ttp12 046
ttp12 046
ttp12 046
ZU-TH 25/12
P. Maierhöfer a, P. Marquard b
a Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Zürich, 8057 Zürich, Switzerland
b Institut
für Theoretische Teilchenphysik,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
We present the result for the three-loop singlet QCD corrections to the decay of a
Higgs boson into two photons and improve the calculation for the non-singlet case.
With the new result presented, the decay width Γ(H → γγ) is completely known
at O(GF α2 α2s , GF α3 ).
1 Introduction
After the discovery of a new boson at about 126 GeV at the LHC [1,2] it is
imperative to study all decay modes of the Standard Model Higgs boson as
precisely as possible. In this paper we are concerned with the decay of the
Higgs boson into two photons which is the decay channel with the largest
significance for the discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC.
The decay of a Higgs boson into two photons is mediated through either
charged gauge bosons or top quarks at one-loop order. The decay rate can be
cast into the form
Γ(H → γγ) = H |AW + At |2 , (1)
(0) α 2GF 3 3 1 √
AW = − 2+ + 2− arcsin2 τW ,
2π τW τW τW
(0) 3
At = Ât 1+ 1− arcsin2 τ , (2)
2τq τ
2α 2GF 2
Ât = Nc Qt ,
γ γ
γ γ
(a) (b)
γ γ γ
γ γ γ
(c) (d) (e)
γ γ
H t q H t
γ γ
(f ) (g)
Fig. 1. Sample diagrams of the 1-loop (a), 2-loop (b), 3-loop non-singlet (c)-(e), and
3-loop singlet (f)-(g) top quark induced contribution to H → γγ.
2 Calculation
We start from the decay amplitude of a Higgs boson into two photons
Aµν = H . (3)
Decomposing the Lorentz structure in the most general way the amplitude
Aµν can be written as
Aµν = q1ν q2µ A + g µν B + q1µ q2ν C + q1µ q1ν D + q2µ q2ν E , (4)
on the amplitude (e. g. A = PAµν Aµν ). Due to gauge invariance the contractions
q1µ Aµν and q2ν Aµν of the amplitude with the momenta of the external photons
vanish. This imposes the relations B = −q1 q2 A and D = E = 0 on the form
factors. In order to verify these relations explicitly we calculate A, . . . , E
separately. The coefficient C, although non zero, does not contribute to the
decay rate of the Higgs boson because of the transversality of the photon wave
functions. Therefore the Lorentz structure of the physical amplitude simplifies
Since the calculation of the decay amplitude including the full dependence
on Higgs-boson and top-quark mass is not possible at the moment, only an
expansion in τ = MH2 /(4m2t ) can be obtained. The expansion of the amplitude
in τ can be performed following two conceptually different strategies. The first
option, which is only applicable for the calculation of a few terms in the ex-
pansion, relies on the direct expansion of each Feynman diagram in τ and the
subsequent reduction of the appearing integrals to master integrals. Since this
method becomes very time-consuming when calculating higher terms in the
expansion, a second approach has been devised. In this alternative approach,
the full mass dependence is kept as long as possible, meaning that the reduc-
tion to master integrals is performed keeping the full mass dependence and
only the master integrals are calculated in an expansion in τ . In the following
we sketch the steps necessary to perform the calculation and explain how the
results for the needed master integrals in an expansion in τ can be obtained.
The Feynman diagrams are generated with qgraf [14] and processed by a
Mathematica program to map the integrals on 4 singlet and 15 non-singlet
topologies. A sample of the contributing diagrams is depicted in Fig. 1. All
appearing integrals are reduced to master integrals using Crusher [15]. To
expand the master integrals Mi (τ ) in τ = MH2 /(4m2t ) a series ansatz
X (k) (k) (k)
Mi (τ ) = Mi,0 + Mi,1 (−τ )−ǫ + Mi,2 (−τ )−2ǫ τ k (7)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. 2. Integrals which serve as boundary conditions for the solutions of the differ-
ential equations for the vertex master integrals. Dashed internal lines are massless,
solid lines carry the mass mt . External lines on the right side of the diagrams (a)-(e)
are massless on-shell, the external line on the left side is on-shell with mass MH .
These diagrams only contribute to the singlet case.
By this procedure all coefficients Mi,j are expressed as linear combinations of
the integrals which are depicted in Fig. 2 and serve as boundary conditions.
(k) (k)
Coefficients Mi,1 and Mi,2 of non-integer powers of τ arise only in the singlet
contribution due to the massless cuts of the singlet diagrams [18].
