'sons of soil'.
Total No. of Questions : 3]
P-2085 [6041]-545
T.Y. B.A.
SEC-2C : Samyukta Maharashtra Movement
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (35165)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2 Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 25
gyMZm: 1 ) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ Amho.
2 ) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3 ) g§X^m©gmR>r _wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
àíZ 1) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma 200 eãXmV {bhm. [10]
A) ^maVr` amï´>r` H$m±J«og Am{U àXoedmX `mda MMm© H$am.
~) ^maVmVrb àXoedmXmÀ`m CËnÎmrda MMm© H$am.
àíZ 2) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma 200 eãXmV {bhm. [10]
A) àXoedmX åhUOo H$m`? àXoedmXmMo ñdê$n ñnï> H$am.
~) _mV¥^y_r {gÕm§VmgmR>r àmYmÝ`nyU© {dMma `mda MMm© H$am.
Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. :
P2086 [Total No. of Pages : 2
SEC - 2C : South Indian Art & Architecture
(From 4th Century A.D. to 12th Century A.D.)
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35176)
Q2) Write the answers to the following questions in 200 words. (any one) [10]
a) Write detailed information about virupaksha temple.
b) What is painting? Explain this with the painting at Ajanta’s cave No-1.
b) Brihadeshwar Temple.
… … …
Total No. of Questions : 3]
SEC - 2C : South Indian Art & Architecture
(From 4th Century A.D. to 12th Century A.D.)
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35176)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2 Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 25
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
~) {eënH$bofr AmoiI H$ê$Z XodyZ, ~Xm‘r ¶oWrb d¡Hw$§R> JwhoMr g{dñVa ‘m{hVr {bhm.
~) {MÌH$bm åhUOo H$m¶? ho ñnï> H$ê$Z AqOR>m ¶oWrb boUr H«$.1 ‘Yrb {MÌm§Mo g{dñVa dU©Z
… … …
[6041]-546 2
Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. :
P2087 [Total No. of Pages : 2
SEC - 2C : Research Paper Writing
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35177)
… … …
Total No. of Questions : 3]
SEC - 2C : Research Paper Writing
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35177)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2 Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 25
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘wi B§J«oOr àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
~) Eo{Vhm{gH$ g§emoYZm‘ܶo g§emoYZ gm{h˶mMm AmT>mdm KoʶmÀ¶m à{H«$¶oMo ‘hËd ñnï> H$am.
… … …
[6041]-547 2
Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. :
P2088 [Total No. of Pages : 2
SEC - 2C : Museology
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35178)
Q1) Answer the following question in 200 words (any one). [10]
a) Explain the history of Indian Museum by explaining the concept of
b) Explain the role of Museum curators?
Q2) Answer the following question in 200 words (any one). [10]
a) Briefly describe the post-independence history of the Indian Museum?
b) Briefly explain the importance of Historical Museum.
Total No. of Questions : 3]
SEC - 2C : Museology
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35178)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2 Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 25
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
[6041]-548 2
Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. :
P2089 [Total No. of Pages : 2
SEC - 2C : Research Methodology - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester -V) (35206)
Q2) Write short notes in about 100 words (any two). [8]
a) Write the characteristics of social research.
b) Write the essential factors of ideal research design.
c) Write the survey of literature in explorative research design.
Q3) Write the answers of questions in 150 words. (Any one). [7]
a) Explain the need of scientific research design.
b) Explain the process of problem formulation of social research.
Total No. of Questions : 3]
SEC - 2C : Research Methodology - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester -V) (35206)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2 Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 25
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) Amdí¶H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$˶m H$mT>m.
4) ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgb dmnaʶmg nadmZJr AmhoV.
5) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
à. 3) Imbrb àíZm§Mr à˶oH$s 150 eãXm§V CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr EH$) [7]
A) emñÌr¶ g§emoYZ AmamIS>çmMr JaO g{dñVa ñnï> H$am.
~) gm‘m{OH$ g§emoYZmVrb g‘ñ¶m gwÌUmMr à{H«$¶m g{dñVa ñnï> H$am.
[6041]-549 2
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :
àíZ 1) O¶O¶d§Vr amJmÀ¶m ‘ܶb¶ ~§{XerMo ñdaboIZ H$am AWdm {‘¶m‘ëhma amJmMr ‘m{hVr {bhm.[5]
[6041]-550 2
Total No. of Questions : 6]
T.Y. B.A.
(¶m g§MmVrb amJg§JrV Jm¶Z, V~bm ¶mn¡H$s Vw‘À¶m {df¶mMr H$moUVrhr EH$
àýn{ÌH$m gmoS>dm)
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35214)
A) ê$nH$
~) AmS>mMm¡Vmb
[6041]-550 3
àíZ 5) H$moUVmhr EH$ {Z~§Y {bhm. [5]
A) {X„r~mO
~) V~ë¶mMr aMZm
[6041]-550 4
Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. :
P2090 [Total No. of Pages : 2
SEC-2C : Personality Development - 1
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester -V) (35224)
Total No. of Questions : 3]
SEC-2C : Personality Development - 1
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester -V) (35224)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 1 Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 25
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo A{Zdm¶© AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
~) ñd-‘yë¶m§H$ZmMr ì¶m»¶m gm§Jm Am{U ñd‘yë¶m§H$ZmV dmT> H$aʶmgmR>rÀ¶m ¶w³Ë¶m§Mr MMm© H$am.
[6041]-552 2
Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. :
P2091 [Total No. of Pages : 4
SEC-2 C : Human Rights and UN
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (Value/ Skill Based Course)
Q1) Select the correct option for and rewrite the statement. [5]
a) When is Human Rights Day celebrated worldwide?
i) 16 February ii) 10 December
iii) 26 November iv) 21 January
b) When was the international resolution on child human rights made?
i) 1989 ii) 1991
iii) 1993 iv) 1995
c) Where is the office of the United Nationas High Commissioner for Human
i) New York ii) Hague
iii) Washington iv) Moscow
d) When did the United Nationas set up a committee to draft an international
bill of human rights?
i) 1 January 1942 ii) 15 February 1946
iii) 8 March 1947 iv) 15 August 1947
e) Who served as the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights?
i) Ban - Ki - Moon ii) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
iii) Kofi Annan iv) Eleanor Roosevelt
Q2) Answer the following questions in 100 words each (any three). [12]
a) What are the provision in the united nationas charter of human rights.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200 words each (any one). [8]
[6041]-553 2
Total No. of Questions : 3]
P2091 [6041]-553
SEC-2 C : Human Rights and UN
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (Value/ Skill Based Course)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2 Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 25
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
[6041]-553 4
Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. :
P2092 [Total No. of Pages : 1
SEC2C : Mastering Life Skills and Life Values
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (35334)
Q1) Attempt any one of the following questions in about 150 words. [10]
a) Substantiate the meaning and nature of life skills.
b) What is the significance of life skills?
Q2) Attempt any one of the following questions in about 150 words. [10]
a) What is the co-relation between problem solving and decision making
b) State the difference between critical and creative thinking skills.
Q3) Attempt any one of the following questions in about 50 words. [5]
a) Explain the different strategies to develop interpersonal skills.
b) Write a short note on “How to manage stress and emotions”.
Total No. of Questions : 2] SEAT No. :
P2093 [Total No. of Pages : 2
SEC - 2C : Course on social Science Research Methodology :
Theory and Practice of Dissertation Writing
(CBCS 2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (35425)
Q1) Write short notes on any three of the following in 50 words each. [15]
a) Research Methodology
b) Survey
c) Field-visit
d) Science
e) Questionnaire
Q2) Answer the following question in 200 words. (Any one) [10]
a) Explain the nature, types and importance of the Resarch method.
b) Explain the term Science with its classification.
Total No. of Questions : 2]
P2093 [6041]-555
SEC - 2C : Course on social Science Research Methodology :
Theory and Practice of Dissertation Writing
(CBCS 2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (35425)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2 Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 25
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àý gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ Amho.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘yi B§J«Or àý n{ÌH$m nmhmdr.
