Syllabus Updated AJMC
Syllabus Updated AJMC
Syllabus Updated AJMC
Learning Objective: This course aims to provide students in-depth knowledge about the
agricultural communication and journalism, different forms of agriculture report writing,
inculcating their efficacy in communicating with agriculture and related stakeholders with a
view to enable them in becoming efficient communicators.
A. Theory
A. Theory
B. Practical
Objective: This course seeks to provide knowledge in the areas of reporting and editing for
print. The curriculum broadly covers the techniques of reporting and editing as required in
the field of print journalism.
A. Theory
B. Practical
Objective: This course intends to provide students with the basics of radio journalism along
with the management of radio stations. The students will learn different aspects of radio
news compilation and various formats of radio programs along with the latest trends in radio
Unit Course Details Suggested
A. Theory
1. Radio Journalism Lecture,
Reporting for radio, Script writing, Radio news bulletin, Writing
for radio commercials: sound effects, voice dispatches, teasers
and promos.
2. Formats of Radio Programs Interactive
Radio formats, Types of interviews, Farm & Home Radio,
Moderating skills for radio discussion programmers, Interactive
live transmission.
3. Radio Program Production Interactive
lecture and
Studio production of radio programs, news production, studio
interviews, studio discussions, phone- in programs, Audience
research and marketing strategies for radio
4. Community Radio: History, Rules for starting community Lecture,
Radio, Cases of successful community radio, organizing groups Group
in community, training of community in production of exercise
programmes, listeners’ groups, Building Content creation,
Marketing, Crisis communication through Community Radio
5. Internet Radio & Podcasts Lecture and
B. Practical
6. Reporting for radio, Script writing, Types of interviews and on-line Practical,
interview techniques, programmers, Interactive live transmission. Assignment,
Structuring a radio report, news capsuling and writing for programs, Workshop
sound effects, voice dispatches, teasers and promos, Writing for
community Radio , Marketing for community Radio, Demonstrating
impact of Radio.
Objective: This course intends to provide the students with the basics of television
journalism along with the basic knowledge and working of camera, video editing and
television program production. The students will also learn the basics of studio lighting and
how to make concepts for television programs.
Unit Course Details Suggested
A. Theory
3. Lights Interactive
Electromagnetic Spectrum, White light, Color mixture, Reflection, lecture,
Refraction, Transmission, Dispersion of light demonstration
and workshop
4. Studio and Equipment (Floor, Indoor Set, Outdoor Set, Acoustic Demonstratio
and Cables), Lights and Supporting Equipment. (Filters, n and group
Reflectors, Scrims, Net, Diffusers, Gobos, Gels, Dimmer/ activities
Control unit, etc.)
5. Sound Basics and Microphones Interactive
7. Storyboarding Group
Concept development and Steps of Storyboarding; Importance of discussion
Storyboarding and exercise
Objective: To enable the students to learn the concept of new media and social networking,
web journalism and its importance in mass media.
Unit Course Details Suggested
A. Theory
Objective: This course intends to provide knowledge to the students in the area of
advertising and public relations with a few to sharpen their professional skills.
Unit Course Details Suggested
A. Theory
1. Introduction to Advertising Lecture,
Advertising: Objectives and classification, Different media for group
advertising, National and global advertising scenario, Socio- assignments
economic effects of advertising.
2. Categories of Advertising Interactive
Types of Advertising, Ad Agency management: types, structure lecture and
and functions, Departments in an Ad Agency: account planning, Assignment
account servicing, creative, media planning, ASCI and its code of
3. Introduction to Public Relations Lecture
Public Relations: definition, evolution and history of PR in India, followed by
PR and allied disciplines: publicity, propaganda, public affairs, discussion
lobbying and opinion building.
4. Communication with Public Lecture and
Public: internal and external, PR tools and relation building Group
techniques, Crisis management: concepts and practice. exercise,
case studies
B. Practical
Learning Objectives: This course intends to provide knowledge to the students in the
area of corporate communication and exhibiting skills of professional etiquettes for
effective communication.
Unit Course Details Suggested
A. Theory
1. Emotional quotient & Adaptability quotient Lecture,
Discussion on
5. Do’s and Don’ts of Public Speaking, Art of persuasion, from Lecture, Case
persuasion to negotiation, Motivation, Empathy and leadership studies,
assignment and
group exercise
B. Practical
2. Tools & Apps of MoJo, Skills required for MoJo, Convergence & Interactive
Citizen Journalism, Challenges to Mojo work lecture
followed by
3. Outdoor and indoor shooting through smart phones and voice Lecture
recording followed by
group exercise
B. Practical
A. Theory
1. Structural and Functional English – Punctuation, identifying Lecture,
sentences, identifying nouns, simple tenses, verb groups, complex discussion
tenses, questions and negative statements, finite and infinite verb
groups, definitions and purposes, acquisition of skills required to
use current English in a variety of contexts, functional English as a
multi-focal discipline, approaches to language –
Acquisition/Learning/ Teaching
B. Practical