The Canowindra Phoenix: AN Authorised Dealer FOR,, RTV

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The Canowindra Phoenix
Issue 107 ISSN 1837-0136 Wednesday 19 May 2010
NOW AN AUTHORISED Your free weekly guide to life in and around locally first!
Lucerne Foods has been operating in
Canowindra’s State Emergency Services
Canowindra for over 40 years, and nearly Unit will have a new home after Cabonne
two years under the current management. Council purchased the former National
Lucerne Foods Parts & Machinery and Auctions building as a new SES head-
MOWERS, TRACTORS, RTVS, David Rice Transport employ over 17 staff, quarters for the town.
STATIONARY ENGINES & GENERATORS making it one of the largest employers in The building on Canowindra’s northern
Canowindra and district. outskirts has been vacant for several
& Lucerne Foods is a big supporter of the years, but Council recognised it could
community, donating thousands of provide not only a state-of-the-art SES
dollars to local groups including schools, headquarters in a flood-free area, but
HAY MOWERS, RAKES & BALERS sporting clubs, the hospital and various room for a future expansion and
As the leading haymaking machine
relocation of the Council depot.
Cabonne Mayor Kevin Duffy said the
Mill Street CANOWINDRA specialists, Lucerne Foods is offering a Armstrong Street site also had the
Ph: 02 6344 1208 Fax: 6344 1845 SPECIAL Winter Service: 5% off all parts potential to be developed for future
Mobile: 0427 247 736 and $10 off all labour for your baler, commercial and industrial land.
mowers and rakes until the end of June He said it was a strategic purchase that
Snippets... 2010. The service is to be carried out
between 1 June until the end of August,
was a cheaper option than building a
new SES facility.
Brandy: the lost pregnant staffy and all accounts to be paid on or before ‘’Council has a responsibility to provide
the due date to receive the discounts. suitable facilities for local SES
has been found, 1 week off from Lucerne Foods will be donating $50 from operations,’’ Cr Duffy said.
having her pups. Thank you to the each Winter Service to a local cause. Call Cr Duffy said the SES had provided
wonderful people who found her now to book in so you don’t miss out on $150,000 towards the cost of purchasing
on Mill Street and contacted her this great special 02 6344 1208. and fitting out the new building.
Showtime: Businesses who would Bring a friend for free...
like to advertise in the 2010
Canowindra PA&H Show schedule, THURSDAY NIGHTS
please contact Kristen Street at enjoy fine dining at half the price! or Book now on: 56 Gaskill Street
0428 404 693 - $50 for a full
WINNER 02 6344 1009 Canowindra
Showjumping: Saturday
25 September - anyone interested
Preparations are well under way for the
first Canowindra Reading Day to be held
Friday 28 May 2010. The theme for the
in assisting the showjumping day is “Growing Great Readers” and will
steward by recording results, focus on the importance of Early Literacy
10am - 4pm
and/or setting up and changing for children from birth to 8 years old. Sit under the peppercorn
course equipment, please contact The Canowindra Reading Day is being trees in the cellar door garden
organized by Sheryll Selwood from and enjoy the beautiful views
Captain Lycra on 0428 467 093. Cabonne Council’s Family Links Service
across the vineyard. Try a
Payment will be a personally and Kirstin Stevenson from Home-Start
Cowra/Canowindra. glass of wine with a tasting
autographed, framed photo. According to Sheryll Selwood, “The plate of pecorino cheese,
More horses: Cowra Campdraft & Canowindra Reading day is for all families salami, olives and
Rodeo Association, now sponsored in Canowindra. We are going to have a home made bread.
range of activities for kids from babies to
by Lucerne Foods Parts & school age that are all about encouraging Groups welcome (bookings
Machinery, are in the process of literacy in children. We will also have a preferred for larger groups)
moving from Wattamondara to jumping castle; face painting and a Longs Corner Road (just 2km from town!)
sausage sizzle and pre-school eye Ph: 02 6344 2079 or 02 6344 2670
Cowra Showground. They will be screening all for free!”
holding a campdraft in October “We have had great support from the
and if you are interested in being schools, Canowindra Public School and St
Edward’s Catholic School and from
The Canowindra Food Basket
involved in this, please contact Canowindra Pre-school and Cabonne
Paul Agostino on 0409 665 626. Family Day Care.” said Kirstin Stevenson.
