Module-2 Part-1 - Merged
Module-2 Part-1 - Merged
Module-2 Part-1 - Merged
• Medical Diagnosis: Bayesian Networks are used for diagnosing diseases based on
symptoms and medical test results. They can combine evidence from multiple
sources to provide a probabilistic assessment of the patient's condition.
• Risk Assessment: In finance and insurance, Bayesian Networks are employed for
risk assessment and decision-making. They model the dependencies between risk
factors and help in estimating the likelihood of adverse events.
• Natural Language Processing: Bayesian Networks are applied in tasks such as
language modeling, part-of-speech tagging, and sentiment analysis. They capture
dependencies between words or linguistic features and aid in probabilistic
• Fault Diagnosis: In engineering and manufacturing, Bayesian Networks are
utilized for fault diagnosis and troubleshooting. They model the relationships
between components and symptoms to identify the root causes of failures.
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs
• Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are statistical models used to model
sequential data where the underlying system is assumed to be a Markov
process with unobservable (hidden) states. HMMs have been widely
applied in various fields, including speech recognition, natural language
processing, bioinformatics, and finance. HMMs are based on the concept
of a Markov process, where a system transitions between a finite set of
states over discrete time steps.
1. In an HMM, the states of the system are unobservable (hidden), but
each state generates an observable output (emission) with a certain
2. The model assumes the Markov property, meaning that the probability
of transitioning to the next state depends only on the current state and
not on the previous history of states.
• Hidden States: Represent unobservable states of the system that
evolve over time according to the Markov property.
• Observations (Emissions): Represent observable outputs generated by
each hidden state at each time step.
• Transition Probabilities: Specify the probabilities of transitioning from
one hidden state to another. These probabilities are represented by a
transition matrix.
• Emission Probabilities: Specify the probabilities of emitting each
observation given the current hidden state. These probabilities are
represented by an emission matrix.
• Speech Recognition: HMMs are widely used in speech recognition systems to model the temporal dynamics of speech
signals and recognize spoken words or phonemes.
• Natural Language Processing: In NLP, HMMs are applied to tasks such as part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition,
and machine translation, where sequential data modeling is required.
• Bioinformatics: HMMs are used for analyzing biological sequences such as DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. They are
employed in tasks like gene finding, sequence alignment, and protein structure prediction.
• Finance: HMMs are utilized in finance for modeling time series data such as stock prices, interest rates, and economic
indicators. They are applied in areas like risk management, portfolio optimization, and algorithmic trading.
• Speech Recognition: HMMs are widely used in speech recognition systems to model the temporal dynamics of speech
signals and recognize spoken words or phonemes.
• Natural Language Processing: In NLP, HMMs are applied to tasks such as part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition,
and machine translation, where sequential data modeling is required.
• Bioinformatics: HMMs are used for analyzing biological sequences such as DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. They are
employed in tasks like gene finding, sequence alignment, and protein structure prediction.
• Finance: HMMs are utilized in finance for modeling time series data such as stock prices, interest rates, and economic
indicators. They are applied in areas like risk management, portfolio optimization, and algorithmic trading.
Markov Random Fields (MRFs)
• Markov Random Fields (MRFs) are probabilistic graphical models used
to represent complex dependencies among variables in a given
domain. MRFs are characterized by an undirected graph structure
where nodes represent variables, and edges represent dependencies
or interactions between variables.
• MRFs model the joint probability distribution of a set of random
variables by defining a set of local interactions between neighboring
variables in an undirected graph.
• They are based on the Markov property, which states that the
probability distribution of each variable depends only on its neighbors
in the graph.
• Nodes (Vertices): Represent random variables or elements of interest in the domain. Each node
corresponds to a variable that we want to model or make inferences about.
• Edges: Connect pairs of nodes and represent the dependencies or interactions between variables.
The absence of an edge between two nodes indicates conditional independence given all other
variables in the graph.
• Factors (Potentials): Functions defined over subsets of variables in the graph. They capture the
relationships between variables and determine the strength of their interactions.
• Nodes (Vertices): Represent random variables or elements of interest in the domain. Each node
corresponds to a variable that we want to model or make inferences about.
• Edges: Connect pairs of nodes and represent the dependencies or interactions between variables.
The absence of an edge between two nodes indicates conditional independence given all other
variables in the graph.
• Factors (Potentials): Functions defined over subsets of variables in the graph. They capture the
relationships between variables and determine the strength of their interactions.
