02-460-M-MC-01-MEMORIA DE CALCULO - Rev 0

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Table of Contents
Cover Sheet...............................................................................................................................................2
Input Echo.................................................................................................................................................3
Internal Pressure Calculations...............................................................................................10
Element and Detail Weights.........................................................................................................13
ANSI Flange MAWP.................................................................................................................................15
Wind Load Calculation.....................................................................................................................16
Earthquake Load Calculation......................................................................................................18
Center of Gravity Calculation.................................................................................................19
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Ope.)........................................................................................20
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Test)........................................................................................26
Nozzle Calcs. A ENT FLUIDO.........................................................................................................32
Nozzle Calcs. B SAL GAS................................................................................................................39
Nozzle Calcs. C SAL LIQUIDO......................................................................................................43
Nozzle Calcs. D DRENAJE................................................................................................................45
Nozzle Calcs. E PSV.........................................................................................................................47
Nozzle Calcs. F PSE.........................................................................................................................49
Nozzle Calcs. G LC.........................................................................................................................51
Nozzle Calcs. H1 LG.........................................................................................................................55
Nozzle Calcs. H2 LG.........................................................................................................................58
Nozzle Calcs. J1 ANODO SACRIF.................................................................................................61
Nozzle Calcs. J2 ANODO SACRIF.................................................................................................65
Nozzle Calcs. K LIMP VANOS.........................................................................................................69
Nozzle Calcs. M PASO HOMBRE......................................................................................................71
Nozzle Calcs. P MANOMETRO...........................................................................................................76
Nozzle Calcs. R RESERVA W/B......................................................................................................78
Nozzle Calcs. T TERMOMETRO.........................................................................................................81
Nozzle Calcs. V VENTEO..................................................................................................................83
Nozzle Schedule...................................................................................................................................85
Nozzle Summary.....................................................................................................................................87
Cover Page 2


In Accordance with ASME Section VIII Div. 1

ASME Code Version : 2004, Addenda A-05

Analysis Performed by : Ing. Jorge O. PIERAZZOLI


Date of Analysis : Sep 25,2006

PVElite 2006, January 2006

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 3
Input Echo STEP: 1 11:40a Sep 25,2006

PVElite Vessel Analysis Program: Input Data

Design Internal Pressure (for Hydrotest) 1373.0 KPa.

Design Internal Temperature 50.0 C
Type of Hydrotest UG99-b
Hydrotest Position Horizontal
Projection of Nozzle from Vessel Top 0.0000 mm.
Projection of Nozzle from Vessel Bottom 0.0000 mm.
Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.9 C
Type of Construction Welded
Special Service None
Degree of Radiography RT 1
Miscellaneous Weight Percent 0.
Use Higher Longitudinal Stresses (Flag) Y
Select t for Internal Pressure (Flag) Y
Select t for External Pressure (Flag) N
Select t for Axial Stress (Flag) N
Select Location for Stiff. Rings (Flag) N
Use Hydrotest Allowable Unmodified Y
Consider Vortex Shedding N
Perform a Corroded Hydrotest N
Is this a Heat Exchanger No
User Defined Hydro. Press. (Used if > 0) 0.0000 KPa.

Load Case 1 NP+EW+WI+FW+BW

Load Case 2 NP+EW+EQ+FS+BS
Load Case 3 NP+OW+WI+FW+BW
Load Case 4 NP+OW+EQ+FS+BS
Load Case 5 NP+HW+HI
Load Case 6 NP+HW+HE
Load Case 7 IP+OW+WI+FW+BW
Load Case 8 IP+OW+EQ+FS+BS
Load Case 9 EP+OW+WI+FW+BW
Load Case 10 EP+OW+EQ+FS+BS
Load Case 11 HP+HW+HI
Load Case 12 HP+HW+HE
Load Case 13 IP+WE+EW
Load Case 14 IP+WF+CW
Load Case 15 IP+VO+OW
Load Case 16 IP+VE+OW
Load Case 17 IP+VF+CW

Wind Design Code ASCE-7 93

ASCE Design Wind Speed 210.00 Km/hr
ASCE Exposure Constant C
ASCE Importance Factor 1.0700001
ASCE Roughness Factor 1
ASCE Base Elevation 0.0000 mm.
ASCE Percent Wind for Hydrotest 33.
Use Wind Profile (Y/N) N
Damping Factor (Beta) for Wind (Ope) 0.0100
Damping Factor (Beta) for Wind (Empty) 0.0000
Damping Factor (Beta) for Wind (Filled) 0.0000

Seismic Design Code UBC 94

UBC Seismic Zone (1=1,2=2a,3=2b,4=3,5=4) 0.000
UBC Importance Factor 1.000
UBC Soil Type S1
UBC Horizontal Force Factor 3.000
UBC Percent Seismic for Hydrotest 0.000

Design Nozzle for Des. Press. + St. Head Y

Consider MAP New and Cold in Noz. Design N
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 4
Input Echo STEP: 1 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Consider External Loads for Nozzle Des. Y

Consider Code Case 2168 for Nozzle Des. N

Material Database Year Current w/Addenda or Code Year

Complete Listing of Vessel Elements and Details:

Element From Node 10

Element To Node 20
Element Type Elliptical
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 40.000 mm.
Element Outside Diameter 914.00 mm.
Element Thickness 8.2000 mm.
Corrosion Allowance 3.2000 mm.
Nominal Thickness 9.5250 mm.
External Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm.
Design Internal Pressure 1373.0 KPa.
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 50.0 C
Design External Pressure 0.0000 KPa.
Design Temperature External Pressure 0.0 C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-516 70
Allowable Stress, Ambient 137.90 N./mm²
Allowable Stress, Operating 137.90 N./mm²
Allowable Stress, Hydrotest 179.27 N./mm²
Material Density 0.007833 kg./cm³
P Number Thickness 31.750 mm.
Yield Stress, Operating 255.04 N./mm²
UCS-66 Chart Curve Designation B
External Pressure Chart Name CS-2
UNS Number K02700
Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 1.
Efficiency, Circumferential Seam 1.
Elliptical Head Factor 2.

Element From Node 10

Detail Type Liquid
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 0.0000 mm.
Height/Length of Liquid 400.00 mm.
Density of Liquid 0.0009996 kg./cm³

Element From Node 10

Detail Type Nozzle
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 220.00 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 250. mm
Nozzle Schedule 40
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 0.
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 44.918 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Element To Node 30
Element Type Cylinder
Description ENVOLVENTE
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 3650.0 mm.
Element Outside Diameter 914.00 mm.
Element Thickness 9.5250 mm.
Corrosion Allowance 3.2000 mm.
Nominal Thickness 9.5250 mm.
External Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm.
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 5
Input Echo STEP: 1 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Design Internal Pressure 1373.0 KPa.

Design Temperature Internal Pressure 50.0 C
Design External Pressure 0.0000 KPa.
Design Temperature External Pressure 0.0 C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-516 70
Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 1.
Efficiency, Circumferential Seam 1.

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Saddle
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 300.00 mm.
Width of Saddle 90.000 mm.
Height of Saddle at Bottom 1070.0 mm.
Saddle Contact Angle 120.
Height of Composite Ring Stiffener 0.0000 mm.
Width of Wear Plate 250.00 mm.
Thickness of Wear Plate 9.5250 mm.
Contact Angle, Wear Plate (degrees) 130.

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Saddle
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 3350.0 mm.
Width of Saddle 90.000 mm.
Height of Saddle at Bottom 1070.0 mm.
Saddle Contact Angle 120.
Height of Composite Ring Stiffener 0.0000 mm.
Width of Wear Plate 250.00 mm.
Thickness of Wear Plate 9.5250 mm.
Contact Angle, Wear Plate (degrees) 130.

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Liquid
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 0.0000 mm.
Height/Length of Liquid 400.00 mm.
Density of Liquid 0.0009996 kg./cm³

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 3220.0 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 200. mm
Nozzle Schedule 60
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 0.
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 32.027 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 1820.0 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 80. mm
Nozzle Schedule 160
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 180.
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 9.1025 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 6
Input Echo STEP: 1 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 100.00 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 80. mm
Nozzle Schedule 160
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 180.
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 8.0379 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID E PSV
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 760.00 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 80. mm
Nozzle Schedule 160
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 0.
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 8.0379 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID F PSE
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 1360.0 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 50. mm
Nozzle Schedule 160
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 0.
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 3.7815 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID G LC
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 2300.0 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 100. mm
Nozzle Schedule 120
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 0.
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 13.158 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID H1 LG
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 2720.0 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 50. mm
Nozzle Schedule 160
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 129.388
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 3.1950 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 7
Input Echo STEP: 1 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Detail Type Nozzle

Detail ID H2 LG
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 2720.0 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 50. mm
Nozzle Schedule 160
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 52.215599
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 3.1950 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 760.00 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 100. mm
Nozzle Schedule 120
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 180.
Blind Flange (Y/N) Y
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 19.729 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 2890.0 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 100. mm
Nozzle Schedule 120
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 180.
Blind Flange (Y/N) Y
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 19.729 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 2720.0 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 50. mm
Nozzle Schedule 160
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 0.
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 4.5008 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 1360.0 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 508. mm
Nozzle Schedule None
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 90.
Blind Flange (Y/N) Y
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 240.44 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-516 70

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 8
Input Echo STEP: 1 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 1660.0 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 50. mm
Nozzle Schedule 160
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 0.
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 3.7815 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 2140.0 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 50. mm
Nozzle Schedule 160
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 84.9786
Blind Flange (Y/N) Y
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 4.9278 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 1960.0 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 50. mm
Nozzle Schedule 160
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 0.
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 3.7815 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 1060.0 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 50. mm
Nozzle Schedule 160
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 0.
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 3.7815 Kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 30

Element To Node 40
Element Type Elliptical
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 40.000 mm.
Element Outside Diameter 914.00 mm.
Element Thickness 8.2000 mm.
Corrosion Allowance 3.2000 mm.
Nominal Thickness 9.5250 mm.
External Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm.
Design Internal Pressure 1373.0 KPa.
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 50.0 C
Design External Pressure 0.0000 KPa.
Design Temperature External Pressure 0.0 C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-516 70
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 9
Input Echo STEP: 1 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 1.

Efficiency, Circumferential Seam 1.
Elliptical Head Factor 2.

Element From Node 30

Detail Type Liquid
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 0.0000 mm.
Height/Length of Liquid 400.00 mm.
Density of Liquid 0.0009996 kg./cm³

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 10
Internal Pressure Calculations STEP: 3 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Element Thickness, Pressure, Diameter and Allowable Stress :

| | Int. Press | Given | Corrosion | Element | Allowable |

From| To | + Liq. Hd | Thickness | Allowance | Diameter | Stress(SE)|
| | N./mm² | mm. | mm. | mm. | N./mm² |
CASQUETE I| 1.37700 | 8.20000 | 3.20000 | 914.000 | 137.900 |
ENVOLVENTE| 1.37700 | 9.52500 | 3.20000 | 914.000 | 137.900 |
CASQUETE D| 1.37700 | 8.20000 | 3.20000 | 914.000 | 137.900 |

Element Required Thickness and MAWP :

| | Design | M.A.W.P. | M.A.P. | Actual | Required |

From| To | Pressure | Corroded | New & Cold | Thickness | Thickness |
| | N./mm² | N./mm² | N./mm² | mm. | mm. |
CASQUETE I| 1.37305 | 1.51980 | 2.51497 | 8.20000 | 7.72273 |
ENVOLVENTE| 1.37305 | 1.91524 | 2.89834 | 9.52500 | 7.74522 |
CASQUETE D| 1.37305 | 1.51980 | 2.51497 | 8.20000 | 7.72273 |
Minimum 1.520 1.965

Note : The M.A.P.(NC) is Governed by an ANSI Flange !

MAWP: 1.52 N./mm² , limited by CASQUETE IZQUIERDO .

Internal Pressure Calculation Results :

ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05

Elliptical Head From 10 To 20 SA-516 70 , UCS-66 Crv. B at 50 C


Thickness Due to Internal Pressure [Tr]:

= (P*D*K)/(2*S*E+2*P*(K-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (1.38*914.0000*1.00)/(2*137.90*1.00+2*1.38*(1.00-0.1))
= 4.5227 + 3.2000 = 7.7227 mm.

Max. All. Working Pressure at Given Thickness [MAWP]:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.00 N./mm²
= (2*S*E*(T-CA))/(K*D-2*(T-CA)*(K-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*137.90*1.00*(5.0000))/(1.00*914.0000-2*(5.0000)*(1.00-0.1))
= 1.52 - 0.00 = 1.52 N./mm²

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (2*SA*E*T)/(K*D-2*T*(K-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*137.90*1.00*8.2000)/(1.00*914.0000-2*8.2000*(1.00-0.1))
= 2.51 N./mm²

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness [Sact]:

= (P*(K*D-2*(T-Ca)*(K-0.1)))/(2*E*(T-Ca))
= (1.38*(1.00*914.0000-2*(5.0000)*(1.00-0.1)))/(2*1.00*(5.0000))
= 124.62 N./mm²

Percent Elongation per UCS-79 (75*tnom/Rf)*(1-Rf/Ro) 4.646 %

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C

Min Metal Temp. at Rqd thickness (UCS 66.1)[rat 0.90] -34 C

Cylindrical Shell From 20 To 30 SA-516 70 , UCS-66 Crv. B at 50 C


Thickness Due to Internal Pressure [Tr]:

= (P*D/2)/(S*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (1.38*914.0000/2)/(137.90*1.00+0.4*1.38)
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 11
Internal Pressure Calculations STEP: 3 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= 4.5452 + 3.2000 = 7.7452 mm.

Max. All. Working Pressure at Given Thickness [MAWP]:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.00 N./mm²
= (S*E*(T-Ca))/(D/2-0.4*(T-Ca)) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (137.90*1.00*(6.3250))/(914.0000/2-0.4*6.3250)
= 1.92 - 0.00 = 1.92 N./mm²

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (SA*E*T)/(D/2-0.4*T) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (137.90*1.00*9.5250)/(914.0000/2-0.4*9.5250)
= 2.90 N./mm²

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness [Sact]:

= (P*(D/2-0.4*(T-Ca)))/(E*(T-Ca))
= (1.38*((914.0000/2-0.4*(6.3250)))/(1.00*(6.3250))
= 98.94 N./mm²

Percent Elongation per UCS-79 (50*tnom/Rf)*(1-Rf/Ro) 1.053 %

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C

Min Metal Temp. at Rqd thickness (UCS 66.1)[rat 0.72] -45 C

Elliptical Head From 30 To 40 SA-516 70 , UCS-66 Crv. B at 50 C


Thickness Due to Internal Pressure [Tr]:

= (P*D*K)/(2*S*E+2*P*(K-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (1.38*914.0000*1.00)/(2*137.90*1.00+2*1.38*(1.00-0.1))
= 4.5227 + 3.2000 = 7.7227 mm.

Max. All. Working Pressure at Given Thickness [MAWP]:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.00 N./mm²
= (2*S*E*(T-CA))/(K*D-2*(T-CA)*(K-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*137.90*1.00*(5.0000))/(1.00*914.0000-2*(5.0000)*(1.00-0.1))
= 1.52 - 0.00 = 1.52 N./mm²

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (2*SA*E*T)/(K*D-2*T*(K-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*137.90*1.00*8.2000)/(1.00*914.0000-2*8.2000*(1.00-0.1))
= 2.51 N./mm²

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness [Sact]:

= (P*(K*D-2*(T-Ca)*(K-0.1)))/(2*E*(T-Ca))
= (1.38*(1.00*914.0000-2*(5.0000)*(1.00-0.1)))/(2*1.00*(5.0000))
= 124.62 N./mm²

Percent Elongation per UCS-79 (75*tnom/Rf)*(1-Rf/Ro) 4.646 %

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C

Min Metal Temp. at Rqd thickness (UCS 66.1)[rat 0.90] -34 C


Minimum Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29. C

Minimum Metal Temp. at Required thickness -34. C
Minimum Design Metal Temperature ( Entered by User ) -29.

