Automated Progress Monitoring Using Unordered Daily
Automated Progress Monitoring Using Unordered Daily
Automated Progress Monitoring Using Unordered Daily
Abstract: Accurate and efficient tracking, analysis and visualization of as-built (actual) status of buildings under construction are critical
components of a successful project monitoring. Such information directly supports control decision-making and if automated, can signifi-
cantly impact management of a project. This paper presents a new automated approach for recognition of physical progress based on two
emerging sources of information: (1) unordered daily construction photo collections, which are currently collected at almost no cost on all
construction sites; and (2) building information models (BIMs), which are increasingly turning into binding components of architecture/
engineering/construction contracts. First, given a set of unordered and uncalibrated site photographs, an approach based on structure-from-
motion, multiview stereo, and voxel coloring and labeling algorithms is presented that calibrates cameras, photorealistically reconstructs a
dense as-built point cloud model in four dimensions (three dimensions + time), and traverses and labels the scene for occupancy. This strategy
explicitly accounts for occlusions and allows input images to be taken far apart and widely distributed around the environment. An Industry
Foundation Class–based (IFC-based) BIM is subsequently fused into the as-built scene by a robust registration step and is traversed and
labeled for expected progress visibility. Next, a machine-learning scheme built upon a Bayesian probabilistic model is proposed that auto-
matically detects physical progress in the presence of occlusions and demonstrates that physical progress monitoring at schedule activity level
could be fully automated. Finally, the system enables the expected and reconstructed elements to be explored with an interactive, image-
based, three-dimensional (3D) viewer where deviations are automatically color-coded over the IFC-based BIM. To that extent, the underlying
hypotheses and algorithms for generating integrated four-dimensional (4D) as-built and as-planned models plus automated progress mon-
itoring are presented. Experimental results are reported for challenging image data sets collected under different lighting conditions and
severe occlusions from two ongoing building construction projects. This marks the presented model as being the first probabilistic model
for automated progress tracking and visualization of deviations that incorporates both as-planned models and unordered daily photographs in
a principled way. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000205. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Automation; Computer vision; Industry foundation classes (IFC); 3D reconstruction; Model-based recognition;
Multiple view geometry; Photogrammetry; Structure-from-motion.
amount of information to be inefficiently presented in coordination over the as-planned model and improved by multiview stereo
meetings. As a result, extra time needs to be spent on explaining (MVS). At this stage a new voxel coloring algorithm is used to
the context in which problems occurred rather than understand- generate a volumetric reconstruction of the site, labeling different
ing the causes of the problems, evaluating alternatives to solve the areas according to consistent visual observations while fully ac-
problems, and discussing corrective actions. Therefore, there is a counting for occlusions. The same labeling process is conducted on
need for effective monitoring that allows data to be collected easily the as-planned model to identify occupied and visible areas for
and at almost no cost, processing the information automatically, progress monitoring. Finally, a Bayesian probabilistic model is
and reporting back in a format that can be used by all project introduced to automatically recognize progress deviations by com-
participants. paring measurements of progress with dynamic thresholds learned
Nowadays, cheap and high-resolution digital cameras, low- through a support vector machine (SVM) classifier. This model
cost memory, and increasing bandwidth capacity have enabled quantifies progress automatically and accounts for occlusions and
capturing and sharing of construction photographs on a truly recognizes whether reconstructed building elements are missing
massive scale. For example, on a 20; 000 m2 (200,000 S.F.) build- because of occlusions or because of changes. This makes the pre-
ing project in Champaign, IL, the construction management team sented model the first probabilistic model for automated progress
collects an average of 250 photos per day. Such a large and diverse tracking and visualization of deviations to incorporate both as-
set of imagery, along with the photo contractors and their subcon- planned models and unordered daily photographs in a principled
tractors take (approximately 25 photos/day for each work package) way. The presented model can use existing information without
as well as the photos owners take (approximately 25–50 photos/ imposing an additional burden of explicit data collection on proj-
day), enables the as-built scene to be fully observed from almost ect management teams. In this paper, this model is validated by
every conceivable viewing position and angle during construction tracking and visualizing progress on two building projects. In the
of the project. The availability of such rich imagery—which following sections, previous works on automated progress monitor-
captures dynamic construction scenes at minimal cost—may ing are first reviewed, and subsequently the automated detection
enable geometrical reconstruction and visualization of as-built model is presented in detail.
models at high resolution, which can have broader impacts for the
architecture/engineering/construction (AEC) community.
In the meantime, Building Information Models (BIMs) are also
Previous Work
increasingly turning into binding components of AEC contracts. In the last decade, the capabilities of site data collection technol-
For example, as of July 2009, Wisconsin has established itself ogies have significantly increased. These technologies include
as the first state requiring BIM models for public projects (Yoders barcode and radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags (Kiziltas
2009). In a recent survey McGraw-Hill Construction (2009) re- et al. 2008; Navon and Sacks 2007; Ergen et al. 2007; Jaselskis
ported that 49% of AEC companies were already using BIM and El-Misalami 2003; Echeverry and Beltran 1997), laser scanners
(a growth of 75% from 2007). While the application of BIMs is (Bosché 2010; Bosché et al. 2009; El-Omari and Moselhi 2008;
increasing, Gilligan and Kunz (2007) report that significant atten- Su et al. 2006; Akinci et al. 2006), and wearable computers
tion is devoted to project design and system clash detection. If (Reinhardt et al. 2000; Peterson and Fischer 2009). In this section,
linked with project schedules, BIMs can form detailed chronologi- recent works on terrestrial laser scanning and photography (con-
cal models that allow four-dimensional (4D) [three-dimensional ventional photogrammetry and vision-based) techniques for prog-
(3D) + time] clash detection and schedule quality control to be ress monitoring are specifically reviewed because recent works on
conducted (Gilligan and Kunz 2007; Koo and Fischer 2000). these two types of technologies could potentially automate all steps
Furthermore, they can serve as a powerful baseline for progress of collecting, analyzing, and representing progress and its devia-
tracking and in the visualization of discrepancies (Golparvar-Fard tions from a construction plan.