• Image Processing: MRFs are widely used in computer vision and image processing tasks
such as image denoising, image segmentation, and image restoration. They model the
spatial dependencies between pixels in images and improve the accuracy of these tasks.
• Social Network Analysis: MRFs are applied in social network analysis to model
interactions between individuals in a network. They capture dependencies between
nodes (individuals) and can be used for tasks such as community detection, link
prediction, and influence analysis.
• Natural Language Processing: MRFs are utilized in NLP for tasks such as text
summarization, machine translation, and syntactic parsing. They model dependencies
between words or linguistic features and enable structured prediction.
• Remote Sensing: In remote sensing applications, MRFs are used for image classification,
land cover mapping, and change detection. They model dependencies between pixels in
remote sensing images and improve the accuracy of these tasks.
Conditional Random Fields (CRFs)
• Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) are a type of discriminative probabilistic
graphical model used for structured prediction tasks, particularly in
sequential data modeling. CRFs are an extension of Hidden Markov Models
(HMMs) and Markov Random Fields (MRFs), designed to address some of
their limitations.
• CRFs model the conditional probability of a set of output variables (labels)
given a set of input variables (features).
• Unlike generative models like HMMs, which model the joint distribution of
input and output variables, CRFs directly model the conditional distribution
of output variables given input variables.
• CRFs are discriminative models, meaning they focus on learning the
decision boundary between different output labels rather than modeling
the entire joint distribution.
• Input Features: Represent observed data or input variables that
provide information for predicting the output labels.
• Output Labels: Represent the variables we want to predict or infer.
These labels are typically structured and sequential in nature.
• Feature Functions: Define the relationship between input features
and output labels. They capture the compatibility between input
features and potential label assignments.
• Parameters: CRFs have parameters associated with feature functions,
which are learned from training data using techniques such as
maximum likelihood estimation or gradient descent.
Sample Question
• Explain Bayesian Networks in details.
• Elaborate Hidden Markovian Models and their advantage.
• Explain Markov random Fields.
• Short note on Conditional Random Fields
Module -5
Introduction, Challenges, Types of social Network Graphs
Mining Social Media: Influence and Homophily, Behaviour Analytics, Recommendation
in Social Media: Challenges, Classical recommendation Algorithms, Recommendation
using Social Context, Evaluating recommendations.
Social Media Mining
• Social media mining involves extracting and analyzing patterns,
trends, and insights from the vast amount of data generated on
social media platforms. With billions of users worldwide, social
media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn
offer a rich source of information about human behavior,
interactions, and preferences. Social media mining
encompasses various tasks such as sentiment analysis, trend
detection, user profiling, recommendation systems, and more.
Challenges in Social Media Mining
1.Volume: Social media platforms generate enormous amounts of
data daily, requiring efficient storage, processing, and analysis
2.Variety: Social media data comes in various formats, including text,
images, videos, and user interactions, posing challenges for
integration and analysis.
3.Velocity: Data on social media is generated in real-time,
necessitating real-time processing and analytics capabilities to keep
up with the pace of data generation.
4.Veracity: Social media data can be noisy, unreliable, and biased,
requiring preprocessing and cleaning to ensure data quality.
5.Privacy and Ethical Concerns: Mining social media data raises
privacy concerns regarding the collection and use of personal
information. Ensuring ethical data practices and respecting user
privacy is essential.
Types of Social Network Graphs
1.Undirected Graphs: In undirected graphs, nodes represent users,
and edges represent connections such as friendships or interactions
without a specified direction.
2.Directed Graphs: Directed graphs model asymmetric relationships
between users, such as followers on Twitter or connections on
3.Weighted Graphs: Weighted graphs assign weights to edges to
represent the strength or intensity of relationships between users.
4.Signed Graphs: Signed graphs incorporate positive or negative
signs on edges to represent positive or negative relationships, such
as trust or sentiment.
5.Multi-layered Graphs: Multi-layered graphs capture different types of
relationships or interactions between users across multiple layers,
allowing for more comprehensive analysis.