3 Results
Qt and Qq are the electromagnetic charges of the top quark and the light
quarks (q ∈ {u, d, s, c, b}).
non-singlet and Lτ = log(−4τ ) in the singlet contribution. For completeness
also the αs0 and αs1 contributions are given as an expansion in τ .
(0) 7 2 26 512 1216
At =+1+τ + τ2 + τ3 + τ4 + τ5 (11)
30 21 525 17325 63063
(1) 38 7 1664 8
At =−1+τ − Lµ + τ 2 − Lµ
135 15
14175 21
3 12626 52 4 40664 4096
+τ − Lµ + τ − − Lµ
496125 175 2338875
9128671204 12160
+ τ5 − − Lµ (12)
245827456875 63063
(2) 31 7
At,0 = − − Lµ
22326329 4116067 769 7 2
+τ − + ζ3 − Lµ + Lµ
622080 138240 1080 120
68094821183 508541309 1241 3
+ τ2 − + ζ3 − Lµ + L2µ
2612736000 23224320 1575 7
102458003430188113 190929277363
+ τ3 − + ζ3
122903101440000 275251200
256363 221 2
− Lµ + L
496125 350 µ
489470768471800920451 547186023461087
+ τ4 − + ζ3
14462 512 2
− Lµ + L
66825 693 µ
114742890543235030923359893 1766782778485181879
+ τ5 − + ζ3
307117801 1520 2
+ Lµ + L (13)
7449316875 1911 µ
(2) 1
At,t = +
28777 749
+τ − + ζ3
207360 3072
2 34183679 18935 2
+τ + + ζ3 − Lτ
522547200 221184 45
3 2665898377 1419929 41
+τ − + ζ3 − Lτ
390168576000 23592960 2025
4 37746440955049 11964631 598
+τ − + ζ3 − Lτ
1931334451200000 235929600 42525
5 2381500300071333647 862749257 74924
+τ − + ζ3 − Lτ
231991894278144000000 28311552000 7016625
(2) 13 2 1
At,q = − + ζ3 + Lτ
3 6
3493 7 19
+τ − + ζ3 + Lτ
48600 45 1620
3953 4 1
+ τ2 − + ζ3 − Lτ
396900 63 3780
3 3668899 52 1696
+τ − + ζ3 − Lτ
2679075000 1575 1063125
414962 1024 136
+ τ4 + + ζ3 − Lτ
2210236875 51975 91125
5 611578464557 2432 7571576
+τ + + ζ3 − Lτ (15)
1409328810264375 189189 6257426175
The results for At,0 agree with the results presented in Ref. [13]. In Tab. 1
we give the results for the first 20 coefficients of the series in τ in numerical
form. For the singlet contribution we show the results for the constant and the
logarithmic part proportional to Lτ separately. To illustrate the convergence of
the series we show all 20 terms of the expansion of the three-loop contribution
in graphical form in Fig. 3. Around τ = 0.14, corresponding to the Higgs-
boson mass favoured by the LHC experiments, the first four (five) terms in
the expansion are sufficient to obtain an accurate result with a relative error of
10−5 wrt. the total 3-loop amplitude for the singlet (non-singlet) contribution.
At larger values of τ more terms of the expansion have to be taken into account,
e.g. at τ = 0.5 nine (sixteen) terms are needed to obtain similar accuracy.
Collecting all available information the amplitude can be cast in the form
(0) (0) α (1) αs (1) αs (2)
AH→γγ = AW + Ât At + AEW + Ât At + Ât At , (16)
| {z } π | {z } π | {z } π | {z }
where AEW denotes the electroweak corrections to the W and top-quark in-
duced processes combined. The partial decay width is then given by
MH3 2 α αs
ΓH→γγ = ALO + (2ALO ANLO−EW ) + (2ALO ANLO−QCD )
64π π 2
+ (2ALO Re(ANNLO ) + A2NLO ) . (17)
For a Higgs boson with a mass of MH = 126 GeV (τ = 0.14) this evaluates
numerically to
ΓH→γγ = (9.398 · 10−6 − 1.48 · 10−7 + 1.68 · 10−7 + 7.93 · 10−9 ) GeV (18)
= 9.425 · 10−6 GeV,
2 non-singlet
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 3. Numerical results for the non-singlet and singlet contribution at three-loop
order. In the plot the first 20 terms in the expansion in τ are shown. The singlet plot
(2) P (2)
shows the sum At,t + q6=t Q2q /Q2t At,q . For the plot of the non-singlet contribution
At,0 we set the renormalization scale µ = MH . The vertical line at τ = 0.14 marks
the value of τ for MH = 126 GeV. The convergence of the expansion for τ → 1 can
be improved by using the on-shell scheme for the top-quark mass.
