January 2014 MS

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Mark Scheme (Results)

January 2014

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

Mathematics B (4MB0/02) Paper 2

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January 2014
Publications Code UG037800
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General Marking Guidance

 All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must
mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the
 Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be
rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than
penalised for omissions.
 Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not
according to their perception of where the grade boundaries may
 There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme
should be used appropriately.
 All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded.
Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the
answer matches the mark scheme.
Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if the
candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according to the mark
 Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may
be limited.
 Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has
replaced it with an alternative response.

 Types of mark
o M marks: method marks
o A marks: accuracy marks
o B marks: unconditional accuracy marks (independent of M

 Abbreviations
o cao – correct answer only
o ft – follow through
o isw – ignore subsequent working
o SC - special case
o oe – or equivalent (and appropriate)
o dep – dependent
o indep – independent
o eeoo – each error or omission

 No working
If no working is shown then correct answers normally score full
If no working is shown then incorrect (even though nearly correct)
answers score no marks.
 With working
If there is a wrong answer indicated on the answer line always
check the working in the body of the script (and on any diagrams),
and award any marks appropriate from the mark scheme.
If it is clear from the working that the “correct” answer has been
obtained from incorrect working, award 0 marks.
Any case of suspected misread loses A (and B) marks on that part,
but can gain the M marks.
If working is crossed out and still legible, then it should be given
any appropriate marks, as long as it has not been replaced by
alternative work.
If there is a choice of methods shown, then no marks should be
awarded, unless the answer on the answer line makes clear the
method that has been used.
If there is no answer on the answer line then check the working for
an obvious answer.
 Follow through marks
Follow through marks which involve a single stage calculation can
be awarded without working since you can check the answer
yourself, but if ambiguous do not award.
Follow through marks which involve more than one stage of
calculation can only be awarded on sight of the relevant working,
even if it appears obvious that there is only one way you could get
the answer given.
 Ignoring subsequent work
It is appropriate to ignore subsequent work when the additional
work does not change the answer in a way that is inappropriate for
the question: eg. Incorrect cancelling of a fraction that would
otherwise be correct.
It is not appropriate to ignore subsequent work when the additional
work essentially makes the answer incorrect eg algebra.
Transcription errors occur when candidates present a correct
answer in working, and write it incorrectly on the answer line; mark
the correct answer.

 Probability
Probability answers must be given a fractions, percentages or decimals. If
a candidate gives a decimal equivalent to a probability, this should be
written to at least 2 decimal places (unless tenths).
Incorrect notation should lose the accuracy marks, but be awarded any
implied method marks.
If a probability answer is given on the answer line using both incorrect
and correct notation, award the marks.
If a probability fraction is given then cancelled incorrectly, ignore the
incorrectly cancelled answer.
 Linear equations
Full marks can be gained if the solution alone is given on the answer line,
or otherwise unambiguously indicated in working (without contradiction
elsewhere). Where the correct solution only is shown substituted, but not
identified as the solution, the accuracy mark is lost but any method marks
can be awarded.
 Parts of questions
Unless allowed by the mark scheme, the marks allocated to one part of
the question CANNOT be awarded in another.

Question Answer Notes Mark

1(a) 2  5  3x  x (o.e) M1
3 A1
x   , -1.5
3x  2 x  7  5 (o.e) M1
x2 A1 4
(OR   x  2 scores A2)
(b) -1, 0, 1, 2 B1 ft 1
Total 5 marks

Question Answer Notes Mark

2 65 55 M1
 80 100 (=£5200) +  80  50 (=£2200)
100 100
45 M1
 80  (280  "150") (=£4680) (DEP)
“£5200” + “£2200” + “£4680” M1
£12 080.00 A1 4
Total 4 marks

Question Answer Notes Mark

3(a) 45 M1
time(hours) = h
 45  M1
time (mins) =    60 (DEP)
 50 
54 mins A1 3
(b) "54" 180 M1
 ( = 1.62 h)
60 100
“1.62”  70 M1
113.4 km A1 3
Total 6 marks

Question Answer Notes Mark

4(a)  2 1  B2 (- 2
  1eeoo)
 5 2 
NB: Treat incorrect value for determinant (if seen) as
1 error st cand. can still obtain 1 B1 mark for the
rearranged matrix.
(b)  2 1  2 1   x   2 1  1
     =   
 5 2  5 2   y   5 2  1
(o.e , complete method) M1
x = 3 and y = 7 (identified and cao) A1, A1 3
Total 5 marks

Question Answer Notes Mark

5(a)(i) y B1
(ii) z B1
(iii) x B1 3
(b) y( x  2)  1 M1
1  2x A1
h-1 : x 
(c) " x2  2 x  1" = 0 (remove denominator, no slips) M1 2
( x  1)( x  1)  0 (Factorising a trinomial quadratic) M1
x = 1 A1 3
Total 8 marks

