Ans. At present,grain is transported from IMPORTÁNT YEARS OR PERIODS villages to cities in lorries, trucks, trains, et 1523: Ahoms annexed the kingdom of The present-day method of grain transportation Chhutiyas. is much faster than the method of Banjarae 1565: The Mughal forces under Asaf Khan who used bullock-carts for grain transportation attacked Garha Katanga. Rani Texthook Page No. 57 Durgawati opposed them. Q. Discuss why the Mughals 1581: Ahoms annexed the kingdom of Koch interested in the land of the Gonds.were Hajo. Ans. (i) The territory of Gonds was in 1591: Raja Man Singh, Akbar's famous central part of the subcontinent. general attacked and defeated the (iü) Mughals ruled over the northern part, Cheros of Bihar. They wished to expand their control over the l662: The Mughals uncer Mir Jumla attacked southern kingdoms of the subcontinent. the Ahom kingdom of Assam. (üi) In order to do that, they first had ta take control in the central part of the IMPORTANT TERMS subcontinent which was ruled by Gonds. 1. Clan : Aclan is a group of families or (iv) Therefore, Mughals were interested in the land of the Gonds. households claiming descent from a Textbook Page No. 58 common ancestor. Tribal organisation is often based on kinship or clan Q. Why do you think the Mughals 2. Nomads and itinerant groupsloyalties. :Nomads tried to conquer the land of the Ahoms ? are wandering people. Many of them are Ans. (i) Ahoms ruled the north-east region pastoralists who roam from one pasture to of the subcontinent, Mughals in order to expand another with their flocks and herds. their domain in the entire subcontinent, tried Similarly, itinerant groups, such as, crafts to conquer the land of Ahoms. persons, pedlars and entertainers travel (ü) Als0, the land of Ahoms was a rich from place to place practising their different source of forest produce and animals such as occupations. Both nomads and itinerant elephants were war animals. They also led to groups often visit the same places every year. the Mughal attack on the land of Ahoms. 3. Shifting cultivation : Trees and bushes Textbook Page No. 59 in a forest area are first cut and burnt. Imagine The crop is sown in the ashes. When this Q. You are a member of a nomadic land loses its fertility, another plot of land community that shifts residence every is cleared and planted in the same way. three months. How would 4. Paiks : Those people who were forced to your life ? this change work for the state were called paiks. Ans. (i)Ithink, due to a nomadic life, my NTEXT QUESTIONS education would be highly disturbed otherwise Iwould have to live in a hostel. That Textbook Page No. 50 result in the separation of the family. would Q. On a physical map of the sub (ii) I would get a chance to see many new continent, identify the areas in which places, to go through unknown, unexplored tribal people may have lived. forests. Ans. [Hint : According to the book, tribes Therefore, my life would be changed in both positive and negative used to live in forests, hills, deserts and places manners. different to reach. Therefore, you can search such areas on the physical map of the EXERCISES subcontinent and shade them. Also see Map 1 Let's Recall on Text Book Page 51.] Q. 1. Match the Textbook Page No. 53 garh following khel : Q. Find out how grain is transported from villages tocities at present. In what tanda chaurasi wAys is this similar to or different from labourer clan caravan the ways in which the Banjaras Sib Singh Garha Katunga functioned? Ahom state (18) Durgawati paik OUR PASTS -I| (HISTORY)i19 Ans. garh chaurasi tanda caravan Q. 6. What changes took place in labourer paik varna-based society ? clan khel Ans. The following changes took place in Sib Singh Ahom state varna-based society : (i) Smaller castes or jatis Durgawati Garha Katanga Varnas. emerged within o. 2. Fill in the blanks : (iü) Many tribes and social Ia) The new castes emerging within taken into caste-based society and groups were varnas .Were called given the status of jatis. (6) were historical works written (iü) Specialised by the Ahoms. and masons were artisans-smiths, carpenters also recognised as separate (c) The mentions that jatis by the Brahmanas. Carha Katanga had 70,000 villages. (iv) Jatis rather than varna, became the () As tribal states became bigger and basis for organising society. stronger, they gave land grants to (U) Among the Kshatriyas, new Rajput and clans became powerful by the eleventh and Ans. (a) jatis, (6) buranjis, (c) Akbar twelfth centuries. Nama, (d) poets, scholars. Q. 7. How did tribal