Police Accountability Oversight and Integrity
Police Accountability Oversight and Integrity
Police Accountability Oversight and Integrity
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All content following this page was uploaded by Dr Motsamai John Modise on 06 December 2023.
Abstract:- The study aimed to investigate culture of agencies must closely examine their policies, reward systems,
accountability in law enforcement, which is of particular and training to ensure that their agency fosters a culture of
importance. Police departments need to create a system of firm ethical values. Entrenched police attitudes can impede
internal checks and balances to make sure officers carry professionalism by encouraging promotions based on
out their duties properly and act with integrity. Police attrition and political affiliation, resisting change, and failing
accountability ensures that officers can work together to appreciate the value of training.
effectively. They can trust their commanders to make
ethical decisions. They know their fellow officers will put II. POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY
the needs of the department and the public ahead of
personal interests. A culture of accountability in law Accountability is understood to mean the relationship
enforcement also builds trust between the police and the “between the bearer of a right or a legitimate claim and the
community. The public holds the police to high standards. agents or agencies responsible for fulfilling or respecting that
When police violate the rules, they break public trust and right”. This means that a government must be able to execute
lose credibility. This ultimately makes policing more its mandate, and indeed explain how it did so. The point has
difficult, as people are unlikely to cooperate with police if also been made that the normal features of a democracy (eg
they don’t trust them. The second aim of the study was to multi-party elections and universal suffrage) are necessary,
investigate oversight and integrity in the police. The third but not sufficient to ensure healthy accountability between
aim is to identify how the levels of police professionalism citizens and the government. Democratic elections therefore
within the South African Police Service could be do not make for clean government and new democracies
improved. A literature review on adult learning, training remain haunted by human rights violations, nepotism and
and development, as well as SAPS professionalism, was corruption, which do not disappear with the advent of
conducted. democratic elections.
Keywords:- Police Accountability, Police, Oversight, Police Effective police accountability involves identifying and
Integrity, Police Professionalism; South African Police punishing those who have committed misconduct, and
Service ensuring accountability after the act. Because police officers
act on the basis of directives, accountability includes
I. INTRODUCTION responsibility for the direction, control or diligence exercised
before and during operations to ensure observance of the law
Professionalism is the aim, conduct or qualities that and policies and of human rights. This is known as
characterize a vocation that requires advanced training in accountability before the act, which also includes the notion
some liberal art or science. It is characterized by service to that the police are acting in accordance with the stated
others, assessment of the client’s needs, practice as well as requirements of the general public or their representatives. In
ethical conduct. Many confuse the term especially when it other words, effective accountability involves: "Guidance for
comes to law enforcement with a soft image, cool, aloof the police on what to do and how to do it (before the act)"
officer with no feeling, crisp uniform, and using high tech as Supervision of the police and awareness of the need for
an expert at fighting crime. Responsibility on the other hand accountability (during the act) "Remedying improper police
is defined as assuming accountability for an action, task or a actions and omissions (after the act)" Feedback and
decision. Professionalism in the police force has several opportunities to reflect on lessons learned (after the act).
positive impacts that include good service to the public, better
pay for the constables, ethical conduct, strong community Given that accountability includes responsibility for
support as well as respect and a stronger role in a Criminal giving directions and preparing police officers for their work,
Justice System. In ethics, the aspect that matters is doing it follows that accountability is not limited to the actions of
things in the rightful way irrespective of the individual in individual officers but applies to supervisors as well as the
question. Police officers as law enforces must safeguard the agency as a whole. Misconduct is seldom restricted to one
public's trust to perform their jobs effectively. Because individual. Supervisors need to be aware of the conduct of
ethical conduct greatly impacts public trust, law enforcement those under their command and are responsible for it, as are
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