Sbi Clerk Mains Memory Based Paper 2023 - English

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English Language

Directions (1-7): Read the given passage that spawned it. Predictably, just a few years
carefully and answer the questions that follow. after the dawn of computer technology in the
No matter how hard they try, brain scientists and 1940s, the brain was said to operate like a
cognitive psychologists will never find a copy of computer, with the role of physical hardware
Beethoven’s 5th Symphony in the brain – or played by the brain itself and our thoughts
copies of words, pictures, grammatical rules, or serving as software. The landmark event that
any other kinds of environmental stimuli. The launched what is now broadly called ‘cognitive
human brain isn’t really empty, of course. But it science’ was the publication of Language and
does not contain most of the things people think Communication (1951) by the psychologist
it does – not even simple things such as George Miller. Miller proposed that the mental
‘memories.’ Our shoddy thinking about the brain world could be studied rigorously using concepts
has deep historical roots, but the invention of from information theory, computation, and
computers in the 1940s got us especially linguistics. This kind of thinking was taken to its
confused. For more than half a century now, ultimate expression in the short book The
psychologists, linguists, neuroscientists, and Computer and the Brain (1958), in which the
other experts on human behaviour have mathematician John von Neumann stated flatly
been _________ that the human brain works like that the function of the human nervous system is
a computer. Computers really do operate on ‘prima facie digital’. Although he acknowledged
symbolic representations of the world. They that little was actually known about the role the
really store and retrieve. They really process. brain played in human reasoning and memory,
They really have physical memories. They really he drew parallel after parallel between the
are guided in everything they do, without components of the computing machines of the
exception, by algorithms. Humans, on the other day and the components of the human brain.
hand, do not – never did, never will. Given this Meanwhile, vast sums of money are being
reality, why do so many scientists talk about our raised for brain research, based in some cases
mental life as if we were computers? on fault ideas and promises that cannot be
In his book In Our Own Image (2015), the kept. The most blatant instance of neuroscience
artificial intelligence expert George Zarkadakis gone awry, documented recently in a report in
describes six different metaphors people have Scientific American, concerns the $1.3 billion
employed over the past 2,000 years to try to Human Brain Project launched by the European
explain human intelligence. Each metaphor Union in 2013. Convinced by the charismatic
reflected the most advanced thinking of the era Henry Markram that he could create a

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simulation of the entire human brain on a A.The validity of the IP metaphor in today’s
supercomputer by the year 2023, and that such world is generally assumed without question
a model would revolutionise the treatment of B.The idea that humans are information
Alzheimer’s disease and other disorders, EU processors just because computers are is
officials funded his project with virtually no judicious
restrictions. Less than two years into it, the C.Multiple and sometimes large areas of the
project turned into a ‘brain wreck,’ and Markram brain are often involved in even the most
was asked to step down. important memory tasks
We are organisms, not computers. Get over it. D.Visualising something is far less accurate than
Let us get on with the business of trying to seeing it in its presence
understand ourselves, but without being E.Both (b) and (d)
encumbered by unnecessary intellectual
baggage. The IP metaphor has had a half- 3. Which one of the following sets of words and
century run, producing few, if any, insights along phrases serves best as keywords of the
the way. The time has come to hit the DELETE passage?
key. A.Metaphor; Information Processing; Dollar Bill
1. Which of the following sentences best B.Neurons; Human Behaviour; Research
summarizes the author’s position about the C.Neuroscience; Cognition; Information
human brain? D.Computers; Human Brain; Neurons
A.Human memories are stored in individual E.Other than the given options
B.Human brain does not process information, 4. ‘The project turned into a ‘brain wreck’
retrieve knowledge, or store memories Which of the following options is the closest
C.Humans, like computers are information interpretation of the given phrase?
processors A.The human brain project went disarray
D.All entities that are capable of behaving B.A genius gone off-track
intelligently are information processors C.Unreasonably ambitious goals gone berserk
E.None of these D.Building a brain is like a moon shot
E.None of these
2. Which one of the following statements, if true,
would be the most direct extension of the 5. Choose the part of the given sentence that
arguments in the passage? carries an error in the same.
A.Meanwhile, vast sums of money

