QG Careerplanning
QG Careerplanning
QG Careerplanning
A quick guide to
There are likely to be many jobs
that suit your skills, qualities,
values, and interests, and which
can begin to provide the variety
of rewards you may be seeking.
03 Where to start? Knowing which option or route is
best for you can be challenging.
creating a plan. Throughout the guide there
Making a plan are actions you can undertake to help you
explore and reflect on your ideas.
Any questions?
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Where to start?
There is no right or wrong way to make career decisions and everyone’s
approach will be different.
The elements in the model below can help you to weigh up your options carefully, consider what you
want, what you are suited to, the options open to you & what you need to get to where you want to be.
yourself Flexibility, curiosity and
chance opportunities
We cannot always anticipate the job
market or whether a well thought
Make Identify out career decision will definitely
a plan your options work for us. Whilst plans are helpful,
sometimes making the most of
unexpected opportunities can lead us
in different and exciting directions.
‘Planned Happenstance’ is the view
job roles
that you can take advantage of your
curiosity and unplanned events and
turn these into opportunities to build
a satisfying and fulfilling career.
Which path is for me?
Equip yourself to embrace change by:
Traditionally, careers planning was thought of • Following your curiosity &
in terms of a very linear, straight path – you looking for new openings
started a job, got promoted and stayed with • Being prepared for chance
the company until retirement. In today’s networking occasions
ever changing jobs market it is less likely you • Being open to ideas &
will have this ‘job for life’ pathway. For most opportunities
people different roles, employers and even
careers are likely throughout their working Dr Peter Hawkins summed this up
lives, making their career path more of a well when he said; ‘When the wind
squiggly route rather than a linear one! blows, some people build walls,
others build windmills.’ (The Art of
‘There’s no such thing as a career path. It’s Building Windmills).
crazy paving and you have to lay it yourself’
(Dr Peter Hawkins, The Art of Building
Even if you have no idea what you want to do in the future, you will have
some idea of what you enjoy doing, and what you don’t! Work through the
following sections and reflect upon what you have done and what is
important to you.
What are you particularly good at and what have you been praised
for? What do you find it easiest to do? What skills do you think you
have gained from work, volunteering or your course? (e.g. problem
solving, teamwork, prioritising).
• You can explore the skills you have developed whilst studying
Skills & abilities for your degree by visiting Prospects and searching “What
can I do with my degree?” Click on your degree subject and
the ‘Skills for your CV’ section.
• You can review your skills and identify any you might want to
improve or develop by taking the Skills Audit on myCareer
or through the Skills Health Check on the National Careers
Service website (https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk).
Think about the subjects you have studied, and any work or
volunteering you’ve been involved in and reflect on what you
enjoyed the most? Have you considered jobs or careers previously
that still hold some interest and is there anything you do in your
spare time that you would like to be part of your career?
You may find the following career planner tools useful to help you
explore jobs that match your interests and skills.
• The Career Interests Inventory examines your interests,
competencies and work style preferences to help you explore
careers that might suit you. Find under ‘Psychometric tests’:
Some decisions are really about determining what you value most.
Think about what is important to you in terms of your principles,
standards, and beliefs in the way you conduct your life and expect
Values others to conduct theirs? (E.g. integrity, adventure, prestige).
Take some time to reflect on these four key areas and note down your top three for each.
1 2 3
Identifying what you want from work and what is important in terms of work and life satisfaction can
help with career decisions. Here are some examples of priorities you may have:
Prestige/title Performance
Promotion Reputation
Responsibility Size
Travel Stability
Variety Values
Circle or underline your priorities in the boxes above.
Note down any other priorities that are important to you in the box below.
your options
So far we have focused on exploring options with your skills and interests. In
this section we are going to look at some additional approaches to help you
explore your options further.
jobs and careers
Gathering information can help you to determine if a role is worth
considering or not. Using a range of sources can help you to find out more
about job roles.
The job market in your area may well have Professional body websites may also advertise
changed over the past few years due to a job vacancies and are a great source for
range of factors, some roles and sectors may finding out about updates and developments
have declined or relocated, whereas others within their field.
may be expanding. Making sure you have
up to date information about employment The job profiles on the Prospects website
within your chosen career can help you with have links to professional bodies and also
your job search. Using job and recruitment professional publications.
websites can help to give you a picture of
which employers are recruiting in your local
area or where you may need to relocate to.
Speak to others Getting experience
Speaking to others can help you to find out Experiencing a role first-hand will help
more about careers, roles, employers, and you establish whether a job role is
job opportunities. Making contact may seem what you imagined it to be, and if you
daunting at first, but it can enable you to gain do decide to pursue it as a career, the
some real insight into your career area. You experience will prove your commitment
may want to start with contacts you already to future employers.
have such as friends and family, and build up
to approaching employers and professionals Follow up the contacts you made
within your chosen field. via networking at careers events or
on professional networking sites like
• Talking to professionals already in the LinkedIn. Look them up to see what
role you would like to do can be a great projects they are working on and ask
way of gaining tips and advice on getting them if they need any help.
into the profession. Asking questions
around how they got into their job, the Take advantage of any placements
best and worst parts of the role, and accessible through your course. The
any advice they would offer graduates following have search facilities for
trying to get into the job can be quite placements and internships:
insightful. • www.prospects.ac.uk
search “work experience”
• If you have a LinkedIn account use the • https://targetjobs.co.uk
search facility to find people doing search “internships”
the job you are interested in. Send • https://doit.life/discover
them a tailored ‘connection request’
asking them about their route into the Worcester Students’ Union hosts
profession and for any advice they would information on volunteering
offer someone in your situation. opportunities both within the Union and
the local community:
• Informational interviews - ask your www.worcsu.com/volunteer
network of contacts (family, friends, You can search for national voluntary
students, lecturers and other people you opportunities by postcode or causes
know) to see if they know anyone doing that matter to you at Do IT:
that particular job, and who they could https://doit.life/discover
arrange for you to speak with to find out
more about their role.
Make a plan
Think about the steps you now need to take to find out more or move
forward with your plans.
Note down your ideas for career planning on the grid below.
Action By when
The main points
1 There is not one approach to career planning and decision making, each
person’s journey will be different and may require flexibility to navigate changes,
challenges, and opportunities along the way.
2 Having a plan can help you to focus your career ideas. Your plan may change and
develop as you start to explore your ideas.
3 Research is key to making informed and balanced decisions about the options and
opportunities available to you. Use the links and ideas in this guide to get started.
Interacting with employers can help you to build a better picture of what you
would like from your career. Undertaking work experience, researching potential
employers, and making contact via platforms such as LinkedIn can help you to
find out more.
5 If you are unsure what to do or would like to discuss your options, you might want
to consider speaking to a Careers Adviser. You can book a careers appointment via
If you have a question that isn’t covered by this booklet or would like to talk through your
ideas with a member of the Careers & Employability team, send us a query or book a
careers appointment on myCareer.
University of Worcester
Henwick Grove
email: careers@worc.ac.uk