where we used mt (MH ) = 166 GeV 2 , αs (MH )/π = 0.0358, GF = 1.16637 ·
10−5 GeV−2 , and α = α(0) = 1/137 as input parameters. The value for the
two-loop electroweak correction was taken from Ref. [10]. It has to be noted,
that there is a partial cancellation between the two-loop QCD and electroweak
corrections. To assess the influence of the singlet diagrams the next-to-next-
to-leading order term can be further decompsed as
ΓH→γγ |NNLO = (7.5 · 10−10 |NLO2 + 1.73 · 10−9 |non−singlett + 5.45 · 10−9 |singlet ) GeV ,
which shows, that the singlet diagrams are a factor of three larger than the
non-singlet ones and thus the most important three-loop contribution.
4 Conclusion
We presented new results for the singlet diagrams which contribute to the
decay of a Higgs boson into two photons at next-to-next-to-leading order,
2 The MS mass mt (MH ) was obtained from the on-shell mass Mt = 172.64 GeV
using the MS-on-shell relation at 3-loop accuracy [19–21].
(2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
n At,0 At,q [0] At,q [Lτ ] At,t [0] At,t [Lτ ]
0 -1.29166667 -0.28196206 0.16666667 0.12500000 0.00000000
1 -0.09881144 0.11511420 0.01172840 0.15430166 0.00000000
2 0.25870689 0.06636139 -0.00026455 0.16832244 -0.04444444
3 0.16373113 0.03831749 -0.00159530 0.06551243 -0.02024691
4 0.08688592 0.02387041 -0.00149246 0.04141534 -0.01406232
5 0.05709451 0.01588624 -0.00121001 0.02636532 -0.01067807
6 0.05798951 0.01114079 -0.00095670 0.01555892 -0.00622762
7 0.07545680 0.00814321 -0.00075859 0.01272091 -0.00587319
8 0.10086885 0.00615332 -0.00060811 0.00751470 -0.00333698
9 0.12935841 0.00477756 -0.00049383 0.00708618 -0.00353585
10 0.15827468 0.00379378 -0.00040622 0.00423275 -0.00200757
11 0.18622498 0.00307013 -0.00033822 0.00437893 -0.00229504
12 0.21252358 0.00252489 -0.00028474 0.00264217 -0.00130721
13 0.23687981 0.00210551 -0.00024213 0.00291761 -0.00157907
14 0.25922151 0.00177712 -0.00020779 0.00177454 -0.00090205
15 0.27959438 0.00151591 -0.00017979 0.00205621 -0.00113694
16 0.29810454 0.00130527 -0.00015673 0.00125855 -0.00065080
17 0.31488570 0.00113331 -0.00013755 0.00151292 -0.00084866
18 0.33008045 0.00099137 -0.00012148 0.00093081 -0.00048637
19 0.34383005 0.00087306 -0.00010789 0.00115159 -0.00065225
20 0.35626884 0.00077356 -0.00009631 0.00071159 -0.00037400
Table 1
Numerical values of the first 20 terms in the expansion in τ for the three-loop non-
(2) (2) (2)
singlet At,0 and singlet contribution At,t and At,q . For the non-singlet part we set
µ = mt . In case of the singlet contribution the results for the constant part (At [0])
and the logarithmic part (At [Lτ ]) are shown separately.
which up to now have not been considered. The corrections to the decay rate
due to singlet diagrams are about a factor of three larger than the non-singlet
ones. An improved prediction for the non-singlet contribution reduces the
error of the three-loop contribution, which can be neglected for a Higgs-boson
mass of 126 GeV. The total partial decay width is ΓH→γγ = ΓLO + ΓNLO−EW +
ΓNLO−QCD +ΓNNLO = (9.398·10−6 −1.48·10−7 +1.68·10−7 +7.93·10−9) GeV =
9.425 · 10−6 GeV.
We are grateful to S. Uccirati and C. Sturm for providing the exact numerical
value for the two-loop electroweak contribution. We like to thank N. Zerf
for crosschecks on the non-singlet part and J.H. Kühn, M. Steinhauser and
T. Kasprzik for carefully reading the manuscript. This work was supported
by the DFG through the SFB/TR 9 “Computational Particle Physics”. The
work of Ph.M. was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
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