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B.are being raised for brain alarming rates and takes new dimensions
C.research, based in some cases gradually.
D.on fault ideas and promises C). These complexities account for the rising
E.that cannot be kept incidence of criminality.
D). Additionally, there is no reason to be upset
6. Which of the given options carries a pair of with the present increase in crime-rate and the
words that carries the synonym and antonym of same should not create a misleading impression
the word ‘rigorously’ respectively? that the penal programs have totally failed or
A.Meticulous, inexact proved ineffective.
B.Rigid, precise E). With the change of time, new crimes are
C.Demanding, unambiguous coming up and the traditional crimes are
D.Challenging, harsh vanishing fast.
E.None of these F). It is therefore, apparent that crime, though an
evil, is an inevitable phenomenon of a
7. Choose the word that should correctly fill the progressive society.
blank given in the passage above. 8. Which sentence comes FIRST after the
A.Renouncing rearrangement?
B.Concealing A.A
C.Asserting B.B
D.Opposing C.C
E.None of these D.D
Directions (8-12): Answer the following
questions after rearranging the following 9. Which sentence comes SECOND after the
sentences into a coherent paragraph. rearrangement?
A). The advancement in knowledge of human A.A
behavior and growth of commerce and B.B
industries has brought in new complexities in C.C
life. D.D
B). Despite implementing legal, social, E.E
psychological and penal measures for
combating crime, the problem still persists in 10. Which sentence comes THIRD after the

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A.A b). Meera enjoys going out to watch films in

B.B theaters as much as she likes to rent DVDs to
C.C watch movies in the comfort of her home.
D.D c). The department of physical education is
E.E presently organizing awareness programs in
various schools and colleges to enlighten
11. Which sentence comes FOURTH after the students on the importance of physical activity.
rearrangement? d). Only a and b
A.A e). Options a, b, and c
B.B A.a
C.C B.b
D.D C.c
E.E D.d
12. Which sentence comes FIFTH after the
rearrangement? 14.
A.A a). No sooner had the driver started his car
B.C when the fire alarm went off in his apartment.
C.D b). The leader of the party has called for an
D.F impromptu meeting with a view to electing an
E.E intermittent treasurer after the sudden passing
of the present treasurer.
Directions (13-16): Each of the following c). A large number of people have enrolled at
questions has a set of sentences and not all of the program launched by the Children welfare
them are grammatically correct. Identify which of society to bring awareness on menstrual
the sentences are error-free. hygiene among girl students.
13. d). Judging by the color of the clouds, it might
a). Ramya wanted to exchange her old begin to raining tonight, so it is safe to stay
refrigerator with a brand new one since she is indoors past evening.
moving places and is looking forward to furnish e). All sentences are right.
her new apartment with new appliances. A.a

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D.d c). The thief jumped across the compound wall

E.e quickly yesterday since he spotted surveillance
cameras installed in the parking lot of the
15. building that he broke into to loot money and
a). The party hall was filled with so much people jewels.
that the organizer had to shift a significant d). The little money that Raj had was spent on
portion of the crowd to the waiting area of the furnishing his home, and now he is running out
same building. of cash to pay for his monthly provisions.
b). The senior football team members should e). All sentences are grammatically right
better get used to the fact that, by all probability, A.a
they could never secure a win in the upcoming B.b
matches since they lack the skills and C.c
techniques to outperform their competitors. D.d
c). It is the competence of the team members E.e
which assisted them in winning the ICC T-20
world cup. Directions (17-20): The questions given below
d). The production house has instructed the carry a table in which parts of sentences have
director to temporarily suspend shooting for a been given in two columns. There are
few days since the producer is running short of connectors given below the table that must be
funds. used to connect the given parts into a single
e). All sentences are correct. sentence. You must choose an option that
A.a contains the pairs that form correct and
B.b meaningful sentences.
C.c 17.

a). Meena is wiser than courageous, and thus,
she shies away from grabbing new opportunities
to express her talents on a public forum.
b). Taj is unlikely to get any rest until he works
overtime at his office.

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I). That
II). And
III). Since
E.None matches

18. I). Until

II). And That
III). Due to
E.None matches


I). To
II). After
III). Through
C.Only A-II-D
E.None matches
I). To

19. II). Until

III). Than

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C.A-III-D, B-I-E, C-II-F crowdsourcing job platform named after the

