Question Paper 1
Question Paper 1
Question Paper 1
11111111 IIHI I
QP CODE: 21103217 Reg No
Part A
Answer any ten questions.
Each question carries 2 marks.
2. Why is the prison in the poem "The Old Prison" called a 'cold nest'?
3. Give the different opinions about war that come up as the passengers try to console
themselves in the short story War.
6. "My lord is our bread-giver and we find it a privilege to beg for our share of corn, master,
I'm your begging Mahar and feel proud to be so" Who says these words and in what
7. In the story A Trip Westward what is it that caused the driver to jump suddenly in his
drowsiness ?
8. Who is Onula? What was her attitude towards Sentila's wish to become a pot maker?
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pin9 1
k' ng and ch OP ·
ome the hac , 'coined?
10, How will the tree overc term 'refugee
horn was the . ?
11, When and irl reference to w d between themselves .
arrator agree
12. had 1sam and the n
part B
Answer any slx q
, 5 ,naf/<S.
Each question cames
19. How does our understanding of .the,inp~t-oOtput relations of the natural economy on Earth
form our concepts regarding the prese~ation of biodiversity?
21 . Why were the family members in the story The Child Goes to th C ..
narrator? e amp waiting for the
4. How is the 'flood' of the present age di~erent from .the biblical Great Flood·of Noah? ,
I • •
5. How do young ones die according to th~ stoic traveUer in.the story "War".
8. Why did Mesoba return home with a heavy heart after meeting the elders ?
9. What does Auden mean when he says. that being human hinders one's freedom ?
(10 x 2 = 20 marks)
Turn over
Answer any six questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.
UL Describe htiw the narrator got the pound bill in the story "The Child Goes to the Ca:rnp"_
14'. Why is the wind called 'an angry bee' in "The Old Prison"?
15. What were ~ome of the measures taken in the twentieth century to protect the rights of refugees?
16. What ...,as the water covenant that was born in the desert ?
1.9 . Row did Onula help Sentila with pot making on the night .of the music band's visit ?
20. Oe&cribe the terrain of the 'homeward trail' ofZitkala-sa. ·
21... ·aow did Juan .get his promotions ?
(6 x 5 = 30 marks)
I>art C . '•~ '.
28 . Briefly explain the conflicts and themes raised through the story "W ,,
24 . Bring o u t the e le~t of satire in the story "The C~nsors" citing ·t t·
, SI ua Ions.
2 5 . How d®S Oe .represent the d ualism of good and evil through the essa "Th
. Y e Unsurrendered People".
Reg No
1. Why does Oe say that what happened in Hiroshima after the A-bomb was not horrible?
2. Why does the husband, in the story War, feel that his wife deserves the pity of the fellow passengers?
3. How do the young one's die according to the stoic traveller in the short story War?
4. What according to Toni Morrison are the two human responses to the perception of chaos?
5. Where do we locate the writer in the poem who rushes to his desk " to write fierce letters to the morons in power"?
6. In the story A Trip Westward where did the author's mother live?
7. ffMy mother had never gone to school, and though she meant always to give up her own customs for such of the
Whiteman's ways as pleased her, she made only compromises." Explain the context.
8. Why does Arenla feel that weaving is a better craft to learn than pot making?
9. Why does the poet call the roots 'the strength of the tree'?
11 . What is the difference between refugees and other immigrants and ethnic minorities?
12. What does the speaker in the poem "Refugee Blues" say about his passport?
Part B
Answer any six questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.
13. In the poem "The Old Prison" why is the song of the waves 'bitter'?
14. Reflect on the sarcasm in the passengers' discussions about paternal love in the story war.
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16. \l\lhal was Grandpa Yetalya's attitude to Bapu Palil's humiliating ways?
17. Comment on the reactions of Grandma when Grandpa Yetalya throws away the crumbs.
18. What did Sentila experience while making pots after Arenla left her alone in the shed?
19. l/llhat are me responses ollhe alarmists •nd anti-alarm~ts to me rossil records available?
20. Why doe, the poet in the poem "On Killing a Tree" say mat tt takes much ume to kill a tree?
21. "When I was bom my mothe, said you are a refugee./Ou< tent on the roadside smoked in the snow./On youdwehead
i,etween you< eyebrows mere is an R embossed my teache, sa~." Describe me life world depicted in me given(6x5=30)
Part C
Answer any two questions.