et al. 2011). Application of these models during the construction
phase can be increased if further potential added values from inte-
grating BIMs with as-built models are investigated. Laser Scanning–Based Systems
Nonetheless, linking unordered photo collections with as- A popular trend in automating progress monitoring is to acquire
planned models for the purpose of monitoring construction multiple depth maps with a laser range scanner, register these point
progress is challenging. First, such imagery is usually unordered clouds using an iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm (Besl and
and uncalibrated, with widely unpredictable and uncontrolled McKay 1992), merge them into a single 3D model (Bosché 2010;
lighting conditions. Second, visibility order and occlusions need to Huber and Hebert 2003; Levoy et al. 2000), and, finally, have it
be considered for successful alignment and measurements. In par- compared with the as-planned model (Bosché 2010; Bosché et al.
ticular, one needs to account for two types of occlusions: (1) static 2009; Gordon et al. 2003; Huertas and Nevatia 2000). Recent
occlusions, which are self-occlusions caused by progress itself examples on the application of laser scanners to construction data
sometimes manual registrations), the mixed-pixel phenomenon For these reasons many recent computer vision works are focusing
(Kiziltas et al. 2008), the need for regular sensor calibrations, and on the application of imagery to 3D reconstruction (Furukawa and
slow warm-up time. For example, moving objects in the line of Ponce 2010; Agarwal et al. 2009; Snavely et al. 2008). In what
sight of a scanner do not allow the point cloud model of a given follows, those image-based techniques that have been proposed
component to be captured. In addition, moving machinery and per- for the monitoring of construction projects are reviewed.
sonnel can create noise in a point cloud model and consequently One early technique was the use of conventional photogramme-
cause the expenditure of additional effort on the part of the user to try. Photogrammetric techniques use conventional high-resolution
manually improve the point cloud in a postprocessing stage. Even if cameras and provide high-accuracy site models, comparable to that
the scanner is transferred to a new location, the new scanned point of the best laser scanners, but their spatial resolution is even more
cloud model would still require registration. Like other sensing de- limited, mostly about a few hundred scattered points (Furukawa
vices that depend on the line of sight, as the distance between the and Ponce 2006) and they may require markers (Uffenkamp 1993).
laser scanner and the building components increases, the level of Their analog instruments have many limitations that do not affect
detail that can be captured is reduced. Since these devices are not their application in the production of maps and plans (Moore 1992)
easily portable, they cannot efficiently be used for scanning indoor yet restrict their application to nontopographic subjects. Examples
environments. For these technical reasons, the value of applying of such issues are restrictions in camera rotation, range of focal
laser scanners has not yet been significantly observed in the length, and analysis of orientation data. Their application due to
AEC industry. such technical issues is almost out of date (Moore 1992) and, es-
In a recent study, and based on observations from the majority of pecially given the repetitive nature of progress monitoring, makes
cases where the application of laser scanners has been reported, them unattractive. Over the past few years, with advancements in
Bosché (2010) relates this issue to the low level of automation, SfM techniques, some of those techniques have been revived and
the inherent ambiguity in object detection with laser scanning point are being used to automatically generate the structure and capture
clouds—“no two objects should have the same representation” the motion of cameras (see subsequent discussion).
(Arman and Aggarwal 1993)—and poor efficiency—“in terms of More recently, several vision-based systems have been pro-
the number of elements that can be investigated in a day.” Yet, posed for tracking progress (Ibrahim et al. 2009; Zhang et al. 2009;
Bosché (2010) proposed the first quasi-fully automated systems for Golparvar-Fard et al. 2009b; Lukins and Trucco 2007; Podbreznik
tracking progress using a 3D computer-aided design (CAD) model and Rebolj 2007; Golparvar-Fard and Peña-Mora 2007; Alves and
of a steel structure along with site scans. In Bosché et al.’s (2009) Bartolo 2006; Jung et al. 2004; Wu and Kim 2004). The general
early algorithms, a CAD element is converted to a point cloud process for tracking in these systems is to first capture time-lapsed
model representation. Subsequently, using a point-to-point com- photographs from a fixed location, register digital site images to 3D
parison, the range of as-built and as-planned models is evaluated, CAD models/BIMs in a common coordinate system using camera
and if this range is less than some threshold, then the CAD element pose estimation techniques (e.g., Golparvar-Fard et al. 2009; Song
is recognized. Such an approach may not be robust to different 2007; Golparvar-Fard and Peña-Mora 2007), and then have the site
angular scan resolutions and depends on scanner–building compo- 2D photograph image processed and compared with the as-planned
nent distances. It also depends on the accuracy of registration (in model (Golparvar-Fard and Peña-Mora 2007). Specifically, in
their experiments, 50 mm). In a recent work (Bosché 2010), regis- Golparvar-Fard et al. (2009b) and Golparvar-Fard and Peña-Mora
tration accuracy is improved, and instead of point-to-point compari- (2007) each BIM component is projected on the time-lapsed
son, a surface is recognized for each element, and then this surface images, and the specific areas that represent that component are
is compared with a minimum recognizable surface. The results of further processed to identify whether or not those areas have similar
the researchers’ recognition performance are improved, yet the pre- expected appearances (e.g., concrete versus form). Ibrahim et al.
