Syllabus Updated AJMC

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School of Agribusiness and Rural Management

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa,
Course Structure at a Glance
Semester I
Semester I

Course Code Course Name Course Credit

Course Code: AJMC-501 Agriculture Journalism & Mass Credit 1+1 = 2

Course Code: AJMC-502 Development Communication Credit 1+1 = 2

Course Code: AJMC-503 Print Media Credit 1+1=2

Course Code: AJMC-504 Radio Production Credit 1+1=2

Course Code: AJMC-505 Film Production Credit 1+1=2

Course Code: AJMC-506 New Media Credit 1+1 = 2

Course Code: AJMC-507 Advertising and Public Relations Credit 1+1 = 2

Course Code: AJMC-508 Soft Skill Development Credit 1+1 = 2

Course Code: AJMC-509 Mobile Journalism Credit 1+1 = 2
Course Code: AJMC-510 Elementary English & Technical Credit 1+1 = 2 (Non
Writing Credit)
Course Code: AJMC-511 Master’s Seminar Credit 0+1 = 1




Course Code: AJMC- 501 Credits: 1+1=2

Learning Objective: This course aims to provide students in-depth knowledge about the
agricultural communication and journalism, different forms of agriculture report writing,
inculcating their efficacy in communicating with agriculture and related stakeholders with a
view to enable them in becoming efficient communicators.

Unit Course Details Suggested Pedagogy

A. Theory

1. Introduction to Agricultural Communication: Lecture, Assignment

Fundamentals of Communication, Overview of agriculture
communication, Emergence of agricultural communication
as a special field of interest, Objective of agriculture
communication, Barriers in agriculture communication
2. Journalism Concepts in Agriculture: Lecture, Students’
Fundamentals of Agriculture Journalism (History, Presentation, Case
principles, writing style), Role of Journalism in Agriculture study
Development of India, Agriculture Journalism through
Community Radio, Cases of Successful print intervention
villages, agriculture advertisements, community
newspapers, farm journals etc.
3. Analysis of Audience Presentation,
Information need and literacy, Demographic, assignment
psychological, social, cultural, economical factors of the
audiences, agro-ecological situation
B. Practical

4. Art of writing agriculture report: Brain Storming,

Characteristics of a good Agriculture report, General Practical, Assignment,
writing tips , Planning (Introduction, Body, Conclusion), Students’ Presentation
Outline, Draft, Message development and delivery,
Brochure writing, Booklet, Leaflets, Bulletins and other
printed materials
5. Agriculture Feature Writing: Flipped Learning,
Practical, Assignment,
Considerations for writing the feature, what is the need to Students’ Presentation
write success story, Tips for writing popular article writing
Feature stories

6. Basics of writing Research Paper in Farm article and Flipped Learning,

Journals: Practical, Assignment,
Students’ Presentation
Literature Research in Agriculture Journalism, outlining
a research paper, Layout of research paper, Title, By-line,
Footnote, Rules of writing the results section, Rules for
writing Conclusion., Writing research based reports

7. Extension Material Preparation Flipped Learning,

Practical, Assignment,
Do’s and Don’ts for preparing an effective communication Students’ Presentation
material for farmers, Content creation for Brochure,
Booklets, Leaflet and others


Course Code: AJMC- Credits: 1+1 =
502 2

Objective: To enable the students to inculcate an overview of development and use of

development communication as a tool for societal purposes.
Unit Course Details Suggested

A. Theory

1. Development and its Concept Lecture, article

Development: meaning, concept, process and models reading followed
Theories and paradigms of development, Characteristics of by group
developing societies, Development dichotomies, Gap discussion
between developed and developing societies.
2. Development Communication and Indicators of Development Lecture, Case
Development Communication: meaning, concept, role of Studies
media in development communication, Strategies in
development communication, Social, cultural and economic
3. Development Theories and Issues Lecture, Articles
Empathy, Theory of magic multiplier, Development support Reading followed
communication, Participation in development, India’s effort by discussion,
in development communication- historical perspective visit to nearby

