Summer Homework Pack Grade 4 7
Summer Homework Pack Grade 4 7
Summer Homework Pack Grade 4 7
Dear Parents,
The moment children finish their final exams the most exciting and much awaited time of the school year i.e. the summer
vacation starts the very next day.
Summer Vacations are greeted with joy by kids and are of course a time to reinvigorate and revive. However, a balance
between recreation and work must be found to ensure a break that is productive as well as relaxing.
As the school closes for the summer break we have planned some activities /worksheets / projects for your child to
enhance his / her learning skills in a fun filled way. We have tried to make the work enjoyable keeping in mind the interest
of the children so that children are engaged positively and their energies are well-directed.
Mentioned below tips will not only help your child stay organized but will also make your vacation fun-filled and
interesting. So, if you haven’t nailed down your plans yet, here are some ideas that can make yours and ultimately your
child’s vacation an enriching and fun- filled experience.
HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK FOLDER: Attempt all the activities/projects given in the Summer Vacation Task Booklet.
GET CREATIVE: Help your child make an attractive, handmade folder with old newspapers. Decorate it and compile all
the holiday homework in it.
1. Encourage your child to eat healthy food and drink lots of water during summer.
2. Make a routine for your child to play, revise concepts and watch T.V. (Let your child watch some entertaining T.V. shows
so that he/she does not watch T.V. as a pastime).
MAKE YOUR HOME A PLACE FOR READING: Understand that reading begins at home. Children read their environments,
so make your home a print rich environment. Read! Don't expect reading to be important to your children if they see that
it's not important to you. Invite your child to read with you.
TRAVEL TIME ACTIVITY: As children learn to observe their surroundings, they develop a sense of curiosity about
themselves and the world around them.We encourage parents to point out, discuss and expose children to the world
around them. First hand observation and hands-on exposure is the best way to give student the foundation that
they need for learning. Children should be encouraged to ask questions. As we all know, having answers to questions is
the first step towards satiating the basic thirst for knowledge.
Most importantly, remember to have fun and stay active as a family.
Exhibition of Summer Vacation Task
All students are required to complete their Summer Vacation Task. We shall hold the exhibition of summer projects
during the first week of school inviting parents to visit the school to see their children presenting their work.
Roots International Schools wishes all of you happy and healthy Summer Vacation!
See you on 15 th August 2020. !
Grade 4 till 7
Grade 4-5
Use these verbs to fill in the blank below.
1. You a kite.
2. You a car.
7. You a bell.
8. You a picture.
9. You a horse.
Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning.
Synonyms a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another
Read each pair, write an S next to word pairs that are Synonyms and A next to
words pairs that are antonyms.
1. sit /stand
2. rare /uncommon
3. watch/view
4. near/distant
5. work/play
6. miniature/small
7. pal/friend
8. angry/irate
9. car/automobile
10. wild/tame
11. lead/follow
12. dull/boring
13. protect/defend
14. teach/instruct
15. musical/melodies
16. jump/leap
17. rapid/fast
18. hungry/full
19. inside/within
20. smelly/aroma�c
21. book/tome
22. noisy/quiet
23. buy/sell
24. hot/chilled
Think of three different examples for each of the topics in the table.
Do you know or search which country created each example you have given above? Write few
lines for each.
You could invent any tool or new technology that would improve your in
lifesome way, what
You could invent any tool or new technology that would improve your life in
some you
way, create? What
what would would what
you create? it do?would
How itwould it work?
do? How would When
it work?would you use it? Stick or
When would you use it? stick or draw a picture.
draw a picture.
Across: Down:
1. You can _____ my new friend. 1. My dad cooked _____on the grill.
3. We will ____ for the bus to come. 2. They went for a _______ around the island.
4. The store is a having a big ______. 3. The baby gained a li�le ________.
5. She was sick with the ______. 5. We _______ our kites high in the sky.
6. The ____mounted his horse. 7. He walked ______the jungle.
8. He ____ the ball to first base.
9. It was a long _____, and everyone was �red
Biographies:write the life story of someone else. It could be a friend, family member, historical
figure, or a fic�onal character.