societies change O. 3. State whether true or false : after being organised into a state ? (a) Tribal societies had rich oral Ans. The tribal societies changed in the traditions. following manner : (6) There were no tribal communities (i) They began to evolve a centralised in the north-western part of the sub administrative system. continent. (iü) Some social divisions within a tribal () The chaurasi in Gond states society also took place. contained several cities. (iiü) Tribal kings began to grant land to () The Bhils lived in the north-eastern Brahmanas, poets and scholars. part of the subcontinent. (iv) Tribal kings also wished to be Ans. (a) True,(b) False,(c) False, (d)False. recognised as other famous kings of the subcontinent, such as. Q. 4. What kinds of exchanges took place between nomadic pastoralists and (u) Tribal kingdoms began to annex smaller settled agriculturists ? neighbouring kingdoms. For example, Ahom Ans. The following kinds of exchanges took annexed kingdoms of Chhutiyasand Koch-Hajo. (vi) In order to build a large state, Ahoms place between nomadic pastoralists and settled used firearms. agriculturists. (vii) Literary development such as () They exchanged milk, other pastoral translation of Sanskrit work into local language products such as, wool, ghee, etc. and writing history in Ahom language were (i) Agriculturists gave them grain, cloth, also new developments. utensils and other products. Let's Discuss Let's Understand Q.8.Were the Banjaras important for Q.5. How was the administration of the economy? the Ahom state organised ? Ans. Yes, the Banjaras were important for Ans. The administration of the Ahom state the economy in the following ways : was organised in the following manner (i) Banjaras were trader-normads. () The Ahom state depended upon forced (iü) Under Sultan Alauddin Khaiji, labour or paiks. Banjaras used to transport to the city markets. (ü) The census of the population was taken. (iiü) According to Emperor Jahangir, (iü) Each village had to send a number of Banjaras carried grain on their bullocks from different areas and sold it in towns. paiks by rotation. (iu) People from heavily populated areas (iv) Banjaras transported food grains for Were shifted to less populated places. Ahom the Mughal army during military campaigns. clans were thus broken p. Q. 9. In what ways was the history of (u) By the frst half of the 17th century, the Gonds different from that of the e administration became quite centralised. Ahoms ? Were there any similarities ? 28 18 3(13 9(6) lived. and of they mentioned Foradministrative systems. causesimilarities : themsocial Mughals cultivation. e Brahmaputra forcedthMyanmar. from Let'sDo lands. predomi-nant wasreligion. Hinduism methods labour. king introduced was mig-rants valley alliances. not ofwar their the 20/ Khasis, Cheros, Khonds, Balochis, Khokhars, Ans.livelihood () i) Yes, society Ahom(vi) Under(u) (iv) hoA (üi) AhomsKoch-Hajo. (ü) Koragas,Arghuns, Jaitwas, Vetars, the any Q. (iü) Both(ü) expanded Ahoms () 10. of more dependent The Chhutiyas have against rule historyAns. CP environment two, Both status, their Both Sib Ahoms GUIDE Plot at Ahom present-day Ahom 3 9 of them, different of in the developed. became by There of Kacharis, Mundas, was in Brahmanas, pleasedby ofthe marriageThey kingdoms discuss these decline. tribal wedging this the Singh,Ahom m were Baigas, 1613 9 ) and state Ahoms were (ALL Maravars, suited methodsrice new uponnot did and Janjuhas, Berads,Sammas, location chapter tribes not a migrants. of SUBJECTS) Bhils, whether states Gonds times. cultivation. Ahoms. unequal further cultivation. introduce labour. forced wit.h had and influenced In and 2 2) 29 of orderto shiftingGonds (vii) (vi) (v) (iv) (üi) (ü) tollowing Gonds, Santals, evolved order Gonds() Ahoms, the to were as Gond Gond dependent Gonds Gond state was marriage Gonds the This Gonds recognition, Rajputs. : 9 'area on of had developed social Gonds SOCIAL Gakkhars, enjoy attacked divided to ) 29 Badagas, 6geograpbytheir the the centralised raised society society ofthe Katkaris, Langahs, became followingpractised did were gain bydifferences: 0raons, Koyas, granting upon alliances Rajputs. Nagas,Kochs, Kolis, where mode tribes map. classes. new as was into was rice not the not theypower were SCIENCE-VII by a in ffaloes, amels, Dhangars Gujarat). etc. Bhotiyas, (Rajasthan), nomadic are-Guijars subcontinent. by day seatswhichpolicy keep these. about government populations matched riceriver It in thetheir forestspart agriculture ARABIAN( O Ans.these (Hint-You Ans. Q. north-east. also SEA nomadic Q. cultivators.flows (2)area (1) ? 