Boehrer - Stratification of Lakes, 2008
Boehrer - Stratification of Lakes, 2008
Boehrer - Stratification of Lakes, 2008
Stratification of lakes
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Bertram Boehrer1 and Martin Schultze1
Received 10 July 2006; revised 26 September 2007; accepted 4 January 2008; published 30 May 2008.
[1] Many lakes show vertical stratification of their water do not experience a complete overturn because of pressure
masses, at least for some extended time periods. Density dependence of temperature of maximum density. Such lakes
differences in water bodies facilitate an evolution of must be sufficiently deep and lie in the appropriate climate
chemical differences with many consequences for living zone. Although these lakes are permanently stratified, deep
organisms in lakes. Temperature and dissolved substances waters are well ventilated, and chemical differences are
contribute to density differences in water. The atmosphere small. Turbulent mixing and convective deep water renewal
imposes a temperature signal on the lake surface. As a must be very effective. As a consequence, these lakes
result, thermal stratification can be established during the usually are not termed meromictic. Permanent stratification
warm season if a lake is sufficiently deep. On the contrary, may also be created by episodic partial recharging of the
during the cold period, surface cooling forces vertical deep water layer. This mechanism resembles the cycling of
circulation of water masses and removal of gradients of the ocean: horizontal gradients result from gradients at the
water properties. However, gradients of dissolved substances surface, such as differential cooling or enhanced evaporation
may be sustained for periods much longer than one annual in adjacent shallow side bays. Dense water parcels can be
cycle. Such lakes do not experience full overturns. Gradients formed which intrude the deep water layer. In the final
may be a consequence of external inflows or groundwater section, stratification relevant physical properties, such as
seepage. In addition, photosynthesis at the lake surface and sound speed, hydrostatic pressure, electrical conductivity,
subsequent decomposition of organic material in the deeper and density, are discussed. The assumptions behind salinity,
layers of a lake can sustain a gradient of dissolved electrical conductance, potential density, and potential
substances. Three more geochemical cycles, namely, temperature are introduced. Finally, empirical and
calcite precipitation, iron cycle, and manganese cycle, are theoretical approaches for quantitative evaluation from easy
known for sustaining meromixis. A limited number of lakes to measure properties conclude this contribution.
Citation: Boehrer, B., and M. Schultze (2008), Stratification of lakes, Rev. Geophys., 46, RG2005, doi:10.1029/2006RG000210.
1. INTRODUCTION human impact, e.g., Dead Sea [Gat, 1995] and Mono Lake
[Jellison and Melack, 1993] or by climatic variability, e.g.,
[2] Humanity needs to be prepared for the changes it Caspian Sea [Peeters et al., 2000].
imposes upon the Earth, especially in times of global [3] Understanding environmental processes is the first step
change and of direct human impact on the hydrological to forecasting such evolutions. Furthermore, a good under-
cycle. The anthropogenic impact of the last decades on our standing of stratification is required not only to prognosticate
aquatic environment has shown that a responsible use of our the future of our lakes but also to better interpret the past from
natural resources is mandatory to guarantee sustainable lacustrine sediment cores [e.g., Kjensmo, 1988; Brauer,
conditions. Over the last decades, not only have new large 2004]. Those interpretation’s intent is not only to document
water bodies, e.g., reservoirs, been created on the Earth’s the lake history but also to draw conclusions about the climate
surface, but also entirely novel aquatic systems developed in in the past by relating variations of the lake sediments to
the aftermath of mining in abandoned opencasts [e.g., Miller circulation patterns in lakes and finally climatic conditions
et al., 1996; Krüger et al., 2002]. In addition, the hydro- triggering these changes.
logical regime of many lakes has been modified to the [4] A considerable portion of the lakes on Earth are
extent that lakes have fundamentally changed their appear- permanently stratified. Deep lakes especially show this
ance, e.g., Aral Sea [Létolle and Mainguet, 1993; Crétaux et feature. As a consequence, many of the largest lakes (e.g.,
al., 2005], or their stratification pattern has been altered by Caspian Sea, Baikal, Tanganyika, Malawi-Nyasa) and many
middle size and small lakes do not circulate completely in
the vertical and do not show a homogenized, overturning
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Magdeburg, water body at any time during the annual cycle. The
permanent stratification has decisive impact on the redistri-
Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union. Reviews of Geophysics, 46, RG2005 / 2008
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8755-1209/08/2006RG000210$15.00 Paper number 2006RG000210
RG2005 Boehrer and Schultze: STRATIFICATION OF LAKES RG2005
bution of dissolved substances, such as nutrients or oxygen, physical limnologists how biogeochemical processes deter-
and hence determines the biocenosis that can form in the mine the physical properties of stratification. In order not to
lake [e.g., Gaedke et al., 1998; George and Hewitt, 2006; interfere with the progress of reading, we tried to remove all
Thackeray et al., 2006]. quantifications of processes from sections 1 – 4. Such nu-
[5] Observations of stratified lakes probably date back to merical approximations are included in section 5, which is
long before the start of scientific literature on the environment. dedicated to the evaluation of stratification relevant physical
The Romans likely already knew about stratification. More quantities.
