Martial Exploits
Martial Exploits
Martial Exploits
Martial Exploits v2
magine a German warrior of the early Middle Ages, Balance
traditionally armed with a spear and shield, sword
and dagger. He would start combat with a Mighty Exploits replace normal attacks that a character could
Throw of his spear, then try to inflict a Gaping make and they scaled based on the number of attacks the
Wound with his sword and if that didn't work, character would make as an Attack action. This approach
wrestle the enemy down and finish him off using a helps keep exploits damage comparable to what a
dagger to Find Gaps in his armor. I hope you will character could do with simple attacks and not overpower
have fun using these exploits in your game. Enjoy! classes, balanced around only two attacks per turn.
To illustrate the relative strength of exploits let's take a
Preface 6th level champion fighter as a model. We can assume he
will have Strength score of 20 by that time. With heavy
Design Goals weapon such as the Greataxe and the Great Weapon
Master feat from 2014 PHB such character can dish out an
If we look at the weapons table in the D&D 5th edition average of 20 damage per turn, adjusted for AC 15 target
Player's Handbook we find that, for example, longsword, and +8 to hit bonus, including critical hits. Damage per hit
battleaxe and warhammer have very similar stats - same will be be around 21.
damage, same properties. Yes the warhammer has If this character were to use the Devastating Blow
different damage type but in 5e it does not really matter. exploit, which is designed to emphasize the raw power of a
Glaive and halberd are completely identical, the same goes heavy-headed weapon, he could deal an average of 23
for the shortsword and scimitar. Boring. So I think it would damage with the same accuracy adjustment. The average
be nice to: damage on hit will be 24 plus additional 10 damage if the
attack roll exceeds target AC by 5 or more. Note that this
Give some flavor and a unique feel to each weapon. exploit can only be used once per encounter. So even
Provide options to deal damage without "mandatory" damage focused exploits do not increase damage too high,
feats like the Great Weapon Master. at least in my eyes.
Add special moves for versatile weapons when they are
wielded with two hands.
Create interesting combinations of weapons to use.
Keep the balance mostly as it is - martials are already
quite powerful in combat.
Give fighting classes the option to attack something
other than AC.
u/illahad 1
Explanation of Game Learning and Using Exploits
Mechanics Common Prerequisite for All Exploits
Terms Used Your character must be proficient with corresponding
weapons in order to use these exploits. If an exploit can be
performed with multiple weapons, you need to learn it only
Martial Classes and Subclasses once.
In this document I will refer to a class or subclass that
offers an Extra Attack feature at some point of progression Known Exploits
as a Martial Class and a Martial Subclass respectively. Martial classes learn one exploit at 2nd level and one
Technically this classification leaves the Rogue out but if additional each at levels 4 and 6. Martial subclasses learn
your group feels that rogues should be included feel free to their first exploit at 3rd level and then one more each at 5th
count them as a martial class, just keep in mind that exploit and 7th.
power scales with the number of attacks in most of the You can replace all known exploits with a different set
cases. each time you level up. Character can train during
downtime and then replace one of their known exploits
Weapon Damage Die [ W ] with another.
When W is mentioned in the exploit description, it is your
weapon damage die, d4 for a dagger, d12 for a greataxe, Using and Recharging Exploits
2d6 for a maul, etc. Extra damage dice gained from traits Once you have used the exploit, you can't use it again until
like Flame Tongue or Frost Brand are always multiplied by you roll Initiative or finish a Short Rest or a Long Rest
N (explained below), regardless of the scaling formula of unless it was a Reliable exploit that missed.
given exploit.
Action Cost and Combining Exploits
Ability and Enchantment Modifier [ M ]
Each exploit costs one action to perform. You can only
When M is mentioned, it refers to the ability modifier you perform one exploit per turn, on your turn. Extra action
normally use for your damage rolls, it may be different for you gain from the Haste spell can not be used to perform
the main hand and off hand weapons. If your weapon is an exploit. If you missed with a Reliable exploit you can
magical, add the enchantment bonus as well. use Action Surge (if you have one) to try again.
Number of Attacks [ N ] Interaction with Other Features
N designates the number of attacks that a character can If you have any features that allow you to attack as a bonus
make with an action. Baseline is one, some classes and action or as part of your normal attack, you can use those
subclasses get the Extra Attack feature that allows them to features after performing an exploit.
make two attacks. Fighters get three and four at higher Any feature that allows you to deal additional damage or
levels. Attacks that you make as a bonus action or an action add effects such as Divine Smite or Sneak Attack or
granted by Haste spell are not included in N. Stunning Strike can be used with an exploit.
For example if a character gained the Extra Attack Features that allow you to take penalty to your attack roll
feature and an exploit says (N + 1)W damage, that would but deal extra damage on hit can be used with exploits that
mean 3W or 3d4 for a dagger and 6d6 for a maul require an attack roll.
respectively. Cantrips or spells that require you to make a weapon
For a Flame Tongue longsword which usually also deals attack as a part of casting cannot be combined with an
2d6 fire damage that would mean 3d8 slashing damage exploit.
(3W) and 4d6 fire damage (2W, because damage from this
trait is always multiplied only by N regardless of the scaling Saving Throws
If the exploit requires the target to make a saving throw, the
Reliable Exploits save DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + M. Don't forget,
Typical exploits can only be performed once before they that M includes an enchantment bonus of your weapon, so
have to recharge. Reliable exploits are not expended when if you wield a magical blade, saving from your exploits will
be more difficult.
you miss or the target succeeds on a saving throw.
