Martial Exploits

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Credit: Gründtliche Beschreibung der Kunst des Fechtens

(Joachim Meyer), 1570, illustrated by Tobias Stimmer.

Martial Exploits v2

magine a German warrior of the early Middle Ages, Balance
traditionally armed with a spear and shield, sword
and dagger. He would start combat with a Mighty Exploits replace normal attacks that a character could
Throw of his spear, then try to inflict a Gaping make and they scaled based on the number of attacks the
Wound with his sword and if that didn't work, character would make as an Attack action. This approach
wrestle the enemy down and finish him off using a helps keep exploits damage comparable to what a
dagger to Find Gaps in his armor. I hope you will character could do with simple attacks and not overpower
have fun using these exploits in your game. Enjoy! classes, balanced around only two attacks per turn.
To illustrate the relative strength of exploits let's take a
Preface 6th level champion fighter as a model. We can assume he
will have Strength score of 20 by that time. With heavy
Design Goals weapon such as the Greataxe and the Great Weapon
Master feat from 2014 PHB such character can dish out an
If we look at the weapons table in the D&D 5th edition average of 20 damage per turn, adjusted for AC 15 target
Player's Handbook we find that, for example, longsword, and +8 to hit bonus, including critical hits. Damage per hit
battleaxe and warhammer have very similar stats - same will be be around 21.
damage, same properties. Yes the warhammer has If this character were to use the Devastating Blow
different damage type but in 5e it does not really matter. exploit, which is designed to emphasize the raw power of a
Glaive and halberd are completely identical, the same goes heavy-headed weapon, he could deal an average of 23
for the shortsword and scimitar. Boring. So I think it would damage with the same accuracy adjustment. The average
be nice to: damage on hit will be 24 plus additional 10 damage if the
attack roll exceeds target AC by 5 or more. Note that this
Give some flavor and a unique feel to each weapon. exploit can only be used once per encounter. So even
Provide options to deal damage without "mandatory" damage focused exploits do not increase damage too high,
feats like the Great Weapon Master. at least in my eyes.
Add special moves for versatile weapons when they are
wielded with two hands.
Create interesting combinations of weapons to use.
Keep the balance mostly as it is - martials are already
quite powerful in combat.
Give fighting classes the option to attack something
other than AC.
u/illahad 1
Explanation of Game Learning and Using Exploits
Mechanics Common Prerequisite for All Exploits
Terms Used Your character must be proficient with corresponding
weapons in order to use these exploits. If an exploit can be
performed with multiple weapons, you need to learn it only
Martial Classes and Subclasses once.
In this document I will refer to a class or subclass that
offers an Extra Attack feature at some point of progression Known Exploits
as a Martial Class and a Martial Subclass respectively. Martial classes learn one exploit at 2nd level and one
Technically this classification leaves the Rogue out but if additional each at levels 4 and 6. Martial subclasses learn
your group feels that rogues should be included feel free to their first exploit at 3rd level and then one more each at 5th
count them as a martial class, just keep in mind that exploit and 7th.
power scales with the number of attacks in most of the You can replace all known exploits with a different set
cases. each time you level up. Character can train during
downtime and then replace one of their known exploits
Weapon Damage Die [ W ] with another.
When W is mentioned in the exploit description, it is your
weapon damage die, d4 for a dagger, d12 for a greataxe, Using and Recharging Exploits
2d6 for a maul, etc. Extra damage dice gained from traits Once you have used the exploit, you can't use it again until
like Flame Tongue or Frost Brand are always multiplied by you roll Initiative or finish a Short Rest or a Long Rest
N (explained below), regardless of the scaling formula of unless it was a Reliable exploit that missed.
given exploit.
Action Cost and Combining Exploits
Ability and Enchantment Modifier [ M ]
Each exploit costs one action to perform. You can only
When M is mentioned, it refers to the ability modifier you perform one exploit per turn, on your turn. Extra action
normally use for your damage rolls, it may be different for you gain from the Haste spell can not be used to perform
the main hand and off hand weapons. If your weapon is an exploit. If you missed with a Reliable exploit you can
magical, add the enchantment bonus as well. use Action Surge (if you have one) to try again.
Number of Attacks [ N ] Interaction with Other Features
N designates the number of attacks that a character can If you have any features that allow you to attack as a bonus
make with an action. Baseline is one, some classes and action or as part of your normal attack, you can use those
subclasses get the Extra Attack feature that allows them to features after performing an exploit.
make two attacks. Fighters get three and four at higher Any feature that allows you to deal additional damage or
levels. Attacks that you make as a bonus action or an action add effects such as Divine Smite or Sneak Attack or
granted by Haste spell are not included in N. Stunning Strike can be used with an exploit.
For example if a character gained the Extra Attack Features that allow you to take penalty to your attack roll
feature and an exploit says (N + 1)W damage, that would but deal extra damage on hit can be used with exploits that
mean 3W or 3d4 for a dagger and 6d6 for a maul require an attack roll.
respectively. Cantrips or spells that require you to make a weapon
For a Flame Tongue longsword which usually also deals attack as a part of casting cannot be combined with an
2d6 fire damage that would mean 3d8 slashing damage exploit.
(3W) and 4d6 fire damage (2W, because damage from this
trait is always multiplied only by N regardless of the scaling Saving Throws
If the exploit requires the target to make a saving throw, the
Reliable Exploits save DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + M. Don't forget,
Typical exploits can only be performed once before they that M includes an enchantment bonus of your weapon, so
have to recharge. Reliable exploits are not expended when if you wield a magical blade, saving from your exploits will
be more difficult.
you miss or the target succeeds on a saving throw.
Heads Up: New Feats
Prepared Exploits
Normally you can perform exploits on your turn only, but In the end of the document you will find three new feats for
these are exceptions. You must ready an action on your those players who want to develop the ultimate martial
turn and perform this exploit as a reaction. Prepared versatility: Exploits Master, Tireless Warrior and
exploits are not expended if they were not triggered.
Potential Adjustments
VTT Automation
Many exploits have extra effect when an attack roll beats The new injured condition introduced in this document
AC by 5 or when a saving throw fails by 5. To track such does not affect Constructs and Plants or Undead. This is
not a balance or game-design decision, it's just my fantasy
results I made a free extension for Fantasy Grounds VTT: that probably no amount of pain or concussion would harm a living corpse. Feel free to remove or relax this restriction.
2 u/illahad
Exploit List per Weapon
Name Available Exploits
Simple Melee Weapons
Club Concussion Blow
Dagger Boar's Tusk, Fan of Knives, Find a Gap, Grab Defence
Free Hand Body Shield, Catch and Throw, Lock the Weapon
Greatclub Concussion Blow, Unstoppable Swing
Handaxe Mighty Throw
Javelin Excruciating Sting
Light Hammer Bell Ringer, Disruptive Shot
Mace Bell Ringer, Concussion Blow
Quarterstaff Against Multiple Attackers, Long Thrust
Spear Impale, Long Thrust, Mounted Charge, Mighty Throw
Sickle Hook and Pull
Simple Ranged Weapon
Crossbow, light Easy Aim, Keep it Loaded
Dart Fan of Knives, Focused Barrage
Shortbow Disruptive Shot, Focused Barrage
Sling Bell Ringer
Martial Melee Weapons
Battleaxe Hook and Pull, Shield Cleave, Skull Crusher
Flail Bell Ringer, Unpredictable Wrap
Glaive Gaping Wound, Impale
Greataxe Devastating Blow, Hook and Pull, Shield Cleave
Greatsword Gaping Wound, Guarding a Lady - and Goods, Long Thrust (d8)
Halberd Devastating Blow, Hook and Pull, Impale
Lance Mounted Charge
Longsword Bell Ringer (d4), Gaping Wound, Four Openings, Mounted Charge,
Maul Concussion Blow, Devastating Blow, Unstoppable Swing
Morningstar Concussion Blow, Penetrating Spikes
Pike Impale, Long Thrust
Rapier The Inquartata, Long Thrust, Perfect Judgement
Scimitar Gaping Wound, Thousand Cuts
Shortsword Against Multiple Attackers, Gaping Wound
Trident Mighty Throw, Three Fangs
Warpick Excruciating Sting, Penetrating Spikes
Warhammer Bell Ringer, Penetrating Spikes, Skull Crusher
Whip Face Slash, Unpredictable Wrap
Martial Ranged Weapons
Crossbow, hand Disruptive Shot, Easy Aim, Keep it Loaded
Crossbow, heavy Deadly Bolt, Easy Aim, Keep it Loaded
Longbow Focused Barrage, Rain of Arrows
Light or No Armor Swift Intercept, Unrestrained Mobility
Medium Balanced Protection, Swift Intercept
Heavy Armored Assault, Bodyguard
Shield Mighty Slam, Saved by Shield, Shield Twist

