Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures
Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures
Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
Revision Date Prepared MCC Reviewed by Description
by Approval for of Change
Release by
0 06/03/2024 Junior Kare Mr Zang New
(MCC HSE) Meng -
Project: Detailed Design, Rehabilitation and Construction
of Bridges (Bridge No.1-35) Between Lae Nadzab and
No: NPC 2020-50 (BCW1)
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................4
2. SCOPE............................................................................................................................................4
3. PURPOSE........................................................................................................................................4
4. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITY..........................................................................................................4
4.1 Project Manager....................................................................................................................4
4.2 Construction Manager...........................................................................................................4
4.3 Site Engineer..........................................................................................................................4
4.4 Safety Manager......................................................................................................................5
4.4.1 Safety Officer.................................................................................................................5
4.5 Environmental Manager........................................................................................................5
4.5.1 Environmental Officer/Specialist...................................................................................5
4.6 Supervisor..............................................................................................................................5
4.7 Leading Hand.........................................................................................................................5
5. DETAILED WORK AND LIFTING PLAN.............................................................................................5
6. RISK ASSESMENT AND SAFETY MEASURES....................................................................................5
6.1 Potential Hazards and Risk Control/Safety Measures............................................................6
7. CRANE AND EQUIPMENT INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION.......................................................15
8. COMMUNICATION AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN..............................................................15
8.1 Communication...................................................................................................................15
8.2 Emergency Response...........................................................................................................15
8.2.1 Emergency Wardens....................................................................................................16
9. ENVIROMENTAL PROTECTION MEASURES..................................................................................16
9.1 Environmental Conditions That Impact Crane Safety..........................................................16
9.1.1 Power Lines..................................................................................................................16
9.1.2 Ground conditions.......................................................................................................17
9.1.3 Weather.......................................................................................................................17
10. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT..........................................................................................................17
Project: Detailed Design, Rehabilitation and Construction
of Bridges (Bridge No.1-35) Between Lae Nadzab and
No: NPC 2020-50 (BCW1)
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
10.1 General Objectives...............................................................................................................19
10.2 General Principles................................................................................................................19
10.2.1 Planning Ahead............................................................................................................19
10.2.2 Safety of Workers........................................................................................................20
10.2.3 Check the Signs Carefully.............................................................................................20
10.2.4 Fix the Signs Properly...................................................................................................20
10.2.5 Provision for Pedestrians.............................................................................................20
10.2.6 Keeping the Site Tidy...................................................................................................20
11. COMPLIANCE MONITORING....................................................................................................21
11.1 Environmental Monitoring...................................................................................................21
11.2 Safety Monitoring................................................................................................................23
12. REPORTING..............................................................................................................................23
13. APPENDIX.................................................................................................................................24
13.1 Appendix 1: WORKING ENVIRONMENT (SITE) CHECKLIST...................................................24
Project: Detailed Design, Rehabilitation and Construction
of Bridges (Bridge No.1-35) Between Lae Nadzab and
No: NPC 2020-50 (BCW1)
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
BCW1 Contractor, Metallurgical Corporation of China (MCC) was awarded the Contract No:
NPC 2020-50 for the Detailed Design, Rehabilitation and Construction of Bridges (Bridge
No.1-35) between Lae Nadzab and Henganofi. This is part of a larger program of works, the
Sustainable Highlands Highway Investment Program (SHHIP). The BCW1 project is located
within the provinces of Morobe and Eastern Highlands, Papua New Guinea.
The BCW1 section of the project has a total length of 210 KM, starting from Nadzab Junction
turnoff in Lae, Morobe province and ending at Kamontina River Bridge in Henganofi, Eastern
Highlands Province.
For the BCW1 section, the construction works includes a total of eleven (11) bridges to be
reconstructed at existing locations, three (3) bridges to be relocated at new locations and 21
bridges to be repaired or reinforced, altogether, a total of 35 bridges for BCW1 contractor.
This operation plan includes safety measures, risk analysis and assessments, environmental
impact assessment and mitigation measures, communication and emergency response plan
and reporting procedures to ensure control, assurance and compliance during crane operations
in the 14 bridge construction areas.
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
4.3 Site Engineer
The Site Engineer shall be responsible for ensuring that the crane operation works are
done in accordance with this management plan and other sub plans for compliance.
4.6 Supervisor
Plan and obtain required manpower and resources in coordination with the Site Engineer.
