Particle On A Ring

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The document discusses the classical and quantum mechanical treatment of a particle on a ring. Classically, the particle moves with constant angular velocity. Quantum mechanically, the spectrum and wavefunctions depend on the magnetic flux through the ring.

Classically, the particle's motion does not depend on the magnetic flux through the ring. Quantum mechanically, the magnetic flux leads to a quantization of angular momentum and affects the energy spectrum.

The magnetic flux through the ring, parameterized by A, leads to a quantization of angular momentum and shifts the energy levels. It can be interpreted as a vector potential and corresponds to a magnetic flux Φ through the ring.

2 Motivating example: Particle on a ring

2.1 Classical particle on a ring: Action, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian As a simple motivating example let us consider a particle on a ring. Classically, the motion can be described by the principle of least action. A classical action S of a particle can be taken as S[] = L = dt L(, ), (2.1)

M 2 + A (2.2) 2 should be minimal (locally) on classical trajectories. Here, the angle (t) is chosen to be a generalized coordinate of the particle on a ring, M is a moment of inertia of a particle (or mass for a unit ring), A is some constant. Euler-Langrange equations of motion are given in terms of Lagrangian L d by dt L L = 0 or explicitly M = 0. (2.3) Particle given an initial velocity moves with constant angular velocity along the ring. Notice, that the last term of (2.2) does not aect the motion of the particle. Indeed, this term is a total time derivative and can not aect the principle of least action [1]. Given initial position of a particle on a ring at t = t1 and a nal position at t = t2 there are innitely many solutions of (2.3). They can be labeled by an integer number of times particle goes around the ring to reach its nal position. This happens because of nontrivial topology of the ring one should identify = + 2 as labeling the same point on the ring. This is not very important classically as we can safely think of the angle taking all real values from to +. Given initial position (t1 ) = 1 and initial 5

Motivating example: Particle on a ring

velocity (t1 ) = 1 one can unambiguously determine the position of the particle (t) at all future times using (2.3). Let us now introduce the momentum conjugated to as p= and the Hamiltonian as 1 (p A)2 . 2M Corresponding Hamilton equations of motion H = p L = = 1 (p A), M p = 0 (2.5) L = M + A (2.4)

(2.6) (2.7)

are equivalent to (2.3). Notice that although the parameter A explicitly enters Hamiltonian for malism it only changes the denition of generalized momentum M + A It does not change the solution of equainstead of more conventional M . tions of motion and can be removed by a simple canonical transformation p p + A. We will see below that this changes for a quantum particle. 2.2 Quantum particle on a ring: Hamiltonian and spectrum Let us now consider a quantum particle on a ring. We replace classical Poissons bracket {p, } = 1 by quantum commutator [p, ] = i and use -representation, i.e., we describe our states by wave functions on a ring (). In the following we will put = 1. In this representation we can use p = i and rewrite (2.5) as a quantum Hamiltonian 1 (i A)2 . (2.8) 2M The eigenstates and eigenvalues of this Hamiltonian are given by solutions of stationary Schrdinger equation H = E. We impose periodic boundary o conditions requiring ( + 2) = (), i.e., the wave function is required to be a single-valued function on the ring. The eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of (2.8) are given by H=

m = eim , (2.9) 1 Em = (m A)2 , (2.10) 2M where m = 0, 1, 2, . . . is any integer number - the quantized eigenvalue

2.2 Quantum particle on a ring: Hamiltonian and spectrum

Fig. 2.1. The spectrum of the particle on a ring is shown for 2A = = 0, , /2 respectively. The classical energy E(p) is represented by a parabola and does not depend on the parameter A.

of the momentum operator p = i . We notice that although classical model is not sensitive to the parameter A the quantum one is because of the quantization of p. The parameter A can be interpreted as a vector potential of the magnetic ux penetrating the ring. This vector potential is not observable in classical mechanics but aects the quantum spectrum because of multiple-connectedness of the ring (there are many non-equivalent ways to propagate from the point 1 to the point 2 on a ring). More precisely our parameter A should be identied with the vector potential multiplied by e c . It corresponds to the magnetic ux through the ring = A0 , where 0 is a ux quantum 0 = 2 ec . The A-term of the classical action topological term can be written as Stop =
t2 t1

dt A = 2A

2 1 = . 2 2


It depends only on the initial and nal values 1,2 = (t1,2 ) and changes by = 2A every time particle goes a full circle around the ring in counterclockwise direction. The conventional notation for a coecient in front of this term gave the name topological theta-term for these type of topological terms. The spectrum (2.10) is shown in Figure 2.1 for three values of ux through the ring = 0, , /2 (A = /0 = 0, 1, 1/2). Several comments are in order. (i) an integer ux A-integer or - multiple of 2 does not aect the spectrum. (ii) There is an additional symmetry (parity) of the spectrum at multiple of (integer or half-integer ux). (iii) For half-integer ux = the ground state is doubly degenerate E0 = E1 . Finally, let us try to remove the A term by canonical transformation as

