DF 60734
DF 60734
DF 60734
Emergency Command Center
Emergency Communications
Fire•Lite’s ECC-50/100 and ECC-50/100E are multipurpose emer-
gency voice evacuation panels for fire applications, mass notification
applications, or both. The Primary Operating Consoles (POCs)
deliver 50 or 100 watts of audio power for distribution to up to eight
speaker circuits (i.e. zones). The ECC-50/100(E) comes standard
with a single speaker circuit and a built-in 25Vrms, 50 watt amplifier.
A secondary 50 watt amplifier (ECC-50W-25/70V) can be added for
single speaker circuit backup or to increase system capacity to two
speaker circuits and an additional 50 watts of audio power. An
optional ECC-CE6 module added to the ECC-50/100(E) will upgrade
the system to a maximum of eight speaker circuit outputs. All
speaker output circuits can be wired in either Style Y (Class B) or
Style Z (Class A) configuration. The ECC-50/100(E) has fourteen
field programmable messages (up to 60 seconds each), built-in field
configurable pre- and post-announce tone generators and a fully
supervised Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC) with 2.0 amps of
synchronized NAC power. The ECC-50/100(E) includes three built-
in Form-C relay contacts, (AC power, trouble and MNS active) a
NAC follower input for triggering the on board NAC circuit and
500mA special application power. A built-in power supply with switch
mode technology delivers operational power to the panel and an
onboard battery charger supports charging up to 26AH batteries
(ECC cabinet holds up to 18AH batteries).
For fire protection applications, the ECC-50/100(E) is an adjunct
(slave) to any UL listed FACP, providing reverse polarity or contact
closure; can be used as a stand-alone unit for non-fire applications. Features
For seamless integration between fire and mass notification, the
ECC-50/100(E) can be directly activated via serial communication • UL Listed to UL 2572 Communication (Control Units Mass Notifi-
between the ES-200X, MS-9600(UD)LS, or MS-9200UDLS. Activa- cation Systems) and UL 864 (emergency voice evacuation for
tion of the ECC-50/100(E) via other FACPs uses the eight on board fire)
Command Input Circuits (CMDs). Two of the eight CMD circuits • Modular design for system flexibility and easy expansion
(CMD 1 & CMD 2) can be individually field programmed for activa- • Removable terminal blocks for ease of servicing and module
tion by an FACP Notification Appliance Circuit reverse polarity and replacement
all eight can be activated by a contact closure. In addition, the ECC-
• 50 watts of 25V audio power (expandable to 100 watts) RMS
50/100(E) can be activated from a building's Private Branch
Exchange (PBX) with the integral night ring feature. • 2 amp Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC) output, sync genera-
tor, or follower for System Sensor, Wheelock or Gentex protocols
All ECC-50/100(E) programming is done by using a simple, built-in
programming utility accessed from any laptop. For added flexibility, • Optional 70.7VRMS conversion transformer available for the pri-
the ECC-50/100(E) supports both 25Vrms and 70.7Vrms speaker mary amplifier. (Note that speaker wiring continues to be super-
output operation. By adding a 70V transformer conversion module vised in standby, alarm and when background music is playing
(ECC-XRM-70V) or an additional 70.7 volt secondary amplifier with this optional transformer installed)
(ECC-50W-25/70V) the system supports 70.7 volt speaker devices. • Eight Command Input Circuits to activate messages 1 to 8:
The ECC-50/100(E) can expand in order to accommodate larger or – CMD1 and CMD2 are field selectable to be activated from 12 or
more complex installations. To add more control and increase sys- 24 VDC Notification Appliance Circuits (reverse polarity) or con-
tem capacity, any combination of up to eight external remote con- tact closures
soles (including the ECC-LOC, ECC-RPU, and ECC-RM) and up to – CMD3-CMD8 are activated by contact closures
eight distributed audio amplifiers (including the ECC-50DA(E), ECC- • Speaker Circuits
50BDA and ECC-125-DA(E) can be connected on the external data
– Single Style Y (Class B) or Style Z (Class A) speaker Circuit
bus and audio riser data bus to create a fully integrated command
center. A fully loaded system supports up to 1100 watts of total audio – Two Style Y (Class B) or Style Z (Class A) speaker circuits (with
power and up to 24 speaker circuit outputs. optional ECC-50W-25/70V Audio Amplifier installed)
– Eight Style Y (Class B) or Style Z (Class A) speaker circuits
TYPICAL APPLICATIONS (with optional ECC-50W-25/70V and ECC-CE6 installed)
• Schools • Healthcare Facilities • Factories • 520Hz square wave tones available, which can be uploaded to
the ECC-50/100 to meet NFPA Low Frequency requirements
• Theaters • Military facilities • Restaurants (Refer to the Device Compatibility Document 15384 for listed
• Auditoriums • Places of Worship • Office Buildings compatible speakers.)
