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Adventures Dark and Deep ™

Game Masters Toolkit

By Joseph Bloch
Adventures Dark and Deep™

Game Masters Toolkit

Adventures Dark and Deep™

Game Masters Toolkit

Being a collection of rules, standards, advice, and examples designed to assist the game master in running the game and designing the setting.

Authored by Joseph Bloch

Based on and inspired by the original work of E. Gary Gygax, David Arneson, David “Zeb” Cook, Monte Cook, Jeff Grubb, Robert Kuntz, Kim Mohan, Dave
Newton, Douglas Niles, Jon Pickens, Jonathan Tweet, James Ward, Skip Williams, and Steve Winter.

Edited by Mollie Carson-Vollath

With the kindest assistance of…

…a multitude of volunteer playtesters, proofreaders, and editors who helped polish the early drafts of this manuscript into the version you see today.

Christian N. St. Pierre (cover), Luigi Castellani, Chantal Fournier, Jenna Fowler,
Fil Kearney, Ian MacLean, Federico Pancaldi, Jay Penn, Jason Sholtis, and Brian “Glad” Thomas.

Dedicated to E. Gary Gygax, who gave us the game

Unless otherwise noted, all material herein is Copyright © 2011-2013 BRW Games, LLC, all rights reserved.
All artwork is Copyright of the respective artists.

ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ is a trademark of BRW Games, LLC. “Gygax” is a trademark of the Gail C. Gygax Revocable Trust. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons is
a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Second Printing

Visit the official ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ website at

Table of Contents

Creating Characters .......................................................................... 1 Ships and Waterborne Travel.............................................................35

Character Races............................................................................ 1 Shipborne Travel ..........................................................................35
Character Classes ......................................................................... 1 Shipboard Encounters ...................................................................36
Non-player Characters ................................................................... 2 Seaborne Encounters ....................................................................36
The Game Environment ...................................................................... 6 Ships..........................................................................................38
Dungeons .................................................................................... 6 Creating the Setting ..........................................................................42
The Wilderness ............................................................................. 7 Top-down....................................................................................42
Swimming and Underwater Travel.................................................... 9 Bottom-up....................................................................................42
Flight..........................................................................................10 Creating a Campaign ...................................................................43
Hazards, Impediments, and Dangers ...............................................10 Religion and Deities......................................................................47
Weather .....................................................................................17 Other Planes and Other Worlds......................................................61
Combat ......................................................................................18 Designing Adventures ...................................................................70
Social Encounters .........................................................................20 Running Adventures ......................................................................76
Treasure .....................................................................................22 Magic Items ....................................................................................77
Experience ..................................................................................31 Artifacts and Relics ..................................................................... 141
Buildings and Fortifications ................................................................32 Intelligent Magic Items................................................................. 141
Hit Points of Structures ...................................................................32 Selling Magic Items .................................................................... 143
Cost of Construction......................................................................32 Appendix: Random Tables............................................................... 148
Construction Time .........................................................................32 License Information ......................................................................... 167
Siege Weapons ...........................................................................33
Mining .......................................................................................34

Creating Characters
The game master has a few choices to make before his players can start rolling
up their characters. When designing the milieu in which the campaign will
take place, or choosing a published campaign setting, the game master’s
decisions will impact the choices available to his players. Make sure that your
players are aware of these choices before they begin to roll up their characters,
lest they become disappointed when they learn that their idea for a character
won’t fit in with the campaign.

Character Races
The list of races given in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual
represents a “kitchen sink” approach. There are not only those races which
are staples of fantasy literature (elves, dwarves, etc.), but also ones that are
fairly unique to fantasy games, and a plethora of sub-races that may or may
not fit into the particular campaign setting you are using.

The first thing that you will need to figure out regarding character races is, do
they form their own communities and governments, or are they part of a larger
human community. Do they, perhaps, have their own enclaves within the
human lands, paying nominal fealty to a human ruler? If so, just how nominal
is that fealty? Are there elven and dwarven kingdoms or city-states on the
borders of the human lands? If so, how do they interact with one another? Is
trade and travel common, or do the demi-humans take a dim view of contact
with the short-lived but fast-breeding humans? All these questions will have an
impact on just how easy it will be to include demi-humans and humanoids as
player characters (and do not discount the possibility of setting up a “humans
only” campaign; it will take more work in some respects, but can be a very
interesting and satisfying choice).

Subterranean Races
You as game master must decide whether or not the various subterranean races
will be allowed as player characters. These are the gray dwarves (duergar), Some game masters may feel that the numerous sub-races listed in the Players
dark elves (drow), and deep gnomes (svirfneblin). These are races that dwell Manual offer too much diversity without sufficient differentiation to warrant
their existence. Also, some sub-races may suffer the same problem as the
in enormous cavern and tunnel complexes beneath the surface of the world; a
subterranean races above; if a player character is of wild elf stock, it may
warren spanning hundreds if not thousands of miles, in which a variety of
lessen the aura of the unknown when the adventurers plunge into the thick
creatures vie for supremacy in a weird and dark mirror of the surface world.
fastness of the wild elves’ forests, only to have a wild elf player character in
the know about all their secrets.
Realistically speaking, such races would only be common enough to be seen
as player characters if there was a fairly steady amount of contact between
When designing the milieu, you should also make sure to set aside lands where
the surface world and the subterranean world. Many campaign settings prefer
to keep the subterranean world aloof and mysterious, making it a great event such sub-races do indeed dwell. You’ll need to have hills for the hill dwarves,
and different forests (or sections of forest) for the different sorts of elves, or,
when adventurers from the surface are forced to enter the subterranean lands,
encountering strange flora and fauna, unknown hazards, and a completely alternatively, work out the rationale by which the high, gray, and wood elves
live together in a single community. Wooded hills will also be needed for both
new social and political realm.
sorts of gnomes, and idyllic pastures and farmland for the halflings.
Player characters hailing from the subterranean land, on the other hand, rob
Remember, too, that nothing says you have to go all or nothing with any of
it of much of its uniqueness, and the disquietude that accompanies forays
these choices. Your particular campaign might be elf-centric, including the dark
therein. If a character playing a deep gnome can legitimately ask “wouldn’t
my character know that the deep gnomes and the duergar had an alliance elves, but with scant prospects for dwarves, gnomes, or halflings. You may
against the drow?” then obviously a level of mystery is lost. decide that hill gnomes fit the campaign as you’ve designed it, but not forest
gnomes. You’re the game master, it’s your world (even if its one that you
purchased from a publisher of such game-aids) and your word in these matters
You must decide, then, whether you are willing to risk spoiling some of the
mystery of the subterranean lands by allowing such races to be played by your is law!
players. It should be noted, however, that a campaign in which the
subterranean lands were not so unknown, and where trade, travel, political Character Classes
alliances, etc. between the surface and the underworld were common, could
be a very interesting one indeed. Each character class has some specific implications that the game master
needs to bear in mind, especially when contemplating putting restrictions on
the classes that are available to characters, as well as when creating a

Creating Characters – Non-player Characters

campaign world, since some classes require (or at least strongly imply) the aside from the PCs. Every merchant, king, guard, innkeeper, and so forth must
existence of certain institutions and other features that the game master will be played by you. You must make decisions for them, bring them to life when
want to acknowledge as he designs his world. they encounter the PCs, speak for them, and so forth. They are the non-player
characters (NPCs).
Cavaliers and paladins, first off, imply the existence of a feudal-type social
structure. It is certainly possible to envision a social setting which is both more Every game master will have a different “take” on how NPCs should best be
egalitarian and includes such classes, but some modifications may have to be played. Some game masters will embody the role of every NPC the players
made, and those should be communicated to the players. meet, complete with different voices, mannerisms, and the like. Others will play
them straight, narrating what they do and say strictly in a third-party manner.
Paladins, clerics, and mystics, on the other hand, imply the existence of at least Still others will do a combination of the two, or something else in between,
one religion (or deity) and most probably more than one. Campaign settings saving their funny voices for important recurring NPCs, especially the
tend to be polytheistic in nature (based on the model of the classical world), memorable villains. If you’re just starting out, your personal style in this regard
and a certain diversity has become something almost de rigueur in is something you will have to work out through practice.
contemporary games, allowing characters to select a “patron deity” and so
forth. However, it is certainly possible to set up an exciting campaign setting Commoners
with a monotheistic faith. This will necessarily limit the choices available to
clerics and others, of course, but such is life. A game without gods at all is “Commoners” is a catch-all term that refers to any NPC that doesn’t have a
certainly possible, but this would involve fairly hefty conceptual changes to the character class, such as fighter, mage, etc. It has nothing to do with social
cleric and its cohorts. Again, be aware of the implications of making such standing – a king could be a commoner under this meaning of the term.
departures from the norm. Where do clerics get their spells in such a world? Commoners will have 1d6 h.p. and have their own combat table, and cannot
What is the origin of the paladin’s powers? These questions will need to be advance in level (other than any secondary skill level they possess, if any).
Generally speaking, if it becomes necessary to generate statistics for
Druids and vates present a unique problem, coming as they do with an entire commoners, 3d6 should be rolled for each statistic in order. Laborers will have
faith already designed (if in an intentionally vague form) and with a hierarchy a strength bonus of up to +3. Mercenary men-at-arms will have a minimum of
built in as a feature of the class. Be aware that you should make allowances 4 h.p., a strength bonus of +1, and a constitution bonus of +3. Merchants will
for the druidical faith and hierarchy as a parallel to that of the clerical faith(s). have a minimum intelligence and charisma of 12 each. Many commoners will
It is possible to merge the druid class into a broader umbrella religious faith have a single level of one of the secondary skills; a sage would have at least
that encompasses both druids and clerics; for instance a goddess of nature a level of scholarship, an armorer would have a level of armor-making, etc.
whose clergy can be of either class depending on their disposition and There’s no hard-and-fast rule regarding this, but the game master should use
alignment. Doing so will necessarily have an impact on the nature of, or even the secondary skills listed in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual
existence of, the druidical hierarchy (and thus the entire class of vates), so be as a guide for just what an NPC can and cannot do.
aware of this as well, as you are setting up your campaign setting.

Barbarians presuppose the existence of barbarian lands at the edge of

civilization, whence they can come. Without such lands as a feature of your
campaign, and the occasional wanderer from them into your more civilized Hirelings are those NPCs that the players hire for simple things. You have a
realms, you should feel free to limit access to the barbarian class. Remember, castle and need a blacksmith? He’s a hireling. You’re in need of a sage to
too, that not all barbarians hail from some frozen north, Viking-esque setting. delve into the background of the lost temple at the edge of the jungle? He’s a
Barbarians, as a class, can just as easily emerge from savages in stinking hireling. It’s possible for hirelings to be either short-term or long-term; that
jungles or nomads in barren deserts… blacksmith you need to staff your castle would be a long-term hireling, while
that sage would only be a short-term hire, if all you need him to do is answer
Rangers, it may be surmised, are at least tangentially related to the druids and a few questions once in a while. The cost of hiring such a person depends on
their hierarchy, as they are both associated with the woodlands and gain his unique skills, and is given in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players
druidical spells at higher levels. The nature of this relationship is vague by Manual, along with notes on what specific types of hirelings to do. When
design, allowing you to flesh it out in whatever manner you see fit. appropriate, additional notes are given in this book in the appropriate section.

Thieves will normally be organized into gangs, guilds, families, etc. Especially Henchmen
if you have one or more urban centers in your campaign, you will find it not
only an excellent source of background and story ideas, but necessary if your Henchmen, on the other hand, are long-term associates of the player
players wish to play thief characters, to have fleshed out such underworld characters. They’re intended to act as sort of “auxiliary characters”, and will
organizations and their relationships not only to one another but to the rest of gain experience and increase in level just like the PCs. They will tend to be
the inhabitants of the milieu as well. How are the thieves tolerated by the local loyal to their employer, unless they are badly mistreated (or see other
authorities? What do the local temples think of the presence of a thieves’ guild? henchmen mistreated).
Are high-level thieves perhaps even part of the government itself, the
Guildmaster being as highly respected as that of the brewers or merchants? If a PC decides to take on a henchman, you will need to know how many
Don’t feel yourself limited to having a single such institution per city (or realm). henchman-candidates are available in the village, town, or city in which the
Having many competing factions of thieves can be a wonderful way to bring player is looking. As a rule, there will be 1 henchman available for every
conflict (and thus adventure) into the game. 1,000 people, but an area with a marked increase in adventuring activity
(either near a large and noted ruin, on the edge of a wilderness being explored
Non-player Characters by various groups, etc.) could have as many as 1 henchman for every 200
people. In relatively peaceful interior regions, on the other hand, there could
be as few as 1 henchman type for every 5,000 inhabitants.
While the player characters (PCs) are the focus of the game, and each player
will be in control of one (or possibly two) such characters, you as game master
have a much more challenging task. You are responsible for the entire world


The race of a prospective henchman will be determined by the racial TABLE 2: NPC ABILITY SCORE ADJUSTMENTS
composition of the locale itself, which is something that you as the game master STR INT WIS DEX CON CHA
should have determined in advance. As far as class goes, unless your Bard - - - - - +2
campaign has special rules regarding certain classes, you should use the Jester - - - +1 - +2
following table as a generic determinant: Cavalier +2 - - - +1 -
Paladin +1 - - - - +2
Die Roll (d%) Class of Potential Henchman Druid - - +2 - - +1
01-10 Bard Mystic - +1 +2 - - -
11-12 Jester Commoner - - - - - -
13-21 Cavalier Laborer +3 - - - - -
22-23 Paladin Mercenary +1 - - - +2 -
24-35 Cleric Merchant* - +1 - - - +1
36-37 Druid Fighter +2 - - - +1 -
38-39 Mystic Barbarian +1 - - - +2 -
40-68 Fighter Ranger +2 - - - +1 -
69-71 Barbarian Mage - +2 - +1 - -
72-74 Ranger Illusionist - +2 - +2 - -
75-85 Mage Savant - +2 +1 - - -
86-87 Illusionist Thief - +1 - +2 - -
88-89 Savant Acrobat +1 - - +2 - -
90-98 Thief Mountebank - - - +1 - +2
99-00 Mountebank
* Merchants must have a minimum INT and CHA of 10.
If and when a suitable henchman is located, you’re going to need to roll up
the NPC as if he were a new player character. Statistics, class, race, etc. Note that ability score adjustments do not eliminate the need for certain
Initially, you should keep the character sheet for the new henchman yourself minimum scores to be eligible to be a particular class. If the score rolled is still
and take a very active role in making decisions based on the best interests, below the minimum, raise it to the minimum needed for the NPC to be of the
alignment, and personality of the henchman. However, as the game goes on desired/required class.
and the player character gets a better handle on the henchman’s personality,
you may well feel more comfortable in allowing the player to take on more TABLE 3: NPC ALIGNMENT
responsibility for playing the henchman. Eventually, it may even come to the Die Roll (d%) Alignment
point where the henchman is taken on by the player as a full-fledged second 01-10 Lawful good
character. 11-20 Lawful neutral
21-30 Lawful evil
As a rule, henchmen only earn 50% of the experience points player characters 31-40 Neutral evil
earn on any given adventure, as they are operating under the direction of their 41-50 Chaotic evil
employer. 51-60 Chaotic neutral
61-70 Chaotic good
Personality and Traits 71-80 Neutral good
81-00 Neutral
Ideally, you should have the time to carefully craft each non-player character
encountered by the players, giving them a vibrant personality, detailed back- TABLE 4: NPC POSSESSIONS AND WEALTH
story, motivations, and so forth, not to mention the usual ability statistics, class, Die Roll (d%) Possessions/Wealth
and race! Unfortunately, game masters will often not have the time to work 01-10 None
such things out ahead of time, or perhaps the creative well runs ever so 11-30 Limited
temporarily dry. In such situations, the following tables may be used to flesh 31-70 Average
out NPCs. Note that these tables should only be used for non-player characters; 71-80 Above average
player characters’ personalities should be created by the players themselves, 81-90 Extensive
and they should not get any adjustments to their initial ability scores other than 91-00 Great
those described elsewhere in the rules.
For most NPCs, select 1d4+1 personality traits. If two mutually exclusive traits
come up (for instance, brave and craven), re-roll the second one until
something compatible is selected. If the same trait comes up twice, that trait is
especially prevalent.

Creating Characters – Non-player Characters


Die Roll Die Roll Die Roll Die Roll
(d%) Personality Trait (d%) Personality Trait (d%) Physical Trait (d%) Physical Trait
01 Abrasive 51 Interested in legends 01 Always snacking 51 Mole
02 Aesthetic 52 Interested in nature 02 Bad breath 52 Monocle
03 Aggressive 53 Interested in politics 03 Bald 53 Nervous tic
04 Aloof 54 Interested in religion 04 Beady eyes 54 No earlobes
05 Altruist 55 Interested in sports 05 Beauty mark 55 Obese
06 Antagonistic 56 Introverted 06 Beer belly 56 Overweight
07 Anti-social 57 Irreverent 07 Big bushy beard 57 Painted fingernails
08 Arrogant 58 Jealous 08 Big ears 58 Pale skin
09 Bawdy 59 Lazy 09 Big teeth 59 Perfect teeth
10 Blustering 60 Loquacious 10 Blinks often 60 Picks fingernails
11 Brave 61 Low self-esteem 11 Body odor 61 Picks teeth
12 Brooding 62 Loyal 12 Bounces leg (seated) 62 Pimples
13 Careless 63 Lusty 13 Braided beard 63 Plays with knife
14 Cheerful 64 Meticulous 14 Braided hair 64 Plump
15 Conscientious 65 Mischievous 15 Broad forehead 65 Pointed chin
16 Contrarian 66 Miserly 16 Broad nose 66 Pointed nose
17 Courteous 67 Modest 17 Burn mark 67 Pug nose
18 Cowardly 68 Neurotic 18 Chuckles 68 Purses lips
19 Craven 69 Obsequious 19 Cleft chin 69 Repeats last words
20 Creative 70 Obsessive 20 Cleft palate 70 Repeats others’ words
21 Crude 71 Optimist 21 Clumsy 71 Round face
22 Cruel 72 Overbearing 22 Cowlick 72 Scruffy looking
23 Deceitful 73 Perceptive 23 Cracks knuckles 73 Short
24 Diplomatic 74 Perverted 24 Cringes 74 Simpers
25 Disciplined 75 Pessimist 25 Curly hair 75 Slender
26 Drunkard 76 Pious 26 Distinctive birthmark 76 Spits
27 Easygoing 77 Proud 27 Double chin 77 Squints
28 Energetic 78 Rash 28 Eye patch 78 Stares
29 Eventempered 79 Religious 29 Face scar 79 Stocky
30 Extroverted 80 Reverent 30 Flaxen hair 80 Stuffy nose
31 Fastidious 81 Rude 31 Flirts 81 Stumbles
32 Focused 82 Sadistic 32 Freckles 82 Sucks teeth
33 Foolhardy 83 Scheming 33 Frizzy hair 83 Sweet smell
34 Forceful 84 Secretive 34 Gaudy jewelry 84 Tall
35 Forgiving 85 Sensitive 35 Goatee 85 Tanned
36 Friendly 86 Sloppy 36 Grinds teeth 86 Tattoos
37 Gambler 87 Sober 37 Growls 87 Thick lips
38 Gourmet 88 Spendthrift 38 Harelip 88 Thin
39 Greedy 89 Studious 39 Haughty expression 89 Thin lips
40 Hard-hearted 90 Suspicious 40 Hawk nose 90 Thinning hair
41 Haughty 91 Teetotaler 41 Heterochromia 91 Tosses/catches item
42 Hedonist 92 Thrifty 42 Laughs obnoxiously 92 Unibrow
43 Helpful 93 Trusting 43 Licks his lips 93 Very long fingers
44 Honorable 94 Truthful 44 Lisps 94 Voluptuous figure
45 Hostile 95 Undisciplined 45 Long fingernails 95 Waxed mustache
46 Hotheaded 96 Unfeeling 46 Long hair 96 Wheezes
47 Humble 97 Vengeful 47 Lots of makeup 97 Wild eyes
48 Inquisitive 98 Violent 48 Missing many teeth 98 Winks
49 Intellectual 99 Virtuous 49 Missing most teeth 99 Yellow teeth
50 Interested in history 00 Wastrel 50 Missing one eye 00 Zaftig

For most NPCs, select or roll randomly 1d3 physical traits. If two mutually Hiring NPC Spell Casters
exclusive traits come up (for instance, bald and frizzy hair), or one which is
otherwise unsuited, re-roll the second one until something compatible is As opposed to actually taking on a henchman of a spell casting class, the time
selected. If the same trait comes up twice, that trait is especially prevalent. will doubtless come when the player characters ask some mage or cleric to
cast a spell on their behalf. It may well be that in your campaign, such casting-
for-hire is Simply Not Done, and finding an NPC willing to do so will be difficult
in the extreme. However, should you wish to permit it (and doing so will most
likely not unbalance the game too much), you may use the following as
guidelines. Under no circumstances will any spell caster cast any spell that has
even the potential for harmful side effects such as magical aging,
feeblemindedness, the potential of a berserk elemental, etc.


It should also be noted that simply because PCs wish to commission the casting Spell Donation Required
of a spell, there is no guarantee that anyone in whatever locale they find Cure critical wounds 600 g.p.
themselves will actually be able (or willing) to do so. Detect evil (detect good) 100 g.p.
Detect magic 150 g.p.
Dispel evil (dispel good) 1,000 g.p.
Dispel magic 500 g.p.
Divination 1,000 g.p.
Earthquake 10,000 g.p.
Exorcise 7,000 g.p.
Find the path 5,500 g.p.
Gate 50,000 g.p.
Glyph of warding 500 g.p.
Heal 200 g.p. per h.p. healed
Neutralize poison 1,000 g.p.
Part water 11,000 g.p.
Plane shift 4,000 g.p.
Prayer 250 g.p.
Protection from evil 50 g.p.
Purify food and drink 100 g.p.
Raise dead 5,500 g.p.
Regenerate 15,000 g.p.
Remove curse 2,500 g.p.
Resist cold 50 g.p.
Resist fire 300 g.p.
Restoration 10,000 g.p. plus 10,000 g.p. per
level of the recipient
Silence 15’ radius 300 g.p.
Slow poison 600 g.p.
Speak with dead 500 g.p.
Tongues 500 g.p.
True seeing 3,600 g.p.

For spells that are not listed above, the game master is encouraged to use
those listed as a guideline.

Mage Spells

Mages (and their sub-classes) will also take the alignment of a potential client
Clerical Spells into consideration when setting a fee for casting a spell. The base fee charged
is given below; double it for those who are obviously of a different alignment
It is of a certainty that clerics (and their sub-classes) of opposite alignment to than the caster, and triple it for those whose alignment is inimical to that of the
the party, or who worship a deity antithetical to that professed by one or more caster.
player characters, will refuse to cast spells on their behalf outright. However,
those who are neutral towards the player characters, or who share an TABLE 8: MAGE SPELLS CAST BY NPCS
alignment and/or deity, will be willing to do so, for a fitting honorarium. The

Illusion/ Phantasm
upkeep of temples and churches is not a cheap enterprise by any stretch, and
there is always a new bell to be purchased for the steeple, or a new set of


gold-clad altar plate that needs buying. Clerics of the same alignment and/or



religion will ask the following prices as a donation. Clerics who are merely

non-hostile will certainly ask at least twice these amounts, depending on the
cantrip 20 10 20 20 5 10
1 200 100 200 200 50 100
Spell Donation Required
2 400 200 300 350 100 250
Astral spell 5,000 g.p. per person
3 800 400 500 550 150 500
Atonement 500 g.p. per recipient’s level
4 1,200 700 800 750 200 950
Augury 300 g.p.
5 2,000 1,100 1,200 1,050 300 1,550
Bless 5 g.p. per person
6 2,800 1,600 1,700 1,400 400 2,300
Commune 1,000 g.p. plus 500 per question
7 3,600 2,200 2,300 1,800 500 3,200
Continual light 500 g.p.
8 4,200 2,900 3,000 2,250 600 4,250
Control weather 10,000 g.p.
9 4,800 3,700 3,800 2,750 800 5,450
Cure blindness 1,000 g.p.
Cure disease 1,000 g.p.
Note that the above cost does not include the cost of any spell components.
Cure light wounds 100 g.p.
Such expenses are added to the base cost and must be paid by the person
Cure serious wounds 350 g.p.
commissioning the spell.

The Game Environment – Dungeons

The Game Environment

ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ is played in an imaginary world of the game
master’s creation. While information on how, exactly, the world is created will
be found later in this book, this section deals with how the characters function
in the world that has been created. Many, if not most, of the situations in which
the characters find themselves will be covered herein, but adventurers are
inventive if nothing else, and when you find yourself in an area the rules have
not covered, remember that your word is law. Rely on your knowledge and
instinct, and perhaps a die roll, to make a ruling.

Many times, the world created by the game master will include a number of
underground labyrinths, in which dwell all manner of hostile creatures, while
great treasures lie guarded by sly and deadly traps. These dungeons can
consist of thousands of chambers and miles of corridors, spanning dozens of
levels. They can also consist of much more modest installations, as small as a
single room. Dungeons do have a certain number of conventions, which you
should feel free to use, ignore, or turn on their head as you wish. Sometimes
foiling player expectations by playing on what they think should be in a
dungeon is the best way to shake things up and add zest to a game.

As a general rule of thumb, the deeper the dungeon level, the more difficult
the challenges. But this is not the only way that this sentiment can be expressed.
This can easily be modified to be “the further away from the starting point, the
more difficult the challenges,” depending on the geography of the place.
Imagine a ruined city where it gets harder as one moves towards the center,
or a mountain where one starts at the base and works one’s way up to the
summit (where, naturally, the most difficult encounters, and the most fabulous
treasures, are to be found).

Random Encounters Climbing

Dungeon floors and walls tend to be slightly slippery, due to years of moisture
Dungeons which are large enough to warrant it should have their own random
seeping in, plus the growth of mold, lichen, and moss on the walls. This will
encounter tables. These represent patrols of intelligent creatures, beasts
affect the chances of thieves to climb walls while in dungeons; the movement
roaming the halls in search of food, etc. As a rule, you should check once per
rate is reduced to half, as is the chance of success. Truly slippery surfaces (such
hour while the characters are in the dungeon, with a basic 1 in 6 chance of
as those encountered in rooms filled with lots of fungi and slimes, or those with
an encounter. Of course, if the party is making excessive noise or otherwise
large bodies of water in the room) will cut movement to ¼ normal speed, and
calling attention to itself, a special roll should be made on the spot. Too, you
the chance of success to 1/10th of normal.
may determine that a certain group of creatures sends regular patrols in
specific areas around its lair; lawful creatures in particular are likely to follow
such a strict schedule, while chaotic creatures are more likely to be found at Doors
varying times. Note that if the characters decide to “camp out” in the dungeon
itself to rest, you should still roll for encounters, as monsters can certainly come Dungeon doors are notoriously uncooperative. They will often be stuck,
upon sleeping adventurers as easily as upon watchful ones. requiring an open doors check. Opening a stuck door consists of trying to
“shoulder it open” and can be done up to once per round, but each attempt
Light will mean an immediate random encounter check due to the noise. Monsters
in the dungeon, however, never seem to have a similar problem with stuck
doors. Dungeon doors also have a tendency to close behind explorers without
No matter their size, most dungeons share certain characteristics. For one
warning, unless they are held open with iron spikes. Of course, setting such
thing, they are dark, and explorers must rely on light they bring with them.
spikes is a noisy process, and can attract nearby creatures. Pounding spikes
Magic weapons will usually glow with a weak light that extends 10’ from the
to hold open a door takes one round, and will result in an automatic random
weapon itself. Torches will provide light for 30’ in all directions, and lanterns
encounter check.
60’. Certain magic spells and items will also provide light. While some
creatures have infravision (and others ultravision), it is not always wise to rely
One-way doors will, as the name suggests, only allow movement in one
on such, as dungeon corridors tend to be of a uniform heat and often features
direction. However, as an added feature, they are usually completely
or traps can be missed without actual light.
camouflaged from the other side, as if they were secret doors. Thus, it is
possible to move through such a door and be completely stymied when one
tries to retrace one’s steps.


Sloping Passages away and can still be seen, or have ducked around a corner or through a door
within 50’ of the orcs, or after 5 minutes have elapsed in any case.
Sloping passages need to go 100’ for every 10’ of vertical drop in order for
them to be undetectable. Any steeper and the slant will be noticeable even by Of course, circumstances must always dictate the success or failure of such
non-dwarves. Thus, players may well find themselves on a different level of the things. If the pursued party drops treasure, for example, intelligent pursuers
dungeon than they believe themselves to be on. For this reason, dungeons might stop to pick it up. If there are barriers, etc. sight might be blocked. The
which use this trick should have many such lengthy corridors in them; otherwise game master should feel free, as always, to use his discretion.
the presence of an unusually long passageway will be a dead giveaway that
something is up. Don’t forget, however, that such slopes don’t need to be long One might wonder why it matters when a slower pursuer will give up the chase.
straight hallways; they can certainly twist and turn around like any other Quite simply, given the constrained nature of many dungeon environments, it
dungeon corridor. Just make sure you keep track of how far above or below is entirely possible that the pursued party might flee into a dead-end or even
the rest of the level a given piece of hallway is, to make sure that it doesn’t into another area where additional enemies await. Thus, it is crucial that the
intersect some room or passage on another level. actual amount of time that they are fleeing be noted, because even a slower
pursuer might be able to catch up to prey that needs to halt its retreat.

Traps Note that it is impossible to map while being pursued. When player characters
are being pursued, and they come upon intersections or doors, the game
When thieves say “I’m going to check for traps”, they are initiating a two-step master should simply ask “right or left?” or whatever is applicable. No cardinal
process. First, they need to successfully roll to detect the trap. Even if there isn’t directions or distances should be given, nor should player characters who are
one there, the game master should roll (secretly) and announce the result in not intimately familiar with the environment be allowed to consult a map.
such a way as to not tip his hand as to whether the roll was successful or not
(“you do not find any traps”). Pursuit in close urban areas should use these rules. Pursuit in spread-out villages
or hamlets, where there is a lot of ground between buildings, should use the
If a trap is successfully discovered, however, a second roll must be made to pursuit rules for wildernesses (below).
disarm it. Only one attempt to find or disarm a trap is allowed per thief, per
trap. However, on a roll of 00 to disarm the trap, it will go off in the thief’s
face. The Wilderness
Finding traps will take 1d10 minutes. Disarming them will take 1d4 minutes. “Wilderness” in this case can refer to any sort of overland travel, whether it
There is usually no chance of a misfire. Don’t forget to check for random be in more civilized regions or those which are less so. As characters travel
encounters! overland, there is a chance for an encounter with some sort of creature. As a
rule, as game master you should set up your own encounter tables to determine
Of course, nothing says that all traps need to be equally discoverable or the type of creature(s) encountered based on the particulars of your campaign
disarmable. For any given trap, the game master may determine that a setting and its inhabitants.
modifier exists, and note such in the dungeon key.
Random Encounters
Pursuit in the Dungeon and Cities
The chance for a random encounter in the wilderness depends on the terrain
Pursuit in a dungeon is a function of movement rate and how much of a lead and how populated the area is. Chances of encounters are cumulative, but
the pursued creature(s) has. If the pursuing creature is slower, they will not be encounter check frequency should use the smallest applicable number (i.e., a
able to see where the pursued side goes in the twisty maze of passages, doors, group traveling on a road through the mountains would have a 0% chance of
etc. They may be able to keep the pursued within visual sight for a while getting lost).
(particularly when the pursued have light sources) but will ultimately lose them.
The game master should be able to calculate fairly easily at what point the TABLE 10: WILDERNESS ENCOUNTERS
pursuit will become pointless by counting squares on his map. (If needed, roll Check for Chance of
randomly when the pursued force comes upon an option such as a door, Terrain Encounter Every… Encounter
intersection, etc.). Of course, if the pursuing party has a ranger or other means Plain 8 hours 10%
of tracking the pursued party, those rules will take precedence. When a Scrub 6 hours 10%
pursuing NPC or group of monsters will give up the pursuit depends on their Forest 4 hours 5%
relative speed. Desert 8 hours 5%
Hills 8 hours 5%
TABLE 9: GIVING UP PURSUIT Mountains 12 hours 5%
Pursuer Pursued Marsh 4 hours 5%
Circumstance Faster Equally Fast Faster Road 2 hours +15%
Pursued is in sight, pursuer n/a 150’ 100’ Within 5 miles of settlement n/a +10%
will give up if they were this Within 20 miles of settlement n/a +8%
far ahead…
Pursued is out of sight, 200’ 80’ 50’ In the above table, “n/a” indicates that the entry simply does not add anything
pursuer will give up if they to the surrounding terrain; a party traveling on a road leading through the
were this far ahead… mountains should still check once every 12 hours. If a random encounter is
Pursuit has lasted… n/a 10 min. 5 min. indicated, roll for the appropriate entry in the random encounter tables. As
with dungeons, don’t forget that random encounters can happen at night, when
Example: A group of orcs is pursuing a group of elves. Since the elves move the party is less on its guard, as well.
quicker than the orcs, the orcs will give up the pursuit once the elves are 100’

The Game Environment – The Wilderness

Becoming Lost

The chance of becoming lost should be checked each day when the characters
are moving without either a knowledgeable guide, someone with relevant skills
or abilities (such as the ability to detect direction) or a good map. Naturally,
those following some well-defined landmark such as a road or river, or who
are heading for a particular smoking volcano clearly visible over the treeline,
will not become lost.


Terrain Chance of Becoming Lost
Plain 10%
Scrub 30%
Forest 70%
Desert 40%
Hills 20%
Mountains 50%
Marsh 60%
Within 5 miles of settlement -5%
Weather other than clear +20%

If the party becomes lost, roll 1d12 to determine their new direction:

Die Roll (d12) New Direction

1-2 Forward-right
3-4 Right
5 Back-right
6 Backwards
7 Back-left
8-9 Left
10-12 Forward-left

If the party moves into an area they have previously traveled, they will realize
their error. Similarly, if they are lost one day, and the die roll indicates they
Normal Actively
are not lost the next, they will have realized their mistake and can backtrack if
Circumstance Modifier Hiding
they desire (losing two day’s travel, of course).
Night: starlight (no moon) -20% n/a
Night: twilight -20% n/a
Pursuit in the Wilderness and Villages Open terrain (plains, desert, etc.) +50% +40%
Per 12 hours that has elapsed since the -5% -5%
Pursuit in the wilderness is a somewhat different affair than in a dungeon creature being tracked passed
setting, because the movement of either party is usually not nearly so Per creature in group being tracked over the +2% +2%
constrained. Unlike a dungeon, tracking is possible in a wilderness as the first
pursuers are able to follow noise, tracks, etc. to find their prey. Pursued force less than 6 pairs of legs -10% -10%
Pursued force more than 12 pairs of legs +20% +20%
There is a base 50% chance of being able to track prey. Use the following Pursued force more than 50 pairs of legs +30% +30%
modifiers (all are cumulative). Roll once for the entire pursuit; it is either Pursuing force less than 12 individuals +20% +20%
successful or it is not. If circumstances change, roll for each point where they Pursuing force more than 24 individuals -10% -10%
change. The following modifiers apply; the column labeled “actively hiding” Pursuing party includes a ranger + (ranger’s level +1 x 10%)
is used when the pursued creature(s) are taking steps to actively hide their (max. 110%)
passage; deliberately obscuring footprints, etc. Note that doing so slows down Semi-open terrain (scrub, marsh, hills, etc.) -10% -10%
the pursued force by half. Slowest member of pursued group is faster -10% -10%
than fastest member of pursuing force
TABLE 12: WILDERNESS PURSUIT MODIFIERS Terrain allows impressions (mud, sand, +20% +10%
Normal Actively snow, dirt floor, etc.)
Circumstance Modifier Hiding Terrain allows occasional spoors (wooden ±0% -50%
Close terrain (mountains, forest, jungle, etc.) -30% -40% floor, stony path, other creatures confusing
Fastest member of pursuing force is faster +10% +10% the trail, etc.)
than slowest member of pursued force Terrain allows signs of passage (broken +10% ±0%
For every hour of rain or snow since the trail -25% -25% grass, etc.)
was made Terrain does not allow signs (solid stone, -50% Automatic
Night: dark night (no moon, no stars) -50% n/a etc.) failure

The game master should always use common sense when determining whether
or not tracking is possible, and may at his discretion apply other modifiers


based on the conditions at the time. Some creatures, such as those that leave Swimming
a slimy trail, will almost always be able to be tracked. It should always be
remembered, however, that tracking involves more than merely visual clues on There is no secondary skill required to know how to swim. As a rule, you can
the ground; scent, broken cobwebs, absent or disturbed animals (agitated assume that any human, elf, stout halfling, gnome, or half-orc character knows
birds, for example), and other factors are all taken into account. Also, when how to swim, unless there is some reason to declare that he cannot (growing
indoors or underground, unless the pursuer is familiar with tracking the type of up in a desert village, for example). Dwarves will be in the reverse situation;
creature in question, or has actually seen the creature making the tracks in unless there is an extraordinary reason for assuming a dwarf has been able to
question, tracking will be all but impossible. learn to swim at some point, assume he cannot. No matter what the race of
the character is, swimming can be learned (at least to a basic level) in 1d6
When tracking, the pursuers will move slower than they would ordinarily: days, assuming there is a sufficient body of water around in which he can
Chance to Track Good Light Poor Light TABLE 14: ARMOR AND SWIMMING
71% or greater 75% speed 67% speed Wearer can Swim?
31% to 70% 67% speed 50% speed Armor Type Normal Armor Magic Armor
30% or less 50% speed 25% speed None Yes Yes
Helmet only Yes Yes
Pursuit in spread-out villages or hamlets, where there is a lot of ground between Cuirass (leather) Awkward Yes
buildings, should use these rules. Pursuit in close urban areas should use the Furs Awkward Awkward
pursuit rules for dungeons (above). Gambeson Awkward Awkward
Lamellar (leather) Awkward Yes
A group that catches another unawares at a distance of 20’ or more may Ring armor No Awkward
automatically evade, if they so choose, as long as they remain unseen and Brigandine armor No Awkward
unheard. Scale armor (leather) Awkward Yes
Cuirass (steel) Awkward Yes
Forced March Lamellar armor (steel) No Awkward
Scale armor (steel) No Awkward
Those moving overland may elect to move faster than normal. This is referred Mail No Awkward
to as “forced march”. Plated mail No Awkward
Plate armor No No
Those on foot may increase their speed by 1/3 per day. Thus, someone who Jousting plate No No
is moving on foot and is lightly burdened can travel 40 miles through clear
terrain rather than 30 (see the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual “Awkward” in the above table means that swimming is possible, but there is
for overland travel rates). Such characters will take 1 h.p. of damage per day a 5% chance per hour of drowning, plus 2% for every 5 lbs. of weight being
of forced march unless they make a constitution check. Remember that healing carried (other than the armor itself). Note that 20 lbs. or more of possessions
requires a full day of rest, not merely a night’s sleep. (including weapons, packs, loot, etc.) means the character will sink to the
bottom automatically; strength is not a factor for that determination. Once on
Those who are traveling on horseback or in some horse-drawn conveyance the bottom, the wearer can walk, of course; see below. Characters who can
such as a chariot or wagon can improve their movement rate by 20%. swim can move at one-third their normal movement rate while swimming.
However, there is a 10% chance that one of the horses or other animals in the Naturally, currents will either add to or subtract from that movement rate,
group will go lame from such treatment. Lame horses will move at 50% speed depending on whether the character is swimming with or against the current.
until allowed to rest for 1d6 days without having to walk. In particularly large A current in a slow-moving river will be 10’/min., while a swift stream could
groups (those with over 12 mounts or draft animals) 1d10% of the animals in be as fast as 60’/min.
the group will be affected if lameness is indicated (round up). EXAMPLE: A
troop of 30 horsemen decides to force march. The game master rolls an 07
for lameness, indicating that some of the mounts have gone lame from the
extended riding. He rolls a d10 and gets a 6, so 6% of the total number of
animals in the group have gone lame, or 2 of the 30.

In a group where some are mounted and some are moving by foot, both rules
apply if they are moving in a forced march.

Those traveling by boat or ship cannot force march.

Swimming and Underwater Travel

Whether in a dungeon environment or while traveling overland, characters will
often need to deal with water.

Rules for drowning can be found on p. 12, but the following information relates
directly to both swimming normally and functioning underwater. It should also Functioning Underwater
be noted that complete rules for ships and waterborne adventures can be found
on p. 35.
It should never be forgotten that in a world of magic, various opportunities
exist for characters to be able to breathe underwater. Both spells and magic

The Game Environment – Flight

items will allow for this, and this opens up fascinating opportunities for
characters to engage in adventures while underwater: exploring sunken ships,
discovering entire cities vanished beneath the waves in ages past, and so forth.
Many creatures, magic items, and spells are either capable of, or bestow the
While so doing, however, they might encounter certain unique difficulties, as
described below. power of, flight. Not all flying creatures or devices are created equal, however.
Each will have both a speed and an agility listed. Speed, naturally, describes
how fast the creature or thing in question can fly. Agility refers to how quickly
As noted above, 20 lbs. is sufficient to hold most characters on the floor of
whatever sort of water is at hand: lake, river, sea, etc. While the sort of terrain it can turn, accelerate, and perform other maneuvers.
encountered may be different (coral, seaweed, etc.) it will still need to be
navigated. While underwater, characters without some specific magical
means of movement will be left to move at the dungeon exploration rate. Those Turn Radius (per Accelerate to Full
Agility minute) Speed
with fins, a ring of free action, etc. can move at three times that rate.
Perfect 180° 6 seconds
Vision will naturally be impaired while underwater, with the exact distance Good 120° 36 seconds
determined by the depth and type of water: Average 90° 1 minute
Poor 60° 2 minutes
TABLE 15: UNDERWATER VISIBILITY Clumsy 30° 4 minutes
Visibility Visibility
Depth (Fresh Water) (Salt Water) Only creatures with perfect agility are able to conduct fancy maneuvers like
corkscrews, aerial loops, and the like. Those with perfect or good agility can
10’ 50’ 100’
hover. All flying creatures can move, dive, climb, etc. unless otherwise
20’ 40’ 90’
30’ 30’ 80’
40’ 20’ 70’
Most flying monsters will use some or all of their attacks when aloft, as
50’ 10’ 60’
indicated in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary. Intelligent creatures
60’ 0’ 50’
riding flying creatures as mounts or using magic to fly, however, will require
70’ 0’ 40’
several months of practice in order to use missile weapons while mounted.
80’ 0’ 30’
Those who have undertaken such training will treat short range as medium,
90’ 0’ 20’
and medium range as long range (-2 and -5 penalties “to hit,” respectively) in
100’ 0’ 10’
all cases. Melee combat is unaffected, but training is still required. Riders
110’ or deeper 0’ 0’
without such training will not be able to fight while flying. Bear in mind that
anyone mounted on a flying creature will need to be strapped into the saddle
Note that a light spell will allow vision to 30’ regardless of depth. Mud and
(which takes 1d3 minutes) or they will fall almost immediately upon takeoff.
silt, such as that kicked up by combat, will completely obscure vision for 1d6+1
minutes after a melee has been completed, if such is fought on any sort of
Any flying creature that loses half of its hit points while flying will find itself
underwater surface except stone or coral.
unable to continue flying and must land. If it takes 75% damage, it will fall,
rather than making a controlled landing.
In combat, only weapons that use a thrusting motion can be used, such as a
spear, trident, etc. Slashing weapons such as swords, or blunt weapons such
as maces and hammers, are useless. Weighted nets can be used, either with Hazards, Impediments, and Dangers
or without barbs. Creatures which are not native to the underwater
environment will always suffer a +15 initiative penalty when facing enemies The dangers that the world can produce to bring about the demise of
that are native underwater dwellers. The only missile weapons useful adventurers (and others!) are not limited to toothy monsters and extra-
underwater are spear guns. Shields are useless under normal circumstances dimensional demons. The natural world itself can be a pretty dangerous place,
underwater. and the game master should be cognizant of the potential for these hazards,
impediments, and dangers when designing his adventures.
Because combat underwater can take place in a 360° environment, it is
possible to have more figures than normal attacking a single individual. In such What follows are standardized rules for the effect of these sorts of perils, some
situations, use the following table to determine the maximum number of of which are completely natural in origin, and some of which might apply in
attackers per defender. many a dungeon setting.


Defender’s Size
Attacker’s Size Small Medium Large
An avalanche is a mass of snow, ice, and other debris that tumbles down the
Small 8 12 18
side of a mountain or cliff. They are extremely dangerous, and can even
Medium 6 8 12
destroy small buildings and other shelters. The amount of damage done by an
Large 3 6 8
avalanche depends on its size and where the character is relative to the source.
In addition, attacks from below are always made as if they were from the rear,
thus they are made with a +4 bonus “to hit.” In addition, thieves can backstab
Character is on Small Medium Large
from below as if they were attacking from the rear.
the… Avalanche Avalanche Avalanche
Base of the slope 2d10 2d12 2d20
Special spell effects or limitations when cast underwater are given in the
Slope itself 3d10 3d12 3d20
appropriate spell description.
If a character is on the slope when the avalanche hits, they run the risk of being
carried away by it. Characters who take any sort of cover before the


avalanche hits, including simply huddling on the ground, have a 50% chance that any effect will be permanent, even if the duration is passed (spells such as
of being carried away. Those who are standing or walking must make a cure disease will be effective in curing even these effects, however). There is
successful bend bars check to avoid being carried away. also a 25% chance that any disease will result in the loss of 50% of hit points
for its duration, in addition to the effect noted above. It should be noted that if
All characters caught in an avalanche must make a CON check. Failure no symptoms appear, it may be the case that the victim doesn’t even realize
indicates they are unconscious and will suffocate in 1d6+4 minutes. In the he has a disease, which is particularly worrisome if the disease is fatal.
aftermath of an avalanche, there is a 10% chance of successfully locating a
buried comrade, plus 1% per point of intelligence, plus another 25% if they The constitution of the character will also have an effect, as indicated below.
are conscious and trying to dig themselves out.
Disease Constitution Contraction Duration Fatality
Score Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment
In a world where clerics are able to cure disease, infection of one sort or 3 +2% 200% +2%
another poses less of a problem for adventurers than it otherwise might. There 4-6 +1% 150% +1%
are only two circumstances where disease will pose a real threat: if there is no 7-9 - - -
5th level cleric available or if so many people are diseased and the infection 10-12 -1% - -1%
is spreading so rapidly that all the 5th level clerics are unable to keep up. 13-15 -2% 75% -2%
16-17 -3% 50% -3%
Each character should be checked for disease whenever one of the following 18 -4% 25% -4%
circumstances occurs: 19-22 -7% 10% Never
23-25 -10% 1% Never
 They come in contact with someone who is already diseased, or
are otherwise directly exposed (dungeon middens and garbage Leprosy
pits are a prime opportunity)
 They are wounded and are moving through swamp, jungle, There is one disease in all the repertoire of pathology that defies almost all
brackish water, raw sewage, etc. magical attempts at curing. That is the dreaded disease of leprosy. It is the
 They are in a generally unsanitary environment and take no special single disease that resists completely the spell cure disease. As such, it is
precautions (in the camp of a stationary army, large city slums, or especially feared, not only for its debilitating effects, but for the fact that once
any city in summer without impeccable sewer systems, etc.) you’re a leper, you’re a leper for life. The spell heal will cure leprosy, but only
if the subject fails a saving throw vs. magic. If the saving throw is successful,
If any of those circumstances occurs, there is a base 1% chance that a not only is the intended subject still a leper, but the one who attempted to cast
character will contract a disease, cumulative per week. If they are afflicted, the spell will also contract the disease automatically. Only one attempt to cast
use the following table to determine the effect (if they are infected by someone heal can be made by the same caster on the same leper. Deities who cast heal
else, they’ll have the same malady as the carrier of the disease, naturally). As on a leper will be automatically successful in the attempt.
game master, you may wish to develop a whole slew of more interesting and
detailed diseases (with equally interesting and evocative names) for your It is not a disease that can be contracted casually; it can only be contracted
campaign. from other lepers or through certain special circumstances: some monsters, for
example, transmit the disease, it could be caused by cursed scrolls or other
TABLE 19: DISEASE items, and the game master may designate any other circumstances as he sees
Die Roll fit.
(d%) Onset Effect Duration Fatality
01-48 1d6 days -1 STR, -1 1d6 weeks 20% The chance of contracting leprosy from contact with a leper depends on the
CON level of contact.
49 2d6 hours -1 INT, -1 DEX 1d12 hours 50%
50-51 4d6 hours -1 STR, -1 DEX, Continuous 100% Level of Contact Chance to Contract
-1 CON, -1 until any one There’s a leper within 10 miles* 1% of 1% (roll d%; if it’s 01,
CHA per month statistic roll again; if it’s 01 again, you
reaches 0 have contracted leprosy)
52-54 1d8 days Hearing loss 1d3 weeks 10% You are in the same room as a leper 1%
55-57 2d4 days Blindness in 1d3 weeks 10% You drink from the same cup or sleep in 2%
one eye (-2 “to the same bed as a leper
hit” with missile You are within 5’ of a leper 3%
weapons) You physically touch a leper 10%
58-60 1d12 days Blindness 1d3 weeks 10%
61-79 1d6 days -1 DEX 1d3 weeks 0% * Does not apply if a leper colony or leprosaria is in the area, which imposes
80-81 1d4 days -1 CON 1d3 weeks 0% quarantine conditions on those within.
82-83 1d4 days -1 STR, -1 DEX 1d12 10%
months Those afflicted with leprosy are so afflicted for life. There is a 10% chance that
84-94 1d8 days -1 CHA 1d6 weeks 0% the disease will be fatal in 1d6 months. Those who are affected will heal
95-98 1d20 hours -1 DEX, -1 1d6 weeks 10% wounds at only 10% of the normal rate, and will find that cure spells (cure light
CON wounds, etc.) do not affect them. Those afflicted will lose 2 points of charisma
99-00 2d12 hours None 1d6 weeks 10% per month, although charisma can never go lower than 1. For those for whom
the disease is not fatal, this will last 1d6 months.
Fatality indicates the chance that, if a given disease is contracted and allowed
to progress to its full duration, the sufferer will then die. There is a 1% chance

The Game Environment – Hazards, Impediments, and Dangers

(Please note that the leprosy is a real-life disease, and in the real world it does but in addition there is a possibility of soil liquefaction (15% chance), in which
not necessarily conform to the behaviors or statistics presented above. The an area of ground some 10-40 yards in radius temporarily turns to quicksand
above is an approximation of popular medieval beliefs surrounding the (see p. 16 for details). The strongest earthquakes will leave large chunks of soil
disease, adapted for use in a fantasy role-playing game.) and rock thrust up and overturned. Earthquakes near or under the sea could
also cause a tsunami-type flood (see p. 14).
Earthquakes are sometimes found in conjunction with volcanoes (see p. 17 for
Treading Water details).

A character does not need to know how to swim in order to tread water. An Extreme Temperature
unencumbered character can tread water for 10 minutes for every point of
strength he possesses. This is cut in half for moderately encumbered characters It should be noted that damage sustained from (non-magical) cold or heat as
(which includes those wearing non-metal armor by default) and reduced to a described below can be healed at the rate of 1 h.p. per hour, as long as the
quarter for heavily encumbered characters (including those wearing metal character is brought into a relatively comfortable environment and has suffered
armor by default). After that, the character must make a STR check every 10 neither frostbite nor heatstroke. In that case, damage must be healed normally.
minutes to keep his head above water. Bear in mind that certain types of clothing will allow the wearer to feel warmer
than the actual temperature.
Holding Your Breath
A normal character, with a few seconds of preparation to fill his lungs, can
hold his breath underwater for 30 seconds per point of constitution. If he was If characters are out in extreme sub-zero cold without adequate protection,
unable to fill his lungs, this time is cut in half. If he is engaged in any sort of they will take damage automatically every minute until they either don some
strenuous activity (other than swimming, of course) such as combat, this time sort of warm clothing, move out of the cold, or get some other sort of protection.
limit is also halved (both penalties are cumulative, and should be rounded
down). At the end of that time, the character must make a CON check every TABLE 21: DAMAGE FROM COLD
minute, with a +2 penalty cumulative for every minute thereafter. Failing a Temperature Damage per Minute
CON check means the character has drowned. Minus 1 - 10° F 1 h.p.
Minus 11 - 20° F 2 h.p.
Example: Drogo has a CON of 14. He holds his breath and dives into a pool, Minus 21 - 30° F 3 h.p.
where he is attacked by a giant crab. Because he was able to fill his lungs Minus 31 - 40° F 4 h.p.
before entering, he would normally be able to survive for 7 minutes, but Etc. Etc.
because he is in combat, the time is reduced to three. After 3 rounds have
elapsed, he must make a CON check with a +2 penalty. In the next round, he Any sort of wind will double the rate of damage due to cold. If hands, feet, or
must make a CON check with a +4 penalty. And so forth. face are exposed, frostbite will set in after 8 h.p. of damage have taken place.
If that happens, damage is healed at the normal 1 h.p. per day.
Natural earthquakes (as opposed to those caused by magical means, such as
the spell earthquake) come in three intensities: light, moderate, and strong. Characters in extreme heat can suffer from either heat exhaustion or heat stroke
(On the Richter scale, that would equate to 3.9, 4.9, and 5.9, respectively.) (which is much more serious). Characters in heat of 100° F or more must make
a CON check every 30 minutes. Failure indicates that heat exhaustion damage
Light earthquakes (1.0 - 3.9 on the Richter scale) are usually not even felt, or has been taken.
if they are, they are not recognized for what they are. A light quake will only
last a few seconds, and will ruin spell concentration, cause thieves to spring TABLE 22: DAMAGE FROM HEAT
traps while disarming them 50% of the time, and otherwise threaten activities Temperature Damage per 30 Minutes
that require particularly delicate work. 100 - 105° F 1
106 - 110° F 2
Moderate earthquakes (4.0 - 5.9 on the Richter scale) are definitely felt. They 111 - 115° F 3
will last for 1d6+9 seconds, and rarely (30% chance) up to 30 seconds. They 116 - 120° F 4
can affect an area up to 5 miles or so in radius. Those climbing walls, trees, 120° F or greater 5
etc. will need to make both a DEX check and a STR check to avoid toppling,
and have only half the normal chance of success. Missile fire will be done at Once 8 points of such damage have been sustained, the character has suffered
a -5 penalty “to hit.” Those on or at the base of cliffs will suffer from the effects heat stroke and has a 50% chance of collapsing every 30 minutes. Once heat
of a landslide or mudslide (see p. 15 for details). Floods (see p. 14) may result stroke has been suffered (whether or not the character collapses), the character
if large bodies of water are disturbed. Fissures could open up spontaneously will lose 1 point of constitution every 30 minutes. Once he reaches zero, he is
(20% chance), some 6d6 yards in length and 6d6 feet in depth. Well-designed dead.
stone structures will suffer only minor damage, but those of wooden
construction or which are otherwise poorly built could suffer severe damage. Heat stroke victims can only heal at the normal rate of 1 h.p. per day (magical
healing notwithstanding). One point of constitution will likewise be restored
Strong earthquakes (6.0 and greater on the Richter scale) are true disasters. per full day of rest.
They will last from 1d6+3x10 (40-90) seconds and can affect an area a dozen
to a hundred miles around or more. All but the strongest stone structures will Armor
suffer great damage. Climbing is all but impossible, melee is conducted with -
6 penalties “to hit”, and missile fire is impossible. The same threat of floods, Almost any sort of armor worn will have the effect of insulating the wearer and
crevasses (40% chance), and landslides exists as for moderate earthquakes, thus increasing his body temperature. In cold conditions this can be a good


thing; in hot climates, not so much. For purposes of the following table, “cold”
means temperatures below freezing, and “heat” means temperatures above


Armor Type In Cold, Add In Heat, Add
Brigandine armor 5° 20°
Cuirass (leather) 0° 5°
Cuirass (steel) 0° 5°
Furs 15° 25°
Gambeson 25° 45°
Jousting plate 15° 35°
Lamellar (leather) 5° 15°
Lamellar armor (steel) 0° 10°
Mail 5° 15°
Plate armor 15° 35°
Plated mail 15° 30°
Ring armor 5° 10°
Scale armor (leather) 5° 15° TABLE 25: FALLING DOWN SLOPES DAMAGE
Scale armor (steel) 5° 15° Surface is… Gentle Slope Moderate Slope
Rough (stone) 1d3 per 10’ after the 1d6 per 10’ after the
This is in addition to any other adjustments for clothing, etc. first 20’, plus 1d6 per first 10’, plus 1d6 per
50’ after the first 50’ 40’ after the first 40’
Falling Normal (some 1d3 per 10’ after the 1d6 per 10’ after the
rocks) first 30’, plus 1d6 per first 20’, plus 1d6 per
A straight or near-vertical fall will do 1d6 h.p. of damage per 10’ fallen, up 50’ after the first 50’ 40’ after the first 40’
to a maximum of 50’. After 50’, the damage dice start to be added Smooth (grass, 1d3 per 10’ after the 1d3 per 10’ after the
cumulatively. A fall of less than 10’ normally does no damage (but you may faced stone, sand, first 40’, plus 1d3 per first 30’, plus 1d6 per
wish to assign 1d3 h.p. of damage, depending on the circumstances). ice) 40’ after the first 40’ 30’ after the first 30’
Soft (mud, snow) None, plus 1d3 per None, plus 1d6 per
TABLE 24: FALLING DAMAGE 50’ after the first 50’ 50’ after the first 50’
Distance Falling Damage
10’ 1d6 In the above table, the first damage done is from being banged against the
11-20’ 2d6 surface (and thus is higher on a rough surface than on a smooth one). The
21-30’ 3d6 second damage is from the impact at the end of the tumble; if the circumstances
31-40’ 4d6 dictate (such as a slope gradually getting gentler until it is flat), the impact
41-50’ 5d6 damage can be waived.
51-60’ 7d6
61-70’ 10d6 Note that a stone chute, such as is typically found in a dungeon setting, would
71-80’ 14d6 be considered “smooth”, and probably have a moderate slope.
81-90’ 19d6
91-100’ 25d6 Pit Traps

Any fall of more than 100’ without any sort of safety measures or magical A standard feature of dungeon complexes is the pit trap, and they generally
assistance will result in automatic death. Those falling onto specially hazardous come in two sorts: open and covered. An open pit trap is simply a hole cut in
surfaces (for example, sharpened spikes at the bottom of a pit trap) should the floor, usually (but not always) spanning the width of a corridor. Characters
make a saving throw vs. petrification or sustain some sort of extra penalty, as moving in the dark (or relying solely on infravision) will fall into such a pit
determined by the game master (usually extra damage). See “pit traps” below. automatically unless they are explicitly tapping the floor ahead of them with a
Sometimes, however, a character will not be falling down a smooth vertical
shaft to his doom. In most such cases, where the slope is moderate or gentle, Covered pit traps, on the other hand, are topped with a camouflaged trap
most of the damage inflicted will be from abrasion, rather than the impact of door, made to be indistinguishable from the floor around it. Such traps will not
the fall itself. always be discovered by tapping with a pole. It should go without saying that
a pole cannot be used to search for trap doors when running.


Circumstance Open Pit Covered Pit
Dark, no pole Automatic Automatic
Dark, pole DEX check DEX check, -4 penalty
Light, no pole, running DEX check, -4 Automatic
Light, no pole, DEX check, +2 DEX check
walking bonus
Light, pole DEX check, +4 DEX check, +2 bonus

The Game Environment – Hazards, Impediments, and Dangers


The amount of damage done by falling into a pit trap depends on the depth Die Roll (d20) Type of Insanity
of the pit; see above. Sometimes there will be spikes at the bottom of such pits. 1 Amnesiac
In such cases, the person falling on them must make a saving throw vs. 2 Catatonic
petrification. Failure indicates they have hit one of the spikes and must take an 3 Delusional
additional 1d6 h.p. of damage. Truly sadistic game masters may wish to have 4 Eating disorder
such spikes covered with some sort of poison, in which case a second saving 5 Echolalia
throw would be required if the spikes hit. 6 Echopraxia
7 Essential tremor
Falling Into Water 8 Hallucinatory
9 Homocidal
Those characters falling (or jumping) into water that is at least 10’ deep take 10 Hysteria
no damage for the first 20’ of the fall. Those characters with swimming skill 11 Mania
can dive up to 40’ into water and take no damage. If the dive is more than 12 Melancholy
40’ in height, they must make a skill check (with a -1 penalty for every 10’ 13 Multiple personality
past 40’), or else take damage from the “fall”, not counting the first 40’. 14 Obsession
15 Paranoid
Flood 16 Pathological liar
17 Phobic
Any character caught in an onrushing torrent of water will be swept along with 18 Psychosomatic illness
the flood. If there are objects in the path of the flood that can be grasped (trees, 19 Schizophasic
boulders, statues, grates, etc.) then characters may attempt to grab them to 20 Suicidal
avoid being swept along further by the current. A successful STR check means
the character has successfully grabbed the anchor, but additional checks must  Amnesiac: The victim loses all memory of his identity, the identity
be made every 2 minutes for the duration of the flood, or else the character of friends, etc. Also, 25% of all skills, memorized spells, class
has lost his grip. A failed check means the character takes 1d4 h.p. of damage abilities, etc. will be lost.
from being battered against the object itself.  Catatonic: Victim sits unmoving, completely unresponsive to outside
stimuli. They can be led around, fed, etc., but will not exhibit any
Floods will not cause any real damage to characters (other than noted above) real responses.
unless they are swept through an area of objects into which they could be  Delusional: The victim will believe himself to be a famous and
bashed, such as rocks or trees. If the course of the flood passes through such important personage (king, deity, archmage, etc.). Hostility will
objects, characters will take 1d4 h.p. per round. Drowning is rarely an actual result if the delusion is challenged.
danger unless the flood carries the characters into deeper water, they are  Eating disorder: The character will either be afflicted by bulimia,
pressed against a grate, etc. anorexia, etc. or will feel a compulsion to eat unusual things (dirt,
insects, scat, etc.).
A “flash flood,” such as those that sweep down dry riverbeds after rain, will  Echolalia: The victim will uncontrollably echo whatever those
usually last for 1d6+9 minutes. Other floods, such as those caused by water around him say.
hazards in dungeons, will last for as long as the game master determines, or  Echopraxia: The victim will uncontrollably repeat the actions of
as noted in the area description. those around him; if someone else swings a sword, he will do the
same (or something else to stand in for a sword). If someone casts
a spell, he will as well, etc.
Ice  Essential tremor: The victim is beset by uncontrollable shaking of a
hand, the head, the voice, etc. If making a STR, DEX, or CHA check,
Creatures moving across slippery ice can only move at 25% of their normal
there is a -4 penalty, plus a -4 penalty “to hit” and a 25% chance
movement rate, and each round must make a DEX check. Failure indicates they that any spell with a verbal or somatic component will be spoiled.
have fallen. They won’t take any damage, but will need to spend the next There is also a 25% penalty to any skill or power that requires a
round getting up, which could be problematic in some situations, such as in steady hand, such as picking pockets, finding and removing traps,
the middle of combat, or while being pursued. Note that movement up very etc.
icy slopes is generally not possible without some sort of tools to assist.  Hallucinatory: The victim sees and/or hears things that aren’t there.
The game master can decide what/where.
Insanity  Homicidal: The victim will be compelled to kill some human or demi-
human every 1d20 days. This is manifested not as a wild,
There are various forms of insanity, which can be inflicted upon a character uncontrollable fury, but rather as a sly cunning.
by curse, magic, or sometimes other factors. Unless the type of insanity is  Hysteria: The victim is gripped by uncontrollable laughing, crying,
specified, use the following table to determine the type of insanity randomly. shrieking, etc. If a long-term illness, will affect the character for
Insanity will be permanent unless otherwise noted. 1d20 minutes every 1d12 hours, or 20% of the time when in a
dangerous situation such as combat.
 Mania: The victim is beset by an uncontrollable rage, violently
lashing out at any and all around him.
 Melancholy: The victim is subject to black moods, and will exhibit
a complete lack of interest in anything. There is a 20-50% chance
(1d4+1x10) that any given event or situation will be ignored. The
chance for ignoring something will change every month (i.e., one
month there could be a 33% chance that the victim will ignore
something, and the next month it could be 24%).


 Multiple personality: The victim actually splits into 1d4 separate points (which are used up first if wounded, and disappear when
and distinct personalities, any one of which will be dominant for the character sobers up).
1d8 days. Each personality can have its own class (and believe  Passed out characters must make a saving throw vs. poison for
itself to be of a different race or gender), and should have its own every drink taken at this level. Failure indicates they pass out.
intelligence, wisdom, and charisma scores. The personalities are Otherwise they are penalized as if they were very intoxicated.
semi-aware of each other’s existence, and usually resent or fear the
others. Different types of alcoholic beverages might count as two or more “drinks” for
 Obsession: The victim will become obsessed with some project, purposes of determining intoxication. The game master is encouraged to invent
collection, object, person, substance, etc. Pyromania and a number of colorful types of drinks (dwarven stout ale counts as 3 drinks,
kleptomania fall within this category as well. elvish white Merlot counts as 2, etc.) for this purpose.
 Paranoid: The victim feels himself to be the target of shadowy
enemies, sees conspiracies where none exist, and can even believe Landslides
that friends or acquaintances are out to get him.
 Pathological liar: The victim cannot help but spin elaborate webs of Rockslides pose a great hazard both to travelers in the mountains and to those
deceit, creating tall tales about himself, his companions, history, or who are climbing on rock faces.
just about anything. When confronted with either a flat-out fact or
a self-contradiction, the pathological liar will deny any Those caught in a landslide while on the slope of a hill or mountain will be hit
contradiction even exists and will merrily go on with his pathology. by 1d6 rocks per minute for a total of 1d4+1 minutes. Each such rock will use
 Phobic: The victim is struck by an intense fear of some object, type attack column G, and will do 1d4 h.p. of damage if it hits. Each minute each
of creature, or situation. When faced with it, he will become character may make a DEX check to take only half damage (min. of 1 h.p. per
completely overwhelmed by fear, depending on the severity of the rock). If any character takes more than 20 h.p. of damage in a minute, he will
exposure, to the point of temporary catatonia. be swept down the slope and will suffer falling damage in addition to the
 Psychosomatic illness: The victim will believe himself to be stricken regular landslide damage (see p. 13 for details).
by some disease (see p. 11): blindness, deafness, etc. In the case
of an illness, roll as if the character were actually ill; the Characters at the bottom of a sheer cliff-face who are in the path of a landslide
accompanying statistic loss will still affect the character, but the will only be hit by 1d4-1 rocks per minute for 1-2 minutes. Those rocks,
illness will never be terminal. It will last as long as the insanity does, however, will strike on attack column L and will do 1d8 h.p. of damage. A
not as long as the illness would ordinarily last. shield can defend against each rock as if it were a separate opponent (thus a
 Schizophasic: The victim will babble uncontrollably, stringing buckler can defend against 1 rock, etc.). Shields used in such circumstances
together words and nonsense syllables into a “word salad” that can have a 75% chance of deflecting the rock completely.
be both amusing and disturbing, as occasional glimpses of lucidity
seem to be buried in the verbal landslide. Mudslide
 Suicidal: The victim will be fixated on his own death, and when
provided with a suitable opportunity will bring it about. Characters on the slope of a hill or mountain will, if caught in a mudslide, be
carried to the base of the slope unless they are able to grab something securely
Intoxication anchored such as a tree. The trip down will cause no damage, but the mud
pool bottom will be treated as a pool of quicksand (see p. 16 for details).
The amount that any character can drink before becoming intoxicated or
otherwise impaired depends on his constitution score. Molten Lava
TABLE 28: INTOXICATION Sometimes, especially when exploring deep below the surface of the earth,
Drinks to Reach Level of Intoxication adventurers will encounter lakes or rivers of molten lava that must be overcome.
Score Slightly Somewhat Very Passed Out It is difficult for someone who has never actually been near a lava flow to
3-6 1 2 3 4 realize just how hot it is. The blasting heat of molten lava can extend for more
7-8 3 5 7 9 than 500 yards, and the air temperature will be some 50° F higher than
9-12 5 7 9 11 normal, as far out as a quarter of a mile from the flow.
13-15 7 9 11 13
16-17 9 11 13 15 Some lava exposed to the air will develop a sort of plastic “skin” that helps to
18 11 13 15 17 insulate it (that is the difference between red-glowing lava and mostly-black
19+ 13 15 17 Never lava). Lava covered by such a skin will never be mistaken for plain rock without
some sort of magical enhancement such as an illusion; it is too hot, and has a
Dwarves and half-orcs always get 2 “free” drinks when determining their level slight incandescent glow that often peeks through in places. But even then it
of intoxication, while halflings get 1. Once drinking stops, the character will can only be approached for brief periods before the radiant heat will begin to
move down the intoxication scale 1 level every 2 hours. cause damage.

 Slightly intoxicated characters have -1 INT and WIS penalties, and TABLE 29: DAMAGE FROM MOLTEN LAVA
get a +1 modifier to morale. Distance Lava (no skin) Lava (with skin)
 Somewhat intoxicated characters have -3 INT, -4 WIS, -2 DEX, and 200-500 yards 1d6 / round n/a
-1 CHA penalties. They also get a -1 penalty “to hit”, but have 1 5-200 yards 2d6 / round n/a
extra hit point (the extra hit point is used up first if wounded, and Up to 5 yards 2d6 / segment 1d6 / round after 1st
disappears when they sober up). round
 Very intoxicated characters have -6 INT, -7 WIS, -5 DEX, and -4 Contact See below
CHA penalties. They have a -5 penalty “to hit”, but get 3 extra hit

The Game Environment – Hazards, Impediments, and Dangers

Anyone falling into molten lava must make a saving throw vs. death. Success TABLE 31: STARVATION
indicates that they take 10d6 h.p. of damage and manage to jump back out Minimum Number of Days without Food
again (if applicable). Failure indicates they weren’t able to get out. Note that, STR + CON Before Starvation sets In
in certain circumstances, getting out is not an option. In such cases no saving 6-15 4
throw should be allowed. Of course, magical protection against heat or fire 16-19 5
may apply, depending on the description of the spell or item. 20-24 6
25-30 7
Poison Gas 31-35 8
36+ 9
Most of the time, poison gas does not give any warning (except, of course, if
the adventuring party had the forethought to carry a songbird with them, and After that minimum time has elapsed, the character must make either a STR or
keep an eye on it). In such circumstances, a normal saving throw vs. poison CON check (whichever is higher) every 12 hours. For every 12 hour period
must be made, and the effects applied normally. However, in some after the first, a +1 cumulative penalty applies. Failure on a check means the
circumstances, the PCs have some sort of warning of the presence of the gas character progresses one step on the privation table (see above). The character
(perhaps a warning marked on a map, or given by a captive, or perhaps even must keep making checks every 12 hours until they reach “dying.”
the gas itself is visible), and can prepare.
A normal character, with a few seconds of preparation to fill his lungs, can
hold his breath for 1 minute per point of constitution, plus 1. If he was unable Most characters can go for 3 days without water before they start feeling the
to fill his lungs, this time is cut in half. If he is engaged in any sort of strenuous effects of dehydration. This is impacted by various circumstances. Once
activity such as combat, this time limit is also halved (both penalties are dehydration sets in, the character will begin moving on the privation table (see
cumulative, and should be rounded down). At the end of that time, the above), one step every three days modified by the circumstances as indicated
character must make a CON check every minute, with a +2 penalty cumulative on the following table.
for every minute thereafter. Failing a CON check means the character has
inhaled a lungful of the poisonous air. TABLE 32: DEHYDRATION
Days Until
Example: Drogo has a CON of 14. He holds his breath and moves into a Circumstance Dehydration sets In
chamber filled with poisonous chlorine gas, where he is attacked by a green Non-dried food is eaten (iron rations do not +2
dragon. He would normally be able to survive for 15 minutes, but because he count)
is in combat, the time is reduced to 7. After 7 minutes have elapsed, he must Higher than average weight +1
make a CON check with a +2 penalty. In the next round, he must also make Female +1
a CON check with a +4 penalty. And so forth. Resting all day (less than 10 minutes of +1
activity total)
Note that you can never hold your breath after you’re in the area of the gas. Temperature exceeds 90° F -1
Or, rather, you can, but all you’re doing is holding the poison in your lungs. Not eating at all -1
Not helpful. Total STR + CON is less than 8 -1

The number of days before dehydration sets in can never be less than 1.
Privation Alcohol will not count! Note that progression on the privation table due to
dehydration is automatic, and does not require a failed ability check.
Food and water are among the most basic of necessities. Without them, normal
characters will soon begin to suffer, and will ultimately expire. The effect of
In general, an average person requires a gallon of water per day. That will
going without food or water is measured on the privation table.
increase or decrease due to temperature, exertion, etc.


Privation Step Effect Quicksand
Shaky -1 on all “to hit” and saving throw rolls, increasing
by 1 per day. Quicksand can be encountered in any low-lying area with a lot of moisture. It
Drained As above, plus any strenuous effort (inc. combat) need not actually be sand; soil can form quicksand as well. Quicksand does
requires an extra CON check or character will not actually draw in those who fall into it. If the character is able to swim, he
collapse. can move 10’ per minute until he reaches the edge and safety. Those who are
Debilitated -4 to all saving throws, unable to engage in not able to swim are able to tread water for 5 minutes per point of strength.
combat or any other activity, including walking. This is cut in half for moderately encumbered characters (which includes any
After 12 hours in this condition, automatically wearing non-metal armor by default) and reduced to a quarter for heavily
move to “dying.” encumbered characters (including those wearing metal armor by default). After
Dying Lose 1d6 h.p. every 12 hours (cumulative) until that, the character must make a STR check every 10 minutes to keep his head
dead. above the surface. Once that happens, he may hold his breath (see Drowning
on p. 12) until he either suffocate or is rescued.
Characters can go for a number of days without food, depending on their
combined strength and constitution scores. After this time, they will not All characters must rest for at least 1d3+2 hours per every 24. Any less and
automatically be affected by the lack of food, but they will need to start making they will suffer a penalty of -1 or -5% to all rolls (whichever applies), cumulative
saving throws to stave off its effects. for every 24 hour period that sleep is denied. After 2d4 days they will simply


collapse of exhaustion and sleep for 3d4 hours, unable to be woken. A single TABLE 34: VOLCANO EXPLOSION DAMAGE
night of 7 hours sleep is sufficient to undo any ill effects from sleep deprivation. Chance of
Distance Being Hit Damage
1-100 yards 45% 12d6
101-200 yards 40% 11d6
201-300 yards 35% 10d6
301-400 yards 30% 9d6
401-500 yards 25% 8d8
501-600 yards 20% 7d6
601-700 yards 15% 5d6
701-800 yards 10% 4d6
801-900 yards 5% 3d6
901-1,000 yards 1% 2d6

Ash will cover an area 1d6+9 miles in radius, covering several inches at least
and blocking out the sun so as to make the area appear to be in complete
night for the duration of the eruption. Those within 2,000 yards will suffer 1d3
h.p. of heat damage from the burning ash every 10 minutes, unless they are
protected in some way. In addition, those within that radius must save vs.
breath weapon every 10 minutes; failure indicates the character is choking on
the ash and will take 1d4 h.p. per minute unless given aid.

Volcanic eruptions can consist of one or more of the following: lava flows, Weather
clouds of poisonous gas, explosions of molten rock, and ash clouds. If a
random determination of what sort of volcanic eruption is taking place is Some campaign settings will have a very well-developed weather system,
required, use the following table. Otherwise, feel free to set the specifics of the complete with average temperatures, weather patterns, and the like. If your
eruption according to the needs of the campaign. campaign has this level of detail, feel free to use it. The following is presented
as a more generic system that can be used for all campaigns, or as the basis
TABLE 33: VOLCANIC ERUPTION for a more comprehensive and complex system.
Die Roll
(d20) Eruption Composition Duration First, roll for temperature. Note that all temperature is relative; “sweltering” in
1 Explosion 1 day June near the equator is very different from sweltering in January in the far
2-5 Lava 2d6 days north:
6-8 Lava plus explosion 2d4 days
9-11 Ash 1d4+2 weeks TABLE 35: TEMPERATURE
12-14 Ash 1d3 weeks Die Roll (d%) Temperature Modifier for Next
15-17 Ash plus lava Ash 1d3 weeks, lava 2d6 days 01-05 Sweltering -15
18-19 Ash plus poison gas Ash 1d3 weeks, gas 1 day 06-15 Hot -10
20 Ash plus explosion Ash 1d3 weeks, explosion 1 day 16-30 Warm -5
31-70 Average ±0
Lava flows and poisonous gas are discussed on p. 15; gas clouds can cover 71-85 Cool +5
areas as large as several square miles, and lava will stay dangerously hot for 86-95 Cold +10
2d3 weeks after a large eruption. 96-00 Bitter cold +15

An explosion will hurl large and small chunks of molten rock into the air as far “Modifier for Next” is the adjustment made for the next time temperature is
away as 1,000 yards. Anyone within 500 yards of the eruption will suffer 1d4 determined. Temperature should be rolled for the next 1d4 days, and then
h.p. of damage from flying molten rock every 10 minutes, unless they are rolled again.
magically protected against heat. Anyone within 1,000 yards of the eruption
(including those within 500 yards; this is in addition to the damage for those Second, roll for cloud cover and precipitation. The exact type of precipitation
closer) has a chance of being hit by something larger. Check each hour for will be dependent on temperature and season. Roll once per day.
the duration of the eruption; only half of the damage is from the heat of the
material, so magical protection against heat and flame will only provide TABLE 36: CLOUD COVER AND PRECIPITATION
protection against half of the damage done. Die Roll (d%) Cloud Cover Precipitation
01-10 Very clear None
11-50 Clear None
51-65 Light clouds/hazy None
66-80 Partly cloudy None
81-90 Heavy clouds Fog
91-95 Heavy clouds Light rain/mist/snow/hail
96-00 Heavy clouds Heavy rain/snow/hail/sleet

Finally, roll for wind. If heavy precipitation is indicated above, add 15% to the

The Game Environment – Combat

Missile Weapon “To Hit” Die Roll Wood &
Modifier by Range (d6) Wood Sod Stone Stone
Die Roll Wind 1 No effect No effect No effect No effect
(d%) Wind Speed Short Medium Long 2 Structure No effect No effect No effect
01-10 Dead calm 0 mph ±0 ±0 ±0 damaged,
11-35 Calm 1-3 mph ±0 ±0 ±0 occupants
36-75 Light breeze 4-12 mph ±0 ±0 ±0 take 3d6
76-89 Light wind 13-24 mph -1 -2 -3 h.p. each
90-99 Strong wind 25-30 mph -2 -3 -4 3 Structure Structure No effect No effect
99 High wind 31-38 mph -3 -4 ** destroyed, damaged,
00* Gale 39-54 mph -4 ** ** occupants occupants
* Storm 55-72 mph ** ** ** take 3d8 take 3d6
* Hurricane 73+ mph ** ** ** h.p. each h.p. each
4 Structure Structure Structure No effect
* If a gale is indicated, roll percentile dice again. On a roll of 01-10, storm destroyed, damaged, damaged,
force winds will occur instead. Hurricane winds are never rolled randomly, occupants occupants occupants
and should only be seen as part of a special weather event or the result of take 3d10 take 3d8 take 3d6
magical intervention. h.p. each h.p. each h.p. each
5 Structure Structure Structure No effect
** Missile fire is not possible at this range and wind speed. destroyed, destroyed, damaged,
occupants occupants occupants
Fog take 3d10 take 3d8 take 3d6
h.p. each h.p. each h.p. each
Fog will never occur on days with winds above a light breeze. The chance for 6 Structure Structure Structure Structure
fog based on the weather and season is given below. destroyed, destroyed, destroyed, damaged,
occupants occupants occupants occupants
TABLE 38: CHANCE OF FOG take 3d10 take 3d10 take 3d8 take 3d6
Cold Cool Warm Hot h.p. each h.p. each h.p. each h.p. each
Spring 35% n/a n/a 25%
Summer 45% 35% n/a n/a Combat
Autumn 25% n/a n/a 35%
Winter n/a n/a 35% 45% The rules presented in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual cover
most combat situations in which adventurers are likely to find themselves. In
Fog will lower visibility to 1d6x10’ on land, and three times that distance at addition, the game master should always remember that he has the liberty to
sea (very bright lights will be visible, however, such as those on lighthouses). adjudicate any unusual situations “on the fly,” and that it is usually better,
especially in a combat situation, to make a snap ruling that may be slightly off
Sandstorm from the rules as written, rather than to bring the game to a crashing halt to
look up the precise modifier for an unusual situation.
Any character caught in a sandstorm will, naturally, be at a disadvantage
when it comes to sight. Fortunately, most other creatures will be likewise However, there are two combat-like situations in which players may find
affected. All creatures caught in such a storm will have their sight impaired, to themselves that are probably not going to be so frequently encountered that
the point where they will have a -2 penalty “to hit” when in melee. The speed they warrant inclusion in the Players Manual, but which nonetheless should be
of the wind in a sandstorm, combined with this penalty to sight, makes most available in case they come up. These are hastiludes, which includes such
missile combat impossible. Anyone in a sandstorm whose mouth and/or nose martial games as tournaments, jousting, and the like, and hunting.
is unprotected has a 1 in 6 chance of choking on the blown sand every minute.
If this is not alleviated in some way, the character will suffocate in 1d6+2 Hastiludes
A hastilude is a “martial game,” in which warriors, and especially cavaliers
Tornado and paladins, engage as both practice and demonstration of their martial
ability. Despite the use of the term “game,” they can be as deadly as regular
Anyone caught in a tornado will first suffer 4d20 h.p. of damage from flying combat at times. It is possible for different sorts of hastiludes to be combined
debris. They will then be whisked 10d6 feet in the air, carried 1d6x100 (100- at large festivals and gatherings, often for the express purpose of having a
600) yards, and dropped. See the rules on falling on p. 13 for details on the tournament with a joust. Such events are also usually accompanied by feasting
effects. Tornados will also affect structures as follows, depending on the type and possibly religious or other celebrations as well, and are sometimes called
of structure involved. If a structure can be called “heavy” (heavy timbers, or “round tables.”
large blocks of stone), subtract 1 from the die roll.
Bear in mind that knighthood is an appointment by some noble or royal
personage and is not otherwise dependent on class; fighters and rangers (and,
on very rare occasions, other classes) can be knights as well as cavaliers and
paladins. All of the special horsemanship and other abilities possessed by the
cavalier and paladin classes, however, will still apply to all of the situations
described below.


While it is the case that such hastiludes will be more prevalent in regions which called for the jouster who has inflicted the most damage on his opponent, or
are relatively peaceful and free of actual warfare, it is not unknown for such postponed, as the idea is not to inflict fatalities but to demonstrate superior
to be held even in the midst of battle itself, with champions from opposing mounted combat skills.
sides responding to a challenge and competing under a flag of truce. Such
individuals will almost certainly be praised for their courage in entering into If neither jouster is unseated by the time three passes with each weapon have
the hand of the enemy simply on a point of honor, i.e., responding to a been completed, the joust is called in favor of the knight who inflicted the most
challenge. damage.

Tournament Pas d’Armes

A tournament is a staged combat between two groups of knights and/or their A pas d’armes is an impromptu challenge set forth by a knight or knights. The
squires and retainers. Knights and their entourages arriving for the tournament challenger will position himself at a spot on a road, at a bridge or ford, city
are divided into two fairly equal sides, each of which is housed together in a gate, etc., and issue a challenge to all other knights who pass by to single
“settlement.” The central element of the tournament is a large pitched battle combat. Often, word will circulate of the existence of the pas d’armes,
between the two settlements, which is fought mounted, with regular weapons, attracting knights and their retinues from the surrounding area to test their
and in which the principal activity is to force knights from the enemy settlement mettle. A pas d’armes is not usually done in conjunction with tournaments or
to surrender, after which time a ransom can be demanded for their return. other hastiludes.

The tournament is not intended to be fought to the death, and knights will As with the tournament, the idea is to fight until one knight or the other
surrender when they reach a suitably low number of hit points. However, it is surrenders, at which time the usual ransom can be demanded. However, no
certainly possible that a wounded knight who suffers a strong blow may well special rules regarding blunted weapons are used in the pas d’armes.
be slain. Such is an accepted hazard of the tournament.
Refusal by a knight to participate is regarded as a great shame, and honor
Ransoms are, as a rule, 100 g.p. per level of the captured knight, plus 100 demands that any knight so doing surrender his spurs (or other badge of rank)
g.p. per social rank. Thus, a 6th level cavalier of lower-upper class would be as a sign of his humiliation.
worth a ransom of 900 g.p. Being captured is only a minor shame for a knight
in a tournament, especially if one’s opponent is demonstrably superior in Quintain
quality. Failure to pay one’s ransom, on the other hand, is a grave shame, and
knights will sell their armor, horses, etc., before allowing such a stain on their A quintain is a target for the lance, intended to be used while charging on
honor. horseback. Taking turns at striking a quintain will often be found as an
attachment to a tournament or bohort, but it is not unknown for some villages
Some lands (particularly those of lawful good inclination) will conduct to set up permanent quintains against which the local youths and/or nobility
tournaments with blunted weapons; while these would be called bohorts in will try their skill.
game terms (see below), they may still be referred to as tournaments.
Basically, the quintain itself will have an armor class between 9 and 1,
Bohort depending on its size and composition.

A bohort is conducted much like a tournament, except it is usually fought with TABLE 40: QUINTAINS
blunted or wooden weapons, making it much more difficult to inflict a fatal Armor class Quintain construction
injury. Cutting weapons will inflict one-quarter damage (round down) and blunt 9-7 Mannequin
or stabbing weapons will inflict one-half damage (ditto). 6-3 Shield or board
2-1 Ball or ring
Such contests are often (but not exclusively) held among the squires and other
retainers, and the participants will wear gambesons or leather cuirasses rather Those which are easiest to hit will generally consist of a life-sized mannequin,
than full plate armor. They are sometimes held in conjunction with tournaments followed by those consisting of a shield or board. The hardest to hit will be
as preliminaries. small balls or rings; the latter must be pierced through with the lance in order
to score.
Shield or board type quintains are often the most popular as permanent
A joust is a one-on-one combat between two knights (or, again, their squires structures, for they are most often fitted with a weight on a cord or chain, such
and retainers), wherein each gets three blows with a set of agreed-upon that if the shield or board is hit, the weight at the end of the cord will swing
weapons. The goal of the joust is to either unseat the opponent, or, failing that, around and hit the rider on the back of the head as he passes, unless he is
to inflict the most damage without killing him. Typical weapons include the quick enough. In game terms, if a hit is scored against the quintain, the attacker
battle axe and sword, and of course the lance (although for a joust the metal must make a successful DEX check. Failure means he is hit by the counter-
tip of the lance is removed, leaving only the blunt wooden tip). As the name weight and must take 1d2 h.p. of damage. Cavaliers and paladins may
indicates, most participants wear jousting plate armor to help defend against subtract their level from their ability check roll as a bonus, as part of their
the blows. horsemanship skill.

The blunted jousting lance does only half damage, but bear in mind the joust
is conducted as the opponents charge at one another, so the doubling effect
of the charge cancels out the halving effect of the blunted lance.

Once a jouster has lost one quarter of his hit points, he must make a STR check
to remain in his saddle. He must check again when he has lost half his total hit
points, and once more at three-quarters. At this point the joust will usually be

The Game Environment – Social Encounters

Birds will immediately flee if attacked. If they are only wounded in the initial
attack, they will land if they take 50% or more damage, plummet to the earth
if they take 75% or more damage, but otherwise fly out of range of pursuit.

Animals will either be small game (rabbits, squirrels, hares, etc. – 75% chance)
or big game (deer, antelope, elk, etc. – 25% chance). Small game will have
1d4 HD, and big game will have 2d8 HD.

If an animal is not killed with the initial attack, it may be followed. As it is

wounded, it will be moving slower and with more noise, and will thus be able
to be tracked by even a non-ranger. There is a base 50% chance that anyone
will be able to track a wounded animal and come upon it at half the initial
range. Rangers and those with the hunting secondary skill use their usual
tracking skill, and druids have a 75% base chance of successfully tracking.

A “threat” is a dangerous creature that will not flee from the hunters, but will
likely (75% chance) turn and attack, such as a wild boar, brown bear, aurochs,
polar bear, etc. It will not be a monster, but is potentially dangerous. Some
hunters will seek out these sorts of animals, considering it a greater challenge.
If a threat-type animal flees the encounter, it can be tracked as any other
The amount of food obtained by hunting depends on the size of the creature
Hunting is often undertaken to supplement rations that have been purchased, bagged. Each bird or small game animal will feed 1 person for 1 day. Big
whether out of necessity or culinary variety. Often, those staying at an inn will game animals will feed 1 person for 10 days, or 2 people for 5 days, etc.
find free food and lodging if they bring in a brace of ducks or a deer for the These are rough approximations only, and presuppose that the animal is
benefit of the house. properly cleaned and dressed.

Hunting consists of two phases. First, the prey must be located. Second, it must Social Encounters
be killed. Hunting will take 1d6 hours, whether it is successful or not.
The term “social encounters” refers to those encounters between PCs and NPCs
TABLE 41: HUNTING – CHANCE OF FINDING PREY that don’t involve combat. When a PC is attempting to convince an NPC to
Terrain Spring Summer Autumn Winter cooperate, or trying to talk himself out of a giant’s cooking pot, it is a social
Plains 40% 50% 50% 25% encounter. The term also applies to those character class abilities that involve
Forest 50% 50% 50% 30% confusing, convincing, distracting, etc., such as those possessed by bards,
Hills 40% 40% 40% 25% jesters, and mountebanks. Always remember, however, that simply because
Mountains 30% 30% 30% 15% mountebanks have a skill called “distract” doesn’t mean than a mage cannot
Desert 5% 5% 5% 10% attempt to distract someone. Doing so is just not part of their everyday
Marsh 35% 50% 50% 20% repertoire, and they will thus not be as good at it. But they can always try.

In arctic or sub-arctic zones, lower the chances of finding prey by 35% Many times, the party will attempt to parley rather than immediately assume
(minimum 5%). In tropical or sub-tropical zones, increase the chance of finding that every encounter will end in melee. Such parties are wise, and will on the
prey by 20% (maximum 50%), except in desert, which remains unchanged. In whole live longer than those that prefer to “shoot first and ask questions later.”
addition, subtract 5% per hunter in the party after the first. Note that you should They should, therefore, not be penalized for doing so.
also be checking for random encounters during this time; the party may be
hunting for food, but find a monster instead! Adjudicating these sorts of encounters can be trying for the game master, and
different game masters will have different ways of doing so. It should also be
TABLE 42: HUNTING – PREY ENCOUNTERED pointed out that there is no one right way to do so, and indeed you might find
Die Roll (d6) Type Number Range (yards) one way is more appropriate in one situation than another, and mix and match
1 Bird 3d6 2d4x10 in the same game session. That, too, is fine, as long as there is a modicum of
2 Bird 1d6 2d4x10 consistency in when one method is applied as opposed to another, and as
3 Animal 1d10 2d4x10 long as you don’t succumb to the temptation to “give away the store.”
4 Animal 1d6 1d3+5x10
5 Animal 1d3 1d3+3x10 Some game masters will prefer to act out the encounter, taking on the role of
6 Threat 1d3 1d3+3x10 the NPCs and interacting with the PCs in character. The outcome of the
encounter will thus hinge on the quality of the actual words spoken, in
Once the prey has been located, it must be taken down. The range will character, by the players. Were they convincing? Was the game master, also
determine how effective the hunters’ weapons will be (if the hunters do not speaking in character, swayed by the player? If so, the encounter will likely go
have some sort of missile weapons with appropriate range, they will need to his way. If not…
approach silently, using the appropriate rules). This is done normally using
the combat system. Note that some hunts will be done on horseback, and/or
with the use of dogs as helpers.