12.ensure in of occupation of 11. had Ahom and pastoralSome Which educational groups government Students, to where he INDIAN tBhil- These arashtra) Find in Monpas (J Find the plenty this The andfertile subcontinent 14 Banjaras them and can policies - Bhils & of are pastoral What out geography Therefore, hunting-gathering. The they ralists groups out area. area suited land. Indian Tribes Major K), the ? and discuss a do organise ofAhom used (north-east), the more water lived. prescribed yourselves. for about Andreceived OCEAN Gaddis main of animals areas government toBhils to (Central Scheduled towards and the groups about the ofAhom people the which live their as BENGAL their were a BAY OF present-day subcontinent keep(Himachal), present-day heavy Brahmaputra geography oE in aldharis frequented reservatioD discussion people used th e do number occupation engaged was MA NDA present area. Raikas sheep:India), injobs.J Tribes tribal rainfall Therefore western they to full the were live ulture.forested Jumlainvasions kingdoms. trapping state. rich (d) (c) (a) Assertion (6) AssertionReason answer attacked Ahoms? general attacked Ans.Reason 8. Reason Assertion 2. Reason(R) AssertionAssertion. (A) 1, Both Assertion. 8 adopt Questions Multiple Choice Reason BethReason Both There Ans. Jumla (c) Mi(ar) Kamal Khan General 6.(cDyre ) (a) 6. Todar Mal (c) NarainBi(ar) 4. 3. clans Himalayan ? tribe? Assertion attackedAssertion (A) : ()Punjab Chalukyas (c) (a) Hunas (c) (a)Gakkhars Khokhar 2.(c) (a) 1, Raja Which The Who Mainly 1. region from and Assertion Assertion Assertion as 1. All The Islam Which ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS Which (a): (R) is is per (A) are (6); Man Garhname was North-West of (R) exporting wild is 2. called th e correct not 2. one these of practised : the the and twO the as in one (6); Gonds : (A) the : It (d); Singh Katanga their the south-west. and the and. and codes of of which Ahom The earned çorrect Reason statements son of Gondwana. : and 3. the Mughal 3. Gonds : Garha Reason correct Reason Reason followingare Mughals Ahoms faced many (d); Sangram Gangadhar Shah(d) Rao(6) Frontier of religion? the (c) Reason given following kingdom 4.(d)Khan r Asaf(6) was Rani Sind(6) areas Gaddis (d) (6) Asaf(6) JumlaMi(d)Khan Chandelas (d) (b) Santal elephants muchKatanga following lived explanation are (R). are explanation are (a);Both general All below:marked Mark Durgawati? 5. did of under incorrect. is correct correct plantation in wealth incorret. (); (a) Mughal them to tribes Rajput a other was your 6.and who is vast Mir but and as (a). (6) a by a of of earlyChhutiyas Despiteunderfromthe evensubjugated bhuiyanspresent-day thirteenth a suppressing century, valley from answer Study Case Myanmar Ans. Ans. 1523. Ans. In (iüi) Ans. region defeated. Ans. large ket.followingCorrect njaras :Gondwana.region trader 4.callednomads. Fill (iv) () The l.Read AhomsThe(v) ü) Answer However, Choose Ans. 4. The 3. 2. 1. make as 1. in south-westfromthe The When Brahmaputra of Ahoms the How 1662. kingdom inMir When? state, Ahoms the (a) The Tribes could their Mir th e they the Chhutiyas. older Jumla south-west. But Jumla (landlords). (1523) century. the and did highquality many the following Sultan 1. AhomsdidAhoms created did the not blanks directbrave the 1530s. and annexed migrated AhomsThesource the Khokars; Gonds to Incorrect weretribe in political Ahoms Mir last attacked Ahoms fother or and older OUR nsport correct attackedfollowing They the a defence, By this Alauddin were were faced new Jumla Mughal long. gunpowderIn tribes. During ofpolitical PASTS lived divided valley system faced thKoch-Hajo e they the createda questions to given thirteenth migrated create 2. annex th1662, e Myanmartheinthe Statements the state the 1660s kingdoms -I| statements clans; in from from many questions attack control tAhom he many used The grain the Brahmaputra system below (HISTORY) amost into of aAhom the and Ahoms new Khalji the the by new Ahoms firearms they (1581) : vast Punjab. suppressing sixteenth present invasions the kingdom. invasions Mughais cannons. state 3.important century. kingdom bhuiyans. kingdom over of of and to the to state Ahom could built 121 Banjaras; forested : were and the the by used from the the as day ? city the the cieties tribal? Longgeneration. to customs writtensocieties tribal societies. ? tribalinto the . know (iü) (ii) the societies ? khels. or Short Answer8. Ans. Q.7. Ahoms ? These Brahmanas numerous Ans. Q. Katanga?Garh Durgawati about social Ans. Ans. Durgawati Rani ?Gaddi. Very (d). 