Friday 4 June then weekly
Town signage: a number of options “We are hoping for a great day. Everyone from 10am-12:30pm
is welcome to come and join in the fun
are being tested on the Historic including parents, carers and at
Town Centre signs to improve grandparents,” added Sheryll.
Uniting Church Hall
readability and visibility. Once a The Canowindra Reading Day will be held
Friday 28 May, at the Memorial Park. It’s Blatchford Street
satisfactory solution has been all FREE and everyone is welcome! For Please bring your own carry bags
found, we will let you know... more information please contact Sheryll
on 6392 3200 or Kirstin on 6342 6887.
The next Canowindra High School P&C
CENTRAL MOTORS debutant ball will be held this Friday 21
May at the Canowindra Services and
Citizens Club. Celebrating the 40th
anniversary the following girls will be
Top mechanical service presented to Bronwyn Troy, Matron of
plus Honour, and Nick Berry as Guest of
NRMA Insurance - Business & Personal Debutant Partner
RTA inspections & mechanical repairs Caitlin Walker Lachlan Watson
Lucy Elliot Charlie Toohey
Gemma White Danny Daley
02 6344 1075 Katelyn Small
Rebecca Jones
Nicholas Daley
Tory Locke
Casey Edwards James Vitnell
91 Gaskill Street Chelsea McKenzie Haydon Frecklington
Canowindra Teiya Thornberry Luke Watt
Rosie Wilson Lincoln Townsend
Keira Whatman Brendan Zahra
AH 0429 441 075 Penelope Whatman Gerard Eppelstun
Sam Wilson Nick Ball
Sam Spindler Peter Turner
Flowergirl: Brittany Whatman
Pageboy: Nicholas Wilson
Thank yous go to Warren Reid and Anne
Vincent for teaching the dances; Stevie
Drenkhahn as teachers’ representative; VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH
Cathy Ellis, P&C President; Angela A man who has dedicated hundreds of
Thornberry, P&C Treasurer; Phillip Ellis for hours to the Cudal community has been
his photography skills; and Kim Edwards named Cabonne Council’s volunteer of
for selling the tickets for all these years. the month.
Thanks also go to Grant Cummings and Norm Baker received the award from
his staff at the Services Club, Leanne Mayor Kevin Duffy during today’s
Stevenson for doing the buttonholes for Council meeting in Molong.
OPEN GIRLS SOCCER the men and corsage for the Matron of
Canowindra High School Open Girls Despite suffering serious health
honour; and Bill Paul’s Carpets for the roll problems in the past, Mr Baker has
Soccer team recently visited Blayney to of red carpet.
play their Round 2 State KO game. This shown a remarkable commitment to
This is the last year that Cindy and Peter serving the community which has
became a thrilling encounter fought Watt will be involved in co-ordinating the
deb ball, so thank you very much for supported him through his illness.
against a tough and well drilled ‘’Norm volunteered to provide transport
opponent in Blayney High, on a hot helping create so many wonderful
memories for the debutants over the last to hospital patients back in the days of
Autumn day, on a bizarre field that the Cudal District Hospital, making a big
resembled a cow paddock (complete few years.
difference to those he assisted,’’ Cr Duffy
with odour). said.
Blayney drew first blood early in the ‘’He was an active member of the group
game. Canowindra then replied with a who provided a residence for the Cudal
resounding runaway goal that singed the doctor and spent substantial time
net, scored by Janelle Zahra, who played helping with renovations and making
the game of her life. The girls kept the sure this facility was available to support
score to one all through most of the health services in Cudal.’’
match with brutal defence from Bonny Mr Baker has been a volunteer driver for
Wythes, Ebony Watson and Brittany Cabonne Community Transport since
Baker and an outstanding and at times 1997.
miraculous performance by Kimberly ‘’It’s estimated that Norm has travelled
Workman in goal. more than 20,000 kilometres in his own
Canowindra were unlucky not to score vehicle and put in the equivalent of 30
Max Coady and Nick Jeffrey of the 9s working weeks since joining the
on more occasions with more onslaughts played for the Macquarie Emus at Parkes Community Transport service,’’ Cr Duffy
from Janelle, Taneil Thornberry and last Sunday
Gabrielle Upton. Caitlin Walker, Peta said.