cision of such a proposed method has not been fully verified, and (2009), Zhang et al. (2009), and Lukins and Trucco (2007) propose
the approach may still be susceptible to partial occlusions (as re- similar semiautomated techniques with differences in the recogni-
ported by the authors themselves). More research must be done on tion step. In these works, precalibrated photographs are compared
the efficient application of laser scanners for automated progress with previously taken photographs. This is done by searching spe-
tracking. cific regions of interest and recognizing progress as regions of
images that undergo significant changes from the previous image
[by computing changes in pixels and by using an Adaboost detector
Image-Based Systems
(Freund and Schapire 1999)]. Then, theoretically the changes are
Over the past decade, advancements in digital photography and compared to a 3D model to calculate the percentage completion of
techniques that process such visual data have led to a signifi- each building component. The approach seems promising given the
cant amount of research reported on the application of site photo- nature of time-lapsed images and has the most automation reported
graphs for various construction management tasks and techniques. so far, yet it has several limitations intrinsic to the application of
self) make it difficult to analyze elements farther from the camera tion of a site can be generated. Observed and perceived applica-
(Golparvar-Fard et al. 2009b). In Ibrahim et al. (2009), Zhang et al. tions of the D4 AR system are discussed, and potential automated
(2009), Golparvar-Fard et al. (2009b), Leung et al. (2008), the ap- progress-monitoring algorithms are also road-mapped. However,
plication of a network of cameras is suggested, yet installation costs no implementation of the automated detection of progress devia-
and security and privacy issues versus the value obtained make the tions was proposed. In this paper, a new approach for volumetric
use of such a network less attractive. Other shortcomings are related and dense reconstruction of an as-built scene is introduced. The
to the proposed vision-based approach: (1) a considerable amount presented work in image-based reconstruction is closest to that of
of preparatory work occurs both around and within the construction Furukawa et al. (2009), in which a stereo algorithm is designed for
area of the final component, yet actual progress can occur very building interiors that consist largely of piecewise planar surfaces.
quickly (i.e., an entire prefabricated column lowered into place); However, in comparison to Furukawa et al. (2009), the images can
and (2) variations in the shape of the structure may not actually be widely distributed and have less overlap because the focus is to
occur very frequently; rather, it is often the effects of exterior modi- use the images that are already available on the construction sites.
fication that give visible indications of change. Relating such Furthermore, no prior assumption on piecewise planar surfaces
changes in particular types of events to the completion of the com- (such as Manhattan world) is made because during the construction
ponent is challenging. Zhang et al. (2009) also argue that a work phase of a project, surfaces are not yet complete, and therefore such
breakdown structure (WBS) in their as-planned models signifi- assumptions may lead to an improper automated tracking of prog-
cantly affects results and makes their approach less practical ress. Finally, and most importantly, the quality of reconstruction is
because the approach requires AEC professionals to manually de- not the focus; rather, the focus is on detecting changes in elements
compose the as-planned model to the appropriate level of detail. In given partial occlusions. In what follows, the underlying hypoth-
Golparvar-Fard et al. (2009b), the application of a large number of eses for automated physical progress tracking are outlined.
casually collected site images was proposed, which is one of the
underlying components for this work.
Recently, Quiñones-Rozo et al. (2008), Dai and Lu (2008), and Underlying Hypotheses for Automated Physical
Kim and Kano (2008) reported on the application of close-range Progress Monitoring
digital photogrammetry and imaging techniques to track construc-
tion activities or model machinery. Their works (Quiñones-Rozo In this work, the detection of progress deviations is based on
et al. 2008; Dai and Lu 2008) still require manual detection and a priori information (4D BIM), as well as daily construction photo-
manual matching of feature points (Dai and Lu 2008), placement graphs. Suppose one is interested in monitoring the progress of
of special targets (Quiñones-Rozo et al. 2008), or manual applica- FPRS basement concrete columns (FRPS ¼ form=rebar=pour=
tion of surveying equipment. A substantial amount of human strip) activity. In the proposed approach, the WBS for the 4D model
intervention makes such applications time-consuming and less at- is governed by the level of detail presented in the schedule, i.e., if
tractive for repetitive progress-monitoring tasks. The image- FPRS of all the basement concrete columns is linked to this activity,
processing technique reported in Quiñones-Rozo et al. (2008) still all those elements will become the baseline for tracking progress
requires that one have a clear view of the site to detect excavation and progress for those will be reported in a mutually independent
work. In addition, the pattern detection and comparison in these fashion. In other words, it is assumed that the construction
works are highly sensitive to lighting conditions and may require operation sequence (i.e., workflow) within any given activity is un-
that images be taken under similar lighting conditions. known. Secondly, progress is defined as the observation on the day
on which the element is expected to be placed, and operational de-
tails (e.g., forming stage of columns) are not considered (the for-
Unordered Daily Construction Photography mulation presented in this paper accounts for operational details).