5.’ What Historians and records. Q. Ans. Q. Ans. Answer 6. 5. following Match the Banjaras clans. (i) How- The 4. Q.Ans. Q. Ans.Jatis 5. Buranjis Ahoms 4. cultivation. were oral The What Ahom How Mir 3. 2. Short 3. Rani 2. 22/ wereType tribal rules 1. Gonds 1. Ans. (d) (c) Which AsafWhich The What The Durgawati Column A (6) CP do societies unequal Jumla was Name 1. traditions. tribal and Type Garha The Questions used passed But we was society was Khan Answer ’ to(a) Banjaras GUIDE societies. the and name was transport Mughal Mughal Bir Himalayan (c); Sultan caravan comne which a (ALL these societ:ies they rituals Questions meant attacked Ahom attacked Narain. Himalayan 2. Katanga main which was the down classes of Brahmaputra smaller valley castes Type cultivation shifting ’ (e) (d) (c) Katuga Garha (6) (a) Alauddin SUBJECTS): preserved to were name (a); Arramera Column Bgrain of oral society divided general general the historical practised eatures to did by Ahoms. Garha Questions shepherd Banjaras did know prescribed 3. was were not son to traditions each not the of ’ not tribe. the Khaljí a SOCIAL divided divided into attacked the (e); about called attacked Katanga. of city poor new richkeep follow tribal 4. words wAs of clans son tribe Rani ’ used shifting by market. state. SCIENCE-VII called ? of is (b); in the following:livelihoods. the Work their performed Map merchants. wandering ropes, travelled prosperous people. animals activities following households Ans. Panipat (6) (a) On : pastures resources fromactivitiesgatherers herders. from orkinshipfeatures : bonds. (v) (iv) (iiü) (iü) Area (i) Ans. Q. (iii) (ii) () Ans. There reeds, Many (u) one (iv) an Sometimes Different They 9. ASome agriculture. Members in from such TheWhat jointly Most Many outline place of to The under according tribal differentwere strawmade village pastoral as different the often tribes make tribes tribal Awadh Panipat a to castes did and group area of castes matting cattle another. the map mendicants and tribesmen were full obtained each societies Awadh (c) towns to tribesdifferentdivided to in Others tribes Area the Ahomunder Ahom village. sold of of and tribes retained its nomadicwhich use tribe of entertainers and petty and reared own India, wares horses these combined of weretheir were had tribes tribes they INDIA villages coarse pedlars used rules. the the acted land and such and amongst lived. livelihoounited hunter. followin, locate to moved natura) sacks. to do these who the sold and for as as also do ? b B. Devotional Paths to the Divine IMPORTANT YEARS OR PERIODS poet is set free from sorrow, birth, death and illusion. He believes that nobody can separate sth century : Shankara was born in Kerala. him from God. 1469 : Guru Nanak was born. Textbook Page No. 64 1539 : Guru Nanak died. Q. Try and find out more about the 1604 : GuruArjun compiled the compositions ideas of Shankara or Ramanuja. of Guru Nanak and his three Ans. Some of the major ideas of Shankara Gurus. successor are as under : 1606 : Jahangir executed Guru Arjun. (i)His teachings aimed at cleansing Vedic 1699 : Guru Gobind Singh established philosophy of its obscurities and inconsistencies Khalsa. and thereby making it intelligible and acceptable 1706 : Guru Gobind Singh authenticated the to the common man. compilation and named it GuruGranth (ü) According to him, Brahman was only Sahib, the holy scripture of Sikhs. an existence without any quality by which it could be described. IMPORTANT TERMS (üii) It was pure consciousness, not a subject knowing an object. 1. Hagiography : Writing of saints' lives. (iv) Maya was neither an existence nor a 2. Hospice : House of rest for travellers, non-existence and was therefore indescribable. especially one kept by a religious order. (v) His ideas were based on Upanishads 3. Bhakti : Bhakti is a person's devotion to and some of them were borrowed from his or her chosen deity. Buddhism. Textbook Page No. 65 INTEXT QUESTIONS Q. What is the temple that Basavanna is offering to God ? Textbook Page No. 62 Ans. Basavanna is offering the temple of 0. You can observe this process of his body to his beloved God. According to him, local myths and legends receiving wider his legs are pillars, his body the shrine, and acceptance even today. Can you find head a Cupola of gold. some examples around you ? Textbook Page No. 66 Ans. (i) Hinduism, the religion of the Q. Discuss the ideas about the social majority of the citizens of India, is a varived order expressed