Christianity Faith

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As Christians, how should we proclaim our faith towards people of other religion?

Being a Christian is not just being members of the church and practicing the
Christianity religion. It entails many responsibilities that aim to develop and strengthen
our faith and to proclaim God’s goodness by using our lives as a reflection. According to
the scripture, we all have Christian duties not just for God but also in reaching other
people. However, this seems to be very difficult in a highly advancing and globalized
world as ours. So then we ask, how should we proclaim our faith in a world with people
of varying beliefs and religions?
When we think about proclaiming our faith, we can easily envision our priests or
pastors in the pulpit delivering God’s words through a sermon in a Sunday morning on
the church where there are gathered people. However, it is not just our church leader’s
responsibility to proclaim the good news. It is also our responsibility. We are all called to
proclaim our faith and spread the good news everyday, without ceasing because this is
how God wanted us to serve Him. So first, we start by working with ourselves. How
much do we know about God? Is our faith strong enough and deeply rooted in the love
of God? If we are able to fully understand our faith, that is the time when we start to live
out the story of Christ in us and we will be given courage and knowledge to bravely
proclaim our faith. Then, we share our stories, confess our faith through song and word
in worship and show Christ through our daily lives whether it be in school or at work. We
express our thanks to God and always care for the common good and never turn a blind
eye to oppression. Even the littlest thing like offering our encouragement to people of
different religion and talking about our faith in work or at school, is also a way of
proclaiming our faith. We can even go to the extent of inviting them over to our Church.
The most important of all is that, whatever their responses would be to our proclamation
of faith, we remain humble, respectful and accepting because only then will we be able
to fully emulate and reflect Jesus Christ’s goodness in our lives.
It may seem very difficult to proclaim our faith but if we trust God and follow His
word, He will see us through. Finally, if we work all our Christian duties not for ourselves
and for the praises of people, but for God and His glory, nothing is impossible.

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