Fan of Knives
Exploit Descriptions With quick throws you attack all enemies around you.
Exploits are grouped into categories with an iconic weapon
representing the whole category. For example Mace Weapons: dagger, dart.
category includes all bludgeoning weapons with a heavy Target: each enemy within close range of your thrown
head on the shaft or chain. Check weapon lists of each weapon of you.
exploit to see which weapon can be used to perform it. Attack: make a ranged weapon attack against each target
expending one piece of ammunition per target. Being
Dagger within 5 ft. of a hostile creature doesn't impose
disadvantage on these attacks.
"I am the noble weapon named the dagger who plays at On hit: (N)W + M damage. After you made N attacks,
very close range, and he who understands my malice and further attacks get a cumulative -2 penalty to the attack roll.
my art will also gain a good understanding of many other
weapons. And since I finish my fight fiercely and quickly, Find a Gap [Reliable]
there is no man who can stand against my method.
Whoever witnesses my deeds of arms will see me make When you get close to your adversary for wrestling or
covers and thrusts as I move to grapple, and will see me finishing blow your dagger seeks openings in his armor.
take away the dagger by dislocating and binding arms, and Weapon: dagger.
against me neither weapons nor armour will be of any use." Target: a creature, grappled by you or your ally, or the one
Fiore de'i Liberi, Fior di Battaglia you have advantage against.
Attack: target must make a Dexterity saving throw.
Boar's Tusk
If someone would attack me with a sword to my head, On a failed save target is hit by your melee weapon attack
I would make this cover with a quick catch; and takes (N)d12 + M damage.
I would turn him with the left hand
And then I would strike with a dagger in his back.
Fiore de'i Liberi, Fior di Battaglia
Weapon: dagger.
Reaction: when a creature no more than one size larger
than you attacks or hits you with a melee weapon.
Requirement: You must have a dagger in your hand, you
can pull out a dagger as a part of this reaction if you have
a free hand.
Target: the creature that attacked you.
Attack: roll a d20 adding M and your Proficiency Bonus,
DC is 10 + attacker's to hit modifier.
On a success the triggering attack misses and you
automatically hit the creature with a melee weapon attack
of your dagger and deal (N)W + M damage and the creature
can not make more attacks on this turn. On a failure the
triggering attack hits you.