D.A-III-E original mechanical Turk have started using
E.None matches ChatGPT and other large language models to
automate their work. The researchers said 33%-
Directions (21-27): Read the following passage 46% of them were using the Al tools when
and answer the questions that follow based on carrying out their tasks. Normally, companies
the information provided in the passage. and academics hire MTurk workers because of
Once upon a time in the 18th century, a fantastic their ability to do things that computers cannot,
chess-playing machine known as the like label an image, rate an ad, or answer survey
Mechanical Turk was exhibited around the questions. Their work is often used to train
world, stunning audiences with its ability to beat algorithms to do things like recognise photos or
skilled players and heads of state like Napoleon read receipts.
Bonaparte. Years later it transpired that the Nearly all tasks on MTurk pay tiny amounts.
machine’s extraordinary feats were only West Virginia based Sherry Stanley, who was
possible because a human was hiding inside the an MTurk worker for more than seven years up
machine, making all the moves. until recently, said she'd seen requesters offer to
Today, a similar phenomenon goes on behind pay just 50 cents for three paragraphs of written
the scenes in developing artificial intelligence: work. Turkers can hike up their hourly takings
Humans label much of the data used to train Al from $3 to around $30 if they use specialised
models and they often babysit those models in software to speed up their tasks. The problem
the wild too, meaning our modern-day with using ChatGPT, though, is that it isn’t just
machinery isn’t as fully automated as we think. streamlining the work, it’s doing it.
Yet now comes a twist in the tale: AI systems There are several implications. For example,
can produce content that is so humanlike, some this behaviour impacts the 250,000 or so
of those behind-the-scenes humans are training people, mostly in the US, who are estimated to
new Al with old AI. be working on the MTurk platform. Scam
AI models are often described as a black box, workers can just exploit the whole system, says
so what happens when one black box teaches Stanley. And then the good workers are the
another? The new system becomes even harder ones that suffer the consequences. Companies
to scrutinise. It can make biases in those who hire Turkers pay them based on the
systems more entrenched. A new study from number of tasks they complete and the quality of
academics at Switzerland EPFL suggested that their work. If some are producing work faster
workers on Inc’s MTurk a thanks to software that mimics their human

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abilities, that puts greater pressure on MTurk D.Myriad

workers to increase their speed and output E.None of these
overall, something other professionals are likely
to experience too in the advent of generative AI. 22. Choose the word that is most OPPOSITE to
Another consequence is skewed results for the highlighted word “TRANSPIRED” in the
academic researchers who use MTurk to carry passage.
out studies, and for companies that hire Turkers A.Behest
to help train AI systems. If less human input B.Exploited
goes into those processes, then the algorithms C.Screened
and scientific studies that use crowdsourcing will D.Usher
get a more warped reflection of reality. Human E.None of these
data is hugely important, says Veniamin
Veselovsky, an author on the EPFL research 23. According to the passage, which of the
paper. Psychology, computational social following statement/statements can be stated as
science, sociology all depend on it to better TRUE?
understand us....It opens up a series of ethical I). Modern-day machinery is fully automated, as
questions. These models can represent specific we think.
viewpoints, opinions and ideologies. This may II). Requesters are offered to pay just 50 cents
lead to a lack of diversity in the models we are for the entire work.
training. III). MTurk beat all the skilled players when it
In other words, if biased AI systems are training was transpired.
other Al systems, we’ll find ourselves caught in a A.Only I.
loop of dodgy information whose origins become B.Only II.
harder and harder to decipher. The humans who C.Only III
are working behind the scenes of Al are integral D.Both I and III.
to its development, but it would be good if they E.All of these
could stay human for as long as possible.
21. Choose the word that is most SIMILAR to 24. What will happen when one AI model
the highlighted word “DECIPHER” in the teaches another AI model?
passage. I). The system will become harder than before to
A.Construe scrutinize.
B.Implausible II). It will make bias in the systems which they
C.Insidious are entrenched.

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III). It will produce erroneous results as human A.MTurk employees are hired by the global
is not assisting. companies across the world.
A.Only I. B.AI models will work on a skewed manner
B.Only II. C.As AI reduces manpower, the company has
C.Only III. planned to install in many sectors
D.Both I and II. D.Humans cannot be transpired into AI models.
E.Both II and III. E.Both B and D.

25. Which of the option can convey the list of Directions (28-31): Given below are a few
works of a crowdsourcing platform? questions with one blank in each of them. You
A.Labelling an image or rating an ad. have to fill in the blank with appropriate options
B.They can do the things that computer cannot. in order to make the sentence contextually
C.Answering the survey questions. correct. If none of the options are correct then
D.It is used to train algorithms for recognising choose option E as your answer.
photos. 28. The Supreme Court on Friday extended till
E.All of these. September 1 the interim bail of former Delhi
minister Satyendar Jain in a money laundering
26. Which of the following listed below is termed case __________by the Enforcement Directorate.
as the consequences of using CHATGPT? A.Doles
I). Human data is not present in the model which B.Inherent
leads to lack of diversity. C.Probed
II). Skewed results of academic researchers D.Hurls
who carry out research for their studies. E.None of the above
III). Scam workers can exploit the whole system.
A.Only I. 29. Market infrastructure institutions (MIIs),
B.Only II. stock exchanges, clearing corporations and
C.Only III. depositories are required to conduct a
D.All of these. _________cyber audit at least two times in a
E.Both II and III. financial year.
27. Which of the following can be inferred from B.Frantic
the above passage? C.Tranquility