[6041]-555 2
Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. :
P2094 [Total No. of Pages : 2
SEC(2-C) : Samyukta Maharashtra Movement
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35447)
Q1) Answer any one question in the following questions in 200 words. [10]
Q2) Answer any one question in the following questions in 200 words. [10]
Total No. of Questions : 3]
SEC(2-C) : Samyukta Maharashtra Movement
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35447)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2 Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 25
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
[6041]-556 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
[Total No. of Pages : 2
T.Y. B.A.
HINDI (qhXr)
H$WoVa {dYmE±
CC-1E (G-3) :
H$WoVa JX²` gm{hË` (g§ñ_aU Am¡a aoIm{MV)
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (35093)
àíZ 3) {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Xmo na {Q>ßnUr {b{IE … [14]
A) ào_M§X H$m g§doXZerb ì`{ŠVËd
~) {Zambm H$m ì`{ŠVËd
H$) S>~br ~m~y H$s H$V©ì`{Zð>
S>) Odmha bmb Zohé H$s OrdZ OrZo H$s H$bm
àíZ 4) A) {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$gr EH$ AdVaU H$s gg§X^© ì`m»`m H$s{OE … [7]
i) "eaV ~m~y Ho$ OrdZ _| {H$VZo n[adV©Z AmE & CÝh| AZoH$ n[apñW[V`m| H$m gm_Zm
H$aZm nS>m `h ~mV Vmo àm`… ~hþVm| H$mo _mby_ h¡ &'
ii) "ào_M§X Or Ho$ ì`{ŠVËd _| EH$ ghO g§doXZm Am¡a Eogr AmË_r`Vm Wr, Omo àË`oH$
gm{hË`H$ma H$m CÎmam{YH$ma hmoZo na ^r Cgo àmá Zht hmoVr &'
~) {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$gr EH$ AdVaU H$s gg§X^© ì`m»`m H$s{OE … [7]
i) "Xg{XZ ~mX S>~br ~m~y g~oao hr AmE & Mohao go ~hþV A{YH$ WH$mZ PbH$ ahr Wt&
~JrMo Ho$ nmg ~|M na ~¡R>Vo hr K~amE go {XImB© {XE &'
ii) a{O`m ~T>Vr JB© & O~-O~ ^|Q> hmoVr, _¢ nmVm, CgHo$ eara _| ZE-ZE {dH$mg hmo
aho h¢ & eara _| Am¡a ñd^md _| ^r &'
[6041]-557 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
[Total No. of Pages : 3
T.Y. B.A.
HINDI (qhXr)
CC-1E (G3) : à`moOZ_ybH$ qhXr … H$m`m©b`rZ ì`dhma
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (35094)
àíZ 1) {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Xmo àíZm| Ho$ CÎma {b{IE & [14]
A) {H$gr ^mfm H$mo A§Vam©ï´>r` ^mfm ~ZZo Ho$ {bE H$m¡Z gr ~mVm| H$s Amdí`H$Vm hmoVr h¡?
~) amï´>^mfm go Š`m VmËn`© h¡ ñnï> H$s{OE &
H$) _mZH$ ^mfm na AnZo {dMma {b{IE &
S>) ^mfm {H$go H$hVo h¡? `h ~VmVo hþE ^mfm H$s {d{dY n[a^mfmE± {b{IE &
àíZ 2) {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Xmo àíZm| Ho$ CÎma {b{IE & [14]
A) gaH$mar nÌ H$s {deofVmE± ñnï> H$s{OE &
~) gaH$mar nÌm| Ho$ àH$mam| H$mo g§jon _| g_PmBE &
H$) H$m`m©b` AmXoe H$m àmê$n V¡`ma H$s{OE &
S>) AmdoXZ nÌ H$m ñdê$n ~VmVo hþE CgH$m àmê$n ~VmBE &
àíZ 3) {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Xmo àíZm| Ho$ CÎma {b{IE & [14]
A) qhXr _| AZwdmX Ho$ _hËd H$mo ~VmBE &
~) EH$ g\$b AZwdmXH$ _| H$m¡Z go JwUm§o H$m hmoZm Amdí`H$ h¡?
H$) AZwdmX Ho$ ñdê$n H$mo {dfX H$s{OE &
S>) AZwdmX H$s à{H«$`m H$mo g_PmBE &
àíZ 4) {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht VrZ na {Q>ßn{U`m± {b{IE & [21]
A) ~mobr
~) amO^mfm
S>) A{YgyMZm
àíZ 5) {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$gr EH$ n[aÀN>oX H$m qhXr AZwdmX H$s{OE & [7]
~±Ho$bm Ë`m {dÎmr` g§ñWm åhUVmV Or OZVoMo n¡go O_m H$ê$Z OZVobm H$O© XoÊ`mMo H$m_
H$aVo, gwa{jVVoÀ`m Ñ{ï>H$moZmVyZ qH$dm ì`mO {_i{dÊ`mgmR>r bmoH$ Amnbr ~MV `m g§ñWm§_Ü`o
R>odVmV Am{U Amdí`H$Vo Zwgma doimodoir n¡go H$mT>V AgVmV. ~±H$m Aem àH$mao R>odrVyZ {_imbobr
a¸$_ ì`mnmar Am{U ì`mdgm{`H$m§Zm H$O© XoD$Z ì`mO {_idVmV. gÜ`mÀ`m Am{W©H$ {Z`moOZmÀ`m
`wJmV WoVr, CX²`moJ Am{U ì`mnmamÀ`m {dH$mgmgmR>r ~±H$ Am{U ~±qH$J ì`dñWm hr AË`mdí`H$
JaO _mZbr OmVo. R>odr R>odUo Am{U H$O© XoUo ì`{V[aº$, ~±H$m BVa H$m`} XoIrb H$aVmV. Ogo H$s
gwa{jVVogmR>r bmoH$m§H$Sy>Z _m¡ë`dmZ dñVw R>odUo, Ë`m§À`m J«mhH$m§gmR>r Ë`m§Mo YZmXoe Jmoim H$aUo,
ì`mnma {~bm§_Ü`o gyQ> XoUo, EOÝgrMo H$m_ H$aUo, J«mhH$m§À`m Am{W©H$ pñWVrMr JwánUo _m{hVr
KoUo, Ë`m_wio ~±H$m Ho$db MbZmMm ì`dhma H$aV ZmhrV, Va H$Om©Mmhr ì`dhma H$aVmV. åhUyZM
~±Ho$bm nV {Z_m©U H$aUmar gwÕm åhUVmV. ~±H$m XoemVrb {dIwaboë`m Am{U {ZpîH«$` _mb_Îmoda
bj H|${ÐV H$aVmV Am{U Ë`m§Zm XoemVrb CËnmXZmÀ`m H$m_mV JwV§ dVmV. Á`m_wio ^m§S>db {Z{_©Vrbm
àmoËgmhZ {_i§Vo Am{U CËnmXZmÀ`m àJVrV _XV hmoVo.
[6041]-558 3
Total No. of Questions : 5 SEAT No.