Blogs:create blogs for literary characters or historical figures. Create an actual blog for free at or just write and organize ar�cles on white printer paper if the internet is not
Grade 6& 7
Across: Down:
Booklets:create an informa�onal booklet. for example, create booklets showing comma rules,
narrator’s perspec�ve, genre, figura�ve language, and more. Booklets can be applied to almost
any unit, all you require to make are some blank white printer paper folded in half.
Brochures:brochures can be made as either tri-fold or bi-folds. You can create informa�onal
brochure’s a story’s se�ng, or a natural event such as how a �dal wave is formed or how the
food chain works.
Calendars:create a calendar char�ng the dates of key events. This can be applied to an
historical event of Pakistan, a scien�fic event, or the sequence of events in story.
Illustrated Quotes:choose a meaningful quote from a text that you have read. Explain why the
quote interests you and then write the quote on a blank sheet of paper and draw related
Pen-pals: write le�ers to and from important people from history or the characters in a story.
Ac�ng in a play
Create a short play about ar�sts working in a studio. Then act it out
Create a play about ar�sts in a studio.
What ar�st do and what kind of ar�st you want to be in the play. Give yourself a unique name
and choose what tools you will need
Think about what ar�st would say to each other in a studio. Talk about your ideas with your
family members.
Perform the play for your family. Remember to speak clearly, show the artwork you created
and act like you are a real ar�st.
Book Review
infer inquisitive
observe inspect
examine conclude
revealed inquiry a
nconceivable nalyze
aspects mental
link deduce
detective nvestigate
Across Down
2. a question 1. curious; wants to understand things
5. unimaginable 3. related to the mind
6. to examine all the parts of something in order to understand it 4. a person whose job is to find or recognize the hidden
9. to look into a situation (often a crime, but it can also be a information needed to solve a crime
mystery) 7. to look closely at something
12. a connection; one part of a chain 8. shown or made known
14. to notice or watch 10. different sides or ways of looking at something
15. to figure out something unknown by considering all its known 11. to make a logical guess that something is true based
aspects and reasoning it through on the evidence, although the evidence is not clear
16 to consider the evidence and then enough to be absolutely certain
13. to look at something carefully to find problems or
specific information
Find the mystery word. Replace the third le�er of each word with a new le�er to
create a different word. For example, the word MAKE could become MARE, MALE,
MATE and so on. It’s your job to figure out which one works to create the mystery
Find rhyming pairs. Unscramble the words below so that each pair of words rhymes.
These ques�ons require logic and careful thought to solve. Here are two examples of
lateral thinking problems you can try to solve.
A farmer is travelling with a fox, a goose, and a bag of beans. During his journey, he
comes across a river with a boat to cross it.
The farmer can only fit one thing in the boat with him at a �me. If le� alone
together, the fox will eat the goose or the goose will eat the beans. How does the
farmer get everything across the river safely?
There are three light switches outside of a room-- labeled number one, number two,
and number three. The door to the room is closed and you can’t see in. All three
switches are off.
You need to figure out which switch belongs to which bulb. You can use the switches
however you want to, but can only enter the room once. How do you do it?
1. Writing a Magazine Article
Choose a topic that is interes�ng to you. If you are interested in your topic, it’ll
be fun!
Research your topic and make a list of things you find interes�ng. What would
the reader most enjoy reading about?
Gather a short list of facts and display them in your ar�cle in a separate
sec�on. This could be a cap�on to a picture or just a box of facts.
Choose a se�ng for your play. This could be anywhere you feel like wri�ng
about: a beach, a shopping mall, a school, a park, on a boat.
Give direc�ons for the director and actors. Write them in the present tense.
Include lines for several actors. The actors’ lines keep the story moving. To
keep the play exci�ng, several actors can say things, not just one or two.
2. Writing a summary
Start your summary by telling the name of the ar�cle, story, or other text that
you’re summarizing.
Include a short introduc�on. This should be about the main idea of the whole
Include detail from the text. Write only the most important things.