Motivating example: Particle on a ring

in classical case. We make a gauge transformation eiA and obtain 1 p p + A and H = 2M (i )2 . One might think that we removed the eects of the A term completely. However, this transformation changes the boundary conditions of the problem replacing them by twisted boundary conditions ( + 2) = ei2A (). The eigenfunctions satisfying twisted boundary conditions are m = ei(mA) and produce the same eigenvalues (2.10). We conclude that it is not possible to remove the eects of topological A-term in quantum mechanics. The parameter A can be formally removed from the Hamiltonian by absorbing it into the boundary conditions. This, however, does not change the spectrum and other physical properties of the system. 2.3 Quantum particle on a ring: path integral and Wicks rotation A quantum mechanics of a particle on a ring described by the classical action (2.2) can be represented by path integral Z= D eiS[] , (2.12)

where integration is taken over all possible trajectories (t) (with proper boundary values). In this approach the contribution of the topological term to the weight in the path integral is the phase ei/(2) which is picked up by a particle moving in the presence of the vector potential. Let us perform Wicks rotation replacing the time by an imaginary time = it. Then M 2 M 2 dt i d , (2.13) 2 2 dt A d A, (2.14)

where in the r.h.s dot means the derivative with respect to . The path integral (2.12) is then replaced by a Euclidian path integral Z=
ei[(T )(0)] =1

D eS[] ,


where the action S=


M 2 iA . 2


We considered the amplitude of the return to the initial point in time ,

2.4 Quantum doublet

i.e. 0 < < . This requires periodic boundary conditions in time ei(0) = ei() . We notice here that because the A-term is linear in time derivative it does not change its form under Wicks rotation (2.14) and therefore, is still imaginary in Euclidian formulation (2.16). Without imaginary term one can think about eS as of Boltzmann weight in the classical partition function. One can satisfy the boundary conditions as () (0) = 2Q with any integer Q. We can rewrite the partition function (2.15) as:



D e


M 2


We notice here that = 2n multiple of 2 is equivalent to = 0. Second we notice that the partition function is split into the sum of path integrals over distinct topological sectors characterized by an integer number Q which is called the winding number. The contributions of topological sectors to the total partition function are weighed with the complex weights eiQ . For future comparisons let us write (2.16) in terms of a unit two-component vector = (1 , 2 ) = (cos , sin ), 2 = 1. S=

M 2 iA(1 2 2 1 ) . 2


This is the simplest (0 + 1)-dimensional O(2) non-linear -model. 2.4 Quantum doublet Let us consider a particular limit of a very light particle on a circle M 0 in the presence of half of the ux quantum A = 1/2, = . With this ux the ground state of the system is doubly degenerate E0 = E1 and the rest of the spectrum is separated by the energies 1/M from the ground state (2.10). At large (low temperatures) we can neglect contributions of all states except for the ground state. We write the general form of the ground state wave function as |+1/2 + | 1/2 , where | + 1/2 = 0 and | 1/2 = 1 . The ground state space (, ) coincides with the one for a spin 1/2. One might say that (2.15-2.16) with M 0 realize a path integral representation for the quantum spin 1/2. This representation does not have an explicit SU (2) symmetry. We will consider an SU (2)-symmetric path integral representation for quantum spins later. Meanwhile, let us discuss some topological aspects of a plane rotator problem.


Motivating example: Particle on a ring

2.5 Full derivative term and topology From a mathematical point of view the motion of a particle on the unit circle with periodic boundary conditions in time is described by a mapping 1 1 1 (t) : St S of a circle formed by compactied time S = t [0, ] 1 = [0, 2]. This mapping can be characterized by integer into a circle S winding number Q which tells us how many times the image goes around 1 target space S when variable changes from 0 to . It can be shown that two such mappings 1 ( ) and 2 ( ) can be continuously deformed one into another if and only if they are characterized by the same winding number. Therefore, all mappings are divided into topological classes enumerated by Q = 0, 1, 2, . . .. Moreover, one can dene a group structure on topological classes. First we dene the product of two mappings 1 and 2 as 2 1 ( ) = 1 (2t), for 0 < < /2 1 () + 2 (2 ), for /2 < < .