Q.1 Write a Critical note on any one of the following Books: [14]
Literature. [16]
Q.3 Reproduce any one of The Following Passages In simple Language [10]
2 [6041]-559
b) Translate the following unseen Passage in to your own Language. [06]
with the People around him. Respecting others also falls underneath
the group offor Good manners. Respect is the most valuable thing you ought
to aim for
3 [6041]-559
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
T.Y. B.A. (Semester - V)
SANSKRIT (Old General Paper - III)
SEC - 1C : Kavi - Bhasavirachitam - Pratimanatakam
(H${d^mg{da{MV§ à{V_m ZmQ>H$_²)
(2019 Pattern) (Crdit System) (35113)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
gyMZm : gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ Amho.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
Q1) Translate into English or Marathi (Any Three) : [15]
B§J«Or d _amR>rV ^mfm§Va H$am. (H$moUVohr VrZ)
a) H$mÄMwH$s`: - ^d{V, `Xmk᧠_hmamOoZ, VV² gd©_wnñWm{nV_²& ní`&
N>̧ gì`OZ§ gZpÝXnQ>h§ ^ÐmgZ§ H$pënV§
Ý`ñVm ho__`m: gX^©Hw$gw_mñVrWm©å~wnyUm© KQ>m:&
`wº$: nwî`aWü _pÝÌg{hVm: nm¡am: g_ä`mJVm:
gd©ñ`mñ` {h _L²>Jb§ g ^JdmZ² doÚm§ d{gð>: pñWV:&&
à{Vhmar - `Úod§, emo^Z§ H¥$V_²&
H$mÄMwH$s`: - hÝV ^mo:
BXmZt ^y{_nmboZ H¥$VH¥$Ë`m: H¥$Vm: àOm:&
b) (VV: à{de{V H$mÄMwH$s`:&)
H$mÄMwH$s`: - ^mo ^mo: à{Vhmaì`mn¥Vm:& ñdofw ñdofw ñWmZoîdà_Vm ^dÝVw ^dÝV:!
à{Vhmar - Am`©! {H$_oVV²&
H$mÄMwH$s`: - Ef {h _hmamO: gË`dMZajUna§ am__aÊ`§ JÀN>ÝV_wnmdV©{`Vw_eº$:
nwÌ{dahemoH$m{¾Zm X½YöX` CÝ_Îm Bd ~hþ àbnÝg_wÐJ¥hHo$ e`mZ:,
_oéüb{ÝZd `wJj`g{ÝZH$f}
emof§ d«O{Þd _hmoX{Yaà_o`:&
gy`©: nV{Þd M _ÊS>b_mÌbú`:
emoH$mX²^¥e§ {e{WbXoh_{VZaoÝÐ:&&
à{Vhmar-hm Ed§JVmo _hmamO:&
H$mÄMwH$s` : - ^d{V! JÀN>&
à{Vhmar - Am`©! VWm& (ZîH«$mÝVm&)
c) VV: à{de{V gwYmH$ma:&
gwYmH$ma : - (g§_mO©ZmXr{Z H¥$Ëdm&) ^dVw, BXmZt H¥$V_Ì
H$m`©_m`©gå^dH$ñ`mká_²& `mdÝ_whÿVª ñdßñ`m{_& (ñd{n{V&)
^Q >: - (MoQ>_wnJå` VmS>{`Ëdm&) (VmS>`{V&) AL>²Kmo Xmñ`m: nwÌ& {H${_XmZt H$_© Z H$amo{f&
gwYmH$ma :- VmS>` _m§ VmS>` _m_²&
^Q> :- Vm{S>Vo Ëd§ qH$ H$[aî`{g&
gwYmH$ma :- AYÝ`ñ` __ H$mV©dr`©ñ`od ~hþghņ̃ ZmpñV&
^Q> :- ~mhþghñÌoU qH$ H$m`©_²?
gwYmH$ma :- Ëdm§ h{Zî`m{_&
d) {dO`m - hbm ZpÝX{ZHo$! ^U ^U& AÚ H$m¡gë`mnwamoJ¡: gd£aÝV: nwa¡: à{V_mJoh§ Ðïw>§ JV¡ñVÌ
{H$b ^Vw©XmaH$mo ^aVmo Ñï>:& Ah§ M _ÝX^mJmÛmao pñWVm&
ZpÝX{ZH$m - hbm! Ñï>mo@ñ_m{^:, H$m¡V¥hboZ ^Vw©XmaH$mo ^aV:&
{dO`m : ^{Å>Zr Hw$_maoU qH$ ^{UVm&
ZpÝX{ZH$m - {H$ ^{UV_²& Adbmo{H$Vw_{n ZoÀN>{V Hw$_ma:&
{dO`m - Ahmo AË`m{hV_²& amÁ`bwãY`m ^VwX© maH$ñ` am_ñ` amÁ`{d^«ï>§ Hw$d©Ë`mË_Zmo d¡Yì`_m{Xï>_&²
bmoH$mo@{n {dZme§ J{_V:& {ZKw©Um Ibw ^{Å>Zr& nmnH§$ H¥$V_²&
[6041]-560 2
Q3) a) [aº$ñWmZm{Z nya`V (H$mÝ`{n n#m) : [5]
i) gd©emo^Zr`§ ................. Zm_! (Hw$ê$n§ / gwê$n§)
ii) B_m{Z àh{f©Vm{Z ............... _ÝÌ`ÝVo& (VZyê$hm{U / {eamoê$hm{U)
iii) XeaWñ` nÅ>_{hfr ................. am_ñ` OZZr& (H$m¡gë`m / gw{_Ìm)
iv) XeaWñ`gma{W: ................... & (eL²>H$a: / gw_ÝÌ:)
v) Jwê$ewlyfUo `wº$! .............. à`ÀN> _o& (dmH$modmŠ`§ / à{VdmŠ`§)
vi) gy`©{XdgmdgmZo N>m`od Z Ñí`Vo ................& (grVm / g{dVm)
vii) hñVñnem} {h _mV¥Um_Obñ` ...............& (ObmÄO{b: / {VbmÄO{b:)
b) Critically appreciate the fourth act of Pratimanataka . [15]
à{V_m ZmQ>H$mÀ`m Mm¡Ï`m A§H$mMo {M{H$ËgH$ agJ«hU H$am.
OR / qH$dm
Critically appreciate the third act of Pratimanataka .
à{V_m ZmQ>H$mÀ`m {Vgè`m A§H$mMo {M{H$ËgH$ agJ«hU H$am.
[6041]-560 3
Total No. of Questions : 3 SEAT No.
Q.1 Translate intp Eng/ Urdu/Marathi any two of the following Quranic
Surahs: [20]
2 [6041]-561
Q.3 a) Translate into English the following Passage: [10]
3 [6041]-561
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2100 [Total No. of Pages : 4
ECONOMICS (General Paper - III)
CC-1E : Indian Economic Development - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35153)
Q2) Answer the following questions in 50 words (any four). [16]
Q3) Answer the following questions in 100 words (any three). [18]
Q4) Answer the following questions in 200 words (any two). [20]
[6041]-562 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P2100 [6041]-562
ECONOMICS (General Paper - III)
CC-1E : Indian Economic Development - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35153)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) Amdí¶H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$˶m H$mT>m.
4) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘wi B§J«Or àíZ n{ÌH$m nhmdr.
[6041]-562 3
à. 2) Imbrb àíZm§Mr 50 eãXm§V CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr Mma) [16]
[6041]-562 4
Total No. of Questions : 4]
SEAT No. :
P2101 [6041]-563 [Total No. of Pages : 4
CC-1E : Modern Political Analysis
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester -V) (35163)
[6041]-563 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
CC-1E : Modern Political Analysis
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester -V) (35163)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
[6041]-563 3
à. 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr VrZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. (100 eãXm§V) [18]
[6041]-563 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q1) Answer any Eight of the following questions (each in 20 words) : [16]
a) When did Balwantrai Mehta Committee was appointed?
b) In which article of Indian constitution was the provision of Panchayat
c) Which national leader proposed the idea of self sufficient villages in
d) Where is the Gram Panchayat?
e) When and which city was the first Municipal Corporation of India
f) Which Governer General was the founder of Local Self Government
in India?
g) When did Community Development programme started in India?
h) Which state first introduced Panchayat Raj in India?
i) Which Panchayat Raj scheme was suggested by Vasantrao Naik
j) Which Governer General made Local self Government competent and
democratic in British India?
Q2) Write any Four short notes of the following (each in 50 words) : [16]
a) Objectives of Community Development Programme.
b) Sarpanch committee.
c) Duties of Gramsevak.
d) Functions of Panchayat Samiti
e) Functions of Gramsabha
f) Functions of CEO of Z.P.
