Course Code:
Theory: Full Marks-100 (internal assesment-20 Marks & final exam-80 marks)
Pass marks-50 (10+40)
Part A: 80 marks and Part B: 20 Marks
Theory: Full Marks-100 (internal assesment-20 Marks & final exam-80 marks)
Pass marks-50 (10+40)
Part A: 50 marks and Part B: 50 marks
Practical/Viva voce
Full Marks -100
Pass marks- 60
Teaching Hours:
Theory class: 180 Hours
Practical class: 135 Hours
Course Description
Roga Vigyan Evum Vikriti Vigyan is a subject that gives emphasis on Ayurveda and contemporary
Diagnostics and Pathology. It is a key subject that trains the students to apply knowledge of
fundamental principles of Ayurveda to practice by understanding diseases, patient interaction,
drawing diagnosis, and prognosis. This is a strong base to frame an appropriate treatment protocol.
The curriculum is framed with a vision for developing the diagnostic knowledge and skills of a
student abiding by a patient-centric education. Activity-based training has been inculcated
throughout the curriculum to improve the dexterity of a student in handling real-life scenarios in the
journey of reaching a diagnosis. The anatomy and physiology learned in an apparently healthy
individual from the first professional year is continued in the second professional year with
knowledge regarding morbid reflections in the mind and body through this subject.
The sequence of knitting the points in theory and practical are carefully executed to maintain
rationality and continuity in learning from a clinical perspective. The basic principles of Vikriti vigyan
and their application in Roga nidan, Vyadhi vigyan and clinical diagnostics supported by
contemporary diagnostics are the core areas of the curriculum. The essential areas from
contemporary pathology and diagnostics are included with the objective to receive interdisciplinary
integrated teaching. Some of the topics are defined for horizontal & vertical integration for better
Identify the morbidities in accordance with principles of Ayurveda pathology (vikriti vigyan
Describe the basic, general, and systemic pathological process thereby applying it in
reaching a diagnosis
Perform appropriate clinical examination (pareeksha) utilizing Ayurveda and contemporary
principles (samakalina siddhanta)
Order and interpret various diagnostic laboratory investigations and imaging
Diagnose and present the case with clinical reasoning (naidanika tarka)
Follow and advise advancements in diagnosis (vyadhi vinischaya) and prognosis (sadhya
asadhyata) in clinical practice (naidanika adhyayana)
Communicate effectively with the patient (rugna), relatives (bandhujan) and other
stakeholders (anya hita dhaaraka)
Demonstrate ethics (sadvritta), compassion (karuna) and possess qualities of a clinician
(vaidya guna)
Paper I
Part A: 70 Hours
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
2. Pareeksha
Roga and Rogi Pareeksha
5. Upashaya/ Anupashaya
6. Dosha Vikriti
A. Nidana (Vyadhi janaka hetu) B. Agni bheda and Vikriti C. Dosha Vriddhi, Kshaya and Dushta
Karma, Ashyapakarsha, Avarana, Samsargaja, Sannipataja. D. Dosha swabhava -
Nityasamshleshita (Leena) dosha and Paricchedita dosha E. Paridhavamana dosha
8. Srotodushti
Samanya sroto dusti nidana and lakshana
9. Concept of Ama
A. Samanya nidana, and Samanya lakshana B. Bheda (Anna rasa. Mala sanchaya (Dhatwagni mandya
janit). Dosha dushti)
13. Samprapti
A. Samprapti bheda B. Vyadhi janma and Vyadhi janya
14. Rupa
Pratyatma/ Samanya/ Vishishta Rupa
15. Vyadhinamakarana
16. Vyadhi
A. Definition, B. Classification – Dwividha/ Trividha/ Chaturvidha/ Saptavidha (Adibala/ Sahaja - Genetic, Janmabala/
Garbhaja - Congenital, Dosha bala/ Jataja - Acquired, Sanghatabala/ Peedaja - Traumatic, Daivabala/ Prabhavaja -
Iatrogenic, Kalabala/ Kalaja – Environmental and Geriatric, Swabhava balapravrutta), etc.
20. Vyadhikshamatva
A. Vikaravighata Bhava & Abhava, SatmyaB. Ojus - Bheda – Two types and Four types C. Dosha Paka D. ImmunityE.
24. Upadrava
25. Arishta
2. Chhardi
3. Amlapitta
4. Shoola
Parinama Shoola, Annadrava Shoola
5. Atisara, and Pravahika
6. Grahani
10. Mutraghata
12. Hikka
13. Shwasa
14. Kasa
15. Rajayakshma & Shosha
17. Jwara
Jwarabheda - Doshaja and Agantuja (Abhishanga jwara), Vishama Jwara, Punaravartaka Jwara,
Jwara avastha - Ama, Pachyamana and Nirama Jwara
19. Fever
A. General mechanism of Fever. B. Introduction to Eruptive fevers - Measles, Chicken pox,
Rubella, Hand foot mouth disease, Herpes zoster C. Parasitic fevers – Filariasis, Malaria, D.
