Consumer Education
Consumer Education
Consumer Education
9. Lack of product or service information: Insufficient or 7. Lemon Law (Republic Act No. 10642): The Lemon
unclear information about products or Law provides protection to consumers who
services can make it challenging for consumers to make purchase brand-new motor vehicles with substantial
informed decisions. This can include defects or non-conformities. It entitles consumers
incomplete specifications, inadequate labeling, or a lack to repair, replacement, or refund of the defective vehicle
of clear instructions. within a specific period.
10. Difficulty obtaining refunds or returns: Consumers 8. Truth in Lending Act (Republic Act No. 3765): This
may face obstacles when seeking law requires lenders to disclose complete and
refunds or returns for products or services, such as accurate information about loan terms, interest rates,
strict return policies, restocking fees, or fees, and other credit-related costs. It aims to
unresponsive sellers. This can lead to financial losses protect consumers from deceptive or unfair lending
and dissatisfaction practices.