Q3) Answer any Three of the following questions (each in 100 words) : [18]
a) Write the recommendations Bongirwar Committee.
b) Explain the implementation mechanism of Community Development
c) Write the recommendations of P.B. Patil Committee.
d) Write the reasons for failure of Community Development Programme.
Q4) Answer any Two of the following questions (each in 200 words) : [20]
a) Write the composition of Zilha Parishad.
b) Write the composition of Panchayat Samiti.
c) Write the recommendations of Vasantrao Naik Committe.
[6041]-564 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P-2102 [6041]-564
T.Y. B.A.
CC-1E (3) : _hmamï´>mVrb ñWm{ZH$ ñdemgZ
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35164)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm :
1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
àíZ 1) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr AmR> àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. (àË`oH$s 20 eãXm§V) [16]
~) ^maVr` g§{dYmZmÀ`m H$moUË`m H$b_mV n§Mm`V amOMr VaVyX H$aÊ`mV Ambr hmoVr?
H$) ^maVmÀ`m H$moUË`m amï´>r` ZoË`mZo ñdmdb§~r IoS>ç§mMr H$ënZm _m§S>br hmoVr?
3 P.T.O.
àíZ 2) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr Mma {Q>nm {bhm. (àË`oH$s 50 eãXm§V) [16]
A) g_yh {dH$mg H$m`©H«$_mMr C{Ôï>ço
~) gan§M g{_Vr
H$) J«m_godH$mMr H$V©ì`o
S>) n§Mm`V g{_VrMr H$m`}
B) J«m_g^oMr H$m`}
\$) {Oëhm n[afXoÀ`m _w»` H$m`©H$mar A{YH$mè`mMr H$m`}
àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr VrZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. (àË`oH$s 100 eãXm§V) [18]
A) ~m|{Jadma g{_VrÀ`m {e\$magr {bhm.
~) gm_y{hH$ {dH$mg H$m`©H«$_mMr A§_b~OmdUr `§ÌUm ñnï> H$am.
H$) nr. ~r. nmQ>rb g{_VrÀ`m {e\$magr {bhm.
S>) gm_y{hH$ {dH$mg H$m`©H«$_mÀ`m An`emMr H$aUo {bhm.
àíZ 4) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. (àË`oH$s 200 eãXm§V) [20]
A) {Oëhm n[afXoMr aMZm {bhm.
~) n§Mm`V g{_VrMr aMZm {bhm.
H$) dg§Vamd ZmB©H$ g{_VrÀ`m {e\$magr {bhm.
[6041]-564 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q1) Answer the following questions in 300 words (any one) : [15]
Q2) Answer the following questions in 300 words (any one) : [15]
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200 words (any two) : [20]
c) What do you know about the two Nation Theory? What were its
Q4) Write short notes on : (any four) [20]
c) Narayan M. Lokhande
d) Khilafat Issue
e) Birsa Munda
f) Dandi March
[6041]-565 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
T.Y. B.A. (Semester - V)
CC-1E : Indian National Movement (1885-1947)
(2019 Pattern) (35174)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm : 1 ) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo A{Zdm¶© Amho.
2 ) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZmMo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3 ) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘yi B§J«Or àíZ n{ÌH$m nhmdr
àíZ 1) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr EH$m àíZm§Mo CÎma 300 eãXm§V {bhm. [15]
àíZ 2) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr EH$m àíZm§Mo CÎma 300 eãXm§V {bhm. [15]
àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao 200 eãXm§V {bhm. [20]
àíZ 4) {Q>nm {bhm (H$moU˶mhr Mma) … [20]
X) {IbmnV Midi
B) {~agm ‘w§S>m
[6041]-565 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2106 [Total No. of Pages : 4
CC-1E-GG-310A : Geography of Disaster Management - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35204)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicates full marks.
3) Use of map stencils is allowed.
4) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
Q1) Write answer of the questions about 20 words each (Any Eight) [16]
c) What is hazard?
e) What is Rehabilitation?
f) What is Response?
g) What is mitigation?
Q2) Answer in about 50 words each. (Any three) [18]
b) Man-made disaster.
d) Causes of Drought.
[6041]-568 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P2106 [6041]-568
CC-1E-GG-310A : Geography of Disaster Management - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35204)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíÝmm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) Amdí¶H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Vr H$mT>m.
4) ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgb dmnaʶmg nadmZJr Amho.
5) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘yi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
~) ‘mZd{Z{‘©V AmnÎmr
à. 3) Imbrb àíZm§Mr à˶oH$s 150 eãXm§V CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr XmoZ>) [16]
à. 4) Imbrb àíZm§Mr à˶oH$s 300 eãXm§V CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr EH$) [20]
[6041]-568 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q1) Answer the following questions in about 20 words each (Any Eight) :[16]
a) Write definition of tourism and tourist.
b) State any two political factors affecting on tourism.
c) What is adventure tourism?
d) Name any two 'Hill Stations' in Maharashtra.
e) Write full form of I.T.D.C.
f) Write two advantages of waterways.
g) State any two names of religious places in Maharashtra.
h) What is eco friendly tourism?
i) Give two examples of sports tourism.
j) Name any two tourist companies in Maharashtra.
Q2) Answer the following questions in about 50 words each (Any three) : [18]
a) Agro tourism
b) Air Transport
c) Importance of tourism
d) Safety of tourist
Q3) Answer the following questions in about 150 words each (Any two) : [16]
a) Explain the nature of tourism Geography.
b) Classify the tourism based on travel duration.
c) Explain the importance of road transport in tourism.
Q4) Answer the following questions in about 300 words each (Any one) : [20]
a) Explain in detail the role of Geography in tourism.
b) Explain the role of communication in tourism development.
[6041]-569 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P-2107 [6041]-569
T.Y. B.A.
CC-1E GG 310 (A) : Geography of Tourism - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35205)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm :
1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) Amdí`H$ VoWo gy~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m.
4) ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgb dmnaÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho.
5) g§X^m©gmR>r _yi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
àíZ 1) Imbrb àíZm§Mr àË`oH$s 20 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr AmR>) [16]
A) n`©Q>Z d n`©Q>H$ `m§À`m ì`m»`m {bhm.
~) n`©Q>Z {dH$mgmda n[aUm_ H$aUmao XmoZ amOH$s` KQ>H$ {bhm.
H$) gmhgr n`©Q>Z åhUOo H$m`?
S>) _hmamï´>mVrb XmoZ W§S> hdoÀ`m {R>H$mUrMr Zmdo {bhm.
B) I.T.D.C. Mo nyU© ê$n {bhm.
\$) Ob dmhVyH$sMo XmoZ \$m`Xo {bhm.
`) _hmamï´>mVrb XmoZ Ym{_©H$ n`©Q>Z ñWim§Mr Zmdo {bhm.
a) n`m©daU nyaH$ n`©Q>Z åhUOo H$m`?
b) {H«$S>m n`©Q>mZmMo XmoZ CXmhaUo Úm.
d) _hmamï´>mVrb XmoZ n`©Q>Z H§$nZrMo Zmdo {bhm.
àíZ 2) Imbrb àíZm§Mr àË`oH$s 50 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr VrZ) [18]
A) H¥$fr n`©Q>Z
~) hdmB© dmhVyH$
H$) n`©Q>ZmMo _hËd
S>) n`©Q>H$mMr gya{jVVm
3 P.T.O.
àíZ 3) Imbrb àíZm§Mr àË`oH$s 150 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr XmoZ) [16]
A) n`©Q>Z ^yJmobmMo ñdê$n {bhm.
~) àdmg H$mbmdYrÀ`m AmYmao n`©Q>ZmMo àH$ma {bhm.
H$) añVo dmhVyH$sMo n`©Q>ZmVrb _hËd {bhm.
