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Effect of Diaphragm Discontinuity in the Seismic Response of

Multi-Storeyed Building
Nemali Deepika K.Sai Santosh, M.Tech
M.Tech Student, Assistant Professor,
Tudi Narasimha Reddy Institute of Technology and Tudi Narasimha Reddy Institute of Technology and
Sciences. Sciences.
Abstract: stiffness and strength are more or less uniform. There
Many buildings in the present scenario have irregular is a less confidence about the design of structures
configurations both in elevation and plan. This in having irregular
future may subject to devastating earthquakes. It is
necessary to identify the performance of the structures 1.2OBJECTIVES:
to withstand against disaster for both new and existing A detailed literature review is carried out to define the
buildings. Now a days openings in the floors is objectives of the thesis. The literature review is
common for many reasons like stair cases, lighting discussed in detail in Chapter 2 and briefly
architectural etc., these openings in diaphragms cause summarized as follows:
stresses at discontinues joints with building elements.
Discontinuous diaphragms are designed without stress i) International Building Code (IBC) suggests
calculations and are thought-about to be adequate that for buildings with diaphragm separation,
ignoring any gap effects. In this thesis an attempt is the code prescribes a rise of twenty five
made to try to know the difference between a building percent within the design forces found for
with diaphragm discontinuity and a building without connections of diaphragms.
diaphragm discontinuity. ii) American Concrete Institute Building Code, I
318-08 doesn't address the result of a gap on
Keywords: the floor.
Seismic analysis, diaphragm discontinuity, nonlinear iii) ASCE 7-05, Section, permits
analysis, pushover analysis, time history analysis. diaphragms of RCC slabs or concrete
crammed metal decks with span-to-depth
INTRODUCTION: ratios of 3:1 or less.
1.1 BACKGROUND: iv) Nakashima et al. analyzed a multi storey RC
In multistoreyed framed building, damages from building using non-linear analysis last that the
earthquake generally initiates at locations of structural inclusion of diaphragm flexibility failed to
weaknesses present in the lateral load resisting frames. considerably modification the particular
This behaviour of multi-storey framed buildings amount of the structure and therefore the most
during strong earthquake motions depends on the total base shear.
distribution of mass, stiffness, strength in both the
horizontal and vertical planes of buildings. In few 1.3 SCOPE OF THE PRESENT STUDY:
cases, these weaknesses may be created by In the present study, a typical multi storey building is
discontinuities in stiffness, strength or mass along the analyzed using commercial software SAP2000 for
diaphragm. Such discontinuities between diaphragms nonlinear static (pushover) and dynamic (time history)
are often associated with sudden variations in the analysis. All the analyses has been carried out
frame geometry along the length of the building. considering and ignoring the diaphragm discontinuity
Structural engineers have developed confidence in the and the results so obtained have been compared.
design of buildings in which the distributions of mass,

Page 1456
This study is done for RC framed multistory building 2.3 CONCLUSION:
with fixed support conditions. The results of this report Here a question arises that what will the effect if the
is based on one case-study. same building is designed with diaphragm
discontinuity and without diaphragm discontinuity.
1.4METHODOLOGY: It is studied in this project.
a) A thorough literature review to understand the
seismic evaluation of building structures and MODELLING OF BUILDING:
application of pushover analysis and time 3.1 INTRODUCTION:
history analysis. In this project we are studying a multi storeyed
b) Select an existing building with diaphragm building with diaphragm discontinuity and without
discontinuity. diaphragm discontinuity as model-1 and model-2
c) Design the building as per prevailing Indian respectively. The building is modeled and designed in
Standard for dead load, live load, and STAAD-Pro from which reinforcing details were
earthquake load. drawn. Further the building is modeled in SAP2000
d) Analyze the building using linear/nonlinear with the above obtained reinforcing details in which
static/dynamic analysis methods. pushover analysis and time history analysis are
e) Analyze the results and arrive at conclusions. performed.


2.1 GENERAL: For the study purpose, an existing building plan in
To provide a detailed review of the literature related to Berhampur was taken which is meant for hospital.
diaphragm discontinuity in its entirety would be Even though this area is in seismic zone II, it is taken
difficult to address here. A brief review on diaphragm as zone V for study purpose. Building details are given
discontinuity of previous studies is presented here. below.
This literature review focuses on recent contributions
related to diaphragm and past efforts most closely Table 3.1 Details of the building
related to the needs of the present work.