Question Answer Notes Mark

6(a) B3 (- 3

(b) 2 1
" "
7 5
2 2
, 0.0571
(c) 2 1 5 1
"  " + " " " "
7 5 7 6
one correct product M1
both correct and added M1
37 A1 3
, 0.176
Total 8 marks

Question Answer Notes Mark

7(a) 125  (2  24  60) M1
360 000 litres A1 2
(b) Vol of pool = 25 15 1.2m3 M1
= 25 15 1.2 1000l (=450 x 103l) M1
"450 103 " M1
Time (mins) = (DEP)
"450 103 " 1 M1
Time (hours) =  (DEP)
125 60
Time = 60 hours A1 5
(c) "60" M1
New rate = 125  (o.e)
New Rate = 750 litres/ min A1 2
Total 9 marks

Question Answer Notes Mark

8(a) Penalise ncc ONCE only
EB 10 M1

sin 45 sin 50
10  sin 45 M1
EB  (DEP)
sin 50
EB = 9.231 -> 9.23 A1 3
(b) AB 10 M1

sin 85 sin 50
AB = 13.004 -> 13.0 (cc) A1 2
(c) BC  142  "13.0"2 M1
BC = 5.196 -> 5.20 (using 13.0)
BC = 5.186 -> 5.19 (using 13.004)
5.19, 5.20 A1 2
(d) "5.196"  "9.231"  "9.231"  2  "9.231" "9.231" cos BEC
2 2 2

2 2
"9.231"  "9.231"  "5.196" 2 M1
cos BEC  (DEP)
2  "9.231" "9.231"
BEC = 32.693 -> 32.6, 32.7o A1 3
(Using “9.23” and “5.20” leads to 32.72,
Using “9.231” and “5.186” leads to 32.63)
( BEC is isos.  and pt. X is mid-pt. of BC)
BEC  2 BEX M1
1  M1
  "5.19"  (DEP)
sin BEX   
BEC = 32.6, 32.7o A1
(e) 1  M1
AEB  EDC  2   13 10  sin 45    91.92 
2 
1 M1
EBC   "9.231" "9.231" sin"32.69"   23.01
1  2 1  

EDA   "5.196" 10    "5.196"     25.09 

2  2  
(Using “5.2” produces 25.11)
4 triangular face areas added M1
140 cm2 (using 3 or 4 sf) A1 5
Total 15 marks

Question Answer Notes Mark

9(a)(i) AB = b – a B1
(ii) 3 B1 ft
AP = “(b – a)”
(iii) 3 M1
OP = a + “ (b – a)” (o.e)
1 3 A1 4
= a+ b
4 4
(b)(i) OC = a +  b B1
(ii) 3 M1
PC = - “ (b – a)” +  b
3 3 3 3 A1 3
= a + ( - )b OR a+b- b
4 4 4 4
(c)(i) 1 3 M1
“ a + b “ =  ( “a +  b “)
4 4
1 M1
equate coefs. of a : = (DEP),
(ii) 3 M1
equate coefs. of b: = 
3 1 M1
= “ ”  (subst.) (DEP)
4 4
=3 A1 6
(d) OP : PC = 1 : 3 B1
Total 14 marks

Question Answer Notes Mark

10(a) y M1
S Roof  2 A   x
2 (one of)
S Box  2 x  2 xy
 M1
S  2 x 2  xy (2  )  2 A (adding) (DEP)
cc A1 3
(b) 10x = x y M1
10 A1 2
y  (cc)
(c)   y   25
2 M1
2A       = 2
  2   x

 10   25 M1
S  2 x 2  x   (2  )  2 (subst.) (DEP)
 x 2 x
 25 A1 3
S  2 x 2  10(2  )  2 (cc)
2 x
(d) 63.3, 66.6, 80.1 B3 (- 3
NB: Penalise ncc ONCE only
(e) curve
-1 mark B3 (- 3
straight line segments 1eeoo)
each point missed
each missed segment
each point not plotted
each point incorrectly plotted
very poor curve
(f) 1.4 and 4.5 B1 ft
1.4  x  4.5 B1 ft 2
Total 16 marks

Question Answer Notes Mark

11 Penalise labelling ONCE only
(a) Triangle A drawn and labelled B1 1
(b)(i) 2 4 6 B1
Triangle B is (2, 0), (4, 6) and (6, 4) or  
0 6 4
(ii) Triangle B drawn and labelled B1 2
(c)(i) Triangle C is (0, 2), (-3, 4) and (-2, 6) or B2 ft (-
 0 3 2  1eeoo)
 
2 4 6 
(ii) Triangle C drawn and labelled B1 ft 3
(d)(i) Triangle D is (1, 0), (2, -3) and (3, -2) or B2 ft(-
1 2 3  1eeoo)
 
 0 3 2 
(ii) Triangle D drawn and labelled B1 ft 3
(e) Reflection in x-axis B1 1
Total 10 marks

Total 100 marks


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