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E.None of the above reports that stock exchanges were

reconsidering approvals for the merger.
30. Purohit said in his fresh letter to Mann that I A.due of reasons including a
am _________to point out that there is reason to B.due to reasons before a
believe that there is failure of the constitutional C.instead of reasons including a
machinery in the state. D.despite reasons includes a
A.Pellets E.No Improvement required
C.Perplex 33. During the debate, the Congress leader
D.Revoke referred to his visit to Manipur and his
E.None of the above meetings with victims of violent in the state and
said ‘Bharat’ is the voice of the people of the
31. Ron DeSantis of Florida, who emerged at country and that “voice was killed in Manipur".
the epicenter of the first Trump-free showdown A.with victims of violence in the state and said
Wednesday, but instead political newcomer victims of violent in the state and said
Vivek Ramaswamy, whose unlikely rise has C.with victims for violent on the state and said
revealed the ________ degree to which the D.with victims by violence in the state and say
former president has remade the party. E.No Improvement required
B.Coercion 34. The government led by Prime Minister
C.Permeates Narendra Modi is facing a no-confidence
D.Remarkable motion for the second time in its nine years in
E.None of the above response after the Opposition's no-confidence
motion against the NDA government.
Directions (32-35): Given below are few the second time in its nine years of
questions with underlined phrase and few response to
options. You have to choose the correct B.for the second time in its nine years with
improvement of the underlined phrase in order response of
to make the sentence grammatically and C.for the second time in their nine years in
contextually correct. response to
32. However, the deal has been delayed due to D.for the second time in its nine years in
reasons including a legal battle with lenders response to
over loan defaults by a Zee group entity and E.No Improvement required

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35. National Disaster Response Force and local II) Students were genial and assisted one
administration are working at the site of the another in the State Competition.
mishap and all possible measures is being took III) The army finally agreed to bellicose with the
to ensure proper assistance to those affected. neighboring countries for mutual cooperation.
A.are being took to ensure proper A.Only I being taken to ensure properly B.Only II
C.are being taken to ensure proper C.Both I and II
D.are being takenly to ensuring proper D.Both II and III
E.No Improvement required E.All I, II and III

Directions (36-40): In the following question, a

word is given followed by three sentences. 38. EXCORIATE
Among the three, one word in a sentence will be I) Ram and I was criticized by the neighbors for
different from the highlighted word. You are their delinquency.
required to choose the word that provides the II) People were chafed to know the election
same meaning as the highlighted word. results of the state.
36. DEPLORABLE III) Incessant rain corroded the houses in the
I) The audience in the stadium were rejoiced shore and made them abandoned.
over the execrable victory of the team. A.Only I
II) The three culprits were convicted for B.Only II
doing sordid activities in their respective cities. C.Both I and II
III) She was appreciated for her D.Both II and III
unforgivably vile activities. E.All I, II and III
A.Only I
B.Only II 39. QUENCH
C.Both I and II I) One should be censured enough for having
D.Both II and III good health and wealth.
E.All I, II and III II) The cheer leaders were waited to provide
juice bottles to extinguish the thirst of runners in
37. GREGARIOUS the marathon.
I) I met a convivial person and travelled along III) Marketers were highly contented over the
with him in the entire journey. surge of their shares in the market.
A.Only I

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B.Only II II) The trip encompassed two tribal people from

C.Both I and II their journey.
D.Both II and III III) All the given options were difficult,
E.All I, II and III thereby rooting out is harder.
A.Both I and III
40. EXTIRPATE B.None of these
I) The panel set a high target for wiping out most C.Both I and II
of the candidates for interview. D.Both II and III
E.All I, II and III