The Game Environment – Treasure

Other game masters will rely more on the dice to determine the outcome of Other Social Encounters
the encounter. In such a situation, the player, speaking in the third person,
would say something like “My character is going to try to convince the For general interactions between PCs and NPCs, such as trying to convince a
hobgoblin captain that we’re not his enemies.” The game master would then judge to be lenient when handing down a sentence, you should make a CHA
roll the dice and determine the outcome accordingly. check for the character attempting to influence the outcome, and a WIS check
for the NPC who is to be influenced. (Note that monsters should use their INT.)
It is, of course, possible to combine the two approaches, with the player saying Of course, the one being convinced, or distracted, or whatever must be able
“My character is going to attempt to use his distract ability. He says to the ettin to understand the character making the attempt, and you as game master
‘Have you ever really thought about just how many mages could be looking in should feel free to impose bonuses or penalties as warranted based on the
this cave right now with magic? They have crystal balls and scrying spells, and circumstances (a gnome attempting to convince a hobgoblin of something, for
all other sorts of things. Who knows who could be looking in here right this instance, would doubtless incur a severe penalty due to the intense animosity
very minute!?’” If the game master was impressed or amused by the attempt, between the two races). The outcome of the attempt will depend on who made
he could give the PC a bonus (5-20% might be an appropriate range) to the and failed their respective rolls.
distract roll.
PC CHA Check NPC Makes WIS Check NPC Fails WIS Check
In the end, the game master should adopt the method of resolution that best
Successful Tie; PC can try again with PC succeeds
fits his style and that of his players. Too, nothing says that only one method a -2 penalty
can be used; in some circumstances, one method may be more appropriate, Fails PC fails Tie; PC can try again
while in another, another method is. The choice is strictly up to the game
master, although outright capriciousness should be avoided, lest the players Remember, though, that you don’t need to roll a die every time a PC speaks
not have any idea how the game will be played.
with an NPC. If the interaction is relatively straightforward, you should use
your judgment as to whether or not it’s something that needs to be rolled out.
Encounter Reaction

When the PCs meet an intelligent creature, monster, or NPC for the first time,
an encounter reaction should be determined by rolling percentile dice. The roll
should be adjusted using the charisma reaction adjustment of the PC doing the “Treasure” is a broad term that covers actual cash (gold, silver, and other
talking (if more than one are involved in the initial encounter in a meaningful coins); jewelry; gems; precious items such as tapestries, furs, rare books,
way, use the highest charisma score of those so involved). furnishings, and the like; ordinary wares with monetary values such as
foodstuffs, bolts of cloth, livestock, etc.; and the most coveted of all – magical
TABLE 43: ENCOUNTER REACTIONS items, including magic weapons and armor, potions, scrolls, etc. Some
Die Roll (d%) Encounter Reaction creatures, rather than keeping their hoard of loot in their lairs, will hide their
wealth elsewhere and then keep a map to it, which can of course be found by
05 or less Hostile, immediate attack
intrepid explorers and followed to the final reward.
06-25 Hostile
26-36 Negative
37-64 Uncertain / neutral Each monster in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary is given a treasure
value and type. The treasure value will give a range of the total value of the
65-75 Positive
treasure possessed by the creature. In the case of intelligent creatures, this
76-95 Friendly
treasure will likely be hoarded together and possibly trapped and/or otherwise
96 or higher Acceptance
guarded. In the case of non-intelligent creatures, this treasure will be incidental,
found on the rotting remains of previous victims.
In addition to adjusting the die roll for charisma as indicated above, you should
use the following situational modifiers (and don’t hesitate to make adjustments
The treasure type will determine the nature of the loot, and will show just how
as you see fit; the following modifiers are just a sample):
easy the treasure will be to transport. A golden necklace encrusted with rubies
is going to be a lot easier to get out of a dungeon lair than a 7’ high alabaster
statue, while a hoard of a million copper coins would be harder still to move.
Encounter Reaction
The game master should not go easy on his players when determining treasure
Circumstance Modifier
troves for his players to discover; the logistical challenge of removing the loot
PCs include race that is hated -50%
is yet another aspect of the rigors of the adventuring life that needs to be dealt
PCs include race that is regarded with
antipathy -30%
NPCs dwell in hostile environment (dungeon,
etc.) -25% The Silver Standard (Optional Rule)
PCs primarily made up of race that is
preferred +25% Some game masters will find the gold standard upon which the game is based
NPCs dwell in generally peaceful to be a little too ahistorical for their liking. This can be remedied by simply
environment (secure rural area, etc.) +20% removing platinum pieces as a coin type, bumping all the remaining coins up
PCs make offering of food or treasure +20% one “slot” in value, and including a new coin type, the iron piece (i.p.) in its
PCs primarily made up of race that is place. Thereafter, just replace any reference to gold piece value with silver
regarded with goodwill +15% piece value, so that costs of weapons and equipment are now in silver pieces,
as are the treasure values listed below. Also, rather than weighing 1/10th of
Note that a result of “hostile” will result in a morale check if the creatures facing a pound, each coin weighs 1/100th of a pound. This is still not perfect, but is
the PCs are obviously outclassed (hatred turns to fear when it cannot express more historical without resorting to multiple tables for weight and volume by
itself violently). Obviously, if the PCs attack or are hostile, the NPCs will currency type.
respond accordingly.



There are two ways the game master can deal with treasure. Method I is Type Sundries Luxuries Art Jewelry Gems Coins
quicker, but doesn’t have a lot of flavor. It involves simply assigning an I 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
encumbrance value to the treasure, based on its type and value. II 75% 15% 0% 5% 0% 5%
III 50% 25% 5% 10% 5% 5%
Treasure Type Encumbrance (lbs.) V 10% 45% 10% 20% 5% 10%
I Value x 30 VI 5% 55% 0% 25% 5% 10%
II Value x 25 VII 0% 20% 20% 25% 25% 10%
III Value x 22 VIII 0% 20% 30% 25% 15% 10%
IV Value x 20 IX 0% 20% 40% 10% 5% 25%
V Value x 15 X 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% 50%
VI Value x 7 XI 0% 0% 0% 25% 0% 75%
VII Value x 20 XII 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%
VIII Value x 30 XIII 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0%
IX Value x 40 XIV 0% 0% 0% 0% 75% 25%
X Value x 50 XV 0% 0% 0% 50% 25% 25%
XI Value ÷3 XVI 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 75%
XII Value ÷10 XVII 0% 0% 0% 50% 50% 0%
XIII Value ÷ 100 XVIII 0% 10% 0% 10% 30% 50%
XIV Value ÷ 3
XV Value ÷ 3 The table above shows the breakdown, for every given treasure type, of the
XVI Value x 0.75 total value of the hoard by the type of treasure found within it. For example,
XVII Value ÷ 30 an orc has a treasure type of XI and a treasure value of 5 g.p. That does not
XVIII Value x 2 mean he has 5 gold coins in his purse. Looking at the breakdown for treasure
type XI, we see it is 25% jewelry and 75% coins. The orc in question has a
piece of jewelry worth approximately 1 g.p. and the rest in coins. The exact
types should be determined using the sub-tables below, but don’t be afraid to
toss out results that don’t make sense. An orc is more likely to have an arm-
ring than a tiara.

In order to determine the makeup of a given treasure, first consult Table 46:
Composition of Treasure (Treasure Method II) above. Figure out how much of
the total value of the treasure (approximately) is to be contained in each
category. Then, going from left to right on Table 46, roll to determine the
sundries, luxuries, art, etc. Keep rolling in each category until you have “filled
up” the value of that category; if the value you have rolled is greater than the
category’s maximum, subtract the value from the next category over. If at any
time you exceed the total value of the treasure, lower the value of the last item
rolled to “top off” the treasure. In this way, your total treasure will never exceed
the total value, but it is possible that you will have a few more sundries than
indicated, at the expense of luxuries, and so forth.

Naturally, common sense should prevail. If the characters have just defeated
a horrible undead lord in his tomb that has not been opened in a thousand
years, they are unlikely to find fresh meat as part of his treasure hoard. In such
cases, simply re-roll the result.
Treasure Method II
In the tables below, encumbrance is given in pounds, unless otherwise
Method II is much more involved, but gives a lot of interesting texture and
flavor. (Of course, the game master is not locked into only using a single
method; when time is scarce, he might choose to use method I, while if he has
Die Roll
a lot of time to prepare, he could use method II.) It is also the case that the
(d%) Sundry Type Value (each) Encumbrance
game master could simply use method I “on the fly” during play, and then roll
01-02 Ale (barrel) 12 g.p. 250
out the complete composition of a treasure using method II during down-time
03-04 Armor See Table 49 below
between sessions.
05-06 Candle (score) 1 g.p. 10
07-08 Charcoal (bag) 2 g.p. 10
09-10 Cloth (bolt) 12 g.p. 16
11-12 Cotton (short bale) 3 g.p. 22
13-14 Dye (pint) 5 g.p. 2
15-16 Flax (bale) 6 g.p. 80
17-18 Food, bread 1 g.p. 10
19-20 Food, cured meat/fish 3 g.p. 10

The Game Environment – Treasure

(d%) Sundry Type Value (each) Encumbrance Die Roll (d%) Armor Type Value (each) Encumbrance
21-22 Food, dried 2 g.p. 10 01-10 Brigandine armor 30 g.p. 20
vegetables/fruits 11-16 Cuirass (leather) 3 g.p. 10
23-24 Food, fresh meat/fish 6 g.p. 10 17-23 Cuirass (steel) 60 g.p. 15
25-26 Food, fresh 4 g.p. 10 24-33 Furs 2 g.p. 5
vegetables/fruits 34-47 Gambeson 4 g.p. 10
27-28 Food, grain (bushel) 1 g.p. 50 48-52 Lamellar (leather) 15 g.p. 15
29-30 Fur pelt, beaver 2 g.p. 1 53-57 Lamellar armor 35 g.p. 25
31-32 Fur pelt, ermine 4 g.p. 1 (steel)
33-34 Fur pelt, fox 3 g.p. 1 58-67 Mail 75 g.p. 30
35-36 Fur pelt, marten 4 g.p. 1 68-72 Plate armor 400 g.p. 45
37-38 Fur pelt, mink 3 g.p. 1 73-82 Plated mail 90 g.p. 35
39-40 Fur pelt, muskrat 1 g.p. 1 83-87 Ring armor 30 g.p. 25
41-42 Fur pelt, sable 5 g.p. 1 88-93 Scale armor 25 g.p. 40
43-44 Fur pelt, seal 5 g.p. 1 (leather)
45-46 Hand tool 1 g.p. 3 94-00 Scale armor (steel) 25 g.p. 40
47-48 Hemp (bale) 5 g.p. 100
49-50 Honey (gallon) 8 g.p. 12 TABLE 50: LUXURIES (TREASURE METHOD II)
51-52 Incense, common 10 g.p. 1 Die Roll (d%) Luxury type Value (each) Encumbrance
53-54 Iron ore 10 g.p. 100 01 Alchemical 1d8+2x100 g.p. Value ÷ 4
55-56 Leather 5 g.p. 25 instruments
57-58 Linen (bolt) 18 g.p. 13 02 Astrolabe 250 g.p. 45
59-60 Livestock, bull 20 g.p. n/a 03-04 Bell, bronze 5 g.p. 1
61-62 Livestock, cow 10 g.p. n/a 05-06 Bell, silver 10 g.p. 1
63-64 Livestock, fowl (in cage) 10 s.p. 7 07 Book, illuminated 300 g.p. 100
65-66 Livestock, goat 1 g.p. n/a (large)
67-68 Livestock, horse 25 g.p. n/a 08 Book, illuminated 200 g.p. 45
69-70 Livestock, ox 15 g.p. n/a (medium)
71-72 Livestock, pig 3 g.p. n/a 09 Book, illuminated 100 g.p. 6
73-74 Livestock, sheep 2 g.p. n/a (small)
75-76 Lumber 2 g.p. 25 10-12 Bowl, brass 2 g.p. 1
77-78 Nails (keg) 20 g.p. 100 13-14 Bowl, copper 4 g.p. 1
79-80 Paper (quire) 22 g.p. 1 15 Bowl, gold 14 g.p. 1
81-82 Papyrus (quire) 16 g.p. 1.5 16 Bowl, porcelain 11 g.p. 3
83-84 Rope (250’) 1 g.p. 37 17-18 Bowl, silver 9 g.p. 1
85-86 Salt 1 g.p. 1 19 Box, engraved 100 g.p. 6
87-88 Spice (common) 3 g.p. 0.5 (large)
89-90 Tallow 1 g.p. 1 20-21 Box, engraved 50 g.p. 4
91-92 Wax 2 g.p. 1 (medium)
93-94 Weapon See Table 48 below 22-23 Box, engraved 25 g.p. 2
95-96 Wine, gallon 4 g.p. 8 (small)
97-98 Wire 9 g.p. 10 24-25 Brocade (bolt) 120 g.p. 26
99-00 Wool (bale) 12 g.p. 250 26-27 Candelabra 15 g.p. 10
28-29 Candlestick 3 g.p. 2
Die Roll (d%) Weapon Type Value (each) Encumbrance 31 Chirurgeon’s tools 350 g.p. 15
01-05 Axe, hand 1 g.p. 5 32-33 Clothing, fine (1 30 g.p. 4
06-10 Battle axe 5 g.p. 7 set)
11-21 Dagger 2 g.p. 1 34-35 Comb, silver 10 g.p. 1
22-25 Flail 8 g.p. 4 36 Crystal ball, non- 8 g.p. 3
26-29 Hammer 1 g.p. 5 magical
30-33 Knife 1 g.p. 0.5 37-39 Cup, brass 1 g.p. 1
34 Lance 6 g.p. 15 40-42 Cup, copper 2 g.p. 1
35-39 Mace 8 g.p. 10 43 Cup, glass 10 g.p. 3
40-41 Morning star 5 g.p. 12 44 Cup, gold 15 g.p. 1
42-53 Pole arm 15 g.p. 15 45 Cup, porcelain 12 g.p. 3
54 Quarterstaff 3 g.p. 10 46-47 Cup, silver 6 g.p. 1
55-64 Spear 1 g.p. 5 48-50 Ewer, brass 3 g.p. 2
65-99 Sword 17 g.p. 10 51-52 Ewer, copper 6 g.p. 2
00 Trident 4 g.p. 5 53 Ewer, glass 30 g.p. 5
54 Ewer, gold 45 g.p. 2
55 Ewer, porcelain 36 g.p. 5
56-57 Ewer, silver 18 g.p. 2
58-59 Fur See Table 51 below


Die Roll (d%) Luxury type Value (each) Encumbrance TABLE 52: MUSICAL INSTRUMENT LUXURY SUB-TABLE (TREASURE
60-61 Furniture, fine 2d6x100 g.p. Value ÷ 10 METHOD II)
62-63 Gong, bronze 13 g.p. 9 Value
64-65 Hourglass 25 g.p. 4 Die Roll (d%) Musical Instrument (g.p.) Encumbrance
66-67 Incense 20 g.p. 1 01-03 Bagpipe 35 12
68-69 Incense, rare 50 g.p. 1 04-08 Bladder Pipe 12 5
70-71 Ivory 75 g.p. 25 09-11 Cornamuse 35 20
72 Magnifying lens 15 g.p. 2 12-14 Crumhorn 28 8
73-74 Mirror case, 35 g.p. 1 15-19 Drum 4 2
engraved 20-22 Dulcian 37 22
75 Mirror, large 20 g.p. 12 23-26 Dulcimer 41 7
76-77 Mirror, small 10 g.p. 2 27-30 Flute 16 1
78-79 Musical instrument See Table 52 below 31-33 Gamba (& bow) 55 29
80-81 Perfume, rare 10 g.p. 1 34-38 Gemshorn 3 1
82 Royal bee jelly 1d6+2x1,000 1 39-42 Harp 50 3
unguent (jar) g.p. 43 Harpsichord 500 350
83 Silk (bolt) 85 g.p. 9 44-46 Hurdy-gurdy 29 12
84 Spice, rare 50 g.p. 1 47-50 Kortholt 15 3
85-86 Stuffed animal 4 g.p. 5 51-53 Lute 35 5
(taxidermy) 54-57 Lyre 27 3
87 Unguent, rare 12 g.p. 1 58-61 Mandolin 50 20
88-90 Vase, copper 4 g.p. 2 62 Organ 750 500
91 Vase, glass 7 g.p. 6 63-64 Organetto 120 19
92 Vase, gold 50 g.p. 2 65-69 Psaltery 22 12
93 Vase, porcelain 40 g.p. 6 70-74 Rackett 8 2
94-95 Vase, silver 23 g.p. 2 75-77 Rebec (& bow) 30 5
96 Water clock 500 g.p. 35 78-81 Recorder 25 8
97-98 Wine, fine (pint) 4 g.p. 1 82-84 Sacbut 38 21
99-00 Wood, rare 40 g.p. 25 85-87 Shepherd’s shawm 32 17
88-91 Trumpet 15 8
Die Roll (d%) Fur type Value (g.p.) Encumbrance 96-00 Zink 6 6
01 Fur cape, bear 300 7
02-05 Fur cape, beaver 200 8 TABLE 53: ART (TREASURE METHOD II)
06 Fur cape, ermine 3,600 8 Die Roll
07-11 Fur cape, fox 300 7 (d%) Art Type Value (g.p.) Encumbrance
12-16 Fur cape, marten 400 7 01-02 Carving, ivory, large 3d12x20 15
17 Fur cape, mink 2,700 9 03-05 Carving, ivory, 2d12x20 10
18-23 Fur cape, muskrat 100 7 medium
24 Fur cape, sable 4,500 7 06-10 Carving, ivory, small 1d12x20 5
25-30 Fur cape, seal 125 8 11-13 Carving, wood, large 3d6x20 12
31 Fur coat, bear 600 14 14-17 Carving, wood, 2d6x20 7
32-35 Fur coat, beaver 400 16 medium
36 Fur coat, ermine 7,200 16 18-22 Carving, wood, small 1d6x20 2
37-39 Fur coat, fox 600 14 23-26 Ceremonial shield, 1d4x100 30
40-42 Fur coat, marten 800 14 bronze
43 Fur coat, mink 5,400 18 27-28 Ceremonial shield, 1d4x300 45
44-47 Fur coat, muskrat 200 14 gold
48 Fur coat, sable 9,000 14 29-31 Ceremonial shield, 1d4x150 35
49-52 Fur coat, seal 250 16 silver
53 Fur trim, bear 30 2 32-35 Ceremonial weapon, 1d3x100 20
54-58 Fur trim, beaver 20 2 bronze
59-64 Fur trim, ermine 120 2 36-37 Ceremonial weapon, 1d3x300 35
65-70 Fur trim, fox 30 2 gold
71-76 Fur trim, marten 40 2 38-40 Ceremonial weapon, 1d3x150 25
77-82 Fur trim, mink 90 2 silver
83-88 Fur trim, muskrat 10 2 41-42 Painting, large 1d10x100 35
89-94 Fur trim, sable 150 2 43-46 Painting, small 1d10x30 15
95-00 Fur trim, seal 25 2 47-51 Rug/carpet (1d4+2 1d6x10 / 10/sq. yard
sq. yards) sq.yard
Note that fur trim will be attached to some other garment, such as a tunic, 52-53 Statue (4’+), alabaster 4d4x200 200
dress, cloak, etc. The value is for the combined garment. 54-57 Statue (4’+), bronze 3d4x100 500
58-61 Statue (4’+), marble 4d4x150 400
62-65 Statue (4’+), stone 3d4x100 400
66-69 Statue (4’+), wood 1d4x100 100

The Game Environment – Treasure


(d%) Art Type Value (g.p.) Encumbrance Die Roll
70-71 Statuette, alabaster 1d4x200 50 (d%) Gem Type
72-73 Statuette, gold 1d4x400 40 01-25 Hardstone (agate, malachite, lapis lazuli, obsidian,
74-75 Statuette, marble 1d4x100 30 turquoise, etc.)
76-78 Statuette, silver 1d4x200 30 26-50 Semi-precious (bloodstone, jasper, moonstone, onyx,
79-82 Statuette, stone 1d3x50 20 crystal, quartz, etc.)
83-86 Statuette, wood 1d3x25 5 51-70 Fancy (amber, amethyst, coral, garnet, jade, jet, pearl,
87-92 Tapestry (1d4+2 sq. 1d8x10 / 10 / sq. yard etc.)
yards) sq. yard 71-90 Precious (aquamarine, peridot, blue spinel, topaz, etc.)
93-94 Triptych, gold 3d6x400 15 91-99 Gemstone (opal, emerald, amethyst, sapphire, etc.)
95-96 Triptych, ivory 3d6x100 10 00 Jewel (black sapphire, diamond, jacinth, ruby, etc.)
97-98 Triptych, silver 3d6x200 10
99-100 Triptych, wood 3d6x50 5 TABLE 58: GEM VALUE (TREASURE METHOD II)
Hard- Semi- Gem-
TABLE 54: JEWELRY MATERIAL (TREASURE METHOD II) Size stone precious Fancy Precious stone Jewel
Die Roll (d%) Jewelry material Value Tiny 1 5 10 50 100 500
01-10 Ivory, silver d10x100 Small 5 10 50 100 500 1,000
11-20 Silver and gold 2d6x100 Average 10 50 100 500 1,000 5,000
21-40 Gold 3d6x100 Large 50 100 500 1,000 5,000 10,000
41-50 Jade, coral, platinum 5d6x100 Very 100 500 1,000 5,000 10,000 50,000
51-70 Silver, gems 1d6x1000 large
71-90 Gold, gems 2d4x1000 Huge 500 1,000 5,000 10,000 50,000 100,000
91-00 Platinum, gems 2d6x1000
Each gem is worth 1/10th of a pound towards encumbrance (regardless of
TABLE 55: JEWELRY TYPE (TREASURE METHOD II) size). In the case of very many small gems, feel free to adjust this rule of thumb
Die Roll (d%) Jewelry Type accordingly.
01-04 Anklet
09-12 Belt Die Roll (d%) Coin Type
13-16 Belly chain 01-20 10d100 c.p.
17-20 Bracelet 21-40 10d100 s.p.
21-24 Brooch 41-60 4d100 e.p.
25-28 Cameo 61-90 1d100 g.p.
29-32 Chatelaine 91-00 1d100 p.p
33-36 Choker
37-40 Circlet Each coin is worth 1/10th of a pound towards encumbrance (regardless of
41-44 Clasp type). If an indicated number of coins exceeds the total g.p. value of the
45-48 Collar treasure, simply reduce the number of coins to equal the value of the treasure.
49-52 Comb Example: a 100 g.p. treasure is found, all in coins. The game master rolls and
53-56 Coronet gets a 97, then rolls and gets a 50, indicating 50 platinum pieces. However,
57-60 Crown since 50 platinum pieces would be worth 250 g.p., the game master reduces
61-64 Diadem the number of platinum pieces found to 20, which equals 100 g.p. If the
65-68 Earrings (pair) indicated coins do not equal the g.p. value of the treasure, simply keep rolling
69-72 Hairpin until all of the value is accounted for; if this results in a mixture of different types
73-76 Locket of coins, all the better.
77-80 Medallion
81-84 Necklace Magic items
85-88 Pendant
89-92 Pin Each creature listed in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary will have listed
93-96 Ring
a chance for that creature to have certain types of magical items, with some
97-00 Tiara
having multiple items possible. Note that individual magic items should be
determined no matter which treasure method you are using. If no specific type
Each piece of jewelry is worth 1 lb. towards encumbrance, regardless of type. of magic item is indicated, roll to determine type using Table 60 below.


Die Roll (d%) Gem Size
01-25 Very small
26-50 Small
51-70 Average
71-90 Large
91-99 Very large
00 Huge


TABLE 60: MAGIC ITEM TYPE Die Roll (d%) Charm Type
Die Roll (d%) Magic Item Type 46-47 Periapt of Foul Rotting
01-15 Armor or shield 48-50 Periapt of Health
16 Book 51-59 Periapt of Proof Against Poison
17-18 Charm 60-64 Periapt of Wound Closure
19-22 Garment 65-71 Phylactery of Faithfulness
23-41 Potion or liquid 72-76 Phylactery of Long Years
42-46 Ring 77-78 Phylactery of Monstrous Attention
47 Rod 79 Phylactery of Shortened Years
48-61 Scroll 80 Scarab of Death
62-63 Spellbook 81-83 Scarab of Enraging Enemies
64-65 Staff 84-85 Scarab of Golem Slaying
66-68 Wand 86-87 Scarab of Insanity
69-94 Weapon 88-94 Scarab of Protection
95-96 Wondrous item (A-E) 95-97 Talisman of Pure Good
97-98 Wondrous item (E-J) 98 Talisman of the Sphere
99-00 Wondrous item (J-Z) 99-00 Talisman of Ultimate Evil

Once the general type of magic item has been determined, roll on the TABLE 64: MAGIC ITEMS (GARMENTS)
appropriate table to determine the exact item. Full descriptions of all magic Die Roll (d%) Garment Type
items can be found starting on p. 77. 01 Boots of Dancing
02-04 Boots of Elvenkind
TABLE 61: MAGIC ITEMS (ARMOR AND SHIELDS) 05-06 Boots of Levitation
Die Roll (d%) Armor or Shield 07 Boots of the North
01-56 Armor, enchanted 08-09 Boots of Speed
57-65 Mail, elfin 10-11 Boots of Striding and Springing
66-00 Shield, enchanted 12 Boots of Varied Tracks
13 Boots, Winged
TABLE 62: MAGIC ITEMS (BOOKS) 14-15 Bracers of Archery
Die Roll (d%) Book Type 16 Bracers of Brachiation
01-28 Blessed Book 17-24 Bracers of Defense
29-32 Book of Holy Benisons 25 Bracers of Defenselessness
33-36 Book of Infinite Spells 26 Circlet of Domination
37-40 Book of Unholy Damnation 27 Cloak of Arachnidia
41-44 Codex of Making Friends and Influencing People 28-29 Cloak of the Bat
45-48 Libram of Gainful Conjuration 30-31 Cloak of Displacement
49-52 Libram of Ineffable Damnation 32-35 Cloak of Elvenkind
53-56 Libram of Silver Magic 36 Cloak of the Manta Ray
57-60 Manual of Bodily Health 37 Cloak of Poisonousness
61-64 Manual of Gainful Exercise 38-45 Cloak of Protection
65-68 Manual of Golems 46 Cyclone Spitzhut
69-72 Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms 47 Eyes of the Basilisk
73-76 Manual of Quickness of Action 48 Eyes of Charming
77-80 Manual of Stealthy Pilfering 49 Eyes of the Eagle
81 Necrophidius Handbook 50 Eyes of Minute Seeing
82-85 Tome of Clear Thought 51 Eyes of Petrification
86-89 Tome of Leadership and Influence 52 Gauntlets of Ogre Power
90-93 Tome of Understanding 53 Girdle of Dwarvenkind
94-00 Vacuous Grimoire 54 Girdle of Femininity/Masculinity
55 Girdle of Giant Strength
TABLE 63: MAGIC ITEMS (CHARMS) 56-58 Girdle of Many Pouches
Die Roll (d%) Charm Type 59 Gloves of Dexterity
01-02 Amulet of Inescapable Location 60 Gloves of Fumbling
03 Amulet of Life Protection 61 Gloves of Missile Snaring
04-05 Amulet of the Planes 62 Gloves of Swimming and Climbing
06-10 Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location 63-64 Gloves of Thievery
11-12 Amulet of Undead Command 65-66 Hat of Difference
13-14 Amulet of Undead Turning 67-68 Hat of Disguise
15-23 Brooch of Shielding 69-70 Hat of Stupidity
24-26 Medallion of ESP 71 Helm of Brilliance
27-28 Medallion of Thought Projection 72-73 Helm of Comprehension
29-31 Necklace of Adaptation 74 Helm of Opposite Alignment
32-36 Necklace of Missiles 75 Helm of Telepathy
37-43 Necklace of Prayer Beads 76 Helm of Teleportation
44-45 Necklace of Strangulation 77 Mantle of Starry Wandering

The Game Environment – Treasure

Die Roll (d%) Garment Type Die Roll (d%) Potion or Liquid Type
78 Robe of the Archmagi 91 Potion of Undead Control
79-80 Robe of Blending 92-93 Potion of Vitality
81 Robe of Eyes 94-95 Potion of Water Breathing
82 Robe of Powerlessness 96 Potion of Youth
83 Robe of Scintillating Colors 97 Sovereign Glue
84 Robe of Stars 98-99 Sweet Water
85-87 Robe of Useful Items 00 Ultimate Solution
88-90 Robe of Vermin
91 Shoes of Wandering TABLE 66: MAGIC ITEMS (RINGS)
92-93 Slippers of Kicking Die Roll (d%) Ring Type
94-96 Slippers of Spider Climbing 01-04 Animal friendship
97-00 Wings of Flying 05-09 Blinking
10-12 Chameleon power
Die Roll (d%) Potion or Liquid Type 16-20 Contrariness
01-02 Love Potion 21-24 Delusion
03-04 Oil of Acid Resistance 25-26 Djinni summoning
05-06 Oil of Disenchantment 27 Elemental command
07-08 Oil of Elemental Invulnerability 28-30 Elvenkind
09-10 Oil of Etherealness 31-34 Feather falling
11-12 Oil of Fiery Burning 35-38 Fire resistance
13-14 Oil of Fumbling 39-40 Free action
15-16 Oil of Impact 41-42 influence
17-18 Oil of Sharpness 43-48 Invisibility
19-20 Oil of Slipperiness 49-51 Jumping
21-22 Oil of Timelessness 52 Magus
23-24 Potion of Animal Control 53-54 Mammal control
25-26 Potion of Beauty 55-57 Mind shielding
27-28 Potion of Clairaudience 58-62 Protection
29-30 Potion of Clairvoyance 63 Ram
31-32 Potion of Climbing 64 Regeneration
33-34 Potion of Delusion 65-67 Shocking grasp
35-36 Potion of Diminution 68-69 Shooting stars
37 Potion of Dragon Control 70-71 Spell storing
38-39 Potion of ESP 72-74 Spell turning
40-41 Potion of Extra Healing 75 Sustenance
42-43 Potion of Fire Breath 76-79 Swimming
44-45 Potion of Fire Resistance 80 Telekinesis
46-47 Potion of Flying 81-83 Truth
48 Potion of Gaseous Form 84-87 Warmth
49 Potion of Giant Control 88-90 Water walking
50-51 Potion of Giant Strength 91-96 Weakness
52-53 Potion of Glibness 97-98 Wishes
54 Potion of Growth 99 Wizardry
55-58 Potion of Healing 00 X-ray vision
59-60 Potion of Health
61 Potion of Heroism TABLE 67: MAGIC ITEMS (RODS)
62 Potion of Human Control Die Roll (d%) Rod Type
63-64 Potion of Invisibility 01-17 Absorption
65 Potion of Invulnerability 18-20 Beguiling
66-67 Potion of Levitation 21-48 Cancellation
68-70 Potion of Life 49-62 Flailing
71 Potion of Liquid Form 63-65 Lordly might
72 Potion of Longevity 66-73 Passage
73-74 Potion of Madness 74 Resurrection
75-76 Potion of Persuasiveness 75 Rulership
77-78 Potion of Plant Control 76-87 Security
79-80 Potion of Poison 88-91 Smiting
81-82 Potion of Polymorph Self 92-00 Splendor
83-84 Potion of Rainbow Hues
85-86 Potion of Speed
87-88 Potion of Stammering and Stuttering
89 Potion of Super Heroism
90 Potion of Treasure Finding


TABLE 68: MAGIC ITEMS (SCROLLS) Die Roll (d%) Wand Type
Die Roll (d%) Scroll Type 17-20 Fear
01-02 Scroll, cursed 21-22 Fire
03-50 Scroll, protection (see Table 69) 23-26 Fireballs
51-00 Scroll, spell 27-30 Flame extinguishing
31 Force
Die Roll (d%) Protection Scroll Type 33-35 Ice storms
01 Acid 36-39 Illumination
02-05 Angels 40-43 Illusion
06-09 Archons 44-45 Lightning
10 Breath weapons (dragon) 46-49 Lightning bolts
11 Breath weapons (non-dragon) 50-53 Magic detection
12 Cold 54-61 Magic missiles
13-16 Daemons 62-66 Metal and mineral detection
17-20 Demons 67-68 Metal command
21-24 Devas 69-74 Negation
25-28 Devils 75-78 Paralyzation
29 Electricity 79-82 Polymorphing
30-38 Elementals 83-86 Secret door and trap detection
39 Fire 87-90 Size alteration
40 Gas 91-92 Steam and vapor
41 Illusions 93-00 Wonder
42-50 Lycanthropes
60 Paralyzation Die roll (d%) Weapon type
61-66 Petrification 01-80 Weapon, enchanted
67-68 Plants 81-00 Weapon (missile), enchanted
69-70 Poison
77 Traps Die Roll (d%) Wondrous Item Type
78-83 Undead 01-02 Alchemy Jug
84 Water 03-04 Apparatus of the Crab
85-86 Weapons (blunt) 05-06 Arrow of Direction
87-88 Weapons (edged) 07 Bag of Devouring
89-90 Weapons (magical blunt) 08-11 Bag of Holding
91-92 Weapons (magical edged) 12 Bag of Transmuting
93-94 Weapons (magical missile) 13-14 Bag of Tricks
95-96 Weapons (magical piercing) 15-16 Beads of Force
97-98 Weapons (missile) 17-18 Beaker of Plentiful Potions
99-00 Weapons (piercing) 19 Boat, Folding
20-21 Bowl of Water Elemental Command
TABLE 70: MAGIC ITEMS (STAVES) 22 Bowl of Watery Death
Die Roll (d%) Staff Type 23-24 Brazier of Fire Elemental Command
01-02 Command 25 Brazier of Sleep Smoke
03-14 Curing 26 Broom of Animated Attack
15 Magi 27-30 Broom of Flying
16 Power 31-35 Candle of Invocation
17-27 Serpent 36-37 Carpet of Flying
28-39 Slinging 38-39 Censer of Air Elemental Command
40-51 Staff-mace 40 Censer of Summoning Hostile Air Elementals
52-62 Staff-spear 41 Chime of Hunger
63-72 Striking 42-43 Chime of Interruption
73-77 Swarming 44-45 Chime of Opening
78-79 Thunder and Lightning 46 Cornamuse of the Woodlands
80-86 Withering 47-50 Crystal Ball
87-00 Woodlands 51 Crystal Hypnosis Ball
52 Cube of Force
TABLE 71: MAGIC ITEMS (WANDS) 53-54 Cube of Frost Resistance
Die Roll (d%) Wand Type 55-56 Cubic Gate
01-04 Buckler wand 57-58 Dart of the Hornets’ Nest
05-06 Conjuration 59-60 Decanter of Endless Water
07-09 Defoliation 61-62 Deck of Illusions
10-11 Earth and stone 63-65 Deck of Many Things
12-16 Enemy detection 66-67 Doleful and Bright Candelabra

The Game Environment – Treasure

Die Roll (d%) Wondrous Item Type Die Roll (d%) Wondrous Item Type
68-72 Drum of Deafening 17 Mirror of Mental Prowess
73-74 Drum of Panic 18 Mirror of Opposition
75 Dulcimer of Defense 19-20 Net of Entrapment
76-79 Dust of Appearance 21-22 Net of Snaring
80-84 Dust of Disappearance 23 Pearl of Folly
85-86 Dust of Dryness 24 Pearl of Loss
87-88 Dust of Illusion 25-26 Pearl of Power
89 Dust of Sneezing and Choking 27 Pearl of the Sirens
90-92 Dust of Tracelessness 28-29 Pearl of Wisdom
93-94 Efficient Quiver 30-35 Pipes of the Sewers
95 Efreeti Bottle 36 Portable Hole
96-97 Egg of Desire 37-41 Pouch of Accessibility
98-00 Egg of Reason 42 Prison of the Magus
43-47 Rope of Climbing
TABLE 74: MAGIC ITEMS (WONDROUS ITEMS E-J) 48-49 Rope of Constriction
Die Roll (d%) Wondrous Item Type 50-52 Rope of Entanglement
01-02 Egg of Shattering 53 Rug of Smothering
03-04 Ever-full Purse 54 Rug of Welcome
05 Ever-smoking Bottle 55 Saw of Mighty Cutting
06-17 Feather Token 56 Shadow Lanthorn
18-28 Figurine of Wondrous Power 57-59 Sheet of Smallness
29 Flask of Curses 60 Spade of Colossal Excavation
30-31 Flowing Flagon 61-67 Spell Component Case, Enchanted
32 Flute of Wonder 68 Sphere of Annihilation
33 Gem of Brightness 69-72 Spoon of Stirring
34-35 Gem of Insight 73-75 Stone Horse
36 Gem of Seeing 76-77 Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals
37 Hammer, Dwarven Thrower 78-79 Stone of Good Luck
38-41 Handy Haversack 80-81 Stone of Weight
42-48 Healing Ointment 82-84 Sustaining Spoon
49-52 Helm of Underwater Action 85-89 Trident of Fish Command
53 Horn of Blasting 90-93 Trident of Warning
54-55 Horn of Bubbles 94-95 Trident of Yearning
56 Horn of Collapsing 96-97 Well of Many Worlds
57-60 Horn of Fog 98-00 Wind Fan
61-62 Horn of Goodness/Evil
63-65 Horn of the Tritons Disposing of Treasure
66-70 Horn of Valhalla
71 Hornblade It is a common misconception that, when an adventurer finds an alabaster
72-75 Horseshoes of a Zephyr statuette worth 400 g.p., he can simply nip down to the local alabaster
76-77 Horseshoes of Speed statuette shop, turn in the item, and walk away with 400 gold coins (or,
78-82 Incense of Meditation preferably, 80 platinum pieces!). Nothing could be further from the truth.
83 Incense of Obsession
84-86 Instant Fortress In reality, when disposing of treasure, the adventurers will not receive the full
87-88 Ioun Stones value of the booty. In some cases, they will be able to recover less than half
89-90 Iron Bands of Binding the value of the item in cold, hard cash.
91-92 Iron Flask
93-96 Javelin of Lightning It is up to you as game master to decide how you want to handle the disposal
97-00 Javelin of Piercing of treasure. You may want to role-play out each transaction, but this could
quickly become tedious if a large hoard consisting of mainly artworks and
TABLE 75: MAGIC ITEMS (WONDROUS ITEMS J-Z) luxuries is at hand. You may also want to simply roll on the following table to
Die Roll (d%) Wondrous Item Type determine how much the player characters will get for their haul. A good
01 Jewel of Attacks compromise may also be to do a mixture; act out the disposition of two or
02-03 Lens of Detection three very expensive, high-end items, and simply say “and you’re able to
04-05 Lens of Ultravision dispose of the rest in a similar fashion, for a total value of X g.p.”
06 Longtooth dagger
07 Lyre of Building The amount obtained for a treasure depends on the type of treasure it is (it
08 Lyre of the Elements being easier for an adventurer-type to get a good price for a ruby necklace
09-10 Mail, elfin than a bale of cotton), and is modified by the charisma of the seller and a few
11 Mandolin of Might other factors.
12-13 Marvelous Pigments
14 Mattock of the Titans Note that characters get experience points for the full value of treasure
15 Maul of the Titans recovered, not what they’re able to sell it for.
16 Mirror of Life Trapping



Charisma of Seller
Type 3-6 7-8 9-12 13-14 15-16 17 18 19+
I 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70%
II 33% 38% 43% 48% 52% 57% 62% 67%
III 33% 38% 43% 48% 52% 57% 62% 67%
IV 32% 36% 41% 45% 50% 54% 59% 63%
V 32% 36% 41% 45% 50% 54% 59% 63%
VI 32% 36% 41% 45% 50% 54% 59% 63%
VII 32% 36% 41% 45% 50% 54% 59% 63%
VIII 32% 36% 41% 45% 50% 54% 59% 63%
IX 26% 30% 34% 38% 41% 45% 49% 53%
X 28% 30% 33% 35% 38% 40% 43% 45%
XI 9% 10% 11% 13% 14% 15% 16% 18%
XII n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
XIII 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 95%
XIV 66% 70% 74% 78% 81% 85% 89% 96%
XV 64% 68% 71% 75% 79% 83% 86% 94%
XVI 89% 90% 91% 93% 94% 95% 96% 99%
XVII 53% 58% 63% 68% 73% 78% 83% 93%
XVIII 76% 78% 81% 83% 86% 88% 91% 96%

While it may seem that some of the percentages in the above table are too is completely optional, and entirely up to the game master’s fiat. Note that
low, bear in mind that for many of the treasure types, coin makes up a large defeating monsters and NPCs is not the same as slaying them; forcing them to
percentage of the total. Thus, that portion of the treasure is worth 100% of its surrender, outwitting them in a running battle in twisting dungeon corridors,
value, so the overall amount obtained for the hoard is much higher than the etc., should all count.
table above might suggest.
However, bear in mind that if a particular encounter was simply too easy for
TABLE 77: SALE OF TREASURE ITEMS (TREASURE METHOD II) the characters, the game master is well within his rights to reduce the value of
Charisma the encounter by 25% or even 50%, depending on the circumstance. A 14th
of Seller Sundries Luxuries Art Jewelry Gems level mage defeating a single orc should probably not receive the full x.p.
3-6 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% value for doing so. The same mage defeating 50 orcs single-handed, on the
7-8 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% other hand, probably earned the full amount for doing so. Circumstances will
9-12 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% dictate, and you as game master must use your judgment. There is no set
13-14 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% formula.
15-16 55% 60% 65% 70% 75%
17 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% The 1 g.p. = 1 x.p. rule is easy enough to calculate. For every g.p. of treasure
18 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% the party recovers, they earn 1 x.p., with the total number of x.p. divided by
19+ 70% 80% 85% 90% 95% the number of characters. Note that this refers to the g.p. value of the treasure;
it does not apply to the actual number of g.p. the party is able to sell the
The percentage above indicates how much of the items’ worth will be paid for treasure for.
in coin. Add 10% if the same buyer has been sold to before by the player
characters, with no bad history between them. The same goes for magic items, with each magic item having an x.p. value;
the x.p. for items should be spread between all of the members of the
If the items were stolen from someone in the area, and are easily identifiable adventuring party that recovered the item, even if only one of them actually
(most art and many luxuries would fall into this category, as would very ends up with the item in his possession. If the characters sell a magic item, they
expensive or noteworthy gems), normal merchants will not only refuse to buy, should get experience points appropriate to the amount of gold earned, rather
but will almost certainly (90% chance) turn the would-be seller over to the than the x.p. value of the item itself. As a rule, it will be higher.
authorities. If a proper underworld fence can be found, or is already known,
such items can be sold for a further 50% reduction to the prices given above An exception should be made if one or more characters split off from the party
(10% minimum). Note that the player characters don’t need to be the ones and win their own treasure while doing so; in such a case, the x.p. for their
who necessarily stole the goods – re-stealing from the thieves will still require exploits while separated from the rest of the party should be calculated and
the use of a fence! awarded separately.

The game master may also award experience points at his discretion for
Experience whatever reason he deems fit, although care should be taken to avoid leveling
up characters too quickly. Everything from obtaining a particular objective to
Experience points come from three sources: treasure won, enemies defeated, excellent role-playing could be the basis for such an award. Some game
and other sources that the game master deems worthy of yielding experience masters may, of course, prefer to stick to monsters and loot for x.p., and that
points, such as overcoming tricks and traps, solving puzzles, achieving plot is absolutely their prerogative.
goals, exceptional role-playing on the part of one of the players, etc. The last

Buildings and Fortifications – Hit Points of Structures

master may find himself in need of knowing how much damage a particular
Buildings and Fortifications sort of structure can take before it is destroyed through the actions of his
players. No matter the reason, the following guidelines can be used to
adjudicate such endeavors. Note that they are only guidelines; if the
Often characters will find themselves in the position of needing to construct circumstances of the campaign dictate otherwise, or the game master thinks
some sort of structure in the course of their adventures. Such a thing could be that some modifications are justified, these guidelines must be set aside in favor
a temporary expedient in the course of a single session; the building of a wall of the game master’s ruling.
to hold off a horde of rampaging goblins, for instance. More likely, the game


Item Size Hit Points Man-Hours to Build Cost (g.p.)
Arrow slit 6” x 3’ n/a 10 5
Battlement 15’ x 4’ 120 30 20
Bridge, stone 5’ x 10’ 150 28 100
Bridge, wood 5’ x 10’ 75 14 50
Building, stone (2 floors) 120’ perimeter, 20’ high (walls 1’ thick) 100 1,300 500
Building, wood (2 floors) 120’ perimeter, 20’ high (walls 6” thick) 80 650 300
Buttress 3’ x 5’ x 10’ 20 85 15
Ditch 100’ x 10’ x 20’ n/a 130 100
Door, iron 4’ x 7’ 100 15 100
Door, secret 4’ x 7’ 10 15 50
Door, trap 3’ x 3’ 10 5 2
Door, wooden 4’ x 7’ 10 7.5 10
Door, wooden w/iron bands 4’ x 7’ 30 10 25
Drawbridge 10’ x 15’ 150 42.5 400
Gatehouse, stone 140’ perimeter, 30’ high 1,200 2,350 2,000
Moat 100’ x 10’ x 20’ n/a 32.5 250
Palisade, wooden 100’ x 10’ 200 280 100
Pit 10’ x 10’ x 10’ n/a 5 35
Portcullis 10’ x 15’ 120 85 500
Rampart 100’ x 10’ 200 560 100
Stairs, stone 10’ vertical, 3’ wide 100 15 50
Stairs, wooden 10’ vertical, 3’ wide 50 7.5 10
Tower, stone, round 20’ x 30’ (walls 5’ thick) 400 1,680 850
Tower, stone, round 30’ x 30’ (walls 6’ thick) 600 3,025 1,350
Tower, stone, round 40’ x 40’ (walls 7’ thick) 800 6,275 1,600
Tower, stone, square 10’ x 30’ (walls 5’ thick) 300 840 600
Tower, stone, square 20’ x 30’ (walls 6’ thick) 400 2,015 900
Tower, stone, square 30’ x 30’ (walls 7’ thick) 500 3,525 1,200
Tunnel 10’ x 10’ x 10’ n/a 8 200
Wall, curved 5’ x 20’ x 10’ 80 560 100
Wall, straight 10’ x 20’ x 10’ 200 1,120 100
Window 2’ x 4’ n/a 4.5 5
Window, shuttered 2’ x 4’ 40 4.5 +2
Window, barred 2’ x 4’ 120 4.5 +3

Larger holes or complete breaches can be made by inflicting the needed

Hit Points of Structures damage on adjacent sections of wall.

Most of the structures listed above have a hit point value. While these are
scaled the same as hit points and damage done by weapons, no hit that does Cost of Construction
less than 10 h.p. of damage will have any effect on a stone or wooden
structure. Plus, each strike against a stone structure requires that the weapon To calculate the cost of a particular construction, simply divide the floor plan
save vs. crushing blow, while strikes against wood require a saving throw vs. of the intended work into its component parts and add up the resultant costs.
normal blows, whether or not the strike does damage to the object in question. This cost includes supplies and labor. If the laborers are not being paid, cut
Thus, while it is vaguely conceivable that someone could destroy a bridge with the cost of construction by 33%, but increase the construction time by 100%
a sword, it would take quite a long time to do so, and probably ruin the sword (and at least 1 guard for every 20 slaves is required). Slaves are cheap, but
long before the bridge is destroyed. Note that siege weapons such as catapults unreliable, workers.
are designed to cause damage to such structures, which is why they do the
damage that they do. They also do not require saving throws when they hit.
Construction Time
Buttresses are designed to take damage before whatever structure to which
To determine the total time of construction, total the time for each item in the
they are attached (usually a tower or wall); thus, a buttress must be destroyed
finished project, but divide the resulting number by the number of workers.
before the wall or tower to which it is attached will begin to take damage. For
That will give the total number of hours the completed work will require. The
wall sections, the hit points listed are for a 10’ x 10’ x 10’ section of the wall;
game master should keep in mind the physics of the project as well; a single
taking the listed amount of damage will result in a hole of those dimensions.


10’ wide tunnel could not be completed any quicker by a thousand men than
it could by a dozen, simply because only a limited number of people could Hit Points represents the amount of damage the siege weapon itself can take
work on it at any given time. As with all things, common sense must prevail. before becoming inoperative. Note that, like structures, any hit that scores less
than 10 h.p. in a single blow will do no damage to the siege weapon, and
Construction time can be decreased by spending more money. Expending any weapon that strikes a metal siege weapon must make a saving throw vs.
50% more than the indicated cost will cut the work time in half. By expending crushing blow or be broken, while any weapon that makes a hit against a
250% of the original cost, the time needed can be cut to 1/3 the hours listed wooden siege engine must make a saving throw vs. normal blow or be broken.
above. This is not an option if slave labor is being used, naturally.
Range is self-explanatory, but bear in mind that weapons that fire their
ammunition in an arc, such as catapults and trebuchets cannot hit anything
closer than the “short” range indicated. Weapons that fire in line-of-sight, such
as ballistae, have no such restriction.

Arc refers to how far the weapon can be “nudged” left or right in order to aim
at other targets. The rate of fire is the same as for other missile weapons, while
the “damage against” columns give the number of hit points a successful hit
does against the given type of target. S/M and L refer to creatures, of course.

The number of trained specialists needed to operate the siege weapon is given
in the descriptive text after the table. It includes a “crew chief”. When firing a
siege weapon, the level of the “crew chief” directing the weapon’s operation
is used to determine the change “to hit”.

Targets are always considered AC 0 for purposes of determining “to hit”

probabilities, with the exception of ballistae, which always treat targets as
being AC 10 (only dexterity bonuses apply). Of course, siege weapons can
only hit targets which are visible; even partial cover means that a specific
Siege Weapons target cannot be named, but rather a target area. If the shot misses, the rules
for “misses with missile weapons” (above) are then used.
Siege weapons are most often used to attack structures such as walls, bridges,
towers, etc. It is not impossible, however, for them to be used against
individuals or groups of people. Missile weapons are often mounted on ships.


Hit Range (yards) Rate of Fire Damage Against
Weapon Cost Points Short Med Long Arc Wood Earth Brick Stone S/M L
Ballista 75 g.p. 20 3 180 320 45° 1/3 rounds 0 0 0 0 2d6 3d6
Catapult, 200 g.p. 60 180 240 360 15° 1/4 rounds 1d6x10 0 1d4x10 2d10 2d12 4d4
Catapult, 150 g.p. 40 150 225 300 30° 1/4 rounds 1d4x10 0 2d10 1d10 2d10 3d4
Cauldron 50 g.p. 20 0 0 3 - n/a - - - - varies
Gallery 350 g.p. 100 n/a n/a n/a - n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Ram 150 g.p. 20 0 0 3 - 1/2 rounds 10 0 3 0 1d8+8 1d6+6
Siege 800 g.p. 160 n/a n/a n/a - n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Sow 150 g.p. 20 0 0 3 - 1/2 rounds 5 5 5 0 1d8+8 1d12+12
Trebuchet 500 g.p. 80 240 360 480 10° 1/4 rounds 1d8x10 0 1d4+1x10 1d3x10 3d10 5d4

Buildings and Fortifications – Mining

Ballista: Also known as a scorpion, this is a weapon that fires a long spear at when it is destroyed) can be dug depends on the type of miners. Details are
the target, much like an incredibly large crossbow. given in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary, but for creatures whose
Catapult: Also known as a mangonel or onager. It hurls stones or similar sorts mining rate is not listed, use the human rate as a baseline: 75’ per human per
of missiles in an arc at a target. 8-hour shift in very soft rock, 50’ per human in soft rock, and 25’ per human
Cauldron: This is a large iron container for such things as boiling oil, boiling in hard rock.
water, acid, etc. The cauldron is kept on top of a height like a wall, and the
contents are dumped on those below. It is, of course, possible for more than one creature to be involved in mining at
Gallery: This is simply a mobile covering, made of wood and wet hides, some any given time; bear in mind that such activity involves more than swinging a
12’ high, 12’ wide, and 20’ long. It is used to protect troops as they approach pick or shovel. Moving out debris, building shoring supports, etc. are all
a fortification. A gallery can be built with either a ram or a sow inside, thus involved. The maximum number of miners depends on their size.
allowing the weapons to be brought to a wall or gate in relative safety.
Ram: This is a long wooden beam, usually with a metal head, used to bash TABLE 80: MINING
down gates, walls, etc. It can be mounted in a gallery for added protection. It Size Maximum Miners per 10’ Tunnel Width
is only useful when the target is immediately in front of the device. S 16
Sow: This is a long wooden beam much like a ram, but with a sharp metal M 12
end, either straight or like a screw, specifically for use against less solid L (7’ high) 8
substances such as earth or brick. It is only useful when the target is L (9’ high) 6
immediately in front of the device. L (more than 9’ high) 4
Trebuchet: This is a large device used to hurl stones and similar objects, but
which uses a counterbalance rather than tension to impart force, and thus Note that any sort of mining presupposes that each miner is equipped with a
achieves greater ranges than a catapult. pickaxe (costs 20 g.p., weighs 20 lbs.). Any miner without such an implement
will only be able to dig out half the usual amount of earth or stone.
Mining can be said to be in a category of its own, and encompasses all sorts
of underground construction. The speed with which a mine (including a mine
intended to subvert a wall or other fortification – doing 100 h.p. of damage


their hirelings. They could have signed on as members of the crew themselves,
Ships and Waterborne Travel to offset the price of passage. They could have simply paid. Or, most risky,
they could be stowaways; a very difficult proposition on the smaller vessels of
the classical to late medieval period that the game assumes, but by no means

Short voyages will be charged according to a flat rate; a ferry across a river,
for instance, would be about 5 s.p. Longer voyages will be assessed by the
mile, if they are between known destinations on established routes. The
hazards vary, naturally, as do the distances involved, so the prices will vary
according to whether the travel is to be done on a lake/river or on the sea.

Voyages of discovery, however, where the ship is sailing into the unknown
and without the benefit of a known port of call at the other end, will almost
always require that the ship and its crew be bought and paid for entirely.

Naturally, shipborne travel is not without its own inherent risks, over and above
the perils of pirates, sea monsters, and marauding sea-races.


The speed at which the ship travels depends on whether or not it is sailing or
rowing, and the relative speed of the wind. Each ship is given a rowing and
sailing speed; that represents the base speed at which the vessel travels by
Most campaigns will, at some point or other, move out onto the waves. Such either means. To that, roll each day and apply the following modifier due to
adventuring comes with its own unique character, as the perils and the wind. Note that the direction of travel and wind direction do not matter for
requirements of seaborne travel and exploration are distinctive. purposes of movement; they only come into play in a tactical combat situation.

Some campaigns will have long voyages of discovery, and new lands to be TABLE 81: DAILY WIND SHIPBORNE MOVEMENT MODIFIER
explored. Some will sail age-old trade routes, bringing goods, passengers, Die Roll
and (perhaps most important of all) information between far-flung and exotic (d%) Result Speed Modifier Damage
ports of call. Still others will find the player characters facing desperate pirates, 01-02 Dead calm No movement by sail 0
marauding undersea dwellers, and even open warfare. possible, only by oar
03-08 Calm 25% normal sail rate, full 0
Player characters will, generally, have only a few types of interactions with oar rate
ships during the normal course of the game: 09-19 Light breeze 50% normal sail rate, full 0
oar rate
 The player characters travel on a ship from one destination to 20-78 Light wind Full sail, full oar rate 0
another (whether they own or hire the ship). It could be as simple 79-89 Strong wind 125% sail rate, full oar rate 2
as taking a ferry across a river, or as daunting as traveling to 90-97 High wind 150% sail rate, 25% oar 4
another continent. rate
 The player characters have an encounter on the ship itself (whether 98-99 Gale 200% sail rate, 50% oar 8
the ship is in motion or at port). Often such encounters will consist rate
of interacting with NPCs who are either part of the crew or are 00 Storm 300% sail rate but 16
fellow passengers, but there could be a mystery to be solved, a determine direction
treasure to be found on the ship itself, etc. randomly, no oar movement
 The ship which the player characters are on itself has a hostile possible
encounter while they are on board her (whether that is with another * Hurricane 500% sail rate but 32
ship or a monster of some sort). Pirates, sea monsters, ships of some determine direction
enemy nation, marauding raiders from beneath the waves; there randomly, no oar movement
are endless possibilities. possible

Note that the three main sorts of shipboard interactions are not mutually * Hurricane-strength winds are not normally encountered randomly, but should
exclusive, of course. It is entirely possible for the characters to be on a ship en be placed by the game master as an encounter, whether as a set encounter or
route from one port to another, deal with NPCs while on board, and have the via a random encounter table.
vessel attacked by pirates before they reach their destination. Each has unique
challenges for the game master, and is best dealt with through rules and If the ship is becalmed, there is a 25% chance that it will be becalmed the next
guidelines of its own. day. The campaign setting may have modifiers for wind according to
particular seasons and/or particular locations. It may also have currents
charted that will have an impact on shipborne speeds. Damage listed in the
Shipborne Travel above table is the amount of damage the ship sustains as a result of the wind;
this will accumulate and will eventually need to be repaired or the ship will
This is the most straightforward of all shipboard interactions. The ship is founder and sink (see below).
traveling from point A to point B, and the characters are on board while it
does. They could own the ship itself, in which case the captain and crew are

Ships and Waterborne Travel – Shipboard Encounters

Note that many ships will have a chance to capsize if they are caught in strong
winds or greater. This chance is listed in the individual ship descriptions,
Seaborne Encounters

When traveling on rivers, there is an additional modifier based on the speed The game master should check for random encounters while the ship is at sea,
just as he does for traveling on land in the wilderness. The chance for a random
of the river itself. When traveling downstream (i.e., with the flow of the river)
encounter depends on the locale. Note that a “traveled” lake or river is one
add 2/3 of the river’s speed to that of the ship. When traveling upstream,
subtract 1/3 of the river’s speed from the ship’s speed. The largest rivers flow which is generally used for transportation by people from civilized lands for
trade, fishing, etc. An untraveled lake or river is one which is found in the
at up to 5 mph, while others flow less than 1 mph.
wilderness and does not have regular shipborne traffic upon it.

Getting Lost Check for Encounter Chance of

Locale Every… Encounter
Each day, the captain or one of the officers of the ship must make a successful Traveled lake/river 6 hours 15%
seafaring (navigation) roll. If the roll fails, the ship is off course, but not Untraveled lake/river 8 hours 10%
irreparably so. If the ship fails three such rolls in succession, the ship is lost. Within 24 miles of inhabited coast 6 hours 15%
Such checks are always made against intelligence, not dexterity. Within 24 miles of uninhabited 8 hours 10%
Having an accurate nautical chart of the area in which the ship is traveling More than 24 miles from coast 12 hours 5%
gives a +1 bonus to the check. If there is a known coastline in sight, the check (any)
gets an additional +1 bonus. For travel in well-known and often-traveled
waters, the check is an automatic success. If an encounter is indicated, roll on the appropriate table found in the
For a ship which is lost, the game master should secretly roll on the following
table to determine what direction they are really going in.
Die Roll (d6) Ship is Actually Traveling Surprise is normally only possible if the enemy is attacking from directly
underneath the vessel, if there is fog, or if the encounter takes place at night,
1 30° to starboard
due to the fact that visibility is so great at sea. As game master, you may
2 60° to starboard
determine that there are other circumstances in which surprise is justified; when
3 90° to starboard (only possible in fog or cloudy weather)
a pirate ship is lurking in a hidden cave and darts out to attack, etc. In such
4 30° to port
circumstances, roll 1d6 for both sides and consult the following table.
5 60° to port
6 90° to port (only possible in fog or cloudy weather)
Foes (monsters, enemy ships, etc.) Roll
1 2 3 4 5 6+
To determine whether the weather is cloudy or clear, roll 1d6. On a roll of 1
or 2, the weather is cloudy. If not, it is clear. Note that you should also be 1 N/A F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
using the weather tables found on p. 17 (or whatever weather system your 2 P1 N/A F1 F2 F3 F4
PCs Roll

particular campaign setting uses); this will let you know the chance for fog. 3 P2 P1
4 P3 P2
No effect
5 P4 P3
Shipboard Encounters 6 P5 P4

Shipboard encounters are very little different from any other sort of encounter. F1, F2, etc. indicate the number of free rounds of attacks the foe gets to make
The game master should prepare a detailed deck-plan of the vessel itself, which against the player characters’ ship. P1, P2, etc. indicates the number of free
should be keyed and described much like any other dungeon or building might rounds of attacks the player characters get to make against the foe. Instead of
be. Then he should work up details about the various notable NPCs (including attacking, either side gets a 50% bonus to their chance to evade if they surprise
at a very minimum the captain, his officers, notable passengers, and stand-out the enemy (see below).
sailors if any) and adjudicate the encounter just like any other.

Such encounters can present their own problems for the player characters, of
course. The fact that they are taking place onboard ship imparts a certain level
of isolation and claustrophobia to the proceedings. Naturally, this is lessened Either side in an encounter may choose to evade rather than remain to face
if the ship is docked at port, but even then the game master can use the confines the encounter. Bear in mind that evasion is automatic if the evading side can
of the ship to his advantage, simply by lessening the options for exploration, go underwater, and the pursuers cannot (such as a group of mermen wishing
searching, etc., available to the player characters. It’s easier to point them in to evade an encounter with a pirate ship).
a desired direction when they’re on a ship, rather than wandering all over
some port town. If the pursuer is a ship or ships, the captain must make a successful seamanship
(ocean-going or fresh-water, as applicable) roll using intelligence. If the pursuer
In addition, it is possible for undersea races to board ships and attack the is a creature or creatures, the base chance of successfully pursuing is equal to
crews and passengers (including, presumably, any player characters on the number of hit dice of the creature plus two. The type of hit dice do not
board). Such encounters should be adjudicated just like any regular melee matter in this instance. Then apply the following modifiers:
combat. If a band of marauding sahuagin toss grappling hooks onto the rail
of a ship and engage in bloody hand-to-hand (hand-to-fin?) combat, there’s no  Add the evasion modifier for the pursuer
reason to treat it any differently, from a mechanical point of view, than any  Subtract the evasion modifier for the pursued
other melee.


 If there is more than one pursuing ship, add half of the appropriate combat takes place (such as between men on the deck of a ship, or the crew
seamanship skill levels of the other captains to that of the lead of a ship firing their weapons at some sea monster.
pursuing captain (round down)
 If there are multiple pursuing creatures, add 1 to the pursuer’s roll If one side or another wishes to attempt to flee an encounter after it has begun,
for every 10 cumulative hit dice of pursuing creatures they must wait until one ship on either side has been sunk or otherwise
 If the pursued ship’s captain has a higher seamanship level than rendered inoperable, until the fleeing ship performs a successful maneuver
that of the pursuing ship, subtract 2 from the roll for each difference action, or until in some other circumstance that the game master deems
in skill level (do not count any additional bonuses the pursuer might appropriate has occurred (through the use of magic, role-playing, etc.).
receive due to the presence of multiple pursuing ships) – only
applies if pursued and pursuer are both ships Maneuver
 If the pursued is a creature more than 20’ in length, add 2 to the
pursuer’s roll This allows the ship or creature(s) to move in such a way that the enemy cannot
attack the ship. In order to do so, the creature or the captain of the
If the pursuer is successful in his roll, the pursued is caught and combat may maneuvering ship must make a successful seamanship roll against intelligence,
begin. If he fails, the pursued has successfully evaded the encounter. with the following modifiers. If the evasion is being done by a creature, it must
roll its intelligence or hit dice (whichever is higher) or less on 3d6, with the
same modifiers as if it were a ship.

 For each attacking ship or large creature beyond the first that is
attacking it, the maneuvering ship captain suffers a -1 penalty to
the skill check roll.
 Add the evasion modifier of the best attacking ship
 Subtract the evasion modifier of the maneuvering ship

If the ship makes its maneuver roll, none of the attacking ships is able to attack
it. If it fails, each is able to do so.

Sailing ships, as opposed to those being rowed, will move slower when
moving against the wind and faster when moving with the wind. Thus, apply
the following modifier to the maneuver roll, depending on the wind (see p. 35
to determine what the wind speed is on any given day).


Wind By Sail By Oar
Becalmed Automatic fail ±0
Breeze -4 ±0
Light wind -2 ±0
Waterborne Combat Normal wind ±0 ±0
Strong wind +2 ±0
Combat can take place when an encounter occurs and neither side successfully High winds +4 -2
evades. Of course, every encounter does not need to lead to combat; it could Violent winds +6 -4
be an encounter with a friendly merchant ship, a group of passing tritons on Gale -10 -10
business of their own, etc. But when combat does occur, it follows a process
analogous to that of melee combat. If the maneuver action is successful two turns in a row, the maneuvering ship
can attempt to evade the encounter altogether, but with an additional
Each ship will have a number of hit points, which act just like hit points for -2 penalty to the roll.
structures. No individual hit that does less than 10 h.p. of damage will have
any effect on a ship, and the weapon used must make a saving throw vs. Attack (missile)
normal blow to avoid being broken itself. This applies to sea creatures as well;
only attacks which do at least 10 hit points with a single blow will cause This allows the ship to attack the enemy with missile weapons: bows,
damage to ships. Note that this is not cumulative; each individual hit must do crossbows, ballistae, catapults, etc. This also includes magical attacks such as
10 h.p. to count. Sea creatures themselves are not protected by this stricture, fireballs and lightning bolts. Note that some weapons, such as catapults, have
of course. Unless otherwise specified, melee attacks against sea creatures will a fixed field of fire, and will not always be able to fire at an enemy, even if
inflict damage regardless of whether or not the amount is over 10 h.p. the ship itself is within range. Attacks can be targeted against an enemy ship
itself (in which case they are made against AC 10) or against the crew on the
Most weapons that can harm ships are of the siege weapon category: ship.
catapults, rams, etc. Ships can be armed with ballistae and light catapults,
suitable for use against both other ships and monsters. Each functions as Many missiles used in ship combat will be incendiary in nature. Barrels of
described in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual. flaming pitch will cause 1d6x10 h.p. of damage on the round they hit, and
will do like damage for every round they are not extinguished. Such a fire can
Ships can attempt to make one of four sorts of combat actions in a given round: be extinguished by15 men in 1 round, 10 men can do so in 2 rounds, and 5
maneuver, attack (missile), attack (ram), and attack (grapple). Combat men can do so in 3 rounds.
involving ships is done in alternating turns (each turn being 10 minutes, or 10
rounds); the only time initiative needs to be rolled is when normal melee Flaming arrows are the only exception to the 10 h.p. per strike rule. If 10 or
more flaming arrows strike the same ship on the same round, they will do 1

Ships and Waterborne Travel – Ships

h.p. of actual damage to the ship per round until the flames are extinguished
(the same number of men are needed as for a barrel of flaming pitch, above). The basic rule is that if a ship loses all of its hit points, it sinks. Whether this
means it has burned to the waterline and sinks, or has been swamped by storm-
Attack (ram) driven water, or has been rammed and takes on water faster than can be
bailed, will be determined by circumstance.
This allows the galley, if equipped with a ram (for only galleys may be so
equipped), to attempt to slam into the side of an enemy ship, thus breaching Damage can, of course, be repaired. Damage up to half the total hit points of
the hull and forcing it to take on water. It cannot be used against most sea the vessel can be repaired while at sea. Anything more than half the vessel’s
creatures except creatures as large or larger than the ship itself (or in other total hit points must be repaired while in port. This assumes that the proper
circumstances the game master may deem appropriate). The “to hit” roll is supplies and skilled crew are available to make the repairs, of course. If not,
made by the captain of the ramming ship against AC 10, with the following the ship can attempt to find the needed supplies (timber, mostly) on shore.
One sailor working for 8 hours can repair 1 hit point of ship damage, subject
TABLE 84: RAMMING "TO HIT" MODIFIER to the limits above. 20 lbs. of lumber and/or canvas are required to do so,
Circumstance Ramming “to hit” Modifier and a suitable selection of tools must be available. Many ships will carry spare
Target has 1 - 25 h.p. ±0 supplies of such things specifically for making repairs without having to stop.
Target has 26 - 50 h.p. -1 Unless otherwise specified, half of all damage will be inflicted on the hull of
Target has 50 - 99 h.p. -2 the ship itself (requiring lumber to repair) and half on the rigging (requiring
Target has 100+ h.p. -3 canvas).

The ram will inflict 10 h.p. of damage on the target vessel, but since the While repairs are taking place at sea, no movement can take place.
damage is caused beneath the waterline, the target vessel will be considered
“holed” and will take on water, causing an additional 1d10 h.p. per turn. A Most islands and coasts will have timber available that can be used to repair
ship can be pierced by a ram multiple times, with each such hole causing ships, unless the terrain obviously prohibits it (arctic, desert, etc.).
1d10 h.p. of damage as more and more water rushes in.

For every 10 sailors or other crew that begin to bail, 1d10 h.p. of such water
can be repaired per turn, but such bailing efforts can only repair damage
Each type of ship is given a set of statistics, described below. A relative handful
caused by incoming water. Sailors who are bailing cannot be used to repair
of the most predominant ship types is listed below. The game master is
damage, repel boarders, or take the place of rowers.
encouraged to expand this list to suit his own particular campaign, and should
feel free to include both historical and purely fantastic designs.
Only one ship may ram any given ship in any given turn. The same ship may
not ram the same ship on two successive turns, as the following turn is used to
Barge: A long, flat boat designed to carry cargo on relatively calm waters such
extricate the ramming ship from the target. If a ship successfully rams another,
as lakes and rivers. It was found in most time periods and cultures.
it may not perform any action on the next turn except grappling, but such is
extremely dangerous; if the ramming ship is still grappled to another when it
Such craft would be found operating as ferries on rivers and lakes, hauling
sinks, it will take on 10 h.p. per round of water until it too sinks.
cargo down rivers, etc.
Attack (grapple)
Bireme: A large galley designed for use along shores rather than the open
ocean. In addition to the rowers, it sports one or two masts. It is fully decked,
This allows the ship, if next to the enemy, to use grappling hooks and rope,
and has two banks of rowers per side. It sports a ram in addition to the other
bridging planks, etc., to put sailors, marines, and other combatants onto the
weapons listed. It was used from at least the 1st century through the 5th.
enemy ship to attempt to seize control of it. Note that this is exactly the same
process as sea creatures, such as sahuagin, grappling and boarding ships.
Biremes would be primarily warships, and their large cost and difficulty of
construction would make them more likely to be used by seafaring powers, as
If both ships wish to grapple, the attempt is automatically successful. If not,
opposed to pirates and the like. Of course, such ships could also be captured
there is a base 75% chance that the attempt to grapple will be successful. Each
and pressed into service by such buccaneers.
captain may, if he wishes, use his seamanship skill to modify the grappling
attempt: add or subtract 10% per seamanship skill level as appropriate. If a
Canoe: A small narrow craft designed for a few people. It has a very shallow
ship is attempting to grapple a ship that is already grappled, the attempt will
draft, allowing it to move along most rivers and even streams. It was found in
be automatically successful.
most time periods and cultures.
Once the grapple is successful, the combat should be run like any normal
Such vessels would be extremely useful when exploring wilderness areas. Their
melee combat, on the decks (and possibly in the interiors) of the ships involved.
light construction makes them very portable when traveling overland, while
As men move onto an enemy ship, they will get a -2 penalty “to hit” and a -2
their low draft means they can travel up and down all but the most shallow
penalty to their armor class for that round only.

Damage Caravel: A sailing ship capable of crossing broad oceans. It has two or three
masts with square rigging, fore- and aft-castles each with several decks, and a
Ships, like structures, have hit points. They will take automatic damage in high closed deck with several sub-decks. It was used in Europe from the 15th century
winds (see p. 35), and may suffer damage from combat with other ships or on.
sea monsters. Other hazards, such as coral reefs, can cause hull damage as
well. All of this must at some point be repaired or the ship will founder and Such ships would be used for both exploration and trade, when large expanses
sink. Light to moderate damage can be repaired while still at sea, while more of open sea must be crossed.
serious damage will require putting into port or even a drydock to fully repair.


Carrack: An enormous warship capable of holding hundreds of troops and Launch: A small boat designed to be carried by larger ships for use when
sporting many weapons. It has two or three square-rigged masts, multiple circumstances dictate. Boats launched from whaling ships would be of this
decks, and multi-decked fore- and aft-castles. It was used in Europe from the type. Also called a skiff, it can be found in most cultures and time periods that
15th century on. have larger ships.

Such ships could be used by both naval powers and pirates, and are naturally Longship: An open ship whose very shallow draught allows them to go deep
suited as troop transports. into rivers where other ships could not. Viking ships are quintessential
longships. Also known as drakkars. They were used in northern Europe from
Cog: The quintessential medieval sailing ship, with the aft and stern decked the 9th century through the 13th.
over, but the amidships left open. It was in use in Europe from the 12th century
onward. The quintessential weapon of northern barbarians, the sight of a longship (or,
gods forbid, a fleet of them) is enough to send shivers down the spine of many
Cogs could be used for either trade or war. Their small size makes them a coast-watcher.
relatively easy to maintain, but also limits the number of soldiers or marines
that can be transported. Pinnace: A small ocean-going vessel, fully decked with a small deckhouse. It
has a single square-rigged mast. They are found in European cultures prior to
Dromon: A galley designed for combat. It has a fully covered deck, plus a the 16th century.
deckhouse on the stern. It sports a ram in addition to the other weapons listed.
It was used by the Byzantines from the 6th through the 12th centuries. Such a vessel would be ideal for a small party of adventurers undertaking a
series of extensive ocean-borne adventurers, but not able to afford a large and
Dromons could be used either in standard navies or by pirates. Their utility in well-crewed vessel.
guarding large convoys of cargo ships is obvious.
Raft: Not a hand-made raft of logs, but rather, professionally constructed
Keelboat: A boat designed for use on rivers and lakes, with a covered deck platforms designed mainly for floating on lakes or rivers. They transcend time
and a large deckhouse. It was found in most cultures and time periods, and culture.
although in earlier cultures the “deckhouse” was little more than a tent.
Rowboat: This is a very small flat-bottomed boat used in lakes, rivers, and very
Keelboats could be used for fishing, transporting cargo, or passenger service. close to shore. They are found in most cultures and time periods.
They are not well-suited to war, but could certainly be pressed into service as
coastal defense ships on large lakes. Trireme: This is a large, multi-decked galley designed for use close to shore. It
is partially decked and has a small deckhouse on the aft end. It has one or two
Knarr: A type of longship, wider and thus sturdier, designed for carrying masts. It sports a ram in addition to the other weapons listed. It has three banks
cargo. It has a single square-rigged sail and has closed decks fore and aft, but of rowers and was used from the 1st century BCE through the 5th century.
the middle is open. It was used in northern Europe from the 7th through the
14th centuries. Much like the bireme, these large ships will most often be found in the navies
of strong seaborne nations and cities, but on rare occasions could be seized
Where the longship is designed for war, the knarr is designed for the life of by pirates and used for raiding.
the merchant. The captain of such a vessel doubles as a trader, roaming up
and down coasts in search of new markets for his goods.

Ships and Waterborne Travel – Ships



(strong/high/ violent/gale)
Cargo Capacity (pounds)
Speed, mph (rowing)
Speed, mph (sailing)

Crew (rowers)
Crew (sailors)

Cost (g.p.)
Ship Type

Hit Points


Barge 6,000 3 2 5* 5* 60 2 3’ 20’ 10’ 16,000 20 -2/-2 0/20/30/40
Bireme 8,000 1½ 2 8 50 200 4 4 ½’ 100’ 12’ 14,000 40 +3 0/0/0/5
Canoe 30 2 2 - 1 10 0 1’ 10’ 3’ 500 3 -1 30/60/90/100
Caravel 30,000 3 - 30 - 300 8 5’ 70’ 20’ 40,000 10 +2 0/0/5/10
Carrack 60,000 2.5 - 20 - 400 24 5’ 70’ 20’ 10,000 380 -3 0/10/20/40
Cog 6,000 2 - 12 - 350 6 4 ½’ 70’ 20’ 30,000 16 -1 0/0/10/15
Dromon 25,000 2 3 7 100 100 16 4’ 175’ 15’ 20,000 93 -1/+1 0/0/5/10
Keelboat 3,000 1 1 3 12 30 2 1’ 20’ 6’ 500 1 -2 5/10/15/20
Knarr 6,000 2 2 12* 12* 100 4 2’ 55’ 15’ 25,000 8 ±0 0/0/5/10
Launch 500 - 1½ 3* 3* 20 1 2’ 15’ 5’ 500 5 -2 10/15/20/25
Longship 10,000 1½ 2 30* 30* 700 0 2’ 75’ 15’ 5,000 20 +2 0/0/5/10
Pinnace 4,500 3 ½ 15 8 200 4 3’ 20’ 5’ 3,000 4 +2/-2 0/0/0/5
Raft 20 ½ ½ 1* 1* 15 0 1’ 10’ 10’ 3,000 3 -3 10/20/30/40
Rowboat 50 - 1 1* 1* 30 0 1’ 8’ 3’ 1,000 3 -4 10/20/30/40
Trireme 12,000 1½ 2 10 90 300 6 5’ 135’ 15’ 22,000 127 +2 0/0/0/5

* Sailors and rowers are interchangeable; the numbers given are not
cumulative. Draft is the depth into the water that the ship sinks when moving. It is, in effect,
the minimum water depth for travel. Most of the time it is not an issue.
Cost is the cost in gold pieces that a given type of ship would normally cost.
Merely because a cost is given does not guarantee that a given type of ship Length is the length of the ship from prow to stern.
will be available, let alone for sale, in any given locale.
Beam is the width of the ship at its widest.
Speed is the rate at which the ship will travel under normal circumstances. It
can be adjusted by weather (and whether the ship is traveling under sail or Cargo capacity is the amount of cargo the ship can normally carry. Note that
under oar) and by the size of the crew. A normal day involves 12 hours of for every 1,000 lbs. of cargo capacity, the ship can carry an additional
travel. passenger instead, and vice versa.

Crew is the minimum number of men needed to man the ship. Sailors allow Passengers is the number of non-sailors/rowers/marines that the ship can
the ship to travel under sail, rowers allow it to travel by oar. Marines will fight, carry. Passengers can be swapped out for cargo at a rate of 5,000 lbs. per
but have no use as either rowers or sailors, unless otherwise specified. passenger, and vice versa.

Hit points is the amount of damage the ship can sustain before it sinks. Note Evasion is the evasion modifier used by the type of ship when attempting to
that in most circumstances attacks which inflict less than 10 h.p. per attack will evade an encounter or maneuver in battle. Modifiers are given for when the
do no damage. ship is sailing and rowing, if applicable.

Weapons is the number of missile weapons that the ship can normally carry. Capsize is the percentage chance that the ship will capsize, dumping all of its
Heavy catapults count as 4, light catapults count as 2, ballistae count as 1. crew and passengers (and possibly cargo) into the water. The four numbers
Trebuchets are too large to effectively use aboard ship. Hand-held weapons listed give the chance during strong winds, high winds, violent winds, or gales,
such as bows and crossbows do not count, but take into account the length of in that order.
the ship and the space required to fire a weapon when determining just how
many can fire at an approaching enemy.

Creating the Setting – Top-down

the next copy. And then 10 years after that on the next, and so forth until you
Creating the Setting reach the “present” in your campaign. Not only will you end up with a
wonderfully rich political history you can tap, but your nations will begin to
take on a life of their own as you create rivalries, territories that switch back
There are two schools of thought when it comes to designing a setting for a and forth every few generations (like Alsace-Lorraine did between France and
role-playing game. The first states that the setting should be designed from the Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries), and so forth. This simple exercise
top down: first the continents and kingdoms, and broad swaths of history, can do a lot to add color and history to your campaign.
working one’s way down to the region and village where the players will
eventually begin their adventuring careers. By now you probably have at least some idea of the character of your nations,
and possibly of their leaders and other centers of power. If not, now’s the time
The second school of thought holds that the broad outlines are not necessary. to get one. Even the simple act of naming a country can give it life and
The game master should simply start with a village and a dungeon (or other character. Work out which of your lands are kingdoms, republics, tribal areas,
similar adventure) and let the setting then grow organically as the adventurers theocracies, etc. Name the leaders, and you might want to sketch out a dozen
explore the world around them. or so other powerful groups and individuals per country. Guilds, churches,
orders of knighthood, merchant clans, prominent wizards, criminal
No matter which approach you take, envision the campaign setting as a organizations, etc., will all have an impact on the affairs of the nation. Also,
bullseye. The difference is that in the first approach, you are filling in the outer don’t forget the demi-humans and humanoids; perhaps there is an entire
ring of the bullseye and working your way to the center. In the second, you goblinoid kingdom, with masses of goblins under the iron heel of their
start in the center, and work your way to the edge. hobgoblin overlords, backed up by their bugbear enforcers.

Top-down At this point you will have a firm grasp on the geography and history of your
setting, but you will still need to flesh out the society. Religion is a primary
It should be borne in mind that neither is the “right” way to do it, and much motivator, and you will need to have at least one, and probably more, to
depends on the style and personality of the game master. If you are the sort of provide a backdrop for many of the aspects of the everyday adventures, as
person who enjoys meticulously creating information about a setting, with well as to give your cleric PCs a framework on which they can operate. Now
genealogies, notes on the intricacies of politics, setting up what sort of goods is the time to start writing down the details; you might want to consider what
are traded from one place to another, languages, history, NPCs, magic items, sort of laws the various realms are going to have, what the resources of the
new spells, etc., even though the details you create might never actually come various locations are (which will, in turn, create trade routes), legends, myths,
up during the game itself, then you will probably want to employ the top-down prominent NPCs that don’t fit into the traditional power structures, but who are
approach. worth knowing by name if not in any great detail, etc.

First, begin with a map. You may want to map the entire world right off the You should pick a location that will be the seat of your campaign and focus
bat, or you may want to begin with just a continent (or even a largish sub- more attention and detail upon it, then increase the level of detail as you “zoom
continent). Start with the outline of the coasts, which will naturally define where in” on the exact location that will be the initial starting point. You might not
your major bodies of water are. Inland seas, inlets, large freshwater lakes, need to know the level of every guard captain on the continent, but you
etc., all make for interesting outlines. You may also want to mark out the probably will want to know the level of the one the player characters are likely
locations of major groups of islands at this time as well. Next, place your major to encounter in their first couple of weeks.
and minor mountain ranges and hill regions. Often mountains will form the
“spine” of land jutting into the sea. Rivers and woodlands are up next, with And with all that background work done, you will have a rich and varied
rivers flowing from the mountains to the sea, sometimes forming lakes while en tapestry upon which to craft your first adventure.
route. Deserts and swamps come next, and their placement will often be
determined by the other terrain on your map; swamps will naturally be along Bottom-up
rivers, for instance.
On the other hand, you may be more comfortable with a seat-of-the-pants
Your map should already have stirred some thinking about settlements and the approach, with a skeleton of an idea of what the larger world is like, but with
boundaries of political units. Trade follows water, and cities follow trade. Cities a focus on the details surrounding only a very small piece of it. In such a case,
and towns should be placed at the mouths or forks of rivers, or along the your up-front work is, naturally, minimized. But bear in mind that the work will
coasts, usually (but not always) with some sort of natural harbor. This is not to get done one way or another, and this method will force you to think on your
say that you cannot have a city rising up from a stark grassy plain, but have a feet more.
reason for it to be there, other than “I needed something to fill in the big green
spot on my map.” Political boundaries will also, usually, follow the terrain; With this approach, you need only have a vague idea of what the wide world
rivers and mountains form natural borders. Remember, though, that the borders is like. “There’s a powerful kingdom to the north” is sufficient for the outset of
you are setting at this point are not eternal; as peoples move and wars are a bottom-up campaign. You should detail the locale(s) where the player
fought, alliances made and empires plunged into dissolution by civil wars, the characters will begin their adventuring careers: perhaps a village or a city,
boundaries of nations will change. Even independent city-states will need to plus whatever details you need for the adventure itself (and bear in mind that
have some land around them, if only to grow crops. You may also want to such need not be a dungeon; you could very easily start a campaign with a
deliberately keep some land “wild” as a place for adventurers to go. If you wilderness or urban adventure, as detailed below). You will need to know
do, it will probably make the most sense to put it on the outskirts of civilization; information on local history, society, religion and the like, but only for the
having an unexplored forest smack-dab between two prosperous kingdoms immediate area. It may be enough to know that there is a temple to the lion-
might not be easy to justify. god Amra in the town; you will fill in the details when they become needed.

One helpful trick is to take your map and make twenty or so copies of it. As your player characters undertake the adventure, and venture beyond the
Starting at a point some 200 years in the past, set the boundaries of the various limits of what you have detailed to make the background therefore, you will
realms on the first copy. Then do some quick imagining of the political and be pushing the envelope into the realm of the unexplored and un-detailed.
military forces at work and make a new set of borders set 10 years later on Herein lies the great strength of the bottom-up approach: you can literally detail


the setting to cater to the needs of the game at hand. For instance, as you role- The idea of recapturing lost knowledge and technology of the ancients is also
play the priest of the lion-god Amra, it suddenly strikes you that a good a powerful theme upon which the game master can draw. As mentioned
dramatic twist could be had if Amra had a son and semi-rival, the hawk-god above, the creation of the more powerful magical items is an art that is more
Kobe. If you had used the top-down approach, you might not have thought to properly left to ancient times, and the creation of artifacts and relics doubly so.
include such a figure in the pantheon. But because you had the flexibility, you Still, the hunt for the secrets of such manufacture can be an inspiring theme for
were able to do it. a campaign, whether driven by an individual or an entire organization
dedicated to such scholarly pursuits with real-world implications.
The problem, of course, is that you need to be doing that constantly. This can
become wearing on even the best game masters, and you may find yourself It is possible to take this even further and postulate that the ancient world was
losing track of spur-of-the-moment decisions that you made three or more one in which technology as we know it today was known and put into
sessions ago. You may find it helpful to keep a log, which you refresh after everyday use. Indeed, advanced weapons, robots, computers, and even
each gaming session, slowly creating a “bible” for the campaign, in which the spaceships would be seen as merely another sort of magic by the inhabitants
various bits of history, mythology, and lore that you create are organized for of a world where the art of technology is the stuff of legend. This need not lead
future reference. the campaign into the realm of the post-Apocalyptic, which is in and of itself a
different genre of role-playing game, but if the ancient world is placed
Creating a Campaign sufficiently back in the distant past, beyond history and legend and into myth,
the discovery of a rare artifact from that dimly-remembered time will seem even
more magical.
No matter which way you go, however, don’t be afraid to borrow from both
history and fiction to create your world. You want a kingdom that resembles
Pharonic Egypt across from a realm of ash encircled by mountains ruled by a Living in the Classical World
Dark Lord? Go for it; it’s your campaign!
Broadly speaking, the “Classical World” refers to the civilizations of Greece
An idealized medieval/renaissance European society is the “default” setting and Rome, and those civilizations which were in turn influenced by them, such
for the game. The weapons, armor, and other equipment conforms roughly to as Egypt. It spans a period of time from roughly the Bronze Age in 3,000 B.C.
what was available in 15th century Europe. The magical items and spells are, through the fall of Rome in the 5th century A.D. Obviously culture and
to a large extent, typical of the sort of swords and sorcery / high fantasy setting technology will change enormously over such a vast period of time.
found in thousands of fantasy novels. But it is by no means the only possibility
for the inventive game master who isn’t afraid to do a little research and work. The Classical world is an important source of inspiration for the game, and an
Too, the theme of the game, in the broadest sense, is one where the player enterprising game master could set an entire campaign in a locale based on
characters are the extraordinary heroes, going forth to battle against the forces the Classical world. Jason and the Argonauts, Hercules, Spartacus, and even
of evil that threaten civilization, and grab a bunch of loot in the process. But Gordianus the Finder can all be seen as archetypes that can be used as the
even that broadest theme need not be graven in stone. basis of a campaign. The amount of information relating to the Classical world
is staggering, and the below is only the most cursory of glances into this vital
and fascinating piece of history.
The Lost Golden Age
Society and Politics
One of the other themes inherent in the game is the idea that the past was a
golden age, and those in the present are aware of it, and seek to either regain
Ancient Greece began as a collection of rival city-states. Alliances would form
it or obtain its treasures for their own use. This is one of the reasons that
and dissolve, rival city-states would war with one another, but throughout the
treasure-stuffed dungeons abound; they are remnants of a spectacular past turbulent times the Hellenic civilization reached enormous heights in the realms
when the construction of such things, and the hording of such wealth, was
of art, architecture, and philosophy. The Trojan War became embedded in the
possible. The creation of mighty magical artifacts, and the striding of the very
popular consciousness as a watershed moment, and the threat posed by the
gods themselves upon the earth, was not unknown in days of yore. Today, encroaching Persian Empire was enough to maintain a collective Greek
however, the best that man can hope to accomplish is to discover the resting
identity, even though the Greeks were divided politically.
place of those mighty artifacts, and the relics of those holy men who worked
true miracles.
Some city-states were monarchies, like Corinth and Sparta. Others were
democracies, such as Athens (but it should be borne in mind that even the
This is a theme that resonates with our own history, as many cultures in
“cradle of democracy” did not know of universal suffrage, and the power to
Medieval and later times viewed ancient Greece and Rome as just such a lost
vote was kept in the hands of a few). The Greeks, like all ancient civilizations,
Golden Age. In a time when simple sanitation was nearly non-existent, the
practiced slavery.
idea of a civilization advanced enough to create aqueducts sufficient to see to
the needs of cities of hundreds of thousands of people, or the creation of
The Greeks were aggressive colonizers, and Greek colonies could be found
enormous stone monuments, or roads that endured for a millennium after their
around the Mediterranean. The Greek colonies in Sicily and southern Italy
builders were dead, was a powerful attractor.
were extremely influential in the development of ancient Rome.

In a fantasy campaign, this can be handled in a variety of different ways.

Eventually, the Greeks were conquered (some might say consolidated) by the
Political leaders seek to recapture the lands and powers of their predecessors.
Macedonians to their immediate north. Alexander the Great, king of Macedon,
This is a theme that looms large in Medieval and Renaissance history, when
led the Greeks on a vast war of conquest, bringing Greek civilization to a
emperors such as Charles the Great sought to be “the next Roman Emperor”,
number of cultures around the Mediterranean.
not to mention the Popes seeking to fulfill that very same role, and the
establishment of the “Holy Roman Empire” which, centered as it was in
Ancient Rome began as just another small city-state. By dint of their superior
Germany and only occasionally in possession of the city of Rome itself within
military technology and other factors, they eventually gained a position as the
its territories, demonstrated the pull of the ancients even in circumstances that
masters of most of Italy. The Roman civilization borrowed much from the
differed greatly from the historical model.
Greeks, and as their empire steadily grew across the Mediterranean and into

Creating the Setting – Creating a Campaign

western Europe, they brought their civilization, their laws, and their culture with overland was done mostly on foot, with animals being used to haul carts,
them. wagons, and chariots.

For much of its history, Rome was a republic, with officials being elected for In ancient Rome, the situation was somewhat different, owing to the emphasis
year-long terms and a complex system of checks and balances on their power. the Romans placed on creating well-designed and well-maintained roads.
Eventually, though, the Republic gave way to an Empire, and Rome grew to These roads were one of the primary means of communications, being used
her greatest extent under the reigns of successive emperors. The Romans were, both for commerce and military transportation. There was even a postal service
as a rule, quite tolerant of local customs and traditions, and conquered peoples that used these roads to deliver letters from one end of the Empire to the other.
were allowed a fair amount of self-rule. Travel in the Roman Empire was relatively common; the wealthy would
vacation near the sea to escape the heat of the city in the summer, and travel
Rome was eventually overwhelmed by hordes of Germanic tribes, initially was easy enough to make tourism a viable industry. Major routes between the
brought in as mercenaries and auxiliaries for the Roman legions, and cities were served by inns where travelers could stay for the night and enjoy a
eventually ushering in the Dark Ages by overthrowing their once-masters. meal. Travel was still primarily by walking, or by cart or wagon.


As the name implies, the Bronze Age Greeks lacked access to iron or steel
weapons and armor. Armor consisted mostly of shields and bronze and copper
helmets, and possibly breast-plates. By the 10th century B.C., the Greeks were
using iron, and eventually steel.

Greek architecture was one of the hallmarks of their civilization. They were
also quite advanced in the realms of mathematics (the Greek
philosopher/scientist Archimedes was a military engineer of the first order, in
addition to his more academic activities).

The Greeks had access to scale armor and the cuirass, while leaders would
have plated mail (but not plate armor). As hoplites were required to provide
their own arms and armor, they often went into battle with no armor but a
shield, or sometimes cloth armor (linothorax: AC 7). A variety of different
weapons would be available to them, but the spear (doru), and occasionally
the short sword (xiphos) would be the rule. Bronze armor is also available, but
A Classical Campaign
will have an armor class 1 “worse” than normal steel armor, and will also be
less effective against rear attacks, with enemies getting an additional bonus
An ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ campaign in a Classical-type setting could be
“to hit” of +2.
quite exciting. The full assortment of equipment would not be available,
naturally; a Bronze Age setting would obviously not have any sort of steel
The Romans were masters of engineering and architecture, and understood the
armor (mail or better), and even a late Roman-type setting wouldn’t have
importance of water in building the infrastructure of their Empire. They built
jousting plate.
great aqueducts to bring water over enormous distances to their cities. They
were also fond of large and extravagant entertainments; the Coliseum in Rome
One could imagine a setting with a myriad of city-states united by a single
was built to accommodate their gladiatorial games and other contests, and
culture and religion, yet divided politically and giving a plethora of
hippodromes were built for chariot racing, a very popular pastime throughout
opportunities for the player characters to get involved in intrigues and skirmish-
the Empire.
level battles. Perhaps neighboring these city-states would be a Romanesque
empire in its expansionist phase: aggressive, yet bringing a level of order and
Plated mail (lorica segmentata) would be the standard for soldiers and
civilization with it wherever it goes (although not necessarily universally
veterans, while gladiators and others would have access to a variety of more
loved!). The sea would be a prominent feature, and monsters taken from Greek
exotic, but less protective, gear. Plate mail (but not jousting plate) would be
mythology (centaurs, harpies, cyclopses, etc.) would predominate.
available, but usually restricted to officers (and twice as expensive as the price
listed in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual). The long, broad,
Thematically, such a campaign could take a number of directions. For those
bastard, and two-handed swords were largely unknown to the Romans
game masters wishing to evoke the spirit of Homer, the theme could be “men
themselves, but their neighbors would have them, and thus such things would
as playthings of the Gods”. Humans struggle against the whims of the Gods,
be possible in the Roman-themed campaign, but not common. The short sword
who have a very real and not altogether welcome presence in the physical
(gladius) and dagger (puglio) would be the standard.
world, making their wills manifest through acts of nature, supernatural
intermediaries, and their own direct involvement. In a campaign set in a later
Neither the Romans nor the Greeks had the stirrup, which made fighting from
time within the Classical period, the game could be set around the notion of
horseback a much more difficult prospect than it was for later peoples. Without
bringing justice and order to the benighted barbarians just beyond the border,
that key piece of technology, all rolls “to hit” from on horseback would be
accompanying the legions of the Empire on their quest to civilize the world.
made with a -2 penalty (including missile attacks).
Another possibility would be exploring the position of slaves, who in historical
times had a much better life than most slaves in the antebellum South, for
example, and yet they still lacked what we in the modern world would consider
fundamental liberties.
The sea was the primary means of moving goods and people around in the
Classical world. Especially in the Greek world, roads were iffy things, and
A perusal of some of the works in the suggested reading section will doubtless
travelers would have to rely on the hospitality of strangers overnight, or else
spark other ideas for a campaign either drawn from or including elements of
be forced to sleep outdoors. Bandits and brigands were not uncommon. Travel
the Classical world.


fungi that softly glow in a myriad of colors, where sunless seas, whose tides
Suggested Reading are nonetheless at the mercies of the rhythms of the celestial dance they have
never witnessed, play host to even darker creatures with even darker motives.
Adkins, Lesley: Dictionary of Roman Religion
Beeton, Samuel: Beeton’s Classical Dictionary The frequency with which the underearth interacts with the surface world will
Buxton, R.G.A.: Complete World of Greek Mythology, The have an impact on your players in terms of their choice of character races (if
Garland, Robert: Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks it exists at all in your world!). If the underearth isn’t something you want to deal
Hamilton, Edith: The Roman Way with right off the bat, you will want to restrict the races that player characters
Homer: Illiad and The Odyssey can choose from to those which normally dwell on the surface (see p. 1 for
Matyszak, Philip: Ancient Athens on Five Drachmas a Day more discussion on this aspect of the underearth).
Ibid: Ancient Rome on Five Denarii a Day
Saylor, Steven: Gordianus the Finder series (Roman Blood, Murder on the The underearth, however, can present a fresh trial to player characters who
Appian Way, et al). have become somewhat jaded with the “normal” course of a campaign. It
holds unique challenges beyond simply being composed of different races than
the surface; the very geography itself becomes a part of the environment to be
dealt with.