recently, solar ponds, i.e., saltwater ponds capped with a less [8] Referring to the classification of ectogenic, creno-
saline surface layer, have been utilized for breeding oysters at genic, and biogenic meromixis by Hutchinson [1957], we
least since the 19th century in Norway [see Klaveness, insert more recent observations into these classes and place
1990]. Findenegg [1933] brought chemical differences in lakes that stay permanently stratified because of thermobaric
connection with incomplete mixing in winter. Since then, effect with the meromictic lakes. In addition, we include
considerable work has been published on ecological con- lakes with episodic partial deep water renewal, where a
sequences of meromixis. Also, the reasons for permanent process can be identified that recharges and replaces part of
stratification have been investigated, and the understanding the deep water on a regular basis. Section 2.1, introducing
of involved processes has progressed. Textbooks on hydro- the annual temperature stratification cycle, briefly repeats
biology and limnology present basic knowledge about the formation of an epilimnion and the deep recirculation,
stratification and circulation of lakes [e.g., Forel, 1901; while clarifying the naming convention of mixis types and
Ruttner, 1940; Cole, 1983; Lampert and Sommer, 1993; layers in a lake. Section 5 introduces and explains physical
Schwoerbel, 1999; Wetzel, 2001; Schönborn, 2003]. Some of quantities which are relevant for the stratification in lakes
these books refer to permanent stratification and meromixis and lists the most common quantitative expressions for their
and mention some ecological consequences. However, the approximation for given conditions in lakes.
space dedicated to the physical and chemical preconditions
for permanent stratification in any of these texts is limited. 2. STRATIFICATION FEATURES OF HEAT AND
Hutchinson [1957] has attempted to summarize the knowl- DISSOLVED SUBSTANCES
edge on meromixis of his time, and his work is still a valid
reference on meromixis at the beginning of the 21st century. 2.1. Annual Temperature Cycle in Lakes
In addition, there are some studies on special aspects of [9] The lake surface shows a pronounced temperature
limnology [Tilzer and Serruya, 1990; Margalef, 1994; Ler- cycle over the year in most climate zones on Earth (Figure 1).
man et al., 1995; Pourriot and Meybeck, 1995; Johnson and Besides the thermal contact with the atmosphere, the com-
Odada, 1996; Taub, 1984] which touch upon interesting mon exposition of lakes and atmosphere to seasons, namely,
aspects of physical limnology, especially Lerman et al. the variation of incoming solar radiation, is the main reason
[1995], who deal with chemical peculiarities which may be for the parallel evolution. The depicted temperature cycle is
linked to permanent stratification. On the contrary, the studies typical for lakes of the temperate climate zone. Only lakes in
on physical limnology, i.e., stratification and mixing in lakes close proximity of the equator (or permanently ice-covered
[e.g., Fischer et al., 1979; Imboden and Wüest, 1995; lakes) may show little variation in the surface temperatures. A
Imberger and Patterson, 1990], and modeling currents in closer look reveals several processes contributing to the heat
lakes [e.g., Hutter, 1987] have concentrated on thermally transfer through the lake surface: solar radiation, long-wave
stratified lakes and have widely neglected the topic of radiation of atmosphere and surface waters, sensible heat
meromixis. For considerations about internal waves and exchange, and heat flux connected with evaporation and
currents in lakes, the oceanographic literature [e.g., Pedlosky, precipitation [see, e.g., Imboden and Wüest, 1995]. In addi-
1988; Gill, 1982; Pickard and Emery, 1982; Pond and tion, contributions of inflow and outflow of surface and
Pickard, 1983] has delivered the necessary theoretical groundwater, as well as thermal contact with the lakebed,
knowledge for physical limnology but to date has not must be considered in some cases.
contributed a comprehensive work with focus on permanent [10] Weather conditions set up stratification and currents
stratification in adjacent seas, such as the Black Sea and the in lakes. They directly and indirectly control the biological
Baltic Sea. processes in the lake. Hence for the detailed investigation of
[6] Other than in the open ocean, chemical transforma- physical processes in lakes, observation of the meteorolog-
tions can play an important role in stratifying a lake. Lakes ical conditions above the water is mandatory (Figure 2).
greatly vary in salinity and chemical composition of dis- Waves and currents are driven by wind. For heat transfer
solved substances. As a consequence, freshwater assump- measurements, air temperature and net radiation sensors are
tions and ocean water approximations may be acceptable for also required, which refer to the part of incoming solar
some considerations, while for many lakes, or more detailed radiation that is not reflected (albedo) but deposits its
investigations, they fail. Such cases require separate energy as heat in the water. In addition, air humidity
approaches to satisfactorily reflect given conditions. measurements are required to estimate the evaporation
[7] This review on stratification of lakes is also intended from the water surface, and finally, many meteorological
to be useful for limnologists of educational backgrounds stations also include air pressure as a central meteorological
different from physics. Furthermore, it shall also show magnitude.