Include very short examples if necessary.
Remember to write the summary in your own words, don’t copy the author’s
words. Think about what you would tell a friend if they asked what the text I
When you have finished your dra�, go back and read it again. Take out any
informa�on that is not absolutely necessary.
Gather a short list of facts and display them in your ar�cle in a separate
sec�on. This could be a cap�on to a picture or just a box of facts.
Choose a se�ng for your play. This could be anywhere you feel like wri�ng
about: a beach, a shopping mall, a school, a park, on a boat.
Give direc�ons for the director and actors. Write them in the present tense.
Include lines for several actors. The actors’ lines keep the story moving. To
keep the play exci�ng, several actors can say things, not just one or two.
2. Writing a summary
Start your summary by telling the name of the ar�cle, story, or other text that
you’re summarizing.
Include a short introduc�on. This should be about the main idea of the whole
Include detail from the text. Write only the most important things.
Include very short examples if necessary.
Remember to write the summary in your own words, don’t copy the author’s
words. Think about what you would tell a friend if they asked what the text I
When you have finished your dra�, go back and read it again. Take out any
informa�on that is not absolutely necessary.
Now Enjoy Watching These Movies And Write Your View About Each
Grade IV
Time allocated per day: 30 minutes
All the written work should be done on rough notebook or loose sheets.
Q.1. Complete the multiplication ladder.
Q.3. Write a few activities that will take the time as mentioned below
Help Box: Boiling milk, drying wet clothes in the sun, growing
of a plant, growing a baby, spoiling a bread, switching off a fan
a) A few seconds- ______________ _, _ _________________.
Q.4. Solve the pattern puzzle below. Find the missing number to replace the question. mark
Date: ____________
S.No. Country Total Number of Covid Write in words / Number name in International
Q.7. When we multiple any number by 1, a zero goesin the unit’s column and the digit all move one space
along to the left.
When we multiply any number by 100, a zero goes in both the units and the tens column and all the digits
move two spaces to the left.
Use theplace value tables to multiple these number by 10 and 100.
Th H T U Th H T U
1 5 8 2
× 10 × 10
× 100 × 100
Grade V
Time allocated per day: 30 minutes
All the written work should be done on rough notebook or loose sheets.
Q.1. Write a fact family for each set of numbers in the triangle. The first has one been done you.
c) There are 14 girls and 15 boys at party. Four more boys arrived and 2 girls left. How many people
are atthe party now?
d) Mr. Salman is working for an NGO. He organizes many
donationsdrives and gathers contribution
for charity.
If Mr. Salman collected an average of Rs 8326 per month, how much donation did he collect in
the last 13 years?
This year’s collection is twice of last year’s. How much amount is raised this year?
e) Amir buys 2 toys that cost Rs. 5 each. He also buys 3 toys that cost Rs. 3 each. If he gives the
cashier a $20 bill. How much change will he get back?
Q.5. Draw shapes of plane faces (square, triangle, rectangle, oval, circle) and solid bodies/ 3D shapes
(cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere, cone).
Q.6. Draw the next three figures in this pattern.
Grade VI
Time allocated per day: 30 minutes
All the written work should be done on rough notebook or loose sheets.
Q.1. Write the numbers in each circle that are described by the attribute written outside the circle.
Numbers in overlapping regions must meet the requirements of each circle. Justify why you placed the
numbers in the overlapping regions you did.
c) If the area of each of the 4 smallest triangles is the same and this
area is 1 square unit, what is the area of each triangle in the figure?
Q.3. Use the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 to find the smallest answer possible in this problem. No negative
Q.4. A set of 3 integers have committed a crime and are hiding now. Find all the three integers in a row,
column or diagonal where the third number is the difference of the first and second. One set has been
done for you.
Q.5. Copy and complete the magic square. Fill in the square using numbers from 8 to 23 without
repeating. The numbers should be arranged in such a way that the sum of the numbers horizontally,
vertically and diagonally adds up to 62.
Grade VII
Time allocated per day: 30 minutes
All the written work should be done on rough notebook or loose sheets.