4. Mass Media and Development Lecture, reading

Traditional media and their role in development communication, articles blogs,
Communication for rural development, Role of communication in magazines
development process, Development message design and followed by
communication, Role and performance of print, radio, television, group discussion
outdoor publicity in the Indian perspective, , Advancement in
farming and alternative employment, Communication for tribal
development, Use of ICTs and Emerging Technologies in
Development, Digital Divide

B. Practical

5. Organizing and participation in Farm/village Fairs, Designing Practical, group

Messages for Development in Farm Fairs, Case Study of villages work, association
to search for problems in development, communicating with with NGOs
group of farmers for rural development
6. Writing a comprehensive case on a rural/agriculture development Practical, group
programme with the help of PRA/RRA/PLA work, Case
studies, Class

7. Documenting communication process and approaches used by Practical, group

extension professionals for disseminating agricultural innovation work, Class

Course: PRINT MEDIA Semester: I

Course Code: AJMC- 503 Credits: 1+1=2

Objective: This course seeks to provide knowledge in the areas of reporting and editing for
print. The curriculum broadly covers the techniques of reporting and editing as required in
the field of print journalism.

Unit Course Details Suggested Pedagogy

A. Theory

1. Introduction to News Lecture, Brain storming,

Definition, Types of news, News elements, News value, Assignment, Students’
Tools of news gathering, Kinds of reporting: agriculture Presentation
and allied innovations, rural development programmes,
culture, rural life weather, disaster, Specialized
2. Art of Interviewing and Special Writings Lecture, Brain Storming,
Art of interviewing: kinds, purposes, and techniques, Assignment, Students’
Interpretative reporting: purposes and techniques, Presentation
Investigative reporting, In-depth reporting, Feature
writing: article, column, editorial, review and middle in
context to rural, agriculture and allied sectors.

3. Editing Lecture, Assignment,

Editing: definition, purpose, tools, lead, body, and Group Exercise
paragraphing, Proof reading, News desk, Editorial
department set up.
4. Role and Significance of Headlines Lecture, Brain storming,
Types of headlines, Dummy page make-up: layout, Group Exercise
photo editing and caption, Magazine editing and layout

B. Practical

5. News reporting (field visits) and News writing Workshop, Group

Exercise, Presentation

6. Editing Workshop, Group

Students will also bring out the practice journals, Exercise, Presentation
mini/lab newspaper and magazines and do page make-
up and lay-out exercises. Assignments on news
selection, subbing, editorial and article writing will also
be given and assessed.
7. Conducting interviews of farmers, agriculture scientists Assignment followed by
and other stakeholders of agricultural domain group discussion

Course: RADIO PRODUCTION Semester: I

Course Code: AJMC- Credits: 1+1 =
504 2

Objective: This course intends to provide students with the basics of radio journalism along
with the management of radio stations. The students will learn different aspects of radio
news compilation and various formats of radio programs along with the latest trends in radio

Unit Course Details Suggested

A. Theory
1. Radio Journalism Lecture,
Reporting for radio, Script writing, Radio news bulletin, Writing
for radio commercials: sound effects, voice dispatches, teasers
and promos.
2. Formats of Radio Programs Interactive
Radio formats, Types of interviews, Farm & Home Radio,
Moderating skills for radio discussion programmers, Interactive
live transmission.
3. Radio Program Production Interactive
lecture and
Studio production of radio programs, news production, studio
interviews, studio discussions, phone- in programs, Audience
research and marketing strategies for radio
4. Community Radio: History, Rules for starting community Lecture,
Radio, Cases of successful community radio, organizing groups Group
in community, training of community in production of exercise
programmes, listeners’ groups, Building Content creation,
Marketing, Crisis communication through Community Radio
5. Internet Radio & Podcasts Lecture and
B. Practical
6. Reporting for radio, Script writing, Types of interviews and on-line Practical,
interview techniques, programmers, Interactive live transmission. Assignment,
Structuring a radio report, news capsuling and writing for programs, Workshop
sound effects, voice dispatches, teasers and promos, Writing for
community Radio , Marketing for community Radio, Demonstrating
impact of Radio.