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Figure 2. Meteorological data (hourly mean) of air pressure, net radiation, global radiation, wind speed,
wind direction (0! = 360! = north, 90! = east), relative humidity, and air temperature acquired at 2.6 m
above the lake surface of Lake Goitsche during 2005.
density can position themselves in the strong density advantages of both layers), epilimnion, and hypolimnion.
gradient. Also, inanimate particles can accumulate on a As a consequence, a separate layer may be identified
level representing their density. In addition, motile organ- because of its own characteristic. Such a layer is called
isms can dwell in the thermocline (to profit from the the metalimnion. Especially in nutrient-rich lakes, the
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Figure 3. Daily average temperatures in several lakes of the northern German plain (MA2 Wallendorfer
See, MB1 und MB3 Rassnitzer See, R12 Mining Lake 111, VO1 Vollert-Süd, GOJ subbasin Niemgk of
Lake Goitsche) acquired at 0.5, 3, and 7 m below the surface during 1998 (modified from Boehrer et al.
[2000b], with permission from Elsevier).
Figure 5. Contour plot of temperature, electrical conductance (k25), and pH versus time since flooding
started on 7 May 1999 and depth in mining lake Goitsche (station XN3) during flooding with river water
[see also Boehrer et al., 2003] (with permission from ecomed). The increasing shaded area reflects rising
water surface.
see section 4) or even trigger a complete overturn (‘‘poly- [23] 3. Episodic partial deep water renewal lakes can
mictic’’ [e.g., Zauke et al., 1995]). Hence some features of have the appearance of meromictic lakes despite the pres-
the stratification cycle may look different in a tropical or ence of recycling mechanisms. In the end, it turns out that
polar climate. We refer to Lewis [1987] for more detail on these recycling mechanisms keep the lakes stratified.
the special features of tropical lakes; for stratification [24] 4. Amictic lakes do not experience a deep recircula-
features in a polar climate, see, e.g., Gibson [1999]. tion. Usually, permanently ice-covered lakes are included in
[20] The classification of lakes according to their circu- this class. Lakes, however, can circulate underneath an ice
lation pattern has proven very useful within the limnology sheet. Transport of both heat and matter happens because of
community [e.g., Hutchinson, 1957]: diffusion, or double diffusion [e.g., Brandt and Fernando,
[21] 1. Holomictic lakes overturn and homogenize at least 1996]. On top of this, they can also be circulated by external
once a year. forcing, such as solar radiation that penetrates to the lake
[22] 2. Meromictic lakes are lakes in which the deep bed and geothermal heat flux, or by salinity gradients
recirculation does not include the entire water body. Beyond created when ice is forming on a salt lake.
this traditional definition, most limnologists pragmatically [25] Holomictic lakes are subdivided into classes indicat-
call a lake meromictic if a chemically different (e.g., anoxic) ing the frequency and time of overturn. We refer to the most
bottom layer, called monimolimnion, has continuously been common classes, while Lewis [1983] subdivided the classes
present for at least one annual cycle. even further. ‘‘Polymictic’’ refers to lakes which are not
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Figure 9. Profiles of temperature, salinity, and oxygen concentration in Solbad Stassfurt on 3 May 2005
(see also Hausmann and Boehrer [2006] with permission from Weißensee).
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overview of various classification schemes is given by the United States [Ludlam and Duval, 2001] or lakes in
Hakala [2004]. Tasmania [King and Tyler, 1981]). The episodic recharge of
[41] In this contribution, we do not try to promote a new both freshwater and salt water sustains the stratification.
classification scheme for meromictic lakes. It is obvious that Moreover, fjords were separated from the sea by falling sea
several processes can create and sustain meromixis. We level or rising terrain but still contain salt water in the deep
discuss them in sections 3.1 –3.3, well aware of the fact that layers [e.g., Strøm, 1963]. Powell Lake in British Columbia,
a close enough investigation would reveal more processes Canada, is a beautiful example. Sanderson et al. [1986]
involved in forming and sustaining stratification. In conclu- showed that the salt in its deep layer has been confined there
sion, some lakes are difficult to classify. We looked for for at least 10,000 years.
examples that represented particular processes as clearly as [46] Gibson [1999] listed 34 permanently stratified water
possible. bodies in Vestfold Hills, Antarctica. When freezing, brine
[42] Lakes do not necessarily show the same circulation exclusion raised the salinity of the water body below the ice.
