Nightwick Abbey Geomorphs

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The dungeons of Nightwick Abbey are comprised of multiple 100 ft by 100 ft

squares, called geomorphs. Typically, there are 12 geomorphs in a level, but Level 2 is
an exception, with two separate levels (2a and 2b) of 6 geomorphs each.
The geomorphs represent the living nature
fig 1. — switching
of Nightwick Abbey. Whenever the party takes
an action that would displease the Abbey —
turning undead, casting a clerical spell, spilling
holy water on it — roll a d6. The chance of 1 2 3 4
a shift occurring is equal to the level of the 5 12
7 8
dungeon on that d6. For example, if the party
9 11
stabs a silver cross into the wall on level 2a, there is
a 2 in 6 chance the abbey will move. 6
The geomorphs can move in one of three
ways. To determine which way it moves, roll
a d6. 1 4
yyOn a 1-2, two geomorphs on the level 5 12 7 8
are switched. Roll a d12 for levels 1 and
3 and a d6 for levels 2a and 2b twice to 9 10 11 6
determine which geomorphs are affected.
yyOn a 3-4, a geomorph is pushed, meaning fig 2. — pushing
every geomorph in line with it moves over
one space. Roll a d12 (or a d6 on Level
2) to determine the affected geomorph 1 3 4
and then a d4 to determine from which
5 2 7 8
direction it is pushed. Geomorphs which
are pushed “outside” the level are re- 9 6 11 12
inserted at the other end of the row or
column they were pushed out of. 10
yyOn a 5-6 a geomorph rotates. Roll a d12 or
a d6 to determine the affected geomorph and
then a d3 to determine how many times it
rotates. Rotation is always counterclockwise. 1 10 3 4
Certain monsters within the abbey have a “home” 5 2 7 8
geomorph. When moving between geomorph 9 6 11 12
boundaries, they may always treat their home
geomorph as though it borders the one they are
currently in. This can cause monsters to suddenly fig 3. — rotating
disappear if the party is in pursuit, or allow for
unexpected flanking maneuvers.
1 2 3 4
5 8
9 10 11 12

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