Carry out all activities as per the planned schedule to achieve target dates. Coordinate
with respective disciplines of work and liaise with the site engineer for day to day
activities. Inform Discipline Engineer regarding site inspections when it is ready. Ensure
pre-task briefing is to be conducted prior to start of work at each session.
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
Risk management is a systematic process of Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk
Control with the aim of providing healthy and safe conditions for workers. The bridge works,
in this case the crane operations with its associated activities/works requires an effective risk
management to be implemented so as to achieve the HSE targets of the Contractor. MCC
adopts a ZERO Incident approach.
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
and wipe off any spillage.
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
public roads
Observe all the traffic rules and safety regulations and
laws of the Country or State where the crane is being
B6 Collision with objects and Discuss your requirements with the site supervisor. If
people working in the work you consider that the people and equipment in the area
area. has to be removed before you operate the crane,
discuss it with the site supervisor so the necessary
arrangements can be made.
B7 Electrocution from live Take the following precautions when working near
overhead conductors. If you power cables.
are working close to power a. Contact the managing company in advance and
cables you can also receive a arrange for electricity to be switched off (if
shock even if the crane does possible),or arrange for cables to be fitted with
not physically contact the protective devices.
cables. b. Keep a safe distance between the machine and
the power cables. Consult the electricity
authorities on the location and voltage of
cables on the site and the minimum isolation
c. Use a spotter and follow their instructions.
B8 Electrocution from lightning If thunderstorms are approaching, lower the boom, turn
strikes. A crane with a long off the crane and get out of the crane. Resume work
boom is prone to lightning when the thunderstorm ceases.
B9 Inadvertent movement from Work according to signals. Choose one person to be
poor signalling. If the signaller the signaller. Before starting the job the controller, the
does not signal appropriately signaller, the sling handler and other workers should
with the sling handler and confer on signal procedures in order to work safely
other workers there could be under the direction of the signaller.
an accident.
B10 Collision between two cranes Determine signals for joint operations in advance. If
working together. two or more cranes are working together on a site
ensure that all parties involved discuss the work plan
and clearly define the lines of communications.
B11 The crane could tip over due a. Stop work in strong windy conditions. If the
to: wind has a gust speed of 10m/s or more retract
the boom, turn off the crane and get out of the
a. Strong windy machine. Resume work when the gust speed is
conditions. Loads with below 10m/s.
large volumes or b. Check that the ground conditions are stable
surface areas have and level over the entire intended path of
larger wind forces travel. Do not operate the crane on unstable
acting on them. The ground.
wind forces and the c. Articulate the crane slowly and smoothly.
loads from the
suspended objects act
on the crane and could
cause the crane to tip
b. Poor ground
Project: Detailed Design, Rehabilitation and Construction
of Bridges (Bridge No.1-35) Between Lae Nadzab and
No: NPC 2020-50 (BCW1)
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
c. Rapid articulation.
C1 inadvertent operation of Keep the area of the operator's cabin and seat clean and
plant due to poor tidy. Do not leave parts, tools or other objects in the area
housekeeping of the operator's seat. These can cause unexpected
accidents while you are working.
C2 Stress and tiredness from Adjust the operator's seat so that you can sit comfortably
poor sitting position and with good posture, and all control levers are within easy
posture. reach without having to lean or strain your body. Check
that you can reach the foot pedals comfortably with your
back resting against the back of the seat.
C3 Accidental operation of Before and during work, nobody other than the operator
plant if operated by more should sit in the operator's seat or climb onto the crane.
than one operator.
Passengers may collide
with obstructions or be
thrown off the machine, or
they may cause a hazard by
obstructing the operator's
field of view
C4 Slips, trips and falls when Take the following precautions when you get in and off
getting on or off the plant. the crane.
a. Check that all guards and covers on the machine
are fastened correctly. Tighten any loose bolts or
repair any damage.
b. Wipe off any mud, oil or snow on the steps before
you start work.
c. Do not jump onto or off the machine.
d. Do not hold onto the seat, control box, control
levers or anything other than the hand- grips
provided when you get on or off the machine.
e. Do not get on and off the machine while it is
C5 Dropping of load Check safety devices. Pick & Carry cranes are fitted with
various safety devices which should be checked before
starting work.