[6041]-569 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q3) Attempt any three questions (100 words) : [18]
a) Write two principles of Good Governance
b) Explain Behavioural Approach.
c) Importance of Public Administration.
d) Write features of New Public Administration.
[6041]-570 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
T.Y. B.A.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (35445)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
3 P.T.O.
àíZ 3) Imbrb àíZm§Mr 100 eãXm§V> CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr VrZ) [18]
A) gwemgZmMr XmoZ VÎdo {bhm.
~) dV©ZdmXr Ñï>rH$moZ ñnï> H$am.
H$) bmoH$àemgZmMo _hËd.
S>) Zd bmoH$ àemgZmMr d¡{eï>ço {bhm.
àíZ 4) Imbrb àíZm§Mr 200 eãXm§V> CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr XmoZ) [20]
A) Zd bmoH$àemgZmMr C{Ôï>ço ñnï> H$am.
~) B© àemgZ åhUOo H$m` d Ë`mMr d¡{eï>ço ñnï> H$am.
H$) bmoH$ àemgZmMm nma§nm[aH$ Ñï>rH$moZ ñnï> H$am.
[6041]-570 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q1) Answer any eight the following questions (in 20 words) : [16]
a) When did the 74th constitutional Amendment?
b) What is Local Self Government?
c) What are they voluntary function of Municipal Corporation.
d) Explain the composition of Cantonment Board.
e) How many years are municipal council elections held?
f) What is the duration of the Municipality?
g) Who's recruits the chief officer?
h) Write two functions of construction committee.
i) Write two functions of Municipal Council Member's.
j) Which benefits did women get throw 74th Amendments.
Q3) Answer any three of the following (100 words) : [18]
a) Explain the functions of Urban Development Officer.
b) Explain the main functions of Divisional Secretary.
c) Explain the functions of the Cantonment Board.
d) Explain the Role and function of the Municipal Commissioner.
Q4) Answer any two of the following (in 200 words) : [20]
a) Explain the provision of 74th Constitutional Amendment.
b) Explain the collectors control on Urban Local Self Government.
c) Explain the changing Features of Local Self Government.
[6041]-571 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P-2108 [6041]-571
T.Y. B.A.
CC-1E : Local Self Government in India
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35446)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm :
1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ Amho.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nwU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
àíZ 1) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr AmR> àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. (20 eãXmV) [16]
A) 74 dr KQ>Zm Xÿê$ñVr H$Yr Pmbr?
~) ñWm{ZH$ ñdamÁ` g§ñWm åhUOo H$m`?
H$) _hmZJanm{bHo$Mo EopÀN>H$ H$m`} H$moUVr AmhoV?
S>) N>mdUr _§S>imMr aMZm ñnï> H$am.
B) ZJan[afXoMr {ZdS>UyH$ {H$Vr dfmªZr hmoVo?
\$) ZJanm{bHo$Mm H$mbmdYr {H$Vr AgVmo?
`) _y»`m{YH$mè`mMr {ZdS> H$moU H$aVo?
a) ~m§YH$m_ g{_VrMr XmoZ H$m`} {bhm.
b) ZJanm{bH$m gXñ`m§Mr XmoZ H$m`} {bhm.
d) 74 ì`m KQ>Zm Xÿê$ñVrMo _{hbm§Zm H$moUVo \$m`Xo {_imbo?
àíZ 4) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. (200 eãXmV) [20]
A) 74 ì`m KQ>ZmXÿê$ñVr_Yrb VaVyXr ñnï> H$am.
~) {Oëhm{YH$mè`m§Mo ehar ñWm{ZH$ ñdamÁ` g§ñWmdarb {Z`§ÌU ñnï> H$am.
H$) ñWm{ZH$ ñdamÁ` g§ñWmMo ~XbVo d¡{eï>ço ñnï> H$am.
[6041]-571 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
T.Y. B.A.
(`m g§MmVrb amJ g§JrV Jm`Z, V~bm `m XmoZ n¡H$s Vw_À`m {df`mMr H$moUVrhr EH$
àíZn{ÌH$m gmoS>dm)
CC-1E (G-5) : amJ g§JrV Jm`Z
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (32517)
àíZ 1) A) _wbVmZr, nw[a`mYZmlr, O`O`d§Vr `mn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m amJmVrb _Ü`b` »`mb
ñda{bnr~Õ H$am. [10]
~) _wbVmZr, O`O`d§Vr, amJolr `mn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m amJmMm ñda{dñVma {bhm. [5]
àíZ 2) A) `mdfuÀ`m Aä`mgH«$_mVrb H$moUË`mhr EH$m amJmMr Amamoh-Adamoh, nH$S> `mgh g§nyU©
emñÌr` _m{hVr {bhm. [10]
~) nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m VmbmMr g§nyU© emñÌr` _m{hVr {bhÿZ VmbmMm R>oH$m {bhm.[5]
i) Pw_am
ii) {ÌVmb
iii) AmS>mMm¡Vmb
~) {Q>nm {bhm. (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) [12]
i) amJm§JamJ
ii) A{Z~ÕJmZ
iii) ñd`§^yñda - ghmæ`H$ ZmX
iv) OZH$ amJ
[6041]-572 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
T.Y. B.A.
(`m g§MmVrb amJ g§JrV Jm`Z, V~bm `m XmoZ n¡H$s Vw_À`m {df`mMr H$moUVrhr EH$
àíZn{ÌH$m gmoS>dm)
CC-1E (G-5) : V~bm
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (32517)
àíZ 4) A) ~mO d ~ZmdQ> `m Ñ{ï>H$moZmVyZ V~ë`mMo M_©dmÚm§Vrb _hËd ñnï> H$am. [10]
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q1) Answer the following questions in 100 words each (any four) : [20]
a) Write the future of industrial and Organizational Psychology.
b) Write the subject matter of industrial and Organizational Psychology.
c) Explain the concept of job analysis.
d) Describe the personality test in personnel selection.
e) What is promotion.
f) Explain the Goal Selting theory of motivation.
Q2) Answer the following question in 200 words each (any two) : [20]
a) Describe the psychological principles in training.
b) Explain the Graphical rating scale.
c) Explain the McClelland's theory of work motivation.
d) What is Self-discipline? Explain the self-discipline model.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 400 words (any one) : [20]
a) Write the meaning of industrial and Organizational Psychology. Explain
the various functions of I/O Psychology.
b) What is job performance evaluation? Describe the sources of performance
Q4) Write short notes (any two) : [10]
a) Time and Motion Study
b) Job profile
c) Interview techniques in personnel selection
d) Work motivation
[6041]-573 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
T.Y. B.A.
SEC - 1C : Industrial and Organizational Psychology
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35223)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
àíZ 1) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao àË`oH$s 100 eãXmV {bhm. [20]
A) Am¡Úmo{JH$ Am{U g§KQ>ZmË_H$ _mZgemñÌmMm ^{dî`H$mi {bhm.
~) Am¡Úmo{JH$ Am{U g§KQ>ZmË_H$ _mZgemñÌmMm Aä`mg {df` {bhm.
H$) H$m`© {díbofU g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am.
S>) H$_©Mmar {ZdS>r_Yrb ì`{ŠV_Ëd _mnZ MmMÊ`mMo dU©Z H$am.
B) nXmoÝZVr (~T>Vr) åhUOo H$m`?
\$) àoaUm{df`H$ Ü`o`-Ý`mgrH$aU {gÕm§V ñnï> H$am.
àíZ 2) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao àË`oH$s 200 eãXmV {bhm. [20]
A) à{ejUmVrb _mZgemñÌr` VËdo {deX H$am.
~) AmboImË_H$ nX{ZíM`Z loUtMo dU©Z H$am.
H$) H$m`© àoaUoMm _°H$bob°S>Mm {gÕm§V ñnï> H$am.
S>) ñd`§{eñV åhUOo H$m`? ñd`§{eñV àmê$n ñnï> H$am.
àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma 400 eãXmV {bhm. [20]
A) Am¡Úmo{JH$ Am{U g§KQ>ZmË_H$ _mZgemñÌmMm AW© {bhm. Am¡Úmo{JH$ Am{U g§KQ>ZmË_H$
_mZgemñÌmMr {d{dY H$m`© ñnï> H$am.
~) H$m`© {Zd©V©Z _yë`_mnZ åhUOo H$m`? {Zd©V©Z _yë`_mnZmMo {d{dY ñÌmoV {deX H$am.
3 P.T.O.
àíZ 4) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr XmoZda {Q>nm {bhm. [10]
A) H$mb d JVr AÜ``Z
~) H$m`© nmíd©{MÌ
H$) H$_©Mmar {ZdS>rVrb _ybmIV V§Ì
S>) H$m`© àoaUm
[6041]-573 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q1) Answer any three of the following questions in 50 words each : [15]
a) Non-Cooperation movement
b) Kheda satyagraha
Q3) Answer any two of the following questions in 200 words each : [20]
a) Discuss in detail about the success of Kheda Satyagraha.
b) Comparatively discuss Gandhian concepts Bhoodana, Gramdana and
c) Explain in detail Acharya Javadekars concept of satyagrahi Samajvada.
d) Discuss in detail the effects of Chale Jaav Movement.
Q4) Answer any one of the following question in 400 words : [20]
a) Explain Vinoba Bhave's thoughts on Sarvodaya in detail.
b) Explain in detail the social view of Dada Dharmadhikari.
[6041]-574 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P-2109 [6041]-574
T.Y. B.A.
CC-1E : Gendhian Movements and Followers of Gandhism
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35233)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm : 1 ) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ Amho.
2 ) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3 ) g§X^m©gmR>r _wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
àíZ 1) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr VrZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao àË`oH$s 50 eãXmV {bhm. [15]
H$) {dZmo~m ^md|À`m OrdZmdarb Jm§Yr {dMmam§Mm à^md WmoS>Š`mV ñnï> H$am.
B) AmMm`© XmXm Y_m©{YH$mar `m§À`m OrdZmdarb Jm§Yr {dMmam§Mm à^md WmoS>Š`mV ñnï> H$am.
3 P.T.O.
àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr CÎmao àË`oH$s 200 eãXmV {bhm. [20]
A) IoS>m gË`mJ«hmÀ`m `emn`em~Ôb g{dñVa MMm© H$am.
~) Jm§YrOrÀ`m ^yXmZ, J«m_XmZ Am{U l_XmZ `m g§H$ënZm§Mr VwbZmË_H$ MMm© H$am.
H$) AmMm`© OmdS>oH$a `m§Mr gË`mJ«hr g_mOdmX g§H$ënZm g{dñVa ñnï> H$am.
S>) Mbo Omd MidirÀ`m n[aUm_m§Mr g{dñVa MMm© H$am.
àíZ 4) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZm§Mo CÎma 400 eãXmV {bhm. [20]
A) {dZmo~m ^mdo `m§Mo gdm}X` {df`H$ {dMma g{dñVa ñnï> H$am.
~) XmXm Y_m©{YH$mar `m§Mo gm_m{OH$ {dMma g{dñVa ñnï> H$am.
[6041]-574 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q1) Answer any of the following five questions in one sentence : [5]
a) How many Kleshas and which are they?
b) How many Pranayama and which are they?
c) What is Yuj?
d) Who is known as Rajyogakar?
e) Which are the Kriyas of the digestive system for purification?
f) What is the Praman and Viparyay?
g) What is Kapalbhati?
Q3) Answer any two of the following questions in 150 words : [20]
a) Explain practical yoga?
b) Explain the concepts of physical health.
c) Explain the concepts of yoga and personal performance?
Q4) Answer any one of the following questions in detail : [15]
b) What are the factors that can affect mental health? Will yoga be useful?
And Discuss?
[6041]-575 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P-2110 [6041]-575
T.Y. B.A.
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35243)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg ] [ EHy$U JwU : 50
gyMZm :
1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ Amho.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nwU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
àíZ 1) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr nmM àíZm§Mr EH$m dmŠ`mV CÎmao Úm. [5]
A) AmgZ
~) àmUm`m_
H$) àË`mhma
3 P.T.O.
àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr 150 eãXm§V CÎmao Úm. [20]
[6041]-575 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2111 [Total No. of Pages : 4
G-3 : CC-1E : Social Change in Sociology - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35263)
Q1)Write the answers to the following questions in 20 words each (Any eight)[16]
a) State the types of social change.
b) What is the origin of social change?
c) What is linear change?
d) State the two features of social change.
e) State the types of social classification.
f) What is modern society?
g) State the two characteristics of the society.
h) State the three types of debt ideas in traditional society.
i) What is the process of social change.
j) State the factors that affect the process of social change.
Q2) Write the answers to the following questions in 50 words each (Any four)[16]
a) Explain the concept of society.
b) Explain the types of social change.
c) Explain the importance of social change.
d) Explain the types of society.
e) Explain the communication brings about social change.
f) Explain the scientific factors contribute to social change.
Q3) Write the answers to the following questions in 150 words each (Any three)
c) Explain the Natural factors are responsible for bringing about social
Q4) Write the answers to the following questions in 300 words each (Any two)[20]
[6041]-577 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P2111 [6041]-577
G3 - CC-1E : Social Change in Sociology - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35263)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) Amdí¶H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$˶m H$mT>m.
4) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
[6041]-577 3
à. 2) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao à˶oH$s 50 eãXm§V {bhm. (H$moUVohr Mma) [16]
’$) ‘gm‘m{OH$ n[adV©Zmg d¡km{ZH$ KQ>H$ H$gm H$maUr^yV Amho’ ñnï> H$am.
à. 4) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao à˶oH$s 300 eãXm§V {bhm. (H$moU˶mhr XmoZ) [20]
[6041]-577 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2112 [Total No. of Pages : 4
T.Y. B.A.
CC-1E G -3 : India’s National Security Policy and Strategy - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35273)
Q1) Answer the following questions in 100 words each. (Any Three) [15]
Q2) Answer the following questions in 300 words each. (Any one) [15]
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200 words each. (Any Two) [20]
b) State the National Intelligence Grid make after Kargil.
d) Defence policy
[6041]-578 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P2112 [6041]-578
T.Y. B.A.
CC-1E G -3 : India’s National Security Policy and Strategy - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35273)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíÝmm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
à. 1) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao à˶oH$s 100 eãXm§V {bhm. (H$moUVohr VrZ) [15]
à. 2) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao à˶oH$s 300 eãXm§V {bhm. (H$moUVohr EH$) [15]
à. 3) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao à˶oH$s 200 eãXm§V {bhm. (H$moUVohr XmoZ) [20]
[6041]-578 4
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3914 [6041]-580
[Total No. of Pages : 2
CC - 1E: Financial Accounting and Computerized Accounting
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35293)
Time:2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) A) Fill in the blanks by selecting proper words from brackets: [7]
a) Cost classification can be done _______.
(Two ways, three ways, four ways, several ways)
b) Costing refers to the techniques and process of ______.
(ascertainment of cost, allocation of cost, Apportion of cost,
distribution of cost)
c) Direct Expenses are also called ______.
(Major expenses, chargeable expenses, overhead expenses, sundry
d) Wearhouse rent is a part of _______.
(Prime cost, factory cost, distribtion overhead, production
e) Which are of the following is not considered for preparation of
cost sheet?
(Factory cost, Goodwill written off, sellingcost labour cost)
f) _____ cost is a period cost.
(Direct, Indirect, Fixed, Variable)
g) Total of all direct cost is termed as ______.
