Workshop 3 - Action Plan Template
Workshop 3 - Action Plan Template
Workshop 3 - Action Plan Template
Creation of a maintenance
committee within the HOA; Availability of services in
Establishment of Estate Management capacitate the members of the said terms of maintenance and Upon approval of City
Office committee to perform the necessary repairs of the common Housing Office
services in the upkeep of the facilities facilities and amenities
and amenities
Ensure to have a manpower to do the Creation of Local Housing will ensure
Approved Housing Office/
collection funding that will support the hiring of
Created of Estate 1st Quater 2024
Establish a third party entity to personnel and procurement of
Management Office
handle the collection logistical support
Reiteration on the importance of Coordinate with the CSWD to Informed beneficiaries on Upon completion of the
values formation of the beneficiaries / conduct orientations / seminars on the rules and regulations Relocation activity (3rd
community values formation within the community Quarter 2024)
Request to LGU Gen. Trias to
Upon completion of the
Allocate fund for garbage collection include the Resettlement Site
Approved Budget Relocation activity (3rd
and sanitary program garbage collection fund to 2024
Quarter 2024)
Day Care Center 2 Classrooms Center; 30 pupils
per classroom; Three Shifts ;
One Teacher per Class ; Floor 1. Insufficient
Area: 180sqm; lot area: 420sqm number of
classrooms and
2. The lot allocation
for day care center
was not considered
during planning
c/o proponent or
LGU- Gen. Trias
LGU/DepED 2024-2026
LGU/DepED 2024-2026
LGU/DepED 2024-2026
LGU/DepED 2024-2026
LGU/DepED 2024-2026