Integrated Test Scheduling Wrapper Design and TAM

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Integrated test scheduling, wrapper design, and TAM assignment for

hierarchical SOC

Conference Paper in Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems · September 2007

DOI: 10.1109/MWSCAS.2007.4488807 · Source: IEEE Xplore

3 61

2 authors:

Haidar M. Harmanani Rana Farah

Lebanese American University Polytechnique Montréal


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Integrated Test Scheduling, Wrapper Design, and
TAM Assignment for Hierarchical SOC
Haidar M. Harmanani and Rana Farah
Department of Computer Science and Mathematics
Lebanese American University
Byblos, 1401 2010, Lebanon

Abstract— System-On-Chip (SOCs) test minimization has re- however, this assumption is only valid if the embedded cores
ceived a lot of attention in the past few years. However, most are mergeable. Iyengar et al. [6] first formulated the integrated
recent work assumed flat hierarchy. This assumption is unrealistic wrapper/TAM optimization problem using ILP and developed
especially in the case of non-mergeable legacy cores that have been
placed and routed. This paper presents an efficient approach later several heuristic techniques using rectangle packaging
for test scheduling hierarchical core-based systems based on [7]. Goel et al. [4] proposed an efficient heuristic for fixed-
simulated annealing. The method minimizes the overall test width architecture while Huang et al. [5] modeled the problem
application time while performing wrapper design and TAM as a restricted 3-D bin packing problem and proposed a
assignment. We present experimental results for various SOC heuristic to solve it. Su et al. [12] formulated the problem
examples that demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.
using graph-based approach and solved it using tabu search.
I. I NTRODUCTION Zou et al. [16] used sequence pairs to represent bins placement
and optimized the test schedule using simulated annealing;
The design and manufacturing methods of integrated circuits however, the approach is not constraint-driven. Pouget et
have known advances allowing the creation of a complete sys- al. [9] proposed a constraint-driven wrapper design and test
tem on a single die. In order to keep pace with such advances, scheduling. However, the method did not support hierarchical
hardware engineers have adopted reuse methodologies where SOCs. Recently, Chakrabarty et al. [3] proposed a combina-
predesigned and preverified intellectual property blocks are tion of integer linear programming, enumeration and efficient
embedded on a single chip (SOC) [10]. A core maybe soft, heuristics in order to solve the problem for hierarchical cores.
firm, or hard. Typically, soft and firm cores are mergeable with Xu et al. [14] proposed a method for design space exploration
their surrounding logic while hard cores are usually placed and of multi-level test access mechanism that facilitates test data
routed and are consequently non-mergeable. A core maybe reuse for hard mega-cores in hierarchical SOCs.
designed in a hierarchical fashion and thus embeds other cores.
Hierarchical cores have multiple levels of test hierarchy where II. P ROBLEM D ESCRIPTION
a level corresponds to the depth in the test hierarchy tree. The The test time of a SOC is based on the individual cores test
top level is the SOC itself and consists of several mega-cores time as well as on the determination of test start times. The
that have their own non-mergeable embedded cores. Cores at cores test times are based on TAM assignments as well as on
level n are called parent cores with respect to child cores the wrapper design. The number of wrapper scan chains should
at level n + 1 [11]. A major challenge in the SOC design be equal to the TAM width provided to the core. Typically,
paradigm involves integrating IP blocks and developing a test test adaptation is performed by serially connecting internal
methodology for post-manufacturing tests in addition to test core scan-chains, the wrapper input cells and the wrapper
time reduction by maximizing the simultaneous test of all output cells in order to form wrapper chains [2]. The length
cores. The problem, known as test scheduling, determines the of the wrapper chains directly affects the core’s test time
order in which cores are tested and is equivalent to the N P- since short wrapper chains lead to a short loading/unloading
complete m-processor open shop scheduling problem [1]. time. The number of wrapper chains, on the other hand,
Simulated Annealing is a global stochastic method that affects the number of TAM bits as each wrapper chain’s
is used to generate approximate solutions to combinatorial input and output must be connected to a TAM wire. Thus,
problems. The algorithm begins with an initial feasible con- there is a clear trade-off between test time and the TAM
figuration and generates a neighboring solution by perturbing capacity. However, increasing the number of TAM bits may
the current one. The neighboring solution is accepted if its not necessarily guarantee decreasing test time as the test time
cost is less than that of the current solution; otherwise, it is may hit a Pareto optimal point [7]. Furthermore, embedding
accepted or rejected with a probability which is a function of cores adds an additional test conflict problem arising from
the temperature, T . The temperature is decreased during the the fact that it may not be possible to test the parent and
optimization process following a cooling schedule. the child cores concurrently due, for example, to a conflict
Several researchers addressed the test scheduling problem in the use of the input wrapper cells. Therefore, an effective
but mostly assumed flat cores with a single level TAM [15]; test scheduling approach must minimize the test time while
Assign TAM(Core i)