First off, you must decide the nature of your underearth. Does it truly extend
under the surface of the entire world? If so, that gives you an opportunity to
explain the transfer of knowledge and culture across great distances. Why are
orcs fundamentally the same in one place, and another a thousand miles away
with entire nations of hostile elves and humans in between? If they had
ancestors that migrated through the underearth, or still maintained contact with
each other via the dark road, such could be explained. If there are a number
of separate but isolated underearths, each with its own unique set of political,
cultural, and racial make-ups, that gives you more flexibility in setting up
interesting situations for the player characters to deal with. You may also split
the difference, having “clusters” of underearth tunnels and pockets, connected
by sparse passages that make travel between the clusters rare, but possible.

You will need to determine the nature of the connections between the surface
world and the underearth. Are they many and well known? If so, you should
bear in mind the implications of trade and political alliances between the
surface realms and the underearth kingdoms. Are the drow of the underearth
allied with a particular kingdom on the surface? If so, what will the fish men
do to compensate? Are the derro trading with the surface? Surely the cthonoids
won’t let such an advantage pass uncontested. Each society will use the other
to its advantage, and such moves will in turn be countered by their rivals.

If the physical connections are few and well concealed, that brings up a
separate set of problems that must be addressed. Are the connections that do
exist limited to secret passages in the deepest levels of forgotten dungeons?
Do only some creatures know of the secret world beneath the surface, and use
that knowledge to their advantage? Does the surface even suspect the
underearth exists? Are there caves that lead directly to it, or can it only be
reached after overcoming other perils in deep, haunted mines and in the lowest
levels of haunted sepulchers?

Living in an Underground World The various races of the underearth are not all evil, nor are they unquestionably
hostile to one another, just as the races of the surface can be nuanced, and
There exists a land where the sun does not shine. That is not a metaphor, not even enemies can engage in peaceful trade for long periods in between wars.
some poetic license for the depraved and violent nature of its inhabitants, but The deep gnomes, for example, are more neutral in their outlook than their
rather a cold and scientific assessment of the literal reality of the place. A surface-dwelling cousins, but are still not counted as an evil race. The drow,
warren of tunnels, caves, caverns, and cysts beneath the surface of the earth on the other hand, are as evil as they come as a race, but are also noted for
that are lit only by the phosphorescence of various lichens, fungi, and animals; their wide-ranging trade routes and their powerful merchant houses.
the light from fire and magical sources; and the dim natural radiance of rare
ultraviolet beacons that allow for the use of ultravision in these strange lands The fish men are usually content to maintain their slow and steady decline into
with no sky. The deep corridors and caverns are punctuated by the sharp red race-wide madness and religious fanaticism, while the cthonoids and aboleth
pin-pricks of eyes emitting an infrared light, in order to see in total darkness. continually plot and scheme to place all the other races of the underworld
This is the underearth. under their thrall. The duergar don’t seem too interested in conquest, but rather
continue their mining into the depths of the earth to uncover yet more mineral
This is a world formed as a dark analogue of the world above; with its own wealth. The derro, on the other hand, are somewhat isolationist in their outlook,
inhabitants, politics, religion, beasts and forests. It is the world where the drow but are obsessed with the idea of control, and every generation or so embark
contend with the duergar, the svirfneblin with the fish men, and the cthonoids on a wide-ranging campaign of looting and slave-taking, earning them few
against the derro. It is a world where miles-long caverns are home to forests of friends among the races of the underearth.

Creating the Setting – Creating a Campaign

The terrain of the underearth is very different from that on the surface. Tunnels,
varying in width from 5’ to 50’ and extending for many miles, connect caves
and cavern complexes. Tunnels are riddled with sink-holes (treat as open pit
traps, with each sink-hole being 1d8x10’ deep) or sudden chasms (up to 300’
deep, with a basic 5% chance of falling if the crevasse is moved around, unless
precautions such as roping the party together are taken). Some of these
caverns are themselves miles in length and width, and as much as a quarter-
mile in height.

Phosphorescent lichen will give a pale green or yellow glow to some passages
and caverns, while others will be lit by weird energy emanating from crystals
in the surfaces of caves or tunnels that give off ultraviolet or infrared radiation,
allowing ultravision or infravision to operate at ranges they would normally
not have, or in the absence of true starlight or moonlight, or both.

Living in a Mythos-Haunted World

Truths That Bear the Fruit of Madness
In the annals of science fiction and horror fiction (sometimes collectively
referred to as “weird fiction”), none stand out so much as the works of H.P. One of the central themes of Lovecraft’s original works is that final confirmation
Lovecraft and what became known as the Cthulhu Mythos. of the true nature of the universe through the act of seeing it firsthand is
sufficient to drive even the most jaded student of the occult to the extremes of
While it is beyond the scope of the present work to give details of the myriad insanity.
of creatures and deities, a brief overview should suffice to entice the reader
into further research if he is so inclined. Millions or even billions of years ago, Most characters in a world tinged by the Mythos are secure and comfortable
god-like beings from other stars came to Earth and ruled over a myriad of in the society-imposed myth that the universe is benign and follows regular
bizarre creatures before either leaving or descending into an eons-long rules, placing humanity and its close allies at the center of importance in the
slumber, whence they are now beginning to stir once more to consciousness. working of the world. (Those myths will likely be rocked to their foundations
during the course of play in a Mythos-tainted campaign.) Witnessing particular
The Mythos can be introduced into nearly any “standard” campaign setting sights or learning particular insights into the true nature of the universe would,
with relative ease, as it is more a sense of philosophy than unpronounceable in turn, result in the loss of one’s sanity, permanently. Bear in mind that these
names with apostrophes in unlikely places. One of the misconceptions about are not the truths that demons exist, and can assume hideous forms. Such is
the Mythos (and one which plagued even many of Lovecraft’s contemporaries) part and parcel of everyday existence. The minds of most, especially
is that it is about horror drawn from the unusual. While the supernatural and adventuring types, are made of sterner stuff.
otherworldly nature of many of the Mythos’s creatures and figures are, of
course, outré enough to drive most men to insanity (see below), what really That begs the question: in a world where dragons fly through the skies and
sets the Mythos apart is the sense that there are forces at work in the cosmos mages hurl fireballs from their fingertips, what could possibly threaten the
that are at best indifferent to the lives and desires of mere mortals. At worst, sanity of a hard-bitten adventurer simply by knowledge of its existence?
they see mortals as sources of amusement (through their hideous deaths) or
food (ditto). Indifference.

The Mythos is most effective, however, when portrayed as depicting a universe The sheer knowledge that the world as you know it, as it knows itself, is not
in which those ultra-powerful creatures simply don’t recognize humanity as only completely a pleasant veneer over an awful reality, but also that the true
worthy of any more attention than humanity does an ant hill. Just as one can underlying nature of the universe doesn’t care a single iota about the
step on an ant hill and obliterate it without even being aware that the deed individual’s desires or very existence. That the character and all he knows are
has been done, so too can the Old Ones or Elder Gods, in pursuit of their own simply shadows of reality at best, and that the true reality undergirding that
inscrutable ends, cause the most horrific ends to human beings (or humanity which the character knows, wouldn’t even think to consider whether it should
as a whole) without even realizing that we are impacted by Their actions. Such care. Even a universe with room for demons and arch-devils follows some basic
is the place of humanity in a Mythos-haunted world. rules of reality. The true universe of the Mythos, and those creatures which are
aware of, and inhabit that true reality, does not even follow those rules.
The Mythos (or something invented by you as game master which stands
analogous to or derived from it) need not be the focus of the campaign. Even When confronted with this concept on a serious intellectual level, the effect can
if you decide to include some Lovecraftian themes or figures in your campaign be unnerving. When positive proof that everything the character knew about
world, these can take the form of small degenerate cults, solitary wizard-sages the universe – even about his own very existence within it – is discovered, the
driven mad by the burden of their knowledge, and cosmic forces straining at effect can be mind-shattering. The creatures of the mythos exist on a moral
the outskirts not only of civilization but reality as we know it, trying to get back plane as far beyond concepts such as good and evil as a great sage is beyond
in. These sorts of themes can serve for the background of only a single a grain of rice in intellectual capacity. Demons and devils are at least evil; the
adventure, a mini-campaign within the backdrop of the larger campaign, or a creatures and deities of the Mythos cannot even be called that, for doing so
campaign unto themselves. would render them at least partially conceivable to humanity, and that they
simply are not.

And what of the minions of these nigh-imponderable forces? What could

possibly motivate someone, besides the very depths of madness itself, to
cooperate with, let alone serve and hasten the ascendancy of, such forces?
Pure and simple ego. Knowing of such forces, their fragile minds revolt against


the notion that they – they themselves – could be regarded with such of reality that will slowly drive characters mad, with the game master secretly
indifference. By playing at serving the Old Ones, they feel a modicum of tracking their descent into madness with seemingly meaningless rolls of the
significance; they are shouting into the void “I shall not be ignored, even if it dice. You can believe that. Really.
is only for you to command me!”
Suggested Reading
It is left to the discretion of the game master to determine whether they are
actually receiving such commands, or whether their fevered minds are simply Carter, Lin: Lovecraft: A Look Behind the Cthulhu Mythos
creating the voices they insist must be out there, acknowledging them. Joshi, S.T. and Schultz, David: An H.P. Lovecraft Encyclopedia
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips, and others: At the Mountains of Madness and
Sanity Other Tales of Terror
Ibid: The Call of Cthulhu
Game masters desiring to run a Mythos-haunted campaign may wish to include Ibid: Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos (plus a wide variety of other titles, collections,
a new statistic, in addition to the standard 6: Sanity (SAN). Each character’s etc.)
initial sanity score will be equal to 5 times his wisdom score (thus, a character Peterson, Sandy: Call of Cthulhu (role-playing game published by Chaosium,
with a wisdom of 15 would have a sanity of 80). Each time a character is inc.)
exposed to some Mythos-inspired horror or awful truth, the character must Proctor, Daniel and Curtis, Michael: Realms of Crawling Chaos (role-playing
make a sanity check (roll d%; if the roll is equal to or less than the character’s game supplement published by Goblinoid Games)
sanity score, the check is successful). If the sanity check fails, the character will
lose the indicated number of sanity points (thus making him more likely to fail
a sanity check the next time he attempts to make one). The game master should
Religion and Deities
keep the sanity score of each character secret, and similarly roll for insanity
Religion is one of the most important motivating factors in human history. The
secretly. Often the most sane-appearing person is the most mad.
desire to give both meaning and understanding to the workings of the world
is universal, and religion fulfills that purpose. In a universe where the existence
The following is only a sample of the sorts of things that would require a sanity
of deities and other worlds is not merely a matter of faith, but demonstrable
check, and result in a loss of sanity points if the check fails. The game master
fact, certain adjustments to the regular notion of religion are necessary.
should feel free to use this as a guide only, but remember that “ordinary”
Religions in the game not only embody a certain ideology, but also espouse a
magical effects and otherworldly creatures aren’t sufficiently alien to warrant
philosophical and moral perspective based on the alignment system. While
a sanity check. It’s not the tentacles that make something Mythos-haunted; it’s
not every religion is going to be limited to a single alignment, all will be able
the sheer fact that It Should Not Be. Mere demons do not rise to that standard.
to be described in terms of that system. Thus, a religion might not necessarily
be lawful good, but it could be said to be good, or lawful, and its adherents
and priests will reasonably be expected to hold up that element of alignment
Sanity Points Lost if SAN
as well.
Circumstance Check Fails
Reading a minor work relating to the Mythos 1d6
Religions may be based either on a single deity, several deities, or an entire
Reading a major work relating to the Mythos 1d12
pantheon. The only limitations on the content and practices of those religions
(Necronomicon, etc.)
are your own imagination, but there is nothing wrong with using myths,
Seeing a glimpse of a Mythos-related 1d20
archetypes, and other examples from Earth history. If you want to have
Poseidon as a deity in your campaign, go ahead and have him there!
Beholding a Mythos-related creature fully 1d10+10
Seeing a glimpse of a Mythos-related deity 1d12+10
When designing a religion for your campaign, you need to consider more
Being linked to a Mythos-related deity 2d6+10
than just the nature of the god(s) at the center of its worship. The deities
telepathically, empathically or in a dream-
themselves are important, of course, but so too are the myths that surround
them. What do those myths tell about the relationships between the gods?
Beholding a Mythos-related deity fully 4d6
Between them and humans? What sort of ethical or behavioral code is
promoted in the faith? Is there a priesthood? (Some religions might not have
The only way that sanity points can be regained is by means of a limited wish
clerics at all!) What sort of hierarchy does it have? What sort of liturgy is there?
or alter reality spell (which will restore 10 points), a heal spell (which will
What calendar of holidays? Do clerics receive special benefits, spells, or are
restore 15 points), or a wish spell (which will restore 20 points). Normal
they bound by certain restrictions? What do temples and shrines look like? All
curative magic will not do anything for sanity points, and bed rest only brings
these and a host of other questions should be considered when designing the
fevered nightmares.
religions of your campaign world.
Once sanity reaches 75% of its total, the individual must make a sanity check
It cannot be stressed enough that the game postulates a world in which the
or be stricken with temporary insanity. This insanity (see p. 14 for details on
gods are real beings, and they (and their servants) walk among their mortal
how to pick the exact form of insanity) will last for 1d6 days. The same check
followers and enemies in a tangible fashion. In this, the game is more akin to
must be made when sanity reaches 50% and 25% of the total, as well, which
the Iliad or the Eddas, rather than The Life of Hadrian or Egil’s saga. It is
will last for 2d6 and 3d6 days, respectively. Note that insanity can be
certainly possible to craft a campaign setting in which this is not so, and in
cumulative; it is possible to have multiple forms of insanity concurrently.
which there is the same lack of evidence concerning the existence of gods and
afterlives as there is in our modern world. But in order to do so, you must
Once sanity reaches 0, the character will automatically have 1d3+1 forms of
examine the implications of things such as clerical spells as a whole, as well
insanity; if mutually-exclusive forms of insanity are indicated, the character’s
as magic that allows for physical travel to the lands of the gods themselves,
mental state will swing wildly from the one to the other every 1d12 hours.
where first-hand knowledge can be obtained.
Of course, these effects do not apply to an “ordinary” game of ADVENTURES
DARK AND DEEP™. In most campaigns, the reality known to the characters is all
the reality there is. There really aren’t any deep, dark, terrible underpinnings

Creating the Setting – Religion and Deities

Gods of the Non-Human Races  Cure blindness

 Cure deafness
One question that you will need to answer for your campaign is whether or  Cure disease
not non-humans such as elves, dwarves, orcs, and goblins worship the same  Cure feeblemindedness
gods as the humans do, or whether they have their own gods and religions. It  Cure insanity
may be that some non-humans follow their own deities, while others follow the  Detect balance
gods of the humans. If so, how do the two groups feel about one another? Is  Detect charm
there resentment between them? Do the worshippers of the old gods see those  Detect evil (detect good)
who worship the human gods as apostates? How do the humans feel about  Detect illusion
their gods being worshipped by newcomers? Don’t assume that all religions  Detect invisibility
welcome converts from outside their ranks; some might very well see  Detect lie
newcomers as interlopers, and jealously protect “their” gods. And how do the  Detect life
gods themselves see the situation?  Detect magic
 Detect poison
Another possibility is that the humans and non-humans worship the same gods,  Detect traps
but in different guises. Perhaps the elves know the gods of men simply under  Ethereal travel*
different names and guises, but the beings themselves are the same. But it is  Geis
also possible that, even though the gods are the same, they hold different  Know alignment
positions in the pantheons of different races. But is that the reality? Is there one  Levitate
single reality when it comes to such things? Don’t be afraid as game master to  Polymorph self
set up such complications, and don’t feel you need to have The Answer to all  Protection from cantrips
the questions that are raised. It may seem like a lot of work, but in the long run  Protection from evil (protection from good)
such things are the basis of conflict, and conflict makes for good stories.  Read languages*
 Read magic*
Patron Deities  Remove curse
 Remove fear
As a rule, whether or not your game religions are based on single deities or  Remove paralysis
groups thereof, individual characters may find themselves drawn to one such  Sending
god or goddess in particular. Often, this is described as the patron deity of  Sever silver cord (cuts the silver cord on a successful hit against AC
that character. There are no particular formal rules for such a relationship; you -5)
as game master may determine that choosing a particular god as a patron will  Teleport without error
give a character a bonus, or not, as you see fit. But clerics with a patron deity  Tongues*
will necessarily receive their higher-level spells from that deity, that being will  Vocalize
be the god to which they pray for guidance and assistance, the one who
receives their offerings, etc. If you do decide that such a relationship warrants In addition, greater gods are able to use the following powers at will:
some sort of in-game benefit, you should seriously consider offering a broad
variety of such patrons from whom characters can choose, so that you don’t  Atonement
run into a situation where every character chooses god X as a patron, because  Fly
that’s the only one who gives a +1 bonus to damage in melee…  Improved invisibility
 Improved phantasmal force
Godly Abilities  Mirror image
 Mislead
Generally speaking, all deities are divided into three classifications; greater  Quest
gods, lesser gods, and demigods. Greater deities are able to bestow spells up  Regenerate
to 7th level to their followers, lesser deities can grant 6th level spells, and
demigods can only grant 5th level spells. Thus, a cleric of a demigod could Greater gods are immune to conjuration/summoning and necromantic spells
never hope to receive spells of 6th or 7th level. on their home plane, unless they explicitly desires otherwise. While on their
home plane they have a magic resistance of T and their hit points are doubled.
Each godly “rank” has a number of standard powers in addition to the specific They cannot be slain on their home planes; they simply reform in 1d10 days.
powers and abilities unique to that deity. When casting spells, greater gods Once this happens, however, they cannot visit the home plane of their slayer
are treated as 30th level spell casters, lesser gods as 20th level, and demigods for 100 years. If slain by someone from their own plane, they are confined
as 15th level, unless otherwise specified in the deity’s description. All deities there for 10 years.
regardless of rank have saving throws of 2 in all categories (i.e., only a roll of
1 on 1d20 will cause them to fail any saving throw). Greater gods can also use any of the following powers a total of six times per
day (cumulative). When on their home planes, these powers can be used at
All gods, regardless of rank, can use the following powers as they see fit. No will, with no limit on the number of uses per day:
baleful side effects of exercising these powers can ever affect any deity. Those
marked with an asterisk may be used simultaneously with any other power;  Anti-magic shell
otherwise, they can only be used one at a time:  Cure critical wounds
 Dispel evil (dispel good)
 Astral travel*  Dispel illusion
 Command (no saving throw allowed for followers of the deity in  Enthrall
question)  Exorcise
 Comprehend languages*  Globe of invulnerability
 Continual light (continual darkness)  Polymorph any object


 Polymorph others  Resurrection

 Shape change  Wish (granted to some creature from the material plane, cannot
 Spell immunity affect any other deity)
 Summon  Spell immunity
 True seeing  Gate
 Restoration
Finally, greater gods can use any of the following powers a total of three times  Symbol
per day (cumulative). They can be used six times per day on their native planes:  Vision
 Heal
 Death spell
 Gate Demigods can use the following powers at will:
 Heal
 Holy word (unholy word)  Alter self
 Restoration  Phantasmal force
 Resurrection  Invisibility
 Summon (summons 2d6 creatures, max. 40 hit dice total, of the
same alignment as the deity) Demigods can use the following powers a total of three times per day
 Symbol (cumulative). They can be used four times per day on the demigod’s native
 Time stop plane:
 Vision
 Volley  Cure light wounds
 Wish (granted to some creature from the material plane, cannot  Dispel illusion
affect any deity)  Dispel evil (dispel good)
 Dispel magic
Lesser gods can use the following powers at will. Note that extremely powerful
singular beings from the outer and elemental planes, such as arch-devils, Demigods can use one of the following powers per day (their choice of which).
demon lords, etc. are counted as lesser gods for this purpose: They can use these a total of twice per day (cumulative) while on their native
 Alter self
 Improved invisibility  Anti-magic shell
 Improved phantasmal force  Finger of death
 Mirror image  Gate
 Sever silver cord (cuts the silver cord on a successful hit against AC  Heal
-5)  Holy word (unholy word)
 Limited wish (granted to some creature from the material plane,
Lesser gods can be slain on their home planes (unless they have created a soul cannot affect any other deity)
object, in which case they reform in 1d10 days), but if slain elsewhere, are  Raise dead
simply prevented from returning to the plane whereupon they were slain for  Summon (summons 1d3 creatures, max. 20 hit dice total, of the
100 years. They have double the listed number of hit points while on their same alignment as the deity)
native layer of their home plane, and have a magic resistance of T on their  Symbol
home plane.  True seeing

Lesser gods can use the following powers a total of four times per day Demigods have a magic resistance of no less than R on their home plane. They
(cumulative). When on their home planes, these powers can be used at will, can be slain, but can be raised by a greater or lesser god (if such a personage
with no limit on the number of uses per day: decides to do so, of course).

 Anti-magic shield Sample Religion: Norse

 Cure serious wounds
 Dispel evil (dispel good) What follows is an example of how a religion could be described for an
 Dispel illusion ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ campaign. It is, of course, possible for the game
 Dispel magic master to go into substantially more detail than what is presented here; this
 Enthrall should be thought of as a starting point, rather than a goal line. Note that not
 Minor globe of invulnerability all of the beings of Norse mythology are treated in depth, nor are all of the
 Polymorph others places, events, and themes dealt with in any but the most cursory of fashions.
 Quest Those interested in fleshing out the Norse religion are encouraged to seek out
 Summon (summons 1d6 creatures, max. 30 hit dice total, of the the books listed in the suggested reading section.
same alignment as the deity)
 True seeing The Norse religion is the worship of the Aesir, a tribe of gods and goddesses
who dwell on another plane known as Asgard. They are the arch-enemies of
Lesser gods can use the following powers a total of two times per day another tribe of gods, known as the Jotuns, who dwell in another plane known
(cumulative). They can be used four times per day (cumulative) if on the god’s as Jotunheim (although most followers of the Norse religion will refer to the
home plane. Jotuns as demonic giants, rather than actual gods, their leaders have the usual
powers ascribed to gods in terms of game mechanics). They once fought a
 Death spell war with, but eventually forged peace with, yet another tribe of gods known
 Holy word (unholy word) as the Vanir, who dwell in Vanaheim; certain members of the Vanir joined the

Creating the Setting – Religion and Deities

tribe of Aesir to help seal the peace agreement between them. Adherents of Worship usually involves the offering of sacrifices: valuables, animals, or
the Norse religion may be of any alignment, but the religion itself is generally humans. Sacrifices called blót (pron. “bloat”) are offered in exchange for holy
regarded as being chaotic good. Specific deities may have restrictions on who favors; a cake is offered so that a farmer’s field will prosper in the coming
may or may not be especially devoted to them. season, or an enemy is sacrificed in order to secure victory in battle. Often,
offerings of gold are made for “peace and good seasons.” Those readers who
While the Norse religion is a coherent whole, some individuals will find might question the appropriateness of human sacrifice in a religion that is
themselves drawn to a particular member of the pantheon. In the Norse generally regarded as belonging to the “good” end of the moral alignment
context, these people are held to be “friends of” the particular god in question, system are advised to re-read the descriptions of alignment given in the
and often will take on a byname that reflects this status. Thus, “William Odsvin” ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual. “Good” in this context does not
would be a “William, friend of Odin”, while Lewis Ullvin would be a “Lewis, have the connotations that it does in the modern world!
friend of Ullr.”
The other central religious ritual of the Norse is the sumbel, a ritual feast in
which successive rounds of consecrated mead or ale are drunk in honor of
various gods, ancestors, etc. During sumbel, sacred vows can be sworn in the
sight of the gods and one’s fellows; such a vow will hold the strength of a geis
over the one who swears it, even if the oath was sworn under false pretenses.
An oath is binding even if fulfilling it means death; oathbreakers are one of
the few types of people who end up in a place of torment in the afterlife (the
other being murderers—those who kill another without acknowledging the

The Norse religion features three main religious celebrations: Winternights (a

sacrifice for good fortune in the coming year, held at the beginning of winter),
Yule (a sacrifice for good crops, held on the Winter Solstice), and Summer-
meal (a sacrifice for victory in battle, held at the end of winter). In addition,
lesser offerings are made to the local land-spirits on the evening of the new
moon, and impromptu offerings can be made any time the favor of the gods
is required. The timing of these celebrations is based on the local climate rather
than strict astronomical observances; if winter comes later in one region than
another, Winternights could well be celebrated weeks later than in colder
climes. A multitude of smaller, regional holidays are also celebrated.

Those who follow the Norse religion will often wear a pendant in the shape of
Thor’s Hammer, even if they do not have Thor as their “friend”, or patron. It is
considered a sign of his divine protection of the human race as a whole as
well as a symbol of identification. Those dedicated to Odin will often wear the
valknut, the “knot of the slain”, which consists of three interlocking triangles.

Ideology and Ethics

The Norse religion is a fatalistic one, with even the gods themselves being
bound to their fate. One of the tenets of the faith, however, is that even though
one has a defined fate, one should not meekly accept it. Fighting on, even in
the face of certain doom, is heralded as a great source of honor. Freyr, it is
said, will fight the god of the fire giants with nothing but a stag’s antler as a
weapon at the final great battle of Ragnarök, even though he knows he will
Ritual fall as a result (as will all the gods, as the universe itself is destroyed by flame,
only to be reborn thereafter).
Places of worship can vary from elaborate temples with statuary depicting one
or more gods, to a sacred grove, to a simple standing stone or god-post (a The Aesir are a warlike race of gods, and martial virtues are highly respected
wooden post carved with an image of a particular deity, in front of which amongst their worshippers. In fact, Odin’s handmaidens, the Valkyries, scour
offerings are placed). Temples will feature larger-than-life statues of the deities, battlefields to find worthy heroes to dwell with Odin in his hall of Valhalla,
as well as altars bearing an oath ring (oaths sworn upon the ring have the where they practice their warlike arts against the day when they are called
effect of a geis spell), a bowl for the collection of the blood of sacrificial forth to fight in the final battle.
animals, and a broom-like wand for the sprinkling of the blood on the
congregation and the walls of the temple sanctuary itself. In addition to the However, they also value family greatly, and are known to carry feuds for
well-known gods and goddesses, the Norse religion also involves the worship generations, based on real or imagined slights. Cleverness and wit are also
and honor of various local nature spirits, mostly by offerings of food and drink, highly prized, as are the less violent arts, such as skaldcraft. Of crucial
or small votive figurines. importance is reputation; it is felt to be acceptable to die, as long as one leaves
behind a good reputation and sons to sing its praises:
Clerics (known as goðar, sing. goði) are allowed to use spears if they are
devotees of Odin, swords if they are devotees of Freyr or Tyr, and battleaxes Cattle die, kinsmen die,
if they are friends of Fosite. you yourself may die;
But one thing I know that lives on forever,
and that is a man’s good name.


Gods and Other Beings of the Norse

ODIN (“The All-Father”) – greater god
Collectively, the planes known to the Norse religion are called the Nine
Worlds. The Aesir dwell in Asgard, which lies above Midgard (their name for Number Unique
the material plane). The Vanir live in Vanaheim, to the west of Asgard, while Morale +15
the evil giants dwell in Jotunheim, which lies to the east. Other worlds include Hit Dice 21d12 (400 h.p.)
Svartalfheim and Ljossalfheim, where the two tribes of Alfar dwell; Hel, where Armor Class -6
most of the dead go (and its dark counterpart Naströnd, where honorless Move 150’/min.
wretches – oathbreakers and murderers – go once they die); and Muspelheim, Magic Resistance O
a land of fire. The world-tree Yggdrasil connects all of the worlds, although it No. of Attacks 5/2 rounds
is not normally visible to those who dwell in them. Asgard and Midgard are Damage Per weapon type +14
directly connected by the Rainbow Bridge (Bifröst), which is similarly hidden Defenses See below
from mortal eyes. Attacks See below
Weaknesses None
The dead go to one of three places, depending on how they lived their lives. Size M (6’)
The chosen few, destined to fight alongside the gods at Ragnarök, go to Intelligence 25
Asgard, escorted by the Valkyries, and dwell either with Odin or Freyja. The Alignment Chaotic Good
vast majority of people go to Hel (not to be confused with the plane which is Treasure Type None
spelled with two “l’s”); not a place of torment and fire, but a quiet place where Treasure Value n/a
the dead live out their afterlives in peace. Those few who lived despicable Magic Treasure See below
lives, murderers and oath-breakers, are sent to Niflheim, where they are X.P. Value 102,200 (material form), 1,022,000 (permanently
tormented for eternity by venomous serpents, and their non-corporeal bodies slain)
are gnawed on by dragons.
General: Odin is the chief of the Aesir, who created the multiverse with the
If using the standard cosmology of planes as described below, Asgard and help of his self-brothers Vili and Ve. He once sacrificed one of his eyes in order
Vanaheim are each a portion of one of the layers of the plane of Gladsheim, to gain a drink from the well of wisdom, and stole the mead of inspiration from
while Jotunheim is a portion of one of the layers of Tartarus. Muspelheim is a the Jotuns. He inspires either the gift of poetry or berserker rage in those among
portion of Jotunheim that seemingly has a direct connection to the elemental his worshippers whom he favors. He has several halls in Asgard; in Valhalla,
plane of fire. Hel, the land of the dead, is located in Gladsheim, but is he fêtes the chosen dead with mead, pork, and endless battle; they will, at the
connected via a gateway to Niflheim, which rests in one of the layers of Hades. battle marking the demise of the gods (Ragnarök) stream forth from Valhalla
There are also gateways between Asgard and Jotunheim, and of course the to confront the giant-foes of the Aesir. In his other hall, Valaskjalf, he sees over
Rainbow Bridge connects the material plane and Asgard. the entirety of Midgard from his throne (treat as a crystal ball with
clairaudience), and his two ravens, Huginn and Muninn fly across the skies of
Organization Midgard, returning to their master’s shoulders each evening to report on what
they have seen. In practice, Odin has the equivalent of a commune spell at his
There is no single over-arching hierarchy of Norse priesthoods. In some cases, beck and call, at will (obviously, he does not need to consult any other being
kings act as the high priest of their own particular realm, while in other cases to get his answers). His two wolves, Geri and Freki, are giant black dire wolves
there is no centralized priesthood at all, and devotees of the Gods can switch of largest size, great intelligence, and maximum hit points. He also rides the
from one temple (called a hof) to another. eight-legged steed Sleipnir (AC -1, 16 HD, 200 h.p., 3 attacks,
2d10/2d10/1d10 per attack, moves 240’/min., flies 360’/min (good
As noted above, some priests are devoted to a single deity, while others will agility), size L). Odin discovered the secrets of the runes and taught them to
serve all of the Aesir equally. Even those who have a single patron will also the other Aesir, and in turn learned the secrets of witchcraft from the goddess
perform ceremonies honoring other deities, and may call upon them as Freyja.
In person, he appears in any one of a thousand guises, and has been known
As a rule, temples will not be dedicated to a single God or Goddess, but rather to wander Midgard (the material plane) incognito to see whether or not the
will stand for use for any of the Aesir at need, even if they have statues of one rules regarding hospitality for guests are being observed. If so, he can bestow
or more. A trio of larger-than-life statues to Odin, Thor, and Freyr is not gifts upon his unknowing hosts; if not, he brings ruin. He can paralyze any
uncommon. Shrines and other holy sites (wells, hills, groves, etc.) may be mortal creature with his gaze (save vs. paralyzation with a -4 penalty) once
dedicated to single deities, and served by a dedicated priest or priests. per round. In battle he wears a helm +5 and mail +5. He can only be hit by
weapons bearing an enchantment of +3 or better.

Sacrifices to Odin involve hanging, occasionally accompanied by stabbing

the victim with a spear. Offerings of arms and armor must be ruined before
they are given to him (lest they be re-used by some mortal later on). Odin is
father of most of the gods, and husband to Frigga, although he is known to
have a wandering eye. His symbols are the raven, the two wolves, or three
interlocking triangles (the “knot of the slain”).

Odin also owns the arm-ring Draupnir, which will create a duplicate of itself
every night, worth 30,000 g.p. (the duplicate will not itself create duplicates!).
These are sometimes bestowed on favored mortals as a reward for faithful

Creating the Setting – Religion and Deities

Mortals of any alignment worship Odin; he is most often honored by kings, on Midgard that fail to make a sacrifice to him before they set sail, calling up
poets, merchants, and those who use magic or deception. He functions as: great storms. All men who drown are said to go to Aegir’s hall after they die.
bard 15, cleric 30, druid 14, mystic 20, ranger 18, and mage 30. He has
STR: 25, INT: 25, WIS: 25, DEX: 25, CON: 25, CHA: 25. His clerics can Mortals of any non-lawful alignment can worship Aegir, but he is most often
cast either curse or augury once per day (their choice), in addition to their worshipped by brewers and those who make their living from the sea such as
normal selection of spells. Followers of Odin will often wear the valknut on sailors and fishermen. He functions as: bard 5, cleric 15, ranger 15, mage
their person: three interlocked triangles called “the knot of the slain”, as those 10, and illusionist 10. He has STR: 23, INT: 23, WIS: 18, DEX: 23, CON:
who bear it are marked as belonging to Odin, and can be taken to his side 24, CHA: 9. Aegir’s clerics can cast water breathing once per day, in addition
at any time. Clerics of Odin may become proficient in spear. to their normal selection of spells.

Combat: Odin wields the spear Gungnir. It is a spear +5, and will point out Combat: Aegir wields a great club in the form of a maiden, which does 4d10
the strongest adversary in any melee, for Odin to deal with personally. It h.p. when it hits. In addition to his other divine powers, he is able to control
causes fear in his enemies (120’ range) when held overhead, and will grant weather at will.
those touched by it who are friendly to the god a bonus of +2 “to hit” and to
damage for the duration of their next (or current) battle. If anyone dares try to Appearance: On land, Aegir appears as an old man with a long sea-green
steal Gungnir, they will lose 50% of their total hit points until it is returned to beard. In the sea, however, he is 60’ tall and the color of the storm-tossed
Odin, at which time they begin to heal normally. ocean.

Odin can cast any of the following spells, once every ten minutes: BALDER (“The Beautiful”) – lesser god

 Confusion Number Unique

 Control winds Morale +10
 Cure serious wounds Hit Dice 20d12 (388 h.p.)
 Emotion Armor Class -4
 Fetter Move 180’/min.
 Resist fire Magic Resistance M
 Shield No. of Attacks 2
 Speak with dead Damage Per weapon type +10
 Summon 1d6+3 valkyries three times per day Defenses See below
Attacks See below
Odin owns the Galdrvand, a mystic staff carved with runes. It functions as a Weaknesses None
rod of rulership, stores 12 spells (any level), can summon 1d4 valkyries once Size M
per day, will drain 6 energy levels and 100 h.p. instantly if anyone other than Intelligence 24
Odin grasps it, and will instantly slay any mortal who touches it. Alignment Neutral good
Treasure Type None
Appearance: In his natural form, Odin appears as an old man with one eye. Treasure Value n/a
He prefers large blue cloaks with hoods or wide-brimmed hats to obscure his Magic Treasure See below
face. He can assume any form at will. X.P. Value 84,000 (material form), 840,000 (permanently slain)

AEGIR (God of the Sea) – lesser god General: One of the many sons of Odin, Balder is doomed to die, betrayed
by his brother Hod, but ultimately falling due to the guile of the evil Loki. His
Number Unique mother, Frigga, fearful of his destiny, has obtained promises from all
Morale +9 substances and creatures in the multiverse not to harm Balder, and thus he is
Hit Dice 20d12 (387 h.p.) utterly invulnerable to all things with the exception of the humble mistletoe,
Armor Class -5 which was deemed much too inoffensive to require such a promise. He can
Move 420’/min. (walking or swimming) only be harmed by weapons composed of mistletoe.
Magic Resistance H
No. of Attacks 5/2 rounds Mortals of any non-evil alignment may worship Balder. He functions as a
Damage Per weapon type +11 bard 20, cleric 12, druid 12, and ranger 10. He has STR: 22, INT: 24,
Defenses See below WIS: 24, DEX: 24, CON: 25, CHA: 25.
Attacks See below
Weaknesses None Game masters who wish to set their multiverse in a time when Balder has
Size M (7’) or L (60’) already been slain by Loki are welcome to do so. Such a universe should be
Intelligence 23 portrayed as inexorably on the path to fiery destruction; the death of Balder
Alignment Chaotic neutral is the signal that the end times are approaching for the Gods. The end may
Treasure Type None come millennia later, but the doom of the Gods is laid at that moment and
Treasure Value n/a cannot be avoided, only postponed and struggled against in a glorious last
Magic Treasure See below burst of valor. As a result, the Gods will be more somber and less joyous
X.P. Value 85,600 (material form), 856,000 (permanently slain) than they otherwise might be. Balder (along with several other Gods) will
survive the end times and emerge as one of a new pantheon of Norse Gods.
General: Aegir is actually one of the Jotuns, but is on good terms with the Aesir Until then, he is an honored guest in Hel’s hall, Eludnir (see below).
(however he will not hesitate to attack them if they enter his realm unbidden).
He often hosts them in his hall beneath the sea for spectacular feasts and bouts Combat: Balder wields a two-handed sword +3 in battle that does 3d10 h.p.
of drinking. He dwells in this hall with his wife, Ran (see below), and their nine of damage when it hits, plus his strength bonus.
daughters, each named for a type of wave. He uses his powers to sink ships


Appearance: Balder is exceedingly handsome; so much so that those FOSITE (God of Justice) – greater god
beholding him personally must make a saving throw vs. spells or become
enchanted by him, following him as a friend and devotee. Number Unique
Morale +7
FENRIR (“The Fenris Wolf”) – demigod Hit Dice 17d12 (389 h.p.)
Armor Class -4
Number Unique Move 180’/min.
Morale n/a Magic Resistance O
Hit Dice 20d12 (400 h.p.) No. of Attacks 5/2 rounds
Armor Class -5 Damage Per weapon type +12
Move 240’/min. Defenses See below
Magic Resistance R Attacks See below
No. of Attacks 1 Weaknesses None
Damage 9d10+20 Size M
Defenses See below Intelligence 25
Attacks See below Alignment Lawful good
Weaknesses None Treasure Type None
Size L (50’ high at shoulder) Treasure Value n/a
Intelligence 19 Magic Treasure See below
Alignment Chaotic evil X.P. Value 71,500 (material form), 715,000 (permanently slain)
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a General: Fosite (“foe-sit-ee”) is the son of Balder, and is known as the reconciler
Magic Treasure n/a of men. He sometimes travels to Midgard in order to dispense justice and
X.P. Value 83,950 establish codes of law among various tribes and nations of men. In some lands
he is also called Forseti. Fosite can detect lies automatically, without fail.
General: The Fenris wolf, offspring of Loki and the evil giantess Angrboda, is
one of the most feared creatures in the Norse cosmology. Originally raised in Mortals of lawful or good alignment can worship Fosite, but those charged
the very precincts of Asgard, Fenrir inspired fear in the Aesir as it continued to with making or enforcing the laws are most often drawn to him. He functions
grow. Eventually, they tricked the beast into allowing itself to be bound with a as: druid 10, ranger 15, mage 10, and illusionist 10. He has STR: 24, INT:
magical fetter and then trapped in a cave, but not before it was able to bite 25, WIS: 24, DEX: 22, CON: 25, CHA: 23. Clerics of Fosite may become
off Tyr’s hand, which he had placed in the beast’s mouth as surety that the wolf proficient in battleaxe.
would be freed. However, as the battle of Ragnarök approaches, the wolf will
free itself and wreak its revenge on the Aesir, swallowing Odin whole. Combat: In battle, Fosite wields a large battleaxe +3 that does 1d10 points of
damage when it hits. He gets a bonus of +2 “to hit” any evil creatures, and
Mortals of any evil alignment can and do worship Fenrir. Werewolves are only weapons of +3 or better enchantment can hit him.
particularly drawn to it, but evil folk of all sorts will honor and seek to free him.
Appearance: Fosite appears as a human with long blond hair and beard.
Combat: If the wolf’s bite does damage equal to half or more of the victim’s
remaining hit points, the victim is swallowed whole and slain. It can only be FREYJA (Goddess of Love and War) – greater goddess
hit by weapons of +4 or greater enchantment. Any creature with less than 10
hit dice who sees Fenrir must make a saving throw vs. magic or run in blind Number Unique
panic for 3d6 minutes. Morale +12
Hit Dice 20d12 (339 h.p.)
Appearance: Fenrir appears as a giant, fearsome wolf. Armor Class -5
Move 180’/min., 480’/min. (flying – good)
Magic Resistance N
No. of Attacks 2
Damage Per weapon type +12
Defenses See below
Attacks See below
Weaknesses None
Size M
Intelligence 24
Alignment Neutral good
Treasure Type See below
Treasure Value See below
Magic Treasure See below
X.P. Value 74,450 (material form), 744,500 (permanently slain)

General: Freyja, along with her brother Freyr, was originally one of the Vanir
tribe of gods, who was brought into the Aesir as part of the peace agreement
after the war between the two ended. She is a goddess of love as well as war,
and fully half of the chosen dead come to dwell with her in her hall Vingolf.
She is said to be the most beautiful of all the goddesses, and many of the Jotuns
(and others) greatly covet her as a bride.

Creating the Setting – Religion and Deities

Freyja has a falcon cloak which will transform her into a giant falcon at will Appearance: Freyr appears as a handsome human with gold hair and a neatly
(hence the flying speed noted above, with good maneuverability). She has trimmed beard.
been known to loan this cloak out to other gods on occasion. She also owns
the fantastic necklace Brisingamen, which is worth one million g.p. FRIGGA (Goddess of Love and the Family) – greater goddess

Mortals of any alignment worship Freyja. Those who use magic are Number Unique
especially drawn to her, but her friends come from all walks of life. She Morale +6
functions as: bard 12, mystic 15, druid 10, ranger 7, and illusionist 15. She Hit Dice 20d12 (366 h.p.)
has STR: 24, INT: 24, WIS: 24, DEX: 24, CON: 20, CHA: 25. Her clerics Armor Class -4
can cast the spell language of birds once per day in addition to their normal Move 150’/min.
selection of spells. Magic Resistance M
No. of Attacks 2
Combat: In battle Freyja wields a broad sword +3, frost brand. She is immune Damage Per weapon type +8
to fire, and only a +3 or better weapon can harm her. She sometimes rides in Defenses See below
a chariot drawn by two giant cats (AC 5, HD 5, 30 h.p., 3 attacks, Attacks See below
1d8/1d8/1d12 per attack), which moves at 180’ per minute. Weaknesses None
Size M
Appearance: Freyja appears as an incredibly beautiful human with long Intelligence 23
golden hair. When she is angered, however, her beauty can be terrible to Alignment Lawful neutral
behold. Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
FREYR (God of Prosperity and Fertility) – greater god Magic Treasure See below
X.P. Value 72,450 (material form), 724,500 (permanently slain)
Number Unique
Morale +12 General: Frigga is the wife of Odin, mother of many of the gods, and seen as
Hit Dice 18d12 (388 h.p.) a patron goddess of the family, hearth, and home. She is served by nine
Armor Class -5 handmaidens (treat as maximum-power valkyries), and has powers to divine
Move 180’/min. the future fully as powerful as those of her husband, Odin. She has the
Magic Resistance M equivalent of a commune spell available to her once per round, but the spell
No. of Attacks 5/2 rounds does not actually get an answer from some other being.
Damage Per weapon type +14
Defenses See below Mortals of any non-evil alignment can worship Frigga, although she most
Attacks See below often befriends mothers and householders. She functions as a bard 10,
Weaknesses None mystic 15, ranger 7, and mage 18. She has STR: 20, INT: 23, WIS: 20,
Size M DEX: 24, CON: 25, CHA: 23.
Intelligence 25
Alignment Neutral good Combat: Frigga possesses a magical distaff. With it, she is able to foretell the
Treasure Type None length of any mortal’s life, or cut it short by clipping the flax at the proper
Treasure Value n/a point. As such, it is a powerful weapon, and can be used to cut short the life
Magic Treasure See below of any mortal once every other round. In addition, it can be used as a
X.P. Value 83,500 (material form), 835,000 (permanently slain) quarterstaff +5 in melee, even though it is but 2’ in length. She can only be hit
by a weapon of +3 enchantment or greater.
General: Freyr (pronounced “frair”, sometimes called Ing, or Ingvi- Freyr) is the
twin brother of Freyja, and like her, originally one of the Vanir and the child Appearance: Frigga appears as a lovely, motherly-type woman. She is often
of Njord. He is the lord of Alfheim, land of the Alfar (a type of elf which dwells carrying either her distaff, or is seated at a loom.
on the plane of Gladsheim).

Freyr‘s ship, Skidblathnir, is capable of holding all of the Aesir, plus their
mounts and servants, and travels 600’ per minute in any direction the god
wishes. When not in use, it can be folded up into a packet 1” on a side.

Mortals of any alignment can worship Freyr. Many of his friends are those who
work with the land, such as farmers, as well as kings, whose well-being is
mystically linked to that of the lands they rule. He functions as a bard 15, cleric
13, druid 13, ranger 15, and mage 20. He has STR: 25, INT: 25, WIS: 25,
DEX: 25, CON: 25, CHA: 25. Clerics of Freyr may become proficient in sword
(any type).

Combat: Freyr also owns a fantastic sword that functions as a broad sword of
dancing, but always has a bonus of +4. It will do 2d10 points of damage
when it hits, except when wielded against fire or frost giants, against whom it
does 5d10 h.p. Unfortunately, Freyr is destined to lose his sword before the
battle Ragnarök, and will face Surtr with nothing but a stag antler as a
weapon. He can only be hit by weapons with +3 or greater enchantment.


HEIMDALL (“Guardian of Bifrost”) – greater god General: Hel, daughter of Loki, was placed in the position of ruler of Hel, the
land of those who die of old age or sickness, by Odin. Within her domain,
Number Unique she is omnipotent, and none are allowed to leave without her permission
Morale +11 (which is almost never given, and when it is, it comes with conditions). She
Hit Dice 20d12 (390 h.p.) rarely leaves her hall Eludnir, but conditions there are comfortable and inviting
Armor Class -6 to its many inhabitants.
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance N Mortals rarely worship Hel, but those who do can be of any alignment. Most
No. of Attacks 5/2 rounds often she receives prayers from those who have recently lost a loved one,
Damage Per weapon type beseeching her for mercy to return them. Such prayers are rarely, if ever,
Defenses See below granted. She functions as a bard 10, mystic 20, druid 10, ranger 12, mage
Attacks See below 15, and illusionist 15. She has STR: 20, INT: 24, WIS: 25, DEX: 24, CON:
Weaknesses None 25, CHA: 25.
Size M
Intelligence 23 Combat: Hel wields a thin long sword +3 that will cause 5d10 h.p. of damage
Alignment Lawful good when it hits.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Appearance: Hel appears half as a beautiful maiden, and half as a blue-black
Magic Treasure See below decaying corpse.
X.P. Value 81,110 (material form), 811,100 (permanently slain)
IDUN (Keeper of the Golden Apples of Youth) – lesser goddess
General: Heimdall is the guardian of the Bifrost bridge, the rainbow bridge
that connects Midgard and Asgard. He is incapable of being surprised, having Number Unique
such good hearing that he is said to be able to hear the very blades of grass Morale +4
as they grow, and excellent vision as well. When not on the bridge itself, Hit Dice 15d12 (329 h.p.)
Heimdall dwells in his hall Himinbjörg (“castle of heaven”). He is occasionally Armor Class -3
known to travel Midgard in disguise, and is said to have established the social Move 150’/min.
order of men in ancient times. He also taught the magic of runes to mortals. Magic Resistance E
Heimdall is a great enemy of Loki, and their mutual enmity has broken out into No. of Attacks 2
armed conflict more than once. Damage Per weapon type +8
Defenses See below
Mortals of any good alignment can worship Heimdall. People from all classes Attacks See below
and vocations seek him out as well. He functions as a bard 8, Cleric 12, Druid Weaknesses None
12, and Ranger 17. He has STR: 25, INT: 23, WIS: 24, DEX: 25, CON: 25, Size M
CHA: 23. Intelligence 22
Alignment Chaotic good
Combat: Heimdall’s sword is both a vorpal broad sword +3 and a sword of Treasure Type None
frost-giant slaying. It inflicts 3d10 h.p. of damage when it hits. He also holds Treasure Value n/a
the Gjallarhorn, which he will sound when the giants come up the bridge to Magic Treasure See below
attack Asgard at the end of time. If sounded, all within 100 yards must make X.P. Value 30,800 (material form), 308,000 (permanently slain)
a saving throw vs. spells or be stunned for 1d10 minutes.
General: Every decade, the Aesir are required to eat of the enchanted apples
Appearance: Heimdall appears as a human with pale white skin and hair. of youth in order to maintain their youthful vigor, and Idun is the keeper of
those apples. She is highly prized among them, for without her, the Aesir would
HEL (Goddess of the Dead) – lesser goddess all begin to age and eventually die. In fact, she has been the object of several
kidnapping attempts with just that end in mind, to weaken the Aesir.
Number Unique
Morale +6 Any mortal of non-evil alignment can worship Idun. She functions as a bard
Hit Dice 19d12 (325 h.p.) 13, mystic 15, druid 14, and ranger 7. She has STR: 20, INT: 22, WIS: 23,
Armor Class -4 DEX: 24, CON: 24, CHA: 24. Idun’s clerics only suffer half of the normal
Move 120’/min. effect of magical aging.
Magic Resistance Q
No. of Attacks 2 Combat: Idun wields a slender sword of sharpness. She can only be harmed
Damage Per weapon type +8 by a weapon of +2 or greater enchantment.
Defenses See below
Attacks See below Appearance: Idun appears as a lovely young lady bearing a basket.
Weaknesses None
Size M
Intelligence 24
Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magic Treasure See below
X.P. Value 52,100 (material form), 521,000 (permanently slain)

Creating the Setting – Religion and Deities

JORMUNGAND (“The Midgard Serpent”) General: The Jotuns are generally seen as the implacable foes of the Aesir,
although this is not a universal attitude and there are some among their ranks
Number Unique who are on good terms with them. Some are ravening monsters, while others
Morale n/a are noble in aspect and well-versed in the lore of the universe, even contesting
Hit Dice 20d12 (300 h.p. head, infinite h.p. body) with Odin himself to see who has a greater store of knowledge. Most are not
Armor Class -3 considered deities, but are powerful monsters.
Move Special
Magic Resistance E Often, Jotun-wives are prized by the Aesir, and many female Jotuns have been
No. of Attacks 1 married to Aesir husbands, and thus brought into the Aesir tribe themselves,
Damage 5d10+20 such as Skadi, Gunnlod, and Gerd.
Defenses See below
Attacks Constriction Combat: Jotuns either attack with their great fists or with enormous weapons
Weaknesses None (some of which will be magical; if a magic weapon is determined as treasure,
Size L (thousands of miles in length) the Jotun will use it in combat if at all possible). They get a bonus of between
Intelligence 10 8 and 14 to all damage rolls (d6+8; roll once for each Jotun). 25% of Jotuns
Alignment Chaotic evil are able to cast spells, as if they were the following type and level of spell
Treasure Type None caster:
Treasure Value n/a
Magic Treasure n/a TABLE 87: JOTUN
X.P. Value 24,500 Die Roll (d%) Spell Caster Type As Level
01-20 Cleric (Mystic if female) 1d10
General: Jormungand, the world serpent, is another of the offspring of Loki that 21-30 Druid 2d4
will, at the end of time, come to bring great harm to the Aesir. In form, a great 31-60 Mage 2d6
serpent that literally spans the entire world beneath the sea, Jormungand is 61-90 Illusionist 2d6
known to be the one creature that will, in the end, slay the god Thor (and the 91-00 Savant 2d6
beast will be slain by Thor in turn). It is not a deity, but a unique and very
powerful monster. The great lords among the Jotuns, such as Thrym, Utgard-Loki, Surtr, and
Hymir, are fully lesser gods in their own right, and have appropriate abilities
Combat: The serpent is so large that it encircles the entire globe and bites its and are versed in multiple class-like abilities. In fact, the prototypical being,
own tail. When moving, it simply moves its bulk along the sea-floor, so that the from whose body all other creatures in the universe derive, Ymir, is counted as
head can move thousands of miles in the space of a minute. The creature’s one of the Jotuns.
body has effectively an infinite number of hit points and will instantly
regenerate any damage (even if the body is cleanly severed). Its only truly Appearance: Male Jotuns vary in appearance greatly; some are merely large
vulnerable spot is its head, but since it can regenerate up to 299 h.p. per human figures, while others are grotesques with multiple limbs or heads, or
round, the head must be slain in the space of but a single minute. If the creature even take on the form of great animals or monsters. Jotun-wives are more often
is slain, all those within 50’ of the head must save vs. poison with a -5 penalty than not extremely beautiful by the standards of the Aesir (and mortals).
or die instantly. Anyone bitten by the serpent must similarly make a saving
throw with a -5 penalty or die. Once per round, the serpent can loop its LOKI (“Father of Lies”) – greater god
enormous coils around an enemy and attempt to constrict him for 10d10 h.p.
of damage. Number Unique
Morale +4
Appearance: Jormungand is an enormous snake that encircles the world, lying Hit Dice 15d12 (300 h.p.)
at the bottom of the sea. Armor Class -4
Move 120’/min.
JOTUN Magic Resistance M
No. of Attacks 2
Number 1d4 Damage Per weapon type +12
Morale +8 Defenses See below
Hit Dice 12d12 Attacks See below
Armor Class 0 Weaknesses None
Move 150’/min. Size M
Magic Resistance D Intelligence 25
No. of Attacks 1 Alignment Chaotic evil
Damage 4d10 or per weapon type Treasure Type None
Defenses +1 weapon to hit Treasure Value n/a
Attacks Hurl rocks for 4d6 h.p. Magic Treasure See below
Weaknesses None X.P. Value 61,400 (material form), 614,000 (permanently slain)
Size L (15’+)
Intelligence 7-18 General: Loki has a complicated relationship with his fellow Aesir. Blood-
Alignment Chaotic evil brother to Odin, he is an implacable enemy of Heimdall, and is either friend
Treasure Type VII or foe of Thor, depending on the circumstances. He will eventually betray the
Treasure Value 1d4x1000 g.p. each Aesir to the Jotuns, but before then has been crucial to the defense of Asgard.
Magic Treasure Any weapon (10%), any item (10%) He can shape-change into any form desired at will, and can cast suggestion
X.P. Value 2,000 + 16/h.p. (+850 if spell caster) at will as well. He is immune to magical control of any type.


Any mortal of evil alignment can worship Loki; those who do often emphasize blacksmiths, laborers, etc. He functions as a bard 5 and barbarian 15. He
his role as a misunderstood trickster, but this does not impress those who has STR: Special, INT: 20, WIS: 20, DEX: 24, CON: 25, CHA: 22.
worship the other Aesir, who see him and his followers as outcast. He
functions as a bard 5, cleric 12, druid 12, ranger 12, mage 11, illusionist Combat: Magni’s mighty fists do 8d10 h.p. of damage per strike, and he
20, thief 20, and mountebank 15. He has STR: 24, INT: 25, WIS: 19, DEX: himself is so tough that blunt weapons do him no harm.
24, CON: 24, CHA: 24. Loki’s clerics can cast undetectable lie once per
day. Appearance: Magni appears as a handsome, muscular young man with blond
hair and beard.
The game master may wish to place his campaign at a late stage in the
Norse mythic cycle, when Loki’s treachery has been revealed and he has NJORD (God of the Sea, Wealth, and Fertility) – greater god
been imprisoned by the Aesir. (This will by default also be the time period
after Balder has been slain; see above.) In such a case, Loki is bound in Number Unique
Asgard, a serpent dripping venom on his face, while his wife Sigyn holds a Morale +8
bowl to collect it. When the bowl is filled and she must remove it to empty it, Hit Dice 18d12 (377 h.p.)
the venom strikes Loki and earthquakes are generated by his thrashing. Armor Class -6
Clerics of Loki will be unable to be granted spells higher than fifth level in Move 180’/min., 240’/min. (swimming)
this circumstance, and will constantly be scheming to free their master and Magic Resistance M
strike back at the Aesir and their priests. Loki, once unbound, will openly join No. of Attacks 5/2 rounds
the Jotuns and attack Asgard, piloting the ship Naglfar, filled with Jotun Damage Per weapon type +12
warriors. Defenses See below
Attacks See below
Combat: Loki usually seeks to avoid combat, but sometimes carries a Weaknesses None
quarterstaff +4 that paralyzes enemies it touches unless they make a saving Size M
throw vs. magic. In addition, he has the following powers and abilities: Intelligence 25
Alignment Chaotic good
 ESP at will Treasure Type None
 Change self three times per day Treasure Value n/a
 Emotion three times per day Magic Treasure See below
 Polymorph self three times per day X.P. Value 67,110 (material form), 671,110 (permanently slain)
 Earthquake three times per day
General: Njord, father of the twins Freyja and Freyr, was another of the Vanir
Only weapons of +2 or better enchantment can harm Loki. sent to live among the Aesir at the end of the war between the two tribes of
gods. He is known to be utterly lacking in malice, and is a source of prosperity
Appearance: Loki appears as a young man with red-blond hair and and fertility. Fishermen will often give him thanks for an unusually large catch,
mustache. and years of peace and good crops are attributed to him (and he receives
sacrifices in thanks). He dwells in the great high-timbered hall Noatun, in
MAGNI (God of Strength) – lesser god Asgard, by the sea.

Number Unique Mortals who have an alignment of neutral good, chaotic good, or chaotic
Morale +11 neutral worship Njord, but anyone wishing his favor will, of course, make
Hit Dice 20d12 (325 h.p.) offerings to him. He functions as a bard 10, cleric 14, druid 14, ranger 13,
Armor Class -4 mage 15, and thief 10. He has STR: 24, INT: 25, WIS: 25, DEX: 23, CON:
Move 180’/min. 24, CHA: 24.
Magic Resistance L
No. of Attacks 5 Combat: In battle Njord rides a great chariot drawn by four massive stallions,
Damage 8d10 each which moves at 240’/min, wielding a great spear +3. He can only be struck
Defenses See below by weapons of +3 or better enchantment, and can control winds at will.
Attacks See below
Weaknesses None Appearance: Njord appears as a middle-aged man with brown hair and
Size M beard.
Intelligence 20
Alignment Chaotic good
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magic Treasure See below
X.P. Value 78,300 (material form), 783,000 (permanently slain)

General: The son of Thor, Magni’s strength defies categorization. He can lift,
carry, bend, or pry just about anything in the multiverse, even those things that
supposedly cannot be lifted. He is one of the few Aesir who will live past

Mortals of any non-evil alignment can worship Magni, and he particularly

attracts those who rely on strength for their livelihood such as soldiers,

Creating the Setting – Religion and Deities

THE NORNS – greater goddesses RAN (Goddess of Drowning and the Sea) – lesser goddess

Number 3 Number Unique

Morale +10 Morale +7
Hit Dice 15d12 (299 h.p. each) Hit Dice 14d12 (288 h.p.)
Armor Class 0 Armor Class -6
Move 120’/min. Move 120’/min., 480’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance N Magic Resistance M
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 5/2 rounds
Damage 1d10+11 Damage Per weapon type +11
Defenses See below Defenses See below
Attacks See below Attacks See below
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size M Size M
Intelligence 22 Intelligence 22
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type None Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value n/a
Magic Treasure See below Magic Treasure See below
X.P. Value 24,670 X.P. Value 39,995 (material form), 399,950 (permanently slain)

General: There are three Norns – Urd, Verandi, and Skuld, who embody the General: The wife of Aegir, Ran dwells with her husband in their great hall
past, present, and future respectively. They are not worshipped or given beneath the sea, where she drags down sailors to their doom with her great
offerings per se, and are beings neutral towards the Aesir rather than members net. Offerings are made to her and Aegir by sailors and fishermen hoping to
of the tribe. Odin is known to go to them when he needs answers to particularly avoid such a fate.
vexing questions, although they are loath to answer in most cases.
Mortals of any evil alignment can worship Ran, although few do. She functions
The Norns fix the life of every creature at its birth with the warp and weft of as a mystic 14, ranger 14, mage 11, and thief 19. She has STR: 23, INT: 22,
their great weaving. In so doing, they know the future of every creature in the WIS: 23, DEX: 24, CON: 24, CHA: 20.
multiverse, including the gods. But as noted above, they are very close-
mouthed with their knowledge. This gives them the functional equivalent of an Combat: She wields a vast net, which serves as a net of snaring of fully ten
augury spell at will. times normal size, as well as functioning as a trident of fish command. She can
only be struck by weapons of +2 or greater enchantment.
No one actually worships the Norns, but all fear and honor them. They
function as bard 8, druid 12, mystic12, ranger 5, mage 15, and illusionist Appearance: Ran appears as a beautiful young woman with long black hair,
15. Each has STR: 23, INT: 22, WIS: 25, DEX: 23, CON: 25, CHA: 9. clad in garments made of fishing nets.

Combat: In battle (which is exceedingly rare) the Norns fight with daggers SIF (Goddess of Love and the Harvest) – lesser goddess
that, in addition to doing 1d10 h.p. of damage, will permanently and without
any benefit of a saving throw reduce each ability statistic (STR, INT, etc.) of Number Unique
the target hit by 1. They can only be hit by magical weapons, but can never Morale +8
really be slain (they will rise one day after they are slain, even if their material Hit Dice 16d12 (349 h.p.)
body is obliterated) and have the following powers as well: Armor Class -4
Move 180’/min.
 Teleport at will Magic Resistance N
 Become invisible at will No. of Attacks 2
 Polymorph self at will Damage Per weapon type +11
 Augury at will Defenses See below
 Prophecy three times per day Attacks See below
 Polymorph other three times per day Weaknesses None
Size M
Appearance: The norns appear either as three young maidens, three warm Intelligence 24
and loving mothers, or three aged crones. Their appearance can vary from Alignment Chaotic good
one second to another, depending on whether or not they are discussing the Treasure Type None
past, present, or future. Treasure Value n/a
Magic Treasure See below
X.P. Value 37,770 (material form), 377,700 (permanently slain)

General: Sif is the wife of Thor, renowned for her lovely golden hair (which is
actual spun gold). She despises Loki, who was responsible for her losing her
original hair, even though he replaced it with a marvelous wig of gold, forged
by the dwarves. Sif’s hair grows and shrinks with the grain harvest on the
material plane.


Any mortal of good alignment can worship Sif. She functions as a bard 12,
druid 12, and ranger 12. She has STR: 23, INT: 24, WIS: 22, DEX: 25, CON:
25, CHA: 25.

Combat: Sif wields a broad sword +3 in battle that does 3d10 h.p. when it
hits, and is immune to any sort of magical control. Only weapons of +2 or
greater enchantment can harm her.

Appearance: Sif appears as a lovely young woman with hair of spun gold.

SURTR (“Lord of Muspelheim”, King of the Fire Giants) – lesser god

Number Unique
Morale +13
Hit Dice 19d12 (388 h.p.)
Armor Class -2
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance J
THOR (God of Thunder, Rain, Crops, Protection) – greater god
No. of Attacks 5
Damage 6d10+14 each
Number Unique
Defenses See below
Morale +20
Attacks See below
Hit Dice 20d12 (399 h.p.)
Weaknesses None
Armor Class -4
Size L (20’)
Move 180’/min.
Intelligence 19
Magic Resistance N
Alignment Lawful evil
No. of Attacks 5
Treasure Type None
Damage 10d10+19 each
Treasure Value n/a
Defenses See below
Magic Treasure See below
Attacks See below
X.P. Value 55,660 (material form), 556,600 (permanently slain)
Weaknesses None
Size M
General: Surt is destined to slay the god Freyr at Ragnarök, after which his
Intelligence 20
flames will burn the entire multiverse to ashes. He is not, technically speaking,
Alignment Chaotic good
a Jotun, but is rather one of the Sons of Muspell, a band of triple-strength fire
Treasure Type None
giants who are allied with the Jotuns in their eternal war against the Aesir. He
Treasure Value n/a
dwells in Muspelheim with his followers, waiting for the time when he will
Magic Treasure See below
destroy the universe and bring it back to the chaos whence it sprang.
X.P. Value 95,220 (material form), 952,200 (permanently slain)

Any mortal of lawful evil or neutral evil alignment can worship Surtr. He
General: Thor is the Thunderer, the mightiest of the Aesir and the quintessential
functions as a cleric 15, fighter 20, and savant 5. He has STR: 25, INT: 19,
warrior. He appears as a tall, strapping man with an enormous red beard and
WIS: 14, DEX: 12, CON: 25, CHA: 20.
red hair. He rides a chariot drawn by two enchanted goats, and often goes
on expeditions into Jotunheim to thin out the ever-growing ranks of the Jotuns.
Combat: Surtr wields an enormous bright sword that does 6d10 h.p. when it
He is known as a particular friend to mortals, protecting both them and the
hits. His armor is red-hot, doing 1d10 h.p. of heat damage to any being it
Aesir against the depredations of the Jotuns and other dangers. He is destined
touches other than him. He is immune to fire and heat of all sorts and only
to fall to the Midgard Serpent at Ragnarök, but will slay the serpent in the
weapons of 3 or better enchantment can harm him. He can summon 1d4 triple-
process. His role as god of thunder and rain has a beneficial side: the same
strength fire giants once per day.
storms that cause destruction also bring needed rain to help crops grow.

Appearance: Surtr appears as an enormous fire giant with coal-black skin and
Mortals of any non-evil alignment can worship Thor; farmers and other
actual flames for hair and beard. His armor is made of glowing-red iron.
common folk are drawn to him. He functions as a bard 3, druid 10, and fighter
20. He has STR: 25, INT: 20, WIS: 20, DEX: 25, CON: 25, CHA: 24. Clerics
whose patron god is Thor will use hammers to the exclusion of all other
weapons in combat, and can cast the spell spiritual hammer once per day in
addition to their normal compliment of spells. They also get a +2 bonus to their
saving throws vs. all lightning-based attacks, including blue dragon breath.

Combat: In battle, Thor wields his famous hammer Mjollnir. In addition to

being a hammer +5, it will do 10d10 h.p. of damage when it strikes, can be
thrown unerringly up to 200 yards distant and then return to the god’s hand
in the same round, and when it strikes there is a clap of thunder that acts as a
power word, stun spell on all creatures within 30’. At Thor’s command, it can
shrink to a mere 6” in length, making it easy to conceal. Only creatures with
a strength score of 25 can even lift the hammer, and only those with a strength
exceeding 25 can wield it as a weapon. Once per day, the hammer can also
be used to cast a resurrection spell.

Creating the Setting – Religion and Deities

ULLR (God of Skiing, Winter, and Archery) – lesser god

Fortunately, Thor possesses a broad belt and a pair of magic iron gloves
which, while he is wearing them, increases his strength sufficiently to let him Number Unique
wield Mjollnir. Morale +10
Hit Dice 19d12 (390 h.p.)
Thor can only be hurt by weapons of +3 or greater enchantment. Armor Class -3
Move 240’/min.
TYR (God of War and Justice) – greater god Magic Resistance H
No. of Attacks 5/2 rounds (sword), 4 (bow)
Number Unique Damage Per weapon type
Morale +15 Defenses See below
Hit Dice 18d12 (380 h.p.) Attacks See below
Armor Class -5 Weaknesses None
Move 180’/min. Size M
Magic Resistance E Intelligence 24
No. of Attacks 5/2 rounds Alignment Chaotic neutral
Damage Per weapon type +12 Treasure Type None
Defenses See below Treasure Value n/a
Attacks See below Magic Treasure See below
Weaknesses None X.P. Value 40,900 (material form), 409,000 (permanently slain)
Size M
Intelligence 20 General: Ullr is so trusted by Odin that he sometimes takes the Allfather’s place
Alignment Lawful good as chief of the Aesir when Odin is off wandering. He is the best of all skiers,
Treasure Type None and as god of winter is immune to any sort of cold or frost-based attacks. He
Treasure Value n/a is married to the Jotun-bride Skadi.
Magic Treasure See below
X.P. Value 60,400 (material form), 604,000 (permanently slain) Mortals of any alignment may worship Ullr. Many hunters, archers, etc. are
drawn to him. He functions as a bard 12, druid 13, ranger 18, illusionist
General: Tyr is the god responsible for the binding of Fenrir, as he gave his 12, and thief 12. He has STR: 23, INT: 24, WIS: 24, DEX: 24, CON: 25,
right hand in order to trick the wolf into allowing itself to be bound. Tyr has a CHA: 25. His clerics must take the longbow as a weapon proficiency at first
reputation for always keeping his word, and is a strong fighter despite his level.
handicap, but is not known for bringing peace or reconciliation between
warring parties. Combat: Ullr wields a two-handed sword +4 that does 2d10 h.p. when it hits,
as well as a long bow +5 that can be fired at any target within visual range
Mortals of any non-chaotic alignment can worship Tyr. Warriors in particular with no range penalty, and which always hits its target within one mile. He
are drawn to him, as are lawyers and lawmakers. He functions as a bard 10, cannot be wounded by weapons with less than +2 enchantment.
druid 13, paladin 25, fighter 13, savant10, and thief 15. He has STR: 24,
INT: 20, WIS: 20, DEX: 25, CON: 25, CHA: 24. A cleric of Tyr will never Appearance: Ullr appears as a ruggedly handsome man with black hair and
break his word, and will die to keep it once given. Needless to say, such oaths beard.
are never given lightly. They may take any type of sword as a weapon
proficiency. UTGARD-LOKI (“Master of Illusions”) – lesser god

Combat: Tyr can only be harmed by weapons of +3 or better enchantment, Number Unique
and his sword does 2d10 h.p. when it hits. Morale +6
Hit Dice 19d12 (390 h.p.)
Appearance: Tyr looks like a muscular man with blond hair and beard, but he Armor Class -8
is notably missing his right hand. Move 180’/min.
Magic Resistance R
No. of Attacks 5/2 rounds
Damage Per weapon type +10
Defenses See below
Attacks See below
Weaknesses None
Size Varies
Intelligence 25
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type VII
Treasure Value 10d6x1,000 g.p.
Magic Treasure 1d4 wondrous items (30%), 1d2 weapons (10%), 1
armor (10%), 3d4 potions (25%), 2d6 scrolls (25%)
X.P. Value 88,030 (material form), 880,300 (permanently slain)

General: Utgard-Loki is a prince of the Jotuns, whose castle lies in the outskirts
of Jotunheim. It and the approaches to it are invariably clouded in illusions;
there is no telling what it really looks like or what the terrain and creatures


surrounding it really are. Even magic such as true seeing will not penetrate the
illusionary nature of the place. He is fond of testing visitors in ways that they Appearance: Valkyries appear as beautiful maidens wearing byrnies and with
do not know they are being tested, or pitting them in unfair contests against long blond hair.
foes they cannot possibly defeat. After all is done, visitors to the castle find
themselves standing in the middle of an empty field. Recommended Reading

Utgard-Loki functions as a bard 20, fighter 15, illusionist 30, and Crossley-Holland, David: The Norse Myths
mountebank 30. He has STR: 22, INT: 25, WIS: 25, DEX: 24, CON: 24, Ellis-Davidson, H.R.: Gods and Myths of Northern Europe
CHA: 25. Hollander, Lee (tr.): The Poetic Edda
Lindow, John: Norse Religion: A Guide to Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs
Combat: Utgard-Loki rarely fights openly, far preferring to use illusions and Simek, Rudolf: A Dictionary of Northern Religion
deception to deal with enemies. If he is forced into open conflict, he wields Sturluson, Snorri: The Prose Edda
a halberd +3. Anyone struck by this weapon must make a saving throw vs. Ibid: Heimskringla
spells or be struck blind, permanently. He can summon 1d4+2 Jotuns three
times per day, all of whom will be maximum level spellcasters (determine
type randomly).
Other Planes and Other Worlds
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ presupposes the existence of alternate
Appearance: Utgard-Loki can assume any shape he wishes, at will. He often
dimensions, other planes, and alien worlds not necessarily connected to our
appears as an older human with white hair and beard, but it is almost certain
own through “normal” space and time. Some game masters and commercially
that this is not his true form, or if he actually has one.
available campaign settings will have their own systems of planes, worlds,
afterlives, etc. If you feel the desire to either tinker with the “default” system
VALKYRIE (“Chooser of the Slain”)
you find below, or create your own cosmology from whole cloth, feel free to
pick and choose from the information below. It is, however, the default
Number 1
cosmology for the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ game, and certain spells,
Morale +11
magical items, and monsters will refer to elements thereof. If you make changes
Hit Dice 15d10
to the system, be aware that you may need to make changes to those other
Armor Class -2
sections which reference it.
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance C
The planes of existence are generally divided into the inner and outer planes.
No. of Attacks 2
The two are mutually inaccessible except for very specific and rare instances,
Damage Per weapon type +7
and the material plane. The material plane gets much of its strategic
Defenses See below
importance (on a multiversal level) from the fact that from it one can reach both
Attacks See below
the inner and outer planes.
Weaknesses None
Size M
Occasionally, it may be necessary to determine some plane randomly, whether
Intelligence 17
for a spell, curse, magic item effect, etc. In such cases, the following table may
Alignment Chaotic neutral
be used (re-roll for any result that does not apply to the situation at hand).
Treasure Type XI
Treasure Value 2d6x100
Magical Treasure 1 wondrous item (10%)
Die Roll (d%) Plane
X.P. Value 4,000 + 20/h.p.
1-9 Material plane
General: The Valkyries are the choosers of the slain, servants of Odin who fly 10-12 Another world in this material plane
over battlefields invisibly on their pegasi to select the bravest and most capable 13-14 An alternate material plane
warriors to serve out the afterlife in Asgard, awaiting the coming of Ragnarök. 15-19 The ethereal plane
In Valhalla they act as serving girls, giving the heroes pork and mead after a 20-21 A demi-plane
day of fighting after which the fallen are immediately restored to “life.” 22-23 The plane of shadow
Valkyries can sense any melee within 1 mile. They are not themselves treated 24 The negative material plane
as deities. 25 The positive material plane
26-27 The elemental plane of earth
Combat: Valkyries fight with weapons. Roll to determine type: 28-29 The elemental plane of water
30-31 The elemental plane of air
TABLE 88: VALKYRIES' WEAPONS 32-33 The elemental plane of fire
Die Roll (d%) Weapon 34 The meta-elemental plane of ice
01-10 Bastard sword +1 35 The meta-elemental plane of smoke
36 The meta-elemental plane of ooze
11-35 Battle axe +2
37 The meta-elemental plane of magma
36-45 Long bow +1
38 The quasi-elemental plane of lightning
46-65 Longsword +1
39 The quasi-elemental plane of steam
66-80 Short sword +2 and dagger +1
40 The quasi-elemental plane of radiance
81-00 Spear +2
41 The quasi-elemental plane of mineral
42 The quasi-elemental plane of vacuum
Their magical weapons lose any bonus when not wielded by a valkyrie. They
43 The quasi-elemental plane of salt
are also able to become invisible at will (along with their mount) and have a
44 The quasi-elemental plane of ash
strength of 19 (+3 bonus “to hit”, +7 bonus to damage). They fight as 15th
45 The quasi-elemental plane of dust
level fighters.
46-49 The astral plane

Creating the Setting – Other Planes and Other Worlds

Die Roll (d%) Plane Physicality describes how “real world” physics, chemistry, and biology work.
50-52 Seven Heavens It can range from the entire plane being a single sentient being, to normally-
53-55 Twin Paradises inanimate objects like buildings and brooms being sentient, to planes where
56-58 Elysium intelligence being restricted to one species (such as humans), to where
59-61 Happy Hunting Grounds electricity doesn’t work, to a place where thought itself is impossible.
62-64 Olympus
65-67 Gladsheim Magic describes how the place is permeated by magical energy. It can go
68-70 Limbo from a plane where every sentient creature can cast wishes to a place where
71-73 Pandemonium spell memorization is not necessary, to planes where only lower-level spells
74-76 The Abyss are to be found, all the way to where no magic at all can operate. High-magic
77-79 Tarterus planes can also have mage spells of up to 12th level.
80-82 Hades
83-85 Gehenna Time describes the relationship between the plane and the home plane of the
86-88 Nine Hells PCs. It can range from a world with no atmosphere and a surface of molten
89-91 Acheron rock, to a place with a primordial atmosphere of methane and single-celled
92-94 Nirvana organisms, all the way to a place which resembles the home plane of the PCs,
95-97 Arcadia but several years or centuries in the past or future.
98-100 Balance
Some alternate material planes can be described as “parallel worlds”. They
The Material Plane are universes where the course of history took a different turn. Most will have
great similarities to the PCs’ home universe, but with subtle (or not-so-subtle)
The material plane is our “normal” plane of existence. It is the dimension in changes: wars which were won by the “wrong” side, tyrants who were not
which we live, with its suns, and planets, and moons, and stars. It is home to overthrown in the past, realms swept by plague that should be prospering, etc.
humans, and elves, and orcs, and so forth. Or is it? It even includes those where evil versions of the player characters, with suitable
facial hair, if applicable, exist. Such “mirror versions” of the player characters
The conventional view of the material plane is that it is the same as what we, rarely react well to knowledge of the existence of their good-aligned doubles.
in our scientific understanding, refer to as the universe. All the galaxies, stars,
and planets make up the material plane. But it need not be so. The material The Ethereal Plane
plane could, in your campaign, simply be the Earth itself (or whatever planet
your campaign happens to exist on). In fact, it need not be a planet at all; the The ethereal plane co-exists with the material plane, penetrating it throughout
material plane could be a chunk of soil shaped like a great convex lens, with its entire existence. In addition, the ethereal plane touches the edges of all of
two sides alternating in light and shadow as the world rotates on its axis, and the elemental planes, the various quasi- and meta-elemental planes, as well as
each side is then presented to the sun. Or it could be cube-shaped. Or just an the positive and negative energy planes, plus the plane of shadow (collectively
endless plain, extending into infinity in all directions. It could be an endless known as the Inner Planes, along with the material and ethereal). There are
expanse of flame, in which crystal spheres containing planets, moons, and also a number of demi-planes floating like bubbles in the ethereal, which are
suns float, with the flames being sailed by magically-charged craft. The choice dealt with separately on p. 70 below.
is yours. (The same goes for the various inner and outer planes as well; if you
want your Hell to be a world with nine continents in a sea of brimstone, so be Ethereal Travel
It should be noted that the physical body (and all its possessions) is actually
The default assumption for the purposes of the game, however, is that the converted to ethereal matter when the ethereal plane is entered, although many
material plane is much like our own universe. Roughly spherical planets orbit magic items and spells will either not function, or will function differently. While
around the suns, and moons orbit around the planets. Travel between them one is in the ethereal plane, one sees the landscape and occupants of the
may be possible through various technological or magical means; you could, material in hazy and shadowy outline, with a maximum visibility of some 100
if you desire, have technologically advanced spaceships crash-land on your yards (infravision will work normally, but ultravision will not work at all).
fantasy world. Or perhaps such visitations happened in the distant past, and Breathing is normal, but ethereal travelers will require food and drink at only
a handful of highly technological artifacts survived the centuries to the present 1/10th the rate of a material body. Eventually the material plane “thins out”
day, where they are seen as powerful, if very unusual, magical items. along the far edges, leaving nothing but empty space; finally this leads one to
the edges of the elemental planes and their ilk.
Whatever its nature as determined by you, the material plane coexists with
both the astral and ethereal planes, and it is possible to move from one to the There is a definite “up” and “down”, although ethereal objects can completely
other through magical means. pass through material ones with no ill effect, with the exception of gold, lead,
and specially treated gorgon’s blood (for this reason, an alchemist with the
Alternate Material Planes correct formula can create a potion which, when mixed with ordinary mortar,
will render any surface constructed using that mortar impassable to ethereal
The outer and inner planes are strange enough for most people to contemplate. creatures; such preparations will cost 10,000 g.p. for enough to construct a
However, there can also be alternate material planes, travel to and from which 10,000 square foot building, including walls, ceiling, and floor). Travel up,
is a carefully guarded secret, where the very laws of nature and magic are down, and in all other directions is of course possible. Verbal or magical
twisted. communication between an ethereal being and a non-ethereal one is not
possible, nor do weapons or spells work across the boundary between the
For each such plane, the differences between it and the home material plane ethereal and the material planes (unless their descriptions specifically state
known to the player characters can be expressed in three ways; physicality, otherwise).
magic, and time.
Movement in the ethereal is much the same as it is in the material plane, but is
accomplished entirely by mental effort and is done as quickly as if the


character were unencumbered (regardless of how much he is carrying, or what objects, the encounter should be played out as normal. Otherwise, it can be
sort of armor he is wearing). If the character wishes to travel to some other ignored.
plane that borders the ethereal (one of the elemental or similar planes), the
amount of time required depends on its nature. Combat in the Ethereal Plane

TABLE 90: ETHEREAL PLANE TRAVEL TIMES Non-magical weapons in the ethereal plane do 0 points of damage, but on a
Destination Time Required successful hit will add the wielder’s strength and any other bonuses for
Demi-plane 1d100x10 minutes specialization and the like. Magical weapons do normal damage, but are
Edge of an elemental, demi-, or 1d10x10 hours reduced by one “plus.” Non-magical missiles cannot be fired at longer than
quasi- elemental plane; negative or short range; any longer and they will simply come to a halt in mid-ether. Non-
positive plane, plane of shadow magical armor has no effect on armor class (i.e., it counts as AC 10). Magical
Specific location in the material plane 1d10x100 minutes maximum armor will function normally, but will lose one “plus” of bonus to AC. Ethereal
travelers can be poisoned, but the poison will only take effect in 10 times the
Ethereal Encounters normal time (10 minutes if it is normally instantaneous).

There are hazards and creatures within the ethereal plane that may be The character’s strength bonus for damage also applies as a bonus to his armor
encountered during travel on the ethereal plane. For every four hours of travel class, and his defensive adjustment bonus is also applied as a damage bonus.
in the ethereal plane, roll 1d20. On a 1, there is a random encounter. Example: A fighter in the ethereal plane with a STR of 17 and a DEX of 16
would get a total of +3 to damage and -3 to armor class.
Die Roll (d%) Encounter Because the ethereal plane allows for 360° of movement, attacks can come
01-05 Ether cyclone from above and below as well as front, back, and sides. This means that more
06-50 Ethereal encounter creatures can attack a single target, attacks from above and below do not
51-00 Material encounter count shield bonuses (although a magical helm will count as a shield against
attacks from above), and thieves can attack from below as if they were making
Ether cyclone is a particular hazard of the ethereal plane; if it strikes, it can backstab attacks. Attacks from below also get a +4 bonus “to hit” as if they
scoop up the ethereal travelers and deposit them far away from their intended were attacks to the rear. 360° combat also allows for more attackers per
destination. There is only a 50% chance that the travelers will have any defender, as shown in Table 16 on p. 10.
warning at all, and if so, they will have only 1d6 minutes to prepare
themselves. Note that the ethereal plane is not “weightless” in the true sense of the term. It
is more properly described as “neutrally buoyant.”
Die Roll (d%) Ether Cyclone Effect Magic in the Ethereal Plane
01-50 The travelers are blown off course, adding 4 hours to
their travel time (check for additional encounters as Extra-dimensional magic (bags of holding, etc.) will function normally in the
appropriate). ethereal plane. The following limitations and alterations to spells (and spell-like
51-75 The travelers are blown into the outer edge of some effects from magic items and innate creature powers) exist while in the ethereal
plane other than the material (determine randomly plane. Any specific exceptions will be noted in the spell (or magic item)
from among the planes that touch the ethereal). description.
76-90 The travelers are blown into a distant portion of some
plane other than the material (determine randomly  Abjuration magic does not function if over 3rd level (clerical) or 4th
from among the planes that touch the ethereal). If level (mage).
they resume the original journey, they must add an  Conjuration/summoning magic will not summon any creatures from
additional 5d12 days to the length of the trip. the material, astral, or outer planes.
91-00 The travelers are blown into the astral plane unless  Divination magic will not work against ethereal targets, but can be
they make a saving throw vs. spells (if there is more cast upon material targets.
than one traveler, the one with the lowest level must  Enchantment/charm magic works as it does on the material plane.
make the saving throw for the whole group). If the  Evocation/invocation spells cast by clerics will only function if they
saving throw is successful, the travelers are merely worship a deity located on one of the inner planes (including the
blown into a distant portion of some plane touching material and ethereal). Those items created by such magic are
upon the ethereal, but must add 10d12 days to the made of ethereal matter, and can thus be moved through at will
length of their return journey. If the saving throw fails, (although those that cause damage will do so normally).
they are thrown into the astral plane, with silver cords  Illusion/phantasm magic will not disappear when the duration of
leading back to a random point on the material the spell, or the caster’s concentration, ends. Rather, it will
plane, where their now-comatose bodies await their gradually fade away in 1 day per level of the spell, becoming less
return! and less distinct as time wears on.
 Necromantic magic will function, but any periods of rest required
Ethereal encounter is an encounter with a fellow traveler of the ethereal plane. for the full application of the spell will be multiplied by 10.
Consult the appropriate encounter chart from the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™

Material encounter is an encounter with some creature on the material plane

that the character happens to be passing. Roll normally for the type of terrain
being passed through at the time. If it is a creature that can detect ethereal

Creating the Setting – Other Planes and Other Worlds


The Inner Planes in value per hour of service. Gallas are an exception; they will require 10 hit
dice worth of slain creatures as sacrifices per hour (and the gallu will seek to
Surrounding the material plane like the segments of a great orange are the betray those it is guiding if an opportunity presents itself). In extremis, a non-
elemental and their associated planes. native could transform himself into an elemental through magical means, and
be able to navigate that way.
 The elemental plane of earth
 The elemental plane of air Without a guide, it is impossible to determine one’s direction while traveling,
 The elemental plane of fire unless a particular destination is in sight. Roll randomly every 10 minutes of
 The elemental plane of water travel to determine just what direction the traveler is heading. Travelers with
 The positive energy plane guides will find their journey much more direct.
 The negative energy plane
 The plane of shadow, which is somehow related to both the positive TABLE 93: INNER PLANE TRAVEL TIMES
and negative energy planes and touches on the material Destination Travel Time
 The meta-elemental plane of ice, at the border between air and Adjacent elemental (etc.) plane 10d10 hours
water Specific location on the current plane 10d10x10 hours
 The meta-elemental plane of smoke, where the planes of air and
fire meet Note that travel between non-adjacent planes requires that the intervening
 The meta-elemental plane of ooze, where the edges of the planes planes be traversed, at the above rates. Thus, moving from the plane of water
of water and earth meet to that of earth would require transit through the meta-elemental plane of ooze.
 The meta-elemental plane of magma, where earth and fire touch
one another Visibility depends on the plane being visited. On the energy planes, it is as
 The quasi-elemental plane of lightning, at the border of the planes low as 10’, while on the planes of earth/mineral/dust it is nil, unless the
of air and positive energy character has some means of seeing through solid stone. On the planes of
 The quasi-elemental plane of steam, where the positive and water fire/radiance/ash and water/steam/salt, maximum visibility is 120’ (and on
planes intersect the former, infravision will only show non-native creatures as slightly cooler
 The quasi-elemental plane of radiance, where positive energy and than their surroundings). On the planes of air/lightning/vacuum visibility is
fire meet twice normal, including infravision. Ultravision will not work on any elemental
 The quasi-elemental plane of mineral, where positive energy and or energy plane.
earth come together
 The quasi-elemental plane of vacuum, where negative energy and Inner Plane Encounters
air come together
 The quasi-elemental plane of salt, where negative energy meets the Every four hours, roll 1d10 to determine whether a random encounter has
plane of water occurred. On a roll of 1, the travelers will have an encounter. Refer to the
 The quasi-elemental plane of ash, where negative energy and fire appropriate section of the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary to determine
are in contact the precise nature of the encounter.
 The quasi-elemental plane of dust, where negative energy and earth
commingle Combat in the Inner Planes

Each of these meta- and quasi-elemental planes has its own unique type of Armor functions normally in the elemental and energy planes, as do melee
elemental creatures, as do the main elemental planes of earth, air, fire, and weapons. However, all enchanted armor and weapons lose two “plusses” on
water. While detailed information on the nature of these planes is beyond the the inner planes. Non-magical missile weapons will not function on any of the
scope of this work, it should be remembered that any elemental or associated inner planes; as soon as they leave the grasp of a sentient being, they will
plane is dangerous in the extreme, just on account of its nature; even normal immediately stop. Magical missile weapons, on the other hand, will function
breathing is impossible on any but the elemental plane of air. The energy normally (however, when using a magical bow, for example, to fire non-
planes will either increase hit points until the character explodes (the positive) magical arrows, the bow will function normally but the arrows, being non-
or drain them steadily until the character is a lifeless withered husk (the magical, will stop as soon as they are loosed).
negative). Many sorts of magical gateways to these elemental planes can be
found on the material plane, making access to them easy without needing to Because the inner planes allow for 360° of movement, attacks can come from
travel via the ethereal (but for all the ease of doing so, it is no more safe). above and below as well as front, back, and sides. This means that more
creatures can attack a single target, attacks from above and below do not
Inner Plane Travel count shield bonuses (although a magical helm will count as a shield against
attacks from above), and thieves can attack from below as if they were making
Travel within or between the various elemental planes all but requires a native backstab attacks. Attacks from below also get a +4 bonus “to hit” as if they
guide. Guides could be native creatures that happen to be passing by, or can were attacks to the rear. 360° combat also allows for more attackers per
be summoned/conjured (but bear in mind that they will be under no sense of defender, as shown in Table 16 on p. 10.
obligation to, or control of, the summoner, while on their native plane, and
must be convinced to serve). Elementals of earth will desire gems, those of fire Magic in the Inner Planes
will covet rare wood to burn as fuel, those of air, perfume and incense, and
those of water, rare wines, oils, potions, and other liquids. Meta- and quasi- The following limitations and alterations to spells (and spell-like effects from
elementals will accept payment similar to those creatures in the adjacent magic items and innate creature powers) exist while in the inner planes. It
elemental plane. Genies (including djinn, efreet, etc.) will accept more should be noted that any spell that deals with a specific element (wall of fire,
conventional wealth, and the addition of a magic item will inspire them to fight wall of ice, etc.) can, when used on the elemental (including meta- or quasi-
alongside their charges (genie-specific magic inspires even greater devotion, elemental) planes, be used to create any sort of element. Thus, on the plane of
as they greatly prize the return of such items, where they can do the race of air, a wall of fire spell could be used to create a wall of air, with similar
genies no more harm). Such payment will usually run approximately 100 g.p. properties. This does not apply to the energy planes. Spells that apply to an

Creating the Setting – Other Planes and Other Worlds

entire inner plane (such as negative plane protection) can, however, be in a state of timeless suspension; it does not age, need food, etc. It can,
modified to apply to any of the inner planes. Extra-dimensional magic (bags however, be slain by normal means. If at any time the astral self is slain, the
of holding, etc.) will function normally in the inner planes. Any specific silver cord will whip back to the material body, restoring the soul or spirit
exceptions will be noted in the spell (or magic item) description. thereto in 1d10x10 minutes. The material body will be in a coma for 1d4+1
days, after which time a system shock roll must be made. If it succeeds, the
 Abjuration magic will work normally, with one exception. Spells traveler will awaken, but will only have 1 h.p., and is treated as if he had been
affecting extra-planar creatures will affect the visitor, but will have reduced to less than 0 hit points in terms of recovery.
no effect on creatures native to that plane. Spells that affect
monsters, animals, insects, etc. will be effective against their Extremely powerful creatures (deities, mostly) plus the psychic wind (see below)
elemental counterparts. have the ability to actually snap the silver cord. If this happens, both the astral
 Alteration magic will function normally, within the limitations of the and physical bodies are slain, unrecoverable except by a wish.
plane on which it is cast (i.e., a control weather spell will only
function on planes where there is actually any weather; namely In addition, psychic travel on the Astral plane (or beyond) leaves the body
elemental air and lightning). vulnerable to being possessed by demons or other similar creatures. There is
 Conjuration/summoning magic will function, but with some a 1% chance per person per journey of this happening. If it does, the astral
limitations. Only those elemental creatures from the plane the caster self is unable to return to its body until the interloper is driven out or leaves of
is on, or adjacent planes, can be summoned. No control over such its own accord.
elementals is granted, but neither will they necessarily be hostile.
Spells which summon monsters, animals, insects, etc. will summon The astral plane not only co-exists with the material plane, but also touches all
the elemental analogue of those creatures. Any spell that connects of the upper layers of each of the outer planes. It is thus possible to travel to
to the astral or outer planes will not function. one of the outer planes via the astral; in many instances, that is the only way
 Divination magic will work normally, except for those spells and to get there. Once there, the astral body is reformed into a temporary physical
devices which rely on contacting a deity or other entity on another body. It is still bereft of most of its possessions, but it does allow the traveler to
plane. In such cases, only beings native to one of the inner planes journey further into the depths of whatever outer plane is being explored. It is
(or the ethereal) can be contacted. not possible for the same person to have more than one such temporary body
 Illusion/phantasm magic will function normally. at any given time.
 Necromantic magic will operate normally in the elemental and
meta-elemental planes (and the plane of shadow). In the energy Astral Travel
planes, and the quasi-elemental planes which touch them, the effect
will depend on whether the spell is wealful (adds life, hit points, While in the astral plane, the material plane is imperceptible, and all appears
etc.) or woeful (takes away life, hit points, etc.). Wealful spells will as a dark void, shot through with pools and bolts of various radiant colors.
heal or restore maximum damage on the positive energy plane, There is no gravity, no sense of “up” or “down,” but travelers and objects
and saving throws will automatically succeed. Woeful spells will retain their mass. Breathing is unnecessary while in astral form, and aging
not function on the positive plane, and do minimum effect on the does not take place (including any sort of magical aging). Food and drink are
positive quasi-planes (including having an automatic saving throw unnecessary, and vision extends up to 2,000 yards, with large objects in the
of 2 or above to avoid its effect). On the positive quasi-elemental astral being visible at considerably larger distances. Infravision will not work
planes, healing magic will have a maximum effect, and saving in the astral, but ultravision will work at double range.
throws (including those based on constitution) will automatically
succeed. All these effects are reversed for the negative energy Travel in the astral is mostly done by mental concentration, although it is
plane and the negative quasi-elemental planes. possible for a traveler to “kick off” some larger object and move that way;
each object moves 10’ per minute in opposite directions, regardless of their
The Astral Plane relative mass. Movement by mental concentration is much more commonly
used, and can move a traveler 10 yards per point of intelligence per minute.
The astral plane permeates the material plane, and it is thus possible for As with all movement, groups travel at the rate of speed of their slowest
anyone on the material plane to enter the astral. However, when this is done, member. Movement to a particular destination will take place at considerably
only a duplicate “astral self” actually travels there, connected to the physical faster speeds due to the plastic nature of the plane itself, but the relative lack
body by a silver cord that is only visible on the astral plane. On the astral of points of reference makes calculating exact velocities impossible. The total
plane, travelers are pearlescent outlines, somewhat indistinct, whose silver travel time will depend on the intended destination.
cord trails behind them for approximately 10’ and then thins to intangibility.
The astral plane should be thought of as a bridge between the material and TABLE 94: ASTRAL PLANE TRAVEL TIMES
outer planes (Heaven, Hell, the Abyss, etc.). Astral travelers, however, are Destination Travel Time
unable to bring any belongings, with the exception of magical items, with them Another plane touching the astral plane 1d6+6 hours
on their journey (objects enchanted by such spells as continual light or magic Another part of the astral previously visited by the 1d4x10 hours
aura will transition to the astral plane with the astral self; temporary magic will caster who brought the travelers to the plane
snap back to the material plane when the magic expires, and this includes Another part of the astral never before visited by the 1d10x50 hours
clothing as well as other belongings!). Note that this does not apply to caster who brought the travelers to the plane
creatures that are native to the astral or the outer planes, just to those from the
material plane. It is normally impossible for a creature native to the material Astral Encounters
plane to enter the astral plane in physical form, although a few magic items
can enable this to happen, as indicated in the specific entry for the item in For every 4 hours spent in the astral plane, roll 1d10. On a roll of 1, there is
question. an encounter. Roll for type.

