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Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA JPPI

Vol.7, No. 2, 2021, p. 232-244 p-ISSN 2477-1422 e-ISSN 2477-2038

Challenges in STEM Learning: A Case of Filipino High School Students

(Received 8 May 2021; Revised 30 November 2021; Accepted 30 November 2021)
Danilo V. Rogayan Jr.1*, Renzo Jay L. Rafanan2, Clarisse Yimyr de Guzman3

College of Teacher Education, President Ramon Magsaysay State University-San Marcelino,
Zambales, Philippines

Corresponding Author: *danrogayan@prmsu.edu.ph

DOI: 10.30870/jppi.v7i2.11293


STEM education faces monumental challenges which are aggravated by the Industrial
Revolution (IR) 4.0 and the current COVID-19 global contagion. These challenges also
affect how students learn in the STEM discipline in the senior high school. This qualitative
study employed a case research design which sought to investigate nature of the challenges
in STEM learning among senior high school students in the Philippines. Semi-structured
interview guide was used in gathering the qualitative data from the 20 STEM learners in a
government-run secondary school in Zambales, Philippines. Findings showed that the
students encountered challenges in the STEM program. Ten themes emerged based on the
students’ responses. These challenges encountered by the students revolved around three
categories – course-related challenges, individual challenges and socio-cultural challenges.
The study recommends that schools offering STEM academic strands may reframe and
rethink their processes, practices and policies to address the students’ challenges in STEM
learning. Policy recommendations are also discussed in the paper to equip the students
towards the demands of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and in the post-pandemic world.

Keywords: Challenges in STEM learning, IR 4.0, Post-COVID Era, Post-pandemic World,

STEM Education

INTRODUCTION strand. The first batch of STEM senior
The demand for science, high school students in the Philippines
technology, engineering and enrolled in June 2016 which marked the
mathematics (STEM) workforce in the full implementation of the K12 basic
contemporary society is very high. education curriculum. The Philippines
Globally, educational institutions was the last country in Asia to have a 10-
encourage students to take up STEM to year pre-university basic education. The
enhance their STEM skills and literacy enactment of the Republic Act 10533 or
which are needed in the modern the Enhanced Basic Education Act paved
industries. With the emerging fourth the way in the offering of senior high
industrial revolution (FIRe) and the school which includes the specialized
Education 4.0, there is a need to re-focus STEM field.
STEM education to respond to the global Based on the enrollment data of
challenges such as educational disruption the Department of Education (2017) for
brought about by CIVID-19 pandemic. the school year 2017-2018 as reported in
Significant global events such as Brillantes et al. (2020), STEM is the third
disruptive technologies, FIRe, new set of most popular academic strand next only
future work skills, and the present to general academic strand (GAS) and
COVID-19 global pandemic brought the accountancy and business administration
education realm into the context of (ABM). Furthermore, The Commission
VUCAD2 (Morales, 2020). VUCAD2 on Higher Education report as cited in
(volatile, uncertain, complex, Rafanan et al. (2020) reveals that the
ambiguous, diverse, and disruptive) is completion rate across STEM disciplines
now the new normal in education which is only 21.10% based on the average 5-
features the fast-paced changing year data up until 2016-2017. They cite
educational milieu (Morales, 2019; the completion rates as follows, science
Morales, 2020; Waller et al., 2019) (25.52%), mathematics (21.20%),
which will continue to challenge every information technology (19.56%),
facet of society in the post-pandemic engineering and technology (18.97%),
setting (Rogayan & Dantic, 2021). and medical and allied fields (14.38%).
In the Philippines, STEM learning For the first time, the Philippines
starts in the basic education. During the joined in Program for International
senior high school (Grade 11-12), Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 with
students may choose to enroll under the main objective of assessing the
academic track which offers the STEM quality of instruction in the country to

Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA Rogayan Jr., et al

Vol. 7, No. 2, 2021, p. 232-244
support its quest towards the enrolled in STEM academic strand; and
globalization of educational standards (b) varied performance in STEM courses.
(DepEd, 2019). However, the recent The participants were distributed equally
2018 PISA results which came out in with 10 participants each for female and
December 2019 revealed the dismal male. The age range of the students was
performance of the country in terms of 16 to 19. The participants speak both
mathematics and scientific literacy. The Filipino and English languages.
Philippines ranked last among 79 joining The study was conducted in a
countries in literacy in reading and government-owned secondary school in
second from the bottom in literacy in Zambales, Philippines for the school year
mathematics and science (OECD, 2019). 2018-2019. The school offers STEM
With the challenges of low STEM academic strand. The locale was chosen
enrollment and low scientific literacy, the for convenience factors since the school
researchers sought to explore through is located near a national hi-way. The
this qualitative case research the nature study was conducted prior to the COVID-
of challenges of senior high school 19 pandemic declared by the World
students in learning STEM in the Health Organization in March 11, 2020.
Philippine context. Data Collection Tool
METHOD The semi-structured interview
Research Design guide was used to gather the needed data.
This qualitative inquiry employed The researchers asked the core question:
a case research design. Qualitative case What challenges do you encounter in
study methodology assists researchers to learning STEM? Follow-up questions
perform an in-depth examination of were made to have an in-depth
complicated phenomena within a definite understanding of the challenges cited by
context (Rashid et al., 2019). The present the participants.
study explored the challenges in STEM Data Collection and Analysis
learning of a case of Filipino students. After securing approval from the
Participants school and informed consent from the
Twenty Grade 12 STEM students participants, the researchers scheduled
sampled conveniently from one one-on-one interviews with the
Philippine government school served as participants. Prior to the formal
participants in the case study. interview, the researchers explained the
Participants were chosen based on the purpose of the research and had short
following inclusion criteria: (a) presently informal talk with the participants to

Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA Rogayan Jr., et al

Vol. 7, No. 2, 2021, p. 232-244
establish rapport between the interviewer basis for the generated themes”
and the participant. The interview lasted (Rafanan et al., 2020, p. 44). The
for about 10 minutes each participant and themes were culled from the
was audio-recorded.
participants’ responses with
To facilitate the analysis of
corresponding significant statements.
data, “the recorded interviews were
The frequency of responses was also
individually transcribed to arrive at an
included in the data presentation.
extended text” (Rafanan et al., 2020,
To ensure validity and
p. 44). Transcription of the audio
credibility of the emerging themes
recordings were made immediately
and its corresponding descriptions,
after the interview (Hatch, 2002). For
the researchers employed informant
better interpretation, all the responses
feedback via interview among select
of the participants were translated to
participants (Lincoln & Guba, 1985).
English since some of them answered
the interview questions in Filipino, The study described the different
their native language. struggles that the students have
The researchers performed “a encountered in STEM academic strand.
manual coding of the responses and Table 6 shows the themes generated in
assigned broad code which serve as a this qualitative research.

Table 6 Challenges of the students in STEM learning

Theme Significant Statement Frequency
Bulk of The consecutive assignment of requirements. It's okay to 9
course give requirements but give us enough time to do
requirements accomplish it. [P7, Female]
Difficulty in Making the research is really challenging. [P17, Female] 6
Level of My weakness in mathematics because we have lot of 6
difficulty of subjects in mathematics. [P9, Male]
Expectations The high expectations of the teachers to us. [P11, Male] 3
of being in
the STEM
Teacher’s In physics, we have a hard time understanding the lesson 3
pedagogy because we do not understand the way it was taught. [P3,
Time The time-management especially when the requirements 2
management are simultaneously given. [P3, Female]

Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA Rogayan Jr., et al

Vol. 7, No. 2, 2021, p. 232-244
Theme Significant Statement Frequency
Financial The printing of research papers are very costly. [P4, 2
constraint Female]

Irrelevant There are some activities that are neither interesting nor 1
performance relevant to our strand. [P4, Female]
Irrelevant Some subjects do not fit in the course that I will take in 1
subjects to college. [P8, Male]
Use of When there are oral recitations, you need to use English as 1
English in the medium of language. [P19, Female]

Theme 1: The bulk of course teachers may also ascertain that the
course requirements measures the
Nine participants indicated that
intended learning outcomes and that
bulk of course requirements are
these requirements are contextualized
challenging for them. One participant
and are beneficial to better understand
(P2) shared her experiences by stating
STEM concepts.
that, ‘due to the bulk of course
Theme 2: Difficulty in conducting
requirements, we cannot pass it on the
student research
deadline.’ Another student also Another challenge that Grade 12
mentioned, ‘it is challenging when students encountered is the difficulty in
teachers are giving some requirements conducting research. One female
then followed by immediately another participant stated, ‘research is essential,
requirements’ (P7). This implies that but still it is hard to conduct’ (P7). This
almost half of the participants perceive reflects how participants see research as
the bulk of course requirements as a a complex and rigorous process. This
challenge in STEM academic strand. implies that teachers in science must give
They find it hard to comply with all the more technical assistance and guidance
course requirements at a time. This to STEM students to ensure that the
negates the findings of Cooper et al. students follow the right research
(2006) that a reasonable amount of process. The teachers should also
schoolwork or requirement is a good inculcate to the students the value of
thing, meanwhile it leans towards conducting research in their level and the
positive outcome on a learner's scientific attitude that they need to
educational success. This implies that exhibit to ensure the success in the

Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA Rogayan Jr., et al

Vol. 7, No. 2, 2021, p. 232-244
research venture. Although, there are STEM course. Family members must
unexpected challenges and problems in support the students instead to ensure
conducting research that may lead to academic success and higher
academic failures (Bocar, 2009), it is still achievement.
important to remind the students that Theme 5: Adjustment to Teacher’s
failure is a crucial part of the learning
Teacher’s teaching style has a vital
role in the learning process of the
Theme 3: Level of difficulty of STEM
students. It can lead to a successful
STEM is comprised of several learning process of the students, but
different courses that a student should sometimes it is also a challenge
take. Six senior high school (SHS) encountered by the students in their
students stated that difficulty in specific learning process. Three participants
STEM courses is a challenge for them. stated that the adjustment to teacher’s
Participant 3 said that he faces difficulty pedagogy is a challenge for them. One of
in understanding math concepts and them (P19) said that she has difficulty in
another participant (P17) cited that there specific courses because she cannot
are many math courses in the program. It understand her lessons well due to her
suggests that difficulties in each subject teacher's teaching techniques. This
area are one of the challenges students implies that the teacher’s pedagogy is
face in STEM program. Similarly, also seen as a challenge in STEM
previous studies showed that students disciplines. It is therefore important for
face problems in various STEM fields teachers to up-skill and re-skill
such as science (Ralph & Lewis, 2018), themselves on the emerging and
math (Nelson & Powell, 2018), innovative STEM teaching strategies.
engineering (Saterbak et al., 2016), and Previous research suggested the
technology (Jimoh & Hassan, 2020). use of innovative pedagogical strategies
Theme 4: Expectations of being in the to improve scientific literacy (Barantes &
STEM program
Tamoria, 2021; El Islami et al., 2015;
Three of the participants revealed
Fahrunisa et al., 2020; Macanas &
that one of the challenges they
Rogayan, 2019; Nisa & Wilujeng, 2020;
encountered is the high expectation
Parmin, & Fibriana, 2019; Rogayan &
coming from their teachers and family
Macanas, 2020; Saefullah et al., 2017).
members. This indicates that
Teachers have prior perspectives and
expectations from family members could
experiences that could stimulate their
pressure on the students which they
STEM teaching, so they are considered
considered as a challenge being in the
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA Rogayan Jr., et al
Vol. 7, No. 2, 2021, p. 232-244
an important person within students’ (Amida et al., 2020; Hensley et al., 2018;
talent development (Margot & Kettler, Stewart et al., 2020).
2019). Thuy et al. (2020) averred that for Theme 7: Financial constraint
the successful execution of STEM Due to the different projects and
education, teachers’ pedagogical course requirements that they needed to
competence is a key factor. submit, financial constraint is also
The most serious difficulty with considered as a challenge among the
implementing STEM education STEM students. This suggests that the
programs is that many professional financial factor can be a hindrance in
teachers lack the knowledge about the STEM education. This is similar to
different engineering skills that are used Dang's (2015) claim that one of the
in the industry (Portz, 2015). Hence, challenges identified in attaining
teachers have a hard time relating the educational achievement and for the
concepts to their students or deploying development of society and individuals is
them suitably as part of an effective financial capacity.
STEM strategy (Portz, 2015). Further, Furthermore, many studies support
teachers' STEM knowledge is an that one of the challenges in student’
“absolute requirement to create a future- education is financial constraint (Alipio,
oriented learning environment” (Parmin 2020; Azarcon et al., 2014). Thus, it is
et al., 2020, p. 18). important for the schools to also ensure
Theme 6: Time management that students are supported through
Another challenge encountered by offering financial assistance or
the students is the management of their scholarship programs. In this way,
time. One of the participants expressed, students might be attracted to get STEM
“I have difficulties in time management if as their preferred academic strand.
the requirements are given Theme 8: Irrelevant performance task
simultaneously” (P5). Time management One SHS student stated that an
has a crucial role in attaining improved irrelevant performance task is a challenge
academic performance. Time in STEM learning. According to the
management helps students set goals and student, the tasks being given to them are
urgencies and be systematic in using time not that meaningful in the STEM
(Kaushar, 2013). Scholarly literature program and that she does not its
revealed that effective time management connection to her future career. This
undergirds success in student learning connotes that teachers may ensure that
the performance tasks being given to the

Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA Rogayan Jr., et al

Vol. 7, No. 2, 2021, p. 232-244
students are relevant in the field. STEM technology in an applied setting (Margot
teachers must include performance tasks & Kettler, 2019).
which are most essential and relevant to Further, the STEM curriculum has
the students’ context. involved the use of math and science
Diverse facets of school context principles for students to apply it through
can directly or indirectly influence the application of computer architecture
instructional practices, and also teacher’s and technology. Math and science are
approaches are positively related to now introduced into the student's actual
instructional practices (Thibaut et al., needs so that they can connect and solve
2018). Thus, it is important for STEM a real question (Chamberlin & Pereira,
teachers to design relevant instructional 2017).
plans which feature performance tasks Theme 10: Use of English in STEM
that can enhance students’ conceptual
Use of the English language in
understanding and can increase their
learning STEM is essential to further
appreciation of science. Providing
broaden one’s conceptual understanding
learners with a responsive classroom and
in the discipline. But for some
appropriate learning tasks are
participants, using the English language
indispensable towards the development
in their STEM classes is a challenge. The
of their 21st century skill sets (Albay &
use of English in science communication
Eisma, 2021).
is also a challenge for STEM learners
Theme 9: Irrelevant subjects to
since English is a second language in the
preferred college degree
According to one of the Philippines. According to Ishamina and
participants, some of his subjects are not Deterding (2017), most of the students
related to the course that he wanted to are not fluent in English; some have a
pursue in college. He perceived that other hard time constructing grammar, are
STEM curriculum subjects are not unfamiliar with precise vocabulary, and
relevant to the course he intends to take cannot understand the grammatical
in college. This may imply that schools pattern. Hence, the complexity of the
may need to recalibrate the most essential English language may further complicate
competencies per subject in the STEM the students’ understanding of scientific
curriculum to respond to the industry's concepts and principles.
emerging needs. STEM education A thematic map was developed
encompasses the student's utilization of based on the emerging themes identified
the math and science concepts they in the study (Figure 1).
obtained through engineering design and
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA Rogayan Jr., et al
Vol. 7, No. 2, 2021, p. 232-244
As shown in the figure, the Lastly, the socio-cultural challenges deal
challenges in STEM learning were with the challenges of the students that
classified into three categories, course- occur in their environment and in their
related, individual and socio-cultural. cultural setting. This includes the
The course-related challenges pertain to expectations of being in the STEM
the STEM students’ challenges in the program, teachers’ pedagogy and the use
offered subjects in the program and the of English in STEM classes.
overall curriculum requirements. This Educational factors which are
include the bulk of course requirements, crucial for students’ performance
level of difficulty of STEM courses, include instructional resources,
irrelevant performance tasks, and
school atmosphere, and
irrelevant subjects to preferred college
compensatory instruction which are
all connected to building a conducive

Challenges in
physical, social, and psychological
STEM Learning
settings for learners and educators
(Trinidad, 2020).
Course-Related Individual Socio-cultural
Limitations of the Study
Since the study is purely

Bulk of course
Difficulty in Expectations of qualitative, several limitations must be
conducting student being in the STEM
research program
pondered. The challenges of senior high
school students in STEM learning in the
Adjustment to
Level of Difficulty
of STEM courses
Time management Teacher’s locale may not indicate generalizability.

This implies that the challenges

encountered by the STEM students may
Irrelevant Financial Use of English in
performance task constraint STEM classes
not be the same in other contexts.
Likewise, the small sample used in the
Irrelevant subjects
to preferred
study may have limited the resposnes of
college degree
regarding the students’ challenges.
Figure 1. Thematic Map of the
Generated Themes The study highlighted the
The individual challenges refer to challenges of Filipino students in STEM
the personal challenges encountered by learning. The challenges encountered by
students in studying STEM. This include the students revolved around three
difficulty in conducting research, time categories – course-related challenges,
management and financial constraint.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA Rogayan Jr., et al
Vol. 7, No. 2, 2021, p. 232-244
individual challenges and socio-cultural naturally technology-savvy and digitally-
challenges. These challenges cited by the proficient students.
students may serve as a guide for STEM Hence, further study may be
teachers, policy makers and other done in other contexts and may
education stakeholders to rethink and involve larger sample. Another study
reframe their processes, practices, and
may be done to explore the challenges
policies in teaching STEM among the
in STEM learning during the COVID-
19 educational disruption since the
To equip the STEM students
study was conducted during the pre-
towards the demands of Industrial
pandemic setting. A mixed-method
Revolution 4.0 and in the post-pandemic
world, it is recommended that STEM research design may also be utilized
curriculum should be revisited and re- to further validate the surfaced
engineered to be more relevant and challenges in this research. The
responsive to the demands of the new thematic map generated in the study
industrial revolution and the Society 5.0. may be further validated using robust
Schools should continue to review and sources and approaches.
rethink the curriculum to be aligned in ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
the current and emerging needs of the The researchers would like to
times specifically in the post-COVID-19 thank the President Ramon Magsaysay
era. Inclusion of relevant, engaging and State University for the support to this
contextualized performance tasks in the research project. To the Schools Division
program must also be done. Academic Office of Zambales for the approval to
and financial support to financially- conduct the study and to the STEM
challenged but deserving STEM students students for the active engagement and
may be explored to attract more learners willingness to share their challenging
to enroll in STEM academic strand. experiences. To the editors and
Continuous retooling and anonymous peer reviewers for the
professional development programs for comments which improved this research
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