Heads Up: New Feats
Prepared Exploits
Normally you can perform exploits on your turn only, but In the end of the document you will find three new feats for
these are exceptions. You must ready an action on your those players who want to develop the ultimate martial
turn and perform this exploit as a reaction. Prepared versatility: Exploits Master, Tireless Warrior and
exploits are not expended if they were not triggered.
Potential Adjustments
VTT Automation
Many exploits have extra effect when an attack roll beats The new injured condition introduced in this document
AC by 5 or when a saving throw fails by 5. To track such does not affect Constructs and Plants or Undead. This is
not a balance or game-design decision, it's just my fantasy
results I made a free extension for Fantasy Grounds VTT: that probably no amount of pain or concussion would harm a living corpse. Feel free to remove or relax this restriction.
2 u/illahad
Exploit List per Weapon
Name Available Exploits
Simple Melee Weapons
Club Concussion Blow
Dagger Boar's Tusk, Fan of Knives, Find a Gap, Grab Defence
Free Hand Body Shield, Catch and Throw, Lock the Weapon
Greatclub Concussion Blow, Unstoppable Swing
Handaxe Mighty Throw
Javelin Excruciating Sting
Light Hammer Bell Ringer, Disruptive Shot
Mace Bell Ringer, Concussion Blow
Quarterstaff Against Multiple Attackers, Long Thrust
Spear Impale, Long Thrust, Mounted Charge, Mighty Throw
Sickle Hook and Pull
Simple Ranged Weapon
Crossbow, light Easy Aim, Keep it Loaded
Dart Fan of Knives, Focused Barrage
Shortbow Disruptive Shot, Focused Barrage
Sling Bell Ringer
Martial Melee Weapons
Battleaxe Hook and Pull, Shield Cleave, Skull Crusher
Flail Bell Ringer, Unpredictable Wrap
Glaive Gaping Wound, Impale
Greataxe Devastating Blow, Hook and Pull, Shield Cleave
Greatsword Gaping Wound, Guarding a Lady - and Goods, Long Thrust (d8)
Halberd Devastating Blow, Hook and Pull, Impale
Lance Mounted Charge
Longsword Bell Ringer (d4), Gaping Wound, Four Openings, Mounted Charge,
Maul Concussion Blow, Devastating Blow, Unstoppable Swing
Morningstar Concussion Blow, Penetrating Spikes
Pike Impale, Long Thrust
Rapier The Inquartata, Long Thrust, Perfect Judgement
Scimitar Gaping Wound, Thousand Cuts
Shortsword Against Multiple Attackers, Gaping Wound
Trident Mighty Throw, Three Fangs
Warpick Excruciating Sting, Penetrating Spikes
Warhammer Bell Ringer, Penetrating Spikes, Skull Crusher
Whip Face Slash, Unpredictable Wrap
Martial Ranged Weapons
Crossbow, hand Disruptive Shot, Easy Aim, Keep it Loaded
Crossbow, heavy Deadly Bolt, Easy Aim, Keep it Loaded
Longbow Focused Barrage, Rain of Arrows
Light or No Armor Swift Intercept, Unrestrained Mobility
Medium Balanced Protection, Swift Intercept
Heavy Armored Assault, Bodyguard
Shield Mighty Slam, Saved by Shield, Shield Twist
Fan of Knives
Exploit Descriptions With quick throws you attack all enemies around you.
Exploits are grouped into categories with an iconic weapon
representing the whole category. For example Mace Weapons: dagger, dart.
category includes all bludgeoning weapons with a heavy Target: each enemy within close range of your thrown
head on the shaft or chain. Check weapon lists of each weapon of you.
exploit to see which weapon can be used to perform it. Attack: make a ranged weapon attack against each target
expending one piece of ammunition per target. Being
Dagger within 5 ft. of a hostile creature doesn't impose
disadvantage on these attacks.
"I am the noble weapon named the dagger who plays at On hit: (N)W + M damage. After you made N attacks,
very close range, and he who understands my malice and further attacks get a cumulative -2 penalty to the attack roll.
my art will also gain a good understanding of many other
weapons. And since I finish my fight fiercely and quickly, Find a Gap [Reliable]
there is no man who can stand against my method.
Whoever witnesses my deeds of arms will see me make When you get close to your adversary for wrestling or
covers and thrusts as I move to grapple, and will see me finishing blow your dagger seeks openings in his armor.
take away the dagger by dislocating and binding arms, and Weapon: dagger.
against me neither weapons nor armour will be of any use." Target: a creature, grappled by you or your ally, or the one
Fiore de'i Liberi, Fior di Battaglia you have advantage against.
Attack: target must make a Dexterity saving throw.
Boar's Tusk
If someone would attack me with a sword to my head, On a failed save target is hit by your melee weapon attack
I would make this cover with a quick catch; and takes (N)d12 + M damage.
I would turn him with the left hand
And then I would strike with a dagger in his back.
Fiore de'i Liberi, Fior di Battaglia
Weapon: dagger.
Reaction: when a creature no more than one size larger
than you attacks or hits you with a melee weapon.
Requirement: You must have a dagger in your hand, you
can pull out a dagger as a part of this reaction if you have
a free hand.
Target: the creature that attacked you.
Attack: roll a d20 adding M and your Proficiency Bonus,
DC is 10 + attacker's to hit modifier.
On a success the triggering attack misses and you
automatically hit the creature with a melee weapon attack
of your dagger and deal (N)W + M damage and the creature
can not make more attacks on this turn. On a failure the
triggering attack hits you.
Weakened [Condition]
While Weakened, you experience the following
Reduced Damage. You deal only half damage with
your weapon attacks.