Core index
max(pi ,po )
1 2 ... n
Core’s test
start time
T AM = number of scan-chains + longest scan chain
if (TAM > maxTAM)
S2 ... Sn TAM = maxTAM
if the core is not level 0 and has less than two peers, then TAM = TAMparent
Test Time
if the core is at level n and has more than one peer then
er TAM = 0.5 * TAMparent

If a core is dominant, TAM = TAM + number of peer cores.

if a core is test dominant then TAM = TAM + number of peer cores
Fig. 1. Configuration representation }

Fig. 2. Hierarchical TAM assignment algorithm

addressing test resources allocation and conflicts arising from
the use of shared test access mechanism.
This paper presents an efficient method for integrated test the minimum number of balanced wrapper chains and are
minimization, TAM assignment and wrapper design for hier- adapted to the number of assigned TAM bits using the BFD
archical SOCs using simulated annealing. Formally, given a algorithm. The test time for core i is determined based on
SOC with NC cores, a total TAM width W, a set of design ti = (1 + max(si , so )) × p + min(si , so ) where, si and so
and test constraints, and a set of parameters for each mega- denote respectively the scan-in and scan-out time for the core
core, the problem we address in this paper is to minimize the and pi denotes the number of test patterns applied on the
overall test time such that, (i) the test schedule for the entire core i [8]. The algorithm ensures that all cores test times
SOC is efficient, (ii) the TAM wires are optimally partitioned are less than the lower bound by allocating additional TAM
and assigned to cores (iii) the wrapper configuration for each bits. The initial test schedule is next chosen to be a serial
core is determined, (iv) W is not exceeded, and (v) hierarchical schedule. However, when considering precedence constraints,
cores receive at least their prespecified TAM widths. the initial solution is chosen based on the topological sorting
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section of all tests represented in the precedence constraint graph. The
3 formulates the hierarchical SOC test scheduling problem and result of our topological sorting is a valid serial solution when
describes the annealing configuration, the initial solution, the precedence constraints are incorporated.
neighborhood functions, and the test scheduling algorithm. We
conclude with experimental results in section 4. C. Neighborhood Functions
The algorithm iterates exploring test scheduling possibili-
ties, TAM assignment, and wrapper configuration using three
The proposed test scheduling method starts with a set of neighborhood solutions. The neighborhood functions are ap-
cores and generates, through a sequence of transformations, a plied while ensuring precedence and concurrency constraints.
set of compact and efficient test schedules. We explore design
1) Test Schedule Exploration where the algorithm randomly
trade-offs by integrating test scheduling, wrapper design and
selects a random core i from the current configuration
TAM assignment into a single problem that we solve using
and changes its starting time Si to the end time Fj of a
a multi-objective simulated annealing algorithm that supports
randomly chosen core j (i 6= j), 0 ≤ i, j ≤ Nc . If core
both flat and hierarchical SOC test scheduling.
j is selected such that j = Nc + 1, then the start time
A. Configuration Representation of core i is set to be a 0.
The test minimization problem is mapped to an initial 2) Test Schedule Swap where the algorithm randomly se-
configuration based on a vector where every cell corresponds lects two cores and swaps their test start time.
to a 3-D core as shown in Figure 1. The first dimension 3) TAM Exploration where the algorithm P finds all testing
corresponds to a specific test start time, Si , the second paths in the schedule such that Cj > LBT where
dimension corresponds to TAM width and the third dimen- Cj is the test time for core j and LBT is the lower
sion corresponds to the maximum power that the core may bound. The algorithm allocates additional TAM bits to
consume. The core test finish time, Fi , is equal to the test all cores until they reach the next Pareto-optimal point
start time plus the core test time, Ti , that is, Fi = Ti + Si . and selects the core that has the highest rate of test time
Note that the test start time, Si , is not constant and it changes improvement with respect to TAM bits.
to the end times of other cores as the algorithm explores the The neighborhood functions are followed by two determin-
neighborhood of the solution. istic transformations that compact the schedule by removing
idle slots.
B. Initial Configuration
The initial configuration is chosen by assigning each core D. Hierarchical Test Scheduling
one bit TAM and computing the theoretical test time lower The hierarchical core model is a recursive model where
bound, LBT , in order to guide the test minimization pro- a wrapped parent core has an external TAM that connects
cess. The wrapper input cells, the core scan-chains, and the externally to the parent core and an internal TAM that consists
wrapper output cells are serially connected in order to form of the TAM architecture of the children cores. We start with
Annealing TestScheduling() assigned more than the TAM bits of its parent. Once the TAM
