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The document discusses solutions to example exam problems involving electromagnetic fields and potentials. Problem 1 solves for the angular velocity of a rotating shell using conservation of angular momentum and Faraday's law. Problem 2 finds the non-zero components of the Maxwell stress tensor. Problem 3 derives the Lorentz gauge condition.

The final angular velocity ω of the shell is calculated to be R2λB/(I + μ0R2λ2/4πI) using conservation of angular momentum as the external magnetic field is turned off.

Faraday's law is used to calculate the torque exerted by the induced electric field on the rotating shell, reproducing the same expression for ω as obtained using conservation of angular momentum.

Exam # 1 Review Session PHYS 436 -

Fall 2010 Electromagnetic Fields II

Instructor: Prof. Nadya Mason Date: Sept. 20th, 2010

Problem 1

An infinitely long wire with linear charge density lies along the z axis. An insulating cylindrical shell of
radius R and moment of inertia I per unit length is concentric with the wire, and can rotate freely about
the z axis. The surface charge density on the shell is = /(2R) and is uniformly distributed. The
cylinder is immersed in an external magnetic field Bext = B z, and is initially at rest. Starting at t = 0,
the external magnetic field is gradually switched off.

a) Using conservation of angular momentum, determine the final angular velocity of the shell.

b) Check your answer by using Faradays law.


a) Initially the cylindrical shell is at rest, so all the angular momentum is stored in the electromagnetic
field, and the corresponding density can be calculated with the formula

` = 0 0 (r S) , (1)

where S = 0 E B is the Poynting vector. Using Gausss law, we easily obtain

, for s < R

E= 20 s (2)
0 , for s > R

Notice that the surface charge density on the shell has been chosen to cancel the electric field produced
by the wire. Hence, initially the Poynting vector is
Si = , for s < R (3)
20 0 s

and the total angular momentum (per unit length) stored initially in the field is
R2 B

Li = 2 `i sds = B ss sds = B z sds = z . (4)
0 0 s 0 2

When the magnetic field is turned off, the total angular momentum is the sum of the mechanical
momentum of the rotating shell plus the angular momentum stored in the solenoidal magnetic field
due to the current on the shell:
Lf = Lf,em + Lf,mech (5)
Exam # 1 Review Session (PHYS 436 - Electromagnetic Fields II) 2
From Amperes law B dl = 0 Ienc and the right hand rule, we know that the azimuthal current
density j = Q/T = (2R)/(2/) = 2 produces a magnetic field

Bf = z , (s < R) (6)

inside the cylinder. Taking advantage of the result (4), replacing B Bf we learn that the angular
momentum per unit length stored in the fields is now

0 R2 2
Lf,em = z . (7)

Similarly, the mechanical angular momentum (per unit length) of the rotating shell is

Lf,mech = Iz , (8)

so that
0 R2 2
Lf = I + z . (9)

Ignoring friction and radiation effects, the total angular momentum is conserved and we find

R2 B
Li = Lf =   (10)
0 R2 2
2I 1 + 4I

b) From Faradays law, Edl = d/dt, we know that the change of magnetic flux in the z direction
will induced an azimuthal electric field given by
s dBz
Eind = . (11)
2 dt

Hence, the torque (per unit length) exerted by the electric field on the cylindrical shell is

R2 dBz
= Rs [Eind (R)2R] = REind (R)z = z . (12)
2 dt

dLmech d R2
= = I z I = (Bf B) (13)
dt dt 2
where we have integrated in the time coordinate. Using the value of Bf calculated in (6), we conclude

R2 R2 B
I = B =   (14)
2 2 2I 1 + 0 R2 2

as before.
Exam # 1 Review Session (PHYS 436 - Electromagnetic Fields II) 3
Problem 2 (Griffiths 9.12)

Find all elements of the Maxwell stress tensor for a monochromatic plane wave traveling in the z direction
and linearly polarized in the x direction, i.e.
E(z, t) = E0 cos(kz t + )x , B(z, t) = cos(kz t + )y . (15)

Comment on the form of your answer (remember that T represents the momentum flux density).


First, we recall that the components of Maxwells stress tensor are given by
1 2 1 1 2
Tij = 0 Ei Ej ij E + Bi Bj ij B . (16)
2 0 2

Since only Ex and By are nonzero, it is clear that all the off-diagonal components vanish. A quick calculation
then shows
1 2 1 1 2
Txx = 0 Ex Ex E + B =0 (17)
2 0 2
1 2 1 1 2
Tyy = 0 E + By By B = 0 (18)
2 0 2
1 1 1
Tzz = 0 E2 + B2 = 0 E02 cos2 (kz t + ) = u , (19)
2 0 2

where u is the energy density. That only the Tzz component is non-vanishing is consistent with the fact
that the momentum of the fields points in the z direction, and it is being transported in the z direction as

Problem 3

The electric and magnetic fields can be written in terms of a scalar potential V and a vector potential A
B = A, E = V . (20)

Maxwells equations in vacuum then imply

0 = 2 V + ( A) (21)
2 V
0 = A 0 0 2 A + 0 0 . (22)
t t
Exam # 1 Review Session (PHYS 436 - Electromagnetic Fields II) 4
Find a condition that would make both V and the components of A satisfy decoupled wave equations.
Assuming a monochromatic wave solution, write down this condition in terms of the amplitudes of the
corresponding waves.


Inspecting the equations, it is clear that the desired condition is

A + 0 0 = 0. (23)

The corresponding equations for A and V are now

0 = 2 V 0 0 (24)
0 = 2 A 0 0 2 (25)

and a monochromatic wave solution is then of the form

V0 i(kxt)
A = A0 ei(kxt) , V = e , (26)
0 0

where V0 is a constant, A0 is a constant vector, and we have pulled out a coefficient 1/ 0 0 = c in the
definition of V for later convenience. Replacing this solution into (23) we find

0 = k A0 0 0 V0 0 = k A0 V0 (27)

The constraint (23) is known as the Lorentz gauge condition. Notice that the physical fields E and B
are invariant under the simultaneous transformation A A + and V V t , where = (x, t) is
a function of space and time. This freedom is known as gauge invariance and makes it possible to reach
the Lorentz gauge.

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