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2023-2024 Whitman Middle School Supply List

Hello Whitman Families! Please see the following for needed supplies for the upcoming school year. Reach out with any questions.
Supplies should be at school and in working condition within the first full week of school. Additional supplies may be needed for
allied arts classes. Please label all supplies, including lunch boxes/bags,with a permanent marker.

6th Grade:
1- *Supply Pouch (nylon or fabric)
1- Pair of Headphones or Earbuds (preferably with built-in microphone)to be kept at school for chrome book use
3 -Highlighters(different colors)
1 - Set of Markers
1- Set Colored Pencils
1 - Scissors
4 -Dozen pencils - More may be needed , based on individual student usage, to last the school year
1 -Dozen pen (blue or black) - More may be needed , based on individual student usage, to last the school year
1 - Pink eraser
3- Scotch Tape (Math)
1- Pack Loose Leaf Graph Paper (Math)
1 - Composition Graph Paper Notebook (Math)
2 - Composition Notebook ( ELA)
2 - Spiral notebooks in addition to composition notebooks (ELA - Jensen)
1 - pack loose leaf paper (ELA)
1 - Spiral Notebook (Science)
1- Calculator basic or graphing ( Math)
6 - Large glue sticks( 3 for ELA, 3 for Math)
4 - Pocket Folder( 1 for ELA, 1 for Science, 1 for Math, 1 Social Studies - may need to replace paper folders at semester)
4 - Packs of Post-It/StickyNotes( ELA)
2 - packs of lined index cards (ELA)
2 - 4-pack sets of Dry Erase Markers (Math)
1 - 4 pack set of Dry EraseMarkers (Science for Mr. Liker’s class)

7th Grade:
5 - Sturdy pocket folders(one for each subject core subject, one for Allied Art 1, one for Allied Art 2) For Example:
ELA, Science, Social Studies,Orchestra, Spanish (no folder needed for gym) 5 - Spiral notebooks(one for each core
subject, one for both allied arts)
1 -additional Spiral Notebook - Math
1 - Packs of pencil- to be left in MATH
1 - Pack of loose-leaf paper(300 sheets)
1 - Supply/Pencil Pouch/Pencil Case (nylon or fabric)
1 - Pack ofHighlighters(assorted colors)
1 - 4-pack set ofDry EraseMarkers
1 - Set of ColoredMarkers(bold or fine tip)
1 - Set of Colored Pencils
2 - Packs of pencils-MINIMUM **Get whatever will get you through the year!**
1 - Pack of Pens
1 large glue stick or multiple smaller glue sticks
1 - Pair of scissors
5 - Packs of Post-ItNotes(or a multi-pack)
1 - 12” Ruler(should have inches and centimeters)
1 - Pair ofHeadphones or earbuds- VERY IMPORTANT **To be kept at school for chromebook use**
1 - TI-30 Calculator- If your child already has a scientific calculator,there is no need to purchase a different one
1 - Pair of Science Goggles (ventilated with elastic strap) -NOT GLASSES

8th Grade:
*300 Sheets- Looseleaf Paper, 3 hole punched
Enough Pens and Pencils for the entire year
7 Sturdy pocket folders (one for each subject)
Pencil Pouch (nylon or fabric)
Graph Paper, 3 hole punched - a large supply to last the entire year
1 - 12” Standard and Metric Division Ruler
1 Glue Stick
1 - 4-pack set of Dry Erase Markers
1 - Set of Colored Markers(bold or fine tip)
1- Set of Colored Pencils
1- Highlighter
3- pack Post-It Notes 3x
1- Scientific Calculator(TI-30 preferred) NOTE: if your child already has a scientific calculator,there is no need to purchase a
different one
1- Science Goggles (ventilated with elastic strap)NOT glasses
1 - Pair of Headphones or Earbuds with builtin microphone-to be kept at school for chrome book use
1 - Scissors

2023-2024 Whitman Middle School Supply List

6th, 7th, and 8thGrade MSTEM 2023-24 - SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST
This takes the place of the other grade-level supply lists, NOT in addition to. It’s very important that students bring all of these items,
labeled appropriately. STEM projects throughout the year make use of ALL of these items.