International Building Code-2006, needs the
diaphragm with unexpected discontinuities or
variations in stiffness, also those having cutout or open
areas greater than 50 percent of the gross enclosed
diaphragm area, or change in effective diaphragm
stiffness of over 50 percent from one story to
consequent, to be considered as irregular in plan. For
structures with this diaphragm discontinuity, the code
prescribes a rise of twenty five % within the design 3.3DESIGN OF THE BUILDING:
forces determined for connections of diaphragms to Initially the building was modelled and designed in
vertical components. The code doesn't attribute any STAAD-Pro from which reinforcing details were
criteria touching on the diaphragm style itself. drawn. Further the building is modeled in SAP2000
with the above obtained reinforcing details. The load
combinations are shown below.

Page 1457
• COMB1 = 1.5 (DEAD + LIVE)
• COMB2 = 1.2 (DEAD + LIVE + EQ)
• COMB3 = 1.2 (DEAD + LIVE - EQ)
• COMB4 = 1.5 (DEAD + EQ)
• COMB5 = 1.5 (DEAD - EQ)
• COMB6 = 0.9 DEAD + 1.5 EQ
• COMB7 = 0.9 DEAD - 1.5 EQ

Fig 3.3 Computer model of the building

Fig 3.1 Plan of the building

The Fig. 3.1 shows the plan of the building that is

studied in this thesis Fig. 3.2 shows the frame layout
and Fig. 3.3 shows 3D model of the building. These
figures were drawn using SAP2000.

Fig 3.4 Model – 1 (with discontinuous diaphragm)

In model-1 (Fig. 3.4) the building is divided into two

diaphragms. Loads are assigned separately to each
diaphragm and the building is analyzed. The pushover
curves and hysteresis loops are shown for this building
in the last chapter.

Fig 3.2 Typical frame layout

Page 1458
A pushover analysis is performed by subjecting a
structure to a monotonically increasing pattern of
lateral loads, that shows the inertial forces which
would be experienced by the structure when subjected
to ground motion. Under incrementally increasing
loads many structural elements may yield sequentially.
Therefore, at each event, the structure experiences a
decrease in stiffness. Using a nonlinear static pushover
analysis,a representative non-linear force displacement
relationship can be obtained.

4.2 Limitations:
Fig 3.5 Model – 2 (with continuous diaphragm) Although pushover analysis has certain advantages in
comparison to elastic analysis techniques, underlying
In model-2 (Fig. 3.5) the building is taken as a whole various assumptions, the accuracy of pushover
i.e., single diaphragm. Loads are assigned to the predictions and the restrictions of current pushover
complete building as a single diaphragm and the procedures must be recognized. The estimation of
building is analyzed. The pushover curves and target displacement, selection of the lateral load
hysteresis loops are shown for this building in the last patterns and identification of failure mechanisms due
chapter. to higher modes of vibration are vital issues that have
an effect on the accuracy of pushover result. Target
displacement is global displacement likely in a design
earth quake.

In pushover analysis, target displacement for a multi

degree of freedom system is generally estimated
similar to the displacement demand for corresponding
equivalent single degree of freedom system. The
fundamental properties of an equivalent SDOF system
are gotten from a shape vector that represents the
Fig 3.6 Building Model in SAP-2000
deflected shape of MDOF system. Most researchers
recommend using the normalized displacement profile
at target displacement level as a shape vector, but since
this displacement is not known beforehand, an
The pushover analysis of a structure is a static non-
iteration is needed. Therefore, by most of the
linear analysis under permanent vertical loads and
approaches, a fixed shape vector, elastic first mode, is
gradually increasing lateral loads. A plot of total base
utilized for simplicity without regarding higher modes.
shear versus top displacement in a structure is obtained
The target displacement is found by the roof
by this analysis that would indicate a premature failure
displacement at mass center of the structure.
or weakness. All the beams and columns which reach
yield or have experienced crushing and even fracture
are identified. A plot of total base shear versus inter -
story drift is also obtained.

Page 1459
Fig 4.2 Global capacity (Pushover) curve


Fig 4.1 Force-Deformation for pushover hinge
Time-history analysis is a step-by-step analysis of the
In order to obtain performance points as well as the
dynamical response (in time domain) of a structure
location of hinges in different stages, we can use the
subjected to a specified ground motion. This section
pushover curve. In this curve, the range AB the elastic
explains the nonlinear parameters, input ground
range, B to IO the range of instant occupancy, IO to
motion, time integration and damping used in the
LS the range of life safety and LS to CP the range of
present study. The dynamic input has been given as a
collapse prevention. When a hinge touches point C on
ground acceleration time-history that was applied
its force-displacement curve then that hinge must start
uniformly in any respect points of the base of the
to drop load. The manner in which the load is released
structure. Computer software SAP2000 was used for
from a hinge that has reached point C is that the
carrying out nonlinear time-history analysis. „Hilber-
pushover force or the base shear is reduced till the
Hughes-Taylor alpha‟ (HHT) method was used for
force in that hinge is steady with the force at pint D.
performing direct-integration time-history analysis.
The HHT method is an implicit method and is popular
a) Immediate Occupancy – Achieves elastic
due to its intrinsic stability. The HHT method uses a
behavior by limiting structural damage (e.g.,
single parameter (alpha) whose value is bounded by 0
yielding of steel, significant cracking of
and - 1/3.
concrete, and nonstructural damage.)