Mining Social Media: Influence and
• Influence: Identifying influential users or content on social
media is essential for viral marketing, opinion mining, and trend
• Homophily: Homophily refers to the tendency of users to
interact with others who share similar characteristics or
interests. Understanding homophily helps in targeted
advertising, community detection, and recommendation
Behavior Analytics in Social Media
• Behavior analytics in social media involves the study of user actions,
interactions, and engagement patterns to gain insights into user
behavior. This analysis helps in understanding how users navigate
social media platforms, interact with content, and engage with other
users. Behavior analytics encompasses various aspects, including:
Content Consumption Patterns: Analyzing what types of content
users consume, how frequently they engage with it, and which topics
or hashtags they are interested in. This information helps in content
curation, personalized recommendations, and identifying trending
User Engagement Metrics: Monitoring metrics such as likes, shares,
comments, retweets, and reactions to assess user engagement with
content. Understanding user engagement patterns helps in evaluating
content effectiveness, identifying influential users, and measuring
campaign success.
User Interaction Networks: Analyzing the structure of social
networks, including follower-followee relationships, retweet networks,
and mentions, to identify communities, influencers, and information
diffusion pathways. This information is valuable for targeted
advertising, influencer marketing, and viral content prediction.
Temporal Analysis: Studying how user behavior evolves over time,
including daily, weekly, or seasonal patterns in posting, engagement,
and activity levels. Temporal analysis helps in timing content
publication, scheduling campaigns, and predicting peak engagement
Sentiment Analysis: Analyzing the sentiment expressed in user-
generated content, such as tweets, comments, and reviews, to
understand public opinion, brand perception, and customer
satisfaction. Sentiment analysis enables reputation management,
crisis detection, and brand sentiment tracking.
Recommendation in Social Media
• Recommendation systems in social media aim to personalize
the user experience by suggesting relevant content,
connections, or products based on user preferences, behaviors,
and social context. These systems leverage various techniques,
• Content-Based Filtering
• Collaborative Filtering
• Social Context-Aware Recommendation
Content-based filtering
• Content-based filtering is a recommendation technique used in
information retrieval and recommendation systems to suggest
items to users based on the properties or characteristics of
those items. It relies on analyzing the features or attributes of
items that users have interacted with in the past to recommend
similar items that match their preferences. Content-based
filtering is commonly employed in various domains, including e-
commerce, news websites, music streaming platforms, and
movie recommendation systems.
Item Representation: Each item in the system is represented by a set of
features or attributes that describe its properties. These features could
include textual content, metadata, tags, genres, or any other relevant
User Profile: The system maintains a user profile that captures the user's
preferences based on their past interactions with items. This profile is
typically built by analyzing the items the user has liked, rated, or interacted
with, and extracting features from those items.
Similarity Calculation: Content-based filtering calculates the similarity
between items in the system based on their feature representations. Various
similarity metrics, such as cosine similarity or Jaccard similarity, can be used
to measure the similarity between items.
Recommendation Generation: Given a user profile, the system identifies
items that are similar to the ones the user has interacted with in the past.
These similar items are then recommended to the user based on their
predicted relevance and similarity to the user's preferences.
1.Personalization: Content-based filtering provides personalized
recommendations to users based on their unique preferences and
2.Transparency: The recommendation process is transparent since
recommendations are based on explicit features or attributes of
items, making it easier for users to understand why certain items are
recommended to them.
3.No Cold Start Problem: Content-based filtering can mitigate the
cold start problem, as recommendations can be made based on item
features alone, without requiring historical user data.
4.Serendipity: Content-based filtering can introduce users to new and
diverse items that share similar features with items they have
interacted with in the past, leading to serendipitous discoveries.
Collaborative filtering
• Collaborative filtering is a widely used recommendation
technique that leverages the collective behavior of users to
generate personalized recommendations. Unlike content-based
filtering, which relies on item features, collaborative filtering
focuses on analyzing user-item interactions and similarities
between users to make recommendations. It is based on the
assumption that users who have similar preferences or
behaviors in the past are likely to have similar preferences in
the future.
1.User-Item Interaction Data: Collaborative filtering relies on a dataset that captures the
interactions between users and items. These interactions could include ratings, likes,
purchases, views, or any other form of user engagement with items in the system.
2.User Similarity Calculation: Collaborative filtering calculates the similarity between users
based on their past interactions with items. Various similarity metrics, such as cosine
similarity or Pearson correlation, can be used to measure the similarity between user
3.Neighborhood Selection: Collaborative filtering selects a subset of similar users, known
as the "neighborhood," for each target user. The neighborhood typically consists of the
most similar users based on their interaction patterns with items.
4.Rating Prediction: Given the user's neighborhood, collaborative filtering predicts the
ratings or preferences of the target user for items they have not yet interacted with. This
prediction is based on aggregating the ratings or preferences of similar users for those
5.Recommendation Generation: Based on the predicted ratings or preferences,
collaborative filtering generates a list of top-ranked items to recommend to the target user.