To automate progress-monitoring data collection, processing, and Currently, a superintendent or a field engineer walks around the site
visualization, Golparvar-Fard et al. (2009a) proposed the use of all day every day to observe progress from all possible viewpoints.
unordered daily site photographs and IFC-based BIMs. The focus Subsequently, these observations are compared with paper-based
is on large sites and capturing the entirety of an as-built model from plan information (e.g., construction drawings and schedules), and
images that are casually taken by project engineers in and around deviations are reported back to the project manager. It is assumed
the construction site. The proposed algorithm builds upon a set of that at several stages of these observations, site images are captured
SfM algorithms where the objective is to reconstruct the scene to visually document the work progress. Since these images are
without any strong geometric or semantic priors (Agarwal et al. collected from different viewpoints and under various lighting
2009; Furukawa et al. 2009; Pollefeys et al. 2008; Schindler et al. conditions, they challenge any vision-based system by generating
2008; Sinha et al. 2008; Snavely et al. 2008; Zebedin et al. 2008; swift intensity changes within a short distance of the image and
Cornelis et al. 2008; Snavely et al. 2006; Debevec et al. 1996). by generating two types of occlusions: static occlusions, which are
Fig. 2. Overview of data and processes in proposed tracking, analysis, and visualization system
an initial image pair, and reconstruct the rest of the observed scene; However, in SfM, the scale may be unknown. In addition, the point
in addition, estimate the motion of the cameras based on a bundle cloud model produces a significantly large number of points that
adjustment algorithm (Nistér 2004; Triggs et al. 1999); finally, do not belong to the building model itself (e.g., generated from the
(4) register the point cloud models that are generated for each façade of surrounding buildings, machinery, or even people and
day to build a 4D as-built model. To show how these steps are per- plants on or around the site). Further, the vertices extracted from
formed, two sets of 112 and 160 images are chosen that were taken the as-planned model are also very sparse and thus may not yield
on Aug. 20 and Aug. 27, 2008 during construction of the Ikenberry a good representation of the expected progress. Therefore, in the
residence hall (RH) in Champaign, IL. In both cases, the field en- proposed approach, users are allowed to select a set of correspond-
gineer casually walked along the sidewalk of the project and took ing control points from the as-built point cloud or the registered
images within a span of a few minutes. Figs. 3(a and b) represent imagery and have those associated with the as-planned model.
the sparsely reconstructed scene from the same image subset and These points could be surveying control points or a set of points
show five registered cameras in the D4 AR environment. Once a that represent the geospatial location of the site. In the case studies
camera is visited, the camera frustum is texture-mapped with a full presented in this paper, these points are mostly chosen from corners
resolution of the image so users can interactively zoom in and vis- of the foundation walls and columns because their detection and
ually acquire information on progress, quality, safety, and produc- correspondence is visually easier.
tivity, as well as workspace logistics. Figs. 3(a and b) visualize the The unknown uniform scaling adds one more degree of freedom
as-built point cloud model from synthetic views, Fig. 3(c) shows (DOF) to the original transformation problem (overall 7 DOF).
the location of a camera frustum, Fig. 3(d) shows the site through Therefore, three points known in both coordinate systems will
Fig. 3. (a) Synthetic bird’s-eye view of as-built point cloud model reconstructed; (b) five camera rendered frusta representing location/orientation
of superintendent when site photographs were taken; (c) one camera frustum is rendered and its location/orientation is visualized; (d) as-built point
cloud observed through camera frustum [same camera as in panel (c)]; (e) camera frustum textured visualizing photograph registered over 3D
point cloud
model to the former one, in turn having the new point cloud model
rp ¼ sRðrb Þ þ T ð1Þ
registered with the as-planned model. This generates 4D as-built
point cloud models wherein users can navigate the as-built scene
where s = uniform scale factor; T = translational offset; and Rðrb Þ =
both spatially and chronologically. The 4D as-built point cloud
rotated version of planned model. Minimization of the sum of the
squared errors is formulated as models registered with the 4D as-planned models enable the
expected and the actual project schedules to be compared as well.
n X
n Fig. 4 shows eight snapshots from the two case studies: RH (res-
kei k2 ¼ krp;i − sRðrb;i Þ − Tk2 ð2Þ idence hall) and SD (student dining) construction projects. In each
1 1 row, two separately reconstructed point cloud models are shown,
while in the third image, the two point cloud models are registered
To solve for this transformation, Horn’s (1987) method is used,
and simultaneously visualized. Finally, in Figs. 4(d and h), the
which gives a closed-form solution to the least-squares problem of
registration of an IFC-based BIM with a point cloud model in
absolute orientation. The error (Δe) can be measured in millimeters
Figs. 4(b and e) is visualized. In Figs. 4(a and b), the 3D point
using the following formula [Eq. (3)]:
clouds are reconstructed using 112 and 160 photographs collected
Δemm ¼ w̄CCD;mm × Δepixels =w̄pixels ð3Þ from outside of the RH basement along the sidewalk, and in
Figs. 4(e and f) the 3D point clouds are reconstructed using 288
where Δepixels = error in pixels; w̄pixels = image width in pixels; and and 118 photographs collected from inside and around the SD base-
w̄CCD;mm = charge-coupled device (CCD) width of the camera in ment. Tables 1 and 2 report high accuracies for both point cloud/
millimeters. Similar to Golparvar-Fard et al. (2009a), images used point cloud and point cloud/BIM registrations. In our approach, the
in the as-built reconstruction module do not necessarily need to be registration accuracy is insensitive to how the control points are
shot with the same camera. Rather, for each image (or camera), the selected. Since usually more than the minimum number of control
focal length and the CCD width are initialized for the SfM process points (three) are selected, such interactive selection errors are
through extraction of the EXIF tag of JPEG images. Later on, the minimized.