b) Life Safety - Limit damage of structural and
nonstructural components to minimize the risk
Natural ground acceleration time histories have been
of injury or casualties and to keep essential
used for the dynamic analysis of the structural models.
circulation routes accessible.
All these acceleration data were imported from
c) Collapse Prevention – Ensure a small risk of
SAP2000 and were scaled to have peak ground
partial or complete building collapse by
accelerations 0.36g. In the current project ground
limiting structural deformations and forces to
motion is taken from Century city- Lacc north at 0
the onset of strength and stiffness degradation.
degrees. 3000 points of acceleration data equally
spaced at 0.02 sec was taken. So, total duration is
3000×0.02= 20 sec.

Page 1460
5.3 HYSTERESIS LOOP: Extraction of hysteretic characteristics of frame
Hysteresis is the dependence of the output of a system building components can lead to an understanding of
on its current input, and also on its history of past the structure‟s degradation and nonlinear response
inputs. The dependence arises because the history range. The process involves the construction of a
affects the value of an internal state. To predict its hysteresis curve by plotting time history pairs of
future outputs, either its history or its internal state restoring force across the component (on the vertical
must be known. If a given input alternately increases axis), and relative displacement across the component
and decreases, a typical mark of hysteresis a loop as in (on the horizontal axis).
the figure 5.1 is forms.
Table 6.1: Mass participation ratio for first 12
modes of the Buildings

Fig. 5.1 Hysteresis loop

Such loops may occur because of a dynamic lag

between input and output. This effect disappears as the
input changes more slowly. This effect meets the
description of hysteresis given above, but is often According to IS-1893:2002 the number of modes to be
referred to as rate-dependent hysteresis to distinguish it used in the analysis should be such that the total sum
from hysteresis with a more durable memory effect. of modal masses of all modes considered is at least 90
In structural engineering, hysteresis refers to the path- percent of the total seismic mass. Here the minimum
dependence of the structure‟s restoring force versus modal mass is 95 percent.
deformation. The physical reasoning behind this
behavior is the softening of connection joints. The Model-1 is having maximum time period of 1.18 s and
hysteresis loops of a structure offer vital information model-2 is having maximum time period of 0.52 s. So,
about the forces that act upon it and the resulting model-1 is more flexible than model-2.
deformations. It is imperative to accurately map
hysteresis curves since they play a pivotal role in Modal Analysis results show that there are some
creating a better nonlinear model. Fortunately, many of unusual modes (Fig. 6.1a) when diaphragm
the commercial products that provide nonlinear discontinuity modeled. However, the mass
analyses have the option to input a hysteresis model. participation for those modes is found to be negligible.
The hysteretic behavior of a structure plays a crucial Therefore, these modes will not change the response of
role in many current approaches to seismic the building significantly.
performance-based analysis and design. As a result,
many experiments have been conducted to record
hysteretic data for shear walls and other

Page 1461
From the above graph we have seen that the push over
curve of both the models are allmost coinsiding in X
direction. In Y direction also the push over curve of
both the models are almost coinsiding. Pushover
Curves obtained from this study show that there is no
significant difference in the response of the building
for modelling discontinuous diaphragm.

Fig 6.3 (d)Hysteresis curve of the building (Torsion)

In torsion also the hysteresis curve of both the models

are coinsiding. Base shear vs. roof displacement
hysteresis relation obtained from the non-linear time
history analysis for both the models studied here are
found to be identical.
Fig. 6.2(a), Push curve – X
a) Discontinuous diaphragm makes the building
flexible. Fundamental period of building with
diaphragm discontinuity is found to be higher
than a similar building with continuous
b) The empirical equation given in design codes
(such as IS 1893:2002) are good for building
Fig. 6.2(b), Push curve – Y with continuous diaphragm. The use of this
equation for a building with discontinuous
diaphragm can be very conservative.
c) Modal Analysis results show that there are
some unusual modes when diaphragm
discontinuity modelled. However, the mass
participation for those modes are found to be
negligible. Therefore, these modes will not
change the response of the building
d) Pushover Curves obtained from this study
Fig 6.3 (c) Hysteresis curve of the building (Bi show that there is no significant difference in
directional motion) the response of the building for modelling
discontinuous diaphragm.
e) Base shear vs. roof displacement hysteresis
relation obtained from the non-linear time
history analysis for both the models studied
here are found to be identical.

Page 1462
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