Answer Key with Explanation

1. Answer: B The author has given indications that the idea of
We can in various lines of the passage find that the IP metaphor has not been able to bear
the author would find the point being mentioned significant fruit and it is high time now that it is
in the first option preposterous. The following line gotten rid of. From here we can infer that the
from the first paragraph --------> But it does not author has felt that the IP metaphor has gained
contain most of the things people think it does – its acceptance since long. That’s the reason he
not even simple things such as memories; also says, it should be deleted now. So, (a) goes in
helps us straight negate the given idea. line with the author’s proposition.
The second option can be inferred. The author The idea of humans being information
has made a clear distinction between a computer processors like the computers is a fallacy as per
and a human brain and given proper arguments the author so, it can never be an extension to the
in favour of his idea and negated the reverse arguments in the passage.
idea using facts and examples. Had the case in the third option been true,
The last two lines of the passage can help us everything being a part of the human memory
understand that the author completely disagrees would have been simpler which the author
with the third option. For the author, the fourth negates straight forward in the first paragraph
option would look like a faulty conclusion where itself.
a wrong analogy would have resulted in the Option (d) is sort of an aberration as the passage
wrong conclusion because the author has made doesn’t discuss the given aspect.
it very clear that the two things are not same. Therefore, option (a) will be the most logical
2. Answer: A
3. Answer: C

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It is important to understand that small aspects isn’t about the person but about the idea that
of the discussion should not be considered as failed.
keywords. A keyword is a word that tells you The third option is a generalisation so can be
about the main idea or subject of something. eliminated. The fourth option is unrelated to the
Checking upon the options we understand that, given phrase.
we can eliminate options (a), (b) and (c) as; So, the best is to mark option (a).
Dollar Bill is a new concept altogether and
Neurons do not form the main idea. 5. Answer: D
The remaining option that is (c) carries all those A fault is a mistake. We cannot use mistake
words around which things have sincerely been ideas as it would be incorrect.
discussed in detail by the author. Faulty means having a fault or faults; defective,
Neuroscience encompasses everything from blemished, imperfect, or erroneous…
human brain to its functions which the author The correct phrase should be faulty ideas which
does in the whole passage. Cognition relates to means that the fourth part needs an
intelligence and Information associates with improvement making option (d) the most logical
Information processing etc. answer choice.
Thus, the best would be to mark option (c).
6. Answer: A
4. Answer: A The word rigorously means in a detailed and
The term ‘brain-wreck’ can be understood as; a careful way… The first option
situation when someone thinks so long and hard carries meticulous which also means the same
about something that it stops making any sense so it qualifies as the correct
and they are incapable of further thought. synonym. Inexact means not precise or correct.
The author has used this example to strengthen This is the correct antonym.
his premise that even a neuroscientist of this Rigid means not able to or not wanting to change
stature couldn’t start the project for two years or be changed… precise means clear and
even after getting the funding and soon lost his accurate… These two words are not related to
position. This means it isn’t easy to create a the given word so (b) can be ruled out.
human brain just like that. So, the project went Unambiguous means clear and perfect.
off-track (disarray). The first option puts forth the The correct answer hence, is option (a).
idea correctly. The second option twists by
mentioning the ‘genius’ who went off-track. This 7. Answer: C

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The word renounce means to give up or to say should come third and this should be followed by
formally that you no longer want to have sentence C.
something or to be connected with something. Now the passage should deal with the inferences
This does not fit the context as the scientists are obtained from sentences C and A. Sentences D
trying to make the same point and not negate it. and F both talk about the inferences obtained
This idea helps us cancel the word opposing as from the messages conveyed through sentences
well. Concealing means hiding or keeping C and A. Sentence F talks about the inference
something secret. This is incorrect in the context acquired from sentence A which comes before
as well. sentence C. Sentence D talks about the
The word that correctly fits in is asserting which inference obtained from the message conveyed
means to say something clearly and firmly. through sentence C. Also, since sentence D
This makes option (c) the most logical answer begins with the word ‘additionally’ it is clear that
choice. there should be sentence before it which talks
about the inferences of the sentence C and A.
Directions (8-12): Thus, sentence F comes fifth and this should be
The passage speaks about how crimes and how followed by sentence D.
the increase in the number of crimes is solely The right passage is:
due to ineffective penal programs. The sentence Despite implementing legal, social, psychological
B introduces the topic for the first time to the and penal measures for combating crime, the
reader. Thus, sentence B comes first. problem still persists in alarming rates and takes
The sentence E speaks about how crimes have new dimensions gradually. With the change of
taken new dimensions with time following the time, new crimes are coming up and the
context of sentence B. Sentence E states how traditional crimes are vanishing fast. The
new crimes have replaced old ones with time. advancement in knowledge of human behavior
Thus, sentence E should come second. and growth of commerce and industries has
Now the passage should explain what led to the brought in new complexities in life. These
emergence of new crimes as time progressed. complexities account for the rising incidence of
Sentence A speaks about how advancement in criminality. It is therefore, apparent that crime,
the knowledge of human behavior and growth of though an evil, is an inevitable phenomenon of a
industries have led to new complexities. progressive society. Additionally, there is no
Sentence C speaks about how these reason to be upset with the present increase in
complexities are the reasons why there is a crime-rate and the same should not create a
rising incidence of criminality. Thus, sentence A