Hydrostatic Test Pressure Results:

Hydrotest Pressure per UG99b 1.3 * M.A.W.P. * Sa/S 1.98 N./mm²

Hydrotest Pressure per UG99b 1.3 * P Design (Note 33) 1.78 N./mm²
Hydrotest Pressure per UG99c 1.3 * M.A.P. - Head(Hyd) 2.55 N./mm²
Pneumatic Pressure per UG100 1.1 * M.A.W.P. * Sa/S 1.67 N./mm²
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 12
Internal Pressure Calculations STEP: 3 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Horizontal Hydrotest performed in accordance with: UG-99b

Stresses on Elements due to Hydrostatic Test Pressure:

From To Stress Allowable Ratio Pressure

CASQUETE IZQUIERDO 108.8 179.3 0.607 1.98
ENVOLVENTE 94.4 179.3 0.527 1.98
CASQUETE DERECHO 108.8 179.3 0.607 1.98

Elements Suitable for Internal Pressure.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 13
Element and Detail Weights STEP: 5 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Element and Detail Weights

| | Element | Element | Corroded | Corroded | Extra due |

From| To | Metal Wgt. | ID Volume |Metal Wgt. | ID Volume | Misc % |
| | kg. | m³ | kg. | m³ | kg. |
10| 20| 81.9904 | 0.12000 | 54.4451 | 0.12240 | 0.00000 |
20| 30| 773.859 | 2.29646 | 515.694 | 2.32942 | 0.00000 |
30| 40| 81.9904 | 0.12000 | 54.4451 | 0.12240 | 0.00000 |
Total 937 2 624 2 0

Weight of Details

| | Weight of | X Offset, | Y Offset, |

From|Type| Detail | Dtl. Cent. |Dtl. Cent. | Description
| | kg. | mm. | mm. |
10|Liqd| 50.2207 | -74.8000 | 248.800 | LIQUIDO
10|Nozl| 44.9179 | -18.7000 | 220.000 | A ENT FLUIDO
20|Sadl| 84.4202 | 300.000 | 749.212 | BASE IZQUIERDA
20|Sadl| 84.4202 | 3350.00 | 749.212 | BASE DERECHA
20|Liqd| 992.805 | 1825.00 | 247.475 | LIQUIDO
20|Nozl| 32.0273 | 3220.00 | 547.475 | B SAL GAS
20|Nozl| 9.10253 | 1820.00 | 487.475 | C SAL LIQUIDO
20|Nozl| 8.03785 | 100.000 | 487.475 | D DRENAJE
20|Nozl| 8.03785 | 760.000 | 487.475 | E PSV
20|Nozl| 3.78149 | 1360.00 | 472.475 | F PSE
20|Nozl| 13.1580 | 2300.00 | 497.475 | G LC
20|Nozl| 3.19500 | 2720.00 | 472.475 | H1 LG
20|Nozl| 3.19500 | 2720.00 | 472.475 | H2 LG
20|Nozl| 19.7294 | 760.000 | 497.475 | J1 ANODO SACRIF
20|Nozl| 19.7294 | 2890.00 | 497.475 | J2 ANODO SACRIF
20|Nozl| 4.50077 | 2720.00 | 472.475 | K LIMP VANOS
20|Nozl| 240.443 | 1360.00 | 701.475 | M PASO HOMBRE
20|Nozl| 3.78149 | 1660.00 | 472.475 | P MANOMETRO
20|Nozl| 4.92785 | 2140.00 | 472.475 | R RESERVA W/B
20|Nozl| 3.78149 | 1960.00 | 472.475 | T TERMOMETRO
20|Nozl| 3.78149 | 1060.00 | 472.475 | V VENTEO
30|Liqd| 50.2207 | 114.800 | 248.800 | LIQUIDO

Total Weight of Each Detail Type

Total Weight of Saddles 168.8

Total Weight of Liquid 1093.2
Total Weight of Nozzles 426.1
Sum of the Detail Weights 1688.2 kg.

Fabricated Wt. - Bare Weight W/O Removable Internals 1532.8 kg.

Shop Test Wt. - Fabricated Weight + Water ( Full ) 4067.7 kg.
Shipping Wt. - Fab. Wt + Rem. Intls.+ Shipping App. 1532.8 kg.
Erected Wt. - Fab. Wt + Rem. Intls.+ Insul. (etc) 1532.8 kg.
Empty Wt. - Fab. Wt + Intls. + Details + Wghts. 1532.8 kg.
Operating Wt. - Empty Wt. + Operating Liquid (No CA) 2626.1 kg.
Oper. Wt. + CA - Corr Wt. + Operating Liquid 2312.8 kg.
Field Test Wt. - Empty Weight + Water (Full) 4067.7 kg.

Note: The Corroded Weight and thickness are used in the Horizontal
Vessel Analysis (Ope Case) and Earthquake Load Calculations.

Outside Surface Areas of Elements

| | Surface |
From| To | Area |
| | mm² |
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 14
Element and Detail Weights STEP: 5 11:40a Sep 25,2006

10| 20| 1.026E+06 |

20| 30| 10.48E+06 |
30| 40| 1.026E+06 |
Total 12532680.000 mm²

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 15
ANSI Flange MAWP STEP: 6 11:40a Sep 25,2006

ANSI Flange MAWP Results :

ANSI Flange Pressure Rating for: A ENT FLUIDO : Class 150 : Grade GR 1.1
Pressure Rating for B16.5 Flange at 49.99 C is 1.927 N./mm²
Pressure Rating for B16.5 Flange at 21.11 C is 1.965 N./mm²

Note: ANSI Ratings are per B16.5 1996

Lowest Flange Pressure Rating was (ope) : 1.927 N./mm²

Lowest Flange Pressure Rating was (Amb) : 1.965 N./mm²

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 16
Wind Load Calculation STEP: 7 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Wind Analysis Results

User Entered Importance Factor is 1.070

ASCE-7 Gust Factor (Gh, Gbar) Dynamic 1.394
ASCE-7 Shape Factor (Cf) for the Vessel is 0.591
User Entered Basic Wind Speed 210.0 km/hr
Exposure Category C
Table Lookup Value Alpha from Table C6 7.0000
Table Lookup Value Zg from Table C6 900.0000
Table Lookup Value Do from Table C6 0.0050

Wind Load Results per ASCE-7 93:

Sample Calculation for the First Element:

Rougness Factor = 1.000

Values [cf1] and [cf2]

Because RoughFact = 1 and DQZ > 2.5 and H/D < 7.0
Interpolating to find the final cf:
Because H / D < 7.0
CF = CF1 + (CF2-CF1)*( H/D - 1) / (7 - 1)
= 0.500 + (0.600 -0.500 )*( 6.455 - 1) / (7 - 1)
= 0.591

Value of Alpha, Zg is taken from Table C6-2 [Alpha, Zg]

For Exposure Category C:
Alpha = 7.000 , Zg = 274320.000 mm.

height of Interest for First Element [z]

= Centroid Hgt + Base Height
= 1070.000 + 0.000 = 1070.000 mm.
but: z = Max(4572.000 , 1070.000 ) = 4572.000 mm.

Note: Because z < 15 feet, use 15 feet to compute kz.

Velocity Pressure Coefficient [kZ]:

= 2.58( z/zg )2/Alpha : z is Elevation of First Element
= 2.58( 4572.000 /900 )2/7.0
= 0.801

Determine is Static or Dynamic Gust Factor Applies

Average Dia. = Total Wind Area / Vessel Height
= 24834.672 / 15.763 = 6.455 mm.
Vibration Frequency = 33.000 Hz
Because H/D > 5 Or Freqency < 1.0: Dynamic Analysis Implemented

Element O/Dia = 3 mm.

Vibration Damping Factor (Operating) Beta = 0.01000
For Terrain Category C
S = 1.000 , Gamma = 0.230 , Drag Coeff. = 0.005 , Alpha = 7.000

Compute [fbar]
= 10.5 * Frequency(Hz) * Vessel Height(ft) / (S * Vr(mph))
= 10.5 * 33.000 (Hz) * 15.763 (ft) / S * 1.000 (mph)
= 41.857

Because FBAR > 40: FBAR = 40.000

Wind Pressure - (performed in Imperial Units) [qz]
Importance Factor: I = 1.070
Wind Speed = 210.000 km/hr Converts to 130.492 mph
qz = 0.00256 * kZ * (I * Vr)²
= 0.00256 * 0.801 *(1.070 * 130.492 )² = 39.971 psf
Converts to: 1913.787 N./m²
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 17
Wind Load Calculation STEP: 7 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Force on the First Element [Fz]

= qz * Gh * CF * Wind Area
= 1913.787 * 1.394 * 0.591 * 210844.844
= 332.344 N

Element z GH Area qz Force

mm. mm² N./m² N
CASQUETE IZQUIE 1070.0 1.394 210844.8 1913.8 332.3
ENVOLVENTE 1070.0 1.394 ******** 1913.8 6310.2
CASQUETE DERECH 1070.0 1.394 210844.8 1913.8 332.3

Wind Load Calculation

| | Wind | Wind | Wind | Height | Element |

From| To | Height | Diameter | Area | Factor | Wind Load |
| | mm. | mm. | mm² | N./m² | N |
10| 20| 1070.00 | 1096.80 | 210845. | 1913.79 | 332.344 |
20| 30| 1070.00 | 1096.80 | 4.003E+06| 1913.79 | 6310.24 |
30| 40| 1070.00 | 1096.80 | 210845. | 1913.79 | 332.344 |

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 18
Earthquake Load Calculation STEP: 8 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Earthquake Analysis Results

The UBC Zone Factor for the Vessel is ............. 0.0000

The Importance Factor as Specified by the User is . 1.000
The UBC Frequency and Soil Factor (C) is ......... 2.750
The UBC Force Factor as Specified by the User is .. 3.000
The UBC Total Weight (W) for the Vessel is ........ 22679.3 N
The UBC Total Shear (V) for the Vessel is ......... 0.0 N
The UBC Top Shear (Ft) for the Vessel is .......... 0.0 N

Earthquake Load Calculation

| | Earthquake | Earthquake | Element |

From| To | Height | Weight | Ope Load |
| | mm. | N | N |
10| 20| 448.800 | 4535.86 | 0.00000 |
20|Sadl| 447.475 | 4535.86 | 0.00000 |
Sadl| 30| 447.475 | 4535.86 | 0.00000 |
20| 30| 447.475 | 4535.86 | 0.00000 |
30| 40| 448.800 | 4535.86 | 0.00000 |

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 19
Center of Gravity Calculation STEP: 9 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Shop/Field Installation Options :

Note : The CG is computed from the first Element From Node

Center of Gravity of Saddles 1865.0 mm.

Center of Gravity of Liquid 1865.0 mm.
Center of Gravity of Nozzles 1486.2 mm.

Center of Gravity of Bare Shell New and Cold 1865.0 mm.

Center of Gravity of Bare Shell Corroded 1865.0 mm.

Vessel CG in the Operating Condition 1795.2 mm.

Vessel CG in the Fabricated (Shop/Empty) Condition 1759.7 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 20
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Ope.) STEP: 10 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Zick Analysis: Stresses for the Left Saddle

Horizontal Vessel Stress Calculations : Operating Case

Shell Allowable Stress used in Calculation 137.90 N./mm²

Shell Comp. Yield Stress used in Calculation 255.04 N./mm²
Head Allowable Stress used in Calculation 137.90 N./mm²

Saddle Force Q, Operating Case 25075.36 N

Stress Results for Zick Stresses: Actual Allowable

Long. Stress at Top of Saddles 50.91 137.90 N./mm²
Long. Stress at Bottom of Saddles 46.52 137.90 N./mm²
Long. Stress at Top of Midspan 45.37 137.90 N./mm²
Long. Stress at Bottom of Midspan 52.05 137.90 N./mm²

Tangential Shear in Shell 7.28 110.32 N./mm²

Circ. Stress at Horn of Saddle -39.69 -206.85 N./mm²
Circ. Stress at Tip of Wear Plate -35.57 -206.85 N./mm²
Circ. Compressive Stress in Shell -5.41 -127.52 N./mm²

Note: The Longitudinal Stress from the Zick Analysis is combined with
the Longitudinal Pressure Stress to get the total stress.

Intermediate Results: Saddle Reaction Q due to Wind or Seismic

Saddle Reaction Force due to Wind Ft

Fwt = Ftr * ( Ft/Num of Saddles + Z Force Load ) * B / E
Fwt = 3.00 * ( 6974.9 /2 + 0 ) * 1070.0000 / 797.0898
Fwt = 14044.5342 N

Saddle Reaction Force due to Wind Fl or Friction

Fwl = Max( Fl, Friction Load, Sum of X Forces) * B / Ls
Fwl = Max( 1465.35 , 5515.41 , 0 ) * 1070.0000 / 3050.0000
Fwl = 1934.9146 N

Saddle Reaction Force due to Earthquake Fl or Friction

Fsl = Max( Fl, Friction Force, Sum of X Forces ) * B / Ls
Fsl = Max( 0.00 , 5515.41 , 0 ) * 1070.0000 / 3050.0000
Fsl = 1934.9146 N

Saddle Reaction Force due to Earthquake Ft

Fst = Ftr * ( Ft/Num of Saddles + Z Force Load ) * B / E
Fst = 3.00 * ( 0 /2 + 0 ) * 1070.0000 / 797.0898
Fst = 0.0000 N

Load Combination Results for Q + Wind or Seismic

Q = Saddle Load + Max( Fwl, Fwt, Fsl, Fst )
Q = 11030 + Max( 1934 , 14044 , 1934 , 0 )
Q = 25075.3574 N

Formulas and Substitutions for Zick Analysis Results:

Longitudinal Bending (+-) at Midspan

= ( 0.25 * Q * L * K.2 / ( pi * R² * ( Ts - Ca )))
= ( 0.25 * 25075 * 3730.00 * 0.5647 ) /
( 3.141 * 450.6750 * 450.6750 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 )))
= 3.27 N./mm²

Longitudinal Bending (+-) at Saddle

= ( 0.25 * Q * L * K.1 / ( pi * R² * ( Ts - Ca )))
= ( 0.25 * 25075 * 3730.00 * 0.3906 ) /
( 3.141 * 450.6750 * 450.6750 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 )))
= 2.26 N./mm²
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 21
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Ope.) STEP: 10 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Tangential Shear in Shell near Saddle

= Q * K.4 * (( L-H-2A )/( L+H ))/( R*(Ts-Ca))
= 25075 * 1.1707 * (( 3730.00 - 224.40 - 2 * 355.60 )/
( 3730.00 + 224.40 ))/( 450.6750 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 ))
= 7.28 N./mm²

Circumferential Stress at Tip of the Wear Plate

= -Q/(4*(TS-CA)*(SADWTH+1.56*Sqrt(R*(TS-CA))))-3.0*Q*K13/(2*(TS-CA)²)
= -25075 /( 4 * 6.3250 * (90.00 + 1.56*Sqrt(450.6750 *6.3250 )))
-3 * 25075 * 0.0317 / ( 2 * 40.0056 )
= -35.57 N./mm²

Circumferential Stress at Horn of Saddle

= -Q /(4*TEM*(SADWTH+1.56*Sqrt(R*(TS-CA))))-3.0*Q*K.7/(2*TEB)
= -25075 /( 4 * 6.3250 * (90.00 + 1.56*Sqrt(450.6750 *6.3250 )))
-3 * 25075 * 0.0361 / ( 2 * 40.0056 )
= -39.69 N./mm²

Circumferential Compression at Bottom of Shell

= (Q*( K.9/( TEM9*( B+1.56 * Sqrt( R * TEM9 ))))
= (25075 *(0.7603 /(15.8500 *(90.00 +1.56*Sqrt(453.88 *15.8500 ))))
= -5.41 N./mm²

Results for Vessel Ribs, Web and Base:

Baseplate Length Bplen 830.0000 mm.
Baseplate Thickness Bpthk 11.3000 mm.
Baseplate Width Bpwid 90.0000 mm.
Number of Ribs ( inc. outside ribs ) Nribs 3
Rib Thickness Ribtk 9.5250 mm.
Web Thickness Webtk 9.5250 mm.
Web Location Webloc Center

Moment of Inertia of Saddle - Lateral Direction

Y A AY Ay² Io
Shell 3. 2108. 6667. 21083. 7028.
Wearplate 11. 2381. 26402. 292733. 18003.
Web 304. 5485. 1666197. 506148544. 151569376.
BasePlate 597. 1017. 607505. 362892736. 10822.
Totals 915. 10991. 2306771. 869355072. 151605232.

Value C1 = Sumof(Ay)/Sumof(A) = 210. mm.

Value I = Sumof(Ay² ) + Sumof(Io) - C1*Sumof(Ay) = 536832000. mm4
Value As = Sumof(A) - Ashell = 8883. mm²

K1 = (1+Cos(beta)-.5*Sin(beta)² )/(pi-beta+Sin(beta)*Cos(beta)) = 0.2035

Fh = ( K1 * Q ) = 5103.3794 N

Tension Stress, St = ( Fh/As ) = 0.5745 N./mm²

Allowed Stress, Sa = 0.6 * Yield Str = 148.9320 N./mm²

Bending Moment, M = Fh * d = 3476656.5000 N.mm

Bending Stress, Sb = ( M * C1 / I ) = 1.3588 N./mm²

Allowed Stress, Sa = 2/3 * Yield Str = 165.4800 N./mm²

Minimum Thickness of Baseplate :

Baseplate Min., = (3*Q*F/(4*A*SA))½ = 3.5106 mm.

Calc. of Axial Load, Inter. Values and Comp. Stress

Effective Baseplate Length (e)

= ( Bplen - Clearance ) / ( Nribs - 1)
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 22
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Ope.) STEP: 10 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= ( 830.0000 - 25.4 ) / ( 3 - 1 ) = 402.3000 mm.