Course: Film Production Semester: II

Course Code: AJMC- Credits: 1+1 =
505 2

Objective: This course intends to provide the students with the basics of television
journalism along with the basic knowledge and working of camera, video editing and
television program production. The students will also learn the basics of studio lighting and
how to make concepts for television programs.
Unit Course Details Suggested

A. Theory

1. Introduction to Camera (Lens, Lens Assembly, Body, Interactive

Viewfinder) lecture,
Supporting Equipments (Tripod, Monopod, Pedestal, Trolley, demonstration
Dolly, Track, Panning rod, Spreader, Servo remote, Camera cast) and

2. Types of Lenses Interactive

Types of Lenses (Concave & Convex lens), Power of Lenses lecture,
(Refractive, in dioptre), lens coating & Filters; Stages of production, demonstration
and workshop

3. Lights Interactive
Electromagnetic Spectrum, White light, Color mixture, Reflection, lecture,
Refraction, Transmission, Dispersion of light demonstration
and workshop

4. Studio and Equipment (Floor, Indoor Set, Outdoor Set, Acoustic Demonstratio
and Cables), Lights and Supporting Equipment. (Filters, n and group
Reflectors, Scrims, Net, Diffusers, Gobos, Gels, Dimmer/ activities
Control unit, etc.)
5. Sound Basics and Microphones Interactive

6. Reporting and Writing for Television Interactive

Television reporting: visualizing news, PTC (Piece to camera) lecture and
and VO (Voice over), Sequencing and editing news packages. group

7. Storyboarding Group
Concept development and Steps of Storyboarding; Importance of discussion
Storyboarding and exercise

8. Editing techniques Workshop

In Camera Editing, Editing with Vision mixer, Online and Offline and
editing, Principle of Editing – Action, sequence, Cross cut, Parallel Demonstratio
cut, The Art and Techniques of Editing – Composition, Adobe
Premiere - Creating project, Customizing workspace
B. Practical

9. Developing Documentary/technical/ad film related to agriculture Practical,


Course: NEW MEDIA Semester: I

Course Code: AJMC-506 Credits: 1+1 =

Objective: To enable the students to learn the concept of new media and social networking,
web journalism and its importance in mass media.
Unit Course Details Suggested

A. Theory

1. Introduction to New Media Interactive

Introduction, Convergence and multi-media, Role of IT in mass
followed by
2. New Media and Social Networking Interactive
Social networking: Facebook, twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp,
blogging, and mobile applications
3. New Media and its impact on the World Interactive
lecture, case
Online politics, Internet and globalization, Internet and
democracy, Role of new media in social revolution, Cyber
4. Cyber Journalism Lecture
followed by
Online edition of newspapers, e-books and e-publishing, Cyber
newspapers: creation and online editing, Security issues on
B. Practical
5. Learning to report, Writing and production for online media, Practical and
Feature writing for online media: story idea, development and Workshop
news updates, Use of, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter
blogs, etc. for generation and development of story


Course Code: AJMC- Credits:
507 1+1=2

Objective: This course intends to provide knowledge to the students in the area of
advertising and public relations with a few to sharpen their professional skills.
Unit Course Details Suggested

A. Theory
1. Introduction to Advertising Lecture,
Advertising: Objectives and classification, Different media for group
advertising, National and global advertising scenario, Socio- assignments
economic effects of advertising.
2. Categories of Advertising Interactive
Types of Advertising, Ad Agency management: types, structure lecture and
and functions, Departments in an Ad Agency: account planning, Assignment
account servicing, creative, media planning, ASCI and its code of
3. Introduction to Public Relations Lecture
Public Relations: definition, evolution and history of PR in India, followed by
PR and allied disciplines: publicity, propaganda, public affairs, discussion
lobbying and opinion building.
4. Communication with Public Lecture and
Public: internal and external, PR tools and relation building Group
techniques, Crisis management: concepts and practice. exercise,
case studies

5. Role of PR in Different Sectors Lecture

Role of PR, Symmetrical and asymmetrical theories of PR, Law followed by
and ethics of PR, PRSI code of ethics discussion

6. Corporate and Social Responsibility, CSR sustainability Lecture

followed by

B. Practical

7. Writing Press release, Designing Advertisements, Organizing Workshop

Press Conferences, Media Planning and hand on

Course: Soft Skill Development Semester: I

Course Code: AJMC-508 Credits: 1+1 = 2

Learning Objectives: This course intends to provide knowledge to the students in the
area of corporate communication and exhibiting skills of professional etiquettes for
effective communication.
Unit Course Details Suggested