Credit: Hans Talhoffer, 1446,

Grab Defence
As the enemy gets close and grabs you, you pull out your
dagger and stab your attacker where it hurts.
Weapon: dagger.
Reaction: when a creature grapples you.
Requirement: You must have a dagger in your hand, you
can pull out a dagger as a part of this reaction, you can
Credit: Fiore Furlano de’i Liberi, 1400s, published by also drop an item that you hold as a part of this reaction
Michael Chidester. to free your hand.
Target: the creature that grappled you.
Attack: make a melee weapon attack.
On hit: (N + 1)W + M damage.


"I am the sword, deadly against all weapons. Neither spear, Injured [Condition]
nor poleaxe, nor dagger can prevail against me. I can be While injured you suffer one or more harmful
used at long range or close range, or I can be held in the effects, depending on the nature of injury.
half sword grip and move to the Narrow Game. I can be You can attempt a Constitution saving throw
used to take away the opponent’s sword, or move to at the end of each of your turns, ending all
grapple. My skill lies in breaking and binding. I am also associated effects on a success. Magical healing
skilled in covering and striking, with which I seek always to or spending an action and a successful Wisdom
finish the fight. I will crush anyone who opposes me. I am (Medicine) check (DC is same as for the save
of royal blood. I dispense justice, advance the cause of good from the exploit) also ends all associated effects.
Undead, Constructs and Plants are immune to
and destroy evil. To those who learn my crossings I will this condition.
grant great fame and renown in the art of armed fighting"
Fiore de'i Liberi, Fior di Battaglia
Against Multiple Attackers Gaping Wound [Reliable]
With your quick and light blade you cut swiftly left and right "Bolli hewed in return, and struck Lambi's shoulder, and
keeping all the enemies at distance. the sword flew down along the side of him, and he was
Weapons: quarterstaff, shortsword. rendered forthwith unfit to fight, and never after that time
Requirement: quarterstaff must be wielded in two hands. for the rest of his life was his arm any more use to him."
Target: up to N + 1 creatures within your reach. The Laxdaela Saga
Attack: make up to N + 1 melee attacks. Each attack must Weapons: glaive, greatsword, longsword, scimitar,
be against a different target (you can switch between two shortsword.
targets). Target: a creature within your reach.
Each target you attack must succeed (once) on a Wisdom Attack: make a melee weapon attack.
saving throw or have disadvantage on melee attacks On hit: (N + 1)W + M damage. If your attack roll is equal
against you until the end of it's next turn. to or greater than the target's AC + 5, the target is injured.
While injured it is weakened and takes (N)x3 damage from
bleeding at the start of each of its turns.

Weakened [Condition]
While Weakened, you experience the following
Reduced Damage. You deal only half damage with
your weapon attacks.