C6 Crane overload or tip over Check the operation of the crane computer / Load
in adverse working Moment Indicator (“LMI”) according to the pre-
configuration operational check procedure described in the Operators
Manual (this manual should be kept in the crane cabin).
C7 Failure of controls and/or Before operating the crane check the machine according
mechanical parts of plant. to the pre-operational checking procedure detailed in this
manual. Check the operation of the control levers while
the crane is not carrying any load.
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
C8 Dropping of load Check all safety and warning devices. Pick & Carry
cranes are fitted with various safety devices, which should
be checked before starting work.
When lifting long loads tie a guide rope to each end of the
load. This will prevent the load from swinging whilst it is
being lifted.
Project: Detailed Design, Rehabilitation and Construction
of Bridges (Bridge No.1-35) Between Lae Nadzab and
No: NPC 2020-50 (BCW1)
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
When the load just leaves the ground pause until it stops
swinging. Confirm that the load is stable before
continuing to hoist.
B7 Dropping of load from To prevent the load from falling off or slipping out of the
insecure slings or hook. slings, pay attention to the following points when
arranging the sling.
a. The slings or chains should be of the right
capacity and in good condition.
b. Arrange the slings so that they do not get tangled
with each other.
c. The hook is fitted with a retainer to prevent the
slings from slipping out. Check that the hook is in
good condition and the retainer is operating
Project: Detailed Design, Rehabilitation and Construction
of Bridges (Bridge No.1-35) Between Lae Nadzab and
No: NPC 2020-50 (BCW1)
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
d. Place a protector (some soft material) to prevent
the rope from damage where it comes into contact
with the corner of the load, and elsewhere where
the sling is prone to damage
B8 Damage to the crane or When lifting a load the boom flexes and increases the
reduced stability when working radius. This is more noticeable with a very heavy
working with a heavy load load or long boom. Allow an extra margin below the rated
and long boom. lifting capacity to compensate for the increased working
B9 Overload due the increased Lift the load off the ground carefully. Hoist the load
flexure of the boom when vertically and pause briefly when the load is just off the
the load is lifted suddenly. ground to confirm the sling and that there is no overload.
Then resume hoisting.
B10 Damage to crane or Never lift the load off the ground by luffing or extending
reduced stability if the load the boom. Wait until the load is just off the ground before
is lifted off the ground by luffing or extending the boom.
luffing or extending the
B11 Damage or injury caused Before moving the load sideways check that it is safe to
by personnel under the load do so. The path of the load or crane should be clear of
when articulating. people or obstructions.
B12 Collision or dropping of Do not move the suspended load above people’s head
load on people.
B13 Damage or injury caused Read and understand the Operators manual regarding
by loss of stability due to operation on sloping ground. The rated capacity of the
operation on sloping machine should be reduced when lifting on or traversing
ground sloping / uneven / out of level terrain.
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
is not lifted from a position sideways or lift it diagonally subjects the crane to forces it
above its centre of gravity. was not designed for. These additional forces will damage
the boom or cause the crane to tip over.
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
c. Observe the safety regulations and laws of the
state or country where the crane is being used.
A4 Mechanical failure of the Ensure that the crane is maintained in accordance with the
crane. manufacturer’s requirements. After operating the crane,
check the crane for damage or signs of failure. Repair or
replace damaged or worn parts. Replenish greases and
oils as required.
A5 Damage from unauthorized When the machine is not being used, lock the doors and
use of the crane. take the keys away.
A1 Failure of controls or If there is a breakdown or malfunction of a control or
mechanical parts of the crane component or part, repair or replace it immediately.
crane. Do not, under any circumstances, start a crane, which
requires repairs.
A2 Equipment malfunctions Always keep the crane in good state of repair and serviced
from incorrect tuning. regularly. Use authorized Terex dealers or service agents
to keep the crane in top operating condition. Terex
authorized dealers and service agents thoroughly
understand the Terex cranes, and are trained and equipped
to ensure that you get the best possible returns from your
A3 Collision from a run-away When inspecting and maintaining the crane, park on level
crane if not parked on level ground and always engage the parking brakes. Also place
ground. chocks under the wheels for additional safety.
A4 Inadvertent operation of the Always place warning signs on the crane when it is being
crane during inspection and services or repaired. Whenever possible, stop the engine
maintenance. and remove the keys. Isolate the crane where possible.
