Integrated Test Scheduling Wrapper Design and TAM
Integrated Test Scheduling Wrapper Design and TAM
Integrated Test Scheduling Wrapper Design and TAM
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2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Rana Farah on 23 September 2014.
Abstract— System-On-Chip (SOCs) test minimization has re- however, this assumption is only valid if the embedded cores
ceived a lot of attention in the past few years. However, most are mergeable. Iyengar et al. [6] first formulated the integrated
recent work assumed flat hierarchy. This assumption is unrealistic wrapper/TAM optimization problem using ILP and developed
especially in the case of non-mergeable legacy cores that have been
placed and routed. This paper presents an efficient approach later several heuristic techniques using rectangle packaging
for test scheduling hierarchical core-based systems based on [7]. Goel et al. [4] proposed an efficient heuristic for fixed-
simulated annealing. The method minimizes the overall test width architecture while Huang et al. [5] modeled the problem
application time while performing wrapper design and TAM as a restricted 3-D bin packing problem and proposed a
assignment. We present experimental results for various SOC heuristic to solve it. Su et al. [12] formulated the problem
examples that demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.
using graph-based approach and solved it using tabu search.
I. I NTRODUCTION Zou et al. [16] used sequence pairs to represent bins placement
and optimized the test schedule using simulated annealing;
The design and manufacturing methods of integrated circuits however, the approach is not constraint-driven. Pouget et
have known advances allowing the creation of a complete sys- al. [9] proposed a constraint-driven wrapper design and test
tem on a single die. In order to keep pace with such advances, scheduling. However, the method did not support hierarchical
hardware engineers have adopted reuse methodologies where SOCs. Recently, Chakrabarty et al. [3] proposed a combina-
predesigned and preverified intellectual property blocks are tion of integer linear programming, enumeration and efficient
embedded on a single chip (SOC) [10]. A core maybe soft, heuristics in order to solve the problem for hierarchical cores.
firm, or hard. Typically, soft and firm cores are mergeable with Xu et al. [14] proposed a method for design space exploration
their surrounding logic while hard cores are usually placed and of multi-level test access mechanism that facilitates test data
routed and are consequently non-mergeable. A core maybe reuse for hard mega-cores in hierarchical SOCs.
designed in a hierarchical fashion and thus embeds other cores.
Hierarchical cores have multiple levels of test hierarchy where II. P ROBLEM D ESCRIPTION
a level corresponds to the depth in the test hierarchy tree. The The test time of a SOC is based on the individual cores test
top level is the SOC itself and consists of several mega-cores time as well as on the determination of test start times. The
that have their own non-mergeable embedded cores. Cores at cores test times are based on TAM assignments as well as on
level n are called parent cores with respect to child cores the wrapper design. The number of wrapper scan chains should
at level n + 1 [11]. A major challenge in the SOC design be equal to the TAM width provided to the core. Typically,
paradigm involves integrating IP blocks and developing a test test adaptation is performed by serially connecting internal
methodology for post-manufacturing tests in addition to test core scan-chains, the wrapper input cells and the wrapper
time reduction by maximizing the simultaneous test of all output cells in order to form wrapper chains [2]. The length
cores. The problem, known as test scheduling, determines the of the wrapper chains directly affects the core’s test time
order in which cores are tested and is equivalent to the N P- since short wrapper chains lead to a short loading/unloading
complete m-processor open shop scheduling problem [1]. time. The number of wrapper chains, on the other hand,
Simulated Annealing is a global stochastic method that affects the number of TAM bits as each wrapper chain’s
is used to generate approximate solutions to combinatorial input and output must be connected to a TAM wire. Thus,
problems. The algorithm begins with an initial feasible con- there is a clear trade-off between test time and the TAM
figuration and generates a neighboring solution by perturbing capacity. However, increasing the number of TAM bits may
the current one. The neighboring solution is accepted if its not necessarily guarantee decreasing test time as the test time
cost is less than that of the current solution; otherwise, it is may hit a Pareto optimal point [7]. Furthermore, embedding
accepted or rejected with a probability which is a function of cores adds an additional test conflict problem arising from
the temperature, T . The temperature is decreased during the the fact that it may not be possible to test the parent and
optimization process following a cooling schedule. the child cores concurrently due, for example, to a conflict
Several researchers addressed the test scheduling problem in the use of the input wrapper cells. Therefore, an effective
but mostly assumed flat cores with a single level TAM [15]; test scheduling approach must minimize the test time while
Assign TAM(Core i)
Core index
max(pi ,po )
1 2 ... n
Core’s test
start time
T AM = number of scan-chains + longest scan chain
if (TAM > maxTAM)
S2 ... Sn TAM = maxTAM
if the core is not level 0 and has less than two peers, then TAM = TAMparent
Test Time
if the core is at level n and has more than one peer then
er TAM = 0.5 * TAMparent
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[9] J. Pouget, E. Larsson, and Z. Peng. Multiple-Constraint Driven System-
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[10] R. Saleh, S. Wilton, S. Mirabbasi, A. Hu, M. Greenstreet, G. lemieux,
P. Pande, C Grecu, and A. Ivanov. System-on-Chip: Reuse and
Integration. Proceedings of the IEEE, 94(6):1050–1069, 2006.
[11] A. Sehgal, S.K. Goel, E.J. Marinissen, and K. Chakrabarty. IEEE P1500-
Compliant Test Wrapper Design for Hierarchical Cores. In Proc. ITC,
pages 1203–1212, 2004.
[15] Q. Xu and N. Nicolici. Resource-Constrained System-On-a-Chip Test:
A Survey. IEE Proceedings, 152(1):67–81, 2005.
[16] W. Zou, S. R. Reddy, I. Pomeranz, and Y. Huang. SOC Test Scheduling
Fig. 5. a) Hierarchical test schedule for p34392; b) Mega-core 2 test schedule; Using Simulated Annealing. In Proc. VTS, pages 325–330, 2003.
c) Mega-core 1 test schedule