Guarding a Lady – and Goods

"Have whoever you keep safe behind you attached to your
belt. Once begun the montante only comes to the shoulder
Credit: Hans Talhoffer, 1459, published by Michael when armed. You deliver alternating taho and reves that do
Chidester. not pass or fly towards the rear so to avoid the person
behind you."
Four Openings Godinho, Montante rules.
"...Step and strike first from your right against his left ear, Weapon: greatsword.
as soon as the strike hits on, then quickly twitch to fly off Target: area up to (N + 2) 5-foot squares within your
again, and strike the second from below diagonally against weapon's reach. These squares don't have to be adjacent
his right arm ... from your right strike to his lower left to each other. One of these squares may be right outside
opening, as the right is pulled or hit then twitch off again to of your reach. Only N of these squares may be occupied.
over your head, and strike the fourth seriously against his
right ear ... The first four Strikes shall be nimble and quick You can't use reactions when performing this exploit .
from one opening to another for your steps to be Designate the area as described above. Until the start of
successful." your next turn, when a creature enters one of these squares
Joachim Meyer or starts its turn there, it must make a Dexterity saving
Weapon: longsword. On a failed save the creature is hit by your melee weapon
Requirement: You must wield a longsword in two hands in attack and takes (W + M) damage. On a successful save the
order to perform this exploit. creature is still hit and takes half as much damage. Any
Target: a creature within your reach. additional damage from Divine Smite or other sources is
Attack: make N + 1 melee attacks against the same target. also halved.
Each attack after the first receives a cumulative +2 bonus
to the attack roll.


Thousand Cuts Halberd
Light and nimble blade of the scimitar dances in your hand "I am the poleaxe, heavy, vicious and deadly. I deliver blows
giving wounds to every foe around you. more powerful than any other hand-held weapon."
Weapon: scimitar. Fiore de'i Liberi, Fior di Battaglia
Target: every creature within your reach.
Attack: make one melee weapon attack against each
enemy within your reach. After you made N attacks,
further attacks get a cumulative -2 penalty to the attack
roll. You can move normally between attacks.
The Inquartata
While the enemy drops to wound you, you then carry the
front leg, lifting it backward, and in the same tempo throw a
thrust at his face that is impossible to parry. He wounds
himself, neither can you then be wounded.
Nicoletto Giganti
Weapon: rapier.
Reaction: when a creature no more than one size larger
than you attacks or hits you with a melee weapon.
Target: the creature that attacked you.
Attack: roll a d20 adding M and your Proficiency Bonus, Credit: Fiore Furlano de’i Liberi, 1400s, published by
DC is 10 + attacker's to hit modifier. Michael Chidester.
On a success the triggering attack misses and you
automatically hit the creature with a melee weapon attack Devastating Blow [Reliable]
of your rapier and deal (N)W + M damage and the creature "Then Steinthor Olafson leapt at Bolli, and hewed at his
can not make more attacks on this turn. On a failure the neck with a large axe just above his shoulders, and
triggering attack hits you. forthwith his head flew off. Thorgerd bade him "hale enjoy
hands", and said that Gudrun would have now a while a red
hair to trim for Bolli."
The Laxdaela Saga
Weapons: greataxe, halberd, maul.
Target: one creature within your reach.
Attack: make a melee weapon attack.
On hit: (N + 1)W + M damage. If your attack roll is equal
to or greater than target's AC + 5, the target takes
additional (N)x5 damage (not doubled on a critical hit) and
you can push it (N)x5 ft. If the target is big (more than one
size larger than you), it's not pushed.
Hook and Pull [Reliable]
Credit: Nicoletto Giganti, 1606 "Then Skarphedinn hews at Sigmund with his axe; "the
Perfect Judgement [Reliable] Ogress of war." Sigmund had on a corselet, the axe came
on his shoulder. Skarphedinn cleft the shoulder-blade right
You assessed precisely how your adversary reacts and through, and at the same time pulled the axe towards him.
made a perfect plan according to your judgement. Sigmund fell down on both knees, but sprang up again at
Weapon: rapier. once."
Target: one creature within your reach that uses weapons The Story of Burnt Njal
to fight. Weapons: battleaxe, greataxe, halberd, sickle.
Attack: make a contested Intelligence check. Proficiency Target: a creature within your reach that is no more than
with rapier allows opponents to add proficiency bonus to one size larger than you.
the check. Attack: target must make a Dexterity saving throw or a
On a success you automatically hit the creature with a Strength saving throw if it has more than two legs.
melee weapon attack and deal (N + 1)W + M damage, and On a failed save the target is hit by your melee weapon
you have advantage on attack rolls against this creature attack and takes (N + 1)W + M damage. If it fails the save
until the end of your next turn, also if during its next turn by 5 or more, it is also knocked prone and you can pull it 5
the creature attacks a target that is not you, you can use feet towards you. On a successfull save nothing happens.
your reaction to make a melee attack with advantage
against it.