Q.1. Attempt at least 3 Sudoku puzzles online (refer to the link below), and record the time taken to solve
each. If the third puzzle is solved in 10 minutes or less, move to the next level. Bring at least 2 print outs
of solved puzzles to the class.
Record your scores for 10 games (score is generated when time is up) and calculate the average. You will
not be moved to the next question unless you give the correct answer!
Q.3. Set up the equations and solve them to find the unknown numbers in the cases given below:
Q.4. Draw these 2 triangles using same color. Cut out these triangles and
paste on appropriate position for aero plane wings as given in the figure
below. How many more congruent triangles can be drawn in the given
figure. Draw them
Grade VII
Time allocated per day: 30 minutes
All the written work should be done on rough notebook or loose sheets.
Q.1. Attempt at least 3 Sudoku puzzles online (refer to the link below), and record the time taken to solve
each. If the third puzzle is solved in 10 minutes or less, move to the next level. Bring at least 2 print outs
of solved puzzles to the class.
Record your scores for 10 games (score is generated when time is up) and calculate the average. You will
not be moved to the next question unless you give the correct answer!
Q.3. Set up the equations and solve them to find the unknown numbers in the cases given below:
Q.4. Draw these 2 triangles using same color. Cut out these triangles and
paste on appropriate position for aero plane wings as given in the figure
below. How many more congruent triangles can be drawn in the given
figure. Draw them
Q.5. The students will be given some road signs. They will draw the line of symmetry if any. If there is
no line of symmetry then they will mention that the figure is non
symmetric. They will name the road sign and explain in a sentence,
its meaning.
Grade 4
Be the Scientist!
Nell had sorted the trash from his room and believes in 3R’s. The target is to
make a product that he can utilize in his daily life for him and his friends the
only help that can be provided is a link below. Choose your favorite and
engineer the model of your choice. Write notes:
a. Which materials you used.
b. The method of completing the model.
c. The most challenging moment during the procedure.
d. How the model can be useful in your daily life.
e. Share the picture of the model with classmates.
Grade 5
Be the Scientist!
Alexa got into woods where she was left caught on the
right side of the river. The only chance to cross is the
bridge which is not there.
Let’s engineer the bridge where she can get a bridge
with the help of materials available to her including:
wood planks, leaves, grass, rocks, sand, mud, flowers,
pine cones.
Pick only that are helpful and suitable for the
Draw or construct the required model.
Give a reason for choosing the material u liked.
How the materials not being used are not useful.
How many of the materials chosen are renewable
and unrenewable?
tiny dancers
Today we are getting a bit artsy with our science! Does the idea of making a
wire sculpture that “dances” entice you……? Tiny Dancers is the third project
in our collaborative series STEAM POWER: Empowering kids to explore the
world through creative projects. Today’s topic is HARNESS!
Because harnessing refers to making use of resources to produce energy, we
decided to try making a homopolar motor. A homopolar motor is probably the
simplest DIY motor you can make. You need just a few easy to obtain items and
it’s FAIRLY simple to construct. Homopolar motors are not useful motors in
anything but science experiments but they do demonstrate some interesting
concepts and are fun to watch! They are also a great introduction to electricity
and electromagnetism.
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Summer Vocation
Summer Vacation I| HomeWork tincid
HomeWork 2021
Neodymium magnets are extremely strong and MUST BE KEPT OUT OF
REACH OF SMALL CHILDREN! Do not give them to any child who might
put them in their mouth, they are dangerous if swallowed and must be
surgically removed! This is a project for older children who can under-
stand the precautions and I recommend ADULT SUPERVISION! For more
about neodymium magnets
. safety and precautions go here. Additionally
neodymium magnets can interfere with electronic devices so please keep
them away from phones!
Also please note that these motors do heat up. See our TIPS section for
safety precautions.
• Steps One Cut a long piece of wire off your spool, I started with about a
10” long piece. Lay it on the template of your choice and bend as shown
- or pliers. No need to be perfect HOWEVER try and keep
using 3-in 1 tool
your form as symmetrical as possible.