pattern every year. A dimictic lake, which does not freeze in Salinity increased continuously and eroded progressively
a particularly warm winter, may experience a monomictic deeper into the stratified water body below. Maximum
year, and a usually monomictic lake may be dimictic in a recirculation depth was reached at a time when the lakes
particularly cold winter. An extreme storm event may were covered with ice. After ice melt, a layer of relatively
destroy a monimolimnion. Depending on conditions, a lake fresh water protected the stratification below and inhibited
may turn meromictic again. In some cases, the circulation deep mixing. This mechanism was also present in saline
patterns of lakes have changed permanently. After dropping lakes in Saskatchewan, Canada. Rawson and Moore [1944]
the water level, the Dead Sea (Israel, Jordan) has been had already reported that in some of these highly saline
holomictic since 1979 (see section 4), Mono Lake (Cali- lakes, sodium sulphate was precipitated at low water tem-
fornia, United States) turned meromictic for several years by peratures and by brine exclusion while freezing. The crys-
reconnecting the freshwater inflow (see section 3.1), and tals settled to the lake bed and redissolved when
Lake Ikeda (Kyushu, Japan) turned meromictic in 1985 after temperatures rose during summer. Hammer [1994] claimed
a series of colder winters (H. Kikukawa, personal commu- that the precipitation of sodium sulphate contributed to the
nication, 2005), to name just a few well-known examples. stability of the meromixis in several saline lakes (e.g.,
Waldsea and Deadmoose in Saskatchewan).
3.1. Ectogenic and Crenogenic Meromixis [47] Crenogenically meromictic lakes owe their perma-
[43] Ectogenically meromictic lakes have become mero- nent stratification to groundwater inflows. The above men-
mictic through inflowing saline surface water. Hutchinson tioned lakes Rassnitzer See and Wallendorfer See, northern
[1957] refers to Hemmelsdorfer See, near Kiel in Germany, Germany (Figure 10) [Böhrer et al., 1998; Heidenreich et
which was flooded by a storm from the Baltic in 1872 and al., 1999], receive fresh water from a shallow aquifer, while
remained meromictic until the 1930s. Other deep lakes have a deep aquifer carries highly saline water from salt deposits
become meromictic by inflowing salt water from deicing in the deeper underground into the lake. Also, in Lago
roads (Schalkenmehrener Maar [see Scharf and Oehms, Cadagno in the Swiss Alps [Del Don et al., 2001], perma-
1992]) or lost meromictic stability by inflow of road salt nent stratification is a consequence of incoming groundwa-
to the epilimnion [Kjensmo, 1997]. ter, while in Kongressvatn, Spitsbergen, Norway, the
[44] The class of ectogenically meromictic lakes also monimolimnion is fed by mineral spring water [Bøyum
includes saline lakes with a freshwater inflow [Walker and and Kjensmo, 1970]. Moncur et al. [2006] present the case
Likens, 1975]. After having been deprived of its tributaries of a small Canadian shield lake in Manitoba (Camp Lake)
for decades, Mono Lake, California, turned meromictic by which became meromictic by inflowing groundwater that
reestablishing the natural hydrologic connection with fresh- had been contaminated with acid rock drainage. Lake
water runoff entering the lake [Jellison et al., 1998]. The Monoun, Lake Nyos, and Lake Kivu, central Africa [Lorke
concentration difference sufficed to resist deep recirculation et al., 2004], can be assigned to this class, as they are
for 6 years. The most spectacular example of an ectogeni- located in volcanically active regions where vents carry
cally meromictic lake is probably Island Copper Mine Lake substances into the deep waters of the lake where they
(Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada). After dissolve and keep density stratification stable. Lac Pavin, in
decommissioning, a 330 m deep ore mine was filled with France, has a groundwater component to its meromictic
ocean water and capped with a 7 m thick freshwater layer [Aeschbach-Hertig et al., 1999, 2002] behavior, but more
[Fisher and Lawrence, 2006] and hence designed to be recent work about the distribution indicates that endogenic
meromictic to confine undesirable substances to the deep (see section 3.2) processes may also contribute [Bonhomme,
waters for further treatment (other examples are given by 2008].
Hamblin et al. [1999], Stevens and Lawrence [1997], [48] The extent to which gases can be dissolved in a lake
Stottmeister et al. [1998], and Stottmeister and Weißbrodt is displayed in Figure 11 for Lake Monoun. Depending on
[2000]). the chemical specification, dissolved gases contribute pos-
[45] We also include lakes close to the coast which itively or negatively to the density of the water (see
receive seawater at spring tide or seasonally but otherwise section 5.4). In Lake Nyos, the contribution of CO2 is
have freshwater throughflow (e.g., Lower Mystic Lake in decisive for the stability of the density stratification [Schmid
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5CH2 O þ 4NO! þ
3 þ 4H ! 5CO2 þ 2N2 þ 7H2 O; ð2bÞ
Manganese reduction
Iron reduction
CO2 þ H2 O !! CH2 O þ O2 : ð1aÞ
CO2 þ 2H2 S !! CH2 O þ H2 O þ 2S: ð1bÞ
Figure 12. Sketch of a biogenically meromictic lake.