Spear Attack: make a melee weapon attack. Gain advantage if the
target is outside your normal reach.
"Here begins the art of the noble weapon called Lance; in On hit: (N + 1)W + M damage (with greatsword W is
the beginning of battle, on horse and on foot, is its use. And d8).
whoever watches it with its dashing pennant should be
frightened with great dread. And it makes great thrusts Mighty Throw [Reliable]
which are dangerously strong, and with a single one it can "... with his left hand he caught the spear in the air, and
give death. And if in the first blow it makes its due, then hurled it back at Grani, ... Grani had his shield before him,
axe, sword, and dagger will all be upset." and the spear came on the shield and passed right through
Fiore de'i Liberi, Fior di Battaglia it, and into Grani's thigh just below the small guts, and
Impale [Prepared] through the limb, and so on, pinning him to the ground, and
he could not get rid of the spear before his fellows drew
I cut you in the head with my spear From the guard of the him off it, and carried him away on their shields, and laid
Master which is so quick. him down in a dell."
Fiore de'i Liberi, Fior di Battaglia The Story of Burnt Njal
Weapons: glaive, halberd, pike, spear. Weapons: handaxe, spear, trident.
Readied Action: triggered when a creature enters your Target: a creature within throw range.
reach Attack: make a ranged weapon attack.
Target: the creature that entered your reach On hit: (N + 1)W + M damage. If your attack roll is equal
Attack: target must make a Dexterity saving throw. to or greater than target's AC + 5, the target is injured.
On a failed save the target is hit by your melee attack and While injured it is restrained. This injury is not applied if
takes (N + X)D + M damage, where X is 3 if the target this exploit was performed with a handaxe.
passed more than 20 ft. on its way to you and 1 otherwise,
and D is the bigger of your weapon die and the creature's Mounted Charge [Reliable]
hit die. Weapons: lance, longsword, spear.
So for a medium creature it would be d8, for a large - Requirement: you must be mounted and move at least 20
d10, for a huge - d12 and so on. For example a troll (large) feet before attacking.
that approached from 30 ft. away risks taking (N + 3) d10 +
M damage from a simple spear held in one hand. Target: one creature within your reach
Attack: make a DC 15 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check.
If your mount is on a difficult terrain at the moment of
the attack the DC is 20. If you beat the DC, you hit the
target with a melee attack.
On hit: (N + 1)W + M damage. If your roll is equal to or
greater than DC + 5, the target takes additional (N)x5
damage (not doubled on a critical hit) and is knocked
prone. If the target is more than one size larger than your
mount, it's not knocked prone.
Shield Cleave
"Sigmund had a helm on his head, and a shield at his side,
Credit: Fiore Furlano de’i Liberi, 1400s, published by and was girt with a sword, his spear was in his hand; now
Michael Chidester. he turns against Skarphedinn, and thrusts at once at him
with his spear, and the thrust came on his shield.
Long Thrust [can be Prepared]
Skarphedinn dashes the spearhaft in two, and lifts up his
axe and hews at Sigmund, and cleaves his shield down to
Asius, on foot, his two great horses breathing at his back below the handle."
restrained by his charioteer, strode to the rescue, eager to The Story of Burnt Njal
hurl his spear at Idomeneus. The latter, too quick for him,
caught him with a thrust of his spear in the throat, beneath Weapons: battleaxe, greataxe.
the chin, and drove the point right through. Asius fell like Target: one creature within your reach.
an oak, poplar, or towering pine, felled in the mountains by Attack: make a melee weapon attack.
the woodsman’s sharp axe, to make ships’ timbers. Hit or miss: the target takes a -2 penalty to AC if it uses
Homer, Iliad armor or a shield until it can repair its armor (on the long
Weapons: greatsword, quarterstaff, pike, rapier, spear. rest).
Requirement: you must wield your weapon in both hands, On hit: (N + 1)W + M damage.
except rapier.
Reaction (if readied): you can perform this exploit when a
target moves or makes an attack that does not target you,
while being at the distance where you can target it.
Target: one creature within your reach which is extended
by 5 ft. when you perform this exploit.
Skull Crusher [Reliable] Concussion Blow [Reliable]
"Thorgeir lifted the axe, "the Ogress of war," with both Even if you don't break bones or penetrate armor, the
hands, and dashed the hammer of the axe with a back-blow momentum of your weapon still shakes the enemy's body.
into the head of him that stood behind him, so that his skull
was shattered to small bits. "Slain is this one," said Weapons: club, greatclub, mace, maul, morningstar.
Thorgeir; and down the man fell at once, and was dead. But Target: a creature within your reach.
when he dashed the axe forward, he smote Thorkell on the Attack: target must make a Constitution saving throw.
shoulder, and hewed it off, arm and all." On a failed save the target is hit by your melee attack and
The Story of Burnt Njal takes (N + 1)W + M damage. If it fails the save by 5 or
Weapons: battleaxe, warhammer. more, the target loses 10 points of initiative. If the target
Requirement: you must wield your weapon in both hands. already acted in this round it does not get to act again and
Target: a creature within your reach. does not suffer effects happening on its turn for the second
Attack: make a melee attack. time during the same round.
On hit: (N + 1)W + M damage. If your attack roll is equal Penetrating Spikes
to or greater than target's AC + 5, the target takes Weapons: morningstar, warhammer, war pick.
additional (N)x5 damage (not doubled on a critical hit). Target: a creature within your reach.
Attack: make a melee attack.
On hit: (N + 1)W + M damage.
Bell Ringer [Reliable] On miss: half as much damage. Any additional damage
The impact of your blow makes the enemy stagger. from Divine Smite or other sources is halved as well.
Weapons: flail, light hammer, longsword, mace, sling, Unpredictable Wrap [Reliable]
warhammer. Weapons: flail, whip.
Requirement: if you want to perform this exploit with Target: a creature within your reach.
longsword (this technique is called Mordhau or murder- Attack: target must make a Dexterity saving throw.
strike) you must wield it in both hands.
Target: a creature within your reach. On a failed save the target is hit by your melee attack and
Attack: make a melee weapon attack or a ranged weapon takes (N + 1)W + M damage. If it fails the save by 5 or
attack. more, it has disadvantage on attacks until the end of its
next turn as the chain or whip entangles its weapon. Until
On hit: (N + 1)W + M damage (with longsword W is d4). this effect ends the target is also grappled by you. It can
If your attack roll is equal to or greater than target's AC + 5, spend action to end this grapple or move away leaving it's
the target is injured. While injured it is dazed. weapon behind if it's possible.
Unstoppable Swing
Weapons: greatclub, maul.
Target: a creature within your reach.
Attack: target must make a Dexterity saving throw.
On a failed save the target is hit by your melee attack and
takes (2N + 1)W + M damage. If it failes the save by 5 or
more, it drops its weapon and is injured. While injured it is
On a successful save you can immediately target another
creature within your reach as your weapon keeps
Credit: Hans Talhoffer, 1459, published by Michael Three Fangs
Weapon: trident.
Target: one creature within your reach.
Dazed [Condition] Attack: make three melee weapon attacks with -3 penalty
While Dazed, you experience the following against the same creature.
effect: On hit: each attack deals (N)W damage. If any of the
Limited Activity. You can Move or take one attacks hits the target also takes M damage.
Action on your turn, not both. You also can’t take
a Bonus Action or a Reaction.
Shaky. If the Dazed condition is applied to you
a second time, you become stunned instead.