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misleading impression that the penal programs and is looking forward to furnishing her new
have totally failed or proved ineffective. apartment with new appliances
8. Answer: B Option b is incorrect because the aspect of
The right pattern of arrangement is: B-E-A-C-F- parallelism is not maintained here. Here, the
D. verb in the former part of the sentence (the
former activity referred to here) is mentioned in
9. Answer: E the gerund form and the verb in the latter part of
The right pattern of arrangement is B-E-A-C-F-D. the sentence (the latter activity compared to the
former activity of ‘going out to theaters’) is
10. Answer: A mentioned in the infinitive form. Thus, the latter
The right pattern of arrangement is B-E-A-C-F-D. activity should be used in the gerund form as
well to maintain parallelism.
11. Answer: C The right sentence is:
The right pattern of arrangement is B-E-A-C-F-D. Meera enjoys going out to watch films in theaters
as much as she likes renting DVDs to watch
12. Answer: D movies in the comfort of her home.
The right pattern of arrangement is B-E-A-C-F-D. Option c is grammatically correct.
Option d and e are incorrect.
13. Answer: C
Option a is incorrect because it has 2 errors in it. 14. Answer: B
‘Exchange for’ is to do with the item being Option a is incorrect because the phrasal verb
exchanged such as I exchanged my book for his ‘no sooner’ is always followed by ‘than’ and not
essay. ‘Exchange with’ is to do with how the ‘when’.
exchange took place I did the exchange with my The right sentence is:
neighbor. Thus, in the sentence ‘with’ should be No sooner had the driver started his car than the
replaced by ‘for’. Also, ‘looking forward to’ is a fire alarm went off in his apartment.
phrasal verb and if ‘to’ is preceded by a phrasal Option b is grammatically right.
verb, the word that follows to should be in the Option c is incorrect. ‘Enrolled in’ is used when
gerund form ‘ing’. Thus, ‘forward to furnish’ talking about adding your name to a list for a
should be replaced by ‘forward to furnishing’. course or program. ‘Enrolled at’ is used when
The right sentence is: talking about adding your name to a list for an
Ramya wanted to exchange her old refrigerator institution. Thus, ‘enrolled at’ should be replaced
for a brand new one since she is moving places by ‘enrolled in’.

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The right sentence is: matches since they lack the skills and
A large number of people have enrolled in the techniques to outperform their competitors.
program launched by the Children welfare Option c is incorrect. Here the word ‘which’ is
society to bring awareness on menstrual hygiene incorrectly used. ‘That’ is used to indicate a
among girl students. specific object, item, person, condition, etc.,
Option d is incorrect. A verb after modals like while ‘which’ is used to add information to
‘should, must, might, etc.’ always takes the base objects, items, people, situations, etc. Here, the
form. Thus, ‘raining’ should be replaced by ‘rain’. pronoun is used for indicating a quality
The right sentence is: ‘competence’. It does not had additional
Judging by the color of the clouds, it might begin information of the quality but proceeds to explain
to rain tonight, so it is safe to stay indoors past how the same had helped the team. Thus, ‘that’
evening. should replace ‘which’.
The right sentence is:
15. Answer: D It is the competence of the team members that
Option a is incorrect because the use of the assisted them in winning the ICC T-20 world cup.
quantifier ‘much’ is incorrect here. ‘Much’ is used Option d is correct.
for uncountable nouns and ‘many’ is used for
countable nouns. Thus, ‘much’ should be 16. Answer: D
replaced by ‘many’. Option a is incorrect because the qualities of the
The right sentence is: same person are compared here. Adjectives
The party hall was filled with so many people take comparative form (‘er’) only when a single
that the organizer had to shift a significant quality of two persons are compared. If two
portion of the crowd to the waiting area of the qualities of the same person are compared, then
same building. the adjective in the comparative form is written
Option b is incorrect since it retains a phrasal with the word ‘more’. Thus, ‘wiser’ should be
verb that is use incorrectly. ‘in all probability’ is a replaced by ‘more wise’.
phrasal verb that is used to convey that The right sentence is:
something is very likely. Thus, the preposition Meena is more wise than courageous, and thus,
‘by’ should be replaced by ‘in’. she shies away from grabbing new opportunities
The right sentence is: to express her talents on a public forum.
The senior football team members should better Option b is incorrect. ‘As long as’ is used to
get used to the fact that, in all probability, they express the duration of an action, whereas ‘until’
could never secure a win in the upcoming is used to express the time before an action