Edwards and Theika McNaught were ‘’Norm is a quiet, humble man who
excellent in their play making and they shows a caring attitude to all those
were well supported by Monique Jenart, around him.
Nicole Stevenson and Casey Edwards. ‘’His Community Transport passengers
However in the ensuing attack, Blayney speak highly of him and he has been of
considerable support to so many of his
were able to score again against the run
passengers as they travel to and from
of play. This was to prove the difference
medical appointments.’’
and our girls ran out of time to win the The Mayor said Mr Baker’s positive,
game back. This was a courageous effort willing and caring attitude not only
from both sides. made him a valuable member of the
Special thanks to Ashley Sevil (reserve Cudal community, but an inspiration to
sub) and team manager Teiya others who volunteer for community
Thornberry for their assistance, as well as projects.
Angela Thornberry, Greg Walker and ‘’Norm Baker is someone who keeps the
Mandy McNaught for their generous Sammy Durkin split the defence at Parkes for care and compassion flowing in the
assistance with driving and team tactics. the 7s Junior Pythons at Parkes last Sunday community,’’ he said.
THE SHEARING SHED Travelling from Sydney, Orange,
Cumnock and Cowra, over 50 guests
HAIR AND BEAUTY enjoyed the Australian Federation of
Graduate Women’s luncheon on Sunday.
Held at the Old Vic Inn, Julia Andrews was
Jade will be in an entertaining informative speaker
sharing her philosophy and experiences
with the group. All attendees were given a
This week’s specials
Style Magazine, of which Julia is a  Packham pears $2.50/kg
Thursday 27th regional editor, to take with them.  Local cauliflower $2ea
The Old Vic Inn provided a beautiful meal,  Grey pumpkin .80c/kg
Friday 28th and was very accommodating,
ensuring all guests were comfortable and Phone orders: 6344 1011
well catered for.
78 Gaskill Street The organisation was brilliant, and every- Eggplant & Cauliflower Curry
Canowindra 02 6344 2800 one who attended was full of praise for
the hard work and dedication that it took 2 tbsp curry powder
CWA CANOWINDRA BRANCH to arrange the event. 1 tsp garam masala
1 tsp mustard seeds
Cordially invite members & friends GUEST SPEAKER AT DAROO AWARDS
2 tbsp canola oil
to attend our One of Australia’s best known business
1 large onion, sliced
2 cloves garlic, minced
86th Birthday Party and personal development authors will be
the guest speaker at the 2010 Daroo
Business Awards, which honour
1 tsp finely grated fresh ginger
¾ tsp salt
Thursday 20 May 2010 outstanding businesses in Cabonne Shire. 2 eggplant, cubed
1 cauliflower, cut into florets
Justin Herald, who has written seven best-
CWA Rooms selling books, will address guests when 1 can diced tomatoes
Blatchford Street the awards are announced at a gala 1 can chickpeas, rinsed
Canowindra evening in Cumnock next month. ½ cup water
Cabonne Council’s Community Business ½ cup plain yoghurt
6.30pm Development Officer Amber Pacey said
for 7pm start the organising committee was delighted Heat a frying pan over medium heat.
cost: $10 to secure such an inspirational and Add oil, onion, garlic, ginger and salt
motivated speaker to address business to the pan and cook, stirring, until
finger food & drinks supplied owners. softened, 3-4 minutes. Add curry
RSVP: 19 May 2010 Mr Herald was the International powder, garam masala and mustard
Jan Jordan 6344 2797 Entrepreneur of the Year in 2005 and has seeds and toast, stirring, until the
Penny Nash 6364 0218 or been named one of the most influential spices begin to darken, about
email: leaders of the next generation in 1 minute.