Bow Easy to Aim [Reliable]
It's easy to teach anybody to shoot a crossbow. Just point it
Disruptive Shot to the target and pull the trigger. This is the reason why
But Paris, seeing him, quickly fired his bow, and his arrow skilled archers despise this weapon and those who use it.
struck Eurypylus in the right thigh. Hampered by the
broken shaft, Eurypylus cheated death by taking cover Weapons: hand crossbow, light crossbow, heavy crossbow.
among his comrades. Target: a creature within half of your weapon's short range.
Homer, Iliad Attack: target must make a Dexterity saving throw.
On a failed save the target is hit by your ranged attack
Weapons: light hammer, hand crossbow, shortbow. and takes (N + 1)W + M damage. On a success the target
Reaction: when a creature within short range of your takes half as much damage. Any additional damage is
weapon attacks you or an ally. halved as well.
Target: the attacking creature.
Attack: make a ranged weapon attack. Keep it Loaded
On hit: W + M damage and the target has disadvantage Unlike bow, you can keep a crossbow strung and ready to
on attack rolls until the end of its turn (including the shoot for a long time.
triggering attack).
Weapons: hand crossbow, heavy crossbow, light crossbow.
Focused Barrage Reaction: when you are about to roll initiative and you are
Arrows hit your quarry one after another leaving it no time not surprised.
to recover. Target: a creature within weapon's range.
Attack: make a ranged weapon attack.
Weapons: dart, longbow, shortbow. On hit: (N)W + M damage.
Target: a creature within your weapon's range.
Attack: make up to N + 1 ranged weapon attacks, all Javelin
against the same target.
On hit: W + M damage. If your attack roll is equal to or Excruciating Sting [Reliable]
greater than target's AC + 5 you can push the target 5 ft. If "Before they met Kjartan flung his spear, and it struck
two of the attacks hit, the target is injured. While injured through Thorolf's shield above the handle, so that
its speed is reduced by half. If three of the attacks hit the therewith the shield was pressed against him, the spear
target is also dazed. piercing the shield and the arm above the elbow, where it
sundered the main muscle, Thorolf dropping the shield,
Rain of Arrows and his arm being of no avail to him through the day"
"Gunnar strings his bow, and takes his arrows and throws The Laxdaela Saga
them on the ground before him, and shoots as soon as ever
they come within shot; by that Gunnar wounded many men, Weapons: javelin, war pick.
but some he slew." Target: one creature within range.
The Story of Burnt Njal Attack: make a ranged weapon attack or a melee weapon
attack with a war pick.
Weapon: longbow. On hit: (N + 1)W + M damage. If your attack roll is equal
Target: up to 2*N targets in the cone as long as short range to or greater than the target's AC + 5, the target is injured.
of your weapon. While injured it is weakened.
Attack: ranged weapon attack, each against a different
target. After you made N attacks, further attacks get a
cumulative -2 penalty to the attack roll. Whip
You cannot move on the same turn with this exploit. Face Lash [Reliable]
On hit: W + M damage. If your attack roll is equal to or The tip of your whip shashes across the enemy face,
greater than target's AC + 5 you can push the target 10 ft. causing blood to flow into his eyes.
or reduce its speed by half until the end of its next turn.
Weapon: whip.
Crossbow Target: a creature within your reach.
Attack: target must make a Constitution saving throw.
Deadly Bolt [Reliable] On a failed save the target is hit by your melee attack and
Heavy bolts are especially dangerous at close distance. takes (N + 1)W + M damage. If it fails the save by 5 or
Weapon: heavy crossbow. more, the target is injured. While injured it is blinded.
Target: a creature within your weapon's short range.
Attack: make a ranged weapon attack.
On hit: (N + 1)W + M damage. If your attack roll is equal
to or greater than target's AC + 5, the target takes
additional (N)x5 damage (not doubled on a critical hit), and
you can push it 10 ft. or knock it prone.