Detailed description of Common infective fevers – Typhoid, Dengue, Influenza, Chikungunya,
E. Common regional disorders presenting with fever
20. Pandu
21. Raktapitta
23. Hridroga
24. Shotha
30. Sheetapitta
31. Shwitra
32. Visarpa
34. Galaganda
37. Obesity
38. Prameha
40. Vatavyadhi
Samanya nidana, Samanya purvarupa, Samanya lakshana
41. Snayugata vata
Snayugata vata, Akshepaka – Apatanaka; Ardita, Pakshaghata, Kampavata, Gridhrasi, Vishwachi,
42. Common neurologic and spine disorders
Common neurologic diseases: Parkinson’s disease, Stroke, Bell’s Palsy, Motor Neuron Disease,
Transverse myelitis, Epilepsy (Organic). Common Spine disorders: Lumbago- Sciatica syndrome,
Brachial neuralgia, Cervical and Lumbar Spondylosis
43. Sandhigatavata and Asthi majja gata vata Sandhigatavata, Katigraha, Manyasthambha,
Vatakantaka, Avabahuka, Amsashosha
45. Amavata
46. Vatarakta
51. Vishada
56. Krimiroga
59. Shleepada
60. Tuberculosis
Evaluation Methods
Book Resources
19. Chamberlain's Symptoms and 2010; CRC Press; Andrew R. Houghton & David Gray
Signs in Clinical Medicine
20. Hutchison's Clinical Methods: 2012; Elsevier publishers Michael Glynn, William M.
An Integrated Approach to Clinical Drake
21. Bates' Guide to Physical Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2016 by M.D. Bickley,
Examination and History Taking Lynn S. (Author), M.D. Szilagyi, Peter G. (Author), M.D.
Hoffman, Richard M. (Editor)
22. French's Index of Differential 2016; CRC Press; by Mark T. Kinirons (Editor)
Diagnosis An A-Z 1
23. Savills System Of Clinical 14th Edition 2005; CBS Publishers; by E C Warner
Medicine (Author)
24. Todd-Sanford-Davidsohn 2016; Saunders publishers; by Campbell James
clinical diagnosis and management Todd (Author)
by laboratory methods
25. Clinical Methods In Ayurveda 2013; Chaukhamba Orientalia; by Prof. K.R.
Srikantha Murthy (Author)
26. Clinical Diagnosis in Ayurveda 2015; Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan; by M.
(A Practical book of Ayurvedic Srinivasulu (Author)
Diagnosis in the Light of Modern
Medical Science)
27. Medical Laboratory Technology 2009; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; by Ramnik
Sood (Author)
28. Textbook of Medical Revised Reprint 2021; B. Godkar,Darshan P. Godkar;
Laboratory Technology Bhalani publishing house
29. Practical biochemistry for 3rd Edition; by Bd Toora G Rajagopal (Author)
medical, dental and allied
30. Essential of clinical pathology 2010; First edition; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers;
by Shirish M Kawthalkar (Author)
31. Textbook of human 2020; CBS Publishers by Sood R. (Author)
parasitology protozoology and
32. Clinical Pathology & Clinical Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 9th Edition; 2000 by
Bacteriology (For Medical Sachdev (Author)
Students and Practitioners)
33. Practical Pathology Arya Publications; by K. Uma Chaturvedi (Author),
Tejindar Singh (Author)
34. Text book on clinical Naveen Chandra, Anmol Publisher ; First edition, 2015
biochemistry and hematology
35. Medical Laboratory Technology Third Edition, 2019; NCBA publishers by C R Maiti
36. Diagnosis and Treatment of 2016; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; by Virendra
Common Skin Diseases N Sehgal (Author)
37. Ananthanarayan and Paniker's Eleventh Edition; 2020; Universities Press (India) Pvt.
Textbook of Microbiology Ltd; by R Ananthanarayan and CK Jayaram Paniker
(Author), Reba Kanungo (Editor)
38. Learning Radiology: 2015; Saunders publishers; by William Herring MD FACR
Recognizing the Basics (Author)
39. Radiology in Medical Practice 2015; Elsevier India; by A B M Abdullah (Author
40. Clark's Positioning in 13th Edition; 2015; CRC Press; by A. Stewart Whitley
Radiography (Author), Gail Jefferson (Author), Ken Holmes (Author),
Charles Sloane (Author), Craig Anderson (Author),
Graham Hoadley (Author)
41. Textbook Of Radiology For 2018; CBS Publishers; by Bhargava S. K (Author)
Residents And Technicians
42. Essentials Of ECG 2017; Avichal Publishing Company; by Vipin Gupta
43. Nidana chikitsa hastamalaka 2016; Baidyanath Ayurved publication; by Vaidya
Ranjit Rai Desai
44. Rasavaisheshikam Kottakal Ayurveda Series:120; 3rd Edition; 2014; by K.
Raghavan Tirumulpad
45. Taber's Cyclopedic Medical 23rd Edition; 2017; F.A. Davis Company; by Venes
Dictionary (Author)
46. Doshakaranatwa Mimamsa Chowkhamba Bharati Academy ; 2013; by Acharya P.V.
47. Nadi Darshan Motilal Banarsidass publishers; by Vaidya Tara Shankar
48. Ayurvediya shabdakosha Laxmanshastri Joshi, Maharashtra Rajya Sahitya Mandal;
1968; by Veni Madhava Shastri
49. Kayachikitsa Indrayani Sahithya Prakashan; 2015; by Vd
Yashwant Govind Joshi
50. Dermatological Diseases A 3rd Edition – 2023; TreeLife Media (A division of Kothari
Practical Approach Medical); by - (Author), Venkataram Mysore, K H
Satyanarayana Rao, Sacchidanand S, M Deepthi, (Editor)
51. Introduction to Kayachikitsa Chaukhamba Orientalia Varanasi; 3rd Edition; 1996; C.
52. Digestion and metabolism in Chowkhambha Krishnadas Academy; 1997; 2nd Edition;
Ayurveda by
C. Dwarakanath
53. Ayurvedic Nadi Pariksha Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan; 2015; by Dr. Govind
Vijnana Prasad Upadhyay
54. NAMASTE portal