Astral travel has several unique perils, one being the silver cord. The silver
cord, which is invisible on the material plane, connects the astral self with the
material self. While the astral self is out journeying, the material self remains


Die Roll (d%) Encounter Type Die Roll (d%) Psychic Wind Effect
01-75 Creature (see the ADVENTURES DARK 01-60 Travelers are slowed by 1d4+2 hours.
AND DEEP™ Bestiary for details) 61-80 Travelers are blown off course, must take
76-00 Astral phenomenon (see below) 1d10 days to return to their starting point,
then must begin their journey over.
An astral phenomenon is some object or effect that was not anticipated while 81-95 Travelers hurled into one of the top layers of
on the journey to some other place on the astral, and can be as benign as a the outer planes, determined randomly.
lump of astral matter or as dire as the dreaded psychic wind. Determine the 96-00 Save vs. spells or the silver cord is snapped.
exact nature of the astral encounter below. Successful save means the traveler is lost for
4d10 days, at the end of which time they
must begin their journey over.

Astral Combat

Any magical bonuses for weapons or armor are reduced by one “plus” on the
astral plane. Note that if this reduces armor to a bonus of 0, it does not provide
any protection in combat (although it is still enchanted and thus can be taken
with the traveler). However, an unarmored traveler in the astral plane is
considered to be AC 8, not 10. Other than losing one “plus” of bonus, magical
weapons and armor function normally on the astral plane. As noted above,
non-magical items of any sort cannot be taken into the astral.

Due to the psychic nature of the astral plane, neither strength nor dexterity
provide any bonuses in combat. Rather, intelligence and wisdom, respectively,
take their place when determining bonuses to damage, “to hit,” to missile
weapon fire, and to armor class. For instance, a character with an intelligence
of 17 would get a +1 bonus both “to hit” and to damage scored, while one
with a wisdom of 16 would get a +1 reaction/attacking adjustment, and -2 to
Die Roll (d%) Astral Phenomenon
01-30 Astral wormhole. Any travelers with an intelligence of
Like the ethereal plane, the astral plane allows for 360° of movement, and thus
11 or less will be unable to escape its pull and will
attacks can come from above and below as well as front, back, and sides.
be transported (one way) to some outer plane. The
This means that more creatures can attack a single target, attacks from above
terminus of the wormhole need not be on the top
and below do not count shield bonuses (although a magical helm will count as
layer of the plane; these are more or less permanent
a shield against attacks from above), and thieves can attack from below as if
features that allow instantaneous transportation
they were making backstab attacks. Attacks from below also get a +4 bonus
through the astral from the material plane to some
“to hit” as if they were attacks to the rear. 360° combat also allows for more
locale in the outer planes. They cannot be used to
attackers per defender, as shown in Table 16 on p. 10.
return to the material, unfortunately, as such would
violate the law against having two bodies in a single
Those not used to firing missile weapons in the weightless expanse of the astral
plane will receive a -2 penalty “to hit” for their first 1d4+1 shots. Thereafter,
31-50 Gate to the top level of some outer plane other than
they may fire normally. Long range for all missile weapons is doubled due to
the intended destination (5% chance some creature
the lack of gravity. Note that missile weapons that miss their targets will simply
from that plane is encountered as the travelers pass
continue on their trajectory until stopped by something (making them difficult,
by, and they can choose to enter the plane, but there
if not impossible, to recover).
is only a 15% chance they can return to the astral
from that point).
Natural healing does not work while on the astral plane, but neither does
51-65 Astral island. A large chunk of astral matter that may
poison. New diseases cannot be contracted, but travelers already stricken by
or may not be inhabited (your choice).
some disease will continue to exhibit its symptoms.
66-80 Elemental pocket. A small sphere of one of the
elemental planes (determine which randomly), ripped
Magic in the Astral Plane
away by an ether cyclone and deposited in the astral
plane. Each is 1d100x10 feet in diameter and
Remember that no non-magical items can be brought into the astral plane, and
otherwise functions as the elemental plane itself.
this applies to spell components as well. (Although the clever mage will cast a
81-00 Psychic wind (see below).
magic aura spell on such supplies prior to embarking on the journey.) No
magic that relies on the inner or ethereal planes, nor those that deal with extra-
The psychic wind is one of the most feared phenomena in the astral plane,
dimensional spaces (such as the spell rope trick or a bag of holding) will
capable of capriciously landing travelers in some strange plane, or even of
function in the astral plane. They may be transported through the astral to some
snapping the silver cord entirely.
other plane, but not accessed while in it. Any spell that relies on a flat surface
for its effect (whether creating a wall of some sort, or in regards to the area of
effect) will simply create or affect a sphere with a radius equal to the smallest
distance listed for the area.

Creating the Setting – Other Planes and Other Worlds

The following limitations and alterations to spells (and spell-like effects from
magic items and innate creature powers) exist while in the astral plane. Any The alignments given in this list are nuanced, so that while both Gehenna
specific exceptions will be noted in the spell (or magic item) description: and Acheron embrace combinations of law, neutrality, and evil, Gehenna is
neutral evil with lawful tendencies, while Acheron would be lawful neutral
 Abjuration magic will function normally, but will not affect the fabric with evil tendencies. Generally speaking, the alignment of the plane will
of the plane itself, despite its magical nature. dictate the alignment of those creatures that dwell upon it. It is not unknown,
 Alteration magic works normally, but care must be taken to ensure however, for creatures from adjacent planes to be found in neighboring
that it is being applied properly (i.e., control weather would planes, either as envoys, outcasts, combatants, or even regular inhabitants.
function, but as there is no weather to control, it would not be of For example, Tarterus is known to be a battleground between the daemons
great utility). of Hades and the demons of the Abyss.
 Conjuration/summoning magic is greatly limited. Clerical/mystic
magic greater than 4th level will not function, druid magic greater Note that travelers entering one of the outer planes from the astral plane will
than 3rd will not function, and mage/illusionist/savant magic still have their silver cord connecting their newly-created temporary bodies
greater than 5th level (or cantrips) will simply not work. Remember with their material bodies back home. The cord itself is invisible except to
that creatures from the inner planes (such as elementals) cannot be such magical effects as true sight. However, if the cord is cut, the character
summoned, and those from the outer planes will not enter a situation is not slain, but is stranded in whatever plane he finds himself until he can
which is inimical to them. Regular animals and monsters cannot be find some other way back to the astral plane, and thence to the material
summoned. Deities and similarly powerful beings can only be plane where he can be reunited with his body. Remember that magical gates
contacted if they make their home in the astral plane itself. and the like will not work for this purpose – no one can have more than one
 Divination magic will function normally, within the limitations set body in the same plane at a time! The character will be instantly aware of
forth above. the cord being cut, a sure sign that some very powerful inhabitant of the
 Enchantment/charm magic will function normally, as long as the plane knows he is there. Magic items that do not function in the plane will
target is present at the time the magic is activated. be instantly transported back to the material body lying in stasis (if possible)
 Evocation/invocation magic will generally work normally, with the or lost (if not).
limitations and notations set forth above. Clerical/mystic spells of
this sort will not function unless the worshiper’s deity resides on the Sages speculate that other types of planes may exist out beyond the astral
material, astral, or outer planes. and the outer planes. Their nature, however, as well as the means by which
 Illusion/phantasm magic will function normally. they may be reached, remain unknown, and their very existence remains
 Necromantic magic will function normally (but some spells, such as unproven.
raise dead, will not have any usefulness on the plane, as there are
no actual bodies to raise).
Optional Alternative Outer Planes Arrangement
The Outer Planes Some game masters may feel the list of 17 outer planes to be somewhat
daunting and overly complex. Naturally, game masters are both allowed and
The outer planes are not only home to the various afterlives, and the places encouraged to come up with whatever extra-planar system they wish. Here is
where most deities and their attendants tend to make their dwellings one alternative, where only those planes associated with one of the main
(although there are notable exceptions), but each is also a bastion of one of alignment combinations are used, and the concept of layers is removed. For
the nine ethical/moral systems known as alignments, plus those planes which magic items, encounter tables, monsters, etc. that mention the redacted planes,
represent a gradation or shading between two of the “major” alignments. simply move down one on the list above (excluding the plane of Concordance),
They can be thought of as ringing the outer edge of the astral plane, with the so that a reference to the Twin Paradises would actually refer to Elysium,
neutral plane of concordance either below or above (depending on your Arcadia would actually be Heaven, etc.
opinion of neutrality). Each plane also has a number of “levels” or “layers”,
each of which is an entire plane of existence (and is thus infinite) in its own Heaven (LG)
right; in some cases these layers are ruled by particular deities, demon Elysium (NG)
princes, etc. Bear in mind, however, that only the “top” layer of each plane Olympus (CG)
touches upon the astral plane. There are seventeen total planes numbered Limbo (CN)
among the outer planes, each divided into a number of layers: The Abyss (CE)
Hades (NE)
 The Seven Heavens (LG) – 7 layers Hell (LE)
 The Twin Paradises (L/NG) – 2 layers Nirvana (LN)
 Elysium (NG) – 4 layers Concordance (N)
 Happy Hunting Grounds (C/NG) – 3 layers
 Olympus (CG) – 3 layers
 Gladsheim (G/CN) – 3 layers Outer Planes Travel
 Limbo (CN) – 5 layers
 Pandemonium (E/CN) – 4 layers The outer planes are, physically, not unlike the material plane. They have
 The Abyss (CE) – 666 layers breathable air (usually), time passes normally, there is weather, etc. Gravity
 Tarterus (C/NE) – 6 layers is present but not universal; one can find oneself walking for miles and
 Hades (NE) – 3 layers suddenly “down” is in a different direction. Normal healing will function,
 Gehenna (L/NE) – 4 layers and food, drink, and rest are required as normal. This is not to say that the
 The Nine Hells (LE) – 9 layers outer planes are necessarily hospitable; regions of some planes will be icy
 Acheron (E/LN) – 4 layers wastes, burning deserts, or worse. Vision is normal, and infravision will
 Nirvana (LN) – 1 layer function as usual, but ultravision will not function on any of the outer planes
 Arcadia (G/LN) – 3 layers due to the lack of ultraviolet light.
 Concordance (N) – 1 layer


Magic in the Outer Planes

As mentioned above, each layer of a given plane is essentially infinite.
Within these layers, various deities, pantheons, and other powerful entities Extra-planar magic (such as a bag of holding) will function normally in the
establish realms for themselves which they have fashioned over the eons to outer planes. Cantrips will not function at all. Bear in mind that some deities
look and behave according to their will. It is possible, and indeed likely, for and similarly powerful beings may enact special restrictions or modifications
these powerful beings to render certain magical devices or spells inoperable of magic use within their demesnes, as befits their whim and nature. Never
within their domains, or cause them to function in ways completely forget that the inner planes are inaccessible from the outer planes; spells and
unexpected. These regions are usually home to the various underworlds (or magic items that rely on such contact will not function.
portions of underworlds) that each religion promises to its followers (not that
all such afterlives meet their inhabitants’ expectations when the time finally The following limitations and alterations to spells (and spell-like effects from
comes!) Most planes will have regular landmarks by which conventional magic items and innate creature powers) exist while in the outer planes, and
navigation can be made, although bear in mind that those planes associated there are specific effects depending on the alignment of the plane one happens
with chaos may not have the most stable terrain in the multiverse… to be on, as discussed below. Any specific exceptions will be noted in the spell
(or magic item) description.
Moving from one layer of the same plane to another requires that the
travelers find a spot where the two layers abut one another. Such zones are  Abjuration magic will not work if cast by a non-native of the plane
varied in the extreme in terms of their appearance; one might be a grove of on a native. Those spells cast by natives, or against non-natives,
pleasant flowers, a cave, bridge, path, or even completely invisible, will work normally.
unknown to anyone except those who are already aware of its presence. The  Alteration magic will work normally on most planes. However, on
barriers separating planar layers are hardly ever straight, and are not planes with chaos as part of their alignment, there is a chance
ubiquitous; it should not be assumed that there is some continuous border that such magic will be randomly modified:
between two layers, which can be crossed at any point along its length. They
are more akin to portals than borders. To successfully travel from one layer TABLE 98: ALTERATION MAGIC IN THE PLANES OF CHAOS
to another, characters must make a successful wisdom check. Failure Chance for Alteration Magic
indicates the character is stranded in the current layer for 1d12+12 hours. Plane Modification
Such points of transit are usually (70%) one-way trips. Happy Hunting Grounds, Tarterus 20%
Olympus, The Abyss 40%
Moving from plane to plane is almost always accomplished by use of Gladsheim, Pandemonium 60%
magical gates and the like. There is one exception to this rule, however: the Limbo 80%
top layers of each plane adjoin the top layers of the neighboring layers in
the same way that they adjoin the next layer of their own plane. Thus, it is For alteration magic that creates matter, merely the outer form will be changed;
possible to move from the topmost layer of the Seven Heavens to the topmost the effect will be the same. Thus, a continual light spell might create a ball of
layer of the Twin Paradises. Such portals are one-way trips 50% of the time, light of some random color, but it would still function normally. For that magic
and are temporary 50% of the time as well. All of the lower planes, stretching which alters the form of already-existing matter, the effect must be determined
from Pandemonium to Acheron, are spanned by the great river Styx, randomly.
affording a perilous, but at least clearly defined, means of traveling from one
such top layer to the next. TABLE 99: ALTERATION MAGIC IN THE PLANES OF CHAOS
Die Roll (d%) Alteration Effect
The outer planes can be mapped and detailed like any other aspect of the 01-10 None; the magic does not work at all
campaign. They are left mostly without details herein to allow the game 11-30 Target changes outward appearance, but retains
master to do just that, to suit the needs and tone of his own campaign. the substance and properties (intelligence,
powers, etc.) of the original.
Outer Plane Encounters 31-50 Target is unchanged outwardly, but assumes the
substance and properties of the intended new
While the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary has encounter tables for the form.
various outer planes, it should be noted that these are only generic in scope, 51-70 Target changes outward appearance to match
much like those for wilderness and dungeon encounters. When detailing your that of some nearby creature or object, but
version and vision of the outer planes, you should tailor these encounter retains its original substance and properties.
tables to suit your needs. 71-90 Target changes outward appearance to match
that of some nearby creature or object, and
Combat in the Outer Planes gains its powers and abilities.
91-00 Target is changed into something completely
Enchanted weapons and armor will each lose an additional “plus” when unexpected. Be creative; it’s chaos!
they are brought into an outer plane. If they were brought from the astral
plane, this will mean they are at -2. If they came directly from the material  Conjuration/summoning magic works with restrictions. Only
plane, they will be at -1. When moving from one plane to another directly, beings native to the plane can be summoned, or creatures from
all magical weapons and armor carried by travelers will lose an additional an adjacent outer plane. If a native being is conjured or
“plus” of enchantment. These plusses can only be restored by returning to the summoned, it will not be under the control of the summoner in any
astral plane and then back to one of the outer planes. This does not apply way. Summoning spells don’t summon “analogous” creatures like
when moving from one layer of a plane to another layer within the same they do in the elemental planes. Very rare (on the material plane,
plane. There are no other particular effects on combat as a result of being in anyway) spells exist specific to each of the outer planes, for that
one of the outer planes. very purpose. Deities and similar beings are not compelled to
answer such conjurings or summonings.
 Divination magic will function, but special care must be taken
depending on the sort of thing being detected. The outer planes

Creating the Setting – Designing Adventures

are inherently magical, so detecting for such is a futile exercise.

Similarly, each plane radiates an alignment, so attempting to
Designing Adventures
detect that alignment will only serve to confirm the alignment of
The campaign can be said to be a combination of all the adventures that take
the plane itself.
 Enchantment/charm magic will function, but bear in mind that place within it. The setting is the framework in which all those adventures take
place, but it is not, in and of itself, the campaign. Just as it is incumbent upon
magic aimed at a particular type of creature (animal, plant, etc.)
you, as game master, to design a compelling setting for your players, so too
will not work on outer plane analogues of such creatures.
must you design exciting and enjoyable adventures, for those are the meat and
 Evocation/invocation magic is limited to the plane in which it is
drink of the actual sessions in which you and your players get together to enjoy
cast and those layers immediately adjacent, but deities from
the game and each other’s company.
neighboring planes cannot be invoked.
 Illusion/phantasm magic will function normally in the outer
planes. Storyline vs. Sandbox
 Necromantic magic originating from any but a creature’s home
plane will have no effect on it. Each plane has specialized When role-playing first emerged as a hobby, most games were what are now
necromantic spells that function similarly to their material described as “sandbox style” campaigns. That is, the game master created the
counterparts, but which are unique to that plane. Such spells and campaign milieu as a sandbox in which his players could romp to their heart’s
magic items are rare in the extreme outside the plane itself. content. The sandbox allows for a maximum of player freedom; they can
decide that today they want to trek to the other side of the planet, and off they
Demi-Planes go. Megadungeons (see p. 72) are often seen as a tentpole feature of such
campaigns. Often, the sandbox style of play is seen as allowing the players
and game master to explore the world together, according to their fancy.
Demi-planes are smallish planes (“small” being a relative term; a demi-plane
could easily encompass an area the size of a planet, or a small as a single
A plot-driven campaign, on the other hand, is focused on a particular story
room) that are deliberately created by powerful beings, arch-mages, etc. They
line. Often, this story is an elaborate affair constructed by the game master,
can literally have any sort of attributes, terrain, inhabitants, restrictions on
magic, etc. that you desire. They are created as bolt-holes, traps, playgrounds, and the players are expected to follow the various clues, visit the detailed
locales, and eventually the players experience the triumph of fulfilling the quest
laboratories, resorts, or for just about any other purpose imaginable. They float
(or failing valiantly in the attempt).
in the ethereal plane, and can be accessed directly, or through a gate from
the material (or any other) plane, at the discretion of the creator. The secret of
This does not mean, as is sometimes erroneously assumed, that the sandbox
their creation is a closely-held one, and is unknown to all but the most
type of campaign has no plot. In fact, it will often have many plots going on
knowledgeable of wizards and wisest of sages.
at the same time, running inexorably along their course. What distinguishes a
sandbox-style game from a plot-driven game is that in a sandbox the players
A Sample Alternative Cosmology: Other Worlds are free to pick up or ignore the various plots that they uncover, as they see
fit. In the plot-driven game, there is no game if the players decide to take a
Rather than actually being other planes of existence, it is entirely possible to course that radically deviates from the plot the game master has devised.
envision the various planes as actual physical planets. While it is true that
doing so limits their literally limitless nature, it makes them generally more It cannot be stressed enough that neither way of designing a campaign is right
comprehensible in a campaign setting that is intended to be a bit more or wrong, or better or worse. In such matters of style, it all comes down to
grounded in the familiar natural laws that we know (albeit ones that are personal preference. If the game master and his players simply enjoy the free-
stretched to the point of allowing the casting of magic spells!). wheeling style of a sandbox, or if they love the satisfaction of undertaking a
months-long quest with a chance to grab glory at the end, then that style of
In such a cosmology, the astral plane is replaced by the aether, which we play is the right one, for them.
know as the vacuum of space. While it is entirely possible to travel between
worlds through magical gates and spells such as teleport, it should also be Neither style is without its pitfalls, however. The sandbox campaign can,
possible to physically travel between planets, and even between solar systems, understandably, suffer from a certain lack of connection between the player
using magical (or mundane) technology, with aether-traveling vessels moving characters and the campaign setting. Without some sort of meaningful anchor
through space propelled by magical forces, with an envelope of air, gravity, between them, the perils that the players encounter can lack significance unless
and heat to support life during the journey. The ethereal plane would remain they are directly aimed at the player characters. And that can get monotonous
in place, albeit localized to each planet, rather than affording a means of after a while. Sandbox does not have to equate to rudderless.
travel between planets/planes.
The plot-driven game, on the other hand, can fall into the trap of “railroading.”
The former planes, in this conception, are worlds; it is up to you if you prefer Railroading is a term to describe the phenomenon of the game master forcing
to make each plane a solar system, and each “level” a world, or each plane the players to follow a certain pre-set course of action through heavy-handed
is a world, with each “level” being a continent (or moon!). Perhaps there is a tactics that remove even the illusion of choice on their part. In such cases, the
mix of the two. Perhaps each solar system is, in fact, surrounded by a vast game master turns into a narrator, while the players are simply passive
crystal sphere, as medieval philosophers once postulated. participants. Such heavy-handedness is hardly conducive to a game where the
player characters are supposed to be central to play.
Such an arrangement allows you to make the demons and angels aliens, rather
than creatures from another plane of existence. It allows for the variation in Dungeons
physical laws due to conditions on different worlds, while still affording the sort
of segregation between worlds and planes that the standard cosmology makes
The quintessential setting for the game is the dungeon. Dungeons are typically
underground mazes carved deep beneath the living earth, filled with
dangerous monsters, deadly traps, insidious tricks and puzzles, and great
treasures. The challenge lies for the player characters to enter the dungeon


(sometimes finding it is, itself, part of the challenge), defeat the monsters and series of adventures, with the final confrontation with the evil NPC leader
traps, and bring back the treasure. responsible for the devastation the player characters are attempting to stave
off (or avenge). It could be an interesting tactical puzzle, with the player
Dungeons can be small or large, depending on your need. A “lair” type characters needing to cross a single 4’ wide bridge spanning a deep chasm,
dungeon can be one or two rooms, with a bit of passageway in between. Such guarded by flying creatures backed up by a horde of ogres. The exact nature
are usually not worth mapping out unless there is something special (a secret of the set-piece is mutable, but its defining characteristic is that it is memorable,
door concealing a treasure-room, for example). Other dungeons can be and requires a lot of thought and action on the part of the player characters.
several dozen rooms, with interconnecting passages, galleries, etc. Such Not every adventure will have such an encounter, nor does every dungeon
dungeons should definitely be mapped out completely beforehand, and a need one. They should be added sparingly to a campaign, to keep them
“dungeon key” prepared that describes the contents of the rooms and memorable.
corridors. Still others will consist of hundreds or thousands of rooms, caves,
tunnels, shafts, and the like, all laid out in loving detail. Tricks and Traps

The level of realism that is depicted in your dungeon is completely up to you. Tricks are features of dungeons designed to confuse explorers and confound
If you want to have a dungeon with dragons in 20’x20’ rooms, feel free. On mappers. Traps are designed to actually inflict harm. Although these definitions
the other hand, some game masters are more comfortable designing a fully seem rather clear-cut, the line between them is in actuality blurry. Does a trap
functioning and realistic ecosystem, with sources of food and water, easy door that opens up in the floor, depositing explorers two dungeon levels lower
entrance and egress for the inhabitants of the dungeon, etc. Again, which way than they started, count as a trap or a trick?
you go in terms of realism is entirely dependent on your personal preferences
and the style of play preferred by you and your players. The number of tricks and traps available to the game master is literally limitless,
and the only brake on them is his imagination. Here are some ideas to spur
the imagination:

 Arrows or spears shoot out of the walls

 Blades can slice across corridors (at varying heights, so as not to
let demi-humans get off free)
 Caltrops scattered on the floor
 Ceiling block falls
 Ceiling slowly begins to lower, threatening to crush intruders
 Chute drops intruders to a lower level of the dungeon
 Collapsing ceiling
 Conveyor belts move explorers through passages against their will
 Door, when it is opened, falls on those in front of it
 Elevator rooms can move explorers to other levels without their
 False teleporters that go “bamf!”, making the party believe they’ve
been teleported, when in fact they are still where they were
 Floors collapse when weight is placed on them
 Gas can cause blindness, rust, sleep, slow movement, weakness,
fear, etc.
 Giant ball rolls down the corridor, squashing intruders
 Giant ball swings through a doorway on a chain, squishing
 Illusions can cover pits in the floor, side passages, chimneys in the
ceiling, etc.
 Moving walls block retreat
 One-way doors prevent retracing the explorers’ steps
 Pit traps can lock, imprisoning the victims within, and/or begin to
flood with water
 Sliding rooms or walls can make mapping difficult
 Spikes embedded in the floor; when weight is placed on the floor,
the spikes are revealed, impaling the unwary
 Stairs can collapse, or fold down to chutes
 Teleporter fields can make mapping difficult, or bring explorers to
portions of the dungeon that cannot otherwise be accessed (or
Set-Piece Encounters escaped)
 Walls slowly begin to close, threatening to crush intruders
Some dungeons (and, for that matter, wilderness or urban adventures) will
feature what are known as “set-piece encounters.” These are encounters that You should also bear in mind that some special features could have different
are very well developed, designed to be the centerpiece of the evening (or effects when they are activated. For instance, a magical statue could grant a
even the climax of an adventure that has lasted many evenings), with the player wish once, but drain a level the next time it is used. Or a lever that, when
characters spending a lot of time either figuring out, or dealing with, the pulled, reverses the gender of the puller, permanently, but only works the first
encounter itself. It could be the shrine of some long-forgotten god, whose altar time it is pulled.
and statue need to be approached with the utmost caution and hold dire
consequences for hasty actions. It could be the conclusion of a months-long

Creating the Setting – Designing Adventures

Megadungeons trigonometry. For those who say that hex movement forces an unnatural “up
and down” pattern when moving towards one of the points of the hexes, it
Megadungeons are a very special sort of dungeon complex. They are should be remembered that the distance between two hexes in such directions
deliberately designed to be so large, so complex, that they can never be truly is always the same, as well. So moving across the long axis of a hex plus
“cleared out.” There will never come a time when the dungeon is “done” along the side of another hex, is the same as moving through two hexes, when
because there is always new construction, always new creatures moving in to combined.
occupy areas previously cleared of monstrous inhabitants, and so forth. In such
a case, the megadungeon becomes a fixture, a tentpole of the campaign as it In the wilderness, roll every 4 hours to see if a random encounter has occurred;
were, which the adventurers can go to when they want to take a break from there will be such an encounter 1 time in 6. See the ADVENTURES DARK AND
the various plots and other adventures you have devised for them. It is, of DEEP™ Bestiary for full random encounter tables.
course, very possible to create a campaign that consists of a megadungeon,
some sort of settlement as a home base for the characters (a place to spend Treasure Maps
and store their loot, heal their wounds, etc.), and little more.
The classic wilderness adventure is the treasure map. With X marking the
Megadungeons can have any number of origins. The classic is the castle of proverbial spot, the intrepid adventurers go off in search of gold and glory,
the insane wizard, who has filled the dungeon rooms and passages beneath with the map helpfully plotting their way. Such a setup allows the game master
the castle with traps, monsters, and puzzles for his own amusement, to watch to plan some interesting encounters along the way, with a fair idea that the
those brave enough to venture in, hoping to retrieve the great riches that are player characters will be following the designated course. Often, such a
also present. But that is hardly the only concept that could work for a treasure map can be found in and amongst other treasure recovered by the
megadungeon. Ruined cities, either completely underground or simply isolated player characters, enabling the game master to make double duty out of a
in the wilderness, are natural settings for this sort of game. Ancient dwarven single treasure hoard; it has the beneficial effect of setting up the next
mines and fortresses, vast sprawling underground wildernesses (the adventure.
“underdark”) composed of vast caverns connected by miles of subterranean
tunnels. Even less conventional fare is possible, such as enormous ships that If you have time, you may wish to actually create the map itself, and simply
are so large it could take days to walk from bow to stern, a single ordinary hand it to the players. Nothing says that such a map needs to be 100%
tree where adventurers are shrunk to infinitesimal size to explore the various accurate in the terrain that it depicts, of course; features on the map could have
chambers, traveling through the vascular cambium into the heartwood in changed since it was made, or it could simply have been inaccurate from the
search of lost treasures; anything within the imagination of the game master is beginning. Such things are rarely made by professional cartographers.
Wilderness Adventures Die Roll (d%) Distance to Treasure
01-10 Caves, caverns, or chambers located in the same
Wilderness adventures have a very different feel, most of the time, from locale in which the map was found
dungeon adventures. The reason for this is simple: in a dungeon, the choices 21-30 Within 1 mile
of movement of the adventuring party are rather limited. Corridors, doors, and 31-60 1d4+4 miles distant
rooms give only a few possible directions. In the wilderness, however, the 61-90 1d4x10 miles distant
options are far more open and varied. It is possible, of course, to design an 91-99 5d10x10 miles distant
“outdoor dungeon” where the options for travel are just as restricted as they 00 5d10x100 miles distant
would be in an underground labyrinth, but doing so means that, functionally,
one is back in a dungeon environment. Once the distance to the treasure has been determined, you should determine
what sort of protection/concealment the treasure has.
In a wilderness, the game master has two choices, neither of which is exclusive
of the other. On the one hand, it is possible to map out a suitable region, of a TABLE 101: LOCATION OF TREASURE ON TREASURE MAP
size deemed to be sufficient to cover the adventuring needs of the party, and Die Roll (d%) Treasure Location
begin to stock it with creatures and encounters. In this way, when the 01-10 Buried
adventures enter a particular area that the game master has decided is home 11-20 Underwater (could be a lake, river, etc.)
to some creature, or an ancient ruined shrine, or a tomb, or whatever, the 21-70 In the lair of some monster
appropriate encounter can take place. 71-80 Hidden in some ruins
81-90 Hidden in a crypt
The alternative is to do things randomly. While the overall terrain can (and 91-00 Hidden in a town (in a rarely-visited attic, under the
probably should) be settled, the encounters and specific features within it can floorboards of a tavern, etc.)
be left to the whims of fate. There is a certain liberating factor in doing so, and
it can lead to some very interesting situations that might not otherwise have Finally, you should determine the composition of the treasure. If the treasure
been put together by deliberate planning. In fact, explaining such unexpected map is found in the hoard of some creature, you should use the appropriate
features can be half the fun of setting things up this way (and no one says that treasure type and value for that creature (with the treasure on the map making
the players need ever know that you have no idea, going into it, why there is up 1d20+50% of the value of the treasure). However, sometimes such maps
a blue dragon next to a village of gnomes, but they’ll spin themselves in circles are simply found on their own, and their worth can be determined on the table
trying to figure it out, often doing a lot of your speculative work for you!). below. Of course, you can feel free to make whatever sort of treasure hoard
you want.
Normally, wilderness maps are done on special hex paper. The reason for this
is simple, and ties back to the fact that when wandering overland, there are
many other options in terms of direction. It is much easier to calculate distance
using a hex map, since the distance between the center of each hex is constant.
On a square grid, characters moving diagonally will tend to throw off
movement rates, unless you’re willing to invest some time in simple


TABLE 102: COMPOSITION OF TREASURE MAP TREASURE Bear in mind that cities and towns will usually be surrounded by smaller
Die Roll Treasure Treasure settlements, which are in turn surrounded by individual dwellings, which are
(d%) Type Value (g.p.) Magic the basis of the farms that keep the mostly agrarian medieval society
01-05 No treasure! Either false map, or hoard already pillaged. functioning.
06-12 XII 1d4x1,000 -
13-21 XII 3d4x1,000 - Shops and Buildings
22-38 XII 1d6x1,000 -
39-44 XII 3d6x1,000 - Sometimes, the game master is required to come up with a shop or other type
45-54 gems 2d8x1,000 - of building on the spur of the moment. At such times, or when inspiration is
55-60 jewelry 2d8x1,000 - needed in filling out a town or city, the following table may be helpful.
61-64 XI 4d6x1,000 - Naturally, this is not intended to represent the statistical breakdown of different
65-67 XI 6d6x1,000 - types of buildings and shops in a typical medieval town, but rather as
68-70 XI 6d10x1,000 - inspiration. Shops of different types will tend to clump together in districts or
71-75 - - 1 random item, 4 potions on particular streets (“the street of money changers,” and so forth).
76-78 - - 2 random items
79-82 - - 2 weapons, 1 armor/shield TABLE 104: SHOPS AND BUILDINGS
83-84 - - 3 random items (re-roll weapons Die Roll (d%) Shop/Building
or potions) 01 Accountant
85-88 - - 6 potions, 6 scrolls 02 Alchemist
89 - - 2 random items, 1 ring, 1 rod 03 Antiquarian
90 - - 4 random items, 1 rod 04 Apartment building
91-92 XII 1d4x1,000 1 random item, 4 potions 05 Apothecary
93-94 XII 1d6x1,000 1 random item, 4 potions 06 Architect
95-96 XII 4d4x1,000 1 random item, 10 potions, 6 07 Armorer
scrolls 08 Art dealer
97 XII 5d4x1,000 1 random item, 4 potions 09 Artist
98 XII 4d6x1,000 2 random items, 1 ring, 1 rod 10 Astrologer
99 XI 6d10x1,000 4 random items, 1 rod 11 Baker
00 XI 6d10x1,000 4 random items, 1 rod, 6 12 Bakery
potions, 6 scrolls 13 Barber / chiurgeon
14 Basket maker
For treasure type and treasure value, see p. 22. Remember that not all coins 15 Bath house
are gold pieces! 16 Bawdy house
17 Blacksmith
Urban Adventures 18 Boarding house
19 Boatwright
Urban adventures require some preparation on the part of the game master, 20 Book store
not because they are any different in terms of structure or plot, but because the 21 Bowyer
urban landscape is in some ways the worst of all worlds. It combines the need 22 Brewery
for a stock of well-developed encounters like a dungeon environment, with the 23 Brick maker
ability of the player characters to go just about anywhere they want, like a 24 Butcher
wilderness adventure. 25 Cabinet maker
26 Candle and lamp shop
It is, of course, quite possible to lead the characters around with clues from 27 Carpenter
one set encounter to another, and finding the “key” locations and individuals 28 Carriage maker
is going to be important to the adventure. But part of the charm and appeal of 29 Cartographer / map seller
the urban adventure is the ability of the player characters to just take off and 30 Cartwright
meet new and interesting NPCs, who may or may not have anything to do 31 Cheese maker
with the adventure at hand, but who might come to be significant in future 32 Clothier
adventures and encounters. 33 Coffee house
34 Confectioner
The number of people in a given settlement will depend on its type. These are, 35 Crier
of course, only guidelines; nothing says that any settlement with the word 36 Dairy
“town” in the name will automatically change to “city” as soon as it exceeds 37 Dance hall
the given population! 38 Dress maker
39 Engineer
TABLE 103: SETTLEMENTS 40 Feed and grain
Settlement Type Map Symbol Population 41 Fish monger
Dwelling  1d12 42 Fletcher
 43 Furrier
Thorp 2d4x10
Hamlet  1d4x100 44 Gambling hall
Village  1d4+5x100 45 Gemner
 46 Glazier
Town 1d6x1,000+500
City  1d6x10,000 47 Granary
48 Grocer

Creating the Setting – Designing Adventures

Die Roll (d%) Shop/Building devised, in various bouts of drinking, gambling, and brawling. In between
49 Guard station such activities, much characterization can be done, and much advancement
50 Guild hall of various plots and story lines can be introduced.
51 Haberdasher
52 Hair dresser For the game master that needs to create the name of an inn or tavern “on the
53 Harness maker fly” the following tables are presented. First, roll to determine the structure of
54 Herbalist the name. Then, roll for nouns or adjective as indicated (roll nouns and
55 Horse trader adjective separately).
56 Hostel
58 Inn Die Roll (d%) Inn/Tavern Name Structure
59 Jeweler 01-35 Adjective noun
60 Junk collector 36-80 Noun and/in noun
61 Kennel 81-00 Noun
62 Laundry
64 Leatherworker Die Roll (d%) Adjective Noun
65 Limner 01 Angry Anchor
66 Locksmith 02 Astral Angel
67 Lumber yard 03 Bag o' Arms
68 Magical supply shop 04 Bent Arrow
69 Mansion 05 Black Axe
70 Mason 06 Blessed Barley
71 Messenger service 07 Blind Beehive
72 Miller 08 Blue Bell
73 Money changer 09 Box o' Billet
74 Mortician 10 Brazen Bird
75 Pawn shop 11 Broken Bishop
76 Pet shop 12 Brown Boar
77 Plumber 13 Copper Bottle
78 Potter 14 Covered Boy
79 Residence 15 Crooked Buck
80 Restaurant 16 Crown’ed Bull
81 Scribe 17 Damned Bush
82 Sculptor 18 Dancing Castle
83 Slaughterhouse 19 Dozen Centipede
84 Soap maker 20 Drunken Chimney
85 Spice merchant 21 Eight Cleaver
86 Stable 22 Elderly Cock
87 Swordsmith 23 Electrum Comet
88 Tailor 24 Eloquent Compass
89 Tanner 25 Emerald Crown
90 Tattoo parlor 26 Ethereal Cup
91 Tavern 27 Fair Dew
92 Taxidermist 28 Famous Dog
93 Temple 29 Five Dolphin
94 Theater 30 Flat Dragon
95 Tinker 31 Flying Drop
96 Toy shop 32 Fancy Duck
97 Villa 33 Four Duke
98 Wainwright 34 Friendly Ear
99 Warehouse 35 Frosty Emperor
00 Weapon smith 36 Gentle Empress
37 Gilded Exchange
Inns and Taverns 38 Gold Farmer
39 Gray Finger
One of the most popular and iconic settings in any urban area is the tavern or 40 Great Firkin
inn. Technically, a tavern serves drinks and food to its patrons, but an inn also 41 Green Fisherman
has rooms available. These rooms are usually a “common room,” where all 42 Hanged Fleece
the patrons of the inn sleep together in bunks, but with no privacy. Private 43 Happy Fox
rooms are certainly available, but at a premium, as listed in the ADVENTURES 44 Honest Girl
DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual. Aside from drinking and brawling, gambling 45 Howling Globe
is a prime pastime at such establishments. In fact, the game master can even 46 Hunting Goat
turn “a night at the tavern” into an entire game session, as the player 47 Jolly Hag
characters interact with various interesting NPCs that the game master has 48 Lusty Hand


Die Roll (d%) Adjective Noun  Blaunche porre. Small birds boiled in a pot of onions, leeks, and
49 Mad Harrow cloves.
50 Naughty Hart  Braised beef. A huge joint of beef cooked in wine with herbs and
51 New Head root vegetables.
52 Nimble Host  Braised greens (greens or spinach braised in oil and seasoned with
53 Nine Hop sugar and spices).
54 Noble Hope  Bread (usually dark, made from barley or rye). White bread was
55 Old Horse certainly available, but considered a more genteel commodity.
56 Orange Jester  Capon crowned with eggs. Boneless chicken in sauce, with boiled
57 Orphaned Kettle eggs as garnish.
58 Pickled King  Chicken pasties. Chicken and bacon in a pastry.
59 Platinum Knight  Chicken with rice and almonds.
60 Prancing Lawyer  Civey of hare. A whole hare cut into pieces in a gravy of wine,
61 Purple Leather parsley, cloves, and vinegar.
62 Quartered Lettuce  Fig cream with raisins.
63 Questing Library  Fish (pike, haddock, eel, etc.) served in a variety of sauces. What
64 Rampant Lion we would call “sweet and sour” was a popular flavor.
65 Red Mage  Fried fig pastries. Ground figs mixed with spices (ginger and
66 Roasted Maid cloves), wrapped in pastry and fried.
67 Round Mason  Frumenty: A wheat porridge boiled in chicken stock and colored
68 Royal Moon with saffron.
69 Ruby Mouth  Girdle breads: Round bread, thin and fried.
70 Rude Mug  Grilled game bird (pheasant, quail, etc.).
71 Running Nag  Grilled steak: Beef or lamb steaks either grilled or roasted on a spit,
72 Rutting Nail seasoned with vinegar, wine, and citrus, served kebab-style.
73 Sad Nowhere  Letelorye. Custard.
74 Scared Oak  Mead. Made from fermented honey. A mead with fruit in it is called
75 Score o' Particular a melomel.
76 Scruffy Pig  Mutton stew: Cooked in chicken stock, with wine and lemon juice.
77 Seven Player  Piment. A sweetened spiced wine. Mead with grape juice is also
78 Sexy Plough called a pyment.
79 Silver Priest  Pottage. Any sort of food cooked in a pot, with a consistency of a
80 Singing Prince thick stew or soup. Could range from fruits to peas to hens.
81 Sinning Propeller Bucknade was a particular type of pottage made with thinly-sliced
82 Six Queen chicken.
83 Skipping Rose  Pumpes. Meatballs.
84 Spotted Shambles  Sops and leeks in wine. “Sops” are pieces of bread that are soaked
85 Ten Sheet in the wine.
86 Thin Shop  Spiced rabbit: Whole pieces of rabbit either fried or roasted in an
87 Three Slug oven, in a sauce of wine, vinegar, spices, and sugar.
88 Toasted Soldier  Tarts (or tartlets, if they are small). Any sort of pastry filled with
89 Two Swan minced meat such as pork, or boiled fruit.
90 Voluptuous Sword
91 Wet Table
92 Whining Tally
93 White Taxpayer
94 Wicked Three
95 Winged Tree
96 Wounded Turnpike
97 Yellow Unicorn
98 Yesterday’s Victoria
99 Young Wagon
100 Yowling Whistle

Medieval Food and Drink

As your campaign will be set in what is, by definition, a fantasy world, your
word is law in regards to what sorts of foods and beverages can be found
therein. One quick and simple trick to establishing differentiation between
cultures or nations is to vary the cuisine that is served in the inns, restaurants,
and taverns in which the player characters find themselves.

Typical medieval foods include the following:

Creating the Setting – Running Adventures

Medieval and renaissance culture had a wide variety of board games, such
as chess, backgammon, Nine Men’s Morris, Tafl, and Tric-Track. In addition, Meta-knowledge refers to knowledge that the players have that their characters
gambling games extend back into antiquity, with various forms of gambling do not. While some players will strictly segregate the two, most, being human,
by dice. Card games existed at least as early as the 14th century, and will find their characters’ decisions being influenced, at least partly, by what
probably earlier, but the cards were hand-painted, and thus a deck would be they know as players. The game master can use this to his advantage.
worth quite a bit of money; perhaps 10 g.p.
For example, if the players come up against a particularly nasty monster that
In game terms, gambling is a function of both intelligence and charisma. has a key role in the plot the characters are following, the game master might
Intelligence is used to calculate the odds and make wagers accordingly, while roll some dice immediately before the encounter, make a great show of
charisma is used to judge the opponents and employ what we in the modern consulting the random monster tables in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™
world would call “applied psychology” to bluff and bluster one’s opponents. Bestiary, and then play out the encounter. Even though he knew it was coming
all along, and had it planned out in advance, such tactics can throw the players
The level of wagering is set at the beginning of the game: 1 s.p., 10 g.p., etc. off the trail. If you can get the players to say "It can't have anything to do with
For each round of gambling, the player must make a successful INT check. If the quest; it was just a wandering monster," you’ve played the gambit
he succeeds, and his opponents fail, he wins the round and the money. If both correctly.
he and others make their INT checks, the character may choose to make a
CHA check. If he succeeds, he wins. If he fails, he will have a -1 penalty on Or, more subtly, the game master can present what seems to be the climax to
his INT checks when gambling with the same people for the next 1d6 weeks. a months-long quest as a relative pushover. The Big Bad turns out to go down
If he does not opt to make a CHA check, or if both he and one or more of his in just a couple of rounds, and manages to inflict just minor damage on the
opponents are successful, roll randomly to see who wins. PCs. The game master puts a look of consternation on his face and mutters
about saving throws and missed hits, when all the time that isn't the Big Bad
Any character with the Swindling secondary skill can “short circuit” the at all, but rather a trick to throw the PCs off the scent. If the characters are
gambling process and simply attempt to cheat. If he is successful, he wins. If supposed to believe it, you need to make the players believe it, too.
he is not, his attempt to cheat will be discovered if he rolled a 20 on his
attempt. If that happens, the consequences could be dire. The game master can also attempt to jack up the nervousness of the players in
some situations by rolling dice for no reason, asking "what's your saving throw
vs. magic again?" and so forth. Remember that the characters are only as
Running Adventures nervous as the players are. If the players are supposed to be nervous (or
misdirected, or whatever), playing a little with the players' expectations and
What follows are not rules, per se, but rather some bits of advice for game
emotions is all part of the game.
masters both new and experienced.

Problem Players
It is an unfortunate fact of life that sometimes individuals simply don’t fit in with
Regardless of the type of adventure you intend to run, and regardless of the
the rest of the group, and as a result tend to be disruptive to the enjoyment of
setting, you will necessarily have access to more information than your players.
the rest. Of course, such a judgment should not be made hastily; one or two
You will know the intricate details of the relationship between the thieves’ guild
game sessions is usually not enough time to form a coherent impression about
and the royal court, you’ll know that if the characters say “grotto” in the tomb,
a player’s playing and interpersonal style. However, sometimes it will simply
the secret door to the hidden shrine will appear, and you’ll know that if the
become apparent that a given player simply doesn’t fit in with the rest of the
players turn right off the path at the bare tree that looks like a fehu rune, they’ll
group. As game master, you should not be shy about taking steps to either
find the magic fountain.
remedy the situation, or, if reason fails, politely but firmly telling the problem
player that he is simply not welcome at your game anymore. It is a natural
But unless you give some sort of clue, your players won’t know any of this! All
instinct of people to not want to hurt the feelings of others, but in this case you
the most imaginative and wondrous NPC back-stories or devilishly intricate
should consider the sensibilities of the rest of your gaming group, and remove
encounters won’t be worth anything if you keep them to yourself. This doesn’t
the disruptive influence for the benefit of the rest of the group.
have to be done with overt exposition (although it could), but rather the leaving
of subtle clues throughout the game can at least give your players a fighting
chance of realizing just how great your game is.


Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location

Magic Items This amulet prevents the wearer from being scried, divined, detected by
clairaudience, clairvoyance, ESP, being subject to spells such as know
The descriptions that follow, while copious, are only an infinitesimal sample of alignment, etc. It can usually only be overcome by a being such as a demigod.
the possible magic items that could be found in a campaign world. Feel free It is worth 4,000 x.p.
to use these as samples and examples only, if you wish, and devise new magic
items with new and unusual powers, limitations, and side effects, to give to
your player characters. Unless otherwise specified, if a magic item is said to
be used by (or has an effect on) a given class, it includes sub-classes of that
class as well.

Alchemy Jug

The alchemy jug can be used to produce a quantity of various types of liquids.
It can only produce one type of liquid in a given day, and can at most produce
that liquid 7 times in that day. The quantities that can be produced in any
given pour depend on the liquid being produced (the liquid will flow at 2
gallons per minute, regardless of the type of liquid).


Liquid Type Quantity per Pour
Salt water 16 gallons
Fresh water 8 gallons
Beer 4 gallons
Vinegar 2 gallons
Wine 1 gallon
Ammonia 1 quart
Oil 1 pint
Acid (hydrochloric/nitric mix) 8 oz.
Alcohol 4 oz.
Chlorine 1 oz.
Cyanide ½ oz.

The alchemy jug is worth 3,000 x.p.

Amulet of Inescapable Location

This amulet will double the chances that the wearer will be detected by magical
means such as scrying, a crystal ball, telepathy, etc. Its true effect cannot be
determined by magical means; it will appear as an amulet of proof against
detection and location. It is not worth any x.p. Amulet of Undead Command

Amulet of Life Protection This amulet, which most often appears to be a holy symbol of a powerful evil-
aligned deity, is a powerful tool to command the undead and creatures from
This amulet offers complete immunity from any sort of mental possession (such the lower planes. When it is initially worn, it will radiate magic but will not
as the spell magic jar, demonic possession, etc.). If the wearer should die, his actually function. Once six days have passed, during which the amulet has
soul/spirit will be protected in the amulet for 7 full days (during which time been continuously worn, however, its magical powers will begin to function.
attempts to restore the body and thus bring him back to life could be made), After that time, when presented prominently, it will function as if a evil cleric
after which it will pass on to its appropriate plane for the afterlife. Should the of the appropriate level were attempting to turn undead, as per the clerical
amulet be destroyed during that time, however, any soul within will be class ability, and will glow infernally as it does so. The exact level of power of
destroyed with no hope of resurrection. It is worth 5,000 x.p. the amulet should be determined randomly when the amulet is first discovered:

Amulet of the Planes TABLE 108: AMULET OF UNDEAD COMMAND

Amulet Turns as a
This amulet allows the wearer to instantly travel to other planes of existence Die Roll (d%) Cleric of Level X.P. Value
without fear of error. However, the amulet takes a lot of time to get used to 01-30 5 1,000
(1% cumulative chance per use that the wearer now knows how to control the 31-55 6 1,200
device, maximum use once per day for purposes of learning to control it). Until 56-75 7 1,400
it is mastered, refer to Table 89 on p. 61 for the actual destination. It is worth 76-90 8 1,600
6,000 x.p. 91-00 9 1,800

It will not function for characters of good alignment. A single day of not being
worn will reset the device, requiring a full six days to restore its functioning.

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

Amulet of Undead Turning TABLE 111: ENCHANTED ARMOR TYPE

Die Roll (d%) Armor Type X.P. Value
This amulet, which most often appears to be a holy symbol of a powerful good- 01-05 Cuirass (leather) 100
aligned deity, is a potent tool against the undead and creatures from the lower 06-07 Furs 100
planes. When it is initially worn, it will radiate magic but will not actually 08-10 Gambeson 100
function. Once seven days have passed, during which the amulet has been 11-14 Lamellar (leather) 150
continuously worn, however, its magical powers will begin to function. After 15-20 Ring armor 150
that time, when presented prominently, it will function as if a good cleric of the 21-27 Brigandine armor 200
appropriate level were attempting to turn undead, as per the clerical class 28-32 Scale armor (leather) 200
ability, and will glow brightly as it does so. The exact level of power of the 33-36 Lamellar armor (steel) 250
amulet should be determined randomly when the amulet is first discovered: 37-42 Cuirass (steel) 250
43-48 Scale armor (steel) 250
Amulet Turns as a 64-85 Plated mail 400
Die Roll (d%) Cleric of Level X.P. Value 86-98 Plate armor 500
01-30 5 1,000 99-00 Jousting plate 750
31-55 6 1,200
56-75 7 1,400
91-00 9 1,800 Die Roll (d%) Quality X.P. Value
01-25 Weightless n/a
It will not function for characters of evil alignment. A single day of not being 26-54 +1, weightless +200
worn will reset the device, requiring a full seven days to once more restore its 55-79 +2, weightless +1,000
functioning. 80-89 +3, weightless +2,000
90-93 +4, weightless +3,000
Apparatus of the Crab 94 +5, weightless +4,000
95 +5, weightless, etherealness +4,500
This device appears as a large metal barrel. Close inspection will reveal a 96-00 Cursed 0
hidden catch that opens a hatch on one end. There is room for two normal-
sized humans (and enough air for 2-5 hours). Within there are ten levers; Weightless armor only weighs as much as normal clothing, and thus has no
experimentation must determine which of the following effects apply to each impact on movement rate. The plus indicates the bonus to the wearer’s armor
lever: class; thus ring armor +3 (normally AC 7) would give the wearer an AC of 4.
Etherealness indicates that, with the utterance of a command word, the armor,
TABLE 110: APPARATUS OF THE CRAB the wearer, and his other possessions will become ethereal. If cursed armor is
Die Roll (d10) Effect indicated, roll on the following table to determine the exact effect. X.P. value
1 Extend legs is cumulative, except in the instance of cursed armor, which is never worth any
2 Open/close forward window experience points.
3 Open/close side windows
4 Extend pincers and feelers TABLE 113: CURSED ENCHANTED ARMOR
5 Open/close pincers Die Roll (d%) Curse Effect
6 Move forward (inc. diagonally) 01-50 -1
7 Move backward (inc. diagonally) 51-75 -2
8 Open/close continual light “eyes” 76-88 -3
9 Rise/descend (in water) 89-94 -4
10 Open/close top hatch 95-00 -5

It can move forward 30’ per minute, backwards at twice that speed. The Cursed armor cannot be removed unless a remove curse spell is first cast.
pincers have a range of 4’ and will do 2d6 h.p. of damage if they hit (flat Usually, its cursed nature will not be apparent until it is worn in an actual
25% chance, -5% for every -1 adjustment to armor class due to dexterity). It combat situation (mock combat testing will usually not work). If the armor is
can go as deep as 900’ in water. It is AC 0 and can withstand 100 h.p. struck by an opponent with a “natural 20” on a “to hit” die, the armor itself
before it springs a leak; 200 h.p. will cause it to completely rupture and will fall to pieces, removing the curse but leaving the wearer completely
become inoperable. It is worth 8,000 x.p. unprotected.

Armor, Enchanted Finally, the size of the armor should be determined:

Armor of normal type can be enchanted or created with special materials that TABLE 114: ENCHANTED ARMOR SIZE
render it both relatively weightless and of superior protective quality. Both the Die Roll (d%) Armor Sized For
type and quality of the armor should be randomly determined when it is first 01-65 Human
found (if necessary). 66-85 Elf
86-95 Dwarf
96-00 Gnome / Halfling

See also: mail, elfin (p. 98).


Arrow of Direction from within, and tosses it up to 20’ distant. Once tossed, the ball will grow
into an animal of some sort, as indicated below. The game master should only
This arrow will look much like any other enchanted arrow, such as an arrow roll once to determine the type of bag that is found, but roll each time a new
of slaying. However, when thrown into the air and a desired object specified, animal is taken out. The animal will remain and serve the holder of the bag
it will point the way to that object. This can be done 7 times per day, as long until it is slain or 10 minutes have elapsed, after which it can be ordered to
as all 7 attempts are made within a 70 minute span. The request must consist return to the bag. Only 1 animal can be removed at any given time, and up
of two parts. The first must ask a direction: “Where is the to 10 can be taken in any given week.
nearest/farthest/highest/lowest/northern/southern/east/west”, and so forth.
The second must ask for a specific object: “stairway up/stairway down/slope First, roll once (when the bag is initially found) to determine type:
up/slope down/entrance/exit/cave/cavern”, etc. It cannot be used to find
specific living creatures, and has a range of 1,000 yards. It is worth 2,500 TABLE 116: BAG OF TRICKS, TYPE
x.p. Die Roll (d%) Bag Type
01-50 I
Bag of Devouring 51-80 II
81-00 III
This bag appears as a normal 2’x4’ sack, and will radiate magic if detected
for. It weighs 15 lbs. even though it appears empty. When initially inspected, Then, roll each time an animal is withdrawn from the bag:
there is a 90% chance that the bag will behave normally, but thereafter there
is a 60% chance that any time a limb is put inside the bag (such as a hand TABLE 117: BAG OF TRICKS, DRAW RESULT
stuck inside trying to find some object), it will attempt to devour the whole of Die Roll (d8) Type I Type II Type III
the creature to which that limb belongs. It has a base 75% chance of pulling 1 Weasel Rat Jackal
in such creatures, minus 5% for every “plus” of damage adjustment due to 2 Skunk Owl Eagle
strength. The whole process of swallowing its prey takes but 42 seconds (7 3 Badger Dog Baboon
segments), and those so devoured cannot be resurrected, raised, etc. It will 4 Wolf Goat Ostrich
otherwise function as a bag of holding, with a capacity of 30 cubic feet, but 5 Lynx, giant Ram Leopard
anything placed within has a 5% cumulative chance per turn of being 6 Wolverine Bull Jaguar
devoured. All such devoured creatures and items end up in some extra- 7 Boar Bear Buffalo
dimensional space, forever lost. It is not worth any x.p. 8 Stag, giant Lion Tiger

Bag of Holding Each animal is described in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary, each
will have average hit points or greater. The bag of tricks is worth 2,500 x.p.
This bag appears as a normal 2’x4’ sack, and will radiate magic if detected regardless of type.
for. Even when apparently empty, it will weigh more than it should, as
determined below. In fact, it is a gateway to an extra-dimensional space, the Beads of Force
exact dimensions of which vary from bag to bag:
These beads are usually found in groups of 1d4+4. They appear as small
TABLE 115: BAG OF HOLDING black beads or marbles, and feel unusually heavy. When hurled (30’
Max. Weight Max. Volume maximum), each will cause 5d4 h.p. of damage to all creatures within 10’ of
Die Roll (d%) Bag Weight Contained Contained the impact area. (Characters able to hurl more than one object per round can
01-30 15 lbs. 250 lbs. 30 cubic feet do so with the beads, subject to the limits of their ability.) In addition, each
31-70 15 lbs. 500 lbs. 70 cubic feet creature must make a saving throw vs. spell. Success indicates that they are
71-90 35 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 150 cubic feet hurled from the blast area. Failure indicates they are encapsulated in a
91-00 60 lbs. 1,500 lbs. 250 cubic feet miniature force field identical to that created by a wall of force spell. The
barrier will last 3d4 minutes, and is completely impervious to magic, breath
If the bag’s limits are exceeded, or if sharp objects are placed within (which weapons, missiles, cold, fire, etc. Dispel magic will not work against the sphere
could pierce the bag’s sides), it will rupture and all its contents will be lost. of force, but a disintegrate spell will, as will a rod of cancellation or sphere of
There is no air within the extra-dimensional space of the bag of holding, and annihilation (the rod would be completely drained in so doing, and the sphere
thus living creatures cannot be placed safely within. It is worth 5,000 x.p. would also suck up any objects weighing less than 10 lbs. that are within 10’).
Each bead is worth 200 x.p.
Bag of Transmuting
Beaker of Plentiful Potions
This appears to be a normal 2’x4’ sack, and will radiate magic if detected for.
For the first 1d4+1 days, it will function as a normal bag of holding (roll as The beaker of plentiful potions appears as a normal jug, and will radiate magic
normal to determine exact dimensions). However, after that time, the magic of if detected for. It will produce doses of several of the common types of potions
the bag will fail catastrophically. All precious metals and gems will be several times per day. The number of potions it is able to produce, and the
transmuted to base metal and worthless stone. Magic items will lose any number of doses of each it can produce per day, is determined randomly when
enchantment (with the exception of artifacts and relics), etc. Once it fails, and the beaker is found:
the transmuted contents are removed, the bag itself will rupture, becoming
finally useless. It is not worth any x.p. Number of Max Each Potion Type
Die Roll (d4) Potion Types per Week
Bag of Tricks 1 2 3
2 3 2
There are three types of bags of tricks, but each will appear to be a normal 3 4 1
2’x4’ sack, and will radiate magic if detected for. Each type of bag of tricks 4 5 1
functions similarly; the holder of the bag reaches in, grabs a small fuzzy ball

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

When the beaker is found, determine which potion types it contains randomly score exceeds 14, he will give up his thieving life and become a
(duplicates as well as baleful results are possible). Each potion the beaker cleric of some good-aligned deity.
contains can be poured forth but once per day, with a maximum number of
pours per week as noted above. Each pour will produce 1d4+1 doses of the The book is worth 8,000 x.p. when discovered.
potion, and each dose takes 1 round to pour.
Book of Infinite Spells
One month after being used for the first time, 1 random type of potion will be
permanently lost, followed by an additional potion type each month until they This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and
are all exhausted and the jug loses its enchantment. It is worth 1,500 x.p. its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will
radiate magic if detected for. This enchanted tome will bestow the power to
Blessed Book cast spells of various sorts upon the diligent reader. When a non-spell caster
first attempts to peruse its contents, he will suffer 5d4 h.p. of damage and be
This book appears to be an ordinary book some 12”x6”x1”, but one of fine stunned for 50-200 minutes (5d4x10). After he recovers, however, he will be
manufacture, clad with iron and silver and sporting a formidable lock. One able to read the book without further harm.
quarter (25%) of the blessed books are only 6” high. It is waterproof, and
makes saving throws as “leather, book” with a bonus of +3 to all rolls. The Each book of infinite spells will contain 1d8+22 pages. Each page will be of
enchantment of the book is such that mages and their sub-classes can inscribe a different type, and the contents of the book should be determined (in secret)
up to 45 spell levels within it, regardless of the number of pages such spells by the game master. First, the type of each page is determined randomly:
would normally take in a spell book. A blessed book is never found with spells
already inscribed within. It can only be used by mages, and is worth 4,500 TABLE 118: BOOK OF INFINITE SPELLS
x.p. Die Roll (d%) Page Type
01-30 Blank
Boat, Folding 31-49 Clerical spell
50-57 Druid spell
This object will appear as a wooden box some 12” x 6” x 6” in size, and will 58-65 Mystic spell
radiate magic if detected for. Two different command words will cause it to 66-85 Mage spell
assume two separate forms; the first is a boat some 10’ long, 4’ wide, and 86-92 Illusionist spell
with sides some 2’ high. It has a pair of oars, anchor, mast, and small sail, 93-00 Savant spell
and will hold 3-4 people. The second is a larger ship some 24’ long, 8’ wide,
and 6’ high, with a deck, 5 sets of oars, a separate steering oar, anchor, a (Note that the book of infinite spells will never contain bard, jester, or
small cabin amidships, a mast, and sail. This larger form will hold 15 people mountebank spells.)
easily. A third command word will cause either form to transform back to the
small box form for ease of transport. It is worth 10,000 x.p. Once the page type has been determined, roll for the level of spell that it
contains. Roll 1d12 for mage spells, and 1d10 for all others. If a result is rolled
Book of Holy Benisons that indicates a higher than possible spell level, re-roll using 1d6. Once the
spell level has been determined, roll randomly using the spell lists in the
This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual to determine the exact spell that
its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will is on the page.
radiate both magic and good if detected for. This holy and inspirational work
is of value only to clerics of good alignment, although it will have effects on The spells in the book are in their specific order, and that cannot be changed
other classes and alignments, as described below. A cleric of good alignment, by any means whatsoever. Once a page in the book is turned, it vanishes to
after reading the book of holy benisons for a week, will find their wisdom score dust, so those who own such a book are advised to treat its pages very
permanently increased by 1, and will gain enough experience points to place carefully, lest they lose the ability to cast a powerful spell in favor of something
them midway to the next level of experience. After it has been read, the book of less utility.
will disappear into dust. Only one character can read from it at a time. The
same character cannot benefit from another such book in the future. Whatever page is at the front of the book, the owner of the book will be able
to cast, even if the book is not physically present (it should be safeguarded,
Those of other classes and alignments who scan its contents will suffer the however, as an ordinary precaution). The spell will take its normal casting time
following effects. Note that a full reading is not required; merely scanning the to cast. There is a chance (and the owner of the book will inherently know this)
contents will cause these effects: that casting a spell could result in the page vanishing, to be replaced by the
next page (and, naturally, the owner does not know what that next page will
 Bards, as well as non-good and non-evil clerics, will lose 20,000 - contain). The chance depends on the spell being cast, and the nature of the
80,000 x.p, (2d4x10,000). caster:
 Evil clerics will immediately lose an experience level, being reduced
to the minimum number of x.p. for that level. In addition, they must  Spell-caster casting a spell he could normally cast (by class and
atone for their misdeed (suggested atonement is 50% of all treasure level): 10%
gained for the next 1d4+1 adventures).  Spell-caster casting a spell he could not normally cast: 20%
 Fighters will not be affected. Magic users will permanently lose 1  Non-spell-caster casting a cleric/druid/mystic spell: 25%
point of intelligence unless a saving throw vs. magic is made; a  Non-spell-caster casting a mage/illusionist/savant spell: 30%
successful save indicates that only 2,000 - 20,000 (2d10x1,000)
x.p. will be lost. Spells from the book of infinite spells cannot be copied into another spell book
 Thieves will take 5d6 h.p. of damage and must make a saving regardless of type.
throw vs. magic. Failure indicates a permanent loss of 1 point of
dexterity, plus an additional 10-60% chance that, if his wisdom When found, the book is worth 9,000 x.p.


Book of Unholy Damnation Boots of the North

This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and These boots allow the wearer to enjoy a variety of different benefits when faced
its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will with cold weather and environs.
radiate both magic and evil if detected for. This unholy and disgusting work is
of value only to clerics of evil alignment, although others will be affected, as  Can travel over snow with no slowing of movement, and leaving
indicated below. A cleric of evil alignment, after reading the book of unholy no tracks
damnation for a week, will find his wisdom score permanently increased by  Can travel over ice at 50% of their normal movement rate (not
1, and will gain enough experience points to place him midway to the next vertically or up ice-covered slopes, however) and with no chance
level of experience. After it has been read, the book will disappear into dust, to slip or fall
and only 1 character can read from it at a time. The same character cannot  Can endure temperatures up to -50° F wearing only minimal
benefit from another such book in the future. clothing
 Can endure temperatures up to -100° F when dressed in cold-
Those of other classes and alignments who scan its contents will suffer the weather gear, with no ill effects
following effects. Note that a full reading is not required; merely scanning the
contents will cause these effects. They are worth 1,500 x.p.

 Non-good and non-evil clerics who scan the book will either lose Boots of Speed
30,000 - 120,000 (3d4x10,000) experience points immediately,
or have their alignment turned to evil (50% chance of either). These appear as an ordinary set of soft boots, but will radiate magic if detected
 Clerics of good alignment must make a saving throw vs. poison; for, and will contract/expand to fit whatever foot is placed within. Once
failure indicates instant death. If they succeed, they must then make donned, they will allow the wearer to run at 240’ per minute, carrying up to
a second saving throw vs. magic or become permanently insane 200 lbs. For every 10 lbs. over, the speed is reduced by 10’ per minute. For
plus lose 250,000 x.p., minus 10,000 x.p. for each point of every hour of running, the wearer must rest for 1 hour, and up to 8 continuous
wisdom they possess. hours of running are possible (after which the wearer must rest 8 hours). In
 Any other character of good alignment even touching the book will those combat situations where such running is relevant (not when “in melee”,
take 5d6 h.p. of damage, while if they peruse its contents there is but when charging, etc.), they will grant an armor class bonus of 2. They are
an 80% chance that a night hag will pursue the character, seeking worth 2,500 x.p.
his death.
 Characters with neither good nor evil as part of their alignment will
take 5d4 h.p. of damage from touching the book, while scanning
its contents will require a saving throw vs. poison. Failure indicates
their alignment turns to evil.

The book is worth 8,000 x.p. when discovered.

Boots of Dancing

These appear as an ordinary set of soft boots, but will radiate magic if detected
for, and will contract/expand to fit whatever foot is placed within. Their true
nature will not become apparent until the wearer is engaged in melee combat
or is fleeing from an enemy, at which time they will begin to dance and cause
the wearer to follow along. This will prevent the wearer from attacking, will
penalize his armor class by 4, and make all saving throws impossible. The
dancing will stop once the danger has passed (but will start up again should
combat once more rear its head), but the boots themselves cannot be removed
without a remove curse spell. They are worth no x.p.
Boots of Striding and Springing
Boots of Elvenkind
These appear as an ordinary set of soft boots, but will radiate magic if detected
These appear as an ordinary set of soft boots, but will radiate magic if detected for, and will contract/expand to fit whatever foot is placed within. Once worn,
for, and will contract/expand to fit whatever foot is placed within. Once they allow the wearer to stride along at a movement rate of 120’ per minute
donned, they will allow the wearer to move with absolute silence under most regardless of weight carried. In addition, the boots allow the wearer to
conditions. Even under the worst conditions (dry rustling leaves, a creaky floor, “spring” at will; they can jump forward 30’, backwards 9’, and straight up
etc.) they will only make noise 5% of the time. They are worth 1,000 x.p. 15’. This can be used in melee to strike and then spring away before his
opponent can retaliate, assuming he has won initiative. Doing so, however,
Boots of Levitation leads to a 20% chance that the wearer will stumble and be stunned for an
entire round, minus 3% for each point of dexterity above 12 he possesses. The
These appear as an ordinary set of soft boots, but will radiate magic if detected boots will, regardless, give a bonus of 1 to the wearer’s armor class when in
for, and will contract/expand to fit whatever foot is placed within. Once worn, melee. They are worth 2,500 x.p.
they will allow the wearer to levitate (as per the spell) at will, up to 20’ per
minute. When discovered, the game master should roll to determine their Boots of Varied Tracks
weight limit, 294-580 lbs. (1d20x14+280). They are worth 2,000 x.p.
These appear as an ordinary set of soft boots, but will radiate magic if detected
for, and will contract/expand to fit whatever foot is placed within. By the
utterance of a command word, the wearer can cause the boots to make his

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

footprints appear as large as an ogre or as small as a gnome, and either bare Bowl of Watery Death
or booted as desired. Each pair of the boots of varied tracks can also, upon
utterance of the appropriate command, make its wearer’s footprints appear as This large bowl will be made of blue, green, or turquoise stone, some 12” in
any four of the following (roll randomly when the boots are first discovered). diameter and 6” deep, and will appear relatively fragile. It will radiate magic
if detected for. If the bowl is filled with water, the mage who did so must make
TABLE 119: BOOTS OF VARIED TRACKS a saving throw vs. spells or be shrunk to miniscule size and dumped in the
Die Roll (d20) Tracks Available middle of the bowl, where he will drown in 1d6+2 minutes. Such victims
1 Basilisk cannot be physically removed from the bowl, and only magic such as enlarge
2 Bear spells, etc. will allow him to escape and be restored to his original size. A
3 Boar potion of growth, if poured into the bowl, will do the trick, and sweet water, if
4 Bull poured into the bowl, will allow the mage a second saving throw. If the bowl
5 Camel is filled with salt water, all saving throws are made with a -2 penalty. It can
6 Dog only be used by mages, and is worth no x.p.
7 Fox
8 Giant lynx Bracers of Archery
9 Giant rat
10 Goat These leather wrist guards will radiate magic if detected for. Any fighter
11 Hill giant wearing these bracers will be able to use a bow as if they were proficient in
12 Horse its use. (Only those sub-classes of fighter normally able to use bows will be
13 Leopard able to invoke their power.) If the wearer is already proficient with the bow,
14 Lion he will receive a bonus of +2 “to hit” and +1 to damage, with the bonuses
15 Mule being cumulative with any others gained due to magic, ability scores, etc. They
16 Rabbit can only be used by fighters, and are worth 1,000 x.p.
17 Stag
18 Tiger Bracers of Brachiation
19 Wolf
20 Wyvern These leather wrist guards will radiate magic if detected for. They allow the
wearer to swing in the trees from limb to limb as if he were an ape, including
They are worth 1,500 x.p. swinging from vines, poles, ropes, etc. The speed depends on the density of
the trees, from 30’ per minute in light woods to 90’ per minute in dense jungle
Boots, Winged or forest. In addition, the wearer can jump forward 30’, backwards 9’, and
straight up 15’, as long as the jump ends in the wearer grasping a vine (or
These appear as an ordinary set of soft boots, but will radiate magic if detected something equivalent) or tree limb. They are worth 1,000 x.p.
for, and will contract/expand to fit whatever foot is placed within. When the
wearer silently thinks of flying, the boots will sprout wings and take the wearer Bracers of Defense
aloft. The speed and maneuverability of the boots is determined randomly
when they are first discovered. These leather wrist guards will radiate magic if detected for. If worn, they allow
the wearer to block incoming blows and deflect missiles with his wrists,
TABLE 120: BOOTS, WINGED effectively giving him an armor class better than he could otherwise have had.
Die Roll (d4) Maximum Speed Maneuverability They will not function in conjuction with armor or shields of any type, although
1 150’ per min. Perfect they will work along with other magical forms of defense, unless they explicitly
2 180’ per min. Good state otherwise. The armor class that the bracers grant the wearer should be
3 210’ per min. Average determined randomly when they are discovered.
4 240’ per min. Clumsy
The boots will fly for a maximum of 2 hours per day; any longer than that and Experience
they will rapidly, but not immediately, slow and descend. Every 12 consecutive Die Roll (d%) Armor Class Point Value
hours of non-use will restore 1 hour of flying time. Concentration is not 01-05 8 500
necessary to maintain flight. They are worth 2,000 x.p. 06-15 7 1,000
16-35 6 1,500
Bowl of Water Elemental Command 36-50 5 2,000
51-70 4 2,500
This large bowl will be made of blue, green, or turquoise stone, some 12” in 71-85 3 3,000
diameter and 6” deep, and will appear relatively fragile. It will radiate magic 86-00 2 3,500
if detected for. When filled with water and after the proper incantation has
been said, the bowl will cause a water elemental to appear. The summoner Bracers of Defenselessness
must maintain concentration (any movement or damage of any sort breaks
concentration) or the elemental will turn upon him and attack (75% chance) or These leather wrist guards will radiate magic if detected for. If tested in mock
simply return to its home plane (25% chance). The elemental will be of the 12 combat, they will function as bracers of defense. If worn in actual combat, they
hit dice variety, but if saltwater is used to fill the bowl prior to the summoning, will reduce the wearer’s armor class to 10, and will thereafter not be able to
it will gain +2 h.p. per die (maximum is still 8 h.p. per die, however). The bowl be removed except after a remove curse spell has been cast. They are not
requires 1 full minute to activate. The bowl can only be used by mages, and worth any x.p.
is worth 4,000 x.p.


Brazier of Fire Elemental Command Candle of Invocation

This brass brazier seems to be a normal type of fire-box, but will radiate magic Each candle of invocation is attuned to one of the nine alignments (determine
if detected for. If a fire is lit in the brazier and the proper incantation intoned, randomly, if needed). Burning the candle will act as a bless spell for those of
a fire elemental will appear. The summoner must maintain concentration (any the same alignment as the candle (60’ range). If burned by a cleric of the same
movement or damage of any sort breaks concentration) or the elemental will alignment, the candle will increase his level by 2 for the duration that it is
turn upon him and attack (75% chance) or simply return to its home plane burning, allowing for casting of higher-level spells, memorizing additional
(25% chance). The elemental will be of the 12 hit die type, but if sulfur is added spells, etc. At the discretion of the person burning the candle, it can also
to the fire it will have +1 hit points per hit die (maximum 8 h.p. per die). It activate a gate spell, once again attuned to the same alignment as the candle.
takes 1 minute to activate the device. It can only be used by mages, and is Doing so will instantly burn the candle completely. The candle will burn for
worth 4,000 x.p. four hours, but can be blown out or protected as if it were a normal candle. It
can only be used by clerics, and is worth 1,000 x.p.
Brazier of Sleep Smoke
Carpet of Flying
This brass brazier seems to be a normal type of fire-box, but will radiate magic
if detected for. If a fire is lit in the brazier, a cloud of smoke will billow forth This will appear as an ordinary, if beautiful and well-made, carpet of a size
and cover an area 10’ in radius around the brazier. Any creatures within the indicated below, and will radiate magic if detected for. At the utterance of the
smoke must make a saving throw vs. magic or fall into an enchanted sleep that proper command word, the carpet will fly, and obey spoken directions.
can only be broken by spells such as dispel magic or remove curse. At the Regardless of the maximum speed (listed below), the carpet of flying has
same time, an angry fire elemental (12 hit dice) will appear and attack the Average maneuverability. Note that the carpet of flying can hover, and is a
nearest being. It can only be used by mages, and is not worth any x.p. very stable platform when aloft. Attempts to add some sort of seat belt or other
restraining device will generally ruin the carpet. It can be activated as long as
Brooch of Shielding it is within voice range. If torn or otherwise damaged, it cannot be repaired
by ordinary weaving. The exact type of carpet found should be determined
This metal clasp for a cloak or other clothing will be made of silver or gold, randomly:
but will only rarely (10% chance) be decorated with gems. It will radiate magic
if detected for. The brooch will attract magic missiles (from the spell or the TABLE 122: CARPET OF FLYING
wand) to itself (rather than the wearer, if he was the target). Up to 101 hit Die Roll (d%) Carpet Size Persons Carried Speed
points worth of total magic missile damage can be absorbed before it is 01-20 3’ x 5’ 1 420’ per min.
rendered useless. It is worth 1,000 x.p. 21-55 4’ x 6’ 2 360’ per min.
56-80 5’ x 7’ 3 300’ per min.
Broom of Animated Attack 81-00 6’ x 9’ 4 240’ per min.

This is an ordinary-looking long-handled wooden round broom, but will radiate Regardless of size, the carpet of flying is worth 7,500 x.p.
magic if detected for. If someone attempts to ride the broom (with some likely
command word such as “giddyup” or “fly”), the broom will take him aloft, Censer of Air Elemental Command
suddenly dump him on his head (stunning him), and then commence to pummel
the rider. It is AC 7, has 18 hit points, and gets two attacks per round (using This incense holder is made of metal and appears normal, but will radiate
table G); the handle end will do 1d3 h.p. if it hits, while the bristle end will magic if detected for. When incense is placed within and the proper
cause blindness for 1 minute. It is not worth any x.p. incantation spoken, an air elemental will appear. The summoner must maintain
concentration (no movement, and damage of any sort breaks concentration)
Broom of Flying or the elemental will turn upon him and attack (75% chance) or simply return
to its home plane (25% chance). The elemental will be of the 12 hit dice
This is an ordinary-looking long-handled wooden round broom, but will radiate variety, but if some sort of beneficially enchanted incense (such as incense of
magic if detected for. If “ridden” and the proper command word spoken, the meditation) is used to fill the bowl prior to the summoning, it will gain +2 h.p.
broom will fly into the air. It can travel at 300’ per minute carrying 182 lbs., per die (maximum is still 8 h.p. per die, however). The censer requires 1 full
but for every additional 14 lbs. it will fly 10’ per minute slower. It can dive minute to activate. It can only be used by mages, and is worth 4,000 x.p.
and climb at approximately a 30° angle, being of Average maneuverability.
The rider need only name a destination for the broom to take him there, and it Censer of Summoning Hostile Air Elementals
will come to the owner if the proper command word is spoken within 300’.
With practice, the broom can be guided with just the knees, but spell-casting This incense holder is made of metal and appears normal, but will radiate
is never allowed when on the broom, as it is too unstable (but magic items magic if detected for. If incense is burned within it, 1d4 berserk air elementals
such as wands could be used while riding it). It is worth 2,000 x.p. will appear, one per minute, and will attack any creatures in the area. The
censer cannot be stopped until the one who burned the incense, or the air
Buckler Wand elementals that were summoned, are slain. It can only be used by mages, and
is worth no x.p.
This wand has an obvious trigger mechanism on the blunt end. When pressed,
the whole thing opens like an umbrella into a small shield with a spike in the Chime of Hunger
center; a spiked buckler +1. It can be used by any class except clerics, but if
used by a mage, he cannot cast any spells while the wand is in buckler mode, This chime appears as a hollow tube made of some silvery-gray metal
unless he is a multi-classed character otherwise able to use such a shield. It is approximately one foot in length. It will radiate magic if detected for. When
worth 500 x.p. struck, it will sound a clear note that will make all creatures within 60’
ravenously and uncontrollably hungry. Any creatures with food (such as
rations) will immediately begin to devour them, while those without ready food
will rush to the point that the chime was sounded and attack and eat any other

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

creatures there. After eating for 1 minute, and each minute thereafter, each Wisdom Score Make Saving Throw Every…
creature is entitled to a saving throw vs. magic. Success indicates that the 3-7 Hour
hunger has been sated and the creature will not need to eat any more. The 8-14 10 minutes
chime is worth no x.p. when found. 15-18 Minute
19+ Segment (6 seconds)
Chime of Interruption
In addition, if the victim is forced to do something completely contrary to his
This chime appears as a hollow tube made of some silvery-gray metal nature, suicidal, etc., he is entitled to an immediate saving throw with a +3
approximately one foot in length. It will radiate magic if detected for. When bonus. Once a saving throw is successful, the same victim cannot be targeted
struck, the harmonic resonance of the chime will prevent any spells requiring again for a number of days equal to his wisdom score. It is worth 2,500 x.p.
an incantation to be cast without a successful throw vs. breath weapon on the
part of the caster. The range of the effect is 30’, and it will last for three minutes. Cloak of Arachnidia
It must be rested for a full seven minutes thereafter before it can be struck again
to any effect. It is worth 2,000 x.p. This cloak looks like any sort of normal woolen, leather, or fur cloak, but does
radiate magic if detected for. Once worn, the wearer gains the following
Chime of Opening powers:

This chime appears as a hollow tube made of some silvery-gray metal  Climb walls as per the spell spider climb
approximately one foot in length. It will radiate magic if detected for. When  Cannot be trapped in webs, and base speed 60’/min. when
pointed in a particular direction and struck, the resulting vibrations will open moving through spider webs or webs created by the spell web
any closed doors, lids, locks, etc. It will open held portals or those that have  Cast double-sized web (as per the spell) once per day
been wizard locked by any mage less than 15th level. Each sounding will  +2 bonus to all saving throws vs. arachnid poison
open a single lock, so if the same door is wizard locked and locked with a
conventional lock, it would take two uses of the chime to completely open. It is worth 3,000 x.p.
Each sounding takes 1 minute to complete, has a range of 60’, and can be
thwarted by magical silence of all sorts. Each chime can be struck 20-80 Cloak of the Bat
(1d6x10+20) times before it shatters and becomes useless. Some of these
devices will actually function as a chime of opening for 1d4 times before its This cloak looks like any sort of normal woolen, leather, or fur cloak, but does
cursed nature takes over. It is worth 3,500 x.p. radiate magic if detected for. Once worn, the wearer gains the following

 90% hide in shadows when stationary

 Ability to hang upside-down from the ceiling
 Fly at 150’ per minute (maneuverability good) for 1 hour
 Turn into an ordinary bat for 1 hour
 Functions as a cloak of protection +2

Note that all of these functions except the last will only work in a lightless or
near-lightless environment. The time limits against flying and turning into a bat
are cumulative, and once both or either has been used for 1 hour total, the
cloak must be rested for an hour before either can be used again. It is worth
1,500 x.p.

Cloak of Displacement

This cloak looks like any sort of normal woolen, leather, or fur cloak, but does
radiate magic if detected for. When worn, it will make the wearer appear to
be 1-2’ away from where he is actually standing. This will have the effect of
making all missile or melee attacks automatically miss the first time (does not
apply to multiple attackers unless they are unable to see the first attack), and
give the wearer a bonus of +2 to his armor class and all saving throws where
Circlet of Domination aiming would be applicable, such as breath weapons, gaze attacks, etc.).
Cloaks of displacement are sized for humans and elves, 75% of the time, while
The circlet is a silver ring some 6-7” in diameter. When worn on the head, it the remaining 25% are sized for dwarves, gnomes, and halflings. It is worth
allows the wearer to dominate the mind of any single creature within 30’. 3,000 x.p.
The target must remain in sight at all times, and is entitled to a saving throw
vs. spells. Failure means the wearer of the circlet can control the victim’s Cloak of Elvenkind
body, making him speak, walk, fight, etc. as the wearer desires. The victim
is allowed subsequent saving throws depending on his wisdom score: This cloak appears to be an ordinary woolen cloak, but will radiate magic if
detected. If worn, it allows the wearer to blend in with his surroundings. When
still or moving carefully, the chance that the wearer will be detected depends
on his surroundings.


TABLE 123: CLOAK OF ELVENKIND to the middle of his next experience level after a month of practice. The practice
% Chance of Being must be completed within 3 months of reading, or the knowledge will be lost.
Terrain Detected After it has been read, the book will disappear into dust, and only 1 character
Brightly lit room, light or continual light spell 50% can read from it at a time. Only the classes listed above can benefit from the
Buildings 10% codex’s secrets. The same character can never benefit from the same sort of
If being viewed with infravision 10% book again. Any non-thief who reads the book will not comprehend it. Any
Grass, fields, meadows, etc. 5% fighter or cavalier (or sub-class), who reads any portion of it will be stunned
Dim light, torch, lantern 5% for 5d4x10 minutes, take 5d4 h.p. of damage, and lose 4d4x10,000 x.p. if
Rocky, scrub, etc. 2% they fail a saving throw vs. spells. It is worth 8,000 x.p. when first discovered.
Light woods, brush, etc. 1%
Heavy woods, brush, etc. 0% Cornamuse of the Woodlands

Cloaks of elvenkind will be sized for humans or elves 90% of the time. The This four-foot long oboe-like instrument will radiate magic if detected for. If
remainder will be sized for dwarves, gnomes, and halflings. It is worth 1,000 played by a bard with a proficiency in cornamuse, he can call forth the
x.p. following powers once per day.

Cloak of the Manta Ray  Faerie fire

 Entangle
This cloak appears to be an ordinary leather cloak, but will radiate magic if  Shillelagh
detected. If worn, and the wearer enters salt water, the cloak will cling to the  Speak with animals
wearer, making him appear, to all intents and purposes, to be a manta ray
(although he can, if he wishes, use his arms and hands). While so transformed, A bard who does not have proficiency in cornamuse will be able to employ
the wearer moves 180’ per minute underwater, can breathe the seawater, and these powers only 30% of the time. If he attempts and fails, another attempt
can attack with his spiked tail for 1d6 h.p. of damage. His armor class will be cannot be made until the next day. A bard with cornamuse as one of his
a base of 6, adjusted for any magical armor or other protection he might have. instruments will be able to use his verbal patter skill with a +20% bonus when
It is worth 2,000 x.p. using this instrument. Those without cornamuse as an instrument can still use it
and will get a +10 bonus to verbal patter, but no other abilities. It is usable
Cloak of Poisonousness only by bards (but not jesters). It is worth 1,000 x.p.

This cloak appears to be an ordinary cloak of wool or leather, but will radiate Crystal Ball
magic if detected for. It can be handled without any effect, but once it is
donned the wearer will be struck dead by its innately venomous nature. The This appears to be a smooth sphere made out of clear crystal some 6” in
spell neutralize poison has no effect. Once it has done its work, it can only be diameter, and is often found with a metal or other base of some sort to prevent
removed with a remove curse spell (which in turn destroys the magical nature it from rolling about. It can be used to scry individuals, no matter how far
of the cloak). Once the cloak has been removed, the victim can be brought removed from the subject they may be, even if they are on other planes of
back to life by means of a raise dead or resurrection spell, but with a 10% existence. The chance of successfully scrying depends on how well the user
penalty to the chance of success. It is worth no x.p. knows the subject to be scried.

Cloak of Protection TABLE 125: CRYSTAL BALL SCRYING

Scrying Scrying
This cloak appears to be an ordinary garment of wool or leather, but will Known by… Chance of Scrying Duration Frequency
radiate magic if detected for. Once donned, it gives the wearer a bonus to Personal 100% (wait 8 hours 1 hour Three times
both armor class and all saving throws, depending on the nature of the cloak knowledge before next attempt) per day
(which should be rolled randomly when the cloak is first discovered). Casual 85% (wait 12 hours 30 Twice per day
acquaintance before next attempt) minutes
TABLE 124: CLOAK OF PROTECTION Picture or 50% (wait 24 hours 30 Once per day
Die Roll (d%) Bonus of Cloak personal items before next attempt minutes
01-35 +1 (lock of hair, nail
36-65 +2 clipping, etc.)
66-85 +3 Extensive 25% (wait 24 hours 15 Once per day
86-95 +4 description or before next attempt) minutes
96-00 +5 garment
Vague 20% (wait 24 hours 15 Once per day
A cloak of protection can be worn in conjunction with other sorts of magical description before next attempt) minutes
protection (except, of course, another cloak of protection), but cannot be
combined with any form of non-magical armor other than a cuirass. It is worth Note that if the subject is on another plane of existence, there is a 25% penalty
1,000 x.p. on the chance of successfully scrying (with the duration and frequency being
similarly decreased).
Codex of Making Friends and influencing People
It is possible that the subject being observed via the crystal ball will notice.
This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and There is a base 5% chance, plus 1% per level of experience (or hit die), plus
its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will a bonus based on intelligence:
radiate magic if detected for. If read intensely over the course of a week by a
bard, jester, or mountebank, the reader will have the knowledge of special
skills in language and persuasion that will allow him to advance automatically

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

Intelligence Score Scrying Detection Bonus Effect Extra Charges to Repel
13 1% Boulders, ballista bolts, etc. 1
14 3% Hot non-magical fires, wall of fire 2
15 6% Fireball, fire storm, flame strike 3
16 10% Lightning bolt 4
17 15% Phase door 5
18 21% Horn of blasting 6
Prismatic spray 7
If the scrying is detected, those being spied upon could cast a dispel magic Meteor swarm 8
spell on the scryer, which will deactivate the crystal ball for a full day.
The cube of force has 36 charges, which are restored to full each day. It is
The following spells can be cast through the crystal ball: comprehend worth 3,000 x.p.
languages, read magic, infravision, and tongues. Detect magic and detect evil
(or good) can also be cast, but with only a 5% chance of success per level of Cube of Frost Resistance
the caster.
This appears to be a small cube, less than an inch on each side, made of some
Half of all crystal balls found will have additional powers: hard stone, bone, or ivory. Pressing on a particular one of the sides will
activate a force field some 10’ on a side. Within the field the air will be
TABLE 127: CRYSTAL BALL ADDITIONAL POWERS maintained at a temperature of no less than 65° F (18° C). This field will prove
Die Roll (d%) Additional Power effective against magical cold effects such as the spell cone of cold and the
01-50 None breath of a white dragon. If the field is hit with 50 h.p. of cold damage in any
51-75 Clairaudience given minute, it will collapse for an hour. If it absorbs 100 h.p. of cold damage
76-90 ESP in a minute, it will be destroyed forever. Note that the normal damage accrued
91-00 Telepathy (communication only) for exposure to sub-freezing temperature will apply to the cube; see p. 10 for
details); thus a cube of frost resistance could only sustain 46 h.p. of damage
All extra powers will function as if cast by a 10th level spell caster, as before being deactivated, if the air temperature were 15° below zero. It is
applicable. worth 2,000 x.p.

A crystal ball can only be used by mages, and is worth 1,000 x.p. Cubic Gate

Crystal Hypnosis Ball This appears to be a small cube, less than an inch on each side, made of some
hard stone, bone, or ivory. Each side is keyed to a particular plane of
This appears to be a smooth sphere made out of clear crystal some 6” in existence, and one side will always be keyed to the material plane. The game
diameter, and is often found with a metal or other base of some sort to prevent master may select which other planes are activated, or may determine such
it from rolling about. If used as a regular crystal ball, it will apparently function randomly, using Table 89: Random Plane Determination on p. 61, if desired.
normally, but will in fact have placed the user under a powerful hypnotic spell, Pressing on a side of the cube will activate a gate to the appropriate plane,
bringing him under the telepathic control of some powerful being such as a and there is a 10% chance per 10 minutes that some creature native to that
lich, arch-devil, or powerful wizard. The user will not realize this, and while plane will emerge from the gate. If the same side is pressed again, the gate
the effect will begin subtly, the more the crystal hypnosis ball is used, the more will become a vortex, and the holder of the cube, as well as all creatures within
profound the control will be. (The process can be slow or quick depending on 5’, will be sucked into the vortex and deposited on the appropriate plane. No
the needs of the campaign and the desire of the game master.) It can only be more than one gate or vortex can be opened at any given time, and the device
used by mages, and is worth no x.p. may be temporarily deactivated by selecting the plane upon which it already
exists. It is worth 5,000 x.p.
Cube of Force
Cyclone Spitzhut
This appears to be a small cube, less than an inch on each side, made of some
hard stone, bone, or ivory. By pressing one of its sides, the user is able to bring This appears as a pointed hat typical of the sort worn by some wizards, and
into being an invisible force field 10’ on a side around him. Each side will will radiate magic if detected for. If a mage takes the cyclone spitzhut and sets
create a particular type of force field, at the user’s discretion: it to spinning on its pointed end, an enchanted whirlwind will appear in 1d4x6
seconds, moving in a straight line that the mage originally designated when
TABLE 128: CUBE OF FORCE the hat was activated. It will move forward at a speed of 180’ per minute, and
Charge per 10 is 5’ wide at the base, 15’ wide at the top, with a maximum height of 45’ (it
Face Keeps out Max. movement minutes will be smaller in height if activated indoors or underground, assuming the
1 Gas, wind 10’ per minute 1 ceiling is less than 45’ high). It will remain in effect for 1 minute, and will be
2 Inanimate objects 80’ per minute 2 dissipated by some solid object such as a wall, building, copse of trees, etc.
3 Living matter 60’ per minute 3 Any creature of 2 hit dice or less caught in the path of the whirlwind will be
4 Magic 40’ per minute 4 slain automatically. Other creatures will take 4d4 h.p. of damage. Those within
5 Everything 30’ per minute 6 5’ of the hat when the whirlwind is first formed will take 2d4 h.p. of damage.
6 Deactivates the cube It is not reusable, can only be used by mages, and is worth 300 x.p.