Baseplate Pressure Area (Ap)

= e * Bpwid / 2
= 402.3000 * 90.0000 / 2 = 18103.5000 mm²

Axial Load (P)

= Ap * Bp
= 18103.5 * 0.34 = 6077.0 N

Area of the Rib and Web (Ar)

= ( Bpwid - Clearance - Webtk ) * Ribtk + e/2 * Webtk
= ( 90.000 - 25.4 - 9.525 ) * 9.525 + 402.3000 /2 * 9.525
= 2440.543 mm²

Compressive Stress (Sc)

= P/Ar
= 6077.0 / 2440.5432 = 2.4902 N./mm²

Check of Outside Ribs:

Inertia of Saddle, Outer Ribs - Longitudinal Direction
Y A AY Ay² Io
Rib 45.0 645.6 29050.1 0.0 366624.7
Web 45.0 1916.0 86217.9 0.0 28971.0
Values 45.0 2561.5 115268.0 0.0 395595.7

KL/R < Cc ( 64.8132 < 126.0992 ) per AISC E2-1

Sca = (1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))*Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
Sca = ( 1-( 64.81 )²/(2 * 126.10² )) * 248 /
( 5/3+3*(64.81 )/(8* 126.10 )-( 64.81³)/(8*126.10³)
Sca = 116.93 N./mm²

AISC Unity Check on Outside Ribs ( must be <= 1.0 )

Check = Sc/Sca + (Rm/Z)/Sba
Check = 2.49 / 116.93 + (551711 /8791.016 ) / 165.48
Check = 0.40

Check of Inside Ribs

Inertia of Saddle, Inner Ribs - Axial Direction
Y A AY Ay² Io
Rib 32.3 524.6 16944.2 0.0 213983.8
Web 32.3 3831.9 123770.6 0.0 28971.0
Values 32.3 4356.5 140714.8 0.0 242954.8

KL/R < Cc ( 78.6240 < 126.0992 ) per AISC E2-1

Sca = (1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))*Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
Sca = ( 1-( 78.62 )²/(2 * 126.10² )) * 248 /
( 5/3+3*(78.62 )/(8* 126.10 )-( 78.62³)/(8*126.10³)
Sca = 106.93 N./mm²

AISC Unity Check on Inside Ribs ( must be <= 1.0 )

Check = Sc/Sca + (Rm/Z)/Sba
Check = 2.79 / 106.93 + ( 785136 /7521.819 ) / 165.48
Check = 0.66

Zick Analysis: Stresses for the Right Saddle

Shell Allowable Stress used in Calculation 137.90 N./mm²

Shell Comp. Yield Stress used in Calculation 255.04 N./mm²
Head Allowable Stress used in Calculation 137.90 N./mm²

Saddle Force Q, Operating Case 24037.36 N

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 23
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Ope.) STEP: 10 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Stress Results for Zick Stresses: Actual Allowable

Long. Stress at Top of Saddles 50.81 137.90 N./mm²
Long. Stress at Bottom of Saddles 46.61 137.90 N./mm²
Long. Stress at Top of Midspan 45.51 137.90 N./mm²
Long. Stress at Bottom of Midspan 51.92 137.90 N./mm²

Tangential Shear in Shell 6.98 110.32 N./mm²

Circ. Stress at Horn of Saddle -38.04 -206.85 N./mm²
Circ. Stress at Tip of Wear Plate -34.10 -206.85 N./mm²
Circ. Compressive Stress in Shell -5.19 -127.52 N./mm²

Note: The Longitudinal Stress from the Zick Analysis is combined with
the Longitudinal Pressure Stress to get the total stress.

Intermediate Results: Saddle Reaction Q due to Wind or Seismic

Saddle Reaction Force due to Wind Ft

Fwt = Ftr * ( Ft/Num of Saddles + Z Force Load ) * B / E
Fwt = 3.00 * ( 6974.9 /2 + 0 ) * 1070.0000 / 797.0898
Fwt = 14044.5342 N

Saddle Reaction Force due to Wind Fl or Friction

Fwl = Max( Fl, Friction Load, Sum of X Forces) * B / Ls
Fwl = Max( 1465.35 , 4996.41 , 0 ) * 1070.0000 / 3050.0000
Fwl = 1752.8400 N

Saddle Reaction Force due to Earthquake Fl or Friction

Fsl = Max( Fl, Friction Force, Sum of X Forces ) * B / Ls
Fsl = Max( 0.00 , 4996.41 , 0 ) * 1070.0000 / 3050.0000
Fsl = 1752.8400 N

Saddle Reaction Force due to Earthquake Ft

Fst = Ftr * ( Ft/Num of Saddles + Z Force Load ) * B / E
Fst = 3.00 * ( 0 /2 + 0 ) * 1070.0000 / 797.0898
Fst = 0.0000 N

Load Combination Results for Q + Wind or Seismic

Q = Saddle Load + Max( Fwl, Fwt, Fsl, Fst )
Q = 9992 + Max( 1752 , 14044 , 1752 , 0 )
Q = 24037.3613 N

Formulas and Substitutions for Zick Analysis Results:

Longitudinal Bending (+-) at Midspan

= ( 0.25 * Q * L * K.2 / ( pi * R² * ( Ts - Ca )))
= ( 0.25 * 24037 * 3730.00 * 0.5647 ) /
( 3.141 * 450.6750 * 450.6750 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 )))
= 3.14 N./mm²

Longitudinal Bending (+-) at Saddle

= ( 0.25 * Q * L * K.1 / ( pi * R² * ( Ts - Ca )))
= ( 0.25 * 24037 * 3730.00 * 0.3906 ) /
( 3.141 * 450.6750 * 450.6750 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 )))
= 2.17 N./mm²

Tangential Shear in Shell near Saddle

= Q * K.4 * (( L-H-2A )/( L+H ))/( R*(Ts-Ca))
= 24037 * 1.1707 * (( 3730.00 - 224.40 - 2 * 355.60 )/
( 3730.00 + 224.40 ))/( 450.6750 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 ))
= 6.98 N./mm²

Circumferential Stress at Tip of the Wear Plate

= -Q/(4*(TS-CA)*(SADWTH+1.56*Sqrt(R*(TS-CA))))-3.0*Q*K13/(2*(TS-CA)²)
= -24037 /( 4 * 6.3250 * (90.00 + 1.56*Sqrt(450.6750 *6.3250 )))
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 24
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Ope.) STEP: 10 11:40a Sep 25,2006

-3 * 24037 * 0.0317 / ( 2 * 40.0056 )

= -34.10 N./mm²

Circumferential Stress at Horn of Saddle

= -Q /(4*TEM*(SADWTH+1.56*Sqrt(R*(TS-CA))))-3.0*Q*K.7/(2*TEB)
= -24037 /( 4 * 6.3250 * (90.00 + 1.56*Sqrt(450.6750 *6.3250 )))
-3 * 24037 * 0.0361 / ( 2 * 40.0056 )
= -38.04 N./mm²

Circumferential Compression at Bottom of Shell

= (Q*( K.9/( TEM9*( B+1.56 * Sqrt( R * TEM9 ))))
= (24037 *(0.7603 /(15.8500 *(90.00 +1.56*Sqrt(453.88 *15.8500 ))))
= -5.19 N./mm²

Results for Vessel Ribs, Web and Base

Baseplate Length Bplen 830.0000 mm.

Baseplate Thickness Bpthk 11.3000 mm.
Baseplate Width Bpwid 90.0000 mm.
Number of Ribs ( inc. outside ribs ) Nribs 3
Rib Thickness Ribtk 9.5250 mm.
Web Thickness Webtk 9.5250 mm.
Web Location Webloc Center

Moment of Inertia of Saddle - Lateral Direction

Y A AY Ay² Io
Shell 3. 2108. 6667. 21083. 7028.
Wearplate 11. 2381. 26402. 292733. 18003.
Web 304. 5485. 1666197. 506148544. 151569376.
BasePlate 597. 1017. 607505. 362892736. 10822.
Totals 915. 10991. 2306771. 869355072. 151605232.

Value C1 = Sumof(Ay)/Sumof(A) = 210. mm.

Value I = Sumof(Ay² ) + Sumof(Io) - C1*Sumof(Ay) = 536832000. mm4
Value As = Sumof(A) - Ashell = 8883. mm²

K1 = (1+Cos(beta)-.5*Sin(beta)² )/(pi-beta+Sin(beta)*Cos(beta)) = 0.2035

Fh = ( K1 * Q ) = 4892.1250 N

Tension Stress, St = ( Fh/As ) = 0.5508 N./mm²

Allowed Stress, Sa = 0.6 * Yield Str = 148.9320 N./mm²

Bending Moment, M = Fh * d = 3332740.2500 N.mm

Bending Stress, Sb = ( M * C1 / I ) = 1.3025 N./mm²

Allowed Stress, Sa = 2/3 * Yield Str = 165.4800 N./mm²

Minimum Thickness of Baseplate :

Baseplate Min., = (3*Q*F/(4*A*SA))½ = 3.4372 mm.

Calc. of Axial Load, Inter. Values and Comp. Stress

Effective Baseplate Length (e)

= ( Bplen - Clearance ) / ( Nribs - 1)
= ( 830.0000 - 25.4 ) / ( 3 - 1 ) = 402.3000 mm.

Baseplate Pressure Area (Ap)

= e * Bpwid / 2
= 402.3000 * 90.0000 / 2 = 18103.5000 mm²

Axial Load (P)

= Ap * Bp
= 18103.5 * 0.32 = 5825.4 N
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 25
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Ope.) STEP: 10 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Area of the Rib and Web (Ar)

= ( Bpwid - Clearance - Webtk ) * Ribtk + e/2 * Webtk
= ( 90.000 - 25.4 - 9.525 ) * 9.525 + 402.3000 /2 * 9.525
= 2440.543 mm²

Compressive Stress (Sc)

= P/Ar
= 5825.4 / 2440.5432 = 2.3871 N./mm²

Check of Outside Ribs:

Inertia of Saddle, Outer Ribs - Longitudinal Direction
Y A AY Ay² Io
Rib 45.0 645.6 29050.1 0.0 366624.7
Web 45.0 1916.0 86217.9 0.0 28971.0
Values 45.0 2561.5 115268.0 0.0 395595.7

KL/R < Cc ( 64.8132 < 126.0992 ) per AISC E2-1

Sca = (1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))*Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
Sca = ( 1-( 64.81 )²/(2 * 126.10² )) * 248 /
( 5/3+3*(64.81 )/(8* 126.10 )-( 64.81³)/(8*126.10³)
Sca = 116.93 N./mm²

AISC Unity Check on Outside Ribs ( must be <= 1.0 )

Check = Sc/Sca + (Rm/Z)/Sba
Check = 2.39 / 116.93 + (499795.56 /8791.016 ) / 165.48
Check = 0.36

Check of Inside Ribs

Inertia of Saddle, Inner Ribs - Axial Direction
Y A AY Ay² Io
Rib 32.3 524.6 16944.2 0.0 213983.8
Web 32.3 3831.9 123770.6 0.0 28971.0
Values 32.3 4356.5 140714.8 0.0 242954.8

KL/R < Cc ( 78.6240 < 126.0992 ) per AISC E2-1

Sca = (1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))*Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
Sca = ( 1-( 78.62 )²/(2 * 126.10² )) * 248 /
( 5/3+3*(78.62 )/(8* 126.10 )-( 78.62³)/(8*126.10³)
Sca = 106.93 N./mm²

AISC Unity Check on Inside Ribs ( must be <= 1.0 )

Check = Sc/Sca + (Rm/Z)/Sba
Check = 2.67 / 106.93 + ( 711255 /7521.819 ) / 165.48
Check = 0.60

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 26
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Test) STEP: 11 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Zick Analysis: Stresses for the Left Saddle

Horizontal Vessel Stress Calculations : Filled w/Water

Shell Allowable Stress used in Calculation 137.90 N./mm²

Shell Comp. Yield Stress used in Calculation 262.01 N./mm²
Head Allowable Stress used in Calculation 137.90 N./mm²

Saddle Force Q, Test Case, no Ext. Forces 24301.92 N

Stress Results for Zick Stresses: Actual Allowable

Long. Stress at Top of Saddles 47.51 137.90 N./mm²
Long. Stress at Bottom of Saddles 44.52 137.90 N./mm²
Long. Stress at Top of Midspan 43.88 137.90 N./mm²
Long. Stress at Bottom of Midspan 48.15 137.90 N./mm²

Tangential Shear in Shell 4.72 110.32 N./mm²

Circ. Stress at Horn of Saddle -18.02 -206.85 N./mm²
Circ. Stress at Tip of Wear Plate -15.80 -206.85 N./mm²
Circ. Compressive Stress in Shell -4.14 -131.01 N./mm²

Hydrostatic Test Pressure at top of Vessel 1.976 N./mm²

Note: The Longitudinal Stress from the Zick Analysis is combined with
the Longitudinal Pressure Stress to get the total stress.

Intermediate Results: Saddle Reaction Q due to Wind or Seismic

Saddle Reaction Force due to Wind Ft

Fwt = Ftr * ( Ft/Num of Saddles + Z Force Load ) * B / E
Fwt = 3.00 * ( 2301.7 /2 + 0 ) * 1070.0000 / 791.5472
Fwt = 4667.1494 N

Saddle Reaction Force due to Wind Fl or Friction

Fwl = Max( Fl, Friction Load, Sum of X Forces) * B / Ls
Fwl = Max( 476.72 , 0.00 , 0 ) * 1070.0000 / 3050.0000
Fwl = 167.2438 N

Load Combination Results for Q + Wind or Seismic

Q = Saddle Load + Max( Fwl, Fwt, Fsl, Fst )
Q = 19634 + Max( 167 , 4667 , 0 , 0 )
Q = 24301.9219 N

Formulas and Substitutions for Zick Analysis Results:

Longitudinal Bending (+-) at Midspan

= ( 0.25 * Q * L * K.2 / ( pi * R² * ( Ts - Ca )))
= ( 0.25 * 24301 * 3730.00 * 0.5643 ) /
( 3.141 * 447.4750 * 447.4750 * ( 9.5250 - 0.0000 )))
= 2.13 N./mm²

Longitudinal Bending (+-) at Saddle

= ( 0.25 * Q * L * K.1 / ( pi * R² * ( Ts - Ca )))
= ( 0.25 * 24301 * 3730.00 * 0.3942 ) /
( 3.141 * 447.4750 * 447.4750 * ( 9.5250 - 0.0000 )))
= 1.49 N./mm²

Tangential Shear in Shell near Saddle

= Q * K.4 * (( L-H-2A )/( L+H ))/( R*(Ts-Ca))
= 24301 * 1.1707 * (( 3730.00 - 224.40 - 2 * 355.60 )/
( 3730.00 + 224.40 ))/( 447.4750 * ( 9.5250 - 0.0000 ))
= 4.72 N./mm²

Circumferential Stress at Tip of the Wear Plate

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 27
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Test) STEP: 11 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= -Q/(4*(TS-CA)*(SADWTH+1.56*Sqrt(R*(TS-CA))))-3.0*Q*K13/(2*(TS-CA)²)
= -24301 /( 4 * 9.5250 * (90.00 + 1.56*Sqrt(447.4750 *9.5250 )))
-3 * 24301 * 0.0310 / ( 2 * 90.7256 )
= -15.80 N./mm²

Circumferential Stress at Horn of Saddle

= -Q /(4*TEM*(SADWTH+1.56*Sqrt(R*(TS-CA))))-3.0*Q*K.7/(2*TEB)
= -24301 /( 4 * 9.5250 * (90.00 + 1.56*Sqrt(447.4750 *9.5250 )))
-3 * 24301 * 0.0366 / ( 2 * 90.7256 )
= -18.02 N./mm²

Circumferential Compression at Bottom of Shell

= (Q*( K.9/( TEM9*( B+1.56 * Sqrt( R * TEM9 ))))
= (24301 *(0.7603 /(19.0500 *(90.00 +1.56*Sqrt(447.48 *19.0500 ))))
= -4.14 N./mm²

Results for Vessel Ribs, Web and Base:

Baseplate Length Bplen 830.0000 mm.
Baseplate Thickness Bpthk 11.3000 mm.
Baseplate Width Bpwid 90.0000 mm.
Number of Ribs ( inc. outside ribs ) Nribs 3
Rib Thickness Ribtk 9.5250 mm.
Web Thickness Webtk 9.5250 mm.
Web Location Webloc Center

Moment of Inertia of Saddle - Lateral Direction

Y A AY Ay² Io
Shell 5. 3351. 15961. 76013. 25338.
Wearplate 14. 2381. 34022. 486090. 18003.
Web 305. 5454. 1665666. 508652128. 149056576.
BasePlate 597. 1017. 607505. 362892736. 10822.
Totals 922. 12204. 2323153. 872107008. 149110736.

Value C1 = Sumof(Ay)/Sumof(A) = 190. mm.