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takes place. In this case, the time is expressed in Biden will travel to New Delhi from 7 to 10
the form of a duration – the time he spends September.
working overtime in his office. Thus, ‘until’ should C-III-F ---> Janhvi said that a big reason for why
be replaced by ‘as long as’. she seeks external validation is Since she never
The right sentence is: got a chance to know what her late mother
Taj is unlikely to get any rest as long as he works Sridevi thought about her acting skills.
overtime at his office. Thus Option b) is the most appropriate answer.
Option c is incorrect. If a sentence has more
than one type of adverb, you should follow the 18. Answer: A
MPT rule. The order of adverbs says that they C-III-D
should appear in the following order – adverbs of The given sentences can be joined into complete
manner, followed by time and place. Here, the sentences but certain parts have grammatical
arrangement of adverbs is incorrect (PMT). errors in them which makes them incorrect. In A-
Thus, the phrase ‘across the compound wall I-E pair, encouraging should be replaced with
quickly yesterday’ should be replaced by ‘quickly encourage & B-II-F pair "gets" needs be
across the compound wall yesterday. replaced with "get" to make those matches
The right sentence is: grammatically correct. The correct sentences
The thief jumped quickly across the compound after joining the parts below will be:
wall yesterday since he spotted surveillance C-III-D --- > G7 meetings underscores the
cameras installed in the parking lot of the significance of these gatherings through the
building that he broke into to loot money and exchange of ideas among the world's major
jewels. economies.
Option d is grammatically right. Thus Option a) is the best answer.

17. Answer: B 19. Answer: C

After combination the sentences will be as given, Correct sentences after joining the Fragments
A-II-E ---> The ministry of external affairs has are given below ,
purchased around 50 LHD bullet-proof Audi cars B-I-E ---> It is not possible to finish the report
from Germany and these bullet-proof cars will until we have more information about the
reach India within 30 days process.
B-I-D ---> The person who is working at White
House has confirmed that US President Joe

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C-II-D ---> We are prepared to serve the people, 22. Answer: C

that is why we are in this post and that is why I Transpired – make known to people.
travelled across villages. Behest – a person’s order or command.
As the usage of article "an" is grammatically not Exploit – make full use of something.
fit, A-III-F is incorrect Usher – show or guide somewhere.
Thus Option c) is the correct answer. The word "screened" is the antonym for the
highlighted word "transpired". Therefore, option
20. Answer: E C is the correct answer.
None matches
Correct sentences after joining will be, 23. Answer: C
A-I-E ---> Aadhav adopted a firm stance on Statement I is incorrect, according to the
migration in order to counter a challenge from passage, modern-day machinery is not fully
the right-wing faction of his own party. automated, as we think. This can be inferred
B-II-F ---> We never know the love of the parents from the second passage.
until we become parents ourselves. Statement II is incorrect, requesters are offered
C-III-D ---> Tata's products possess premium to pay just 50 cents for three paragraphs of
qualities than similar products originated in other written work, not for the entire work.
parts of the world. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.
Thus shows A-I-E, B-II-F, C-III-D is the most
suitable pairs.Hence Option e) is the appropriate 24. Answer: D
answer. Statement III is incorrect, according to the given
passage, the AI model will
21. Answer: A produce BIASED results when it works without
Decipher – discover the meaning of something. human assistance. But that doesn't mean the
Construe – analyse; understand. results will be erroneous.
Implausible – not seeming reasonable. Therefore, option D is the correct answer.
Insidious – having a gradual harmful effect.
Myriad – countless or extremely great number of 25. Answer: D
people. According to the given passage, only statement
The word "construe" is the synonym for the D is considered as the work of a crowdsourcing
highlighted word "decipher". Therefore, option platform. Labelling an image, rating an ad is all
A is the correct answer. the ability that computers cannot do, but the
question is their work so the training algorithm is