In addition, some spells and other effects will drain more charges than normal: Dart of the Hornets’ Nest

This appears to be a normal dart, but will radiate magic if detected for. When
thrown at a foe, it will magically divide in mid-air, turning into a large number


of magical darts, accompanied by a loud buzzing sound like a swarm of Card Drawn Illusion
angered hornets. When the dart is thrown, roll percentile dice to determine its J ♦ Bard
exact effect. 10 ♦ Hill giant
9 ♦ Ogre
Die Roll (d%) “To Hit” Bonus Number of Darts 2 ♦ Kobold
01-40 +1 5d4 Joker (x2) The owner of the deck
41-70 +2 4d4
71-90 +3 3d4 The illusion will not travel farther than 30’ from the card. The illusion lasts until
91-00 +4 2d4 dispelled, or the card is picked up from the ground, at which time it will
immediately become blank and worthless (with the illusion disappearing
The dart is not reusable. When thrown, it is treated as a normal dart (in terms instantly). The deck is worth 1,500 x.p.
of weapon speed, range, etc.). It is worth 750 x.p.

Decanter of Endless Water

This appears to be a metal jug with a stopper, but will radiate magic if detected
for. When the stopper is removed and one of three command words is spoken,
it will produce a stream of water of varying size and volume. The stream will
produce 1 gallon of water per minute. The fountain will create a 5’ stream of
5 gallons per minute. The geyser will create a stream some 20’ long and 30
gallons per round, with such force that the holder of the decanter must brace
himself or be bowled over. The geyser is also strong enough to kill small
creatures such as mice, bugs, etc. Repeating the command word will shut off
the stream. It is worth 1,000 x.p.

Deck of Illusions

This appears to be a set of playing cards, similar to those used either for fortune
telling or gambling, found in a box of wood or ivory. When a card is drawn
(randomly) from the deck and hurled on the ground, a complete illusion of the
Deck of Many Things
appropriate figure will appear under the control of the owner of the deck. The
nature of the illusion depends on the card drawn (the game master is
This appears to be a set of playing cards, similar to those used either for
encouraged to have an ordinary deck of cards at hand, remove the
fortune-telling or gambling, found in a box of wood or ivory. It will either have
appropriate cards, and have the player actually draw a card).
13 (75% chance) or 22 (25% chance) cards. However, it is in fact a powerful
magical item. When the possessor of the deck of many things wishes to draw
one or more cards, he must announce how many will be drawn, from one to
Card Drawn Illusion
four. The number to be drawn must be announced prior to the first card being
A ♠ Red dragon
drawn. After each card is drawn it is replaced in the deck, with the exception
K ♠ Fighter and 4 warriors
of the jester and fool, which are discarded. You may wish to have your players
Q ♠ Succubus
actually draw cards (associating some of the cards from a deck of playing
J ♠ Druid
cards or a Tarot deck with the cards in the deck of many things), or you could
10 ♠ Cloud giant
purchase or construct your own deck. Of course, simply determining the cards
9 ♠ Ettin
drawn randomly is an acceptable alternative.
8 ♠ Bugbear
2 ♠ Goblin
A ♣ Beholder
Card Effect
K ♣ Mage and apprentice
Sun You gain 1 random beneficial magic item plus 50,000
Q ♣ Night hag
J ♣ Bard
Moon Gain 1d4 wishes, all of which must be used within 10
10 ♣ Fire giant
minutes per wish granted.
9 ♣ Ogre mage
Star Your prime requisite ability score is increased by 2
8 ♣ Gnoll
(maximum 18; if you would exceed this maximum,
2 ♣ Kobold
increase constitution, charisma, wisdom, dexterity,
A ♥ Lich
intelligence, and strength, in that order).
K ♥ Cleric and two assistants
Throne Your charisma increases to 18, and you are now the
Q ♥ Medusa
owner of a small castle. If charisma is already 18, you
J ♥ Monk
gain a 25% reaction bonus.
10 ♥ Frost giant
Key You gain a randomly-determined enchanted weapon plus
9 ♥ Troll
a map to a treasure.
8 ♥ Hobgoblin
Knight A 4th level fighter becomes your loyal henchman (+1 on
2 ♥ Goblin
each ability score rolled, max. 18).
A ♦ Iron golem
Void Your soul is torn from your body and imprisoned on a
K ♦ Thief and three henchmen
distant plane. Your body is alive, but comatose.
Q ♦ Erinyes
Flames A greater devil now holds a grudge against you.

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

Card Effect power is in effect, he will be blinded for 1d4 minutes. An unlit special candle
Skull A minor death (see ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary must still be placed in the dark branch.
for details) attacks. If anyone comes to your aid, each must
fight their own minor death. The candles will normally last 1d8+8x10 (90-160) minutes, but only
Ruin All your wealth and possessions are lost. 1d4+4x10 if the candle is lit while the holder of the dicerion is walking. It can
Medusa All saving throws vs. petrification are made at -3. only be used by clerics, and is worth 2,500 x.p.
Rogue You are secretly betrayed by one of your henchmen (if
any; if not, some powerful NPC will be suddenly hostile). Drum of Deafening
Jester Your choice; gain 2 more draws from the deck or 10,000
x.p. instantly. This appears as an ordinary kettle drum approximately 1 ½’ in diameter, but
will radiate magic if detected for. If struck, it will cause permanent deafness to
If the 22 card deck is found, the following cards are also to be found within it: al creatures within 70’. A heal spell will restore hearing. In addition, those
within 10’ of the drum will be stunned for 2d4 minutes. Note that the striker of
Card Effect the drum will be affected. It is worth no x.p.
Comet If you personally and single-handedly defeat the next
monster(s) you meet, you automatically get to your next Drum of Panic
level of experience.
Gem You gain either 20 pieces of jewelry or 50 gems (your This appears as an ordinary kettle drum approximately 1 ½’ in diameter, but
choice, value determined randomly with jewelry being will radiate magic if detected for. If struck, all creatures from 20’-120’ must
gold and gems, and gems being 1,000 g.p. base value) make a saving throw vs. spell or flee in blind panic for 10 minutes. Every 10
Talons You lose all of your magical items instantly. minutes, another saving throw is allowed to stop flight. After the saving throw
Balance You must change alignment; if you choose not to, you will has finally been made, those who had fled in panic must rest for 3 minutes for
be judged (harshly) on how well you have followed your every 10 they had been fleeing. Creatures with an intelligence of 2 have a -2
chosen alignment. Failure means destruction. penalty to their saving throw; creatures with an intelligence of 1 have a -4
Fool You lose 10,000 x.p. and must draw another card. penalty. The drum is worth 6,500 x.p.
Vizier You will automatically know the answer to a puzzle,
question, or choice you face. You choose when. Dulcimer of Defense
Idiot You lose 1d4 points of intelligence immediately, and may
draw another card if you choose. This stringed instrument, played with a pair of strikers, will radiate magic if
Fates You can “rewind” and avoid any single situation. Others detected for. If played by a bard with a proficiency in dulcimer, he will be
with you must still face the situation, however. able to call forth the following powers once per day:
Donjon You suffer imprisonment (as per the spell).
 Barkskin
The deck will disappear instantly once the last card (of the announced number  Cure light wounds
of cards) is drawn, or immediately after the void or donjon is drawn.  Obscurement

The deck is worth no x.p., save those bestowed by the drawn cards themselves A bard who does not have proficiency in dulcimer will be able to employ these
(if any). powers only 30% of the time. If he attempts and fails, another attempt cannot
be made until the next day. A bard with dulcimer as one of his instruments will
Doleful and Bright Candelabra be able to use his verbal patter skill with a +20% bonus when using this
instrument. Those without dulcimer as an instrument can still use it and will get
This appears to be a two-branched candelabra (also known as a dicerion), a +10 bonus to verbal patter, but no other abilities. It is usable only by bards
with two intertwined branches of glittering silver and dull black metal. It will (but not jesters). It is worth 2,000 x.p.
radiate magic if detected for. When properly-prepared candles are placed in
the candle holders, the powers of the dicerion can be activated. (The candles Dust of Appearance
themselves must be of purest wax mixed with powdered obsidian and crystal,
consecrated (using the ceremony spell) and blessed.) This will be found as a set of 2d6 small silk packets or hollow bone tubes (50%
chance of either), within which is a very fine and light metallic powder. If found
If such candles are placed in both arms and lit, any cleric holding the dicerion in a packet, the dust can be hurled into the air to cover an area some 10’ in
will be able to see in both utter darkness and glaring brightness as if it were radius around the user. If found in a hollow bone tube, the dust can be blown
ordinary daylight. On command, all shadows (not the creature) will be out in a cone some 20’ long and 15’ wide at the base. When dispersed into
dispelled from a 30’ radius, but the special vision power of the dicerion will the air, it will coat everything in the area of effect, causing invisible, ethereal,
be cancelled. and astral objects to become visible. Some illusions and other insubstantial
visions will be revealed for what they are by the fact that the dust can not coat
If a special candle is placed in the dark branch of the candlestick and lit, a them. It will also render useless magical items such as a cloak of displacement,
sphere of darkness in a 15’ radius will surround the cleric holding the dicerion, cloak of elvenkind, or a robe of blending. The effect will last for 20-200
but he himself will be able to see normally. If the cleric is struck by magical minutes (2d10x10). It is worth 1,000 x.p.
light while thus empowered, he will be struck blind for 1d4 minutes. An unlit
special candle must still be placed in the bright branch. Dust of Disappearance
If the special candle is placed in the light branch of the candlestick and lit, a
globe of blinding light will appear around the cleric holding the dicerion, This will be found as a set of 2d6 small silk packets or hollow bone tubes (50%
again in a 15’ radius, and the cleric will be able to see normally. Evil creatures chance of either), within which is a very fine and light metallic powder. If found
looking at the sphere of light will be blinded for 2d4 minutes, while others will in a packet, the dust can be hurled into the air to cover an area some 10’ in
be blinded for 1d4 minutes. If magical darkness is cast on the cleric while the radius around the user. If found in a hollow bone tube, the dust can be blown
out in a cone some 20’ long and 15’ wide at the base. When dispersed into


the air, the dust will become nearly completely undetectable (normal sight, Efreeti Bottle
infravision, ultravision, etc.). Creatures so obscured can attack while invisible
(with the normal bonuses for doing so; automatic surprise and a +4 bonus to This appears to be a bottle of brass or bronze, fitted with a lead stopper sealed
armor class). Detect invisibility will not work against it, but dust of appearance with a heptagram (seven pointed star). If the stopper is removed, an efreet will
will cancel out the effect. It will last for 20-200 minutes (2d10x10) if simply emerge within 6 seconds. The disposition of the efreet is determined randomly
used over an area, but it can be sprinkled on a specific object and will then when the bottle is first opened.
last for 110-200 minutes (1d10+10x10). It is worth 2,000 x.p.
Dust of Dryness Die Roll (d%) Efreet Will…
01-10 Attack immediately
This will appear to be a pouch of very fine powder (it contains 1d10+10 11-20 Grant 3 wishes
pinches of dust), and will radiate magic if detected for. Each pinch of dust will, 21-80 Serve the possessor of the bottle for up to 1,001 days
if sprinkled onto water (including salt, stagnant, etc.), soak up 1 cubic yard of
liquid, becoming a small marble-sized pellet. If the pellet is thrown on the If the efreeti does serve, it will do so resentfully and always seeking to
ground with force, it will burst open, releasing the same amount of water that undermine their master by fulfilling commands literally and with the most
formed it. If the dust is used against a creature formed of water (such as a inconvenient interpretation possible. It is worth 9,000 x.p.
water elemental, water verm, etc.), the creature must make a saving throw vs.
magic. Success indicates the being takes 6d6 h.p. of damage, failure indicates Egg of Desire
the creature is destroyed. A pouch of the dust is worth 1,000 x.p.
This appears to be an egg of the color indicated. It is activated by being set
Dust of Illusion on its wide end and set to rocking. As it continues to rock, a soft chime will
emanate from the egg, and its power will activate, affecting anyone viewing
This will appear to be a pouch of very fine powder (it contains 1d10+10 it, including the one who activated it.
pinches of dust), and will radiate magic if detected for. Each pinch of dust will,
if sprinkled on some object or creature, cause the subject to take on the form TABLE 134: EGG OF DESIRE
of something else for 1d6+6 hours. The person doing the sprinkling need only Power vs. Power vs.
imagine the form desired as he does so. Apparent size can be altered by up Die Roll Creatures INT 6 Creatures INT 7 X.P.
to 50%. Unwilling subjects are entitled to a saving throw vs. spells. It is worth (d20) Color or Less or More Value
10 x.p. per pinch. 1-4 Black Hold viewer, permanently. 500
5-8 Gold Take items Place all precious 600
Dust of Sneezing and Choking dropped by other metals in front of
victims (if any) the egg, then
This will be found as a set of 2d6 small silk packets or hollow bone tubes (50% and regard them forget doing so.
chance of either), within which is a very fine and light metallic powder. If found as their own
in a packet, the dust can be hurled into the air to cover an area some 20’ in “secret treasure”.
radius around the user. If found in a hollow bone tube, the dust can be blown 9-12 Scarlet Hold viewer for 1 minute, then they 700
out in a cone some 20’ long and 15’ wide at the base. When dispersed into are enraged and will attack the first
the air, the dust will cause all creatures within the area of effect to be overcome creature sighted.
with sneezing, coughing, and choking. They must all make a saving throw vs. 13-16 Crystal Take items Place all gems 800
poison or die. Success indicates they are merely incapacitated for 5d4 dropped by other and jewels in
minutes. It is worth no x.p. victims (if any) front of the egg,
and regard them then forget doing
Dust of Tracelessness as their own so.
“secret treasure”.
This will appear to be a pouch of very fine powder (it contains 1d12+12 17-20 Bone Take items Place most prized 900
pinches of dust), and will radiate magic if detected for. Each pinch of dust will, dropped by other magic item in
if thrown up into the air inside a room, cause it to appear covered with dust victims (if any) front of the egg,
and cobwebs, as if it had not been entered for many years. If tossed outside, and regard them then forget doing
the tracks of up to a dozen mounted men can be totally obscured. No magical as their own so.
residue will remain after the dust is used, so spells such as detect magic will “secret treasure”.
not yield any results (when applied to the dust, of course; other magic items
and effects will still be detectable). It is worth 500 x.p. The egg has a range of 20’, and creatures are entitled to a saving throw vs.
magic to see if they are affected. The eggs can be reused.
Efficient Quiver
Egg of Reason
This appears to be an ordinary quiver for holding arrows, but will radiate
magic if detected for. Minute inspection will reveal that the quiver is, in fact, This appears to be an old, smelly boiled egg, covered with oil of timelessness.
divided into three portions. The first will hold up to 60 arrows. The second will (The oil cannot be recovered for use.) If consumed, the eater must make a
hold up to 18 javelins. The third will hold 6 spears, unstrung bows, saving throw vs. poison or be killed instantly, with no bonuses to the saving
quarterstaves, etc. Objects close in size to those listed will fit in the appropriate throw and no possibility of the poison being slowed or neutralized. If the
sections of the quiver (magic wands in place of arrows, for instance). The person survives eating the egg, there is a chance that either the eater’s
owner of the quiver need only say aloud the desired item and it will come to intelligence (60%) or wisdom (40%) will be increased by one point. The
his hand. The quiver does not come pre-stocked; the owner must place his own chance depends on the starting ability score.
objects within it for later retrieval. It is worth 1,500 x.p.

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

TABLE 135: EGG OF REASON will inevitably result, lasting for 20-80 minutes (2d4x10). They are worth
Ability Score Chance of Increase 12,500 x.p.
3 94%
4 92% Eyes of Charming
5 90%
6 88% These appear to be a pair of round crystal lenses that fit over the eyes of the
7 86% wearer. Once in place, the wearer can charm (as per the spell charm person)
8 84% by his gaze. One person can be so affected per minute. Such crystal eyes must
9 82% be worn in pairs; if only one is worn, the wearer will be dizzy and stunned
10 80% until the matching eye is worn or the single one is removed, and if one type of
11 78% eye is mixed with another, insanity will inevitably result, lasting for 20-80
12 76% minutes (2d4x10). They can only be used by mages, and are worth 4,000
13 74% x.p.
14 72%
15 70% Eyes of the Eagle
16 68%
17 66% These appear to be a pair of round crystal lenses that fit over the eyes of the
18 64% wearer. When worn, the wearer will be able to see 100 times more powerfully
than normal when looking at objects more than 1’ away (thus, an object 400
It is worth 250 x.p. feet away could be seen as if it were merely 4’ distant). Such crystal eyes must
be worn in pairs; if only one is worn, the wearer will be dizzy and stunned
Egg of Shattering until the matching eye is worn or the single one is removed, and if one type of
eye is mixed with another, insanity will inevitably result, lasting for 20-80
This appears to be an ordinary egg. However, if handled at all, or if a detect minutes (2d4x10). They are worth 3,500 x.p.
magic spell or similar effect is directed at it, the egg will shatter with a loud
bang. All creatures within 10’ will be struck by 1d4 shards of the egg’s shell, Eyes of Minute Seeing
each attacking as a 5d8 HD monster and doing 1d6+1 h.p. of damage. No
dexterity bonus is included when calculating these hits. Any fragile item within These appear to be a pair of round crystal lenses that fit over the eyes of the
1’ will be automatically destroyed, and those within 2’ must make a saving wearer. When worn, the wearer is able to see 100 times more powerfully
throw vs. crushing blow. It is worth no x.p. when looking at objects closer than 1’ away (thus, a minute crack in a wall
would become patently obvious, making the detection of secret doors and
Ever-full Purse panels much easier – a 5 in 6 chance when making a minute inspection). Such
crystal eyes must be worn in pairs; if only one is worn, the wearer will be dizzy
This item will appear as a small leather belt pouch, and will have 78 coins and effectively stunned (unable to engage in combat, cast spells, etc.) until the
and/or gems within. It will radiate magic if detected for. If the purse is ever matching eye is worn or the single one is removed, and if one type of eye is
emptied for more than 5 minutes, its enchantment will be forever lost. However, mixed with another, insanity will inevitably result, lasting for 20-80 minutes
if 1 of each type of relevant coin or 10 g.p. value gem is left within overnight, (2d4x10). They are worth 2,000 x.p.
the purse will fill up with a total of 26 each (i.e., 25 will be added to the purse,
plus the one that was there to begin with). The types of coins/gems that are Eyes of Petrification
affected is determined randomly when the purse is first discovered:
These appear to be a pair of round crystal lenses that fit over the eyes of the
TABLE 136: EVER-FULL PURSE wearer. When worn, the wearer will be instantly turned to stone. They are
Die Roll (d%) Coins and Gems X.P. Value worth no x.p.
01-50 Silver, electrum, gold 1,500
51-90 Copper, electrum, platinum 2,500 Feather Token
91-00 Copper, electrum, gems (10 g.p. value) 4,000
Each of these items appears as a small feather with the appropriate symbol
Ever-smoking Bottle upon it, and will radiate magic if detected for. They are destroyed as they are
used. The exact type of feather token found, and its effect, should be
This appears to be a metal jug with a lead stopper, but will radiate magic if determined randomly when it is found:
detected for. Once the stopper is removed, smoke will begin to billow out from
the bottle, filling an area of 50,000 square feet per minute, and 10,000 TABLE 137: FEATHER TOKEN
additional square feet until a total of 120,000 square feet are covered in thick Die Roll X.P.
and obscuring smoke. The bottle cannot be re-sealed without the proper (d20) Symbol Effect Value
command word. It is worth 500 x.p. 1-3 Anchor Will cause a ship to be immobile for 1 500
full day.
Eyes of the Basilisk 4-6 Bird Will drive off any avian creature 500
(falcon, roc, etc.).
These appear to be a pair of round crystal lenses that fit over the eyes of the 7-9 Fan Will generate a strong breeze for up to 500
wearer. When worn, the wearer will turn those upon whom he gazes to stone. 8 hours on water. Not cumulative with
Note that, just as with a real basilisk, such a gaze attack can be reflected back any other wind.
upon the gazer! Such crystal eyes must be worn in pairs; if only one is worn, 10-12 Swan A large swan-shaped boat will appear, 500
the wearer will be dizzy and stunned until the matching eye is worn or the boat travels at 240’ per minute, can carry
single one is removed, and if one type of eye is mixed with another, insanity 32 men or 8 horses. It lasts 1 day.


Die Roll X.P. only once per month, and will only last for a total of 8 hours. When charging,
(d20) Symbol Effect Value it can only attack with its horns, but gains a +6 bonus to damage (per horn).
13-15 Tree A giant oak tree will appear (6’ 500
diameter, 60’ high, 40’ wide canopy). The goat of terror (AC 2, MV 360, HD 12d8, 48 h.p., 0 atk, size L (6’), SA
16-18 Whip A large whip will appear and attack 1,000 radiates terror) can only be used once every two weeks. It cannot attack itself,
any enemy desired (attacks as if it but its rider can use its horns as if they were a spear +3 and a long sword +6.
were a 9th level fighter, +1 bonus “to The goat of terror radiates a field of intense fear in a 30’ radius; any enemies
hit”, does 1d6+1 h.p. of damage, if within that area must make a saving throw vs. magic or be struck with terror-
hit, must save vs. magic or be bound induced weakness; 50% of their strength score is lost, and all “to hit” rolls in
for 1d6+1 minutes. Lasts for 1 hour. combat are made with at least a -3 penalty. The goat will return to statuette
19-20 Roc A giant roc will appear for 1 day, can 1,000 form once all enemies in the vicinity are defeated.
be used as transportation, but will not
attack. Marble elephants will, upon the command signal being uttered, turn into a life-
sized elephant. The exact type of elephant differs with each figurine, and
Other forms of the feather tokens are known to exist. should be determined when it is initially found:

Figurine of Wondrous Power TABLE 139: MARBLE ELEPHANT

Die Roll (d%) Elephant Type
These appear as small statuettes approximately an inch in height (with the 01-50 Asiatic elephant
exception of the marble elephant, which is 4” tall), which radiates magic if 51-90 African elephant
detected for. There are actually many different sorts of figurines; the exact type 91-93 Wooly Mammoth
should be determined randomly when the item is first discovered: 94-00 Mastadon

TABLE 138: FIGURINE OF WONDROUS POWER Details of each type of elephant can be found in the ADVENTURES DARK AND
Die Roll (d%) Figurine Number Found DEEP™ Bestiary. The marble elephant can be used but 4 times per month, each
01-15 Ebony fly 1 time for no more than 24 hours straight.
16-30 Golden lions 2
31-40 Ivory goats 3 Obsidian steeds are, in fact, nightmares (see the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™
41-55 Marble elephant 1 Bestiary for details). The steed can be ridden, but if the rider is of good
56-65 Obsidian steed 1 alignment, both mount and master will be taken to Hades 10% of the time,
66-85 Onyx dog 1 where the steed will revert to its statuette form. The statuette can be activated
86-00 Serpentine owl 1 for a maximum of 24 continuous hours, once per week. (Note that someone
riding a nightmare when it turns astral or ethereal will himself be rendered
When the figurine is tossed on the ground as the proper command word is thus, along with all his belongings.)
spoken, it will transform instantly into the appropriate creature, as described
below. They understand the common tongue and will obey the orders of the Onyx dogs are war dogs (see the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary for
one who activated the figurine. All figurines will be ruined if the statuette form details) with an intelligence of 8-10, the ability to speak the common tongue,
is destroyed, but if the creature form is slain, it will revert back to statuette form and vastly improved senses of scent and vision. These highly developed senses
and can be re-used after a week’s time. allow the dog to track a scent 100% of the time, minus 10% per hour that has
passed since the trail was left, and subject to the normal limitations of tracking
All figurines of wondrous power are worth 100 x.p. per hit die. by scent. In addition, the dog will have infravision to 90’, an 80% chance of
finding hidden objects or creatures, a 65% chance to detect invisible objects
Ebony fly statuettes become a large fly (AC 4, MV 480, HD 4d10, no attacks). or creatures, and a 50% chance of detecting astral, ethereal, and phased
The fly is able to fly at speeds of 480’ per minute if unburdened, 360’ per creatures and objects. It can be activated for a maximum of 6 hours straight,
minute with any weight up to 210 lbs., and 240’ per minute carrying up to once per week.
350 lbs. It can be activated but three times per week, and then only for 12
continuous hours, maximum. At the end of that time it will automatically revert Serpentine owls can assume two different forms, depending on the command
to statuette form. word that is spoken. The first is that of a normal owl, and the second is that of
a giant owl (see the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary for details on both).
Golden lions are found in pairs, and each golden lion figurine is identical. The regular-sized owl can communicate with its master telepathically, although
They become normal male lions (see the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary it is limited to its animal-like intelligence. It can be called forth at will. The giant
for full statistics). owl, on the other hand, can only be summoned three times in all, before the
figurine loses all of its magical powers. (“Serpentine” refers to the stone from
Ivory goats come in three different types, and the statuette form is slightly which the figurine is made, not any sort of snake-like association.)
different in each case. Each figurine will become inertt after three uses. Flask of Curses

The goat of traveling (AC 6, MV 480, HD 4d8, 24 h.p., 2 atk: 1d8/1d8 This appears to be a metal jug with a lead stopper, but will radiate magic if
(horns), size M (4’)) can travel for a total of 24 hours per week (they need not detected for. When opened, a curse will afflict the person unstoppering the
be continuous). For each 14 lbs. of weight carried, the speed of the goat of flask, and possibly those in the vicinity as well. The exact nature of the curse
traveling is reduced by 10. Once returned to statuette form, it must rest for 24 is open to the game master’s discretion (see the remove curse spell description
hours before being reactivated. in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual for details). It is worth no
The goat of travail (AC 0, MV 240, HD 16d12, 96 h.p., 5 atk: 2d4+2 /
2d4+2 (hooves) / 2d4 (bite) / 2d6 / 2d6 (horns), size L (6’)) can be activated

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

Flowing Flagon long and 5’ long at its base. Any creature in this area must make a saving
throw vs. magic. Failure indicates total blindness for 1d4 minutes and
This appears to be a silver flagon with reliefs of grapes, vines, people drinking permanent eye damage resulting in a penalty of 1d4 to all “to hit” rolls. A heal
in camaraderie, etc. It radiates magic if detected for. There is always an spell can cure the permanent damage. The gem of brightness has 50 charges,
inscription of a toast, but it can only be read by the first person to grasp the but a darkness spell will drain it of one charge or deactivate it entirely for 1
flagon. Once the toast has been read, the flagon will fill with good, but weak, minute (owner’s choice). Continual darkness will drain 5 charges or render the
wine. At this point the inscription will change to another toast. Once the wine gem useless for a full day (again, owner’s choice). It is worth 2,000 x.p.
is drunk and the inscription read again, it will fill again, this time with stronger
wine. This process repeats a total of six times, at which point the wine is nearly Gem of Insight
80% alcohol. There is only a 10% chance that the subtle increase in alcohol
will be noticed with each refill, thus making it quite possible for the drinker to This appears to be a clear gemstone of some 5,000 g.p. in value, but will
get unwittingly intoxicated. The flagon will go through the cycle up to three radiate magic if detected for. After a week, the possessor of this gem will feel
times per day. It is worth 750 x.p. his mental powers growing; his thoughts become clearer, memory improves,
etc. If the gem is kept on his person for three consecutive months, he will gain
1 point of intelligence and 1 point of wisdom. The rise in intelligence is
permanent. The rise in wisdom will only last as long as the gem remains in the
owner’s possession. Such gems will only function once every fifty years, and
the same person cannot benefit from a gem of insight more than once in his
lifetime. It is worth 3,000 x.p.

Gem of Seeing

This appears to be a clear gemstone of ordinary sort, but will radiate magic if
detected for. If looked through, the gem of seeing will pierce any illusion and
show creatures and objects that are invisible, ethereal, astral, phased, or
hidden. It can be used to either quickly scan or minutely inspect an area.
Scanning has a range of 300’, will find only large objects, and takes 1 minute
to scan 200 square feet. Inspecting has a range of 100’, will find small objects,
and takes 2 minutes to inspect 100 square feet. There is a 5% chance each
time the gem of seeing is used that it will induce a hallucination; either seeing
something there that is not, or believing something to be an illusion that is in
fact real. It is worth 2,000 x.p.
Flute of Wonder

Girdle of Dwarvenkind
This wind instrument will radiate magic if detected for. If played by a bard
with a proficiency in flute, it can produce the following effects once per day:
This appears to be a broad leather belt, but will radiate magic if detected for.
Once donned, the girdle of dwarvenkind will bestow the following abilities
 Hold animal
and benefits upon the wearer, but they will be lost once the girdle is removed:
 Neutralize poison
 Protection from fire (10’ radius)
 Charisma is increased by 2 when dealing with dwarves, increased
by 1 when dealing with gnomes or halflings with dwarvish blood,
A bard who does not have proficiency in flute will be able to employ these
and lowered by 1 when dealing with any other race
powers only 30% of the time. If he attempts and fails, another attempt cannot
 Constitution is increased by 1
be made until the next day. A bard with flute as one of his instruments will be
 Able to speak, and read/write dwarvish
able to use his verbal patter skill with a +20% bonus when using this
 Infravision 60’ range
instrument. Those without flute as an instrument can still use it and will get a
 Saving throw bonuses as if he were a dwarf
+10 bonus to verbal patter, but no other abilities. It is usable only by bards
 Underground detection abilities as if he were a dwarf
(but not jesters). It is worth 3,000 x.p.

It is worth 3,500 x.p.

Gauntlets of Ogre Power

Girdle of Femininity/Masculinity
These appear to be the sort of heavy protective leather handgear worn in
conjunction with armor, and will radiate magic if detected for. They will fit any
This appears to be a broad leather belt, but will radiate magic if detected for.
size hand up to ogre-size, magically changing their own size to accommodate
Once donned, it will instantly change the gender of the wearer to its opposite.
the wearer. Once donned, the wearer’s strength will be increased to 18/00
10% of these belts will remove all gender completely. Once the curse has been
(even if worn by a non-fighter). They cannot be used by mages, and are worth
activated, the belt will lose all magical properties. The gender change cannot
1,000 x.p.
be reversed short of a wish spell, and even then it only has a 50% chance of
Gem of Brightness
being effective. A deity could reverse the effect, if desired. It has no effect on
mages, and is worth no x.p.
This appears to be a clear gemstone of ordinary sort, but will radiate magic if
detected for. When one of three command words is uttered, three different
Girdle of Giant Strength
effects can be activated. The first is a cone of light 10’ long and 2 ½’ wide at
the base. The second is a ray of bright light 1’ in diameter and 50’ long. If this
This appears to be a broad leather belt, but will radiate magic if detected for.
ray hits a creature in the eyes, it must make a saving throw vs. magic. Failure
Once donned, it will increase the strength of the wearer according to the type
indicates the creature is struck blind for 1d4 minutes. This use drains 1 charge
of belt that has been found.
from the gem. The third function is a momentarily blinding cone of light 30’


will simply deflect it before it harms the wearer, and it will return to its original
TABLE 140: GIRDLE OF GIANT STRENGTH owner. They are worth 1,500 x.p.
Die Roll (d%) Giant Type Strength Score
01-30 Hill 19 Gloves of Swimming and Climbing
31-50 Stone/Cliff 20
51-70 Frost/Fomorian 21 These appear as a pair of light leather gloves of ordinary appearance, but will
71-85 Fire 22 radiate magic if detected for. They will fit any sized hand up to ogre-sized,
86-95 Cloud/Mist/Firbolg 23 magically changing their own size to accommodate the wearer. Once donned,
96-00 Storm 24 they allow the wearer to swim at a speed of 150’ per minute when submerged
and 180’ per minute when on the surface (water breathing is not part of the
The effects of high strength scores can be found in the ADVENTURES DARK AND enchantment, however). In addition, the wearer can climb difficult and nearly
DEEP™ Players Manual. In addition, the wearer is able to hurl boulders as if he vertical surfaces with a 95% chance of success. If worn by a thief, they increase
were a giant of the type indicated. See the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ his climb walls success rate to 99.5%. They cannot be used by mages, and
Bestiary for details. The girdle of giant strength cannot be used by mages, and are worth 1,000 x.p.
is worth 200 x.p.
Gloves of Thievery
Girdle of Many Pouches
These appear as a pair of light leather gloves of ordinary appearance, but will
This appears to be a broad leather belt, but will radiate magic if detected for. radiate magic if detected for. Once worn, these gloves cannot be seen, save
Upon inspection, eight small pouches will be revealed on the inner surface. by true seeing, magical detection, etc. They allow the wearer to open locks as
Each of these actually contains eight other spaces, for a total of sixty-four. Each if he was a 7th level thief, and pick pockets as if he was a thief of 5th level
opens into a miniature extra-planar space, and is able to hold objects 1 cubic (include racial and dexterity bonuses if any). If worn by a thief of greater level,
foot in size and up to 10 lbs. in weight. It is worth 1,000 x.p. they will add 5% to his open locks and pick pockets scores. They are worth
1,000 x.p.
Gloves of Dexterity
Hammer, Dwarven Thrower
These appear as a pair of light leather gloves of ordinary appearance, but will
radiate magic if detected for. They will fit any size hand up to ogre-size, This appears to be an enchanted hammer, and in the hands of anyone except
magically changing their own size to accommodate the wearer. Once donned, a dwarf will function as a +2 weapon. When it is wielded by a dwarf, and
they will increase the dexterity score of the wearer by a factor dependent on the command word is spoken, the weapon will have a +3 bonus “to hit” and
his starting score: to damage, and if thrown will do double damage and will automatically return
to the wielder’s hand When thrown against giants, ogres, trolls, ettins, ogre
TABLE 141: GLOVES OF DEXTERITY magi, and the like, however, it will do triple damage if it hits. It is worth 1,500
Wearer’s Dexterity Score Dexterity Increased By x.p.
3-6 +4
7-13 +2 Handy Haversack
14+ +1
This appears to be a well-made backpack of ordinary sort, but will radiate
If worn by a character who cannot normally pick locks (as per the thief ability), magic if detected for. There are two side pockets that function as bags of
the wearer can pick locks as if he were a 4th level thief. Otherwise, the holding; each is able to hold up to 2 cubic feet, and 20 lbs., of material. The
character’s chance to pick locks is increased by 10%. They are worth 1,000 main portion of the backpack is similarly enchanted, and can hold 8 cubic feet
x.p. or 80 lbs. of possessions. In addition, when a given item is sought by the
owner of the haversack, that item will magically be at the top of the opening,
Gloves of Fumbling thus making it unnecessary to root around for a needed item. In addition, the
contents of the handy haversack all get a +2 bonus on any saving throws for
These appear as a pair of light leather gloves of ordinary appearance, but will any reason, as necessary. It is worth 3,000 x.p.
radiate magic if detected for. They will fit any size hand up to ogre-size,
magically changing their own size to accommodate the wearer. Once donned, Hat of Difference
they will appear to be gauntlets of dexterity. However, once the wearer is
engaged in actual combat with a dangerous enemy, or in a similarly This appears to be a normal wide-brimmed hat of ordinary type, but will
dangerous situation, the curse of the gauntlets will show itself. The wearer’s radiate magic when detected for. When donned, it allows the wearer to
dexterity score will be lowered by 2 points, and there is a 50% chance that function as if he were a first level character in some other class (which is named
anything held in the hands will be dropped. Once the curse expresses itself, as the hat is put on). Ability scores, hit points, race, etc. remain unchanged.
the gloves cannot be removed unless a remove curse spell has been cast upon Any experience points gained while functioning as another class apply only to
them. They are worth no x.p. that class; when the hat is removed and put on again with the same class being
adopted, the experience previously gained while in that class will still apply.
Gloves of Missile Snaring Thus, it is possible to work one’s way up in level in several different classes by
means of the hat of difference. However, if the hat is ever lost (more than a
These appear as a pair of light leather gloves of ordinary appearance, but will mile away from the owner for more than 24 consecutive hours), all such
radiate magic if detected for. When worn, they can only be detected by others “stored” experience will be permanently lost. It is worth 1,000 x.p. when first
within 5’. The wearer has the ability to pluck out incoming projectiles (arrows, found.
crossbow bolts, sling bullets, axes, daggers, javelins, spears, hammers, etc.).
Once caught, the missile can then be hurled back at an enemy, if applicable.
Magic missiles, fireballs, etc., cannot be thus caught. If the weapon in question
is of a type that magically returns to the wielder, the gloves of missile snaring

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

Hat of Disguise remaining gems on the helm will go off simultaneously. The helm is worth
2,500 x.p.
This appears to be a normal wide-brimmed hat of ordinary type, but will
radiate magic when detected for. Once donned, it allows the wearer to assume Helm of Comprehension
the guise of another creature. Height can be changed up to 25%; weight 50%;
gender changed; hair, eyes, and skin changed to any color; and facial This appears to be nothing but an ordinary steel helmet, but will radiate magic
features altered to any desired. The disguise will be undone if the hat is if detected for. Once worn, the helm allows the wearer to understand all non-
removed, but the hat can be reused any number of times. No matter the magical languages 90% of the time, and magical writings 80% of the time.
disguise, however, the hat itself must be a part of it (whether that is as a helmet, Note that the spell does not imbue the wearer with the ability to cast spells,
hat, hood, tiara, scarf, beret, etc.). It is worth 1,000 x.p. merely to understand what is written. It is worth 1,000 x.p.

Hat of Stupidity Helm of Opposite Alignment

This appears to be a normal wide-brimmed hat of ordinary type, but will This appears to be nothing but an ordinary steel helmet, but will radiate magic
radiate magic when detected for. Once donned, the wearer will believe the if detected for. Once donned, the alignment of the wearer is instantly flipped
hat to immeasurably assist in thinking, reasoning, deduction, etc. and will to its polar opposite; lawful good becomes chaotic evil, neutral evil becomes
refuse to ever part with it, especially when such activities are required. In neutral good, etc. Those with true neutral alignments will be transformed to
reality, however, the wearer’s intelligence score will be reduced to 7 (or suffer one of the “absolute” alignments: LG, LE, CG, or CG (pick whichever is most
a -1 penalty if it is already below 7). The hat can only be permanently removed opposite the character’s moral standing). Once the change is effected, the
after a remove curse spell has been cast upon it. It is worth no x.p. character will find his new alignment completely normal and desirous, and will
have no incentive to want to change back. Nothing short of a wish or alter
Healing Ointment reality spell will reverse the effect. Once the helm has worked its magic, it
becomes an ordinary, non-magical helm thereafter. It is worth no x.p.
From 1-3 small sealed jars of this ointment will be found; each jar contains 5
doses. Its application will neutralize poison, cure disease, or cure 1d4+8 h.p. Helm of Telepathy
of damage (it will function if applied topically or swallowed). It is worth 500
x.p. This appears to be nothing but an ordinary steel helmet, but will radiate magic
if detected for. Once donned, the wearer is able to read the thoughts of other
Helm of Brilliance beings within 60’. Note that such thoughts will be in the native language of
the thinker, so the wearer of the helm must be able to understand such
This appears to be nothing but an ordinary steel helmet, but will radiate magic languages in order to take advantage of the telepathic power it confers. 3’ of
if detected for. Once worn, and upon utterance of a command word, the helm stone, 3” of iron, or a thin layer of gold or lead will block the helm. The helm
will provide a bonus of 2 to the wearer’s armor class, and its true nature will also allows the wearer to communicate to another creature (with the same note
be revealed. It will be seen to be of mirror-bright steel encrusted with gems, as regarding language), or at the very least the emotional state of the wearer can
described below. When the helmet is in sunlight, it will reflect the light in a be imparted. It is possible for the helm to be used to impart a telepathic
brilliant scintillating pattern of color. suggestion (as per the spell); compare the intelligence scores of both the
wearer of the helm and the target. For every point of difference in the wearer’s
The helm will glow with a pale blue light in the presence of undead (30’), favor, the saving throw vs. the suggestion is made with a -1 penalty. For every
which will cause 1d6 hit points of damage to all undead save zombies and point in the target’s favor, the saving throw is made with a +1 bonus. Anyone
skeletons. In but 1 minute, the wearer can cause any sword he is holding to wearing a helm of telepathy who successfully makes a saving throw against a
function as if it were a flame brand sword. The wearer can produce flame (as psychic strike attack will cause the attacker to be stunned for 1d4 rounds. The
per the spell) as if he were a 5th level druid once per minute. In addition, the helm is worth 3,000 x.p.
wearer is protected as if he were wearing a ring of fire resistance of double
strength, but this protection cannot be combined with any other magical Helm of Teleportation
protection against flame.
This appears to be nothing but an ordinary steel helmet, but will radiate magic
In addition to the at-will powers noted above, the gems covering the helm also if detected for. It allows the wearer to teleport (as per the spell) once per day.
have effects that can be called upon. If worn by a mage who has the spell teleport memorized, it allows him to cast
the spell three times for every time it is actually memorized, using it on other
TABLE 142: HELM OF BRILLIANCE people and objects before teleporting himself. If he uses the spell to teleport
Number on himself alone, he can cast it six times before the spell actually fades from his
Gem Helm Effect As if Cast By memory. It is worth 2,500 x.p.
Diamond 10 Prismatic spray 7th level illusionist
Ruby 20 Wall of fire 10th level druid Helm of Underwater Action
Fire Opal 30 Fireball 6th level mage
Opal 40 Light 2nd level cleric This appears to be nothing but an ordinary steel helmet, but will radiate magic
if detected for. When donned, and once a command word is spoken, the helm
Each gem effect can be activated in but 6 seconds (1 segment), but only one creates a bubble of air around the wearer’s head indefinitely, allowing him to
such effect can be used in a given minute. As each gem effect is activated, the breathe underwater while it is worn. It also improves vision underwater to five
corresponding gem turns to dust. Once all of the gems are expended, the helm times the human norm (it doesn’t allow the wearer to see through obstructions,
loses all of its powers, even those that are not generated by the gems but it does help penetrate the watery gloom). It is worth 1,000 x.p.
Should the wearer ever fail a saving throw vs. a fire-based attack, he must then
make a second saving throw vs. magic (no bonuses). If that fails, all of the


Horn of Blasting shell protects from physical contact by creatures of an extra-planar nature of
evil or neutral alignment (such as devils, demons, elementals, etc.), as well as
This appears to be a normal trumpet of brass or similar material, but will “normal” animals summoned by magical means (such as the various animal
radiate magic if detected for. When the command word is spoken and the summoning spells, q.v.). In addition to being proof against physical attack, the
horn is blown, a sonic blast will issue forth, some 120’ long and 30’ wide at spell also affords the person bearing its protection a +2 on any saving throws
the base, which causes all within the area to make a saving throw vs. magic. caused by attacks by such creatures, and enchanted and summoned creatures
Success indicates that they are deafened for 2 minutes and stunned for 1 attempting any attacks that do not involve direct physical contact (such as
minute. Failure indicates they take 1d10 h.p. damage, are stunned for 2 missiles, etc.) incur a -2 on their rolls “to hit”. If sounded by someone of evil
minutes, and deafened for 4 minutes. In addition, all structures in the area of alignment, it will have the same effect, but as if a protection from good 10’
effect are damaged as if three large catapult boulders had struck them (walls radius spell had been cast. If winded by someone of non-good or non-evil
will be damaged or destroyed, wooden bridges collapsed, etc.). If used alignment, it will have no effect. It is worth 750 x.p.
against a ship, it will cause 180 h.p. of damage. Against fortifications, the
amount of damage done depends on the substance of the construction.


Substance Damage Done
Wood 180 h.p.
Earth 60 h.p.
Soft stone 80 h.p.
Hard stone 40 h.p.

Each time the horn is sounded, there is a 2% cumulative chance that it will
shatter due to the stresses its function places upon it. If it is used more than
once in the same day, there is a 10% cumulative chance that it will explode in
the user’s face, causing 5d10 h.p. of damage and becoming ruined in the
process. It is worth 5,000 x.p.

Horn of Bubbles

This appears to be a normal trumpet of brass or similar material, but will

radiate magic if detected for. If blown in the presence of some enemy who is
actively and actually attempting to harm the wielder, it will call forth an
enormous quantity of bubbles, completely surrounding and blinding the holder
for 2d10 minutes. If the horn is sounded without the presence of an enemy,
the bubbles will not appear immediately, but will instead begin to form once
such an enemy is present. The horn is worth no x.p.

Horn of Collapsing

This appears to be a normal trumpet of brass or similar material, but will

radiate magic if detected for. If the command word is spoken, and the horn
then sounded, it will collapse a section of ceiling up to 60’ from the user, some
10’ in radius. Doing so will cause 3d12 h.p. of damage if done indoors, and
5d4 h.p. if done underground (doubled if the material falls 20’ or more). There
is a 10% chance that it will collapse the ceiling above the user, rather than
where it was aimed. If it is blown without the command word being spoken
first, it will automatically collapse the ceiling above the user, and if outside will Horn of the Tritons
cause a rain of 2d6 stones, each of which does 1d6 h.p. of damage to the
person blowing the horn. It is worth 1,500 x.p. This appears to be a conch shell, but will radiate magic if detected for. It can
be sounded but once per day (thrice daily if blown by a triton). It can cause
Horn of Fog the following effects when blown (user’s choice):

This appears to be a normal trumpet of brass or similar material, but will  Calm rough seas, including dispelling creatures summoned from the
radiate magic if detected for. For each continuous minute the horn is sounded, elemental plane of water
the horn of fog will create a misty mass some 10’ on a side, moving along the  Cause panicked flight amongst all sea creatures within 120’ that
ground at some 10’ per minute. It will last for 2d4 minutes after the horn has have an intelligence score of 1 or less and fail a saving throw vs.
been stilled. Of course, another cloud can be immediately created. The clouds magic. Those who make their saving throw will have a -5 penalty
obscure vision past 2’, but no other ill effects will be forthcoming. It is worth “to hit” for 30-180 minutes (3d6x10)
400 x.p.  Summon friendly sea-creatures who will obey the user as best they
can, given the limitations of communication. They will be able to
Horn of Goodness/Evil understand simple desires such as “attack that creature”, “allow my
friends to ride you”, etc., but not complex instructions with
This appears to be a normal trumpet of brass or similar material, but will conditional variables, etc. If some other means of communication is
radiate magic if detected for. If sounded by someone of good alignment, the available, then more complex instructions could be communicated.
horn will create a zone of protection from evil in a 10’ radius around him. This

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

TABLE 144: HORN OF THE TRITONS Horseshoes of Speed

Die Roll (d6) Creatures Summoned
1-2 5d4 hippocampi These appear to be a set of ordinary iron horseshoes, but will radiate magic if
3-5 5d6 giant sea horses detected for. Once a horse has been shod with them, they will allow it to travel
6 1d10 sea lions at double its normal speed. For every 21 miles traveled, there is a 1% chance
that one of the horseshoes will be thrown, resulting in the horse only moving
All tritons within 3 miles will be able to hear the horn when it is blown. It can 150% of normal speed. If two shoes are thrown, it will move at normal speed.
only be used by clerics, cavaliers, and fighters, and is worth 2,000 x.p. They are worth 2,000 x.p. for the set.

Horn of Valhalla Horseshoes of a Zephyr

This appears to be a normal trumpet of brass or similar material, but will These appear to be a set of ordinary iron horseshoes, but will radiate magic if
radiate magic if detected for. Once the command word is uttered, it will detected for. Once a horse has been shod with them, they allow it to travel
transform into its actual form, which should be determined when the horn is without actually touching the ground. Thus, the horse can move over water,
first discovered. Blowing the horn once the command word has been spoken move across sand or snow without leaving any tracks, etc. It can also run or
will instantly summon a number of loyal fighters, depending on the type of walk for 12 hours without tiring. They are worth 1,500 x.p. for the set.
Incense of Meditation
Die Roll X.P. 2d4 cones of this normal-appearing incense will be found together. Once lit,
(d20) Color Summons Usable By Value any cleric of 5th level or higher will recognize it for what it is. If a cleric burns
1-8 Silver 1d6+4 2nd Anyone 1,000 the incense while meditating for 8 hours, all of his spell effects for the following
level fighters 24 hours will be at the maximum possible effect (in those cases where effects
9-15 Brass 1d8+2 3rd Bards, clerics, 2,000 are randomly generated, such as the various cure wounds spells). It can only
level fighters fighters, be used by clerics, and is worth 500 x.p.
thieves Incense of Obsession
16-18 Bronze 2d4 4th level Cavaliers, 3,000
fighters clerics, fighters 2d4 cones of this normal-appearing incense will be found together. Once lit,
19-20 Iron 1d4+1 5th Cavaliers, 4,000 any cleric of 5th level or higher will believe it to be incense of meditation. If
level fighters fighters burned while a cleric meditates for 8 hours, that cleric will come to believe that
his spells are of maximum potency, and will further become obsessed with the
The fighters summoned will all have 6 h.p. per level, be armored with mail idea that his spell-casting ability is the solution to every problem encountered,
and shield, and armed with either long sword and spear (50%) or battle axe even (especially) when it is not. This obsession will last for 24 hours following
and spear (50%). They will obey the commands of the one who blew the horn, the incense’s being burned. It can only be used by clerics, and is worth no x.p.
remaining until their foes have been slain or an hour has elapsed, whichever
comes first. The horn can only be sounded once per week. Instant Fortress

Hornblade This appears to be a small cube, less than an inch on each side, made of some
unknown metal. When the proper side is pressed, the cube will, in but the
This appears to be a piece of crescent-shaped animal horn some 6”-18” in space of a single minute, spring into a large tower of solid adamantite 20’
length set into a handle, and even minute inspection will not reveal anything square at the base, 30’ high, and whose walls sink 10’ into the ground. The
else 90% of the time, although it will radiate magic if detected for. If the hidden top of the fortress has a crenellated battlement, and there are arrow slits on all
stud is pressed, however, the horn will issue forth a steel blade of curved aspect sides. There is a single door, which is impervious to normal attempts to open
and wicked sharpness. The exact function of the blade when extended should it (knock spells will work, however). The door will always appear on the side
be determined when it is first discovered: facing the activator of the cube, who can cause it to open and close at his
command. The whole structure can sustain 200 points of damage, but only
TABLE 146: HORNBLADE siege-type weaponry (catapults, trebuchets, etc.) will prove effective. The
Blade Size fortress cannot be repaired, however, so damage is permanent. Anyone
Die Roll (d%) and Bonus X.P. Value caught under the fortress as it grows to full size will suffer 10d10 hit points of
01-20 Knife, +1 500 damage. It is worth 7,000 x.p.
21-35 Knife, +2 1,000
36-50 Dagger, +1 750 Ioun Stones
51-70 Dagger, +2 1,500
71-90 Scimitar, +2 2,000 These mysterious stones are instantly identifiable, as they constantly float in the
91-00 Scimitar, +3 3,000 air; 1d10 stones will be found. To be effective, they must circle the head of
their owner (which they do at a radius of between one and three feet); any
Druids may use a hornblade, although the weapon should be treated as the benefit is lost if they are not in such an orbit. The type of stone(s) found should
indicated weapon type for all intents and purposes. The knife and dagger be determined randomly; treat any duplicates as a dull gray stone.
sized versions may be thrown. It may be retracted when not in use, to aid in


TABLE 147: IOUN STONES will be completely hostile if it makes its saving throw. When found, the flask
Die Roll may already have a creature imprisoned within it.
(d20) Color Shape Effect
1 Pale blue Rhomboid +1 strength TABLE 148: IRON FLASK
2 Scarlet and blue Sphere +1 intelligence Die Roll (d%) Flask Contains
3 Blue Sphere +1 wisdom 01-50 Nothing
4 Red Sphere +1 dexterity 51-54 Air elemental
5 Pink Rhomboid +1 constitution 55-56 Lesser demon
6 Pink and green Sphere +1 charisma 57 Greater demon
7 Pale green Prism +1 experience level 58-59 Lesser devil
8 Clear Spindle Owner does not need 60 Greater devil
food or water 61-65 Djinni
9 Iridescent Spindle Owner does not need 66-69 Earth elemental
air 70-72 Efreeti
10 Pearly white Spindle Regenerate 1 h.p. / 10 73-76 Fire elemental
min. 77-81 Invisible stalker
11 Pale lavender Ellipsoid Absorbs 1d4x10 levels 82-83 Lesser daemon
of spells up to 4th level, 84 Greater daemon
then burns out 85-86 Night hag
12 Lavender and Ellipsoid Absorbs 2d4x10 levels 87-89 Rakshasa
green of spells up to 8th level, 90-93 Salamander
then burns out 94-97 Water elemental
13 Bright purple Prism Stores 2d6 levels of 98-99 Wind walker
spells (as a ring of spell 00 Xorn
14 Dusty rose Prism Acts as ring of The flask is worth no x.p.
protection +1
15-20 Dull gray Determine Burned out dead stone Javelin of Lightning
1d4+1 of these javelins will be found; they appear to be ordinary weapons,
In no case will an ioun stone increase a character’s ability score beyond the but will radiate magic if detected for. It can be hurled up to 90’, and if it hits,
racial maximum, but it will allow a character to exceed racial level limits (the a bolt of lightning some 30’ long and 5’ wide will spring backwards in the
bonus experience level is added to whatever the owner’s actual experience direction whence it was thrown, along the length of the javelin, blasting any
level is; it doesn’t actually add experience points to the character’s total). If in the bolt’s path. The creature hit will take 1d6 h.p. of damage from the javelin
attacked themselves, they are AC -4 and will take 10 points of damage before itself plus 20 h.p. of electrical damage. Any creatures in the path of the
they are destroyed. They save as hard metal objects (thus, if in the area of a lightning must make a saving throw vs. magic. Failure indicates they take 20
spell such as fireball, ioun stones should make saving throws). They are worth h.p. of electrical damage, success indicates they only take 10. The lightning
300 x.p. each. completely destroys the javelin. It can only be used by fighters, and is worth
250 x.p.
Iron Bands of Binding
Javelin of Piercing
This appears as an iron sphere, pitted and rusted, about the size of a
tangerine. Close inspection will reveal grooves along the surface of the sphere. 2d4 of these javelins will be found; they appear to be ordinary weapons, but
If the sphere is hurled at an enemy while the command word is spoken, the will radiate magic if detected for. When the command word is uttered, the
grooves will separate and the full nature of the iron bands will be revealed. javelin of piercing will launch itself towards the target, up to 60’ away (it need
On a successful roll “to hit”, the target creature is encircled by the bands and not be in direct line-of-sight, but must be visible). It is always considered to be
held immobile by them. The bands will work on any creature the size of a frost at short range, and is +6 “to hit” and damage. Each javelin can only be used
giant or smaller. The target is allowed a single bend bars/lift gates roll. once, whether or not it hits. It can only be used by fighters, and is worth 250
Success indicates that the creature has shrugged off the bands, ruining them x.p.
forevermore. Failure indicates that the creature is stuck fast until the command
word is spoken to release the bands. They are worth 750 x.p. Jewel of Attacks

Iron Flask This beautiful gem seems to be worth many thousands of g.p., and radiates
magic if detected for. The possessor will have twice as much chance of
This appears to be a bottle of iron, fitted with a lead stopper covered in various encountering a random encounter in a dungeon, city, or wilderness, and
mystical sigils and signs. It has several different command words for different double the chance of having enemies successfully pursue. The jewel is cursed,
functions. The first will force any single creature within 60’ from a plane other and if discarded, sold, given away, etc. it will mysteriously be found once
than the material to become imprisoned in the flask if it fails a saving throw vs. more on the person of the original possessor. A remove curse or atonement
magic (magic resistance also applies). Another command word allows the spell will allow the jewel to be finally discarded. It is worth no x.p.
possessor of the flask to command the inmate of the flask to complete a minor
task requiring no longer than one hour, when the plug is loosed. If the plug is Lens of Detection
loosed without such a command word being spoken, the creature will be under
no compunction to serve, and may well be hostile. The flask can only contain This appears to be a circular lens of clear crystal set in a metal handle, and
1 creature at a time, and if the same creature is commanded back into the will radiate magic if detected for. When looked through, the user is able to
flask for a second time, it will receive a bonus of +2 to its saving throw and see 50 times more powerfully when looking at objects closer than 1’ away

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

(thus, a minute crack in a wall would become patently obvious, making the
detection of secret doors and panels much easier – a 4 in 6 chance when Longtooth Dagger
making a minute inspection). In addition, the lens allows the user to track as if
he were a ranger, but only if he moves at 60’/min. or slower. It is worth 250 This appears to be an ordinary dagger +2. However, in the hands of a gnome
x.p. or halfling, it will grow in length to the size of a short sword, doing damage
accordingly, but still retain all the other properties of a dagger (weapon speed,
Lens of Ultravision etc.), but cannot be thrown. While wielded by a gnome or halfling, it can also
cut through wood or stone as if it were flesh.
This appears to be a circular crystal of pale blue-green color, some 1½” in
diameter and with many facets. It will radiate magic if detected for. When Love Potion
looked through, it allows the user to see as if he had ultravision, with general
shapes being seen at a range of 240’, and details at 120’. It is worth 750 This potion will cause the drinker to fall in love with the first creature he sees.
x.p. For the first 40 minutes plus 10d4 minutes, this will have the effect of making
the drinker believe the object of his affection is a friend who should be
Libram of Gainful Conjuration protected and whose advice is sound. It does not turn the subject into a
mindless slave; a command to kill oneself would not be followed, for example.
This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and Physical harm will break the effect immediately. If the object of the drinker’s
its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will affection is of the opposite sex and of a similar race, he will remain enamored
radiate magic if detected for. If a mage (including sub-classes) of an alignment (a sort of lesser version of the full effect) forever, or until a dispel magic spell
other than good or evil (i.e, neutral, lawful neutral, or chaotic neutral) spends is cast upon him. It is worth 200 x.p. and requires the hair of a dryad to create.
a full and uninterrupted week studying its contents, he will automatically gain
enough experience points to reach the mid-point of his next experience level. Lyre of Building
Only one character can read from it at a time. After it has been read, the book
will disappear into dust. If a mage of good or evil alignment reads any part of This appears to be an ordinary musical instrument; it will radiate magic if
the book, he will take 5d4 h.p. of damage, be sent into a coma for 5d4x10 detected for, but its full nature cannot be determined until it is actually played.
minutes, and will be unable to gain any experience points until an atonement If the proper tune is played, the lyre of building can be made to cancel the
spell has been cast upon him. If a non-mage should read any part of the book, effects on constructions (fortifications, tunnels, walls, etc.) of a horn of blasting,
he must make a saving throw vs. spells or be driven insane, requiring both a the spell disintegrate, or the attack of an earth elemental. In addition, the
remove curse spell and 1 month of rest (a heal spell will also suffice). The same proper song can be played and building work equivalent to that of 300 men
character can never benefit from the same sort of book again. It is worth 8,000 working for a full day can be completed in but half an hour. Buildings, tunnels,
x.p. when first discovered. walls, mine shafts, etc., can all be thus created. There is a 1% chance that a
mistake will be made each time the lyre is played to build things, totally
Libram of Ineffable Damnation negating whatever work had been accomplished with it. If the player of the
lyre is disturbed (takes damage, etc.), the chance rises to 10%. It is worth
This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and 5,000 x.p.
its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will
radiate magic if detected for. If a mage (including sub-classes) of evil alignment Lyre of the Elements
spends a full and uninterrupted week studying its contents, he will automatically
gain enough experience points to reach the mid-point of his next experience This stringed instrument will radiate magic if detected for. If played by a bard
level. Only one character can read from it at a time. After it has been read, with a proficiency in lyre, he can call forth the following powers once per day:
the book will disappear into dust. If a mage of non-evil alignment reads any
part of the book, he will lose 1 experience level, take 5d4 h.p. of damage, be  Control winds
sent into a coma for 5d4x10 minutes, and will be unable to gain any  Transmute rock to mud
experience points until an atonement spell has been cast upon him. If a non-  Wall of fire
mage should read any part of the book, he must make a saving throw vs. spells  Lower water
or be driven insane, requiring both a remove curse spell and 1 month of rest
(a heal spell will also suffice). The same character can never benefit from the A bard who does not have proficiency in lyre will be able to employ these
same sort of book again. It is worth 8,000 x.p. when first discovered. powers only 30% of the time. If he attempts and fails, another attempt cannot
be made until the next day. A bard with lyre as one of his instruments will be
Libram of Silver Magic able to use his verbal patter skill with a +20% bonus when using this
instrument. Those without lyre as an instrument can still use it and will get a
This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and +10 bonus to verbal patter, but no other abilities. It is usable only by bards
its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will (but not jesters). It is worth 5,000 x.p.
radiate magic if detected for. If a mage (including sub-classes) of good
alignment spends a full and uninterrupted week studying its contents, he will Mail, Elfin
automatically gain enough experience points to reach the mid-point of his next
experience level. Only one character can read from it at a time. After it has This mail shirt is unmistakable, as the exquisite workmanship sets it apart from
been read, the book will disappear into dust. If a mage of non-good alignment all other mail armor. Elfin mail is so light that it can be worn beneath ordinary
reads any part of the book, he will lose 1 experience level, take 5d4 h.p. of clothing, and is so fine that it will only minimally inhibit thieves plying their
damage, be sent into a coma for 5d4x10 minutes, and will be unable to gain trade. It does not encumber the wearer at all. The magical bonus of the mail
any experience points until an atonement spell has been cast upon him. If a depends should be determined randomly.
non-mage should read any part of the book, he must make a saving throw vs.
spells or be driven insane, requiring both a remove curse spell and 1 month of
rest (a heal spell will also suffice). The same character can never benefit from
the same sort of book again. It is worth 8,000 x.p. when first discovered.


TABLE 149: MAIL, ELFIN of implementation. The program must be completed within 3 months of
Die Roll (d%) Armor Bonus X.P. Value reading, or the knowledge will be lost. Only one character can read from it at
01-38 +1 1,200 a time. After it has been read, the book will disappear into dust. The same
39-63 +2 2,000 character can never benefit from the same sort of book again. It is worth 5,000
64-82 +3 3,000 x.p. when first discovered.
83-95 +4 5,000
96-00 +5 7,500 Manual of Gainful Exercise

Most elfin mail is sized for elves and half-elves. However, occasionally such This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and
wondrous mail is created as gifts for those of other races. its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will
radiate magic if detected for. If read intensely over the course of a week, it
TABLE 150: ELFIN MAIL SIZE will give the reader the knowledge of secret exercise techniques that will allow
Die Roll (d%) Sized For him to increase his strength score by 1 point after a month of implementation.
01-10 Gnome, halfling Only one character can read from it at a time. After it has been read, the book
11-15 Dwarf will disappear into dust. The same character can never benefit from the same
16-80 Elf, half-elf sort of book again. It is worth 5,000 x.p. when first discovered.
81-95 Half-orc, Human (average)
96-00 Human (large; 200+ lbs) Manual of Golems

Mandolin of Might This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and
its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will
This stringed instrument will radiate magic if detected for. If played by a bard radiate magic if detected for. The manual of golems allows the reader to create
with a proficiency in mandolin, he can call forth the following powers once a golem of a particular type, as long as he is able to labor uninterrupted and
per day: with the manual by his side, and of course has the requisite materials ready.
There are different types of manuals, depending on the type of golem to be
 Cure serious wounds created; the type should be determined when the manual is first discovered.
 Dispel magic
 Protection from lightning (10’ radius) TABLE 151: MANUAL OF GOLEMS
Die Roll (d20) Golem Type Time to Create Materials Cost
A bard who does not have proficiency in mandolin will be able to employ 1-5 Clay 1 month 65,000 g.p.
these powers only 30% of the time. If he attempts and fails, another attempt 6-17 Flesh 2 months 50,000 g.p.
cannot be made until the next day. A bard with mandolin as one of his 18-19 Stone 3 months 80,000 g.p.
instruments will be able to use his verbal patter skill with a +20% bonus when 20 Iron 4 months 100,000 g.p.
using this instrument. Those without mandolin as an instrument can still use it
and will get a +10 bonus to verbal patter, but no other abilities. It is usable Only one character can read from it at a time. After it has been read, at the
only by bards (but not jesters). It is worth 4,000 x.p. end of the construction process, the book will disappear into dust. If a character
of less than 10th level attempts to create a golem using the manual, there is a
Mantle of Starry Wandering 10% chance per level below 10th that the end product will be a failure; either
(1-17) falling to pieces within minutes of the construction being complete, or
This appears to be a cloak of deepest black hue, but will radiate magic if (18-20) going berserk and turning on its creator.
detected for. Once donned, it affords the wearer the following powers and
abilities: Clerics can only create clay golems or read the appropriate manual. Mages
can only create the other types. If a mage reads the least bit from a manual
 The wearer may survive comfortably in vacuum and the icy cold of intended for clerics, he will lose 1d6x10,000 x.p. immediately, If a cleric
space reads anything from a manual intended for mages, he will lose 1 level of
 Complete protection against poison gas experience. If any other class reads from the manual, they will take 6d6 h.p.
 +1 bonus to all saving throws involving electricity, fire, and sound of damage. It is worth 3,000 x.p. when discovered.
 Food for one person for one day can be found in a pocket of the
mantle (once per day) Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms
 A pitcher containing 7 gallons of water can be found in another
pocket (once per day) This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and
 Wearer will never become hot, cold, wet, or damp its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will
 12 extra-planar pockets, 6 of which can hold up to 7 lbs. and 6 of radiate magic if detected for. If read intensely over the course of a week by a
which can hold 14 lbs. (in addition to the pockets which contain fighter, it will give the reader the knowledge of secret combat techniques that
food and water) will allow him to advance automatically to the middle of his next experience
level after a month of practice. The practice must be completed within 3 months
It is worth 1,500 x.p. of reading, or the knowledge will be lost. Only one character can read from
it at a time. After it has been read, the book will disappear into dust. Only
Manual of Bodily Health fighters or cavaliers can benefit from the manual’s secrets; other sub-classes of
those classes will gain 10,000 x.p. after reading its contents, but that is all the
This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and benefit they can derive from it. Any non-fighter who reads the book will not
its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will comprehend it. Any mage (or sub-class) who reads any portion of it will be
radiate magic if detected for. If read intensely over the course of a week, it stunned for 1d6x10 minutes and lose 1d6x10,000 x.p. if they fail a saving
will give the reader the knowledge of secret breathing and nutrition techniques throw vs. spells. The same character can never benefit from the same sort of
that will allow him to increase his constitution score by 1 point after a month book again. It is worth 8,000 x.p. when first discovered.

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

item (as opposed to a pile of many small items) is painted. Each pot is worth
Manual of Quickness of Action 500 x.p.

This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and Mattock of the Titans
its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will
radiate magic if detected for. If read intensely over the course of a week, it This enormous chisel-headed pickaxe is some 10’ in length and weighs 100
will give the reader the knowledge of secret exercise and stretching techniques lbs. It can only be effectively used by creatures of large size and at least 20
that will allow him to increase his dexterity score by 1 point after a month of strength. It can be used to ruin 100 cubic feet of packed earth (such as earthen
implementation. The program must be completed within 3 months of reading, walls, dike walls, etc.) in but 10 minutes. 20 cubic feet of rock can similarly
or the knowledge will be lost. Only one character can read from it at a time. be reduced to rubble in the same time. It can also be used as a weapon, with
After it has been read, the book will disappear into dust. The same character a +3 bonus “to hit” and doing 5d6 h.p. of damage, plus strength bonuses. It
can never benefit from the same sort of book again. It is worth 5,000 x.p. can only be used by fighters, and is worth 3,500 x.p.
when first discovered.
Maul of the Titans

This enormous hammer is some 8’ in length and weighs 150 lbs. It can only
be used by creatures of large size and at least 21 strength. It can strike 2
blows per round. Each blow can drive a wooden beam 2’ in diameter 4’ into
the earth, or destroy an ordinary wooden door utterly (doors with iron bands
would require two blows from the maul). If used as a weapon, it will get a +2
bonus “to hit” and do 10d4 h.p. of damage, plus strength bonuses. It is worth
4,000 x.p.

Medallion of ESP

This appears to be a heavy necklace of some semi-precious metal with a large

circular disc depending from it, and radiates magic if detected for. Once
donned, it allows the wearer to read the surface thoughts of any creatures in
range, as long as he can comprehend their native language. A general sense
of distance can also be discerned. Reading thoughts takes 1 complete minute.
The medallion is blocked by 3’ of stone, 2” of metal, or the thinnest layer of
lead or gold. It is used in a beam whose range and width should be determined
Manual of Stealthy Pilfering
when it is first discovered:
This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and
its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will
Die Roll Other X.P.
radiate magic if detected for. If read intensely over the course of a week by a
(d20) Range Beam Width Powers Value
thief, it will give the reader the knowledge of secret techniques that will allow
him to advance automatically to the middle of his next experience level after a 01-15 30’ 6’ n/a 1,000
month of practice. The practice must be completed within 3 months of reading, 16-18 30’ 6’ Empathy 2,000
or the knowledge will be lost. Only one character can read from it at a time. 19 60’ 11’ n/a 2,000
After it has been read, the book will disappear into dust. Only thieves can 20 90’ 11’ n/a 3,000
benefit from the manual’s secrets; sub-classes of thief will gain 10,000 x.p.
after reading its contents, but that is all the benefit they can derive from it. Any The medallion of ESP with empathy allows the wearer to read the general
non-thief who reads the book will not comprehend it. Any cleric (or sub-class), emotional state of the target, even if it does not normally use language.
ranger, or paladin who reads any portion of it will be stunned for 5d4x10
minutes, take 5d4 h.p. of damage, and lose 5d4x10,000 x.p. if they fail a Each time the medallion is used, there is a 1 in 6 chance that it will fail,
saving throw vs. spells. The same character can never benefit from the same producing no results. The beam produced starts at 2’ width and increases by
sort of book again. It is worth 8,000 x.p. when first discovered. 2’ for every 10’ of distance, up to the maximum stated above. The medallion
is ineffective against the undead, mindless constructs, etc.
Marvelous Pigments
Medallion of Thought Projection
When found, this will be a set of 1d4 small earthenware pots with lids, along
with a paintbrush approximately one foot long. All will radiate magic if This appears to be a heavy necklace of some semi-precious metal with a large
detected for. Each pot contains magical paint that can be used to create actual circular disc depending from it, and radiates magic if detected for. It works in
objects. 1 pot has enough paint to create an object some 1,000 cubic feet all ways like a medallion of ESP, but will broadcast the thoughts of the wearer
(although doing so will require a space 100 square feet on which to paint it). to those within the beam’s area, as well as reading the thoughts of those within
Thus, a 10’x10’x10’ pit could be painted on a floor, or a 10’ passage painted the beam. This will, of course, alert those in the beam. Each time it is used,
through a wall, a suit of chainmail and a sword could be created by painting there is a 1 chance in 6 that the wearer’s thoughts will be broadcast (roll 1d6;
it (non-magical, of course), etc. Nothing magical or animate can be thus on a roll of 1, it does not function at all, and on a roll of 6 it functions without
created; if valuables are depicted, they will turn out to be worthless (pyrite for broadcasting). It is worth no x.p.
gold, crystal for diamonds, etc.). It takes 10 minutes to apply a pot of pigment
to create a picture, and no artistic skill is necessary; the pigments and brush Mirror of Life Trapping
themselves will handle the actual creation, as long as the subject is being
concentrated upon. One pot is sufficient for one item, even if a single small This appears to be a pane of silvered glass some 2’ on a side, in an ornate
frame, which will radiate magic if detected for. The mirror will contain 1d6+12


separate 2-dimensional spaces wherein unfortunate creatures can be trapped plucked from the necklace by the wearer, and can be hurled up to 70’ away.
and held until they are released. Any creature coming within 30’ and seeing When it hits its target, it will explode as if it were a fireball (as per the spell),
its reflection in the mirror must make a saving throw vs. spells or be trapped doing a number of d6’s of damage depending on the type of necklace initially
within one of the mirror’s spatial prisons. Creatures actively stating they are found. The larger spheres will do more dice of damage, but the exact number
avoiding looking into the mirror have a 50% chance of successfully avoiding of damage dice will not be known:
the mirror’s effect, and those who are aware of the nature of the device have
but a 20% chance of being entrapped themselves. The mirror will affix itself to TABLE 153: NECKLACE OF MISSILES
a vertical surface by means of a certain command word. With another Die Roll
command, the owner of the mirror can bring forth one of its prisoners to the (d20) Globes Damage per Globe X.P. Value
mirror’s surface and hold conversation with it. A third command will free a 1-4 3 5d6, 3d6, 3d6 550
prisoner. In both cases the number of the spatial prison must explicitly be 5-8 5 6d6, 4d6, 4d6, 2d6, 2d6 900
known; the name of the prisoner is not enough. If the mirror is full and a new 9-12 7 7d6, 5d6, 5d6, 3d6, 3d6, 1,450
victim is entrapped, a random prisoner will be released in order to 3d6, 3d6
accommodate the newcomer. If the mirror is broken, all of its prisoners will be 13-16 9 8d6, 6d6, 6d6, 4d6, 4d6, 1,900
released, usually desiring to seek vengeance on the one who trapped them. 2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6
While in the mirror, time does not pass for the prisoners, who also do not age 17-18 7 9d6, 7d6, 7d6, 5d6, 5d6, 2,450
or require food. It can only be used by mages, and is worth 2,500 x.p. 3d6, 3d6
19 9 11d6, 9d6, 9d6, 7d6, 2,950
Mirror of Mental Prowess 7d6, 5d6, 5d6, 3d6, 3d6
20 9 10d6, 8d6, 8d6, 6d6, 3,240
This appears to be a pane of silvered glass some 2’ on a side, in an ornate 6d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6
frame, which will radiate magic if detected for. There are four specific powers
of the mirror, each of which is activated by a separate command word: Wearing the necklace is not without peril. If the possessor of the necklace
(whether it is worn or merely carried) fails a saving throw vs. a fire-based
 It allows the user to read the surface thoughts of any creature whose attack of some sort, the necklace itself must make a saving throw (as soft metal).
reflection is caught in the mirror. This applies even if the user If it fails, all the remaining fireballs will detonate with the possessor at the
doesn’t speak the language of the creature in question. epicenter of the blast. It is worth 50 x.p. per total hit dice.
 It can function as if it were a crystal ball with clairaudience, even
to the point of being able to view other planes (as long as the user Necklace of Prayer Beads
is well acquainted with the plane in question).
 Once an area has been scryed, a portal to that location can be This appears as an ordinary necklace worth no more than 10 g.p., but will
opened up. The portal is two-way, but invisible on the other end, radiate magic if detected for. Once worn around the neck of a cleric (not a
so care must be taken to note its precise location. subclass), its true nature will be revealed and it will turn into a necklace of
 Once per week, the spirit of the mirror can be asked a single gems worth some 2,500 g.p. In addition to the regular jewels of the necklace,
question about some creature whose face is shown (note that this there will be 1d6 finer stones worth 1,000 g.p. each; these are the prayer
can be either someone being scryed upon, or someone whose face beads themselves. If the wearer is a cleric, he will intuitively know that a
is reflected in the mirror). The answer will be very brief, but commune spell will reveal the nature of each bead. The specific function of
accurate. each bead should be determined randomly:

It is worth 5,000 x.p. TABLE 154: NECKLACE OF PRAYER BEADS

Die Roll (d20) Bead Type Effect
Mirror of Opposition 1-5 Atonement Atonement spell once per day
6-10 Blessing Bless spell once per day
This appears to be a pane of silvered glass some 2’ on a side, in an ornate 11-15 Curing Cure blindness, cure disease, or
frame, which will radiate magic if detected for. If a creature is reflected in the cure serious wounds spell once
mirror, a duplicate will instantly be created who will attack the original. The per day
creature need not see its reflection to activate this effect. Although the duplicate 16-17 Karma Cast an already-memorized
will have all of the powers and possessions of the original, once either the spell as if he were 4 levels
duplicate or the original is slain, the duplicate and all its possessions will higher, once per day
disappear. It is not worth any x.p. 18-19 Wind walking Wind walk spell once per day
20 Summons The cleric’s deity will appear in
Necklace of Adaptation person, seizing the necklace as
punishment. 10% of the time, a
This appears to be a heavy necklace of some semi-precious metal with a large powerful servant will be sent
circular disc depending from it, and radiates magic if detected for. It allows instead (but the necklace will
the wearer to go without drawing breath for up to 7 consecutive days. This still be forfeit).
renders moot such things as poisonous gasses, spores, breathing underwater,
etc. It is worth 1,000 x.p. It can only be used by clerics (not including sub-classes), and is worth 500 x.p.
per bead.
Necklace of Missiles
Necklace of Strangulation
This appears as an ordinary necklace worth no more than 10 g.p., but will
radiate magic if detected for. Once worn about the neck, however, its true This appears as an ordinary necklace worth no more than 10 g.p., but will
nature will become apparent and it will turn into a chain of gold with a number radiate magic if detected for. Once placed around the neck, it will constrict,
of golden spheres of various sizes dangling from it. Each sphere can only be cutting off the wearer’s air and inflicting 6 hit points of damage per minute

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

until death occurs. Nothing short of a limited wish or alter reality spell will avail Oil of Disenchantment
the stricken character, and even then it will not release its grip until the victim
is naught but bones. It is not worth any x.p. When applied to a living creature or object, this oil will remove any
enchantment/charm type spells or spell powers. Thus, if applied to a person
Necrophidius Handbook under the influence of a charm person spell, the spell would be immediately
dispelled. If applied to some magical item with enchantment/charm powers,
This magical tome allows the reader to create a necrophidius (see the they will be deactivated for 1d10+20x10 minutes (210-300). The oil itself
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary for details), as long as he is able to labor does not radiate magic once applied, nor will objects temporarily deactivated
uninterrupted and with the handbook by his side, and of course has the by its effect. It is worth 750 x.p. and requires the gland of any creature with
requisite materials ready. innate magic resistance to create.

Only one character can read from it at a time. After it has been read, at the Oil of Elemental Invulnerability
end of the construction process, the book will disappear into dust. If a character
of less than 10th level attempts to create a necrophidius using the manual, Once applied to a living creature, this oil will afford complete proof against
there is a 20% chance per level below 10th that the end product will be a one of the four elemental powers. There is enough oil in one vial to protect one
failure, simply never coming to life once created. The construct itself costs 500 person for 8 days, or 8 people for 1 day, etc. Determine the type of oil
g.p. per hit point, and requires the complete skeleton of a giant snake, the skull randomly when it is discovered:
of a murderer (dead not more than 24 hours), and 10 days to create.
If any class of character other than a mage (not including sub-classes) reads Die Roll (d%) Type Invulnerable Against…
from the manual, they will lose 1d6x1,000 x.p. It is worth 1,000 x.p. when 01-25 Air Wind, hurricanes, tornados, etc.
discovered. 26-50 Earth Landslides, earthquakes, etc.
51-75 Fire Non-magical fire
Net of Entrapment 76-00 Water Floods, tsunamis, etc.

This appears as an ordinary hunting or fighting net some 10’ square and with 10% of all vials of this oil will be effective on the relevant elemental, quasi-
a 3” mesh, but will radiate magic if detected for. It can be thrown up to 20’ and meta-elemental planes (and in addition will provide some protection
to entrap an enemy; all within the target area must save vs. spells or be caught against relevant elemental creatures: -1 hit point per die of damage the
fast. It will drop on a target from above on command, and can be placed on creature would normally inflict). Regardless of type, a vial of this oil is worth
the floor where it will close upon a target stepping over it with another 1,000 x.p. and requires the essence of the appropriate sort of elemental to
command word. A third command word will cause it to release its victim. It create.
cannot be escaped by those with a strength of less than 20, and is AC -10
with regards to hacking blows (it cannot be so attacked by those whom it has Oil of Etherealness
trapped, nor can it be damaged by any sort of sawing motion with a blade).
It cannot be used by mages, and is worth 1,000 x.p. Once this viscous oil has been used to coat an individual and his possessions,
he will be transported to the ethereal plane. Ethereal beings are invisible, will
Net of Snaring pass through non-ethereal objects (and thus cannot grasp them!), etc. The oil
will take effect 3 minutes after it has been applied, and will last for 40 minutes
This appears as an ordinary fishing net some 10’ square and with a 3” mesh, plus 10d4 minutes. It can be removed by weak acids such as vinegar, lemon
but will radiate magic if detected for. It will only function underwater. Upon juice, etc., but such substances must have been brought to the ethereal plane
utterance of a command word, it will travel up to 30’ underwater to entrap an ahead of time. It is worth 600 x.p. and requires the fat of a shedu or the brain
enemy; all within the target area must save vs. spells or be caught fast. It will of a demon to create.
drop on a target from above on command, and can be placed on the floor
where it will close upon a target stepping over it with another command word. Oil of Fiery Burning
A fourth command word will cause it to release its victim. It cannot be escaped
by those with a strength of less than 20, and is AC -10 with regards to hacking This oil will immediately burst into flame when exposed to air. When it is first
blows (it cannot be so attacked by those whom it has trapped, nor can it be opened, it will begin to do so (inflicting 1d4 h.p. of damage on the person
damaged by any sort of sawing motion with a blade). It cannot be used by holding the vial). That person must immediately attempt to reseal the vial or up
mages, and is worth 1,000 x.p. to 6 creatures within 10’ (including the opener) will suffer 5d6 h.p. of fire
damage from the resultant explosion; resealing requires that the character roll
Oil of Acid Resistance his dexterity or less on 2d10. If resealed, the oil can be thrown at some target,
with the resulting fireball doing 5d6 h.p. of damage in a 10’ radius (maximum
Once applied to a creature or an item, oil of acid resistance will absorb the 6 creatures are affected). If thrown, no saving throw is required for the vial. It
effects of any acid-based attack (the breath of a black dragon, for instance). is worth 500 x.p. and requires fire toad tongue to create.
There is enough oil in the container to absorb 1,440 h.p. worth of acid
damage, and the oil may be placed on a single recipient or several. However,
the oil will begin to evaporate almost immediately, losing 1 h.p. of protection
each minute. Thus, a single person (and his belongings) could be protected
for 24 hours before the oil completely evaporated, or twelve people could be
protected for 2 hours each. A horse counts as 8 people for this purpose. The
entire container must be used, regardless of how many people it is split
amongst. It is worth 500 x.p. and requires giant slug spittle to create.


Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

Oil of Fumbling permanently reduced by 1. Once the month is complete, the pearl loses its
enchantment and becomes an ordinary gem. It will only affect clerics, and is
Once applied to a creature, this oil’s true nature will not become apparent until worth no x.p. when first discovered.
it is actually in real (not simulated or practice) combat. The creature so coated
will have a 50% chance each minute of dropping whatever is in his hands: Pearl of Loss
weapon, magic item, spell components, etc. The creature must be thoroughly
washed in some sort of cleaner (alcohol, turpentine, etc.) in order to remove This appears to be a normal pearl, but will radiate magic if detected for. If
the oil. It is worth no x.p. and requires the sweat of a fish man to create. possessed by a mage, he will instantly lose a single spell “slot”, being able to
memorize one less spell than he would otherwise be able to. The level of the
Oil of Impact spell lost is determined randomly:

There will be 1d3+2 applications of this oil per vial. Once applied to a blunt TABLE 157: PEARL OF LOSS
weapon such as a mace, hammer, staff, etc., it will turn that weapon into an Die Roll (d%) Level of Spell Lost
enchanted one that will have a bonus of +3 “to hit” and +6 to damage. It will 01-25 1st
last for 1d4+8 minutes. When applied to a blunt missile weapon such as a 26-45 2nd
sling bullet, throwing hammer, etc. it will last but a single hit and confer a +3 46-60 3rd
bonus “to hit” and +3 to damage. Up to 5 sling bullets/stones or 2 larger 61-75 4th
missiles can be coated per application. It is worth 750 x.p. and requires the 76-85 5th
tendons of an ogre or giant to create. 86-92 6th
93-96 7th
Oil of Sharpness 97-98 8th
99 9th
There will be 1d3+2 applications of this oil per vial. Once applied to an edged 00 2 spells, roll 1d6 to determine level of each
or pointed weapon such as a sword, spear, etc., it will turn that weapon into
an enchanted one. The effect will last for 1d4+8 minutes, but if applied to a It can only be gotten rid of after a remove curse spell has been cast. Once that
missile weapon such as an arrow or a dart, the effect will not last longer than is done, the lost spell slots will return, but they must be re-filled by memorization
the first hit with the weapon (5 arrows, or 2 larger missiles such as javelins, in the normal fashion. They will be empty when restored. It only affects mages,
etc. can be coated per application). The exact strength of the oil should be and is worth no x.p. when found.
determined randomly when it is first discovered:
Pearl of Power
Bonus “to hit” and This appears to be a normal pearl, but will radiate magic if detected for. When
Die Roll (d20) Damage X.P. Value possessed by a mage, it allows him to restore to his memory a spell that had
1-2 +1 100 been previously cast.
3-5 +2 200
6-11 +3 300 TABLE 158: PEARL OF POWER
12-16 +4 400 Die Roll (d%) Level of Spell Restored
17-19 +5 500 01-25 1st
20 +6 600 26-45 Up to 2nd
46-60 Up to 3rd
It requires the blood of a troll to create. 61-75 Up to 4th
Oil of Slipperiness 76-85 Up to 5th
86-92 Up to 6th
This oil is applied to some person or creature externally. Once he has been so 93-96 Up to 7th
coated, a person cannot be grappled, hugged, grasped, constricted, 97-98 Up to 8th
entwined, etc. Webs will have no effect, and bonds (even magical ones) such 99 Up to 9th
as chains, ropes, etc. will slip off. It can also be used to coat a section of floor 00 2 spells, roll 1d6 to determine maximum level of each
or ground some 10’ in diameter; anyone crossing it will have a 95% chance
of slipping and falling. The oil will last for 8 hours, but can be wiped off with It can only be used by mages, and is worth 200 x.p. per level of spell.
alcohol. It is worth 400 x.p. and requires the pineal gland of a purple worm
or the liver of a giant pike to create. Pearl of the Sirens

Oil of Timelessness This appears to be an ordinary, if beautiful, pearl worth at least 1,000 g.p.,
which will radiate magic if detected for. If it is held firmly, and the holder
This oil, when applied to some formerly living object (such as a wooden chest, concentrates on water, the sea, etc., he will gain an understanding of the
vellum scroll, leather scabbard, etc.), will protect it so that each year that pearl’s workings. The holder of the pearl will be able to breathe underwater
passes only ages the item in question a single day. In addition, the item so without penalty, move 240’ per minute when underwater, and be immune to
coated will gain a +1 bonus to any saving throws. Each vial contains enough the effects of a siren’s touch. The pearl need not be held in the hand to function,
oil to coat a horse, 3 large chests, or other items of equal or near-equal surface but must be on the possessor’s person. It is worth 900 x.p.
area. It is worth 500 x.p. and requires the heart of an elf to create.
Pearl of Wisdom
Pearl of Folly
This appears to be a normal pearl, but will radiate magic if detected for. If
This appears to be a normal pearl, but will radiate magic if detected for. If possessed by a cleric continuously for 1 month, it will permanently increase his
possessed by a cleric continuously for 1 month, his wisdom score will be wisdom score by 1 (ignoring normal racial limitations). Once the month is


complete, the pearl loses its enchantment and becomes an ordinary gem. It that does not close instantly of its own accord. Note that this does not prevent
can only be used by clerics, and is worth 500 x.p. damage through contusions, crushing, burning, etc. Characters brought to
negative hit points will never lose more h.p. due to bleeding, and healing in
general is done at double the normal rate when the periapt is in the wounded
person’s possession. It is worth 1,000 x.p.

Phylactery of Faithfulness

This appears to be a leather box some 2” on a side, accompanied by leather

straps, which will radiate magic if detected for. Once affixed to the arm or
forehead, it will warn the wearer if an action or magical item will have an
adverse impact on his alignment, thus giving him an opportunity to reconsider.
The wearer must concentrate for a moment in order to receive the warning. It
can only be used by clerics, and is worth 1,000 x.p.

Phylactery of Long Years

This appears to be a leather box some 2” on a side, accompanied by leather

straps, which will radiate magic if detected for. Once affixed to the arm or
forehead, it will slow the aging process in the wearer to but one-quarter of its
normal rate. This applies to magical aging effects as well. It can only by used
Periapt of Foul Rotting
by clerics, and is worth 3,000 x.p.
This appears as a cut gem engraved with symbols and designs, and will
Phylactery of Monstrous Attention
radiate magic if detected for. The possessor will be struck by a horrible rotting
disease, losing one point each of dexterity, constitution, and charisma per
This appears to be a leather box some 2” on a side, accompanied by leather
week until any of the three reaches 0. Once that happens, the character dies,
straps, which will radiate magic if detected for. Once affixed to the arm or
falling into corruption. The disease can only be countered by a combination
forehead, the wearer will become noticed by extra-planar creatures of the
of spells. Remove curse is first applied to be able to remove the periapt itself
alignment diametrically opposed to their own. Thus, those of lawful good
from the victim. Then cure disease is cast, followed by either heal or limited
alignment will be beset by demons, etc. For those of true neutral alignment,
wish/alter reality/wish. Alternatively, once the cursed periapt has been
the game master should roll 1d4 to determine LE, CE, CG, or LG. If worn by a
removed, if the victim is sprinkled with the dust of a crushed periapt of health,
cleric of greater than 10th level, his deity’s most powerful enemy will eventually
the disease will be arrested. Note that the ability score loss is permanent in
become directly involved. Once donned, it can only be removed after an
any case. It is not worth any x.p.
exorcism spell has been cast upon it, and then the cleric must undertake a
quest to purify himself. It will only affect clerics, but is worth no x.p. when
Periapt of Health
This appears as a cut gem engraved with symbols and designs, and will
Phylactery of Shortened Years
radiate magic if detected for. The possessor will be immune to all diseases
except that caused by the periapt of foul rotting. It is worth 1,000 x.p.
This appears to be a leather box some 2” on a side, accompanied by leather
straps, which will radiate magic if detected for. Once affixed to the arm or
Periapt of Proof Against Poison
forehead, it will hasten the aging process in the wearer to four times its normal
rate. This applies to magical aging effects as well. It can only be removed
This appears as a cut gem engraved with symbols and designs, and will
after a remove curse spell has been cast upon it. It will only affect clerics, and
radiate magic if detected for. It provides a useful bonus against poisons and
is worth no x.p. when found.
venoms of all types. In situations where no saving throw is normally involved,
the periapt of proof against poison will provide one (see below). Where a
Pipes of the Sewers
saving throw is normally allowed, but at a penalty on the die roll, the penalty
is automatically removed, allowing the possessor a saving throw regardless of
These appear to be a normal wooden pan flute, but will radiate magic if
the potency of the venom in question. And lastly, if a saving throw is normally
detected for. If the proper tune is played upon them, either (80% chance)
allowed, the periapt will give a bonus. The exact strength of the periapt is
1d6x10 giant rats or (20% chance) 3d6x10 normal rats will appear, as long
determined randomly when it is initially found:
as they are within 400’ If they are more distant, there will be a delay of 1
minute per additional 50’ distance. The pipes must be played for the entire
period, until and while the rats are present. Once they appear, there is a 95%
Saving Throw Where
chance the rats will obey the wishes of the piper, but if he stops playing for
Die Roll None is Normally Bonus to Other
any reason, the rats will leave immediately. If the pipes are then restarted and
(d20) Allowed Saving Throws X.P. Value
the rats return, there is a 30% chance they will attack the piper rather than
1-8 10% +1 1,000
obey. The pipes can also be used to seize control of rats that are under the
9-14 20% +2 1,250
control of some other creature such as a vampire or wererat; there is a 30%
15-18 30% +3 1,500
chance per minute of doing so. The rats can be turned back, of course, but
19-20 40% +4 1,750
there is only a 30% chance that an enemy would be able to do so. They are
worth 1,750 x.p.
Periapt of Wound Closure

This appears as a cut gem engraved with symbols and designs, and will
radiate magic if detected for. The possessor will never have an open wound

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

Portable Hole Potion of Clairvoyance

This will either appear as a circular hole in a wall or floor some 6’ in diameter, This potion allows the drinker to see everything that takes place in some distant
or as a small folded-up cloth of black, similar to a handkerchief. It is, in reality, locale with which he is familiar, or whose nature is very obvious and/or visible
a magical cloth that opens up into an extra-dimensional space some 6’ in (such as behind a door, in a general’s command tent, etc.). He is able to see
diameter and 10’ deep. The hole (along with anything that has been placed as if he were standing at some specific point, but is limited to the light which
within it) can be moved by simply folding up the cloth, and then opening it up is already present; infravision and ultravision will not function through this
again in some other location. There is only enough air inside the hole to spell; darkness limits what can be seen to a 10’ radius from the selected point.
maintain a human for 10 minutes. No matter how much is placed in the hole, The spell cannot be used to see through metal or certain magical protections.
it will never weigh more than a few ounces. Note that if a portable hole is ever Distance is not a factor, but the spell cannot be used to see into other planes.
placed inside a bag of holding, pouch of accessibility, or similar device, both It also allows the drinker to scry unknown areas up to 30’ distant. It lasts for
will be destroyed and everything within 10’ transported to a random plane of 20 minutes. It is worth 300 x.p. and requires the eye of a carnivorous ape.
existence. It is worth 5,000 x.p.
Potion of Climbing
Potion of Animal Control
This potion allows the drinker to climb walls or other vertical or near-vertical
There are six different kinds of potions of animal control. Unless specified, the surfaces, much as a thief can. There is a base 1% chance of failure (which is
type can be determined randomly: checked halfway through each attempted climb), plus 1% for every 100 lbs.
carried. In addition, the wearing of armor adds to the base chance to slip and
Die Roll (d20) Type of Animal Affected
1-4 Mammal and marsupial TABLE 162: POTION OF CLIMBING
5-8 Bird Armor Type Climb Failure Modifier
9-12 Reptile and amphibian Brigandine +1%
13-15 Fish Ring armor (steel) +2%
16-17 Mammal, marsupial, and bird Scale armor +4%
18-19 Reptile, amphibian, and fish Mail +7%
20 All Plated mail +8%
Plate armor +10%
The potion allows the drinker to control the actions of a number of creatures Jousting plate +30%
(of the type indicated above) depending on their size: Enchanted armor, any type except leather +1%

TABLE 161: POTION OF ANIMAL CONTROL (NUMBER) The potion will last for 10 minutes plus 5d4 minutes. It is worth 300 x.p. and
Size Number Affected requires the leg of a giant insect of some sort.
Small 5d4
Medium (man-sized) 3d4 Potion of Delusion
Large 1d4
This potion convinces the drinker that he has, in fact, drunk some other sort of
Creatures with an intelligence score of 5 or higher are entitled to a saving potion, when in fact it has no real effect whatsoever. If more than one person
throw vs. spells. The potion only affects natural animals; monsters, humans, samples the potion to guess at its nature, there is a 90% chance that they will
humanoids, magical creatures, etc. are immune to its effects. The effect lasts all agree that it is the same sort of potion. It is not worth any x.p. and requires
40 minutes plus 10d4 minutes. It is worth 250 x.p. and requires a piece of the flesh of a doppelganger or ichor from a rakshasa to create.
brain of the type of animal to be controlled in order to create.
Potion of Diminution
Potion of Beauty
This potion will shrink the drinker and all his carried or worn possessions to
This potion will raise the charisma score of the drinker by 1d4 points (to a 1/20th of his normal size. If half the potion is drunk, it will shrink the drinker
maximum of 18). It will last for 40+10d4 minutes; if it wears off in front of and his possessions to ½ their normal size. The potion will last for 1 hour plus
someone whose reaction was influenced by the magically increased charisma, 2d4+1 minutes. It is worth 300 x.p. and requires the horn of a kobold or blood
their reaction will almost certainly turn to one of hostility. It is worth 250 g.p. from a wererat to create.
and requires the rendered fat of a siren to create.
Potion of Dragon Control
Potion of Clairaudience
This potion allows the drinker to convince any one dragon that he is a trusted
This potion allows the drinker to hear everything that takes place in some friend who should be protected and who should be well treated. The dragon
distant locale with which he is familiar, or whose nature is very obvious and/or so charmed is not a mindless automaton; it will act like a friend, not a slave,
visible (behind a door, on a hill, in a tower room, etc.). He is able to hear and any overtly hostile act against the target will negate the effect instantly.
everything in a 60’ radius from some point in that locale chosen by him. There The type of dragon that the potion controls is determined randomly:
is no limit to how far the spell will reach, but the locale must be on the same
plane as the caster. By means of this potion, the drinker can also scry unknown
areas up to 30’ distant. It lasts for 20 minutes. It is worth 250 x.p. and requires
the ear of a hell hound to create.


