One Month in English

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Listen to an Choose a news Learn five Listen to one

on the site Learn 5
audio and do adjectives episode from
news in levels phrasal
the activities about your the podcast
and read verbs with
on favorite book BBC learning
outloud the verb take
site English
Learn the Describe photos
Listen to a Follow 5
difference Learn 10 new or images of
podcast people that
between adjectives to social midia or
episode always post sites with
borrow and talk about you
in english details
Study the Write Record an
Watch Record an
present your short, mid something audio of 45
simple on all and long term with English seconds
answering the
things goals for this answering the
captions question 3
grammar year question 2

Learn about Learn 5 new Learn 5

Watch to a Learn 5
the modal expressions and expressions to
news video on phrasal verbs
verbs: will and vocabulary to talk about
CNN site with Get
won't use at the about love
Read Study the verb Write five Study the Learn 5
something to be on all phrases of present adjectives to
interesting on things what you did continuous at characterize
pocket app grammar during the all things someone from
week grammar your family
Create a Send Search the
a 30 seconds Name 15 Learn 5
group on pronounce of
objects locations
whatsapp to audio on the 10 difficult
around you with the
send audios in group talking words at
about you with details word time
english youglish
Record an Learn the Download and
Write your Record an difference
audio with 45 practice
goals and tasks audio talking between
seconds pronounce
of the week about your already, Yet
answering the with Elsa speak
week and Just
question 1 app
1 - What do you like to do in your free time?
2 - What did you do last weekend?
3 - What's the best book that you have ever read?
4 - What's you favorite sport to play and to watch?
5 - Would you like to travel abroad? Where?
6 - Would you rather live in a small or a big city?
7 - What's your favorite season of the year?
8 - What would you do if you had a million reais?
9 - What's your favorite childhood memory?
10 - How would you describe your personality?
11 - Would you prefer to have more time or more money?
12 - What's your favorite movie, series and book?
13 - Would you like to speak another language?
14 - What's something you're really good at?
15 - Do you have any weird/bad habits?
16 - What's on your bucket list?
17 - Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
18 - What are the most important things and people in your life?
19 - Would you like to get married and have kids?
20 - What's your favorite holiday of the year?
21 - What's your religion?
22 - What do you like to do on the internet?
Grammar Checklist
Basic Basic

There is/ There are Prepositions on time

Personal Pronouns Imperatives

Possessive pronouns Present continuous

Wh- questions Comparatives

Present Simple of "be" Modals "Can/Can't"

Possessive adjectives Going to

Propositions of place Modals "Will/Won't

Countable/Uncountable Superlatives

Some/Any/Much/Many Past simple of "be"

Present Simple Adverbs of manner

Adverbs of frequency Past simple

Possessive's Zero & 1st conditional

Intermediary Intermediary

Present perfect 2nd Conditional

Phrasal Verbs (common) Present cont. for future

Modals "Should/Could" Reported Speech

Modals "Would" Past Perfect Continuous

Passive Voice (present) Future Continuous

Intensifiers Can/Could/Be able to

Past Continuous Gerunds x Infinitives

Past Perfect Noun Phrases

Present P.Continuous Adjectives + Prepositions

Narrative tenses Used to & Would

Passive voice (past) Relative Clauses

Past S. x Present P. Verbs + prepositions


Wish/if only
Useful Sites:
Prepositional Phrases
News in levels
3rd Conditional
Mixed Conditionals Write & Improve
Future Perfect
Dicionário longman
Future Perfect Continuous Global exam - simulados
Perfect modals

Phrasal Verbs (uncommon)

Inversion & Cleft
Two & Three-word verbs
Useful Apps:
Participle clauses
Cake - Speaking
It & What clauses Pocket - Reading, listening
Grammarly - Writing
BBC learning - Grammar
Memrise - Vocabulary

Practice brings perfection!

6 Minute English
No stupid questions
The minimalists
Stuff you missed in history class
Stuff you should know

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