Wold Scholarship Essay Template
Wold Scholarship Essay Template
Wold Scholarship Essay Template
Mrs. Wold
ERWC Period 1
6 January 2024
Scholarship Essay
After completing your Scholarship Essay Assignment, highlight in yellow what you believe you earned on
6 5 4 3 2 1
W 11-12.4 A little Reflection is thoughtful and The student reflects on The student Attempt No
Produce clear and more reveals the author has his/her essay and how reflect on the to reflect evidence
coherent writing successful reflected on specific aspects he/she revised. The changes he/she
in which the than a 5 of the essay and how to student shares some of made but the
development, revise. The writer seems the specific techniques reflection might
organization, and genuinely engaged in the and changes he/she made be more
style are process of reflecting and but could go into more surface-level or
appropriate to revising by writing about detail. to just “get it
task, purpose, and the changes she/he has over with”
audience. made.
W 11-12.5 A little Develop and strengthen Develop and strengthen Develop writing Attempt No
Develop and more writing multiple times as writing as needed by by revision or to revise evidence
strengthen writing successful needed by planning, planning, revising, planning.
as needed by than a 5 revising, editing, rewriting, editing, rewriting, or
planning, or trying a trying a new approach,
revising, editing, new approach, focusing on focusing on addressing
rewriting, or addressing what is most what is most significant
trying a new significant for a for a specific purpose and
approach, specific purpose and audience.
focusing on audience.
addressing what
is most
significant for a
specific purpose
and audience.
Original Essay
Write the essay’s prompt (recreate to the best of your ability) here:
To the best of your knowledge, what scores did you earn on this essay? If you can’t
remember the scores, what were some of the things you struggled with in this essay?
I struggled with the commentary as it did not explain the evidence very well. The
[Put your original, unrevised essay here. It can be typed or pictures of your handwritten
Technology is a hindrance to society because it causes sleep deprivation and lowers teens
self esteem.
Students tend to scroll through social media before they go to bed at night. Smartphones
are made with a light called a blue light, which has a “strong ability to disrupt sleep”(Twenge).
Using a smartphone at night with the bluelight can cause students to get little to no sleep. When
students are trying to do their schoolwork with the lack of sleep, it can cause stress and even lead
to depression. If students get depression in their adolescence, they can “become depressed again
later in life”(Twenge). Getting depression this early in life can hurt their life in the future. This
can be a lifelong fight and people should try to prevent it any way they can such as avoiding their
smartphone before bed. Staying away from electronic devices before bed would help society.
Many teens spend their free time scrolling through social media. A study linked “social
media with lower self-esteem and higher levels of anxiety”(Scholastic). Free-time is meant to be
enjoyed. Scrolling through hateful posts and comments causes teens to not enjoy themselves and
lowers their self esteem. When posting on social media people often like to hide behind a
“mask”(Scholastic). When people have something to hide behind, they often say things that they
would not normally say in person. Social media is a world full of judgment. Teens are often
scared to post, questioning if it will cause them to be cyber bullied. Staying away from social
Some believe otherwise, that technology benefits society. They state that it brings
everyone “closer to each other”(Scholastic). Social media has the power to bring people from all
around the world together. Though this is a valid point, people need to socialize in person.
Staying at home all day socializing through a screen can become very unhealthy both physically
and mentally. Creating this route is very unsafe for future generations to come
Revised Essay
Type your revised essay in this section. Make sure to highlight in yellow the changes you made
from the original. These should be significant, meaningful changes, not just changes to grammar.
In this digital age, technology has become part of our daily lives. Although it offers
numerous benefits, it is important to recognize the damaging effects it has. Technology is shown
to be a hindrance to society due to the sleep deprivation and long-lasting mental health impacts.
It is very common in teens to scroll through their phone or watch television before they
go to sleep at night. These devices contain a blue light which is shown to have a “strong ability
to disrupt sleep” (Twenge). Due to this nightly habit in many teens, it is very easy to lose sleep.
The lack of sleep has caused students to suffer from sleep deprivation, which has a variety of
negative effects. Sleep deprivation can lead teens to be very mentally unhealthy, causing stress
easier to “become depressed again later in life”(Twenge). One small habit before bed will create
a lifelong battle with their mental health. Technology has made it very easy for teens to create
permanent damage to their future. By simply stopping the use of technology before bed, students
Many teens spend their free time scrolling through the endless rabbit hole of social
media. Some choose to express themselves through posts, often concealing their true identity
behind a metaphorical “mask”, allowing the user to create a version of themselves they may be
hesitant to show face to face (Scholastic). This allows them to engage in negative behaviors
without the worry of receiving any consequences for their actions. With the essentially effortless
creation of these accounts, more people are confident in spreading negative comments and posts
towards one another. These critical comments can completely damage the perception of oneself,
with studies even linking “social media with lower self-esteem and higher levels of anxiety”
(Scholastic). This demonstrates the real-life consequence that society is facing due to the endless
hatred spread. Spending too much time a mentally draining environment full of hatred can and
will hurt the future of our society and how those view themselves.
While some may argue that social media brings us closer together as a whole, it is
communicate globally, reliance on virtual interactions only has terrible effects on one's mental
and physical health. Stepping away from social media will result in a safer and healthier society
It is crucial to address the negative impacts technology has on an individual's sleep and
mental health. By raising awareness of the dangers of digital and social media use, society can
be healed as a whole by protecting the health of everyone’s mental and physical state.
1st Paragraph: Write a paragraph explaining specifically what you revised in your essay and
why. Go into thoughtful details! How did these choices improve your essay? What skills do
you now have that you were able to use to help enhance your essay?
I revised the commentary on all body paragraphs of my essay. In the original, the commentary
was short and repeated itself. I improved it by creating more ideas and details towards my
argument. I now have the skills to better understand how to write an argumentative essay, even
2nd Paragraph: Write a paragraph explaining how you’ve improved as a writer since your
freshman year: What did you struggle with before? What are you proud that you can do now?
I have heavily improved as a writer since my freshman year. I have improved my writing by
making it more in depth and readable. I struggled to make commentary on the evidence,
where I used to just rewrite the quote rather than explain and go in depth about the evidence. I
am proud I can now integrate and thoroughly explain my evidence while making it sound