TABLE 163: POTION OF DRAGON CONTROL Those in the area of effect are entitled to a saving throw vs. breath weapon;
Die Roll (d%) Dragon Type X.P. Value success indicates they only take half damage. It is not without its peril,
01-06 Black 500 however; if 1 hour goes by without the drinker having used the breath weapon
07-12 Blue 500 effect, there is a 10% chance that it will detonate inside him, doing double
13-18 Brass 500 damage (and no saving throw). The potion loses its effect an hour after drinking
19-22 Bronze 500 in any case. It is worth 400 x.p. and requires the bile of a fire drake to create.
23-28 Cloud 500
29-34 Copper 500 Potion of Fire Resistance
35-39 Faerie 500
40-45 Fog 500 This potion will imbue the drinker with complete immunity to the effects of non-
46-48 Gold 500 magical fire, even to the point of invulnerability to lava and similarly intense
49-54 Green 500 heat. Magical fire is also affected; all damage from magical fire (such as
55-59 Mist 500 fireball, red dragon breath, etc.) is reduced by 2 h.p. for every die of damage,
60-62 Red 500 and if the drinker is normally entitled to a saving throw, it is made at a +4
63-67 Silver 500 bonus. The potion lasts for 10 minutes. If half the potion is drunk, it will still
68-71 Steam 500 provide total immunity to non-magical fire, magical fire is reduced by 1 h.p.
72-76 Umbral 500 per die of damage, and saving throws are made at +2. A half-dose will last
77-82 Vapor 500 for 5 minutes. It is worth 250 x.p. and requires the essence of a fire elemental
83-88 White 500 or scales from a salamander to create.
89-94 Evil (any*) 1,000
95-98 Neutral (any) 1,000 Potion of Flying
99-00 Good (any) 1,000
This potion allows the drinker to fly at up to 120’ per minute, half that when
* Undead dragons are not affected by the potion. gaining altitude, and double it when descending in a dive. The effect will last
for 40 minutes plus 10d4 minutes. It is worth 500 x.p. and requires feathers
The potion’s effect will last 5d4 minutes. The target creature must be within from a hippogriff or blood from a phoenix to create.
60’, and is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells with a -2 penalty. Those which
are effective against specific types of dragons are worth 500 x.p. It requires Potion of Gaseous Form
the brain of the appropriate type of dragon to create.
This potion will cause the drinker to become as mist or smoke, allowing him to
Potion of ESP travel up to 30’ per minute, and to be able to enter any space that is not air
tight. The spell gust of wind, and strong winds and breezes, will blow a person
This potion allows the drinker to read the thoughts of one creature in range (5’ in gaseous form around, of course. Anyone in gaseous form is immune to all
per level of the caster, up to a maximum of 90’). The potion’s effect cannot act normal and most magical attacks; only magical fire or lightning will affect such
through 2’ or more of stone, 2” of metal, or even the thinnest layer of lead or a person. The effect will last for 10 plus 1d10 minutes, maximum. It is worth
gold foil. The potion of ESP can only read the surface thoughts of a creature; 300 x.p. and requires the dust of a vampire or teeth of an ogre mage to create.
it cannot be used to discover deep secrets, passwords (unless they are being
actively thought of), etc. The potion cannot be used on creatures that are Potion of Giant Control
essentially mindless, such as puddings and jellies, and undead creatures are
similarly unaffected. The target need not be seen; the potion can be used, for This potion allows the drinker to convince up to two giants that he is a trusted
example, to learn if something is lurking behind a closed door. The potion’s friend who should be protected and who should be well treated. The giants so
effect lasts for 5d8 minutes. It is worth 500 x.p. and requires the brain of a charmed are not mindless automatons; they will act like friends, not slaves,
cthonoid to create. and any overtly hostile act against the target will negate the effect instantly.
The type of giant that the potion controls is determined randomly:
Potion of Extra-Healing
This potion will heal 3d8+3 hit points of damage if consumed in its entirety. If Experience Point
only a third of the potion is drunk, each such dose will heal 1d8 h.p. It is worth Die Roll (d20) Type of Giant Controlled Value
400 x.p. and requires the blood of a troll to create. 1-2 Cliff 750
3 Cloud 800
Potion of Fire Breath 4 Firbolg 800
5-6 Fire 700
This potion allows the drinker to shoot forth a gout of flame from his mouth, 7 Fomorian 750
similar to the breath weapon of a dragon. Each vial contains 4 doses, and the 8-9 Frost 500
size and power of the flames will be determined by how many doses are 10-12 Hill 400
imbibed at any given time. 13 Mist 900
14-15 Stone 600
Number of Doses Size of Flame Damage Done 17-20 Verlaang 300
1 10’ x 20’ 3d4 h.p.
2 10’ x 40’ 6d4 h.p. The potion’s effect will last 5d6 minutes. The target creature must be within
3 10’ x 60’ 9d4 h.p. 60’. If only one giant is affected, it is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells with
4 20’ x 80’ 5d10 h.p. a -4 penalty; if two giants are affected, the save is made at a -2 penalty. It
requires the brain of the appropriate sort of giant to create.

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

Potion of Giant Strength TABLE 167: POTION OF HEROISM

Starting Level Bonus “to Hit” Hit Dice Added
This potion will increase the strength of the drinker to that of a particular type 0 +4 4d10
of giant. Note that this means that the drinker can throw boulders as per the 1-3 +3 3d10+1
giant type indicated (see the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary for details). 4-6 +2 2d10+2
The type of giant, and thus the strength that is imparted to the drinker, is 7-9 +1 1d10+3
determined randomly:
The effect will last for 40 minutes plus 4d10 minutes. The potion can only be
TABLE 166: POTION OF GIANT STRENGTH used by fighters and 0-level men at arms. Damage taken while under the effect
Type of Giant Experience of the potion will be taken from the added hit dice first; once those hit points
Die Roll (d20) Strength Strength Score Point Value are exhausted, the drinker’s actual hit points will then be affected. It is worth
1-6 Hill 19 500 300 x.p. and requires the heart of a lion, tiger, jaguar, etc. to create.
7-10 Stone/Cliff 20 550
11-14 Frost/Fomorian 21 600 Potion of Human Control
15-17 Fire 22 650
18-19 Cloud/Mist/Firbolg 23 700 This potion allows the caster to convince several people that the caster is a
20 Storm 24 750 friend who should be protected and whose advice is sound. It does not turn
the subject into a mindless slave; a command to kill oneself would not be
This potion can only be used by fighters. The effect will last for 40 minutes plus followed, for example. Up to 32 levels or hit dice can be controlled, and each
10d4 minutes. It requires drops of sweat from the appropriate sort of giant to target is allowed a saving throw vs. spells. The exact type of person that can
create. be controlled is determined randomly:


Die Roll (d20) Type of Person Controlled
This potion allows the drinker to be able to tell lies with the greatest of ease 1-2 Dwarves
and facility. Even the most enormous whoppers will be believed. Even truth- 3-4 Elves and half-elves
detecting powers and spells will not pick up the untruth, except possibly as the 5-6 Gnomes
most minor “stretching of the truth”. The effect will last for 40+10d4 minutes. 7-8 Halflings
It is worth 500 x.p. and requires the tongue of a greater devil to create. 9-10 Orcs and half-orcs
11-16 Humans
Potion of Growth 17-19 Humanoids (orcs, goblins, etc.)
20 Humans, elves, and half-elves
This spell will cause the drinker to increase in height and weight by up to 400%
(it is possible to drink only a quarter of the potion and grow by 100%, to drink The potion’s effect lasts for 5d6 minutes. It is worth 500 x.p. and requires the
half to grow 200%, etc.). All carried and worn possessions grow blood of a vampire or eye of a nixie to create.
commensurately. The drinker does not gain any bonuses “to hit” or for damage
in combat, but if he ends up 18’ tall or taller, his base movement is increased Potion of Invisibility
to 150’/min. It is worth 250 x.p. and requires the pituitary gland from an ogre
to create. The effect lasts 3d4 rounds. This potion allows the drinker (and his possessions worn or carried) to become
completely invisible, both to ordinary sight and infravision. The invisibility will
Potion of Healing continue until it is either magically dispelled, or the creature attacks another,
in which case the invisibility is instantly cancelled. See the ADVENTURES DARK
This potion will heal 2d4+2 hit points when consumed. Partial doses have no AND DEEP™ Players Manual for details concerning invisibility. Potions of this
effect. It is worth 200 x.p. and requires the blood of an ogre mage to create. type will have 8 doses; each will last for 30-60 minutes (1d4+2 x10). It is
worth 250 x.p. and requires the ichor of an invisible stalker to create.
Potion of Health

This powerful potion will completely cure any disease (including mummy rot),
blindness, deafness, feeblemindedness (as per the spell), insanity, infection,
parasitical infection, poison, etc. If half the potion is consumed, only a
maximum of two afflictions will be so healed. No hit points will be restored;
only the diseases and other afflictions themselves. It is worth 350 x.p. and
requires the spleen of an otyugh or neo-otyugh to create.

Potion of Heroism

This potion will temporarily increase the level of the drinker, increasing both
combat prowess and hit points. The size of the increase depends on the level
of the drinker:


Potion of Invulnerability suggestion can never be obviously harmful, deadly, or against the interests of
the hearer, but (for instance) a suggestion that a giant agree to a truce to help
This potion grants the drinker complete immunity from any physical attacks an adventuring party attack a nearby orc lair, with the giant getting a share
made by non-magical weapons, by non-magical creatures, or by magical of the loot, is certainly within the bounds of the spell. A maximum of two short
creatures with 3 or fewer hit dice. Even if the drinker can be harmed by an sentences can be used to make the suggestion. If successful, the suggestion will
attacker, he gets a bonus of 2 to his armor class and to any saving throws. remain in force for 1 hour. The potion itself will remain in effect for 40 minutes
The potion will last for 5d4 minutes, and can only be used by fighters. It is plus 10d4 minutes. It is worth 400 x.p. and requires the tongue of a harpy to
worth 350 x.p. and requires the horn of a gargoyle or the skin of a lycanthrope create.
to create.
Potion of Plant Control
Potion of Levitation
This potion allows the drinker to control the actions of any plants (including
This potion allows the drinker to float in the air. It does not allow horizontal regular plants, intelligent plant creatures, molds and fungi, etc.) in a 20’x20’
movement, but a levitating individual could still use his hands to push himself area, centered on a point up to 90’ distant. Plants with an intelligence score
along a wall, be pulled by a rope, etc. The caster can cancel the effect at will. of 5 or greater are entitled to a saving throw vs. spells. It will not affect slimes
Up to 600 lbs. can be lifted by means of this potion, including the drinker and and puddings. Affected plants may be made to move, hold still (including
his possessions. It will last for 40 minutes plus 10d4 minutes. It is worth 250 being silent, such as when the potion is used on shriekers), wrap around
x.p. and requires the eye of a beholder or the essence of a will-o-wisp to create. objects or creatures, etc. Self-destructive commands given to intelligent plants
will not be heeded. The potion does not imbue plants with abilities they do not
Potion of Life already have; i.e., ordinary grass cannot be made to grab at things, as it
cannot normally move. The potion will remain in effect for 40 minutes plus
This potion will literally return life to the dead, as long as it is administered 4d10 minutes. It is worth 250 x.p. and requires the spores of a shrieker or the
within 5 minutes of death (-10 hit points, or death caused by other means such eye of an umber hulk to create.
as poison, etc.). The person so brought to life will require 10 days of bed rest,
during which time no activity (including spell-casting, research, etc.) will be Potion of Poison
possible. A cure light wounds spell will cut 1 day off this requirement, cure
serious wounds counts as 2 days, cure critical wounds 3 days, and a heal spell Some potions are in reality poison, usually left as booby traps. Such poisons
7 days. It is worth 250 x.p. and requires the ashes of a mummy destroyed by will cause death unless a saving throw vs. poison is successful; the game master
fire to create. should determine whether a modifier is applicable (and it could range from a
+4 bonus to the saving throw to a -4 penalty, depending on the strength of the
Potion of Liquid Form poison). If in doubt, there will be no modifier. It is never worth any x.p.

This potion will cause the drinker to become water, allowing him to travel up Potion of Polymorph Self
to 30’ per minute, and able to enter any space that is not watertight. Anyone
in liquid form is immune to all normal and most magical attacks; only magical This potion allows the drinker to assume the outward physical form of some
fire or lightning will affect such a person. The effect will last for 10 plus 1d10 other creature, from the size of a small bird to that of a large animal such as
minutes, maximum. It is worth 300 x.p. and requires triton’s blood to create. a rhinoceros. This transformation allows for the caster to move as does the
creature type in question (so, a crow could fly, a horse gallop, a spider climb
Potion of Longevity walls), but neither transforms the mentality or grants the other powers (attacks,
senses, special powers, etc.). The potion lasts for 40 minutes plus 10d4
This potion will make the drinker younger by 1d12 years, with all of the minutes, and during that time a variety of different forms can be assumed (the
benefits that entails (it is often sought out by those who have been magically transformation takes 30 seconds per change). No system shock survival roll is
aged, such as by the attack of a ghost). For every potion of longevity required. If the caster takes damage while in altered form, up to 1d12 hit
consumed, there is a 1% cumulative chance that the effects of all such potions points of such damage will be healed when the caster returns to his normal
consumed over the drinker’s lifetime will be reversed, and he will suddenly age form. It is worth 200 x.p. and requires the skin of a mimic or hair of a succubus
very rapidly. It is worth 500 x.p. and requires the blood of an ancient dragon to create.
or liver from a phoenix to create.
Potion of Rainbow Hues
Potion of Madness
This potion will allow the drinker to turn any color (or colors) that he can
As soon as a single drop of this potion is so much as tasted, the person doing imagine. The effect will last for 1 hour, and each potion will have 7 doses. It
so will behave as if struck by a confusion spell, but the effect will be permanent. is worth 200 x.p. and requires the wings of a faerie dragon to create.
Only a heal, restoration, or wish spell will cure them. Once the effect befalls
some individual, the rest of the potion will become inert. It is worth no x.p. and Potion of Speed
requires the tongue of a gibbering mouther to create.
This potion will double the speed of the drinker, including not only movement
Potion of Persuasiveness but attacks in melee as well. Spell casting times are not affected. The effect will
last for 5d4 minutes, but the drinker will be permanently aged by 1 year after
This potion will give the drinker an immediate 25% bonus to all reaction consuming the potion. It is worth 200 x.p. and requires the heart of a pegasus
adjustment rolls. Every ten minutes while the potion is in effect, the drinker may and blood of a giant weasel to create.
make a proposal in such a way that the listener will be disposed to agree to
it. The listener, of course, must be able to understand what is being said, and Potion of Stammering and Stuttering
must be within 30’. The listener gets a saving throw vs. spells to resist the
suggestion, but if it is a particularly reasonable-sounding proposition, the save This potion will seem to be a potion of glibness or persuasiveness if tasted and
is made at a penalty of -1 or even -2 (at the game master’s discretion). The tested. However, when used in an actual situation where verbal acuity is

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

required (such as parleying with an enemy, casting a spell, etc.), the potion’s Die Roll (d%) Type of Undead Controlled
true nature will be demonstrated. For 40+10d4 minutes, no spell with a verbal 46-55 Shadow
component can be used, and any reaction adjustments or skills that involve 56-66 Skeleton
verbalization of any sort (such as verbal patter) will incur a 25% penalty. It is 67 Son of chaos
worth no x.p. and requires the brain of an ettin to create. 68-77 Specter
78-79 Vampire
Potion of Super-Heroism 80-85 Wight
86-90 Wraith
Similar to a potion of heroism (see p. 108), this potion will temporarily increase 91-00 Zombie
the combat prowess of the drinker, increasing both combat skill and hit points.
The size of the increase depends on the level of the drinker: The potion’s effect will last 5d4 minutes. The target creature must be within
60’. Up to 16 hit dice total of undead can be affected, and those with
TABLE 169: POTION OF SUPER-HEROISM intelligence are entitled to saving throws vs. spells. It is worth 700 x.p. and
Starting Level Bonus “to Hit” Hit Dice Added requires either the dust of a specter, a vampire brain, ectoplasm from a ghost,
0 +6 5d10 or the tongue of a lich to create.
1-3 +5 4d10+1
4-6 +4 3d10+2 Potion of Ventriloquism
7-9 +3 2d10+3
10-12 +2 1d10+4 This potion allows the drinker to “throw his voice”, making it appear to come
from some point up to 10’ distant per experience level (maximum 90’). The
The effect will last for 40 minutes plus 4d10 minutes. The potion can only be caster may also use the spell to make the voice sound like that of someone
used by fighters and 0-level men at arms. Damage taken while under the effect else, or some other simple sound that the caster could otherwise make. If
of the potion will be taken from the added hit dice first; once those hit points anyone with an intelligence score of 12 or greater is listening, there is a 10%
are exhausted, the drinker’s actual hit points will then be affected. It is worth chance, plus 10% per point above 12, of recognizing the trick. The effect will
450 x.p. and requires the blood of a giant wolverine and the heart of a last for 40+10d4 minutes, and there are 6 doses in a typical flask. It is worth
minotaur to create. 200 x.p. and requires the tongue of a brownie to create.

Potion of Treasure Finding Potion of Vitality

This potion allows the drinker to locate the nearest large treasure hoard within This potion allows the drinker to exert himself without the need for sleep, rest,
range. The hoard must contain at least 10,000 coins or 100 gems (or food or drink for 7 days. If drunk after a day of such exertion, the drinker will
combinations, with each gem being “worth” 100 coins for purposes of be instantly refreshed and remain so for the full seven day duration. During
detection). The hoard must be within 240’, and only magical barriers or lead- that period, the drinker will be immune to poison and disease of any sort, and
lined walls will foil the detection (note that gold will not block this particular will heal 1 h.p. of damage every 4 hours, even without resting. It is worth 300
form of detection – indeed, it might well be detected as treasure itself). The x.p. and requires centaur blood and the heart of a camel to create.
drinker will instinctively know direction, but not distance. It is worth 600 x.p.
and requires the scale of a silver dragon to create. Potion of Water Breathing

Potion of Undead Control Each dose of this potion allows the drinker to breathe underwater (or while
immersed in other liquids that have sufficient oxygen) for 1 hour plus 1d10
This potion allows the drinker to convince a number of undead that he is a minutes. Such potions will have either two doses (75% likely) or four (25%). It
trusted friend who should be protected and who should be well treated. The is worth 400 x.p. per 2 doses and requires the blood of a water naga or the
undead so charmed are not mindless automatons; they will act like friends, not gills of a nixie to create.
slaves, and any overtly hostile act against the target will negate the effect
instantly. The type of undead that the potion controls is determined randomly: Potion of Youth

TABLE 170: POTION OF UNDEAD CONTROL There is but one dose of this potion found in any given container. Once
Die Roll (d%) Type of Undead Controlled consumed, the drinker will be 1d4+1 years younger, physically. It is worth
01-02 Apparition 500 x.p. and requires the pineal gland of a pixie to create.
03-04 Banshee
05-06 Child spirit Pouch of Accessibility
07-09 Coffer corpse
10 Dragon, blood This enchanted belt pouch appears to be a normal accouterment, but one
11 Dragon, bone which weighs a full pound when empty, and which will radiate magic if
12 Dragon, spectral detected for. Within are 30 enchanted pockets, each of which can hold up to
13 Dragon, tumulus 10 lbs. or 1 cubic foot of material. The wearer can, simply by saying the name
14 Dragon, wailing of the thing desired, reach into the pouch and have it in his hand in an instant.
15-22 Ghast When full, the pouch will weigh 4 lbs. It is worth 1,250 x.p.
23-30 Ghost
31-38 Ghoul Prison of the Magus
39-40 Haunt
41 Huecuva This appears to be a small brass birdcage, but will radiate magic if detected
42-43 Mummy for. There are two command words associated with each prison. The first will
44 Mummy lord imprison any one creature within 60’ of the cage. The true name of the
45 Poltergeist creature, or its history and background in great detail, must be known. This


will take 1 minute to complete, and the target is entitled to a saving throw vs. or lower will automatically detect the ruse, purely instinctively. It is worth 1,000
spells (plus magic resistance, if applicable). Failure indicates that the victim x.p.
has been shrunk to approximately 3” in height and locked within the prison.
The door to the prison is held by a wizard lock (as if it had been cast by a Ring of Clumsiness
mage of the same level as the one who imprisoned the victim). Only a wizard
of 4 levels higher than the owner of the prison can open the door, and then This ring has two functions; one beneficial and one not so. As long as the
only from the outside. The second command word will free the prisoner. Any wearer is not in combat, being pursued, trying to sneak into a room,
successful freeing of the prisoner will restore him to normal height in the undertaking some very exacting action, etc., the ring will have one of the
process. The prison itself is immune to all physical and magical attacks, and following powers (determine randomly when the ring is first discovered):
those within the prison are covered by a compete anti-detection and anti-magic
screen, making any magic use within the prison quite impossible, and TABLE 172: RING OF CLUMSINESS
rendering all attempts at locating the prisoner fruitless. The prisoner need not Die Roll (d%) Ring Function
eat or drink while he is so imprisoned. The prison can only be used by mages, 01-10 Free action
and is worth 2,750 x.p. 11-20 Feather falling
21-35 Invisibility
Ring of Animal Friendship 36-50 Jumping
51-60 Swimming
This ring allows the wearer to elicit good will and docility from natural animals. 61-80 Warmth
It will only affect neutral, non-magical, animals with at least an intelligence of 81-00 Water walking
1, within a 10’ radius. Each animal is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells;
success indicates they will run away from the ring owner. Failure indicates they Once, however, the wearer is placed under real stress or needs to employ any
will simply follow the ring owner until dismissed. The number of creatures sort of manual dexterity, the ring’s curse will be activated. Dexterity will be half
affected depends on the class of the wearer: of normal, any chance of success relating to stealth, hiding, lock picking, etc.,
will also be halved. (Round down in all cases.) Any spell that requires either a
TABLE 171: RING OF ANIMAL FRIENDSHIP material component or gestures will require a successful saving throw vs. spell
Character Class of Wearer Hit Dice of Animals Affected on the part of the caster in order to be cast successfully; failure indicates the
Druid 24 materials were dropped or the gestures performed incorrectly, and the spell is
Ranger 18 lost. The ring can only be removed after a dispel magic spell has been
Other 12 successfully cast upon it (as if the ring were 12th level). The ring is worth no
Each ring of animal friendship has 27 charges. By expending a charge, the
wearer will cause any friendly animals to actively defend him from hostile Ring of Contrariness
agents. The ring cannot be recharged. It is worth 1,000 x.p.
This cursed ring will cause the wearer to disagree with every proposition,
Ring of Berserk Strength gainsay every position, and argue with every decision. It can only be removed
with a remove curse spell (and part of the curse will cause the wearer to resist
This cursed ring can only be removed once a remove curse spell has been cast, having such spells cast upon him, forcefully if necessary). However, the curse
followed by a dispel magic spell. For every 10 minutes the ring is worn, does come with a boon, for each ring of contrariness also functions as some
strength and constitution will increase by 1 until they reach 18 (if the wearer other, purely beneficial, sort of magic ring:
is a fighter, roll for percentile strength). Once both have reached 18, the
wearer will immediately attack any enemy no matter what its strength or the TABLE 173: RING OF CONTRARINESS
potential for the combat to end in the death of the wearer. Once the ring is Die Roll (d%) Also Functions as a…
removed, the strength and constitution points gained are immediately lost. It is 01-20 Ring of flying
not worth any x.p. 21-40 Ring of invisibility
41-60 Ring of levitation
Ring of Blinking 61-70 Ring of shocking grasp
71-80 Ring of spell turning
When a command word is spoken, this ring will cause the wearer to be under 81-00 Ring of strength (18/00)
the influence of a blink spell for 6 minutes. The ring must thereafter recharge
itself for 1 hour before it can be used again. The ring will activate no matter Note that if the ring of contrariness also functions as a ring of spell turning, a
who speaks the command word, as long as the speaker is within 10’ of the remove curse spell must exceed 100% in order to be effective (see the ring of
ring. The command word is usually engraved on the inside of the ring itself. It spell turning on p. 114 for details). It is not worth any x.p.
is worth 1,000 x.p.
Ring of Delusion
Ring of Chameleon Power
This special sort of magic ring will convince the wearer that it is, in fact, a
This ring has two chief powers. First, it allows the wearer to blend in with any magic ring of some other type. Unconsciously, the wearer will use whatever
background with 90% effectiveness: thus rendering him very difficult to see if other abilities or items that he may have in order to maintain the self-delusion
hiding in woods, against a wall, etc. Second, it allows the wearer to appear (for example, a magic user who believes it to be a ring of levitation may cast
as another member of a crowd of like creatures; he could appear as an orc in a levitate spell upon himself without even realizing it, in order to convince
a crowd of orcs, for instance. For every 10 minutes, however, there is a 5% himself of the nature of the ring). Outside observers will eventually catch on,
cumulative chance that the wearer’s true nature will be seen (thus 10% after but convincing the wearer may be difficult. The ring can be removed at will. It
the second 10 minutes, 15% after 30 minutes, etc.). Creatures with an is not worth any x.p.
intelligence score greater than 15 add their intelligence to their chance to
detect the faux member of the group, and creatures with an intelligence of 3

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

Ring of Djinni Summoning

This ring allows the wearer to summon a djinni from the elemental plane of air
by rubbing it. The djinni will serve the owner of the ring well, but should it ever
be slain the ring itself will cease to be magical. See the ADVENTURES DARK AND
DEEP™ Bestiary for more information on djinnis. It is worth 3,000 x.p.

Ring of Elemental Command

There are four types of rings of elemental command. Each appears as some
other sort of ring until a specific condition is met (determined by the game
master, and could be having a specific spell cast on the ring, slaying a
particular type of creature, bringing the ring to a particular place, etc.).

Once activated, a ring of elemental command enables the wearer to

understand the languages of the beings native to the ring’s related elemental
plane. Such beings will recognize the ring and understand its power, and treat
the wearer accordingly. All relevant elementals will be unable to approach
closer than 5’ unless the wearer allows it, and the wearer can attempt to charm
the elemental (which is entitled to a saving throw with a -2 penalty). However,
if the attempt fails, the elemental in question is free to approach and attack the

Non-elementals native to the elemental plane to which the ring is related all
attack the wearer with a -1 penalty “to hit”. The wearer gets a +2 bonus to all
saving throws due to attacks from such creatures, and in turn gets a +4 bonus
“to hit” and +6 to damage. If such creatures require an enchanted weapon to
be harmed, the wearer of the ring can ignore that restriction.

The ring of air elemental command will appear as a ring of invisibility until
activated. The wearer gets a -2 penalty to all saving throws vs. fire. The ring
grants the following powers:

 Gust of wind once per minute

 Fly at will The ring of water elemental command will appear as a ring of water walking
 Wall of force once per day until activated. The wearer will incur a -2 penalty to all saving throws vs.
 Control winds once per week lightning or electricity. The ring bestows the following powers:
 Invisibility at will
 Purify water at will
The ring of earth elemental command will appear as a ring of feather falling  Create water once per day
until activated. The wearer gets a -2 penalty to all saving throws vs.  Water breathing 5’ radius at will
petrification. The ring grants the following powers:  Wall of ice once per day
 Airy water at will
 Sstone tell once per day  Lower water twice per week
 Passwall twice per day  Part water twice per week
 Wall of stone once per day  Water walking at will
 Stone to flesh twice per week
 Move earth once per week Each effect will take 30 seconds (5 segments) to activate. The ring is worth
 Feather fall at will 5,000 x.p.

The ring of fire elemental command will appear as a ring of fire resistance until Ring of Elvenkind
activated. The wearer will incur a -2 penalty to all saving throws vs. water or
cold. The ring bestows the following powers: These rings are usually given as gifts by the elvish peoples to special friends
and allies. The wearer will have the following elf-like powers and abilities:
 Burning hands once every 10 minutes
 Pyrotechnics twice per day  Infravision with a 60’ range
 Wall of fire once per day  Concealment in woods and forests
 Flame strike twice per week  Move silently if alone and wearing non-metal armor, with a 4 in 6
 Fire resistance at will chance of success
 Detect concealed doors by simply walking past them, with a 1 in 6
chance of success
 Detect secret doors when searched for, with a 2 in 6 chance of

It is worth 1,000 x.p.



Ring of Feather Falling Item Type Saves On… (Roll d20)
Relic 2-20
Should the wearer fall more than 5’, this ring instantly slows the rate of descent Artifact 3-20
to a gentle 2’ per second. No falling damage will be incurred at that rate of Hand weapon 4-20
descent. It is worth 1,000 x.p. Rod, staff 5-20
All other items 6-20
Ring of Fire Resistance
Note that even if the item makes its saving throw, the effect on the wearer of
This ring affords the wearer complete immunity to non-magical fires of normal the ring will still be negated. The item in question will simply not be rendered
sort (flaming oil, large fires, etc.). Very large or magical fires (molten lava, the temporarily un-enchanted. It is worth 250 x.p.
breath of a hell hound, etc.) will cause a maximum of 1 h.p. of damage per 6
seconds (1 segment). When dealing with very hot magical fires (red dragon’s Ring of Mammal Control
breath, fireball, flame strike – generally those that do 25 h.p. of damage or
more) the wearer will have a bonus of +4 to any saving throws, and damage This ring allows the user to completely control the actions of up to 30 hit dice
is always calculated at -2 per die (1 h.p. minimum per die). It is worth 1,000 of non-magical mammals, as long as they have an intelligence of 4 or less
x.p. (thus, creatures such as giant rats, dolphins, chimpanzees, etc. are immune).
This control even allows the ring wearer to cause the controlled mammals to
Ring of Free Action kill themselves in furtherance of his instructions, but to exercise such a level of
control requires total concentration. The ring requires 18 seconds (3 segments)
This ring allows the wearer to move and attack at normal speed despite webs, to activate. It is worth 1,000 x.p.
spells such as slow or hold person, or even being underwater (it will not,
however, give the wearer any special powers to breathe underwater). It is Ring of Mind Shielding
worth 1,000 x.p.
This ring affords the wearer complete immunity from ESP, telepathy, empathy,
Ring of Influence detect lie, know alignment, and similar magics. It is worth 500 x.p.

This ring will cause the wearer’s charisma score to rise to 18 when figuring Ring of Protection
out reactions by non-player characters and other creatures. Once per day, the
wearer can cast suggestion (as per the spell), and charm person (also as per The ring of protection improves the wearer’s armor class by a given amount
the spell, up to a maximum of 21 levels or hit dice worth of creatures). The and improves saving throws. Multiple rings of protection do not “stack” (only
latter two effects require 18 seconds (3 segments) to activate. It is worth 2,000 the strongest will have an effect), and it will not work in conjunction with
x.p. enchanted armor of any type. The exact powers of the ring of protection are
determined randomly:
Ring of Invisibility
This ring allows the wearer to become invisible at will (see the ADVENTURES Die Roll Experience Point
DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual for details on how invisibility works). In (d%) Effect Value
addition, 10% of these rings will also allow the wearer to become completely 01-70 +1 AC, +1 save 2,000
silent, but if he decides to talk, the silence is dispelled. It is worth 1,500 x.p. 71-82 +2 AC, +2 save 2,500
83 +2 AC, +2 save to all within 5’ radius 2,750
Ring of Jumping 84-90 +3 AC, +3 save 2,750
91 +3 AC, +3 save to all within 5’ radius 3,000
The wearer of this ring is able to leap 30’ forward, 10’ backwards, or 10’ 92-97 +4 AC, +2 save 3,500
straight up. The arc of the jump will take the wearer 2’ up for every 10’ 98-00 +6 AC, +1 save 4,000
traveled. The ring’s power can be used but four times per day. It is worth 1,000
x.p. For those rare cases where the ring extends a bonus to saving throws in a 5’
radius, note that the AC bonus only applies to the wearer, not to those within
Ring of the Magus the 5’ radius.

This ring will appear to be a non-magical ring of great value (1,000 g.p.) but Ring of the Ram
will explicitly not radiate magic no matter the means of detection. If the wearer
is physically struck by a magical item or weapon, the ring will not only negate This ring will have the head of a ram or goat upon it, and will radiate magic
whatever effect would have been forthcoming, but will draw the magic from if detected for. The wearer is able to shoot forth a ray of force in the shape of
the item in question, rendering it inert for 1d4 hours, after which time the item a ram’s head some 30’ distant, which can be used to knock into objects or
will return to its normal magical state (single-use items such as enchanted enemies, open stuck doors (even those which are magically held or locked),
arrows will simply remain drained). The item in question must physically touch or bash structures as if it were an actual battering ram. The amount of damage
the wearer of the ring to be thus affected, and are entitled to a saving throw done depends on how many charges are expended:
to resist being drained:
Charges Melee Open Doors
Expended Damage as If... Structural Damage
1 1d6 18/00 strength As battering ram
2 2d6 19 strength As battering ram x2
3 3d6 20 strength As battering ram x3

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

 Faerie fire twice per day

Three charges is the maximum that may be expended in any given strike. The  Spark shower once per day
force of the blow is such that, unless the target makes a saving throw vs. spells,
he will be knocked down (or off, if the target is on a ledge, atop a roof, etc.). All of these powers function as the spells described in the ADVENTURES DARK
The target is entitled to adjustments to its saving throw: AND DEEP™ Players Manual. It is worth 3,000 x.p.

Circumstance Saving Throw Adjustment
Creature is small -1 penalty Each ring of spell storing is created with a set of certain spells, which cannot
Creature is large +1 bonus be changed once the ring is forged. For those found in treasure hoards, roll
Strength score 11 or less -1 1d4+1 to determine the number of spells the ring contains. To determine the
Strength score 18-20 +3 bonus type of spells the ring has been designed to store, roll randomly:
Strength score 21 or more +6
Four or more legs +4 TABLE 178: RING OF SPELL STORING
Weighs over 1,000 lbs. +2 Die Roll (d%) Ring Spell Type
2 charges were expended -1 01-03 Bard
3 charges were expended -2 04-16 Cleric
17-23 Druid
If the ring is used against magical items, and three charges are expended, the 24-30 Mystic
item must make a saving throw vs. crushing blow or be smashed and ruined. 31-86 Mage
Regular items will always need to save vs. crushing blow if the ring is used 87-93 Illusionist
upon them. 94-00 Savant

The ring will have 10d6 charges. It can be recharged by a combination of the For each spell, roll randomly to determine its level; for mage spells roll 1d8 (re-
spells enchant an item and clenched fist. It is worth 750 x.p. roll 1d6 if an 8 is rolled). For all other types of spells, roll 1d6 (re-roll 1d4 if a
6 is rolled). Then use the spell list tables to determine which spell is in the ring.
Ring of Regeneration Roll each spell’s level and name separately until all of the spell slots in the ring
have been filled.
Most rings of this type will allow the wearer to regenerate 1 h.p. of damage
every 10 minutes, even if the wearer has been brought to negative hit points. The wearer of the ring will know automatically which spells it contains. Once
(If the wearer was killed by poison damage, he will be entitled to another a spell is cast from the ring, it is gone, and can only be recharged by a spell
saving throw once he comes back to 1 h.p.; if he fails the second roll, he dies caster of the appropriate type and level. Remember that even if a spell is cast
once and for all, and the ring can no longer help him.) Even severed limbs will from the ring, and thus the ring has an empty “slot”, it can only be refilled with
be restored by this ring. Fire or acid will prevent regeneration. the same spell that was cast. Each spell takes 30 seconds (5 segments) to cast
from the ring. It is worth 2,500 x.p.
In fact, 10% of rings of regeneration are, in fact, vampiric rings of
regeneration. They will take ½ of all damage the wearer inflicts in melee Ring of Spell Turning
combat (only) and restore that many hit points to the wearer.
This ring will reflect spells back upon the caster (including spells cast from
In no case can the wearer exceed his original total number of hit points by scrolls, but not magical effects from devices such as wands or other magic
means of these rings. It is worth 5,000 x.p. items). Area effect spells, and those which are activated by touch, are also not
affected by this ring.
Ring of Shocking Grasp
Once an applicable spell is cast on the wearer, roll to determine the precise
This ring allows the wearer to, by touching an enemy (requiring a successful effect:
“to hit” roll in melee), inflict 1d8+6 hit points of electrical damage. The ring
can be used up to three times before it must recharge for 10 minutes; there is TABLE 179: RING OF SPELL TURNING
no limit on the length of time between the three uses, but after the third it must Energy Saving Throw
rest. It is worth 1,000 x.p. Die Roll (d10) Reflected Bonus Special Save
1 10% +9 90%
Ring of Shooting Stars 2 20% +8 80%
3 30% +7 70%
The powers of the ring of shooting stars depend on where it is being used: 4 40% +6 60%
outside at night, or indoors at night or underground. In both cases, it can only 5 50% +5 50%
be used in the absence of bright light, such as sunlight. 6 60% +4 40%
7 70% +3 30%
Outdoors at night, the ring has the following powers: 8 80% +2 20%
9 90% +1 10%
 Dancing lights once per hour 10 100% - -
 Light twice per night (120’ range)
 Ball lightning once per night Energy reflected is the amount of damage that is reflected back to the caster
 Shooting stars three times per week (3 missiles, range 70’) (or duration of the spell’s effect, as applicable). Remember, of course, that the
rest of the spell’s energy still applies to the ring wearer. Saving throw bonus is
Indoors at night, or underground, the ring has the following powers: the bonus applied to any saving throw the spell would normally allow (the ring


wearer gets the inverse). Special save is a straight percentile saving throw that aloud, however, and other magic designed to obscure such lies will foil the
is applied if the spell in question would not normally allow a saving throw. ring. However, the wearer himself is also compelled to speak nothing but the
absolute truth while the ring is worn. Despite being something of a mixed
Example: Rolf the mage casts a magic missile spell on Edgar, who is wearing blessing, the ring is worth 1,000 x.p.
a ring of spell turning. A 7 is rolled, indicating that 70% of the spell’s total
damage applies to Rolf, while 30% gets through and hits Edgar. Since magic Ring of Warmth
missile does not normally allow a saving throw, Rolf gets a special save of
30% and Edgar gets a special save of 70%. If either rolls that number or less This ring allows the wearer to be comfortable and warm even in the coldest of
on percentile dice, the spell does no damage to him. conditions. It will heal cold-based damage at a rate of 1 h.p. per 10 minutes,
reduce damage done by cold-based attacks by 1 h.p. per die, and give a +2
If two people are wearing rings of spell turning, and a spell is cast by one bonus to saving throws involving cold. It is worth 1,000 x.p.
upon the other, a special magical resonance is set up. Roll to determine the
final result: Ring of Water Walking

TABLE 180: RING OF SPELL TURNING MAGICAL RESONANCE This ring allows the wearer to walk normally over any sort of liquid or semi-
Die Roll (d%) Effect liquid surface. His feet do not actually make contact with the liquid (thus,
01-70 Spell has no effect on either person walking across a lake of acid is possible without harm), and footprints some
71-80 Spell affects both at full strength 18” long and 2” deep will be made as he passes. The wearer moves at his
81-97 Both rings are rendered inert and lose all magical normal rate of speed, and the ring can carry some 1,200 lbs. total, including
properties, permanently the weight of the wearer. It is worth 1,000 x.p.
98-00 A tear in reality is created and both ring-wearers are
sucked into the positive material plane Ring of Weakness

The ring of spell turning is worth 2,000 x.p. This cursed ring cannot be removed once worn, save after the casting of a
remove curse spell followed by a dispel magic spell. It will cause the wearer
Ring of Sustenance to lose 1 point each of strength and constitution every 10 minutes until both
are reduced to 3, at which point the character is unable to function as whatever
This ring must be worn for a full week while it gets acclimated to its wearer class he is. The loss of strength and constitution will not be noticed until the
before its beneficial effects will be revealed. After that time, the wearer can, wearer actually attempts some action that requires strength or endurance:
for up to one week, survive without food and water, and with only two hours melee combat, running, etc. The ring also functions as a ring of invisibility,
of sleep per day. After that time, the ring must recharge for another full week which often masks the cursed nature of the ring. Strength and constitution loss
before it will function again. If the ring is removed at any time, the seven day is doubled while invisible. Once the ring is removed, strength and constitution
period of acclimation must begin again. It is worth 500 x.p. will be regained at a rate of 1 point per day of rest. It is worth no x.p.
Ring of Wishes
Ring of Swimming
This ring will grant its wearer a number of wishes (or limited wishes), as per
This ring allows the wearer to swim 210’ per minute, dive into 8’ of water from the mage spell.
a height of 50’ without injury, and remain underwater for a full 4 minutes
before needing to breathe. The wearer can swim normally for 4 hours out of TABLE 182: RING OF WISHES
every 5, and can remain afloat in any sort of seas short of the heaviest storms. Die Roll (d%) Number of Wishes
It is worth 1,000 x.p. 01-17 3 limited wishes
18-67 3 wishes
Ring of Telekinesis 68-00 2d4 wishes

This ring allows the wearer to move objects simply by concentrating on doing Bear in mind that the letter of the wish will be followed, and ambiguous or
so. Objects can be moved at a speed of 20’/minute the first minute, otherwise poorly worded wishes will doubtless result in unexpected and
40’/minute the next, etc., with the speed doubling each minute until a speed undesired results. The ring is worth 1,000 x.p. per wish it contains.
of 1,024’/minute is achieved after 10 minutes. The ring can move objects up
to 120’ away, and will work on living creatures, as long as they are under the Ring of Wizardry
weight limit of the ring, which is determined by the following table:
This ring may only be worn by a mage; even other classes with spell casting
TABLE 181: RING OF TELEKINESIS ability can not get it to function. The ring will allow the wearer to memorize
Die Roll (d%) Maximum Weight more than the usual number of spells, as determined below:
01-25 25 lbs.
26-50 50 lbs. TABLE 183: RING OF WIZARDRY
51-89 100 lbs. Die Roll (d%) Result
90-99 200 lbs. 01-50 2 x first level spells
00 400 lbs. 51-75 2 x second level spells
76-82 2 x third level spells
The ring takes only 6 seconds (1 segment) to activate. It is worth 2,000 x.p. 83-88 2 x first and second level spells
89-92 2 x fourth level spells
Ring of Truth 93-95 2 x fifth level spells
96-99 2 x first, second, and third level spells
This ring’s function is twofold. On the one hand, it allows the wearer to instantly 00 2 x fourth and fifth level spells
see through any falsehood, prevarication, and the like. The lie must be spoken

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

The ring of wizardry can only be used by mages. It is worth 4,000 x.p. 1% per point of intelligence if the viewer’s score is over 15, and 1% per level
or hit dice if that number is over 10 (these chances are cumulative). Checks
Ring of X-Ray Vision should be made every 10 minutes. It is worth 3,500 x.p.

This ring allows the wearer to see through solid matter as if it were transparent.
The exact amount of material that can be seen through depends on the type of
material, and concentration can help improve the effect:


See through per
Minute of Maximum Thickness
Material Concentration Seen Through
Animal 4’ 20’
Vegetable 2 ½’ 20’
Stone 1’ 10’
Metal 1” 10”

Note that even a thin layer of lead or gold will prevent x-ray vision from
functioning. It is worth 4,000 x.p.

Robe of the Archmagi

Robe of Eyes
There are three different versions of this garment. It will initially appear to be
an ordinary dull brown robe, and will radiate magic if detected for. Its true
This will initially appear to be an ordinary dull brown robe, and will radiate
nature will not be revealed until it is actually worn by a mage, at which time
magic if detected for. When worn, the robe will be seen to be very finely made
its true color will be revealed. The exact type of robe should be determined
and covered in a pattern of dozens of eyes, with the following benefits
randomly when it is first discovered.
bestowed upon the wearer:
 360° field of vision (makes backstabbing impossible, etc.)
Die Roll (d%) Color (Alignment)
 Infravision 120’ range (including invisible creatures)
01-45 White (good)
 Ultravision
46-76 Gray (neutral)
 See displaced, phased, etc. items and creatures in their real places
78-00 Black (evil)
 See invisible creatures and objects 240’ range
If a good mage dons a black robe, or an evil mage dons a white one, he will
 See camouflaged, hidden, and concealed creatures and objects
take 11d4+7 h.p. of damage and lose that many thousands of experience
 Track as a 12th level ranger
points, instantly. If a neutral mage wears a black or white robe, or if a good
 Wearer is never surprised
or evil mage dons a gray one, he will take 6d4 h.p. of damage and lose that
many thousands of experience points. In addition, the character will feel a
Note that the robe of eyes will not see into the astral or ethereal planes, and
strong pull to change his alignment to that of the robe he has donned; the
a light spell cast upon it will blind the robe for 1-3 minutes. Continual light will
game master should use all his powers of persuasion to encourage the player
do so for 2d4 minutes. It can only be used by mages, and is worth 4,500 x.p.
to do so. If successful, he will need to suffer the consequences for an alignment
Robe of Powerlessness
If the robe is worn by a mage of the correct alignment, it will confer the
This will initially appear to be an ordinary dull brown robe, and will radiate
following powers to the wearer:
magic if detected for. When donned, it will immediately reduce the wearer’s
intelligence and strength scores to 3, all spells memorized will be forgotten,
 Armor class 5 (can be combined with other magical defenses)
and any magic-related abilities lost. While the robe itself can be removed, the
 Type A magic resistance
effects will remain until both a remove curse and a heal spell are cast upon the
 All saving throws made with a +1 bonus
character. It will only affect mages, and is worth no x.p. when found.
 When casting charm monster, charm person, friends, hold monster,
polymorph other, or suggestion, the target(s) have their magic
Robe of Scintillating Colors
resistance reduced by 4 classes (thus, E becomes A, etc., if
applicable) and get an additional -4 penalty on any saving throws.
This will initially appear to be an ordinary dull brown robe, and will radiate
magic if detected for. Its true functions can only be activated if the wearer has
It can only be used by mages, and is worth 6,000 x.p.
an intelligence score greater than 14 and a wisdom score greater than 12.
When activated, a swirl of color will begin to flow over the surface of the entire
Robe of Blending
robe. One minute after it has been started, the full dazzling rainbow effect will
be active. If in a combat situation, all those within a 40’ radius must make a
This will initially appear to be an ordinary dull brown robe, but will not radiate
saving throw vs. spells or become hypnotized by the swirling pattern of color,
magic if detected for. Once it is worn, however, its powers will become known
lasting for 1d4+1 minutes. Once the hypnosis has worn off, all those affected
to the wearer. The robe can cause its wearer to appear to everyone except his
must still make another saving throw vs. spells in order to attack the wearer.
companions as some other object or creature: a brick wall, a tree, a troll, etc.
Each minute, all those attempting to attack the wearer (whether by missiles,
Shape and odor are changed (the robe can cause the wearer to appear up to
melee weapons, or hand-to-hand) have a cumulative -1 penalty “to hit”, up to
50% taller or shorter), but not sound, and no ability to understand or converse
a maximum of -5. After the first minute, once the robe’s effect has been
in languages is implied. There is a chance that the illusion will be seen through:
activated, the wearer can cast spells, engage in combat, etc. as long as he


does not move more than 10’ from where the effect was activated. In non- Robe of Vermin
combat situations, the robe will hypnotize all those within 40’ who fail a saving
throw vs. magic, with the effect lasting 1d4+1x10 (20-50) minutes. It can be This will initially appear to be an ordinary dull brown robe, and will radiate
used by either clerics or mages, and is worth 2,750 x.p. magic if detected for. If worn and tested, it will appear to be a robe of
protection +1. However, once the wearer finds himself in an actual combat (or
Robe of Stars other life-or-death) situation, that ruse will disappear and the true nature of the
robe will be revealed. Thousands of tiny vermin will erupt from the cloth of the
This will initially appear to be an ordinary dull brown robe, and will radiate robe, causing the wearer to scratch, slap, and otherwise lose much of his
magic if detected for. Once worn by a mage, however, its true nature will be bodily control. This will cause the wearer to have a +10 penalty to initiative
revealed. The robe affords the wearer the following powers and benefits. and to have only a 50% chance of successfully casting a spell, attacking in
combat, using a magic item, etc. It can only be removed after a remove curse
 Ability to travel on the Astral Plane in physical form, along with his has been cast upon the robe. It will only be effective on mages, and is worth
possessions no x.p.
 Can survive in the cold and vacuum of space
 +1 bonus to all saving throws Rod of Absorption
 Use of six star-weapons
This rod will, at the will of the holder, absorb any magical energies directed
The star-weapons appear to be embroidered stars on the front of the robe. at him (area effect spells, and those which require touch to activate, cannot be
However, they can be removed and thrown at an enemy as if they were darts so absorbed, nor can effects of magic items, but spells cast from scrolls can
(with a range of 60’, doing 2d4+5 h.p. of damage, and with a +5 bonus “to be). The wielder of the rod will know the level of the spell that has been cast
hit”). Five of the stars can be used without penalty (and will regenerate upon him, but not its nature, when he decides whether or not to absorb it. If
themselves at a rate of one per day), but if the sixth is used, all of the magical he does, the spell has no effect, and the rod will have spent a number of
powers of the robe will disappear. It can only be used by mages, and is worth charges equal to the spell’s level. The wielder can then use the rod’s stored
4,000 x.p. energy to cast some spell he already has memorized without losing it from his
own memory (and such spells always have a casting time of 6 seconds (1
Robe of Useful Items segment)). Thus, you need to keep track not only of how many charges the rod
has remaining that can be absorbed, but how many of those have been
This will initially appear to be an ordinary dull brown robe, and will radiate expended in the casting of bonus spells. When found, the rod will have a
magic if detected for. Once worn, the wearer will notice a number of small number of charges equal to 51 minus 1d10, and cannot be recharged. It can
patches sewn into the interior of the robe. He will intuitively know their nature only be used by clerics and mages, and is worth 7,500 x.p.
and use; by tearing the patch off the robe and tossing it on the ground, the
appropriate item will appear. Such items can never be restored to the robe. Rod of Beguiling

The robe will always contain two each of the following items: This rod will allow the wielder to cause all creatures within 20’ (with an
intelligence of 1 or greater) to become completely enamored of him, implicitly
 Dagger trusting him and following his instructions and suggestions (but not to the point
 Lantern (lit) of self-destruction or acting against their alignment). There is no saving throw.
 Mirror, 2’ diameter Each use of the rod will last for 10 minutes and will use up 1 charge. When
 10’ pole found, the rod will have a number of charges equal to 51 minus 1d10, and
 50’ rope the rod can be recharged with applications of the spells charm person or
 Large sack charm monster. It can only be used by bards, clerics, mages, and thieves, and
is worth 5,000 x.p.
In addition, there will be 4d4 other items, each of which should be determined
randomly (duplicates are allowed): Rod of Cancellation

TABLE 186: ROBE OF USEFUL ITEMS This rod allows the wielder to completely drain the enchantment of some other
Die Roll (d%) Item magical item it touches (a normal roll “to hit” is required). Items so touched are
01-08 100 g.p. in a small sack entitled to a saving throw; the item must roll the following number or higher in
09-15 6”x6”x12” silver box, worth 500 g.p. order to avoid being drained:
16-22 Iron door (will attach itself and set its own hinges
when placed on a wall or other appropriate surface),
up to 10’x10’, can be barred on the character’s side.
23-30 30 gems worth 100 g.p. each
31-44 24’ long wooden ladder
45-51 Mule, complete with saddlebags
52-59 10’x10’x10’ pit
60-68 Potion of extra healing (see p. 107 for details)
69-75 12’ long rowboat, with oars
76-83 Scroll containing 1 spell (determined randomly)
84-90 2 war dogs
91-96 2’x4’ window
97-00 Roll twice, re-rolling anything above 96

It can only be used by mages, and is worth 1,500 x.p.

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

TABLE 187: ROD OF CANCELLATION used to open doors as if with the strength of a storm giant, as long
Item Type Saving Throw as the pole is braced within 30’ of the door in question.
Potion 20  When stud #6 is pressed, the rod will inform its wielder of both the
Scroll 19 direction of true north and an approximation of depth below the
Ring 17 surface of the earth (if applicable).
Wand 15
Rod 14 When found, the rod will have a number of charges equal to 51 minus 1d10.
Staff 13 It cannot be recharged. Only cavaliers and fighters can use the rod of lordly
Miscellaneous item 12 might, which is worth 6,000 x.p.
Armor or shield (+4 or less) 11
Miscellaneous weapon (inc. up to 20 10 Rod of Passage
arrows, bolts, or darts all in one container)
Magic sword 9 This rod, when activated by the expenditure of 1 charge, allows the holder to
Armor or shield (+5) 8 perform the following, once per charge (maximum of one per minute):
Holy Sword 7
Artifact or relic 3  Astral travel (not the same as astral spell; see below)
 Dimension door
The rod will become useless once it drains the magic from a single item. It is  Passwall
worth 10,000 x.p.  Phase door
 Teleport without error
Rod of Flailing
If another charge is expended, all of the powers will “reset” and may once
When activated, this item will change appearance from an ordinary rod to a more be used, but no power may be used twice if only a single charge has
flail-like weapon: either the large footman’s flail or the smaller horseman’s flail, been expended. The charge will last one full day, so it is possible to expend a
as desired. Whichever variety is selected, the weapon will be +3 both “to hit” charge first thing in the morning, cast passwall, and then wait until evening to
and to damage. The special enchantment of the rod allow each of the flail’s use the phase door power, for example.
two heads to check for a hit separately; two different opponents can be so
struck as long as they are next to one another. If the wielder of the rod of The astral travel power enables the wielder plus four companions to travel to
flailing expends a charge, he will gain a +4 bonus to his armor class and a the astral plane in physical form (including all of their possessions, specifically
+4 bonus to all saving throws for 10 minutes. The rod need not be in flail mode including the rod itself). No other functions of the rod may be used while the
for the special protective qualities to be engaged, and using it as a flail does wielder and his companions are in astral form. The rod does allow them to
not expend any charges. When found, the rod will have a number of charges leave the astral plane, naturally.
equal to 51 minus 1d10. It can be recharged by the spell prayer. It is worth
2,000 x.p. When found, the rod will have a number of charges equal to 51 minus 1d10.
It can only be recharged by an astral spell cast by a mage of 20th level or
Rod of Lordly Might greater. It is worth 5,000 x.p.

This rod is somewhat different physically than other magic rods; it is thicker, Rod of Resurrection
has a ribbed ball at one end, and six studs along its length. Due to its great
weight (10 lbs.), anyone attempting to wield it as a melee weapon gets a -1 This spell allows the caster to bring back certain types of creatures from the
penalty “to hit” for each point of strength under 16. It has a variety of functions, dead much like the spell resurrection. However, even elves and creatures such
both magical and mundane: as orcs, goblins, etc., can be restored to life by means of this spell, even though
they possess a spirit, rather than a true soul; such is the power of the rod of
 It causes paralyzation by touch if desired; affected creatures are resurrection. The person to be resurrected can have been dead for up to 120
entitled to a saving throw vs. spells. This consumes 1 charge. years. The body of the deceased need not be present or whole. When found,
 It causes fear to all creatures within a 60’ range if desired; affected the rod will have a number of charges equal to 51 minus 1d10. The number
creatures are entitled to a saving throw vs. spells. This consumes 1 of charges used up when the rod is used depends on the class and race of the
charge. person being revived:
 It will drain 2d4 hit points from a stricken enemy and transfer them
to the wielder, up to his normal maximum number of h.p., if desired. TABLE 188: ROD OF RESURRECTION (CHARGES USED BY CLASS)
This consumes 1 charge. Class Charges Used
 It functions as a mace +2 (see above regarding strength limitations). Cleric, mystic, paladin 1
 When stud #1 is pressed, it will transform into a sword +1, flame Cavalier, druid, fighter, barbarian, 2
brand. This will not function if the rod is reduced to 0 charges, but ranger
does not itself use up any charges. Mage, illusionist, savant, thief, 3
 When stud #2 is pressed, it will transform into a battle axe +4. This mountebank, bard, jester
will not function if the rod is reduced to 0 charges, but does not Assassin (optional class) 4
itself use up any charges.
 When stud #3 is pressed, it will transform into a spear +3, with a TABLE 189: ROD OF RESURRECTION (CHARGES USED BY RACE)
length of between 6’ and 15’, at the wielder’s discretion. Race Charges Used
 When stud #4 is pressed, it will turn into a climbing pole, from 5’ Human 1
in length to 50’. It has rungs on either side of the pole, is anchored Halfling, half-elf 2
by a spike that can find purchase in the hardest stone, and by three Dwarf, gnome 3
grapnels at the opposite end. The bar can hold up to 4,000 lbs. Elf, half-orc, goblin, etc. 4
Pressing stud #5 will cause the climbing bar to retract. This can be


Add the number of charges used for class to those used for race to get the total When found, the rod will have a number of charges equal to 51 minus 1d10,
number of charges used. Multi-classed characters should use the class that uses and it cannot be recharged. It is worth 2,500 x.p.
the most charges; they need not add charges for each class they possess. Only
clerics can use it, and it is worth 10,000 x.p. Rope of Climbing

Rod of Rulership This appears to be an ordinary coil of rope some 60’ long, but will radiate
magic if detected for. When the command word is spoken, the rope will move
This rod allows the wielder to compel the absolute obedience of 200-500 hit up to 10’ per minute, tie itself around objects, untie itself, create knots in 1’
dice of creatures (those with 12 or more hit dice/levels and intelligence of intervals (to aid in climbing, but the effective length of the rope is reduced to
greater than 14 are entitled to saving throw vs. magic). All creatures ruled must 50’), etc. One end of the rope must be held by someone in order for it to
be within 120’ of the wielder of the rod. If commanded to do something function. It is worth 1,000 x.p.
completely against their nature, the effect will be broken. Each charge lasts for
10 minutes. When found, the rod will have a number of charges equal to 51 Rope of Constriction
minus 1d10. It cannot be recharged. It is worth 8,000 x.p.
This appears to be an ordinary coil of rope some 60’ long, but will radiate
Rod of Security magic if detected for. If any sort of command word is attempted upon it, the
rope will whip around both the user and 1d4 of his companions within a 10’
This rod will, upon touching some creature or creatures, transport them and radius who fail a saving throw vs. magic. Each person thus confined will suffer
the rod’s possessor to a pocket plane where the following conditions apply: 2d6 h.p. of constriction damage until a dispel magic spell is cast upon the
rope. Those entangled cannot cast spells or attack (including attacking the rope
 Contains 200 days’ worth of food and water (if more than one itself). The rope is AC -2 and will take 22 hit points of cutting damage before
person is present, divide accordingly, rounding down) it is destroyed, but all that damage must be caused by the same creature (all
 Natural aging is suspended (magical aging from spell casting and aimed at the same point in the rope). Once severed, all magic will leave it.
other causes still could apply) The rope is not worth any x.p.
 Natural healing takes place at double the normal rate
Rope of Entanglement
Multiple creatures can be affected by the rod if they are all holding hands or
otherwise touching when it is activated. When the supply of food and water This appears to be an ordinary coil of rope some 60’ long, but will radiate
runs out (rounding down, remember, so 110 people could stay there for a magic if detected for. When the command word is spoken, the rope will spring
maximum of 1 day, for example), they will all simply re-appear at the point forth up to 20’ (10’ if going straight up in the air) in but 6 seconds (1 segment);
where they originally departed. 6 seconds later it will have entangled its targets. Up to 8 humans can be thus
trapped (basically, 48’ in total height). Those entangled cannot cast spells or
When found, the rod will have a number of charges equal to 51 minus 1d10. attack (including attacking the rope itself). The rope is AC -2 and will take 22
It can be recharged by a cleric casting a restoration spell in concert with a hit points of cutting damage before it is destroyed, but all that damage must
mage casting a gate spell (both spells must be cast in order for the charge to be caused by the same creature (all aimed at the same point in the rope). Once
be restored). It is worth 8,000 x.p. severed, all magic will leave it, but if not severed will be whole again in 1
hour. It is worth 1,250 x.p.
Rod of Smiting Rug of Smothering

This rod will function as a +3 enchanted weapon, doing 1d8+3 hit points of This will appear as an ordinary, if beautiful and well-made, carpet some 6’x9’,
damage to most creatures it hits. Golems will receive 2d8+6 hit points of and will radiate magic if detected for. If someone (up to 8’ in height and
damage, and will be instantly destroyed on a natural “to hit” roll of 20. Any relative mass) sits on the rug and utters a command word, it will immediately
hit against a golem will drain 1 charge from the rod. Against creatures from wrap itself about that person, smothering them to death in but 1d4+2 minutes.
the outer planes (such as demons, devas, etc.), a roll of a natural 20 “to hit” It is not possible to physically prevent the rug from smothering its victim; only
will inflict triple damage and drain one charge. When found, the rod will have one of the following spells will cause it to unwrap itself: alter reality, animate
a number of charges equal to 51 minus 1d10. It cannot be recharged. It can object, hold plant, or wish. It is not worth any x.p.
be used by clerics, cavaliers, and fighters, and is worth 4,000 x.p.
Rug of Welcome
Rod of Splendor
This will appear as an ordinary, if beautiful and well-made, carpet some 6’x9’,
This rod affords its possessor a charisma score of 18 (subject to racial and will radiate magic if detected for. On command, it will function as either
maximums, and if the character already has a score of 18, no increase is a carpet of flying or a rug of smothering. At a different command word, it can
made). The rod will also make the holder’s clothing appear to be of the finest be caused to change shape into a plank up to 27’ long (2’ wide) that is as
materials and make. When a charge is expended, the possessor of the rod hard as steel, AC 0, and will take 100 h.p. of damage before being destroyed.
will be decked out in real clothing of exquisite taste and expensive materials; Finally, with a third command word, it will shrink to but 6”x18”, in which form
1,000 g.p. worth of rare material, 5,000 g.p. worth of expensive furs, and it can be easily transported or stored. It can only be used by mages, and is
1d4x1000 g.p. worth of gems and jewels sewn into the clothing. The garb worth 6,500 x.p.
may not be sold by the character or taken from him by force; if so, it will
disappear instantly. It may, however, be given by the character as a gift to Saw of Mighty Cutting
This appears to be a two-man saw with a blade some 12’ long and 1’ wide,
By expending a charge, the possessor of the rod can also bring into existence which will radiate magic if detected for. The saw of mighty cutting requires
a splendid pavilion stocked with food and drink for up to 100 persons. This one person of 18/00 strength, or two of minimum 17 strength each, to
pavilion will last for 24 hours, and may be sustained longer by the expenditure operate. It can be used to cut through the hardest of trees in but a short time;
of another charge. Otherwise, the tent and all its trappings will disappear. 1’ diameter in 3 minutes, up to 4’ thick in half an hour. After each hour of

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

cutting, the user(s) must rest for another hour before continuing. It can only be Scarab of Protection
used by fighters, and is worth 1,750 x.p.
This appears to be a brooch or amulet in the shape of a stylized beetle, and
Scarab of Death will radiate magic if detected for. Once held for more than a minute, the
possessor will be aware of its beneficial properties. The holder gains a +1
This appears to be a brooch or amulet in the shape of a stylized beetle, and bonus to all saving throws, and in those circumstances where no saving throw
will radiate magic if detected for. If it is within 1’ of a living creature for more is normally allowed (for example, against the spell magic missile), he gains a
than 1 minute, it will transform into an actual beetle, burrowing through saving throw of 20 (if any other magical protections give bonuses to saving
leather, cloth, and flesh, reaching and shredding the heart in but a single throws, they do apply). In addition, the scarab of protection will prevent a level
minute, after which time the victim is quite dead. The scarab will then transform drain (as by a vampire’s attack) up to 12 times (multiple level drains count as
back to its metallic form. Metal, bone, ceramic, hard wood, etc. will foil the multiple attacks for this purpose). When 12 such attacks have been thwarted,
scarab, and if it is placed in a container made of such material, it will not the scarab will be destroyed. It is worth 2,500 x.p.
activate. It is not worth any x.p.
Scroll of Protection from Acid
Scarab of Enraging Enemies
This scroll protects the reader from acid of all sorts, to a maximum of 160 h.p.
This appears to be a brooch or amulet in the shape of a stylized beetle, and It will last a maximum of 1d4+8x10 (90-120) minutes. The scroll requires 30
will radiate magic if detected for. When the command word is spoken, all of seconds (5 segments) to read. It is worth 2,500 x.p.
the users enemies within 40’ must make a saving throw vs. magic or become
enraged. Those who are thus enraged will attack whatever the nearest creature Scroll of Protection from Angels
is – friend or foe – with a bonus of +1 “to hit”, +2 to damage, and with a -3
penalty to their own armor class. The effect lasts for 1d6+6 minutes. The scarab This scroll will create a circle of protection some 10’ in radius from the reader.
can be used 1d6+18 times total before it shatters and becomes useless. It is The circle will prevent movement across its boundary, and provide complete
worth 1,000 x.p. protection against all attack, physical and magical, from any creatures of the
upper planes of lawful good alignment, such as angels, and will move with
Scarab of Golem Slaying the reader. The circle, if pressed against a creature in a circumstance where it
cannot retreat, will be broken. The protection will last for 5d4 minutes. The
This appears to be a brooch or amulet in the shape of a stylized beetle, and reading time depends on the level of protection desired:
will radiate magic if detected for. Once worn, it will allow the wearer to detect
golems within 60’ by concentrating upon the task. Any sort of golem may be TABLE 192: SCROLL OF PROTECTION FROM ANGELS
thus detected. The wearer is also able to hit a particular sort of golem, as well Protection Against… Reading Time
as any sort of golem with less than 40 hit points, regardless of whether or not All types (inc. princes, lords, etc.) 1 minute
he has an enchanted weapon. Roll for the type(s) of golem affected when the Greater and lesser angels 42 seconds (7 segments)
scarab is first discovered: Lesser angels 18 seconds (3 segments)
Type(s) of Golem It is worth 2,500 x.p.
Die Roll (d%) That can be Struck X.P. Value Scroll of Protection from Archons
01-30 Flesh 400
31-55 Clay 500 This scroll will create a circle of protection some 10’ in radius from the reader.
56-75 Stone 600 The circle will prevent movement across its boundary, and provide complete
76-85 Iron 800 protection against all attack, physical and magical, from any creatures of the
86-95 Flesh, clay, stone 900 upper planes of neutral good alignment, such as archons. The circle of
96-00 All types 1,250 protection will move with the reader. The circle of protection, if pressed against
a creature in a circumstance where it cannot retreat, will be broken. The
Scarab of Insanity protection will last for 5d4 minutes. The reading time depends on the level of
protection desired:
This appears to be a brooch or amulet in the shape of a stylized beetle, and
will radiate magic if detected for. When the command word is spoken, all TABLE 193: SCROLL OF PROTECTION FROM ARCHONS
creatures other than the user within 20’ must make a saving throw vs. spells Protection Against… Reading Time
with a -2 penalty (those who have magic resistance have a -10% penalty to Greater and lesser archons 42 seconds (7 segments)
that roll, as well) or be stricken insane for 1d4+8 minutes. Those so stricken Lesser archons 18 seconds (3 segments)
cannot cast any spells, reason logically, etc. The exact effect is random, and
should be rolled separately for each creature affected: It is worth 2,500 x.p.

TABLE 191: SCARAB OF INSANITY Scroll of Protection from Breath-Weapons (Dragon)

Roll Action
01-10 Wander off in random direction for 10 minutes, then re-roll This scroll will cause the reader to become immune to all forms of dragon
11-60 Stand in dumb puzzlement for 1 minute, then re-roll breath weapons, regardless of type. Any sort of breath weapon that is dragon-
61-80 Attack nearest creature for 1 minute, then re-roll like, but does not originate in an actual dragon (such as that of a chimera), is
81-00 Attack caster and/or his allies for 1 minute, then re-roll not affected. The effect lasts for 2d4+4 minutes. The scroll takes 1 minute to
read. It is worth 2,000 x.p.
It is worth 1,500 x.p.


Scroll of Protection from Breath Weapons (Non-Dragon) TABLE 196: SCROLL OF PROTECTION FROM DEVAS
Protection Against… Reading Time
This scroll will grant the reader complete immunity to any sort of breath weapon Greater and lesser devas 42 seconds (7 segments)
that is not caused by a dragon; thus those of gorgons, chimeras, etc., are Lesser devas 18 seconds (3 segments)
protected against. The effect will last for 1d4+4 minutes. The scroll takes 6
seconds (1 segment) to read. It is worth 2,000 x.p. It is worth 2,500 x.p.

Scroll of Protection from Cold Scroll of Protection from Devils

This scroll will create a circle of protection some 30’ in radius from the reader. This scroll will create a circle of protection some 10’ in radius from the reader.
It will be proof against all forms of natural cold, and against magical cold it The circle will prevent movement across its boundary, and provide complete
will afford a +6 bonus to all saving throws, and reduce damage to ¼ of normal protection against all attack, physical and magical, from any creatures of the
if the saving throw is failed, and 1/8 of normal if the saving throw is made. It lower planes of lawful evil alignment, such as devils. The circle of protection
is worth 2,000 x.p. will move with the reader. The circle of protection, if pressed against a creature
in a circumstance where it cannot retreat, will be broken. The protection will
Scroll of Protection from Daemons last for 5d4 minutes. The reading time depends on the level of protection
This scroll will create a circle of protection some 10’ in radius from the reader.
The circle will prevent movement across its boundary, and provide complete TABLE 197: SCROLL OF PROTECTION FROM DEVILS
protection against all attack, physical and magical, from any creatures of the Protection Against… Reading Time
lower planes of neutral evil alignment: daemons, night hags, nightmares, etc. All types (inc. princes, lords, etc.) 1 minute
The circle of protection will move with the reader. The circle of protection, if Greater and lesser devils 42 seconds (7 segments)
pressed against a creature in a circumstance where it cannot retreat, will be Lesser devils 18 seconds (3 segments)
broken. The protection will last for 5d4 minutes. The reading time depends on
the level of protection desired: It is worth 2,500 x.p.

TABLE 194: SCROLL OF PROTECTION FROM DAEMONS Scroll of Protection from Electricity
Protection Against… Reading Time
All types (inc. princes, lords, etc.) 1 minute This scroll will create a circle of protection some 10’ in radius around the
Greater and lesser daemons, night 42 seconds (7 segments) reader. All those within the area of effect will be completely immune to
hags, and nightmares lightning and other electrically-based attack, whether natural or magical in
Lesser daemons and nightmares 18 seconds (3 segments) nature. The scroll takes 30 seconds (5 segments) to read. It is worth 1,500 x.p.

It is worth 2,500 x.p. Scroll of Protection from Elementals

Scroll of Protection from Demons This scroll will create a circle of protection some 10’ in radius from the reader.
The circle will prevent movement across its boundary, and provide complete
This scroll will create a circle of protection some 10’ in radius from the reader. protection against all attack, physical and magical, from up to 24 hit dice
The circle will prevent movement across its boundary, and provide complete worth of the indicated type of elemental creature (16 hit dice if the scroll is
protection against all attack, physical and magical, from any creatures of the effective against all sorts of elementals). The circle of protection will move with
lower planes of chaotic evil alignment, especially demons. The circle of the reader. The circle of protection will be broken if pressed against an
protection will move with the reader. The circle of protection, if pressed against elemental in a circumstance where it cannot retreat. The protection will last for
a creature in a circumstance where it cannot retreat, will be broken. The 5d6 minutes. The exact type of scroll is determined randomly:
protection will last for 5d4 minutes. The reading time depends on the level of
Die Roll (d%) Type of Elemental Effected
TABLE 195: SCROLL OF PROTECTION FROM DEMONS 01-15 Air (inc. aerial servants, djinni, etc.)
Protection Against… Reading Time 16-30 Earth (inc. xorn, etc.)
All types (inc. princes, lords, etc.) 1 minute 31-45 Fire (inc. efreeti, salamanders, etc.)
Greater and lesser demons 42 seconds (7 segments) 46-60 Water (inc. tritons, etc.)
Lesser demons 18 seconds (3 segments) 61-00 All (inc. jann)

It is worth 2,500 x.p. The scroll takes 36 seconds (6 segments) to read. It is worth 1,500 x.p.

Scroll of Protection from Devas Scroll of Protection from Fire

This scroll will create a circle of protection some 10’ in radius from the reader. This scroll creates a circle of protection 15’ in radius around the reader. All
The circle will prevent movement across its boundary, and provide complete those within the area of effect are completely immune from any sort of fire or
protection against all attack, physical and magical, from any creatures of the heat, whether natural or magical in nature, even extending to red dragons’
upper planes of chaotic good alignment, such as devas. The circle of protection breath and the attacks of fire elementals. The effect lasts for 1d4+4x10 (50-
will move with the reader. The circle of protection, if pressed against a creature 80) minutes. The scroll takes 42 seconds (8 segments) to read. It is worth 2,000
in a circumstance where it cannot retreat, will be broken. The protection will x.p.
last for 5d4 minutes. The reading time depends on the level of protection

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

Scroll of Protection from Gas

This scroll creates a circle of protection 5’ in radius around the reader. All
those within the radius will be completely immune to any sort of gas or vapor,
including (but not limited to) green dragons’ breath, spells such as cloudkill,
poison gas, etc. The effect will last for 1d4+4 minutes. The scroll takes 18
seconds (3 segments) to read. It is worth 2,000 x.p.

Scroll of Protection from Illusions

This spell will afford the reader the ability to see through any sort of
illusion/phantasm spell or magical effect, including personal immunity to the
effects of any such magical effects and spells. The effect will last for 5d6
minutes. The scroll takes 42 seconds (7 segments) to read. It is worth 1,500

Scroll of Protection from Lycanthropes

Scroll of Protection from Petrification

This scroll will create a circle of protection some 10’ in radius around the
This scroll creates a 10’ radius sphere around the reader, which moves as he
reader. The circle will prevent movement across its boundary, and provide
does, within which all creatures are completely immune to any sort of
complete protection against all attack, physical and magical, from up to 49 hit
petrification effects (being turned to stone by a medusa or cockatrice, etc.).
dice’ worth of the indicated type of lycanthrope. The circle of protection will
The protection will last for 5d4 minutes. It is worth 2,000 x.p.
move with the reader. The circle of protection, if pressed against a lycanthrope
in a circumstance where it cannot retreat, will be broken. The protection will
Scroll of Protection from Plants
last for 5d8 minutes. The exact type of scroll is determined randomly:
This scroll will create a circle some 5’ in radius around the reader. No form of
plant life, extending to fungi, slimes, molds, etc., can enter that area. If the
Die Roll (d%) Type of Lycanthrope Effected
circle of protection encounters a plant that is capable of movement, it will move
01-02 Nanaues
out of the way. If the circle encounters a large, rooted plant such as a tree, it
03-07 Werebears
will be uprooted if the reader of the scroll would normally be strong enough to
08-12 Wereboars
do so; otherwise, he will be unable to advance further in that direction. The
13-22 Wererats
effect lasts for 1d4+4x10 (50-80) minutes. The scroll takes 1 minute to read. It
23-24 Wereseals
is worth 1,000 x.p.
25-29 Weretigers
30-44 Werewolves
Scroll of Protection from Poison
45 Werewolves, marine
46-98 All lycanthropes
This scroll grants the reader complete immunity to any sort of poison, no matter
99-00 All shape-changers (jackalweres, swanmays, higher-
its form (gas, drink, injected, etc.). The effect will last for 1d10+2 minutes, but
level druids, those under polymorph spells, etc.)
any poison ingested or otherwise in the body will not suddenly “activate” when
the protection ends. If the character remains in a place where new poison will
The scroll takes 24 seconds (4 segments) to read. Note that the form which
be encountered, such as a room full of poison gas, however, he will be affected
protects against all shape-changers will not protect against deities. It is worth
normally when the protection runs out. The scroll takes 18 seconds (3 segments)
1,000 x.p.
to read. It is worth 1,000 x.p.

Scroll of Protection from Magic

Scroll of Protection from Possession

This scroll creates a sphere 5’ in radius around the reader, which moves with This scroll will create a 10’ radius sphere around the reader, which moves with
him, through which no magical spell or other effect can pass. Magic items
him, and which provides complete protection against any sort of mind control,
touching this sphere have a 50% chance of having their magical energies
bodily possession, etc. Even dead bodies within the sphere are protected. Note
permanently drained (if this does happen, it overwhelms and cancels out the
that it is not proof against spells such as charm person; it only protects against
anti-magic sphere). The sphere will last for 5d6 minutes. The scroll takes 48
direct control such as magic jar. The scroll takes 1 minute to read. The effect
seconds (8 segments) to read. It is worth 1,500 x.p.
will normally last 10d6 minutes.

Scroll of Protection from Paralyzation

10% of these scrolls will actually last ten times longer than the normal version,
but the protection afforded by the scroll will not move with the reader. It is
This scroll will grant the reader complete immunity to any sort of paralysis,
worth 2,000 x.p.
holding, etc. whether magical or physical (caused by gas, nerve pinch, etc.).
The effect lasts for 1d4+1x10 (20-50) minutes. The scroll requires 1 minute to
Scroll of Protection from Traps (Mechanical)
read. It is worth 1,500 x.p.
This scroll will afford the reader a special aura that prevents the operation of
mechanical traps, but this aura extends to him alone. Thus, he can step on a
pressure plate without triggering it, open a trapped chest, pick a trapped lock,
etc. However, if he is walking down a hall with someone else not so protected,
they could very well set off the traps, which would affect him normally. Note
that traps are not revealed by this scroll; they simply will not activate because


of the reader’s actions. The effect will last 5d4 minutes. The scroll takes 24 Scroll of Protection from Water
seconds (4 segments) to read. It is worth 2,000 x.p.
This scroll will create a sphere 5’ in radius around the reader, which moves
Scroll of Protection from Traps (Magical) with him. All those within the area of effect are completely immune to any sort
of water-based damage (including other forms of water such as sleet, ice,
This scroll will create a circle of protection 5’ in radius around the reader that steam, etc.). Water in any form will not penetrate the sphere (thus the sphere
moves with him. All those within the area of effect will not trigger magical will simply glide over ice and water). The effect lasts for 1d4+4x10 (50-80)
traps. However, if he enters a room with someone else outside the zone of minutes. The scroll takes 36 seconds (6 segments) to read. It is worth 1,500
protection, that other person could very well set off the traps, which would x.p.
affect him normally. Note that traps are not revealed by this scroll; they simply
will not activate because of the reader’s actions. The effect will last 3d4 Scroll of Protection from Weapons (Blunt)
minutes. The scroll takes 48 seconds (8 segments) to read. It is worth 2,000
x.p. This scroll will create a sphere 5’ in radius around the reader, which moves
with him. All those within the area of effect are completely immune to any non-
Scroll of Protection from Traps (All) magical blunt weapon, such as a mace, staff, club, etc. All other sorts of
weapons, as well as enchanted blunt weapons, will still do normal damage.
This scroll creates a circle of protection 5’ in radius. Within this area of effect, The effect lasts for 1d4+4 minutes. It is worth 1,000 x.p.
traps of any sort will simply not activate. Note that traps are not revealed by
this scroll; they simply will not activate because of the actions of those in the Scroll of Protection from Weapons (Edged)
area of effect. Of course, if someone outside the area of effect sets off a trap,
those within the scroll’s protective influence could still feel the trap’s effects. This scroll will create a sphere 5’ in radius around the reader, which moves
The effect will last 2d4 minutes. The scroll takes 1 minute to read. It is worth with him. All those within the area of effect are completely immune to any non-
2,000 x.p. magical edged weapon, such as a sword, scimitar, axe, etc. All other sorts of
weapons, as well as enchanted edged weapons, will still do normal damage.
Scroll of Protection from Undead The effect lasts for 1d4+4 minutes. It is worth 1,000 x.p.

This scroll creates a 5’ radius circle, through which no undead can move or Scroll of Protection from Weapons (Magical Blunt)
make any physical attack. Magical attacks are not prevented by this circle.
The circle will move with the reader. Up to 35 hit dice of undead will be This scroll will afford the reader complete immunity from any magical blunt
protected against. The effect will remain for 10d8 minutes. The type of undead weapon such as a mace, club, or staff. All other sorts of weapons, as well as
protected against is determined randomly: non-magical weapons, will still do normal damage. The effect lasts for 1d4+4
minutes. It is worth 1,000 x.p.
Die Roll (d%) Type of Undead Affected Scroll of Protection from Weapons (Magical Edged)
01-02 Apparition
03-04 Banshee This scroll will afford the reader complete immunity from any magical edged
05-06 Child spirit weapon such as a sword, scimitar, or axe. All other sorts of weapons, as well
07-08 Coffer corpse as non-magical weapons, will still do normal damage. The effect lasts for
09-10 Dragon, blood 1d4+4 minutes. It is worth 1,000 x.p.
11 Dragon, bone
12 Dragon, spectral Scroll of Protection from Weapons (Magical Missile)
13 Dragon, tumulus
14 Dragon, wailing This scroll will afford the reader complete immunity from any magical missile
15-17 Ghast weapon such as a bolt, arrow, or sling bullet. All other sorts of weapons, as
18-20 Ghost well as non-magical weapons, will still do normal damage, as will missiles
21-23 Ghoul hurled from siege engines or boulders thrown by giants. This scroll does not
24-25 Haunt protect against the spell magic missile. The effect lasts for 1d4+4 minutes. It
26 Huecuva is worth 1,000 x.p.
27-29 Mummy
30 Mummy lord Scroll of Protection from Weapons (Magical Piercing)
31-32 Poltergeist
33-35 Shadow This scroll will afford the reader complete immunity from any magical piercing
36-38 Skeleton weapon such as a spear, pike, etc. (but excluding missile weapons of all sorts).
39 Son of chaos All other sorts of weapons, as well as non-magical weapons, will still do normal
40-42 Specter damage, as will missiles hurled from siege engines or boulders thrown by
43 Vampire giants. The effect lasts for 1d4+4 minutes. It is worth 1,000 x.p.
44-45 Wight
46-47 Wraith Scroll of Protection from Weapons (Missile)
48-50 Zombie
51-00 All undead This scroll will create a sphere 5’ in radius around the reader, which moves
with him. All those within the area of effect are completely immune to any non-
The scroll takes 1 minute to read. It is worth 1,500 x.p. magical missile weapon, such as a dart, arrow, sling bullet, etc. All other sorts
of weapons, as well as enchanted weapons, will still do normal damage, as
will missiles hurled from siege engines or boulders thrown by giants. The effect
lasts for 1d4+4 minutes. It is worth 1,000 x.p.

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

Scroll of Protection from Weapons (Piercing) of leather, wood, or bone. The spell read magic must be used to determine
what spells a particular scroll has written upon it, but once it is used initially
This scroll will create a sphere 5’ in radius around the reader, which moves by a mage, or other spell caster, it need not be used again.
with him. All those within the area of effect are completely immune to any non-
magical piercing weapon, such as a spear, pike, etc. All other sorts of At the game master’s discretion, scrolls may have a chance up to 30% to fade
weapons, as well as enchanted weapons, will still do normal damage, as will if their nature is not immediately discerned upon their discovery.
missiles hurled from siege engines or boulders thrown by giants. The effect
lasts for 1d4+4 minutes. It is worth 1,000 x.p. Scrolls with spells will usually be of a single type, but will very rarely be mixed:


Die Roll (d%) Scroll Spell Type
Scrolls containing curses can either be created deliberately as booby traps for 01-16 Cleric
the unwary, or by a warping of a spell scroll by the passage of ages, rendering 17-23 Druid
the once-beneficial magical power therein into something harmful, much as a 24-30 Mystic
fine wine can turn to vinegar if left to sit too long. Even the quickest attempt to 31-85 Mage
read the cursed scroll (as in, attempting to determine its contents, glancing to 86-92 Illusionist
see if it’s a map or a scroll, checking to see if it’s blank, etc.) will unleash the 93-99 Savant
curse. There are an infinite number of such curses that could be made to befall 00 Mixed (roll twice, ignoring further
the character reading such a scroll, but the following effects are given for the rolls of 00 and duplicates)
game master in a hurry. Feel free to be inventive and don’t be afraid to sorely
inconvenience (or even just kill outright) with such curses: The number of spells on each scroll, as well as the possible level of each spell,
is determined randomly:
Die Roll (d%) Curse Effect TABLE 203: SCROLL SPELL LEVEL
01-08 Reader is polymorphed into a monster with hit dice Mage Spell All Others Spell
equal to his level, which then attacks his companions Die Roll (d%) # of Spells Level Level
relentlessly. 01-17 1 1d4 1d4
09-15 Reader immediately liquefies, running away in 18-27 1 1d6 1d6
disgusting rivulets. 28-32 1 1d8+1 1d6+1
16-22 Reader and his companions are teleported 2d6x100 33-40 2 1d4 1d4
miles distant. 41-45 2 1d8 1d6
23-29 Reader and his companions are teleported to some 46-53 3 1d4 1d4
other plane, alternate reality, distant alien world, etc. 54-58 3 1d8+1 1d6+1
30-36 Reader contracts a deadly wasting disease which will 59-65 4 1d6 1d6
remove 1 point of strength or constitution every 10 66-70 4 1d8 1d6
minutes until 0 is reached, which will be fatal (cure 71-77 5 1d6 1d6
disease will also help avoid this effect, but the statistic 78-82 5 1d8 1d6
loss will be permanent until remove curse is applied). 83-87 6 1d6 1d6
37-46 One magic item possessed by the reader will be 88-90 6 1d6+2 1d4+2
nullified and rendered permanently non-magical. 91-95 7 1d8 1d6
Remove curse will not reverse this effect. 96-98 7 1d8+1 1d6+1
47-54 The reader is struck permanently blind. 99-00 7 1d6+3 1d4+3
55-62 The scroll explodes, causing 6d4 h.p. of damage to
the reader (no save). Those within 10’ are allowed a (If of mixed type, roll once for each type, re-rolling results over 90.) Once the
saving throw to only take half damage. number of spells has been determined, simply roll the appropriate die for each
63-70 All memorized spells are immediately forgotten. One spell to determine level, then reference the spell lists in the ADVENTURES DARK
slot (determined randomly) is permanently lost until a AND DEEP™ Players Manual to determine which spells are on the scroll. Roll
remove curse can be cast. separately for level for each spell on the scroll. Once cast from a scroll, the
71-78 The reader is instantly struck with lycanthropy. spell disappears forever.
Determine type randomly.
79-86 The reader is made insane. It is possible for a spellcaster to cast a spell from a scroll that is of higher level
87-94 The reader is switched to the opposite gender. than he would ordinarily be able to cast. There is, however, a risk that doing
94-00 A demon appears (of a type commensurate with the so will cause the spell to fail or, worse, backfire on the caster. Determine the
level of the reader) and will attack the reader (and difference in the minimum level needed to cast the spell and the experience
any who aid in his defense). level of the caster, and then roll to determine the result. If the spell is one that
the caster could otherwise normally cast, success is automatic.
Generally, only certain curses will actually be undone by the spell remove
curse. Curses which generate their effect immediately (teleporting, turning to
liquid, etc.) will not be reversible, while those that leave the victim in a cursed
state for a period of time (polymorph, illness, etc.) will be reversed by the spell.

Scroll, Spell

Very often, magic scrolls containing spells will be discovered as part of

treasure hoards. Such scrolls (as all scrolls) are usually protected by scroll cases



Difference in Levels Spell TABLE 206: SHIELD, ENCHANTED (QUALITIES)
Needed to Cast Success Spell Failure Spell Backfire Die Roll (d%) Qualities X.P. Value
1 01-95 96-99 00 01-36 +1 150
2 01-90 91-99 00 37-56 +2 400
3 01-85 86-99 00 57-72 +3 700
4 01-80 81-97 98-00 73-80 +4 1,100
5 01-75 76-96 97-00 81-84 +5 1,650
6 01-70 71-95 96-00 85-88 Roll again, plus bonus see below
7 01-65 66-91 92-00 vs. missiles
8 01-60 61-90 91-00 89-00 Cursed 0
9 01-55 56-89 90-00
10 01-50 51-82 83-00 If a shield with a bonus vs. missiles is found, first roll again on the above table
11 01-45 46-81 82-00 to determine the shield’s regular bonus in combat (re-rolling rolls above 84),
12 01-40 41-79 80-00 and then roll to determine its exact bonus on the following table.
13 01-35 36-67 68-00
14 01-30 31-65 66-00 TABLE 207: SHIELD, ENCHANTED (MISSILE BONUS)
15 01-25 26-62 63-00 Die Roll (d%) Bonus vs. Missiles X.P. Value
16 01-20 21-44 45-00 01-43 +1 50
17 01-15 16-40 41-00 44-67 +2 100
18 01-10 11-37 38-00 68-86 +3 150
19 01-05 06-33 34-00 87-96 +4 200
20 - 01-30 31-00 97-00 +5 250

Where applicable, each spell scroll should be assumed to have been written If the bonus vs. missiles is less than the regular bonus of the shield, raise it to
by a spell caster 1 level greater than the minimum he would need to be to cast the regular bonus (but the x.p. bonus will only be 50). In addition, however,
the spell himself. Thus, the spell fireball cast from a scroll would function as if all shields with a bonus vs. missiles (even those where the bonus is the same
it were cast by a 6th level caster. as that vs. other attacks) will also have a 20% chance of deflecting magic
missiles (as per the spell, wand, etc.) that are fired against the bearer from the
Scrolls with spells are worth a total number of experience points equal to their front.
total spell levels times 100, but such should only be awarded to those
characters actually able to use the spells. If a cursed shield is found, roll to determine the nature of the curse. The nature
of such shields will not be revealed until they are actually used in combat;
Shadow Lanthorn mock combat tests will not reveal their curse. Once revealed, the cursed item
cannot be gotten rid of except by the casting of a remove curse spell.
This appears to be a normal lantern, but will radiate both magic and evil if
detected for. If oil made from the fat of human (or demi-human) corpses is used TABLE 208: CURSED SHIELD
to fuel the lantern, 1d4+4 shadows will appear and serve the holder for one Die Roll (d%) Curse Type
hour (at which point the fuel is exhausted). It is worth 750 x.p., but once its 01-45 -1
nature is known characters with any good alignment will lose that many x.p. 46-70 -2
if they do not take steps to destroy it immediately. 70-90 -3
91-00 Missile attractor (re-roll for other curse
Sheet of Smallness effects, re-rolling rolls above 90).

This appears to be a finely-wrought bed sheet of silk or linen with both sides The missile attractor shield will attract missiles of all different sorts to the bearer.
clearly demarked (by pattern, color, etc.). If any magical item (other than an If the bearer is in a group where the target of a particular missile attack must
artifact or relic) is wrapped in the sheet with the proper side facing the object, be determined randomly, the chances that he will be struck are triple what they
the object will shrink to 1/12th normal size. While thus shrunk, the object would normally be.
cannot be used. The object may be returned to normal size and functioning by
wrapping it in the sheet with the other side facing the object. The size change X.P. value is cumulative, except for cursed shields, which are never worth any
will take a full 2 minutes to complete, whether shrinking or growing. It is worth experience points.
1,250 x.p.
Shoes of Wandering
Shield, Enchanted
These appear to be low boots with thick soles, but will radiate magic if detected
Enchanted shields weigh as much as their mundane counterparts, but will for, and will expand or contract to fit any wearer up to ogre size. The shoes
improve armor class by the indicated amount. Both the size of the shield and will never wear out, and the wearer is able to walk without becoming fatigued,
the qualities of the shield must be determined. allowing up to 30 miles per day when traveling in open terrain. If the wearer
is of neutral or neutral good alignment, he will gain the following powers while
TABLE 205: SHIELD, ENCHANTED (SIZE) wearing the shoes:
Die Roll (d%) Shield Size X.P. Value
01-05 Buckler 25
06-15 Small 50
16-85 Medium 100
86-00 Large 125

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

 Immune to tripping, walking into a snare, falling into a pit, or the

spell entangle Spell Book
 Able to walk up or down inclines up to 45° as if they were flat
terrain As game master, you may wish to keep the discovery of long-forgotten spell
 Able to walk on narrow or slippery paths and never falter or fall books to intentional placement. However, it is not outside the realm of
possibility that such valuable works would be discovered in the treasure hordes
They are worth 2,000 x.p. of certain creatures. It should be noted that this is also an excellent way of
introducing new spells, whether of the game master’s devising or from some
Slippers of Kicking other source, into the campaign.