A5 Mechanical failure through When topping up or replacing fuel or hydraulic oil, take
corrosion from oils care to avoid the entry of water or other contaminants.
contaminated with water. Ensure that the oils are changed regularly according to the
instructions in the crane service schedule.
A6 Environmental hazards Drain waste oil from the crane into a proper container
from waste oil. designed for the purpose. Dispose the waste oil in
accordance with the regulations of the state or country.
Never allow waste oil or other contaminants to get into
the storm water system, streams, rivers or wetlands.
A7 Fire from flammable Do not weld, solder or heat with a torch on or near
vapours generated by hydraulic equipment or pipes. Heat applied on pressurized
heating the hydraulics. pipes or rubber hoses could cause them to rupture. Cover
the pipes and hoses with fire-resistant materials before
applying heat near or on them.
A8 Crushing from dropping Use the winch rope for the crane. Check that the wire is
load or parts of plant due to not damaged before operating the crane
broken wire ropes.
Project: Detailed Design, Rehabilitation and Construction
of Bridges (Bridge No.1-35) Between Lae Nadzab and
No: NPC 2020-50 (BCW1)
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
8.1 Communication
The channel of communication is specified in Section 4 and its Sub Sections. The
most common method of communication to be used will be the use of mobile
EMERGENCY CONTROLLER (EC) Shall be in co-ordination with Incident
(Project Manager) controller, Emergency coordinator and
assess the emergency situation.
INCIDENT CONTROLLER (IC): Shall be in co-ordination with
Civil/Site Engineers emergency controller and emergency
Ensure all works are stopped, assess the
situation and follow the emergency
Ensure all employees are evacuated
immediately from the scene.
EMERGENCY COORDINATOR: Shall be in co-ordination with
Health & Safety Officer emergency controller and emergency
Alternate Member: Public Relations Ensure all works are stopped, assess the
Officer situation and follow the emergency
Ensure all employees are evacuated
immediately from the scene.
LOGISTICS COORDINATOR: MCC Shall be in coordination with emergency
Administrator coordinator and extend the service of
vehicles for evacuation / transport of
Alternative Member: MCC Asst. victims as and when required.
Administrator Coordinator shall ensure that spare
vehicle is readily available to response
to emergency events. Also vehicles shall
be adequately maintained and have
enough fuel.
Source: MCC SHHIP BCW1 Emergency Response Plan
Project: Detailed Design, Rehabilitation and Construction
of Bridges (Bridge No.1-35) Between Lae Nadzab and
No: NPC 2020-50 (BCW1)
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
8.2.1 Emergency Wardens
Shall be in coordination with Emergency coordinator and activate manual
emergency alarms as directed and will assist all employees for safe
evacuation and direct them to assembly point. This is to ensure all
employees are safely evacuated by cross-checking the assigned areas.
Project Manager/ Area Site
1 Zhang Meng 79340007 Emergency Controller
2 Dai Liwen 73782480 Planning Manager Incident Controller
3 Zhang Daihong 71866583 Safety Manager
4 Yang Tinghui 73245017 Construction Manager Logistic Coordinator
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
9.1.2 Ground conditions
Given the size and weight of the majority of cranes, it’s vital to monitor
ground conditions on the worksite. The controlling entity (usually the
contractor or employer) is responsible for ensuring that the conditions are
sufficient for crane assembly.
The ground needs to be firm, drained and graded, and able to support the
crane (in conjunction with blocking, mats, etc.). In addition, the
controlling entity must inform the crane operator of known underground
hazards such as utilities, and provide them with all other information
known about ground conditions.
9.1.3 Weather
The importance of weather when performing crane assembly and
operations cannot be overstated. Various weather conditions can affect
ground stability, visibility, workers’ performance and grip and, in extreme
circumstances, even lead to a crane overturning.
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
Source: PNG DOW Field Guide (Safe Traffic Controls at Road Works & MCC BCW1 Traffic
Management Plan
Project: Detailed Design, Rehabilitation and Construction
of Bridges (Bridge No.1-35) Between Lae Nadzab and
No: NPC 2020-50 (BCW1)
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
10.1 General Objectives
For the effective and smooth passage of vehicles and equipment during the whole
construction period, the Contractor will give careful attention and will manage the
flow of traffic on the existing road. The Contractor will minimize any
inconvenience to pedestrians, motorists and the public and will facilitate execution
of the Works with minimal obstructions.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Contractor will provide and
install appropriate warning signs and barriers at conspicuous places clearly visible
to pedestrians, motorists and construction operatives for their proper guidance and
safety during the whole construction period.
