Question Bank Per (22562) Semv Ut2 031019

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Question Bank (I scheme)


(PER 22562)

Unit Test: I Course: ME Semester: V

Chapter 3: CO3 (Air Compressors) (2 Marks)

1) Define the term i) Compression Ratio. ii) Free Air Delivery (FAD)
2) Enlist the uses of compressors.
3) Explain need of multi-staging.
4) State the methods to improve efficiency of air compressor.
5) Explain the term swept volume w.r.t Reciprocating air compressors.

Chapter 3: CO3 (Air Compressors) (4 Marks)

1) Give the classification of air compressors.

2) Explain two stage air compressor with perfect intercooling.
3) Differentiate between Reciprocating and Rotary compressors.
4) Reciprocating air compressor draws 6 kg of air per minute at 250C. It compresses the air
polytropically and delivers it at 1050C. Find the work required for the compression and air power.
Also find mechanical efficiency, if shaft power is 14 KW. Assume R = 0.287 KJ/Kg K and n=3.
5) A single cylinder reciprocating compressor has a bore of 120 mm and a stroke of 150 mm and is
driven at a speed of 1200 rpm. It is compressing CO2 gas from a pressure of 120Kpa and the
temperature of 200C to a temperature of 2150C. Assuming polytropic compression with n = 1.3, no
clearance and volumetric efficiency of 100 %, calculate i) Pressure Ratio ii) Indicated Power iii)
Shaft power with mechanical efficiency 80 %, iv) Mass flow rate.

Chapter 4: CO4 (Gas Turbines and Jet propulsion) (2 Marks)

1) Classify gas turbines on the following basis i) Working cycle ii) cycle of operation
2) Enlist fuels used in gas turbines.
3) Draw P-V and T-S diagram of Brayton cycle.
4) State the any two advantages of closed cycle gas turbines.
5) Give any four applications of gas turbines.

Chapter 4: CO4 (Gas Turbines and Jet propulsion) (4 Marks)

1) Differentiate between closed cycle and open cycle gas turbine

2) State the methods to improve thermal efficiency of gas turbine and explain any one.
3) Explain working of Turbo Prop engine with neat sketch
4) Draw the schematic diagram of turbojet engine.
Chapter 5: CO5 (Refrigeration and air conditioning) (2 Marks)

1) Define COP of refrigerating unit.

2) State Tonnes of refrigeration.
3) Define specific humidity
4) Define Dew point temperature and Wet bulb temperature.
5) Represent Sensible cooling and Evaporative cooling on Psychrometric chart.

Chapter 5: CO5 (Refrigeration and air conditioning) (4 Marks)

1) Draw neat labelled sketch of window air conditioner.

2) Explain the effect of superheating on the performance of vapour compression cycle.
3) Name the refrigerants used for:
i) Water cooler ii) Domestic refrigerator iii) Ice Plant iv) Cold Storage
4) Explain Construction of Ice plant with neat sketch.
5) Differentiate between Unitary and Central air conditioning system.

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