These appear to be light footwear of ordinary sort, but will radiate magic if The type of book should be determined first, and then the size:
detected for, and will expand or contract to fit any wearer up to ogre size.
Once worn, the slippers will allow the wearer to engage in a pummeling attack TABLE 209: SPELL BOOK TYPE
twice per round, doing 1d6 h.p. against man-sized or small creatures, and Die Roll (d%) Book Type
1d4 h.p. against large creatures. (This is done instead of normal melee 01-20 Illusionist
combat; see the rules for pummeling in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ 21-79 Mage
Players Manual for details.) They are worth 750 x.p. 80-98 Savant
99 Mixed (roll twice again, re-rolling duplicates and 99-
Slippers of Spider Climbing 00)
00 Fake
These appear to be light footwear of ordinary sort, but will radiate magic if
detected for, and will expand or contract to fit any wearer up to ogre size. TABLE 210: SPELL BOOK SIZE
Once worn, they allow the wearer to move at 60’ per minute on walls and Die Roll (d12) Book Size Base X.P. Value
even ceilings, leaving his hands free for other purposes. Slippery surfaces, 1-3 Traveling 500
those coated with oil, or made of ice, cannot be thus climbed. They are worth 4-11 Standard 1,000
1,000 x.p. 12 Reference 1,500

Sovereign Glue Each spell book will contain 3d6+1 spells, up to the maximum capacity of its
type (see the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual for details on how
This thick and viscous gel can only be contained in a flask that is coated on many spells a spell book can contain). Once the number of spells has been
the inside with oil of slipperiness (see p. 104 for details). If some of the determined, roll for each spell level. Then roll randomly to determine which
sovereign glue is poured out of its container, more oil of slipperiness must be spell for that level is contained in the book. Keep rolling until the book is filled.
applied to the lip and inside of the container or the glue will then adhere to For mixed books, roll 1d3 to determine which type of spell happens to be next
the container and be rendered completely useless. One dose is sufficient to in the book:
coat 1 square foot, and after it has had 1 minute to set, nothing will be able
to separate the two items thus joined save oil of etherealness or the ultimate TABLE 211: SPELL BOOK SPELL LEVEL
solution (see p. 102 and 131 respectively). Each flask contains 10 X.P.
applications. If the glue is not allowed the full minute to set, it will dry out and Spell Level Illusionist Mage Savant Value
become useless. It is worth 1,000 x.p. per dose found. 1 01-24 01-29 01-33 100
2 25-45 30-53 34-56 200
3 46-63 54-70 57-72 300
4 64-78 71-81 73-82 400
5 79-90 82-88 83-89 500
6 91-98 89-94 90-95 600
7 99-00 95-98 96-98 700
8 - 99 99 800
9 - 00 00 900

Finally, roll to see what sort of protection or trap, if any, the spell book has.
Note that fake spell books always have at least one sort of protection, as they
are designed to entice would-be thieves into opening them and thus bringing
about their own doom; re-roll any roll under 61:


Die Roll (d%) Protection/Trap
01-50 None.
51-60 Lock (no key available).
Spade of Colossal Excavation 61-70 Lock w/poison needle trap.
71-73 Explosive runes on first page.
This appears as a large shovel, 8’ long with a blade 2’x3’, and will radiate 74-78 Permanent blank book cantrip has been cast on the
magic if detected for. If used by someone with a strength of 18 or more, it can book.
be used to dig a hole 1 cubic yard in size per minute. Hard clay-type soil, or 79-81 2d4 bookworms hidden in binding.
loose sand and gravel, will take twice as long, while loose soil can be dug at 82-84 Book is itself intelligent (treat as intelligent weapon in
double the normal rate. Once used for 10 minutes straight, the wielder must all respects).
rest for 5 minutes. It can only be used by fighters, and is worth 1,000 x.p.


Die Roll (d%) Protection/Trap TABLE 214: SPHERE OF ANNIHILATION

85-88 Anyone other than the author who opens the book is Experience Level Base Control Chance Max. Movement
cursed. 1-5 15% 8’ / min.
89-92 Pages are treated with contact poison. For every 6-7 20% 9’ / min.
page flipped through, there is a 1% cumulative 8-9 30% 10’ / min.
chance that enough poison will be absorbed through 10-11 40% 11’ / min.
the fingertips to kill, unless precautions are taken 12-13 50% 12’ / min.
(gloves, stylus used to flip pages, etc.). 14-15 60% 13’ / min.
93-94 When opened when the temperature is above 80° F, 16-17 70% 14’ / min.
glue used in the binding gives off an invisible 18-20 75% 15’ / min.
hallucinogenic gas; all within 10’ must make a saving 21+ 80% 16’ / min.
throw vs. poison, or else believe himself to be a 20th
level Archmage and will become violent if anyone TABLE 215: SPHERE OF ANNIHILATION CONTROL BONUS FOR
either contradicts him or attempts to take the book INTELLIGENCE
from him. The effect will last 2d12 hours, but could Intelligence Score Control Chance Bonus
occur again the next time the book is opened in the 13 +1%
proper temperature. 14 +2%
95-96 Blades spring out of the cover when the book is 15 +3%
opened. Make a dexterity check or take 1d6 h.p. of 16 +6%
damage. If the first check fails, make a second; if that 17 +9%
fails, a finger has been sliced off. 18 +12%
97 Book is possessed by a demon. Prolonged contact
with it will result in the owner of the book himself The mage must roll each minute to determine whether he controls the sphere.
becoming possessed. Failure indicates that the sphere will move at maximum speed (based on his
98-00 The first time the book is opened, a blinding flash of experience level, as indicated above) in a straight line right at him for 1d4
light will blind anyone looking at it within 10’ unless minutes, until the mage is more than 30’ distant, or until control is established.
they make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation.
It is possible for two or more mages to attempt to control the same sphere. In
Full experience points for spell books should only be awarded to members of such a situation, each has a -5% penalty to their chance to control the sphere.
a class that can use the spells within. Others should only receive 10% of the The mage with the highest chance is rolled for first; if he fails, roll for the next-
full X.P. value. highest, and so on. If none is successful, the sphere will move towards the most
powerful attempter within 30’, as noted above.
Spell Component Case, Enchanted
A gate spell will either destroy the sphere (50% chance), have no effect (35%),
This appears to be a small belt pouch, but will radiate magic if detected for. If or cause an meta-dimensional rift that will toss everything within 180’ into an
worn by a mage, he can simply think of any desired spell component, reach alternate dimension or alternate plane (15%). A rod of cancellation will cause
into the pouch, and it will appear. If the component is not used to power a an explosion doing 3d4x10 h.p. of damage to each creature within 60’. The
spell within 1 minute, it will disappear. If used in a spell, it will likewise sphere of annihilation can only be used by mages, and is worth 3,750 x.p.
disappear, even if the component in question would not normally do so. The
case can be used only a set number of times per day, which should be Spoon of Stirring
determined randomly when it is first discovered:
This appears to be a normal spoon, and will not radiate magic unless it is
TABLE 213: ENCHANTED SPELL COMPONENT CASE placed in a magic potion. If the spoon is put in a potion, it will instantly change
Die Roll (d%) Uses per Day X.P. Value its nature (determine the new potion type randomly). If the same potion type is
01-15 2 200 indicated by the random roll, the potion will either be at double normal strength
16-30 3 300 (50%) or half normal strength (50%), but the color/smell/viscosity will have
31-50 4 400 changed, as if it were a new type. The user of the spoon will not know the new
51-70 5 500 type; it must be determined through normal means. The same potion can be
71-95 6 600 changed up to three times; any more applications of the spoon will cause the
96-00 7 700 potion to become inert. It is worth 500 x.p.

It can only be used by mages or their sub-classes. Staff of Command

Sphere of Annihilation This staff has several separate functions, some of which can only be accessed
by mages, and others that can only be accessed by clerics.
This dreaded object appears to be a hole of utter blackness, but if carefully
examined, it will be seen to be spherical; a globe of nothingness. In reality, it The first function allows the wielder to completely control the actions of up to
is a rift in the very fabric of the universe itself. Anything touching the sphere 30 hit dice of non-magical mammals, as long as they have an intelligence of
will be instantly and irrevocably annihilated; even a wish will be unable to 4 or less (thus, creatures such as giant rats, dolphins, chimpanzees, etc. are
reverse the effect of the sphere. Normally, the sphere is at rest; however, immune). This control even allows the staff wielder to cause the controlled
mages (or sub-classes) can attempt to control it by mental concentration, as mammals to kill themselves in furtherance of his instructions, but to exercise
long as it is within 40’ (once controlled, the range becomes 10’ per level of such a level of control requires total concentration. Each use expends 1 charge.
the mage). The chance for the mage to successfully control the movement of This function can be used only by mages.
the sphere is a function of both experience level and intelligence:

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

The second will cause the wearer’s charisma score to rise to 18 when figuring  Lightning bolt (1)
out reactions by non-player characters and other creatures. Once per day, the  Passwall (1)
wearer can cast suggestion (as per the spell), and charm person (also as per  Plane shift (2)
the spell, affecting up to a maximum of 21 levels or hit dice worth of creatures).  Protection from evil/good (0)
Each suggestion or charm will use 1 charge from the staff. This function can  Pyrotechnics (1)
be used by either mages or clerics.  Telekinesis (2) – up to 200 lbs.
 Wall of fire (1)
The third function allows the wielder to control the actions of a number of  Web (1)
creatures (of any non-magical type: mammals, reptiles, birds, etc.) depending  Whirlwind (2) – a funnel cone up to 70’ high, 10’ wide at the base
on their size: and 30’ at the top, that lasts 1 round, kills all non-aerial creatures
under 2 hit dice and does 2d6 h.p. of damage to others.
Size Number Affected The staff gives its wielder an automatic +2 bonus to all saving throws vs. magic.
Small 5d4 The staff can also act as a rod of absorption, but the wielder has no idea of
Medium (man-sized) 3d4 how many spell levels are being cast, nor does he know how many charges
Large 1d4 are within the staff, making the process risky, as if the staff absorbs more spell
levels than it is able, it will explode as per a retributive strike (see below). Each
Creatures with an intelligence score of 5 or higher are entitled to a saving spell level thus absorbed adds one charge to the staff; if it exceeds the total
throw vs. spells. The potion only affects natural animals; monsters, humans, number of charges the staff can possess, it will explode. Any sort of spell can
humanoids, magical creatures, etc., are immune to its effects. The effect lasts be absorbed, not just those that can be cast through the staff.
10 minutes and uses 1 charge. This function can be used only by clerics.
The wielder of the staff can also break it, causing a retributive strike. The
The fourth function allows the wielder to control the actions of any plants wielder deliberately breaks the staff in two, causing an enormous explosion
(including regular plants, intelligent plant creatures, molds and fungi, etc.) in (the strike can never be caused accidentally). All creatures within 10’ will take
a 10’x10’ area, centered on a point up to 80’ distant. Plants with an 8 hit points of damage for every charge the staff possesses; those 10’-20’ will
intelligence score of 5 or greater are entitled to a saving throw vs. spells. It will take 6 h.p. per charge, and those 20-30” will take 4 h.p. per charge. All are
not affect slimes and puddings. Affected plants may be made to move, hold entitled to a saving throw vs. magic; success indicates they take half damage.
still (including being silent, such as when the staff is used on shriekers), wrap There is a 50% chance that the person breaking the staff will be hurled into
around objects or creatures, etc. Self-destructive commands given to intelligent some other plane of existence (determine randomly), but otherwise he will be
plants will not be heeded. The effect does not imbue plants with abilities they utterly destroyed.
do not already have: i.e., ordinary grass cannot be made to grab at things,
as it cannot normally move. The effect will last for 10 minutes and uses 1 When found, the staff will have a number of charges equal to 26 minus 1d6.
charge. It can be used only by clerics. It can only be recharged by absorbing incoming spells, as noted above. It can
only be used by mages, and is worth 15,000 x.p.
When found, the staff will have a number of charges equal to 26 minus 1d6.
It can be recharged by the spells charm person or charm monster. It is worth Staff of Power
5,000 x.p.
This powerful magical item has a variety of powers and effects. It can, at will,
Staff of Curing perform the following functions (as per the spell of the same name if applicable,
unless otherwise specified; the number in parentheses is the number of charges
This staff allows the wielder to employ any of the following powers up to two used when the power is activated):
times per day: cure disease, cure blindness, cure insanity, or cure 3d6+3 hit
points of damage. Each power uses up 1 charge. When found, the staff will  Cone of cold (50% have fireball instead) (1)
have a number of charges equal to 26 minus 1d6. The staff can be recharged  Continual light (1)
by the spells cure disease, cure blindness, or cure critical wounds. It can only  Darkness, 5’ radius (1)
be used by clerics, and is worth 6,000 x.p.  Globe of invulnerability (2)
 Levitation (1)
Staff of the Magi  Magic missile (50% have lightning bolt instead) (1)
 Paralyzation (2) – a cone 40’ long and 20’ wide at the base
This very powerful magical item has a variety of powers and effects. It can, at  Ray of enfeeblement (1)
will, perform the following functions (as per the spell of the same name if  Shield, 5’ radius (2)
applicable, unless otherwise specified; the number in parentheses is the
number of charges used when the power is activated): The wielder also gets a bonus of +2 to armor class and all saving throws. The
staff can also be used in melee as a quarterstaff +2. At the wielder’s option, a
 Conjure elemental (2) – one of each type per day, each with 8 hit successful hit can do double damage with the expenditure of 1 charge.
 Detect magic (0) The wielder of the staff can also break it, causing a retributive strike. The
 Dispel magic (1) wielder deliberately breaks the staff in two, causing an enormous explosion
 Enlarge (0) (the strike can never be caused accidentally). All creatures within 10’ will take
 Fireball (1) 8 hit points of damage for every charge the staff possesses; those 10’-20’ will
 Hold portal (0) take 6 h.p. per charge, and those 20-30” will take 4 h.p. per charge. All are
 Ice storm (1) entitled to a saving throw vs. magic; success indicates they take half damage.
 Invisibility (1) There is a 50% chance that the person breaking the staff will be hurled into
 Knock (1) some other plane of existence (determine randomly), but otherwise he will be
 Light (0) utterly destroyed.


When found, the staff will have a number of charges equal to 26 minus 1d6.
It can be recharged by any spell whose effect the staff can create, plus hold
person or hold monster. It can only be used by mages, and is worth 12,000

Staff of the Serpent

There are two variations of this staff: the python and the adder. The python
staff can be used as an ordinary quarterstaff +2 in melee. The wielder can, at
his command, throw the staff on the ground and cause it to transform into an
actual python (49 h.p.; see the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary entry
“Snake, constrictor” for complete details). If the snake is slain, the staff is
rendered useless. It will return to the staff wielder upon command.

The adder can be used as an ordinary quarterstaff +1. Upon utterance of the
command word, the top portion of the staff will transform into the head and
neck of an adder, which can itself be struck (AC 5, 20 hit points). If the wielder
hits with the staff while in this mode, the defender must make a saving throw
vs. poison or die (a successful saving throw means they take 2-4 h.p. of
damage). The adder staff will only be used by evil clerics.

Neither form of the staff requires charges. They can only be used by clerics,
and are worth 7,000 x.p.

Staff of Striking

This staff is used as a quarterstaff +3. Every hit expends a charge. If 2 charges
are expended, it will do +6 damage instead of +3. If 3 charges are expended,
it will do +9 damage. (It will never gain additional bonuses “to hit” by
expending charges.) When found, the staff will have a number of charges
equal to 26 minus 1d6. It can only be used by clerics or mages, and is worth
6,000 x.p. It can be recharged by the spell enchanted weapon.


Effect Details Charges
This staff allows the wielder to expend a charge and summon a swarm of Thunder Strike as quarterstaff +3, enemies struck must 1
biting, stinging, winged insects around a target individual for 1 minute. The save vs. rods/staves/wands or be stunned
swarm will appear at a distance up to 60’ plus 10’ per level of the wielder of for the rest of the round and automatically go
the staff. The swarm itself will consist of 10 insects plus 10 per level of the user. last in the next round.
The target creature will take 1 h.p. of damage per 10 insects present. Armor Lightning In addition to normal damage, 2d6 h.p. of 1
class is not taken into account, but the insects will not affect any large creature electrical damage are inflicted, electrical
with a natural armor class of 5 or better. While afflicted by the swarm, the damage will hit metal armor as if it were AC
target cannot cast spells, attack, or do anything except attempt to strike at the 10.
insects. Creatures with some sort of force field, who are surrounded by flames, Thunderclap A cone of thunder 40’ long and 20’ wide at 2
etc. cannot be the target of such a swarm. When found, the staff will have a its base will cause those within the area to
number of charges equal to 51 minus 1d6, and cannot be recharged. The save vs. rods/staves/wands or be stunned
number of charges can be determined by counting the number of insects (unable to attack) for 2 minutes and deaf for
carved into the surface of the staff; as each charge is used, one such carving 2 minutes past that. Those who save are
disappears. It can only be used by clerics, and is worth 6,000 x.p. merely deafened for 4 minutes.
Lightning A lightning bolt (similar to the spell, but 2
Staff of Thunder and Lightning Stroke originating at the staff and doing 8d6 h.p. of
damage, treating all 1’s as 2’s). Both forked
This staff is used as a quarterstaff +2. By the utterance of the proper command and normal lightning can be called forth.
word and the expenditure of the appropriate number of charges, the wielder Thunder Combination of thunderclap and forked 4
is able to produce the following effects: and lightning stroke (above), with the exception
Lightning that the lightning stroke treats 1’s as 2’s and
2’s as 3’s, and targets are entitled to a
saving throw vs. wands/staves/wands for
half damage.

When used in melee, add the number of charges expended to the wielder’s
initiative, as a penalty. When found, the staff will have a number of charges
equal to 26 minus 1d6. It is worth 8,000 x.p.

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

Staff of Withering When found, the staff will have a number of charges equal to 26 minus 1d6.
It is worth 1,000 - 3,500 x.p.
This staff functions as a +1 enchanted weapon, doing 1d4+1 every time it hits
(it is itself withered and small, and thus does less damage than a normal Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals
quarterstaff). Every hit expends a charge. If 2 charges are spent, the hit will
also age the target creature by 10 years (which could impact ability scores, This appears to be a roughly polished stone, but will radiate magic if detected
etc.). If 3 charges are spent, the staff will also cause one of the defender’s for. When the command word is spoken, an earth elemental will appear after
limbs to wither and age almost instantaneously (roll randomly to determine 1d4 minutes. If 4 cubic yards of regular earth are available, the elemental will
which limb is hit). Creatures that are unaffected by age (undead, daemons, have 12 hit dice: if that volume of stone, sand, gravel, or mud is available,
devas, etc.) are not affected by the latter two powers of the staff. When found, then it will have 8. If there is not a sufficient supply of material, the elemental
the staff will have a number of charges equal to 26 minus 1d6. It can only be cannot appear. Once the elemental has been summoned, the user must
used by clerics, and is worth 8,000 x.p. maintain concentration in order to control it; if he does not, there is a 75%
chance that the elemental will turn upon him (otherwise it will instantly return
Staff of the Woodlands to its home plane). The stone can be used but once per day, and is worth
1,500 x.p.
This staff allows the wielder, who must be a druid, to expend one charge and
activate the following powers, each as per the appropriate spell: Stone of Good Luck

 Wall of thorns This item, also known as a “luckstone”, appears to be a roughly polished stone,
 Animal friendship but will radiate magic if detected for. Whoever possesses the stone will get a
 Animate tree +1 bonus on all saving throws (or +5%, as applicable), or in any other
circumstance where luck is a factor in determining what happens to the
In addition, the nature of the staff’s melee bonus and other magical powers (if character. It does not affect “to hit” or damage rolls, nor does it have an
any) should be determined when it is discovered. Each magical power does influence over the chance of spell failure (for clerics with a low wisdom, spell
not cost any charges, and can be activated but once per day. casters using scrolls, etc.). It is worth 3,000 x.p.


Die Roll (d%) Melee Bonus Powers
01-25 +4 n/a This will appear to be a life-sized rough-hewn sculpture of a horse, made of
26-50 +3 Pass without trace hard stone, and will radiate magic if detected for. When the command word
51-75 +2 Pass without trace, barkskin is spoken, the statue will come to life, able to carry 1,000 lbs. without the need
76-00 +1 Pass without trace, barkskin, tree to rest or take on food or water. Saving throws are as if it were “metal, hard.”
If it takes damage, it can be repaired by first casting the spell stone to flesh
When found, the staff will have a number of charges equal to 26 minus 1d6. upon it and then allowing it to graze, healing at 1 h.p. per day. When it is
It is worth 8,000 x.p. back to full strength, the stone horse will revert back to its stone form. There
are two types of stone horse; the exact type should be determined when it is
Staff-Mace first discovered (50% chance of either form):

This appears to be an ordinary wooden staff, but will radiate magic if detected TABLE 220: STONE HORSE
for. On command, it will assume one of the following forms: Type Speed Attacks AC Hit Points
Courser 240’/min. 1d6/1d6/1d3 3 18
 Quarterstaff +3 Destrier 180’/min. 1d8/1d8/1d3 1 26
 Footman’s mace +1
 Horseman’s mace +2 Regardless of type, the stone horse is worth 2,000 x.p.

The staff-mace does not use charges. It is worth 1,500 x.p. Stone of Weight

Staff-Spear This item, also known as a “loadstone”, appears to be a roughly polished

stone, and will radiate magic if detected for. In any situation where the holder
This will appear to be an ordinary quarterstaff, but will radiate magic if is being pursued by or pursuing some adversary, or in melee or other combat
detected for. When the proper command word is uttered, the end of the staff situations, he will move and attack at half the normal speed. The loadstone is
will sprout a metal blade, and the whole will then function as a spear or other cursed, and only a dispel evil spell will allow the owner to finally be rid of it,
spear-like weapon. When a second command word is spoken, the whole will by turning it to dust. It is worth no x.p.
lengthen to 12’ from its original 6’ in length. The exact sort of weapon should
be determined when the staff is first discovered: Sustaining Spoon

TABLE 219: STAFF-SPEAR This appears to be an ordinary spoon fashioned of horn, but will radiate magic
Die Roll (d%) Functions as Weapon X.P. Value if detected for. If placed in or on an empty food container (bowl, cup, plate,
01-30 Spear +1 1,000 etc.) the container will become filled with a very nutritious, if extremely
31-50 Spear +2 1,500 unappetizing, gruel. The spoon will function four times per day, with each
51-65 Spear +3 2,000 activation providing sufficient nourishment for a single person for the full day.
66-80 Spear +4 2,500 It is worth 750 x.p.
81-96 Spear +5 3,000
97-00 Ranseur +3 3,500


Sweet Water radiate magic if detected for. If read intensely over the course of a week, it
will give the reader the knowledge of secret techniques of persuasion and
This draught is added to other liquids in order to purify them. Up to 100,000 oratory that will allow him to increase his charisma score by 1 point after a
cubic feet of foul, polluted water can be transformed into fresh drinking water, month of implementation. The program must be completed within 3 months of
which will remain pure forever if left alone, and which will resist re- reading, or the knowledge will be lost. Only one character can read from it at
contamination for 5d4 minutes. Even 1,000 cubic feet of pure acid can be a time. After it has been read, the book will disappear into dust. The same
turned into fresh water by means of this elixir. Poison and magic potions will character can never benefit from the same sort of book again. It is worth 7,000
be turned to ordinary water as well. It is worth 200 x.p. x.p. when first discovered.

Talisman of Pure Good Tome of Understanding

This appears to be a roughly polished stone, and will radiate both good and This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and
magic if detected for. When a command word is uttered, a flaming fissure will its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will
open up beneath the feet of an evil cleric within 77’, swallowing him up and radiate magic if detected for. If read intensely over the course of a week, it
effectively destroying him utterly. The talisman can only be used by a cleric of will give the reader the knowledge of intense willpower-building techniques
good alignment (and if he is not of exceptional character himself, the intended and mystical exercises that will allow him to increase his wisdom score by 1
victim will be entitled to a saving throw vs. magic). The talisman can only be point after a month of implementation. The program must be completed within
used 7 times before it is turned to dust. If touched by a neutral cleric, he will 3 months of reading, or the knowledge will be lost. Only one character can
take 7d4 h.p. of damage; evil clerics will take 12d4 h.p. Non-clerics are read from it at a time. After it has been read, the book will disappear into dust.
immune. It can only be used by clerics (not subclasses) of good alignment, and The same character can never benefit from the same sort of book again. It is
is worth 3,500 x.p. worth 8,000 x.p. when first discovered.

Talisman of the Sphere Trident of Fish Command

This appears to be a 4” metal ring with an attached handle, which will radiate This appears to be an ordinary weapon, but will radiate magic if detected for.
magic if detected for. If any non-mage so much as touches it, they will take When a charge is expended, all fish within 60’ must save vs. magic. Failure
5d6 h.p. of damage. If possessed by a mage, it will double his intelligence indicates they will be under the empathic command of the wielder, moving as
bonus when attempting to control a sphere of annihilation (see p. 127 for directed and unable to attack either him or those whom he chooses within 10’
details). In addition, once controlled, the mage need only recheck for control of himself. Success indicates that the fish will not approach closer than 10’.
every other minute, rather than every minute. However, if control is Only fish are affected; mollusks, mammals, crustaceans, etc. are immune. It
subsequently lost, the sphere will move towards the would-be controller at 16’ has 1d4+16 charges, and can be recharged with the spell animal friendship.
per minute regardless of his experience level. A wand of negation will be It will also function as a trident +1 in melee. It cannot be used by mages, and
effective against the talisman of the sphere, even though it has no effect on the is worth 500 x.p.
sphere itself. It can only be used by mages, and is worth 100 x.p.
Trident of Warning
Talisman of Ultimate Evil
This appears to be an ordinary weapon, but will radiate magic if detected for.
This appears to be a roughly polished stone, and will radiate both evil and When pointed in a specific direction, the trident of warning will tell its wielder
magic if detected for. When a command word is uttered, a flaming fissure will of any hostile marine creatures (type, bearing, and number) within 240’. A full
open up beneath the feet of a good cleric within 66’, swallowing him up and spherical region can be so scanned in but one minute. Activating this power
effectively destroying him utterly. The talisman can only be used by a cleric of uses up 1 charge; the trident will have 1d6+18 charges when found, and can
evil alignment (and if he is not of the vilest character himself, the intended be recharged with the spell detect evil. It will also function as a trident +2 in
victim will be entitled to a saving throw vs. magic). The talisman can only be melee. It cannot be used by mages, and is worth 1,000 x.p.
used 6 times before it is turned to dust. If touched by a neutral cleric, he will
take 7d4 h.p. of damage; good clerics will take 12d4 h.p. Non-clerics are Trident of Yearning
immune. It can only be used by clerics (not sub-classes) of evil alignment, and
is worth 3,500 x.p. This appears to be an ordinary weapon, but will radiate magic if detected for.
When the trident is grasped, the wielder will immediately yearn to dive to the
Tome of Clear Thought bottom of the deepest water available (certainly enough to completely immerse
himself within), and nothing will dissuade him. The trident is cursed, and the
This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and person holding it can only let go by means of a wish or alter reality spell, or a
its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will water breathing spell if cast after he has entered the water. It does not enable
radiate magic if detected for. If read intensely over the course of a week, it the wielder to actually breathe water, of course. It will also function as a cursed
will give the reader the knowledge of secret mental disciplines and exercises trident -2 in melee. It is not worth any x.p.
that will allow him to increase his intelligence score by 1 point after a month
of implementation. The program must be completed within 3 months of Ultimate Solution
reading, or the knowledge will be lost. Only one character can read from it at
a time. After it has been read, the book will disappear into dust. The same This appears to be a magical oil of some sort. Each dose will cover a one-foot-
character can never benefit from the same sort of book again. It is worth 8,000 square area, and will completely undo any glue (including sovereign glue),
x.p. when first discovered. adhesive, cement, mortar, etc. There are 27 doses in each flask. The oil, by
simmering it down to 1/3 of its normal volume, can be distilled into a
Tome of Leadership and Influence concentrated form which will disintegrate any object with which it comes in
contact (as per the spell). Each such dose will dissolve one cubic foot of
This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and material; magical items and living creatures are entitled to a saving throw vs.
its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will disintegrate, while mundane materials get none. For this reason, an enchant

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

an item spell must be cast upon the vessel in which the ultimate solution is being  Dig (1/2 charge)
distilled and/or transported (and even then, it must make a successful saving  Passwall (1 charge)
throw). It is worth 1,000 x.p.  Move earth (2 charges)

Vacuous Grimoire The second sort is worth 1,500 x.p. and, in addition to the powers listed
above, can also perform the following feats.
This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and
its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. If even the  Transmute mud to rock (1 charge)
slightest portion is read, however, the reader must make two saving throws vs.  Transmute rock to mud (1 charge)
magic. If the first is failed, the reader will permanently lose 1 point of
intelligence. If the second is failed, the reader will permanently lose 2 points When found, either sort of wand will have 1d20+100 charges.
of wisdom. The book does not disappear once read, but the same person will
not lose more points of intelligence or wisdom if another vacuous grimoire is Wand of Enemy Detection
read. It is not worth any x.p.
This wand allows the wielder to know the location of any hostile entities within
Wand of Conjuration a 60’ radius sphere (the wand will function into the ethereal and astral planes,
and will detect invisible creatures as well). One charge will allow the wand to
This wand allows the wielder to instantly recognize any function for 10 minutes. When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges.
conjuration/summoning type spell when it is cast, or when they see it written The wand can be recharged by the spells detect evil/good, detect invisibility,
on a scroll, etc. In addition, the wielder can expend a charge to cast an unseen or ESP. It is worth 2,000 x.p.
servant spell, and between 1 and 6 charges to cast the spells monster
summoning I - VI. Monster summoning will take 30 seconds (5 segments), and Wand of Fear
can be cast in any combination that adds up to 6 (m.s. II and IV; m.s. I, I, I
and III, etc.). It can be used once per round. This wand can be used once per minute to create an instant cone-shaped beam
some 60’ long and 20’ wide at the base. Any creature in the zone of effect
For a cost of two charges, the wand can also create a curtain of blackness, up must make a saving throw vs. wands. Failure indicates the creature will
to some 600 square feet in size that must stretch from ceiling to floor and wall immediately flee at maximum speed away from the wielder for 2d6 minutes.
to wall in such a way that it is bounded by some physical frame on all sides. Each use will expend 1 charge. When found, the wand will have 1d20+100
It will block all light, but can be crossed, etc., without penalty. charges. It can be recharged by the spell cause fear (the reverse of remove
fear). It can only be used by clerics or mages, and is worth 3,000 x.p.
In addition, the wand can be used to “build” a prismatic sphere or prismatic
wall 1 color per minute, at the cost of 1 charge per color. The wall or sphere Wand of Fire
must be built starting with the color red and moving towards violet. See the
spell description in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual for This wand has four different effects, each of which acts as the spell named, as
details. if it were cast by a 6th level caster:

When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. It can be recharged  Burning hands. Takes 6 seconds (1 segment) to activate, costs 1
with the spells prismatic sphere, monster summoning (any), or unseen servant. charge.
It can only be used by mages, and is worth 7,000 x.p.  Pyrotechnics. Takes 12 seconds (2 segments) to activate, costs 1
Wand of Defoliation  Fireball. Takes 12 seconds (2 segments) to activate, costs 2
charges. When calculating damage (6d6), count all 1’s rolled as
It should be noted that this wand will only be constructed of ivory, metal, or 2’s.
bone; never wood. It has the following three powers:  Wall of fire. Takes 18 seconds (3 segments) to activate, costs 2
 All chlorophyll within a 30’ radius is destroyed; leaves will turn
red/yellow/orange and drop, grass will become brown, etc. When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. It can be recharged by
Requires 1 charge. any of the spells mentioned above. It can only be used by mages, and is worth
 All normal plants in a 30’ radius will die, shriveling to desiccated 4,500 x.p.
brush nearly instantly. Sentient and magical plants will suffer 1d6
h.p. of damage. Requires 2 charges. Wand of Fireballs
 A cone of energy 30’ long and 10’ wide at the base forms in the
direction the wand is pointed. All normal plants in the area will die, This wand allows the user to create a fireball as if he were a 6th level mage:
and magical or sentient plants take 6d6 h.p. of damage. Those on thus the fireballs created each do 6d6 h.p. of damage (save for half damage)
the edge of the effect must make a saving throw vs. with a range of 160’. It creates a ball some 33,000 cubic feet in size, and the
rods/staves/wands. Success indicates they only take half damage. fire will expand to fill that entire space. Each fireball takes one charge. Use of
the wand requires 12 seconds (2 segments). When found, the wand will have
When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. It is worth 1,000 x.p. 1d20+100 charges, and can be recharged by the spell fireball. It is worth
2,000 x.p.
Wand of Earth and Stone

These wands come in two different sorts. The first is worth 1,000 x.p. and
grants the wielder the following powers (all as per the relevant spells):


Wand of Flame Extinguishing Wand of Illumination

This wand has four basic functions, with a range of 60’: This wand has four different effects, each of which acts as the spell named, as
if it were cast by a 6th level caster:
 Small to medium non-magical fires (such as a campfire, fireplace,
etc.) are extinguished.  Dancing lights. Takes 6 seconds (1 segment) to activate, costs 1
 Large non-magical fires (bonfires, a gallon or more of flaming oil, charge.
etc.) or small magical flames such as those produced by devils,  Light: Takes 12 seconds (2 segments) to activate, costs 1 charge.
flame tongue weapon, burning hands, etc. are extinguished if a  Continual light. Takes 12 seconds (2 segments) to activate, costs 2
charge is expended. Where applicable, magical fires will re-ignite charges.
after 6 minutes.  Sunburst. Takes 18 seconds (3 segments) to activate, costs 3
 Large magical fires, such as fireball, flame strike, wall of fire, etc. charges.
are extinguished if two charges are expended.
 Creatures made of living flame, such as elementals, will suffer 6d6 When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. Any of the spells listed
h.p. of damage if one charge is used. above will recharge it. It is worth 2,000 x.p.

When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. It is worth 1,250 x.p. Wand of Illusion

Wand of Force This wand allows the user to create either a visual or auditory illusion (or both).
The illusion takes 18 seconds (3 segments) to activate, and each element
This wand has three basic functions, each activated by a different command (visual and auditory) costs 1 charge per minute to maintain. It requires
word: concentration to maintain the illusion, but the wand wielder can move (no
combat is possible, however). See the spells phantasmal force and audible
 A blade of energy will come out of the tip of the wand, equivalent glamer for details. When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. It
to a bastard sword +5. Requires 1 charge for 10 minutes. Can be can be recharged by the following spells: phantasmal force, improved
used by fighters. phantasmal force, audible glamer, permanent illusion, or spectral force. It can
 Wall of force (as per the spell) as if cast by a 10th level mage. only be used by mages, and is worth 3,000 x.p.
Requires 1 charge, and can be done once per minute. Can be used
by either fighters or mages. Wand of Lightning
 Forceful hand (as per the spell). Requires 1 charge for 2 minutes.
Can be used only by a mage who has one of the following in his This wand has two functions:
spell books: clenched fist, crushing hand, forceful hand, grasping
hand, or interposing hand.  Lightning bolt. Takes 12 seconds (2 segments) to activate, costs 2
charges. When calculating damage (6d6), count all 1’s rolled as
When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. It can be recharged by 2’s. It originates at the wand itself, but otherwise acts like the spell
any of the spells named above, or mage’s sword. Note that if the wand touches lightning bolt.
the manifestation of those spells (possibly requiring a successful “to hit” roll) it  Shocker. The wand can also be used in melee. If it hits, it will do
will immediately destroy that manifestation and gain a charge. It can be used 1d10 hit points of electrical damage (no saving throw). If the
only by fighters and mages (as indicated above), and is worth 3,000 x.p. opponent is wearing metallic armor (plate, mail, etc.), he is treated
as if he were AC 10. Otherwise (brigandine, etc.), use his actual
Wand of Frost armor class.

This wand has three different effects, each of which acts as the spell named, When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. It can be recharged
as if it were cast by a 6th level caster: with the spells shocking grasp or lightning bolt. It can only be used by mages,
and is worth 4,000 x.p.
 Ice storm. Takes 6 seconds (1 segment) to activate, costs 1 charge.
 Wall of ice. Takes 12 seconds (2 segments) to activate, costs 2 Wand of Lightning Bolts
 Cone of cold. Takes 6 seconds (1 segment) to activate, costs 2 This wand allows the wielder to cast the spell lightning bolt as if he were a 6th
charges. When calculating damage (6d6), count all 1’s rolled as level mage. The bolts thus cause 6d6 h.p. of damage. The effect takes 12
2’s. seconds (2 segments) to activate, and uses one charge. It can be recharged
by the spell lightning bolt. When found, the wand will have 1d20+100
When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. It can be recharged by charges. It is worth 2,000 x.p.
any of the spells listed above. It can only be used by mages, and is worth
6,000 x.p.

Wand of Ice Storms

This wand allows the wielder to create an ice storm (as per the spell) as if he
were a 7th level mage, with each storm using one charge. The effect takes 12
seconds (2 segments) to activate. The wand can be recharged by the spell ice
storm. When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. 2,500 x.p.

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. It is worth 2,500 x.p.

Wand of Negation

This wand allows the wielder to negate certain types of magic within its 60’
long beam. It will instantly and automatically disrupt any magic induced by a
wand (it can, for instance, be used to intercept missiles from a wand of magic
missiles, or to disrupt the effects of a wand of polymorphing). All other magical
effects will be negated 75% of the time (regardless of the level of spell or the
nature of the device that caused the magic in the first place). The wand takes
6 seconds (1 segment) to activate, but can only be used once per minute. Each
use expends 1 charge. When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges.
It is worth 3,500 x.p.

Wand of Paralyzation

This wand shoots forth a thin 60’ long ray that will cause instant paralysis in
any creature it touches that fails to save vs. wands. The paralyzation effect
Wand of Magic Detection
lasts for 5d4 minutes. The wand takes 18 seconds (3 segments) to activate,
and the wand can be used against but one target per minute. Each use drains
This wand allows the wielder to detect any sort of magic within a sphere 30’
1 charge. When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. It can be
in radius (including individuals upon whom spells have been cast), indicating
recharged by the spells hold person or hold monster. It can only be used by
which source within that area is the strongest. If the effect is continued for
mages, and is worth 3,500 x.p.
subsequent rounds, the next-strongest magical emanation will be detected, then
the next, etc. If desired, an additional round can be spent ascertaining the type
Wand of Polymorphing
of magic involved (alteration, illusion/phantasm, etc.). If the wand is used for
more than 1 consecutive minute, there is a 2% cumulative chance that a “false
This spell has two different, but related, functions. The first is a beam some 60’
positive” reading will be indicated. Each minute of use expends 1 charge.
in length, which will cause the first creature it touches to be polymorphed into
When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. It can be recharged
some other form chosen by the wand wielder. This effect is treated just like the
with the spell detect magic. It is worth 2,500 x.p.
spell polymorph other, in that the mind of the target creature will eventually
match its form. The target is entitled to a saving throw vs. wands, but if hit, will
Wand of Magic Missiles
need to make a successful system shock roll. The change is permanent unless
dispelled or otherwise countered.
This wand allows the wielder to fire magic missiles (similar to the spell). The
wand takes 18 seconds (3 segments) to activate. Each missile will do 1d4+1
The other function requires that the wand actually touch the target (if it is
hit points of damage, and will use up one charge. If wielded by a mage, hits
unwilling, a successful “to hit” roll must be made, in addition to the normal
with the missiles are automatic; if wielded by any other class, a “to hit” roll
saving throw). The wand wielder gets to pick the form the target will assume.
must be made. When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. It can
This effect is otherwise treated like the spell polymorph self; no system shock
be recharged with the spell magic missile. It is worth 4,000 x.p.
roll is required, and the mentality of the target will remain unchanged. The
effect will wear off after two hours.
Wand of Metal and Mineral Detection

Both effects take 18 seconds (3 segments) to activate and will use up 1 charge
This wand allows the user to detect the direction of the largest mass of metal
of the wand. When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. It may be
within a 30’ radius. If desired, the wielder can choose a specific type of metal
recharged by application of either the spells polymorph any object, polymorph
or mineral (such as gold, ruby, etc.) and detect all quantities within the radius
other, or polymorph self. It can only be used by mages, and is worth 3,500
of effect. Each such detection will take one minute, but one charge spent will
activate the wand for ten minutes. When found, the wand will have 1d20+100
charges. It can be recharged with the spell locate object. It is worth 1,500 x.p.
Wand of Secret Door and Trap Detection
Wand of Metal Command
This wand allows the wielder to choose whether it will point to the location of
any secret doors within a 15’ radius, or any traps (both mechanical and
At first, this wand will function as a wand of metal and mineral detection (see
magical) within a 30’ radius. Either effect lasts for 1 minute and uses up 1
p. 134 for details). When in the hands of either a dwarf or a gnome, the
charge. When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. It can be
following additional powers are possible:
recharged by the spell locate object. It is worth 5,000 x.p.
 Up to 6 lbs. of lead can be transmuted into gold, or vice versa, with
Wand of Size Alteration
a range of 30’. This takes one charge.
 Heat metal (as per the spell) with a range of 30’, with a maximum
This wand allows the user to either shrink or enlarge a target by 50%. The
3’ diameter or 60 lb. area of effect. This takes two charges.
target must be within 10’ of the wand when it is activated, and unwilling
 Crystalbrittle (as per the spell) as if cast by an 18th level mage. This
targets are entitled to a saving throw vs. wands. If the target is shrunk, strength
takes three charges.
and damage will be reduced proportionally. If the target is enlarged, strength
 Glassee (as per the spell) as if cast by an 18th level mage. This
(and damage) will be as appropriate to the new size.
takes three charges.
 Glassteel (as per the spell) as if cast by an 18th level mage. This
takes three charges.



Size Strength Damage Die Roll (d%) Effect
10’ 19 2d8 01-10 1 creature is slowed for 10 minutes
12’ 20 3d6 11-18 Wielder believes some other effect takes place (roll
14’ 21 4d6 again), but in reality nothing happens
16’ 22 5d6 19-25 Double strength gust of wind spell
18’ 23 6d6 26-30 Stinking cloud appears 30’ distant
20’ 24 7d6 31-33 Drenching rain in 60’ radius of wielder for 1 minute
22’ 25 8d6 34-36 Rhinoceros (1-25%), elephant (26-50%), or mouse (51-
00%) appears, as per animal summoning spells.
Each use takes up 1 charge. When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 37-46 Lightning bolt as per wand of lightning
charges. It is worth 3,000 x.p. 47-49 600 large butterflies swarm in 60’ radius for 2 minutes;
all are blinded, no spell casting possible
Wand of Steam and Vapor 50-53 1 creature is enlarged (60’ range)
54-58 Darkness 15’ radius centered on a point 30’ from
This wand has two basic functions. Each uses one charge. Steam will cause a wielder in direction he was pointing wand
cloud of hot steam to jet forth from the wand in a cone 50’ long and 30’ wide 59-62 Grass grows in an area 160’ on a side in front of
at the base. Any creature within the area of effect will take 6d6 h.p. of damage wielder (or grows to 10x size, if already there)
during the first minute, 4d6 during the second, and 2d6 during the third, after 63-65 Inanimate object up to 1,000 lbs. and 30 cubic feet is
which time the cloud fully dissipates (save vs. wands for half damage in each sent to the ethereal plane
minute). Creatures immune to heat will not be affected, but remember that the 66-69 Wielder shrinks to 1/12th normal height
effect is equal parts heat and water. 70-79 Fireball as per wand of fireballs
80-84 Wielder becomes invisible
Vapor will cause a jet of warm (but not scalding) steam to form a cloud some 85-87 1 target sprouts leaves (60’ range)
40’ deep, 60’ high, and 80’ across. The vapor obscures all vision, including 88-90 10-40 1 g.p. gems shoot out, 5d4 will hit those within
infravision, beyond 2’, and will remain in place for 6 minutes (wind, etc., will 30’ of the wand, each does 1 h.p. of damage
move the cloud of vapor, of course). Creatures that have cold-based attacks, 91-97 All creatures in 30’x40’ area directly in front of wand
such as white dragons or arctic toads, will take 1 h.p. of damage per minute are blinded by shimmering rainbow of colors
they remain in the cloud, while those who normally dwell in cold climes, such 98-00 1 target is affected by flesh to stone, or reverse if
as frost giants, will take 2 h.p. of damage. If a creature meets both criteria, it applicable (60’ range)
will take 2 h.p.
When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. It cannot be recharged.
When found, the wand will have 1d20+100 charges. It is usable only by It is worth 6,000 x.p.
clerics and mages, and is worth 4,500 x.p.
Weapon (melee), Enchanted
Wand of Wonder
While the vast majority of enchanted weapons found will be swords, other
This mischievous device is often the bane of those who treasure an ordered types are certainly possible. The game master should adjust these percentages
measure to life, as its effects are completely unpredictable. It takes but 6 based on his campaign world (a campaign set in something approximating
seconds (1 segment) to activate, but once it is activated, the game master Earth’s Neolithic period, for instance, would most likely have enchanted spears
should roll on the following table to determine the exact effect (game masters as the foremost type, rather than swords). It is also possible for a weapon to
are encouraged to come up with their own, similarly powered, lists to keep the have more than one enchantment, and certain special types are also possible.
players guessing). Note that jesters are able to have some influence over the First, determine the type of weapon discovered.
result; they can move the result by 1% per level after it has been rolled, and
will know what effect that would have on the outcome (if any). TABLE 223: WEAPON TYPE SUB-TABLE
Die Roll (d%) Type of Weapon
01-05 Axe, hand
06-10 Battle axe
11-21 Dagger
22-25 Flail
26-29 Hammer
30-33 Knife
34 Lance
35-39 Mace
40-41 Morning star
42-43 Pole arm (see below)
44 Quarterstaff
45-49 Spear
50-99 Sword (see below)
00 Trident

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

Die Roll (d%) Sword Type Die Roll (d%) Secondary Quality X.P. Value
01-10 Bastard sword 01 Alertness 5,000
11-25 Broad sword 02 Dancing (+1 only) 4,000
26-90 Long sword 03-04 Defender (+2 min.) 1,000
91-93 Scimitar 05-12 Detection 600
94-98 Short sword 13-14 Disruption 1,350
99-00 Two handed sword 15-17 Dragon Slayer 100
18-22 Flame Tongue 500
TABLE 225: POLE ARM TYPE SUB-TABLE 23-26 Frost Brand 200
Die Roll (d%) Pole Arm Type 27-31 Giant Slayer 100
01-05 Awl pike 32 Holy Avenger 1,000
06-10 Bardiche 33 Life Stealing 4,200
11-15 Bec de corbin 34 Luck 600 + 1,000 per
16-20 Bill wish
21-25 Bill Hook 35-40 Lycanthrope Bane 300
26-30 Fauchard 41-47 Magic Scourge 200
31-34 Fauchard-fork 48-49 Nine Lives Stealer 800
35-39 Glaive 50 Planar 1,200
40-42 Glaive-fork 51-56 Quickness 200
43-46 Glaive-guisarme 57-64 Scalefoe 400
47-51 Guisarme 65 Sharpness (bladed only) 6,000
52-56 Halberd 66-75 Short-mower 400
57-61 Lochaber axe 76 Solar 2,200
62-66 Lucern hammer 77 Speed 2,200
67-71 Military fork 78-79 Submission 850
72-76 Partisan 80-88 Tall-reaper 600
77-81 Pole Axe 89 Thunderbolts 1,100
82-86 Ranseur 90-95 Trollslayer 400
87-91 Spetum 96 Unholy destroyer 1,000
92-96 Voulge 97-98 Venom (non-crushing only) 1,200
97-00 Voulge-guisarme 99 Vorpal (non-piercing only) 8,600
00 Wounding (non-crushing 4,400
Once the weapon type has been determined, roll to determine the primary only)
qualities of the weapon:
Experience point values are cumulative. The descriptions of the various
TABLE 226: WEAPON PRIMARY QUALITY secondary qualities are as follows:
Die Roll (d%) Quality X.P. Value
01-50 +1 400  Alertness: The wielder has a +1 bonus to all surprise rolls, as well
51-73 +2 800 as a -1 bonus to his initiative. When the weapon is grasped and
74-81 +3 1,400 the holder concentrates, it will be able to detect any one of the
82-87 +4 2,000 following once per minute (each as per the appropriate spell, and
88-92 +5 3,000 not using up any charges): alignment, evil, good, illusions,
93-00 Cursed 0 invisibility, lie, and magic. If one charge is expended, and the
weapon set into the ground, it will scan for any unfriendly creatures
Quality refers to the bonus received in melee combat, both on the “to hit” and in a 120’ radius. If any are detected, it will create light (as per the
damage rolls when using the weapon. In addition, 33% of all randomly- spell) in a 60’ radius, send a mental alert to friendly creatures within
discovered non-cursed weapons will have an additional quality, as determined 20’, and create a zone of prayer (also as per the spell) within a
below: 20’ radius, affecting those creatures friendly to the possessor of the
weapon. This will last for 6 hours or until the weapon is removed
from its place in the ground. If an additional charge is used (and it
must be used at the time the first is; it cannot be added later), and
if enemies are detected as indicated above, up to 16 objects
(branches, bushes, etc.) within a 60’ radius will be animated (as
per the spell animate object) to help in the defense of the weapon’s
owner and his compatriots. When found, the weapon will have a
number of charges equal to 51 minus 1d10, and as long as a single
charge remains, it can be recharged by the cleric spell holy/unholy
word. If all the charges are gone, all of its magical effects will be
 Dancing: This quality can only apply to weapons with a +1 bonus;
if other, re-roll for the secondary quality. On the first round of melee
combat, it will have a bonus of +1. On the second, it will have a
+2 bonus, and so forth. On the fifth round, however, the weapon
drops back to +1 and the cycle begins again. However, on the 5th


melee round (or any other round when the bonus of the weapon is TABLE 230: WEAPON OF DRAGON SLAYING
+1), the wielder can opt to let the weapon “dance”; that is, to float Die Roll (d%) Dragon Type
in the air, fighting against enemies without the need for the wielder 01-06 Black
to concentrate. Such fighting is done as if the weapon were being 07-12 Blue
used by someone with the same level and class as the wielder. 13-18 Brass
While the weapon is dancing, the wielder can pick up another 19-24 Bronze
weapon, cast spells, etc. The sword can never be more than 30’ 25-30 Cloud
from the wielder, and does not take damage itself (although it is 31-36 Copper
susceptible to magic such as dispel magic, fireball, etc. If the 37-41 Faerie
weapon stops dancing for any reason (the combat is over or the 42-47 Fog
owner moves more than 30’ away), it will begin the cycle again 48-53 Gold
when it is picked up, having a bonus of +1, then +2, etc. 54-59 Green
 Defender: The wielder of this weapon can split its bonus between 60-65 Mist
a “to hit” bonus and a bonus to his own armor class. Note that if 66-71 Red
this quality is rolled for a weapon that only has a +1 bonus, the 72-77 Silver
game master should re-roll for the secondary quality. 78-83 Steam
 Detection: This weapon will enable the wielder to detect one or 84-88 Shadow
more of the following, upon concentrating, as long as the weapon 89-94 Vapor
is held prominently. The feeling will be transmitted via a throbbing 95-00 White
in the hilt or handle of the weapon:


Die Roll
(d%) Detect
01-10 Elevator/shifting rooms, moving walls, etc. within
11-20 Sloping passages within 10’
21-30 Evil or good within 10’
31-50 Gems (including kind and number, but not size)
within 5’
51-60 Precious metals (kind and amount) within 20’
61-70 Detect magic within 10’
71-80 Detect secret doors within 5’
81-90 Detect invisible objects and creatures within 10’
91-00 Roll twice, ignoring rolls above 90. If a duplicate
is indicated, only one thing is detected by the
weapon, but the range is doubled.
 Flame Tongue: When a command word is spoken (usually
 Disruption: This weapon has an inherently neutral good alignment,
engraved somewhere on the weapon itself) by the wielder, a bright
and any character of evil alignment touching it will receive 5d4 hit
flame will ignite along the blade or haft of the weapon (as
points of damage, with no saving throw. If the weapon strikes an
appropriate). It will not harm the wielder of the weapon, but will
undead creature or creature from one of the lower planes (devil,
set fire to flammable objects such as oil, parchment, etc. When
daemon, demon, etc.), the creature must make a special saving
flaming, the weapon will give an additional +1 bonus when used
against creatures that can regenerate (see “trollslayer”). It also
yields an additional +2 when used against cold-based creatures
such as arctic toads or white dragons, as well as birds and other
Creature Type Saving Throw
avian creatures. Finally it gives an additional +3 bonus when used
I-VII Automatic failure
against the undead. Note that these bonuses are not cumulative;
VIII 4 when used against a creature that falls under more than one
IX 7 category, use the highest bonus.
X 10
 Frost Brand: This weapon gives a total bonus of +5 vs. all fire-using
XI 13 creatures or those who dwell in or are made of flame, such as fire
XII 16 giants, red dragons, fire elementals, salamanders, etc. (if the sword
XIII 19 is normally +5, then the total bonus is +6 against those creatures).
It does not glow except when the ambient temperature is 0° or less.
If the creature rolls the indicated number or higher on 1d20, it It also allows the wielder to function as if he were wearing a ring
merely takes double the normal damage it would otherwise take. If of warmth (see p. 115 for details). Finally, if thrust into a stationary
it fails the saving throw, it is instantly blasted into nothingness. fire, there is a 50% chance that it will be put out (with a 10’ radius
of effect). Fireballs or meteor swarms would not be affected, as they
 Dragon Slayer: This weapon will have an additional bonus of +2 are not stationary.
when used against any true dragon (including red, silver, faerie,  Giant Slayer: When used against a giant, ettin, ogre mage, or
shadow, etc. dragons but excluding dragonnes, dragon turtles, and titan, this weapon will do an additional +1 damage. When used
dragon-shaped deities). In addition, the weapon will do triple against an actual giant (hill, stone, fire, etc.) the weapon will do
damage against a single type of dragon, determined randomly: double damage (but not double the bonus).

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

 Holy Avenger: This weapon will not display any special qualities in the air will create a sphere of light equal to normal daylight in
until and unless it is in the hands of a paladin. At that point the strength. The sphere of light will begin at a 10’ radius around the
weapon will have a (total) bonus of +5 (note that if the weapon wielder of the weapon and grow 5’ per minute, to a maximum total
ordinarily has a +5 bonus, it will be a +6 weapon when wielded radius of 60’. Once it reaches its maximum size, the orb of light
by a paladin). It will also radiate a zone of H-strength magic will dim at a rate equal to that at which it grew. This power can
resistance in a bubble 5’ from the wielder (which functions as magic only be used once per day.
resistance does for monsters). This zone will also automatically  Speed: This weapon allows the wielder to always attack first in a
dispel magic (as per the spell) as if cast by a mage of the same given melee round. In addition, the wielder is able to strike more
experience level as the paladin. Lastly, when used against enemies than once per round. If the wielder is normally able to only hit once
of chaotic evil alignment, the holy avenger will give a total of +10 per melee round, he will strike three times per two rounds. If he
damage. normally strikes three times every two rounds, he will strike twice
 Life Stealing: This weapon will, on a natural roll of 20 “to hit”, drain per round. And so forth. This is cumulative with any other speed-
one experience level or hit die from the target creature, affecting magic that may be applicable.
permanently. If the wielder of the weapon is already wounded, he  Submission: Any creature struck by this weapon must make a saving
will regain a number of hit points equal to those lost by the target, throw vs. spells. Failure indicates the creature must make a morale
but can never exceed his normal number of hit points. check in the following melee round instead of its normal attack. If it
 Luck: The weapon affords the wielder a bonus of +1 on all saving fails that morale check, it will immediately surrender, overcome by
throws, plus contains 1d4+1 wishes (as per the spell). hopelessness for 2d4 minutes. This function can be used a total of
 Lycanthrope Bane: The weapon gains an additional +2 bonus 1d4+16 times, after which the weapon loses its secondary quality
against all lycanthropes and other creatures able to alter their form, (but not its primary quality).
such as doppelgängers, vampires, druids, etc. It is also applicable  Tall-reaper: This weapon gets an additional +1 bonus when used
to creatures whose form has been changed by some spell or item, against large-sized creatures.
such as polymorph other.  Thunderbolts: Regardless of the type of weapon, it will appear to
 Magic Scourge: The weapon gains an additional +1 bonus against be too large for its type, and of some subtle imbalance that makes
mages (and sub-classes), spell-using monsters of all sorts, and it difficult if not impossible to wield properly in combat. However,
creatures that are conjured, gated, or summoned. It does not apply once picked up by a character with at least 18/01 strength and a
to creatures with magical powers granted by some magic item, or height of 6’ or more, its full potential is realized. In such hands the
upon whom a spell has been cast by some third party. weapon gains its magical bonus and will do double normal
 Nine Lives Stealer: The weapon will, on a natural roll of 20 “to hit” damage when it hits. If the wielder knows the true name of the
in melee combat, suck out the life force of the unfortunate target, if weapon, is wearing a girdle of giant strength (any type) and
he fails a saving throw vs. magic. This function will only work a gauntlets of ogre power, he gains an additional +2 bonus and can
total of nine times; thereafter the weapon will lose its secondary hurl the weapon (no matter what sort it is, even those not normally
quality forever. usable as missile weapons). If the weapon is hurled, the damage
 Planar: The weapon gains an additional +1 bonus when used on bonus for strength (and magical bonuses) still applies, and will
or against creatures native to one of the inner planes of existence automatically slay any giant it hits. If the weapon does hit (any type
(elemental, etc.). It gains an additional +2 when used on or against of creature, not just giants), a titanic thunderclap will be heard
natives of the outer planes. It gains an additional +3 when used on which stuns all creatures within 30’ of the point of impact for 1
or against creatures native to the ethereal or astral planes. minute. The hurled weapon has a range of 10’ plus 5’ per point of
 Quickness: The weapon will automatically strike first in any round damage bonus the wielder receives because of his girdle and
when its wielder is not surprised. gauntlets, combined. It can only be hurled every other minute, and
 Scalefoe: This weapon gives an additional bonus of +3 when used if hurled five times in any given 20 minute period, the wielder must
against reptiles, snakes, dinosaurs, dragons, etc. rest for 10 minutes.
 Sharpness: Only bladed weapons may have this quality; if a non-  Trollslayer: The weapon gains an additional +2 bonus when used
bladed weapon is indicated, re-roll the quality. This weapon is able against any creature that can regenerate lost hit points while in
to hit creatures normally only hit by +3 weapons or better, combat, such as trolls or individuals wearing a ring of regeneration.
regardless of its actual bonus. The weapon, however, will sever a  Unholy Destroyer: This weapon will not display any special
limb (arm, leg, pseudopod, tentacle, etc.) when a natural score is qualities until and unless it is in the hands of a chaotic evil fighter
rolled on a “to hit” roll (that is, when the actual number is rolled on or cavalier. At that point the weapon will have a (total) bonus of
the die, without any modifiers). The roll required to sever depends +5 (note that if the weapon ordinarily has a +5 bonus, it will be a
on the nature of the target being attacked: +6 weapon when wielded by a chaotic evil fighter/cavalier). It will
also radiate a zone of H-strength magic resistance in a bubble 5’
TABLE 231: WEAPON OF SHARPNESS from the wielder (which functions as magic resistance does for
Target “Natural” Roll to Sever monsters). This zone will also automatically dispel magic (as per
Man-sized or smaller 18+ the spell) as if cast by a mage of the same experience level as the
Large 19+ paladin. Lastly, when used against enemies of lawful good
Metal or stone (golems, etc.) 20 alignment, the unholy destroyer will give a total of +10 damage.
 Venom: Crushing weapons (maces, flails, etc.) cannot have this
 Short-mower: This weapon gets an additional +1 bonus when used attribute; re-roll if it is indicated for such weapons. The weapon
against creatures of small size. contains a reservoir of poison; on a roll of a natural 20 in combat,
 Solar: This weapon has 50% of the normal weapon speed (round the target must make a saving throw vs. poison or be instantly killed.
up). When used against creatures of evil alignment, it has an The weapon holds 6 doses of such poison, and can be refilled.
additional +2 bonus. When used against creatures from the Note that conscious use of such a weapon is an inherently evil act,
negative material plane or those with magical links to that plane and should be adjudicated accordingly.
(such as mummies), it will do double damage. The blade will yield  Vorpal: Piercing weapons such as lances and spears may not have
a golden glow when unsheathed, and if swung in a circular motion this quality; if such is indicated, re-roll the quality (items such as


maces and hammers, if possessed of this quality, will literally

“knock the block off” the enemy). The weapon, however, will sever Generally speaking, “ammunition” type weapons, such as arrows, bolts, and
the head of an enemy when a natural 20 is rolled on a “to hit” roll sling bullets, are single-use items. Once they hit, they are destroyed, and even
(that is, when the actual number is rolled on the die, without any if they miss, there is a 1/6 chance that they will still be destroyed. As with
modifiers). The roll required to sever depends on the nature of the melee weapons, it is also possible for a missile weapon to have more than one
target being attacked: enchantment, and certain special types are also possible. First, determine the
type of weapon discovered:
Target “Natural” Roll to Behead TABLE 234: MISSILE WEAPON TYPE
Man-sized or smaller 17+ Die Roll (d%) Weapon Type
Large 18+ 01-14 Arrow (doz.)
Metal or stone (golems, etc.) 19+ 15-23 Axe (hand)
24-35 Bolt/quarrel (score)
 Wounding: Crushing weapons (maces, flails, etc.) cannot have this 36-37 Bow
attribute; re-roll if it is indicated for such weapons. Any damage 38-48 Bullet (score)
caused by this weapon will not be healed by regeneration (such as 49-50 Crossbow (90% lt., 10% hvy.)
that enjoyed by trolls, or that caused by a ring of regeneration). In 51-71 Dagger
addition, each wound inflicted with this weapon will bleed for 1 72-79 Dart (half-doz.)
h.p. of additional damage per round for 10 rounds, unless the 80-87 Javelin
victim takes an entire minute to bind the wound. Magical healing 88 Sling
(potions, spells, etc.) will not heal damage caused by a weapon of 89-00 Spear
All cursed weapons will appear as normal, beneficial types in any situation Die Roll (d%) Bow Type
other than real combat; practice, mock battles, etc. will not force a cursed 01-15 Composite
weapon to show its true colors. They can only be gotten rid of by the 16-85 Long
application of an exorcise spell (remove curse will not work!). Otherwise, they 86-00 Short
will return to the hand of the owner when battle is joined, no matter what steps
are taken to get rid of them. The exact nature of the curse should be determined Once the weapon type has been determined, roll to determine the primary
randomly: qualities of the weapon:

Die Roll (d%) Curse Effect Die Roll (d%) Quality X.P. Value
01-45 +1 01-49 +1 400
46-70 -1 50-76 +2 600
71-90 -2 77-96 +3 1,200
91-95 Berserking (re-roll for other curse effects, re-rolling 97-99 +4 1,800
rolls above 90). 00 Cursed 0
96-00 Injury (re-roll for other curse effects, re-rolling rolls
above 90) In addition, 15% of all non-cursed missile weapons will also have a secondary
 Berserking: The weapon causes the wielder to attack whomever is
closest to him, whether that person be friend or foe, and to continue TABLE 237: MISSILE WEAPON SECONDARY QUALITY
to do so until either he is slain or there is no one within 60’. When Die Roll (d%) Secondary Quality X.P. Value
that happens, the berserker lust will fade, but will be re-kindled the 01-10 Accuracy 500
next time he is in any combat situation. 11-20 Distance 1,000
 Injury: The weapon will always cause as much damage to any 21-25 Fireburst 500
friendly character within range as it does to an enemy, on every 26-40 Homing 500
round that the weapon does damage. This applies to friendly 41-45 Hurling (no fired weapons or 3,000
figures to the wielder’s sides and front flanks, but not to his rear. ammunition)
46-55 Impact 300
See also: hammer, dwarven thrower (p. 93), javelin of lightning (p. 97), javelin 56-65 Seeking 100
of piercing (p. 97), longtooth dagger (p.98), mattock of the titans (p. 100), 66-70 Slaying 2,000
maul of the titans (p. 100), staff-mace (p. 130), staff-spear (p. 130), trident of 71-80 Snowsurge 500
fish command (p. 131), trident of warning (p. 131), and trident of yearning 81-90 Speed 1,100
(p. 131). 91-00 Throwing (no fired weapons or 300
Weapon (missile), Enchanted
 Accuracy: The weapon is always considered to be in short range,
Missile weapons fall into two broad categories; those which are hurled (such up to its maximum range (past which it cannot go).
as spears and javelins) and those which are fired (bow and arrow, crossbow  Distance: The weapon has double the normal range (thus short
and bolt, etc.). Some weapons that can be hurled or used in melee are range is twice as long as it normally would be, followed by twice
included in both lists, but the secondary qualities generated are different, and the medium range, etc.).
will thus indicate whether the weapon is intended to be used in hand-to-hand  Fireburst: This weapon will burst into flames upon impacting an
combat or hurled at an enemy. enemy (if it misses its target, it will not ignite). This will do double

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

damage to any cold-using or cold-based creatures, such as white Die Roll (d%) Creature Type
dragons or arctic toads. If this attribute is found on ammunition, the 73-76 Halflings
weapon will be destroyed as it hits. 77-80 Humanoids
 Homing: This weapon will, if it hits, automatically return to the 81-84 Mages
wielder once it is hurled or fired (if the quality applies to a fired 85-88 Mammals
weapon, the ammunition thus fired will return to the owner). If it 89-92 Reptiles
misses, it will not return, and the enchantment will be lost (loss of 93-96 Thieves
enchantment does not apply if this is a fired or hurled weapon, but 97-00 Undead
it will still not return). In addition, ranges are doubled.
 Hurling: This quality cannot be applied to weapons which are fired  Snowsurge: This weapon will create a super-cold flash of ice and
(bows, crossbows, slings, etc.) or ammunition (arrows, bolts, snow upon impacting an enemy (if it misses its target, it will not
bullets, etc.). If such is indicated, re-roll the secondary attribute. This activate). This will do double damage to any fire-using or flame-
weapon can be thrown twice the ordinary range, and will always based creatures, such as salamanders or red dragons. If this
return to the hand of the wielder, whether it hits or misses. In attribute is found on ammunition, the weapon will be destroyed as
addition, the damage done is twice normal (apply any magical it hits.
bonuses after the damage is doubled). The damage doubling does  Speed: This allows the wielder to fire at twice the normal rate. In
not apply if the weapon is not thrown. addition, the wielder always fires first in a melee round. If surprised,
 Impact: If this quality is applied to a hurled or fired weapon, it will the weapon gives a -2 bonus to the initiative penalty for the wielder
only be able to be used 1d6+6 times. After that, the weapon will only (not for his friends or allies).
lose all of its enchanted properties. This quality allows the weapon  Throwing: This quality cannot be applied to weapons which are
to do additional damage, if the die roll “to hit” is higher than the fired (bows, crossbows, slings, etc.) or ammunition (arrows, bolts,
actual number needed to hit. For each point of difference between bullets, etc.). If such is indicated, re-roll the secondary attribute. It
the “to hit” die roll and the number needed to hit the target, the has double the normal range, and the strength bonus of the wielder
weapon will do an additional 2 points of damage. Example: A bow is applied to both the “to hit” and damage rolls.
of impact is being fired at an enemy, and the wielder needs a 10
to hit. He rolls a 17. The arrow fired from the bow does its normal All cursed weapons can only be gotten rid of by the application of a remove
damage, plus whatever the magical bonus the bow itself provides, curse spell in the case of ammunition (arrows, bolts, bullets, etc.), or an
plus an additional 14 points of damage! exorcise spell in the case of the weapon itself (bow, crossbow, sling, etc.).
 Seeking: The weapon will function as an enchanted weapon both Otherwise, they will return to the hand of the owner when battle is joined no
“to hit” and to damage, but cannot hit creatures capable of only matter what steps are taken to get rid of them. Cursed ammunition will only do
being struck by magical weapons, such as gargoyles. Note that so once, however; once fired, that particular cursed item will have spent its
such a weapon is not cursed, and can be used or not used as the effect. Of course, if you find a dozen cursed arrows, you’ll have to shoot all of
wielder desires. them in a real combat environment to be fully done with the curse…
 Slaying: If encountered as a group of objects (arrows, bullets, etc.),
only one of the group will have this quality; it will stand out in some TABLE 239: CURSED MISSILE WEAPON SUB-TABLE
way to indicate its special nature. If this is the quality of a fired or Die Roll Curse Effect
hurled weapon, it will only be usable once; once it hits, all 01-45 -1
enchantment will leave the object entirely. If the weapon is used 46-70 -2
against the appropriate sort of creature, it will kill that creature 71-90 -3
instantly (no saving throw, but magic resistance does apply, if 91-00 Backbiter
applicable). The type of creature against which the weapon of
slaying is targeted should be determined randomly when it is first  Backbiter: The weapon will initially appear to be a +1 weapon of
discovered (and the game master should feel free to alter the list to normal aspect. However, once used in actual combat, it will wrap
make it more appropriate to his own campaign). around and strike its own wielder in the back (with no dexterity or
shield bonus for AC, of course). If a weapon which is normally
TABLE 238: MISSILE WEAPON OF SLAYING hurled, such as a dagger or spear, is used hand-to-hand, it will
Die Roll (d%) Creature Type function as a cursed weapon -1.
01-04 Angels
05-08 Arachnids See also: Dart of the Hornets’ Nest (p. 86).
09-12 Archons
13-16 Avians Well of Many Worlds
17-20 Bards
21-24 Clerics This will either appear as a circular hole in a wall or floor some 6’ in diameter,
25-28 Daemons or as a small folded-up cloth of black, similar to a handkerchief. The hole
29-32 Demons (along with anything that has been placed within it) can be moved by simply
33-36 Devas folding up the cloth, and then opening it up again in some other location. It is,
37-40 Devils in reality, a magical cloth that opens up into some other plane of existence,
41-44 Dragons determined randomly (see Table 89: Random Plane Determination on p. 61 to
45-48 Dwarves determine where). Anything placed in the “hole” will, in reality, be dumped in
49-52 Elementals some random location in the destination plane, and it should be noted that
53-56 Elves inhabitants from that plane can come through the hole as well. Every time the
57-60 Fighters well is moved, the destination plane should be determined anew. It is worth
61-64 Giants 6,000 x.p.
65-68 Gnomes
69-72 Golems


Wind Fan

This appears to be an ordinary looking-hand-held fan, but will radiate magic

Artifacts and Relics
if detected for. Once per day, it can be used to create a gust of wind (as per
the spell) as if it were cast by a 5th level mage. If the user attempts to create Artifacts are one-of-a-kind, exceedingly rare, and exceptionally powerful
magical items created in the distant past by either arch-mages with powers far
more than 1 such gust per day, there is a 20% cumulative chance per attempt
exceeding those of modern man, or by the very gods themselves. Relics are
that the fan will tear and become useless. It is worth 500 x.p.
associated with holy men, saints, prophets, and martyrs – sometimes
constituting various body parts of the holy men themselves, and other times
Wings of Flying
merely weapons or other items that were associated with them during their
This cloak appears to be an ordinary cloak of wool or leather, but will radiate lives – but are no less powerful than artifacts. Both have, as a rule, a variety
of effects both major and minor, as well as attendant malefic side effects.
magic if detected for. Once the cloak has been donned, the wearer can speak
Destroying artifacts and relics is notoriously difficult, and their construction
a command word and cause it to transform into a pair of draconic wings some
should be flatly beyond the means of any player character, no matter what his
20’ in width. A total of 500 lbs. can be carried by the wings, and they will
level. It is up to each game master to determine what artifacts and relics will
travel 120’ per minute for a total of 90 minutes (approximately two miles).
be present in his campaign, as well as describing their powers and effects.
After that, the wearer must rest for at least an hour before flying once more.
They should never be discovered through some random process, but always
The wings are of Average maneuverability. They are worth 750 x.p.
placed with great care and deliberation by the game master.
Intelligent Magic Items
Some magical items are not mere tools, but are themselves possessed of an
intelligence, will, and purpose. Many of these are the result of the spell
reincarnate, which can in rare instances result in the soul of the person being
reincarnated winding up in a magic item or weapon. If such is indicated when
the spell is cast, simply list the suitable magic items within 60’ of the body and
roll randomly. If no such item is within 60’, a random item should be found (or
placed) within 1 mile. It is also whispered that some dark magics are actually
able to place a soul within an item on purpose, either as a punishment or as
a means to achieve a twisted sort of immortality of the personality. Details of
such are left to the game master, if desired, but in most cases an intelligent
magic item should be treated as an NPC.

1% of all permanent magic items found will be possessed of an intelligence

(game masters may adjust this percentage to suit their individual campaigns,
of course, and may assign different percentages to different types of items, for
instance giving swords as high as a 25% chance to be intelligent). Single-use
items such as potions, books, and scrolls, and items that use charges, such as
Workbook of Animated Statues wands, cannot be so possessed. If a given item is determined to be intelligent,
roll to see the extent of its capabilities:
This will appear as a large book, bound in leather with metal bindings, and
its true nature cannot be discerned except by scanning its contents. It will TABLE 241: INTELLIGENT MAGIC ITEM CAPABILITIES
radiate magic if detected for. The workbook of animated statues allows the Die Roll (d%) INT Ego Capabilities
reader to create an animated statue of a particular type, as long as he is able 01-32 12 1 Signaling, 1 minor power
to labor uninterrupted and with the workbook by his side, and of course has 33-56 13 2 Empathy, 2 minor powers
the requisite materials ready. There are different types of workbooks, 57-76 14 2 Speech, 2 minor powers
depending on the type of animated statue to be created; the type should be 77-88 15 3 Speech, 3 minor powers
determined when the workbook is first discovered. 89-96 16 4 Speech, read languages, 3
minor powers
TABLE 240: WORKBOOK OF ANIMATED STATUES 97-00 17 8 Speech, telepathy, read
Die Roll (d8) Statue Type Time to Create Materials Cost languages, read magic, 3 minor
1-4 Marble 2 weeks 10,000 g.p. powers, 1 major power
5-7 Stone 4 weeks 20,000 g.p.
8 Bronze 6 weeks 40,000 g.p. (Keep a running total of the ego points of the item throughout the various steps
of determining its powers.) Signaling means the item can communicate through
Only 1 character can read from it at a time. After it has been read, at the end some non-verbal cue: vibration, warmth, tingling, etc. Empathy means the item
of the construction process, the book will disappear into dust. If a character of can communicate emotions: pleasure, displeasure, fear, joy, etc. Telepathy is
less than 8th level attempts to create an animated statue using the manual, non-verbal communication directly with whoever possesses the item. Speech
there is a 10% chance per level below 8th that the end product will be a means verbal communication; the common tongue will usually be spoken.
failure: either (1-17) simply failing to animate or respond to commands, or (18- Other languages may be spoken as indicated below:
20) going berserk and turning on its creator.

Only mages or savants can read from a workbook of animated statues. If any
other class reads even a single word, they will lose 1d4x10,000 x.p. If an
illusionist reads any of it, he will also be blinded for 1d6 days. It is worth
1,600 x.p. when discovered.

Magic Items – Intelligent Magic Items

Die Roll Languages Ego 51-55 Know direction and depth, 2 times per day
01-40 Common only 1 56-60 Levitation (300 lbs. max.), 3 times per day, 10
41-70 Common plus 1 additional 1 minutes each time
71-85 Common plus 2 additional 2 61-65 Possessor’s strength score is increased by 3 for 10
86-95 Common plus 3 additional 2 minutes, 3 times per day
96-99 Common plus 5 additional 3 66-70 Protection from evil/good (depending on alignment)
00 Common plus 6 additional 3 3 times per day
71-75 Quench fire 3 times per day
Once the languages of the item have been determined, the alignment of the 76-80 Slow 3 times per day
item should be rolled. Note that some items, such as a holy avenger weapon, 81-85 Telekinesis (250 lbs. max.), twice per day
will have an obvious alignment and should not be rolled. Other items should 86-90 Telepathy (60’ range) twice per day
be re-rolled as needed; a lawful good dagger of venom would be an 91-94 Teleport once per day
oxymoron, for example: 95-99 X-ray vision (40’ range), twice per day, 10 minutes
each time
TABLE 243: INTELLIGENT MAGIC ITEM ALIGNMENT 00 Roll twice, re-rolling anything above 99 (add 2 ego)
Die Roll (d20) Alignment Usable By
1 Lawful good LN, LG, NG Remember that all minor and major powers are in addition to whatever power
2-3 Neutral good LG, NG, CG the object actually has. If a duplicate power is indicated, re-roll.
4 Chaotic good CN, CG, NG
5-6 Chaotic neutral CG, CN, CE
7 Chaotic evil NE, CE, CN
8-9 Neutral evil LE, NE, CE
10 Lawful evil LN, LE, NE
11-12 Lawful neutral LG, LN, LE
13-20 Neutral Any

Once the alignment of the object has been established, roll to determine which
minor power(s) it possesses:


Die Roll (d%) Minor Power
01-07 Bless 3 times per day
08-14 Cure light wounds 3 times per day (on the possessor
of the object only)
15-21 Darkness 3 times per day
22-28 Detect coins (including type and number), 60’ radius
29-35 Detect evil and good, 30’ radius Only 1% of all intelligent magic items with a major power have a special
36-42 Detect gems (including type and number), 15’ radius purpose as well. In such cases, roll to determine both what it is and what
43-49 Detect invisible objects, 10’ radius special power the item has that is used (only) in furtherance of that purpose.
50-56 Detect lie 3 times per day Items with a special purpose add 5 to their ego:
57-63 Detect magic, 10’ radius
64-70 Detect secret doors, 5’ radius TABLE 246: INTELLIGENT MAGIC ITEM SPECIAL PURPOSE
71-77 Detect sloping passages, 30’ radius Die Roll (d%) Special Purpose
78-84 Faerie fire 3 times per day 01-06 Defeat good (if evil) or evil (if neutral or good)
85-91 Hold person 3 times per day 07-12 Defeat law (if chaotic) or chaos (if neutral or lawful)
92-98 Locate object, 120’ radius 13-28 Defeat opposite alignment (if neutral, preserve
99 Roll twice, re-rolling anything above 98 (add 1 ego) balance and prevent ascension of any particular
00 Roll on the major power table instead (add1 ego) alignment)
29-34 Kill all demi-humans
Once the minor powers have been determined, roll to see what major power 35-40 Kill anything except the possessor of the item
it possesses, if any: (because everything else in the world is out to get
TABLE 245: INTELLIGENT MAGIC ITEM MAJOR POWER 41-46 Kill bards (inc. sub-classes)
Die Roll (d%) Major Power 47-52 Kill cavaliers (inc. sub-classes)
01-05 Charm person, 3 times per day 53-58 Kill clerics (inc. sub-classes)
06-10 Clairaudience (30’ range), 3 times per day 59-64 Kill fighters (inc. sub-classes)
11-15 Clairvoyance (30’ range), 3 times per day 65-70 Kill humanoids, trolls, ogres, and giants
16-20 Detect undead (30’ range) 3 times per day 71-76 Kill humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, orcs,
21-25 ESP (30’ range), 3 times per day goblins, etc. (choose one specific race)
26-30 Flying (120’/min. – poor), 1 hour per day total 77-82 Kill mages (inc. sub-classes)
31-35 Gust of wind 3 times per day 83-88 Kill non-humans
36-40 Haste 3 times per day (on possessor only) 89-94 Kill non-spellcasters
41-45 Heal once per day 95-00 Kill thieves (inc. sub-classes)
46-50 Illusion (120’ range), twice per day



Die Roll (d%) Special Purpose Power Intelligent items will also become more and more insistent that they be treated
01-09 Cause blindness for 2d6 rounds as just another member of the party. They will demand input into decisions
10-18 Cause confusion for 2d6 rounds (particular as regards combat, especially for intelligent weapons) and will
19-27 Cause fear for 1d4 rounds brook no rivals. Intelligent objects can sense others of their kind, and will do
28-36 Cause insanity for 1d4 days their utmost to misdirect the party into ignoring or (preferably) destroying a
37-45 Cause paralysis for 1d4 rounds potential rival.
46-54 Dimension door
64-72 Fireball (10d6 damage)
Selling Magic Items
73-81 Ice storm
The question of whether magic items are common enough to be bought and
82-90 Lightning bolt (10d6 damage)
sold on the open market is one that the game master will need to decide for
91-00 Possessor gets +2 on all saving throws, -1 on all
his own campaign. As a rule, it is something that is not encouraged, as it
damage inflicted upon him
cheapens the wonder and mystery of the magic item itself, and when taken to
extremes, sets up situations where the players finally ask themselves “why are
Once all that is determined, the ego of the item should be tallied up. Add the
we going into this monster-infested dungeon when we could just rob the wand
ego from the capabilities, languages, and powers; if the item is an enchanted
shop?”, as well as situations where higher-level player characters spend most
weapon, each “plus” of the weapon also adds 1 to the total ego. That is the
of their time cranking out scrolls and potions to earn money, rather than going
ego of the item. The ego is used in two ways: first, as a modifier to the
out and performing heroic deeds and facing dangers.
experience point value of the item, and second, as a means to determine the
extent to which it is able to influence or control the one who possesses it.
In the latter situation, turning the PC into an NPC would not be unwarranted,
in much the same way that a player who determined his character would not
For every point of ego the item possesses, it adds 100 to the experience point
“realistically” go adventuring, but rather would stay home and raise goats,
should not complain when his character was quietly retired in favor of one
who will actually take on the role the game assumes for him.
A character who tries to use an item of an incompatible alignment will find the
item simply refuses to function on command, will argue with its possessor (to
Still, there are undoubtedly circumstances where a g.p. value for a magic item
the extent that it can), etc., until it is transferred to the possession of one whose
is needed. Some campaigns might make potions and scrolls available on a
alignment is more to its liking. Even if a magic item is in the possession of one
limited basis, for instance; or a suitable monetary reward might be needed for
of compatible alignment, the item will act – and desire that its possessor act –
characters who successfully undertake a quest to retrieve some object. On the
in strict accordance with its alignment and special purpose (if any). If the
other hand, some game masters might decide that their campaign setting is
character refuses to do so, the item will attempt to assert itself over the
such that such “magic stores” are appropriate, and thus a comprehensive price
list is given below.
When an item and a player character are in conflict, compare the following:
Note that in almost all cases, a buyer will require definitive proof of an item’s
identity before parting with his hard-earned coin. Items that are cursed, or are
 Magic Item: Intelligence + Ego
otherwise unbeneficial, will not be worth much money on the open market,
 Character: Intelligence + Charisma + Experience Level - 1 for every
and those who seek to sell such items to the unwary will be regarded as
average hit points per level damage that has been taken
pariahs, while those who seek to purchase them will be regarded with great
suspicion as to their motives.
For example a 10th level fighter with 50 h.p., an INT of 13, and a CHA of 12
would have a combined score of 35. If he took 10 points of damage, he would
Whenever applicable, values are cumulative; thus a suit of mail +3 would be
only have a score of 33. If he took 40 points of damage, he would have a
worth 12,500 g.p. (2,500 for enchanted mail, plus 10,000 for a +3
score of 27. If at any time a character’s damage causes him to fall under the
enchantment equals 12,500 total).
object’s score, the object will take control.
One it is in control, the item can force its possessor to attack, prevent him from
Magic Item Value (g.p.)
attacking, compel surrender, and even use its powers against its owner or drop
off him in order to be picked up by someone potentially more worthy. Alchemy Jug 12,000
Amulet of Inescapable Location 1,000
Amulet of Life Protection 20,000
Even if the character has a greater score than the item, the item can negotiate,
wheedle, and complain if its desires are not met. In all circumstances, it can Amulet of the Planes 30,000
Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location 15,000
flat-out refuse to use its special power abilities if it does not deem them being
Amulet of Undead Command 1,000 per level
used in a pure enough fashion in furtherance of its special goal. It may demand
that henchmen or fellow party members of whom it does not approve be gotten Amulet of Undead Turning 1,000 per level
Apparatus of the Crab 35,000
rid of. It may require that embellishments (jewels, gold tracery, etc.) be added
Armor, Enchanted, +1, Weightless 1,000
to it. If someone comes along the item deems more worthy than the player
Armor, Enchanted, +2, Weightless 5,000
character, it may demand to be given up to that other person. In short, unless
Armor, Enchanted, +3, Weightless 10,000
their demands are met in every particular, intelligent magic items will become
more and more demanding, obnoxious, and overbearing.
Magic Item Value (g.p.) Magic Item Value (g.p.)
Armor, Enchanted, +4, Weightless 15,000 Armor, Enchanted, Cuirass (leather) 2,000
Armor, Enchanted, +5, Weightless 20,000 Armor, Enchanted, Cuirass (steel) 2,000
Armor, Enchanted, +5, Weightless, Etherealness 30,000 Armor, Enchanted, Furs 1,000
Armor, Enchanted, Brigandine Armor 1,500 Armor, Enchanted, Gambeson 1,250

Magic Items – Selling Magic Items

Magic Item Value (g.p.) Magic Item Value (g.p.)

Armor, Enchanted, Jousting Plate 30,000 Cubic Gate 17,500
Armor, Enchanted, Lamellar (leather) 1,000 Cyclone Spitzhut 15,000
Armor, Enchanted, Lamellar Armor (steel) 1,500 Dart of the Hornets’ Nest 7,500
Armor, Enchanted, Mail 2,500 Decanter of Endless Water 3,000
Armor, Enchanted, Plate Armor 14,000 Deck of Illusions 15,000
Armor, Enchanted, Plated Mail 4,000 Deck of Many Things 10,000
Armor, Enchanted, Ring Armor 1,500 Doleful and Bright Candelabra 25,000
Armor, Enchanted, Scale Armor (leather) 1,500 Drum of Deafening 500
Armor, Enchanted, Scale Armor (steel) 2,000 Drum of Panic 35,000
Armor, Enchanted, Weightless 500 Dulcimer of Defense 25,000
Arrow of Direction 17,500 Dust of Appearance 4,000
Bag of Devouring 1,500 Dust of Disappearance 8,000
Bag of Holding 25,000 Dust of Dryness 8,000
Bag of Transmuting 500 Dust of Illusion 100 per pinch
Bag of Tricks 15,000 Dust of Sneezing and Choking 1,000
Beads of Force 1,000 each Dust of Tracelessness 200 per pinch
Beaker of Plentiful Potions 12,500 Efficient Quiver 10,000
Blessed Book 35,000 Efreeti Bottle 45,000
Boat, Folding 25,000 Egg of Desire 0
Book of Holy Benisons 40,000 Egg of Reason 2,500
Book of Infinite Spells 50,000 Egg of Shattering 500
Book of Unholy Damnation 40,000 Ever-full Purse x.p. value x 10
Boots of Dancing 5,000 Ever-smoking Bottle 2,500
Boots of Elvenkind 5,000 Eyes of the Basilisk 50,000
Boots of Levitation 15,000 Eyes of Charming 24,000
Boots of the North 7,500 Eyes of the Eagle 18,000
Boots of Speed 20,000 Eyes of Minute Seeing 12,500
Boots of Striding and Springing 20,000 Eyes of Petrification 0
Boots of Varied Tracks 7,500 Feather Token 2,000; 7,000
Boots, Winged 20,000 Figurine of Wondrous Power 1,000 per hit die
Bowl of Water Elemental Command 25,000 Flask of Curses 1,000
Bowl of Watery Death 1,000 Flowing Flagon 3,500
Bracers of Archery 10,000 Flute of Wonder 40,000
Bracers of Brachiation 10,000 Gauntlets of Ogre Power 15,000
Bracers of Defense 3,000 per AC bonus Gem of Brightness 17,500
Bracers of Defenselessness 2,000 Gem of Insight 3,000
Brazier of Fire Elemental Command 25,000 Gem of Seeing 25,000
Brazier of Sleep Smoke 1,000 Girdle of Dwarvenkind 20,000
Brooch of Shielding 10,000 Girdle of Femininity/Masculinity 1,000
Broom of Animated Attack 3,000 Girdle of Giant Strength 2,500
Broom of Flying 10,000 Girdle of Many Pouches 10,000
Buckler Wand 5,000 Gloves of Dexterity 10,000
Candle of Invocation 5,000 Gloves of Fumbling 1,000
Carpet of Flying 25,000 Gloves of Missile Snaring 10,000
Censer of Air Elemental Command 25,000 Gloves of Swimming and Climbing 10,000
Censer of Summoning Hostile Air Elementals 1,000 Gloves of Thievery 5,000
Chime of Hunger 0 Hammer, Dwarven Thrower 15,000
Chime of Interruption 20,000 Handy Haversack 30,000
Chime of Opening 20,000 Hat of Difference 8,000
Circlet of Domination 25,000 Hat of Disguise 7,500
Cloak of Arachnidia 25,000 Hat of Stupidity 1,000
Cloak of the Bat 15,000 Healing Ointment 10,000
Cloak of Displacement 17,500 Helm of Brilliance 60,000
Cloak of Elvenkind 6,000 Helm of Comprehension 12,500
Cloak of the Manta Ray 12,500 Helm of Opposite Alignment 1,000
Cloak of Poisonousness 2,500 Helm of Telepathy 35,000
Cloak of Protection 10,000 per AC bonus Helm of Teleportation 30,000
Codex of Making Friends and Influencing 40,000 Helm of Underwater Action 10,000
People Horn of Blasting 55,000
Cornamuse of the Woodlands 5,000 Horn of Bubbles 0
Crystal Ball 5,000 per feature Horn of Collapsing 25,000
Crystal Hypnosis Ball 3,000 Horn of Fog 4,000
Cube of Force 20,000 Horn of Goodness/Evil 3,250
Cube of Frost Resistance 14,000 Horn of the Tritons 17,500


Magic Item Value (g.p.) Magic Item Value (g.p.)

Horn of Valhalla, silver or brass 15,000 Periapt of Foul Rotting 1,000
Horn of Valhalla, bronze 30,000 Periapt of Health 10,000
Horn of Valhalla, gold 45,000 Periapt of Proof Against Poison 12,500
Hornblade 1,500 - 9,000 Periapt of Wound Closure 10,000
Horseshoes of Speed 10,000 Phylactery of Faithfulness 7,500
Horseshoes of a Zephyr 7,500 Phylactery of Long Years 25,000
Incense of Meditation 7,500 Phylactery of Monstrous Attention 2,000
Incense of Obsession 500 Phylactery of Shortened Years 0
Instant Fortress 27,500 Pipes of the Sewers 8,500
Ioun Stones 5,000 each Portable Hole 50,000
Iron Bands of Binding 5,000 Potion of Animal Control 400
Iron Flask 0 Potion of Beauty 1,500
Javelin of Lightning 3,000 Potion of Clairaudience 400
Javelin of Piercing 3,000 Potion of Clairvoyance 500
Jewel of Attacks 1,000 Potion of Climbing 500
Lens of Detection 1,500 Potion of Delusion 0
Lens of Ultravision 5,000 Potion of Diminution 500
Libram of Gainful Conjuration 40,000 Potion of Dragon Control 5,000 - 9,000
Libram of Ineffable Damnation 40,000 Potion of ESP 850
Libram of Silver Magic 40,000 Potion of Extra Healing 800
Longtooth Dagger 2,500 Potion of Fire Breath 4,000
Love Potion 300 Potion of Fire Resistance 400
Lyre of Building 30,000 Potion of Flying 750
Lyre of the Elements 70,000 Potion of Gaseous Form 400
Mail, Elfin 5,000 Potion of Giant Control 1,000 - 6,000
Mandolin of Might 55,000 Potion of Giant Strength 900 - 1,400
Mantle of Starry Wandering 15,000 Potion of Glibness 2,500
Manual of Bodily Health 50,000 Potion of Growth 300
Manual of Gainful Exercise 50,000 Potion of Healing 400
Manual of Golems 30,000 Potion of Health 2,000
Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms 40,000 Potion of Heroism 500
Manual of Quickness of Action 50,000 Potion of Human Control 900
Manual of Stealthy Pilfering 40,000 Potion of Invisibility 500
Marvelous Pigments 3,000 per pot Potion of Invulnerability 500
Mattock of the Titans 12,000 Potion of Levitation 400
Maul of the Titans 12,000 Potion of Life 2,500
Medallion of ESP 10,000 - 30,000 Potion of Liquid Form 400
Medallion of Thought Projection 1,000 Potion of Longevity 1,000
Mirror of Life Trapping 25,000 Potion of Madness 0
Mirror of Mental Prowess 50,000 Potion of Persuasiveness 850
Mirror of Opposition 2,000 Potion of Plant Control 300
Necklace of Adaptation 10,000 Potion of Poison 0
Necklace of Missiles 200 per missile Potion of Polymorph Self 350
3,000 per special Potion of Rainbow Hues 800
Necklace of Prayer Beads bead Potion of Speed 450
Necklace of Strangulation 1,000 Potion of Stammering and Stuttering 0
Necrophidius Handbook 20,000 Potion of Super-Heroism 750
Net of Entrapment 7,500 Potion of Treasure Finding 2,000
Net of Snaring 6,000 Potion of Undead Control 2,500
Oil of Acid Resistance 5,000 Potion of Ventriloquism 1,250
Oil of Disenchantment 3,500 Potion of Vitality 2,500
Oil of Elemental Invulnerability 5,000 Potion of Water Breathing 900
Oil of Etherealness 1,500 Potion of Youth 10,000
Oil of Fiery Burning 4,000 Pouch of Accessibility 12,500
Oil of Fumbling 0 Prison of the Magus 25,000
Oil of Impact 5,000 Ring of Animal Friendship 5,000
Oil of Sharpness 1,000 per dose Ring of Berserk Strength 1,000
Oil of Slipperiness 750 Ring of Blinking 5,000
Oil of Timelessness 2,000 Ring of Chameleon Power 5,000
Pearl of Folly 0 Ring of Clumsiness 3,000
Pearl of Loss 0 Ring of Contrariness 1,000
Pearl of Power 2,000 per spell level Ring of Delusion 2,000
Pearl of the Sirens 4,500 Ring of Djinni Summoning 20,000
Pearl of Wisdom 5,000 Ring of Elemental Command 25,000

Magic Items – Selling Magic Items

Magic Item Value (g.p.) Magic Item Value (g.p.)