STEM-SPECIFIC SUPPLIES (some may be used for other classes,too)

*300 Sheets- Looseleaf Paper, 3 hole punched
*8 - Tab dividers, 3 hole punched
*Supply Pouch (nylon or fabric), 3 hole punched
1 - large roll of Gray Duct Tape
Mechanical Pencils and lead, or 50 #2 pencils
1 -Glue Stick and/or bottle of SchoolGlue*(washable, all purpose)
Hot Glue Gun and at least 4 dozen Glue Gun Glue Sticks
Extension Cord (for the glue gun)
Recycled materials: At your home,start saving recycled materials. For Future City-- and other projects--we will need toilet
paper tubes, paper towel tubes, egg cartons, Styrofoam Trays, 2L and 20-oz bottles(clean), cardboard cylinders from used
tape rolls, and other items that you or your student think would be useful for building a model city. Keep the recyclables at
home until you receive notice (we have limited storage space in the classroom)
MATH SUPPLIES for STEM Students (some may be used for other classes, too)
6th Grade STEM Math Students
Calculator (regular or graphing)
Graph paper composition notebook
Loose-leaf graph paper
3 Highlighters (any color)
2 Glue Sticks
1 Scotch Tape
7th and 8th Grade STEM Math Students
5 - Blue Pens, 2 Red pens(NOT erasable)
Eraser(e.g. Pink Pearl)
12” Ruler(inches and centimeters) OR aGeometry Template (about $4 at school store)
TI-15 or other Scientific Calculator
Graph Paper, 3 hole punched
Markers(water-based), at least a set of 8 colors
Colored Pencils(set of 8 or more)
5- Black Sharpies(Fine Point) -- 2 are for classroom supply
1- four(4)-pack set ofDry EraseMarkers
Highlighters--three different colors minimum
100+ Post-itNotes(various colors, no larger than 3” x 3”)for classroom supply
Personal Earbuds or Headphones, in a baggie (to keep in classroom)
1 box of tissue and 1 pack of Lysol (or similar) wipes
Optional: Locker Shelf
2023-2024 Whitman Middle School Supply List

RTI Classes:
1 - 4-pack set of Dry Erase Markers

Allied Arts Classes:

Art 6: 12 pack of #2 pencils, 2 black sharpies, 2 erasers.

Art 7: 12 pack #2 pencils, Sketchbook 7 x 10 inch. is ideal, 2 erasers, 2 black sharpies, 1 roll masking tape.

Art 8: 12 pack #2 pencils, Sketchbook 7 x 10 inch. is ideal, 2 erasers, 2 black sharpies, 1 roll masking tape.

Adolescent Studies(6thGr), Life Skills(7thGr), Food and Fitness(8thGr): 24 pencils + 2 manual, handheld pencil sharpeners (the old
school inexpensive kind) PLEASE 🙂Also, please have earbuds to keep in your backpack to use when needed 😀Thanks!!

Business,Marketing,DigitalWorld: Pen/Pencil, Calculator, Highlighters

Project Lead the Way Tech classes: notebook, pencils

German Classes: pocket folder, notebook, pen/pencil

Spanish classes: pocket folder, notebook, earbuds, highlighter and pencils/pens

French classes: 1 pack of 3x5 index cards, 2 dry erase markers, 1 folder or 3 ring binder, 1 spiral notebook

Band: Your own rented instrument(unless prior arrangements were made with the band teacher). Students enrolled in Beginning
Band should refrain from renting an instrument until they have been fitted by a band director for the correct instrument. Once fitted,
they will need to obtain an instrument within the first two weeks of school.
Folding Music Stand (for at home practice)
Brass Instruments: Valve Oil or Trombone Slide Cream, Tuning Slide Grease, Mouthpiece Brush, Snake
Woodwind Instruments: All pieces of instrument, Reeds, Cleaning Swab, Cork Grease
Percussion Instruments: 5B Drum Sticks, rented percussion kit for at home practice
6th: Essential Elements 2000 Book 1
7th: Essential Elements 2000 Book 2
8th: Essential Elements 2000 Book 3

Orchestra Students: Pencils, Instrument Cleaning Cloth, Extra Set of Strings, Rosin, Shoulder Restfor Violins and Violas

Choir: Pencils

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