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Mill Street CANOWINDRA P: 02 6344 1208 F: 02 6344 1845 M: 0427 247 736

ISSN 1837-0136

Issue 182 www.canowindraphoenix.com.au Wednesday 23 November 2011

Your free weekly guide to life in and around Canowindra...shop

The Canowindra Phoenix

locally first!


Pool: Parking has changed to rear to kerb, 90 degrees instead of the old forty-five, to fit more vehicles in and to allow for the change in marked and labelled disabled parking. Historical: Society membership is now due Subscription is $15 & membership is from 1 January - 31 December. Forms are available from the museum Saturday mornings from 10am to 12noon. Roster Coordinator Audrey Farley can be contacted on 6344 1747 for opening at other times. Volunteers are needed to maintain the Saturday roster and Audrey would welcome all offers. Air conditioning in the main building now makes it a pleasant venue in weather extremes. Historical Societys Christmas Dinner at the Old Vic Inn on Wednesday 14 December at 6.30 pm, tickets are $25 from Canowindra Newsagency, & must be paid for by Wed, 7 December. Guest Speaker is Michael Arandt, former manager of the Menindee Lakes Scheme, now retired to Canowindra district. Contact Muriel Yell on 02 6344 1916 for more info. Out of Control: David Isbesters exhibition of his latest works was opened at the River Bank Gallery on Saturday night. Call in over the next few weeks to see these amazing paintings. Davids work has always been popular, and his palette and use of light has developed and grown over the years. For an unique Christmas present, or your own home, call into the gallery and have a look. Winners: The 2011 NSW Tourism Awards were announced Thursday 17 November at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre in front of 700 people. Hot on the heels of winning Best Business in Cabonne at the Daroo Awards held Friday 4 November, our own Old Vic Inn won the Bronze Award for Standard Accommodation and will automatically go into the Qantas Australian Tourism Awards, to be held in Cairns in March 2012. Christmas: closure Comprinting and The Phoenix will be taking a two week break after Christmas, so there will be no Phoenix published on 28 December nor 4 January 2012. Extended: trading hours for Christmas shopping: The Phoenix and Canowindra Business Chamber will be coordinating advertising for local businesses wishing to have longer opening hours. There will be an increased print run and copies will be sent to Forbes, Parkes, Cowra and Orange. Jo will contact you over the next week with more details.

Above: Clive Hodge & Mary Anderson share a laugh. Right: Canowindra Mens Shed member Ian Messenger (left) & Cabonne Community Transport driver Bob Robson.

Above: Ned Webb (left) & Cr Kevin Walker serve Eric Earsman at the Cabonne Councils Volunteers Barbecue at Canowindra.

VOLUNTEERS GUESTS OF HONOUR AT CABONNE BARBECUE Volunteers were the guests of honour at a barbecue at Canowindra on Friday 19 November as Cabonne Council thanked all those who give up their time to serve their communities. The function at the Canowindra Mens Shed was the first of eight to be held in various Cabonne villages over the next week. Just about everyone I know in Canowindra is a volunteer in one way or another and this is just a small way that we can express our thanks Cr Kevin Walker said. I know most rural communities are the same as Canowindra they wouldnt function without volunteers. And councils and governments would struggle to survive without the support of volunteers. Even this event wouldnt have happened without the help of the Mens Shed members who provided the venue and volunteered to operate the barbecue. Cabonnes Councillors will be donning aprons and getting behind barbecues at eight events to thank the volunteers who are the backbone of Cabonne. Mayor Bob Dowling said there were few aspects of life in Australia that did not involve volunteers. They are the backbone of rural communities. No governments, Federal, State or Local, could carry out the scope of services as well, he said. For that reason, Cabonne Council has decided to personally thank our volunteers in a small way by holding events to publicly recognise their contribution. The schedule of events includes: Thursday 24 November 2011: Cudal Mens Shed with catering by Cudal Lions Club (Cr Dean); Saturday 26 November 2011: Eugowra Apex Park 9am (Cr Hyde and Cr Dean with assistance from local schools). Tuesday 13 December 2011: Mullion Creek Public School 5.30pm (Cr Culverson). CELEBRATING CANOWINDRAS CHRISTMAS AS A COMMUNITY An inaugural annual Community Christmas Barbecue has been organised to celebrate the spirit of Christmas within our Community. An initiative of the Canowindra St Vincent de Paul Society, wanting to bring people together to enjoy and give thanks for Canowindra and all its residents. This is an open invitation to people of all ages and beliefs. The barbecue will be held this Sunday 27 November at 5.30pm in the grounds of St Edwards School. Food and drinks will be provided free of charge, so come along if you are new to the community, want to get out and meet new people or catch up with friends, and rekindle the good old fashion basics of celebrating Christmas in your Community. Please bring a chair or picnic rug, and to help with catering, please advise the ladies at the Vinnies shop by 25 November if you would like to come along. The ladies can also arrange to pick you up if you need a lift. For further information please contact Debbie Rutter on 6344 2490 or Helen Payten on 6344 3237.