Shield You can move normally between attacks. If you provoke
an opportunity attack, you gain advantage on your next
Mighty Slam [Reliable] attack. If any attack hits you during this turn, the damage of
this attack is reduced by 5 + half your level.
Weapon: shield.
Target: one creature within 5 ft. Balanced Protection
Attack: the target must make a Constitution saving throw.
Your armor offers a nice balance of agility and sturdiness,
On a failed save the target takes (N)d6 + M damage. If it allowing you to avoid harm or take the punch.
fails the save by 5 or more, the target is injured. While
injured it is dazed. Armor: medium.
Reaction: when you are a target of a melee or ranged
Saved by Shield attack or an effect that requires a Strength, Dexterity or
"Now Thorgeir turns against Leidolf the Strong, and each Constitution saving throw.
hewed at the other at the same moment, and Leidolf's blow Impose a disadvantage on the attack or gain advantage
was so great that it shore off that part of the shield on on your saving throw.
which it fell."
The Story of Burnt Njal Bodyguard
Weapon: shield. Step in the way of an attack, absorbing it with your heavy
Reaction: when you take damage. armor.
Target: yourself. Armor: heavy.
Effect: Reduce the damage by d20 + 5 + half of your level + Reaction: when an adjacent ally is hit by an attack.
5x the enchantment modifier. Your shield is no longer
usable. Roll DC 10 flat check to see if it can be repaired. Attack hits you instead, critical hit becomes a normal hit.
The damage from this attack is reduced by 5 + half your
Shield Twist [Reliable] level.
"With that he rushes at Gunnar in great wrath, and thrust
his spear through his shield, and so on through his arm. Swift Intercept
Gunnar gave the shield such a sharp twist that the Your lighter armor allows you to quickly react to enemy
spearhead broke short off at the socket." "Against Gunnar maneuvers on the battlefield.
came Vandil, and smote at once at him with his sword, and
the blow fell on his shield. Gunnar gave the shield a twist as Armor: medium, light or no armor.
the sword pierced it, and broke it short off at the hilt." Reaction: when an enemy moves to a space within number
The Story of Burnt Njal of feet of you equal to your speed.
Weapon: shield. You can move up to your speed and if you can reach the
Reaction: when a creature which is no more than one size enemy, you can attack it. This movement does not provoke
larger than you attacks you in melee with a weapon. opportunity attacks. If you are wearing medium armor, you
Target: the creature that attacked you. can move only up to half your speed.
Attack: after resolving the attack, whether it hits or misses,
roll a d20 adding M and your Proficiency Bonus, DC is Unrestrained Mobility
10 + attacker's to hit modifier. You take advantage of the mobility that lighter armor allows
On a success the attaking creature must use its next and step swiftly out of harm's way.
action to free the weapon, otherwise it can not use it. If Armor: light or no armor.
your result exceeds the DC by 5 or more, the attacker's Reaction: when you are a target of a melee or ranged
weapon is broken. In both cases you have advantage on attack or an effect that requires a Dexterity saving throw.
attacks against it until the end of your next turn.
Before the attack resolves or the saving throw is made,
you can move up to half your speed without provoking
Armor opportunity attacks, potentially moving out of the effects
area, or avoiding the attack entirely (if you break line of
Armored Assault sight or move out of range, and the attacker can not follow
At this, Diomedes, into whom bright-eyed Athene breathed you).
new fury, set about killing those right and left, while
hideous groans rose from the dying, and the earth ran red
with their blood. Like a lion that finds an undefended flock
of sheep or goats, and springs on them with slaughter in its
heart, so the son of Tydeus despatched twelve Thracian
warriors one by one.
Homer, Iliad.
Armor: heavy.
Target: every creature within your reach.
Attack: make one melee weapon attack against each
enemy that you can reach. After you made N attacks,
further attacks get a cumulative -2 penalty to the attack