Each question· carries 15 marks.
24. Does me pre,enration of biodiveraily really matterl substantiate you< views on me bas~ of the a,guments raised by
Duration:1 ½ Hours
Part A
PaJt B
7) Hagar's tale says something about the mysterious side of hope. Explain
8) How does Brecht evaluate the social significance of literature?
9) "I found no words with which to answer satisfactorily. I found no reason with which to cool
my inflamed feelings ..." Why does Zitkala-sa say so?
10) According to Brecht what is failure to a true writer?
Part C
11) Assess Hagar's story of survival as a mythical representation of wonder and rebellion .
12) The identity of refugee raises many political questions. Trace them .
(Pages : 4) Reg. No ..l.t.#J.~ ................. .
Name ...~~··MTj~~ ..
Second Semester
Common Course : English
Part A
Answer all questions. ·
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of 1.
I. Choose the correct answer from the ·following :- r f. I
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2 E 1269
~twas the onl~ human rights inte rvention made by tho League of Nations?
n. 5
(a) the protect10n ofminoritioR. (b) tho p,•otoction ofslavea.
(c) the protection of refugeeB. ' JJruto
(d ) l'lw , c•t wn
' of. pr11:10ncra.
What does Ki1~g mea n by t ho atotemc11t ' 1!)6:J is not un end;?
,(a) African Americans will not withdraw wi thou t getti ng redrcl.4H.
(b) The procession will be held every yeu r.
(c) Newer strategies will be pla1111ed for future years.
(cl) African Americans will continue to raise their demands.
(f) \\That is the term Roy uses to refer the precision bombing ?
(a) clestruction. (b) contamination.
(c) extermination. (d) butchering.
(s) What was the response of Ashok when the Pune doctor told him that he was suffering from
(a) He fainted. (b) He broke down.
(d} He was suspicious.
(cVHe was very calm.
III. 9 'Nothing remained but self-confession'. What does Soyinka mean?
(a) It was time to confess.
(b) It was necessary to confess.
(cYit was time for self-introduction.
(d) It was not necessary to confess.
10 What was the prophecy of the white people about the fate of the African Americans when
they were freed ?
(a) that they would perish in a competitive world.
(b) that they would live happily.
(c) that they would go back to Africa, their homeland.
(d) that they would become industrial workers instead of plantation workers.
11 What, according to Aruna Roy, is the biggest horror for any individual ?
(a) poverty. (b) disease.
(d) exclusion.
(c) illiteracy.
12 What does the 'west' signify in the story 'Lost Forests' ?
(a) longing. (b) home.
(c) death. (d) rebirth.
IV. 13 Why does the widow say that the birth of a widow is inferior to the birth of an animal ?
(a) because an animal can at least have a young one when it so wishes.
(b) because an animal does not have sqch a Karma to wQrry about.
(c) because an animal is not taunted by other animals for being a widow.
(d) because an animal may not go through endless loneliness.
E 1269
What does Brady say about working women who need to spend a long time with their sick
(a) They are assisted by their husbands who do part of the job.
(b) They got special leave for that period.
(c) They have to manage that alone without losing their jobs.
(d) They can do that easily without affecting their job.
15 Cyril calls Mrs. Fitzgei-ald an 'old bag'. What does he mean ?
(a) that she is an unpleasant woman.
(b) that she is an ugly old woman.
(c) that she is a careless woman.
(d) that she is a miserly old woman.
16 'Which part of the world has the lowest proportion of women in the world?
(a) the Sahara reg~on of Afirca. (b) Latin America.
(c) Sub-Saharan Africa. (d) Asia.
(4 X 1 = 4)
Answer five of the following questions in a sentence or two.
Each question carries a _w eight of 1.
17 What does Stiglitz say about the effet of agricultural subsidies given in the developed
countries ? ·
18 What does Vandana Shiva mean by the_ prionization of culture ?
~} 19 What is meant by 'Kalahandi is very clos.e to us' ?