(Prime cost, works cost, cost of sales, cost of production)
Q3) a) Draft a speciman of purchase order and explain the purchase order in
detail. [14]
b) Explain the Role of cost Accountant. [14]
Q4) Write a short note (any two) [14]
a) Cost Accounting
b) Scope of cost Accounting
c) Purchase order
d) Features of computer system
Q5) a) What is material control? Explain the need and essentials of material
control. [14]
b) Explain ABC Analysis with details of procedure and Advantages of ABC
Analysis [14]
[6041]-580 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
Q1) Answer the following questions in 50 words each (Any Three) : [15]
a) Write the concept of higher education.
b) Write the concept of teaching.
c) Explain the meaning of Insight learning.
d) Write the concept of Action research.
e) Explain the meaning of Demonstration method.
Q2) Answer the following questions in 100 words each (Any Two) : [20]
a) Explain an educational importance of classical conditioning method.
b) Explain the nature and importance of discussion method.
c) Explain an impact of globalization on higher education.
d) Explain challenges before the higher education.
[6041]-581 2
Total No. of Questions : 4]
T.Y. B.A.
CC-1D : Teaching Learning Process
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (35303)
(_amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
àíZ 1) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao àË`oH$s 50 eãXm§V {bhm. (H$moUVohr VrZ) [15]
A) Cƒ {ejUmMr g§H$ënZm {bhm.
~) AÜ`mnZmMr g§H$ënZm {bhm.
H$) __©Ñï>r_ybH$ AÜ``ZmMm AW© ñnï> H$am.
S>) H¥$Vr g§emoYZmMr g§H$ënZm {bhm.
B) {X½Xe©Z nÕVrMm AW© ñnï> H$am.
àíZ 2) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao àË`oH$s 100 eãXm§V {bhm. (H$moUVohr XmoZ) [20]
A) A{^OmV A{^g§YmZ nÕVrMo e¡j{UH$ _hÎd ñnï> H$am.
~) {X½Xe©Z nÕVrMo ñdê$n d _hÎd ñnï> H$am.
H$) OmJ{VH$sH$aUmMm Cƒ {ejUmdarb à^md ñnï> H$am.
S>) Cƒ {ejUmg_moarb AmìhmZo ñnï> H$am.
3 P.T.O.
àíZ 4) àË`oH$s 50 eãXm§V Q>rnm {bhm. (H$moUË`mhr VrZ) [15]
A) Wm°Z©S>mB©H$Mo AÜ``Z {Z`_
~) H¥$Vr g§emoYZmMo e¡j{UH$ _hÎd
H$) {X½Xe©Z nÕVrÀ`m _`m©Xm
S>) __©Ñï>r_ybH$ AÜ``ZmMo e¡j{UH$ _hËd
B) MMm© nÕVrMm AW©
[6041]-581 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
[6041]-582 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
T.Y. B.A.
CC-2EST-33275 : Theory of Estimation
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35383)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of statistical tables and calculator is allowed.
4) Symbols and abbreviations have their usual meaning.
5) Graph papers will be provided on request.
C) D)
ii) The value of an estimator is called as
A) parameter B) estimation
C) estimate D) constant
iii) Let X1, X2, ...Xn is a random sample drawn from U(0, ), then the
maximum likelihood estimator of the parameter is
A) X(n) B) –X(n)
C) –X(1) D) X(1)
iv) The range of mean square error (MSE) of an estimator is
A) (0, 1) B) (–, )
C) [0,1] D) [0, )
v) The confidence interval is a range of values of
A) sample mean B) population parameter
C) sample variance D) sample moments
b) State whether each of the given statement is true or false : [1 each]
i) The moment estimator is always unique.
ii) The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is always unbiased.
iii) Minimum Variance Bound Unbiased Estimator (MVBUE) is unique
if it exists.
iv) If T is an unbiased estimator of , then eT is an unbiased estimator
of e.
v) The sample mean is not always a sufficient statistic.
[6041]-583 2
Q3) Attempt any four of the following : [5 each]
a) Show that an estimator is consistent if its bias and variance both tend to
zero as the sample size tends to infinity.
b) Let X follows Exponential distribution with parameter . Obtain a
sufficient statistic of .
c) Let x1, x2, ... xn be a random sample of size n drawn from N(, 2)
| xi μ |
distribution and T = i 1
Find the C such that E(CT) = .
d) Describe briefly the method of moments for the estimation of unknown
e) With usual notation prove that, if T is consistent estimator of and ()
is a continuous function, then (T) is a consistent estimator of ().
f) Show that if T is sufficient for , then T is also sufficient for one-to-one
and onto function ().
log L = nI(θ)(T θ)
ii) A random sample of 16 values from the normal population gives
mean 42 and sum of square of deviation from mean is 150. Obtain
the 99% confidence interval for the population mean. [5]
b) Define the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of a parameter. Obtain
MLE of location parameter of Cauchy distribution using iterative
procedure. [10]
c) i) Find the Fisher information function I() for G(, ) distribution,
where is known. [8]
ii) State Fisher-Neyman factorization theorem. [2]
d) i) Define uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE)
of a parameter. Show that UMVUE is unique when it is exists. [5]
ii) Write a note on point estimation. [5]
[6041]-583 3
Total No. of Questions: 4] SEAT No. :
P2115 [6041]-585
[Total No. of Pages : 3
T.Y. B.A.
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester-V) (35344)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
c) Prove that the interval (0,1) and the set of real numbers are countably
lim in f sn lim sn
n n
f) If a
n 1
n is a convergent series, then lim
an 0.
[6041]-585 2
Q4) Attempt any Two of the following. [20]
a) Define the class 2 of sequences. State and prove the Schwarz inequality.
If an n1 is a sequence of positive real numbers such that
i) a1 a2 a3 ...an an 1 ... and
ii) lim an 0,
converges. is convergent.
ii) Show that the series 2n log n is divergent.
n 1
[6041]-585 3
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2116 [Total No. of Pages : 2
G3 : Logic and Principles of Reasoning
CC-1E : Logic and Methodology of Science - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35363)
Q2) Write short notes on any Three of the following in 50 words: [15]
a) Kinds of Hypothesis.
b) Concept of theory.
c) Uniformity of Nature.
d) Applied science.
e) Causal Laws.
Q4) Answer any One of the following questions in 400 words. [20]
a) Explain in detail the concept causation of Aristotle.
b) Explain in detail the difference between common sense and science.
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P2116 [6041]-586
G3 : logic and principles of reasoning
CC-1E : Logic and Methodology of Science - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35363)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘yi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
[6041]-586 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2116 [Total No. of Pages : 2
G3 : Logic and Principles of Reasoning
CC-1E : Logic and Methodology of Science - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35363)
Q2) Write short notes on any Three of the following in 50 words: [15]
a) Kinds of Hypothesis.
b) Concept of theory.
c) Uniformity of Nature.
d) Applied science.
e) Causal Laws.
Q4) Answer any One of the following questions in 400 words. [20]
a) Explain in detail the concept causation of Aristotle.
b) Explain in detail the difference between common sense and science.
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P2116 [6041]-586
G3 : logic and principles of reasoning
CC-1E : Logic and Methodology of Science - I
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35363)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘yi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
[6041]-586 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2117 [Total No. of Pages : 2
CC - 1E G-3 : Crime and Society
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35373)
Q2) Answer the following questions in 50 words each (Any three) [15]
a) Explain the meaning of crime.
b) Female foeticide.
c) Explain the Neo-Marxist view on crime.
d) Explain the method of probation.
e) State Durkheims thoughts of crime.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200 words each (Any two). [20]
a) Explain Howared Becker labelling Theory.
b) Elaborate cyber crime.
c) Explain the causes of Terrorism.
d) Explain the rehabilitation of prisoners.
Q4) Answer the following question in 300 words (Any one) [20]
a) Define white coller crime and describe causes of white coller crime.
b) Elaborate the alternative forms of imprisonment.
