AES - Revised Syllabus

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406269: Advanced Embedded Systems

Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 3 Hrs/ Week Paper: (30+70) 100 Marks
Practical: 2 Hrs/ Week In semester Assessment: 30 Marks
End Semester Assessment: 70 Marks.
Oral: 50 Marks
Term Work: 25 Marks
Credits: Theory: 3
Oral+TW: 1 Total: 4 Credits

Unit I: Introduction to ARM Microcontroller (07)

Pipeline Characteristics, RISC and ARM design philosophy, ARM family, ARM Core
&Architecture – Arithmetic Logic Unit, Booth multiplier, Barrel shifter, Control unit, register
file, ARM Functional Diagram, ARM Instruction set, Instruction cycle timings and

Unit II: ARM-32-bit Microcontroller (07)

Thumb-2 technology and applications of ARM, Architecture of ARM Cortex M3, Various Units
in the architecture, General Purpose Registers, Special Registers, exceptions, interrupts, stack
operation, reset sequence, ARM Instruction Set – Thumb Instruction Set.

Unit III: ARM7 Microcontroller (08)

ARM7 LPC2148 Microcontroller Architecture, Block Diagram, Features, Memory Mapping,
serial communication interface – USB 2, full speed device, multiple UARTs, SPI, SSP to 12C.
32-bit timers,10 bit DAC,10 bit ADC, PWM channel, fast GPIO lines and level sensitive external
interrupts pins.

Unit IV: Peripheral interface for Arm Processor (07)

ARM Bus technology, AMBA Bus Protocol, Memory Controllers, Interrupt Controllers -
Standard interrupt controller (SIC), Vector interrupt controller (VIC). Interfacing of LED with
LPC2148, Interfacing of four digit 7-segment common anode multiplexed LED display with
LPC2148, Interfacing of 16x2 LCD display (8-bit) with LPC2148, Interfacing of stepper motor
with LPC2148, Interfacing of DC motor using L298 with LPC2148, Interfacing of
electromechanical relay with LPC2148, , LPC 2148 interfacing with On-Chip (Internal) ADC.

Unit V: THUMB and ARM Programming (07)

ARM and THUMB differences, Register usage in Thumb, ARM Thumb Interworking.
Embedded C/C++, General Structure of ARM assembly module, Assembler directives AREA,
CODE32, DATA. Interfacing of GSM module SIM300 with LPC2148, Interfacing of GPS
module with LPC2148, Interfacing of Bluetooth module with LPC2148, Serial Communication
Using UART in LPC2148, Interfacing EEPROM IC(AT24CXX) with LPC2148, SD card
Interfacing with LPC2148.
Unit VI: ARM Application development (07)
IoT based project using PLC2148 and WiFi module. LPC2148 Home Automation and Smart
Home systems using Bluetooth. Elevator Controller using LPC2148.

Practical List
List of Experiments: Students are expected to perform minimum eight experiments.
Note: Each practical write-up should include design, algorithm, flowchart, coding and
1. Simple programs on Arithmetic & logical operations, Factorial, string operation,
sorting using KEIL MKD for LPC2148

2. Write programs to turn ON/OFF LED using interrupt in ARM Assembly and ARM
Embedded C.

3. Write programs to interface LCD in 4-bit mode in ARM Assembly and ARM
Embedded C.

4. Write programs use of ADC in ARM Assembly and ARM Embedded C.

5. Write programs to interface LCD in 4-bit mode in ARM Assembly and ARM
Embedded C.

6. Write programs to generate various waveforms (square, triangular, sawtooth) using

DAC in ARM Assembly and ARM Embedded C.

7. Write programs to interface stepper motor and rotate in clockwise and anticlockwise in
ARM Assembly and ARM Embedded C.

8. Write programs to interface Bluetooth with LPC21048.

9. Write programs to interface USB with LPC21048

10. Write program to display Day, Month and Year using RTC of LPC2148 on LCD

Text Books:
1. Arm System-on-chip Architecture, 2nd Edition 2015, Steve B. Furber, Pearson.
2. Microcontroller (ARM) and Embedded Systems, Raghunandan G. H., Cengage Learning
India Pvt. Ltd., 2020.
3. ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques, Second Edition 2014, William
Hohl, CRC Press.
4. A Getting Started Guide for MDK Version 5, Keil.

Reference Books:

1. Embedded Systems Fundamentals with Arm Cortex-M based Microcontrollers: A

Practical Approach, Alexander G. Dean, ARM Education Media.
2. ARM Architecture Reference Manual, Second Edition, David Seal, Addison-Wesley.
3. ARM System Developer's Guide: Designing and Optimizing System Software, Andrew
Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, Morgan Kaufmann.

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