• Step Two To create the base section of wire that wraps the magnets, I
recommend bending the end of the wire around the battery. Remove the
battery and gently widen the circular wire form with your fingers.
• Step Three Place three neodymium magnets on the negative side of
your battery.
• Step Four Place the motor on top of the battery so that it touches the
positive pole. The round section at the bottom of the motor must be low
enough to encircle the magnets!
• Step Five Let it go. If properly constructed it should start to spin. If it
doesn’t see our tips below.
• Step Six (optional) to make a skirt for your dancer cut a small circle of
crepe then cut a slit in the center of the circle. Slide it up onto the dancer
and secure in place with a dab of hot glue.
o MONITOR THESE FOR HEAT! Some of the motors that got going
really fast heated up quite quickly. If you notice a battery getting usually
warm stop the project, let it cool down and remove the magnets. I recom-
mend against reusing a battery that got overheated. Instead replace it
with a fresh battery. One educator warned me about a defective battery
that peeled open during this experiment. Please monitor the motors close-
ly as they spin.
o Start with your basic homopolar motor. It’s easy to bend and shape
and you should have success with it. The dancers require more time to fine
o Keep the forms as symmetrical as possible! Since they spin on an
axis if they are not symmetrical and/or balanced they will spin off the bat-
tery! This happened to us all the time. If they do spin off try and bend the
form slightly to get them balanced on the battery.
o To make the head of the dancer, bend your wire around a pencil.
o Thin wire does not work! We tried this with very thin copper wire at
first and it did not work. Stick to heavier gauges. Here is the gauge we used.
o The templates are meant as GUIDES ONLY! The motors will need to
be fine-tuned by hand by you!
o Remove the magnets - immediately after running your motor. They
will drain your motor if kept attached.
o When the electrical circuit is completed you will hear a very low
• If the motor does not work try turning your magnets upside down and reversing
the polarity. I found this did the trick most of the time.
• The batteries burn out quickly! If turning the magnets upside down doesn’t
work, try replacing your battery with a new one.
• Make sure that the bottom section of wire encircles the magnets. If it doesn’t
your motor will not work.
• Be sure your wire is free to move around the battery and magnets. If it’s too
close to the battery or magnet it will get stuck and be motionless.
• I read that you can use a nail to put a small indentation in the top of your battery
to help keep the motor in place. I highly recommend AGAINST doing this. I tried it! One
small and light dent worked and the next dent smashed a hole in the battery causing
battery acid to spin on my counter! Eek! I decided off balance motors were better than
battery acid splashes.
Oh, my! What have we been doing in the lab? This was one of our favorite challenges last
spring and in some summer school classes!
It’s Ferris wheels! Do you remember the first time you rode a Ferris Wheel? I do! It was at an
October Fest in Germany and the Ferris Wheel passenger cars were quite large and round
(like the ones in the photo below). The center pole in the passenger car had a wheel on it and
you could turn that wheel to make the passenger car travel around and around. Just think
about how dizzy this would make you as you swirl around in a circle while going around in a
This little challenge is part of a trio of challenges that are all about summer vacation theme
park rides- Ferris Wheels, Roller Coasters, and Water Slides. These are perfect for summer
or the month of August as kids head back to school! They are also perfect for any time of the
This post features the magnificent Ferris Wheel!
In this post, for your convenience, you may find Amazon Affiliate links to resources. This
means that with your purchase of items Amazon will pass on small percentages to me. This
will not create extra costs for you at all! It will help me keep this blog running!
They last forever, can be reused, and are much more economical than the dollar store packages!
To the right you can see a step-by-step set of photos. This shows the way kids created triangles and
then a hexagon to make each side of the wheel. Next, they had to build a frame and join their two
sides. We had some fabulous models.
We had to work through making a hexagonal shape and then joining the two sides together. It was
also really important that the two sides were symmetrical and joined properly.