NSW Tourism Awards 2011 Bronze award winner for Standard Accommodation
Thank you to all our customers and staff 56 Gaskill Street Canowindra

02 6344 1009

Making Quality Hay or Silage?

Due to insufficient numbers attending the Business Chamber meeting held on 16 November 2011 a decision could not be made on the proposed crossing and refuge shown above. To allow people the opportunity to have input, a second meeting will be held on Wednesday 30 November in the CWA Hall at 7pm. This meeting is open to the public as well as Business Chamber members. I ask that all interested in this proposal attend so that the executive can provide direction to Cabonne Council. Comments can also be sent to the General Manager, Cabonne Shire. Rob Staples, will be present to answer any questions relating to the plan. Yours sincerely David Cullane President, Canowindra Business Chamber

Hay King& Silage King Preservative / Inoculum

Twice as good... half the price!

Call GAIA Consultancy

6851 6427

CANOWINDRA LIONS CLUB 3rd Annual Car Show & Swap Meet Sunday 27 November
Canowindra Showground
Gates open at 8am
Deputy Mayor Ian Gosper and Historical Society member Dorothy Balcomb, with David Cullane in the background. Tony Grant giving a talk about the history of lucerne in the district.

Photo courtesy M Jolly

All vehicles welcome: Trucks Bikes Cars Hot rods

Photo courtesy M Jolly

GREEN GOLD CELEBRATIONS Quite a crowd gathered at the Historical Museum on Saturday afternoon 12 November, for the unveiling of three colourful panels illustrating the history and importance of lucerne to the economy of Canowindra since it was first grown in the district in the 1860s. Cr Ian Gosper, Deputy Mayor of Cabonne Council, assisted by Cr Kevin Walker, unveiled the two large panels in the shed outside and John and Audrey Farley unveiled the third inside the main building. Richard Biddulph, Tony Grant, David Cullane, Dick Marsh, John Farley and Geoffrey Beath recalled memories of the lucerne industry in the labour intensive days before mechanisation. Margaret Berry (nee Craven) wrote a special poem, A Bend in The Belubula, which Harold Balcomb read on her behalf as she could not be present. Other families contributed lucerne stories for display and for museum archives. Reprints of Ivor Rues article on Canowindras lucerne industry from Canowindras 1951 Jubilee book were on sale. Afternoon tea followed in the cottage grounds. The lucerne panels are now part of the museums permanent display and well worth a visit. The museum is now open on a regular basis on Saturday mornings from 10am to 12noon, and Roster Coordinator Audrey Farley can be contacted on 6344 1747 for opening at other times. Volunteers are needed to maintain the Saturday roster and Audrey would welcome all offers. Air conditioning in the main building now makes it a pleasant venue in weather extremes. The Historical Societys Christmas Dinner will be held at the Old Vic Inn on Wednesday 14 December at 6.30 pm, tickets are $25 from Canowindra Newsagency, and must be paid for by Wednesday, 7 December. Guest Speaker is Michael Arandt, former manager of the Menindee Lakes Scheme, now retired to Canowindra district. Contact Muriel Yell on 02 6344 1916 for more information.

Hosted by Vinnies


at 5.30pm




To help us with catering please, advise the ladies at the Vinnies shop if you would like to come along. We can arrange to pick you up if you would like a lift.

This weeks Specials


from 28 November11 December Beat the Christmas rush and select a unique gift from
Cnr Gaskill & Ferguson Streets CANOWINDRA 02 6344 1008

10% Sales Table & consignment goods off everything except

Phone orders: 6344 1011

Local zucchini 2.50kg Blue pumpkin 2.50kg Local apples 1kg net $2 Dutch cream potatoes 3.50kg

grossi gifts @ The Age Of Fishes Museum

Open from 10am4pm 7 days

grossi gifts

Kolokithopita (Greek Zucchini Pie) 1kg zucchini, grated, squeezed 1 cup feta cheese, crumbled cup herbs: dill, mint, parsley, etc 1 bunch shallots, sliced finely 3 eggs, lightly beaten salt and pepper to taste cup olive oil 12 sheets filo pastry, thawed Mix the zucchini, feta, herbs, shallots, eggs, salt & pepper in a large bowl. Brush the bottom of a baking dish with olive oil. Place a sheet of filo dough in base of dish, brush with olive oil & spoon zucchini mixture over filo. Place another sheet of filo on zucchini mix and brush with olive oil. Repeat until you have 6 layers. Bake in a preheated 180oC oven until golden brown on top, about 30-50 minutes. Can be served hot or cold.
ST EDWARDS BATTERY DRIVE If anybody has any old batteries that you would like to donate please leave them at Kinsela Farm Supplies. The St Edwards P&F would like to thank Barry Burn, Central Motors, Rues Auto Service, Canowindra Tyre Service and Kinsela Farm Supplies for their continued support of the St Edwards battery Drive, and also to those people who have donated, their used batteries.