Free Hand New Feats
Catch and Throw Exploits Master
"Holmstein hurled a spear at Kari, but he caught it in the Prerequisite: Martial class or subclass. Knowledge of at
air, and sent it back, and it was a man's death in Flosi's least one martial exploit
band." You have practiced extensively learning a wide variety of
The Story of Burnt Njal martial techniques, gaining the following benefits:
Reaction: when you are attacked or hit by a thrown Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a
weapon, and the attacking creature is no more than one maximum of 20.
size larger than you. You learn tree martial exploits in addition to those you
Weapon: free hand. gain through your level progression.
Target: a creature in the throw range.
Attack: roll a d20 adding M and your Proficiency Bonus, Tireless Warrior
DC is 10 + attacker's to hit modifier.
On failure you get hit by the attack. On success the attack Prerequisite: Martial class or subclass
misses and you've caught the weapon and can immediately You developed a keen eye for every opportunity to use
make a ranged weapon attack with it against any target in your signature move and endurance to do so repeatedly,
range. You get advantage on this attack. you gain the following benefits:
On hit: (N + 1)W + M damage. Increase your Wisdom or Constitution score by 1, to a
maximum of 20.
Body Shield Choose one exploit that you know. You can use this
You pull the creature that you grappling on the line of the exploit for the second time after it was expended. After
attack. you used this ability, you can not use it again until you
finish a Short or a Long Rest.
Reaction: when you take damage from an attack while
grappling a creature. Untouchable
Target: a creature grappled by you. Prerequisite: Martial class or subclass
Attack: the target must make a Strength or Dexterity You have trained obstinately in the art of defence, gaining
saving throw. the following benefits:
On a failed save the target takes half damage and you Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a
take the other half. If it fails the save by 5 or more, it takes maximum of 20.
all damage. On a successful save you take the damage When an exploit is used as a reaction to an enemy
normally. attack and requires you to make a d20 roll or an ability
Lock the Weapon check to avoid the attack, you make that roll with
Reaction: when a creature which is no more than one size
larger than you attacks or hits you in melee.
Weapon: free hand.
Target: the creature that attacked you.
Attack: roll a d20 adding M and your Proficiency Bonus,
DC is 10 + attacker's to hit modifier.
On a failure the attack hits you. On a success the attack
misses and you grapple the attacker. While you grappling it
in this manner, you have advantage on attacks against it,
and it can not use that weapon until it breaks free from
your grapple.
If you have Grappler feat, you make this check with

Credit: Hans Talhoffer, 1467, published by Michael



The Ultimate Exploit
End Him Rightly!
Note the twelfth play. If you want to end him quickly, hold
your spear and sword together on your arm, unscrew the
pommel of your sword and throw it at him vigorously. Close
in with the throw and use your sword or spear, whatever
suits you best.
Codex Gladiatoria
Weapons: greatsword, longsword, shortsword.
Target: a creature in the throw range.
Attack: special.
The target takes 1 bludgeoning damage and must make
an Intelligence saving throw. Its modifier for the save is
reversed i.e. +5 becomes -5.
On a failed save the target takes (N)d6 psychic damage
and bends over with laughter. It becomes incapacitated.
At the end of each of its turns, and each time it takes
damage, the target can make another saving throw without
the modifier inversion.
The target has advantage on the saving throw if it's
triggered by damage. On a success, the effect ends. Credit: Codex Gladiatoria ca. 1430, published by Michael
Chidester (


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