20 Why does the author declare that human rights cannot function in a vacuum?
21 Why does Roy say that democracy no longer 'o ffers a real choice to voters ?
22 What contrast is drawn by Wright between the actual life of the black people in the plantations
and its representation in art, literature and the media ?
23 When did the thought of having a wife occur to the speaker/narrator? What is significant
about the time at which she thinks so?
24 What does Amartya Sen say about the death rate among women in India ? What is the main
cause for a high mortality rate? ·
(5 X 1 = 5)
fart C
Answer four of the following questions in about 100 words.
Each, questio,i carries a weight of 2.
25 How does the author trace the environme ntal destruction in Third World countries to the
actions of multi-national corporations ?
26 List out the ways in which economic globalisation hijacks culture . Offer your own suggestions
of ways to withstand them. · · ·
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4 1
E 1269
27 What are the civil and political rights ehshrined in the Universal Declaration of Hu
. htS.?
R1g xnan
28 What are the dreams King has for the black people of his country ?
. .
29 How does Jensen's story demonstrate that a sense of belonging to a homeland is essential for
keeping healthy and hopeful ?
30 Evaluate Mrs. Pearson's attitudes to her family before Mrs. Fitzgerald effets the transformation
in her family. I
(4 X 2 = 8)
Part D
Answer any two of the following questions in about 300 words.
Each question carries a weight of 4.
31 Examine Joseph Stiglitz' s views on the impact of globalisation on the less privileged countries
of the world. How releyant are they to the situation in India ?
32 Evaluate the intricacies of the master-slave relationship in the story, "Lost'Forests".
33 How does Amartya Sen show that gender discrimination is a matter of life and death for
women? What are the ways in which womeri can improve their lot? What examples does he
provide to illustrate the unusually better positions enjoyed by some women and why does he
consider them exceptions ?
(2 X 4 = 8)
E2117 (Pages: 3) Reg. No ................................ .
Name .................................... .
1. What is Capra's opinion as regards the quantity of jobs cre~ted by corporate giants ~d by ·small-
scale enterprises?
2. What are the examples pointed out by stiglitz t6 prove that ~lobalisation h~ not brough~ in economic
3. What is the reason for Shiva's argument that the 'grow more wheat' package is mispl_~ ced?
4. What is the justification given for the argument that totalitarian.government;·,._t espect human
ri~ts? •
. .
5. Why does King say that it will be fatal to ignore the demands of the African Americans ?
6. Why was Ashok angry with the Pune doctor who revealed the news that he had AIDS ?
7. Why was Va]miki taken home by his father during -school hours?
8. What are the duties of a wife as regards the preparation and use of food?
9. Why is it that Mrs. Pearson tolerates all the indifference and lack of co-operation from her husband
and children ?
10. · Which part of India ~hows a 'women to men ratio' comparable to that in Europe or in the U.S.?
(10 X 1 = 10)
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2 E2117
Part B
e following questions in a paragraph of 60 words.
Answer any eight of th .
Each question carries 2 marks.
. h_ •For the Dispossessed''indicate the dangers of deforestation?
11. What images used in t e poem .
. J th Prasad Das contrasts the claim• about progress and the grim eocial
12. Examine how aganna .
realit)1that Kalahandi is :
. h tt'tude of th~ African towards the white lady at the beginning ? How does this
l3. What 1s t e a 1 . .
change towards the end of the poem ? ·
at advice does the old woman impart to the gir_f regarding meqi_<_:ines ?
14. Wh
at are the reasons as to why the last man in the poem 'At the Back of Pfogress' divorces his first
1-5. Wh
three wives ?
J6. What does Capra say about the effect of the existing legal framework on the corporate world ?
17. What are the benefits of foreign aid that stiglitz acknowledges?
18. What are the major structural changes that came as part of the trade liberalisation package ?
19. Why does Palkhivala say that the world continues to b_e 'less than half free'?
20. When will the African Americans be satisfied, accorqing to Ma~in,Luther King?
21. What do you think was the attitude of the doctor of HIV positive people?
22. How will you describe the village pond in Valmiki's village?
(8 X 2.= 16)
Part C
23 · How does the old woman instruct the girl about ·treating men ?