in these compositions. faith whose local manifestations are diverse. Ans. The ideas expressed by these (ü) Folk religion in Hinduism may explain compositions are as follows: the rationale behind local religious practices, (i) Lower caste people were a rejected lot and contain local myths that explain the of society. existence of local religious customs or the (ii) They were beaten. location of temples. (iiü) They had to eat left-0ver food. (üü) One such example is as under : (iv) But there were few people who India possesses a large body of heroic identified the beaten and battered people. ballads and epic poetry preserved in oral Tukaram calls such people as saints. tradition. One such oral epic, telling the story (v) Saints treated a slave as his own son. of Pabuji, has been collected by Dr. John Smith It can be concluded that the social order from Rajasthan. It isa long poem in the had mixed people. Rajasthani language, traditionally told by Textbook Page No. 72 professional storytellers, known as Bhopas. Q. Why do you think Mirabai left the They deliver it in front of a tapestry that depicts Rana's palace ? the characters of the story and functions as a Ans. Mirabai left the Rana's palace portable temple, accompanied by aravanhattho because there she had to face restrictions and iddle. Rana's opposition in her devotional activities. Textbook Page No. 63 Textbook Page No. 73 Q. How does the poet describe his Q. In what ways are the ideas in this relationship with the deity ? poem similar to or different from those of Ans. The poet feels the presence of his Basavanna and Jalaluddin Rumi ? lord inside his body. Due to this presence, the Ans. The central ideas of Kabir, Basavanna 24/CP GUIDE (ALL SUBJECTS) : SOCIAL SCIEN achieve Salvation, they advoated through (u) To mind and bodyexercises Rumi emphases that bethe God intense training of the and Jalaluddinone's found breathing resides within heart. It cannot practices like yogasanas, and meditation. ideas anywhere else on this earth. were the majorexpress Q. 4. What did he Textbook Page No. 76 expressed by Kabir ? How Imagine are.attending a meeting where these ? Kabir were as Q. You system. Ans. The major ideas of saint is discussing the caste a follows: Supreme God Relate the conversation. critically examine the (i)He believed in a formless only path to Salvation Ans. (i)Saint would and preached that the or devotion. caste systen1. disadvantage and was through bhakti were based on a complete, (ü)He would present itsexamples. (iü) Histeachings the major prove them with suitable suggest ways in which indeed vehement, rejection of (it)He would also reformed. Otherwise religious traditions. all forms´of the caste system can becaste system and ask (iiü) He openly ridiculed Brahmanical he wouid denounce the from it. external worship of both his followers to brcakawaythe path of Bhakti Hinduism and Islam. pre-eminence of (ie)ie would suggest to his (iv) He also ridiculed the (personal devotion to beloved God) the priestly classes and the caste system. of ideas, he used a form foliowers. songs (u) To express his (v) He would sing devotional spoken Hindi. (bhajan) to end the meeting. Let's Understand major beliefs and EXERCISES Q. 5. What were the? practices of the Sufis Let's Recall outward religiosity Ans. (i) Sufis rejecteddevotion Q. 1. Match the following : to God and and emphasised love and human beings. Ans. questioned social compassion towards all fellowelaborate rituals The Buddha (iü) They often rejected the differences demanded by Muslim - namghar and codes of behaviour Shankaradeva religious scholars. Nizamuddin Auliya Sufi Saint Shiva much as (iiü) They sought union with God Nayanars - worship of a lover seeks his beloved with a disregard for Alvars worship of Vishnu the world. Q. 2. FilI in the blanks : and prose (iv)Sufi saints composed poems fables. (a) Shankara was an advocate of literature including anecdotes and (6) Ramanuja was influenced by the were (u) They believed that the heart can be and (c) advocates of Virashaivism. trained to look at the world in a different way. (vi) They developed elaborate methods of (d) Was an important centre training using zikr (chanting of a sacred Maharashtra. of the Bhakti tradition inVishishtadvaita, formula), contemplation, sama (singing), raqs Ans. (a) Advaita, (6) Akkamahadevi, (dancing). (c)Basavanna, Allama Prabhu, (viü) The Sufi saints held their assemblies (d) Pandharpur. practices in their khanqahs or hospices. Q. 3. Describe the beliefs and and Yogis. Q. 6. Why do you think many teachers of the