Ring of Elvenkind 7,500 Scroll of Protection from Cold 2,000
Ring of Feather Falling 5,000 Scroll of Protection from Daemons 2,500
Ring of Fire Resistance 5,000 Scroll of Protection from Demons 2,500
Ring of Free Action 5,000 Scroll of Protection from Devas 2,500
Ring of Influence 10,000 Scroll of Protection from Devils 2,500
Ring of Invisibility 7,500 Scroll of Protection from Electricity 1,500
Ring of Jumping 5,000 Scroll of Protection from Elementals 1,500
Ring of the Magus 2,500 Scroll of Protection from Fire 2,000
Ring of Mammal Control 5,000 Scroll of Protection from Gas 2,000
Ring of Mind Shielding 5,000 Scroll of Protection from Illusions 1,500
Ring of Protection 10,000 - 20,000 Scroll of Protection from Lycanthropes 1,000
Ring of the Ram 7,500 Scroll of Protection from Magic 1,500
Ring of Regeneration 40,000 Scroll of Protection from Paralyzation 1,500
Ring of Shocking Grasp 5,000 Scroll of Protection from Petrification 2,000
Ring of Shooting Stars 15,000 Scroll of Protection from Plants 1,000
Ring of Spell Storing 22,500 Scroll of Protection from Poison 1,000
Ring of Spell Turning 17,500 Scroll of Protection from Possession 2,000
Ring of Sustenance 3,500 Scroll of Protection from Traps (Mechanical) 2,000
Ring of Swimming 5,000 Scroll of Protection from Traps (Magical) 2,000
Ring of Telekinesis 10,000 Scroll of Protection from Traps (All) 3,000
Ring of Truth 5,000 Scroll of Protection from Undead 1,500
Ring of Warmth 5,000 Scroll of Protection from Water 1,500
Ring of Water Walking 5,000 Scroll of Protection from Weapons (blunt) 1,000
Ring of Weakness 1,000 Scroll of Protection from Weapons (edged) 1,000
Ring of Wishes 20,000 (approx.) Scroll of Protection from Weapons (magical blunt) 1,000
Ring of Wizardry 50,000 Scroll of Protection from Weapons (magical edged) 1,000
Ring of X-ray Vision 35,000 Scroll of Protection from Weapons (magical missile) 1,000
Robe of the Archmagi 65,000 Scroll of Protection from Weapons (magical piercing) 1,000
Robe of Blending 35,000 Scroll of Protection from Weapons (missile) 1,000
Robe of Eyes 50,000 Scroll of Protection from Weapons (piercing) 1,000
Robe of Powerlessness 1,000 Scroll, Cursed 0
Robe of Scintillating Colors 25,000 Scroll, Spell 500/spell level
Robe of Stars 12,000 Shadow Lanthorn 6,000
Robe of Useful Items 15,000 Sheet of Smallness 12,500
Robe of Vermin 1,000 Shield, Enchanted, +1 2,500
Rod of Absorption 40,000 Shield, Enchanted, +1 vs. missiles 1,000
Rod of Beguiling 30,000 Shield, Enchanted, +2 5,000
Rod of Cancellation 15,000 Shield, Enchanted, +2 vs. missiles 2,000
Rod of Flailing 20,000 Shield, Enchanted, +3 8,000
Rod of Lordly might 20,000 Shield, Enchanted, +3 vs. missiles 3,000
Rod of Passage 50,000 Shield, Enchanted, +4 12,000
Rod of Resurrection 35,000 Shield, Enchanted, +4 vs. missiles 4,000
Rod of Rulership 35,000 Shield, Enchanted, +5 17,500
Rod of Security 30,000 Shield, Enchanted, +5 vs. missiles 5,000
Rod of Smiting 15,000 Shoes of Wandering 20,000
Rod of Splendor 25,000 Slippers of Kicking 6,000
Rope of Climbing 10,000 Slippers of Spider Climbing 10,000
Rope of Constriction 1,000 Sovereign Glue 750 per ounce
Rope of Entanglement 12,000 Spade of Colossal Excavation 6,500
Rug of Smothering 1,500 Spell Book x.p. value x 5
Rug of Welcome 45,000 Spell Component Case, Enchanted 1,000 per use
Saw of Mighty Cutting 12,500 Sphere of Annihilation 30,000
Scarab of Death 2,500 Spoon of Stirring 5,000
Scarab of Enraging Enemies 8,000 Staff of Command 25,000
Scarab of Golem Slaying 3,200 - 12,500 Staff of Curing 25,000
Scarab of Insanity 11,000 Staff of Magi 75,000
Scarab of Protection 25,000 Staff of Power 60,000
Scroll of Protection from Acid 2,500 Staff of the Serpent 35,000
Scroll of Protection from Angels 2,500 Staff of Striking 15,000
Scroll of Protection from Archons 2,500 Staff of Swarming Insects 500 per charge
Scroll of Protection from Breath weapons 2,000 Staff of Thunder and Lightning 20,000
(dragon) Staff of Withering 35,000
Scroll of Protection from Breath weapons (non- 2,000 Staff of the Woodlands 40,000
dragon) Staff-mace 12,500


Magic Item Value (g.p.) Magic Item Value (g.p.)

Staff-spear 5,000 - 25,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Dragon Slayer 500
Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals 12,500 Weapon, Enchanted, Flame Tongue 2,500
Stone of Good Luck 25,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Frost Brand 1,000
Stone Horse 12,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Giant Slayer 500
Stone of Weight 1,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Holy Avenger 10,000
Sustaining Spoon 4,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Intelligent Varies
Sweet Water 250 Weapon, Enchanted, Life Stealing 20,000
Talisman of Pure Good 27,500 Weapon, Enchanted, Luck 3,000
Talisman of the Sphere 10,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Lycanthrope Bane 1,500
Talisman of Ultimate Evil 32,500 Weapon, Enchanted, Magic Scourge 1,000
Tome of Clear Thought 48,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Nine Lives Stealer 4,000
Tome of Leadership and Influence 40,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Planar 8,000
Tome of Understanding 43,500 Weapon, Enchanted, Quickness 4,000
Trident of Fish Command 4,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Scalefoe 2,000
Trident of Warning 10,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Sharpness 28,000
Trident of Yearning 1,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Short-mower 500
Ultimate Solution 7,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Solar 12,000
Vacuous Grimoire 1,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Speed 8,000
Wand of Conjuration 35,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Submission 10,000
Wand of Defoliation 6,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Tall-reaper 1,500
Wand of Earth and Stone 10,000 - 15,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Thunderbolts 17,000
Wand of Enemy Detection 10,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Trollslayer 2,000
Wand of Fear 15,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Unholy Destroyer 10,000
Wand of Fire 25,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Venom 2,500
Wand of Fireballs 16,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Vorpal 42,000
Wand of Flame Extinguishing 10,000 Weapon, Enchanted, Wounding 15,000
Wand of Force 30,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, +1 (non- 3,000
Wand of Frost 50,000 ammunition, non-hurled)
Wand of Ice Storms 20,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, +2 (non- 5,000
Wand of Illumination 10,000 ammunition, non-hurled)
Wand of Illusion 20,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, +3 (non- 8,000
Wand of Lightning 30,000 ammunition, non-hurled)
Wand of Lightning Bolts 16,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, +4 (non- 13,000
Wand of Magic Detection 25,000 ammunition, non-hurled)
Wand of Magic Missiles 35,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, Accuracy 4,000
Wand of Metal and Mineral Detection 7,500 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, Arrow (dozen) 100
Wand of Metal Command 10,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, Bolt/quarrel 100
Wand of Negation 15,000 (score)
Wand of Paralyzation 25,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, Bullet (score) 100
Wand of Polymorphing 25,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, Dart (half-dozen) 200
Wand of Secret Door and Trap Detection 40,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, Distance 4,500
Wand of Size Alteration 20,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, Fireburst 500
Wand of Steam and Vapor 25,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, Homing 750
Wand of Wonder 10,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, Hurling 10,000
Weapon, Enchanted, +1 2,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, Impact 500
Weapon, Enchanted, +2 4,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, Seeking 2,000
Weapon, Enchanted, +3 7,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, Slaying 2,500
Weapon, Enchanted, +4 10,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, Snowsurge 500
Weapon, Enchanted, +5 15,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, Speed 4,500
Weapon, Enchanted, Alertness 30,000 Weapon, Missile, Enchanted, Throwing 750
Weapon, Enchanted, Dancing 15,000 Well of Many Worlds 12,000
Weapon, Enchanted, Defender 5,000 Wind Fan 2,500
Weapon, Enchanted, Detection 5,000 Wings of Flying 7,500
Weapon, Enchanted, Disruption 10,000 Workbook of Animated Statues 12,000

Appendix – Random Tables

Die Roll What Color Is It?

Appendix: Random Tables 29-31
35-37 Green
Game masters are encouraged to use these tables in whatever way they see 38-39 Grey
fit to either inspire their own creativity or to get answers to common questions 40-41 Indigo
in a pinch. These tables should not be seen as the be-all and end-all of such 42-43 Lavender
things, of course; they are only a barest beginning of the sort of tables that can 44-46 Magenta
be constructed for a wide variety of eventualities. 47-49 Mauve
50-52 Orange
Don’t feel constrained by the necessity of throwing dice and using the result 53-55 Peach
that comes up. It is entirely appropriate for the game master to simply look 56-58 Persimmon
down the list of a table and select a result that he feels would either be more 59-60 Phlox
interesting or appropriate. However, there is something liberating about letting 61-63 Pink
the dice decide, and then coming up with (or allowing your players to come 64-66 Plum
up with) a justification or interesting backstory for why a particular roll came 67-69 Purple
up, even if it might not make sense on its face. 70-71 Red
72-73 Ruby
These tables are simply tools to help encourage your own creativity. While 74-78 Silver
sometimes the most fun can be derived by tossing the dice and just going with 79-80 Taupe
whatever comes up (half the fun being trying to explain a particularly 81-83 Turquoise
anomalous result), sometimes you’ll want to pick and choose. Either way, 84-86 Umber
you’re the game master, and the choice is yours. In addition, don’t be afraid 87-89 Vanilla
to roll multiple times on the same table, as appropriate (maybe more than one 90-91 Violet
thing happened in that tavern last night!). 92-93 Viridian
94-97 White
Finally, be aware that some of the results should not simply be blurted out to 98-00 Yellow
the players; they may be best kept to the game master to allow him to know
something which the players will then have to work out for themselves (this is Die Roll What Do I Find in the Wilderness?
especially true when determining motives for NPCs).
01-02 Boundary marker
03-05 Broken-down wagon
All of these tables are designed to use percentile dice to determine results.
06-07 Cobblestone path extends for 40’, then disappears
08-10 Collapsed viaduct segment extends some 100’ on the
Die Roll What Are Those Soldiers Doing Here? ground
01-05 Building a bridge, road, etc. 11-12 Collapsed wooden building, 30’x40’
06-10 Building a fortification or other defensive position 13-15 Corner of stone building, walls extend 10’ in either
11 Defecting to the enemy direction
12-13 Deserting from their post 16-17 Cracked and broken fountain
14-18 Foraging for food and water 18-20 Eight rotting ropes dangle from a tree-limb, some have
19-23 Going to volunteer with the army knots, some don’t
24-29 Investigating a disturbing report 21-22 Face is carved into an old tree, some 15’ off the ground
30-34 Off duty and relaxing 23-25 Foot of an enormous statue
35-36 On a secret mission 26-27 Fresco floor, partially covered by earth and debris, shows
37-46 On patrol scenes of underwater animals and plants
47-52 On their way to rendezvous with another group of soldiers 28-30 Gravestone, 100+ years old
53-59 Pursuing bandits 31-32 Gravestone, illegible
60-64 Pursuing enemy soldiers 33-35 Head of a statue (human)
65-70 Pursuing raiding humanoids or monsters 36-37 Iron post, 4’ high, with rusted hoop on top
71-74 Returning home—they’ve been released from service 38-40 Long-disused well
75-84 Returning to their base camp or barracks 41-42 Memorial stone which reads, “In memory of John
85-88 Searching for a fugitive Williamson, who died in the East”
89-90 Searching for something stolen from their camp 43-45 Mostly-collapsed grain silo
91-95 Setting up an ambush 46-47 One arch of a viaduct extends 30’ into the air. No sign of
96-00 Walking into an ambush other segments
48-50 One side of a small ravine has a bridge footing. No footing
Die Roll What Color Is It? on other side
01-03 Aqua 51-52 Pedestal, marble
04-06 Azure 53-55 Rusty plough half-submerged in a small pond
07-10 Black 56-57 Small (3’ high by 6’ long) stone cairn. If searched, a
11-13 Blue skeleton is beneath
14-16 Brown 58-60 Small brook has bridge footings on either side. No sign of
17-19 Burgundy the bridge
20-22 Cornflower 61-62 Small spring has brickwork around entrance
23-25 Cyan 63-65 Small wooden shrine nailed to tree. Looks long disused
26-28 Emerald 66-67 Split-rail fence 30’ long


Die Roll What Do I Find in the Wilderness? Die Roll What Do I Hear?
68-70 Stag horns mounted on a tree trunk 93-94 Water flowing
71-72 Statue on ground, headless, armless 95-96 Whistling
73-75 Stone bench, in fair shape 97-98 Wind
76-77 Stone building foundation, 20’x30’ 99-00 Wood being chopped
78-80 Stone fireplace and chimney
81-82 Stone on the side of a brook is covered with scores of Die Roll What Does it Feel Like?
burned-out candles 01-05 Cold
83-85 Stone wall with doorway 06-10 Cool
86-87 Stone wall, 3-4’ high, 7’ long 11-15 Crinkly
88-89 Three concentric circles of stones on the ground, the largest 16-20 Gritty
is 15’ in diameter 21-25 Hard
90-91 Tree has sixteen badger skulls nailed to its limbs 26-30 Hot
92-95 Tree is carved with a heart, in which are the initials “K.L. + 31-35 Leathery
J.B.” 36-40 Metal
96-97 Wooden bird house on a 7’ pole 41-45 Mushy
98-00 Wooden building, 30’x40’, no roof but otherwise intact 46-50 Papery
51-55 Pebbled
Die Roll What Do I Hear? 56-60 Prickly
01-02 Air whistling 61-65 Rough
03-04 Baby crying 66-70 Rubbery
05-06 Banging 71-75 Sharp
07-08 Barking 76-80 Smooth
09-10 Bell 81-85 Soft
11-12 Birdsong 86-90 Sticky
13-14 Chanting 91-95 Warm
15-16 Chimes 96-00 Wrinkly
17-18 Chittering
19-20 Crackling Die Roll What Does it Smell Like?
21-22 Crunching 01-04 Acrid
23-24 Door closing 05-08 Alcohol
25-26 Dripping 09-12 Ammonia
27-28 Drums 13-16 Beer
29-30 Explosion 17-20 Feces
31-32 Flapping 21-24 Flowers
33-34 Footsteps 25-28 Fresh mown grass
35-36 Groaning 29-32 Gasoline
37-38 Growling 33-36 Honeysuckle
39-40 Gurgling 37-40 Leather
41-42 Hammer banging 41-44 Lilac
43-44 Hissing 45-48 Olives
45-46 Hooves clomping 49-53 Peat
47-48 Humming 54-58 Petroleum
49-50 Laughter 59-63 Roses
51-52 Leather moving 64-65 Steak
53-54 Leaves rustling 66-67 Sulfurous
55-56 Machinery 68-71 That new car smell
57-58 Marching 72-80 The sea
59-60 Moaning 81-85 Urine
61-62 Mosquito 86-90 Vinegar
63-64 Music 91-95 Wet dog
65-66 Popping 96-00 Wine
67-68 Purring
69-70 Rain Die Roll What Does it Taste Like?
71-72 Scraping 01-05 Bitter
73-74 Scuttling 06-10 Cloying
75-76 Singing 11-15 Earthy
77-78 Sneeze 16-20 Fishy
79-80 Snoring 21-25 Fresh as harvest day
81-82 Something heavy being dragged 26-30 Frogsbreath
83-84 Squeal 31-35 Grass
85-86 Step-thunk-step-thunk-step-thunk 36-40 Greasy
87-88 Tinkling 41-45 Hot/Spicy
89-90 Trumpets 46-50 Like chicken
91-92 Voices 51-55 Like honey

Appendix – Random Tables

Die Roll What Does it Taste Like? Die Roll What Does the Bard Have?
56-60 Metallic 31-32 Playing cards, marked
61-65 Minty 33-57 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table
66-70 Oily 58-83 Roll on the appropriate table for his race
71-75 Old leather 84-87 Scroll with (non-magical) song
76-80 Salty 88-91 Songbook
81-85 Smoky 92-96 Spare reed (for instrument)
86-90 Sour 97-00 Tuning fork
91-95 Sweet
96-00 Umami Die Roll What Does the Cavalier Have?
01-03 Armor-tightening wrench
Note that the following tables are excellent for determining the results of 04-05 Comb
random attempts to pick pockets in marketplaces, in busy streets, etc., as well 06-08 Dried flower
as fleshing out the spoils when looting dead bodies. If desired, roll 1d4 to 09-11 Garter
determine how many such items are on a given person, but when picking 12-14 Invitation to the ball
pockets, only a single thing may be picked per attempt. It is left to the game 15-17 Lady’s slipper
master to determine whether there is any special significance to these objects 18-20 Locket with a cameo of his lady’s hair
beyond what they present at face value. 21-22 Locket with his lady’s hair
23-26 Oil (for coating weapons)
Die Roll What Does the Acrobat Have? 27-29 Receipt for a suit of jousting plate armor
01-04 Alcohol, flask (see below for type) 30-54 Roll on the “what does the nobleman have?” table
05-09 Bar of soap 55-79 Roll on the appropriate table for his race
10-13 Cedar shim 80-84 Royal warrant
14-15 Empty potion vial 85-88 Silk handkerchief
16-19 Key 89-91 Single silk glove
20-22 Leather gloves 92-94 Small gem
23-29 Lockpick 95-97 Spurs
30-34 Packet of herbs 98-00 Whetstone
35-37 Ring in the shape of a snake eating its own tail
38-63 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table Die Roll What Does the Cleric Have?
64-88 Roll on the “what does the thief have?” table 01-03 Anointing oil
89-93 Roll on the appropriate table for his race 04-06 Brass bell
94-97 Small net 07-10 Candles
98-00 Three juggling balls 11-13 Holy symbol, silver
14-16 Holy symbol, wooden
Die Roll What Does the Barbarian Have? 17-20 Holy water
01-03 Animal tooth 21-23 Icon
04-05 Bone 24-26 Incense
06-08 Candy 27-29 Locket with a lock of hair from a saint
09-10 Colorful glass beads 30-32 Prayer beads
11-12 Comb 33-57 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table
13-14 Drinking horn 58-72 Roll on the “what does the nobleman have?” table
15 Exotic vegetable 73-88 Roll on the appropriate table for his race
16-18 Fishing line and hooks 89-92 Sandal laces
19-20 Fleas 93-95 Scroll with theological treatise
21-23 Meat jerky 96-97 Small bust of his god
24-48 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table 98-98 Small prayer book
49-63 Roll on the appropriate table for his race 00 Vial of sand from a sacred spot
64-68 Scissors
69-73 Small mummified animal Die Roll What Does the Commoner Have?
74-77 Sticks with fortune-telling glyphs 01-02 Apple
78-88 String 03-04 Bread
89-92 Tribal totem 05-06 Candle
93-00 Whetstone 07-08 Chicken leg (cooked)
09 Coins (1d4 p.p.)
Die Roll What Does the Bard Have? 10-11 Coins (1d6 e.p.)
01-03 Dice 12-13 Coins (1d6 g.p.)
04-06 Dice, loaded 14-16 Coins (1d6 s.p.)
07-09 Glass atomizer with water 17-19 Coins (1d8 c.p.)
10-12 Locket with a lover’s miniature 20 Cow bell
13-15 Makeup 21-22 Dice
16-18 Map 23 Eyeglasses
19-22 Piece of resin 24-25 Fan, collapsible
23-26 Pitch pipe 26-27 Fork
27-30 Playing cards 28 Gems (1d3, all small)


Die Roll What Does the Commoner Have? Die Roll What Does the Dwarf Have?
29-30 Handkerchief 15 Carving tool set
31-32 Holy symbol, wooden 16 Charger and scraper
33-34 Key, single 17-18 Chisel
35-36 Keys (1d3) on ring 19 Claim to a gold mine
37-38 Knife 20-21 Cobbing hammer
39-40 Legal document (contract, lease, summons, warrant, etc.) 22-24 Collapsible shovel
41-42 Length of string/twine 25-26 Crowbar
43-44 Locket with broken clasp 27-28 Drill bit sets
45-46 Lucky charm (rabbit’s foot, etc.) 29-30 Hammer
47-48 Meat pie 31-32 Hand drill
49-50 Mug or cup 33 Hand-cranked pump
51-52 Onion 34-35 Helmet-attachable lantern
53 Packet of medicinal herbs 36-37 Iron ingot
54-73 Roll on another “what does he have?” table (determine 38-39 Knife sharpener
randomly) 40-41 Lead ingot
74-83 Roll on the appropriate table for his race 42-43 Level
84-85 Sachet of aromatic spices 44-45 Mallet
86-87 Sausage 46-47 Necklace of orc teeth
88-89 Sea shell 48-49 Pewter mug
90 Small book 50-51 Pickaxe
91 Small doll 52-53 Portable balance and weights
92-93 Small jug of alcohol 54-55 Pouch of marbles
94-95 Spoon 56-57 Pulley
96 Tinderbox 58-59 Quartz crystal
97 Tool 60-61 Ring with clan crest
98-99 Wedge of hard cheese 62-76 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table
00 Wooden toy 77-91 Roll on the appropriate table for his class
92 Shooting needle
Die Roll What Does the Druid Have? 93-94 Spike
01-02 Bird’s nest 95 Square
03-04 Dog whistle 96 Steel borer
05-06 Dried dung 97 Sunstone
07-08 Dried meat 98 Tamping bar
09-10 Fresh flower 99 Teakettle
11-12 Honeycomb 00 Whetstone
13-14 Knotted rope
15-17 Mistletoe Die Roll What Does the Elf (or Half-elf) Have?
18-19 Oak leaves 01-03 Archery tab
20-21 Onion pie 04-06 Arrowheads
22-23 Owl pellet 07-09 Book of poetry
24 Packet of insect wings 10-12 Bow string
25-26 Parchment with note to do something later today 13-15 Circlet
27-28 Piece of petrified wood 16-18 Fishing line for arrow
29-30 Pine cone 19-21 Leaf-shaped pin
31-32 Rawhide thong 22-24 Lodestone
33-34 Robin’s egg 25-28 Nocking set tool
35-59 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table 29-32 Packet of dried corn
60-74 Roll on the appropriate table for his race 33-35 Porcelain doll
75-79 Sea shell 36-39 Pressed leaves
80-85 Several small bones 40-64 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table
86-89 Small rock 65-89 Roll on the appropriate table for his class
90-93 Small sickle 90-95 Salt
94-97 Spider egg case 96-98 Way-bread
98-00 Squirrel 99-00 Wood shaft taper tool

Die Roll What Does the Dwarf Have? Die Roll What Does the Fighter Have?
01 10’ rope ladder 01-03 Bandages
02-03 50’ rope 04-05 Bear claw necklace
04-05 Beard and mustache wax 06-08 Diagram of local fortifications
06 Beard-braiding beads 09-10 Dried fruit
07-08 Block and tackle 11-12 Flute
09-10 Bucking iron 13-14 Glass eye
11-12 Cad 15-17 Keys (2d4) on ring
13-14 Cameo with family portrait 18-20 Knife

Appendix – Random Tables

Die Roll What Does the Fighter Have? Die Roll What Does the Halfling Have?
21-24 Knucklebones 43-44 Pot of honey
25-26 Locket containing a picture of a child 45-46 Pots and pans
27-28 Locket containing a picture of a woman 47-48 Rabbit skin
29-34 Mess kit 49-50 Razor
35-38 Mug 51-65 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table
39-41 Oil (for armor and weapons) 66-80 Roll on the appropriate table for his class
42-43 Parchment with single word on it (today’s password to get 81-82 Sandwich
through the sentries) 83-84 Sausage
44-45 Pornographic picture on parchment 85-86 Sketch of a wife and several children
46-65 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table 87-88 Small pillow
66-85 Roll on the appropriate table for his race 89-90 Soap
86-91 Spare arrowheads 91 Tankard
92-94 Two-day pass 92-94 Tinderbox
95-98 Whetstone 95-96 Tobacco pouch
99-00 Wineskin 97-98 Utensil set
99-00 Waistcoat chain
Die Roll What Does the Gnome Have?
01-02 Bag of mushrooms Die Roll What Does the Human Have?
03-04 Block of wax 01 Bill from a tavern
05-07 Brass gauge 02 Candle
08-09 Chasing hammer 03 Chalk
10-11 Clear goggles 04 Comb
12-14 Divider 05-06 Crude map of the surrounding area
15-16 Embossing hammer 07 Cup-and-ball
17-19 Finger gauges set on steel hoop 08 Dice
20-22 Hand drill 09-10 Handkerchief
23-24 Jeweler’s loop 11-12 Holy symbol, wooden
25-27 Knife blade 13 IOU from a gambling buddy
28-29 Mandrel 14-15 Key
30-31 Needle-nose pliers 16-17 Leather gloves
32-33 Pin vise 18 Love letter
34-36 Pot of glue 19-20 Meat pie
37-38 Rock tumbler (handcranked) 21-22 Piece of glass (not sharp)
39-63 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table 23-24 Playing cards
64-88 Roll on the appropriate table for his class 25-45 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table
89-92 Sandpaper 46-70 Roll on the “what does the nobleman have?” table
93-94 Set of files 71-89 Roll on the appropriate table for his class
95-96 Small bag filled with sand 90 Scissors
97-98 Tiny anvil 91-92 Small bottle of alcohol
99-00 Velvet gloves 93 Sweepstakes ticket
94-95 Three steel balls
Die Roll What Does the Halfling Have? 96-97 Tinderbox
01-02 Apple 98-99 Twine
03-04 Baby chick 00 Whistle
05-06 Bag of ashes
07-08 Bowl What Does the Humanoid
09-10 Box of nails Die Roll (Half-orc, goblin, orc, etc.) Have?
11-12 Dried fruit 01-03 Animal-shaped figurine
13-14 Extra cloak 04-05 Bone (gnawed-on)
15-16 Figurine of human 06-08 Bracelet of human/demi-human teeth
17-18 Flask with alcohol 09-10 Crude map of the surrounding area
19-20 Grocery list 11-13 Empty flask
21 Invitation to a birthday party 14-15 Fresh fruit
22-23 Keys (1d4) on ring 16-18 Horn
24-25 Lease for farmhouse/building 19-20 Hunk of raw meat
26-27 Lucifers 21-23 Knucklebones
28-29 Meat pie 24-25 Moldy cheese
30-31 Packet of nuts 26-28 Mummified mouse
32-33 Packet of spices 29-30 Necklace of human/demi-human ears
34-35 Packet of tea 31-33 Petrified heart
36-37 Penknife 34-58 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table
38-39 Pipe 59-83 Roll on the appropriate table for his class (if applicable)
40 Plain ring 84-86 Small animal skull
41-42 Pocket cookbook 87-88 Small rocks


What Does the Humanoid Die Roll What Does the Mage Have?
Die Roll (Half-orc, goblin, orc, etc.) Have? 20-21 List of 1d10+10 nonsense words (command words? magic
89-91 Something brown and sticky—best not to ask charms?)
92-94 Tribal fetish 22-23 Map showing ley lines in the vicinity
95-97 Unidentifiable meat (and probably just as well) 24-25 Membership documentation for local mage’s guild
98-00 Whetstone 26-27 Parchment covered with mathemagical formulae
28-29 Parchment with unknown glyphs and sigils
Die Roll What Does the Illusionist Have? 30-54 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table
01-02 Bottle brush 55-64 Roll on the “what does the nobleman have?” table
03-04 Dead wand with no more charges 65-83 Roll on the appropriate table for his race
05-06 Flash powder 84-85 Scroll case
07-08 Gold piece on a chain 86-87 Sealing wax
09-10 Ink 89-90 Small booklet with magical alphabet translated
11-12 Key 91-92 Small cage
13-14 Magnifying glass 93-94 Small specimen bottles with corks
15-16 Monocle 95-96 Stylus and wax tablet
17-18 Oil flask 97-99 Tweezers
19-20 Packet of flour 00 University diploma
21-22 Parchment with diagram of intersecting dimensions
23-24 Prism Die Roll What Does the Mountebank Have?
25-49 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table 01-02 1d6 fake g.p. (copper plated with gold)
50-74 Roll on the “what does the mage have?” table 03-04 An embarrassingly frank love letter from one prominent
75-92 Roll on the appropriate table for his race citizen to another (neither is the mountebank himself)
93-94 Set of thin metal rods of varying lengths 05-06 Code book
96-96 Silken handkerchief 07-08 Deed to a bridge
97-00 Small mirror 09-10 Deed to one of the largest buildings in town
11-12 Dice
Die Roll What Does the Jester Have? 13-14 Gold coin on a near-invisible wire
01-02 Banana peel 15-16 IOU from a prominent citizen
03-04 Bell 17-18 List of names with several of them crossed off
05-06 Carved wooden insect 19-20 Loaded dice
07-09 Cut glass made to look like a ruby 21-22 Makeup putty
10-11 Dice 23-24 Marked cards
12-13 Dice, loaded 25-26 Playing cards
14-15 Fabric chicken (rubber if appropriate to the campaign) 27-28 Ring with empty secret compartment
16-17 Hand puppet 29-48 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table
18-19 Jacks and ball 49-68 Roll on the “what does the nobleman have?” table
20-21 Joke book 69-88 Roll on the appropriate table for his race
22-23 Large nugget of fool’s gold 89-90 Skin coloring
24-25 Map 91-92 Three cups and two rubber balls
26-27 Marotte 93 Token from a gambling house
28-29 Playing cards 94 University diploma (fake)
30-31 Playing cards, marked 95-96 Vial of colored sand
32-34 Pot of chicken grease 97 Vial of colored water
35-36 Pot of paint and brush 98-99 Vial of vinegar
37-61 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table 00 Wig
62-86 Roll on the appropriate table for his race
87-88 Skin coloring Die Roll What Does the Mystic Have?
89-91 Slapstick 01-02 Anointing oil
92-93 Small cream pie 03-07 Battered tin cup
94-95 Sneezing powder 08-09 Candle
96-98 Squirting flower 10 Holy symbol, silver
99-00 Whoopee cushion 11-12 Holy symbol, wooden
13 Holy water
Die Roll What Does the Mage Have? 14-63 Nothing
01-02 Astrological chart 64-65 Packet of herbs (for tea)
03-04 Crucible 66 Prayer rug
05-07 Dead wand with no more charges 67-81 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table
08-09 Empty potion bottle 82-96 Roll on the appropriate table for his race
10-11 Empty scroll case 97 Tinderbox
12-13 Hourglass 98-00 Wooden bowl
14-15 Ink
16-17 Jeweler’s loop Die Roll What Does the Nobleman Have?
18-19 Jewelry with astrological symbol 01-02 Appointment book
03-04 Aromatic satchel

Appendix – Random Tables

Die Roll What Does the Nobleman Have? Die Roll What Does the Ranger Have?
05-06 Bell 86-88 Rope
07-08 Cloved lemon 89-91 Short chain
09-10 Falconer’s glove 92-94 String
11-12 Flowers 95-97 Tinderbox
13-14 Hairpin 98-00 Whetstone
15-16 Invitation to a ball
17-18 Lady’s slipper Die Roll What Does the Savant Have?
19-20 List of names, some of which have been crossed off 01-03 Astrolabe (small)
21-22 Love note from a lady other than his wife 04-06 Biretta
23-24 Love note to a lady other than his wife 07-09 Blank sheets of parchment
25-26 Opera glasses 10-12 Chalk
27-28 Perfume 13-15 Cope
29-30 Riding crop 16-18 Dentures (not his)
31-32 Risqué picture of a noble lady 19-21 Diagram of the lower planes, with applicable pentacles
33-55 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table 22-24 Dictionary
56-83 Roll on the appropriate table for his race 25-27 Diploma
84-85 Sealing wax 28-30 Divinatory objects (runestones, dragon bones, etc.)
86-87 Signet ring 31-33 Eyeglasses
88-89 Silken handkerchief 34-36 Ink
90-91 Slip of parchment with cryptic phrase written on it (“The 37-39 Mortarboard
rooster crows at midnight”, etc.) 40-43 Pass to a large library (allows for borrowing books)
92-93 Small mirror 44-46 Pass to a large library (entry only)
94-95 Walking stick 47-49 Quill
96-97 Whistle 50-70 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table
98-99 Writ of favor from the king (or other high authority) 71-91 Roll on the appropriate table for his race
92-94 Small book
Die Roll What Does the Paladin Have? 95-97 Stylus and wax tablet
01 Bar of soap 98-00 Tam
02-03 Cameo with the silhouette of a lady
04 Glass vial with a tooth from a saint inside Die Roll What Does the Thief Have?
05-06 Holy symbol, silver 01-03 Black kerchief
07 Holy symbol, wooden 04-05 Cedar shim
08-09 Holy water 06-08 Crowbar
10 Icon of his god 09-10 Hand drill
11-12 Oil (for armor and weapons) 11-13 Hand saw
13-14 Perfume 14-15 Heavy file
15 Razor 16-18 Jar of chicken grease
16-40 Roll on the “what does the cavalier have?” table 19-21 Knife
41-65 Roll on the “what does the cleric have?” table 22-23 Leather gloves
66-80 Roll on the “what does the nobleman have?” table 24-26 Lock picks
81-92 Roll on the appropriate table for his race 27-28 Love letter
93-94 Single silk glove 29-32 Mallet
96-96 Spurs 33-34 Mask
97-98 Whetstone 35-37 Packet of flour
99-00 Writ of marque from his temple/church 38-39 Parchment with an address written on it
40-41 Parchment with several times (in hours and minutes) written
Die Roll What Does the Ranger Have? on it
01-03 Amulet with local lord’s crest on it 42-44 Rib bone with meat on it
04-06 Bar of soap 45-69 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table
07-09 Bedroll 70-90 Roll on the appropriate table for his race
10-12 Compass 91-92 Skeleton key
13-15 Ditty sack 93-94 Sneezing powder
16-18 Dried fruit and nuts 95-96 Spyglass
19-21 Dried meat 97-98 Wax
22-24 Druidical holy symbol 99-00 Written pass allowing passage through a city gate
25-27 Fishing line and lure
28-30 Good map of the surrounding area Die Roll What Happened in the Tavern Last Night?
31-33 Mess kit 01-05 A band of adventurers came in, spent a lot of money, and
34-36 Packet of herbs boasted of their success
37-39 Penknife 06-10 A bard played exceptionally beautifully
40-43 Razor 11-15 A halfling disappeared into thin air in front of everyone
44-58 Roll on the “what does the commoner have?” table 16-20 A mysterious stranger was looking for someone
59-71 Roll on the “what does the fighter have”? table 21-25 A rabble-rousing preacher came in and started castigating
72-85 Roll on the appropriate table for his race the customers about their sinful ways


Die Roll What Happened in the Tavern Last Night?

26-30 A round of gambling somehow accumulated stakes that Die Roll What Has My Familiar Been Up To?
were a hundred times what they normally are 01-05 Drinking your blood (just a little each night)
31-35 A troupe of actors gave an impromptu show 06-10 Engaged in deep philosophical discussions with one other
36-40 A wealthy patron bought a round of drinks for the house member of the party
41-45 All of the shutters, windows, and doors suddenly slammed 11-15 Falling in love with someone else in the party (but still
shut serving you, as it must)
46-50 All the ale was green, but tasted just fine 16-20 Fighting off evil spirits bent on destroying you (but keeping
51-55 Hunters brought in a whole stag for dinner for everyone it a secret so you don’t worry)
56-60 One of the customers turned bright green in front of the 21-25 Fighting other familiars of opposite alignment
crowd 26-30 Gambling with one of the other members of the party
61-65 One of the waitresses did an impromptu dance with a live 31-35 Giggling to itself, then suddenly stopping
snake 36-40 In a revel with other familiars of similar type in the area
66-70 Someone was killed; nobody saw how it happened 41-45 Mocking your actions, movements, gestures, etc. behind
71-75 The city watch was called in to calm the place down; it was your back
a near-riot 46-50 Off on a mission for its superiors while you sleep, but
76-80 The mutton was tainted; everyone who had it got sick always comes back before you awaken in the morning
81-85 The turkey was fresh and delicious 51-55 Reading
86-90 There was a bar fight involving everyone in the place 56-60 Reporting to its superiors about your behavior (particularly
91-95 There was a small fight your lapses)
96-00 They ran out of ale 61-65 Secretly adding something to everyone’s food when nobody
is looking
Die Roll What Happened to Me in the Tavern Last Night? 66-70 Sneaking sips from your wineskin
01-20 Roll on the “What Happened in the Tavern Last Night?” table 71-75 Sniffing the ground as if searching for something, when it
21-24 The serving wench gave you a big kiss after you tipped thinks no one is looking
exceptionally well 76-80 Staring at you while you sleep
25-28 You don’t remember, but everyone is looking at you funny 81-85 Staring intently at one of the other party members
29-32 You ended up sleeping in the stables 86-90 Stealing milk from a farmer
33-36 You found a lucky copper piece on the floor 91-95 Talking to itself
38-40 You got a tattoo 96-00 Watching the birds with great suspicion
41-44 You got caught cheating at cards/dice/etc. and were
thrown out Die Roll What is it a Painting Of?
45-48 You got drunk 01-03 Abstract
49-52 You got into a fight; lose 1d4 h.p. 04-06 Bodegón
53-56 You got sick 07-09 Figure, animal
57-60 You got very drunk 10-12 Figure, combat
61-64 You heard an interesting rumor 13-15 Figure, group at play
65-68 You lost 3d10 g.p. gambling 16-18 Figure, group at work
69-72 You made a pass at the innkeepers daughter and got 19-21 Figure, lovers
thrown out 22-24 Figure, monster
73-76 You met a beautiful mysterious woman 25-27 Figure, mythological/divine
77-80 You met an old flame 28-30 Figure, nude
81-84 You ordered a round for the house; lose 5d4 g.p. 31-33 Geometric figures
85-88 You took off all your clothes and started singing 34-36 Landscape, nightmarish
89-92 You were arrested 37-39 Landscape, pastoral
93-96 You won 4d4 g.p. gambling 40-42 Landscape, urban
97-00 Your pocket was picked 43-45 Memento mori
46-48 Naturalistic figures
Die Roll What Happened to My Henchman/Hireling? 49-51 Panorama
01-05 He disappeared under mysterious circumstances 52-54 Portrait, clergyman
06-10 He found out where a nearby monster’s lair can be found 55-57 Portrait, king
11-15 He found religion 58-60 Portrait, mage
16-20 He got a better offer and left your service 61-63 Portrait, man
21-26 He heard a rumor about a nearby treasure 64-67 Portrait, nobleman
27-31 He was arrested; pay 2d10 g.p. bail 68-70 Portrait, noblewoman
32-36 He was kidnapped by one of your enemies 71-74 Portrait, queen
37-42 He was polymorphed into a monster 75-78 Portrait, woman
43-49 He was robbed 79-82 Seascape
50-57 He was slain by person(s) unknown 83-85 Seascape (with ship)
58-65 He was slain in a bar fight 86-92 Still life, man-made objects (books, weapons, etc.)
66-68 He won big gambling and quit 93-97 Still life, natural objects (seashells, flowers, fruit, etc.)
69-71 His brother is in town and wants to know if you’ll hire him 98-00 Veduta
72-96 Nothing at all—here he is now
97-00 Nothing at all—here he is now (he has secretly been
replaced by a doppelganger)

Appendix – Random Tables

Die Roll What is it a Sculpture Of? Die Roll What is the Villain’s Motivation?
01-04 Abstract 28-30 Just following orders
05-08 Animal 31-33 Just wants to watch the world burn (metaphorically or
09-11 Animal head literally)
12-15 Bas relief, group at play 34-36 Knows his own destiny and wants to escape it
16-19 Bas relief, group at work 37-39 Power for its own sake
20-22 Bas relief, historical scene 40-42 Romance; he is in love with an unattainable person
23-26 Bas relief, mythological scene 43-46 Secretly (unbeknownst even to himself) trying to commit
27-30 Bas relief, religious procession suicide
31-33 Building (palace, castle, etc.) 47-49 To escape an enemy trying to harm/capture/kill him
34-37 Bust, deity 50-53 To help the world despite itself
38-41 Bust, hero 54-56 To improve himself
42-45 Bust, leader 57-60 To regain something that was stolen from him
46-49 Bust, merchant 61-63 To right a perceived injustice
50-53 Bust, ordinary person 64-66 To rule the world
54-57 Death mask 67-69 To satisfy his curiosity
58-71 Deity 70-72 To spread hate/fear/despair
72-75 Full body sculpture, hero 73-75 Trapped by circumstances and can’t back out now
76-78 Full body sculpture, leader 76-78 Vengeance; someone or something has wronged him in the
79-81 Full body sculpture, merchant past (real or perceived)
82-83 Full body sculpture, ordinary person 79-81 Wants nothing more than to be left alone
84 Imaginary figure (half-animal, half-person, etc.) 82-85 Wants to improve humanity/society/the world
85-86 Memento mori 86-90 Wants to keep his family/group together
87-88 Monster 91-95 Wealth
89 Monster head 96-00 Working the will of his deity
90-91 Palette, group at play
92-93 Palette, group at work Die Roll What Kind of Building is It?
94-95 Palette, historical scene 01-02 Animal-driven mill
96-97 Palette, mythological scene 03 Apiary
98-00 Vehicle (wagon, chariot, etc.) 04-05 Art gallery
06 Aviary
Die Roll What is the City Watch Doing Here? 07-10 Bakery
01-05 Acting as a color guard for another guardsman’s funeral 11-12 Bank
06-10 Acting on a tip that a crime is about to be committed here 13-14 Barn
11-15 Breaking up a fight 15-16 Barracks
16-20 Fighting a fire 17-18 Bathhouse
21-25 Fire inspection 19-20 Bawdy house, average
26-30 Getting duped by a fast-talking criminal 21-22 Boarding house
31-35 Guarding an important personage 23 Boathouse
36-40 In hot pursuit of a criminal 24-25 Bordello, classy
41-45 Investigating a complaint 26-27 Brewery
46-50 Investigating a crime that took place here yesterday 28-29 Brothel, cheap
51-55 On regular rounds 30-31 Church
56-60 Quelling a riot 32-33 Citadel
61-65 Questioning a suspect 34-35 City guard post
66-70 Staking out the building across the street 36-37 Convent
71-75 Taking a prisoner to be executed 38-39 Courthouse
76-80 Taking a prisoner to jail 40-41 Distillery
81-85 They’re off duty, heading home after their shift 42 Drydock
86-90 They’re off duty, heading to the watch station to begin their 43-44 Factory
shift 45-46 Fighting arena
91-95 Tracking a fugitive 47-51 Granary
96-00 Walking into an ambush 52-53 Greenhouse
54-55 Grocery
Die Roll What is the Villain’s Motivation? 56-57 Guild hall
01-03 Acceptance 58-59 Gymnasium
04-06 Believes that something is a threat to himself 60-61 Hotel
07-09 Believes that something is a threat to society 62-63 House
10-12 Bored and looking for excitement 64-65 Inn
13-15 Conquer a realm/holding for himself 66 Laboratory
16-18 Despises a particular individual and does everything he can 67 Meadery
to harm him 68 Mithraeum
19-21 Enjoys corrupting people and exploiting their weaknesses 69 Museum
22-24 Fame 70 Observatory
25-27 Fulfilling his destiny 71 Palace


Die Roll What Kind of Building is It? Die Roll What Kind of Room is it?
72-73 Restaurant 29-30 Dining room
74-75 School 31-32 Dormitory
76-77 Shop 33-34 Dressing room
78-79 Shrine 35-36 Entry room
80-81 Smithy 37-38 Foyer
82-83 Stables 39-40 Gallery
84 Tannery 41 Game room
85-86 Tavern 42-43 Great hall
87-88 Temple 44-45 Guard room
89-90 Tenement 46 Harem
91 Theater 47 Kennel
92-93 Townhouse 48-49 Kitchen
94 Villa 50 Laboratory
95-96 Warehouse 51-52 Library
97 Water mill 53-54 Lounge
98 Windmill 55 Mews
99 Winery 56 Mud room
00 Workshop 57 Museum
58-59 Office
Die Roll What Kind of Government do They have? 60 Oratory
01-03 Anarchy (no rulers) 61-62 Pantry
04-07 Aristocracy (rule by hereditary group) 63-64 Prison cell
08-10 Bureaucracy (rule by bureaucrats) 65-66 Privy (garderobe)
11-13 Democracy (rule by popular vote) 67 Refectory
14-15 Dictatorship (rule by single person) 68 Safe room
16-20 Feudalism (rule by lords who owe fealty to another higher up) 69-70 Salon
21 Geniocracy (rule by the intelligent) 71-72 Sewing room
22-23 Geriocracy (rule by elderly) 73-74 Shrine
24-25 Gynarchy (rule by women) 75-76 Sitting room
26-27 Kratocracy (rule by the strong) 77-78 Smithy
28 Kritarchy (rule by judges) 79 Solar
29-30 Magocracy (rule by mages) 80-81 Stable
31-33 Meritocracy (rule according to merit) 82 Staviary (place where flying mounts are kept)
34-59 Monarchy, absolute (rule by king without limit) 83-84 Store room
60-72 Monarchy, constitutional (rule by king with limits) 85-86 Strongroom
73-74 Patriarchy (rule by men) 87-88 Study
75 Pedocracy (rule by scholars) 89 Sun room
76-81 Plutocracy (rule by wealthy) 90 Throne room
82-90 Republic (rule by elected representatives) 91 Torture chamber
91-92 Stratocracy (rule by military/veterans) 92-93 Training room
93-94 Technocracy (rule by experts) 94-95 Trophy room
95-99 Theocracy (rule by priests) 96 Undercroft
00 Timocracy (rule by the honorable) 97 Wardrobe
98 Workroom
Die Roll What Kind of Room is it? 99-00 Workshop
01-02 Antechamber
03 Apotheca Note that the following tables can also be used to generate starting
04 Archives languages for PCs and NPCs, if desired; re-roll anything above an 87 on
05-06 Armory table B. You can figure it out one of two ways. If you just want relatively
07 Audience chamber common languages, use this table:
08 Aviary
09-10 Banquet hall Die Roll What (Commonplace) Language is That?
11-12 Barracks 01-50 Common
13 Bath 51-55 Dwarvish
14-15 Bedroom 56-60 Elvish
16 Bestiary 61-65 Gnoll
17-18 Bottlery 66-70 Gnomish
19-20 Buttery 71-75 Goblin
21 Chapel 76-80 Halfling
22 Classroom 81-85 Hobgoblin
23-24 Closet 86-90 Kobold
25 Conjuring room 91-95 Orcish
26 Courtroom 96-00 Zvert
27-28 Crypt

Appendix – Random Tables

Otherwise, if you want to include all sorts of odd languages (even ones that Die Roll All Languages Table A
are found on other planes), first, roll on this table, and then either A or B, as 68-73 Gnoll
indicated: 74-80 Gnomish
81 Gnomish, Deep (Svirfneblin)
What Language is That 82-84 Goblin
Die Roll (Including Uncommon Languages)? 85 Granite man
01-50 Common 86 Grig
51-75 See table A 87 Grippli
76-00 See table B 88 Hag
89-93 Halfling
Die Roll All Languages Table A 94 Harpy
01 Aboleth 95 Hippocampus
02 Aerian 96-00 Hobgoblin
03 Angelic
04 Ape, Carnivorous Die Roll All Languages Table B
05 Archonic 01 Giant, Stone
06 Atomie 02 Infernal
07 Azer 03 Jinx-midge
08 Babbler 04 Kech
09 Banderlog 05 Kenleon
10-11 Barghest 06 Ki-rin
12 Bogwump 07-11 Kobold
13 Breezy Speech 12 Kraken
14-15 Brownie 13 Kullen
16 Bugbear 14 Lamia
17-18 Celestial Tongue 15 Lammasu
19 Centaur 16 Leprechaun
20 Crabman 17 Lexon
21 Cro-Magnon 18 Lizard Man
22 Crystal Craver 19 Locathah
23 Cthonoid 20 Lynx, Ghost
24 Cyclops 21 Manticore
25 Daemonic 22 Mantodean
26 Darkling 23 Merman
27 Demodand 24 Meta-elemental, Ice
28 Demonic 25 Meta-elemental, Magma
29-30 Derro 26 Meta-elemental, Ooze
31 Dire Corby 27 Meta-elemental, Smoke
32 Dolphin 28 Naga
33 Dragon 29 Neanderthal
34 Dragon Turtle 30 Nixie
35-36 Drow 31 Numblin
37 Dryad 32 Nymph
38 Duergar 33-34 Ogre
39-43 Dwarvish 35 Ogre Mage
44 Eagle, Giant 36 Ogre, Merrow
45 Earthen Speech 37 Ophidian
46 Eblis 38-42 Orcish
47-51 Elvish 43 Otyugh
52 Elvish, Wild 44 Owl, Giant
53 Ettercap 45 Peryton
54 Fiery Speech 46-47 Pixie
55 Fish Man 48 Psi-ape
56 Gallu 49 Quasi-elemental, Ash
57 Gargoyle 50 Quasi-elemental, Dust
58 Genie 51 Quasi-elemental, Lightning
59 Giant, Cliff 52 Quasi-elemental, Mineral
60 Giant, Cloud 53 Quasi-elemental, Radiance
61 Giant, Fomorian 54 Quasi-elemental, Salt
62 Giant, Firbolg 55 Quasi-elemental, Steam
63 Giant, Fire 56 Quasi-elemental, Vacuum
64 Giant, Frost 57 Quickling
65 Giant, Hill 58 Ranian
66 Giant, Mist 59 Sahuagin
67 Giant, Storm 60-61 Salaman


Die Roll All Languages Table B Die Roll What Sort of Book is That?
62 Satyr 29-30 Demonology
63 Selkie 31-32 Engineering treatise
64 Serpent Man 33-35 Erotica
65 Shedu 36-37 Esoteric lore
66 Sidhe 38-39 Folklore
67 Sphere of Many Eyes 40-42 Foreign language dictionary
68 Sphinx, Andro/gynosphinx 43-45 Genealogy
69 Sphinx, Criosphinx 46-48 Geography/atlas
70 Sphinx, Hieracosphinx 49-51 History
71 Sprite 52-54 Love letters
72 Sylph 55-57 Military strategy and tactics
73 Tabaxi 58-60 Music book
74 Titan 61-63 Personal diary of an adventurer from a hundred years ago
75 Tree Man 64-66 Philosophy
76 Triton 67-69 Poetry
77 Troglodyte 70-72 Political discourse
78 Troll 73-75 Reference book of different animals and birds
79-80 Undercommon 76-78 Reference book of different gems and stones
81 Unicorn 79-81 Reference book of different herbs
82 Vampire Ray 82-84 Roll again, that sort of book, but in verse
83 Vegepygmy 85-87 Science, optics
84 Vilstrak 88-90 Science, physics
85 Watery Tongue 91-92 Song book
86 Weevil-Man 93-96 Travelogue
87 Whale 97-98 Treatise on torture methods
88 Xorn 99-00 Who’s who of famous wizards
89 Zvert
90-93 Ancient or dead language Die Roll What Sort of Door is It?
94-00 No known language 01-02 Bifold door, opens left
03-04 Bifold door, opens right
Die Roll What Sort of Alcohol Is That? 05-06 Bypass doors
01 Absinthe 07-16 Double doors, open in
02-19 Ale 17-26 Double doors, open out
20-29 Beer 27-30 Dutch door, opens in
30-31 Brandy 31-33 Dutch door, opens out
32-37 Cider 34-58 Hinged, opens in
38 Grog 59-83 Hinged, opens out
39 Kumis 84-85 Louvered door
40-45 Mead 86 Overhead door
46 Metaxa 87 Rotates, clockwise
47 Mezcal 88 Rotates, counter-clockwise
48-49 Palm wine 89-90 Sliding, down
50-53 Rum 91-92 Sliding, left
54-55 Sake 93-94 Sliding, right
56-60 Sangria 95-96 Sliding, up
61-62 Tequila 97-98 Wicket door, opens in
63 Tonto 99-00 Wicket door, opens out
64 Vodka
65-67 Whisky Die Roll What Sort of Merchant is He?
68-00 Wine 01-03 Ale seller
04-05 Armor-seller
Die Roll What Sort of Book is That? 06-08 Arms merchant
01-02 Accountant’s ledger 09-11 Cheesemonger
03-04 Alchemy 12-14 Cloth merchant
05-07 Astrology 15-17 Cotton merchant
08-09 Bestiary 18-19 Dye merchant (indigo, etc.)
10-11 Biography 20-22 Fur trader
12-14 Blank book 23-25 Gem merchant
15-16 Book of puzzles and riddles 26-28 Glass seller
17-18 Children’s story book (but the stories are based in fact) 29-32 Grocer
19-21 Collection of humorous essays 33-34 Horse trader
22-23 Combat techniques 35-36 Ivory merchant
24-25 Cookbook 37-40 Linen merchant
26-28 Culture and history of local humanoid tribes 41-44 Metals dealer (iron, lead, copper, tin, etc.)

Appendix – Random Tables

Die Roll What Sort of Merchant is He? Die Roll What’s in that Chest?
45-48 Oil merchant 01-04 Art supplies (paint, brushes, palette, etc.)
49-52 Paper merchant 05-08 Bedding
53-56 Perfumer 09-12 Board games (chess, 9 Man’s Morris, etc.)
57-60 Rag seller 13-16 Cake pans and cookie sheets
61-64 Salt merchant 17-20 Candles
65-68 Scrap metal dealer 21-24 Clothing
69-72 Seller of tapestries 25-28 Gardening tools and flower pots
73-76 Silk trader 29-32 Gnawed-through food sacks (empty)
77-80 Slave trader 33-36 Iron kettle and frying pan
81-84 Spice merchant 37-40 Kitchen utensils
85-88 Wax seller 41-44 Meat grinder and bowls
89-92 Wine merchant 45-48 Mice
93-96 Wood trader 49-52 Personal memorabilia (pictures, mementos, souvenirs, etc.)
97-00 Wool trader 53-56 Pillows
57-60 Plates, bowls, cups
Die Roll What Sort of Pet Does He Own? 61-64 Pottery jars
01-02 Bat 65-68 Rags, sponges, and a bucket
03-04 Beetle 69-72 Shoes
05-13 Bird 73-75 Spices in jars
14-33 Cat 76-78 Stuffed animals
34-53 Dog 79-81 Tea set (pewter)
54-56 Ferret 82-85 Towels
57-60 Fish 86-89 Toys
61-62 Guinea Pig 90-93 Weapon maintenance supplies (oil, scouring pads, fine
63-64 Hamster cloths, wire brushes, wire snips, hammer, etc.)
65-66 Hedgehog 94-96 Wig collection
67-68 Imaginary 97-00 Woodworking tools
69-71 Lizard
72-75 Mouse Die Roll What’s in that Coffin?
76-80 Parrot 01-03 Blood (fresh)
81-83 Pig 04-06 Bones
84-87 Rabbit 07-09 Complete skeleton
88-90 Rat 10-12 Corpse of someone who died trying to claw his way out of
91-92 Scorpion the coffin (there are nail marks on the lid)
93-94 Snake 13-15 Dust
95-96 Spider 16-18 Empty
97-98 Stirge 19-21 Empty set of clothing
99-00 Sugar glider 22-24 Five-foot long pale worm
25-27 Grave dirt
Die Roll What Sort of Prostitute is That? 28-30 Greasy black stain
01-05 Classy escort 31-33 Hundreds of squealing rats
06-10 Desperate nympho 34-36 Long-dead fish
11-15 Dumb bimbo 37-39 Mannequin
16-20 Easy make 40-42 Monster
21-25 Exotic houri 43-45 Mummified remains (not undead)
26-30 Expensive courtesan 46-49 Note that reads “Be right back”
31-35 Homely trull 50-53 Note that reads “Gone fishing”
36-40 Innocent-looking doxy 54-57 Note that reads “Wish you were here”
41-45 Nice piece of tail 58-61 Noxious stench
46-50 Poor tramp 62-65 Rocks
51-55 Professional streetwalker 66-69 Rotting corpse
56-60 Saucy wench 70-74 Skeleton of an animal (jackal, wolf, dog, etc.)
61-65 Sexy broad 75-79 Skull whose teeth chatter for ten seconds, then stop
66-70 Slumming lady 80-84 Suit of armor
71-75 Streetwise hooker 85-89 Thousands of squirming worms
76-80 Striking tart 90-93 Treasure
81-85 Studly gigolo 94-96 Two child skeletons
86-90 Tired whore 97-00 Weapons
91-95 Tough moll
96-00 Wily pimp Die Roll What’s in that Dungeon Corridor?
01 “Tripped” tripwire (only detectible by a thief)
02 ½” puddle of water 20’ wide/long
03 1 copper piece of unknown mintage


Die Roll What’s in that Dungeon Corridor? Die Roll What’s in that Dungeon Corridor?
04 12” length of rusty chain 60 Ordinary mushroom cluster
05 3’ wide puddle 61 Page of text torn from a personal diary: the only entry on
06 4 burned out candle stubs the page reads “Why did we even try to come this way?”
07 4” long tooth 62 Paper wrapping for iron rations
08 6’ diameter circle on the floor is painted bright yellow 63 Pile of rotting rags
09 6’ pentacle drawn in chalk on the floor with a small gap in 64 Pipes overhead bang for 1d4 segments, then stop
the outer circle: in blood is written “You missed a spot” with 65 Pipes run along ceiling for 15’, then disappear into the
an arrow pointing to it. stone: they are cool to the touch
10 Arrow chalked on floor (50%) or wall (50%) 66 Pipes run along ceiling for 20’ or so, then disappear into
11 Battered tin cup stonework. They are warm to the touch.
12 Bent and broken military fork 67 Pipes run along ceiling for 20’, then disappear into the
13 Bent and rusty dagger stone: they are neither cool nor hot
14 Bent iron spike 68 Pipes run along the ceiling, dripping water at a joint before
15 Bent spear head disappearing into the stone
16 Bones laid out on the floor spelling “DOOMED” 69 Pressure plate on floor makes an audible “click” when
17 Broken axe handle stepped on (there is no other effect)
18 Broken crate with rotting straw 70 Red X on the floor (5’ across)
19 Broken magical wand (no powers) 71 Rent and ruined jerkin of chainmail
20 Broken padlock and 6” of rusty chain 72 Rope noose lying on the floor
21 Broken pottery 73 Rusted and twisted piece of iron gate
22 Burned out torch stub 74 Scorch marks in 9’ radius
23 Chalk mark (red arrow, yellow square, etc.) 75 Scorch marks on the walls and floor
24 Chiming sound off in the distance, like a clock 76 Scream off in the distance (roll direction randomly)
25 Chittering in the distance (which stops when the party tries 77 Six empty wine bottles
to listen intently) 78 Slight (barely detectible) vibration in the floor and walls in a
26 Crushed and dented hip flask 10’ section
27 Dagger with a broken blade 79 Small bucket of sand with a tiny shovel
28 Dead pigeon 80 Small crock of butter, still fresh
29 Dented brass lantern 81 Small pile of stones
30 Desiccated apple core 82 Small round hat with a white feather in the brim
31 Discarded grave shroud 83 Sound of a flute being played off in the distance
32 Dozen empty snail shells 84 Sound of a hammer on metal in the distance.
33 Dragon scale (color will be determined by closest dragon 85 Sound of shouting from far behind the PCs
lair) 86 Sound of voices in the distance
34 Empty leather scroll case 87 Sounds of wings flapping
35 Empty potion bottle 88 Squeal as of a rusty wheel, off in the distance
36 Evidence of a recent battle (broken arrows, rent shield, 89 Strong gust of wind (will put out candles)
broken dagger, but no bodies) 90 Strong smell of urine
37 Faint scent of roses 91 Sudden feeling of great humidity in the air
38 Floor has many cracks, like it’s been bashed with a heavy 92 The scent of lilacs, which disappears after 1 round
object 93 The smell of roses
39 Fresh pomegranate 94 The sound of organ music off in a random direction, lasting
40 Gibbering off in the distance, lasting 10 seconds for 10-60 seconds
41 Graffiti reading “Beware the drums!” 95 Three black candle stubs arranged in a 2’ triangle
42 Graffiti: “Ask the tree!” 96 Three burned-out torches
43 Gust of warm air lasts 10 seconds, then stops 97 Torn large sack
44 Half a coconut shell 98 Torn paper fan
45 Hammer with broken handle 99 Visible mist (dissipates in 1 round)
46 Human (or humanoid) leg bone bearing teeth marks along 00 White-flowered dandelion growing through a crack in the
its length floor
47 Human skull with horns, missing the jawbone
48 Humanoid leg-bones (one leg) Die Roll What’s in that Trash Heap?
49 Iron spike with loop hammered into wall 01-10 Animal bone
50 Large red “X” painted crudely on the floor 11-12 Apple core
51 Leather dog collar 13-14 Axe head with no handle
52 Loud “ping” sound (like sonar on a submarine) 15 Banana peel
53 Marked on the wall in yellow chalk: “A.S. ” 16-18 Bent fork
54 Moist niter on wall 19-21 Bent spear tip
55 Niter on the walls 22-24 Broken boot lace
56 One (left) boot 25-27 Broken bottle
57 One (right) boot 28-30 Broken doll
58 One PC (choose randomly) hears a woman whisper “be 31-34 Broken plate
careful!” right next to his ear 35-37 Broken pottery shard
59 One wall has a large damp spot 38-40 Burned cork

Appendix – Random Tables

Die Roll What’s in that Trash Heap? Die Roll What’s on that Evil Altar?
41-43 Chipped rock 91-95 Unholy symbol, iron
44-46 Corn cob 96-00 Unholy symbol, silver
47-49 Crab shell
50-52 Egg shells Die Roll What’s on that Good Altar?
53-55 Excrement 01-04 Altar cloth
56-58 Fish bone 05-08 Athame
59-61 Flies 09-12 Bell
62-64 Fruit rind 13-16 Brazier
65-67 Gnats 17-20 Candelabra
68-70 Grain husks 21-24 Censor
71-73 Knife with tip broken off 25-28 Chalice
74-76 Maggots 29-32 Ciborium
77-79 Moldy bread 33-36 Dicerion
80-82 Moldy cheese 37-40 Greenery
83-85 Odd button 41-44 Holy symbol, gold
86-88 One shoe, torn 45-48 Holy symbol, silver
89-91 Ripped sack 49-52 Holy symbol, wood
92-94 Sea shell 53-56 Hymnal
95-96 Soiled paper 57-60 Idol
97-98 Torn tunic 61-64 Incense
99-00 Wood shavings 65-68 Lamp
69-72 Mask
Die Roll What’s in that Wardrobe? 73-76 Monstrance
01-05 Boots (pair) 77-80 Offering bowl
06-10 Cloak, clean and new 81-84 Paten
11-15 Cloak, fine 85-88 Prayer book
16-20 Cloak, threadbare 89-92 Statuette
21-25 Full-length mirror on one door 93-96 Tabernacle
26-30 Hat 97-00 White candles
31-35 Linens, clean and nice
36-40 Linens, soiled and patched Die Roll What’s on that Tapestry?
41-45 Musical instrument 01-03 Afterlife scene
46-50 Robe, clean and new 04-06 Animal(s)
51-55 Robe, fine 07-09 Animals fighting
56-60 Robe, threadbare 10-11 Astronomical skyscape
61-65 Sandals (pair) 12-14 Battle
66-70 Shoes (pair) 15-17 Castle
71-75 Skeleton (inanimate) 18-19 Castle under siege
76-80 Tunic, clean and new 20-21 Constructing a building
81-85 Tunic, fine 22-24 Deity looking down on worshippers
86-90 Tunic, threadbare 25-27 Falconry
91-95 Walking stick 28-30 Feasting
96-00 Weapon 31-33 Geometric patterns
34-36 Group of people at play
Die Roll What’s on that Evil Altar? 37-39 Group of people at work
01-05 Altar cloth 40-41 Heraldry
06-10 Animal bones 42-43 Historical scene (depicts single event)
11-15 Animal skull 44-46 Historical tableau (depicts several related events)
16-20 Animal statue 47-49 Hunting
21-25 Bell 50-52 Knight
26-30 Black candles 53-55 Lovers
31-34 Blood 56-58 Magic spell being cast
35-39 Bowl 59-60 Map
40-44 Bowl of salt 61-63 Memento mori
45-48 Brazier 64-66 Menagerie
49-53 Ceremonial dagger 67-69 Monsters lurking
54-58 Ceremonial wand 70-72 Musicians
59-62 Dried dung 73-75 Mythological scene
63-67 Gong 76-78 Natural panorama
68-71 Idol 79 Optical illusion
72-76 Incense 80-81 Other plane
77-80 Mask 82-84 Religious ceremony
81-85 Skull 85-87 Religious procession
86-90 Unholy symbol, gold 89-90 Religious symbolism


Die Roll What’s on that Tapestry? Die Roll What’s that Bard doing here?
91-92 Royal court 77-80 Studying up on a bit of lore
93-94 Royalty 81-83 Talking to a fan
95-97 Tournament 84-87 Tuning his instrument
98-00 Town seen from above 88-90 Using his charms on a comely lass
91-93 Watching someone else perform
Die Roll What’s that Acrobat Doing Here? 94-96 Whatever he’s doing, he’s doing it with panache
01-06 Avoiding the city watch 97-98 Writing a play
07-12 Has just been thrown out of the local thieves’ guild 99-00 Writing a poem
13-18 Has just joined the local thieves’ guild
19-25 Just hanging around (literally) Die Roll What’s that Cavalier Doing Here?
26-31 Observing 01-05 Challenging those who pass by to a pas d’armes
32-37 Performing 06-11 Contemplating a favor from the Lady that inspires him
38-43 Practicing his knife-throwing and juggling 12-16 Discussing a delicate political situation
44-50 Practicing his tumbling 17-21 Escorting a high-profile dignitary
51-57 Roll on the “What’s that Thief doing here?” table 22-26 Healing after a terrible battle
58-64 Scoping out the local rooftops 27-31 Hiring a poet to compose a ballad about him
65-71 Showing off his skills to a young woman 32-36 Hunting
72-78 Trying to blend into the crowd 37-41 Instructing his page on proper etiquette
79-91 Waiting to meet with another acrobat 42-46 Instructing his squire on proper fighting techniques
92-00 Waiting to meet with his adventuring party 47-51 Looking for hardy souls willing to go on a quest with him
52-56 Looking for a new squire or page
Die Roll What’s that Barbarian Doing Here? 57-62 Meeting a foreign official on behalf of his lord
01-05 Constructing an animal trap 63-66 On a secret mission for his lord
06-10 Contemplating attacking the mage 67-70 Planning a strategy for an upcoming battle
11-16 Engaging in a test of strength with someone else (arm- 71-74 Practicing for the upcoming tournament
wrestling, etc.) 75-78 Recounting an old war story
17-22 Getting drunk 79-82 Scheming to advance his status in court
23-28 Heaping scorn on some fop 83-86 Searching for a kidnapped member of the court
29-34 Mistaking someone for a friend from his homeland 87-90 Sharpening his weapons
35-40 Observing an omen 91-95 Thinking of a way to become famous
41-46 Pondering the impenetrability of “civilized” ways 96-00 Trying on new clothes
47-52 Praying to his gods
53-58 Reciting poetry Die Roll What’s that Cleric Doing Here?
59-64 Roll on the “What’s that Fighter doing here?” table 01-04 Aiding one of his flock in prayer
65-71 Sharpening his weapons 05-08 Attempting to convert someone
72-77 Shuddering after observing a particularly upsetting magical 09-12 Bemoaning the lack of proper morals in today’s youth
effect 13-16 Collecting for charity
78-83 Singing a rude song from his homeland featuring a “wench 17-20 Conducting a funeral
with a duck” 21-24 Counting the collections
84-89 Squandering a treasure on wine, women, and song 25-28 Crusading against the unbeliever
90-93 Trying to calm down before he goes into a berserker rage 29-32 Discussing something in hushed tones with another person
94-97 Waiting to meet with shady comrades 33-36 Discussing theology with someone else
98-00 Worshipping his ancestors 37-40 Healing someone
41-44 Hearing a confession
Die Roll What’s that Bard doing here? 45-48 Hunting for a member of a rival cult
01-04 Brooding 49-52 Making an offering to his deity
05-08 Buying a new hat 53-56 Meeting with one of his fellow priests
09-12 Collecting stories and songs from the locals 57-60 Praying
13-16 Composing a new song 61-64 Preaching
17-20 Dancing 65-68 Providing guidance to one of his flock
21-24 Gambling (and losing) 69-72 Reading a book on theology
25-28 Gambling (and winning) 73-76 Reading a scroll on how to turn demons or undead
29-32 Looking for a map to a nearby treasure 77-80 Relaxing
33-36 Looking for inspiration for a new song 81-84 Scolding one of the faithful for his sinful ways
37-40 Playing his instrument 85-88 Seeking the guidance of his deity
41-44 Reading a treatise on dramatic gesturing 89-92 Telling a religious parable
45-48 Reciting a poem about a nearby ruin 94-96 Tracking down a heretic
49-52 Recounting his most recent adventure… in verse 97-00 Writing a monograph on theology
53-56 Repairing his instrument
57-60 Singing a bawdy tune featuring “A most comely lass” Die Roll What’s that Commoner Doing Here?
61-64 Singing of the virtues of Courtly Love 01-03 Avoiding someone to whom he owes money
65-68 Singing of the virtues of martial prowess 04-06 Begging
69-72 Singing of the virtues of religious devotion 07-09 Bemoaning his poor harvest
73-76 Studying his lines for a recital 10-12 Borrowing something from a neighbor

Appendix – Random Tables

Die Roll What’s that Commoner Doing Here? Die Roll What’s that Fighter Doing Here?
13-15 Celebrating a wedding 49-52 Mending his armor
16-18 Celebrating an unexpected turn of luck 53-56 Mourning the loss of a comrade
19-20 Gambling (and losing) 57-60 Oiling his armor
21-23 Gambling (and winning) 61-64 On a mission for his employer
24-26 Gathering firewood 65-68 Planning logistics
27-30 Getting a tool repaired/sharpened 69-72 Practicing his fighting skills
31-33 Getting scolded by his shrewish wife 73-76 Sharpening his weapons
34-36 Looking for a lost goat (lamb, cow, horse, etc.) 77-80 Telling a story about his latest battle
37-39 Looking for an inn 81-84 Testing his strength against someone else (arm wrestling,
40-42 Mourning a loved one etc.)
43-45 On his way to a relative’s house 85-88 Thinking of a way to become famous
46-48 On his way to court 89-92 Watering the lily
49-51 On his way to the temple 93-96 Whispering a rude joke about an officer to his companion
52-54 Out shopping 97-00 Whittling
55-58 Pining for a beautiful girl
59-61 Running from a monster/bandit/etc. Die Roll What’s that Illusionist Doing Here?
62-64 Searching for his lost brother 01-07 Instructing an apprentice
65-67 Selling his wares 08-14 Looking for a magic artifact
68-70 Showing off his new clothes 15-21 Looking for spell components
71-75 Sobbing 22-28 Manipulating events for his own amusement
76-80 Trying to catch his wife in flagrante delicto 29-35 Meeting with a fellow spellcaster to compare notes
81-85 Trying to get his son released from jail 36-42 Practicing hypnosis
86-90 Trying to predict the weather 43-49 Researching a new spell
91-95 Using a charm 50-65 Roll on the “What’s that mage doing here?” table
96-00 Working 66-72 Searching for a spell
73-79 Showing off a new spell
Die Roll What’s that Druid Doing Here? 80-86 Studying some ordinary object very intently
01-05 Celebrating with a bracing cup of herbal tea 87-94 Tapping on things to see if they’re real or not
06-10 Collecting differences between the wilderness and the city 96-00 What illusionist? I don’t see anything…
11-15 Discussing natural philosophy with someone
16-19 Figuring out the cause of a blight afflicting a local grove Die Roll What’s that Jester Doing Here?
20-24 Helping a faerie, pixie, dryad, etc. 01-07 Amusing himself with a pair of hand puppets (they’re
25-29 Initiating a new member of the faith actually subtly mocking two people nearby)
30-33 Listening to Nature 08-14 Creating a distraction for someone else
34-38 Looking for the source of an evil feeling in the forest 15-21 Gambling (and cheating)
39-42 Meditating 22-28 Gambling (and losing)
43-44 Negotiating with a local woodsman to set a fair limit on 29-35 Gambling (and winning)
felling trees 36-42 Getting booed
45-49 On his way to meet someone in the Druid hierarchy 43-49 Looking innocent
50-54 Plotting to expand the forest at the expense of civilization 50-65 Observing people
55-58 Relaxing 66-72 Practicing his juggling
59-63 Searching for oak leaves and mistletoe 73-79 Singing a bawdy tune
64-68 Studying the weather 80-86 Whistling cheerfully
69-72 Talking with an animal 87-94 Working the crowd
73-77 Talking with the trees 96-00 Writing jokes
78-83 Tracking down someone who damaged his forest
84-88 Tracking down someone who hurt an animal Die Roll What’s that Mage Doing Here?
89-95 Trying to convert someone 01-07 Casting a horoscope
96-00 Trying to heal a sick flower in a pot 08-14 Checking the omens
15-21 Instructing an apprentice
Die Roll What’s that Fighter Doing Here? 22-28 Investigating a new magic item he found
01-04 Comparing battle scars 29-35 Looking for potion-making ingredients
05-08 Counting his pay 36-42 Looking for spell components
09-12 Discussing battle strategy 43-49 Meditating
13-16 Fighting 50-65 Planning to recover a powerful magical artifact
17-20 Gambling (and losing) 66-72 Searching for a spell
21-24 Gambling (and winning) 73-79 Showing off a new spell
25-28 Getting angry 80-86 Taking notes with a long fluffy quill
29-32 Getting drunk 87-94 Trying to identify a potion
33-36 Griping and grumbling with his fellow grognards 96-00 Using a fancy device to study the intersection of planes
37-40 Looking for loot
41-44 Looking for others interested in joining his squad/war Die Roll What’s that Mountebank Doing Here?
band/ mercenary company/etc. 01-07 Acting as a lookout
45-48 Looking for work 08-14 Gambling (and cheating)


Die Roll What’s that Mountebank Doing Here? Die Roll What’s that Savant Doing Here?
15-21 Gambling (and losing) 51-58 Practicing writing in an ancient tongue
22-28 Gambling (and winning) 59-66 Reading a book
29-35 Looking for potion-making ingredients 67-74 Roll on the “What’s that Mage Doing Here?” table
36-42 Roll on the “What’s that Thief doing here?” table 75-82 Searching for a spell
43-49 Selling a magic ring to be able to get medicine for his sick 83-90 Tracking down a subtle spirit from the outer planes
aunt 91-00 Trying to identify a potion
50-56 Selling a treasure map
57-63 Selling someone a title of nobility Die Roll What’s that Thief Doing Here?
64-70 Selling someone the deed to a building 01-05 Acting as a lookout
71-77 Smuggling contraband 06-10 Avoiding the city watch
78-84 Spiking someone’s drink 11-15 Carrying a secret message
85-91 Using his charms on a young lady 16-19 Casing his next job
92-00 Waiting to meet a smuggler 20-24 Celebrating a particularly spectacular score
25-29 Counting his ill-gotten gains
Die Roll What’s that Mystic Doing Here? 30-33 Crying with regret
01-08 Asking for alms for the poor 34-38 Gambling (and losing)
09-16 Demonstrating the folly of error to the unbeliever 39-42 Gambling (and winning)
17-24 Experiencing a vision 43-44 Gambling away his take
25-32 Exuding a holy glow of contentment and peace 45-49 Handing off stolen loot to a fellow thief
33-38 Following a bird 50-54 Hiding from a crime boss and/or his gang
39-50 Indulging his natural curiosity 55-58 Hiding from a victim
51-58 Living with the poor and downtrodden 59-62 Meeting with a secret patron
59-66 Meditating 63-67 On his way to meet a friend in jail
67-74 On a mission for a good spirit 68-71 Relaxing after a caper
75-82 Roll on the “What’s that Cleric Doing Here?” table 72-75 Smuggling contraband
83-90 Teaching to his disciples 76-79 Studying a map for an upcoming burglary
91-00 Tracking down an evil spirit 80-83 Tailing a victim
84-87 Waiting to meet a fence
Die Roll What’s that Paladin Doing Here? 88-91 Waiting to meet some comrades
01-07 Comparing battle scars 92-96 Waiting to rendezvous with a fellow thief
08-14 Composing a love poem to the Lady that inspires him 97-00 Working up the courage to pull off his next heist
15-21 Giving a stirring inspirational speech
22-28 Instructing his squire on proper fighting techniques Die Roll What’s that Wall Made of?
29-35 Judging someone with his eyes 01-08 Brick
36-42 Mourning the loss of a retainer 09-17 Concrete
43-49 On a quest to recover a holy relic 18-25 Daub and wattle
50-56 Praying 26-34 Glass
57-63 Roll on the “What’s that cavalier doing here?” table 35-42 Iron
64-70 Roll on the “What’s that cleric doing here?” table 43-51 Living plants
71-77 Roll on the “What’s that fighter doing here?” table 52-59 Marble
78-84 Scourging himself 60-68 Plaster (roll again to see what’s behind the plaster)
85-91 Sharpening his weapons 69-77 Steel
92-00 Telling an old war story 78-87 Stone
88-90 Teeth and Bone
Die Roll What’s that Ranger Doing Here? 91-00 Wood
01-10 Convening with another ranger
11-20 Cooking dinner Die Roll What’s that Weird Rain Made of?
21-30 Guarding someone 01-03 Bits of flesh
31-40 Hunting 04-06 Blobs of jelly
41-50 Looking at an otherwise-obscure detail 07-10 Blood
51-60 Observing those around him 11-13 Colored water
61-70 Rendezvousing with someone 14-16 Dead birds
71-80 Roll on the “What’s that fighter doing here?” table 17-20 Feathers
91-90 Sharpening his weapons 21-23 Fish
91-00 Tracking a group of humanoids/giants/etc. 24-26 Flowers
27-30 Frogs
Die Roll What’s that Savant Doing Here? 31-34 Grain
01-08 Calculating the optimal division of treasure 35-38 Hermit crabs
09-16 Casting a horoscope 39-42 Hot water
17-24 Instructing an apprentice 43-46 Insects
25-32 Investigating a missing scroll from a private library 47-50 Kernels of grain
33-38 Investigating a peculiar alignment of elements 51-54 Men (Hallelujah!)
39-50 Piecing together the location of an ancient ruin from various 55-60 Mushrooms
old sources 61-65 Pebbles

Appendix – Random Tables

Die Roll What’s that Weird Rain Made of? Die Roll Why Are Those Humanoids Raiding the Village?
66-70 Pennies 22-24 Chief wants a new (human/demi-human) wife
71-74 Perfectly spherical beads of glass 25-29 Civil war in the humanoid tribe; one faction is raiding to
75-78 Red fungal spores gain power and resources
79-83 Seawater 30-34 Famine in the humanoid lair
84-90 Tears 35-39 It’s the will of their bloodstained gods
91-95 Tiny bits of parchment, each with a single letter on it 40-45 Minor demon/devil has taken over the chief and
96-00 Weak acid commanded the raids to stir strife
46-50 New chief wants to prove his mettle
Die Roll Who’s in the Common Room of the Inn? 51-55 Revenge for villagers’ raid on them
01-03 Adventurer type (mage, cleric, fighter, etc.) 56-60 The stars and omens require it
04-06 Boatman 61-66 They didn’t, but someone is making it look as if they did
07-10 Bounty hunter 67-72 They heard there is a barely-guarded treasure in the village
11-13 Drover 73-78 They’re after the villagers’ new recipe for ale
14-16 Farmer 79-84 To avenge the death of one of their scouting/foraging
17-20 Gentleman parties
21-23 Huntsman 85-92 To kidnap someone important and hold them for ransom
24-26 Lamplighter 93-00 To wear down its defenses in order to conquer it
27-30 Merchant
31-34 Merchant Die Roll Why Does That Undead Creature Not Rest Easy?
35-38 Messenger 01-05 Aborted baby
39-42 Minor official (tax collector, magistrate, etc.) 06-10 After death, body was taken out through the front door of
43-46 Musician the house
47-50 Off-duty guardsman 11-15 Bride or groom who died on their wedding night
51-54 Overseer from local manor 16-20 Buried next to or with someone they couldn't stand in life
55-60 Pilgrim 21-25 Buried without the customary coin in the mouth/on the eyes
61-65 Prostitute 26-30 Child who died before being baptized, etc.
66-70 Sage 31-35 Died a violent death
71-74 Serf 36-40 Died while under the effect of a curse
75-78 Sherriff 41-45 Died with unfinished business
79-83 Soldier on leave 46-50 Died without proper funerary rites/blessings
84-90 Tinker 51-55 Drowning victim
91-95 Tradesman (smith, tailor, etc.) 56-60 Fiancé who died right before their wedding night
96-00 Vagabond 61-65 Had a premonition of their own death
66-70 Hanged (criminal 75%, innocent 25%)
Die Roll Why Are Those Humanoids Raiding the Village? 71-75 Something stolen from their grave/tomb
01-05 A new generation of adolescents is looking to prove 76-80 Stillborn baby
themselves and gain coup 81-85 Suicide
06-11 At the behest of a powerful sorcerer, who is looking to 86-90 Too ornery to accept death
distract from his own plans 91-95 Woman who died in childbirth
12-16 Being pushed out of their traditional home by another 96-00 Woman who died soon after her baby was born
monster or tribe of more powerful humanoids
17-21 Chief got bored


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bonus Bestiary, copyright 2009, Paizo Stalker from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author
Scott Greene, based on original material by Rik Shepard. Death Dog from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games,

Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn. Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Underworld Oracle. Deer from the Tome
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Demilich
from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Derghodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2, copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Devil Dog from the Tome
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Green e, based
LLC; Authors Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, on original material by Louis Boschelli. Dire Corby from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Jeff Wyndham. Doombat from the Tome of Horrors
Crystal Frasier, Joshua J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Julian Lawrence. Dracolisk from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Steve Kenson, Hal MacLean, Martin Mason, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Dragon Horse from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Gary Gygax. Dragon, Faerie from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog

Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan, based on God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Brian Jaeger and Gary Gygax. Dragonfish from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by

material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Albie Fiore. Dragonnel from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Drelb from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Dun
Pudding from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author
Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide, copyright 2010 Paizo Publishing, LLC; Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Dustdigger from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games,
Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Tracy and Laura Hickman . Ear Seeker
Authors Cam Banks, Wolfgang Baur, Jason Buhlman, Jim Butler, Eric Cagle, from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott
Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Eblis from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Graeme Davis, Adam Daigle, Jashua J. Frost, James Jacobs, Kenneth Hite, Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Electric Eel from
the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene.
Steven Kenson, Robin Laws, Tito Leati, Rob McCreart, Hal Maclean, Colin Executioner's Hood from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Eye Killer from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
McComb, Jason Nelson, David Noonan, Richard Pett, Rich Redman, Sean K Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone.

Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber Scott, Doug Seacat, Mike Selinker, Lisa Eye of the Deep from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Fire Lizard from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer

Stevens, James L Sutter, Russ Taylor, Penny Williams, Teeuwynn Woodruff. Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Fire Snake from
the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Michael McDonagh. Firedrake from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Dave Waring. Flail Snail from the Tome of
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Misfit Monsters Redeemed, copyright 2010, Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Simon Tilbrook. Flind from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Paizo Publushing, LLC; Authors: Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, Colin McComb, distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by J.D. Morris. Floating Eye from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, and James L. Sutter. Gary Gygax. Flumph from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Damges; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian McDowell and Douglas Naismith. Foo Creature from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax. Forlarren from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and d istributed
Castle Zagyg Class Options & Skills for Yggsburgh, copyright 2006 Troll Lord by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Forrester's Bane from the Tome of Horrors Complete,

Games, author Gary Gygax. Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Gary Gygax. Fraz-Urb'luu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Frog, Killer from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material
Evolved Grottoes & Griffons Teratic Tome. copyright 2013 Rafael Chandler. by Gary Gygax. Frog, Poisonous from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Froghemoth from the Tome o f Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax. Gas Spore from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Aerial Servant from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Geryon from the Tome of Horrors
Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Afanc from the Tome of Horrors Complete, C opyright 2011,
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Algoid from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
material by Gary Gygax. If you’re reading this, someone just copied this block of text from a BRW Games product without reading it. Giant Blister
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on
Beetle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author
original material by Mike Ferguson. Al-Mi'raj from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Scott Greene. Giant Boring Beetle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Roger Musson. Alu-demon from the Tome
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Giant Bumblebee from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, In c.,
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Giant Clam from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
on original material by Gary Gygax. Amon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Amphisbaena from the Tome of Horrors
Giant Crayfish from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Death Watch Beetle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
material by Gary Gygax. Animal Lord, Cat Lord from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Dragonfly from the
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Animal Lord, Mouse Lord from the Tome of
Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene,
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene and Erica
based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Fly from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
Balsley. Ant Lion from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Frog from the Tome of Horrors
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Apparition from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson,
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Underworld
based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Hornet from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
Oracle. Ascomoid from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Giant Leech from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Assassin Bug from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyrig ht 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Atomie from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Giant Moray Eel from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Pike from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Gary Gygax. Aurumvorax from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Giant Rhinoceros Beetle from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Axebeak from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Baal
Gary Gygax. Giant Sea Horse from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distrib uted by
from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Giant Slicer Beetle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Babbler from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Slug from the Tome of
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Jeremy Goodwin and Ian
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
McDowell. Banderlog from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Snapping Turtle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Baphomet from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Tick from the Tome of
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
Barracuda from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Two-Headed Troll from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
Author Scott Greene. Basidirond from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Gloomwing from th e Tome of
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Blindheim from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material b y Roger
original material by Gary Gygax. Gorgimera from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Musson. Blood Hawk from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Gorilla Bear from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Boalisk from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyrig ht 2011,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Cricky Hitchcock. Greater Basilisk from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
Bonesnapper from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Greater Shedu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Bookworm from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material b y Gary
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Brown Pudding
Gygax. Grippli from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Auth or Scott
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Groaning Spirit from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Brownie from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Buckawn from the Tome of
by Gary Gygax. Gryph from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Peter Brown. Guardian Daemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
original material by Gary Gygax. Bunyip from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian McDowell.
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Dermot Jackson. Cambion from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Hangman Tree from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Haunt from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Gary Gygax. Caryatid Column from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Harold Johnson and Tom
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Juan Wells. Caterwaul from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
Moldvay. Hippocampus from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Albie Fiore.
Games; Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Hippopotamus from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Catfish, Giant Electric from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., Cave Cricket from the Tome of Horrors
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Hoar Fox from the Tome of
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
material by Gary Gygax. Cave Fisher from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
original material by Graeme Morris. Huecuva from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Lawrence Schick. Cave Lion from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Underworld Oracle. Hutijin from the Tome of Horrors
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Cave Moray from the Tome of
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark
material by Gary Gygax. Hyaenodon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Charon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Green. Hydrodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Charonodaemon from the Tome
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Iron Cobra from the Tome of
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
on original material by Gary Gygax. Cloud Dragon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
original material by Philip Masters. Jackalwere from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., p ublished and
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Clubneck from the Tome of Horrors
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Jack-in-irons from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Jaculi from the Tome of Horrors
material by M. English. Coffer Corpse from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon Eston. Cooshee from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
material by Philip Masters. Jaguar from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Juiblex from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Gygax. Crabman from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Juju Zombie from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Crystal Ooze from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material b y Gary
Gary Gygax. Kampfult from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Gygax. Dakon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Kelpie from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian McDowell. Dark Creeper from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Lawrence Schick.
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Rik Shepard. Dark
Khargra from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author


Scott Greene, based on original material by Lawrence Schick. Korred from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Kostchtchie from the Tome material by Gary Gygax. Titivilus from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Trapper from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
on original material by Gary Gygax. Leprechaun from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Tri-
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Lightning Quasi-elemental from the Tome of Flower Frond from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Troll from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games,
original material by Gary Gygax. Lurker Above from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Oliver Charles Macdonald. Tunnel Worm
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Mammoth from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Ga mes, from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Auth or Scott
Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Mandragora from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Vegepygmy from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Vilstrak from the Tome of
Mantari from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
Scott Greene, based on original material by David Wormell. Margoyle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer original material by Gary Gygax. Volt from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Jonathon Jones. Vulchling from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
Marid from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original materia l by Gary
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Mastodon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Gygax. White Pudding from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Memory Moss from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Wind Walker from the Tome of Horrors Comp lete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
by Gary Gygax. Mihstu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Witherweed from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Mist Dragon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyrigh t 2011, Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon Eaton. Wolf-in-Sheep's Clothing from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Mite Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Auth ors Scott Wood Golem from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Greene and Skeeter Green, based on original material by Ian Livingstone and Mark Barnes. Mobat from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Patrick Lawinger. Woolly Rhinoceros from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Yellow Musk Creeper from the Tome of Horrors
material by Gary Gygax. Moloch from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Monadic Deva from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright material by Albie Fiore. Yellow Musk Zombie from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Albie Fiore. Yeti from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
Gygax. Mongrelman from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Fr og God 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material b y Gary
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Monstrous Crab from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Gygax.
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Moon Dog from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Mountain Lion from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual, Copyright © 2010-2013, BRW
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Movanic Deva from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Games, LLC. ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary, Copyright © 2011-2013,
material by Gary Gygax. Muckdweller from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Mud-Man from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
BRW Games, LLC. ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Game Masters Toolkit,
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material b y David J.
Browne, Tom Kirby, and Graeme Morris. Mustard Jelly from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
Copyright © 2011-2013, BRW Games, LLC. ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ is
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Nabassu from the Tome of Horrors a trademark of BRW Games, LLC.
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax. Necrophidius from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon Tilbrook. Nereid from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material b y Gary END OF LICENSE
Gygax. Nupperibo from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Ogrillon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,

Designation of Product Identity

Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsey, based on original material by
R.K.R. Chilman. Oinodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Oliphant from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Olive Slime from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Orcus from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer The following items are designated Product Identity, as defined in Section 1(e)
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Pazuzu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author of the Open Game License Version 1.0a, and are subject to the conditions set
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Pech from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Pedipalp from the Tome of forth in Section 7 of the OGL, and are not Open Game Content: all
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Gary Gygax. Phantom from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and trademarked items, all artwork and diagrams, dialogue, plots, storylines,
distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scitt Greene, based on original material by Harold Johnson and Tom Moldvay. Phantom Stalker from the
Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene,
locations, characters, logos, and trade dress. Items previously designated as
based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Phycomid from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Piercer from the Tome of Horrors
Open Game Content or are in the public domain do not fall under this
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson,
based on original material by Gary Gygax. Piscodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
designation of Product Identity.
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Poltergeist from the Tome of
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Lewis Pulsipher. Pyrolisk from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Quickling from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Designation of Open Game Content
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Gary Gygax. Quickwood from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Quipper from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyrigh t 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Albie Fiore. Rock
The following items are designated Open Game Content, as defined in Section
Reptile from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Rope Golem from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necroma ncer
1(d) of the Open Game License Version 1.0a: Everything except those items
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Rot Grub from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, designated as Product Identity.
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material
by Gary Gygax. Russet Mold from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Sandman from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson.
Scarecrow from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson. Screaming Devilkin from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Phil ip Masters.
Sea Spider from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Author Scott Greene. Shadow Demon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Neville White. Shaggy Demodand from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Gary Gygax. Shedu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Sheep, Ram from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Skeleton Warrior from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Nigel Morgan. Slaad Lord of Entropy from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Charles Stross. Slaad Lord of the Insane from the Tome of
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Charles Stross. Slime Demodand from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Slithering Tracker from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax. Smilodon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Solifugid from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Spriggan from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsley,
based on original material by Roger Moore and Gary Gygax. Sprite from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games,
Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Squealer from the Tome of
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Gary Gygax. Stegocentipede from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Stench Kow from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax. Stingray from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Stone Roper from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Allen Hammack and Gary Gygax. Strangle Weed from
the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary Gygax. Stunjelly from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Neville White. Tabaxi from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Lawrence Schick. Taer from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed b y Frog God
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Tarry Demodand from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Tenebrous Purple Worm from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Games; Author Scott Greene. Tentamort from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Mike Roberts. Thessal Creature from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Gary Gygax and Wizards of the Coast. Thornie from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
didstributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Throat Leech from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Ian Livingston. Thunder Beast from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., pub lished and
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Time Elemental from the Tome of Horrors

Bring your game off the page and onto your table...




28mm terrain for
use with your favorite
tabletop games!

What if the creator of the world’s most popular role-
playing game had been allowed to go through with
his plans for a second edition of the game?

In 1985, the game’s creator left TSR, unable to continue

development on Advanced Dungeons and Dragons™. However, he
wrote several articles in Dragon™ magazine detailing what the new
edition of the game would look like, and in later years expanded
greatly on those articles in various online forums and other venues.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ is an attempt to realize those plans
and create the game that Gary was unable to. This detailed tome is
the result of years of research and effort, and provides a glimpse
into how a new edition of the world’s most popular role-playing
game might have appeared if its creator had remained at the helm.

This book has rules, guidelines, and advice a game master needs to
create a long-lasting campaign or run a one-shot adventure. Those
intending to referee a game or create an entire campaign will also
want to purchase the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual
and Bestiary, also available from BRW Games.

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