These recommended items are typically those with the highest predicted ratings or
Types of Collaborative Filtering
1.Memory-Based Collaborative Filtering: Memory-based
collaborative filtering directly uses user-item interaction data to
compute user similarities and make recommendations. It can be
divided into two subtypes:
1. User-Based Collaborative Filtering: Computes similarities between users
and recommends items liked by similar users.
2. Item-Based Collaborative Filtering: Computes similarities between items
and recommends items similar to those already liked by the user.
2.Model-Based Collaborative Filtering: Model-based collaborative
filtering uses machine learning algorithms to learn latent factors or
features from the user-item interaction data. These learned models
are then used to make predictions and generate recommendations.
Common techniques include matrix factorization, singular value
decomposition (SVD), and factorization machines.
Advantages of Collaborative Filtering
1.No Dependency on Item Features: Collaborative filtering does
not rely on item features or metadata, making it suitable for
recommending items in domains where item features are
sparse or unavailable.
2.Serendipity: Collaborative filtering can recommend items that
are not explicitly similar to items the user has interacted with,
leading to serendipitous discoveries and exposure to new
3.Scalability: Collaborative filtering can scale to large datasets
and user populations since it only requires user-item interaction
data and similarity calculations between users.
3. Social Context-Aware
• Social context-aware recommendation leverages information
about social connections, interactions, and influence within a
social network to make personalized recommendations. By
considering the social context, such as friendships, followership,
and shared interests, these systems can identify items that are
not only relevant to the user's preferences but also aligned with
their social network dynamics. Social context-aware
recommendation systems typically involve the following
1.Social Graph Representation: The social graph represents the network of social
connections between users, where nodes represent users, and edges represent
relationships such as friendships, followership, or interactions.
2.User Influence Analysis: Social context-aware recommendation systems analyze the
influence and authority of users within the social network. Influential users may have a
greater impact on their followers' preferences and behaviors, making their
recommendations more influential.
3.Community Detection: Identifying communities or groups of users with shared interests
or behaviors within the social network. Community detection helps in understanding the
social context and identifying relevant items for recommendation within specific user
4.Social Influence Propagation: Modeling the propagation of influence and information
within the social network. Social influence propagation algorithms predict the spread of
preferences, recommendations, or trends from influential users to their followers, guiding
the recommendation process.
5.Social Filtering: Combining social context information with user preferences and item
features to filter and prioritize recommendations. Social filtering techniques adjust
recommendation scores based on social influence, user similarity, or community
dynamics to enhance recommendation relevance.
Recommendation using Social Context:
1.Social Influence Analysis: Social influence analysis identifies influential users or
communities within a social network and incorporates their preferences or
recommendations into the recommendation process. This helps in identifying
popular or trending items and improving recommendation relevance.
2.Friendship-based Recommendations: Friendship-based recommendations
leverage social connections between users to recommend items that are popular
among friends or similar users. This approach enhances recommendation
relevance by considering social influence and user similarity.
3.Community Detection: Community detection techniques identify communities or
groups of users with shared interests or behaviors within a social network.
Recommendations can be tailored to each community's preferences, improving
recommendation diversity and relevance.
4.Collaborative Filtering with Social Graph: Collaborative filtering algorithms can
be enhanced by incorporating the social graph structure and user interactions
into the recommendation process. This includes techniques such as social
regularization or matrix factorization with social regularization.
Evaluating Recommendations:
1.Accuracy Metrics: Accuracy metrics such as precision, recall, and F1-score
measure the effectiveness of recommendations in predicting user preferences or
interactions accurately.
2.Diversity Metrics: Diversity metrics evaluate the variety and novelty of
recommended items, ensuring that recommendations cover a wide range of user
interests and preferences.
3.Serendipity Metrics: Serendipity metrics assess the ability of recommendation
systems to introduce users to unexpected or novel items that they may not have
discovered otherwise.
4.Coverage Metrics: Coverage metrics measure the proportion of items in the
catalog that are recommended to users, ensuring that recommendations are
comprehensive and inclusive.
5.User Satisfaction Surveys: User satisfaction surveys and feedback
mechanisms collect user feedback on the relevance, usefulness, and overall
quality of recommendations, providing valuable insights for improving
recommendation systems.
Sample Question
• Define Social Media analysis
• Explain social media graph and their types.
• Explain social media mining
• Describe various type of recommendation algorithm
• Elaborate behavior analysis in details.