• Dormitories • ECC-50/100(E) can be controlled by an FACP via the ANN/ACS
(EIA-485) link. Compatible FACPs include the ES-200X, MS-
9600(UD)LS, and MS-9200UDLS
-25/70V optional
Internal options amplifier
-CE6 circuit expander
NAC Circuit Speaker Circuits
TB19 TB20 & TB21
external battery
charger - J7 TB22
distributed audio
ECC-50BDA: Distributed (Remote) Audio Amplifier with back up, 50 SECONDARY POWER (BATTERY) CHARGING CIRCUIT (J7)
watts/100 watts at 25Vrms or 70Vrms. Please refer to the data sheet • Supports lead-acid batteries only.
DF-60763 for more information.
• Float charge voltage at 27.3V
ECC-50WBU: Expander card for ECC-50BDA remote amplifier for 100 • Maximum charge current: 1.0 Amp
watt primary / 50 watt back up operation.Please refer to the data sheet
DF-60763 for more information. • Maximum battery charge capability: 2.8 Amps, 26AH (ECC cabi-
net holds max. 18AH battery).
ECC-CE4: Distributed Audio Speaker Circuit/Zone expander mod- • Minimum Battery size:12 Amp Hour.
ECC-FFT: Fire Fighter Telephone System. Please refer to the data AC LOSS RELAY CONTACT RATING (TB3)
sheet DF-60765 for more information. • 2.0 amps @ 30 VDC (resistive), 0.5 amps @ 30 VAC (resistive).
ECC-RTZM: Remote Telephone Zone Module. Allows for secure FORM C - TROUBLE RELAY CONTACT RATING (TB2)
access to the ECC via cell phone or remote telephone means; not
UL listed.Please refer to the data sheet DF-60785 for more informa- • 2.0 amps @ 30 VDC (resistive), 0.5 amp @ 30 VAC (resistive).
SEISKIT-COMMENC: Seismic kit for the ECC-50/100. Includes bat- • 2.0 amps @ 30 VDC (resistive), 0.5 amps @ 30 VAC (resistive).
tery bracket for two 12 AH or 18 AH batteries.
ING (TB19)
FHS-F: Fire Fighters Remote Handset.
• One (1) Style Y (Class B) or Style Z (Class A) circuit.
FHSC-RF: Fire Fighters Handset Cabinet Recessed.
• Power-limited circuitry, (Class 2) supervised.
FHSC-SF: Fire Fighters Handset Cabinet Surface Mount. • Nominal operating voltage: 24 VDC.
MMF-301: Addressable Mini-Monitor Module. • Maximum signaling current for special application power: 2.0A.
I300: SLC Line Isolation Module. • Maximum signaling current for regulated power: 200mA.
TR-CE: Optional Trim Ring. • Maximum wiring impedance: 1Ω.
THUMBLTCH: Optional Thumb Latch. (Non UL-Listed). • Current limit: fuse-less, electronic, power-limited.
For more information, contact Fire•Lite Alarms. Phone: (800) 627-3473, FAX: (877) 699-4105. Country of Origin: USA