Fig. 4. Point cloud/point cloud and point cloud/BIM registrations: (a) point cloud model reconstructed from 112 images from RH project (Aug. 20,
2008); (b) point cloud model reconstructed from 160 images from RH project (Aug. 27, 2008); (c) violet point cloud is (a) and orange point cloud
is (b); (d) registration of BIM with point cloud in (b); (e) point cloud reconstructed from 288 images from SD project (Jul. 7, 2008); (f) point cloud
model reconstructed from 118 images from SD project (Jul. 24, 2008); (g) the dark gray point cloud is (e) and the light gray point cloud is (f);
(h) registration of BIM with point cloud in (e)
Automated Progress Monitoring Problem Setup As a result of this constraint, voxels are traversed in an increasing
and Notation distance from the set of cameras. First, the voxels in the layer
immediately adjacent to the camera are visited; then all voxels that
To detect progress, the integrated as-built and as-planned scene (Ω) are in the next layer immediately adjacent to the first layer are
is discretized into a finite set of opaque voxels (volume element in visited. Using this approach, when a voxel is visited, all other
space) along the dominant Euclidean axes. This discretization is in voxels that can occlude the current one from the set of cameras
the form nx δ x × ny δy × nz δz , where each voxel (ν) occupies a finite are already visited. This strategy proactively considers static and
homogenous volume of the scene (δ x δ y δ z ) and has a consistent dynamic occlusions from the set of cameras and labels and colors
visual appearance. This approach enables and supports reasoning each voxel based on a consistent visibility from projections of a
progress in small volumes of space. In the proposed model, voxels voxel on all images.
are assumed to be equilateral; therefore, the resolution of the voxel Before traversing the scene, the integrated as-built and as-
grid is determined by δ. Given an image Πi , proji ðνÞ is used to planned scene is transformed into a new coordinate system wherein
denote the reprojection of the voxel over the image i. The eight the axes are aligned with the dominant axes of the as-planned site.
corners defining each voxel are projected into the image 2D plane. This will minimize the search space since reasoning for expected
Next, the bounding values for each axis (u, v) are kept to form the progress only needs to be done in areas in which progress is
2D reprojection bounding box. The following formulas are used to expected to be observed in the site coordinate system. To consider
represent this transformation: ahead-of-schedule activities, this area will only contain those BIM
2 3 components that are expected to be observed from the detailed
2 3 x
3-week look-ahead schedule, i.e., (1) the work breakdown structure
u 6 7
6 7 6y7 is more detailed and (2) the elements that are not yet constructed
∀ k ∈ f1; 2; : : : ; 8g → 4 v 5 ¼ K i ½Ri jT i 6
7 ð4Þ
4 5 have a smaller chance of self-occluding the as-planned model.
1 k Thus, the scene is traversed from the closest voxel to the convex
1 k hull of the cameras (rough approximation of the scene boundaries)
in a 2D plane normal to the convex hull and eventually in a front-to-
proji ðνÞ ¼ ½minðuk ; vk Þ:: maxðuk ; vk Þ ð5Þ
back order (see Fig. 5: Axis 1 to 3 directions). In the case where the
where k = index of the voxel corners, and K i , Ri , and T i = camera goes all around the building, the voxels are analyzed at an
intrinsic camera parameters, rotation, and translation of camera i increasing distance from the set of cameras. All the voxels that are
in the scene. in the layer immediately adjacent to the camera convex hull are
visited. Subsequently, all the voxels in the next layer immediately
adjacent to the first layer are analyzed. This process is repeated
Voxel Traversing and Labeling until all voxels are visited. Similarly, in the case where the cameras
are all looking outward, first the voxels that are in the layer immedi-
The next step is to traverse the integrated as-built and as-planned ately adjacent to the camera convex hull are visited. Subsequently,
scene. In this process, each voxel is assigned two sets of labels voxels in the succeeding layers adjacent to the first layer are ana-
(as-built and as-planned) as well as a color. Within this step, the ex- lyzed layer by layer. As the algorithm marches through the voxels,
pected and actual progress of each voxel is sensed. It is critical to the visibility constraint is verified. The labeling process is as fol-
traverse the voxels in a certain order; otherwise, the reconstruction lows. For every voxel (υi;j;k ) in the scene, two sets of labels lðυi;j;k Þ
results will not be unique. To address this issue, an ordinal visibility are defined: (1) as-built and (2) as-planned labels. For each image,
constraint similar to that of Seitz and Dyer (1999) is introduced, a marking board is also generated wherein each pixel is initially
allowing certain invariant voxels to be found whose colorings are marked by a 0, and when a pixel satisfies the consistent visibility
uniquely defined. Rather than only using this constraint to address constraint, the pixel label is changed to 1.
the uniqueness of the solution, the proposed approach finds the As-built labeling: for the as-built model, the algorithm first
voxels that are occupied by as-built and as-planned components checks whether a voxel already contains reconstructed SIFT or
and are visible from the set of cameras (i.e., observable progress). MVS points. In this case, that voxel is labeled Occupied (Ob )
Fig. 6. (a) Plan view of discretization of scene to voxels along dominant axes; each voxel with respect to shown camera configuration is either
occupied (Op), blocked (Bb), or empty (Eb); (b) Image 1 (Π1) from camera configuration in (a), where projl ðυÞ shows projection of voxel (υ) from
(a) over Π1, which is marked (color coded differently from unmarked voxel reprojections); (c) progress versus unchanged observations
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where PðθiP Þ = expectation of observable progress for element i using a linear SVM (Fan et al. 2008; Chang and Lin 2001). Once
(percentage of visibility from camera set); d = total duration of the classifier is learned, given a new observation [that is, a meas-
construction activity; t ¼ t th day within this duration (d); and urement of progress Pðηi jθiT Þ] along with the measured features
V = volume of expected as-built element. In other words, Eq. (9) [θip (t), t=d, T i , Ψðt), δ, and thresh], the progress binary value can
represents the percentage of voxels occupying the expected visible be determined by feeding the observation into the classifier and
voxels for element i; Eq. (10) measures the percentage of those retaining the output.