Decomposition of organic material is accomplished by the Organic material is assembled from photosythesis in the
following processes: epilimnion; it can precipitate and decompose and dissolve in
the monimolimnion.
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Figure 13. Calcite precipitation by photosythetically Figure 14. Oxidation of ferrous iron to ferric iron and
increasing pH in the epilimnion and redissolution in the subsequent precipitation in oxic layers of the lake. In the
monimolimnion by carbon dioxide from decomposition of monimolimnion, reduction to ferrous iron is facilitated by
organic material. using organic material as reduction agent. Diffusion across
the chemocline and mixing of mixolimnetic waters with
monimolimnetic waters is inefficient in terms of transport of
[50] Since the study by Hutchinson [1957], some more iron, as iron is oxidized and precipitated out of the oxic
geochemical cycles have been shown to create or sustain layer.
meromixis [Walker and Likens, 1975; Hongve, 2004].
Rodrigo et al. [2001] refer to high Ca concentrations in
the monimolimnion to prove that the monimolimnion in [1980] saw the same feature in lakes in Ontario, Canada.
Lake La Cruz, Spain, is stabilized by calcite precipitation in More recent work by Hongve [1997, 2002] confirms this
the epilimnion and partial dissolution in the monimolimn- stratification in lakes of southern Norway. He also states
ion. In this geochemical cycle, calcite is precipitated out of that the contribution of dissolved CO2 plays an important
the epilimnion by pH shift due to photosynthetic activity, role for stability. Most importantly, this iron cycling can be
while in the monimolimnion carbon dioxide is formed by observed in many mining lakes, e.g., in eastern Germany
the decomposition of organic material which facilitates the (Waldsee near Döbern [see Schimmele and Herzsprung,
solution of calcite in monimolimnetic waters (see Figure 13 2000], Moritzteich [see Stellmacher, 2004] (Figure 15),
and equations (2a) –(2d), (3), and (4)). Photosynthesis and Mining Lake 111 [see Karakas et al., 2003], and Goitsche-
calcite precipitation see [see Boehrer et al., 2003]). In Berkeley Pit Lake (Butte,
Montana), even pyrite is oxidized by ferric iron in the
light monimolimnion, liberating additional ferrous iron, sulphate,
3 þ Ca
!! CH2 O þ O2 þ CaCO3 ð3Þ
and acidity [Pellicori et al., 2005]. Reactions (5a) and (5b)
release protons in sequence. A formation of local pH
Calcite dissolution through carbon dioxide
minima can be the consequence in the contact zones
between oxic and anoxic layers, as has been observed in a
CaCO3 þ CO2 þ H2 O ! Ca2þ þ 2HCO!
3: ð4Þ
number of lakes (e.g., Lake Goitsche [see Boehrer et al.,
A considerable number of meromictic lakes are stabilized 2003]).
by iron cycling. Inflowing groundwater advects dissolved
ferrous iron. This is oxidized to ferric iron and precipitated
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b=a ¼ 35:2
and a very small value aref = 0.0166 (see also section 5.3.1)
at a reference temperature Tref = 25!C:
C ðT Þ
k25 ¼ : ð13Þ
0:0166ðT ! 25+ CÞ þ 1
C ðT Þ
kref ¼ ; ð12Þ
aref ðT ! Tref Þ þ 1
Figure 21. Electrical conductivity of three water samples
aref ¼ ½Tref þ ðb=aÞ*!1 : of Mining Lake 111 versus temperature [see Karakas et al.,
2003]. Symbols represent measured conductivity. Solid
lines show linear regression (with permission from
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Figure 22. Electrical conductance k25 in Mining Lake 111 versus depth and time (adapted from
Karakas et al. [2003] with permission from Birkhäuser).
similar, while in the monimolimnion, gradients were very Most scientists still use a temperature compensation
high anyway; hence no particularly high accuracy for following ISO [1985] or variations thereof.
conductance was required. [87] If the lake water properties cannot be evaluated in a
[85] In highly acidic Mining Lake 111, a very small value conductivity measurement versus temperature, coefficients
a25 = 0.0166 was found. In most surface water, a value close for the most common ions can be taken from Sorensen and
to a25 = 0.02 is appropriate [Wissenschaftlich-technische Glass [1987]. The coefficients of most of the common ions
Werkstätten, 1993]. For the neutral mixolimnion of lake are close to each other; only H+ shows a different behavior.
Goitsche, a25 = 0.0197 was evaluated, while epilimnion, Consequently, a good approximation is gained by replacing
hypolimnion, and monimolimnion of salt lake Rassnitzer See K in equation (14) by K = 0.941 ! 0.00639[H+], where H+is
showed values 0.0191 < a25 < 0.0199. In acidic Roter See given in mmol L!l. Their data relied on Canadian lakes with
near Burgkemnitz, Germany, a25 = 0.0185, while several low concentration of other dissolved salts. How well this
samples of the Elbe river near Magdeburg, Germany, showed regression would suit highly mineralized waters has not
0.0196 < a25 < 0.0208 (G. Götz, personal communication, been checked.