Traffic Control Aides will be assigned at work sites where construction activities
will affect the flow of traffic particularly but not limited to structure and other
sites where detour roads may have to be provided during construction. The
Traffic Control Aides will be provided up to 24 hours a day or as long as
necessary to ensure the safety of the public and the works.
Where necessary to facilitate the construction of major work items, the Contractor
will provide diversion or detour roads in accordance with the guidelines of
Government Authorities. On completion of the phase of work, such temporary
access or detour roads will be removed and the site will be reinstated to its
original condition.
With the help of this Traffic Management Plan, the Contractor will
determine what signs and cones are needed before the work starts. Police
Project: Detailed Design, Rehabilitation and Construction
of Bridges (Bridge No.1-35) Between Lae Nadzab and
No: NPC 2020-50 (BCW1)
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
assistance will be obtained in difficult and tight situations or where
necessary. Permission from highway authorities will be obtained where
Signs Description
The Road Works Ahead sign is the first sign to be
seen by the driver, so it will be placed before the
work site (refer to Table 1). The sign will be put in a
location where it can be seen from a distance. For
example, if the works are just after a bend, the sign
will be placed before the bend
Project: Detailed Design, Rehabilitation and Construction
of Bridges (Bridge No.1-35) Between Lae Nadzab and
No: NPC 2020-50 (BCW1)
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
A line of Traffic Cones will be placed to guide traffic
past the works. See Table 2 for details of sizes and
spacing. Some space will be left between the line of
cones and the work area to provide a safety zone for
the workers. The cones shall have white reflective
sleeves if they are going to be used at night, and on
main roads, amber flashing lights will be added. An
alternative to the use of cones is to string reflective
barrier tape between upright metal rods that have
reflectors on them.
Where there is less than 5.5m width of carriageway
left unobstructed the road will not be safe for 2-way
working, so cones will be used to reduce the
carriageway to a width of not more than 3.5m.
Unless there is very little traffic, traffic will be
controlled manually using STOP/GO signs or else
portable traffic signals may be used.
The Contractor shall take any and all measures to ensure the safety of all persons
entitled to be on site and shall ensure that the works are carried out in a safe manner.
Reasonable precautions shall be taken to protect the members of the public and road
users from any activity under its control. Barriers, fencing and lighting around the
working areas when and where necessary shall be provided and maintained for the
safety of the public and road traffic. First aid equipment shall be provided where
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
Mitigation Measures Monitoring Location Method Freq
1. Emission and Dust
Dust suppression by water Dust rising from the Construction sites Visual Daily
spraying. project area. I.e. Bridge Assessment
construction area Interview local
people and by
Using In-situ-
Work far from vibration Vibration from crane Construction sites Visual Daily
sensitive areas, like Kassam works Assessment
Pass area or near schools. Or
to work cautiously taking into
consideration the risk of the
area of concern.
3. Ecological Management
Water quality should be Protection of Aquatic Construction sites Assessment Weekly
maintained. Work away from Ecosystem
the riverbed.
4. Disposal of Debris and Site Drainage Systems
Dispose all wastes onto agreed Spoils Disposal Construction site Visual Daily
dumping stations or on land as Assessment
requested (in writing) by Interview local
landowners. people
Dispose on stable areas.
Avoid disposal onto sensitive
5. Demolition of Existing Infrastructures
Clear the demolition area from Existing Infrastructures Construction site Visual Daily
workers and the general public marked to be Assessment when
Carry out demolition demolished require
cautiously. d
Project: Detailed Design, Rehabilitation and Construction
of Bridges (Bridge No.1-35) Between Lae Nadzab and
No: NPC 2020-50 (BCW1)
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd
MCC emphasis on the importance of reporting of any issues or work progress/need
during construction works. This includes incidents/near miss etc. whether it is
environmental, safety or social issues. This is to ensure smooth flow of work and that
safety and well-being of the workers and the nearby communities is maintained so as
to be in compliance and to produce good feedbacks during reporting.
Project: Detailed Design, Rehabilitation and Construction
of Bridges (Bridge No.1-35) Between Lae Nadzab and
No: NPC 2020-50 (BCW1)
Title: Crane Operation Plan and Safety Measures Date:06/3/2024
corporation of china ltd