Value I = Sumof(Ay² ) + Sumof(Io) - C1*Sumof(Ay) = 578985216. mm4
Value As = Sumof(A) - Ashell = 8853. mm²

K1 = (1+Cos(beta)-.5*Sin(beta)² )/(pi-beta+Sin(beta)*Cos(beta)) = 0.2035

Fh = ( K1 * Q ) = 4945.9688 N

Tension Stress, St = ( Fh/As ) = 0.5587 N./mm²

Allowed Stress, Sa = 0.6 * Yield Str = 148.9320 N./mm²

Bending Moment, M = Fh * d = 3366681.2500 N.mm

Bending Stress, Sb = ( M * C1 / I ) = 1.1065 N./mm²

Allowed Stress, Sa = 2/3 * Yield Str = 165.4800 N./mm²

Minimum Thickness of Baseplate :

Baseplate Min., = (3*Q*F/(4*A*SA))½ = 3.4560 mm.

Calc. of Axial Load, Inter. Values and Comp. Stress

Effective Baseplate Length (e)

= ( Bplen - Clearance ) / ( Nribs - 1)
= ( 830.0000 - 25.4 ) / ( 3 - 1 ) = 402.3000 mm.

Baseplate Pressure Area (Ap)

= e * Bpwid / 2
= 402.3000 * 90.0000 / 2 = 18103.5000 mm²

Axial Load (P)

= Ap * Bp
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 28
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Test) STEP: 11 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= 18103.5 * 0.33 = 5889.6 N

Area of the Rib and Web (Ar)

= ( Bpwid - Clearance - Webtk ) * Ribtk + e/2 * Webtk
= ( 90.000 - 25.4 - 9.525 ) * 9.525 + 402.3000 /2 * 9.525
= 2440.543 mm²

Compressive Stress (Sc)

= P/Ar
= 5889.6 / 2440.5432 = 2.4134 N./mm²

Check of Outside Ribs:

Inertia of Saddle, Outer Ribs - Longitudinal Direction
Y A AY Ay² Io
Rib 45.0 645.6 29050.1 0.0 366624.7
Web 45.0 1916.0 86217.9 0.0 28971.0
Values 45.0 2561.5 115268.0 0.0 395595.7

KL/R < Cc ( 64.5618 < 126.0992 ) per AISC E2-1

Sca = (1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))*Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
Sca = ( 1-( 64.56 )²/(2 * 126.10² )) * 248 /
( 5/3+3*(64.56 )/(8* 126.10 )-( 64.56³)/(8*126.10³)
Sca = 117.10 N./mm²

AISC Unity Check on Outside Ribs ( must be <= 1.0 )

Check = Sc/Sca + (Rm/Z)/Sba
Check = 2.41 / 117.10 + (47502.09 /8791.016 ) / 165.48
Check = 0.05

Check of Inside Ribs

Inertia of Saddle, Inner Ribs - Axial Direction
Y A AY Ay² Io
Rib 32.3 524.6 16944.2 0.0 213983.8
Web 32.3 3831.9 123770.6 0.0 28971.0
Values 32.3 4356.5 140714.8 0.0 242954.8

KL/R < Cc ( 78.1954 < 126.0992 ) per AISC E2-1

Sca = (1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))*Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
Sca = ( 1-( 78.20 )²/(2 * 126.10² )) * 248 /
( 5/3+3*(78.20 )/(8* 126.10 )-( 78.20³)/(8*126.10³)
Sca = 107.25 N./mm²

AISC Unity Check on Inside Ribs ( must be <= 1.0 )

Check = Sc/Sca + (Rm/Z)/Sba
Check = 2.70 / 107.25 + ( 67493.16 /7521.819 ) / 165.48
Check = 0.08

Zick Analysis: Stresses for the Right Saddle

Shell Allowable Stress used in Calculation 137.90 N./mm²

Shell Comp. Yield Stress used in Calculation 262.01 N./mm²
Head Allowable Stress used in Calculation 137.90 N./mm²

Saddle Force Q, Test Case, no Ext. Forces 23263.93 N

Stress Results for Zick Stresses: Actual Allowable

Long. Stress at Top of Saddles 47.44 137.90 N./mm²
Long. Stress at Bottom of Saddles 44.59 137.90 N./mm²
Long. Stress at Top of Midspan 43.97 137.90 N./mm²
Long. Stress at Bottom of Midspan 48.06 137.90 N./mm²

Tangential Shear in Shell 4.52 110.32 N./mm²

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 29
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Test) STEP: 11 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Circ. Stress at Horn of Saddle -17.25 -206.85 N./mm²

Circ. Stress at Tip of Wear Plate -15.12 -206.85 N./mm²
Circ. Compressive Stress in Shell -3.97 -131.01 N./mm²

Hydrostatic Test Pressure at top of Vessel 1.976 N./mm²

Note: The Longitudinal Stress from the Zick Analysis is combined with
the Longitudinal Pressure Stress to get the total stress.

Intermediate Results: Saddle Reaction Q due to Wind or Seismic

Saddle Reaction Force due to Wind Ft

Fwt = Ftr * ( Ft/Num of Saddles + Z Force Load ) * B / E
Fwt = 3.00 * ( 2301.7 /2 + 0 ) * 1070.0000 / 791.5472
Fwt = 4667.1494 N

Saddle Reaction Force due to Wind Fl or Friction

Fwl = Max( Fl, Friction Load, Sum of X Forces) * B / Ls
Fwl = Max( 476.72 , 0.00 , 0 ) * 1070.0000 / 3050.0000
Fwl = 167.2438 N

Load Combination Results for Q + Wind or Seismic

Q = Saddle Load + Max( Fwl, Fwt, Fsl, Fst )
Q = 18596 + Max( 167 , 4667 , 0 , 0 )
Q = 23263.9297 N

Formulas and Substitutions for Zick Analysis Results:

Longitudinal Bending (+-) at Midspan

= ( 0.25 * Q * L * K.2 / ( pi * R² * ( Ts - Ca )))
= ( 0.25 * 23263 * 3730.00 * 0.5643 ) /
( 3.141 * 447.4750 * 447.4750 * ( 9.5250 - 0.0000 )))
= 2.04 N./mm²

Longitudinal Bending (+-) at Saddle

= ( 0.25 * Q * L * K.1 / ( pi * R² * ( Ts - Ca )))
= ( 0.25 * 23263 * 3730.00 * 0.3942 ) /
( 3.141 * 447.4750 * 447.4750 * ( 9.5250 - 0.0000 )))
= 1.43 N./mm²

Tangential Shear in Shell near Saddle

= Q * K.4 * (( L-H-2A )/( L+H ))/( R*(Ts-Ca))
= 23263 * 1.1707 * (( 3730.00 - 224.40 - 2 * 355.60 )/
( 3730.00 + 224.40 ))/( 447.4750 * ( 9.5250 - 0.0000 ))
= 4.52 N./mm²

Circumferential Stress at Tip of the Wear Plate

= -Q/(4*(TS-CA)*(SADWTH+1.56*Sqrt(R*(TS-CA))))-3.0*Q*K13/(2*(TS-CA)²)
= -23263 /( 4 * 9.5250 * (90.00 + 1.56*Sqrt(447.4750 *9.5250 )))
-3 * 23263 * 0.0310 / ( 2 * 90.7256 )
= -15.12 N./mm²

Circumferential Stress at Horn of Saddle

= -Q /(4*TEM*(SADWTH+1.56*Sqrt(R*(TS-CA))))-3.0*Q*K.7/(2*TEB)
= -23263 /( 4 * 9.5250 * (90.00 + 1.56*Sqrt(447.4750 *9.5250 )))
-3 * 23263 * 0.0366 / ( 2 * 90.7256 )
= -17.25 N./mm²

Circumferential Compression at Bottom of Shell

= (Q*( K.9/( TEM9*( B+1.56 * Sqrt( R * TEM9 ))))
= (23263 *(0.7603 /(19.0500 *(90.00 +1.56*Sqrt(447.48 *19.0500 ))))
= -3.97 N./mm²

Results for Vessel Ribs, Web and Base

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 30
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Test) STEP: 11 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Baseplate Length Bplen 830.0000 mm.

Baseplate Thickness Bpthk 11.3000 mm.
Baseplate Width Bpwid 90.0000 mm.
Number of Ribs ( inc. outside ribs ) Nribs 3
Rib Thickness Ribtk 9.5250 mm.
Web Thickness Webtk 9.5250 mm.
Web Location Webloc Center

Moment of Inertia of Saddle - Lateral Direction

Y A AY Ay² Io
Shell 5. 3351. 15961. 76013. 25338.
Wearplate 14. 2381. 34022. 486090. 18003.
Web 305. 5454. 1665666. 508652128. 149056576.
BasePlate 597. 1017. 607505. 362892736. 10822.
Totals 922. 12204. 2323153. 872107008. 149110736.

Value C1 = Sumof(Ay)/Sumof(A) = 190. mm.

Value I = Sumof(Ay² ) + Sumof(Io) - C1*Sumof(Ay) = 578985216. mm4
Value As = Sumof(A) - Ashell = 8853. mm²

K1 = (1+Cos(beta)-.5*Sin(beta)² )/(pi-beta+Sin(beta)*Cos(beta)) = 0.2035

Fh = ( K1 * Q ) = 4734.7153 N

Tension Stress, St = ( Fh/As ) = 0.5349 N./mm²

Allowed Stress, Sa = 0.6 * Yield Str = 148.9320 N./mm²

Bending Moment, M = Fh * d = 3222882.7500 N.mm

Bending Stress, Sb = ( M * C1 / I ) = 1.0593 N./mm²

Allowed Stress, Sa = 2/3 * Yield Str = 165.4800 N./mm²

Minimum Thickness of Baseplate :

Baseplate Min., = (3*Q*F/(4*A*SA))½ = 3.3814 mm.

Calc. of Axial Load, Inter. Values and Comp. Stress

Effective Baseplate Length (e)

= ( Bplen - Clearance ) / ( Nribs - 1)
= ( 830.0000 - 25.4 ) / ( 3 - 1 ) = 402.3000 mm.

Baseplate Pressure Area (Ap)

= e * Bpwid / 2
= 402.3000 * 90.0000 / 2 = 18103.5000 mm²

Axial Load (P)

= Ap * Bp
= 18103.5 * 0.31 = 5638.0 N

Area of the Rib and Web (Ar)

= ( Bpwid - Clearance - Webtk ) * Ribtk + e/2 * Webtk
= ( 90.000 - 25.4 - 9.525 ) * 9.525 + 402.3000 /2 * 9.525
= 2440.543 mm²

Compressive Stress (Sc)

= P/Ar
= 5638.0 / 2440.5432 = 2.3103 N./mm²

Check of Outside Ribs:

Inertia of Saddle, Outer Ribs - Longitudinal Direction
Y A AY Ay² Io
Rib 45.0 645.6 29050.1 0.0 366624.7
Web 45.0 1916.0 86217.9 0.0 28971.0
Values 45.0 2561.5 115268.0 0.0 395595.7
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 31
Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Test) STEP: 11 11:40a Sep 25,2006

KL/R < Cc ( 64.5618 < 126.0992 ) per AISC E2-1

Sca = (1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))*Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
Sca = ( 1-( 64.56 )²/(2 * 126.10² )) * 248 /
( 5/3+3*(64.56 )/(8* 126.10 )-( 64.56³)/(8*126.10³)
Sca = 117.10 N./mm²

AISC Unity Check on Outside Ribs ( must be <= 1.0 )

Check = Sc/Sca + (Rm/Z)/Sba
Check = 2.31 / 117.10 + (47502.09 /8791.016 ) / 165.48
Check = 0.05

Check of Inside Ribs

Inertia of Saddle, Inner Ribs - Axial Direction
Y A AY Ay² Io
Rib 32.3 524.6 16944.2 0.0 213983.8
Web 32.3 3831.9 123770.6 0.0 28971.0
Values 32.3 4356.5 140714.8 0.0 242954.8

KL/R < Cc ( 78.1954 < 126.0992 ) per AISC E2-1

Sca = (1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))*Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
Sca = ( 1-( 78.20 )²/(2 * 126.10² )) * 248 /
( 5/3+3*(78.20 )/(8* 126.10 )-( 78.20³)/(8*126.10³)
Sca = 107.25 N./mm²

AISC Unity Check on Inside Ribs ( must be <= 1.0 )

Check = Sc/Sca + (Rm/Z)/Sba
Check = 2.59 / 107.25 + ( 67493.16 /7521.819 ) / 165.48
Check = 0.08

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 32
Nozzle Calcs. A ENT FLUIDO NOZL: 1 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: A ENT FLUIDO From : 10

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.370 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Elliptical Head D 897.6000 mm.

Aspect Ratio of Elliptical Head Ar 2.00
Head Actual Thickness T 8.2000 mm.
Head Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Head External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Cylinder/Head Centerline L1 220.0000 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-106 B

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase ID

Layout Angle 0.00 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 250.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Nominal

Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Thknom 40

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 230.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 160.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 8.0000 mm.

Pad Material SA-516 70

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 137.90 N./mm²
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 137.90 N./mm²
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 470.0000 mm.
Thickness of Pad Tp 9.5250 mm.
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 5.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 9.5250 mm.
Reinforcing Pad Width 98.4750 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 254.508 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 9.271 mm.
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 33
Nozzle Calcs. A ENT FLUIDO NOZL: 1 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Elliptical Head, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D+2*CA)*K)/(2*S*E-0.2*P) App. 1-4(c)
= (1.37*(897.6000+2*3.2000)*1.00)/( 2*137.90*1.00-0.2*1.37)
= 4.4964 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(254.5080/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 1.5270 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 549.4498 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 12.5000 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, pad side Tlwp 12.5000 mm.

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations:

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 Design External Mapnc
Area Required Ar 1243.198 NA NA mm²
Area in Shell A1 137.456 NA NA mm²
Area in Nozzle Wall A2 97.129 NA NA mm²
Area in Inward Nozzle A3 35.237 NA NA mm²
Area in Welds A4 68.452 NA NA mm²
Area in Pad A5 1875.949 NA NA mm²

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 71.75 Degs.

The area available without a pad is Insufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.


Based on given Pad Thickness: 368.3000 9.5250 mm.
Based on given Pad Diameter: 470.0000 4.7625 mm.
Based on Shell or Nozzle Thickness: 382.5875 9.5250 mm.

Reinforcement Area Required for Nozzle [Ar]:

= (Dlr*Tr+2*Thk*Tr*(1-fr1)) UG-37(c)
= (274.7249*4.4964+2*(9.2710-3.2000)*4.4964*(1-0.8550))
= 1243.198 mm²

Areas per UG-37.1 but with DL = Diameter Limit, DLR = Corroded ID:

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= (DL-Dlr)*(ES*(T-Cas)-Tr)-2*(Thk-Can)*(ES*(T-Cas)-Tr)*(1-fr1)
= (549.450-274.725)*(1.00*(8.2000-3.200)-4.496)-2*(9.271-3.200)
= 137.456 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall, no Pad [A2np]:

= ( 2 * min(Tlnp,ho) ) * ( Thk - Can - Trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * min(12.50 ,230.00 ) ) * ( 9.27 - 3.20 - 1.53 ) * 0.8550 )
= 97.129 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall, with Pad [A2wp]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp)*( Thk - Can - Trn )* fr2
= ( 2 * 12.5000 ) * ( 9.2710 - 3.2000 - 1.5270 ) * 0.8550 )
= 97.129 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Penetration [A3]:

= 2*(Tn-Can-Can)*(min(H-Can,Tl, 2.5*Tn-Can-Can))*fr2
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 34
Nozzle Calcs. A ENT FLUIDO NOZL: 1 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= 2 * ( 2.8710 ) * ( 7.1775 ) * 0.8550

= 35.237 mm²

Area Available in Welds, no Pad [A4np]:

= Wo² * fr2 + ( Wi-Can/0.707 )² * fr2
= 8.0000² * 0.8550 + ( 3.4745 )² * 0.8550
= 65.042 mm²

Area Available in Welds, with Pad [A4wp]:

= (Wo² - Ar Lost)*Fr3+((Wi-Can/0.707)² - Ar Lost)*Fr2 + Wp²*Fr4
= (38.7494 ) * 0.86 + (12.0720 ) * 0.86 + 25.0000² * 1.00
= 68.452 mm²

Area Available in Pad [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(Tp,Tlwp,Te))*fr4
= ( 484.4599 - 287.5099 ) * 9.5250 * 1.00
= 1875.949 mm²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.6964,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),11.3121),4.7270)
= 7.6964 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 8.1121 mm. OK

M.A.W.P. Results for this Nozzle (Based on Areas) at this Location

Approximate M.A.W.P. for given geometry 1.520 N./mm²

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the shell.

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results: Nozzle Pad

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 -34 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 -29 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: A ENT FLUIDO

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 6.0710 mm.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 6.3250 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 4.2497 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.
Pad Weld 3.1625 = 0.5*TminPad 3.5350 = 0.7 * WP , mm.

Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)
Weld Load [W]:
= (Ar-A1+2*(Thk-can)*Ffr1*(E1(T-Cas)-Tr))*S
= (1243.1981 - 137.4562 + 2 * ( 9.2710 - 3.2000 ) * 0.8550 *
(1.00 * ( 8.2000 - 3.2000 ) - 4.4964 ) ) * 137
= 153189.69 N

Weld Load [W1]:

= (A2+A5+A4-(Wi-Can/.707)²*Ffr2)*S
= ( 97.1288 + 1875.9486 + 68.4522 - 0.4753 * 0.86 ) * 137
= 280079.81 N

Weld Load [W2]:

= ((A2+A6)+A3+A4+(2*(Thk-Can)*(T-Ca)*Fr1))*S
= ( 97.1288 + 35.2373 + 65.0415 + 51.9071 ) * 137
= 34377.57 N

Weld Load [W3]:

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 35
Nozzle Calcs. A ENT FLUIDO NOZL: 1 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= ((A2+A6)+A3+A4+A5+(2*(Thk-Can)*(T-Ca)*Fr1))*S
= ( 97.1288 + 35.2373 + 68.4522 + 1875.9486 + 51.9071 ) * 137
= 293519.22 N

Strength of Connection Elements for Failure Path Analysis

Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld [Sonw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 287.5099 * 8.0000 * 0.49 * 117
= 208714. N

Shear, Inward Nozzle Weld [Sinw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 287.5099 * 3.4745 * 0.49 * 117
= 90647. N

Shear, Pad Element Weld [Spew]:

= (pi/2) * DP * WP * 0.49 * SEW
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 470.0000 * 5.0000 * 0.49 * 137
= 249408. N

Shear, Nozzle Wall [Snw]:

= (pi *( Dlr + Dlo )/4 ) * ( Thk - Can ) * 0.7 * Sn
= (3.1416 * 140.5587 ) * ( 9.2710 - 3.2000 ) * 0.7 * 117
= 221238. N

Tension, Pad Groove Weld [Tpgw]:

= ( pi/2) * Dlo * Wgpn * 0.74 * Seg
= (3.1416 / 2 ) * 287.5099 * 9.5250 * 0.74 * 117
= 375286. N

Tension, Nozzle Groove Weld [Tngw]:

= (PI/2) * Dlo * (Wgnvi-Cas) * 0.74 * Sng
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 287.5099 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 ) * 0.74 * 117
= 249206. N

Strength of Failure Paths:

PATH11 = ( SPEW + SNW ) = ( 249408 + 221237 ) = 470646 N

PATH22 = ( Sonw + Tpgw + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 208714 + 375286 + 249205 + 90646 ) = 923853 N
PATH33 = ( Spew + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 249408 + 249205 + 90646 ) = 589260 N

Summary of Failure Path Calculations:

Path 1-1 = 470646 N , must exceed W = 153189 N or W1 = 280079 N
Path 2-2 = 923853 N , must exceed W = 153189 N or W2 = 34377 N
Path 3-3 = 589260 N , must exceed W = 153189 N or W3 = 293519 N

Note : Checking Nozzle in the Latitudinal direction.


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 254.508 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 9.271 mm.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Elliptical Head, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D+2*CA)*K)/(2*S*E-0.2*P) App. 1-4(c)
= (1.37*(897.6000+2*3.2000)*1.00)/( 2*137.90*1.00-0.2*1.37)
= 4.4964 mm.
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 36
Nozzle Calcs. A ENT FLUIDO NOZL: 1 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(254.5080/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 1.5270 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 521.8160 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 12.5000 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, pad side Tlwp 12.5000 mm.

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations:

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 Design External Mapnc
Area Required Ar 1181.071 NA NA mm²
Area in Shell A1 130.498 NA NA mm²
Area in Nozzle Wall A2 97.129 NA NA mm²
Area in Inward Nozzle A3 35.237 NA NA mm²
Area in Welds A4 68.452 NA NA mm²
Area in Pad A5 1875.949 NA NA mm²

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.

The area available without a pad is Insufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.


Based on given Pad Thickness: 365.1250 9.5250 mm.
Based on given Pad Diameter: 470.0000 4.7625 mm.
Based on Shell or Nozzle Thickness: 363.5375 9.5250 mm.

Reinforcement Area Required for Nozzle [Ar]:

= (Dlr*Tr+2*Thk*Tr*(1-fr1)) UG-37(c)
= (260.9080*4.4964+2*(9.2710-3.2000)*4.4964*(1-0.8550))
= 1181.071 mm²

Areas per UG-37.1 but with DL = Diameter Limit, DLR = Corroded ID:

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= (DL-Dlr)*(ES*(T-Cas)-Tr)-2*(Thk-Can)*(ES*(T-Cas)-Tr)*(1-fr1)
= (521.816-260.908)*(1.00*(8.2000-3.200)-4.496)-2*(9.271-3.200)
= 130.498 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall, no Pad [A2np]:

= ( 2 * min(Tlnp,ho) ) * ( Thk - Can - Trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * min(12.50 ,230.00 ) ) * ( 9.27 - 3.20 - 1.53 ) * 0.8550 )
= 97.129 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall, with Pad [A2wp]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp)*( Thk - Can - Trn )* fr2
= ( 2 * 12.5000 ) * ( 9.2710 - 3.2000 - 1.5270 ) * 0.8550 )
= 97.129 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Penetration [A3]:

= 2*(Tn-Can-Can)*(min(H-Can,Tl, 2.5*Tn-Can-Can))*fr2
= 2 * ( 2.8710 ) * ( 7.1775 ) * 0.8550
= 35.237 mm²

Area Available in Welds, no Pad [A4np]:

= Wo² * fr2 + ( Wi-Can/0.707 )² * fr2
= 8.0000² * 0.8550 + ( 3.4745 )² * 0.8550
= 65.042 mm²
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 37
Nozzle Calcs. A ENT FLUIDO NOZL: 1 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Area Available in Welds, with Pad [A4wp]:

= (Wo² - Ar Lost)*Fr3+((Wi-Can/0.707)² - Ar Lost)*Fr2 + Wp²*Fr4
= (38.7494 ) * 0.86 + (12.0720 ) * 0.86 + 25.0000² * 1.00
= 68.452 mm²

Area Available in Pad [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(Tp,Tlwp,Te))*fr4
= ( 470.0000 - 273.0500 ) * 9.5250 * 1.00
= 1875.949 mm²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.6964,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),11.3121),4.7270)
= 7.6964 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 8.1121 mm. OK

M.A.W.P. Results for this Nozzle (Based on Areas) at this Location

Approximate M.A.W.P. for given geometry 1.520 N./mm²

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the shell.

Weld Size Calculations, Description: A ENT FLUIDO

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 6.0710 mm.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 6.3250 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 4.2497 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.
Pad Weld 3.1625 = 0.5*TminPad 3.5350 = 0.7 * WP , mm.

Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)
Weld Load [W]:
= (Ar-A1+2*(Thk-can)*Ffr1*(E1(T-Cas)-Tr))*S
= (1181.0712 - 130.4985 + 2 * ( 9.2710 - 3.2000 ) * 0.8550 *
(1.00 * ( 8.2000 - 3.2000 ) - 4.4964 ) ) * 137
= 145582.52 N

Weld Load [W1]:

= (A2+A5+A4-(Wi-Can/.707)²*Ffr2)*S
= ( 97.1288 + 1875.9486 + 68.4522 - 0.4753 * 0.86 ) * 137
= 280079.81 N

Weld Load [W2]:

= ((A2+A6)+A3+A4+(2*(Thk-Can)*(T-Ca)*Fr1))*S
= ( 97.1288 + 35.2373 + 65.0415 + 51.9071 ) * 137
= 34377.57 N

Weld Load [W3]:

= ((A2+A6)+A3+A4+A5+(2*(Thk-Can)*(T-Ca)*Fr1))*S
= ( 97.1288 + 35.2373 + 68.4522 + 1875.9486 + 51.9071 ) * 137
= 293519.22 N

Strength of Connection Elements for Failure Path Analysis

Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld [Sonw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 273.0500 * 8.0000 * 0.49 * 117
= 198217. N

Shear, Inward Nozzle Weld [Sinw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 273.0500 * 3.4745 * 0.49 * 117
= 86088. N

Shear, Pad Element Weld [Spew]:

= (pi/2) * DP * WP * 0.49 * SEW
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 38
Nozzle Calcs. A ENT FLUIDO NOZL: 1 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 470.0000 * 5.0000 * 0.49 * 137

= 249408. N

Shear, Nozzle Wall [Snw]:

= (pi *( Dlr + Dlo )/4 ) * ( Thk - Can ) * 0.7 * Sn
= (3.1416 * 133.4895 ) * ( 9.2710 - 3.2000 ) * 0.7 * 117
= 210111. N

Tension, Pad Groove Weld [Tpgw]:

= ( pi/2) * Dlo * Wgpn * 0.74 * Seg
= (3.1416 / 2 ) * 273.0500 * 9.5250 * 0.74 * 117
= 356412. N

Tension, Nozzle Groove Weld [Tngw]:

= (PI/2) * Dlo * (Wgnvi-Cas) * 0.74 * Sng
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 273.0500 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 ) * 0.74 * 117
= 236672. N

Strength of Failure Paths:

PATH11 = ( SPEW + SNW ) = ( 249408 + 210110 ) = 459519 N

PATH22 = ( Sonw + Tpgw + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 198217 + 356411 + 236672 + 86087 ) = 877389 N
PATH33 = ( Spew + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 249408 + 236672 + 86087 ) = 572168 N

Summary of Failure Path Calculations:

Path 1-1 = 459519 N , must exceed W = 145582 N or W1 = 280079 N
Path 2-2 = 877389 N , must exceed W = 145582 N or W2 = 34377 N
Path 3-3 = 572168 N , must exceed W = 145582 N or W3 = 293519 N

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 51.9081 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 398.5132 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 39
Nozzle Calcs. B SAL GAS NOZL: 2 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: B SAL GAS From : 20

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.373 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 894.9500 mm.

Shell Actual Thickness T 9.5250 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 3260.0000 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-106 B

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase ID

Layout Angle 0.00 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 200.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Nominal

Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Thknom 60

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 203.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.

Pad Material SA-516 70

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 137.90 N./mm²
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 137.90 N./mm²
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 330.0000 mm.
Thickness of Pad Tp 9.5250 mm.
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 5.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 9.5250 mm.
Reinforcing Pad Width 55.4625 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 198.451 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 10.312 mm.
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 40
Nozzle Calcs. B SAL GAS NOZL: 2 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 4.5143 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(198.4510/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 1.2012 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 409.7020 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 15.8125 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, pad side Tlwp 15.8125 mm.

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations:

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 Design External Mapnc
Area Required Ar 934.064 NA NA mm²
Area in Shell A1 367.195 NA NA mm²
Area in Nozzle Wall A2 159.825 NA NA mm²
Area in Inward Nozzle A3 0.000 NA NA mm²
Area in Welds A4 77.213 NA NA mm²
Area in Pad A5 1056.561 NA NA mm²

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.

The area available without a pad is Insufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.


Based on given Pad Thickness: 254.0000 9.5250 mm.
Based on given Pad Diameter: 330.0000 3.1750 mm.
Based on Shell or Nozzle Thickness: 254.0000 9.5250 mm.

Reinforcement Area Required for Nozzle [Ar]:

= (Dlr*Tr+2*Thk*Tr*(1-fr1)) UG-37(c)
= (204.8510*4.5143+2*(10.3120-3.2000)*4.5143*(1-0.8550))
= 934.064 mm²

Areas per UG-37.1 but with DL = Diameter Limit, DLR = Corroded ID:

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= (DL-Dlr)*(ES*(T-Cas)-Tr)-2*(Thk-Can)*(ES*(T-Cas)-Tr)*(1-fr1)
= (409.702-204.851)*(1.00*(9.5250-3.200)-4.514)-2*(10.312-3.200)
= 367.195 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall, no Pad [A2np]:

= ( 2 * min(Tlnp,ho) ) * ( Thk - Can - Trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * min(15.81 ,203.00 ) ) * ( 10.31 - 3.20 - 1.20 ) * 0.8550 )
= 159.825 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall, with Pad [A2wp]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp)*( Thk - Can - Trn )* fr2
= ( 2 * 15.8125 ) * ( 10.3120 - 3.2000 - 1.2012 ) * 0.8550 )
= 159.825 mm²

Area Available in Welds, no Pad [A4np]:

= Wo² * fr2 + ( Wi-Can/0.707 )² * fr2
= 8.0000² * 0.8550 + ( 0.0000 )² * 0.8550
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 41
Nozzle Calcs. B SAL GAS NOZL: 2 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= 54.720 mm²

Area Available in Welds, with Pad [A4wp]:

= (Wo² - Ar Lost)*Fr3+((Wi-Can/0.707)² - Ar Lost)*Fr2 + Wp²*Fr4
= (61.0673 ) * 0.86 + (0.0000 ) * 0.86 + 25.0000² * 1.00
= 77.213 mm²

Area Available in Pad [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(Tp,Tlwp,Te))*fr4
= ( 330.0000 - 219.0750 ) * 9.5250 * 1.00
= 1056.561 mm²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7143,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),10.3565),4.4012)
= 7.7143 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 9.0230 mm. OK

M.A.W.P. Results for this Nozzle (Based on Areas) at this Location

Approximate M.A.W.P. for given geometry 1.903 N./mm²

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results: Nozzle Pad

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 -45 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 -29 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: B SAL GAS

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 7.1120 mm.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 6.3250 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 4.9784 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.
Pad Weld 3.1625 = 0.5*TminPad 3.5350 = 0.7 * WP , mm.

Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)
Weld Load [W]:
= (Ar-A1+2*(Thk-can)*Ffr1*(E1(T-Cas)-Tr))*S
= (934.0638 - 367.1947 + 2 * ( 10.3120 - 3.2000 ) * 0.8550 *
(1.00 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 ) - 4.5143 ) ) * 137
= 81201.07 N

Weld Load [W1]:

= (A2+A5+A4-(Wi-Can/.707)²*Ffr2)*S
= ( 159.8248 + 1056.5607 + 77.2126 - 0.0000 * 0.86 ) * 137
= 178372.03 N

Weld Load [W2]:

= ((A2+A6)+A3+A4+(2*(Thk-Can)*(T-Ca)*Fr1))*S
= ( 159.8248 + 0.0000 + 54.7200 + 76.9216 ) * 137
= 40189.81 N

Weld Load [W3]:

= ((A2+A6)+A3+A4+A5+(2*(Thk-Can)*(T-Ca)*Fr1))*S
= ( 159.8248 + 0.0000 + 77.2126 + 1056.5607 + 76.9216 ) * 137
= 188978.61 N

Strength of Connection Elements for Failure Path Analysis

Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld [Sonw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 42
Nozzle Calcs. B SAL GAS NOZL: 2 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 219.0750 * 8.0000 * 0.49 * 117

= 159035. N

Shear, Pad Element Weld [Spew]:

= (pi/2) * DP * WP * 0.49 * SEW
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 330.0000 * 5.0000 * 0.49 * 137
= 175117. N

Shear, Nozzle Wall [Snw]:

= (pi *( Dlr + Dlo )/4 ) * ( Thk - Can ) * 0.7 * Sn
= (3.1416 * 105.9815 ) * ( 10.3120 - 3.2000 ) * 0.7 * 117
= 195417. N

Tension, Pad Groove Weld [Tpgw]:

= ( pi/2) * Dlo * Wgpn * 0.74 * Seg
= (3.1416 / 2 ) * 219.0750 * 9.5250 * 0.74 * 117
= 285958. N

Tension, Nozzle Groove Weld [Tngw]:

= (PI/2) * Dlo * (Wgnvi-Cas) * 0.74 * Sng
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 219.0750 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 ) * 0.74 * 117
= 189888. N

Strength of Failure Paths:

PATH11 = ( SPEW + SNW ) = ( 175116 + 195417 ) = 370533 N

PATH22 = ( Sonw + Tpgw + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 159034 + 285958 + 189888 + 0 ) = 634881 N
PATH33 = ( Spew + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 175116 + 189888 + 0 ) = 365004 N

Summary of Failure Path Calculations:

Path 1-1 = 370533 N , must exceed W = 81201 N or W1 = 178372 N
Path 2-2 = 634881 N , must exceed W = 81201 N or W2 = 40189 N
Path 3-3 = 365004 N , must exceed W = 81201 N or W3 = 188978 N

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 13.6139 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 226.1390 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 43
Nozzle Calcs. C SAL LIQUIDO NOZL: 3 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: C SAL LIQUIDO From : 20

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.377 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 894.9500 mm.