2000). [88] From oceanography it is known that electrical con-
[86] This approach follows the International Organization ductivity is also influenced by pressure. Wüest et al. [1996]
for Standardization (ISO) [1985], in that only the factor a25 is assume that the electrical conductivity is increased by a
adjusted for varying composition of constituents contributing factor of 1.0066 at 700 m depth in Lake Malawi in
to electrical conductivity. A close look at Figure 21 reveals comparison to surface pressure by extrapolating ocean
that data points show a curvature against temperature, assumption to zero salinity. While in Lake Malawi this
which cannot be reproduced by a linear regression. Hence effect makes up for nearly the entire conductivity gradient in
a better parameterization has been looked for. Sorensen and the monimolimnion, this effect is negligible in most other
Glass [1987] consider various approaches for fitting tem- lakes.
perature dependence of electrical conductivity. They con- 5.3.2. Total Dissolved Substances and Salinity
clude that the ISO [1985] delivers good results, compared [89] For various purposes, depiction and numerical eval-
to other methods. However, they also prove that an ap- uation of the quantity of total dissolved substances (TDS)
proximation of the form may be useful. In some applications, this value is used as an
intermediate step to calculating density in limnic waters
k25 ¼ C ðT Þð½ðhðT Þ=h25 *ÞK ; ð14Þ [Chen and Millero, 1986; McManus et al., 1992]. Evaluat-
ing TDS involves the full chemical analysis of all dissolved
would be better. The term h(T)/h25 represents the ratio of substances including gases and organic material, both of
viscosity of water at the temperature of measurement and which can pose sampling and analytical difficulty.
the reference temperature at 25!C. Equation (14) requires [90] The easiest approach connects TDS with conduc-
only one constant K, which ISO supplies in a table for the tance by a regression factor [e.g., Snoeyink and Jenkins,
most common ions. One shortcoming of equation (14) lies 1980] (as cited by McManus et al. [1992]). But there are
in the fact that h(T)/h25 is not necessarily available, at least more elaborate approaches as given by higher-order approx-
not for the considered lake water [e.g., Jellison et al., 1999].
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imations of McManus et al. [1992]. If the nonconductive even pronounced vertical gradients within the same lake.
dissolved species do not show a parallel profile to conduc- Also, there may be substances contributing considerably to
tive species, their contribution must be added in separate density but not to electrical conductivity (e.g., suspended
(e.g., Wüest et al. [1996] in their approach for Lake particles, dissolved organic compounds, silicate). As a
Malawi). consequence, salinity can only be used with reservation
[91] Oceanography uses electrical conductivity and tem- and when chemical composition of lake water is close
perature to calculate salinity in psu, which gives a good enough to ocean conditions. Annotation of the psu or
indication for dissolved salt in g kg!1 for ocean water and referring to salinity according to UNESCO indicates refer-
brackish water: ence to a numerical value and not salt content.
[94] Oceanography has long been aware of limitations of
S ¼ S ðC; T ; pÞ: ð15aÞ current definitions of salinity and psu scale. Measurements
during the last decades showed that an approximation of
Salinity is evaluated over several steps: dissolved substances could be achieved at a much better
accuracy. The idea is now to compile a Gibb’s function,
R ¼ C=42:914 mS cm!1 ; ð15bÞ from which thermodynamic properties of seawater can be
derived, including deviations from standard compositions of
salts [e.g., Feistel and Hagen, 1995]. The novel approach is
based on recent measurements and is planned to be agreed
rt ¼ ci Tpot ; ð15cÞ
i¼0 upon and issued in 2008 [see Feistel and Marion, 2007].
5.4. Density
X h%
$ &i [95] Density r is the crucial magnitude for the stability of
ei pi = d0 þ d1 Tpot þ d2 Tpot
Rp ¼ 1 þ þ d3 þ d4 Tpot R ; stratification. Density differences drive currents. Whether
and how stable a stratification is can be concluded from
comparing density of water parcels under the same pressure
conditions. Usually, the reference of normal conditions
# $
Rt ¼ R= Rp rt ; ð15eÞ (atmospheric pressure) is used, and the term potential
density may be more correct. Hence density is a magnitude
and of central importance in limnophysics, but direct measure-
ment in the field is not feasible at the required accuracy [see
5 5
Gräfe et al., 2002]. As a consequence, the most practical
X i=2 Tpot ! 15 X i=2 way is to evaluate density from measurements of electrical
Socean ¼ ai Rt þ # $ b i Rt : ð15f Þ
i¼0 1 þ k Tpot ! 15 i¼0 conductivity and temperature.