M axT ime = Total allowed time for the annealing process assignment is performed, the wrapper design is determined
Assign one TAM bit to each core. Compute the Core test time, Ci . using the BFD algorithm.
Design the Core Wrapper using the BFD algorithm.
do { Once the TAM has been assigned, the algorithm iterates
M = M0 over each mega-core using our simulated annealing in order
do {
if (iteration % 10 == 0) to determine the test schedule as well as the wrapper design
NewS = TestScheduleSwap(CurrentS); for the mega-core itself (Figure 4). On the other hand, test data
else if (iteration % 11 == 0)
NewS = TAMExplore(CurrentS); serialization maybe necessary since a mega-core width maybe
else NewS = TestScheduleExplore(CurrentS); assigned less than the TAM width it requires. Thus, a mega-
∆Cost = N ewCost − CurrentCost core i with top-level TAM width wi maybe provided with wi∗
if (∆Cost < 0)
TAM bits such that wi∗ ≤ wi . The test time for mega-core i
CurrentS=NewS then reduces to Ti∗ = d w ∗ e ∗ Ti where Ti is the total testing
If (N ewCost < BestCost) then
time for the embedded cores on the internal TAM partition
BestS=NewS for mega-core i. Finally, the testing time for mega-core i must
BestCost = Cost(BestS)
include ∗the test time for the top-level test time and this reduces
W W∗
else if (Random < e− T
then // T = temperature
to: Ti i = Ti∗ + TiM ega where Ti i is the testing time for
CurrentS=NewS mega-core i with an external TAM of width wi∗ and TiM ega
CurrentCost = Cost(CurrentS);
M =M −1 is the testing time at the system level TAM architecture. Once
} while (M ≥ 1) // M is time until next parameter update all cores at level i have been processed, the algorithm recurses
T ime = T ime + M0 ;
T = α ∗T ; // α = Cooling rate back to level i − 1 and considers the remaining mega-cores.
M0 = β ∗ M0 ; // β = Iteration multiplier The process repeats until all cores have been scheduled.
} while (Time < MaxTime);
CompactSchedule(BestS); The last step of the algorithm is to explore further improve-
Return(BestS); ments by iterating over the schedule for n iterations (n = 100).
During each iteration, the algorithm selects a random core
from any level of the SOC hierarchy and applies one of two
Fig. 3. Annealing SOC test scheduling algorithm
transformations based on a random probability. The first frees
m TAM-bits by moving the core’s test time to the previous
Hierarchical Test Schedule() Pareto-optimal point. The second reduces the core’s test time
for all levels starting from level n − 1 to level 0 by adding p TAM-bits and moving to the next Pareto-optimal
find all mega cores point. If the move results with an improvement, then the SOC
for each mega core
assign TAM bits for the children cores is test scheduled using the annealing algorithm. If the affected
calculate the test time for each child core core is a child core then all its parents are updated accordingly.
use simulated annealing to find the schedule for the children cores
calculate overall test time
if (level == 0) IV. R ESULTS
calculate the overall time of the SOC.
for (i = 0; i < n; i + +) We ran the test scheduling algorithm for flat as well as for
Select a random core i from any level
Randomly increase/decrease TAM bits in order to move to the hierarchical SOCs. The ITC’02 benchmark suite has only four
next/previous Pareto-optimal point. benchmarks with a hierarchical structure which are shown in
¿ If the transformation is accepted then
simulated annealing(); Table I and are compared to [3], [13], [14]. The TAM widths
Update Ti and all parents cores that contain this core. supplied to the mega-cores were fixed at 8 bits for SOCs
p22810 and a586710, and at 16 bits for SOCs p34392 and
p93791. As it is shown, our system clearly outperforms other
Fig. 4. Hierarchical test scheduling algorithm
systems in almost all attempted cases in a very short time.
For flat SOCs, the algorithm assumes that all cores are at
the same level with the ITC benchmark results for flat SOCs
the mega-cores that are at level n where each mega-core is shown in Table II. The CPU time did not exceed 1.31 minutes.
considered as a separate SOC. The embedded child cores The simulated annealing cooling schedule was experimentally
are initially assigned TAMs based on the algorithm shown determined as follows: the temperature reduction multiplier,
in Figure 2 where we define a dominant core as a core such α = 0.99 and Tinit = 4000. The stopping criterion was
that when allocated the same TAM width as all its peers it T ≤ 0.001 while the number of iterations, M , was set to
returns a larger test time than its peers. For cores that are 5 and the the iteration multiplier, β, to 1.05.
at level n and that have more than one peer, the algorithm
allocates half the TAM bits of the parents to the child cores.
However, the number of allocated TAM bits may change in R EFERENCES
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32 280634 466044 396473 280634 32 551778 553713 544579 544579 - 544579
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24 1185434 1200157 1178776 1169945 1220469 1204168
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24 1467705 – 1347023 778273 40 718005 719880 737624 718005 787588 760868
32 776537 – 788873 713071 48 601450 607955 608285 594575 639217 638993
56 528925 521168 539800 509041 – 557890
40 776537 – 728426 606261 64 455738 549233 485031 447974 457862 489591
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