Australia. Stir in eggplant, cauliflower,
COME OUT OF THE SHOWER! He started his business Attitude Inc. with tomatoes, chickpeas, water and the
There was a solid turnout for the work- only $50 and turned it into a multi-million reserved spices. Bring to a simmer.
shop last Thursday night for people dollar empire. Cover, reduce heat and cook, stirring
interested in establishing a Sing Australia ‘’We know all guests will take something occasionally, until the vegetables are
group in Canowindra. Although it was a positive away from Justin’s involvement at tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Stir in the
cold evening, the group found a cosy the presentation dinner,’’ Ms Pacey said.
corner in the Canowindra Bowling Club There has been an overwhelming yoghurt just before serving.
where they unanimously expressed their response to the annual awards, with more
than 240 nominations for
interest in going ahead with a local
group. Thank you to Marion Wilson for businesses across a range of categories.
The number of entries is 33 per cent
Steve Thompson Plumbing
being the accompanist on the night.
The next workshop will be held in greater than last year, the strong interest
warmer weather, and anyone who is making them the most keenly contested Installation, repairs & maintenance of
interested in taking a role such as since their inception in 2000. solar & heat-pump hot water systems
accompanist, conductor or one of the Entries will be judged by an independent roofing - draining - general plumbing
two leader position, please contact panel of business people and advisors
Margaret Nicolson, Assistant Director on from Orange, Parkes and Wellington next DOMESTIC, COMMERCIAL, RURAL & INDUSTRIAL
1300 552 296. The accompanist and Wednesday at the Cabonne Council
conductors are paid roles, and the two
leaders roles are mainly coordination as
most of the administration functions are
Chambers in Molong.
The awards will be presented at a dinner
at Cumnock Showground on Friday,
0428 532 984
already established. 18 June. Fast, efficient service! Lic 70446C
Sing Australia is all about fun, everyone
can sing, it is a natural human
expression. It keeps you healthy as it JUNCTION HOTEL
increases endorphins and helps maintain CANOWINDRA's OLDEST HOTEL est. 1890
you immune system. It is a non
competitive environment in which you BANGAROO BISTRO OPEN 7 DAYS:
can improve your confidence, as there is
no criticism or judgement, you only need LUNCH 12 noon to 2.30pm DINNER 6.00pm to 8.30pm
to sing as you know how and
improvement will come naturally.
Sing Australia has groups in many places Pool Competition
including Bathurst, Dubbo,
Wellington, Condobolin and Yeoval.
For more information about releasing
Every Thursday night from 7:30pm
your inner idol,
please visit:
Pot the Lot Jackpot is NOW $180
The Phoenix The Canowindra Hotel

22 May
Super Saturday Lunch: 12-2:30pm tue-sun
Canowindra Tigers return to Tom Clyburn NRL Dinner: 6-8:30pm mon-sat
Oval in all three grades on Sunday against
the Condobolin Rams. 4pm Come in and see our new menu
The exciting days play begins with the
open juniors’ side playing at 12pm. The
Tigresses take on Condobolin at 1.15pm
eels v sharks “It’s all happening at the Canowindra...”
which is sure to be a highspeed game.
The First Grade game kicks off at 2pm, Beer garden & family friendly environment 02 6344 1407
with two desperate sides looking for the
two competition points. Both sides have Jackson, with some bruising defence from Big
played some exciting and also at times Mick, and some light-footed work from Tom,
poor rugby league in recent weeks. ended the game in a 5 all draw .
A reminder that full Canteen and Bar In the 11s we struck some much tougher
facilities are available. competition this week, and again combined
The Andrew Whatman coached Open strength with Cowra. The first match against
Juniors’ side kicked off the season with a a very strong Forbes team was to set the tone
convincing win against last years for the day as we found our tackling skills put
premiers. Karl Maere scored two first half to the test. Our front row of Will, Tom and
tries to inspire the team to a 22-10 first Curtis were matched during the day by some
half lead. Peak Hill scored one try in the Angus Andrews outflanks Orange City at equally tough rivals and we discovered how
second half, whilst the Tigers dominated Canowindra for the 11s important cleaning out the ruck is to keeping
the play but couldn’t cross the line. Final possession. Riley at halfback was also tested
score Canowindra 22 def Peak Hill 14. JUNIOR RUGBY ENJOY PARKES GALA DAY
FIRST GRADE The young Pythons sent a strong 7 and 11 today by attacking teams pouring through
In a high scoring game the Tigers were contingent to Parkes on the weekend whilst and spoiling the ball where the ruck was left
defeated 52-30 by the Peak Hill Roosters. our keen 9s again combined with Macquarie open. Joe took some time to work out the
Though the scores were quite high it was Emus to all enjoy an exciting day of rugby. combination with his Cowra team mates as
a poor spectacle for supporters, with The Under 7s Junior Pythons remain an un- the opposition in all games advanced with
plenty of mistakes from both teams. The beaten side following a blazing run. Six keen
youngsters took the field and made their some good defence and co-ordinated attack.
