Fischler & Lichtfeldt (2007)
Fischler & Lichtfeldt (2007)
Fischler & Lichtfeldt (2007)
To cite this article: Helmut Fischler & Michael Lichtfeldt (1992) Modern physics and
students’ conceptions, International Journal of Science Education, 14:2, 181-190, DOI:
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INT. J. SCI. EDUC., 1992, VOL. 14, NO. 2, 181-190
The learning of modern physics is made more difficult for students because teaching often uses semi-
classical models (e.g. Bohr) and concepts (e.g. dualism). An introduction to quantum physics was
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Almost all textbooks for upper school grades introduce the atomic model of Bohr to
the students, in which electrons move in circular orbits round the nucleus-like
planets around the sun. In physics, this model was replaced 65 years ago by quantum
mechanics in which the description of the atom dispenses with all visualizations.
What justifications are given for using the Bohr model in class? Two arguments are
often put forward:
(a) The Bohr model, because of its descriptiveness, can be easily understood and
provides explanations for many observations.
(b) The Bohr model was of enormous significance in the process of developing
modern physics. Students should be introduced to this important stage.
This approach is criticized on the grounds that, in being oriented to historical
development, the teaching over-emphasizes the conceptions of classical physics.
The usage of mechanical models, which is implied in this, sets up an additional
obstacle to an appropriate understanding of quantum physics. Thus:
In school physics, the subject matter of modern theories is described with methods and
conceptions of classical physics which, for this purpose, are insufficient. In so doing, all
the unnecessary contradictions and difficulties are introduced into the school, which
even the most outstanding physicists of the semi-classical epoch in physics (c. 1900-
1925) had to grapple with because they had not yet fully uncovered the causes of these
difficulties. (Brachner/Fichtner 1974, p. 84; translation by the authors of the present
In order to respond to this problem it is necessary to lay the foundation for the
intended understanding as early as possible, avoiding concepts which will contradict
this understanding. The latter, however, happens if the efficiency of illustrative
concepts is emphasized over a longer period while not confronting the students with
modern ideas until the teaching unit has almost come to its end. This results in a
confrontation which 'concedes' the failure of the earlier theory instead of presenting
the explanatory possibilities of the newer approach.
The discussion of students' current conceptions is an important prerequisite for
an intended conceptual change. This discussion should also include aspects of the
Newtonian metaphysical commitments which play a significant role in perceiving
and interpreting the phenomena of modern physics (Hewson 1982, Posner et al.
1982). But early demonstrations in the teaching process can show inconsistencies,
which should be emphasized.
experimentally with the help of line spectra and the Franck-Hertz experiment. In
contrast to this, Breithaupt provides the students with information which is oriented
to classical physics. It is true that the students learn how to calculate energy levels but
they have an electron which revolves round the nucleus in a fixed orbit with defined
velocities in mind. The presentation in Duncan is certainly nearer to the conceptions
of modern physics.
The same applies to the texts of the Nuffield course, even though this course, too,
confronts the students with severe problems of understanding. The line spectra of
gases are presented as the sole evidence for the fact that atoms have discrete levels.
The fundamental experiment of Franck-Hertz is not mentioned. The inconsequent
treatment of electrons is also problematic. The electron is almost equated with a
wave, i.e.
Explaining how a hydrogen atom has stable states... depends on a new way of thinking
about the electron-as a wave. (p. 295)
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Somewhat later on (p. 300) Bohr's interpretation of a wave as being associated with
the electron is given. Subsequent to the calculation of the kinetic energy of the
electron as a standing wave in a box the size of the hydrogen atom, the electron again
is provided with properties of a classical particle moving in orbit. Thus:
So we imagine an electron with this kinetic energy rattling around in an atom-sized box.
(p. 302)
The students will be glad of this opportunity to reintroduce their old concepts.
Wave-particle duality
The following is a typical statement about 'dualism': matter and light have a dual
nature which can be wave-like or particle-like. Which side of its nature we see
depends on the experiment we use to detect it. In 1909 Taylor described an
experimental set-up in which light of very low intensity passed through a double slit
to hit a photographic plate. On the emulsion, statistically distributed black dots
appeared which, at a sufficient density, exhibited an interference pattern. Which
property of light do we emphasize? Does it really make sense to speak of a 'dual
nature'? Wouldn't it be better to abandon wave-particle terminology altogether and
instead state that matter and light consist of quantum objects which behave totally
differently from classical particles or waves? As long as the teacher continues to
express the idea that light reveals its particle nature in some experiments, students
will cling to a concept of photons which is very similar to the classical concept of
high didactic standard (for example Squires 1986, Feynman et al. 1963).
In order to describe the strange behaviour of quantum objects, electrons are more
suitable than photons. This follows from the hypothesis which states that students
are tempted much more easily to associate photons with classical particles than to
imagine electrons as being some sort of matter-waves. Although the double-slit
experiment cannot be demonstrated experimentally with electrons, this disadvan-
tage will have to be put up with for the sake of the advantages in teaching by this
approach. Moreover, this disadvantage is not too severe because good films exist
which cover this topic.