[96] In lakes of a composition of dissolved substances
similar to the ocean, the so-called UNESCO formula by
Coefficients have been evaluated at high accuracy:
Fofonoff and Millard [1983] may be applied (e.g., Rassnitzer
ai ¼ ½0:0080; !0:1692; 25:3851; 14:0941; !7:0261; 2:7081*;
See in Figure 10, lakes close to the coast [see Ludlam, 1996]),
which according to Fofonoff and Millard, is only applicable
bi ¼ ½0:0005; !0:0056; !0:0066; !0:0375; 0:0636; !0:0144*;
for salinities between 2 and 42 psu. Hence it does not apply
ci ¼ 0:6766097; 2:00564 " 10!2 ; 1:104259 " 10!4 ; !6:9698
for hyperhaline lagoon waters, though the salt is imported
" 10!7 ; 1:0031 " 10!9 *; from the sea [e.g., Por, 1972]. In limnology, depiction of
di ¼ 1; 3:426 " 10!2 ; 4:464 " 10!4 ; 0:4215; !3:107 " 10!3 ; density as ‘‘density minus 1000 kg m!3’’ may be used and
' (
X 4
X 2
[92] At the time of writing this review, UNESCO offered i i 3=2 i 2
¼ ai Tpot þ Socean bi Tpot þ Socean ci Tpot þ Socean d0 ;
an online calculator ( for properties i¼0 i¼0 i¼0
of ocean water using coefficients from Fofonoff [1985]. For
low-salinity limnetic water (<0.6 psu), Chen and Millero
[1986] introduced a correction factor to evaluate salinity for
ai ¼ 999:842594; 6:793952 " 10!2 ; !9:095290 " 10!3 ;
weakly conductive limnetic waters:
, 1:001685 " 10!4 ; !1:120083 " 10!6 ; 6:536332 " 10!9 *;
bi ¼ 0:824493; !4:0899 " 10!3 ; 7:6438 " 10!5 ; !8:2467
S ¼ 1:00488Socean : ð15gÞ
" 10!7 ; 5:3875 " 10!9 *;
ci ¼ !5:72466 " 10!3 ; 1:0227 " 10!4 ; !1:6546 " 10!6
' (
[93] In limnetic systems, the composition of dissolved
d0 ¼ 4:8314 " 10!4
substances differs from the ocean. In some cases, there are
19 of 27
RG2005 Boehrer and Schultze: STRATIFICATION OF LAKES RG2005
[97] For low salinities (<0.6 psu), the following formula TABLE 1. Contribution of Dissolved Substances to the
by Chen and Millero [1986] may be used for density Density of Watera
$ X6 2
X Substance bn, g kg!1
r ¼ r S; Tpot ¼ i i
ai Tpot þS bi Tpot ; ð17Þ
i¼0 i¼0 Ca(HCO3)2 0.807 " 10!3
Mg(HCO3)2 0.861 " 10!3
using Na(HCO3) 0.727 " 10!3
K(HCO3) 0.669 " 10!3
Fe(HCO3)2 0.838 " 10!3
ai ¼ 999:8395; 6:7914 " 10!2 ; !9:0894 " 10!3 ; 0.462 " 10!3
CO2 0.273 " 10!3
, 1:0171 " 10!4 ; !1:2846 " 10!6 1:1592 " 10!8 ; !5:0125 CH4 !1.250 " 10!3
" 10!11 * Air !0.090 " 10!3
Data from Imboden and Wüest [1995].
bi ¼ 0:8181; !3:85 " 10!3 ; 4:96 " 10!5
' (
20 of 27
RG2005 Boehrer and Schultze: STRATIFICATION OF LAKES RG2005
of complex stratification, e.g., quantitative considerations maximum frequency (w) for internal waves that can prop-
about the thermobaric stratification, the concept of potential agate in respective stratification. N2 indicates how much
density cannot reflect conditions appropriately. energy is required to exchange water parcels vertically [e.g.,
[104] Adiabatic compressibility of water lies around 5 " Boehrer et al., 2000a]. Especially in cases where the
10!10 Pa!1. This means at 200 m depth (potential) density variability of the thermal expansion coefficient becomes
and in situ density differ by about 10!3. This is the same obvious (see sections 3.3 and 5.4.1), derivation of stability
magnitude as weak thermal or weak salinity stratification. as potential temperature gradient finds its limitations [see
Hence the compressibility is the leading term for the also Gill, 1982].
increase of in situ density in weakly stratified deep waters [110] As a consequence, chemical gradients can only
of very deep lakes. persist for longer time periods where density gradients limit
[105] Fofonoff and Millard [1983] present a system of vertical transport of dissolved substances (see Figure 23).
equations to evaluate rin situ for waters under ocean con- Lake basin Niemegk of Lake Goitsche (Germany) has been
ditions. This involves a number of constants which can be neutralized by introducing buffering river water to the
extracted from the respective paper. As under limnological epilimnion (Figure 5). During summer 2000, vertical trans-
conditions (smaller pressure range than the ocean, limited port through the temperature stratification was limited, and
validity of the salinity concept), the in situ density is of a chemical gradient in pH could be sustained. However, in
limited importance for lake waters of high salinity. winter, temperature stratification vanished, vertical transport
[106] On the contrary, the evaluation of rin situ is useful in was enhanced, and consequently chemical gradients were
connection with the thermobaric stratification. Starting with removed.