voxels that are expected to be occupied and are visible; finally, The progress deviations at the individual element level can be
Eq. (11) represents the volumetric percentage of progress for those expanded to represent deviations at the schedule activity level.
cases in which monitoring is conducted during the time the element Progress for a given schedule activity that is linked to n mutually
is expected to be completed and is not finished. independent elements in the IFC-based BIM can be formulated as
To classify progress Ei and under the condition of partial vis-
ibility of a given as-planned element, Pðηi jθiT Þ needs to be com- Q ¼ Pf½ηi ; i ¼ 1 : : : njθip ; i ¼ 1 : : : ng ð12bÞ
pared with a threshold Γi . Choosing an optimal value for the
threshold for each element is problematic. For example, given a where Pf½ηi ; i ¼ 1:::njθip ; i ¼ 1:::ng is the probability of observ-
10% probability for observing progress PðθiP Þ and 25% for observ- ing progress for a schedule activity, given its mutually independent
ing as-planned elements given evidence of occupancy PðθiT jηi Þ, sequence conditions (e.g., construction of column–slab; column–
measurement of Pðηi jθiT Þ may be susceptible to noise and inaccur- column and column–wall are considered mutually independent).
acy in reconstruction. Therefore, such a measurement might not be In this case, progress is formulated as
reported as detected progress. This selection of threshold is particu- P i
nE × Vp
larly difficult because (1) to achieve a desired accuracy for different Q¼ P i ð13Þ
element types with different materials, different thresholds need to n Vp
be used; (2) a progress monitoring task with partial visibility is sub-
jective by nature and needs an expert’s opinion as to whether or not where V ip is the volume that is expected to be observed and occu-
it has taken place. Thus a machine learning methodology is used to pied for each element associated with the construction schedule
estimate such dynamic thresholds in a principled way. The thresh- activity. Fig. 9 summarizes the progress-detection process for each
old (Γi ) can be expressed as construction schedule activity.
Γi ¼ fðθip ðtÞ; pðηi jθiT Þ; t=d; T i ; ΨðtÞ; δ; thresh; εReg ; εRec Þ ð12aÞ
Experiments and Results
where t = construction activity duration from t ¼ 0 to d; T i =
element type (e.g., column, beam, foundation); ΨðtÞ = visual ap- To verify the robustness of the proposed reconstruction pipeline
pearance of element i (e.g., concrete, formwork, steel); δ = voxel and validate the automated progress-detection module, three dif-
resolution; thresh = voxel consistency threshold; and εReg and ferent experiments are conducted. The image data sets for these
εRec = accuracy in registration of as-planned model over point experiments were collected under different viewpoint and lighting
cloud model and the accuracy of underlying reconstruction pipe- conditions. These data sets are two photo collections of 112 and
line, respectively. For the sake of simplicity at this stage, as shown 160 images from the RH project and a 288-image data set from
in Tables 1 and 2, it is assumed that there are minimal errors in the SD project. In both RH project data sets, a significant amount
(1) as-built and as-planned registration and (2) the underlying mod- of occlusion is observed since the images were not taken from in-
ule for as-built reconstruction. The threshold Γi can be learned by side the basement area. Rather, they were all taken along a sidewalk
posing the problem as a linear classification problem, that is, of the project [see locations of the camera frusta in Fig. 3(b)]. The
by learning the hyperplane that separates the two classes in a spatial resolutions of these images were synthetically reduced to
multidimensional feature space. The feature space is defined by approximately 2 Mpixels to test the robustness of the proposed ap-
Pðηi jθiT Þ, θp ðtÞ, t=d, T i , ΨðtÞ, δ, and thresh. The two classes are proach to the quality of images. The voxel resolution was initially
progress = 1 and no-progress = 0. The optimal hyperplane that set to 1=5 ft (approximately 0.06 m). The IFC-based 4D BIMs
separates the two classes can be learned in a supervised fashion for RH and SD projects have relevant schedule activities that are
Fig. 10. (a–d) Dense as-built reconstruction for RH data set presented in Fig. 4(b)
connected to 152 and 321 elements, respectively (Fig. 4 for segmented and visualized. This robustly takes occlusions into
the relevant part of the RH project schedule). Figs. 10(a–d) and account because all the elements that are located closer in the
Figs. 11(a–d) illustrate the results of dense reconstruction for the line of sight to the camera will be detected first (ordinal visibility
case presented in Fig. 4(b) (RH 160) as well as the SD project. constraint introduced in this research). This will further enable a
All the snapshots in this case are taken from synthetic views in a texture-recognition algorithm to be created to detect Pðηi Þ and
3D virtual environment (none of these views exists in an image data account for progress details accordingly. For example, consider a
set; each is a result of synthetic 3D visualization). concrete foundation wall that is to be further prime-coated and in-
Fig. 12 illustrates the distinct contribution of the MVS as well sulated. Since the system is based on an IFC as-planned platform
as voxel coloring/labeling algorithms on the density of the as- and is linked to the schedule, expected progress information can be
built point cloud models. Compared to MVS, the effect of voxel queried from the 4D BIM and, given the time the image is captured
coloring/labeling on increasing the density of the point cloud is (extracted from the EXIF tag of the JPG image), the visual appear-
marginal (approximately 5–20%), though it enables labeling of the ance of the surface will be known.
