Reproductive System 12

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Reproductive System

Reproduction is a process by which the organisms can produce young ones of their own kind for
the continuation of its race. The system of those organs that are associated with the reproduction
of the young ones is called reproductive system.

Human Male Reproductive System

Human male reproductive system consists of the following parts:

1. Single scrotum
2. A pair of testes
3. Epididymis
4. A pair of ejaculatory duct
5. Single urethra
6. Single penis
7. 3 pairs of accessory glands

1. Scrotum (Scrotal sac)

 It is a thin walled pouch of pigmented skin which is divided into two separate muscular sacs.
Each sac contains one testis. Position of testes in scrotum is fixed by gubernaculums. The
scrotum remains connected with the abdomen or pelvic cavity by the inguinal canal. The
scrotum is filled with a fluid called hydrocoel.
The scrotum maintains the temperature of the testes, about 2°-3°C lower than the internal body
temperature. This temperature is the ideal temperature for developing sperms.

2. Testes:
Testes are the primary sex organs in man. Testes are enclosed in the scrotum. Each testis is
oval in shape (length 4.5 cm and width 2.5 cm). The testis is surrounded by three layers,
a. Outer layer: tunica vaginalis
b. Middle layer- tunica albuginea
c. Inner layer-tunica vasculosa, consisting of a network of blood capillaries.

Internally, each testis is divided by septa into 200-300 testicular lobules (compartments). Each
testicular lobule contains one to four highly coiled seminiferous tubules. Each seminiferous
tubule is lined by germinal epithelium which contains two types of cells, they are:
a) Spermatogenic cells: it produces spermatozoa by the process of spermatogenesis.
b) Sertoli cells: it provides nourishment to developing sperms. So it is also called nurse cells or
supporting cells.

In between the seminiferous tubules, there is the group of rounded interstitial cells or cells of
Leydig which produces a male sex hormone called testosterone which helps in development of
secondary sexual characters in male.

Function of testes:
It helps in production of sperms and secretion of male sex hormone (testosterone).

# Rete testis and vasa efferentia:

The seminiferous tubules in each testes open into a network of tubules called the rete testis.
Rete testis opens into caput epididymis through vasa efferentia.

3. Epididymis (6m):
The epididymis is a long, narrow, highly coiled tube and measures about 5-6 meter long which
leads into vasa deferentia. It lies on the inner side of each testis.
It is divided into 3 parts:
i. Caput epididymis - anterior broad
ii. Corpus epididymis - middle highly coiled
iii. Cauda epididymis - posterior narrow

The epididymis stores the sperms temporarily and helps in maturation of sperms by achieving
4. Vasa deferentia:
A vas deferens emerges from the cauda epididymis on each side and leaves the scrotal sac and
enters the abdominal cavity through the inguinal canal. It is about 40cm long. It forms a loop
around the urinary bladder and then joins by a duct from the seminal vesicle to form the
ejaculatory duct which later opens into urethra.

Vasa deferentia transport the sperms from the testes to ejaculatory duct.

5. Ejaculatory ducts:
These are two short tubes measuring about 2cm in length.The ejaculatory ducts are formed by the
union of the duct from a seminal vesicle and a vas deferens. They pass through the prostate gland
and join the urethra.

Ejaculatory ducts carry sperms and seminal fluid of seminal vesicles to the urethra.

6. Urethra:
It is a tube measuring about 20cm in length arising from urinary bladder. It is also known as urino-
genital duct. It opens through the tip of the penis.

It provides a common pathway for the discharge of urine and semen.

7. Penis:
The penis is a long, erectable ,cylindrical and muscular organ. It is made up of spongy, muscular
and erectile tissue (two dorsal corpora cavernosa and one ventral corpus spongiosum). Tip of
penis is enlarged to form the glans penis. It is covered with loose fold of skin called prepuse.
a. The penis carries urine.
b. It also carries semen.
c. It is male copulatory organ.

Male Accessory glands:

A. Seminal vesicles:
These are one pair of sac like structures near the base of the urinary bladder. Its duct join the
vasa deferentia to form the ejaculatory duct. It produces an alkaline secretion called seminal
fluid which forms 60% of the volume of semen. The secretion contains fructose (source of
energy for the sperm), hormone like prostaglandins (stimulate uterine contractions for sperm
mobility) and clotting proteins (help semen to coagulate after ejaculation) etc.

