Cambridge Primary Scheme of Work 6
Cambridge Primary Scheme of Work 6
Cambridge Primary Scheme of Work 6
1st Term
Week Unit Topic Reading/Listening Speaking/Pronunciation Writings/Projects Use of English
1 My world Feelings Listen to child discussing Play the Connections Guided writing: Write a description Present perfect
feelings game of a first-time experience
2 My world Map reading Read about planet Earth Give a presentation about A presentation about something or Prepositions before
someone you admire someone special to you nouns
3 My world Protests Listen to a presentation Order your presentation Design an ‘Our names’ poster for
about Malala Yousafzai your classroom
4 Sport Sports Listen to children talking Give instructions Guided writing: Write a biography 1st conditional with
about sports they like about a sports person if/unless
5 Sport Sports Read tips for health and Intonation Use quotes need/should/
equipment energy mustn’t for advice
6 Sport Nutrition Listen to instructions for Make a poster about a type of sport
warming up
7 Living Birds Listen to a documentary Present a food chain Guided writing: Write an The present simple
things about emperor penguins infographic about an animal
8 Living Natural world Read about food chains Explain the habits of a A presentation about how an Relative clauses
things carnivorous plant animal survives
9 Living Plants Listen to a presentation Intonation in question Create a quiz about an animal Wh- questions
things about carnivorous plants forms review
2nd Term
Wee Unit Vocabulary Reading/Listening Speaking/Pronunciation Writings/Projects Use of English
1 4 Gadgets and Listen to children talking Talk about which 20th- and Guided writing: Write a Past simple review
Inventions equipment about their favourite 21st-century inventions are persuasive essay about an
gadgets important invention
2 4 Design Listening for specific Know your audience Support your opinions Will for future
Inventions technology information predictions
3 4 - Read about Asimo the Present a new invention - Multi-word verbs
Inventions robot
4 5 Money Money Listen to friends Present an activity to raise Guided writing: Write an Comparative adverbs
discussing a money quiz money for charity opinion essay
5 5 Money Calculations Read a maths poster Negotiating Connecting words Quantifiers
6 5 Money - Listen to a class -s sounds Design a banknote Reflexive pronouns
discussion about raising
7 6 People Jobs Listen to people Present an idea about a uniform Guided writing: Write a job Compound nouns
and work describing their jobs advert
8 6 People Parts of clothes, Read a description of a Interview someone about their Use shortened sentences Adjectives +
and work Design, Space work uniform job in adverts prepositions + nouns
9 6 People Personal Listen to an interview Rhyming vowel sounds Create a quiz about Reported speech,
and work qualities, with an astronaut different jobs Present continuous
Suffixes: -er, -or, - review, could + be
3rd Term
1. Percentages. Converting fractions and decimals to percentages, Percentage of a number, Percentage Geometry and measure
increase and decrease
2. Equivalence and comparison: Equivalent ratios, Direct and inverse proportion
3. Rectangle and triangles: Properties of rectangles and triangles, calculating area and perimeter of
rectangles and triangles
4. Time: Reading and writing time, Converting time units, Elapsed time
5. Adding and subtracting decimal numbers: with and without regrouping Number
6. Adding and subtracting fractions: Adding and subtracting fractions with like and unlike denominators,
mixed numbers and improper fractions
7. Probability: Probability scale, Simple probability, Calculating probability Statistics and probability
8. Describing and predicting likelihood: Experimental and theoretical probability, Sample space and events,
Using probability to predict outcomes
9. Multiplication: Multiplying by 2-digit numbers, Multiplying multiples of 10 and 100 Number
10. Division. Tests of divisibility: Division with and without remainders, Using tests of divisibility
11. 3D shapes: Shapes and nets: Properties of 3D shapes, Creating nets of 3D shapes Geometry and measure
12. Capacity and volume: Units of capacity and volume, converting units, calculating capacity and volume
13. Ratio: Simplifying ratios, Sharing and scaling quantities, Using ratio to solve problems Number
1. Direct proportion: Direct proportion and graphs, Proportional reasoning and problem solving Geometry and measure
2. Measures and drawing angles: Measuring angles, Drawing angles using a protractor, Estimating angles
3. Angles of a triangle: Sum of angles in a triangle, Finding a missing angle in a triangle, Types of triangles
4. Multiplying and dividing fractions: Multiplying fractions, Dividing fractions, Fraction of a quantity Number
5. Multiplying decimals: Multiplying decimals by whole numbers and decimals
6. Dividing decimals: Dividing decimals by whole numbers and decimals
7. Bar charts, dot plots, waffle diagraphs and pie chart: Reading and interpreting bar charts, dot plots, waffle Statistics and probability
diagrams and pie charts
8. Frequency diagrams, line graphs and scatter graphs: Reading and interpreting frequency diagrams, line
graphs and scatter graphs
9. The laws of arithmetic: Order of operations, Using brackets, Factorizing expressions Number
10. The laws of arithmetic: Algebraic equations, Using inverse operations, Solving equations
11. Coordinates and translations: Plotting coordinates, Translating shapes on a grid Geometry and measure
12. Reflections: Reflecting shapes, Finding lines of reflection, Identifying symmetry in shapes
Unit Science Strand Thinking and Working Scientifically stand
Working like a scientist
1. The circulatory system: Structure and function of the Biology Models and representations
heart, blood vessels, blood Scientific enquiry: Purpose and planning
2. The respiratory system: Structure and function of the Structure and function Carrying out scientific enquiry
lungs, breathing, gas exchange Life process Analysis, evaluation and conclusions
3. The reproductive system: Sexual and asexual
reproduction, menstrual cycle
4. Diseases: Communicable and non-communicable
diseases, prevention
5. Properties of substances: Physical and chemical Properties of materials Scientific enquiry: purpose and planning
properties, states of matter Changes to materials Carrying out scientific enquiry
6. Thermal and electrical conductors: Conductivity, Analysis, evaluation and conclusions
insulators, conductors
1. Reversible changes: Physical and chemical changes,
reversible and irreversible changes
2. Chemical reactions: Types of chemical reactions,
reactants and products, balancing equations
3. 3. Rocks: Formation and types Earth and space Models and representations
4. Soil: Properties of soil. Types of soil. Soil conservation Planet Earth Scientific enquiry: purpose and planning
Cycles on Earth Carrying out scientific enquiry
5. Food chains, food webs, trophic levels and energy Biology Models and representations
transfers Ecosystems Carrying out scientific, enquiry
6. Harm to food chains: Human impact on the Analysis, evaluation and conclusions
environment, pollution, biodiversity loss
1. Mass and weight: Measuring mass and weight, units of Physics Models and representations
measurement, weight and gravity Force and energy Scientific enquiry: purpose and planning
2. The effects of forces: Forces, gravity, friction, balanced Carrying out scientific enquiry
and unbalanced forces Electricity and magnetism Analysis, evaluation and conclusions
3. Floating and sinking: Density, buoyancy, Archimedes'
principle, factors that affect floating and sinking
4. Circuits: Different circuits and circuit diagrams
5. Reflection: Reflection of light, angles of incidence and Physics Models and representations
reflection, plane mirrors, images Light and sound Scientific enquiry: purpose and planning
6. Refraction: Refraction of light, lenses, properties of Carrying out scientific enquiry
light, optical devices
7. The solar system: The sun, planets, moons, asteroids, Earth and space
comets, characteristics and movement of celestial