scene and all voxels both for expected and actual occupancy and
Fig. 13 shows the results of traversing, labeling, and reproject- Discussion on Automated Detection Accuracy
ing detected areas of as-built and as-planned environments. For
the same image plane shown in Fig. 13(a), range images for both In the conducted experiments, the performance of the progress-
as-planned and as-built environments are generated. Based on the detection model is analyzed using a number of common object-
depth from the camera plane, Fig. 13(b) illustrates the reprojection recognition metrics. In particular, the following metrics are used:
of voxels occupied by the IFC elements. To visualize the depth, (1) recall: the fraction of truly recognized IFC-model elements
a color-coding scheme is represented where depth is visualized (TP = true positive) relevant to the total number of model elements
in relationship to the furthest elements from the camera plane that are used for the detection model (TP + FN = true positive +
(in this case, the rear foundation wall). In Fig. 13(c), the consis- false negative). This parameter will show the sensitivity of the
tently observed as-built voxels are reprojected back. Combining detection model; (2) precision: the fraction of relevant IFC-model
Figs. 13(b and c) allows specific areas within each image where elements relevant to the total number of model elements that
IFC elements are supposed to be observed to be automatically are recognized (TP + FP = true positive + false positive). In the
Fig. 12. (a and c) Sparse structure-from-motion point cloud models; (b and d) dense point cloud that is the result of structure-from-motion, multiview
stereo, and voxel coloring/labeling
proposed approach, the SVM kernel machine classifies progress the accuracy of the SVM linear classifier. The performance of the
with a binary value (progress/no progress). classifier is further tested and validated on RH 160 and SD 288
In the experiments presented here, the SVM model is trained image data sets. The results of average accuracy for the experimen-
over the RH 112 image data set, and the hyperplane that separates tal data sets are presented in Table 4.
the progress/no-progress categories is automatically learned. The The correlation between the progress that is expected to be
results from the experiments show that if visibility (the observable detected [PðθiT jηi Þ] and the expected observable regions [Pðθip Þ]
part) of an as-planned element is less than 20% and the volumetric is also studied. Fig. 14(a) shows the results of the experiment on
reconstruction is only able to reconstruct 50% of that observable the RH 112 training data set. As the figure indicates, the majority of
part, progress will not be detected. The performance of the training false detections happen for less than 20% of the observable prog-
is cross checked by asking two field engineers and a superintendent ress Pðθip Þ. This further illustrates that in the presence of severe
to label the classification results. The accuracy of training was occlusion and poor reconstruction, no decision on progress should
experienced to be 87.50%. Table 3 shows an example of how be made. To further investigate the sensitivity of the detection
the SVM classifies the state of progress for two classes of concrete model to the presence of occlusions, the relationship between the
columns and foundation walls. In this example, the detection fea- accuracy to the percentage of visibility is studied. As observed in
ture vector values are shown. In the proposed approach, as more Fig. 14(b), there is no linear relationship between the percentage
experiments are conducted, the outcomes can be added to increase of occlusion and the accuracy of automated progress detection.
Fig. 13. (a) Image taken on RH project dated Aug. 27, 2008; (b) range image generated for expected IFC elements; grayscale shows ratio of depth
along camera line of sight compared to rear foundation wall; (c) expected as-built progress voxels detected and projected back on image plane
Fig. 14. (a) Ratio of expected progress, PðθTijηiÞ, to expected observable regions, PðθpiÞ, for progress-detection results from RH 1 experiment;
(b) ratio of accuracy of detection to percentage of visibility (1 – occlusion)
Fig. 15. (a) Precision-recall graph; (b) true positive/false positive graph for progress-detection model
Fig. 16. (a) Visualized progress for RH project over D4AR D4 AR environment; (b) semitransparent view of RH progress from camera viewpoint;
(c) RH progress detection results over IFC-based BIM; (d) visualized progress for SD project over D4 AR environment; (e) semitransparent view of
SD progress from camera viewpoint; (f) SD progress detection results over IFC-based BIM
Fig. 17. (a and b) False positive: formwork should not be detected as evidence of progress; (c and d) missed positive (false negative): wall should be
detected for progress, though it is severely occluded
Fig. 18. Progress reported on RH construction schedule (progress monitoring date: Aug. 27, 2008)
number of images need to be captured to guarantee successful (e.g., differentiation of concrete from formwork), the proposed
automated progress tracking. Bayesian model explicitly accounts for this, which in turn facil-
• As-built modeling automation and visualization: this process is itates the extension of the proposed algorithms.
fully automated, i.e., once images are deposited in the system, • Progress monitoring accuracy: the metrics shown in the experi-
features are fully automatically identified and matched to visua- ments seem to be satisfactory given the formation of this
lize the underlying as-built point cloud model. The camera progress-tracking model for the first time. More importantly,
configurations are automatically identified as well. the visibility metric represented at the schedule-activity level
• Occlusion handling: since unordered daily photographs are highlights those activities and elements that need to be revisited.
usually taken with the smallest amount of occlusions, their Based on this confidence factor, users can either take more
application is very desirable for automated as-built modeling. images for an accurate assessment of progress or manually
The underlying SfM automatically removes noise and other revisit those elements.
inconsistent representations, so there is no need for postproces- • Robustness to occlusions: compared to Bosché (2010) and
sing of the point cloud model (as is the case in laser-scanning Zhang et al. (2009), in the proposed statistical model for auto-
point cloud models). In addition, the contextual semantic infor- mation of monitoring, the threshold for detection of different
mation associated with moving objects in the scene are not fully types of elements under partial visibility is dynamically learned.