B. Prostate gland:
It is a single large gland that surrounds the urethra. It produces a milky secretion called prostatic
fluid which forms 25% of the volume of semen. This secretion contains citric acid (a sperm
nutrient) and enzymes (neutralizes the acidity of reproductive tract).

C. Cowper’s glands or Bulbo-urethral glands:

 These are pea sized glands present below the prostate glands and at the base of the penis.
These glands secrete an alkaline fluid (5% of semen) which helps in lubrication of the penis
during copulation.
Semen : It is a fluid that contains sperms and secretion of seminal vesicles, prostate glands and
cowper’s glands. It is ejaculated at the time of sexual intercourse. It is about 2-3.5ml per
ejaculation and contains about 200-300 millions of sperms. It is slightly alkaline (PH about 7.5).



Human male reproductive system consists of the following parts:

1. Ovaries
2. Fallopian Tubes
3. Uterus
4. Vagina
5. Vulva
6. Accessory Glands

1. Ovaries:
 Ovaries are primary sex organ in human female. It is a pair of small, almond shaped gland.
Each ovary measures about 3.5cm long, 2cm wide and 1cm thick. It is located in the pelvic
cavity behind the kidney. Each ovary is attached to the wall of uterus with help of ovarian
ligament and attached to the abdominal wall by mesovarium.
Internally each ovary consist of 3 layers:
a. Germinal epithelium: outer covering lined with cuboidal cells
b. Tunica albuginea: inner covering, a delicate layer of connective tissue beneath the
germinal epithelium
c. Stroma : innermost part
Internally, stroma is divided into 2 part ie. Outer cortex and inner layer medulla.
Cortex contains different developing stages of follicles. The fully matured follicle is called
Graafian follicle. The outer covering of Graafian follicle is called membrana granulosa which
is made up of follicular cells. It encloses a follicular cavity with colorless follicular fluid.
Ovum is situated inside follicular cavity. Follicular cells secretes oestrogen hormone which
maintains the secondary sexual characters and initiates the ovarian cycle. The release of
matured ovum by rupturing of Graafian follicle is called ovulation. The ruptured follicular
cavity gets filled with blood clot and pigment called lutein to form corpus luteum (yellow
body). Corpus luteum secretes progesterone hormone which helps in development of
uterus and mammary gland for implantation of fertilized egg. If the fertilization doesn’t
occurs, gradually corpus luteum degenerates to form corpus albicans (white body).

 Function:
a. It produces ova (oogenesis) and discharge mature ova (ovulation).
b. It secretes progesterone and oestrogen hormone.

2. Fallopian tubes (oviducts)

 It is a pair of hollow, muscular and ciliated tubes measuring about 10 cm in length. It extends
laterally on each side of the uterus. Eggs are propelled along the oviduct by peristaltic and
ciliary action. Fertilization of ovum usually takes place in the fallopian tube and the zygote is
propelled into the uterus for implantation. It is divided into 4 parts:
i. Infundibulum: it is funnel-shaped structure having opening called ostium. Its end has small
finger-like projections called fimbriae. The cilia of fimbriae catch the released ova and carry
them into the uterus through infundibulum.
ii. Ampulla: it is widest part of fallopian tube where fertilization takes place.
iii. Isthmus: it is a straight narrow part.
iv. Uterine part: it communicates with uterus.

 Function:
It is the site for fertilization

3. Uterus (womb or hystera)

 It is a hollow, muscular, elastic, pear-shaped organ. It lies in the pelvic cavity between the
urinary bladder and the rectum. It is attached to the body wall by double fold of peritoneum
called mesometrium. The cavity of uterus can expand upto 500 times during pregnancy. Wall
of uterus has 3 layers, outer peri-metrium, middle myo-metrium and inner endo-metrium. Endo-
metrium is highly vascular (supplied with blood vessels) layer which helps in implantation and
development of embryo.
Uterus consist of 3 parts:
i. Fundus: it is the upper, dome shaped part which receive fallopian tube.
ii. Body: it is middle, largest part.
iii. Cervix: it is lower part. The cavity of cervix is called cervical canal. Cervix is connected to
uterus by internal OS and vagina by external OS.
 Function:
It is specialized organ for implantation and development of embryo for nine months during

4. Vagina
 The vagina is an elastic, fibro muscular female copulatory organ which measures about 10-12
cm long. It extends from cervix to the outside of the body. In virgin female, it is closed by a
muscular membrane called hymen. Vagina opens outside through an opening called vaginal
 Function:
i. It receives sperm and passes it to the uterus and fallopian tubes.
ii. It also serves as the birth canal by stretching to allow the delivery of the foetus during
iii. During menstruation, the menstrual flow exits the body via the vagina.