If 1 belongs to the topological class Q1 and 2 to Q2 , their product belongs to the class Q1 + Q2 . One can say that the product operation on mappings induces the structure of Abelian group on the set of topological classes. In this case this group is the group of integer numbers with respect to addition. One can write this fact down symbolically as 1 (S 1 ) = Z, where subscript one denotes that our time is S 1 and S 1 in the argument is our target space. One says that the rst (or fundamental) homotopy group of S 1 is the group of integers. There is a simple formula giving the topological class Q Z in terms of ( ) Q=

d . 2


Let us now assume that we splitted our partition function into the sum over dierent topological classes. What are the general restrictions on the possible complex weights which one can introduce in the physical problem. One can deform smoothly any mapping in the class Q1 + Q2 into two mappings of classes Q1 and Q2 which are separated by a long time. Because of the multiplicative property of amplitudes this means that the weights WQ associated with topological classes must form a (unitary) representation of the fundamental group of a target space. The only unitary representation of Z is given by WQ = eiQ with 0 < < 2 labelling dierent representations. In the case of plane rotator these weights correspond to the magnetic ux piercing the one-dimensional ring.

2.6 Topological terms and quantum interference


In more general case of, say, particle moving on the manifold G (instead of S 1 ) we have to consider the fundamental group of our target space 1 (G), nd its unitary representations, and obtain complex weights which could be associated with dierent topological classes.

2.6 Topological terms and quantum interference As it can be seen from (2.17) the presence of a topological term in the action ( = 0) results in the interference between topological sectors in the partition function. The Boltzmann weight calculated for a trajectory within a given topological sector Q is additionally weighted with complex phase eiQ . This interference can not be removed by Wicks rotation.

2.7 General denition of topological terms We dene generally topological terms as the metric-independent terms in the action. A universal object present in any eld theory, is the symmetric stressenergy tensor T . It can be dened as a variation of the action with respect to the metric g . More precisely, an innitesimal variation of the action can be written as S = dx g T g , (2.20) where g dx is an invariant volume of space-time. It immediately follows from our denition of topological terms that topological terms do not contribute to the stress-energy tensor. If in a eld theory all terms are topological we have T = 0 for such a theory. These theories are called topological eld theories. A particular general covariant transformation is the rescaling of time. Topological terms do not depend on a time scale. Therefore, the corresponding Lagrangians are linear in time derivatives. They do not transform under Wicks rotation and are always imaginary in Euclidian formulation. They describe quantum interference which is not removable by Wick rotation.

2.8 Theta terms and their eects on the quantum problem Theta terms are topological terms of particular type. They appear when there exist nontrivial topological textures in space-time. Essentially, these


Motivating example: Particle on a ring

terms are just complex weights of dierent topological sectors in the path integration. We will go over more details on -terms later in the course. In addition to being imaginary in Euclidian formulation as all other topological terms -terms have also some special properties. These properties distinguish them from other types of topological terms. The following is a partial list of the features of topological -terms and of their manifestations. Textures in space-time (integer topological charge Q) Realize irreducible 1d-representations of D (G), where D is the dimension of space-time and G is a target space Quantum interference between topological sectors Do not aect equations of motion Aect the spectrum of quantum problem by changing quantization rules Periodicity in coupling constant is not quantized (for Q Z) = 0, an additional (parity) symmetry = degeneracy of the spectrum. Gapless excitations. Equivalent to changes in boundary conditions. is a new parameter which appears from the ambiguity of quantization of the classical problem for multiply-connected congurational space. 2.9 Exercises

Exercise 2.1: Particle on a ring, path integral The Euclidian path

integral for a particle on a ring with magnetic ux through the ring is given by Z= Using the decomposition ( ) = 2 Q + l ei

D e


m2 2

i 2

rewrite the partition function as a sum over topological sectors labeled by winding number Q Z and calculate it explicitly. Find the energy spectrum from the obtained expression. Hint: Use summation formula
+ n=

e 2 An


2 A

e 2A (B2l) .

2.9 Exercises


Exercise 2.2: spin 1/2 from a particle on a ring Calculate the partition

function of a particle on a ring described in the previous exercise. Find explicit expressions in the limit M 0, but M/. One can interpret the obtained partition function as a partition function of a spin 1/2. What is the physical meaning of the ratio ( )/M in the spin 1/2 interpretation of the result?

Exercise 2.3: Metric independence of the topological term The

classical action for a particle on a ring is given by S= dtp m2 , 2 2

where tp is some proper time. Reparametrizing time as tp = f (t) we have dt0 = 2 2 2 f dt and dt2 = f dt2 and identify the metric as g00 = f and g 00 = f . We also 0 have g00 = f . Rewrite the action in terms of (t) instead of (tp ). Check that it has a proper form if written in terms of the introduced metric. Using the general formula for variation of the action with respect to a metric (g = det g ) S = dx g T g ,

nd the stress-energy tensor for the particle on the ring. Check that T00 is, indeed, the energy of the particle.

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