Join Peter Bourne at Canowindras Royal Hotel for a New Wave Whites Tasting New varieties, new styles, new regions Tuesday 29 November, 6.30pm-9pm $90 includes tasting plates from the Royals new restaurant, Pomegranate. Call 0427 708878 or email jamie@hamiltonsbluff.com for bookings www.peterbourne.com/pbtastings

Major Market Night

Friday 25 November
1st Prize:
extra vouchers &

A FOLKING GREAT YEAR! Sunday 27 November will be the last gathering for 2011 for folk@canowindra! It has been an excellent year of music, and a great year of growth for this regional folk, poetry and acoustic music club. People are now attending from Canowindra, Cowra, Orange, Forbes, Portland/Bathurst, and more! The quality of music& poetry has been excellent, from both feature acts and the open mike. It is fitting that for the last hurrah of the year, we will have a favourite act returning to town. Indie-Folk artist Hannah Sunderland began writing songs in earnest during the 3 years she lived in Canowindra; and she is always glad to return with new musical offerings. Based now in Newcastle, she has recently finished work on her first studio EP with the help and guidance of Mike McCarthy. She is hoping for an official release in early 2012. Her acoustic songs are a melodic meandering of introspection and the search for greater meaning and truth, with influences ranging from Sufjan Stevens to Bjork. You can hear some of Hannah's BRAND new EP at http:// www.myspace.com/hanwenafen. Come along and experience it for yourself at taste Canowindra, 42 Ferguson Street on Sunday 27 November from 4-6pm, free entry (optional donation for the feature act), all are welcome. Any enquiries please contact Nerida

Canowindra CWA Members

are cordially invited to attend our

Christmas Dinner Meeting

Thursday 24 November at The Old Vic Inn
Gaskill Street Canowindra 6.30pm for 7pm Cost: $20

A Donation Bowl will be available on the night. All money received will be donated to Canowindra Food Basket.

RSVP: 23/11/11

Penny Nash 6364 0218

The Mud Monkeys

from Bathurst

then stay ue Mou for the social... Bl

Holiday ntains

This weeks new dishes:
Marinated spitchcock in cinnamon, garlic and orange blossom with braised rice and coriander pesto. Goats cheesecake and honeycomb with fig and thyme syrup.

from 9pm to 1am

For the information of members and their invited guests

Contact Dan to discuss your Christmas party menu Friday & Saturday nights at The Royal Hotel, Canowindra Please phone Dan Lambert on 0458 322 495 or 02 6344 1201

02 6344 1605

The Phoenix


The Feedlot Restaurant Friday night tue-sun giveaway Lunch: 12-2pm mon-sat Dinner: 6-8pm
Promo gear:

The Canowindra Hotel

Caps Sunglasses Stubby holders

GUN CLUB REPORT We had 28 shooters from Bathurst, Orange, Canberra, Boorowa, Canowindra, Cowra. The weather was overcast, and by the end of the shoot it started to rain. We had a couple of breaks during the afternoon due to the rain, but got through it all with some good outcomes. 25 Target D/B AA Grade Equal 1st M Chellas, P Watchorn, J Laspino A Grade 1st P Hayman Equal 2nd R Campbell, R Murphy, D Smith, D Player, B Heaslip B Grade 1st A Hodges Equal 2nd R Murphy, L Carney, R Nash C Grade Equal 1st B Murphy, P Knight 75 Target Champion of Champions AA Grade 1st J Laspino 2nd P Watchorn & J Nash A Grade 1st B Heaslip 2nd P Hayman B Grade 1st R Murphy 2nd K Hunt C Grade 1st P Knight 2nd J Beath Overall High Gun for the Day David Player We have our Christmas shoot on the 18 December 2011 all welcome 12pm start. This will be our last shoot until February 2012.

Book now for your Christmas Party

02 6344 1407
SWIMMING CLUB Swimming Club saw a young swimmer improve out-of-sight as Samuel Durkin smashed his PB by 45 seconds in the 33m freestyle, now that is swimming! Sophie Huckle heralded her return to Swimming Club for 2011 with an 11 second smashing of her PB. In the final it was neck and neck between Madeline Cooper and Joanna Balcombe, with Maddy winning with a personal best time of 30 seconds. Joanna got a little back as she was co winner of the belly flop with Wade Cooper after their flops couldnt be separated. In the relay it was a really close finish between lanes one and two with lane two taking out the close finish. Winners in Lane 2 were Lucas Ellis, Eliza Mitchell, Nick Jeffrey, Caitlin Brand, Finbar Smyth, Jennifer Holmes, Jake Wythes, Regan Hughes and Kye Reid. All swimmers please remember to sign up before Wednesday, or else the ladies on the table will get VERY CRANKY!!!!!!