We had to work through making a hexagonal shape and then joining the two
sides together. It was also really important tha t the two sides were
symmetrical and joined properly. Otherwise, you ended up with a wonky
wheel that would not turn. This happened a lot! But, one of the things I love
about STEM is that kids make mistakes and then try something else. When
their misshapen wheels were not turning, they took the whole structure
apart and were more diligent about laying those craft sticks in a good
arrangement but with each side matching. It was like the ultimate jigsaw
Yep, I’m going to say that the above group didn’t quite match up their wheel
sides correctly.
Another big thing that kept happening is that an axle had to go through the wheel. This
meant the kids had to leave an opening! Some groups paid no attention to this minor
detail and ended up with the center of their wheels being a stack of craft sticks, but no
place to thread the axle. And, yes, they took that apart and started over. This was a
fabulous challenge for persistence! In the photo below you can see a center area that
worked perfectly. However, that wheel still has a mistake!
Some of our mistakes were really interesting. Look closely at the photo above. Can you
spot the mistake?
It’s not a hexagon. That Ferris wheel has SEVEN sides! But, y’all, look at it. It’s pretty
perfectly matched and it did work very well! How on earth did that team make a
seven-sided shape? Do you know how hard that is to do on purpose?
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Grade 4 till 7
A laptop is a portable computer. Portable means that it can be carried around easily while
ĂƌĞĨƵůůLJ ƌĞĂĚ ƚŚĞ ƐĐĞŶĂƌŝŽƐ ĂŶĚ recommend a computer type accordingly. :ƵƐƟĨLJ LJŽƵƌ
answer as well.
Scenario tŚLJ͍
A computer at ĂĨƵĞůƐƚĂƟŽŶ͘
An astronaut deployed in the ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂůƐƉĂĐĞƐƚĂƟŽŶ͘
A professional computer gamer.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
nternet stands for /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂůNetǁŽƌŬ͘ŶĞƚǁŽƌŬŝƐĂŶŝŶƚĞƌĐŽŶŶĞĐƟŽŶŽĨƚǁŽŽƌŵŽƌĞ
computers. So basically, internet ŝƐƚŚĞůĂƌŐĞƐƚŶĞƚǁŽƌŬŽĨĐŽŵƉƵƚĞƌƐĐŽŶŶĞĐƚĞĚƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌ
write them below.
r�ficial Intelligence is the branch of compu�ng that deals with inducing human like
thinking and decision making abili�es into machines. It basically is an act of making
the computers adapt certain behavior based upon machine training/learning.
Think of some advantages and disadvantages of having Ar�ficial Intelligence in our
Advantages Disadvantages
H ardware components are the tangible peripherals of a computer system. They’re the
physical devices designed to perform different tasks.
Given below is a list of so�wares and hardware devices. You’re required to write their
func�onali�es in the given space.
H istory of computer dates back to 1940s when the first-genera�on computers were
introduced. In these eighty or so years, we have done wonders. From the �me where a
whole special building was constructed to fit in a computer, we have come to a �me where
we can fit a computer in our pockets.
Could you research on the internet and write the comparison of different genera�ons of
If 1KB = 1024 Byes and 1MB = 1024 Kilo Bytes. Fill in the missing entries in the below table.
Data 1 Data 2
3MBs __________ KBs
1GB 1024 MBs
60GB __________ MBs
4TB __________ GBs
20GBs 20971520 KBs
1KB _________ Bytes
pera�ng System is the most essential so�ware of the computer system. It contains
the set of instruc�ons necessary to run the computer system and without these
instruc�ons, a computer system cannot func�on.
Microso� Windows 10 is the latest and current version of the Windows Opera�ng System
launched by the Microso� Corpora�on. It is important for a computer user to get to know the
opera�ng system of the computer machine.
Use your computer/laptop and write the features of Microso� Windows 10. You may use
the internet for your help. Especially write the several benefits it has offered over Microsoft
Windows 8.1.
Advantages Disadvantages
C omputer Virus is a program containing malicious instruc�ons that disturb the normal
func�oning of a computer system. It is purely made to destroy the data of other users.
Write the names of most common viruses found worldwide and how do they a�ack?
A n An�virus So�ware is a program designed to clean the computer from viruses and
prevent the viruses from infec�ng a computer system.