5. Vulva (external genitalia)

It is located in the pubic region of the body. It consists of:
a. mons pubis: it is a raised layer of adipose tissue. It is covered with pubic hair.
b. labia majora: it is the inferior portion of the mons pubis which splits into left and right
halves. It is also covered with pubic hairs and possess large number of sebaceous glands.
c. labia minora: it is hairless folds of skin inside labia majora.
d. Vestibule: it is area between labia minora. It consists of hymen, vaginal and urethral
e. clitoris: it is a small mass of erectile tissue. It is homologous to the penis.


1. Bartholin’s gland:
 It is a paired, bean shaped gland which is present on either side of vaginal opening. It is
homologous to Cowper’s gland.

Function: Its secretion lubricates the vulva during copulation.

2. Breasts and Mammary Glands

 The breasts are specialized, modified sweat glands which have been modified to produce milk.
It is located on the thoracic region of the body. Externally, each gland has pigmented area
called areola at the centre which surrounds the nipple. Internally, it consists of lactiferous
glands, lactiferous ducts and adipose tissues. At puberty, breasts develop under influence of
oestrogen and progesterone hormone. Prolactin hormone influence formation of milk in breast
while milk ejection is under control of oxytocin hormone.

Menstrual Cycle
Ovarian Cycle

A periodic discharge of blood along with mucus and certain other substances though the vagina
at an interval of 28 days in the reproductive life of female is called menstrual cycle . On average
the menstrual cycle lasts between 28-35 days. The beginning of menstrual cycle is called
menarch which starts at the age of 12-15 years when ovulation starts. The stoppage of menstrual
cycle is called menopause which generally occurs at the age of 45-55 years when ovulation
stops. After menopause, a female loses the ability to reproduce.
The menstrual cycle involves cyclic changes in the female reproductive system (ovary and uterus)
under the influence of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle-stimulating Hormone (FSH) from
anterior pituitary gland. It is the reproductive cycle that produces eggs for fertilization.
The menstrual cycle can be divided into three phases: follicular (before the egg is released),
ovulatory (egg is released), and luteal (after release of the egg).
1. Menstrual phase:
It lasts for about 3-5 days. This phase is marked by discharges of blood, connective tissues
and lining of endometrium. It takes place when ovum is not fertilized, as a results corpus luteum
degenerate, which lowers the level of progesterone and oestrogen hormone in blood. It causes
shedding of epithelial lining and blood vessels of endometrium (uterus) and fallopian tubes. This is
called menstrual flow or weeping of uterus for the lost ovum.

{If the egg is fertilized, the cells around the developing embryo begin to produce a hormone
called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone rescues the corpus luteum
and allows it to continue secreting progesterone and oestrogen hormone, until the growing
foetus can produce its’ own hormones.}

2. Proliferative phase (follicular phase):

It lasts from 5th – 14th day of menstrual cycle till ovulation (about 9 days). This phase is
induced by FSH secretion which stimulates the maturation of primary follicle into Graafian
follicle, so it is called follicular phase. {at birth ,there are about 2-4 lakhs of primary follicles in
each ovary but only one matures in each cycle}. Graafian follicular cells secretes oestrogen
hormone (maximum on 12th day). Oestrogen hormone causes repair and proliferation
(multiplication) of damaged endometrium of uterus, blood vessels and fallopian tube. Uterus
becomes more vascular for implantation. Hence, it is called proliferative phase.

3. secretary phase (luteal or ovulatory phase):

It lasts from 14th – 28th of menstrual cycle (about 14 days). High level of oestrogen hormone
exerts pressure to inhibit the secretion of FSH. On other hand it also stimulates the pituitary
gland to secrete LH. Rise in concentration of LH along with fall in FSH stimulates the ovulation
(release of ova). Cells of ruptured follicular cells develop into corpus luteum which secretes
progesterone hormone. Formation of corpus luteum from the ruptured graafian follicle. So this
phase is also called luteal phase.Progesterone hormone causes numerous changes like
thickening of endometrium, inhibits maturation of follicles, secretion mucus, development of
mammary glands etc for implantation of embryo.

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