110 Gaskill Street CANOWINDRA

CENTRAL WEST TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT The 2011 Central West Table Tennis Round Robin Open Championships being held at Blayney 3 December gives you a rare chance to join like-minded table tennis enthusiasts for a big day of challenge, variety and fun. Organiser and table tennis enthusiast, Matthew Crane of Blayney Table Tennis, says the day is attractive to players of all skill levels and ages. Everyone plays each of the 4 rounds so nobody gets knocked out he said. In the first round a pool of 3 or 4 players from beginner to expert are mixed together. Each round progressively sorts the players into groups of similar skill levels. So the final round is the one that really counts because youll be challenging 2 or 3 other players who are about the same level as you for the prizes he said. Prizes on offer at the event are valued from $20-$100 for the winners of each table in the final round of play. Runners-up will also take home a prize. Each player also receives a certificate of participation. Response to the tournament has been very positive but many people are only just finding out about it said Mr Crane. If you want to play and think you might miss the 25 November entry deadline you are encouraged to contact me anyway as we may be able to fit you in. Were also keen to encourage players who are not usually part of organised table tennis to also play," he said. Mr Crane said that on the basis of current interest there will be players from Blayney, Bathurst, Orange, Lithgow, Cowra, Dubbo, Gulgong and Sydney in the tournament. The event will be held at Blayney's CentrePoint Sport and Leisure centre on 3 December, with all funds raised from the day going towards the purchase of table tennis equipment for the Blayney Table Tennis club. Players of all ages and skill levels are welcome to take part in the tournament. Entry forms can be picked up from CentrePoint Sport & Leisure in Blayney, downloaded from the Table Tennis NSW website at www.ttnsw.org.au or by contacting Matthew Crane on 0439 623 403, 02 6366 5103 AH, or by emailing matthew.crane@activ8.net.au

The Co-operating Anglican Church Parish of Canowindra, and Uniting Church linked congregations of Canowindra, Cranbury & Cudal

Pty. Ltd.

Thursday 24 November 10am Peace Memorial Uniting Church Canowindra Sunday 27 November
Advent Sunday Commitment Sunday


PH: 6364 3246

9:30am All Saints' Anglican Church Canowindra

Your free will offering and donations assist with the highly valued ministry of the Anglican & Uniting Churches of this region.

Conditioning Service & Repairs Air Ultrasonic Cleaning & Testing of Fuel Injectors Pink, Blue Slips and LPG/CNG Inspections RTA General Mechanical Repairs All Computer Scanner Services Full Electrical Repairs Auto & Dune Buggy Sales & Services Ag

4 DAY GARAGE SALE 1-4 December 9am-5pm at Sheps Corner Ferguson & Tilga Sts. Furniture, Saturday 26 November: clothing, pictures, toys, cool room, lawn 6pm Eugowra mowers, motor scooter, utes, caravan, bric-abrac & much more...must be sold! Sunday 27 November: PHIL'S MINI DIGGER'S Has now a pool technician 8.30am Canowindra on staff, for all your pool maintenance needs 10am Cargo in the Canowindra area. Call Phil 0429 234 996. MONSTER MOVING SALE Sat & Sun 26/27 Nov not before 8:30am-2:30pm. Furniture table Nov 25: The Mud Monkeys Social 9pm-1am at Canowindra Bowling Club tennis books bric-a-brac & lots of stuff for Nov 27: Canowindra Lions Club Annual Car Show & Swap Meet 8am. Mick 0417 622 501 everyone 38 Tilga Street. All must go! Nov 27: Community Christmas BBQ 5:30pm @ St Eddies FREE! Meet or catch up with your neighbours, or make new friends. Celebrate the Christmas spirit in YOUR community. WANTED casual welder/fabricator, short term basis. Contact Phil's Mini Diggers 0429 234 996 Nov 30: Community Meeting Pedestrian Blisters 7pm @ CWA Rooms. ALL WELCOME!



Save the date

THE CANOWINDRA PHOENIX is published by Joanne Gaigals (ABN 43 292 469 472) and printed by Nick Carne at COMPRINTING: call Nick on 0402 340 852 For news or ads, please call Jo on 0418 413 753 or jo@canowindraphoenix.com.au 65 GASKILL STREET CANOWINDRA NSW 2804

The Canowindra Phoenix proudly supports independent www.cowracommunitynews.com

Local Councillor contacts: Clr Anthony Durkin clrdurkin@mail.com Clr Kevin Walker 0428 441 241

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