Shell Actual Thickness T 9.5250 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 1860.0000 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-106 B

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase ID

Layout Angle 180.00 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 80.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Nominal

Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Thknom 160

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 203.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 50.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 8.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 66.650 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 11.125 mm.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.38*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.38)
= 4.5273 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 44
Nozzle Calcs. C SAL LIQUIDO NOZL: 3 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= (1.38*(66.6500/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.38)
= 0.4296 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 146.1000 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 15.8125 mm.

Note: Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for C SAL LIQUIDO .

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. It may
be necessary to force the program to print the areas per UG-37.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7273,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),8.0006),3.6296)
= 7.7273 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 9.7344 mm. OK

Minimum Design Metal Temperature (Nozzle Neck), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: C SAL LIQUIDO

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 6.3250 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 4.4275 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.

NOTE : Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations.

Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a)
(small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 2.2132 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 262.5250 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 45
Nozzle Calcs. D DRENAJE NOZL: 4 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: D DRENAJE From : 20

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.377 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 894.9500 mm.

Shell Actual Thickness T 9.5250 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 140.0000 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-106 B

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase ID

Layout Angle 180.00 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 80.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Nominal

Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Thknom 160

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 203.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 66.650 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 11.125 mm.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.38*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.38)
= 4.5273 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 46
Nozzle Calcs. D DRENAJE NOZL: 4 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= (1.38*(66.6500/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.38)
= 0.4296 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 146.1000 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 15.8125 mm.

Note: Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for D DRENAJE .

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. It may
be necessary to force the program to print the areas per UG-37.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7273,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),8.0006),3.6296)
= 7.7273 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 9.7344 mm. OK

Minimum Design Metal Temperature (Nozzle Neck), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: D DRENAJE

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 6.3250 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 4.4275 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.

NOTE : Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations.

Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a)
(small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 2.2132 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 214.7382 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 47
Nozzle Calcs. E PSV NOZL: 5 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: E PSV From : 20

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.373 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 894.9500 mm.

Shell Actual Thickness T 9.5250 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 800.0001 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-106 B

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase ID

Layout Angle 0.00 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 80.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Nominal

Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Thknom 160

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 203.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 66.650 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 11.125 mm.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 4.5143 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 48
Nozzle Calcs. E PSV NOZL: 5 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= (1.37*(66.6500/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 0.4283 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 146.1000 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 15.8125 mm.

Note: Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for E PSV .

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. It may
be necessary to force the program to print the areas per UG-37.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7143,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),8.0006),3.6283)
= 7.7143 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 9.7344 mm. OK

Minimum Design Metal Temperature (Nozzle Neck), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: E PSV

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 6.3250 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 4.4275 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.

NOTE : Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations.

Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a)
(small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 2.2132 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 214.7382 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 49
Nozzle Calcs. F PSE NOZL: 6 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: F PSE From : 20

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.373 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 894.9500 mm.

Shell Actual Thickness T 9.5250 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 1400.0001 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-106 B

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase ID

Layout Angle 0.00 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 50.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Nominal

Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Thknom 160

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 203.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 42.901 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 8.712 mm.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 4.5143 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 50
Nozzle Calcs. F PSE NOZL: 6 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= (1.37*(42.9010/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 0.2891 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 98.6020 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 13.7800 mm.

Note: Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for F PSE .

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. It may
be necessary to force the program to print the areas per UG-37.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7143,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),6.6227),3.4891)
= 6.6227 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 7.6230 mm. OK

Minimum Design Metal Temperature (Nozzle Neck), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: F PSE

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 5.5120 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 3.8584 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.

NOTE : Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations.

Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a)
(small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 1.0177 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 213.5427 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 51
Nozzle Calcs. G LC NOZL: 7 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: G LC From : 20

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.373 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 894.9500 mm.

Shell Actual Thickness T 9.5250 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 2340.0000 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-106 B

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase ID

Layout Angle 0.00 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 100.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Nominal

Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Thknom 120

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 203.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 65.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 8.0000 mm.

Pad Material SA-516 70

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 137.90 N./mm²
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 137.90 N./mm²
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 200.0000 mm.
Thickness of Pad Tp 9.5250 mm.
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 5.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 9.6250 mm.
Reinforcing Pad Width 42.8500 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 92.050 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 11.125 mm.
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 52
Nozzle Calcs. G LC NOZL: 7 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 4.5143 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(92.0500/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 0.5773 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 196.9000 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 15.8125 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, pad side Tlwp 15.8125 mm.

Note : The Pad diameter is greater than the Diameter Limit, the
excess will not be considered .

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations:

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 Design External Mapnc
Area Required Ar 454.805 NA NA mm²
Area in Shell A1 174.105 NA NA mm²
Area in Nozzle Wall A2 198.678 NA NA mm²
Area in Inward Nozzle A3 95.442 NA NA mm²
Area in Welds A4 62.534 NA NA mm²
Area in Pad A5 786.765 NA NA mm²

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.

The area available without a pad is Sufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.

Reinforcement Area Required for Nozzle [Ar]:

= (Dlr*Tr+2*Thk*Tr*(1-fr1)) UG-37(c)
= (98.4500*4.5143+2*(11.1250-3.2000)*4.5143*(1-0.8550))
= 454.805 mm²

Areas per UG-37.1 but with DL = Diameter Limit, DLR = Corroded ID:

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= (DL-Dlr)*(ES*(T-Cas)-Tr)-2*(Thk-Can)*(ES*(T-Cas)-Tr)*(1-fr1)
= (196.900-98.450)*(1.00*(9.5250-3.200)-4.514)-2*(11.125-3.200)
= 174.105 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall, no Pad [A2np]:

= ( 2 * min(Tlnp,ho) ) * ( Thk - Can - Trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * min(15.81 ,203.00 ) ) * ( 11.12 - 3.20 - 0.58 ) * 0.8550 )
= 198.678 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall, with Pad [A2wp]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp)*( Thk - Can - Trn )* fr2
= ( 2 * 15.8125 ) * ( 11.1250 - 3.2000 - 0.5773 ) * 0.8550 )
= 198.678 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Penetration [A3]:

= 2*(Tn-Can-Can)*(min(H-Can,Tl, 2.5*Tn-Can-Can))*fr2
= 2 * ( 4.7250 ) * ( 11.8125 ) * 0.8550
= 95.442 mm²
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 53
Nozzle Calcs. G LC NOZL: 7 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Area Available in Welds, no Pad [A4np]:

= Wo² * fr2 + ( Wi-Can/0.707 )² * fr2
= 8.0000² * 0.8550 + ( 3.4745 )² * 0.8550
= 65.042 mm²

Area Available in Welds, with Pad [A4wp]:

= (Wo² - Ar Lost)*Fr3+((Wi-Can/0.707)² - Ar Lost)*Fr2 + Wp²*Fr4
= (61.0673 ) * 0.86 + (12.0720 ) * 0.86 + 0.0000² * 1.00
= 62.534 mm²

Area Available in Pad [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(Tp,Tlwp,Te))*fr4
= ( 196.9000 - 114.3000 ) * 9.5250 * 1.00
= 786.765 mm²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7143,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),8.4673),3.7773)
= 7.7143 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 9.7344 mm. OK

M.A.W.P. Results for this Nozzle (Based on Areas) at this Location

Approximate M.A.W.P. for given geometry 1.915 N./mm²

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the shell.

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results: Nozzle Pad

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 -45 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 -29 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: G LC

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 7.9250 mm.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 6.3250 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 5.5475 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.
Pad Weld 3.1625 = 0.5*TminPad 3.5350 = 0.7 * WP , mm.

Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)
Weld Load [W]:
= (Ar-A1+2*(Thk-can)*Ffr1*(E1(T-Cas)-Tr))*S
= (454.8051 - 174.1046 + 2 * ( 11.1250 - 3.2000 ) * 0.8550 *
(1.00 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 ) - 4.5143 ) ) * 137
= 42088.88 N

Weld Load [W1]:

= (A2+A5+A4-(Wi-Can/.707)²*Ffr2)*S
= ( 198.6777 + 786.7650 + 62.5341 - 0.4753 * 0.86 ) * 137
= 143080.50 N

Weld Load [W2]:

= ((A2+A6)+A3+A4+(2*(Thk-Can)*(T-Ca)*Fr1))*S
= ( 198.6777 + 95.4420 + 65.0415 + 85.7148 ) * 137
= 61343.21 N

Weld Load [W3]:

= ((A2+A6)+A3+A4+A5+(2*(Thk-Can)*(T-Ca)*Fr1))*S
= ( 198.6777 + 95.4420 + 62.5341 + 786.7650 + 85.7148 ) * 137
= 169483.12 N
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 54
Nozzle Calcs. G LC NOZL: 7 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Strength of Connection Elements for Failure Path Analysis

Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld [Sonw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 114.3000 * 8.0000 * 0.49 * 117
= 82975. N

Shear, Inward Nozzle Weld [Sinw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 114.3000 * 3.4745 * 0.49 * 117
= 36037. N

Shear, Pad Element Weld [Spew]:

= (pi/2) * DP * WP * 0.49 * SEW
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 200.0000 * 5.0000 * 0.49 * 137
= 106131. N

Shear, Nozzle Wall [Snw]:

= (pi *( Dlr + Dlo )/4 ) * ( Thk - Can ) * 0.7 * Sn
= (3.1416 * 53.1875 ) * ( 11.1250 - 3.2000 ) * 0.7 * 117
= 109282. N

Tension, Pad Groove Weld [Tpgw]:

= ( pi/2) * Dlo * Wgpn * 0.74 * Seg
= (3.1416 / 2 ) * 114.3000 * 9.6250 * 0.74 * 117
= 150762. N

Tension, Nozzle Groove Weld [Tngw]:

= (PI/2) * Dlo * (Wgnvi-Cas) * 0.74 * Sng
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 114.3000 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 ) * 0.74 * 117
= 99072. N

Strength of Failure Paths:

PATH11 = ( SPEW + SNW ) = ( 106131 + 109282 ) = 215413 N

PATH22 = ( Sonw + Tpgw + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 82974 + 150762 + 99072 + 36036 ) = 368845 N
PATH33 = ( Spew + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 106131 + 99072 + 36036 ) = 241240 N

Summary of Failure Path Calculations:

Path 1-1 = 215413 N , must exceed W = 42088 N or W1 = 143080 N
Path 2-2 = 368845 N , must exceed W = 42088 N or W2 = 61343 N
Path 3-3 = 241240 N , must exceed W = 42088 N or W3 = 169483 N

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 3.6645 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 277.5250 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 55
Nozzle Calcs. H1 LG NOZL: 8 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: H1 LG From : 20

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.375 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 894.9500 mm.

Shell Actual Thickness T 9.5250 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Cylinder/Head Centerline L1 290.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 2760.0000 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-106 B

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase ID

Layout Angle 129.39 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 50.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Nominal

Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Thknom 160

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 150.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head

Note : Checking Nozzle 90 degrees to the Longitudinal axis.


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 42.901 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 8.712 mm.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.38*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.38)
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 56
Nozzle Calcs. H1 LG NOZL: 8 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= 4.5220 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.38*(42.9010/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.38)
= 0.2896 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 128.6925 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 13.7800 mm.

Note: Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for H1 LG .

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. It may
be necessary to force the program to print the areas per UG-37.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7220,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),6.6227),3.4896)
= 6.6227 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 7.6230 mm. OK

Minimum Design Metal Temperature (Nozzle Neck), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: H1 LG

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 5.5120 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 3.8584 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.

NOTE : Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations.

Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a)
(small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

Note : Checking Nozzle in plane parallel to the vessel axis.


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 42.901 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 8.712 mm.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.38*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.38)
= 4.5220 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.38*(42.9010/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.38)
= 0.2896 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 98.6020 mm.
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 57
Nozzle Calcs. H1 LG NOZL: 8 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 13.7800 mm.

Note: Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for H1 LG .

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. It may
be necessary to force the program to print the areas per UG-37.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7220,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),6.6227),3.4896)
= 6.6227 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 7.6230 mm. OK

Weld Size Calculations, Description: H1 LG

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 5.5120 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 3.8584 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.

NOTE : Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations.

Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a)
(small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 28.1665 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 190.5805 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 58
Nozzle Calcs. H2 LG NOZL: 9 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: H2 LG From : 20

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.373 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 894.9500 mm.

Shell Actual Thickness T 9.5250 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Cylinder/Head Centerline L1 280.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 2760.0000 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-106 B

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase ID

Layout Angle 52.22 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 50.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Nominal

Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Thknom 160

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 150.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head

Note : Checking Nozzle 90 degrees to the Longitudinal axis.


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 42.901 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 8.712 mm.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.37)
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 59
Nozzle Calcs. H2 LG NOZL: 9 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= 4.5143 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(42.9010/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 0.2891 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 125.7280 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 13.7800 mm.

Note: Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for H2 LG .

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. It may
be necessary to force the program to print the areas per UG-37.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7143,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),6.6227),3.4891)
= 6.6227 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 7.6230 mm. OK

Minimum Design Metal Temperature (Nozzle Neck), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: H2 LG

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 5.5120 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 3.8584 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.

NOTE : Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations.

Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a)
(small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

Note : Checking Nozzle in plane parallel to the vessel axis.


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 42.901 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 8.712 mm.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 4.5143 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(42.9010/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 0.2891 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 98.6020 mm.
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 60
Nozzle Calcs. H2 LG NOZL: 9 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 13.7800 mm.

Note: Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for H2 LG .

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. It may
be necessary to force the program to print the areas per UG-37.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7143,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),6.6227),3.4891)
= 6.6227 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 7.6230 mm. OK

Weld Size Calculations, Description: H2 LG

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 5.5120 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 3.8584 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.

NOTE : Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations.

Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a)
(small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 26.5055 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 188.6356 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 61
Nozzle Calcs. J1 ANODO SACRIF NOZL: 10 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: J1 ANODO SACRIF From : 20

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.377 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 894.9500 mm.

Shell Actual Thickness T 9.5250 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 800.0001 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-106 B

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase ID

Layout Angle 180.00 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 100.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Nominal

Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Thknom 120

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 203.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.

Pad Material SA-516 70

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 137.90 N./mm²
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 137.90 N./mm²
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 200.0000 mm.
Thickness of Pad Tp 9.5250 mm.
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 5.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 9.5250 mm.
Reinforcing Pad Width 42.8500 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 92.050 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 11.125 mm.
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 62
Nozzle Calcs. J1 ANODO SACRIF NOZL: 10 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.38*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.38)
= 4.5273 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.38*(92.0500/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.38)
= 0.5790 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 196.9000 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 15.8125 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, pad side Tlwp 15.8125 mm.

Note : The Pad diameter is greater than the Diameter Limit, the
excess will not be considered .

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations:

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 Design External Mapnc
Area Required Ar 456.122 NA NA mm²
Area in Shell A1 172.848 NA NA mm²
Area in Nozzle Wall A2 198.632 NA NA mm²
Area in Inward Nozzle A3 0.000 NA NA mm²
Area in Welds A4 52.213 NA NA mm²
Area in Pad A5 786.765 NA NA mm²

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.

The area available without a pad is Insufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.


Based on given Pad Thickness: 120.6500 9.5250 mm.
Based on given Pad Diameter: 200.0000 1.5875 mm.
Based on Shell or Nozzle Thickness: 119.0625 9.5250 mm.

Reinforcement Area Required for Nozzle [Ar]:

= (Dlr*Tr+2*Thk*Tr*(1-fr1)) UG-37(c)
= (98.4500*4.5273+2*(11.1250-3.2000)*4.5273*(1-0.8550))
= 456.122 mm²

Areas per UG-37.1 but with DL = Diameter Limit, DLR = Corroded ID:

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= (DL-Dlr)*(ES*(T-Cas)-Tr)-2*(Thk-Can)*(ES*(T-Cas)-Tr)*(1-fr1)
= (196.900-98.450)*(1.00*(9.5250-3.200)-4.527)-2*(11.125-3.200)
= 172.848 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall, no Pad [A2np]:

= ( 2 * min(Tlnp,ho) ) * ( Thk - Can - Trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * min(15.81 ,203.00 ) ) * ( 11.12 - 3.20 - 0.58 ) * 0.8550 )
= 198.632 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall, with Pad [A2wp]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp)*( Thk - Can - Trn )* fr2
= ( 2 * 15.8125 ) * ( 11.1250 - 3.2000 - 0.5790 ) * 0.8550 )
= 198.632 mm²
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 63
Nozzle Calcs. J1 ANODO SACRIF NOZL: 10 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Area Available in Welds, no Pad [A4np]:

= Wo² * fr2 + ( Wi-Can/0.707 )² * fr2
= 8.0000² * 0.8550 + ( 0.0000 )² * 0.8550
= 54.720 mm²

Area Available in Welds, with Pad [A4wp]:

= (Wo² - Ar Lost)*Fr3+((Wi-Can/0.707)² - Ar Lost)*Fr2 + Wp²*Fr4
= (61.0673 ) * 0.86 + (0.0000 ) * 0.86 + 0.0000² * 1.00
= 52.213 mm²

Area Available in Pad [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(Tp,Tlwp,Te))*fr4
= ( 196.9000 - 114.3000 ) * 9.5250 * 1.00
= 786.765 mm²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7273,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),8.4673),3.7790)
= 7.7273 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 9.7344 mm. OK

M.A.W.P. Results for this Nozzle (Based on Areas) at this Location

Approximate M.A.W.P. for given geometry 1.915 N./mm²

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the shell.