Yet the metrics for comparison of different automated monitor-
removed from the point cloud models; rather, they are dynami-
ing models need to be set using similar construction case
cally captured in registered images.
• As-built processing efficiency: each point cloud model can be
• Computational efficiency: the progress deviations are cur-
generated in a few hours (computational cost at this stage). Once
rently computed over a few hours. Since the frequency of
the underlying model is generated, adding new photographs to
progress monitoring in most cases is not expected to be more
the system is processed in a matter of seconds.
than one observation per day, this computation time can be
• Augmented reality registration: registration of the 4D IFC-based
BIM is still semiautomated because it requires a set of initial
control points to be manually selected for automated matching.
This needs to be done only once in the initial stages of the Conclusions and Summary
project. Registration of point cloud models over one another is
done automatically using iterative closest point (ICP) algorithms An automated approach to tracking, analysis, and visualization of
by selecting a subset of points that has a consistent visual ap- progress using daily site photographs and 4D IFC-based BIMs is
pearance in point cloud models (e.g., an existing structure that is presented. In the proposed approach, images can be of low quality
reconstructed in consecutive point cloud models). yet robustly generate dense as-built point cloud models. Sub-
The foremost contribution of this paper is the automated prog- sequently, the underlying point cloud model is registered with other
ress monitoring model and the SVM machine learning approach. point cloud models as well as the as-planned model, generating
In the presence of a large number of photographs, it is shown that an integrated 4D as-built and as-planned model for progress visu-
the automated progress monitoring module can result in high pre- alization. The as-built and as-planned voxel coloring and labeling
cision. The approach generates range images for each photograph algorithm demonstrates high accuracy in the labeling of a construc-
and segments each image based on observed progress and dynamic tion scene for occupancy and visibility. The SVM kernel machine
occlusions (a robust 2D segmentation of observed objects over site shows promising results in detecting progress. Overall, the pre-
images). It is shown through multiple experiments that the pro- sented results mark the approach presented in this paper as the first
posed automated detection has the following characteristics: of its kind to take full advantage of already available daily site
• Progress monitoring automation: except for the initial registra- photographs and IFC-based 4D BIMs for automated progress
tion step of the BIM and point cloud models, the monitoring of tracking and analysis. Application of the D4 AR modeling system
physical progress is fully automated. Although the operational is perceived to achieve minimization of the time required for
progress details cannot currently be automatically identified as-built data collection and as-planned data extraction, removal of
pipeline also needs to be tested on modeling the mechanical/ Bosché, F. (2010). “Automated recognition of 3D CAD model objects
electrical/plumbing components of buildings given the reflec- in laser scans and calculation of as-built dimensions for dimensional
tivity of the surface of some of these elements and the minimal compliance control in construction.” Adv. Eng. Inf., 24(1), 107–118.
volume they occupy. The scalability of the algorithm (tradeoff Bosché, F., Haas, C. T., and Akinci, B. (2009). “Automated recognition of
between thresh/voxel size) and the accuracy of the suggested 3D CAD objects in site laser scans for project 3d status visualization
as-built pipeline compared to the number of photographs need and performance control.” J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)0887
to be further investigated. -3801(2009)23:6(311), 311–318.
2. Progress-monitoring detection: the model needs to be further Chang, C.-C., and Lin, C.-J. (2001). “LIBSVM: A library for support
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3. Progress sequence knowledge: the presented model does not Dai, F., and Lu, M. (2008). “Photo-based 3D modeling of construction
currently comprise any formalized schedule sequence ratio- resources for visualization of operations Simulation: Case of modeling
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et al. 2007; Echeverry et al. 1991) will be developed. Instead Debevec, P. E., Taylor, C. J., and Malik, J. (1996). “Modeling and rendering
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construction schedule, the progress-detection model will be approach.” Proc., 23rd Annual Conf. on Computer Graphics and Inter-
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extension to this work can further support the measurement of Du, S., Zheng, N., Ying, S., You, Q., and Wu, Y. (2007). “An extension of
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Echeverry, D., and Beltran, A. (1997). “Bar-code control of construction
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Acknowledgments Computing in Civil Engineering, Philadelphia, PA, ASCE, Reston,
VA, 341–347.
Authors like to thank Turner Construction and University of
Echeverry, D., Ibbs, C. W., and Kim, S. (1991). “Sequence knowledge for
Illinois–Housing and Facilities and Services for their contributions construction scheduling.” J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 10.1061/(ASCE)
to this research project. Special thanks to Mr. Greg Cuttell, Turner 0733-9364(1991)117:1(118), 118–130.
Construction’s project manager and Mr. Robert Bursack and El-Omari, S., and Moselhi, O. (2008). “Integrating 3D laser scanning and
Mr. Nick Canellis, Turner Construction’s project executives. photogrammetry for progress measurement of construction work.”
This work was funded by the National Science Foundation grant J. Autom. Constr., 18(1), 1–9.
CMMI-0800500. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or Ergen, E., Akinci, B., East, B., and Kirby, J. (2007). “Tracking components
recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the authors and maintenance history within a facility utilizing radio frequency iden-
and do not reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or tification technology.” J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)0887
-3801(2007)21:1(11), 11–20.
the companies and individuals mentioned above.
Everett, J., Halkali, H., and Schlaff, T. (1998). “Time-lapse video applica-
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