BCI - Template Done
BCI - Template Done
BCI - Template Done
Skole: Dato:
Eksamensnummer: side 1 af 4
Assignment 1
Indsæt i alt 5 punktummer i nedenstående tekstuddrag og ret til stort
Imagine you’re trying to understand a conversation between a big group of friends about a
complicated subject. But you’re allowed to listen to only a single person. You might be able
to figure out the very rough topic of what the conversation is about, but definitely not all
the details and nuances of the entire discussion.
There is also what we think of as a language barrier. Neurons communicate with each other
through a complex interaction of electrical signals and chemical reactions. This native
electro-chemical language can be interpreted with electrical circuits, but it’s not easy.
Similarly, when we speak back to the brain using electrical stimulation, it is with a heavy
electrical “accent.” This makes it difficult for neurons to understand what the stimulation is
trying to convey in the midst of all the other ongoing neural activity.
Uddrag fra: “Melding mind and machine: How close are we? “
Assignment 2
Eksempel: Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) are devices that measure signals from the brain
Svar: Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) are not devices that do not measure signals from the
brain (…)
1. This technology has varied uses (…) This technology doesn’t have varied uses.
2. (…) some of the key ethical issues it raises. some of the key ethical issues it doesn’t raise.
3. These devices use electrodes (…) These devices do not use electrodes
4. Though these examples are very futuristic, some companies have research goals that
could be straight out of a science fiction movie
Though these examples aren’t very futuristic, some companies do not have research goals
that couldn’t be straight out of a science fiction movie
Navn: Filip Fag:
Skole: Dato:
Eksamensnummer: side 2 af 4
Assignment 3
Omskriv nedenstående klip fra præsens (nutid) til perfektum (førnutid). Se bort fra, at
omskrivningen kan ændre tekstens betydning og sproglige sammenhæng.
Tekstning af klippet:
To demonstrate how this technology works, Rao and his team of students use a BCI that
allows them to study nonverbal communication. First, the student is fitted with an
electroencephalogram or EEG cap, which is a series of electrodes placed on the scalp to
record brain signals.
Din tekst
To demonstrate how this technology has worked, Rao and his team of students have used a
BCI that has allowed them to study nonverbal communication. First, the student has been
fitted with an electroencephalogram or EEG cap, which is a series of electrodes placed on
the scalp to record brain signals.
Assignment 4
Skriv en sammenhængende tekst på 75-125 ord, hvor du beskriver billedet, eller hvad der
sker på billedet.
I din tekst skal du bruge følgende relative pronomener (henførende stedord): who, which,
that og whose.
Desuden skal du bruge følgende tre præpositioner (forholdsord): behind, on og in.
Din tekst
Assignment 5
In our modern era of rapid technological progress, where industry, science, and
engineering propel us into unprecedented frontiers, the once futuristic aspiration of
neurotechnology are actually becoming technological feasible. While slow and
riddled with ethical conundrums the advancement in Brain-Computer Interfaces
(BCIs) stand at the forefront, offering the potential to bridge the gap between the
human mind and machines. In this essay I argue for BCIs will trying to address
related issues regarding BCIs.
First and foremost, you may have heard big claims about BCIs and their potential like
“mind reader” or “cure for scoliosis” while that is potentially true in the future, BCIs
are held back by our limited understanding of the brain. It’s important to understand
this is a new technology therefore everything will require research, time, and money
because if you don’t understand this and decided to get a BCI most people will feel
lied to and that could lead to depression, which is what we see in most BCI patients.
All of this is not they say that BCIs er bad and we should stop using them, quite the
contrary, if we think back to the 80s and how computers worked back then, they
were loud, slow, clunky, but they was potential and now we have computers the size
of our pocket able to do much more than was ever thought possible and has created
the giant that is the computer and software industry. Just like the computer changed
our world today so could BCIs and the neurotechnology industry change our world in
the future. The sheer amount of untapped potential we could do with a 100%
understanding of the brain and technology to match. We could just cure disability
and pain or just downloading a language not to mention, how this can improve all of
This sounds good and dandy and farfetched which it is. However you may be
wondering how safe this is and while surgery to implant a BCI on the brain is very
safe, cyber security and personal date security is still a problem we deal with today
and it would be hard to predict, how exactly it would work with the internet and
hacker attacks, so it my not be so bad that there is still a long time to BCIs change
the global landscape, because that gives us time to fix this modern problems with
Navn: Filip Fag:
Skole: Dato:
Eksamensnummer: side 4 af 4
online security.