(potential) density evaluated from equation (16), rin situ-
under given pressure p bar is calculated as 6. CONCLUDING REMARKS AND PERSPECTIVES
rinsitu ¼ rð1 ! p=K Þ; ð25Þ [111] This review presents an overview of lacustrine
stratification features. It is designed to enable a limnologist
to correctly interpret a stratification that he/she may en-
where for freshwater applications [Chen and Millero, 1977, counter in field measurements. We hope that after reading
1986] this contribution, limnologists and geoscientists are able to
understand what processes create stratification and which
4 2 1
i approaches can be taken to evaluate fundamental quantities
K ½bar* ¼ ci Tpot þp di Tpot þS ei Tpot þ fpS;
i¼0 i¼0 i¼0
such as conductance or density. References are given to
ci ¼ 19652:17; 148:113; !2:293; 1:256 " 10 ; !4:18 " 10!5 ;
' !2
( provide the reader with access to seminal publications in the
di ¼ 3:2726; !2:147 " 10!4 ; 1:128 " 10!4 ;
' (
[112] Though actual stratification in a lake results from a
ei ¼ ½53:238; !0:313*; f ¼ 5:728 " 10!3 : balance between stratifying processes and mixing processes,
the former have been investigated less quantitatively than
the latter. This may have been a consequence of the
[107] From this, Chen and Millero [1977, 1986] present similarities of mixing processes in atmosphere, ocean, and
an equation to calculate the temperature of maximum lakes, while many stratifying processes do not occur in
density for low-salinity water; that is, the temperature atmosphere or ocean, or at least do not play an important
dependence of density at constant pressure and constant role, e.g., geochemical processes or thermobaric stratifica-
salinity vanishes:(@rin situ/@Tpot)p,S = 0: tion close to the temperature of maximum density. As a
consequence, this paper has focused on stratifying processes
Tmd ¼ 3:9839 ! 1:9911 " 10!2 p ! 5:822 " 10!6 p2 in lakes. Contributions of heat, dissolved or suspended
! 0:2219 þ 1:106 " 10!4 p S:
# $
ð26Þ substances, and pressure on the density have been dis-
cussed. Also, most widely accepted approaches for quanti-
tatively evaluating stability of stratification have been
5.4.2. Stability introduced.
[108] Stability of a water column derives from density [113] Reliable numerical simulations of annual tempera-
increase along the vertical coordinate. The usual quantity ture cycles of lakes deceive us into believing that problems
for stability is concerning stratification prognostications have all been
solved. However, not much quantitative material is avail-
g dr able on transport in strongly stratified deep waters. Prog-
N2 ¼ : ð27Þ nosticating the evolution of meromixis even in the (simple)
r dz
case of conservative salts remains a challenge. Thermobaric
stratification can be observed in lakes which are deep
[109] The quantity N is also called stability frequency or enough and located in the corresponding climate zone.
Brunt-Väisälä-frequency (unit s!1), which also indicates the The stratification features encountered in these lakes can
21 of 27
RG2005 Boehrer and Schultze: STRATIFICATION OF LAKES RG2005
Figure 23. Turbulent diffusive transport of an artificial tracer (SF6) in the strongly stratified
monimolimnion of Rassnitzer See versus density gradient, N2 = !g/r(dr/dz) (adapted from von Rohden
and Ilmberger [2001] with permission from Birkhäuser).
be explained with the current knowledge. Numerical con- responsibly compromise between use of the environment
siderations show that deep water renewal can be facilitated and the conservation of its sound ecological status.
by wind action in Lake Baikal, for example. However, a
demonstration that a stratification model is capable of [116] ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Many thanks to three anon-
reproducing temperature profiles as found in these lakes ymous reviewers for carefully reading the manuscript and making
and possibly illuminating the complex conditions when helpful suggestions; Walter Geller, Craig Stevens, and Helmut
Klapper for their comments on earlier drafts; and Olaf Büttner,
replacing deep waters is still outstanding.
Karsten Rahn, Uwe Kiwel, and Jörg Hausmann for measurements
[114] A number of geophysical processes have been
and figure preparation. Martin Vollmer, Martin Dokulil, and Alfred
identified which play a role in sustaining stratification. Johny Wüest generously let us use their original data on Lake
Regardless of whether more geochemical cycles need con- Malawi, Mondsee, and Lake Baikal, respectively.
sidering, quantifying precipitation and coprecipitation as [117] The Editor responsible for this paper was Ian Fairchild. He
well as dissolution and liberation of substances in the thanks two technical reviewers and one anonymous cross disci-
monimolimnetic environment has just started. This is espe- plinary reviewer.
cially true for the effect on lake stratification at the accuracy
needed for prognostications. In some cases, such processes REFERENCES
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