A. Theory
1. Emotional quotient & Adaptability quotient Lecture,
Discussion on

2. Professional etiquettes, netiquettes, greetings and meetings Lecture,

Discussion on

3. Relationship Management: Employee Relations: Concept and Lecture and

Definition; Developing and Maintaining Relations; Relationship workshop
management with farmers and understanding Group dynamics
4. Creative thinking, problem solving and stress management Lecture,
Discussion and
Role Play

5. Do’s and Don’ts of Public Speaking, Art of persuasion, from Lecture, Case
persuasion to negotiation, Motivation, Empathy and leadership studies,
assignment and
group exercise

B. Practical

6. Documenting and analyzing the communication tools used by the Practical,

rural professionals Group
Discussion and
discussion on

7. Practice on professional etiquettes and soft skills Practical,


8. Practice on writing of different types of messages including Workshop,

Routine letters and goodwill messages, routine memos and e mail Assignment
messages, WhatsApp messages, persuasive messages and negative
messages to different stakeholders of agricultural and rural

Course: Mobile Journalism (MoJo) Semester: I

Course Code: AJMC-509 Credits: 1+1 =
Learning objective: To enable the students to learn about mobile journalism and
inculcate skills how to use mobile for filming and reporting.
Unit Course Details Suggested
A. Theory

1. Mobile Journalism-Understanding the Mobile Journalism, Origins Lecture,

of MoJo, and Advantages and limitations of MoJo discussion

2. Tools & Apps of MoJo, Skills required for MoJo, Convergence & Interactive
Citizen Journalism, Challenges to Mojo work lecture
followed by

3. Outdoor and indoor shooting through smart phones and voice Lecture
recording followed by
group exercise

4. Creative photography through mobile phones Group exercise

5. Editing Apps available for mobile app Lecture

followed by

6. Media Sharing (YouTube, Flicker, SoundCloud), Hobby Group exercise

Networking (Good Reads), (TV shows) and Streaming Live
Videos with mobile phones

B. Practical

7. Hands on experience about indoor and outdoor shooting Practical,


8. Editing of raw footage through mobile phone Practical and


9. Developing a small documentary on rural development and Practical and

agriculture assignment

Course: Elementary English & Technical Writing Semester: I

Course Code: AJMC-510 Credits: 1+1 =
2 (Non Credit)
Learning objective: To enable the students to learn about Elementary English and
Technical writing.
Unit Course Details Suggested

A. Theory
1. Structural and Functional English – Punctuation, identifying Lecture,
sentences, identifying nouns, simple tenses, verb groups, complex discussion
tenses, questions and negative statements, finite and infinite verb
groups, definitions and purposes, acquisition of skills required to
use current English in a variety of contexts, functional English as a
multi-focal discipline, approaches to language –
Acquisition/Learning/ Teaching

2. Basics of writing – Usage of Business Communication, Branding Interactive

and its impact on writing, Portraying Business Objectives through lecture
content, Delivering content in different Formats followed by

3. Blog writing – Selecting a topic and outline, Undertaking related Lecture

research, Writing headlines, Writing the blog draft, Re- followed by
writing/Editing the Blog post, Optimising the blog post. group exercise

4. Website writing – Introduction to website, Developing sitemaps, Group exercise

Structuring Wireframes, Writing content for website, Re-
writing/Editing content.

5. Proposal writing – Introduction to Business Proposal, Stating the Lecture

problems, Proposing the solutions, Including Schedules and followed by
Budgets, Writing Conclusion workshop

6. Writing for Public Relations – Introduction to Public Relations, Lecture

Importance of writing for Public Relations, Writing media Briefs, followed by
Writing Press Notes/ Press Releases, Writing Content for Media/ Group exercise
Press Kits

7. Writing Social Media Posts – Introduction to Social Media Posts, Lecture

Writing for Facebook Posts, Pages and Events, Writing for followed by
WhatsApp, Writing for Twitter, Writing for Instagram, Writing for Group exercise
LinkedIn Pages

B. Practical

8. Blog writing, Website Writing, Proposal writing, Writing for Practical,

public relations, writing for social media posts workshop

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