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preferred here. Therefore, option D is the correct perfectly. Therefore, Option C is the correct
answer. answer.
Doles (N) - Allocations
26. Answer: E Inherent (Adj) - Innate
Statements II and III are the consequences of Probed (V) - Investigated
using ChatGPT, statement I cannot be taken as Hurls (V) - Launches
the consequence of using ChatGPT as it is a
general statement. Therefore, option E is the 29. Answer: A
correct answer. According to the context of the sentence, there
should be an inclusion of cyber audit in Market
27. Answer: B infrastructure institutions. Of the
Option A is incorrect, MTurk employees will be given options, the words in Option A makes the
hired by academics and companies, the passage most sense and they fit the blanks perfectly.
did not mention the global companies across the Therefore, Option A is the correct
world will hire them. answer.
Option C is incorrect, this statement is irrelevant Comprehensive (Adj) - Complete and Including
to the given context. Frantic (Adj) - Frenzied
Option D is contextually incorrect, transpired Tranquility (N) - Peaceful
means make known to; reveal. This is incorrect Slugfest (N) - Battle
and cannot be inferred.
Only option B is correct, the passage says that 30. Answer: E
AI models that work without human assistance is According to the context of the sentence, Purohit
not in a fairness manner. Therefore, option B is stated in a letter to Mann that he was upset in
the correct answer. finding the reason behind the
failure of constitutional machinery in the state. Of
28. Answer: C the given options, the words in Option E makes
According to the context of the sentence, the the most sense and the word
supreme court extended the interim bail for "Pained" fit the blanks perfectly. Therefore,
former Delhi minister in connection Option E is the correct answer.
with money laundering case. Of the given Pained (V) - Anguished
options, the words in Option C makes the most Pellets (N) - Bead
sense and they fit the blanks Obfuscation (N) - Muddle
Perplex (V) - Confusion

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Revoke (V) - Cancelled In response to is a Phrase which means an act

or instance of replying. Hence, Option B & E gets
31. Answer: D eliminated. As the "government" indicates a
According to the context of the sentence, the singularity, usage of plural pronoun "their" is
emerged person of Trump free showdown in the incorrect, thus Option C can be ruled out.
place of newcomer where the Preposition "For" is used to show intended to
president has intended to remake the party. Of have or use of something and "In" is used to
the given options, the words in Option D makes show inside a container, place, or area, or
the most sense and they fit the surrounded or closed off by something. Usage of
blanks perfectly. Therefore, Option D is the preposition "In" is inappropriate here, Therefore
correct answer. Option D is the most appropriate answer.
Propulsion (N) - Propelling
Coercion (N) - Compulsion 35. Answer: C
Permeates (V) - Infuses As per the Subject-Verb agreement, Options B &
Remarkable (Adj) - Outstanding E are excluded since plural subject must be
connected with plural verb. There is no word like
32. Answer: E "takenly" which is inappropriately used. Thus,
All the highlighted part has been correct and Option D will be eliminated. Be form verbs
doesn't not require any replacement. Hence, always take v3/adjective/v1 ing followed with it,
Option E is the most suitable answer. thus usage of past tense "took" is grammatically
Incorrect. Therefore Option C will be the best
33. Answer: A choice.
Highlighted part of the given sentence is
grammatically wrong, hence Option E gets 36. Answer: B
eliminated. Usage of Adjective (Violent) in Object Deplorable – bad in quality; completely
makes the sentence grammatically Incorrect. unacceptable.
Thus, Options B & C are ruled out. As the Execrable – extremely bad or pleasant.
sentence is in past form usage of present form of Sordid – morally wrong and shocking.
verb (Say) is incorrect. Therefore, Option A will Vile – extremely unpleasant.
be the best choice. Statement I is incorrect, the victory cannot be
termed as “execrable”. Statement III is
34. Answer: D incorrect, appreciation should not be given
for vile activities.

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Here, the word "sordid" is used appropriately in 39. Answer: D

the given sentence. Therefore, option B is the Quench – satisfy; extinguish.
correct answer. Censured – express severe disapproval.
Extinguish – put an end; reduce.
37. Answer: C Contented – feeling or expressing happiness.
Gregarious – fond of company; sociable. Statement I is incorrect, one should be thankful
Convivial – lively; enjoyable. for having good health and wealth, not
Genial – friendly and cheerful. be criticized. Here, the
Bellicose – aggressive; ready to fight. words "extinguish" and "contented" are used
Statement III is incorrect, the appropriately in the given sentence.
word “bellicose” cannot be used for mutual Therefore, option D is the correct answer.
cooperation. So we can infer that the
word "bellicose" is used inappropriately in the 40. Answer: A
given sentence. Therefore, option C is the Extirpate – eradicate or destroy completely.
correct answer. Wiping out – eliminate.
Encompassed – include in something.
38. Answer: E Rooting out – find and remove; destroy.
Excoriate – damage or remove; eliminate; Statement II is incorresct, the phrase “from
corrode; criticize severely. their” is inappropriate for the
Chafed – being impatient. word “encompassed”.
Corroded – destroyed. Here, the words "wiping out" and "rooting
All the given highlighted words are used out" are used appropriately. Therefore, option
appropriately in the given sentence. A is the correct answer.
Therefore, option E is the correct answer.

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