OCS Emergency Response Procedure
OCS Emergency Response Procedure
OCS Emergency Response Procedure
To be aware and prepared in the event of fire, earthquake, bomb threat and civil disturbance
and how to respond with these emergency situations. Department heads should ensure that all
employees are familiar with the procedure to follow in the event of an emergency as outlined in the
OCS Emergency Response Plan.
The group or individual that needs emergency response should contact the OCS
Emergency Response Team for assistance. Other Government Agencies such as the Bureau of
Fire Protection (BFP), Philippine National Police (PNP) must also be notified immediately, if
necessary, thru their emergency hotline.
The building OCS plan for all OCS offices should be posted on all workplace areas where
employees can see.
a. An Employee must be wary of any fire hazard. He/She shall clear and correct any
observed fire hazard or cause the correction of the same if it is beyond his/ her capability.
b. All employees must report to his/her immediate leader any fire hazard they observe
in their workplace.
c. HSE personnel must conduct regular inspection of all firefighting equipment and
ensure that they are ready for use.
d. All employees shall familiarize themselves with the building emergency OCS plan.
● Upon hearing the alarm, all personnel are advised to walk calmly to the nearest emergency
exit using the emergency staircase.
● Take note of the OCS Emergency Evacuation Plan posted near your workplace and follow
the nearest exit.
● Proceed immediately to the designated Emergency Evacuation Area and wait for
● Do not re-enter the building until emergency response officials have declared that it is safe
to do so.
● If no alarm is sounded and there is a need to evacuate the building, follow instructions from
the Emergency Response Team (ERT).
● Activate the emergency alarm installed close to your location to alert all employees or call
reception to activate the Emergency Response Team (ERT).
● Attempt to extinguish the fire using the nearest Portable Fire extinguisher, ONLY IF YOU
● If there is a need to evacuate, walk calmly to the nearest emergency exit and follow the
emergency evacuation procedure.
● “DROP, COVER AND HOLD”. If you are not near a strong table or desk, drop to the floor
against an interior wall and cover your head and neck with your arms.
● Avoid windows, hanging objects, mirrors, tall furniture, large appliances, and cabinets filled
with heavy objects.
● Do not try to run out of the structure during strong shaking.
● Do not use elevators.
● For wheelchair borne employees, lock the wheels and cover your head.
● If there is a need to evacuate the building, follow instructions from the Emergency Response
Team (ERT).
● Check the people around you for injuries, provide first aid if trained. Do not move seriously
injured persons unless they are in immediate danger.
● Check around you for dangerous conditions, such as fires, live cables and structure
● If you have fire extinguishers and are trained to use them, put out small fires immediately.
● Move as little as possible so that you don’t kick up dust. Cover your nose and mouth with a
handkerchief or clothing.
● Tap on a pipe or wall so that rescuers can hear where you are. Use a whistle if one is
available. Shout only as a last resort.
The lack of prompt attention to slight injuries may lead to more serious complications. A
report must be made in accordance with the OCS Accident/Incident Reporting Procedure.
The Incident will be investigated, and corrective measures will be taken to prevent the
recurrence of similar incidents.
3. In case of employee or visitor sickness or injury, the following procedures for emergency
action should be followed (Do this procedure if you are certified or professional First Aider):
● Assess the situation if it is safe to touch or attend to the victim.
● Make a primary survey of the victim’s condition:
o Check for responsiveness, if conscious or not.
o If the victim does not respond, check airway, breathing and circulation (ABC).
o Apply Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), if needed.
o While conducting CPR, call for emergency help.
▪ Call the Company Nurse/Doctor (if available) or the nearest hospital.
▪ The hospital, doctor and Ambulance should be informed of the following:
▪ The Caller’s name, location and telephone number.
▪ Condition of the patient and possible cause of the illness or injury.
▪ What First Aid is being applied? Apply necessary first aid to ease the
suffering of the victims until medical assistance arrives.
● Keep well clear of the disturbance and do not say or do anything that may encourage
irrational behavior.
● Consider ”locking down” the premises to prevent unauthorized entry, if applicable.
● Follow closely the instructions of emergency services personnel or authorized
personnel (Police) and security management.
● Evacuate the building only if instructed to do so by authorized personnel (Police) or
security management.
Prepared by:
Fedelino Manalang
HSE Manager, OCS Phil. .