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P 2117 [6041]-587
CC - 1E G-3 : Crime and Society
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35373)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) gX§^m©gmR>r ‘yi BJ«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nmhmdr.
[6041]-587 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2117 [Total No. of Pages : 2
CC - 1E G-3 : Crime and Society
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35373)
Q2) Answer the following questions in 50 words each (Any three) [15]
a) Explain the meaning of crime.
b) Female foeticide.
c) Explain the Neo-Marxist view on crime.
d) Explain the method of probation.
e) State Durkheims thoughts of crime.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200 words each (Any two). [20]
a) Explain Howared Becker labelling Theory.
b) Elaborate cyber crime.
c) Explain the causes of Terrorism.
d) Explain the rehabilitation of prisoners.
Q4) Answer the following question in 300 words (Any one) [20]
a) Define white coller crime and describe causes of white coller crime.
b) Elaborate the alternative forms of imprisonment.
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P 2117 [6041]-587
CC - 1E G-3 : Crime and Society
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35373)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) gX§^m©gmR>r ‘yi BJ«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nmhmdr.
[6041]-587 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2118 [Total No. of Pages : 2
CC-2E : Work and Society
(CBCS 2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (35374)
Q2) Answer the following questions in 50 words each (Any Three). [15]
a) Explain the nature of work in post industrial society.
b) Write the characteristics of Guild system.
c) Explain the nature of manorial system.
d) Explain the flexibility of work in post industrial society.
e) Discuss the Macdonaldization Theory.
Q3) Answer the Following questions in 200 words each (Any Two). [20]
a) Write the types of surveillance.
b) Explain the problem of Bureaucracy.
c) Write the causes of rise of factory production system.
d) Explain the impotance of work.
Q4) Answer the following question in 300 words each. (Any one) [20]
a) Explain the theory of scientific Management.
b) Explain the impact on workers of Multinational companies.
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P2118 [6041]-588
CC-2E : Work and Society
(CBCS 2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (35374)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo A{Zdm¶© AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
[6041]-588 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2118 [Total No. of Pages : 2
CC-2E : Work and Society
(CBCS 2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (35374)
Q2) Answer the following questions in 50 words each (Any Three). [15]
a) Explain the nature of work in post industrial society.
b) Write the characteristics of Guild system.
c) Explain the nature of manorial system.
d) Explain the flexibility of work in post industrial society.
e) Discuss the Macdonaldization Theory.
Q3) Answer the Following questions in 200 words each (Any Two). [20]
a) Write the types of surveillance.
b) Explain the problem of Bureaucracy.
c) Write the causes of rise of factory production system.
d) Explain the impotance of work.
Q4) Answer the following question in 300 words each. (Any one) [20]
a) Explain the theory of scientific Management.
b) Explain the impact on workers of Multinational companies.
Total No. of Questions : 4]
P2118 [6041]-588
CC-2E : Work and Society
(CBCS 2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (35374)
(‘amR>r ê$nm§Va)
doi : 2½ Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU : 70
gyMZm …- 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo A{Zdm¶© AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) g§X^m©gmR>r ‘wi B§J«Or àíZn{ÌH$m nhmdr.
[6041]-588 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P2119 [Total No. of Pages : 3
CC-1E-ST-33875 : Design and Analysis of Experiments
(2019 CBCS Pattern) (Semester - V) (35385)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of Statistical tables and calculator is allowed.
4) Symbols and Abbreviations have their useual meaning.
d) Consider independent samples each containing n1 , n2 ,...nk items such
that n1 n2 ... nk n. In ANOVA we use F-distribution with
degree of freedom
i) k 1, n k ii) k 1, n 1
iii) k n, n k iv) n k, k 1
[6041]-589 2
Q3) Attempt any four of the following. [5 each]
a) Describe the procedure for testing for equality of two specified treatment
effects using critical difference method in case of completely randomized
design (CRD)
b) State the model for randomized square design (RBD) with assumptions.
Give the break up of total sum of squares into various components.
c) Describe the procedure of hypothesis testing for significance of the model
in case of latin sqaure design (LSD).
d) Give ANOVA table for 23 factorial experiment where interaction effect
ABC is confounded in all the 4 replicates.
e) Explain the terms main effect and Interaction effect in 22 factorial
f) Obtain the formula of efficiency of LSD over corresponding CRD.
experiment. [5]
[6041]-589 3
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P-2121 [Total No. of Pages : 3
T.Y. B.A.
FMG - 5 : C - Programming
(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (35345)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q2) Attempt any four of the following questions : [20]
a) Write a short note on scanf function.
b) Describe the five basic arithmetic operators. Summarize the rules
associated with their use.
c) Summarize the use of the gets and puts functions to transfer strings
between the computer and the standard input / output device. Compare
the use of these functions with the string transfer features of the scanf
and printf statements.
d) Write a C-program to calculate average of n-numbers.
e) What is the purpose of while statement? When is the logical expression
evaluated? What is the minimum number of times a while loop can be
f) Summarize the rules governing the return statement. Can multiple
expressions be included in return statement. Can multiple return statements
be included in a function.
[6041]-591 2
d) Write a note on switch statement.
e) Write a C-program to determine the largest Qnteger of the given three
f) How are multidimensional arrays defined? Compare with the manner in
which one - dimensional arrays are defined.
[6041]-591 3
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
[6041]-592 2
f) Explain the following terms :
i) Composite hypothesis
ii) Type I error
iii) Type II error
iv) Size of a test
v) Power of a test
ï5 x 4 , 0 £ x £1
f ( x) = ï
î 0
ï , otherwise
ii) The table shows stream preferences of male and female individuals
for graduation :
Stream Preference
Science Arts
[6041]-592 4
ii) The following table shows weights of 6 clients before and after
following a certain diet plan for 6 months :
Client No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Before gym 108 98 87 79 87 90
After gym 98 90 81 72 80 81
Examine whether the diet plan was effective or not at 10% level of
significance. [6]
[6041]-592 5
Total No. of Questions: 6] SEAT No. :
P2125 [6041]-595 [Total No. of Pages : 4
a) What is News?
Q2) Prepare a news item in 150 words based on the points given below: [6]
The Times of India
Mumbai, March 10, 2018
An Indian Coast Guard copter makes emergency landing to near Murud, Raigad
at 02: 00 pm.
Chetak helicopter on a routine surveillance with four crew members.
Technical difficulties 25 minutes after taking off.
The pilot, Deputy Commandant Balwinder Singh, managed to save from total
No Casualties, as avoided landing in populated or crowded places or at sea.
Crew shifted to the INHS Ashvini Naval Hospital.
“The machinery is intact. The tail rotor is slightly bent and the right wheel has
broken off”, the coast Guard officer said.
A high level probe to find out the technical glitch.
Q3) a) Write a job application letter to the manager, TATA steels, Mumbai, for
the post of an Assistant Manager. [8]
b) Write a letter to the editor of daily ‘Sakal’ complaining about stray does
in your area. [8]
Q4) a) Write a script for a short advertisement based on given data. [8]
[6041]-595 2
b) Write taglines for an advertisement based on the description. (Any Two)
Q5) Answer the following questions in short on technical writing. (Any Three) [12]
b) How do you explain the term ‘technical writing’ and its scope?
[6041]-595 3
Q6) a) Write an e-mail message on the given situation. (Any two) [6]
ii) You are Mr. Samir Patil. Write an email to Indian Airlines for not
providing good service.
Imagine you are working in The Indian Express as a column writer. Write
a blog post on ‘Environmental Issues’.
[6041]-595 4
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
T.Y. B.A.
Entrepreneurship Development, Project Report & Oral
Communication in English
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - V) (35852) (Credit System)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q4) Attempt any two of the following : [16]
a) Explain the concept of 'Techno Economic Feasibility Assessment.
b) Need of Primary Project Report.
c) The Importance 'Techno Economic Feasibility Assessment.
d) Write in detail the elements of Project Report.
[6041]-597 2