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results: Nozzle Pad

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 -45 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 -29 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: J1 ANODO SACRIF

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 7.9250 mm.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 6.3250 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 5.5475 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.
Pad Weld 3.1625 = 0.5*TminPad 3.5350 = 0.7 * WP , mm.

Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)
Weld Load [W]:
= (Ar-A1+2*(Thk-can)*Ffr1*(E1(T-Cas)-Tr))*S
= (456.1221 - 172.8476 + 2 * ( 11.1250 - 3.2000 ) * 0.8550 *
(1.00 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 ) - 4.5273 ) ) * 137
= 42419.37 N

Weld Load [W1]:

= (A2+A5+A4-(Wi-Can/.707)²*Ffr2)*S
= ( 198.6325 + 786.7650 + 52.2126 - 0.0000 * 0.86 ) * 137
= 143074.27 N

Weld Load [W2]:

= ((A2+A6)+A3+A4+(2*(Thk-Can)*(T-Ca)*Fr1))*S
= ( 198.6325 + 0.0000 + 54.7200 + 85.7148 ) * 137
= 46753.41 N

Weld Load [W3]:

= ((A2+A6)+A3+A4+A5+(2*(Thk-Can)*(T-Ca)*Fr1))*S
= ( 198.6325 + 0.0000 + 52.2126 + 786.7650 + 85.7148 ) * 137
= 154893.33 N
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 64
Nozzle Calcs. J1 ANODO SACRIF NOZL: 10 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Strength of Connection Elements for Failure Path Analysis

Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld [Sonw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 114.3000 * 8.0000 * 0.49 * 117
= 82975. N

Shear, Pad Element Weld [Spew]:

= (pi/2) * DP * WP * 0.49 * SEW
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 200.0000 * 5.0000 * 0.49 * 137
= 106131. N

Shear, Nozzle Wall [Snw]:

= (pi *( Dlr + Dlo )/4 ) * ( Thk - Can ) * 0.7 * Sn
= (3.1416 * 53.1875 ) * ( 11.1250 - 3.2000 ) * 0.7 * 117
= 109282. N

Tension, Pad Groove Weld [Tpgw]:

= ( pi/2) * Dlo * Wgpn * 0.74 * Seg
= (3.1416 / 2 ) * 114.3000 * 9.5250 * 0.74 * 117
= 149196. N

Tension, Nozzle Groove Weld [Tngw]:

= (PI/2) * Dlo * (Wgnvi-Cas) * 0.74 * Sng
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 114.3000 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 ) * 0.74 * 117
= 99072. N

Strength of Failure Paths:

PATH11 = ( SPEW + SNW ) = ( 106131 + 109282 ) = 215413 N

PATH22 = ( Sonw + Tpgw + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 82974 + 149195 + 99072 + 0 ) = 331242 N
PATH33 = ( Spew + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 106131 + 99072 + 0 ) = 205203 N

Summary of Failure Path Calculations:

Path 1-1 = 215413 N , must exceed W = 42419 N or W1 = 143074 N
Path 2-2 = 331242 N , must exceed W = 42419 N or W2 = 46753 N
Path 3-3 = 205203 N , must exceed W = 42419 N or W3 = 154893 N

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 3.6645 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 216.1895 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 65
Nozzle Calcs. J2 ANODO SACRIF NOZL: 11 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: J2 ANODO SACRIF From : 20

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.377 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 894.9500 mm.

Shell Actual Thickness T 9.5250 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 2929.9998 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-106 B

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase ID

Layout Angle 180.00 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 100.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Nominal

Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Thknom 120

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 203.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.

Pad Material SA-516 70

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 137.90 N./mm²
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 137.90 N./mm²
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 200.0000 mm.
Thickness of Pad Tp 9.5250 mm.
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 5.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 9.5250 mm.
Reinforcing Pad Width 42.8500 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 92.050 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 11.125 mm.
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 66
Nozzle Calcs. J2 ANODO SACRIF NOZL: 11 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.38*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.38)
= 4.5273 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.38*(92.0500/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.38)
= 0.5790 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 196.9000 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 15.8125 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, pad side Tlwp 15.8125 mm.

Note : The Pad diameter is greater than the Diameter Limit, the
excess will not be considered .

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations:

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 Design External Mapnc
Area Required Ar 456.122 NA NA mm²
Area in Shell A1 172.848 NA NA mm²
Area in Nozzle Wall A2 198.632 NA NA mm²
Area in Inward Nozzle A3 0.000 NA NA mm²
Area in Welds A4 52.213 NA NA mm²
Area in Pad A5 786.765 NA NA mm²

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.

The area available without a pad is Insufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.


Based on given Pad Thickness: 120.6500 9.5250 mm.
Based on given Pad Diameter: 200.0000 1.5875 mm.
Based on Shell or Nozzle Thickness: 119.0625 9.5250 mm.

Reinforcement Area Required for Nozzle [Ar]:

= (Dlr*Tr+2*Thk*Tr*(1-fr1)) UG-37(c)
= (98.4500*4.5273+2*(11.1250-3.2000)*4.5273*(1-0.8550))
= 456.122 mm²

Areas per UG-37.1 but with DL = Diameter Limit, DLR = Corroded ID:

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= (DL-Dlr)*(ES*(T-Cas)-Tr)-2*(Thk-Can)*(ES*(T-Cas)-Tr)*(1-fr1)
= (196.900-98.450)*(1.00*(9.5250-3.200)-4.527)-2*(11.125-3.200)
= 172.848 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall, no Pad [A2np]:

= ( 2 * min(Tlnp,ho) ) * ( Thk - Can - Trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * min(15.81 ,203.00 ) ) * ( 11.12 - 3.20 - 0.58 ) * 0.8550 )
= 198.632 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall, with Pad [A2wp]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp)*( Thk - Can - Trn )* fr2
= ( 2 * 15.8125 ) * ( 11.1250 - 3.2000 - 0.5790 ) * 0.8550 )
= 198.632 mm²
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 67
Nozzle Calcs. J2 ANODO SACRIF NOZL: 11 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Area Available in Welds, no Pad [A4np]:

= Wo² * fr2 + ( Wi-Can/0.707 )² * fr2
= 8.0000² * 0.8550 + ( 0.0000 )² * 0.8550
= 54.720 mm²

Area Available in Welds, with Pad [A4wp]:

= (Wo² - Ar Lost)*Fr3+((Wi-Can/0.707)² - Ar Lost)*Fr2 + Wp²*Fr4
= (61.0673 ) * 0.86 + (0.0000 ) * 0.86 + 0.0000² * 1.00
= 52.213 mm²

Area Available in Pad [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(Tp,Tlwp,Te))*fr4
= ( 196.9000 - 114.3000 ) * 9.5250 * 1.00
= 786.765 mm²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7273,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),8.4673),3.7790)
= 7.7273 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 9.7344 mm. OK

M.A.W.P. Results for this Nozzle (Based on Areas) at this Location

Approximate M.A.W.P. for given geometry 1.915 N./mm²

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the shell.

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results: Nozzle Pad

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 -45 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 -29 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: J2 ANODO SACRIF

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 7.9250 mm.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 6.3250 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 5.5475 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.
Pad Weld 3.1625 = 0.5*TminPad 3.5350 = 0.7 * WP , mm.

Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)
Weld Load [W]:
= (Ar-A1+2*(Thk-can)*Ffr1*(E1(T-Cas)-Tr))*S
= (456.1221 - 172.8476 + 2 * ( 11.1250 - 3.2000 ) * 0.8550 *
(1.00 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 ) - 4.5273 ) ) * 137
= 42419.37 N

Weld Load [W1]:

= (A2+A5+A4-(Wi-Can/.707)²*Ffr2)*S
= ( 198.6325 + 786.7650 + 52.2126 - 0.0000 * 0.86 ) * 137
= 143074.27 N

Weld Load [W2]:

= ((A2+A6)+A3+A4+(2*(Thk-Can)*(T-Ca)*Fr1))*S
= ( 198.6325 + 0.0000 + 54.7200 + 85.7148 ) * 137
= 46753.41 N

Weld Load [W3]:

= ((A2+A6)+A3+A4+A5+(2*(Thk-Can)*(T-Ca)*Fr1))*S
= ( 198.6325 + 0.0000 + 52.2126 + 786.7650 + 85.7148 ) * 137
= 154893.33 N
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 68
Nozzle Calcs. J2 ANODO SACRIF NOZL: 11 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Strength of Connection Elements for Failure Path Analysis

Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld [Sonw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 114.3000 * 8.0000 * 0.49 * 117
= 82975. N

Shear, Pad Element Weld [Spew]:

= (pi/2) * DP * WP * 0.49 * SEW
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 200.0000 * 5.0000 * 0.49 * 137
= 106131. N

Shear, Nozzle Wall [Snw]:

= (pi *( Dlr + Dlo )/4 ) * ( Thk - Can ) * 0.7 * Sn
= (3.1416 * 53.1875 ) * ( 11.1250 - 3.2000 ) * 0.7 * 117
= 109282. N

Tension, Pad Groove Weld [Tpgw]:

= ( pi/2) * Dlo * Wgpn * 0.74 * Seg
= (3.1416 / 2 ) * 114.3000 * 9.5250 * 0.74 * 117
= 149196. N

Tension, Nozzle Groove Weld [Tngw]:

= (PI/2) * Dlo * (Wgnvi-Cas) * 0.74 * Sng
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 114.3000 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 ) * 0.74 * 117
= 99072. N

Strength of Failure Paths:

PATH11 = ( SPEW + SNW ) = ( 106131 + 109282 ) = 215413 N

PATH22 = ( Sonw + Tpgw + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 82974 + 149195 + 99072 + 0 ) = 331242 N
PATH33 = ( Spew + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 106131 + 99072 + 0 ) = 205203 N

Summary of Failure Path Calculations:

Path 1-1 = 215413 N , must exceed W = 42419 N or W1 = 143074 N
Path 2-2 = 331242 N , must exceed W = 42419 N or W2 = 46753 N
Path 3-3 = 205203 N , must exceed W = 42419 N or W3 = 154893 N

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 3.6645 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 216.1895 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 69
Nozzle Calcs. K LIMP VANOS NOZL: 12 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: K LIMP VANOS From : 20

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.373 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 894.9500 mm.

Shell Actual Thickness T 9.5250 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 2760.0000 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-106 B

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase ID

Layout Angle 0.00 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 50.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Nominal

Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Thknom 160

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 203.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 65.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 8.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 42.901 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 8.712 mm.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 4.5143 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 70
Nozzle Calcs. K LIMP VANOS NOZL: 12 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= (1.37*(42.9010/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 0.2891 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 98.6020 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 13.7800 mm.

Note: Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for K LIMP VANOS .

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. It may
be necessary to force the program to print the areas per UG-37.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7143,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),6.6227),3.4891)
= 6.6227 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 7.6230 mm. OK

Minimum Design Metal Temperature (Nozzle Neck), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: K LIMP VANOS

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 5.5120 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 3.8584 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.

NOTE : Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations.

Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a)
(small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 1.0177 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 277.5250 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 71
Nozzle Calcs. M PASO HOMBRE NOZL: 13 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: M PASO HOMBRE From : 20

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.373 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 894.9500 mm.

Shell Actual Thickness T 9.5250 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 1400.0001 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-516 70

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 137.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 137.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase OD

Layout Angle 90.00 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 508.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Actual

Actual Thickness of Nozzle Thk 9.5250 mm.

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Slip on

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 203.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.

Pad Material SA-516 70

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 137.90 N./mm²
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 137.90 N./mm²
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 800.0000 mm.
Thickness of Pad Tp 9.5250 mm.
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 5.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 9.5250 mm.
Reinforcing Pad Width 146.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None
This is a Manway or Access Opening.

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Outside Diameter Used in Calculation 508.000 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 9.525 mm.
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 72
Nozzle Calcs. M PASO HOMBRE NOZL: 13 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 4.5143 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*D/2)/(S*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (1.37*508.0000/2.0)/(137*1.00+0.4*1.37)
= 2.5190 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 990.7000 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 15.8125 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, pad side Tlwp 15.8125 mm.

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations:

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 Design External Mapnc
Area Required Ar 2236.145 NA NA mm²
Area in Shell A1 896.944 NA NA mm²
Area in Nozzle Wall A2 120.365 NA NA mm²
Area in Inward Nozzle A3 0.000 NA NA mm²
Area in Welds A4 86.067 NA NA mm²
Area in Pad A5 2781.300 NA NA mm²

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.

The area available without a pad is Insufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.


Based on given Pad Thickness: 628.6500 9.5250 mm.
Based on given Pad Diameter: 800.0000 4.7625 mm.
Based on Shell or Nozzle Thickness: 627.0625 9.5250 mm.

Reinforcement Area Required for Nozzle [Ar]:

= (Dlr*Tr+2*Thk*Tr*(1-fr1)) UG-37(c)
= (495.3500*4.5143+2*(9.5250-3.2000)*4.5143*(1-1.0000))
= 2236.145 mm²

Areas per UG-37.1 but with DL = Diameter Limit, DLR = Corroded ID:

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= (DL-Dlr)*(ES*(T-Cas)-Tr)-2*(Thk-Can)*(ES*(T-Cas)-Tr)*(1-fr1)
= (990.700-495.350)*(1.00*(9.5250-3.200)-4.514)-2*(9.525-3.200)
= 896.944 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall, no Pad [A2np]:

= ( 2 * min(Tlnp,ho) ) * ( Thk - Can - Trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * min(15.81 ,203.00 ) ) * ( 9.52 - 3.20 - 2.52 ) * 1.0000 )
= 120.365 mm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall, with Pad [A2wp]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp)*( Thk - Can - Trn )* fr2
= ( 2 * 15.8125 ) * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 - 2.5190 ) * 1.0000 )
= 120.365 mm²

Area Available in Welds, no Pad [A4np]:

= Wo² * fr2 + ( Wi-Can/0.707 )² * fr2
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 73
Nozzle Calcs. M PASO HOMBRE NOZL: 13 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= 8.0000² * 1.0000 + ( 0.0000 )² * 1.0000

= 64.000 mm²

Area Available in Welds, with Pad [A4wp]:

= (Wo² - Ar Lost)*Fr3+((Wi-Can/0.707)² - Ar Lost)*Fr2 + Wp²*Fr4
= (61.0673 ) * 1.00 + (0.0000 ) * 1.00 + 25.0000² * 1.00
= 86.067 mm²

Area Available in Pad [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(Tp,Tlwp,Te))*fr4
= ( 800.0000 - 508.0000 ) * 9.5250 * 1.00
= 2781.300 mm²

M.A.W.P. Results for this Nozzle (Based on Areas) at this Location

Approximate M.A.W.P. for given geometry 1.870 N./mm²

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results: Nozzle Pad

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -48 -45 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 -29 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -48 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 743.0250 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 15.8125 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, pad side Tlwp 15.8125 mm.

Note : The Pad diameter is greater than the Diameter Limit, the
excess will not be considered .

Summary of Reinforcement Areas for Large Nozzle (Per Appendix 1-7):

AREA REQUIRED [Internal Pressure] AR 1490.838 mm²

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A6 No Pad With Pad

Area Available in Shell A1 448.472 448.472 mm²
Area Available in Nozzle Wall A2 120.365 120.365 mm²
Area Available in Inward Nozzle A3 0.000 0.000 mm²
Area Available in Welds A4 64.000 61.067 mm²
Area Available in Pad A5 0.000 2238.613 mm²
Area Available in Hub A6 0.000 0.000 mm²
TOTAL AREA AVAILABLE Atot 632.836 2868.517 mm²

The area available without a pad is Insufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.

M.A.W.P. Results for this Nozzle (Based on Areas) at this Location

Approximate M.A.W.P. for given geometry 1.915 N./mm²

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the shell.

Note: The Nozzle does not fall within the scope of the diameter requirements
of App. 1-7(b). Therefore, the Membrane and Bending stress checks
are not required.

Weld Size Calculations, Description: M PASO HOMBRE

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 5.5120 mm.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 6.3250 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 74
Nozzle Calcs. M PASO HOMBRE NOZL: 13 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Nozzle Weld 3.8584 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.

Pad Weld 3.1625 = 0.5*TminPad 3.5350 = 0.7 * WP , mm.

Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)
Weld Load [W]:
= (Ar-A1+2*(Thk-can)*Ffr1*(E1(T-Cas)-Tr))*S
= (2236.1448 - 896.9438 + 2 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 ) * 1.0000 *
(1.00 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 ) - 4.5143 ) ) * 137
= 187818.55 N

Weld Load [W1]:

= (A2+A5+A4-(Wi-Can/.707)²*Ffr2)*S
= ( 120.3645 + 2781.3000 + 86.0673 - 0.0000 * 1.00 ) * 137
= 411973.19 N

Weld Load [W2]:

= ((A2+A6)+A3+A4+(2*(Thk-Can)*(T-Ca)*Fr1))*S
= ( 120.3645 + 0.0000 + 64.0000 + 80.0112 ) * 137
= 36454.32 N

Weld Load [W3]:

= ((A2+A6)+A3+A4+A5+(2*(Thk-Can)*(T-Ca)*Fr1))*S
= ( 120.3645 + 0.0000 + 86.0673 + 2781.3000 + 80.0112 ) * 137
= 423005.81 N

Strength of Connection Elements for Failure Path Analysis

Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld [Sonw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 508.0000 * 8.0000 * 0.49 * 137
= 431317. N

Shear, Pad Element Weld [Spew]:

= (pi/2) * DP * WP * 0.49 * SEW
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 800.0000 * 5.0000 * 0.49 * 137
= 424525. N

Shear, Nozzle Wall [Snw]:

= (pi *( Dlr + Dlo )/4 ) * ( Thk - Can ) * 0.7 * Sn
= (3.1416 * 250.8375 ) * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 ) * 0.7 * 137
= 481092. N

Tension, Pad Groove Weld [Tpgw]:

= ( pi/2) * Dlo * Wgpn * 0.74 * Seg
= (3.1416 / 2 ) * 508.0000 * 9.5250 * 0.74 * 137
= 775546. N

Tension, Nozzle Groove Weld [Tngw]:

= (PI/2) * Dlo * (Wgnvi-Cas) * 0.74 * Sng
= ( 3.1416 / 2.0 ) * 508.0000 * ( 9.5250 - 3.2000 ) * 0.74 * 137
= 514995. N

Strength of Failure Paths:

PATH11 = ( SPEW + SNW ) = ( 424525 + 481092 ) = 905617 N

PATH22 = ( Sonw + Tpgw + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 431317 + 775546 + 514995 + 0 ) = 1721858 N
PATH33 = ( Spew + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 424525 + 514995 + 0 ) = 939520 N

Summary of Failure Path Calculations:

Path 1-1 = 905617 N , must exceed W = 187818 N or W1 = 411973 N
Path 2-2 = 1721858 N , must exceed W = 187818 N or W2 = 36454 N
Path 3-3 = 939520 N , must exceed W = 187818 N or W3 = 423005 N
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 75
Nozzle Calcs. M PASO HOMBRE NOZL: 13 11:40a Sep 25,2006

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 79.0759 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 291.6009 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 76
Nozzle Calcs. P MANOMETRO NOZL: 14 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: P MANOMETRO From : 20

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.373 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 894.9500 mm.

Shell Actual Thickness T 9.5250 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 1700.0001 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-106 B

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase ID

Layout Angle 0.00 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 50.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Nominal

Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Thknom 160

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 203.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 42.901 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 8.712 mm.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 4.5143 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 77
Nozzle Calcs. P MANOMETRO NOZL: 14 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= (1.37*(42.9010/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 0.2891 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 98.6020 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 13.7800 mm.

Note: Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for P MANOMETRO .

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. It may
be necessary to force the program to print the areas per UG-37.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7143,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),6.6227),3.4891)
= 6.6227 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 7.6230 mm. OK

Minimum Design Metal Temperature (Nozzle Neck), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: P MANOMETRO

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 5.5120 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 3.8584 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.

NOTE : Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations.

Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a)
(small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 1.0177 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 213.5427 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 78
Nozzle Calcs. R RESERVA W/B NOZL: 15 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: R RESERVA W/B From : 20

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.373 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 894.9500 mm.

Shell Actual Thickness T 9.5250 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Cylinder/Head Centerline L1 40.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 2180.0000 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-106 B

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase ID

Layout Angle 84.98 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 50.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Nominal

Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Thknom 160

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 150.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head

Note : Checking Nozzle 90 degrees to the Longitudinal axis.


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 42.901 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 8.712 mm.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.37)
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 79
Nozzle Calcs. R RESERVA W/B NOZL: 15 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= 4.5143 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(42.9010/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 0.2891 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 99.0393 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 13.7800 mm.

Note: Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for R RESERVA W/B .

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. It may
be necessary to force the program to print the areas per UG-37.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7143,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),6.6227),3.4891)
= 6.6227 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 7.6230 mm. OK

Minimum Design Metal Temperature (Nozzle Neck), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: R RESERVA W/B

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 5.5120 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 3.8584 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.

NOTE : Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations.

Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a)
(small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

Note : Checking Nozzle in plane parallel to the vessel axis.


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 42.901 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 8.712 mm.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 4.5143 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(42.9010/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 0.2891 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 98.6020 mm.
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 80
Nozzle Calcs. R RESERVA W/B NOZL: 15 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 13.7800 mm.

Note: Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for R RESERVA W/B .

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. It may
be necessary to force the program to print the areas per UG-37.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7143,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),6.6227),3.4891)
= 6.6227 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 7.6230 mm. OK

Weld Size Calculations, Description: R RESERVA W/B

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 5.5120 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 3.8584 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.

NOTE : Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations.

Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a)
(small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 3.7434 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 163.3059 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 81
Nozzle Calcs. T TERMOMETRO NOZL: 16 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: T TERMOMETRO From : 20

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.373 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 894.9500 mm.

Shell Actual Thickness T 9.5250 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 2000.0001 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-106 B

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase ID

Layout Angle 0.00 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 50.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Nominal

Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Thknom 160

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 203.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 42.901 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 8.712 mm.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 4.5143 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 82
Nozzle Calcs. T TERMOMETRO NOZL: 16 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= (1.37*(42.9010/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 0.2891 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 98.6020 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 13.7800 mm.

Note: Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for T TERMOMETRO .

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. It may
be necessary to force the program to print the areas per UG-37.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7143,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),6.6227),3.4891)
= 6.6227 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 7.6230 mm. OK

Minimum Design Metal Temperature (Nozzle Neck), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: T TERMOMETRO

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 5.5120 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 3.8584 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.

NOTE : Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations.

Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a)
(small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 1.0177 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 213.5427 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 83
Nozzle Calcs. V VENTEO NOZL: 17 11:40a Sep 25,2006

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: V VENTEO From : 20

Pressure for Nozzle Reinforcement Calculations P 1.373 N./mm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 49.99 C

Shell Material SA-516 70

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 137.90 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 894.9500 mm.

Shell Actual Thickness T 9.5250 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.2000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance Caext 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 1100.0000 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Nozzle Material SA-106 B

Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm²

Nozzle Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inbase ID

Layout Angle 0.00 deg
Nozzle Diameter Dia 50.0000 mm.

Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Idbn Nominal

Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Thknom 160

Nozzle Flange Material SA-105

Nozzle Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance Can 3.2000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Es 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Nozzle OutSide Projection Ho 203.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.5250 mm.
Nozzle Inside Projection H 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Nozzle to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 150

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2004 A-05, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 42.901 mm.

Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation 8.712 mm.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1.37*(894.9500/2+3.2000))/(137*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 4.5143 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 84
Nozzle Calcs. V VENTEO NOZL: 17 11:40a Sep 25,2006

= (1.37*(42.9010/2+3.2000))/(117*1.00-0.6*1.37)
= 0.2891 mm.

UG-40, Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : [Int. Press]

Effective material diameter limit, Dl 98.6020 mm.
Effective material thickness limit, no pad Tlnp 13.7800 mm.

Note: Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for V VENTEO .

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. It may
be necessary to force the program to print the areas per UG-37.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

= Max( Min(Max(Max(UG45B1,UG16B),Max(UG45B2,UG16B)),UG45B4), UG45A )
= Max(Min(Max(Max(7.7143,4.7875),Max(3.2000,4.7875)),6.6227),3.4891)
= 6.6227 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 7.6230 mm. OK

Minimum Design Metal Temperature (Nozzle Neck), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C

Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. per UCS-66 (a)1(b), MIN(tn,t,te), Curve: B

Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -29 C
Minimum Temp. at required thickness -104 C
Minimum Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: V VENTEO

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 5.5120 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1, Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 3.8584 = 0.7 * TMIN 5.6560 = 0.7 * WO , mm.

NOTE : Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations.

Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a)
(small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 1.0177 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 213.5427 mm.

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 85
Nozzle Schedule STEP: 29 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Nozzle Schedule:

Nominal Flange Noz. Wall Re-Pad Cut

Description Size Sch/Type O/Dia Thk ODia Thick Length
mm. Cls mm. mm. mm. mm. mm.
F PSE 50 160 WNF 60.325 8.712 - - 213
H1 LG 50 160 WNF 60.325 8.712 - - 190
H2 LG 50 160 WNF 60.325 8.712 - - 188
K LIMP VANOS 50 160 WNF 60.325 8.712 - - 277
P MANOMETRO 50 160 WNF 60.325 8.712 - - 213
R RESERVA W/B 50 160 WNF 60.325 8.712 - - 163
T TERMOMETRO 50 160 WNF 60.325 8.712 - - 213
V VENTEO 50 160 WNF 60.325 8.712 - - 213
C SAL LIQUIDO 80 160 WNF 88.900 11.125 - - 262
D DRENAJE 80 160 WNF 88.900 11.125 - - 214
E PSV 80 160 WNF 88.900 11.125 - - 214
G LC 100 120 WNF 114.300 11.125 200.00 9.525 277
J1 ANODO SACRIF 100 120 WNF 114.300 11.125 200.00 9.525 216
J2 ANODO SACRIF 100 120 WNF 114.300 11.125 200.00 9.525 216
B SAL GAS 200 60 WNF 219.075 10.312 330.00 9.525 226
A ENT FLUIDO 250 40 WNF 273.050 9.271 470.00 9.525 398
M PASO HOMBRE 508 150 SlipOn508.000 9.525 800.00 9.525 291

Note on the Cut Length Calculation:

The Cut Length is the Outside Projection + Inside Projection + Drop +
In Plane Shell Thickness. This value does not include weld gaps,
nor does it account for shrinkage.

Please Note: In the case of Oblique Nozzles, the Outside Diameter must
be increased. The Re-Pad WIDTH around the nozzle is calculated as follows:
Width of Pad = (Pad Outside Dia. (per above) - Nozzle Outside Dia.)/2

Nozzle Material and Weld Fillet Leg Size Details:

Shl Grve Noz Shl/Pad Pad OD Pad Grve Inside
Nozzle Material Weld Weld Weld Weld Weld
mm. mm. mm. mm. mm.
F PSE SA-106 B 9.525 8.000 - - -
H1 LG SA-106 B 9.525 8.000 - - -
H2 LG SA-106 B 9.525 8.000 - - -
K LIMP SA-106 B 9.525 8.000 - - 8.000
P MANOM SA-106 B 9.525 8.000 - - -
R RESER SA-106 B 9.525 8.000 - - -
T TERMO SA-106 B 9.525 8.000 - - -
V VENTE SA-106 B 9.525 8.000 - - -
C SAL L SA-106 B 9.525 8.000 - - 8.000
D DRENA SA-106 B 9.525 8.000 - - -
E PSV SA-106 B 9.525 8.000 - - -
G LC SA-106 B 9.525 8.000 5.000 9.625 8.000
J1 ANOD SA-106 B 9.525 8.000 5.000 9.525 -
J2 ANOD SA-106 B 9.525 8.000 5.000 9.525 -
B SAL G SA-106 B 9.525 8.000 5.000 9.525 -
A ENT F SA-106 B 9.525 8.000 5.000 9.525 8.000
M PASO SA-516 70 9.525 8.000 5.000 9.525 -

Nozzle Miscellaneous Data:

Elevation/Distance Layout Projection Installed In

Nozzle From Datum Angle Outside Inside Component
mm. deg. mm. mm.
F PSE 1400.000 0.00 203.0 0.0 ENVOLVENTE
H1 LG 2760.000 129.39 150.0 0.0 ENVOLVENTE
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 86
Nozzle Schedule STEP: 29 11:40a Sep 25,2006

H2 LG 2760.000 52.22 150.0 0.0 ENVOLVENTE

K LIMP VANOS 2760.000 0.00 203.0 65.0 ENVOLVENTE
P MANOMETRO 1700.000 0.00 203.0 0.0 ENVOLVENTE
R RESERVA W/B 2180.000 84.98 150.0 0.0 ENVOLVENTE
T TERMOMETRO 2000.000 0.00 203.0 0.0 ENVOLVENTE
V VENTEO 1100.000 0.00 203.0 0.0 ENVOLVENTE
C SAL LIQUIDO 1860.000 180.00 203.0 50.0 ENVOLVENTE
D DRENAJE 140.000 180.00 203.0 0.0 ENVOLVENTE
E PSV 800.000 0.00 203.0 0.0 ENVOLVENTE
G LC 2340.000 0.00 203.0 65.0 ENVOLVENTE
J1 ANODO SACRIF 800.000 180.00 203.0 0.0 ENVOLVENTE
J2 ANODO SACRIF 2930.000 180.00 203.0 0.0 ENVOLVENTE
B SAL GAS 3260.000 0.00 203.0 0.0 ENVOLVENTE
A ENT FLUIDO 224.400 0.00 230.0 160.0 CASQUETE IZQ
M PASO HOMBRE 1400.000 90.00 203.0 0.0 ENVOLVENTE

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 87
Nozzle Summary STEP: 30 11:40a Sep 25,2006

Nozzle Calculation Summary

Description Internal Ext MAPNC UG45 [tr] Weld Areas

N./mm² N./mm² Path
A ENT FLUIDO 1.52 ... ... OK 7.70 OK Passed
A ENT FLUIDO 1.52 ... ... OK 7.70 OK Passed
B SAL GAS 1.90 ... ... OK 7.71 OK Passed
C SAL LIQUIDO ... ... OK 7.73 OK NoCalc[*]
D DRENAJE ... ... OK 7.73 OK NoCalc[*]
E PSV ... ... OK 7.71 OK NoCalc[*]
F PSE ... ... OK 6.62 OK NoCalc[*]
G LC 1.92 ... ... OK 7.71 OK Passed
H1 LG ... ... OK 6.62 OK NoCalc[*]
H1 LG ... ... OK 6.62 OK NoCalc[*]
H2 LG ... ... OK 6.62 OK NoCalc[*]
H2 LG ... ... OK 6.62 OK NoCalc[*]
J1 ANODO SACRIF 1.91 ... ... OK 7.73 OK Passed
J2 ANODO SACRIF 1.91 ... ... OK 7.73 OK Passed
K LIMP VANOS ... ... OK 6.62 OK NoCalc[*]
M PASO HOMBRE 1.87 ... ... ... OK Passed
P MANOMETRO ... ... OK 6.62 OK NoCalc[*]
R RESERVA W/B ... ... OK 6.62 OK NoCalc[*]
R RESERVA W/B ... ... OK 6.62 OK NoCalc[*]
T TERMOMETRO ... ... OK 6.62 OK NoCalc[*]
V VENTEO ... ... OK 6.62 OK NoCalc[*]
Min. - Nozzles 1.52 A ENT FLUI
Min. Shell&Flgs 1.52 10 20 1.97

Computed Vessel M.A.W.P. 1.52 N./mm²

[*] - This was a small opening and the areas were not computed.

Note: MAWPs (Internal Case) shown above are at the High Point.

Warning: A Nozzle Reinforcement is governing the MAWP of this Vessel.

Check the Spatial Relationship between the Nozzles

From Node Nozzle Description X Coordinate, Layout Angle, Dia. Limit

10 A ENT FLUIDO 0.000 0.000 521.816
20 B SAL GAS 3260.000 0.000 409.702
20 C SAL LIQUIDO 1860.000 180.000 146.100
20 D DRENAJE 140.000 180.000 146.100
20 E PSV 800.000 0.000 146.100
20 F PSE 1400.000 0.000 98.602
20 G LC 2340.000 0.000 196.900
20 H1 LG 2760.000 129.388 98.602
20 H2 LG 2760.000 52.216 98.602
20 J1 ANODO SACRIF 800.000 180.000 196.900
20 J2 ANODO SACRIF 2930.000 180.000 196.900
20 K LIMP VANOS 2760.000 0.000 98.602
20 M PASO HOMBRE 1400.000 90.000 990.700
20 P MANOMETRO 1700.000 0.000 98.602
20 R RESERVA W/B 2180.000 84.979 98.602
20 T TERMOMETRO 2000.000 0.000 98.602
20 V VENTEO 1100.000 0.000 98.602

The nozzle spacing is computed by the following:

= Sqrt( ll² + lc² ) where
ll - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the long. direction.
lc - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the circ. direction
PVElite 2006 Licensee: S.A. LITO GONELLA 88
Nozzle Summary STEP: 30 11:40a Sep 25,2006

If any interferences/violations are found, they will be noted below.

No interference violations have been detected !

PVElite 2006 ©1993-2006 by COADE Engineering Software

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