24 · How does Taslima Nasrin demoiistrate that often the husband beats his wife unnecessarily oT over
1 1 ies a w11e
25. What are the resp onsi'bTt' -~ has towards her husband as·implied in 'Why I want a Wife' ?
1. . : .• Vn nth .
E 211'7 .
al~ate Mrs, Pearson's attitudes to her family before Mrs. Fitzgerald effects the transformation
26. Ev
in her family.
. How does Atnartya sen relate wotnen1s gainful employment to a visible change in their destiny ?
. H?"' has money made the indiVidual nervous, afraid and insecure ? What are its long term
effects? n.
. How does Das portray _the scene of abject poverty, misery and isolation of the p<>OT millions of
so. How does the speaker in the poem 'Telephone conversation' describe his own complexion to the
81. What signs of caste discriµrination are portrayed in 'Joothan~?
(6 x 4 = 24)
34. Through the essay 'Why I want a Wife", Judy Brady establishes the fact that a wife is looked upon
as a convenient instrument or tool for a husband. How is this done ?
35. How does Palkhivala assess the performance of various modem governments as regards human
rights ? Discuss. ·
(2 X 15 = 30)
Reg. No ................................ .
(Pages: S)
E2~17 Name .................................... .
1. What is Capra's opinion as regards the quantity of jobs created by corporate giants and by small-
scale en~rprises ?
2. What are the examples pointed out by stiglit:z to.prove that globali~ation has not brought in economic
., I '
3. What is the reason for Shiva's argument that the 'grow more wheat' paekage is mispl~ced?
. . , '
4. What is the justification given for the argument that totalitarian. governments respect human
. . . .
5. Why does King say that it will be fatal to ignore the demands of.the African Americans?
6. Why was Ashok angry with the Pune doctor who revealed the news that he had AIDS ?
7. Why was Valmiki taken home by ·his father during schQol hours?
8. What are the duties of a wife as regards the preparation and use of food ?
9 · Why is it t~at Mrs. Pearson tolerates all the indifference and lack of co-operation from her husband
and mildren ? . ·
10· Which part of India shows a 'women to inen ratio' comp~rable to that in Europe. or in the U.S.? .
(10 X 1 = 10)
Turn over
2 E 2117 . .
Part B
12. Examine how Jagannath Prasad Das contrasts the claims about progress and -the grim social
reality that Kalahandi is :
13. What is the attitude of the African towards the white -lady at the beginning? How does this
change towards the end of the poem ?
14 . What advice does the old woman impart to the girl regarding medicines.?
15. What are the reasons as to why the last man in the poem 'At the Back-of Progress' divorces his first
three wives ?
16. What does Capra say about the effect of the existing legal framework on the corporate world?
17. What are the benefits of foreign aid tha~ stiglitz ackn?wledges?
18 . .What are the major structural changes that came as part of the trade liberalisation package?
19. Why does Palkhivala say that the world continues to be 'less than.half free'?
20. When will the African Americans be satisfied, ·according to Martin ~uther King?
21. What do you think was the attitude of the doctor of HIV positive people ?
22. How will you describe the village pond in Valmiki's vil!age?
(8 X 2 = 16)
Part C
23. How does the old woman instruct the girl about treating men?
. ' .'.
24 · How does Taslima Nasrin demonstrate that often th~ h~~band beats his wife unnecessarily or over
trifles ?
25 · What are the responsibilities a wife has towards her husband as implied in 'Why I want a Wife'?
26. Evaluate Mrs. Pearson's attitudes to her family before Mrs. Fitzgerald effects 'the transfo~tion
in her family.
27. How does Amartya sen relate women's gainful employment to a vis1bie change in their destiny?
28. How has money made the individual nervous, afraid and insecure ? What are its long term
29. H(?W does Das portray the scene of abject poverty, misery and isolation of the poor millions of
30. How does the in the poem 'Tel~phone conversation' describe his own complexion to the
33. Examine the behaviour of Mrs. Pearson's family members before and after Mrs. Fitzgerald's
34. Through the essay 'Whyl'want a Wife", Judy Brady establishes the fact that a wife is looked upon
as a convenient instrument or tool for a husband. How is this done ?
35. Ho~ does Palkhivala asse~s the performance of various modern govern:fuents as ·regards human
rights ? Discuss.
(2 X 15 = 30)