undermanned Tigers did show some Harry played well all day in the back line with
glimpses of great play, but were never mark quickly with a flashy try by Pat Hickman.
quite up for the tussle against the With Big Mick Coady quick on his feet, and some straight forward running and good
competition leaders. wingers Tom Mitchell and Sam Durkin back- backing up. He is still looking for the right
Try scorers: Moey Bermingham 2, Brian ing up, Jackson Stacey charged through the position and the coaching staff feel we have a
Moss, Damian Kennedy, Rob Burn. Goals Wellington defence to advance the lead. Wel- few options yet to draw out his full potential.
Rob Burn 5/5. lington fired back with two surprise tries, but Angus has another day that demonstrated a
LEAGUE TAG tries by Hickman and Durkin cemented the huge improvement from last season. Lachie
After the bye the Tigresses will be looking Python’s impressive 5-2 win.
The Under 7s returned to the field against rose to the occasion on the wing today as
to return to the winners circle against the huge attacking players loomed over his side
Rams. Orange City. Mick Coady demonstrated an
RECRUITMENT impressive tap forward, picked up the ball of the field. He was able to halt the progress
During the Eugowra game, what appeared and charged through the tight Orange of many an opposition raid by hanging on
to be only minor incidents have appeared defence to open the scorecard for the until help arrived.
much worse. The Tigers team have been Pythons. Two tries each were scored by Well done to all on a great day at Parkes, next
decimated with injury only four weeks Coady, Hickman and Mitchell, with Sam week to Molong.
into the season. This includes the loss of Durkin making a fairly spectacular solo run
crowd favourite Reweti Kaire for twelve from the halfway line. Later in the second half
weeks. At last some good news, Kepu
Nathan will play his first game at Tom
the team scored again taking the game 7-3.
In the final game, Bathurst Gold saw some
impressive defence from Canowindra, along WORK WANTED: All gardening, painting
Clyburn Oval on Sunday against the Rams. and cleaning - residential or business.
Keps is a front rower from Auckland who with some blistering runs toward the try-line.
Both teams crossed five times, with Pat and Reasonable rates & references available.
will be playing with the Tigers and also Ph 0430 141 121 to discuss your needs.
living and working in the local community. Sam sharing the points. A steady game from
FOR SALE: Firewood, cut & delivered $100
per trailer load. Ph 0488 252 300
Save the date... FOR SALE: 98 Hyundai Excel XGZ496 rego
May 19: Men’s Health Pit Stop 5pm at the Canowindra Community Health Centre in until 10/10 $1,400ono. Ph 02 6344 1009
Ryall Street. RSVP Sam Beattie 6344 1866 or David Francis 6344 1224 for catering GARAGE SALE: Not before 8:30am
May 22: Pythons Ladies Day Ploughman’s lunch at Toms Waterhole. Contact Tracy on Sat 22 May @ 74 Ryall Street. Gym,
0408 443 267, limited numbers, book early. washing machine, wardrobe, etc.
May 22: Canowindra Pythons v Condobolin @ Tom Clyburn Oval. DJ at Rugby Club after POSITIONS VACANT: Registered Nurse full
game. time and part time at Moyne
May 26: Annual General Meeting for canowindra@home Inc Association 6.30pm Nangar Aged Care. For more information contact
Room, Canowindra Services Club. Contact Margaret Wallington 02 6344 7153 Dianne Cameron, Centre Manager
May 28: Canowindra Reading Day at the Memorial Park. It’s FREE and everyone is welcome! phone 02 6344 1475 or email
The Canowindra Phoenix is published by Joanne Gaigals (ABN 43 292 469 472)
& printed by Nick Carne at Comprinting: for printing enquiries call Nick on 0402 340 852.
For advertising or news enquiries contact Jo on 0418 413 753 or

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