These principles resulted in the following structure of the teaching unit:
1. Electron diffraction
The rings on the screen of the electron diffraction tube show a pattern that is already
known from experiments with light. Therefore it is plausible to assign a wavelength k
to these rings. It is not necessary to speak of electron waves. The variation of the
accelerating potential difference in the tube results in the De Broglie relation p = hjX,
p is momentum of the electrons treated classically before hitting the crystal, X is
wavelength related to the luminous phenomenon in the electron tube, if being
interpreted as an interference pattern.
Quantization of energy for the hydrogen atom: W=WL + Wpot (WL: energy of
localization, Wpol: potential energy).
5. Franck-Hertz experiment and spectroscopic analysis
The Franck-Hertz experiment as a confirmation of the quantization. The mercury
atoms absorb energy only in distinct portions AW. This energy is emitted as
radiation with a frequency that is connected with AW via h, where h has the same
value as in the De Broglie relation: AW=h-f. Spectrum, energy level scheme. The
equation AW=h-f can be read from right to left: influenced by light with the
frequency/the atoms gain energy in discrete lumps h-f. Absorption lines.
6. Quantum objects of light: photons
(exterior photoelectric effect, Taylor experiment: stochastic distributions in double-
slit experiments).
7. Problems of interpretation
What is the meaning of A? 'Waves of chance'. Causality in modern physics.
Copenhagen interpretation.
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The teaching unit is designed for 32 lessons. The basic decisions mentioned above
indicate that the main features of the new approach are both the special selection of
topics and their unusual order. The methods of teaching are not affected by these
preliminary decisions. The support provided for the teachers could concentrate on
explanations of, and detailed comments on, the content-related structure of the
teaching unit.
Two steps were taken to provide teachers with this information. A 'Teachers'
Guide' was produced and sent to all physics teachers at the grammar schools
(Gymnasiums) in Berlin, especially to those who had declared themselves willing to
teach this unit as part of its evaluation. Some workshops were offered in which the
approach could be discussed intensively. Many presentations, in the context of in-
service education for teachers, at national and international meetings of science
teachers/educators, and in publications in journals have made the approach well
known among the teachers and their trainers. It is generally called the 'Berlin
Concept of Quantum Physics'.
The new teaching strategy has been well received. However, it is difficult to
estimate how many teachers in Berlin and elsewhere use the materials of the teachers'
guide. Certainly many elements of the proposition are integrated into the teaching
courses in numerous high school classes.
* O-level and A-level courses corresponding to Grund- und Leistungskurse (basic and intensive
courses) in the upper level of the German Gymnasium (grammar school).
Students' conceptions
The students' answers to the questions concerning the hydrogen atom and its
stability will be discussed in this section. First, we will give some examples of
students' answers to the question 'Why is an atom stable?'. The answers given by the
students before the beginning of the actual lessons about the introduction to
quantum physics were:
.. .because the electron is tightly placed on an atomic shell, i.e., there is a distance
between the shell and the nucleus so that the electron cannot get to the nucleus.
The electron is acted upon by the centrifugal force and the attractive force of the atom.
Both forces are in equilibrium (Bohr's atomic model).
The electron is separated from the nucleus by its high velocity (centrifugal force).
As a result of the high angular velocity of the electrons, the resulting centrifugal force
prevents the electron from falling into the nucleus under the influence of the attractive
Because the charges of electrons and protons neutralize each other.
The electron is negatively charged while the nucleus is positively charged. Again, the
electron is subject to a kind of centrifugal force which keeps it in its orbit. Therefore
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With regard to the conceptions of the electron in the hydrogen atom, a clear
tendency to view electrons as circling round the nucleus (with centrifugal and
Coulomb forces in equilibrium) was observed. The students related their expe-
riences with rotary movements to the forces inside the atom, unaware of their
If the students who naively regarded electrons as fixed to shells are included in
the group of those who adhere to the conception of orbit, it can be seen that 71% of
the students (percentage sum of the constructions of Circle and Shell) used elements
from the language of Bohr's model conception (e.g.: electrons in orbits; energy leaps
from one shell to another; etc.). This model, however, had not been treated in
physics classes before the beginning of the teaching unit about quantum physics.
Nevertheless, it is doubtful whether the students really had Bohr's model in mind,
for none of the students mentioned Bohr's postulates, although they often connected
their illustrations with Bohr's model. Presumably this frame of conceptions had been
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formed in chemistry lessons in years three and four of the German Gymnasium and
in biology lessons during the treatment of photosynthesis.
In conclusion it can be noticed that the students already possessed a fixed idea of
an electron in an atom, being strongly based on a mechanistic conception. The
question is, therefore, whether normal teaching, including the treatment of Bohr's
atomic model as an explanation of the quantization of energy levels, does imply the
reinforcement of already existing thought patterns.
"OKCLE' "•Sf/ELL." "LOC."
after ..
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Before the teaching unit: no significant difference between test and control group.
Five weeks after the teaching unit: ^-significance concerning the interdependency of test and control
group: <0001 at a correlation of 0-6.
changes are rated, summarized, and reproduced separately for test group and control