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College of Teacher Education, President Ramon Magsaysay State University-San Marcelino,
Zambales, Philippines
DOI: 10.30870/jppi.v7i2.11293
STEM education faces monumental challenges which are aggravated by the Industrial
Revolution (IR) 4.0 and the current COVID-19 global contagion. These challenges also
affect how students learn in the STEM discipline in the senior high school. This qualitative
study employed a case research design which sought to investigate nature of the challenges
in STEM learning among senior high school students in the Philippines. Semi-structured
interview guide was used in gathering the qualitative data from the 20 STEM learners in a
government-run secondary school in Zambales, Philippines. Findings showed that the
students encountered challenges in the STEM program. Ten themes emerged based on the
students’ responses. These challenges encountered by the students revolved around three
categories – course-related challenges, individual challenges and socio-cultural challenges.
The study recommends that schools offering STEM academic strands may reframe and
rethink their processes, practices and policies to address the students’ challenges in STEM
learning. Policy recommendations are also discussed in the paper to equip the students
towards the demands of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and in the post-pandemic world.
INTRODUCTION strand. The first batch of STEM senior
The demand for science, high school students in the Philippines
technology, engineering and enrolled in June 2016 which marked the
mathematics (STEM) workforce in the full implementation of the K12 basic
contemporary society is very high. education curriculum. The Philippines
Globally, educational institutions was the last country in Asia to have a 10-
encourage students to take up STEM to year pre-university basic education. The
enhance their STEM skills and literacy enactment of the Republic Act 10533 or
which are needed in the modern the Enhanced Basic Education Act paved
industries. With the emerging fourth the way in the offering of senior high
industrial revolution (FIRe) and the school which includes the specialized
Education 4.0, there is a need to re-focus STEM field.
STEM education to respond to the global Based on the enrollment data of
challenges such as educational disruption the Department of Education (2017) for
brought about by CIVID-19 pandemic. the school year 2017-2018 as reported in
Significant global events such as Brillantes et al. (2020), STEM is the third
disruptive technologies, FIRe, new set of most popular academic strand next only
future work skills, and the present to general academic strand (GAS) and
COVID-19 global pandemic brought the accountancy and business administration
education realm into the context of (ABM). Furthermore, The Commission
VUCAD2 (Morales, 2020). VUCAD2 on Higher Education report as cited in
(volatile, uncertain, complex, Rafanan et al. (2020) reveals that the
ambiguous, diverse, and disruptive) is completion rate across STEM disciplines
now the new normal in education which is only 21.10% based on the average 5-
features the fast-paced changing year data up until 2016-2017. They cite
educational milieu (Morales, 2019; the completion rates as follows, science
Morales, 2020; Waller et al., 2019) (25.52%), mathematics (21.20%),
which will continue to challenge every information technology (19.56%),
facet of society in the post-pandemic engineering and technology (18.97%),
setting (Rogayan & Dantic, 2021). and medical and allied fields (14.38%).
In the Philippines, STEM learning For the first time, the Philippines
starts in the basic education. During the joined in Program for International
senior high school (Grade 11-12), Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 with
students may choose to enroll under the main objective of assessing the
academic track which offers the STEM quality of instruction in the country to
Irrelevant There are some activities that are neither interesting nor 1
performance relevant to our strand. [P4, Female]
Irrelevant Some subjects do not fit in the course that I will take in 1
subjects to college. [P8, Male]
Use of When there are oral recitations, you need to use English as 1
English in the medium of language. [P19, Female]
Theme 1: The bulk of course teachers may also ascertain that the
course requirements measures the
Nine participants indicated that
intended learning outcomes and that
bulk of course requirements are
these requirements are contextualized
challenging for them. One participant
and are beneficial to better understand
(P2) shared her experiences by stating
STEM concepts.
that, ‘due to the bulk of course
Theme 2: Difficulty in conducting
requirements, we cannot pass it on the
student research
deadline.’ Another student also Another challenge that Grade 12
mentioned, ‘it is challenging when students encountered is the difficulty in
teachers are giving some requirements conducting research. One female
then followed by immediately another participant stated, ‘research is essential,
requirements’ (P7). This implies that but still it is hard to conduct’ (P7). This
almost half of the participants perceive reflects how participants see research as
the bulk of course requirements as a a complex and rigorous process. This
challenge in STEM academic strand. implies that teachers in science must give
They find it hard to comply with all the more technical assistance and guidance
course requirements at a time. This to STEM students to ensure that the
negates the findings of Cooper et al. students follow the right research
(2006) that a reasonable amount of process. The teachers should also
schoolwork or requirement is a good inculcate to the students the value of
thing, meanwhile it leans towards conducting research in their level and the
positive outcome on a learner's scientific attitude that they need to
educational success. This implies that exhibit to ensure the success in the
Challenges in
physical, social, and psychological
STEM Learning
settings for learners and educators
(Trinidad, 2020).
Course-Related Individual Socio-cultural
Limitations of the Study
Since the study is purely
Bulk of course
Difficulty in Expectations of qualitative, several limitations must be
conducting student being in the STEM
research program
pondered. The challenges of senior high
school students in STEM learning in the
Adjustment to
Level of Difficulty
of STEM courses
Time management Teacher’s locale may not indicate generalizability.