Write the names of most common an�viruses found worldwide and the features they
An�virus Features
Grade 4
As the world is progressing towards advanced technological measures, everything has
started to take the digital shape. The academic content backed up by relevant skills tend to
make the profile of a ward strong.
Roots Interna�onal Schools, since its incep�on has been focused upon the academic
be�erment of the students styled on the modern educa�onal system. The educa�on system
designed on the three E’s, Exposure, Expansion and Exploration, RIS is keenly determined to
ensure that the students get a hands-on experience of the modern era tools.
Logo Designing: A logo is a symbol made up of text and images used to iden�fy a business. It
aids in promo�ng the brand recogni�on.
The students of Grade 4 are required to create a logo using Microsoft Paint, Photoscape or
any other graphics edi�ng tool.
Here are the logos of well-known organiza�ons. You’re required to create any three logos.
Please write the name and descrip�on of the company along with your logo.
Grade 5
As the world is progressing towards advanced technological measures, everything has
started to take the digital shape. The academic content backed up by relevant skills tend to
make the profile of a ward strong.
Roots Interna�onal Schools, since its incep�on has been focused upon the academic
be�erment of the students styled on the modern educa�onal system. The educa�on system
designed on the three E’s, Exposure, Expansion and Exploration, RIS is keenly determined to
ensure that the students get a hands-on experience of the modern era tools.
Presenta�on: A presenta�on is the process of presen�ng a topic to an audience. Whether it
could be a demonstra�on, introduc�on, lecture, speech or an idea. Presenta�on helps in
pitching the idea to the audience and ensure that it gets perceived well.
The students of Grade 5 are required to make a presenta�on using Microsoft PowerPoint
Prezi or any other presenta�on making tool.
You will have to make three presenta�ons out of which ONE should at least be made using
Prezi. Topics may be of your choice but ensure that the graphical elements, transi�ons and
effects are used in the presenta�on.
Grade 6
As the world is progressing towards advanced technological measures, everything has
started to take the digital shape. The academic content backed up by relevant skills tend to
make the profile of a ward strong.
Roots Interna�onal Schools, since its incep�on has been focused upon the academic
be�erment of the students styled on the modern educa�onal system. The educa�on system
designed on the three E’s, Exposure, Expansion and Exploration, RIS is keenly determined to
ensure that the students get a hands-on experience of the modern era tools.
Photo Scavenger Hunt: Photo Scavenger basically is a fun-based ac�vity. All you have to do
is, take pictures of all the ac�vi�es given in the below checklist.
The Checklist:
1. Take a group photo with your friends (at least 3 including you) riding bicycles.
2. Capture photo with something blue and not wearable.
3. Make a collage of pictures with vehicles of at least 5 companies.
4. Capture a photo of someone being a statue.
5. Get your photo captured while taking a swing.
6. Capture a selfie with something red and eatable.
7. Capture a photo while doing kitchen chores.
8. Capture a photo having a hot-drink in rain.
9. Capture a photo while carrying grocery bag(s).
10. Finally, capture a photo while plan�ng a tree and watering it.
Remember, you’ll have to create a digital album of the pictures you’ve taken and
represent them in a slideshow. Each picture must have a cap�on, �mestamp and
watermark containing your name and campus.
Grade 7
As the world is progressing towards advanced technological measures, everything has
started to take the digital shape. The academic content backed up by relevant skills tend to
make the profile of a ward strong.
Roots Interna�onal Schools, since its incep�on has been focused upon the academic
be�erment of the students styled on the modern educa�onal system. The educa�on system
designed on the three E’s, Exposure, Expansion and Exploration, RIS is keenly determined to
ensure that the students get a hands-on experience of the modern era tools.
Comic Book Making: A comic book/magazine is a publica�on that contains visual arts in the
form of a sequen�al panels represen�ng the scenes of a story. It is a medium of expressing
ideas in a fun to read way.
The Grade 7 students are required to make a comic book of at least 25 pages. All having
theme, graphics, character names and well-cra�ed story.