Nathpanthis, Siddhas of the rejected prevalent religious beliefs Ans. The beliefs and practices were as and practices ? Nathpanthis, Siddhas and Yogis Ans. It has the following reasons under : and other aspects (i) The social order had many unequal i) They criticised the ritual social castes. The lower castes were oppressed and the social order. ofconventional religion simple and logical arguments by the upper castes. (ü)They usedthoughts. (iü) The teachers of Bhakti or Sufism God and wanted to free the right of worship rituals topresent theiradvocated renunciation of the to (iiü) They simplify it by abandoning elaborate be world. them Salvationcould please God. (iv) Acoording to on the formless ultimate (iiü) They believed in the power of personal attained by meditation realisation of oneness with it. devotion. reality and OUR PASTS -I (HISTORY) /25 (iv)The upliftment of lower castes and neighourhood. Visit any one of these and equality among social castes could be attained by describe what you see and hear. rejection of prevalent religious beliefs and Ans. Students, do it yourselves. practices. (Hint : There wouldn't be any pícture or 9, 7. What were the major teachings idol of any God. The religious shrine would be Nanak ? of Baba Guru devoted to some saint, ete.] Ans. The major teachings of Baba Guru Q. 11. For any of the saint-poets whose Nanak were as under: compositions have been ineluded in this ) He emphasised the importance of the chapter, find out more about their works, worship of one God. noting down other poems. Find out (i) Heinsisted that caste, creed or gender whether these are sung, how they are WAs irrelevant for attaining liberation. sung, and what the poets wrote about. (i) His idea of liberation was not that of Ans. Students, do it yourselves. a state of inert bliss but the pursuit of active (Hint : You can look for Kabir's poems in life with a strong sense of social commitment. Hindi textbooks.] (ip) He, himself, used the terms nam,elan Q. 12. There are several saint-poets and insan for the essence of his teachings which whose names have been mentioned but actually meant right worship, welfare ofothers their works have not been included in and purity of conduct, the chapter. Find out more about the () He directed to the importance of right belief and worship, honest living and helping language in which they composed, others. whether their compositions were sung, Let's Discuss and what their compositionswere about. Ans. Students, do it yourselves. 9.8.For either the Virashaivas or the [Hint : You can search internet for the sants of Maharashtra, discuss their subcontinental Bhakti and Sufi literature of attitude towards caste. varioussaints and Sufi masters. Also, you can Ans. The attitude of Virashaivas towards discuss with your History teacher.] caste was as follows : (i) They reacted to the temple worship. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS (ü) The Virashaivas argued strongly for the equality of all human beings. Multiple Choice Questions (ü) They rejected Brahmanical ideas about 1. What was the source of idea of caste and the treatment of women. Bhakti or devotion? Q. 9. Why do you think ordinary (a) Bhagavadgita (b) Charak Samhita people preserved the memory of Mirabai? (c) Arthashastra (d) Aryabhattam Ans. Due to the following reasons, the 2. Which of the following Gods were ordinary people preserved the memory of worshipped by Bhaktas? Mirabai : (6) Vishnu (0) She was a queen and devotee of (a) Shiva Krishna. (c) Durga (d) All of them 3. Who were Alvars and Nayanars? (iü) She composed innumerable bhajans (a) Shiva and Parvati expressing her intense devotion to his beloved Lord. (b)Vishnu and Shiva (üü)She left her husband's palace in order (c) Vishnu and Laxmi to follow the path of devotion. (d) Brahma and Saraswati (iv) She even drank poison, sent by her 4. Who wrote Ramcharitmanas in husband, but she did not die. This popularised Awadhi? her as being saved by Lord. Thus, her (a) Kalidas (6) Mahadevi Verma authenticity as a true devotee was proved. (e) Tulsidas (d) Valmiki (v) Her songs openly challenged the norms 5. Which of the following is the of the "upper" castes and became popular with composition of Surdas? the masses in Rajasthan and Gujarat. (a) Sursagara (6) Meghdutam Lets Do (c) Ramcharitmanas (d) Rachanavali Sakhis and Q. 10. Find out whether in your 6. Where can we find the neighbourhood there are any dargahs, pads of Kabir? (a) Guru Granth Sahib () Panch Vani gwudoaras or temples associated with (d) All of them saints of the bhakti tradition in your (c) Bijak